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How people celebrate Father's Day?
m ost pe ople would buy the ir fa the rs a ca rd. T he ca rd would proba bly ha ve a nice m e ssa ge in it sa ying wha t a gre a t D a d the ir fa the r is. S om e pe ople do buy pre se nts a s we ll.
“O ne fa the r is m ore tha n a hundre d schoolm a ste rs.” -- E nglish P rove rb 1个爸爸比100个校长还顶用。—英国谚语
"A king, re a liz ing his incom pe te nce , ca n e ithe r de le ga te or a bdica te his dutie s. A fa the r ca n do ne ithe r. M a rle ne D ie trich 一个认识到自己不称职的国王,可以委托授权或干脆放 弃。一个父亲却被无选择。 —玛莲娜-迪特里希
They say about
Father's Day
“It doe sn‘t m a tte r who m y fa the r wa s; it m a tte rs w ho I re m e m be r he wa s.” -- Anne S e xton
爸爸是什么样的人并不重 要,重要的's Day
工业091 吴思磊 白璐
F a the r of a m ounta in,broa dm inde d,the fa the r of rive rs to a ccom m oda te a n um bre lla for us so tha t we sta y a w a y from disa te r.F a the r of a ve sse l,ca rrying us,bra ve the w ind a nd wa ve s,love tow a rds the ha rbor! 父亲如山,关怀宽广,容纳百川, 父爱如伞,为我们遮风避雨,使我 们远离灾难。
fa ithful.(忠实的/可信的) a lw a ys the re .(一直在) trustw orthy.(值得信赖) H onoring.(尊敬/荣誉) E ve r-loving.(永远爱你的) R ighte ous. (很好/很对)
Father and
“I ca nnot think of a ny ne e d in childhood a s strong a s the ne e d for a fa the r‘s prote ction.” -- S igm und F re ud 我想象不出还有什么比父亲 的保护更让一个孩子渴求得 强烈。