Chapter 4 - Victorian Period




Percy Bysshe Shelley (1792-1822) 1792 Shelley was born in an aristocratic family. He was educated at Eton. 1810 18y, he went to Oxford Uni. He attacked war and glorified heroes and heroines of the French revolution. 1811 While in Oxford, he published The Necessity of Atheism in which he doubted the existence of God. As a result,he was expulsed by the university and his conservative father deprived him the heir of Barony and fortune. He went to London where he met Harriet Westbrook who was much younger than him and also came from an aristocratic family. They eloped to Scotland. Poverty finally separated the couple. 1814 He fell in love with Mary Wollstonecraft (daughter of Godwin) and eloped with her to Italy. In Italy, he met Byron with whom he kept a solid friendship. 1816 Harriet committed suicide. Shelley's political enemy attacked him an immoral man. 1818 He exiled himself to Italy and spent the rest of his life there. 1819 Peterloo Massacre happened in Manchester. The event marked a turning point in Shelley's view. Before that, he thought that workers should take up weapons and fights. After the event, he thought they should. Working class's resistance and anti-oppression became a constant theme of him. 1822 At the age of 30, he drowned in a small boat along the coast of Italy. Shelley's Major Works 1813 Queen Mob shows Shelley's social philosophy. 1. He criticizes the rising capitalism and the feudal society. 2. He defends the rights of the labor against their exploiters and oppressors. 3. The story is a fairy tale dream. It's an optimistic poem. Through Queen Mob's words, Shelley shows his philosophy. It's a revolutionary poem in which Shelley declares war on the injustice and violence of the world. (Shelley is a revolutionary poet.) 1819 Prometheus Unbound Prometheus is a god in Greek myth, who steals fire from heaven to help human. Zeus punishes him by hanging him on a cliff and sending eagles to bite his flesh. Aeschylus's Prometheus Bound described how Prometheus steals the fire and his sufferings. At the end, Prometheus reconciled with Zeus. Prometheus Unbound. In Shelley's work Prometheus doesn't comprise with authority (Zeus)。



PART ONE: ENGLISH LITERATURE 英国文学An Introduction to Old and Medieval English LiteratureChapter 1 The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期I. Edmund Spenser 埃蒙德.斯宾塞牧人日记《The Shepheardes Calender》仙后《The Faerie Queene》婚曲《Epithalamion》II. Christopher Marlowe 克里斯托夫.马洛帖木儿-----Tamburlaine浮士德博士的悲剧----Dr. Faustus爱德华二世----Edward II激情的牧人致心爱的姑娘---- The Passionate Shepherd to His LoveIII. William Shakespeare 威廉.莎士比亚哈姆莱特---Hamlet奥塞罗---Othello李尔王—King Lear麦克白--Macbeth终成眷属---All’s Well That Ends Well仲夏夜之梦—A Midsummer Night’s Dream威尼斯商人---The Merchant of Venice无事生非---Much Ado about Nothing皆大欢喜---As You Like It罗密欧和朱丽叶---Romeo and JulietIV. Francis Bacon 弗兰西斯.培根培根散文集---Essays学术的进展---The Advancement of Learning新工具----Novum Organum法律原理---Maxims of Law—论学习---Of StudiesV. John Donne 约翰.邓恩挽歌与讽刺----The Elegies and Satires歌与十四行诗---The Songs and Sonnets告别爱情----Farewell to Love圣十四行诗---Holly Sonnets圣父赞美诗----A Hymn to God the Father日出---The Sun Rising死亡,你别骄傲---Death, Be Not ProudVI. John Milton 约翰.弥尔顿失乐园---Paradise Lost复乐园---Paradise Regained力士参孙----Samson AgonistesChapter 2 The Neoclassical Period 新古典主义时期I. John Bunyan 约翰.班扬天路历程---The Pilgrim’s Progress罪人头目的赦免---Grace Abounding to the Chiel of Sinners拜得门先生生死录—The Life and Death of Mr. Badman圣战----The Holy WarII. Alexander Pope 亚历山大.蒲伯论批评---An Essay on Criticism夺发记---The Rape of the Lock群愚史诗---The Dunciad人伦---An Essay on Man译有荷马史诗《伊利亚特》、《奥德塞》III. Daniel Defoe 丹尼尔.笛福鲁滨逊漂流记----Robinson Crusoe辛利顿船长----Captain Singleton莫尔.弗朗德斯-----Moll Flanders杰克上校----Colonel Jack— <成为异教徒的捷径>---The Shortest Way with the Dissenters(1702) 让他身陷囹圄《地地道道的英国人》-The True-Born Englishman使他成为英王的好朋友。



Chapter Four The Victoria Period1.Critical realism: Victoria literature, as a productof its age, naturally took on its quality ofmagnitude and diversity. It was many-sided andcomplex. While sticking to the principle of faithfulrepresentation of the 18th century realist novel,they carried their duty forward to the criticism ofthe society and the defense of the mass. Althoughwriting from different points of view and withdifferent techniques, they shared one thing incommon, that is, they were all concerned aboutthe fate of the common people. They were angrywith the inhuman social institutions, the decayingsocial morality as represented by the moneyworship and Utilitarianism, and the widespreadmisery, poverty and injustice. Their truthfulpicture of people’s life and bitter and strongcriticism of the society had done much inawakening the public consciousness to the socialproblems and in the actual improvement of thesociety.2.The characteristic and achievement ofCharles Dickens’ novels a. Dickens is adept with the vernacular and large vocabulary. He is humorous and witty. Character-portrayal is the most distinguishing feature of his works. Among a vast range of various characters, marked out by some peculiarity in physical traits, speech or manner, are both types and individuals. And he is famous for the depiction of those horrible and grotesque characters and those broadly humorous or comical ones. Dickens’s works are also characterized by a mingling of humors and pathos. Three kinds of characters: a. the innocent, persecuted, helpless child characters like Oliver Twist, Little nell, David Copperfield and little Dorris. B. the horrible and groteque characters like Fagin, Bill Sikes and Qulip; C. the humorous and comic figures like Mr. Micawber, Sun Weller and Mrs. Gamp.3.The theme of Jane Eyre: In Jane Eyre, Charlottepours a great deal of her own experience, such as the life at Lowood school and life as a governess.One of the central themes of the book is thecriticism of the bourgeois system of education.Another problem raised by her in the novel is the position of woman in society. Jane Eyre, the heroine of the novel, maintains that women should have equal rights with men.4.The narrative method of The Wuthering Heights:the story is told mainly by Nelly, Catherine’s old nurse, to Mr. Lockwood, a temporary tenant at Grange. The latter too gives an account of what he sees at Wuthering heights. And part of the story is told through Isabella’s letters to Nelly.While the central interest is maintained, the sequence of its development is constantly disordered by fashbacks. This makes the story all the more enticing and genuine.5.The artistic style of Browning’s poetry: 1)“dramatic monologue” perfectly used as a dominant poetic medium in which the speaker reveals his or her own characters in telling the story unconsciously; 2) obscurity sometimes presenting itself in that psychological exposure mingles complicatedly with clipped syntax. 30allusions and implications abounding in his works;and 4) complicatedness in structural design which corresponds to the psychological exposure in the monologue.6.The artistic style of Hardy’s novels: he is a greatpainter of nature. In his hand, nature assumes the form of life and becomes a most powerful, forbidding force with its own life and will. And all the works of hardy are noted for the rustic dialect and a poetic flavor, which fits well into their perfectly designed architectural structures.7.The artistic characteristic of the novel “Tess of theD’urbervilles”: as on e of the best work by hardy, the novel is a fierce attack on the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society and the capitalist invasion into the country and destruction of the English peasantry towards the end of the 19th century. In its bitter criticism of the ugly reality, the novel is also immersed in a naturalistic tendency in that Tess seems to be led to her final destruction step by step by Fate. One “wrong” after another mysteriously andcoincidently drive her to her tragic end. So it issuggestive that readers understand the novelfrom the view points of its critical realist andnaturalistic tendency.Chapter 5. The Modern period1.“Modernism” as a literary movement: 1) Modernism wasthe product of the skepticism and disillusion of capitalist in the West; 2) The French Symbolism in the late 19th century heralded modernism. It flourished at the beginning of the 29th century until the 30s, and produced such great artists and writers as Kafka, Picasso, Pound, Webem, T.S.Eliot, James Joyce and Viginia Woolf. After the Second World War, it had another upsurage with the rise of existentialism, reflected mainly in drama; 3) ideologically, modernism took irrational philosophy and the theory of psycho-analysis, and they wrote about the alienation of human beings in their distorted and ill relationship between man and nature, man and society,man and man, man and himself; 4) in literary trend, modernism was a reaction against realism with its major concern with the psychological rather than the realistical, the abnormal rather than normal, the spiritual rather than the material, and chaos rather than order.2.the plot , character and language of Mrs. Warren’sProfession: the play about the economic oppression of women. Mr.Warren used to be a prostitute and is a boss of a prostitution. He exposed the social root and the essence of the ugly appearance and connected the theme of corrupted women with the corruption of capitalism and criticized the capitalist system and the hypocrisy and horror of it. He makes the trick of showing up one character vividly at the expense of another. He would take an unconventional character, a person with the gift of insight and freedom, so as to reveal at every turn shock notions, prejudices and dishonesties. His language is true to life. Each person speaks the language that suits to his position.3.The characteristic and meaning of Yeats’ poetry: Yeatsgave a significance to the ordinary events of life in his poetry. The new vigor of his verse is reflected in theprecise and concret imagery, the strong passion, and the active verb forms. The early passive and dreamy mood was replaced by anger, disillusion and bitter satire. His style is both simple and rich, colloquial and formal, witha quality of metaphysical wit and symbolic vision, whichindicates that Yearts has already been on his way to modern poetry.urence’s “Songs and Lovers”: the novel certainlyreflects the problems of Lawrence’s young age. It is taken as a typical example and lively manifestation of Oedipus Complex in fiction, as the result of Lawrence’s long-range study of psychoanalytic theories of Sigmund Freud. But the theme of the novel is usually said to concern the effect of maternal love on the development of a son. The didactic elements in the novel and the looseness in structure are often criticized by some critics.5.The art of Joyce: his own style is a straightforward one,lucid, logical and leisurely; subtelety, economy and exactness are his standards. But when he tries to render the so-called stream of consciousness, the style changes;incomplete, rapid, broken wording and fragmentarysentences are the typical features, which reflect the shifting, flirting, disorderly flow of thoughts in the major characters’ mind. To create his modern Odyssey---Ulysses, Joyce adopts a kind of mock-heroic style. The essence of the mock-heroic lies in the application of apparently inappropriate styles. He achieves this mainly by elaborating his style into parody, pastiche, symbolic fantasy, and narration by question and answer from an omniscient narrator.。

