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我突然明白了他说的话(I suddenly understand his words),我要追上这辆车(I must stop the taxi),我要对他说我知道我做错了什么(I want to tell him that I know I made a mistake),你可不可以原谅我(Could you forgive me)?可不可以再等等我(could you wait for me)?等等我吧前路太险恶(There are so many obstacles in life),世上这么多人,只有你(There are so many people in the whole world),是给我最多安全感的伴侣(only you can give me security);请不要就这么放弃我(Please don’t give it up),请你别放弃我(don’t give it up)。

我不再要那些一击即碎的自尊了(I don’t want my so-called pride),我的自信也全部是空穴来风(my confidence no longer exists),我要让你看到我现在有多卑微(I want you to know that how humble)。

你能不能原谅我(I can be Could you forgive me),请你原谅我(Please forgive me)!
放开她,嘛呢,嘛呢?(Let her go! What are you doing?) 我有没有告诉过你(Did I warn you before) 不要再纠缠黄小仙(Don’t bother Xiaoxian again) 怎么了这是(What! What do you mean) 怎么了陆然(what’s wrong, Luran) 什么什么意思啊(What)?上班路上拦(You annoyed her way to the office) 下班家门口堵(and waited for her at door) 不接你电话就改写信(She didn’t answer you phone and you wrote to her) 你丫够古典的呀!(How classic) 平时也就算了还闹到这儿来(I never thought you dared to do this today) 就算你不懂法她旁边还站着一喘气的呢你瞎呀(I’m here and I’m not blind) 指、指、指什么指啊(Stop pointing at me) 大学老师没教过你要尊重人啊(Your teacher never told you to respect others) 小学老师没教过你要讲文明懂礼貌啊(Your primary school teacher never told you to be polite) 小仙儿为什么跟你分手(Why Xiaoxian broke up with you) 那点破事你心里没数啊我们都懒得提了你不害臊(don’t you understand Don’t make me tell others) 小仙儿还替你丢人现眼哪(Xiaoxian feels so ashamed of you) 别动手,别动手(Don’t fight) 威胁我呀抢婚哪(Threaten me) 记错日子了吧(Want to take her away) 今天不是我跟小仙儿办事(it is a wrong time) 我们俩办事一定通知你(We’ll inform you when we get married) 今天是别人的大喜日子(But this is other people’s wedding) 打打电话问问你爹妈这么做合适吗(Please call your parents and ask whether it’s proper to do this)。
