英语演讲Chapter 9 Outlining the Speech




英语演讲作文要不要落款English:In English speech or essay writing, it is not necessary to sign your name at the end. The focus should be on the content and delivery of the speech rather than the formalities of signing it. Typically, the introduction should provide context and engage the audience, followed by a clear thesis statement outlining the main points to be discussed. Each subsequent paragraph should address a different aspect of the topic, supported by evidence and examples. Transitions between paragraphs should be smooth to maintain the flow of the speech. Additionally, a strong conclusion should summarize the main points and leave a lasting impression on the audience. It's important to practice the speech beforehand to ensure fluency and confidence in delivery. As for essays, the conclusion can be a fitting place for your personal reflection or a call to action, but again, there's no need to sign your name as it's understood that you're the author.中文翻译:在英语演讲或作文中,不需要在结尾签上你的名字。

新编英语演讲与辩论 Chapter 3 Preparing a Speech

新编英语演讲与辩论 Chapter 3 Preparing a Speech
Chapter 3 Preparing a Speech―Outlining, Beginning and Ending a Speech
01 Warm-up Questions 02 Outlining the Speech 03 Beginning the Speech 04 Ending the Speech 05 Exercises
Outlining the Speech
Identifying Your Purpose: Write down a clear statement of what you want to achieve. Three general purposes: to inform, persuade, or entertain the audience • What are you informing the
Warm-up Questiones
What is the first step you take when you start
writing your speech?
How important do you think are the introduction
and conclusion of a speech?
Making an Effective Introduction There are four effective ways to develop an introduction.
01 Asking a Question 02 Citing a Quotation 03 Employing Startling Facts or Statistics 04 Telling Stories



英语演讲过程英语作文Title: The Journey of an English Speech.The art of delivering an English speech is a journey that traverses the vast landscape of preparation, anxiety, confidence, and ultimately, fulfillment. It is a path that demands not only linguistic proficiency but also emotional resilience and strategic planning. This essay aims to explore the intricacies of this journey, from its initial stages to the triumphant conclusion.The Initial Steps: Preparation and Research.The journey begins with a spark of inspiration, a topic that ignites a passion within us. It is essential to choose a subject that not only resonates with our interests but also holds the potential to engage and inform our audience. Once the topic is selected, the process of research commences. This involves delving into the vast repository of information, sifting through books, articles, and onlineresources to gather facts, data, and insights that will form the backbone of our speech.The next step is to organize these ideas into a logical and coherent structure. This involves outlining the main points, sub-points, and the transition between them. The outline serves as a roadmap, guiding us through the speech and ensuring that we cover all the crucial aspects of our chosen topic.The Middle Miles.。

outlining the speech

outlining the speech

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Guidelines for the preparation outline 1. state the specific purpose and central idea 2. label the introduction, body and conclusion 3. use a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation 4. State main points and subpoints in full sentences 5. Label transition, Internal summaries and Internal previews 6. attach a bibliography 7. give your speech title (brief, attractive, encapsulating)
Sample checklist
• • • • • • 1. Does my speech have a title? 2. Do I state the specific purpose before the text of the outline itself? 3. Do I state the central idea before the text of the outline itself? 4. Are the introduction, body and conclusion clearly labeled? 5. Are main points and subpoints written in full sentences? 6. Are transitions, internal summaries and internal previews clearly labeld? • 7. Does the outline follow a consistent pattern of symbolization and indentation? • 8. Does the outline provide a clear visual framework that shows the relationships among the idea of my speech? • 9. Does the bibliography identify all the sources I consulted in preparing he outline?



期待你演讲成功的英文作文Title: The Road to a Successful Speech。

Crafting a successful speech is akin to embarking on a journey where every word is a stepping stone towards the destination of impact and resonance. Here, I'll outline the key strategies and elements essential for ensuring thatyour speech not only captivates the audience but alsoleaves a lasting impression.First and foremost, clarity and coherence are paramount. Your message should be crystal clear, ensuring that every listener can grasp the essence of your speech effortlessly. Begin by outlining the main points you wish to convey, ensuring a logical flow between each idea. Remember, awell-structured speech acts as a guide for both you andyour audience, facilitating comprehension and engagement.Next, infuse your speech with authenticity and passion. Your words should reflect genuine belief and enthusiasm,resonating with sincerity. Audiences are adept at discerning authenticity, and it is this genuine connection that fosters trust and rapport. Share personal anecdotes or experiences to underscore your message, allowing your audience to glimpse the human element behind the words.Moreover, consider the power of storytelling. Narratives have a unique ability to captivate attention and evoke emotions, making your message more memorable and compelling. Whether through anecdotes, analogies, or allegories, weaving a narrative thread throughout your speech will enhance its impact and resonance.Furthermore, leverage the persuasive power of rhetoric. Employ rhetorical devices such as parallelism, repetition, and rhetorical questions to add emphasis and rhetoricalflair to your speech. These devices not only enhance the persuasive appeal of your message but also contribute toits memorability and eloquence.In addition, tailor your speech to your audience. Understanding their demographics, interests, and concernsenables you to customize your message for maximum relevance and resonance. Consider incorporating relevant examples or references that resonate with your audience's experiences, ensuring that your message strikes a chord with them on a personal level.Furthermore, rehearse rigorously to polish your delivery. Practice not only improves fluency and confidence but also allows you to fine-tune your pacing, intonation, and gestures for optimal impact. Additionally, solicit feedback from trusted peers or mentors to gain valuable insights and perspectives, refining your speech further.Lastly, embrace the power of connection. Engage with your audience on a human level, fostering a sense of rapport and connection that transcends the spoken word. Maintain eye contact, exude warmth and enthusiasm, and be responsive to audience cues, fostering a dynamic exchange that elevates the overall experience for everyone involved.In conclusion, success in speechmaking hinges upon a combination of clarity, authenticity, storytelling,rhetoric, audience awareness, rehearsal, and connection. By embodying these principles and strategies, you can ensure that your speech resonates deeply with your audience, leaving a lasting impression that endures long after the final word is spoken. So step onto the stage with confidence, knowing that you are equipped with the tools and insights necessary to make your speech a resounding success.。