英美文学选读翻译 维多利亚时期

英美文学选读翻译 维多利亚时期






















英美文学选读作家作品列表英国部分第一章The Renaissance Period1.Edmund Spenser①The shepheardes Calender 牧人日记②The Faerie Queene 仙后③Epithalamion 新婚喜歌2.Christopher Marlowe Tamburlaine 帖木儿Dr. Faustus 浮士德博士的悲剧The Jew of Malta 马耳他的犹太人Edward Ⅱ爱德华2世Hero and Leander 海洛与勒安德耳The passionate shepherd to his love 激情的牧人致心爱的姑娘A verse translation of Ovid’s Amores 翻译了奥维德的爱的艺术3.William ShakespearePeriod 1: He wrote 5 history plays HenryⅥ亨利6世RichardⅢ理查三世Titus Andronicus 泰托斯。

安东尼4 comedies:The comedy of errors 错误的喜剧. The two Gentlemen of Verona维洛那2绅士. The Taming of the shrew 驯悍记. Love’s Lost 爱的徒劳Period 2:5 histories: RichardⅡ理查二世King john约翰王HenryⅣ,HenryⅤ6 comedies:A Midsummer Night’s Dream 仲夏夜之梦The Merchant of VeniceMuch ado About nothing 无事生非As You Like It 皆大欢喜Twelfth Night 第12夜The Merry Wives of Windsor温沙的风流娘们2 tragedies:Romeo and Juliet Julius Caesar Period 3:includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comediesTragedies: Hamlet, Othello, KingLear李尔王Macbeth麦克白,Antony and Cleopatra 安东尼与克里奥佩特拉,Troilus andCressida 特络绎勒斯与克里西达,and Coriolanus克里奥拉那斯.2 comedies:All’s Well That Ends Well 终成眷属Measure for Measure一报还一报Period 4: romantic tragicomedies:Pericles伯里克里,Cymbeline 辛白林,The Winter’sTale and The Tempest暴风雨,2 final plays: Henry Ⅷ,The TwoNoble Kinsmen 2位贵族亲戚4.Francis BaconFirst group: The Advancement ofLearning, Novum OrganumSecond group: Essays散文集(ofStudies), Apophthagmes New andOld新旧格言集,The History ofReign of Henry Ⅶ亨利7世的统治,The New Atlantis 新大西岛Third group:Maxims of law法律原理andThe Learned Reading upon theStatute of Uses法令使用读本5.John DonneThe Elegies and Satires挽歌与讽刺The songs and Sonnets 歌与短歌The Sun Rising 太阳升起Death ,Be Not Proud 死亡,你莫狂妄6.John MiltonFirst group: the early poetic works:Lycidas 利西达斯Second group:the middle prose pamohlets散文小册子: Areopagitica(1644)论出版自由The great poems: Paradise Lost(1665)Paradise Regained (1666)Samson Agonistes (1671) 力士参孙第二章The Neoclassical Period新古典主义1. John bunyan:The Pilgrim’s Pr ogress 天路历程(”The Vanity Fair”)Grace Abounding to the Chief ofSinners 罪人头目的赦免The life and death of Mr. Badman柏得门先生生死录The Holy War 圣战2. Alexander PopeAn Essay on Criticism 论批评The Rape of the Lock 夺发记The Dunciad 群愚史诗An Essay on Man 论人类Homer’s Iliad 伊利亚德andOdyssey 奥德塞Edited some of Shakespeare’s plays3.Daniel DefoeRobinson Crusoe(Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ)Captain Singleton辛立顿船长Moll Flanders摩尔弗朗德斯Colonel Jack杰克上校Roxana罗克萨那A Journal of the Plague Year灾疫之年的日记4.Jonathan SwiftA Tale of a Tub 桶的故事The Battle of the books 书籍的战争The Drapier’s Letter 德拉皮尔的信Gulliver’s Travels 格列佛游记A Modest Proposal一个温和的建议5. Henry FieldingThe history of the adventures ofJoseph Andrew and of his friend Mr.Abraham.约瑟夫安德鲁与亚伯拉罕亚当斯历险记The History of Jonathan Wild theGreat伟大的桥纳森怀尔德The History of Tom Jones汤姆琼斯The History of Amelia阿米利亚6.Samuel JohnsonPoems: London , The Vanity ofhuman WishesA Romance: The History of Rasselas 拉塞拉斯的历史, Prince of Abyssinia人类欲望的虚幻Several hundred essaysA tragedy: Irene艾林As a lexicographer 词典编纂家7.Richard Brinsley SheridanThe Rivals情敌The School for Scandal 造谣学校8.Thomas GrayElegy Written in a Country Churchyard第三章The Romantic Period1. William BlackThe songs of Innocence天真之歌(The Chimney Sweeper)The songs of Experience经验之歌(The Chimney Sweeper)Marriage of Heaven and Hell天堂与地狱的结合The Book of Urizen 尤来森之书The Book of Los 洛斯之书The four Zoas四个左义斯Milon弥尔顿Tiger2. Willian Wordsworth(Lake Poets) Lyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集A Phantom of Delight快乐的化身An Evening Walk 傍晚漫步The Prelude序曲Poems in Two V olumes双卷诗The Excursion远足I wandered lonely as a cloud 我如行云独自游Composed upon Westminster Bridge She dwelt among the untrodden ways 她住在人迹罕至的小路间The solitary reaper孤独的收割者3. Samuel Taylor ColeridgeLyrical Ballads抒情歌谣集The demonic group神羝诗: the rime of the ancient mariner古航海家之歌, christabel克里斯特贝尔,kubla khan 忽必烈汗The conversational group 对话诗:frost at midnight 子夜寒霜Biographia Liter aria 文学传记,4.George Gordon ByronChild Harold’s Pilgrimage 哈罗德游记The Oriented Tales 东方故事集Manfred曼弗雷德Don Juan 唐璜Song for the Luddites 路德工人的歌The Isles of Greece希腊岛5.Percy Bysshe ShelleyJulian and Maddalo朱利安与麦达罗The revolt of Islam伊斯兰的起义The Cenci钦契一家Prometheus Unbound解放了的普罗米修斯Adonais阿多那伊斯Hellas 赫拉丝Defence of Poetry诗辩Men of England 致英格兰人民The cloud 云之歌To a Skylark 致云雀Ode to the west wind西风颂6. John KeatsEndymion 安狄米恩Lamia,Isabella,The Eve ofSt.Agnes ,and Other Poems 拉米亚,伊莎贝拉,圣阿格尼斯节前夕及其他诗歌Ode on Melancholy 忧郁颂Ode on a Grecian Urn 希腊古瓮颂Ode to a Nightingale夜莺颂Ode to Psyche 普萨克颂To Autumn秋日颂Hyperion希波里恩7. Jane AustenSense and Sensibility理智与情感Pride and Prejudice傲慢与偏见Northanger Abbey诺桑觉寺Mansfield Park曼斯菲尔德花园Emma 爱玛Persuasion劝告The Watsons沃特森一家Fragment of novel小说的未完成部分Plan of a Novel小说的构思第四章The Victorian Period1. Charles DickensSketches by Boz 勃兹速写Life in Oliver Twist 雾都孤儿Nicholas Nickleby 尼克拉丝尼克尔比The Pickwick Paper 皮克威克外传David Copperfield大卫科波菲尔Martin Chuzzlewit马丁瞿述伟Dombey and Son董贝父子A Tale of Two Cities 双城记Bleak House 荒凉山庄Little Dorrit 小多利特Hard Times艰难时世Great Expectation远大前程Our Mutual Friend我们共同的朋友2.The Bronte SistersCharlotte: The professor ,JaneEyre ,Shirley, Villette维莱特Emily: Wuthering Heights呼啸山庄Anne: Agnes Grey阿格尼斯格雷,the Tenant of Wildfell Hall维尔德费尔霍的佃户3.Alfred TennysonChiefly Lyrical抒情诗集Poems 诗集Princess 公主In Memoriam悼念Maud, a collection of short lyrics摩德抒情短歌集By Idylls of the King 国王诗歌集Break , Break, Break浪花拍拍拍Crossing the Bar跨越沙洲Ulysses 尤利西斯4.Robert BrowningPauline保林Sordello索德罗Dramatic lyrics戏剧抒情诗Dramatic Romances and Lyrics戏剧浪漫诗与抒情诗Bells and Pomegranates铃当和石榴树Man and Woman 男人和女人Dramatic personae 戏剧人物The Ring and the Book 指环与书Dramatic Idylls戏剧田园诗Sonnets from the Portuguese葡萄牙十四行诗My Last Duchess我前一位公爵夫人Meeting at Night 深夜相会Parting at Morning清晨分别5. George EliotScenes of Clerical Life 牧师生活一瞥Adam Bede 亚当贝德The Mill on the Floss弗洛斯河上的磨房Silas Marner 织工拉斯马奈尔Romola罗摩拉Felix Holt, the radical菲利克斯霍德一个激进派Middlemarch 弥都玛持镇Daniel Deronda 丹尼尔德龙达6.Thomas HardyDesperate Remedies计出无奈Under the Greenwood Tree格林伍德的林荫下Far from the Madding Crowd远离尘嚣Tess of the D’Urbervilles德伯家的苔丝Jude the Obscure 无名的裘德The Return of the Native 还乡The Trumper Major号兵长The Mayor of Casterbridge卡斯特桥市长The Woodlanders 林地居民第五章The Modern Period1. George Bernard Shaw Widowers’ Houses鳏夫的房产Candida 堪迪拉Mrs. Warren’s Profession沃伦夫人的职业Caesar and Cleopatra恺撒与克里奥佩特拉St. Joan 圣女贞德Man and Superman 人与超人Back to Methuselah回归玛士撒拉Apple Cart 苹果车John Bull’s other Island 约翰布尔的另外岛屿Pygmalion卖花女Getting Married 结婚Misalliance不合适的婚姻Fanny’s First Play 法尼的第一场戏The Doctor’s Dilemma 医生的进退两难Too True to Be Good难以置信2.John GalsworthyThe Man of Property 财主The silver Box 银盒The Forsyte Saga:弗尔塞特世家三步曲ⅠThe Man of Property财主, InChancery骑虎难下, To Let出租Ⅱ A Modern Comedy 现代喜剧ⅢEnd of the Chapter篇章末尾3.William Butler Yeats (W. B.Yeats)The Countess Cathleen凯瑟林伯爵夫人The Land of Heart’s Desire心欲的土地The Shadowy Waters布满阴影的水城Purgatory炼狱The Lake Isle of Innisfree伊尼斯弗利的湖中沙洲The man Who Dreamed ofFaerylandDown by the Salley Gardens 走过撒利花园4. T. S. EliotThe love Song of J. AlfredPrufrock J.A布鲁富劳克的情歌The Waste land荒原Gerontion 衰老The Hollow Men 空心人Ash Wednesday 星期三的烟灰Four Quartets四个四重奏Murder in the Cathedral教堂的谋杀The Family Reunion家人团员The Cocktail Party 鸡尾酒会The Confidential Clerk机要人员The Elder Statesman 年长的政客5. D. H. LawrenceThe White Peacock白孔雀The Trespasser过客Sons and Loves儿子与情人The Rainbow虹Women in LoveAaron’s rod亚伦神杖Kangaroo袋鼠The Plumed Serpent带羽毛的蛇Lady Chatterley’s Lover 查泰来夫人的情人6. James JoyceDubliners都柏林Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man艺术家年轻时代的肖像Ulysses尤利西斯Finnegans Wake 菲尼根斯韦克美国文学部分The Romantic Period1、Washington IrvingThe Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent.见闻札记The Legend of Sleep Hollow睡谷传奇Rip Van Winkle瑞普.凡.温克尔2、Ralph Waldo EmersonNature论自然The American ScholarSelf-RelianceThe Oversoul3、Nathaniel HawthorneThe Scarlet LetterThe House of the Seven Gables七个尖角阁的房子Young Goodman Brown4、Walt WhitmanLeaves of GrassDemocratic Vistas名主展望There Was a Child Went Forth有个天天向前走的孩子Cavalry Crossing a Ford骑兵过河Song of Myself5、Herman MelvilleBartleby, The Scrivner 巴特尔比The Confidence ManBilly Budd 比利.巴德Moby DickThe Realistic Period1、Mark TwainThe Adventures of Tom Sawyer汤姆.索亚历险记Adventures of Huckleberry Finn哈克贝利.费恩历险记A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur’s Court亚瑟王朝中的康涅狄格北方佬2、Henry JamesThe AmericanThe Portrait of a Lady 贵妇画像The Turn of the Screw拧紧螺丝The Wing of the Dove鸽翼Daisy Miller黛西.米勒3、Emily DickinsonI Died for Beauty—but WasScarce我为美而死,但还未….Apparently with No Surprise显然没有惊奇Tell All the Truth but Tell it Slant说出所有的真理,但切莫直言This is my letter to the worldI Heard a Fly Buzz When I DiedI like to see it lap the Miles我爱看它舔食一哩又一哩Because I could not stop for Death因为我不能停步等候死神4、Theodore DreiserThe Financier金融家The Titan巨人An American TragedyThe Stoic斯多噶Sister CarrieThe Modern Period1、Ezra PoundHugh Selwyn Mauberley休.赛尔温.莫伯利The Cantos 诗章In a Station of the Metro在地铁车站The River-Merchant’s Wife: ALetter河商的妻子A Pact 合同2、Robert Lee FrostA Boy’s WillNorth of BostonMountain Interval山间低地New Hampshire新罕布什尔After Apple-PickingThe Road Not TakenStopping by Woods on a SnowyEvening雪夜林边驻脚3、Eugene O’NeilBeyond the Horizon天边外The Emperor Jones琼斯皇帝The Iceman Cometh送冰的人来了Long Day’s Journey into Night长夜漫漫路迢迢The Hairy Ape毛猿4、F. Scott FitzgeraldThis Side of Paradise 人间天堂Tender Is the Night 夜色温柔The Great Gatsby 了不起的盖茨比5、Ernest HemingwayIn Our TimeThe Sun Also RisesA Farewell to Arms永别了,武器The Old Man and the SeaIndian Camp印第安人营地6、William FaulknerThe BearThe Sound and the Fury喧哗与骚动Light in August八月之光A Rose for Emily纪念爱米丽的一朵玫瑰花。


