超微⽀持LRDIMM 内存(低负载DIMM)的X8D系列主板上!LRDIMM通过使⽤新的技术和较低的⼯作电压,达到降低服务器内存总线负载和功耗的⽬的,并让服务器内存总线可以达到更⾼的⼯作频率并⼤幅提升内存⽀持容量。
相对于通常的Unbuffered DIMM,服务器使⽤的Registered DIMM通过在内存条上缓冲信号并重驱动内存颗粒来提升内存⽀持容量,⽽LRDIMM内存通过将当前RDIMM内存上的Register芯⽚改为⼀种iMB(isolation Memory Buffer)内存隔离缓冲芯⽚来降低内存总线的负载,并相应地进⼀步提升内存⽀持容量。
相⽐于通常的RDIMM,Dual-Rank LRDIMM内存的功耗只有其50%,Quad-Rank LRDIMM也能低到其75%。
现在业界只有SUPER MICRO 在Tylersburg/Westmere CPU架构上⽀持 LRDIMM 技术。
其它⼚商⼀般要⽀持需要等到下⼀代产品Romley/Sandy Bridge 架构,可能要5个⽉以后。
X8DAH+-FX8DTN+X8DTN+-FX8DTU-6(T)F+X8DTU-LN4F+使⽤超微X8D主板可以选以下两种⼤容量LRDIMM内存(具体要根据内存兼容性列表来选择)16 GB LRDIMM SMC PN: MEM-DR316L-HL01-LR1332 GB LRDIMM SMC PN: MEM-DR332L-CL01-LR10⼀般应⽤会需要⼤容量的内存:天⽓/地震预报;⽯油和天燃⽓建模计算;颗粒模拟(纳⽶技术,空⽓动⼒学);研究所/⾼校(物理,⼯程,基因组图谱);数据中⼼(虚拟服务器)。
三、芯片型号介绍北京单片机八路模拟开关板采用了TI公司的MSP430F149芯片作为主控芯片,同时还配备了MAX11607 ADC芯片和74HC595数字输出芯片。
1. MSP430F149芯片MSP430F149是TI公司生产的超低功耗16位RISC微控制器,具有512KB闪存和10KB RAM。
2. MAX11607 ADC芯片MAX11607是Maxim公司生产的12位精度、8通道、模拟输入ADC芯片。
3. 74HC595数字输出芯片74HC595是一种串行输入、并行输出的移位寄存器,可以实现8位二进制数据的输出。
四、北京单片机八路模拟开关板特点北京单片机八路模拟开关板具有以下特点:1. 高精度该开关板采用了12位精度的ADC芯片和高精度参考电压源,能够实现对模拟信号的高精度采集和处理。
2. 高速度MSP430F149芯片具有16MHz工作频率和快速中断响应能力,能够满足对高速信号的处理需求。
3. 可编程性强MSP430F149芯片支持多种外设接口和中断方式,并具有可编程的闪存和RAM,可以实现对不同应用场景的灵活适应。
DT80采集器系统使用说明目录简介 (1)通用测量 (1)存储功能 (1)使用配置 (1)软件安装 (1)数据查看和下载 (4)简介DataTaker的小巧DT80数据采集器,凭借其强大的性能特点应用于不同的领域。
DT80支持SDI-12传感器组网,还支持SCADA系统的Modbus、 FTP和Web接口、具有可控12V电源为传感器供电,因此,DT80是一个独立的自适应系统。
使用配置浏览器,且安装有A dobe® Flash® Pla yer插件。
(其他浏览器可能由于兼容问题导致部分功能不能正常使用)DT80配备的资料U盘DT80采集器及附带电源数据线等工具软件安装1、打开附带u盘中有Resource Files文件夹,点击DTAutoRun.exe运行文件,2、点击确定----DT80 range---Install USB drive 根据提示进行安装驱动程序。
• 打开手持设备,在桌面点击“我的设备则会造成定位错误,影响手持设备的正常使用
复位 键 CLR键
八、 注意事项
• • • • • • • • • • • 1.手持终端的屏幕是触控屏幕,屏幕较软,要避免用尖利的物体接触屏幕。 2.经常保持手持终端屏幕及扫描窗口的清洁,以免影响屏幕的显示和扫描 的精度。如果发现屏幕或扫描窗口沾有油污或灰尘,可以用柔软的毛巾或纸 巾擦拭。 3.请轻按键盘(尤其开关机键),切勿用力推或是用手抠以损坏键盘(包括扫 描键)。 4.保持LCD表面清洁。 5.请勿用力点击屏幕. 6.请勿撕开LCD表面的保护贴模。 7.严禁用尖锐物品刮划整机任何一个部件。 8.请不要用除专用笔以外的其它工具(包括手指)点击屏幕,使用专用笔时要 确保笔帽的完好。 9.线出口的红色镜片要保持清洁,请用软的纸巾进行清洁, 10.充电时请勿用充电线将机器挂于半空中,充电线插入机器充电时应注意方 向、仅有一个方向可插入充电、禁止反向硬插入机器,并且在拔线时要捏下 接口两边的按键,切勿生拉硬扯。 11.请勿擅自拆卸除电池后盖以外的任何零部件以免造成零件的走位或者丢 失。
• 点击“USB Connection”
点选“Connection Utility”选择
,点击“OK” 点击“OK”后手持终端将重 启
1.2 技术参数
• 操作系统 Windows CE 6.0, Chinese or English 处理器 Marvell PXA320 624MHz RAM / FROM 128MB RAM + 256MB FROM 显示器 2.7inch, TFT LCD, Color, QVGA 触控式面板 支持 扫描 1D Laser Scanner (40-400mm) or 2D CMOS Imager(55-260mm) W-LAN 802.11b/g 蓝牙 Ver2.0 + EDR USB Host 扩展槽 1 x micro SD 电池 Rechargeable Lithium Ion Battery 3.7V; 1,880mAh / 2,730mAh(Standard) 使用时间 13小时或更多 防尘/防水 IP67 (target) 防摔 3.0m (target) 操作温度 -20°C – 50°C 规格 187 x 65.7 x 32.4 mm 重量 280g 封装 LL Size Battery, Low Cost USB Charging Cradle, AC Adaptor, USB Cable, Hand Strap, Stylus Pen
EM DT08 数字量扩展模块 用户手册说明书
EM DT08数字量扩展模块
1.产品概述 (3)
2.参数设置 (5)
所有SMART200系列数字量扩展模块接口均与原装模块一致,使用及配置方式也与原装模块一致,可直接替换原装模块使用,可搭配西门子SMART SR/ST系列CPU使用。
尺寸W x H x D(mm):45x100x81
EM DE086WB7288-2DE08-0AA08点数字量输入
EM DE166WB7288-2DE16-0AA016点数字量输入
EM DT086WB7288-2DT08-0AA08点数字量输出
EM DR086WB7288-2DR08-0AA08点数字量输出(继电器)
EM QT166WB7288-2QT16-0AA016点数字量输出
EM QR166WB7288-2QR16-0AA016点数字量输出(继电器)
EM DT166WB7288-2DT16-0AA08点数字量输入/8点数字量输出
EM DR166WB7288-2DR16-0AA08点数字量输入/8点数字量输出(继电器)EM DT326WB7288-2DT32-0AA016点数字量输入/16点数字量输出
EM DR326WB7288-2DR32-0AA016点数字量输入/16点数字量输出(继电器)
电动杜亚DT82T开合智能窗帘静音工程电机协议智能窗帘1. 简介电动杜亚DT82T开合智能窗帘是一款静音工程电机,集成了智能控制功能,可实现自动开合窗帘。
2. DT82T协议DT82T使用一种简单的协议进行通信,可以通过串口、无线技术或物联网连接进行控制。
2.1 命令码列表是常用的命令码列表:命令码描述OPEN开窗帘CLOSE关窗帘STOP停止运动SET\_SPEED设置运动速度GET\_STATUS获取窗帘状态2.2 通信示例是通过串口通信控制DT82T的示例:打开窗帘OPEN关闭窗帘CLOSE停止窗帘运动STOP设置运动速度为50SET_SPEED 50获取窗帘状态GET_STATUS3. DT82T配置DT82T提供了多种配置选项,可根据实际需求进行设置。
3.1 运动速度设置可以通过设置运动速度改变窗帘的开合速度。
设置运动速度为50SET_SPEED 503.2 运动方向设置DT82T支持设置窗帘的运动方向,可以选择向上运动或向下运动。
向上运动UP向下运动DOWN3.3 智能控制设置DT82T支持智能控制功能,可以根据光照、温度等环境因素自动调整窗帘的开合状态。
4. 使用智能窗帘使用智能窗帘非常简单,只需按照步骤操作:1.将DT82T连接到电源,并确保与控制设备(如智能方式、智能家居中心等)连接正常。
Oracle Exadata X8数据库机器白皮书说明书
Wherever Oracle Databases Live and However They Are Consumed, Exadata X8 Delivers Performance in a League of Its OwnBy Mark Peters, Principal Analyst & Practice DirectorJune 2019This ESG White Paper was commissioned by Oracleand is distributed under license from ESG.™Oracle Databases Achieve Unprecedented Speed Running on the New Exadata Database Machine X8 White PaperContentsIntroduction and Executive Summary (3)Databases: Their Market and Their Varied, Voracious Data Demands (3)The Essence of Exadata, X8, and Cloud-enhancement as Desired (5)The Bigger Truth (7)Introduction and Executive SummaryMany things in IT are talked about a lot just because they have to be, while other things are talked about very little because they cannot be. As examples: There are lengthy written guides and web communities based on myriad approaches to system integration because (let’s face it) a lot of IT over many decades has been about trying to make operational round pegs fit application square holes. On the flip side, “unique” is a word that is eschewed by pretty much everyone except for vendor marketing departments because (let’s face this, too) there’s a lot of similarity across many capabilities from much of the vendor community. The journey may vary a tad, but the destination is often similar.Oracle Exadata Database Machine has now stood for a full decade in stark contrast to both these “norms.” As an Oracle Engineered System, the need to talk about integration is essentially precluded; the same engineers who build Oracle Database also ensure the Exadata is a seamless place to run the software. Control of all the IP means Oracle has a controlled and predictable environment in which to run its Database on Exadata, which in turn means it can deliver features that bring additional business value to its customers and enable them to obtain additional operational benefits and financial payback from their Oracle Database investment.And that’s it in a nutshell: Oracle’s justifiable claim to be providing, with Exadata, the best platform for Oracle Database is derived from it having the same DNA across both elements. That commonality helps make it economically attractive, scalable, and secure. It also generates the contrast that Oracle fairly enjoys making when comparing Oracle Database running on Exadata to Oracle Database running on any other vendor’s equipment; the others are constrained to essentially treat Oracle Database like any other application sitting on a VM or running as a process on generic hardware. Exadata delivers incremental business value when combined with Oracle Database, whether in the cloud or on-premises. The arrival of Exadata X8 provides yet another positive turn of the specification—and hence, value—screw, while Exadata turning ten years old is a timely reminder to review the power of the platform in general. It’s a power borne by suitability; and to appreciate that suitability, a quick reminder