

Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister.



1. both

(1) 代词,意为“两者,双方,两人”。例如:

Both of the flowers are very beautiful. = The flowers are both very beautiful.


(2) 形容词,意为“两者的,双方的”。例如:

She wants both dictionaries. 这两本字典她都想要。

Both the answers are wrong. 这两个答案都是错的。

(3) 副词,意为“两者,两者都是”,常用于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。例如:

They can both dance. 他们俩都会跳舞。

(4) both…and意为“……和……都,既……又……”,用于连接两个并列成分,连接并列主语时,谓语动词应该用复数形式。例如:

Both you and your sister like it very much. 你和你姐姐都非常喜欢它。


(1) 当both用于否定句时,表示“并非两者都……”。例如:

I don’t like both the sweaters. 这两件毛衣,我并不都喜欢。

(2) both…and…的否定形式为neither…nor…意为“既不……也不……”。例如:

He can speak neither French nor English. 他既不会法语也不会英语。

2. outgoing与quiet

outgoing作形容词,意为“外向的,友好的;擅于交际的”,其比较级为more outgoing。其反义词为quiet,意为“安静的,文静的”,可作定语或表语。例如:

They walked to a quiet place. 他们向一个安静的地方走去。

You have a cold, so you must keep quiet at home. 你感冒了,所以必须在家静养。

He is more outgoing than me. 他比我能说会道。



(1)calm 意为“镇静的;平静的”。指不受干扰时的宁静、平静;指人时表示沉着的、镇定的。

(2)still 意为“不动的;静止的”。指物理上的安静状态。



When we face danger, we should keep calm. 面对危险,我们应该保持沉着、冷静。

The baby kept still when she was taking photos. 当给这个婴儿拍照时,她一动也不动。

Be quiet, everyone. The teacher is coming. 同学们,安静!老师来了。

We shouldn’t keep silent when the teacher asks us some questions.



3. win


He won a prize last week. 他上周得奖了。

They won the basketball match yesterday. 他们昨天赢得了那场篮球比赛。

He knew this was his last hope of winning. 他知道这是他获胜的唯一希望了。



(1) win强调赢得“比赛、游戏、战争”,获得“名次、奖品”。例如:

win a prize得奖win a game赢得比赛

win a honor赢得荣誉win a battle 赢得战斗

win a match赢得比赛win a scholarship赢得奖学金

(2) beat强调“打败,战胜”,其后只能接比赛、竞争的对手,即beat只能接表示人的词语作宾语。例如:

beat a team 战胜/打败一队(组)

beat a nation战争/打败一个国家

beat an opponent战胜/打败一个对手

4. heavy 与thin


He is very heavy, but his brother is thin. 他很胖,可他的哥哥却瘦。



heavy rain/snow/smoke大雨/大雪/浓烟

heavy smoker/drinker/eater烟瘾/酒瘾/食量大的人

have a heavy cold患重感冒

heavy(busy) traffic 交通拥挤

5. care about

care about意为“关心,在意”。例如:

She does not care about her husband at all. 她根本不关心她的丈夫。

Don't you care about this country’s future?难道你不为国家前途担忧吗?

I don’t care about money.我不看重钱。


care for意为“照顾,照料;想要;喜欢”。例如:

Would you care for some more tea? 想再喝点茶吗?

The mother cared for the sick child day and night. 母亲日夜照料着生病的孩子。

I don’t care for riding on a bike very much; I’d rather go on foot.

我不太喜欢骑自行车, 宁愿步行。

6. serious

serious作形容词,意为“严肃的、认真的、严重的、危险的”。比较级为more serious。常用搭配为:be serious about意为“对……认真”。例如:

How serious the matter is! 问题是多么严重啊!

I stopped laughing when I realized he was serious about it.


7. touch


Don’t touch the paint until it’s dry. 油漆未干,切勿触摸。

His sad story touched our hearts. 他的悲惨的故事深深打动了我们的心。

The peak seems to touch the sky. 山峰似乎已触及天空。


The blind have a keen sense of touch. 盲人有敏锐的触觉。

They keep close touch with me. 他们和我保持密切联系。

8. reach


He reached into his pocket to get his car keys. 他把手伸进口袋里拿车钥匙。

We reached the nearest railway station last night. 我们昨天晚上到达最近的火车站。

The garden reaches the lake. 花园一直延伸到湖边。

We tried to reach them by phone. 我们试着用电话跟他们联络。


The book is out of my reach. 那本书我够不到。


I. 汉译英。

1. 相反的观点________________

2. 跑得快________________

3. 跳得高________________

4. 工作努力________________

5. 擅长________________

6. 赢得比赛________________

7. 使显现_______________8. 两者都________________

9. 玩得开心______________10. 关心,在意__________________ II. 根据首字母填空。

1. He doesn’t do well in math, a___________ he is good at English and Chinese.

2. Most of them have strong i___________ in learning English well.

3. Jane isn’t very o___________. She likes to stay at home and do some reading.

4. Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li. Liu Li is q___________ than Liu Ying.

5. B___________ of the twins are funny.

III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. She is a little _________(heavy) than her sister.