英语演讲与辩论各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢课程编号:100191英文名:The Art of English Public Speaking and debating课程类别:专业选修学分:2学分课时:32课时主讲教师:韩静等选定教材:Stephen E. Lucas,《演讲的艺术》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004年课程概述:《英语演讲与辩论》课程是一门语言技能和专业知识相结合的课程,在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化.该课程有助于提高学生综合应用英语的能力,有助于学生综合素质的培养,是英语教学改革的新课型通过该课程的学习不仅能帮助学生进一步提高英语表达能力、英语口语交际能力,更有利于学生开拓思路、掌握沟通技巧;引导学生体会演讲魅力、提高演讲技巧、展示演讲才能,有利于他们早日掌握这门适用于各种领域的沟通艺术.这门课程的学习需要一定程度的语言技能以外的知识积累.通过这门课程的学习,学生能够系统地了解英语演讲的技巧,英语演讲稿的写作方法以及英语演讲技巧在现代交际中的作用.本课程采用理论传授与实际操练相结合;教师讲解和学生参与相结合;教师点评和学生试评相结合的教学方法.本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲课程的理论教学,采用范例录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论及对学生操练和作业进行评析等方法.考查方法采用课堂参与和考试相结合.教学目的:通过本课程的学习,使学生全面、系统地掌握英语演讲和辩论的理论知识与艺术特点以及在现实交际生活的作用及在一定程度上实现相关专业与外语专业之间的复合、交融和渗透,使学生从语言的单一性向知识的多元化、宽厚型方向转化,并且提高学生综合应用英语的能力和综合素质的培养.教学方法:本课程授课内容主要包括两大块,均采用多媒体、互动式授课.第一部分包括英语演讲辩论课程的理论教学,采用示范录像观摩和阐释理论知识点相结合的方法;第二部分包括学生操练并辅助以课堂讨论及对学生操练和作业进行评析等方法.考查采用课堂参与记录与考试相结合的方法,课堂参与记录占50%,考试占50%.1)教学原则a.教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线;b.运用激励策略,营造宽松型、学生友好型氛围;c.语境教学法;d.过程教学法.2)课堂组织形式a. 精讲多练,突出学生参与;b. 运用视听演示材料供学生观摩;c. 鼓励学生制作视觉辅助材料;d. 运用摄像设备拍录学生演讲实景;e. 先讲后评,组织讨论;f. 运用评估表分析学生演讲;g.大班与小班授课应有区别.各章教学要求及教学要点第一章Speaking And Listening教学要求:本章教学要求学生比较全面了解演讲的基本理论和概念,演讲中的道德准则以及倾听在言语交流中的重要性.教学内容:一、Speaking in Public1. The Power of Public Speaking2. The Tradition of Public Speaking3. Similarities Between Public Speaking and Conversation4. Differences Between Public Speaking and Conversation5. Developing Confidence: Your Speech Class6. Public Speaking and Critical Thinking7. The Speech Communication Process8. Public speaking in a Multicultural World二、Ethics and Public Speaking1. The Importance of Ethics2. Guidelines for Ethical Speaking3. Plagiarism4. Guidelines for Ethical Listening三、Listening1. Listening Is Important2. Listening and Critical Thinking3. Four Causes of Poor Listening4. How to Become a Better Listener思考题:1. In what way is public speaking likely to make a difference in your life?2. How is public speaking different from everyday conversation?3. How can you control your nervousness and make it work for you in your speeches?4. What are the seven elements of the speech communication process? How do they interact to determine the success or failure of a speech?第二章Speech Preparation: Getting Started教学要求:本章教学要求学生了解在演讲的准备阶段如何选题和立意,如何分析听众的特点,如何收集资料和如何规范地使用所搜集到的论据来说明自己的想法.教学内容:Selecting a Topic and Purpose1. Choosing a Topic2. Determining the General Purpose3. Determining the Specific Purpose4. Phrasing the Central Idea二、Analyzing the Audience1. Audience-Centeredness2. Your Classmates as an Audience3. The Psychology of Audiences4. Demographic Audience Analysis5. Situational Audience Analysis6. Getting Information About the Audience7. Adapting to the Audience三、Gathering Materials1. Using Your Own Knowledge and Experience2. Doing Library Research3. Searching the Internet4. Interviewing5. Tips for Doing Research四、Supporting Your Ideas1. Supporting Materials and CriticalThinking2. Examples3. Statistics4. Testimony5. Sample Speech with Commentary思考题:1. What is the difference between the specific purpose and the central idea of a speech? What are four guidelines for an effective central idea?2. What methods can you use to adapt your speech to your audience before the speech? During the speech?3. What five things should you do to take research notes efficiently?4. What are five tips for using examples in your speeches?第三章Speech Preparation: Organizing and Outlining教学要求:本章教学要求学生系统掌握英语演讲稿的写作方法和写作规范.教学内容:Organizing the Body of the Speech1. Organization Is Important2. Main Points3. Supporting Materials4. Connectives二、Beginning and Ending the Speech1. The Introduction2. The Conclusion三、Outlining the Speech1. The Preparation Outline2. The Speaking Outline思考题:1. What are the five basic patterns of organizing main points in a speech? Which are appropriate forinformative speeches? Which is used only in persuasive speeches? Which is used most often?2. What are seven methods you can use in the introduction to get the attention and interest of your audience?3. What are four ways to reinforce the central idea when concluding your speech?4. What is a preparation outline? What are the eight guidelines discussed in the chapter for writing a preparation outline?5. What is a speaking outline? What are four guidelines for your speaking outline?第四章Presenting The Speech教学要求:本章教学要求学生基本掌握演讲写作中的语言技巧,演讲的不同形式,以及直观教具的制作和用法. 教学内容:一、Using Language1. Language Is Important2. Meanings of Words3. Using Language Accurately4. Using Language Clearly5. Using Language Vividly6. A Note on Inclusive Language二、Delivery1. What is a Good Delivery?2. Methods of Delivery3. The Speaker’s V oice4. The Speaker’s Body5. Practicing Delivery6. Answering Audience Questions三、Using Visual Aids1. Advantages of Visual Aids2. Kinds of Visual Aids3. Guidelines for Preparing Visual Aids4. Guidelines for Presenting Visual Aids思考题:1. What are three things you should do to use language clearly in your speeches?2. Why is it important for a public speaker to use inclusive language? What are five usages of inclusive language which have become so widely accepted that no speaker can afford to ignore them?3. What are the eight aspects of voice usage you should concentrate on in your speeches?4. What are the five steps you should follow when practicing your speech delivery?5. What steps should you take when preparing for a question-and-answer session? What should you concentrate on when responding to questions during the session?6. What are the major advantages of using visual aids in your speeches?第五章Varieties of Public Speaking教学要求:本章教学要求学生掌握演讲的几种主要的体裁,能够在不同的场合选择不同的方式进行有效演讲. 教学内容:教学内容:Speaking to Inform1. Types of Informative Speeches: Analysis and Organization2. Guidelines for Informative Speaking3. Sample Speech with Commentary4. The Importance of Persuasion5. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Fact6. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Value7. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of Policy二、Methods of Persuasion1. Building Credibility2. Using Evidence3. Reasoning4. Appealing to emotions三、Speaking on Special Occasions1. Speeches of Introduction2. Speeches of Presentation3. Speeches of Acceptance4. Commemorative Speeches5. After-Dinner Speeches四、Speaking in Small Groups1. What Is a Small Group?2. Leadership in Small Groups3. responsibilities in a Small Group4. The Reflective-Thinking Method5. Presenting the Recommendations of the Groups思考题:1. Why must informative speakers be careful not to overestimate what the audience knows about the topic? What can you do to make sure your ideas don’t pass over the heads of your listeners?2. What are three methods you can use to avoid abstractions in your informative speech?3. Explain the difference between passive agreement and immediate action as goals for persuasive speeches on questions of policy.4. What four methods of organization are used most often in persuasive speeches on questions of policy?5. What are four tips for using evidence effectively in a persuasive speech?6. What are the three major traits of a good acceptance speech?7. What are the five major responsibilities of every participant in a small group?参考书目:1)Lucas, Stephen E. The Art of Public Speaking. 8th Ed. New York: McGraw Hill, 2004. 配有Instructor’s Manual.2)Verderber, Rudolph F. The Challenge of Effective Speaking. 10th Ed. Boston: Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1997.3) Collins, Patrick. Say It with Power & Confidence. Paramus: Prentice Hall, 1998.4)Kay, Sue:《实用演讲技巧》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2004.5)亚历山大,《英语辩论手册》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,1999.Chinese universities should/should not allow mix-genderdormitories.Ladies and Gentlemen, Good evening! I’m very glad to stand here and give you a shortI will argue from the following two aspects about Chinese universities should not allow mix-gender dormitories.First of all,we should seriously think about the existence value of mix-gender dormitories. According to the published study of Journal of American College Health, they investigated more than 500 students of five American universities,and about 90% of which living in the mix-gender dormitories. In the dormitory, men and women are not necessarily in the same room, many of them just live on the different floors. The results of the survey show that 41% of the students,living in the mix-gender dormitories,admit that they arepromiscuity in astudents,living in a single gender dormitory,of the ratio is 17%.The study also points that living in the mix-gender dormitory is easier to promiscuity. The proportion of having three or more sexual partners in the past year is three times as much as students who live in the single-gender ,with the number increasing,the account of promiscuity will be make us more embarrassed in the future. Secondly, it also has a great effect on students’ living. For example,when I want to take a bath after busy work and have a deep sleep wearing pajamas,I find that I can’t do it because I have a maleI was a man,I would even worried If I would be sued for obscene or not ,just because I wear a short pants and my shake-feathering is too long. And all this is the embarrassment due to allow mix-genderwhen you live with the students in common sex,girls could not worry aboutthe position which underwear hang on, let alone whether they are less wear at night. Meanwhile boys can play games loudly and don’t have to worry about the girl. Some privacy is able to accept by the people,having common sex,but the opposite sex ismany students aren’t lover in min-gender dorm. Therefore privacy protection has become an embarrassing problem,but also making life into inconvenience.新课程标准/ 演讲/ 辩论/ 教学设计英语演讲与辩论是英语语言综合能力的体现。

