



Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Mark the correct choice for each blank on your answer sheet.

Early Tudor England was to a large extent self-sufficient. Practically all the necessities of life ——food, clothing, fuel and housing ——were produced from native resources by native effort, and it was to (26)_____ these primary needs that the great mass of the population labored (27)______ its daily tasks. Production was for the most part organized in innumerable small units. In the country the farm, the hamlet and the village lived on (28)____ they could grow or make for themselves, and(29) _____ the sale of any surplus in the local market town,(30) ____ in the towns craftsmen applied themselves to their one-man business, making the boots and shoes, the caps and the cloaks, the (31)____ and harness of townsmen and countrymen(32)____. Once a week town and country would meet to make(33) ___ at a market which came(34) ___ realizing the medieval idea of direct contact between producer and(35) _____. This was the traditional economy, which was hardly altered for some centuries, and which set the(36) _____ of work and the standard of life of perhaps nice out of(37) ____ ten English men and women. The work was long and (38)____, and the standard of life achieved was almost (39)___ low. Most Englishmen lied by a diet which was often (40)____ and always monotonous, wore coarse and ill-fitting clothes which harbored dirt undermine, and lived in holes whose squalor would affront the modern slum dweller.

26. A) settle B) answer C) satisfy D) fill

27. A) at B) in C) on D) with

28. A) which B) what C) whether D) where

29. A) with B) by C) on D) for

30. A) although B) while C) nevertheless D) when

31. A) machines B) apparatus C) equipment D) implement

32. A) similar B) skin C) like D) alike

33. A) exchange B) bargain C) dealing D) ride

34. A) close at B) adjacent to C) near to D) near-by

35. A) consumer B) buyer C) user D) shopper

36. A) model B) form C) pattern D) method

37. A) every B) each C) the D) other

38. A) cruel B) hard C) ruthless D) severe

39. A) unimaginatively B) unimaginably C) imaginarily D) unimaginedly

40. A) weak B) little C) meagre D) sparse


There are twenty-five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence. Mark your answer on your answer sheet.

41. You won't get a loan _______ you can offer some security.

A) lest

B) in case

C) unless

D) other than

42. ______ time, he'll make a first-class tennis player.

A) Having

B) Given

C) Giving

D) had

43. I _____ the party much if there hadn't been quite such a crowd of people there.

A) would enjoy

B) will have enjoyed

C) would have enjoyed

D) will be enjoying

44. This company has now introduced a policy ____ pay rises are related to performances at work.

A) which

B) where

C) whether

D) what

45. He wasn't asked to take on the chairmanship of the society, _______ insufficiently popular with all members.

A) having considered

B) was considered

C) was being considered

D) being considered

46. This may have preserved the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals ______ in Africa.

A) hunted

B) hunting

C) that hunted

D) are hunted

47. The office has to be shut down ______ funds.

A) being a lack of

B) from lack of

C) to a lack of

D) for lack of

48. In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid _____.

A) from being beaten

B) being beaten

C) beating

D) to be beaten

49. As it turned out to be a small house party, we ____ so formally.

A) need not have dressed up

B) must not have dressed up

C) did not need to dress up

D) must not dress up

50. Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _____ Eastern Nebraska.

A) in

B) it receives in

C) does

D) it does in

51. _____ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his bedroom.