2. This book is _________(interest) and I like it very much.

3. He is not funny, and he is always very _________(serious).

4. Is Jack talented in _________(play) soccer?

5. Lucy always _________(beat) me in swimming.

6. A true friend _________ (reach) for your hand and _________ (touch)your heart.

7. She is very funny and often makes me ________(laugh).

8. I enjoy________(sing). I want to be a singer when I grow up.

9. Here are ________(photo) of my brother.

10. There are some ________(different) between the twins.




I. 汉译英。

1. opposite views/opinions

2. run fast

3. jump high

4. work hard

5. be good at/be talented in/do well in

6. win the match

7. bring out

8. both…and…9. have fun/have a good time/enjoy oneself 10. care about

II. 根据首字母填空。

1. although

2. interest

3. outgoing

4. quieter

5. Both

III. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. heavier

2. interesting

3. serious

4. playing

5. beats

6. reaches;touches

7. laugh8. singing9. photos10. differences


16. Smith 17. 5912067 18. window 19. Friday 20. red


M: Good afternoon. Hardson Restaurant. Can I help you?

W: Good afternoon. I’d like to book a table, please.

M: Certainly madam. Can I have your name, please?

W: Kate Smith. K-A-T-E, S-M-I-T-H.

M: And your phone number please, Mrs. Smith?

W: My number is 5912067.

M: And how many people will be with you?

W: There will be ten people in all.

M: OK, and would you like a table by the window?

W: Yes, please.

M: And would you like some wine with your meal?

W: Yes, let me see now. White wine is my favorite and I know most people like red wine. Put me down for two bottles of red wine.

M: OK. And when would you like the table for?

W: Friday, please. About 7:00 pm.

M: OK, at 7:00 on Friday evening.

W: Yes. Thank you very much.

M: It is my pleasure. See you then.


1. That’s Tara, isn’t it?

That’s Tara, isn’t it?是反意疑问句,表示对陈述句所说的事实提出相反的疑问,要求对方用“yes”或“no”来进行回答。



He is old, isn’t he? 他老了,不是吗?

He never went there, did he? 他从没有去过那里,是吗?

无论哪种形式的反意疑问句,回答时要遵循:“Yes,后接肯定式”或者“No,后接否定式”—The girl is helping her mother with the housework, isn’t she?


—Yes, she is. 是的,她在帮。

—No, she isn’t. 不,她没有帮。

2. That’s why…

why引导的从句在此作is的表语,是表语从句。引导表语从句的词除了why外,还有that; whether; as if; what; which; who; whose; when; where; how等。表语从句与宾语从句一样,要求用陈述语序。例如:

That is where I was born. 那就是我出生的地方。

The problem is whether he will come. 问题是他是否回来。

This is what we need. 这就是我们所需要的。

【注意】That’s why…可视以为一个固定句式,表示“这便是为什么……”、“这就是……的原因”,why的后面一般接句子。例如:

That’s why he was late this morning. 这就是他今天早上迟到的原因。

3. …you don’t need a lot of them as long as you’re good.

as long as为固定搭配,意为“只要……”。此句中的long为副词。例如:

We can talk about this as long as you want. 主要你想(谈),我们可以谈谈这件事。

As long as I live, I will help you. 只要我活着,我就会帮助你。



This film is as interesting as that one. 这部电影和那部电影一样有趣。

Your pen writes as smoothly as mine. 你的钢笔书写起来和我的一样流畅。

其否定式为not as/so…as…中间加形容词或副词原形,意为“和……不一样”。例如:This dictionary is not as/so useful as you think. 这本字典不如你想象的那样有用。

4. I think a good friend makes me laugh.

make 在此处是使役动词,后接省略to的动词不定式,make sb. do sth.意为“使/让某人做某事”,类似的动词还有let,have等。例如:

The boss made them work for long time. 老板让他们长时间工作。

They made us forget the past. 他们使我们忘记了过去。


make作“使……”讲时,还可用make+ 宾语+ 形容词/名词(作宾补),即make sb. / sth.


What he said makes us happy. 他所说的话使我们很高兴。

Don’t keep the door open. 别把门开着。

We made John our monitor. 我们选约翰当班长。

5. My best friend Larry is quite different from me.

be different from意为“与……不同”。different的名词形式为difference,意为“不同;不同之处”。例如:

Saying a thing is very different from doing it. 说一件事和做一件事很不相同。

Whether it rains or not makes no difference to me. 下不下雨对我来说都一样。


the same as意为“和……一样/相同”,as前后跟同类名词、代词或副词。例如:

I am in the same school as my younger sister. 我和我的妹妹在同一所学校。


I. 根据汉语提示,完成句子,每空一词。

1. 我最好的朋友和我有很大的不同。

My ________ friend is quite ________ ________ me.

2. 好的朋友善于倾听。

A good friend is a ________ ________ .

3. 这便是我喜欢看书的原因。

That’s ________ ________ like ________ books.

4. 只要你高兴就好。

It’s fine________ ________ ________ you’re happy.