Works -Hearts of Darkness 《黑暗的心灵》 -Lord Jim 《吉姆爷》
• In the 19th century English literature, a new literary trend ____ appeared. And it flourished in the forties and in the early fifties.
– Works • Tess of the D’urbervilles 《德伯家的苔丝》 • The Return of the Native 《还乡》 • Jude the Obscure 《无名的裘德》 • Far from the Madding Crowd 《远离尘嚣》 • The Mayor of Casterbridge 《卡斯特桥市长》 • Dynasties 《列王》
Victorian poets and poetry
Alfred Tennyson (1809——1892) 阿尔佛 雷德丁尼生 - A representative poet of the Victorian Age. “桂冠诗人”(Poet Laureate)
• Works: • In Memoriam 《悼念》 • The idylls of the King 《国王叙事诗》 • Ulysses 《尤利西斯》
• A. romanticism B. naturalism
• C. realism
D. critical realism
• Which of the following writings is not the work by Charles Dickens?
A. A Tale of Two Cities.

综合英语教程(第三版)BOOK4-课文译文 01.第一单元

综合英语教程(第三版)BOOK4-课文译文 01.第一单元










斯堪的纳维亚人也在这里留下他们的足迹,比如一些湖区特有的词汇——“T arn”表示小湖;“force”表示瀑布,“fell”代表小山,“gill”表示深谷和“beck”表示峡谷溪流。






多萝西关于奥斯沃特湖畔水仙的描述激发了她哥哥的最著名的那首诗(I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud)。


“这些含羊油的蜡烛冒着刺鼻的黑烟,”导游Esther Ruttert调侃道,“所以只有很微弱的光,他们的视力非常糟糕。






literature, in general, truthfully represents the reality & spirit of the age. The high-spirited vitality, the down-to-earth earnestness, the good-natured humor and unbounded imagination are all unprecedented 空前的. In almost every genre it paved the way for the coming century, where its spirits, values & experiments are to witness their harvest.
. Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
greatest representive of English critical realism Born at Portsmouth, his father was put into the prison for debt when he was only 12 Worked in underground shoeblacking then lawyer’s office as a junior clerk In 1835, became a reporter, later an editor, manager
Chapter II the Victorian Literature
& diversity: Great writers and great works abounded It was many-sided, complex, reflected both romantically and realistically the great changes that were going on in people's life and thought.