of the database market and its data needs is warranted. Databases: Their Market and Their Varied, Voracious Data DemandsThe Database MarketDatabases have long served as the lifeline of crucial business applications, and thus are often a foundation of businesses. Contemporary IT—and the world as we understand it—could not function without databases. But exponential data growth, the need to support more database workloads, and the resulting database sprawl have created significant challenges for IT organizations…challenges that are now complicated and extended by the arrival of multiple iterations of the cloud. With most organizations having mandates to adopt the cloud to some extent—database workloads are no exception—they should look to a partner that can not only meet their on-premises requirements, but also provide a path to a cloud that best fits their needs. And for many, getting an identical user and operational experience would be perfect. Moreover, as much as the IT environment has changed, so have the databases themselves…such as Oracle’s latest 19c iteration. These are not the databases of past generations, and so you wouldn’t want to use obsolete approaches of the past to serve them their lifeblood (i.e., data).Database Data: Proliferation, Demands…and the CloudManaging data growth and database size are far and away the greatest challenges organizations face in their current database environments, cited by 48% of respondents in ESG research (see Figure 1).1 Other key aspects of contemporary database environments include:1 Source: ESG Survey, Enterprise Database Trends, January 2017. All ESG research references and charts in this white paper have been taken from this survey, unless otherwise noted.• Additional top challenges are database performance, supporting databases in cloud environments, and the drive for ever-better security and compliance. This is not a pick-and-mix list; users need solutions to all of these problems from their chosen vendor.• If organizations had only one database, life would certainly be easier; but ESG research shows 55% of organizations have more than 25 databases in production, and having hundreds is not at all rare (see Figure 2). These tools support everything from transactional and analytical workloads to the latest machine learning applications, and they can be running everywhere from on-premises through “cloud-adjacent” environments to the cloud.• Often databases are siloed (with their own infrastructure), which compounds the management complexity and leads to inefficient utilization of hardware and software investments.• Maintaining multiple independent environments results in complex and growing security controls/policies, access needs/rules, and patching requirements, and this only adds to the management headaches IT organizations areforced to either suffer through or try to address.Figure 1. Challenges with Database Environment and Supporting InfrastructureSource: Enterprise Strategy Group48%We do not have any challenges Lack of skilled staffCreating test/development environmentsProvisioning infrastructure on-premisesPatch, maintenance and version update processesSupporting new applications and/or usersMeeting security/compliance requirementsSupporting databases in cloud environmentsMeeting database performance requirementsManaging data growth and database sizeIn general, which of the following challenges does your organization have with its current database environment and supporting infrastructure? (Percent of respondents, N=354, three responses accepted)Figure 2. Number of Production Databases DeployedSource: Enterprise Strategy GroupThe sum of the above—complexity and database iteration combined with data growth and the need to share it across and between organizations—is driving a need for consolidation. When ESG last investigated this, 50% of organizations were already consolidating databases, with another 25% planning on it. That consolidation in turn means DBAs must merge multiple workloads onto a given infrastructure, invariably creating more performance issues to be addressed.And this is all before adding in the operational curve ball of the cloud! Database provisioning and consolidation exercises increasingly must acknowledge that the right platform can change over time. Not surprisingly, ESG’s research has found that when evaluating and selecting databases, the most important attributes are that the database be capable of being cloud-based and include the ability to easily scale up and/or down as workloads demand.2The Essence of Exadata, X8, and Cloud-enhancement as DesiredGood news comes in the shape of the “Oracle on Oracle and for Oracle” solution: Exadata. Its value proposition is a piece of cake to convey: It is an optimized platform on which to run Oracle Database. While Oracle Database can run on myriad other systems, the optimal experience is running it on Exadata. It is an Oracle Engineered System that is tuned to be best for Oracle Database and integrates unique value-add features that are unavailable from other vendors. As such, it is not general purpose, nor simply fit-for-purpose: It is purpose-built. Over its decade in the market, Exadata has grown as the—identical everywhere—foundation for on-premises, Oracle Cloud, and Oracle Autonomous Database operations. The company states that Exadata is run by 77% of the Fortune Global 100 (25% of which have also adopted Exadata Cloud Service).This paper is not designed to provide extensive technical details, but suffice it to say Exadata is an ideal database platform that combines scale-out, database-optimized compute, networking, and storage hardware (to deliver both performance and economy) with smart software in the form of both specialized algorithms that can vastly improve all aspects of 2 Source: ESG Brief, Database Purchase Criteria , June 2017.17%Less than 5 5 to 1011 to 2526 to 5051 to 7576 to 100101 to 150151 to 200More than 200Don’t know How many production databases does your organization currently have deployed? (Percent of respondents, N=354)database processing, as well as automated management to optimally handle configuration, updates, and performance.3 Better yet, all the above is true across all workloads, whether they are petabyte-scale data warehouses or business-crucial OLTP applications, and whether they are traditional business applications or next-generation analytics and machine learning. Organizations can confidently consolidate their Oracle Databases and associated workloads onto a single platform born on-premises and then extend to some, or full, public cloud consumption options if desired.With Exadata, Oracle is allowing its users to deliver against the common (but also not commonly well-defined or stable) mandate