英语演讲Chapter 9 Outlining the Speech

英语演讲Chapter 9 Outlining the Speech
Stating main points and subpoints in full sentences will ensure that you develop your idea fully.
Transitions,Internal Summaries and Previe
Include them in your preparation outline to make sure they are strong
Give your Speech a Title
Be brief. Attract the attention of your audience. Encapsulate the main thrust of your speech.
Give Your Speech a Title
the Speech
The outline for your speech
is just like your house buildi
You can't build an
apartment without
a floor plan or an
architect's blue prAinst for building
They are not incorporated into the system but are labeled separatly and are inserted in the outline where they will appear in the speech
Attach a Bibliography
Make sure your statement of sources is clear,accurate,and consistent.




进度安排《英语演讲》⼤纲《英语演讲》教学⼤纲前⾔(⼀) 本门课程的性质和教学⽬的(⼆) 本门课程的教学要求(三) 推荐使⽤的教材和课外阅读书⽬1. 推荐使⽤的教材2. 课外阅读书⽬(四) 本门课程教学的课时分配本门课程的教学计划课时为36课时(2学分), 建议教学课时按以下⽅案分配:课程教学内容与要求Unit One Course Overview; Basic Principles of Speech Communication教学⽬的和要求内容讲解Unit Two Analyzing the Audience教学⽬的和要求本单元讲授演讲前的准备⼯作之⼀:了解听众,根据听众的特征,调整演讲内容。


内容讲解《英语演讲》讲义IntroductionWhat is public speaking?Public speaking, as its name implies, is a way of making your ideas public – of sharing them with other people and of influencing other people.A Brief Introduction to public speakingI. How to Prepare a SpeechStating Your Objectives:◇inform◇train◇persuade◇sellAnalyzing Your AudienceWhat to learn about the audience?Their opinions and levels of prior knowledge of your subject ; their likely bias, both personal and professional how do you learn it?Ask the person who has invited you to speak. Find out what the occasion is and if there is a program theme. Choosing a Speech Topic and the Speech ThemeSix Criteria1. The topic should be interesting to you.2. It should be interesting to your audience or at least be capable of beingmade interesting to them.3. It should be appropriate to the situation.4. It should be appropriate to the time available.5. It should be manageable.6. It should be worthwhile. Don't waste yo ur audience’s time.Gathering and Selecting Appropriate Materialsconvincing materialsseven major types of materials: descriptions and explanations, statistics,examples, testimony, comparison and contrast, repetition and restatement, and visuals. guidelines Outlining Your Speechguidelines:1. Write and label your specific purpose at the top of your outline.2. Indicate main ideas, points, sub-points, and supporting materialsproperly.3. Use at least two subdivisions, if any, for each point.Using subdivisions helps you give attention to all the points you want to say.4. Label the introduction, main body and conclusion.II. How to Write a Great SpeechOrganizing the Body of the SpeechA.The IntroductionA. It should introduce the topic. providing background information, definitionsexplanations, etc.B. Generally it should contain the thesis statement.C. It should be interesting enough to make the listener want to continue listening.Anecdotes, shocking statistics, quotes, and rhetorical questionsD. It should indicate how your topic will be developed.E. tell your listeners WHY they should listen to you; such as how they will benefit.F. include the method of organization that you will follow. This helps the listenerprepare for what you are going to say and help them organize the information.An effective introductionCreates a favorable first impression with the audienceBoosts a speaker’s self-confidenceGaining attentionrelate the topic to the audienceState the importance of the topicStartle the audienceArouse the curiosity of the audienceQuestion the audienceBegin with quotationTell a storyUsing visual aids…Reveal the topicClearly states the speech topicEstablish the credibility and goodwill of the speakerPreview the bodyTells audience what to listen for in the restProvide a smooth lead-inPresent special informationB.Main Bodya. Each main point discusses one aspect of the thesis.b. The main points should be linked with clear transitions so as to give the body coherence and unity.C. ConclusionA conclusion can restate the thesis.A conclusion can restate the main points.A conclusion can call for some sort of action (particularly in a persuasive piece)A conclusion can highlight areas for further research.A conclusion can suggest results or consequences.A conclusion can remind the audience of the importance of the information presented.The speaker can thank the audience for their attention.A conclusion should NEVER bring up a new topic.A speaker should NEVER apologize for their information. The last thing you want to happen is for the audience to question your credibility.2 functions of conclusionSignal the end of the speechReinforce the audience’s understanding of the speechUsing Speech LanguageA. Using Language AccuratelyB. Use Language ClearlyC. Use language VividlyIII. How to Deliver a Great SpeechPhysical Delivery1. postureA public speaker should look comfortable, confident and prepared to speak. Inposture, the two extremes to avoid are rigidity and sloppiness.2. facial expressionsYour facial expression must match what you are saying.3. movementa. Never turn your back on the audience while you are speaking.b. If you move about on the stage, make your movements purposeful.c. Be aware of all potential obstacles on the stage.4. gestures5. Eye contactLet your gaze move over each member of the audiencedon’t choose one person and look fixedly at him or her.avoid the temptation to look over the heads of your audience or to hold your notes in front of your face.6. AppearanceThe way you dress and present yourselfDress appropriately to the audienceVocal DeliveryV ocal delivery refers to the use of your voice to convey your message.1. rateRate is the speednot too slowly or too quickly. Varying your rate can be critical.2. pausetemporary stopspause before and after a major point. You can use pauses to illustrate that you are changing from one point to another. Youcan use pauses for emphasis3. volumeV olume refers to how loud one speaksSpeak too soft Speak too loudchanging the volume at certain points emphasize important ideas.Raising your voice lowering your voice4. pitchPitch refers to the high or low quality of your voice.V olume is measured in terms of loudness.The pitch of your voice in public speaking refers to the “excitement” or “enthusiasm” level in your voice.pitch can be raised and lowered for emphasis.vary your pitch.5. Pronunciation6. articulation : not slur, speak clearlyIV. How to Analyze and Evaluate Speechthree “M”s: matter, manner and method.Speaking to PersuadeI. Persuasion: a Psychological processA. Persuasion is the most complex and the most challenging.(controversial topics, involving values and beliefs; listeners’ own ideas)B. Listeners: mental give-and-take(listeners: assessment on speakers)II. The Target AudienceThe part of the whole audience a speaker most wants to reach with his message. Agree and disagree audience Adapt the speech to the values and concerns of the TADo not exclude other listenersIII. Monroe’s Motivated SequenceMonroe's motivated sequence is a technique for organizing persuasive speeches that inspire people to take action. Alan H. Monroe (Purdue University) 1930swhat creates makes a motivational speech actually motivating.a 5-step method for organizing motivational speeches.1.AttentionGet the attention of your audience using a detailed story, shocking example, dramatic statistic, quotations, etc.E.g. Hey! Listen to me, I have a PROBLEM!2.NeedShow that the problem about which you are speaking exists, that it is significant, and that it won't go away by itself. Use statistics, examples, etc.Convince your audience that there is a need for action to be taken.E.g. Let me EXPLAIN the problem.3.Satisfy.You present your plan and show how it will work. Be sure to offer enough details about the plan.E.g. But, I have a SOLUTION!4.VisualizationTell the audience what will happen if the solution is implemented or does not take place. Be visual and detailed.E.g. If we IMPLEMENT my solution, this is what will happen.5.Action.Tell the audience what action they can take personally to solve the problem.Say exactly what you want the audience to do and how to do it.E.g. You can help me in this specific way. Are YOU willing to help me?Advantage of MMSIt emphasizes what the audience can do. Monroe's motivated sequence emphasizes the action the audience can take. Sample Speech:The Ultimate GiftIV. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of FactA. seek to persuade audience to accept the speaker’s view of the facts on a particular issue.E.g. Will the economy be better or worse next year?B. different from an informative speechIS: give information as impartially as possible ≠ argue for a point of viewPS: persuade the audience to accept the speaker’s view about the informatione.g. In a trial lawyer jury guilt / innocent defendantV. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of ValueA. Judgments based on a person’s beliefs about what’s right or wrongB. 2 steps:1. define the standards for value judgments2. judge the subject of the speech against the standards.VI. Persuasive Speeches on Questions of PolicyA. deal with specific courses of action: involve questions of fact and value; go beyond thatB. 2 types:1. gain passive agreement that a policy is desirable, necessary & practical2. motivate the audience to take immediate actionC. 3 basic issues – need, plan & practicality1. need: (no) need for a change2. a specific plan: solve the need3. practicality: Plan: workable, solve the need without creating newproblemsVII. Methods of PersuasionA.Building credibility– 1. Credibility affected by: competence & charactercompetence: speaker’s intelligence, expertise & knowledge of the subjectcharacter: speaker’s sincerity, trustworthiness– 2. 3 types of credibility: initial credibility; derived credibility;terminal ~– 3. 3 strategies to ↑credibility:a. explaining their competenceb. establishing common ground with the audiencec. delivering speeches fluently, expressively and with conviction/doc/2d066e28ba4ae45c3b3567ec102de2bd9605de08.html ing Evidence– 1. examples, statistics, testimony– 2. 4 tips to use evidence effectively: use specific evidence; novel ~; use ~ from credible sources; make clear the point of the ~C.Reasoning–Reasoning: the process of drawing a conclusion based on evidence–use reasoning from specific instances–use reasoning from principle–use analogical reasoning, ×casual reasoningD.Emotions Appeals– 1. Emotions Appeals (motivational appeals): make listeners feel sad, happy, angry, fearful, etc.– 2. 3 ways: with emotionally charged language; with vivid examples;speak with sincerity and convictionPresentation on Special occasionsPresentation in Welcome Ceremonies, Conferences, or Parties Presentation in FarewellAward presentationAcceptance Presentation。


