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environment being in a great harmony.
阆中城是一个优美的太极图,有“中国 第一风水古城”的美称。唐宋格局、明清风 貌,古街、古院、古屋、古树浑然一体,繁 复中见别致,玲珑中显精巧,人居环境妙趣
Fenghuang Old City: the most poetic town
Langzhong City is a beautiful place, acknowledged as “the first Feng shui ancient city”. Layed with Tang and Song Dynasty ‘s pattern, Ming and Qing Dynasty’s style, with a integration of ancient street, ancient courtyard, old house and old tree. We can see uniqueness in the complex, find exquisiteness in the daintiness, people and living
Zhouzhuang: low bridge, stream running and cottages
Winding alley, slates looking like just after the rain, winding or straight bridges, transparent and cool water, wellarranged cottages, all these in Zhouzhuang is so poetic. It seems like we can only experience the beauty of Zhouzhuang with the poetry.
The name of Phoenix town mainly derived from the Phoenix Mountain which is in a phoenix shape. Phoenix is not only rich in natural resources,beautiful mountains and rivers, but also possessing
曲折多变的小巷,似是清雨泽润的石阶,或曲或直的小桥,明澈清凉的流水,错落有致的人 家…….充满诗意的周庄,似乎只能用诗的言语去描绘。
many scenic and historical sites
Ancient town Lijiang: you can see more than you thought here
Lijiang is filled with romantic, freedom, beautiful and happy stories. Wandering in the cient city, you can feel the trees and flowers in the leisure, ancient slates, breathtaking tiaoxia, Yulongxue Mountain just before your eyes, charming ethnic dances. All these
千年的烟雨西塘从不缺少诗情画意,烟雨长廊、西街,白墙灰瓦,静水如镜,影在 水中印。夜晚,华灯初上,西塘的酒吧一条街便会热闹起来,千年古镇与现代繁华在 一刹那间重合。
烟雨长廊乡古镇最大的不 同,是古镇中一道独特的风景线
西 街
Liangzhong: Fengshui Treasure Land
bring you quiet romance.
丽江古城:在那里遇见更多 这里充满了浪漫、自由、美丽、幸福的故事。漫步古城,感受闲适光阴里的一花一木,古老的青石板路,震撼的虎跳峡,
It is known mainly for three historical treasures:the ancient bric city wall,the Zhenguo Temple and the Shuanglin Temple.Overlooking th old city from the sky,you may find that the shape of the Pingyao ancien city is like that of a tortoise.
The most beau
Ancient Xitang is never lack of poetry, misty rain corridor, west street, white wall tiles. The water is quite as mirror, taking its shadow in the water. At night, bar street will be hilarious when the light is on, the ancient town and the modern buildings are clustering at this moment.