The Victorian Period 英国文学·维多利亚时代 ppt课件

The Victorian Period 英国文学·维多利亚时代 ppt课件
The Victorian Period 英国文学·维多利亚时代
The critical realists were unable to find a good solution to the social contradictions. The chief tendency in their works is not of revolution but of reformism.
The Victorian Period 英国文学·维多利亚时代
• Great prose writers: Thomas Carlyle Thomas Babington Macaulay Matthew Arnold John Henry Newman John Stuart Mill John Ruskin Thomas Henry Huxley
• It was welcomed especially by the middleclass industrialists and made cultural values, moral standards less valuable. →the worsening of living condition of poor people



英文闻名中外名著作文1. Title: Unveiling the Timeless Wisdom: A Journey Through Classic Literary Masterpieces。

In the realm of literature, every page whispers a tale, each sentence a symphony. Let's embark on a随机的、无序的旅程, where the likes of Shakespeare, Austen, and Dickens guide us through their timeless creations.2. Chapter 1: The Bard's Playful Prose Shakespeare's sonnets。

Shakespeare's words dance like a playful fable, never following a straight path. "To be or not to be" asks a question that echoes in our souls, without a premeditated segue. His sonnets, like a kaleidoscope, blend love, loss, and human nature, defying the rules of logic.3. Chapter 2: Jane Austen's Social Satire "Pride and Prejudice"Austen's wit is as sharp as a well-timed quip. "Pride and Prejudice" is a witty comedy, where characters navigate societal expectations, their conversations as unpredictable as a sudden rain shower. Her characters, Elizabeth and Darcy, evolve in a non-linear narrative, teaching us theart of change.4. Chapter 3: The Romantic Crusade "Wuthering Heights"Bronte's "Wuthering Heights" is a tempestuous tale, its stormy narrative a surprise at every turn. The love story between Heathcliff and Catherine is a rollercoaster ride, with no gentle introduction or conclusion. The characters' passions, like a tempestuous night, defy explanation.5. Chapter 4: The Victorian Dilemma "Great Expectations"Dickens' "Great Expectations" is a tale of ambition and disillusionment, where expectations are as unpredictable as a London fog. The narrative meanders, revealing thecomplexities of life and the unexpected twists that life can bring.6. Chapter 5: The Modern Mystic "The Catcher in the Rye"J.D. Salinger's "The Catcher in the Rye" is arebellious voice, breaking the mold of conventional storytelling. Holden's journey is a non-linear exploration of teenage angst, challenging readers to question authority without a clear roadmap.In conclusion, these literary masterpieces, though not tied by a linear narrative, are a testament to the power of language. Each one, like a unique puzzle piece, offers a glimpse into the human experience, defying the rules of storytelling and inviting us to embrace the unpredictable.。



Chapter 4 The Victorian Period(1836-1901)维多利亚时期1. Common sense and moral propriety, which were ignored by the Romanticists, again became the predominant preoccupation in literary work.道德和常理这些被浪漫主义时代遗弃多年的主题,又回到了文学主流中来。

2. Oscar Wilde and Walter Pater, both notorious advocators of the theory of “art for art‟s sake.”唯美主义者奥斯卡.王尔德与沃尔特.培特都极力推崇“为了艺术而艺术”的观点。

3. Utilitarianism was widely accepted and practiced.实用主义大行其道。

4. The poetry of this period was mainly characterized by experiments with new styles and ways of expression.这个时期的诗歌具有风格标新,表达立异的特点。

5. Victorian literature, in general, truthfully represents the reality and spirit of the age. The high-spirited vitality, the down to earth earnestness, the good-matured humor and unbounded imagination are all unprecedented.维多利亚时期文学,真实地反映了时代的现实与精神,其中体现出的高度的活力,脚踏实地的精神,善意的幽默与无羁无绊的丰富联想都是空前的。



Highlights of British and American Literature 《英美文学精品选读》Part I An Appreciation of English Literature 上篇:英国文学Chapter 1 Medieval Literature 中世纪英国文学Jeffery Chaucer 杰弗里•乔叟The Canterbury Tales (General Prologue)Chapter 2 The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期英国文学William Shakespeare 威廉•莎士比亚Sonnet 18Sonnet 29Romeo and Juliet: Part of Scene IIChapter 3 English Romantic Poetry 英国浪漫主义诗歌1. Robert Burns 罗伯特•彭斯A Red, Red RoseMy Heart’s in the Highlands2. William Wordsworth 威廉•华兹华斯I wandered lonely as a cloudComposed upon Westminster Bridge, September 3, 18023. Percy Bysshe Shelley 波西•比西•雪莱To---Ode to the West Wind4. Jane Austen 简•奥斯汀Pride and Prejudice (Chapter I)Chapter 4 The Victorian Age 维多利亚文学时期1. Charles Dickens 查尔斯•狄更斯A Tale of Two Cities ( Chapter I)2. Bronte Sisters 布朗特姐妹Charlotte Bronte 夏洛特•布朗特Jane Eyre (Chapter XXXVIII)Emily Bronte 艾米莉•布朗特Wuthering Heights (Chapter XV)3. Robert Browning 罗伯特•布朗宁My Last Duchess FerraraMeeting At NightParting at Morning4. Elizabeth Barrett Browning 伊丽莎白•巴雷特•布朗宁Sonnets from the Portuguese: 14Sonnets from the Portuguese: 43Chapter 5 Twentieth Century Literature 二十世纪文学时期1. Thomas Hardy 托马斯•哈代Tess of the D’Urberbilles (Chapter XXXV)2. Virginia woolf 维吉尼亚•沃尔夫Mrs. Dalloway (The beginning part)Part II An Appreciation of American Literature 下篇:美国文学Chapter 1: The Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期文学1. Washington Irving 华盛顿•欧文Rip Van Winkle (The beginning part)2. Ralph Waldo Emerson 拉尔夫•瓦尔多•爱默生Nature (Chapter I)3. Edgar Allan Poe 埃德加•艾伦•坡The Raven4. Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804-1864) 纳撒尼尔•霍桑The Scarlet Letter (Chapter I, II)Chapter 2: The Literature of Realism 现实主义文学时期1.Walt Whitman 惠特曼Leaves of Grass: O Captain! My Captain!Leaves of Grass: I Hear America singing2. Emily Dickinson 艾米丽•狄金森HopeI’m NobodyI heard a Fly buzz—when I died—3. Mark Twain 马克•吐温The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (Chapter I)Chapter 3: Twentieth-century Literature 二十世纪文学时期1. Ezra Pound 埃兹拉•庞德In a Station of the MetroThe River-Merchant’s Wife: A Let ter2. Robert Frost 罗伯特•弗洛斯特The Road Not TakenStopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening3. Thomas Stearns Eliot 托马斯•斯特尔纳斯•艾略特The Waste Land (Subtitles: The Burial of the Dead)4. Francis Scott Fitzgerald 弗朗西斯•司各特•菲兹杰拉德The Great Gatsby (Chapter III)5. Ernest Hemingway 厄尼斯特•海明威The Old Man and the Sea (Chapter XXVII, XXVIII, XXXVIIII)6. William Faulkner 威廉•福克纳A Rose for Emily (Chapter I, II, III, IV)《英美文学精华选读》将简要介绍英美各时期的主要文学文化思潮,文学流派和代表作家。



维多利亚时期Chapter 4 The Victorian Period一。




考核要求(一)维多利亚时期概述1. 识记:(1)维多利亚时期的界定(2)社会政治,经济,文化背景。

2. 领会:(1)维多利亚时期的文学特点(2)批判现实主义小说对后世文学的影响。

3. 应用:宪章运动,功利主义,批判现实主义,戏剧独自等名词的解释(二)该时期的重要作家1. 一般识记:重要作家的生平与创作生涯2. 识记:重要作品及主要内容3. 领会:重要作家的创作思想,艺术特色及其代表作品的主题思想,人物塑造,语言风格,社会意义等。

4. 应用:(1)狄更斯和萨克雷作品的批判现实主义思想及各自的创作手法,艺术特色。






A. Introduction to the Victorian Period1. 识记(1)Definition:the Victorian PeriodChronologically the Victorian period roughly coincides with the reign of Queen Victoria who ruled over England from 1836 to 1901. The period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history.(2)Political,Economical & Cultural BackgroundThe early years of the Victorian England was a time of rapid economic development as well as serious social problems. After the Reform Bill of 1832 passed the political power from the decaying aristocrats into the hands of the middle-class industrial capitalists,the Industrial Revolution soon geared up. Towards the mid-century,England had reached its highest point of development as a world power. And yet beneath the great prosperity & richness,there existed widespread poverty & wretchedness among the working class. The worsening living & working conditions,the mass unemployment & the new Poor Law of 1834 with its workhouse system finally gave rise to the Chartist Movement (1836-1848)。



英文毕业论文--从女性主义的角度分析《简爱》本科生毕业论文从女性主义的角度分析《简爱》An Analysis on Jane Eyre from the Perspective ofFeministI摘要十九世纪英国女作家夏洛蒂.勃朗特的作品《简爱》因其独特的思想内容和表现手法,一直被看作是英国文学的经典之作。







关键词:简爱;夏洛蒂.勃朗特;女性主义;平等和自由IIAbstractCharlotte Bronte is an outstanding woman writer in the 19th century English literature, her work Jane Eyre has been regarded as the classics of the English literature due to its unique content and way of expression. Since the work has been published, it has attracted the attention of the literary critics. Especially the pursuit of female independence and equality, making the heroines of Jane’s image loads the Western women’s awakening of feminist consciousness in the 19th century. There is no lack of the image of rebellious women in English literature, but like Jane Eyre, as humble, ordinary, plain but who have no “minority”women, so consciously against the strong patriarchal society, be regarded as unprecedented.This paper reveals the wake of theIIIgender conscious and the social position of women in Victorian period through the analysis of the heroine from the feminist perspective. The status of women in the Victorian period has improved by the development of female consciousness, but still affected by social class and social status.Key words: Jane Eyre;Charlotte Bronte; female; equality; freedomTable of Contents Acknowledgements............... 错误!未定义书签。