There may be subpoint,subsub point,sub-sub-sub point,which is based on importance
I.Main point A.Subpoint B.Subpoint 1.Sub-sub point 2.Sub-sub point
II.Main point A.Subpoint
They are not incorporated into the system but are labeled separatly and are inserted in the outline where they will appear in the speech
Attach a Bibliography
3.Keep the Outline as Brief as Possible.
The best rule is that your notes should be the minimum you need to jog your memory and keep you on track.
4.Give Yourself Cues for Delivering the Speech.
essential quotations statisthtiacts you don’t want
to risk forgetting.
It should contain key words or phrases to jog your memory,as well as essential statistics and quotations that you don’t want to risk forgetting.



说话必须发出声音英语作文The Necessity of Producing Sound in Speech.Speech, the most natural and fundamental form of human communication, is inherently tied to the production of sound. The act of speaking involves the use of the vocal apparatus, which converts air into modulated sound waves that carry meaning and intent. The significance of sound in speech cannot be overstated, as it is the medium through which we express our thoughts, share ideas, and build relationships.At its core, speech is a biological phenomenon. Humans possess a unique laryngeal structure that allows us to produce a range of sounds not found in other primates. Our ability to articulate these sounds into meaningful words and phrases is what sets us apart as a species. Theintricate system of vocal folds, resonators, and articulators within our laryngeal and oral cavities work together to shape and amplify sound, converting it into therich tapestry of human languages.The role of sound in speech is multifaceted. Firstly, sound is the primary carrier of linguistic information. Words, whether spoken aloud or silently in our minds, are composed of sounds that encode meaning. These sounds, whether consonants or vowels, are the building blocks of language, carrying with them the cultural, historical, and contextual knowledge of a community.Secondly, sound plays a crucial role in the emotional communication of speech. The tone, pitch, and rhythm of our voices convey our emotional states, attitudes, and intentions. The music of language, often referred to as prosody, is a critical component of effective communication. It is through the modulation of sound that we can express joy, anger, sadness, surprise, and every other emotion.Moreover, sound is integral to the social functions of speech. Conversations, debates, and lectures all rely on sound to convey information and ideas. The give-and-take of dialogue, the ebb and flow of conversation, are allfacilitated by the production and perception of sound. Without sound, much of our social interaction would be lost, and the rich tapestry of human culture and civilization would be severely impoverished.The role of sound in speech also extends to its impact on cognitive processes. Speech helps us organize our thoughts, plan our actions, and learn new concepts. The internal dialogue we engage in as we speak aloud orsilently rehearse ideas and strategies is a crucial part of cognitive functioning. Sound, in this sense, acts as a tool to help us process and understand the world.In conclusion, the necessity of producing sound in speech cannot be overstated. Sound is the lifeblood of language, carrying with it the richness and complexity of human thought and experience. It is the medium throughwhich we express ourselves, share our stories, and build connections with others. The intricate system of sound production within the human voice is a testament to the evolutionary genius of our species, allowing us tocommunicate in a way that is both unique and profoundly human.。



演讲前的准备工作英语作文1. First, I will start by brainstorming ideas for my speech. I will think about the topic, the main points I want to discuss, and any supporting evidence or examples I can use. This will help me organize my thoughts and ensure that I have a clear and coherent message to deliver.2. Next, I will conduct research to gather more information and data to support my arguments. I will read books, articles, and online resources related to my topic. This will help me strengthen my arguments and provide a well-rounded perspective on the subject matter.3. Once I have gathered enough information, I will outline my speech. I will create an introduction that grabs the audience's attention, body paragraphs that present my main points, and a conclusion that summarizes my key arguments. This will help me structure my speech and ensure that I stay focused and on track during the delivery.4. After outlining, I will practice my speech multiple times. I will rehearse in front of a mirror or record myself to identify areas where I can improve my delivery, such as tone, pace, and body language. This will help me become more confident and comfortable with the material, allowing me to engage the audience effectively.5. Additionally, I will create visual aids, such as PowerPoint slides or props, to enhance my speech. These visual aids can help convey complex information in a more accessible and engaging way. I will ensure that the visual aids are clear, concise, and relevant to the content of my speech.6. On the day of the speech, I will arrive early at the venue to familiarize myself with the surroundings and test any audiovisual equipment. This will help me avoid any technical difficulties and ensure a smooth and professional presentation.7. Finally, before stepping on stage, I will take a few moments to calm my nerves and mentally prepare myself. Iwill take deep breaths, visualize a successful presentation, and remind myself of my expertise and knowledge on the topic. This will help me feel more confident and ready to deliver a compelling speech.Remember, the key to a successful speech is thorough preparation. By brainstorming ideas, conducting research, outlining, practicing, creating visual aids, and mentally preparing, I will be well-equipped to deliver a memorable and impactful speech.。