to leverage the cloud by providing paths to deploy cloud operating models ranging from optimizing on-premises infrastructure before moving to the public cloud,4 through utilizing an on-premises cloud service (Oracle Cloud at Customer) that provides a public cloud experience but with the security and control of an on-premises environment, to a Cloud Adjacent offering,5 and all the way to a public cloud deployment with Exadata Cloud Service or Autonomous Database.Exadata X8As with Exadata in general, this paper is not the place to conduct a lengthy exposition of the new Exadata X8. A few headlines serve to convey the arrival of not only dramatic specification improvements, but also some key functionality:•Speed—Scale-out servers use the improved clock-speed of the latest 24-core Intel processors, as well as NVMe flash, to help Exadata X8 deliver up to 560GB/sec I/O throughput and 6.57M OLTP read IOPS (with 3.5M IOPS at under 250 microseconds). For obvious reasons, Oracle encourages all its prospects to compare its throughput and speed with typical all-flash storage arrays.•Capacity—There are 40% higher capacity 14TB Helium disk drives (the highest capacity at which Oracle’s prerequisite availability targets can be achieved). Additionally, a new Storage Server X8-2 XT expansion unit delivers dramatically less expensive storage for less-accessed, older, or regulatory data, but with all the benefits of Oracle Database storage(e.g., Hybrid Columnar Compression,6 identical operations, and security/encryption). Think of this as seamlesslyconverging the data[base] in addition to converging the infrastructure.•Function—60% more cores in Exadata X8-2 Storage Servers help offload more Oracle Database processing and also improve security by mitigating threats such as “Spectre” and “Meltdown” in silicon, eliminating software overhead.Also, automated, cloud-scale, full-stack performance management and monitoring combines AI and years of real-world performance “triage experience” with best practices to automatically detect performance issues, proactively determine root causes, and address problems without human intervention.Exadata + Oracle Database: ‘Hand in Glove’ and Extended ValueWhile it is impressive and valuable to know about Exadata’s specifications or extensive HA features, what really sets it apart are over 60 Exadata-only features for Oracle Database, such as Fast Node and Cell Death Detection, Automatic ASM Mirror3 In patching alone, for example, organizations can use Exadata to drastically reduce the number of patches. Oracle’s website details a $200B retailer that has reduced its patches 95% p.a. This enabled its IT group to improve productivity, while allowing its DBAs to more easily ensure their infrastructure was up to date and reduce risk.4 The cloud alliance announced in June 2019 between Oracle and Microsoft further demonstrates Oracle’s determination to be a key element in the public cloud world, while acknowledging that it will play to its strengths (such as high-performance Oracle Database) and allow customers to utilize the value of other mega-clouds as appropriate.5 This offering is outlined in the ESG White Paper, The Business Advantages of Cloud Adjacent Oracle Databases on Exadata, published March 2019.6 Hybrid Columnar Compression is an approach to database data compression that utilizes both the database and storage capabilities of Exadata to significantly reduce Oracle Database capacity requirements (10-15X is the norm). Less data handled also improves performance.Reads on IO Error Corruption, Automatic Statistics, and many more. It’s a veritable smorgasbord of delights for IT operations and DBAs to use, which delivers unsurpassed—and genuine—value to Oracle Database users.Extensions to this unique hand-in-glove functionality have continued with the latest Exadata X8, most notably the machine learning that enables Automatic Indexing with Oracle Database 19c. A fully-automated capability based on technology from Oracle Autonomous Database (what Oracle refers to as a “self-driving database”), this improves database performance and eliminates manual index-tuning tasks for critical applications.7 This means that DBAs can simultaneously stop the manual task of creating indexes for applications running on Oracle Database, achieve faster performance, and gain time to focus on more strategic business objectives.Users can also use in-database machine learning without having to move any data. All the algorithms run inside Oracle Database—close to the data—which ensures no production impact. This delivers dramatic performance gains for actions such as the faster scoring and validating of models against the freshest production data.While Oracle can at times display a love for extreme detail, Exadata’s powerful core value makes that largely unnecessary. Simply, it is the most integrated, optimized, flexible, and capable place to run Oracle Databases, with a set of attributes that allow it to cost less, scale better, and be more secure than alternatives. As such, it has become a foundation for Oracle Autonomous Database and Oracle SaaS applications, and the architecturally equivalent stepping stone to Oracle Cloud. The Bigger TruthWhile the term “no brainer” is a tad simplistic and can overlook relevant adjacent factors, it is clear that unique capabilities and user-value are available with Oracle Exadata when it’s used in concert with Oracle Database. That means any Oracle Database user not utilizing Exadata is missing out on some or all of those capabilities and value.As Exadata X8 heralds the second decade for this offering, it has increased its deployment choices alongside Oracle Database to mirror the increasingly hybrid cloud world, and thus offers a congruence of architecture, features, and security wherever and however it is deployed—on-premises or in the cloud. Oracle also continues to add impressive functionality that can translate to not only IT improvements, but also business value; a prime example being the machine learning in Oracle Database 19C to enable auto indexing with Exadata X8.Oracle is not famed for being shy in its own marketing claims; regarding the use of Exadata to run Oracle Database, it likes to say that the combination is “so smart that there’s no second place.” It would be easy to dismiss that as marketing bluster, but it actually deserves consideration; “second place” would suggest vendors competing at the same level…but really Oracle has put Exadata in a league of its own.7 Oracle reports a recent test in which 15 years of manual engineering were compared with what could be done in less than 24 hours with modern machine learning when the Automatic Indexing successfully created two-thirds the number of NetSuite application