英美文学考前串讲(5)Chapter 4 The Victorian PeriodI. Choose the right answer:Chronologically the Victorian refers to__________.A.1798---1832B.1836---1901C.the Romantic periodD.the Neoclassical PeriodAnswer: B (P233)____works are characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos.A.Thomas Hardy’sB.Charles Dickens’sC.Charlotte Bronte’sD.George Eliot’sAnswer: B (P241)3. _____is famous for its vivid descriptions of the workhouse and life of the underworld in the 19th century London.A.Oliver TwistB.Great ExpectationsC.David Copper FieldD.Hard TimesAnswer: A (P243)____is an elaborate and powerful expression of Alfred Tennyson’s philosophical and religious thoughts.A.Idylls of the KingB.“Ulysses”C.Poems, Chieoqy Lyrical]D.In MemoriamAnswer: D (P274)4. The most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens’s works lies in his settingAnswer: C (P241)_____is based on the Celtic legends of King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table.A.In MemoriamB.“Ulysses”C.Idylls of the KingD.The PrincessAnswer: C (P275)5. _____is Robert Browning’s best-known dramatic monologue.A.“My Last Duches”B.“Meeting at Night”C.“Parting at Morning”D.“Pippa Passes”Answer: A (P287)6. _____initiates a new type of realism and sets into motion a variety of developments, leading in the direction of both the naturalistic and psychological novel.A.Charles DickensB.George EliotC.Charlotte BronteD.Thomas hardyAnswer: B (P292)7. _____works are known as “novels of characters and environment.”A.Charles Dickens’sB.George Eliot’sC.Jane Austen’sD.Geroge Eliot’sAnswer: B (P300)8. ____belives that man’s fate is predeterminedly tragic, driven by a combined force of ‘nature”, both inside and outside.A.Charles DickensB.Thomas hardyC.Bernard ShawD.T.S. EliotAnswer: B (P301)9. The author of the work “Dombey and Son” is _________.A.Charles DickensB.Henry JamesC.Robert Lee FrostD.Ezra PoundAnswer: A (P239—240)10. The most important characteristic in Ulysses by Alfred Tennyson is _______.A.mastering of languageB.excellent choice of wordse of the dramatic monologueD.excellent metaphorAnswer: C (P273)11. “Self-conceited”, “cruel” and “tyrannical” are most likely the names of the character in______.A.Robert Browning’s ‘My Last Duchess’B.Christopher Marlowe’s ‘Dr.Faustus’C.Shakespeare’s Love’s ‘Labour’s lost’D.Sheridan’s ‘The School for Scandal’Answer: A (P287)12. Robert Browning’s style is_______.A.identical with that of the other VictorianB.similar to that of TennysonC.perfectly artisticD.rough and disproportionate in appearanceAnswer: D (P285)13. According to D.H. Lawrence, _____was the first novelist that “started putting all the actions inside”.A.George EliotB.Thomas HardyC.Charles DickensD.T.S. EliotAnswer: A (P236)14. Middlemarch is considered to be George Eliot’s greatest novel, owing to all the following reasons vividly English country probed into perpetual philosophical provides a panoramic view of reveals women’s true feelingsAnswer: B (P293)15. ‘Every day, every hour, brought to him one more little stroke of her nature, and to her one more of his”, the sentence is found in_____.A.Middlemarch by George EliotB.Tess of the D’Urbervilles by Thomas HardyC.Jane Eyre by Charlotte BronteD.Wuthering Heights by Emily BronteAnswer: B (P309)16. Which of the following best describes the protagonist (Henchard) of Thomas Hardy’s “The Mayor of the Casterbridge”?A.He is a man of self-esteemB.He is a man of self-contemptC.He is a man of self-confidenceD.He is a man of self-sufficiencyAnswer: D (P300)17. Which of the following description of Thomas Hardy is wrong?A.Most of his novels are set in Wessex.B.Tess of the D’Urbervilles is one of the most representative of him as both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer.C.Among Hardy’s major works, Under the Greenwood Tree is the most cheerful and idyllic.D.From The Mayor of Casterbridge on, the tragic sense becomes the keynote of his novels. Answer: D (P299---302)18. Charlotte’s works are famous for the depiction of the life of the middle-class working women, A (P255)II. Read the quoted part and answer the questions:“You teach me now how cruel you’ve ---cruel and false. Why did you despise me? Why did you betray your own heart, Cathy? I have not one word of comfort---you deserve this…”Who is the speaker?What does it refer to “you despise me, you break your own heart”?What was the meaning of the story from the social point of view?What is the main device of the story in description?Answer:The speaker was Heathcliff.(P270—271)It refers to Cathy married her husband (Linton) and deserted him and her own love.From the social point of view, it is a story about a poor man –Heathcliff abused, betrayed and distorted by his social betters/by the people with higher social position, because he is a poor nobody. (P266)Flashback. (P267)“In pursuance of this determination, little Oliver, to his excessive astonishment, was released from bondage, and ordered to put himself into a clean shirt. He had hardly achieved this very unusual gymnastic performance when Mr. Bumble brought him, with his own hands, a basin of gruel and the holiday allowance of two ounces and a quarter of bread. A very tremendous sight, Oliver begins to cry very piteously. Thinking, not unnaturally, that the board must have decided to kill him for some useful purpose, or they never would have begun to fatten him up in this way.”Identify the title and the writer.Why Oliver was released from the bondage?Why had he been punished?Interpret “A very tremendous sight”.Answer:This is an excerpt from “Oliver Twist” by Charles Dickens. (P249)Because he would be sold to a notorious chimney-sweeper (at 3 pound ten) and became his apprentice. (P243)Oliver was punished for that “impious and profane offence of asking for more gruel.” (P242)]From the passage we can see the food is so little and poor in fact, but in the little Oliver’s eyes, it became “A very tremendous sight”. Because in the usual days Oliver and other children were maltreated and abused cruelly, they couldn’t eat well and were punished severely by the cruelty and hypocrisy of the dehumanizing workhouse board. (P243)“Sunset and evening star,And one clear call for me!And may there be no moaning of the bar,When I put out to sea.”Explain the implications of the “sunset, evening star, sea”.Name the title of the poem and interpret it.Can you say some comment on the poem?Answer:Sunset, evening star: the images of the death; sea symbolizes life. (P277—278)The title is “Crossing the Bar”. It means leaving this world and entering the next world –the world of the spiritThe poem expresses the fearlessness to death of the poet and his faith in God and an afterlife. (The poem is musical in language, rich in poetic images, elaborate in texture and melancholy in air –the characters of Tennyson.) (P273/P278)“My favour at her breast,The dropping of the daylight in the west,The bough of cherries some officious foolBroke in the orchard of her, the white muleShe rode with round the terrace –all and eachWould draw from her alike the approving speech,Or blush, at least. She thanked men –good! ButthankedSomehow –I know not how –as if she rankedMy gift of a nine-hundred-years-old nameWith anybody’s gift”Name the author and the title of the works.What does it mean “a nine-hundred-years-old name”, and to whom the word was spoken? Interpret the passage and analyze the character of the speaker.What is the literary form?Answer:This is the “My last Duchess” written by Robert Browning. (P286)It means the title of the Duchess (of Ferrara) the Duck gave her through marriage has a family history of over 900 years. (P288)Interpret: My favor –the title of the Duchess is better and more proud than any gifts of the world, but my last duchess was ready to be grateful to others’ flatter andThe Duck was a self-conceited, cruel, possessive, and tyrannical person.The word was spoken to the agent who comes to negotiate the marriage of the Duck. (P287)The literary form is “dramatic monologue”. (the Duck’s own defensive words betrays and condemns himself) (P287)“I will drinkLife to the lees:all times I have enjoy’dGreatly, have suffer’d greatly, both with thoseThat loved me, and alone; on shore, and whenThro’ scudding drifts the rainy HyadesVext the dim sea: …………but honour’d of them all”Identify the name of the poem.Explain “drink life to the lees”.What is the theme of the poem?In what form is the poem written?Answer:The name of the poem is “Ulysses”. (P278)The sentence means: I will keep travelling and exploring till the end of my life. (P281)The theme is Ulysses can’t endure the peaceful commonplace everyday life. Old as he is, he persuaded his old followers to go with him and to set sail again to pursue a new world and new knowledge. (the poem also expresses Tennyson’s own determination and courage to brave the struggle of life but also reflects the restlessness and aspiration/anxiety of the age.) (P281)The literary form is “dramatic monologue”. (P281)“Come, Tess, Tell me in confidence.”…“The trees have inquisitive eyes, haven’t they? … and drive all such horrid fancies away!”1) Interpret the passage.Answer:Tess, as pure woman brought up with the traditional ideas, is abused and destroyed by the destructive force, and the misery made her frightened to the future, which implied the naturalistic viewpoint of Hardy. (P303)7. “Break, break, break,On thy cold grey stones, O Sea!And I would that my tongue could utterThe thought that arise in me.”Name the poet and the poem.Name the main tone of the whole poem, the device and the rhyme.Interpret the passage.Answer:Alfred Tennyson. “Break, Break, Break”. (P276)The main tone is Sadness. The device is contract. The rhyme scheme is “a b c d”. (P277)The poem expressed the poet’s feeling of sadness in memory of his best friend. (P276)III. Questions and answers:Ideologically, what influenced Victorian literature? What characters does it have?Darwin’s theory “the survival of the fittest”shook the theoretical basis of the traditional faith, many authors expressed their doubts and uncertainty in their works;Utilitarianism was widely accepted and practiced, many conscious authors severely criticized the Utilitarianism, especially its devalue of culture and its cold indifference to human feeling and imagination;Realism novels criticized the society and defended for the mass, and they concerned about the fate of the common people such as their poverty misery, angry with the inhuman social institution, the social immorality, injustice and money-worship.Victorian literature represents the reality of the age. The high-spirit vitality, the down-to-earth earnestness, the good-natured humour and unbound imagination are unprecedented. (P235—237)Jane Eyre is the greatest governess image in the literature history; can you analyze the character of her?Jane Eyre was a little plain governess with quick wit, honesty, frankness, loving heart and the spirit of independence and self-dignity.In literature, she is an individual conscious to self-realization. She was lonely and neglected young woman with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life.In author’s mind, man’s life is composed of perpetual struggle between sin and virtue, good and evil. The heroines’joy, comes from the sacrifice of self and the overcome of some weakness.By Jane’s experience, we can see the cruelty, hypocrisy, and other evils of the upper classes and the misery and the suffering of the poor, and the false social convention on love and marriage. (P256—259)Analyze the background of the Victorian Period.Economic developed rapidly and social problems prevailed in England and it became the “workshop of the world”.England settled down to a time of prosperity and stability, the people valued earnestness, respectability, modesty, and democracy.In the last decades, British empire declined, and Victorian values decayed.Analyze the character created by George Eliot with an example and his style.George Eliot set a new type of realism –both naturalistic and psychological novel;She sought to present the inner struggle of a soul and to reveal the motives, impulse and hereditary influences, the slow growth or decline of the character;Her masterpiece “Middlemarch”is a study of provincial life, showing a panoramic view of life in a small English town;She concerned for the destiny of women, the heroin in “Middlemarch”–Dorothea, was a typical character of Eliot. She was a lady with great intelligence, potential and social aspiration. She had the ideals to devote to the society, later, she married an elder man to realize her ideals by helping him in the holy Christianity Career. At the end of the story, she became content with giving her second husband “wifely help”.From her experience, we can see Eliot’s view: women were born with the pathetic tragedy. Her spirit declined owing to the social environment and her own weakness.(the story is full of an air of a lifeless bitterness and disappointment) (P292—294)Analyze the style of Charles Dickens.Adeptness/skilfulness with the vernacular and large vocabulary;The most distinguishing/remarkable character-portrayal;The best writing from the child’s point of view; (His best depicted characters are those innocent, virtuous, persecuted, helpless children)The depiction of those horrible and grotesque characters;The mingling/mixing features of humor and pathos/sorrow. (P241)How do you know the naturalistic idea of Hardy?The tragic sense is the keynote of Hardy’s novels, and he is a nostalgic author.Hardy’s novels always set in Wessex, the fictional primitive and crude region, which is threatened by the invading capitalism, expressing the conflict between the traditional and the modern, the old and the modern.Man’s fate is tragic with born, driven by the force of the nature of outside and inside, and man is bound by his inherent nature and hereditary traits which prompt him to go and search for happiness or success, and set him in conflict with the environment; we can see he is influenced greatly by Darwin’s theory “survival of the fittest”.Man proves to be incompetent/impotent before Fate, and he seldom escapes his destiny. The pessimistic view of life predominates most works of Hardy, which earns him the name of a naturalistic writer.Hardy is noted for he rustic dialect and a poetic flavor, so he is also called local-colorist. (P300--302)。