1.Greeting:–Good morning/afternoon/evening, ladies and gentlemen.–Hello, everyone.–Hi, everyone. How are you all doing today?2.Introducing yourself:–My name is [Your Name] and I am honored to be speaking to you today.–Allow me to introduce myself, I am [Your Name].–It’s a pleasure to be here with all of you. I’m [Your Name].3.Thanking the audience:–Thank you for taking the time to listen to me today.–I appreciate the opportunity to speak in front of such a distinguished audience.–Your presence here means a lot to me, thank you.4.Setting the tone:–Today, I want to share with you my thoughts on…–Let’s dive into the topic of…–I believe it’s important for us to consider…5.Engaging the audience:–Have you ever wondered about…?–Picture this scenario:…–Imagine a world where…6.Capturing attention:–Did you know that…?–Imagine if I told you that…–What if I said that…7.Introducing the topic:–The topic I’d like to discuss today is…–Let’s explore the concept of…–Today, we’re going to delve into…8.Outlining the structure:–First, I’ll talk about…–Then, we’ll move on to…–Finally, we’ll discuss…9.Creating anticipation:–Stay tuned to find out more abou t…–I guarantee that by the end of this talk, you will have a new perspective on…–Get ready to discover…10.Encouraging interaction:–I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic.–Feel free to ask questions at any time.–Let’s engage in a discussion about…In conclusion, a well-crafted opening statement can set the tone for your entire speech. By using these common English phrases, you can grab your audience’s attention and make a lasting impression. Remember, practice makes perfect, so don’t hesitate to rehe arse your opening lines before your next speech. Good luck!。



英语演讲选修课Vchapter9supporting第一篇:英语演讲选修课Vchapter 9 supportingchapter 9 supportingThree kinds of supporting materialsν examples 实例ν testimony 证词νstatistics统计数据Hypothetical exampleν An example that describes an imagery or fictitious situation 描述的是想象或虚构的情形Tips for using examplese examples to clarify your ideas说明e examples to reinforce your ideas强化e examples to personalize your ideas使思想个人化II. Testimonyν Testimony---quotations or paraphrases used to support a point.引用或释义的用于支持观点的话---Expert testimony 专家证词---Peer testimony普通人证词Tips for Using testimony1.quote or paraphrase accurately: make sure you do not misquote someone;make sure you do not violate the meaning of statements you paraphrase;make sure you do not quote out of contexte testimony from qualified sources.That is, use testimony from recognized experts or ordinary citizens with special experience on the speech topic.e testimony from unbiasedsources.Be sure to use testimony from credible, competent, objective authorities.4.Identify the people you quote or paraphrase.The usual way to identify your source is to name the person and sketch her or his qualifications before presenting the testimonyask yourself the following two questions:νAre the statistics representative?νAre the statistics from a reliable source?νTips for using statisticse statistics to quantity your idease statistics sparingly3.Identify the source of your statistics4.Explain your statistics5.Round off complicated statisticse visual aids to clarify statistical trends第二篇:英语演讲选修课10informativeLesson 10 Informative Teaching Aim and Requirement Aimed at ensuring the Ss to have a basic knowledge of public speaking.Teaching methods PPt, interact between teacher & student AssignmentsWhat are the essentials of an effective speech? How to overcome nervousness? Teaching proceduresνInformative speech: a speech designed to convey knowledge and understanding ν T o enhance the knowledge and understanding of your listeners---to give them information they did not have before νConvey clearly accurately interestingly Organizational methodsν Chronological order编年顺序ν Spatial order空间顺序ν Topical order主题顺序ν Causal order ν Problem-solution orderOther methods of speech organizationν Causal order: A show a cause-effect relationship.method of speech organization in which the main pointsν Problem-solution order: A method of speech organization in which the first main point deals with the existence of a problem and the second main point presents a solution to the problem.ν(Problem-cause-solution order)Speeches about processνProcess: A systematic series of actions that leads to a specific result or product.νSpeeches of process explain how something is made, how something is done, or how something works.3.Speeches about eventsνEvent: Anything that happens or is regarded as happening.ν chronological order----to recount the history of an event, ν causal order----to explain the causes and effects4.Speech about conceptsνConcept: A belief, theory, idea, notion, principle, or the like.ν Speeches about concepts are usually organized in topical order.One common approach is to list the main features or aspects of your concept.Guidelines for informative speaking λDon’t overestimate what the audience knows.* Lead your audience step by step and explain everything thoroughly.2.Relate the subject directly to the audience* What is fascinating to the speaker may not be fascinating to everybody.* Get your listeners involved3.Don’t be too technical* Simple, clear language is needed.4.Avoid abstractions Oneway to avoid abstractions is through description(a statement that depicts a person, event, idea, or the like with clarity and vividness) Another way to escape abstraction is with comparisons(A statement of the similarities among two or more people, events, ideas, etc.)5.Personalize your ideas第三篇:英语演讲选修课11persuasiveLesson 11 Persuasive Teaching Aim and Requirement Aimed at ensuring the Ss to have a basic knowledge of public speaking.Teaching methods PPt, interact between teacher & student AssignmentsWhat are the essentials of an effective speech? How to overcome nervousness? Teaching proceduresI.Persuasive speeches on questions of factν Questions of fact---A question about the truth or falsity of an assertion.νWe do not know enough information to know what it isWill the economy be better or worse next year?Will another earthquake strike California before the year 2010? ν The facts are murky or inclusiveWhat will happen next in the Middle East?Is sexual orientation genetically determined?Speeches On questions of fact are usually organized topically II.Persuasive speeches on questions of valueνQuestions of value?---A question about the worth, rightness, morality, and so forth of an idea or action.ν What is the best movie of all time? Is the cloning of human beings morally justifiable? What are the ethical responsibilities of journalists? νMatter of fact, value judgments νSpeeches on questions of value are mostly organizedtopicallyν Your first main point is to establish the standards for your value judgment.树立价值判断的标准ν Your second main point is to apply those standards to the subject.III.Persuasive speeches on questions of policy Questions of policy---A question about whether a specific course of action should or should not be taken.是否采取行动What to do during spring vocation? Which strategy to use in selling a product? How to maintain economic growth and protect the enviroment ? ν They are to decide whether something should or should not be anizing speeches on Questions of policyλProblem-solution order λProblem-cause-solution orderλComparative Advantage orderλD.Monroe’s motivated sequenceD.Monroe’s motivated sequence门罗促动顺序νA method of organizing persuasive speeches that seek immediate action.ν The five steps of the motivated sequence are:1.attention2.need3.satisfaction4.visualization(形象化)5.actionPart 2: Methods of persuasionListeners will be persuaded by a speaker from one or more of four reasons:I.credibility.II.evidence.III.reasoning.IV.emotionsI.Building credibilityν Factors of credibility:petence---how an audience regards a spe aker’s intelligence, expertise, and knowledge of the subject.B.Character---how an audience regards a speaker’s sincerity, trustworthiness, and concern for the well-being of the audience.2.Establishing common ground with your audience ν Creating common ground---a technique in which a speaker connects himself or herself with the values, attitudes, or experiences of the audience.3.Deliver your speeches fluently, expressively, and with conviction ing evidenceTips for using evidence e specific e novel e evidence from credible sources 4.Make clear the point of your evidence.III.Reasoningν Reasoning---the process of drawing a conclusion on the basis of evidence.ν Four types of reasoning:1.Reasoning from specific instances2.Reasoning from principle3.Causal reasoning4.Analogical reasoningGuidelines for reasoning from specific instancesA.Avoid generalizing too hastily, make sure your sample of specific instances is large enough to justify your conclusion.B.Be careful with your wording.If your evidence does not justify a conclusion, qualify your argument.C.Reinforce your argument with statistics and testimony 2.Reasoning from principle ν---Reasoning that moves from a general principle to a specific conclusion.For instance: νAll people are mortal.νSocrates is a person.νTherefore, Socrates is mortal.3.Causal reasoning---Reasoning that seeks to establish the relationshipbetween causes and effects.νThere is a patch of ice on the sidewalk.You slip, fall, and break your arm.You reason as follows: “Because that patch of ice was there, I fell and broke my arm.” orν“If the patch of ice hadn’t been there, I wouldn’t have fallen and broken my arm.” ν4.Analogical reasoning(类比推理)---Reasoning in which a speaker compares two similar cases and infers that what is true for the first case is also true for the second.νIf you are good at racquetball, you’ll be great at Ping-Pang.ν In Great Britain the general election campaign fro Prime Minister lasts less than three weeks.Surely we can do the same with the U.S presidential election.IV.Appealing to emotions ν Emotional appeals are intended to make listeners feel sad, angry, guilty, afraid, happy, proud, sympathetic, reverent, or the like.These are often appropriate reactions when the question is one of value or policy.νGuidelines for generating emotional appealν e emotional language 2.Develop vivid example 3.Speak with sincerity and conviction第四篇:英语演讲选修课7language_delivery范文Lesson 7 Language delivery Teaching Aim and Requirement Acquire a basic knowledge of topic,purpose and central idea of a public speech。



