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Based on all that we've learned about digital news distribution and consumption over the past few years, the game for agencies is no longer just about satisfying business customers. It's about working with business customers to engage the end users of the news, regardless of whether we're reaching them through our own application on the iPhone or on the pages of a customer's Web site.
The game changed immediately. Teams were rewarded with three points for successes behind the new arc. Strategies changed. Teams recruited players with an array of skills to counterbalance opponents with one very tall player who dominated scoring from a very short distance.
Speech of Tom Curley, President and CEO of AP at the World Media Summit
Oct. 9, 2009
President Li, I salute you for your leadership and vision in organizing this summit. The timing could not be better. The Associated Press and I are honored to join with all your guests in exchanging ideas at this moment of profound economic, technical and cultural change. We especially are pleased to be inBeijingat this moment - at the 60th anniversary celebration for the People's Republic ofChina.
As we imagine a future for media, this simple basketball metaphor seems to resonate. It suggests the value of avoiding the trap of looking for something big enough to change the big picture. In fact, the small changes drive real innovation. To be a game-changer, find breakthroughs to common challenges.
The marketplace for news content is growing. More people in more places seek out news more often than ever. Yet, we don't get paid appropriately for our hard work and the risks we take.
The court, though finite, suddenly was expanded, as spacing spread to half the playing surface instead of the so-called "paint" right underneath the basket. Defenses that continued to pack the paint would then do so at their peril. Premium scoring was taking place from a new frontier.
Rather than offer one more speech on the pitfalls and potential of the Internet, I'd like to present one concept. We call it the game-changer. President Li is an avid basketball fan, so I believe he will appreciate this concept.
The choices are harder than ever. The culture and the economy have changed along with the technology of the digital age. The changes are so radical and pervasive that after nearly 15 years of doing business on the Internet, news organizations are still testing long-held aBiblioteka Baidusumptions about what the other side of the digital bridge actually looks like.
Free-riders and pirates are claiming they're entitled to our property. And we face challenges in adapting to a world where our former customers - consumers of news - easily can help produce or report the news. Whether you live in westTexasor westChina, news can come from tweets even before agencies as AP or Xinhua have found out and begun their reporting.
Much about this era and its dislocating technologies is good. Much requires us to adjust as well. President Li has called us together to share our ideas about priorities and and, hopefully, some efforts at maintaining our relevance. Thank you, President Li, for both this opportunity and, as ever, your gracious and spirited hospitality. You make any visit toBeijingvery special and memorable.
In 1986, an organization known for its intransigence made a small change to a very popular game that it governed for the universities in theUnited States. The organization, the NCAA, painted an arc on the basketball courts, a semi-oval line radiating 19 feet 9 inches from a 10-foot high basket.
In the next couple years, all news organizations face the same mission - get all the way across the burning bridge from analog to digital journalism and to make the difficult choices that this crossing presents.