英国文学问答题Chapter I Renaissance Period1.What are the common characteristics shared by the characters created by Marlowe? In what wayis Marlowe a humanist writer? (p。

21)Marlowe reveals man’s pursue of happiness, knowledge and power。

In this way, Marlowe a humanist writer2.What kind of character is Faustus?Dr。

Faustus is the hero created by Marlowe。

He is one of the Renaissance heroes in Marlowe’s plays. He is individualistic and full of ambition, facing bravely the challenge from God. He shows Marlow’s human istic idea of human dignity and capacity. In portraying Faustus, an introspective and philosophical figure, Marlowe praises his soaring aspiration of knowledge while warning against the sin of pride since Faustus's downfall was caused by his despair in God and trust in Devil.3.Please analyze briefly Hamlet’s character features。









Part 1 English LiteratureAn Introduction to Old and Medieval English Literature一.重点:有关这部分的文学史内容1.古代英国文学和中世纪英国文学的起始阶段2.英国文学史上的第一部民族史诗----Beowulf3.中世纪文学的主要文学形式-----Romance4.Geoffrey Chaucer 的文学贡献二.练习:1. Choose the best answer for each blank.1). The period of ______ English literature begins from about 450 to 1066, the year of ______.A. Old----RenaissanceB. Middle---- the Norman Conquest of EnglandC. Middle ---- RenaissanceD. Old---- the Norman Conquest of England2).. The Medieval period in English literature extends from 1066 up to the ______ century.A. mid-13thB. mid-14thC. mid-15thD. mid-16th3). Beowulf, a typical example of Old English poetry, is regarded today as the national ______ of the Anglo-Saxons.A. sonnetB. essayC. epicD. novel4). In The Canterbury Tales, ______ presented to us a comprehensive realistic picture of the English society of his time and created a whole gallery of vivid characters from all walks of life.A. Geoffrey ChaucerB. William ShakespeareC. Francis BaconD. William Langland5). For the Renaissance, ______ was regarded as the English Homer. His reputation has been securely established as one of the best English poets for his wisdom, humor and ______.A. Geoffrey Chaucer----witsB. William Shakespeare----witsC. Geoffrey Chaucer----humanityD. William Shakespeare----humanity6). After the conquest of 1066, three languages co-existed in England. They are ______, ______ and ______.A. Old English, Greek, LatinB. Old English, French, LatinC. Old English, Greek, FrenchD. English, Greek, French7). Geoffrey Chaucer is the greatest writer of the Medieval period in English literature. In “The Legend of Good Women”, he used for the first time in English the rhymed couplet of iambic pentameter which is to be called later the ______.A. coupletB. blank verseC. heroic coupletD. epic8). Thematically the poem “Beowulf” presents a vivid picture of how the primitive people wage heroic struggle against the hostile forces of the ______ world under a wise and mighty ______.A. spiritual----heroB. natural----leaderC. spiritual----godD. natural----monster9). It can be said that though essentially still a medieval writer, Geoffrey Chaucer bore marks of humanism and anticipated a new ______ to come.A. manB. theoryC. doctrineD. era10). Geoffrey Chaucer introduced from France the rhymed stanzas of various types to English poetry to replace the Old English ______ verse.A. rhymedB. alliterativeC. socialD. visionary2. Explain the following literal terms.1). Romance2). Heroic Couplet3). Epic3. Answer the following questions.1). How many groups do the Old English poetry divided into? What are they? Which group does Beowulf belong to? Why?2). What is the contribution of Geoffrey Chaucer to English literature?Chapter1. The Renaissance Period一.重点前言部分1.文艺复兴的起源,起始时间,内容及特征2.人文主义的有关主张及对文学的影响3.文艺复兴时期的主要文学形式及其特征练习:Renaissance Period1. Choose the best answer for each blank.1). The Renaissance, in essence, is a historical period in which the European ______ thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to recover the purity of the early church form the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.A. Greek and RomanB. humanistC. religiousD. loyal2). Generally, the ______ refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries. It first started in Italy, with the flowering of painting, sculpture and literature. From Italy the movement went to embrace the rest of Europe.A. Medieval PeriodB. RenaissanceC. Old English PeriodD. Romantic Period3). ______ is the essence of the Renaissance. Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and _______ are the best representatives of the English humanists.A. Humanity---- William ShakespeareB. Humanism-----Francis BaconC. Humanity---- Geoffrey ChaucerD. Humanism----William Shakespeare4). The Elizabethan ______ is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance. The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare, and ______.A. novel--- Geoffrey ChaucerB. poetry----Francis BaconC. drama----Ben JonsonD. drama----Geoffrey Chaucer5). Humanism sprang from the endeavor to restore a medieval reverence for the antique authors and is frequently taken as the beginning of the Renaissance on its conscious, intellectual side, for the Greek and ______ civilization was based on such a conception that ______ is the measure of all things.A. Roman ---- moralB. French---- reasonC. Roman---- manD. French---- God6).One of the major result of the Reformation in England was the fact that the Bible in English was placed in every church and services were held in English instead of ______ so that people could understand.A. LatinB. FrenchC. GreekD. Anglo-Saxon7). Wyatt, in the Renaissance period, introduced the Petrarchan ______ into England, while Surrey brought in ______ verse.A. drama----freeB. sonnet----blankC. terzarima----blankD. couplet----free8). In the early stage of the English Renaissance, poetry and ______ were the most outstanding forms and they were carried on especially by William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson.A. fictionB. dramatic fictionC. poetic dramaD. novel9). By emphasizing the dignity of human beings and the importance of the present life, ______ voiced their beliefs that man did not only have the right to enjoy the beauty of this life, but had the ability to perfect himself and to perform wonders.A. humanistsB. ProtestantsC. CatholicsD. playwrights10). ______ was the first important English essayist. He was also the founder of modern science in England.A. Edmund SpenserB. Christopher MarloweC. Francis BaconD. Ben Jonson2. Explain the following literal terms.1). the Renaissance Period2). blank verse3). Humanism3. Answer the following questions.1). Make a comment on the influence of Italian literary works upon the literature in the Renaissance England.2). Make a comment on humanism3). What are the typical characteristics of literary works produced in Renaissance England?文艺复兴时期的主要作家。