英语演讲,发音困难为题的英语作文英文回答:In the realm of human communication, the spoken word reigns supreme as a conduit for exchanging ideas, expressing emotions, and forging connections. Yet, for countless individuals, the path to fluency in a spoken language is fraught with obstacles, particularly when confronted with the intricacies of pronunciation.Pronunciation, the art of articulating words and producing intelligible speech sounds, poses a significant challenge for non-native speakers, especially in English. The complexities of the English language, with its vast array of vowel sounds, consonant combinations, and stress patterns, can create an insurmountable barrier for those seeking to master its spoken form.Vowel sounds, the core building blocks of words, pose a particular difficulty. English boasts a bewildering numberof vowel sounds, each with subtle variations in pronunciation. These sounds can be elusive for non-native speakers, whose native languages may not possess the same array of vowel qualities. For instance, the differentiation between the "ee" sound in "meet" and the "i" sound in "mit" can be a daunting task, as these sounds often overlap in many other languages.Consonant combinations, another hallmark of English pronunciation, can also present formidable challenges. The combination of consonants, such as "th" in "think" or "tr" in "tree," requires precise articulation and control of the vocal apparatus. Non-native speakers may struggle to produce these sounds accurately, as they are unfamiliar with the precise placement of the tongue, lips, and teeth necessary for proper pronunciation.Stress patterns, the emphasis placed on certain syllables in words, add another layer of complexity to English pronunciation. In English, stress can significantly alter the meaning of words. For instance, the word "record" has different meanings depending on which syllable isstressed. Pronouncing the stress incorrectly can lead to misunderstandings and communication breakdowns.The challenges of English pronunciation can be attributed to a myriad of factors, including the influence of native languages, the lack of exposure to native speakers, and inadequate instruction. Non-native speakers often rely on the pronunciation patterns of their native languages, which can lead to errors in English pronunciation. For example, a Spanish speaker may pronounce the "th" sound in "think" as a "z" sound, as "th" does not exist in Spanish.Exposure to native speakers plays a crucial role in acquiring accurate pronunciation. Immersion in a native English-speaking environment allows learners to observe and imitate the pronunciation of native speakers. Without sufficient exposure, non-native speakers may struggle to develop the necessary neuromuscular coordination for producing English sounds correctly.Inadequate instruction can also contribute topronunciation difficulties. Traditional language teaching methods often focus on grammar and vocabulary, with less emphasis on pronunciation. As a result, students may lack the proper guidance and practice necessary to master the intricacies of English pronunciation.Addressing the challenges of English pronunciation requires a multifaceted approach that involves targeted instruction, consistent practice, and exposure to native speakers. Pronunciation-specific courses or workshops can provide learners with the necessary knowledge and techniques to improve their pronunciation skills. Regular practice, using resources such as pronunciation apps or online videos, can help learners refine their articulation and develop greater fluency. Immersion in a native English-speaking environment, whether through study abroad programs or online language exchange platforms, allows learners to interact with native speakers and observe their pronunciation firsthand.Overcoming the hurdles of English pronunciation is a gradual process that requires patience, dedication, and awillingness to embrace the challenges. By addressing the underlying factors that contribute to pronunciation difficulties, non-native speakers can unlock the doors to improved communication and enhanced confidence in their spoken English abilities.中文回答:对于许多人来说,流利使用口语是一件困难的事情,尤其是在遇到发音的复杂性时。