5. 我并不十分在乎我的朋友跟我一样或与我不同。

I don’t really care ________ my friends are ________ ________ ________ me or different. II. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。

1. Lucy likes to do the same things as me. (就划线部分提问)

________ ________ Lucy ________ to ________ as you?

2. They both like going for a walk after supper. (改为同义句)

________ ________ ________ ________ going for a walk after supper.

3. He didn’t feel well yesterday. He still went to school. (合并为一句)

________ he didn’t feel well yesterday, he still went to school.

4. Li Ping doesn’t run as far as Wang Lin. (改为同义句)

Li Ping ________ ________ ________ Wang Lin.

5. The girl is talented in physics. (改为同义句)

The girl________ ________ in physics.

6. My brother does well in English.(改为同义句)

My brother _________ _________ _________ English.

7. He has got no sisters and no brothers. (改为同义句)

He hasn’t got any sisters _________ brothers.

8. I am tall. My best friend is also tall. (合并为一句)

My best friend and I _________ _________ _________.

9. Tom and Jack don’t look the same. (改为同义句)

Tom looks _________ _________ Jack.

10. Both he and his friend like music. (改为反意疑问句)

Both he and his friend like music, _________ _________ ?


1. I am a little __________ (short, shorter) than my brother.

2. Helen is the __________ (young, younger) of the two.

3. The __________ (soon, sooner) you come here, the __________ (good, better) it will be.

4. She studies __________ (well, better) than me.

5. Shanghai is bigger than __________ (any, any other) city in China.

IV. 完成对话(2014四川泸州)


A: Hello, are you Lin Ming?

B: Yes, I am.

A: You look the 1 as your twin brother, Lin Dong.

B: As you can see, in some ways, we look the same, 2 we also have some differences.

A: Wha t’re they?

B: Though we 3 have yellow hair, my hair is shorter than his. I’m good at playing football and he does well in drawing.

A: And?

B: I’m 4 outgoing but he’s quieter. He likes to stay at home.

A: 5 is taller, you or Lin Dong?

B: I’m much t aller than him because I do more exercise.


I. 根据汉语提示,完成句子,每空一词。

1. best;different from

2. good listener

3. why I;reading

4. as long as

5. if/whether;the same as

II. 句型转换,按要求完成下列句子。

1. What does; like; do

2. Both of them like

3. Although/Though

4. runs nearer than

5. does well

6. is good at/is talented in

7. or

8. are both tall

9. different from10. don’t they


1. shorter

2. younger

3. sooner; better

4. better

5. any other

V. 补全对话。

1. same

2. but

3. both

4. more

5. Who


Unit 1 School and Friends 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. hello hello 可以用来表示问候、打招呼或引起对方注意,常用于熟人、朋友之间,也可以用于陌生人之间,可以单独使用,也可以在后面加称呼语。在两人见面问候时,意为“你好” ;在打招呼或打电话时,相当于中文里的“喂” 。例如: -Hello, Bob! 你好, 鲍勃! -Hello, John. 你好,约翰。 Hello! This is Mr. Brown speaking! 喂!我是布朗先生。 Let 'ssay hello to him. 让我们去向他问好吧。 2. be from be from意为“来自……”。其后可以接地点,表示“来自某地” ;也可以接人,表示“来自某人”。如: He'sfrom Beijing. 他来自北京。 This coat is from his mother. 这件外套是他妈妈给的。 【拓展】 ⑴come from 也有“来自.... ”的意思,意同be from。例如: Those girls are from America. = Those girls come from America. 那些女孩来自美国。 (2) Where + be + 主语+ from ?= Where does/ do + 主语+ come from? 意为“……是哪里 人?”或“……来自哪里?”例如: Where are you from? = Where do you come from? 你来自哪里? 请避免出现以下错误句式: Where are you come from?或Where do you from? 这两种句子结构均不正确。 3. with (1) with 意为“和……一起” 。例如: I often play with my friends. 我经常和朋友们一起玩。 【拓展】 with 和and 的辨析: 1) with “和”,介词,后接名词、代词或动名词;接代词时应使用宾格形式。 2) and “和” ,并列连词,用于连接并列关系的单词、短语或句子。例如: Sally with Lingling is in the park. = Sally is in the park with Lingling. Sally 和玲玲在公园里。Tom and Mike are good friends. Tom 和Mike 是好朋友。 (2) with 作介词,还可意为“用” ,后跟使用的工具等。例如: You write the letter with your pen. 你用钢笔写信。 You play football with your feet. 你用脚踢足球。 4. show …around show sb. around意为“带... 参观”,常用show sb. around sp.意为“带某人参观某地”。例如:Can you show us around your school? 你能带我们参观你们学校吗?Can you show me around? 你能带我参观一下吗? 5. plan ⑴作动词,意为“计划,打算”,其现在分词为planning ,过去式和过去分词为planned。常用


Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 词句精讲精练 【词汇精讲】 1. along with along with是介词短语,意为“连同……一起”,与together with同义。如果句子的主语为单数,后接along with等介词短语时,谓语用单数。例如: He sent the books along with other things. 我把一些书和其他东西一起寄走了。 The apple,along with some grapes,has gone bad. 苹果,还有葡萄,都变质了。 【拓展】 单数主语即使后面带有由with, along with, together with, like, but, except, besides, as well as, more than, no less than, rather than等引导的短语,谓语动词仍用单数。例如: Air as well as water is matter. 空气和水都是物质。 My friend said everyone except Tom and Jim was there then. 我的朋友说那时除了汤姆和吉姆大家都在那儿。 2. prefer (1)prefer是及物动词,意思是“更喜欢、比较喜欢”,相当于like better。例如:Which do you prefer(=like better), rice or bread? 你比较喜欢哪一样,米饭还是面包? (2)由prefer构成的短语: 1)prefer A to B意为“喜欢A胜过B、比起B来更喜欢A”,此短语中A和B的形式一样, 可以是名词、代词或者动名词,但必须两个词形式统一。例如: We prefer apples to oranges. 比起桔子来我们更喜欢苹果。 My grandma prefers taking a walk to sitting in front of the TV. 我奶奶宁愿去散步而不愿看电视。 2)prefer to do something rather than do something宁愿做某事,而不愿意做某事 此短语中prefer 的后面用动词不定式,than的后面用省略to的动词不定式。例如: They prefer to stay at home and watch TV, rather than go out for a walk. 他们宁愿呆在家里看电视,也不愿意出去散步。 3. too many &too much (1)too many 意为“太多,大量的”,后跟可数名词复数。例如: There are too many books in the room. You can choose any one to read. 房间里有太多的书了,你可以选择任何一本来读。 The boy has too many questions to ask. 那个男孩有太多的问题要问。 (2)too much作形容词,意为“许多,大量”,后接不可数名词;用作副词,修饰动词。例如: I ate too much meat. I’m fat. 我吃太多肉了,我胖了。 Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. 看电视太多对你的眼睛不好。 4. stick (1)stick作名词,意为“棍,棒,拐杖等”。例如: The old man has to walk with a walking stick. 那个老人得靠拐杖走路。 (2)stick 作动词,意为“刺;粘贴;卡住”。例如:


Unit 4 Why don’t you talk to your parents? 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. allow allow作动词,意为“允许”。用法如下: (1)allow sth.意为“允许某事的发生”。例如: I can’t allow such a thing. 我不允许发生这样的事。 (2)allow doing sth.意为“允许做某事”。例如: We don’t allow eating in the classrooms. 我们不允许在教室吃饭。 We don’t a llow smoking here. 我们不允许在此抽烟。 (3)allow sb. to do sth.意为“允许某人做某事”。例如: Her father would not allow her to eat sweets. 她父亲不允许她吃糖果。 They don’t allow students to smoke in the classroom. 他们不允许学生在教室抽烟。 (4)allow sb. sth. 意为“给予某人某物(尤指钱或时间);让某人有(拥用或带有)某物”。例如: He allows his son too much money. 他给他儿子的钱太多。 We’ll allow you time to answer. 我们将给你回答的时间。 2. get on with get on意为“相处,进展”,也可用get along,其后接介词with。get on with sb. 意为“与某人和睦相处/关系良好”;get on well/badly with sth. 意为“某事进展顺利/不好”。例如:He gets on (well) with his classmates. 他和同学们相处融洽。 How do you get on with your studies? 你的学业进展如何? 【拓展】 get on 还有“上车”的意思,后面常接bus; train等表示交通工具的词;反义词为get off。例如: The old man got on/ off the bus slowly. 那位老人慢慢地上/下了公共汽车。 3. argue argue作动词,意为“争论,争吵”。常用短语为: argue with sb. 与某人争吵 argue about/on sth. 争辩某事 argue for/against sth. 为赞成/反对某事而辩论 例如: Mrs. Brown argued with the waiter about the price of the meal. 布朗夫人因为那顿饭的价格跟服务员争吵。 Next class we’re arguing about family activities. 下节课我们辩论家庭活动。 argue对应的名词为argument,常用词组为:have an argument with sb. about/ on sth. 因某事与某人争论。例如: I had an argument with my best friend last week. 上星期我与我最好的朋友吵了一架。 【拓展】 argue与discuss的辨析:

Unit 3 Computers 词句精讲精练.doc

Unit 3 Computers 词句精讲精练 责编:刘燕 词汇精讲 1.order order作及物动词,意为“点菜,订购”。其后可接双宾语,即order sb. sth. = order sth. for sb. 例如: I want to order you a suit. = I want to order a suit for you. 我想给你订套衣服。 【拓展】 (1) order作动词,意为“命令,指挥,要求”。例如: The police ordered them to wait right there. 警察命令他们就在那里等待。 (2) order作名词,意为“顺序,次序;命令,指示或点菜”。例如: Please put these sentences in the correct order. 请按正确的顺序排列这些句子。 She gave orders for the work to be started. 他命令开始工作。 May I take your order? 可以点菜吗? 2. seem (1)seem是系动词,它的意思是“似乎,仿佛”,后面用that或者as if引导的从句作表语,主语常用it。例如: It seems as if it is going to rain. 天好像要下雨。 It seems that he likes his new job. 他看起来很喜欢他的新工作。 (2)seem的后面还可用“动词不定式、名词、现在分词、过去分词或者to be+形容词”作表语。例如: He seems to laugh at us. 他仿佛在嘲笑我们。 He seems(to be)ill.他似乎病了。 3. compare (1)compare作动词,意为“比较,对照”,常与with连用。例如: Compare your answers with those at the back of the book to see if they are right. 把你的答案同书后面的答案对照一下,看看是否正确。 My handwriting can’t be compared with my father’s. 我的书法不能与我父亲的相比。 If you compare the two books, you will see this one is better. 如果你比较一下这两本书,你会发现这一本好一些。 (2) compare作动词,还用作比喻意义,意为“比作”。例如: Man’s life is often compared to a candle. 人生常被比为蜡烛。 Shakespeare compared the world to a stage. 莎士比亚把人世比作舞台。 4.control (1) control作名词,意为“控制,支配”。例如: He lost control of his car. 他的汽车失控了。 Some teachers have more control over pupils than their parents have. 有的老师比小学生的父母更能管得住他们。 He was working hard to keep control of himself. 他正努力克制自己。