专题一英美文学一、考核知识点1.英国文学(1)Chapter 1 The Old and Medieval Period1) Beowulf2) Geoffrey Chaucer(2)Chapter 2 The Renaissance Period1) Renaissance and Humanism2) Christopher Marlowe3) William Shakespeare4)Francis Bacon5)John Donne6)John Milton(3)Chapter 3 The Neoclassical Period1)Jonathan Swift2)Daniel Defoe3)Henry Fielding4)Robert Burns5) William Blake(4)Chapter 4 The Romantic Period1)William Wordsworth2)Percy Bysshe Shelley3) George Gordon Byron4) John Keats5) Jane Austen(5)Chapter 5 The Victorian Period1) Charles Dickens2) Robert Browning3) Charlotte Bronte4) Thomas Hardy(6)Chapter 6 The Modern Period1) George Bernard Shaw2) William Butler Yeats3) T. S. Eliot4) D. H. Lawrence2.美国文学(1) Chapter 1 The Literature of the Colonial Period(2) Chapter 2 The Literature of the Revolutionary Period(3) Chapter 3 The Literature of the Romantic Period1) Washington Irving: Rip Van Winkle2) Edgar Allan Poe3) Ralph Waldo Emerson4) Henry David Thoreau5) Nathaniel Hawthorne6) Herman Melville7) Walt Whitman(4) Chapter 4 The Literature of the Realistic Period1) Mark Twain2) Robert Frost:(5) Chapter 5 The Literature of the Modernist Period1) Ezra Pound2) Ernest Hemingway3) F. Scott Fitzgerald4) William Faulkner5) Eugene O'Neill(6) Chapter 6 The Literature since World War II二、考核要求1.识记(1)Beowulf(2)Geoffrey Chaucer’s literary significance(3)Renaissance and Humanism(4)Christopher Marlowe’s literary significance(5)William Shakespeare’s four great tragedies comedies and sonnets (6)Francis Bacon:Essays(7)John Donne: Metaphysical School(8) John Milton:Paradise Lost(9) Jonathan Swift:Gulliver s Travels(10) Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe(11) Henry Fielding’s literary significance(12) William Blake and his major works(13) Charles Dickens and his major works(14) Thomas Hardy: Tess of the d’Urbervilles(15) George Bernard Shaw: Pygmalion(16) D. H. Lawrence and his major works(17) Washington Irving: Rip Van Winkle(18) Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature(19) Henry David Thoreau: Walden(20) Mark Twain’s major works and language style(21)Eugene O’Neill: Long Day’s Journey into Night(22)Nobel Prize winners in Both British and American literature2.领会(1)John Milton: Paradise Lost(2)William Wordsworth: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” and his theory of poetry creation (3)Percy Bysshe Shelley: “Ode to the West Wind”(4)George Gordon Byron and his “Byronic hero”(5)John Keats: “Ode on a Grecian Urn” and his theory of poetry creation(6)Jane Austen: Pride and Prejudice(7)Robert Browning: “My Last Duchess” (dramatic monologue)(8) Charlotte Bronte: Jane Eyre(9) Nathaniel Hawthorne: The Scarlet Letter(11) Herman Melville: Moby-Dick(12) Ezra Pound: “In a Station of the Metro”(13) Ernest Hemingway’s major works and “the Hemingway code heroes”(14) William Faulkner: A Rose for Emily(15) Walt Whitman’s major works and his literary significance3.应用(1)William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18” and The Merchant of Venice(2)Robert Burns and his major works(3)Edgar Allan Poe and his major works(4)Robert Frost and his major works专题二翻译一、考核知识点1.英译汉:翻译单位与语篇分析(1)以句为单位(2)语篇分析(3)散文段落的汉译2.汉译英:句群与段落的英译(1)句群的特征(2)句群内的衔接与连贯(3)段落的特征(4)段落功能与意义的再现(5)散文段落的英译二、考核要求1.识记(1)翻译的标准(2)翻译的过程(3)汉英语言对比2.领会(1)翻译的语言对比规律(2)翻译的基本技巧(3)词语的英译(4)句子的英译3.应用(1)翻译的方法(2)英译汉练习(3)句群与段落的英译Ⅲ.考试形式及试卷结构1.考试形式为闭卷,笔试,考试时间为120分钟,试卷满分为100分。



Chapter 1 The Renaissance PeriodTime: Generally, it refers to the period between the 14th and mid-17th centuries.The Renaissance (文艺复兴): The Renaissance is a historical period in which the European humanist thinkers and scholars made attempts to get rid of those old feudalist ideas in medieval Europe, to introduce new ideas that expressed the interests of the rising bourgeoisie, and to recover the purity of the early church from the corruption of the Roman Catholic Church.Humanism (人文主义): Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. “Man is the measure of all things.” Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare are the best representatives of the English humanists.Mainstream of Literary Forms: In the early stage of the Renaissance, poetry and poetic drama were the most outstanding literary forms and they were carried on especially by Shakespeare and Ben Jonson. The Elizabethan drama, in its totality, is the real mainstream of the English Renaissance.Chapter 2 The Neoclassical PeriodTime: Between the return of the Stuarts to the English throne in 1660 and the full assertion of Romanticism which came with the publication of Lyrical Ballads by Wordsworth and Coleridge in 1798.Social Events: Glorious Revolution (光荣革命); British colonies (Abroad); Acts of Enclosure (圈地运动)(At home); The Enlightenment Movement (启蒙运动). The Enlightenment Movement: The 18th century England is known as the Age of Enlightenment or the Age of Reason. The Enlightenment Movement was a progressive intellectual movement which purpose was to enlighten the whole world with the light of modern philosophical and artistic ideas. The enlighteners celebrated reason or rationality, equality and science. They held that rationality or reason should be the only, the final cause of any human thought and activities. They called for a reference to order, reason and rules. They believed that when reason served as the yardstick for the measurement of all human activities and relations, every superstition, injustice and oppression was to yield place to “eternal truth,” “eternal justice” and “natural equality”. Great writers like John Dryden, Alexander Pope, Joseph Addison and Sir Richard Steele, the two pioneers of familiar essays, Jonathan Swift, Daniel Defoe, Richard Brinsley Sheridan, Henry Fielding and Samuel Johnson.Neoclassicism: In the field of literature, the Enlightenment Movement brought about a revival of interest in the old classical works. This tendency is known as neoclassicism. According to the neoclassicists, all forms of literature were to be modeled after the classical works of the ancient Greek and Roman writers. They believed that the artistic ideals should be order, logic restrained emotion and accuracy, and that literature should be judged in terms of its service to humanity.This belief led them to seek proportion, unity, harmony and grace in literary expression, in an effort to delight, instruct and correct human beings, primarily as social animals. Thus a polite, urbane, witty, and intellectual art developed. Neoclassicists had some fixed laws and rules for almost every genre of literature. Prose should be precise, direct, smooth and flexible. Poetry should be lyrical, epical, didactic, satiric or dramatic; Drama should be written in the Heroic Couplets (英雄双韵体诗).In the last few decades of the 18th century, the neoclassical emphasis upon reason, intellect, wit and form was rebelled against or challenged by the sentimentalists, and was gradually replaced by Romanticism.Novel: The mid-century was predominated by a newly rising literary form---the modern English novel. Gothic novels---mostly stories of mystery and horror which take place in some haunted or dilapidated Middle Age castles.Chapter 3 The Romantic PeriodTime: From 1798 with the publication of Lyrical Ballads to 1832 with Sir Walter Scott’s death and the passage of the first Reform Bill in the Parliament.Social Events: French Revolution; English Industrial Revolution.Romantic Movement: The Romantics saw man essentially as an individual in the solitary state and emphasized the special qualities of each individual’s mind. Thus we can say that Romanticism actually constitutes a change of direction from attention to the outer world of social civilization to the inner world of the human spirit. In essence, it designates a literary and philosophical theory which tends to see the individual as the very center of all life and all experience.Major Figures: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelly and Keats. Theme: Imagination and NatureMajor Literary Forms: Poetry (best), prose, novel (Jane Austen and Walter Scott). Drama is less successful.Chapter 4 The Victorian PeriodTime: Queen Victoria who ruled over England from 1836 to 1901. The period has been generally regarded as one of the most glorious in the English history.Social Events: Reform Bill (改革法案);Chartist Movement (宪章运动);Theme: Common sense and moral propriety, which were ignored by the Romanticists, again became the predominant preoccupation in literary works. Theory of “art for art’s sake”: Osca r Wilde and Walter PaterUtilitarianism(功利主义): Utilitarianism was widely accepted and practiced. Almost everything was put to the test by the criterion of utility, that is, the extent to which it could promote the material happiness. Dickens, Carlyle, Ruskin and many other socially conscious writers severely criticized the Utilitarian creed, especially its depreciation of cultural values and its cold indifference towards human feelings and imaginationMajor Literary Forms:1. Novel (best): In this period, the novel became the most widely read and the mostvital and challenging expression of progressive thought. While sticking to the principle of faithful representation of the 18th century realist novel, they carried their duty forward to the criticism of the society and the defense of the mass. They were all concerned about the fate of the common people. They were angry with the inhuman social institutions, the decaying social morality as represented by the money-worship and Utilitarianism, and the widespread misery, poverty and injustice.2. Prose: Many of the prose writers joined forces with the critical realist novelists in exposing and criticizing the social reality, and some became very influential in the ideological field.3. Poetry: The poetry of this period was mainly characterized by experiments with new styles and new ways of expression. “psycho-analytical” elementChapter 5 The Modern PeriodTime: 1850-1910Social Events: First World War; Sun-never-set Empire collapsedNew Theories:1. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: they put forward the theory of scientific socialism.2. Darwinism: Darwin’s theory of evolution exerted a strong influence upon the people, causing many to lose their religious faith. The social Darwinism, under the cover of “survival of the fittest,” vehemently advocated colonialism or jingoism.3. Einstein: Einstein’s theory of relativity provided entirely new ideas for the concepts of time and space.4. Freud: Freud’s analytical psychology drastically altered our conception of human nature.5. Arthur Schopenhauer: a pessimistic (悲观主义) philosopher, started a rebellion against rationalism(唯理主义), stressing the importance of will and intuition.6. Friedrich Nietzsche: he went further against rationalism by advocating the doctrines of power and superman and by completely rejecting the Christian morality.7. Henry Bergson: He established his irrational philosophy, which put the emphasis on creation intuition, irrationality and unconsciousness. The irrationalist philosophers exerted immense influence upon the major modernist writers in Britain.Modernist Movement: Modernism takes the irrational philosophy and the theoryof psycho-analysis as its theoretical base. The major themes of the modernist literature are the distorted, alienated and ill relationships between man and nature, man and society, man and man, and man and himself. The modernist writers concentrate more on the private than on the public, more on the subjective than on the objective. They are mainly concerned with the inner being of an individual. Modernism is a reaction against realism. It rejects rationalism, which is the theoretical base of realism. As a result, the works created by the modernist writersare often labeled as anti-novel, anti-poetry and anti-drama.Major Figures: Kafka, Picasso, Pound, Webern, Eliot, Joyce and Virginia Woolf. Major Literary Forms:1. Modern Poetry: The early poems of Pound and Eliot and Yeats’s matured poetry marked the rise of “modern poetry”, which was a revolution against the conventional ideas and forms of the Victorian poetry. The modernist poets fought against the romantic fuzziness and self-indulged emotionalism, advocating new ideas in poetry-writing such as to use the language of common speech, to create new rhythms as the expression of a new mood, to allow absolute freedom in choosing subjects, and to use hard, clear and precise images in poems.2. Realistic Novel: The realistic novels in the early 20th century were the continuation of the Victorian tradition, yet its exposing and criticizing power against capitalist evils had been somewhat weakened both in width and depth. Another important aspect of realistic novels in this period is the fact that there rose a few working class writers, who gave a direct portrayal of the working-people’s poverty and sufferings, by singing highly of the heroic struggles against capitalism waged by the working class.3. Modernist Novel: In stimulating the technical innovations of novel creation, the theory of the Freudian and Jungian psycho-analysis played a particularly important role. Writers like Dorothy Richardson, James Joyce and Virginia Woolf concentrated all their efforts on digging into the human consciousness. They had created unprecedented stream-of-consciousness novels such as Pilgrimage by Richardson, Ulysses by Joyce.4. Drama: Oscar Wilde and G.B. Shaw, who, in a sense, pioneered the modern drama, though they didn’t make so many innovations in techniques and forms as modernist poets or novelists.。

