
Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys【本次课重要性】新概念第二册教学为常规课重要补充内容,通过学习本课,学生将接触到一些与时事相关的词汇和表达方式,同时帮助学生树立正确的价值观。
【教学重点】1.掌握本课相关的词汇、固定搭配,如:group及相关固定搭配、pop singer、club、performance及相关固定搭配、occasion及相关固定搭配等。
将来进行时——略讲(15mins)请在课文中找出使用将来进行时的句子They will be arriving here tomorrow.They will be ing by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Worker’s Club.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.They will be trying to keep order.<1> 概述将来进行时表示将来某一时刻正在进行的动作或某段时间持续的动作。

Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿林少年【New words and expressions】(5)group n. 小组,团体pop singer 流行歌手club n. 俱乐部performance n. 演出occasion n. 场合★ group [ɡruːp] n. 小组, 团体● a group of 一群(有序的),一组,一队● a crowd of 一群(无序的)★ pop singer [pɒp ˈsɪŋə(r)] 流行歌手●pop (popular 的缩写)(adj.)受欢迎的,通俗的,流行的,大众的eg. pop song 流行歌曲pop music 流行音乐●singer (n.)歌手●sing (v.) sang sung★ club [klʌb] n. 俱乐部eg. night club 夜总会★ performance [pəˈfɔːməns](1)n. 执行,完成,履行eg. He is praised for the excellent performace of his duties.他因为出色地覆行了自己的职责而受到表扬。
(2)n. 表现,工作情况eg. His performace in the maths exam is not very good.他数学考试考得不太好。
(3)n. 演出,表演(本课意思)[c]eg. The pop singer will give five performances.●举行演出 give a performance = put on a performance ●perform(v.) 演出,表演,履行,执行eg. They will perform a play tonight.= They will give us a performance tonight.今晚他们将演出一台剧。
He writes and performs his own music.他演出自己创作的音乐。

10’Lesson 13 - The Greenwood Boys一、教学重点1、时态:将来进行时(will/shall be doing)。
3’①Who are the Greenwood Boys?②Who will be meeting the Greenwood Boys at the station?③Why will the police have a difficult time?3、生词解读,纠正发音。
1’三、精讲课文1、The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers.Greenwood Boys 是这个乐队的名称,所以首字母要大写。
a group of 一队,一群。
pop = popular 流行的:pop music,pop culture,pop art 波普艺术2、At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. 这里的visit可以译为“巡回演出”。
at present 目前,现在,现阶段。

Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys绿林少年★group 1) n. 群,组,团体a group of people 一群人 a group of trees 一片树林eg. A group of little girls was playing in the park. 一群女孩子在公园里玩。
(强调整体时,谓语动词用单数)eg. A group of little girls were playing in the park.(强调个体时,谓语动词用复数)2)(公司联营)集团a newspaper group 报业集团the transportation group 运输集团3) (流行音乐)乐团a group of pop singers 一个流行歌手的乐团groupie (口)流行乐队迷band n.乐队(如零点乐队, 只有一个主唱)4) v. 将……分类eg. He grouped his books into five fields. 他把书分成五类。
5) v. 将…聚集,使…成群eg. The pupils grouped around the teacher. 学生们围在老师周围。
★pop singer 流行歌手pop adj. 受欢迎的,通俗的,流行的,大众的(popular的缩写)pop song(music)流行音乐pop star : 歌星★club n. 俱乐部a football club 足球俱乐部 a golf club 高尔夫俱乐部join the club 加入俱乐部night club 夜总会n. 梅花(纸牌)the ten of clubs 梅花牌的10点spade 黑桃,铁锹heart 红桃,心diamond 方块,钻石★performance n. 演出①n. 执行,完成,履行He is praised for the excellent performance of his duties.②n. 表现,工作情况His performance in the mathematics exam is not very good.③n. 演出,表演The pop singers will give five performances.-mance 名词后缀perform v. 演出★occasion n. 1)场合,时刻中文: 在某种场合, 某种条件下, 某种环境中英文: occasion = time 某个时候on the(this. that) occasion 在这(那)种场合下2) n. 机会,时间suitable or right timeoccasion for sth 做某事的时机或场合eg. I'll buy a car if the occasion comes. 有机会我会买辆车。