indexes and also increased database and application performance.All trademark names are property of their respective companies. Information contained in this publication has been obtained by sources TheEnterprise Strategy Group (ESG) considers to be reliable but is not warranted by ESG. This publication may contain opinions of ESG, which are subject to change from time to time. This publication is copyrighted by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. Any reproduction or redistribution of thispublication, in whole or in part, whether in hard-copy format, electronically, or otherwise to persons not authorized to receive it, without the express consent of The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc., is in violation of U.S. copyright law and will be subject to an action for civil damages and, if applicable, criminal prosecution. Should you have any questions, please contact ESG Client Relations at 508.482.0188. ********************** P. 508.482.0188 Enterprise Strategy Group is an IT analyst, research, validation, and strategy firm that provides actionable insight and intelligence to the global IT community.© 2019 by The Enterprise Strategy Group, Inc. All Rights Reserved.。
DT 800 LHHH型溶出仪[知识荟萃]
- “OQ Traffic Light” for temperature, Validation-, Calibration and
Service Intervals (standard) as well as RPM and Height (optional)
- Calibration Interval Display
- Unishaft Design for changing USP method without Height Adjustment - 250 ml Vessels with Mini-Paddles and Adapter plate
- Wobble < 0.2 mm
- Certified Shafts and Paddles
- Validation Interval Display
- Service Interval Display
- Online Logbook for the last 600 users (name, ON-/OFF-Time)
- Online System Suitability Test Menu and Protocol
- Interface for OQ Tools to down-load the measurements
- Memory for up to 60 USP Monographs
- Optional Basket Start Routine
- USP Automated Sampling Station with automatic USP Height Adjustment,
- PT 100 electronic temperature sensor (one-point calibration)
台达机器人及视觉在电动剃须刀静片钝化的应用崔豪健发布时间:2023-05-11T10:43:01.650Z 来源:《中国电业与能源》2023年5期作者:崔豪健[导读] 本文主要介绍台达台达产品在电动剃须刀静片钝化的应用。
产品之间通过以太网进行Modbus TCP一网到底通讯,实现高速、便捷的信息交互。
一、案例平台1、硬件平台HMI DOP-110WSIPC PVS-100-A04GI5/AAS-PS02电源模块相机PVS100-C05MGGAB镜头PVS100-C05MGGAB光源DMV-LRDW038000JDMV-P4524DAJ 光源控制器DMV-VGR视觉软件4轴DRS40L3SO1BN002机器人DRV A1L7A6113N6轴机器人PVS100-CA05GB相机线缆DVS-005I00交换机二、设备工艺要求电动剃须刀刀头按结构可分为旋转式和往复式结构。
2、摄像分辨率1920*1080 30fps / 1280*720 30fps /848*480 30fps /640*480 30fps 四档可选。
3、拍照图片分辨率1600万 /1200万/800万/500万像素四档可选。
二、产品技术参数三、产品实图如下:图1 图2图3 图4。
Moxa EDS-G308 系列 8 埠全 Gigabit 非網管型乙太網路交換器说明书
EDS-G308系列8埠全Gigabit 非網管型乙太網路交換器特色與優點•光纖選項可延伸距離並提高電氣雜訊抗擾性•雙備援12/24/48VDC 電源輸入•支援9.6KB 巨型封包•電源斷電和通訊埠斷線時,可透過繼電器輸出告警•廣播風暴防護•-40至75°C 操作溫度範圍(-T 型號)認證簡介EDS-G308交換器具備8個Gigabit 乙太網路連接埠和2個光纖連接埠,因此適合用在需要高頻寬的應用。
EDS-G308交換器為您的工業Gigabit 乙太網路連線提供經濟實惠的解決方案。
4針的DIP 開關可用來控制廣播風暴防護、巨型封包,以及符合IEEE 802.3az 節能標準。
此外,100/1000SFP 速度開關適合用於任何工業自動化應用現場的簡易設定提供操作溫度範圍在-10到60°C 的標準溫度型號,以及操作溫度範圍在-40到75°C 的寬溫度範圍型號。
此交換器可輕鬆安裝在DIN 軌道或配電箱中。
規格Input/Output InterfaceAlarm Contact Channels1relay output with current carrying capacity of 1A @24VDCEthernet Interface10/100/1000BaseT(X)Ports (RJ45connector)EDS-G308/G308-T:8EDS-G308-2SFP/G308-2SFP-T:6All models support:Auto negotiation speed Full/Half duplex modeAuto MDI/MDI-X connectionCombo Ports (10/100/1000BaseT(X)or 100/1000BaseSFP+)EDS-G308-2SFP:2EDS-G308-2SFP-T:2StandardsIEEE 802.3for 10BaseTIEEE 802.3ab for 1000BaseT(X)IEEE 802.3u for 100BaseT(X)and 100BaseFX IEEE 802.3x for flow control IEEE 802.3z for 1000BaseXIEEE 802.3az for Energy-Efficient EthernetDIP Switch ConfigurationEthernet InterfaceBroadcast storm protection,Jumbo Frame,IEEE 802.3az energy saving,100/1000SFP speed switching,Port break alarmSwitch PropertiesJumbo Frame Size9.6KBMAC Table Size8KPacket Buffer Size4MbitsProcessing Type Store and ForwardPower ParametersConnection1removable6-contact terminal block(s)Input Voltage12/24/48VDC,Redundant dual inputsOperating Voltage9.6to60VDCReverse Polarity Protection SupportedInput Current EDS-G308:0.29A@24VDCEDS-G308-2SFP:0.31A@24VDCPhysical CharacteristicsHousing MetalIP Rating IP30Dimensions52.85x135x105mm(2.08x5.31x4.13in) Weight880g(1.94lb)Installation DIN-rail mounting,Wall mounting(with optional kit) Environmental LimitsOperating Temperature Standard Models:-10to60°C(14to140°F)Wide Temp.Models:-40to75°C(-40to167°F) Storage Temperature(package included)-40to85°C(-40to185°F)Ambient Relative Humidity5to95%(non-condensing)Standards and CertificationsEMC EN55032/35EMI CISPR32,FCC Part15B Class AEMS IEC61000-4-2ESD:Contact:6kV;Air:8kVIEC61000-4-3RS:80MHz to800MHz:10V/mIEC61000-4-3RS:800MHz to1GHz:20V/mIEC61000-4-4EFT:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-5Surge:Power:2kV;Signal:2kVIEC61000-4-6CS:10VIEC61000-4-8PFMF:100A/mHazardous Locations ATEX,Class I Division2Railway EN50121-4Safety UL508,EN62368-1Shock IEC60068-2-27Freefall IEC60068-2-32Vibration IEC60068-2-6MTBFTime2,260,195hrsStandards Telcordia(Bellcore),GBWarrantyWarranty Period5yearsDetails See /tw/warrantyPackage ContentsDevice1x EDS-G308Series switchInstallation Kit4x cap,plastic,for RJ45port2x cap,plastic,for SFP slot(-2SFP models)Documentation1x quick installation guide1x warranty cardNote SFP modules need to be purchased separately for use with this product.尺寸訂購資訊Model Name 10/100/1000BaseT(X)PortsRJ45ConnectorCombo Ports10/100/1000BaseT(X)or100/1000BaseSFPOperating Temp.EDS-G3088–-10to60°C EDS-G308-T8–-40to75°CEDS-G308-2SFP62-10to60°CEDS-G308-2SFP-T62-40to75°C配件(選購)SFP ModulesSFP-1FELLC-T SFP module with1100Base single-mode with LC connector for80km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1FEMLC-T SFP module with1100Base multi-mode,LC connector for2/4km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1FESLC-T SFP module with1100Base single-mode with LC connector for40km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1G10ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G10BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for10km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G20BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for20km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40ALC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40ALC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1310nm,RX1550nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40BLC WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,0to60°C operating temperatureSFP-1G40BLC-T WDM-type(BiDi)SFP module with11000BaseSFP port with LC connector for40km transmission;TX1550nm,RX1310nm,-40to85°C operating temperatureSFP-1GEZXLC SFP module with11000BaseEZX port with LC connector for110km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GEZXLC-120SFP module with11000BaseEZX port with LC connector