A) There was

B) Since

C) Being

D) There being

52. The brilliance of his satires was ______ make even his victims laugh.

A) so as to

B) such as to

C) so that

D) such that

53. If he _____ in that way for much longer he will find himself in the bankruptcy court.

A) carries on

B) carries off

C) carries by

D) carries away

54. Although the false banknotes fooled many people, they did not ____ close examination.

A) look up

B) pay up

C) keep up

D) stand up

55. He must give us more time, ______ we shall not be able to make a good job of it.

A) consequently

B) otherwise

C) therefore

D) doubtlessly

56. When there was a short ______ in the conversation, I asked if anyone would like anything to drink.

A) blank

B) space

C) pause

D) wait

57. You can do it if you want to, but in my opinion it's not worth the ____ it involves.

A) effort

B) strength

C) attempt

D) force

58. The main road through Little bury was blocked for three hours today after an accident ____ two lorries.

A) involving

B) including


1.(单选)驾驶装有ABS系统的汽车怎样采取紧急制动? A.用力踏制动踏板 B.间歇踏制动踏板 C.缓慢踏制动踏板 D.逐渐踏下制动踏板. 答案A 答案解析 ABS刹车系统,即“防抱死制动装置”在你踩下刹车踏板以后,制动就开始了,在车轮的转动即将停止之前,ABS会自动将刹车释放,然后,ABS自动放开以后马上又会处于刹车的状态,在车轮再一次停止转动前,ABS又一次释放刹车。这样,周而复始(这个频率大概是25次/每秒)你的车轮始终不会被抱死。用力踏是为了让你启动ABS防抱死系统。 2.(单选)怎样调整汽车座椅安全头枕的高度? A.调整到头枕中心对正颈部 B.调整到头枕中心与颈部平齐 C.调整到头枕中心高出头顶 D.调整到头枕中心能支撑头部 答案D 答案解析 座椅上安全头枕的主要作用是汽车被追尾时,有效保护驾驶人和乘车人的颈椎。调整安全头枕高度时,保持头枕中心与后脑中心平齐,才能发挥保护作用。所以本题选择调整到头枕中心能支撑头部。 3.(单选)机动车在紧急制动时ABS系统会起到什么作用? A.缩短制动距离 B.保持转向能力 C.减轻制动惯性 D.自动控制方向 答案B 答案解析 ABS是防抱死系统,就是保证在紧急制动时车轮不会抱死,也就是紧急制动时保持转向能力。ABS防抱死系统是一种具有防滑、防锁死等优点的安全刹车控制系统。没有安装ABS系统的车,在遇到紧急情况时,来不及分布缓刹,只能- -脚踩死。这时车轮容易抱死,加之车辆冲刺惯性,便可能发生侧滑、跑偏、方向不受控制等危险状况。而装有ABS的车,当车轮即将到达下一个锁死点时,刹车在一秒内可作用60-120次,相当于不停地刹车、放松,即相当于机械的“点刹”。因此,可以避免在紧急刹车时方向失控及车轮侧滑,使车轮在刹车时不被锁死,轮胎不在一个点,上与地面摩擦,加大摩擦力,使刹车效率达到90%以上。 4.(单选)使用已有裂纹或损伤的轮胎容易,引起什么后果? A.向一侧偏驶 B.爆胎 C.转向困难


Agreatdealofattentionisbeingpaidtodaytotheso-calleddigitaldiv ide--thedivisionoftheworldintotheinfo(information)richandthei nfopoor.Andthat__1__doesexisttoday.MywifeandIlecturedaboutthi sloomingdangertwentyyearsago.Whatwasless__2__then,however,wer ethenew,positive__3__thatworkagainstthedigitaldivide.__4__,th erearereasonstobe__5__. Therearetechnologicalreasonstohopethedigitaldividewillnarrow. AstheInternetbecomesmoreandmore__6__,itisintheinterestofbusin esstouniversalizeaccess-afterall,themorepeopleonline,themorep otential__7__thereare.Moreandmore__8__,afraidtheircountrieswi llbeleft__9__,wanttospreadInternetaccess.Withinthenextdecadeo rtwo,onetotwobillionpeopleontheplanetwillbe__10__together.Asa result,Inowbelievethedigitaldividewill__11__ratherthanwidenin theyearsahead.AndthatisverygoodnewsbecausetheInternetmaywellb ethemostpowerfultoolfor__12__worldpovertythatwe’veeverhad. Ofcourse,theuseoftheInternetisn’ttheonlywayto__13__poverty.A ndtheInternetisnottheonlytoolwehave.Butithas__14__potential. To__15__advantageofthistool,somepoorcountrieswillhavetogetove rtheiroutdatedanti-colonialprejudices__16__respecttoforeignin

