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小苞片连合 成杯状而包 被萼筒
忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae-七子花属 Heptacodium
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu花七朵,花 冠稍二唇
H. Miconioides 七子花
One species
宿存花萼被 刺刚毛
忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae
1. Flowers single and opposite in a spike 2. Ovaries 5, 7, or 8-locular, all locules with many ovules.………………………………………… Leycesteria鬼吹箫属 2. Ovaries 4-locular, 2 locules with 1 fertile ovule, other 2 locules with many sterile ovules.…………………Symphoricarpos毛核木属 1. Flowers paired (rarely single and then pedunculate; rarely in threes and then bracteoles fused into a cupule) or in whorls of 6 3. Flowers paired (rarely single and then pedunculate; rarely in threes and then bracteoles fused into a cupule).…………… Lonicera忍冬属 3. Flowers in whorls of 6 4. Flowers 6 in a single whorl, with 2 pairs of tight involucral bracts forming a capitulum; capitula paniculate; shrubs with triplinerved leaves.………………………………………… Heptacodium七子花属 两对紧密缩合的苞片
1. Leaves simple; ovary 1-loculed; drupes 1-seeded; shrubs or small trees…………………………Viburnum 1. Leaves compound; ovary 3-5-loculed; drupes usually 3-5-seeded; shrubs or small trees……………Sambucus
忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae
FOC:5(66) /5(207) APG:42/890
Largely temperate/warm temperate in the northern hemisphere, some montane tropics (exp. Valerianoideae), but neither the Antipodes nor the 大洋洲 Pacific.
小苞片连合 成杯状而包 被萼筒
4. Flowers 6 in a single whorl, with 2 pairs of tight involucral bracts forming a capitulum; capitula paniculate; shrubs with triplinerved leaves.………………………………………Heptacodium七子花属 4. Inflorescence different, if flowers in a capitulum then plant a climber with perfoliate involucral bracts and bilabiate flowers in 1-4 whorls 抱茎的总苞 二唇的 5. Herbs; leaves pinnatifid, otherwise 羽裂的 perfoliate………………………………………… Triosteum莛子藨属 5. Shrubs or climbers; leaves entire, not perfoliate (involucral bracts sometimes perfoliate). 漏斗状的 6. Shrubs; flowers funnelform…………… Leycesteria鬼吹箫属 6. Climbers; flowers bilabiate………………… Lonicera忍冬属
锦带花科:Ovary inferior, with a globose gland on one side of upper part, Fruit a 2-valved dehiscent capsule 北极花科:bracts leaflike or reduced and located at base of ovary and forming an "epicalyx."
接骨木属 Sambucus 五福花科 Adoxaceae 荚蒾属 Viburnum 莛子藨属 Triosteum 七子花属 Heptacodium 毛核木属 Symphoricarpos 忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae 鬼吹箫属 Leycesteria 忍冬属 Lonicera 北极花属 Linnaea 蝟实属 Kolkwitzia 六道木属 Zabelia 北极花科Linnaeaceae 糯米条属 Abelia 双盾木属 Dipelta 双六道木属 Diabelia 锦带花科 Diervillaceae 锦带花属 Weigela
五福花科Inflorescences terminal panicles or umbellate, spicate, or capitate cymes. anthers free, 2-celled,Ovary semi-inferior to inferior, Fruit drupes; seeds 1 or 3-5.