for120km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHLC SFP module with11000BaseLH port with LC connector for30km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLH port with LC connector for30km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHXLC SFP module with11000BaseLHX port with LC connector for40km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLHXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLHX port with LC connector for40km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLSXLC SFP module with11000BaseLSX port with LC connector for1km/2km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLSXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLSX port with LC connector for1km/2km transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GLXLC SFP module with11000BaseLX port with LC connector for10km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GLXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseLX port with LC connector for10km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GSXLC SFP module with11000BaseSX port with LC connector for300m/550m transmission,0to60°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GSXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseSX port with LC connector for300m/550m transmission,-40to85°Coperating temperatureSFP-1GZXLC SFP module with11000BaseZX port with LC connector for80km transmission,0to60°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GZXLC-T SFP module with11000BaseZX port with LC connector for80km transmission,-40to85°C operatingtemperatureSFP-1GTXRJ45-T SFP module with11000BaseT port with RJ45connector for100m transmission,-40to75°C operatingtemperaturePower SuppliesDR-120-24120W/2.5A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal88to132VAC or176to264VAC input byswitch,or248to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureDR-452445W/2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to50°Coperating temperatureDR-75-2475W/3.2A DIN-rail24VDC power supply with universal85to264VAC or120to370VDC input,-10to60°C operating temperatureMDR-40-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with40W/1.7A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureMDR-60-24DIN-rail24VDC power supply with60W/2.5A,85to264VAC,or120to370VDC input,-20to70°Coperating temperatureWall-Mounting KitsWK-46Wall-mounting kit,2plates,8screws,46.5x66.8x1mmRack-Mounting KitsRK-4U19-inch rack-mounting kit©Moxa Inc.版權所有.2021年4月19日更新。
DT80,DT85 传程序步骤 2、按Connections Connect,进行采集 器连接。如下图所示:
DT80,DT85 传程序步骤 3、将采集器程序用记事本打开,完全复 制到在软件界面的发送区内, 4、逐行将程序发送到采集器中,就是逐 行敲回车。 5、采集器会显示重启信息,说明采集器 程序更新完成。
DT50,DT500 一、连接 接 收 区 发 送 区
DT50,DT500 二、命令
名称 T T=HH:MM:SS D D=MM/DD/YYYY U UB UC RESET TEST 解释 获取时间 修改时间 获取日期 修改日期 卸载所有数据 卸载分钟数据 卸载正点数据 采集器复位 测试采集器通道状态
DT80,DT85 二、命令
名称 T T=HH:MM:SS D D=YYYY:MM:DD U UB UC RESET TEST 解释 获取时间 修改时间 获取日期 修改日期 卸载所有数据 卸载分钟数据 卸载正点数据 采集器复位 测试采集器通道状态
DT80,DT85 传程序步骤—串口方式 1、设置连接属性,选择所用的计算机串 口,并选择DT85型号,运行界面如下:
DT80,DT85 几点不同
ATTN闪烁 重新加电后都会这样,正常现象,按一下面板上的任意按钮即可消 除。 显示屏上显示“POWER LOSS” 提示采集器曾经断过电,人为重启采集器或者采集器断电后都会有 这个提示。 显示屏上显示“NO CURRENT JOB” 采集器内没程序
一、连接 二、命令 三、测试
DT80,DT85 一、连接 串口参数:9600N81 采集器 2 3 5 计算机 2 3 5
DT80 VOIP工业电话机 产品手册说明书
功能特性o 采用数字网络音频技术,抗干扰能力强,通话稳定。
o 数字键拨号,可呼叫任意终端,实现全双工手柄通话或免提通话。
o 高清语音系统支持国际标准宽频语音编码,结合特有的回声消除技术,相比传统编码,体验更好。
o 可设置智能键,含功能键、免提键o 系统可扩展,根据客户需求可配置门电话o 网络节点可拓展性强,结合客户应用现场,可提供光纤,网线()等形式的通信手段。
o 系统以标准协议为核心,支持第三方设备接入,可与主流通信系统及电信运营商系统互联互通o 提供端到端的整体解决方案,依据具体项目需求配置相应的系统容量和适用接口的终端设备,为客户量身打造通信系统提示:1. 电梯专用室内电话机DT801C 工作电压:DC24V2. 司机室电话机DT803可配:鹅颈话筒/脚踏开关主要技术参数工作电压范围外壳材质冷轧板电话机内置扬声器工作环境温度℃℃广播音量外接扬声器工作湿度(不凝结)通话方式手柄通话免提通话呼叫广播防护等级室内室外室内参考重量功能介绍•室内电话机DT801:内置3W扬声器,可用于小范围噪声小的环境广播呼叫使用,可根据需要选择外置式YH102A(8Ω 10W)号筒扬声器,通过按键和手柄进行免提和广播呼叫;•室外电话机DT802和DT812:内置3W扬声器,可用于小范围噪声小的环境广播呼叫使用,可根据需要选择外置式YH102A(8Ω 10W)号筒扬声器,通过按键和手柄进行免提和广播呼叫;(DT802和DT812区别: DT802没有呼叫警示功能)•司机室电话机DT803:内置5W扬声器,可用于小范围噪声小的环境广播呼叫使用。
可根据需要选择外置式YH102A(8Ω 10W)号筒扬声器,司机也可以通过按键或脚踏开关控制鹅颈话筒进行呼叫。
德天奥 V80-M16DR DT 系列 PLC 使用手册说明书
V80-M16DR/DT系列PLC使用手册V1.2深圳市德天奥科技有限公司地址:深圳市宝安区西乡街道鸿隆广场1栋C座1509邮编:518102电话:0755-******** 26463536网址:电邮:***************目 录第一章 特性与规格 (3)1.1概述 (3)1.2特性 (3)1.3基本规格 (3)1.3.1 性能参数 (3)1.3.2 电气和环境规格 (4)第二章 CPU模块 (5)2.1基本特点 (5)2.2I/O指示灯 (5)2.3CPU运行开关 (5)2.4编程通信接口 (6)2.5RS485通讯接口(可选件) (6)2.6外供电源接口(可选件) (6)2.7 09~12输入端子(可选件) (6)第三章 I/O配置及接口 (7)3.1I/O配置及特性 (7)3.1.1 数字量输入特性 (7)3.1.2 数字量输出特性 (7)3.2本体I/O接线及内部等效电路图 (8)3.2.1 M16DR-AC(/E)模块 (8)3.2.2 M16DR-DC(/E)模块 (9)3.2.3 M16DT-AC(/E)模块 (10)3.2.4 M16DT-DC(/E)模块 (11)第四章 系统安装和设置 (15)4.1硬件要求 (15)4.2 注意事项 (15)4.2.1 工作环境 (15)4.2.2 注意事项 (15)4.2.3 其它注意事项 (15)4.3安装尺寸和要求 (16)4.3.1 安装方法 (16)4.3.2 安装空间要求 (16)4.3.3 标准DIN导轨要求 (16)4.3.4 面板安装尺寸 (16)4.4系统安装和拆卸 (17)4.4.1 在面板上安装PLC (17)4.4.2 在标准DIN导轨上安装PLC (17)4.4.3 拆卸PLC模块 (17)4.5 现场接线 (18)4.5.1 一般性指导 (18)4.5.2 端子排接线和拆卸步骤 (18)4.6 抑制电路的使用 (19)4.6.1 一般性指导 (19)4.6.2 直流晶体管的保护 (19)4.6.3 继电器控制直流电源的保护 (19)4.6.4 继电器和交流控制交流电源的保护 (20)第五章 I/O映射 (21)5.1I/O地址分配 (21)5.2 I/O映射表 (23)附录A 接点指令一览表 (24)附录B 存储区分布情况表 (25)附录C 特殊继电器说明 (26)第一章特性与规格1.1概述V80-M16DR/DT系列PLC是V80系列中的一款16点(20点)小型可编程控制器,具有高硬件集成度,采用专用硬件逻辑处理芯片,程序执行速度高和I/O处理能力强,配合标准的编程软件VLadder丰富的指令功能,可以处理快速的离散量顺序处理。
DT13xx 内部安全 NAMUR 接触隔离器用户手册说明书
DOC. N°:. DT1361-1393-62 EngManufacturer: DATCON Ipari Elektronikai Kft. H-1148 Budapest, Fogarasi út 5. 27. ép.DT13xxIntrinsically Safe NAMUR / ContactIsolatorsUser Manualfor the typesDT1361, DT1362, DT1363, DT1364, DT1371, DT1372, DT1373, DT1381, DT1382, DT1384, DT1393Revision 2 11.07.2014Contents1. Function and Scope of Application (4)2. Accessories of the device (4)3. Technical specifications (4)4. Information for placing the order (5)4.1. Type selection range: (5)4.2. Inputs with 0,5 mA current (6)5. Operating principle (6)6. Preliminary Instructions (7)7. Putting the device into operation; Operating Instructions (7)7.1. Safety measures (7)7.2. Addition to the contacts installed in the explosive area (8)7.3. Connecting the device (8)7.4. Putting the device into operation; Preliminary settings (11)8. Design (12)9. Maintenance, repair (12)10. Appendix (13)10.1. ATEX Certification (13)10.2. CE Declaration of Conformity (17)1. Function and Scope of ApplicationThe contact- and proximity-detector isolator family belongs to the group of associated apparatus in terms of intrinsical safety. These devices are classified as II (1)G [Ex ia Ga] IIC/IIB (-20 ︒C ≤ Ta ≤ 50 ︒C) andII (1)D [Ex ia Da] IIIC (-20 ︒C ≤ Ta ≤ 50 ︒C) device.The members of this device-family detect the logical status (near-remote, or open-closed) of the proximity sensors (…NAMUR”), or of the contacts working in explosive area, through a connection cable of practically any length.The devices are made in 1-, 2-, and 4-channel versions.The output of the isolators is either a semi-conductor, or a relay of switching-contact or closing-contact type. In the case of