Unit 3 I’m more outgoing than my sister. 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. both (1) 代词,意为“两者,双方,两人”。例如: Both of the flowers are very beautiful. = The flowers are both very beautiful. 这两朵花都很漂亮。 (2) 形容词,意为“两者的,双方的”。例如: She wants both dictionaries. 这两本字典她都想要。 Both the answers are wrong. 这两个答案都是错的。 (3) 副词,意为“两者,两者都是”,常用于行为动词之前,be动词、助动词、情态动词之后。例如: They can both dance. 他们俩都会跳舞。 (4) both…and意为“……和……都,既……又……”,用于连接两个并列成分,连接并列主语时,谓语动词应该用复数形式。例如: Both you and your sister like it very much. 你和你姐姐都非常喜欢它。 【拓展】 (1) 当both用于否定句时,表示“并非两者都……”。例如: I don’t like both the sweaters. 这两件毛衣,我并不都喜欢。 (2) both…and…的否定形式为neither…nor…意为“既不……也不……”。例如: He can speak neither French nor English. 他既不会法语也不会英语。 2. outgoing与quiet outgoing作形容词,意为“外向的,友好的;擅于交际的”,其比较级为more outgoing。其反义词为quiet,意为“安静的,文静的”,可作定语或表语。例如: They walked to a quiet place. 他们向一个安静的地方走去。 You have a cold, so you must keep quiet at home. 你感冒了,所以必须在家静养。 He is more outgoing than me. 他比我能说会道。 【拓展】 calm,still,quiet与silent: (1)calm 意为“镇静的;平静的”。指不受干扰时的宁静、平静;指人时表示沉着的、镇定的。 (2)still 意为“不动的;静止的”。指物理上的安静状态。 (3)quiet意为“安静的;静止的”。指寂静的状态,没有吵闹、骚乱,指人表示娴静、文静。 (4)silent意为“沉默的;无言的”。主要指人,指不发出声音或不说话,强调无声的状态。例如: When we face danger, we should keep calm. 面对危险,我们应该保持沉着、冷静。 The baby kept still when she was taking photos. 当给这个婴儿拍照时,她一动也不动。 Be quiet, everyone. The teacher is coming. 同学们,安静!老师来了。 We shouldn’t keep silent when the teacher asks us some questions. 当老师问我们问题时,我们不应该保持沉默。 【注意】quiet意为“安静的”,quite意为“相当”。 3. win win作动词,意为“赢得;打败;战胜”,其现在分词要双写n,为winning;过去式和过去分词均为won。例如:

Review of Units 6—10 词句精讲精练知识讲解

Review of Units 6—10 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. hurt (1)hurt作及物动词,意为“使受伤,使弄痛”,过去分词和过去式都是hurt。例如:She hurt her right knee. 她伤了右膝。 I hope you haven’t hurt yourself. 但愿你没有受伤。 (2) hurt 既可指肉体上的伤害,也可指精神上、感情上的伤害。例如: I hurt her feelings when I said she was fat. 我说她胖,伤害了她的感情了。 I don’t mean to hurt you. 我并非有意伤害你。 (3)hurt作不及物动词,意为“疼痛”。例如: My feet hurt when I walk. 我走路时脚疼。 He had a fever and his head hurt.他感冒了而且头痛。 2. raise raise是及物动词,意为“筹集”。常用短语:raise sth. for sb./ sth.意为“为某人/物而筹集……”。例如: We raise money for Hope Project. 我们为希望工程筹钱。 【拓展】 (1) raise作及物动词,意为“提升,举起,升起”。例如: raise one’s hand举手 raise one’s glasses to sb. 举杯祝福某人 (2) raise作及物动词,还可意为“种植;饲养;培养;抚养”。例如: Their family raised much rice. 他们家种了很多稻米。 3. as a result as a result为习惯短语,意为“因此;结果”,在句中作状语。例如: She didn’t practi ce, and as a result she lost. 她没有练习,所以输了。 The traffic was very heavy and as a result we didn’t arrive on time. 交通十分拥挤,因此我们没有能准时到达。 【拓展】 as a result of意为“由于……;作为……的结果”。先交代结果,再用as a result of连接原因。例如:We can’t g o out as a result of the heavy rain. 因为下大雨,我们不能出去。 4. offer (1)offer 作动词,意为“给予;提供;提出”。例如: He offered me 500 dollars for that old car. 他出500美元向我买那辆旧车。 Offer some coffee to the guests. 给客人端些咖啡来。 He offered me a cup of tea. 他给了我一杯茶。 (2)offer to do sth. 表示“愿意做某事;主动提出做某事”。例如:


第 1 页冀教版七年Unit 4 Food and Restaurant 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. a glass/cup of… a glass/cup of…意为“一玻璃杯/杯……”,two glasses/cups of…意为“两玻璃杯/杯……”。其结构为:不定冠词+量词+of+物质名词。 例如: a glass of milk 一玻璃杯水two glasses of water 两玻璃杯水 a cup of tea 一杯茶two cups of tea 两杯茶 【拓展】 (1)glass 用作不可数名词,意为“玻璃”;用作可数名词时,意为“玻璃杯”。复数形式为glasses。 (2)glasses可意为“眼镜”。例如: a pair of glasses 一副眼镜two pairs of glasses 两副眼镜 2. have to have to意为“不得不,必须”,表示客观情况要求某人必须做某事,有人称和时态的变化,后接动词原形。例如: She isn't very well these days and she has to stay at home. 她这些天身体不太好,不得不待在家里。 You don't have to tell me this. 你不必告诉我这件事。 Do you have to do everything? 什么事都得你做吗? She doesn't have to come this afternoon. 今天下午她不必来。 【拓展】must与have to的辨析: have to侧重于客观需要,含有“不得不”或“被迫”之意,有多种时态形式;否定式为don't have to,意为“不必”。 must侧重于说话者的主观看法,认为有必要或有义务去做某事;只有现在时一种形式(在宾语从句中可以表示过去);否定式mustn't 意为“一定不要;不允许”。例如:You must do your homework first. 你必须先做作业。 It's raining. I have to stay at home. 正在下雨,我不得不待在家里。 口诀:“主观职责”说“必须”,must赶紧用上去;若是“环境”“不得不”,赶紧换用have to。 3. be full of be full of意为“充满”,相当于be filled with。例如: The glass if full of water.=The glass is filled with water. 杯子里装满了水。 The classroom is full of different boys and girls. 教室里挤满了不同的男孩女孩。4. job/work work和job是同义词,都有“工作、职业”的意思。不过,它们之间还是有些区别的。 (1)job是可数名词,指特定工作。work是不可数名词,泛指工作。我们可以说a job,不能说a work。例如: Peter has a good job in a bank. 彼得在一家银行有份很好的工作。 Tom changed jobs many times. 汤姆换了很多工作。


Module 3 Sports 精讲精练 词汇精讲 1.matter (1) matter作名词,意为“事件;问题;物质”。例如: What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了? How serious the matter is! 问题是多么严重啊! There is no need arguing about the matter. 不必就此事辩论了。 Air as well as water is a kind of matter. 空气和水都是一种物质。 【拓展】 what’s the matter和what’s wrong 都后可接with sb. / sth,即What’s the matter with sb./ sth.?或What’s wrong with sb./sth.?意为“某人/某物怎么了?”例如: What’s the matter with you? = What’s wrong with you? 你怎么了? 【注意】 matter是名词,其前只能加定冠词the;wrong是形容词,前面不需要加任何冠词。不能说What’s your wrong?和What’s your matter? (2) matter作动词,意为“重要;关键”,是不及物动词。例如: It doesn’t matter whether he will come or not. 他来不来没关系。 2.enjoyable enjoyable 是形容词,意为“令人愉快的;有乐趣的”。例如: Nothing is more enjoyable than playing football. 没有比踢足球更有意思的事了。 【拓展】 (1)enjoy是及物动词,意为“喜爱;享受……的乐趣”,后接动词的-ing形式作宾语,不接动词不定式。例如: I am enjoying flowers. 我在赏花。 I enjoy working with you very much. 与你工作我很愉快。 (2)enjoy oneself意为“玩得开心;过得愉快”,相当于have fun/have a good time。例如:Do you enjoy yourself at the party? = Do you have fun/have a good time at the party? 你在聚会上玩得开心吗? 3.miss miss为动词,意为“想念,思念”。例如: I’ll miss you when you go to Canada. 你到了加拿大以后,我一定会想你。 【拓展】 (1) miss作动词还有“未击中,未抓住”的意思。例如: I tried to hit the ball but I missed. 我努力地想击中球,但却未成功。 (2) miss还可意为“未赶上,错过”,是动词。例如: I missed the football match on TV last night. 我错过了昨天晚上电视播的足球赛。 (3) miss与like; mind; finish; enjoy; practice; be busy; stop; can’t help; give up等词一样后接动词的-ing形式。例如: I don’t want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.