人教版小学数学六年级毕业考试模拟试 题

人教版小学数学六年级毕业考试模拟试题 一、填空。 1、( )÷15=0.8=( )%=( )成 2、篮球个数是足球的125%,篮球比足球多( )%。 3、一个圆锥的体积是76立方厘米,底面积是19平方厘米。这个圆锥的高是( )厘米。 4、如果3a=4b ,那么a : b = ( ):( ) 。 5、 一个直角三角形中,两个锐角度数的比是3 : 2 ,这两个锐角分别是( )度、( )度。 6、 12的约数中可以选出4个数组成一个比例,请你写出比值不同的两组: ( )、( )。 7、 一个比例里,两个外项正好互为倒数,其中一个内项是2.5,另一个内项是( )。 8、一个圆柱的底面半径为2厘米,侧面展开后正好是一个正方形,圆柱的体积 是( )立方厘米。 9、一个长为6厘米,宽为4厘米的长方形,以长为轴旋转一周,将会得到一个 底面直径是( )厘米,高为( )厘米的( )体,它的体积是( )立方厘米。 10、 如左图所示,把一个高为10厘米的圆柱切成若 干等分,拼成一个近似的长方体。如果这个长方 体的底面积是50平方厘米,那么圆柱体积是 ( )立方厘米 二、判断题 1、自然数(0除外)不是质数,就是合数。( ) 2、小于五分之四而大于五份之二的分数只有五份之三。( ) 3、一个圆柱与一个圆锥等底等高,他们的体积和是36立方米,那么圆锥的体积是9立方米。( ) 4、生产的90个零件中,有10个是废品,合格率是90%。 ( ) 5、“一只青蛙四条腿,两只眼睛,一张嘴;两只青蛙八条腿,四只眼睛,两张嘴,三只青蛙…那么青蛙的只数与腿的条数成正比例关系” ( ) 三、选择。 1、圆的面积和它的半径 . A 、成正比例 B 、成反比例 C 、不成比例 2、下列说法正确的有 。 A 、表示两个比相等的式子叫做比例。 B 、互质的两个数没有公约数。 C 、分子一定,分数值和分母成反比例。 D 、圆锥的体积等于圆柱体积的3 1。 3、圆柱的底面半径扩大2倍,高不变。它的底面积扩大 倍,侧面积扩 大 倍,体积扩大 倍。A 2 、 B 4 、 C 8 、 D 16


2016年最新C1驾照考试科目四模拟试题 主要内容包括:安全文明驾驶操作要求、恶劣气象和复杂道路条件下的安全驾驶知识、爆胎等紧急情况下的临危处理方法,以及发生交通事故后的处理知识等。下面是关于科目四考试模拟试题,欢迎转载! 1、罗某驾驶大型卧铺客车(乘载44人,核载44人)行至沿河县境内540县道58公 里加500米处时,在结冰路面以每小时44公里速度行驶,导致机动车侧滑翻下公路,造成15人死亡、27人受伤。罗某的主要违法行为是什么? A、客车超员 B、超速行驶 C、疲劳驾驶 D、操作不当 正确答案:B 本题分析 2、徐某驾驶一辆中型客车(乘载27人)行至四都镇前岭村壶南头路段,在上坡过程中,机动车发生后溜驶出路外坠入落差约80米的山崖,造成11人死亡、7人受伤。徐 某的主要违法行为是什么? A、疲劳驾驶 B、酒后驾驶 C、客车超员 D、超速行驶 正确答案:C 本题分析 3、郝某驾驶一辆越有84.84吨货物的重型自卸货车(核载15.58吨),行至滦县境内262省道34公里加623米处,与前方同向行驶的一辆载有 45.85吨货物的货车(核载 1.71吨)追尾碰撞后,侧翻撞向路边人群,造成192 死亡、17人受伤。双方驾驶人共同 的违法行为是什么? A、超速行驶 B、货车超载

C、疲劳驾驶 D、酒后驾驶 正确答案:B 本题分析 4、赵某(持有A2驾驶证)驾驶大型卧铺客车,行驶至叶城县境风219国道226公里加215米处转弯路段时,坠入道路一侧山沟,致16人死,26人受伤。赵某的主要违法行为是什么? A、客车超员 B、驾驶逾期未检验的机动车 C、驾驶与准驾车型不符的机动车 D、疲劳驾驶 正确答案:C 本题分析 5、驾驶机动车在这种道路上怎样行驶最安全? A、尽快加速超越前车 B、鸣喇叭让前车让路 C、保持距离跟车行驶 D、从前车的右侧超越 正确答案:C 本题分析 6、驾驶机动车超车时遇到这样的情况怎样保证安全? A、减速保持安全距离 B、连续鸣喇叭提示 C、保持距离加速通过 D、占用对向车道超越 正确答案:A 本题分析 7、超车时,发现前方机动车正在超车,驾驶人怎么办?