新概念英语第二册第13课第一篇:新概念英语第二册第13课Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys 绿(lu)林少年The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers.At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.They will be arriving here tomorrow.They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.T omorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club.The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.During this time, they will give five performances.As usual, the police will have a difficult time.They will be trying to keep order.It is always the same on these occasions.New words and expressions 生词和短语group [ɡru:p] n.小组,团体pop singer 流行歌手club [klʌb] n.俱乐部 performance [ pəˈfɔ:məns] n.演出occasion [əˈkeiʒən] n.场合参考译文“绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团。

2.1 Listen, repeat and check.
05 Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club.
at the Workers' Club.
名词所有格 1、在单数名词后 加’S
小孩的话 A child’s word
Tom’s new job
2、以S结尾的单数名词后面加’S 一个女服务员的工作 a waitress’s job
3、在规则的复数名词之后加省字号’ 男生学校 boys’ school 4、名词复数不以S结尾的名词后加’S 儿童节 Children’s Day 妇女节 Women’s Day
New Concept English II Lesson 13
The Greenwood Boys
1.1 Look, think and answer.
What are the Greenwood Boys doing now?
1.1 Look, think and answer.
How will they be coming?
perform v.履行;执行;施行, 演出,表演
perform an operation
perform one’s promise
perform an experiment
perform a trick
performer n.表演者,演奏者
2.1 Listen, repeat and check.
1.1 Look, think and answer.
How many performances will they give?
新概念英语第二册Lesson13 The Greenwood Boys 课件

Who are the Greenwood Boys?
They are a group of pop singers.
How will they come?
They will be coming by train.
Why will the police have a difficult time?
4.Whose is this mobile phone? (Tom or Tom’s)
— It belongs to Tom.
Or _I_t__is__T_o_m_’s_.____
6. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days.
7. During this time, they will give five performances.
二、用表示将来进行时的will be doing改写以下句子 e.g:We’ll discuss this topic with them in the office.
We’ll be discussing this topic with them in the office. 1.We’ll see our friends in the summer. W_e’_ll_b_e__s_e_ei_n_g_o_u_r_f_r_ie_n_d_s__in__th_e__s_um__m_e_r_. _______ 2.They’ll catch the 10 o’clock flight. Th_ey_’_ll_b_e__c_at_c_h_in_g___th_e__t_en__o_’c_lo_c_k__fl_ig_h_t_.________ 3.We’ll decorate our new house. W_e_’l_l _b_e_d_e_c_o_ra_t_i_ng__o_u_r_n_e_w__h_ou_s_e_.______________ 4.John will work the whole weekend. Jo_h_n__w_il_l _b_e_w_o_r_k_in_g__th_e__w_h_o_le__w_e_e_k_e_nd_.__________ 5.A group of pop singers will put on a performance. A _g_r_ou_p__o_f_p_o_p_s_i_ng_e_r_s_w__ill__b_e_p_u_t_ti_n_g_o_n__a_p_e_r_fo_r_m_a_n_ce.
新概念英语第二册第13课 Lesson 13The Greenwood boys 绿林少年课件

• Jazz爵士
• blues布鲁斯,蓝调 swing摇摆乐
• campus songs校园歌曲
• civic ballad民谣
• national music民族音乐
• world famous music世界名曲
• folk songs民歌
art songs艺术歌曲
• black blue 忧郁的
Backstreet Boys 后街男 孩 (缩写:BSB)是一支
美国流行乐组合,1993年于 美国佛罗里达州奥兰多市成 立,成立之初五位成员都不 过十几岁。
至今为止他们已经在美国销售 了3800万张唱片,全球销量 近9000万张,是自1990年代 中期来最受欢迎的男生组合。 由于他们在美国当时是较早的 一个男孩团体,所以被誉为
• Take it easy
• Hotel california
• You belong to the city
• The girl from yesterday
• Hole in the world
(为9.11遇难者而唱 )
甲壳虫乐队 the beetles • A band from the UK • Established in 1956 • End in 1970
Seasons in the Sun My Love
• Westlife(西城男孩)是在1998年成立的
爱尔兰男子歌唱团体。 Westlife在爱尔兰和 英国走红,在非洲、澳大利亚与亚洲也很受 欢迎。1999年至2005年间,Westlife有13张 单曲唱片在英国高据首位;其数量排名历史 第四位,仅次于Elvis Presley、披头士和Cliff Richard。西城男孩也是英国流行音乐史上 唯一一支头七支单曲空降榜首的乐队。他们 也是唯一一个在英国拿过四次“年度最佳专 辑”的组合。西城男孩在世界范围内售出四 千万张专辑,其中包括七张超白金专辑。