semi-conductor output the maximum signal transmission frequency is 5 kHz, which makes it suitable for an application as a fast interface.The high-capacity contact of the devices with relay output (loadability: 5 A and 250 Veff) is suitable for directly controlling the parts of automatic systems.With the DIL switches mounted inside the device it is possible to check if the detector cables are short or broken. If such failure is found, the output is set automatically to open (broken) status. The logical status of the output may be switched to Direct or to Reverse connection with the output.The supply voltage range of the contact- and proximity-detector isolators is 19-29 V, allowing the usage of non-stabilized power supply units too.2. Accessories of the deviceUser ManualCE Declaration of ConformityQuality certificate3. Technical specificationsSafety parameters:Marking of intrinsical safety: II (1)G [Ex ia Ga] IIC/IIBII (1)D [Ex ia Da] IIIC(-20 ︒C ≤ Ta ≤ 50 ︒C)Uo: 8.61 VIo: 11.6 mA250VACUm:2IIB:μF / 20 μFCiIIC/Li IIC / IIB: 100 mH / 200 mHInput parameters:Input signal: In accordance with the standardMSZ EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR), andit can be operated also as a contact switch.V8.2±5%voltage:IdlemA±6%current:8.2Short-circuitΩresistance: 1000InputLevels defining the logical status of the input:mA2.1switchon >switch off < 1.2 mADetection of cable break: < 0.15 mADetection of cable short: > 6.0mAOutput parameters:Devices with relay outputLoadability of relay contacts: 250 VAC, 5 A or 30 VDC, 5 A Relay contact types: closing or switch-over (morse) Maximum switching frequency: 12 HzDevices with electronic output .Operating mode of the switched output:passive(works with external supply voltage)Max. voltage in OFF status: 30 VDC Max. leakage current: 10 μA Max.current in ON status: 40 mA Max. residual voltage (at 8 mA): < 1.8 V(at 40 mA): < 2.5 VMax. operating frequency: 5 kHzGeneral parameters:Power supply: 19-29 VDC Operating temperature range: -20 ︒C - +50 ︒C Indicators (supply voltage) green LED(output ON): yellow LED (fault of the line to the detector): r ed LEDShock protection: extra-low voltage (SELV)EMC compatibility: i n accordance with MSZ EN 61326-1:2013Box dimensions: 114 x 99 mm(the width varies with the types) (TS-35 is mountable on busbars)Ambient conditions for storing:Temperature: -40 ︒C – +70 ︒C Relative air humidity: max. 80%, non-condensing4. Information for placing the order4.1. Type selection range:Type designation No. of channelsOutput type Fault signal output Powerconsumption(W)Box width(mm)DT1361 1 Relay switching contact - 0.6 17.5DT1363 1 Relay closing contact1 openingcontact1.0 17.5 DT1371 1 Relay closing contact - 0.6 12.5 DT1381 1 Electronic passive - 0.6 12.5 DT1362 2 Relay switching contact - 1.0 22.5 DT1372 2 Relay closing contact - 1.0 17.5 DT1373 N 2 Relay closing contact * - 1.0 12.5 DT1373 P 2 Relay closing contact * - 1.0 12.5 DT1382 2 Electronic passive - 1.0 17.5 DT1393 N 2 Electronic passive * - 1.0 12.5 DT1393 P 2 Electronic passive * - 1.0 12.5 DT1364 4 Relay closing contact ** - 2.0 22.5 DT1384 N 4 Electronic passive *** - 1.6 22.5 DT1384 P 4 Electronic passive *** - 1.6 22.5 * For each channel, one of the output pins with either 0 V or +24 V supply voltage ** One of the output pins are commoned in each 2-2 channels*** One of the output pins are commoned in each 2-2 channels or the negative or positive points4.2. Inputs with 0,5 mA currentInputs with 0.5 mA current are available optionally to satisfy specific customer needs.Input parameters:0.5±6%mAShort-circuitcurrent:<kΩresistance: 18Input5. Operating principleThe operation of the device is shown in the block diagram of Figure 1.Figure 1. The theoretical build-up of the deviceThe comparator unit detects the current flowing over the 1 kΩ resistor connected serially with the +8.2 V voltage generator. The threshold values in accordance with the NAMUR standard are as follows:Direct switch position: > 2.1 mAReverse switch position: < 1.2 mASensor line broken: < 0.15 mASensor line short: > 6.0 mAThe following settings can be realized with the operating mode switch mounted inside the device (triple DIL-switch):S1, Direct – ReverseS2, Detecting if the line is brokenS3, Detecting if the line is shortThe function of detecting if the line is broken or short is applicable only when a NAMUR input detector is used! In the case of operation with contact switch, the network in accordance with Figure 2 must be used for establishing the connection to the contact switch ( S2 and S3 in ON position ).Figure 2. Switch-positions of the deviceThe switching unit forwards the output signal of the comparators, depending on the setting of the operation mode switch, to the isolator stage. In the case of relay-type output stage, it is the pulling coil of the relay, while in the case of electronic output, it is the diode of an optical coupler.The isolated output is either the contact of the relay or, in the case of electronic output stage, it is a PNP open collector transistor, which gets its supply voltage from an external power supply unit.A yellow LED indicates the ON status of the outputs. In the case of a line fault (broken or short) the red LED gives light, and the output will be switched off.The power supply for the two-stage (logical) intrinsically safe isolator is ensured by the DC/DC converter using the 24 VDC, whose supply voltage may vary in a wide voltage range: 19-29 V. The supply voltage input is protected against overvoltage.6. Preliminary InstructionsThe contact- and proximity-detector isolators and the User Manual are delivered in a packing that provide appropriate protection. Special instructions for unpacking are not necessary.Study the User Manual attentively before you put the device into operation, paying special attention to the prescriptions ensuring an intrinsically safe operation, and to the safety measures.7. Putting the device into operation; Operating Instructions.7.1. Safety measuresIn order to ensure the security of property and the safety of health and life of people, the following rules must be met:— Only properly qualified persons may put the device into operation.— For making the connection of the screw-fixed type terminals, a cable with at least 0.5-2.5 mm2 cross section area must be used, whose insulation in radial direction is at least 0.2 mm— The detector, or the contact, installed in the explosive area must be used concerning the cable that connects the input of the isolators, it must be taken into consideration that intrinsical safety is ensured in that case only,when the serial inductance and capacitance of the whole input circuit is not more than the values defined by the Technical Specifications.7.2. Addition to the contacts installed in the explosive areaIf we want to apply a detection of the lines, the resistors necessary for the checking of the broken or short status must be mounted to the switching contacts, and the DIL-switches mounted in the printed wiring within the device must be set to the appropriate position.7.3. Connecting the deviceThe various types should be connected in accordance with the following instructions:The types DT1361, DT1362, DT1371, DT1372, DT1381, and DT1382 have closing- and switching contacts, with one or two channels. When these types are connected, the instructions under Clause 7.1 and Clause 7.2 must be observed.relayoutputConnectingtheFigure 3a. Connection of DT1361outputrelays ConnectingtheFigure 3b. Connection of DT1362relaysoutputConnectingtheFigure 3c. Connection of DT1371Connecting the output relaysFigure 3d. Connection of DT1372Connecting the output semi-conductorFigure 3e. Connection of DT1381Connecting the output semi-conductorsFigure 3f. Connection of DT1382The type DT1363 is a single-channel device with closing contact, and with and additional fault-signal control channel. At the output of the fault signal, a relay is found (whose type is identical with the one at the output of the device). In the case of faultless operation its contact is in closed position. If some fault occurs (broken or short line, no power supply), the fault signal relay will open the closing contact.In order to ensure the proper operation of the fault signal relay, the fault signal detector switch, found inside the device (S2 and S3) must be kept in ON status.relays ConnectingoutputtheFigure 3g. Connection of DT1363The four-channel devices DT1364 and DT1384 include four independent channels. One of the terminations of the outputs is commoned in each 2-2 channels.relays ConnectingoutputtheFigure 3h. Connection of DT1364semi-conductors ConnectingoutputtheFigure 3i. Connection of DT1384The types DT1373 and DT1393 are two-channel devices with relay closing contact or with semi-conductor outputs. One of the terminals of the outputs are commoned with each-other and with one of the power supply terminals (0 V or +24 V). In the lack of needs to the contrary, the devices as delivered by the Manufacturer are commoned with the 0 V.relaysoutputtheConnectingFigure 3j. Connection of DT1373outputsemi-conductorstheConnectingFigure 3k. Connection of DT1393The types DT1381, DT1382, DT1384 and DT1393 have semi-conductor outputs, and passive operation (open-collector output). By ensuring the right polarity, an external power supply unit should be connected to the output through a resistor. The maximum voltage and current values of the external power supply unit are defined by the Technical Specifications.7.4. Putting the device into operation; Preliminary settingsAfter the MODE S1, S2, and S3 switches have been set previously (see Clause 5 and Figure 2), thedevice should be put onto the busbar, and the connectors should be connected with the cables inaccordance with the above description.8. DesignThe isolators are built in a polyamide 6.6 box, that can be pushed on TS-35 type busbars, and ensure IP 20 protection. In terms of dimensions, only the width of the boxes vary, and it is shown under the point …Type selection”. The drawing of the device’s housing (box) is presented by Figure 4.Figure 4. Mounting of the device9. Maintenance, repairThe isolators do not require maintenance.Faulty units must be sent to the Manufacturer DATCON Kft for repair.10. Appendix10.1. ATEX Certification10.2. CE Declaration of ConformityDeclaration of ConformityManufacturer:Datcon Ipari Elektronikai Kft.H-1148 Budapest, Fogarasi út 5., HungaryProduct:DT13xx Contact and Proximity-Detector (NAMUR) Isolator FamilyDT1361, DT1362, DT1363, DT1364,DT1371, DT1372, DT1373, DT1381,DT1382, DT1384, DT1393The manufacturer declares on his sole responsibility, that the product conform to following CE Directives and standards:89 / 336 / EEC EMC DirectiveMSZ EN 61326-1:2013Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. EMC requirement.Part 1: General requirements MSZ EN 61000-4-2:2009 Section 2. Electrostatic discharge immunity test. MSZ EN 61000-4-3:2007Section 3. Radiated, radio-frequency, electromagnetic field immunity test. MSZ EN 61000-4-4:2012Section 4. Electrical fast transient / burst immunity test. MSZ EN 61000-4-5:2008Section 5. Surge immunity test. MSZ EN 61000-4-6:2009Section 6. Immunity to conducted disturbances, induced by radio-frequency field MSZ EN 61000-4-8:2011Section 8. Power frequency magnetic field immunity test. MSZ EN 55011:2010 Industrial, scientific and medical (ISM) radio-frequency equipment.Radio disturbances characteristics.Limit and methods of measurement (CISPR 11:1997. modified).73 / 23 / EEC Safety Directive amended by 93 / 68 / ECMSZ EN 61010-1:2011 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control andlaboratory use.ATEX Directive amended by 94 / 9 / ECMSZ EN 60079-0:2013Explosive atmospheres. Part 0: Equipment. General requirements MSZ EN 60079-11:2012Explosive atmospheres. Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safe “i” MSZ EN 60079-26:2007 Explosive atmospheres. Part 26: Equipment with equipment protection level(EPL) GaThe product were designed, manufactured and tested in accordance with the quality management system ISO 9001:2008.Designated certification body ExVÁ Kft. 1037 Budapest, Mikoviny u. 2-4.The ExVÁ Kft. completed test according to the 94/9/EC directive and issued the certificate:14 ATEX 0012Budapest, Friday, 2014. July 11. ………………….…………………………Miskovits PéterManaging director 18/18。
SANDVIK DT820 - 隧道钻机说明书
KEY FEATURES Coverage area 110 m² (14 210 x 8 420 mm)Hydraulic rock drill2 x RDX5 (20 kW)Drill feed 2 x TF500-16’Boom2 x SB90Control system THC560, hydraulic Hole lengthUp to 6 180 mmTurning width (T-section) 4 840 mm (with TF500-16’)Transport / drilling width 2 500 mm / 3 000 mm Transport / drilling height2 750 mm /3 600 mmTransport length 14 930 mm (with TF500-16’)Total weight 26 500 kg (without utility boom)depending on options Total weight28 900 kg (with utility boom)depending on optionsThe Sandvik DT820 is a two boom electro hydraulic jumbo for fast and accurate drilling in tunneling and cavern excavation of 12 - 110 m² cross sections.The hydraulic controlled drilling system withadded automatic functions and different optional instrumentation levels enable productive and high quality excavation.The RDX5 rock drills deliver superior performance with high consumable life, lowering operating costs and giving long service interval.The SB90 universal booms have a large optimum shaped coverage and full automatic parallelism. The booms can also be used for cross-cutting and bolt hole drilling. An optional utility boom for bolting and utility works is available. The powerful 4-wheel-drive center articulated carrier ensures rapid and safe tramming with good balance.BOOM Type of boom SB90 (TS2-265)Parallel coverage 90 m²Parallelism HydraulicBoom extension 1 800 mm Feed extension 1 650 mmBoom weight, net2 650 kg Roll-over angle 358°HYDRAULIC SYSTEM Powerpack HPP555 (2 x 55 kW)Percussion pump 110 cc (variable)Rotation pump60 cc (variable)Filtration size (pressure / return)20 µ / 10 µOil tank volume290 liters Filling pump for hydraulic oil Electric Cooler for hydraulic oilOW30 oil-to-water (2 x 30 kW)HYDRAULIC ROCK DRILL Type of rock drill RDX5 (TS2-433)Percussion power 20 kW Percussion pressureMax. 220 barPercussion rate 67 Hz Rotation speed Max. 250 rpm (with OMS125)Rotation torque625 Nm (with OMS125)Hole size (drifting)43 - 64 mm Hole size (cut hole)76 - 127 mmRecommended rod T38 - Hex 35 - R32T38 - Hex 35 - Alpha 330T38 - Hex 35 -R35Shank adapter (male)T38Weight 210 kgLength955 mm Profile height 87 mmAIR AND WATER SYSTEM Flushing of holes By waterWater booster pump type WBP2 (11 kW)Water pump capacity 100 l/min at 15 bar (5 bar inlet)Water pump inlet pressure 2 - 7 barFlushing water pressure 10 - 15 barShank lubrication device SLU-2 (air / oil mist) Air compressorCTN10 (1.0 m³/min at 7 bar)Oil consumption180 - 250 g/hAir consumption250 - 350 l/minFEEDType of feed TF500-12’ Optional TF500-14’Optional TF500-16’Standard TF500-18’Optional TF500-20’ OptionalFeedforce (Max.)25 kN25 kN 25 kN 25 kN 25 kN Total length 5 270 5 880 6 4907 1007 710Hole length 3 4404 050 4 6605 270 5 880Rod length 3 700 4 3054 915 5 5256 135Netweight (kg)500530560590620ELECTRIC SYSTEM Standard voltage 380 - 690 V (± 10%)Total input power 135 kW Main switch MSE20IP classificationSpecification TS2-132Starting methodStar-delta starter 380 - 690 V Automatic cable reel TCR4ECable reel control (in / out)Operator station Front lights (combined working and driving)8 x 35 W HID (24V)Rear lights(combined working and driving)4 x 35 W HID (24 V)Rear parking / brake lights 1 x Red LED (24V)Stair case service lightsLED (24V)UTILITY BOOM (OPTIONAL) Type of utility boom SUB3A (TS2-307)Boom extension 2 x 2 000 mm Boom weight,net2 350 kg Max allowed load510 kg Max allowed load with safety canopy400 kgOPERATOR’S SAFETY CANOPY Canopy certification FOPS (ISO 3449)Unit height in tramming 3 600 mm Sound pressure level according to EN 16228Cabin < 103 dB(A)Emitted 126 dB(A)OperationStanding drilling, seated trammingDRILLING CONTROL SYSTEM Type of control system THC560 (TS2-361)Operating principleHydraulic control Manual boom controlDirect control Fully proportional Hydraulic parallelism Drilling control Manual collaringFeed / percussion control Anti-jamming system Flushing controlAutomatic cycle Stop and return automaticsCARRIERType of carrierTC8 (frame-steered)Carrier articulation ± 37°Rear axle oscillation± 8°Ground clearance 400 mmDiesel engine MB OM904LA, 110 kW, Tier 3, Stage IIIA Transmission Hydrodynamic, Spicer T20 000Axles Dana Spicer 113 (front and rear)Tires14.00-24 PR28Service brakes Hydraulically applied wet disc brakes Parking / emergency brakes SAHR type, fail safe wet disc brakes Fuel tank150 litersTramming speedHorizontal (0%): 16 km/h 14% = 1:7 = 8º: 5.4 km/h Gradeability / sideways tilt Max. 15° / 5°Carrier stabilization TJ60 (front), TJ75 (rear)Hand throttleStandardHand held fire extinguisher 7.7 kg (type ABC)Carrier centralized greasing Specification TS2-463Tramming alarm StandardKnowledge Box™Connectivity solution (TS2-535)Colour schemeSandvik standardDocumentation1 x Operator’s manual 1 x Maintenance manual1 x T echnical manual (in English only)1 x Parts manual (in English only)2 x T oolman USB keyOPTIONAL ITEMS Feed*Feed length*Telescopic feed Rod retainer12’, 14’, 18’, 20’TFX6/12, TFX8/14, TFX10/16 TRR1 with TF or TFX feed (incl. safety wire)Utility boom Safety canopySpot lights Rod racksRX expansion bolt installation kit FOPS approvedSliding FOPS safety canopy 2 x 17 W LEDFor 4 pcs of 10 or 12 ft rods D30 mm or D41 mm Hydraulic systemUtility boom pump*Filling pump for hydraulic oil *Biodegradable oils 60cc (gear)ManualShell Naturelle HFE46/68Control systemConstant speed drilling Drilling instrumentReplaces feed / percussion control TMS+Cleaning systemLow pressure system with reel High pressure system with reel Up to 15 bar (TS2-343)Up to 180 bar (TS2-343)Greasing systems Automatic systemManual systemLincoln (for carrier, boom,rod han-dler and utility boom) Specification TS2-463OPTIONAL ITEMSElectric system *Voltage optionElectric cablesSpooling device for cable reel Ground fault and overcurrent unit Electricity outlet on front carrier Remote control for reel(s) Amber flashing light1 000 V (50 Hz), DOL starting systemSpecification TS2-121For voltages 690 - 1 000 V VYK1 x 400 V or2 x 230 V 16A At rear machine LED (24 V)Air and water system Flushing flow supervision *Air compressor Air mist flushingEnd of hole flushingExternal air connection Water hose reel Water hose2 boomsCTN16 (1.6 m³/min at 7 bar)External air / water supply (incl. IP5 air cleaner)2 x 80 liters receiver (incl. IP5 air cleaner).IP5 air cleanerTHR2.5E with 38 mm (1 ½”), 65 m 38 mm (1 ½”), 65 m Operator’s safety canopy Reduced tramming speed 3rd gear lockoutFire suppression system Additional fire extinguisher Manual system Automatic system7.7 kg (type ABC)Ansul, 6 nozzles (TS2-460)Ansul, 6 nozzles (TS2-460)Carrier*High speed carrierExhaust catalyzer Fast filling systemRod rack on carrier side Tramming cameraWheel chocks and holdersTC8, incl. MB OM906LA, 170 kW, Tier 3, Stage IIIA, with Spicer T32 000 transmission For Tier 3 engines For fuel or complete 12 to 20 ft rods Rear 2 piecesExtra items Spare rock drillSpare wheel assembly Special tools for rock drillTunnel laser set DocumentationRDX5 StandardField tool set (TS2-434)Complete tool set (TS2-435)Extra manuals*) Replaces standard featureTF500-12’TF500-14’TF500-16’TF500-18’TF500-20’Feed length5 330 mm5 940 mm6 550 mm7 160 mm7 770 mmOverall length14 680 mm 14 900 mm 14 900 mm 15 350 mm 16 400 mm Overall length with TRR114 710 mm 14 930 mm 14 930 mm 15 380 mm16 430 mmT S 2-389:03/E N G /M E T R I C ©S a n d v i k M i n i n g a n d R o c k S o l u t i o n s 2022 S A N D V I K i s a r e g i s t e r e d t r a d e m a r k o w n e d b y S a n d v i k I n t e l l e c t u a l P r o p e r t y A B i n S w e d e n a n d o t h e r c o u n t r i e s .Sandvik Mining and Rock Solutions reserves the right to make changes to the information on this data sheet without prior notification to users. Please contact a Sandvik representative for clarification on specifications and options.ROCKTECHNOLOGY .SANDVIK。
2、设计要求与内容1)以 AT89S52系列单片机为核心设计移动清扫机器人电机驱动与控制电路,采用红外传感器和超声波传感器完成障碍物检测电路设计,完成充电站检测电路设计,完成避障算法与路径规划算法设计。
3)显示方式LED 显示当前时间和机器人当前工作状态。