1. 花序由聚散合成伞形、伞房式或圆锥式;柱头常2-3裂; 花冠不具蜜腺;花药内向或外向……………五福花科 1. 花序非上述情况,若为圆锥花序则花柱细长;柱头大 多为头状,很少分裂;花冠具蜜腺;花药内向。 2. 蒴果……………………………………………锦带花科 2. 核果。 3. 聚伞花序有一对苞片和两对小苞片,稀缺;种子1到 多数………………………………………………忍冬科 3. 苞片叶状,着生在子房基部形成萼状总苞;种子1颗………………………………………………北极花科

Adoxa moschatellina 五福花
雄蕊2轮,内轮退化, 外轮分裂为2半蕊花 药外向
接骨木属 Sambucus 荚蒾属 Viburnum 莛子藨属 Triosteum 七子花属 Heptacodium 毛核木属 Symphoricarpos 鬼吹箫属 Leycesteria 忍冬属 Lonicera 北极花属 Linnaea 蝟实属 Kolkwitzia 六道木属 Zabelia 糯米条属 Abelia 双盾木属 Dipelta 双六道木属 Diabelia 锦带花属 Weigela
小苞片连合 成杯状而包 被萼筒
忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae-毛核木属Symphoricarpos
S. sinensis 毛核木
灌木,花单生于短小、 钻形苞片的腋内,形 成顶生穗状花序
果顶端有一小喙, 蓝黑色,具白霜
忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae
1. Flowers single and opposite in a spike 2. Ovaries 5, 7, or 8-locular, all locules with many ovules.………………………………………… Leycesteria鬼吹箫属 2. Ovaries 4-locular, 2 locules with 1 fertile ovule, other 2 locules with many sterile ovules.………………… Symphoricarpos毛核木属 1. Flowers paired (rarely single and then pedunculate; rarely in threes and then bracteoles fused into a cupule) or in whorls of 6 3. Flowers paired (rarely single and then pedunculate; rarely in threes and then bracteoles fused into a cupule).…………… Lonicera忍冬属 3. Flowers in whorls of 6 4. Flowers 6 in a single whorl, with 2 pairs of tight involucral bracts forming a capitulum; capitula paniculate; shrubs with triplinerved leaves.………………………………………… Heptacodium七子花属 两对紧密缩合的苞片
五福花科 锦带花亚科 忍冬亚科
北极花亚科 刺续断亚科 六道木属
接骨木属 Sambucus 荚蒾属 Viburnum 莛子藨属 Triosteum 七子花属 Heptacodium 毛核木属 Symphoricarpos 鬼吹箫属 Leycesteria 忍冬属 Lonicera 北极花属 Linnaea 蝟实属 Kolkwitzia 六道木属 Zabelia 糯米条属 Abelia 双盾木属 Dipelta 双六道木属 Diabelia 锦带花属 Weigela
忍冬科Cymes with a pair of bracts and 2 pairs of bracteoles,occasionally accrescent in fruit, rarely absent. anthers free, 2-celled, Ovary inferior,Fruit a berry, a drupe with 2-5 pyrenes, or a leathery achene. Seeds 1 to many;
忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae
1. Flowers single and opposite in a spike 2. Ovaries 5, 7, or 8-locular, all locules with many ovules.………………………………………… Leycesteria鬼吹箫属 2. Ovaries 4-locular, 2 locules with 1 fertile ovule, other 2 locules with many sterile ovules.………………… Symphoricarpos毛核木属 1. Flowers paired (rarely single and then pedunculate; rarely in threes and then bracteoles fused into a cupule) or in whorls of 6 3. Flowers paired (rarely single and then pedunculate; rarely in threes and then bracteoles fused into a cupule).…………… Lonicera忍冬属 3. Flowers in whorls of 6 4. Flowers 6 in a single whorl, with 2 pairs of tight involucral bracts forming a capitulum; capitula paniculate; shrubs with triplinerved leaves.………………………………………… Heptacodium七子花属 两对紧密缩合的苞片
五福花科Adoxaceae-荚蒾属 Viburnum
V. dilatatum 荚蒾
叶柄及花冠 筒被星状毛, 花芳香
V. macrocephalum 绣球荚蒾
V. odoratissimum 珊瑚树
五福花科Adoxaceae-接骨木属 Sambucus
S. williamsii 接骨木
接骨木属 Sambucus 五福花科 Adoxaceae 荚蒾属 Viburnum 莛子藨属 Triosteum 七子花属 Heptacodium 毛核木属 Symphoricarpos 忍冬科 Caprifoliaceae 鬼吹箫属 Leycesteria 忍冬属 Lonicera 北极花属 Linnaea 蝟实属 Kolkwitzia 六道木属 Zabelia 北极花科Linnaeaceae 糯米条属 Abelia 双盾木属 Dipelta 双六道木属 Diabelia 锦带花科Weigela Diervillaceae 锦带花属