一、目标1. 引导学生掌握本课时的单词、短语和句型。
2. 激发学生对课文内容的兴趣,促进学生对英语学习的积极性。
3. 培养学生的英语语感,提高学生的语言表达能力。
二、设计理念1. 融合多种元素:在板书设计中融入图画、图片、单词、短语和句型,使得板书内容更加直观生动。
2. 激发学生兴趣:通过生动的插图和形象的文字,引导学生对课文内容产生浓厚的兴趣。
3. 多角度呈现:板书内容以多种形式和角度呈现,使得学生能够从不同角度理解和掌握知识内容。
三、具体设计1. 主题概述主题:Lesson 13 An unknown goddess简要概述:介绍一个神秘的女神形象,引发学生对神话和文化的兴趣,激发学生学习英语的主动性和创造性。
2. 板书内容设计(1)主体内容- 单词:goddess, unknown, temple, ancient- 短语:in front of, in search of, be dedicated to- 句型:This is an unknown goddess. She is dedicated to the temple. We are in search of ancient ruins.(2)图画呈现在板书上以插画的方式呈现未知女神形象,搭配古老的神庙建筑,引导学生对课文内容进行想象和联想。
3. 板书布局(1)主题呈现板书设计以主题内容为中心,突出未知女神形象和古老神庙的图像,吸引学生的注意力。

2012-3-31 初一【前10分钟】检查作业、听写单词,讲解题目。
10’Lesson 13 – The Greenwood Boys一、教学重点12、词汇:名词所有格的用法二、教学步骤【第一节课】1、引入话题(详见右框)。
10’4、带问题听录音3遍:20’①What are the Greenwood Boys?②When will they be coming here?③What will they be doing tomorrow evening?And how many performances will they give?④What will the police be trying to do as usual?5、精讲课文,板书和笔记(详见下文)。
I think he will be staying at home this time tomorrow.B、“六一儿童节”,我们会骑自行车出去公园玩。
We will ride to the park on Children’s Days.C、他家在该村很有名。
His family is very famous in the country, because his family are very helpful。
His daughter’s dance performance was very successful. He is very proud of it.E、在他们结婚的时候,他们收到了很多人的祝福。

Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys绿林少年【New words and expressions】生词和短语(5)group n. 小组,团体pop singer 流行歌手club n. 俱乐部performance n. 演出occasion n. 场合★group 1) n. 群,组,团体a group of people 一群人 a group of trees 一片树林eg. A group of little girls was playing in the park. 一群女孩子在公园里玩。
(强调整体时,谓语动词用单数)eg. A group of little girls were playing in the park.(强调个体时,谓语动词用复数)2)(公司联营)集团a newspaper group 报业集团the transportation group 运输集团3) (流行音乐)乐团a group of pop singers 一个流行歌手的乐团groupie (口)流行乐队迷band n.乐队(如零点乐队, 只有一个主唱)4) v. 将……分类eg. He grouped his books into five fields. 他把书分成五类。
5) v. 将…聚集,使…成群eg. The pupils grouped around the teacher. 学生们围在老师周围。
★pop singer 流行歌手pop adj. 受欢迎的,通俗的,流行的,大众的(popular的缩写)pop song(music)流行音乐pop star : 歌星★club n. 俱乐部a football club 足球俱乐部 a golf club 高尔夫俱乐部join the club 加入俱乐部night club 夜总会n. 梅花(纸牌)the ten of clubs 梅花牌的10点spade 黑桃,铁锹heart 红桃,心diamond 方块,钻石★performance n. 演出①n. 执行,完成,履行He is praised for the excellent performance of his duties.②n. 表现,工作情况His performance in the mathematics exam is not very good.③n. 演出,表演The pop singers will give five performances.-mance 名词后缀perform v. 演出★occasion n. 1)场合,时刻中文: 在某种场合, 某种条件下, 某种环境中英文: occasion = time 某个时候on the(this. that) occasion 在这(那)种场合下2) n. 机会,时间suitable or right timeoccasion for sth 做某事的时机或场合eg. I'll buy a car if the occasion comes. 有机会我会买辆车。
新概念 第二册第13 课时