英美文学选读第四章笔记Victorian period

英美文学选读第四章笔记Victorian period

第四章I.Multiple Choice1.Chronologically the Victorian Period refers to 1836~1901從時間上講,維多利亞文學時期恰好與維多利亞女王1836至1901年執政期相吻合,這一時間是英國歷史上最光輝燦爛的時期2.Although wrting from different points of view and with different techniques, writers in the Victorian Period shared one thing in common, that is, they were all concerned about the fate of the common people3.The author of the work“Dombey and Son” is Charles Dickens董貝父子是查爾斯。

逖更斯的作品---小保羅4.In the following figures, who is Dickens‟s first child hem?Olive Twist 霧都孤兒中非人道的工廠廠房與黑暗的充滿犯罪的下層生活5.The death-bed scences of little Nell(the old curiosiry shop) and littlepaul(Dombey and Son) are the vivid description by Charles Dickens查爾斯是一位悲情大師,沒有人會忘懷老古玩店中,在病床上奉奉一息的小奈爾和董貝父子中的小保羅6.Which of the following comments on Charles Dickens is wrong?A.Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the ModernperiodB.His serious intention is to expose and criticize all thepoverty ,injustice,hypocrisy(偽善) and corruptness he sees all around him狄更斯是偉大的批判現實主義作家,他以揭露抨擊社會的不公,虛偽,腐敗與貧究為已任,一方面他憎恨國家機器,尤其是議會,可另一方面作為城市資產階級作家,他又找不到解決問題的鑰匙,他所能做的隻是保持一咱充滿希望的樂觀主義,正如他前期的小說,或表達一種無助的憤概與反抗,正如他後期的小說C.The later works show the development of Dickens towards a highlyconscious artist of the modern type狄更斯後期的作品都表現出他正在向一個有著高度自覺意識的現代作家發展,塑造的人物都反映了一咱普遍壓抑的社會心理D. A Tale of Two Cities is one of his later works 雙城記7.Do you think, because I am poor,obscure,plain ,and little, I am soul less and heartless?...and If God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you” the above quoted passage is most probably taken from Jane Eyre難道你認為,因為我窮,默默無聞,不漂亮,個子瘦小,我尌沒有靈魂了嗎?你想錯了!要是上帝賜給我一點美貌和許多財富,我會讓你難以離開我,尌象現在我難以離開你一樣8.The Sentences “And now he stared at her so earnestly that I thought the very intensity of his gaze would bring tears into his eyes,but they hurned with anguish, they dod not melt ” are found inWuthering Heights by Emily Bronte 艾米麗。

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The Early Period: 1837-1848, a time of economic
development and social und: 1848-1870, a period of economic prosperity and religious controversy;
Aestheticism It advocates the theory of “art for art’s sake” Representative Author: Oscar wilde (1854-1900)
Ⅱ. Victorian Literature
1) Victorian Poetry the development of verse novel (诗体小说) The poets sought new ways of telling stories in verse and wrote extensively of love and personal relationships.

Writers were basically optimistic. They were aware of modern ills, but still wrote with the notion that the world was basically good and could became better. Representative Author: Charles Dickens (1812-1870)
3) Victorian Drama and Theater It’s difficult to make a high claim for Victorian plays.
But the theater itself was a flourishing and popular

Features of Critical Realistic Writings

1) The realists first and foremost criticized the capitalist society from a democratic View. 2) The greatness of the English realists lies not only in their satirical portrayal of bourgeoisie and in the exposure of the greed and hypocrisy of the ruling classes, but also in their sympathy for the laboring people. 3)Humor and satire are used to expose and criticize the seamy (dark) side of reality. 4) The major contribution of the critical realists lies in their perfection of the novel.
Representative Prose Writers: Thomas Carlyle, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Matthew Arnold, John Henry Newman, John Stuart Mill, John Ruskin, Thomas Henry Huxley, etc.
The Middle Period (1848-1870) England settled down to a time of prosperity and relative stability. The middle-class life of the time was characterized by prosperity, respectability and material progress. Common sense and moral propriety, which were ignored by the Romanticists, again became the predominant preoccupation in literary works. Ideologically, the Victorians experienced fundamental changes. Darwin’s The Origin of Species (1859)
Critical Realism It means the tendency of writers to apply the methods of realistic fiction to the criticism of the society and the examination of social issues. Realist writers were all concerned about the fate of the common people and described what was faithful to reality.
Representative poets: Robert Browning, Alfred Tennyson, Matthew Arnold, Edward Fitzgerald, etc.
2) Victorian Prose exposing and criticizing the social reality Features of the Victorian Prose: A. Prose conveys the “chaotic variety and complexity” of modern life, the “incalculable” intellectual diversity of the “master currents of the present time”. B. All of the Victorian prose writers were linked by a common concern for the fate of humanity in an industrial, democratic, and increasingly secularized society.
The Late Period (1870-1901) England’s absolute leadership in industry and military force was already facing challenge from Germany. The competition with America also hurt the British monopoly in trade and commerce. The old moderate, respectable life style was to be replaced by a more “loose and dissipating” one.

New scientific discoveries increased people’s religious doubts and anxieties. On the other hand, Utilitarianism (功利主义;实用主义) was widely accepted and practiced. Almost everything was put to the test by the criterion of utility, that is, the extent to which it could promote the material happiness. Representative Author: George Eliot (1819-1880)
Movement (宪章运动) (1836-1848).
Although the movement declined to an end in 1848, it did bring some improvement to the welfare of the working class. This was the first mass movement of the English working class and the early sign of the awakening of the poor, oppressed people.

The Late Period: 1870-1901, a period of decline of British Empire and decay of Victorian values.
The Early Period (1837-1848)
After the Reform Bill (改革法案) of 1832 passed the political power from the decaying aristocrats into the hands of the middle-class industrial capitalists, the Industrial Revolution soon geared up. England became the “ workshop of the world”. The worsening living and working conditions, the mass unemployment and the new Poor Law of 1834 with its workhouse system finally gave rise to the Chartist
Chapter 4 The Victorian Period (1837-1901)
Alexandrina Victoria (1837-1901)