一带一路国际合作高峰论坛志愿者英语作文The Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was a significant global event that brought together leaders from around the world to discuss the ambitious infrastructure and development initiative known as the Belt and Road. As a volunteer at this historic gathering, I had the privilege of witnessing firsthand the collaborative spirit and visionary goals that underpinned the forum. From the moment I received my volunteer assignment, I was filled with a sense of excitement and responsibility, eager to contribute my skills and energy to the success of this momentous event.My role as a volunteer primarily involved providing assistance and support to the international delegates and attendees. This entailed a wide range of tasks, from greeting and guiding visitors to the various conference venues, to facilitating smooth communication and coordination between the different delegations. One of the most rewarding aspects of my experience was the opportunity to interact with people from diverse cultural backgrounds and to learn about their perspectives on the Belt and Road initiative.Throughout the forum, I was struck by the genuine enthusiasm and commitment of the participants. Whether it was the government officials engaged in high-level discussions, the business leaders exploring new investment opportunities, or the academics and experts sharing their research and insights, everyone seemed to share a common vision of strengthening global connectivity and fostering sustainable development. The energy and dynamism of the event were palpable, and I felt privileged to be a part of it.As a volunteer, I had the chance to witness some of the key moments and highlights of the forum. I remember the opening ceremony, where the Chinese President Xi Jinping delivered a powerful speech outlining the guiding principles and aspirations of the Belt and Road initiative. The sheer scale and ambition of the project were awe-inspiring, and I felt a sense of pride in being able to contribute, even in a small way, to its realization.One of the most memorable experiences for me was the opportunity to assist with the organization of a panel discussion on the role of youth in the Belt and Road initiative. As a young person myself, I was deeply inspired by the passion and innovative ideas of the panelists, who spoke about the importance of empowering the next generation to be active participants in this transformative endeavor. Listening to their insights and engaging in discussions with the attendees reinforced my belief in the power of youth to shape thefuture and drive positive change.Throughout the forum, I was struck by the genuine spirit of international cooperation and mutual understanding that permeated the proceedings. Delegates from countries with vastly different political and economic systems came together, united by a shared commitment to fostering greater connectivity and prosperity. The discussions were marked by a sense of openness and a willingness to listen and learn from one another, which I found profoundly inspiring.As a volunteer, I also had the opportunity to assist with the logistical and operational aspects of the forum. This involved tasks such as coordinating transportation, managing event registration, and providing translation services. While these responsibilities were at times demanding, I took great pride in ensuring that the event ran smoothly and that the participants were able to fully engage with the proceedings.One of the most rewarding aspects of my volunteer experience was the chance to interact with people from all corners of the world. I had the privilege of engaging with delegates from countries as diverse as Russia, Kenya, Brazil, and Thailand, each with their unique perspectives and experiences. These interactions not only broadened my own understanding of the global landscape but also reinforced my belief in the power of cross-cultural exchange and collaboration.Throughout the forum, I was struck by the spirit of camaraderie and mutual support that permeated the volunteer community. We worked tirelessly, often long hours, to ensure the success of the event, but we also found time to connect with one another, sharing stories and experiences, and supporting each other through the challenges we faced. This sense of teamwork and shared purpose was truly inspiring and has left a lasting impact on me.As the forum drew to a close, I felt a deep sense of accomplishment and pride in having been a part of this historic event. The discussions and agreements reached during the forum have the potential to shape the course of global development for years to come, and I am grateful to have played a small role in its success. The experience has also left me with a renewed sense of optimism and a deeper appreciation for the power of international cooperation to tackle the world's most pressing challenges.Looking back on my time as a volunteer at the Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, I am filled with a profound sense of gratitude and a renewed commitment to being an active participant in shaping a more interconnected and sustainable future. The lessons I have learned, the connections I have made, and the inspiration I have drawn from this experience will continue to guide and motivate me as I navigate the next chapter of my life.。



英语演讲,发音困难为题的英语作文English speaking, a skill that is increasingly becoming a prerequisite in today's interconnected world, presents a unique challenge to many: pronunciation. Mastering the nuances of English pronunciation can be a daunting task, especially for those whose native language differs significantly from English. However, with dedication and practice, it is entirely possible to overcome these challenges and speak English with confidence.The first step in addressing pronunciation difficulties is to identify the specific areas where improvement is needed. Common challenges include pronouncing certain vowel sounds, mastering consonant blends, and correctly intoning sentences. Once these areas are identified, targeted practice can begin.One effective way to improve pronunciation is through listening. Listening to native speakers, whether through podcasts, movies, or conversation, helps to familiarize oneself with the sound patterns and rhythms of English. By listening intently and模仿the way native speakerspronounce words, individuals can begin to internalize these patterns and apply them to their own speaking.In addition to listening, regular practice is crucial. Speaking English daily, even if it's just for a few minutes, can help to ingrain correct pronunciations. Recording oneself and then listening back, or practicing with a language partner, can provide valuable feedback and opportunities to refine one's speaking skills.Moreover, understanding the structure and rules of English can be helpful. Knowledge of phonology, or thestudy of sound patterns in language, can provide insights into why certain sounds are pronounced the way they are. Understanding the differences between vowel sounds, for example, or the role of consonants in shaping words, can make the process of pronouncing English words more systematic and less arbitrary.It's also important to remember that speaking a second language is a process of continuous learning and improvement. It's okay to make mistakes, and in fact, making mistakes is an integral part of the learning process.The key is to embrace these mistakes, learn from them, and keep practicing.In conclusion, while pronouncing English can indeed be a challenge, it is not an impossible task. With dedication, regular practice, and a willingness to embrace mistakes and learn from them, anyone can improve their pronunciation and speak English with confidence. Remember, the journey of language learning is both rewarding and transformative, and the benefits of being able to communicate effectively in English are countless.**英语演讲:挑战发音困难**在当今这个相互联系的世界里,英语演讲已经成为一项日益重要的技能,但对于许多人来说,这也是一个独特的挑战:发音。

Preparation outlin----英文演讲

Preparation  outlin----英文演讲

Preparation outlineOK,today l want to say something important to you.Specific purpose:to inform my audience about the puzzle thing :how to be popular and the way to solve it.Central idea:the internal idea is to be helpful and kind-hearted.Introduction:1.desiring to be popular in your friendly interpersonal relationship?2.always feel lonely in your young golden age?3.why not self-exam about your behaviour with your friend profoundly once a day?4.As a person who go through the same sad experience with you,l want to share some idea .Body1.everybody wants to be popular in your circle of friend ,because when you get into some trouble you may get more help and you can also have more chance to help others ,so that you can be more meaningful.2.the first way is to be careful about your appearance.(that’s right ,accroding to biology knowlege ,that’s exactly right .to some degree ,gene decides what your physical look,but not your temperament,let’s see some picture. Makeup)We can dicede what w likeWhy Swan looks better than ugly duck,because she dress white clothes.dress and stay in good shape.feel better cofident(2)we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance.(3)if we can do this, people will be attracted to our good looks and impressed by our confidence.3.the second important step is developing more consideration for others.You should be careful about your outlooks,but also your innerlooks.(1)we should always put others first and place their interests before our own.(2)it's also important to be good listeners; in this way people will feel comfortable(3)we must not gossip(do you like someone who always say something behind your back)(4) we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies. only by being sincere and respectful of others can we earn their respect.4.in the end ,but if you want to be popular and helpful you should do this.Conclusion1.most people would like to be popular with others,it’s your Material needs and also your Spiritual pursuit2.You should be careful about your extrinsic appearance and inner appearance ,meanwhile ,you shouldn’t neglect your ability to be helpful.3.his needs hard-working and long-time insisting,but if you want to be popular and helpful you should do this. Be confident of yourself.Speaking outlineEye contact!1.desire to be popular ?--pause--1.why not try to make one more friend a day?2.why not self-exam about your behaviour with your friend profoundly once a day?3.L’m the same to you about this thing,Yeah......feel lonely4.4.l want to share some idea with you.--pause--1.everybody wants to be popular in your circle of friend ,(1)when you get into some trouble you may get more help(2)you can also have more chance to help others .2.Three major ways.(1) to be careful about your appearance.[1] make sure that we stay in good shape and dress well.[2]we should smile and appear friendly. after all, our facial expression is an important part of our appearance.(2) develope more consideration for others.[1]always put others first and place their interests before our own.[2]to be good listeners[3]we must not gossip[4]we must remember to be ourselves, not phonies.4.the most important thing we should do is to improve our ability.--pause----conclusion--1.We should have a helpful mind .2.2.we should have the ability to give others needful help .3.this needs hard-working and long-time insisting.。