当用occasion表示在某个/些场合时,它与介词 on连用
on these occasion (s)每逢这种场合 the same 表示情况相同
注意同一意思的多种表达方式 Why are you late? = What took you so long?
Grammar points
Music in Britain
• 国王们的欣赏口味是否能反映其臣民的欣 赏口味,这一点值得探讨。然而英国有三 位君主在音乐上却与其百姓有共同的喜好 ,这一点无可争议。里查一世谱写歌曲并 和音乐家布兰德尔一同吟唱。亨利八世, 因娶了六个妻子而臭名昭著,却是一位音 乐行家,他的一些歌曲至今被世人流传。 维多利亚女王和她的丈夫艾伯特亲王以唱 民歌为乐。
He is praised for the excellent performance of
his duties. ② n. 表现,工作情况
His performance in the mathematics exam is
not very good. ③ n. 演出,表演
The pop singers will give five performances. -mance 名词后缀 perform v. 演出
3.Where__a will, there is a way. A. there will have B. has been there C. there is D. there has
• 在许多城镇还有钢管乐队(brass band),其 成员大都是矿工或地方消防人员。
• 值得一提的是,凡在60年代风靡一时的摇滚乐 队几乎都来自英国,
• 如甲壳虫乐队(The Beatles), • 滚石乐队(The Rolling Stones), • 谁人乐队(The who), • 大门乐队(The Doors) 等等。
新概念英语第二册教学参考(教参)标准教案Lesson 13The Greenwood Boys

新概念英语标准教案The Standard Teaching Plan of Omni-courses for EnglishLesson 13 The Greenwood BoysStep 1 Topic1. Ask the students to have a reciting competition.(建议用额外时间)让学生进行抽签,每个人抽取3-4篇课文进行背诵。
2. Have a brief introduction about the pop groups in occidental countries to get into Lesson 13.(请简要介绍欧美流行歌唱组合、代表作.)Beatles/ Backstreet Boys/ Westlife/ N’sync/ 98 degree/ 等等Beatles; “Yesterday”“Let it be” “Yellow submarine”Backstreet Boys; “Everyone”“Larger than life”“I wanted it that way”Westlife; “My love”“Flying without wings”“Swear it again”N’sync; “Bye Bye Bye”“It’s gonna be me”98 degree; “Because of you”“Always you and I”顺便告诉学生,很多的代表歌曲都会在两册的音乐板块听到。
3. 解释标题,和学生讨论翻译的问题:Greenwood boys 如何翻译绿林男孩是否不妥当:绿林很象是土匪水浒的翻译曾经是“The story between 105 men and 3 women”真是搞不清楚是几个三角关系。
新概念二Lesson 13教案

all parts of the country=all parts of the world in all parts of the world 在全世界各地
2.will be doing 将来进行时态,用来表示最近的将来正在进行的动作或说话人设想已经安排好的事情,将来进行时态的意思往往等于一般将来时态.
tomorrow evening 明天晚上;yesterday evening 昨天晚上;this evening 今天晚上
4. …will be staying here for five days 逗留五天
…give five performances 演出五场
5.as usual 象往常一样,照例
Key structures
将来进行时与现在进行时的区别,将来进行时的构成:shall/will be+doing
25 min
1.at present =now 目前,现在
nowadays adv. 目前
up to now =so far 到现在为止
visit v.拜访、参观;(歌手)巡演
most of the young people in the town 镇上的大部分年轻人(介词短语作定语)
most of + the… 大多数的……(一定要加‘the’)
① vt.&vi.(偶然)遇见,遇到
② vt.(约定地点或时间)和……会面,迎接
meet sb. +地点 去某地接某人
see sb. off 送行, 目送
③ vt.(经介绍)和……相识/见面
新概念2 课文语法详解第13课 教师版

