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LengJun was born in sichuan in 1963, is the most representative of Chinese contemporary realism oil painting of the painter. Standing in front of LengJun works, even if you don't understand painting, can feel the power of a thrilling. Through layers of paint, he brings us is silent, cold and deep - "dry but paint meat not bone, bear the name of a famous horse air conditioning funeral“. And LengJun with ordinary brush, by mixing pigments and thought, on the canvas surging to show his understanding of painting. Under him, the brush has a soul, a character. In the rack paintings were strongly questioned, realism confinement of contemporary painting, LengJun but with its super realism style, in the Chinese painting, is the leading Chinese contemporary realism oil painting. All visitors to his lies, fine detail of the picture.
《关于蒙娜丽莎微笑的设计 This painting in contemporary subject matter 》 这 幅画对当代题材与内容的切入给观者精神上 and content of cuts to the viewer spiritual
也形成全面的张力,心灵受到强烈的震颤!冷 formation also full of tension, the heart is 军的 "写生 "被作为是保证画面信息来源的生动性 strong tremor! LengJun "sketch" is as 、丰富性和可靠性以及激发行动的表现方式, guarantee, richness and vitality of the source 在作画时他往往要逼近对象,扫描式的寻找、 images information reliability and inspire 体会每个所需要的细节。 action expression, he often to approaching objects when painting, scanning to find and understand every details you need.
2007年,冷军用了一年多的时间, 画了一幅震惊中国美术史的肖像画《 小罗》,这幅作品在文化部 主办的第 四届全国画院优秀作品展览中获得画 院奖。该作品真正达到了“细腻而不 因画结缘——执着才子娶得佳人归 腻,逼真而非真”的大师水准。
小罗正是冷军的现任妻子 他们因画结缘相识相知再相恋 2007, LengJun spent more than a year, did a
They were acquainted affinity and fell in love
realistic or artistic
黑白照片,而对象是一些碎布 条、旧奖章、铅笔头、小钥匙 、从“史努比”漫画书撕下的 碎纸片以及他这组作品中经常 会出现的钉子和螺母等等。冷 军首先将物品通过复印机复印 成平面初稿,最后用丙烯颜料 进行深化与改造,达到每个细 节都极端写实的地步,同时又 保留一定程度的机械复制感。 这堆已经失去实用价值的人工 制品被摆成了一个近似十字架 的构图,以一种冷隽的深不可 2015-1-8 测的姿态面对着观者。
shocking portrait of Chinese arts \"ronaldinho, it For affinity - persistent wit to marry the wind works on the ministry's host the fourth session of the national academies prize ofcurrent excellent works Ronaldinho is LengJun wife exhibition in art academies.
冷军一年只画一幅作品 Draw a picture LengJun only a year
这幅画就是其中之一 This painting is one of them 画面模拟了灯光的效果并且根据受光面 的不同表现出光在苹果上的不同变化 Screen to simulate the lighting effect and according to the different performance of receives the light variations on the apple 这使画面更真实好像是由镜子透过的一 样 This makes the picture more real like is from the mirror through 这既是我们的主题-镜中世界 This is both our theme - the mirror of the world
1.人物概述(introduction) 2.艺术生涯(profession) 3.论写实性与艺术性(realistic or artistic)
-------------------------The repressentative of contemporary Chinese super realism oil painting ofthepainter 冷军的油画作品以其独到的 构思结合非凡的艺术技巧在 当今中国画坛独树一帜,其 作品的最大特点就是极端化 写实。观者在其画前无不被 其画面精致入微的形象与技 巧所折服。画面物体真真切 切,置立其间让人心魂荡溢 ,不仅如此,由于对当代题 材与内容的切入给观者精神 上也形成全面张力,心灵受 到强烈的震颤!……
冷军的画,在当下浮躁的画坛上,以其沉静 、细腻,赢得了广大美术爱好者的追随和欣赏, 更赢得了市场的认同。