互动英语演讲稿完整版第一篇:互动英语演讲稿完整版Good morning everyone, I’m the speaker Kuang Ming from group 4.It’s my honor to stand here to represent my partners to deliver the speech.【放上各个成员的姓名以及分工,组号】There is the leader WangTingyi, the writers LiYang and ZhangYue, the PPT makers PanLeina and ZengJing.This is the assignment of our group.Before starting the topic, let me share a story with you.【有关这个事件的图片,卡通图片就行】In 2012,a young man got slapped【打耳光的图片】 in a bus because he did not give his seat to a young woman who was holding a child beside him.Quickly, this event was spread on the Internet, which incurred so much criticism flowing to the young man, just because of his “immoral behavior”.【PPT突出引号和问号】 However, the truth is that the young man was disabled(此处应放上一张残疾青年的卡通图,可能有的人不知道这个词).He really wanted to give his seat to the woman, but he could not make it because of his disabled body.The phenomenon of this story is what we want to discuss with you: moral coercion.【点题强调】 What does this means? It is exerting extreme pressure on a person to make them do something or not.【问问题】But why does moral coercion exists so long? On the one hand, people always think at their own perspective and require others to be perfect.On the other hand, most people do not have the ability of independent thinking, they just believe what they have seen.With confusion by so called opinion leader, they become gun of them, such as what they have done in cyber-violence.【图片关于cyber-violence】There are many examples about moral coercion around us.【图片】A serious explosion happened in Tianjin T anggu onAugust 12, 2015.Many stars showed their mercy to the people suffering from disaster and donated a lot of money to them.However, people who did not donate money were forced to donate, such as Ma Yun(加马云照片).Many cyber citizens accused his terrible behavior, and some people even asked him to donate 100 million.Within a few days, his micro-blog comments were covered by criticism.Several years ago,Large-scale unrest exploded in West Asia and North Africa.In order to survive, a large number of people in Tunisia, Libya, Syria and other countries wanted to enter Europe.【可以放出德国总理的照片】In the criticism of left-wing writers, media and entertainment stars, Merkel, the German Chancellor did not regard the security of her country, she decided to accept those refugees.【难民入境的景象】Because of her mercy, the mass media all over the world were all in praise of her.A Nobel Peace Prize winner regarded Merkel as a “moral leader” of the new era.But the refugees could not adapt to the German culture, which resulted in cultural conflict, financial crisis and even a religious war.I want to recommend a movie to you,【有关这个电影的剧照或是宣传照】which named “search”.It tells a story about a white-collar worker named Ye Lanqiu, who is diagnosed suffering from cancer, and the insurance company refused to pay for her illness.Because of her terrible mental condition, she refuses to give her seat to an old man on a bus.A reporter just report her immoral behavior but ignore her suffering.Because the unbearable criticism of public, she died due to suicide not cancer at the end.【点名问题】How to solve this problem? First, I think it is necessary to advocate people to think calmly.Second, don’t require other people too much and ask them to do everything as you want.Third, put yourself into others’ shoes.第二篇:“互动”学英语“互动”学英语引言:2001年对我国外语教育史来说将作为具有重要意义的一年载入史册。



英语演讲稿怎么写Writing an English Speech。

Writing an English speech can be a challenging task, but with the right approach and some helpful tips, you can create a powerful and engaging speech that will captivate your audience. Whether you are preparing for a school presentation, a public speaking event, or a special occasion, the following guidelines will help you craft a compelling and effective English speech.First and foremost, it is important to choose a topic that you are passionate about and that resonates with your audience. Your speech should be focused and purposeful, so take the time to brainstorm and research potential topics before settling on one. Consider the interests and concerns of your audience, and tailor your speech to address their needs and expectations.Once you have chosen a topic, it's time to outline your speech. Start by drafting an introduction that grabs the audience's attention and establishes the purpose of your speech. Your introduction should be concise and compelling, setting the stage for the rest of your presentation. Then, organize the body of your speech into main points and supporting details. Each main point should be clear and relevant, and supported by evidence, examples, and anecdotes. Make sure to transition smoothly between each main point to maintain the flow of your speech.As you write the body of your speech, keep your language clear, concise, and engaging. Avoid using jargon or overly complex language that may confuse or alienate your audience. Instead, use everyday language that is easy to understand and relatable. Consider incorporating rhetorical devices, such as metaphors, similes, and anecdotes, to add depth and emotion to your speech. These devices can help you connect with your audience on a personal level and make your speech more memorable.In addition, it is important to consider the tone and style of your speech. Depending on the occasion and the audience, you may want to adopt a formal, informal, persuasive,or informative tone. Tailor your language and delivery to suit the context of your speech, and consider using humor, emotion, or storytelling to engage your audience and hold their attention.Finally, conclude your speech with a strong and memorable ending. Summarize your main points, reiterate your key message, and leave your audience with a lasting impression. Consider ending with a call to action, a thought-provoking question, or a powerful quote to inspire and motivate your listeners.In conclusion, writing an English speech requires careful planning, organization, and attention to detail. By choosing a compelling topic, outlining your speech effectively, using clear and engaging language, and considering the tone and style of your delivery, you can create a speech that will resonate with your audience and leave a lasting impact. With practice and dedication, you can become a confident and persuasive English speech writer. Good luck!。

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Attach a Bibliography

Make sure your statement clear,accurate,and consistent.

Check the Bibliography Formats on the CD-ROM. the Bibliomaker on the CD-ROM
Label the Intreduction,Body,and Conclusion
the parts meas you will be sure that you indeed have an introduction and conclusion of this part
are technical labels and are not included in the system of symbolization used to identify main points and supporting materials
One way to do this is by underlining or otherwise highlighting key ideas that you want to be sure to emphasize.
An outline is like a blueprint for your speech.It allows you to see the full scope and content
develope *Suppoeting material *Main point *Stand uo not collape
your title as a question.
Your Water Safe to Drink? You See What I’m Saying? Effective Are They?
The Speaking Outline
It should contain key words or phrases to jog your memory, as well as essential statistics and quotations
It should contain key words or phrases to jog your memory,as well as essential statistics and quotations that you don’t want to risk forgetting.
3.Keep the Outline as Brief as Possible.
Preparation Outline
Speaking Outlia Alice
State the Specific Purpose and Central Idea
Separate Makes
units that appear before the text of the outline itself it easier to assess how well you have constructed the speech to accomplish your purpose
that you don’t want to risk forgetting.
It should also include material not in your preparation outline—especially cues to direct and sharpen your delivery.
1. Follow the Visual Framework Used in the Preparation Outline.
2. Make Sure the Outline Is Legible.
It should contain key words memory, as well as essential quotations statistics that you don’t want to risk forgetting.
I.Main point
1.Sub-sub point 2.Sub-sub point II.Main point A.Subpoint
1.Sub-sub point
State Main and Sub points in Full Scentences
the Speech
The outline for your speech
You can't build an apartment without a floor plan or an architect's blue print As for building
is just like your house building
Use a Consistent Pattern of Symbolization and Indentation
Main points are aligned down the page
Components of the mainpoint are also aligned with each other There may be subpoint,subsub point,sub-sub-sub point,which is based on importance
The best rule is that your notes should be the minimum you need to jog your memory and keep you on track.
4.Give Yourself Cues for Delivering the Speech.
Give your Speech a Title

Be brief. Attract the attention of your audience. the main thrust of your speech.
Give Your Speech a Title
Group1 Group2
can't state main points or subpoints with a single word or short phrase in your preparation outline. main points and subpoints in full sentences will ensure that you develop your idea fully.
As for speech
The detail one for planning and preparation,and a brief one for delivery of speech
Two kinds outlines
An outline that helps you prepare the speech.That means putting your speech together,deciding what you will say in the introduction,how to organize the main points and supporting materials and what to say in the conclusion.
Transitions,Internal Summaries and Previews
Include They
them in your preparation outline to make sure they are strong
are not incorporated into the system but are labeled separatly and are inserted in the outline where they will appear in the speech
Drinking Water Toxins on Tap with Deafness
Sounds of Slience Wishful
Rage to Diet
Art of Shrinking
Give Your Speech a Title
Tip:Phrasing Group3