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since then,most of our courses (teach) using computer.A lot of information _____(take) from internet to help us with our teaching.Besides, a new computer room (set up) in our school. We start this experiment together with the City Information Technology Centre, which (complete) recently.
1 look at the following sentence, paying attention to th underlined part. Over the time I have been changed a lot.
pick out more than two sentences in the present perfect passive voice from the reading passage.
Book2 unit3 Grammer
Present perfect passive voice
1 to grasp the present perfect passive voice 2 to use it correctly in many situations
Task1 observing & searching
We hope you will help us with t-his exciting new developme8nt
Almost 100 computerhsave__been (ggivievne) to us by a local
computer company since the end of last year.A decisionhas_b_e_e_n m(madaeke) that we will begin a computer
5The computers have been given away to a local school
6 A kind of intelligent robot has been developed.
6பைடு நூலகம்
Task4 Application
the present perfect passive voice is often used in formal situations such as articles , poems and speeches.
Task2 analyzing
L16. First as PC and then as a laptop, I have been used in offices and homes since the 1970s.
L21.Over time my memeory have developed so much that ,like an elephant,I never forgot anything I have been told.
L30. I have even been put in- to space rockets and sen4 t
Task3 changing
Example: We have made a plan. A plan has been made (by us)
1 My friend has bought a new personal computer. 2 The shop has repaired my computer very quickly. 3 An unknown virus has just attacked my computer. 4 We have not solved the problem yet. 5 The company has given its computers away to a local school 6 The scientists have developed a kind of intelligent
tehaacshbienegnepxropveirdiemdent in our school.So every teacher
Notice to parents(page57)
Dear parents,
we hope you will welcome this news.
Almost 100 computers (give) to us by a local computer company since the end of last year.A decision (make) that we will begin a computer teaching experiment in our school.So every teacher (provide) with a laptop since the beginning of this term.
1 A new personal computer has been bought by my friend. 2 My computer has been repaired very quickly by the shop . 3 My computer has just been attacked by an unknow virus. 4 The problem has not been solved yet.
L26. Since the 1970s many new applications have been found for me
L28. I have also been put into robots and used to make mobile phones as well as help withd medical operations.