新概念英语第二册第13课学案Part 1 Words1. group1) n. 群,组,团体a group of people / trees 一群人/一片树林Eg. A group of little girls were playing in the park.2) (公司联营)集团3)乐团a group of pop singers4) v. 将……分类Eg. He grouped his books into five fields.5) v. 将……聚集,使……成群Eg. The pupils grouped around the teacher.2. club n. 俱乐部n. 梅花(纸牌)eg. the ten of clubs 梅花十*spade 黑桃(铁锹)heart 红桃diamond 方块call a spade a spade 实话实说3. performance n. 表演,演出(可名)=give a performance 做演出,进行演出*perform1) v. 表演act, playperform a trick 表演特技(戏法)2) v. 做,完成,履行(约定,命令等)p erform one’s promise 履行诺言p erform one’s operation 做手术p erform one’s experiment 做实验4. occasion1) n. 时刻,场合on this occasion 在这种场合之下on that occasion 在那种场合之下2)机会(opportunity),时间*occasion for sth 做某事的时间/机会Eg. This is not an occasion for laughter. 现在不是笑的时候.*occasional adj. 偶尔的,有时的Eg. We will have occasional snow during the night. Part 2 Grammar将来进行时1. 句型主语+will be doing sth.主语+shall be doing sth(主语是I/we)2) 意义1)表示将来某时间正在进行的动作Eg. What will you be doing at eight tomorrow evening?2)对即将发生动作的一种推测Eg. The police will be trying to keep order.3)用将来进行时提问更加客气,礼貌,有诚意Eg. Will you be teaching us next term?3.从语法上讲,能用will be doing 的句子(将来进行时), 都能换成will do (一般将来时),表达语气,含义上稍有差别。

2. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.
at present: now 目前,现在 eg. I’m free at present. visit: v. (根据上下文译为)巡回演出 part: n. 地区 an area eg. Which part of the town do you live
will/shall be doing
eg.What will you be doing at eight tomorrow evening? What will you be doing on Saturday?
2.要在将来某一时间开始,并继续下去的动作 eg. The police will be trying to keep order.
a group of pop singers
group:指合唱团 band n.乐队
pop singers: popular singers pop music:流行音乐 pop art:流行艺术
be popular with…
Pop music is popular with young people.
New words and expressions
group: n. 小组,团体
pop singer: 流行歌手
club: 俱乐部
performance: n. 演出 occasion: n. 场合
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Lesson 13 The Greenwood Boys绿林少年【New words and expressions】生词和短语(5)group n. 小组,团体pop singer 流行歌手club n. 俱乐部performance n. 演出occasion n. 场合★group 1) n. 群,组,团体a group of people 一群人 a group of trees 一片树林eg. A group of little girls was playing in the park. 一群女孩子在公园里玩。
(强调整体时,谓语动词用单数)eg. A group of little girls were playing in the park.(强调个体时,谓语动词用复数)2)(公司联营)集团a newspaper group 报业集团the transportation group 运输集团3) (流行音乐)乐团a group of pop singers 一个流行歌手的乐团groupie (口)流行乐队迷band n.乐队(如零点乐队, 只有一个主唱)4) v. 将……分类eg. He grouped his books into five fields. 他把书分成五类。
5) v. 将…聚集,使…成群eg. The pupils grouped around the teacher. 学生们围在老师周围。
★pop singer 流行歌手pop adj. 受欢迎的,通俗的,流行的,大众的(popular的缩写)pop song(music)流行音乐pop star : 歌星★club n. 俱乐部a football club 足球俱乐部 a golf club 高尔夫俱乐部join the club 加入俱乐部night club 夜总会n. 梅花(纸牌)the ten of clubs 梅花牌的10点spade 黑桃,铁锹heart 红桃,心diamond 方块,钻石★performance n. 演出①n. 执行,完成,履行He is praised for the excellent performance of his duties.②n. 表现,工作情况His performance in the mathematics exam is not very good.③n. 演出,表演The pop singers will give five performances.-mance 名词后缀perform v. 演出★occasion n. 1)场合,时刻中文: 在某种场合, 某种条件下, 某种环境中英文: occasion = time 某个时候on the(this. that) occasion 在这(那)种场合下2) n. 机会,时间suitable or right timeoccasion for sth 做某事的时机或场合eg. I'll buy a car if the occasion comes. 有机会我会买辆车。
occasionally <adv.>=sometimes 有时候, 偶尔【Text】The Greenwood Boys are a group of pop singers. At present, they are visiting all parts of the country. They will be arriving here tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club. The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.参考译文“绿林少年”是一个流行歌曲演唱团. 目前他们正在全国各地巡回演出, 明天就要到达此地. 他们将乘火车来, 镇上的大部分青年人将到车站迎接他们. 明晚他们将在工人俱乐部演出. “绿林少年”准备在此逗留5天. 在此期间, 他们将演出5场. 同往常一样, 警察的日子将不好过, 他们将设法维持秩序. 每逢这种场合, 情况都是这样.【课文讲解】1、At present, they are visiting all parts of the country.★at present =now=at this time 目前,现在The doctor is very busy at present.nowadays adv. 目前up to now =so far 到现在为止★present1) n. ['prezənt] 当前,目前the past, the present and the future 过去,现在和将来eg. I can't help you at present------I'm too busy.2) adj. 现存的,现有的existing or happening nowthe present difficulties 现有的困难the present problems 现存的问题3) adj. 在场的,出席的eg. Who else was present on that occasion? 当时还有谁在场?4) n. 礼物gift 是稍正式的说法5) v. [pri'zent] 赠送,呈现,呈递,授予eg. The mayor presented the prizes in person. 市长亲自颁发这些奖项。
eg. The principal presented a diploma [di'pləumə] to each of the graduates.校长为每位毕业生颁发文凭。
6) v. 表示,显露(表情等)present a calm face 神色安详7) v. 介绍,引见(向地位较高的人说)eg. May I present Mr. Brown to you?★visit v.拜访、参观;(歌手)巡演visit+地点表示去某地The headmasters of the New Oriental school visited Lanzhou.这指演讲★all parts of the country 全国各地(all在这里是“各种的,各个”)all parts of the world 全世界各地;介词用inin all parts of the world 在全世界各地all over the country 遍布全国all over the world 遍及全世界★part1) n. 部分spare parts 配件eg. The early part of her life was spent in a remote village.eg. Which parts of France have you visited? 你去过法国哪些地方?2) 角色part, role, characterperform the part of the Hamlet 扮演哈姆雷特这一角色or: play the part of the Hamletor: act the part of the Hamletor: take the part of the Hamlet或将上述表达中的part换成role, character。
3) v. 分开part as friends 友好地分手They parted at the station. 他们在车站分手了。
2、They will be coming by train and most of the young people in the town will be meeting them at the station.★will be doing 将来进行时态,用来表示最近的将来正在进行的动作或说话人设想已经安排好的事情,将来进行时态的意思往往等于一般将来时态.We will be acting. 我们将要行动了most of the young people in the town 镇上的大部分年轻人(介词短语作定语)most of + the…大多数的……(一定要加‘the’)most of the books; most of the timemost of the young people = most young peoplemost students = most of the students.★meet①vt.&vi.(偶然)遇见,遇到We met at a restaurant.②vt.(约定地点或时间)和……会面,迎接meet sb. +地点去某地接某人Who will be meet you when you arrive in London?see sb. off 送行, 目送③vt.(经介绍)和……相识/见面I’d like to meet your brother.3、Tomorrow evening they will be singing at the Workers' Club.★last night 昨天夜间;tonight 今天夜间;tomorrow night 明天夜间;next night 第二天晚上tomorrow evening 明天晚上;yesterday evening 昨天晚上;this evening 今天晚上★at the Workers' Club 在工人俱乐部4、The Greenwood Boys will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances.…will be staying here for five days 逗留五天…give five performances 演出五场5、As usual, the police will have a difficult time.★as usual 象往常一样,照例On that day, he was late for work as usual.★difficult这里解释为“难对付的”、“费劲的”,指麻烦比较多。