大学英语四级考试模拟试题 Model Test Five Part ⅠListening Comprehension Directions: This section is designed to test your ability to understand spoken English. You will hear a selection of recorded materials and you must answer the questions that accompany them. Choose the correct answer---A, B, C or D, and then, mark your answer by writing the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. Section A (C) 11. A) He will only be available in the afternoon. B) It’s not his office hour. C) He doesn’t have time. D) He is too tired after class. (A) 12. A) The woman insists on going out. B) The woman doesn’t like watching TV. C) The man promised her a gift on her birthday. D) The man is too tired to go out. (B) 13. A) There are too many courses offered to


英语专业四级考试模拟题15 Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Select the correct choice for each blank. American cities are (26)_____ other cities around the world. In every country, cities reflect the values of the culture. Cities contain the very (27)_____ aspect of a society: opportunities for education, employment, and entertainment. They also contain the very worst parts of a society: violent crime, racial conflict (种族冲突), and poverty. American cities are changing, just (28)_____ American society. After World War II, the population of (29)_____ large American cities decreased; (30)_____, the population in many sun Belt cities increased. Los Angeles and Houston are cities (31)_____ population increased. There population shifts to and from the city reflect the changing values of American society. During this time, in the (32)_____ 1940s and early 1950s, city residents became wealthier, more prosperous. They had more children. They needed more space. They moved out their apartments in the city to buy their own homes. They bought houses in the (33)_____, areas near a city where people live. These are areas without many offices or factories. During the 1950s the American "dream" was to have a house on the outskirts. Now things are changing. The children of the people who (34)_____ the cities in the 1950s are now adults. They, (35)_____ their parents, want to live in the cities. (36)_____ continue to move to cities in the Sun Belt. Cities are (37)_____ and the population is increasing in (38)_____ states as Texas, Florida, and California. Others are moving to more established cities of the Northeast and Midwest, such as Boston, Baltimore and Chicago. Many young professionals, doctors, lawyers, and executives are moving back into the city. They prefer the city (39)_____ the suburbs because their jobs are there; they are afraid of the fuel shortage; or they just enjoy the excitement and opportunities which the city offers. A new class is moving into the cities —— a wealthier, (40)_____ mobile class. 26. A) different from B) similar to C) better than D) worse than 27. A) well B) good C) better D) best 28. A) likely B) as C) while D) when 29. A) all B) most C) few D) much 30. A) but B) and C) however D) although


一、判断题(每题1分) 1.基层应急管理应以“五个早”的工作机制为重点,“五个早”是:信息早报告、苗头早预、隐患早排查、矛盾早化解、事件早处置。 正确 错误 2.炒菜油锅起火,可用水浇灭。 正确 错误 3.成人不会感染手足口病。 正确 错误 4.金融风险预警系统通过金融风险预警指标体系来实现对风险的识别和评估。 正确 错误 5.严重危害社会治安秩序的事件发生时,公安机关应当立即依法出动警力,根据现场情况依法采取相应的强制性措施,尽快使社会秩序恢复正常。 正确 错误 6.我们这个民族在历史上灾难太深重了,这就培育了我们的忧患意识,生存意志和追求和平发展的愿望。 正确 错误

7.高层电梯停运时,严禁扒门爬出,以防电梯突然启动。 正确 错误 8.自来水发生爆管事故,维修好,来水后打开水龙头可以直接饮用。 正确 错误 9.公共交通工具、公共场所和其他人员密集场所的经营单位或者管理单位应当制定具体应急预案,为交通工具和有关场所配备报警装置和必要的应急救援设备、设施,注明其使用方法,并显著标明安全撤离的通道、路线,保证安全通道、出口的畅通。 正确 错误 10.救火时不要贸然开门窗,以免空气对流,加速火势蔓延。 正确 错误 11.各级各类学校可以不把应急知识教育纳入教学内容。 正确 错误 12.突发事件应对工作实行预防为主.预防与应急相结合的原则。 正确 错误 13.环境污染确实已经成为当前中国发展中的一个重大问题。 正确

错误 14.心跳骤停时间不长时(3至4分钟内)可进行心肺复苏法。 正确 错误 15.采取正当防卫时,超过必要的限度,造成防卫过当,不需要承担法律责任。 正确 错误 16.绑架是指以勒索财物为目的,使用暴力、胁迫或者麻醉等方法,劫持人质或他人的犯罪行为。 正确 错误 17.世界上最大的危机就是没有意识到危机。 正确 错误 18.沟通的最好方式是找有影响力的人物施压而非以事实说话。 正确 错误 19.应对危机的能力和创造财富的能力同样重要。 正确 错误 20.化解危机都是临时发挥,日常积累无需注重。 正确


2019大学英语四级听力考试模拟试题(6) 听录音把文中空白处补全 In many countries, authority is seldom questioned, either because it is highly respected, or because it is (1) _______. Sometimes, too, because (2) _______ has been important in certain societies for a long time, people have been trained never to question those in authority. In other countries, (3) _______America, children are trained to question and search for answers. When a child asks a question, he will be often told to go to the library and find the answer for himself. By the time students reach the age of 14 or 15, they may be (4) _______ exciting new ideas in all fields of science and the arts. To encourage such creativity, there are many national (5) _______ offered to students every year for their scientific discoveries and artistic (6) _______. This interest in questioning and searching may be (7) _______ by some people as bad for young people’s (8) _______, that young people lack respect for authority. (9) ___________________. However, this is because many Americans have different attitudes toward authority that may exist in other areas of the world. In a work or business situation, ideas are freely and openly discussed and argued. (10)_________________________. The two are quite separate. The purpose of the searching, questioning, and arguing is to find the facts in a particular situation, and therefore a solution, (11) ______________________________. 1.feared 2.rank


英语专业四级考试模拟题12 PART II CLOZE Decide which of the choices given below would correctly complete the passage if inserted in the corresponding blanks. Select the correct choice for each blank. Today, the Tower of London is one of the most popular tourist (26)_____ and attracts over three million visitors a year. It was occasionally used as a Royal Palace for the Kings and Queens of England (27)_____ the time of James I who (28)_____ from 1603 to 1625, but is best known as a prison and execution place. Within the walls of the Tower, princes have been murdered, traitors (29)_____, spies shot, and Queens of England beheaded. One of the most famous executions was that of Anne Boleyn in 1526. She was the second wife of Henry VIII. He wanted to (30)_____ her because she could not give him a son, so he accused her of adultery. She was tried and found guilty. She asked to be beheaded with a sword, (31)_____ the usual axe, which can still be seen in the Tower. The Tower was also the (32)_____ of one of Londons most famous mysteries. King Edward IV died in 1483. His elder son, Edward, became king (33)_____ his fathers death. Young Edward lived in the Tower, and the Duke of Gloucester, his protector, persuaded Edwards brother, Richard, to come and live there so that they could play together. But then the Duke (34)_____ that he was the new king, and he was crowned instead of the twelve-year-old Edward, (35)_____ himself Richard III. After that, the boys were seen less and less and (36)_____ disappeared. It is said that they were suffocated in bed by pillows being (37)_____ their mouths. It is believed that Richard III ordered their deaths, although it has never been (38)_____. In 1674, workmen at the Tower discovered two skeletons which were taken away and buried in Westminster Abbey in 1678. The (39)_____ were examined in 1933 and were declared to be those of two children, (40)_____ the age of the Princes. 26. A) seats B) scenes C) grounds D) sights 27. A) until B) by C) to D) at 28. A) reined B) reigned C) powered D) controlled 29. A) ruined B) destroyed C) tortured D) wounded 30. A) get away with B) get rid of C) get done with D) get down on 31. A) apart from B) besides C) together D) rather than 32. A) region B) scene C) place D) area 33. A) on B) at C) with D) by 34. A) revealed B) announced C) pronounced D) advertised 35. A) naming B) declaring C) calling D) giving 36. A) eventually B) later C) lastly D) completely 37. A) forced into B) squeezed forth C) pressed over D) put on 38. A) approved B) proved C) reproved D) disproved 39. A) remains B) corpses C) bones D) bodies 40. A) definitely B) roughly C) possibly D) certainly PART III GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY There are twenty-five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one word or phrase that correctly completes the sentence.


小学六年级数学期末练习题 (完卷时间:9 0分钟,满分120分) 学校 班级 学号 学生 成绩 一、 填空(20分) 1.三百七十八万零四百二十写作: ,省略十万后面尾数约是 万。 2. 15分=( )时 5升105毫升=( )升 3.( )︰20=35 =9( ) =( )÷10=( )% 4. 3 8 的分数单位是( ),再添上( )个这样的单位后是1。 5. 24和30的最大公约数是( ),最小公倍数是( )。 6.工地上有a 吨水泥,每天用去3.5吨,用了n 天,用字母式子表示剩下的水泥有( )吨。 7.六年(13)班有60人,体育测试得优的有48人,优秀率是( %)。 8.福州到厦门约280千米,图上距离为4厘米,这幅图比例尺为( )。 9.在一个周长为25.12厘米的圆内,画一个最大的正方形,正方形面积是( )平方厘米。 10.奥运会上,六个国家,每两个国家赛一场,共要赛( )场。 二、 判断。(正确的打“√”,错的打“×”,5分) 1.一条直线长15米。…………………………………………………………( ) 2.一种彩票中奖率为1%,小明买一百张有一张一定中奖。………………( ) 3.如果b 是自然数,那么2b 一定是偶数。…………………………………( ) 4. 75 100 米可以写成75%米。 ………………………………………………( ) 5.任何一个圆都有无数条对称轴。…………………………………………( ) 三、 选择(把正确答案前的序号填在括号里,5分) 1.为了清楚地表示第一季度各月生产毛衣情况,应绘制( )。 A 条形统计图 B 折线统计图 C 扇形统计图 2. ,它是( )。 学校 班级 姓名 座号


2013 年考驾照科目四模拟试题
1、这个仪表是何含义? A.电流表 B.压力表 C.水温表 D.燃油表 正确答案是:C 试题解释
2、图中标志的含义是___。 A.解除禁止鸣喇叭 B.准许鸣喇叭 C.禁止听广播 D.禁止鸣喇叭 正确答案是:D 试题解释
3、这个标志是何含义? A.公交线路专用车道 B.大型客车专用车道 C.快速公交系统专用车道 D.多乘员车辆专用车道 正确答案是:A 试题解释
4、机动车在高速公路上行驶,车速超过每小时 100 公里时,应当与同车道前车保持___以上的距离。 A.50 米 B.60 米 C.80 米 D.100 米 正确答案是:D 试题解释 5、驾驶机动车在路口直行遇到这种信号灯应该 怎样行驶? A.不得越过停止线 B.加速直行通过 C.左转弯行驶 D.进入路口等待 正确答案是:A 试题解释

6、在交叉路口遇到这种情况享有优先通行权。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 试题解释
7、机动车驾驶人应当于驾驶证有效期满前___内,向核发地车辆管理所申请换证。 A.90 日 B.120 日 C.180 日 D.240 日 正确答案是:A 试题解释 8、在铁路道口、交叉路口、窄桥、弯道、陡坡、人行横道不能超车。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:A 试题解释 9、因醉酒后驾驶机动车被吊销驾驶证的,终身禁驾。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 试题解释 10、红色方向指示信号灯的箭头方向向左,表示准许车辆左转弯。 A.正确 B.错误 正确答案是:B 试题解释 11、机动车驾驶人在实习期内不得驾驶___。 A.小型汽车 B.营运出租车 C.自动挡汽车 D.三轮汽车 正确答案是:B 试题解释 12、会车中道路一侧有障碍的,双方车辆应做到___先行。 A.无障碍一方让对方 B.有障碍的一方让对方 C.速度慢的让速度快的 D.速度快的让速度慢的 正确答案是:B 试题解释 13、机动车在遇有前方机动车缓慢行驶时,应当___。 A.从前方车辆两侧穿插 B.停车等候 C.从前方车辆两侧超越 D.依次排队行驶 正确答案是:D 试题解释


大学英语四级考试模拟新试题2 Part ⅠWriting 第1题: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief account of cases of excessive or unnecessary tests prescribed by some doctors and then explain the reasons and consequences of those irresponsible practices in some hospitals and make your suggestions about it . You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. 参考答案: [参考范文] "You"re in excellent health. I"ll need to run some tests until I find something wrong with you." The caption in the picture reveals an embarrassing fact that patients have to go through many unnecessary tests such as X-rays and ultrasound scan prescribed by the doctor and pay the expensive bills when going to hospital. It"s unbelievable that some doctors should do such things. Regarded as angels who save the wounded and rescue the dying, some doctors only want to earn money in reality. Prescribing many tests for patients is the best way to achieve their goals. As a result, with a surge in medical disputes, conflicts between doctors and patients are increasingly intensified to an unprecedented degree. In my opinion, the government should take measures to tackle this issue. Firstly, the government should regulate and supervise the price of medical examinations and drugs. Secondly, an inspection mechanism should be established to monitor hospitals. Only when the problem of excessive medical tests is solved can doctor-patient relationship be improved. 详细解答: Part ⅡListening Comprehension Section A [听力原文] 听力原文:Rising levels of obesity and unhealthy weights could be linked to 670,000 extra cases of cancer in the next 20 years, a UK report predicts. If current trends continue, experts say, almost three in four adults could be overweight or obese by 2035, bringing a host of health issues. Their work suggests a rise in the number of people who are overweight or obese would contribute to 4.6 million additional cases of type-2 diabetes and 1.6 million extra cases of heart disease by 2035. The report recommends a number of ways to tackle this problem, including introducing a 20 pence per litre tax on sugary drinks and a review of how food is advertised online. Department of Health officials said they had already brought in a ban on adverts featuring junk food during children′s TV programmes and would be launching a childhood obesity strategy shortly.


2016年专四专八改革,完型填空由原始20个选择题,变为15选10 的选词填空(与四六级形式一致)。考试吧将根据改革后的新题型为专四考生设置2016专四新题型:完形填空模拟练习,供考生们参考。 (一) Complaints should be made to a responsible person. Go back to the shop where you bought the goods, taking with you any(36)you may have. Ask to see the buyer in a large store. In a small store the assistant may also be the owner so you can complain(37). In a chain store ask to see the manager. Even the bravest person finds it difficult to complain face to face, so if you do not want to do it in (38),write a letter. Be sure to39to the facts and keep a copy of what you write. At this stage you should give any receipt numbers, but you should not need to give receipts or other papers to prove you bought the article. If you are not(40)with the answer you get, or if you do not get a reply, write to the managing director of the firm, shop, or organization. Be sure to keep copies of your own letters and any you receive. If your complaint is a just one, the shopkeeper may offer to(41) or repair the faulty article. You may find this an(42) solution. In certain cases you may have the right to refuse the goods and ask for your money back,but this is only where you have hardly used the goods and have acted at once. Even when you cannot refuse the goods you may be able to get some money back as well. And if you have suffered some(43)loss, if for example a new washing


新课标人教版六年级语文毕业模拟试卷 第一部分基础知识(39分) 一、汉语拼音:(10分) 1、音序表中第5、8、10、12位大写字母是()()()()(2分) 2、将下列每组词中带点字音节补充完整(3分) 捕捉(u)绿叶(l )伸展(sh ) 铺张(u)路途(l )声音(sh ) 3、看拼音写句子、填空:(5分) wǔwēi chūtǔde “mǎtàfēi yàn”shìd?ng hàn shíqīde yìshùzhēn pǐn 上面拼音句子中整读音节有()(1分) 二、查字典:(3分) “乃、敛、允(yǔn)”三个字分别用什么查字法最好?选择填空: 1、音序法查()先查大写字母(),再查音节() 2、部首法查()先查部首(),再查()画。 3、数笔画查()查()画。 三、字、词、句。(26分) 1、选择带点字的正确读音,打“V”、并用另一个音组词。(4分) 调节(diào、tiáo)_________ 便利(biàn、pián)__________ 传记(zhuàn、chuán)__________ 到处(chǔ、chú)___________ 2、补充成语,再从中找出最恰当的一组同义词和一组反义词。(6分) 口若()河垂头()气滔滔不()幼()可笑 完()归赵赞()不已斗志()扬()负盛名 同义词( ) 反义词( ) 3、选词填空:(3分) 甚至勘测居然毅然精密周密勉励鼓励嘲笑耻笑 詹天佑不怕困难,也不怕(),()接受了任务,马上开始()线路。哪里要架桥,都要经过(),进行()计算。詹天佑经常()工作人员说:“我们的工作首先要(),不能有一点马虎。‘大概’,‘差不多’,这类说法不应该出自工程人员之口。” 平静宁静寂静安静幽静僻静 (1)五个孩子在海风呼啸中()地睡着,他们的呼吸均匀而()。 (2)冬天的山村一到了夜里格外()。 (3)蜜蜂边歌边舞,点缀着这个()的小站。 (4)一天夜里他在()的小路上散步。 (5)他怕再遇见敌人,忙跑到()的地方,把文件烧掉。 4、在下面词中带点字正确解释后打“V”在其余解释后根据意思用带点字组词。例:兴国安邦(4分) ①身体健康(安康)②不出事故没有危险(安全) ③稳定(V )④装置、组合(安装) (1)千钧一发 ①生长、产生()、②头发()、③表达()④扩大兴旺()