Module9 People and places 词句精讲精练

Module 9 People and places 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. talk talk意为“谈话”,当talk作此意讲时,不强调内容,一般指说的动作,其后常接介词to 和with,表示“与……谈话”;接介词about时表示“谈论……”。 例如:Jimmy and Bill often talk about computer games. 吉姆和比尔经常谈论电脑游戏。 Mary is talking with Mr. Green in English. 玛丽正在用英语和格林先生交谈。 拓展:speak、say和tell 1)speak一词强调说话的能力、对象和方式。用作及物动词时后接表示语言的名词作宾语; 用作不及物动词时,后接介词to,表示“与……讲话”,一般用于打电话用语中或较正式的情况下。 例如:They can speak Chinese. 他们会说中文。 May I speak to Mr. Black? 请问,我能和布莱克先生讲话吗? 2)say用作及物动词,强调说的内容。若指“对某人说”用say to sb.来表示。 例如:Can you say it in English? 你能用英语说它吗? I couldn’t think of anything to say to him. 我想不出有什么话要对他说。 3) tell经常作及物动词,意为“讲述,告诉”,后常接双宾语,侧重把一件事情传达给别人。 常用结构是tell sb. to do sth. 意为“告诉某人做某事”,其否定形式为tell sb. not to do sth.,意为“告诉某人不要做某事”,tell sb. about sth. 意为“告诉某人关于某事”。 例如:My mother tells me to get up early. 我妈妈告诉我早点起床。 2. the others the others表示一定范围内除去一部分以后其余的部分,特指已知的人或物中“除……之外其余的全部”,相当于the other+名词复数,在前面加the表示特指。 Some girls are reading, the others are writing. 一些女孩在读书,其余的女孩在写作。 (the others相当于the other girls) There are 22 boys. Ten of them are playing football, the others are playing basketball. 有22个男孩,十个在踢足球,其他的在打篮球。 拓展: other / the other / others / another的区别: 1) other为形容词“别的,其他的”。作代词用时前面可加the / any /some等或用作复数。 例如:He is taller than any other brothers. 他比其他几个兄弟都高。 2) the other意为“另一个人,另一个东西”,指两者中另外的一个。 例如:I have two books. One is an English book, the other is a Chinese book. 我有两本书,一本是英语书,另一本是语文书。 3) others意为“其他的人或物”,作代词用。 例如:You should think of others. 你应该想想别人。 4) another作形容词,意为“另外的,别的”,只可修饰单数名词;作代词,意为“另一个, 再一个”,指三者或三者以上中的任何一个。 例如:Here comes another bus. 又来了一辆公共汽车。 3. in the sun in the sun意为“在阳光下”,常用作状语。如: My grandpa likes lying in the sun. 我爷爷喜欢躺在阳光下。 拓展:


Module 3 Journey to space 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. earth earth为名词,意为“泥土,土壤”;earth为名词,还意为“地球”,通常需要在前面加上定冠词the。例如: The trees and grasses can stop the wind from blowing the earth away. 树和草可以阻止风把土吹走。 The floor is earth but hard. 虽然是泥地, 但是很坚实。 The earth goes around the sun. 地球绕着太阳转。 2. reach (1)reach意为“到达”,是及物动词,可以直接接宾语。例如: I’ll call you as soon as I reach New York. 我一到达纽约就给你打电话。 When we reached the station, the train had left. 当我们到达车站时,火车已经离开了。 【拓展】表示“到达”的词汇还有get to和arrive in。 例如: They arrived in Beijing yesterday. 他们昨天到的北京。 He arrives at school at eight every morning. 他每天早上八点到达学校。 When you arrive home, please give me a call. 到家的时候请给我打个电话。 They’ll get to Beijing at six tonight.他们将在今晚六点到达北京。 I’ll get there on time. 我会按时到达那里。 (2)reach意为“够得到”,后面直接接宾语。例如: He tries to get the apple above the shelf,but fails to reach it. 他尽力去够架子上的苹果,但是没够着。 3. yet (1) yet作副词,意为“到此时,至今,还,尚未”,用于否定句中。例如: We ha ven’t heard from him yet. 我们还没有收到他的来信。 I’m not yet sure if we could win. 我还没有把握确定我们是否能赢。 (2) 作副词,意为“已经”,用于疑问句中。例如: Is everything ready yet? 一切准备就绪了吗? Has the ship left yet? 轮船已经离开了吗? (3) 作副词,意为“仍然,还是”,用于肯定句中。例如: He’s yet a chi ld. 他还是个孩子。 (4) 作连词,意为“然而,可是”。例如: You can draw a horse in five minutes, yet you kept me waiting for a year, why?


Module 10 On the radio 词句精讲精练 词汇精讲 1. mean (1)mean作及物动词,表示“打算,意味着”,后接名词,动词不定式短语或从句。例如:The red light means “Stop”. 红灯表示停止。 I mean to go shopping. 我的意思是去购物。 The sign means that the road is blocked. 这个标志表示此路不通。 (2)mean的名词形式是“meaning”,表示“意思、涵义”。例如: W hat’s the meaning of the word?这个单词的是什么意思? (3)What do / did you mean by...? 该句型的意思是“你……是什么意思?” 例如:What do you mean by acting like this? 你这样做是什么意思? 2. show around show around是动词短语,意为“参观;四处看看”,例如: I’ll show you around so that you can meet everyone. 我会带你到各处看看,好让你和大家见见面。 【拓展】 show的常用短语: (1)show up意为“出席,露面”。例如: Most of people invited didn’t show up. 被邀请的人大部分还未到。 To my surprise, she failed to show up. 令我吃惊的是,她未能出席。 (2)show off 意为“炫耀”。例如: Those boys always show off their sports skills to the girls. 那些男孩们老向女孩卖弄他们的运动技巧。 (3)show sb. sth. 意为“把某物展示给某人看”。例如: My friend showed me a picture book. 我的朋友出示我一本漂亮的图册。 (4)on show意为“陈列,展出”。例如: The photographs are on show at the museum until October. 照片在博物馆展出到十月。 3. against against是介词,其用法如下: (1) 反对,违反。对应的反义词为for,常用于be against sb. / sth.反对某人/某事。例如:Are most people against having a part-time job? 大多数人反对做兼职工作吗? (2) 和……交战(指竞争、比赛等)。例如: We’ll have a basketball match against the team from No. 2 Middle School next week. 下星期我们将与二中的球队举行一场篮球赛。 (3) 碰、装、擦。例如: Rain beats against the window. 雨打在窗户上。 (4) 倚着、靠着。例如: There was a ladder propped up(支撑) against the wall.一把梯子靠着墙。 (5) 防备,抗……。例如: She saved money against old age. 她攒钱防老。 (6) 逆着……。例如:

Unit 1 Friends 词句精讲精练

Unit 1 Friends 词句精讲精炼 责编:刘燕 词汇精讲 1. share share作名词,意为“份数”。例如: I’ll bear my share of the expenses. 我愿意承担我那一份费用. share作动词,意为“分享,合用”。例如: I share a bedroom with my sister. 我和我姐姐合住一间卧室。 There is a computer in my home, and my father and I share it. 我家有一台电脑,我爸爸和我共用它。 share作动词,还表示“分配”。例如: Share the sweets with you. 这袋糖我们分着吃。 2. honest (1)honest 作形容词,意为“诚实地;正直地,坦率地”。例如: All my life I have tried to be an honest man. 我一生都想做一个诚实的人。 He is an honest businessman, according to what everyone says. 根据大家所说,他是位诚实的商人。 Give me your honest opinion. 请坦率地说出你的意见。 (2)to be honest (with you) 意为“坦白地说,老实地告诉你”。例如: To be honest, I don’t know anything about it. 老实说,我对此事一无所知。 (3)honest的常用搭配: be honest in (doing) sth. 诚实地做某事 be honest with sb. 对某人以坦诚相待 be honest about sth. 对某事诚实 例如: She is always honest with her customers. 她对顾客总是诚实的。 (4)honest派生词: honesty 诚实;honestly诚实地;dishonest不诚实的;dishonesty不诚实 3. care about care about 表示“关心,在乎”。例如: He doesn’t care about anything. 他什么也不在乎。 We should care about the poor. 我们应该关心穷人。 【拓展】 care for意为“喜欢”。care for意为“照顾”,是比较正式的用语。 例如:I don’t really care for milk. 我其实不大喜欢牛奶。 The mother cared for the sick child day and night. 母亲日夜照顾生病的孩子。 4. lie lie作动词,意为“躺”,过去式和过去分词分别为lay和lain,现在分词为lying。例如: I found he was lying on the ground. 我发现他躺在地上。 【拓展】 (1) lie作动词时,也可意为“撒谎”,过去式和过去分词是规则的,均为lied。lie也可用作名词,

Review module B 词句精讲精练

Review module B 词汇精讲 1. mean (1)mean作及物动词,表示“打算,意味着”,后接名词,动词不定式短语或从句。例如:The red light means “Stop”. 红灯表示停止。 I mean to go shopping. 我打算去购物。 The sign means that the road is blocked. 这个标志表示此路不通。 (2)mean的名词形式是“meaning”,表示“意思、涵义”。例如: What's the meaning of the word?这个单词的是什么意思? (3)What do / did you mean by...? 该句意为“你……是什么意思?”例如: What do you mean by acting like this? 你这样做是什么意思? 2. experience (1)experience作可数名词,表示“经历、阅历、体会”的意思;如果表示“体验、经验”的时候是不可数名词。例如: The car accident was a terrible experience to him. 那次车祸对他来说是一次很可怕的经历。 My father has rich experience in teaching English. 我的爸爸在英语教学方面有丰富的教学经验。 (2)experience作及物动词,意为“体验,有……经验”。例如: Have you experienced real hanger? 你体验过真正饥饿的滋味吗? Have you ever experienced any jungle life? 你曾经体验过丛林生活吗? 【注意】 有时experience的过去分词experienced也用作形容词。例如: Even experienced teachers can make mistakes. 即使有经验的教师也可能犯错误。 3. appear (1)appear表示“出现,露面;到达”时,是不及物动词,因此后面既不能接宾语,也不能用于被动语态。例如: A woman suddenly appeared at the end of the street. 一位妇女突然出现在街道的尽头。 (2)表示“似乎,好像”,是系动词,其后可接形容词、名词、不定式等作表语。例如: He appears (to be) very poor. 他似乎非常穷。 She appeared to tell a true story. 她似乎讲述了一个真实的故事。 (3)在it appears后可接that从句或as if从句。例如: It appears that he has been waiting a long time. = He appears to have been waiting a long time. 看来他已经等了很久了 It appears as if she's lost interest in her study. 看来她对自己的学习已失去兴趣。 4. hit (1)hit作动词时可以是及物动词或不及物动词。 表示“打击;击中”,如果强调“击中某人某个部位”可以用“hit sb. in the +人体某部位”。例如:
