Preparation and Characterization of Monoclonal Antibodies to the Trichothecene Mycotoxin T-2
《活性多肽与药物开发》于金刚等:碳纳米管作为药物载体的研究进展?991? Pharmaceutics,2005,2:475—480.[25]MurakamiT,AjimaK,MiyawakiJ,eta1.Drug—Loaded earb0nnanohorns:adsorptionandreleaseof dexamethasoneinvitro[J].MolPharm.2004,1:399—405.[26]ShibaK,Y udasakaM,lijimaS.Carbonnanohornsasa noveldrugcarrier[J].NipponRinsho,2006,64:239—246.[27]PastorinG,wuW,WieckowskiS,eta1.Double functionalisationofcarbonnanotubesformuhimodaldrug delivery[J].ChemCommun,2006,l1:1182—1184.[28]McDevittMR,ChattopadhyayD,KappelBJ,eta1. Tumortargetingwithantibody—funetionalized,radiolabeled carbonnanotubes[JJ.JNuclMed,2007,48:1180—1189.『291LiuZ.CaiWB,HeLN,eta1.Invivobiodistributionand hilyefficienttumourtargetingofcarbonnanotubesinmice[J].NatureNanotechnol,2007,2:47—52.[30]SmartSK,CassadyAI,LuGQ,eta1.The biocompatibilityofcarbonnanotubes[J].Carbon,2006, 44:1034—1047.[31]MagrezA,KasasS,SalicioV,eta1.Cellulartoxicityof carbon—basednanomaterials[J].NanoLett,2006,6:l12l一1125.[32]YangST,GuoW,LinY,eta1.Biodistributionof pristinesingle—walledcarbonnanotubesinvivo[J].J PbysChemC,2007,l11:17761—17764.[33]MurugesanS,ParkTJ,Y angH,eta1.Bloodcompatible carbonnanotubes:nano?basedneoproteoglycans[J]. Langmuir,2006,22:3461—3463.[34]KhlobystovAN,BritzDA,BriggsGA.Moleculesin carbonnanotubes[J].AccChemRes,2005,38:901—909.[35]ShenHJ.Molecularsimulationsoftheloadingof methadoneandbuprenorphineintocarbonnanotubes [J].ActaPharmSin(药学),2006,41:888—892.[36]HanB,LiQN,WuSW,eta1.Selectiveadsorptionof multi—walledcarbonnanotubeswithliquiritinand isoliquiritin[J].ActaPharmSin(药学),2007,42:1222—1226.[37]Y uJG,HuangKL,LiuSQ,eta1.Preparationand characterizationofsolublemethyl-B—cyelodextrin funetionalizedsingle—walledcarbonnanotubeslJ]. PhysicaE,2008.40:689—692.[38]Y uJG,HuangKL,HongY,eta1.Preparationand characterizationofdiehlorocarbenemodifiedmultiple—walledcarbonnanotubesIJ1.ChemResChinUniv.2oo7,23:505—507.[39]TasisD,TagmatarehisN,BiancoA,eta1.Chemistryof carbonnanotubes『J1.ChemRev,2006,106:1105~1136.[40]ChenS,ShenW,wuG,eta1.Anewapproachtothe functionalizationofsingle—walledcarbonnanotubeswith bothalkylandearboxylgroups[J].ChemPhysLett,2oo5.402:312—317.绵乖石钸尔;乖毋乖秘不尔也不!矫茚!绵’矫茚尔尔’!{‘乖~--tS预告?《活性多肽与药物开发》王德心着中国医药科技出版社2008年7月出版全书共134.5万字,分上篇总论及下篇各论.上篇内容为肽的特性,分类,剂型,合成策略,巧妙合成例.针对经典肽的修饰与改造是本篇的重点.其中包括伪肽,环肽,Fridinger肽,简化肽及加合肽,拟肽等主要类型的合成方法,还包括开发为新先导物药物的实例.下篇内容按不同生物活性分别介绍了抗肿瘤肽,免疫活性肽,镇痛肽,造血活性肽,骨代谢肽,神经活性肽,抗生素肽,生长及血糖调节肽,抗凝肽,核素标记肽,合成肽疫苗,蛋白酶结合肽等内容.文中配合大量的合成反应,目标结构图示及充分的文献是该书的另一特点.。
1. 2
纳米氧化锌的制备 分别量取一定量 1. 0mol / L 硫酸锌溶液和曲拉
通溶液于同一烧杯中搅拌均匀, 在频率为 50kHz 的 超声场中辐射; 再量取一定量的 1. 0mol / L 草酸为沉 采用正加法一次性迅速加入草酸溶液 , 待反应 淀剂, 开始生成沉淀后继续超声辐照 1h。 反应结束后, 经 减压抽滤, 纳米沉淀物用蒸馏水和无水乙醇反复洗 然后真空干燥。干燥后的前驱体纳米草酸锌, 装 涤, 放入马弗炉中在一定温度下煅烧 2h, 得 入坩埚中, 到白色粉末纳米氧化锌。 纳米氧化锌的平均粒径 ( 直径) 可由衍射峰的半峰宽通过谢乐公式计算得 到。 2 2. 1 结果与讨论 纳米氧化锌的晶型 本课题制备的纳米 ZnO 的 XRD 谱图 ( 见图 1 ) 与标准谱图一致, 说明所得样品为氧化锌, 晶型为六 方晶型; 所制备的纳米氧化锌谱图中除了氧化锌特 征衍射峰外, 基本没有其它杂峰的存在, 表明沉淀物 纯度较高, 没有杂质离子遗留在样品中; 洗涤充分, 图中衍射峰很尖锐, 说明结晶性良好。
表 5 不同加入方式制备的纳米 ZnO 的平均粒径 Table 5 The average diameter of nano - ZnO prepared by different adding ways
序号 2 6 同。 n( H2 C2 O4 ·2H2 O) : n( ZnSO4 ·7H2 O) 1. 25 : 1 1. 25 : 1 草酸加入方式 一次倾倒 20min 内滴加完 珔/ nm d 24. 85 36. 35
注: 反应在常温下进行, 煅烧温度为 500℃ , 煅烧时间 2h 等其它 条件不变。
Байду номын сангаас
2. 2. 2
煅烧温度的影响 3
大 学 化 学Univ. Chem. 2024, 39 (3), 258收稿:2023-09-18;录用:2023-10-19;网络发表:2023-10-25*通讯作者,Email:********************基金资助:南京信息工程大学2023年度教改课题(2023XYBJG09)•化学实验• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202309057 银纳米粒子制备与表征实验的绿色化改进及教学设计郭永明*,李杰,刘朝勇南京信息工程大学化学与材料学院,南京 210044摘要:绿色改进了银纳米粒子制备和表征的实验。
以茶叶水为还原剂和稳定剂,考查了茶叶水的含量、溶液的pH 值和反应温度对银纳米粒子制备的影响,让学生理解实验条件对银纳米粒子制备产生的影响。
关键词:银纳米粒子;制备;改进;绿色;教学设计中图分类号:G64;O6Green Improvement and Educational Design in the Synthesis and Characterization of Silver NanoparticlesYongming Guo *, Jie Li, Chaoyong LiuSchool of Chemistry and Materials, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, China.Abstract: An eco-friendly modification has been implemented in the experiment of preparation and characterization of silver nanoparticles. Using tea water as both reducing agent and stabilizer, the study explored the effects of tea water concentration, pH of solution, and reaction temperature on the preparation of silver nanoparticles, thereby helping students to understand the effects of experimental conditions on the preparation of silver nanoparticles. The optical properties of silver nanoparticles were characterized by a spectrophotometer. And the relationship between absorbance and concentration of silver nanoparticle solution and Tyndall effect were demonstrated. Furthermore, the size of silver nanoparticles was determined using a laser particle size analyzer. The improved experiment is closely aligned with everyday life, rich in content, and closely following academic frontier. It also adheres to the principles of green chemistry, making it advantageous for stimulating students’ interest in learning and cultivating practical skills, critical thinking ability and innovative awareness.Key Words: Silver nanoparticles; Preparation; Improvement; Green; Teaching design随着纳米科技的飞速发展,各种纳米材料不断涌现出来,为让学生更好地了解纳米科技的发展成就和培养学生的创新意识,有必要将有关纳米科技成果引入到本科教学中[1,2]。
菌糠纳米纤维素晶体仍属于纤维素Ⅰ型,结晶度由63.79% 增加到81.04%。
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Common Equipment of Petrochemical Industry
Symmetrical Pharmaceutical Chemistry
Measurement Method and Application of Corrosion Electrochemistry
Principle and Application of Corrosion Electrochemistry
Analysis of Corrosion Destroy
Software of Quantum Chemistry & its Application
Green Chemistry
Membrane Separation Technegues
Colloid Chemical Methods for Preparing Nano-materials
Modern Research Methods for Inorganic Compounds
Study of Fine Chemicals
The basic process of polymers
theoretical Organic Chemistry
Chemical System and Optimization
Analogue and Optimization of Chemical Devices
氨基酸功能化碳量子点的制备与表征英文Preparation and characterization of amino acid-functionalized carbon quantum dotsAbstract:Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) have arisen as a promising type of nanomaterials with outstanding optical, electrical, and chemical properties. The functionalization of CQDs with various functional moieties presents a vast potential for tailoring their functional properties for various applications. Herein, we developed a facile method to prepare amino acid-functionalized carbon quantum dots (AA-CQDs) via a one-step microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. The as-prepared AA-CQDs were characterized by a series of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques, and were found to exhibit excellent optical properties, good watersolubility, and low cytotoxicity. The AA-CQDs may have potential applications in bio-imaging, bio-sensing, and drug delivery.Introduction:Carbon quantum dots (CQDs) have attracted great attention in various research areas, such as bio-imaging, bio-sensing, drug delivery, solar cells, and energy conversion. CQDs have unique properties, such as high photoluminescence quantum yield, excellent biocompatibility, low toxicity, and excellent light-harvesting properties. The functionalization of CQDs with various functional moieties presents a vast potential for tailoring their functional properties for various applications.Amino acids are important building blocks of proteins, and are essential for many biological processes. Amino acid-functionalized carbon quantum dots (AA-CQDs) have gained much attention due to their potential in bio-imaging, bio-sensing, and drug delivery. The amino acid moieties on the carbon dots could provide a surface charge, which makes them more resistant to nonspecific binding and degradation in biological environments.In this work, we developed a facile method to prepare AA-CQDs via a one-step microwave-assisted hydrothermal method, and characterized their physical and chemical properties by a series of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques.Experimental Section:Materials:L-phenylalanine (99.5%), L-tryptophan (99.5%), L-cysteine (99.5%), and sodium bicarbonate (99.5%) were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). Methanol was purchased from Thermo Fisher Scientific (Waltham, MA, USA). Water was deionized by a Millipore Milli-Q purification system (Milford, MA, USA).Synthesis of AA-CQDs:In a typical synthesis, 500 mg of L-phenylalanine, L-tryptophan, or L-cysteine was dissolved in 20 mL of deionized water by stirring for 15 min. The pH of the solution was adjusted to 9.0 by dropwise addition of 1 M sodium bicarbonate. The mixture was treated by microwave-assisted hydrothermal method at 200 °C for 5 min. Aftercooling down to room temperature, the solution was centrifuged at 10,000 rpm for 10 min to remove the unreacted amino acids and other insoluble impurities.Characterization:The as-synthesized AA-CQDs were characterized using a series of spectroscopic and microscopic techniques. UV-Vis absorption spectra and Photoluminescence (PL) spectra were recorded on a Shimadzu UV-1800 spectrophotometer and a PerkinElmer LS 55 luminescence spectrometer, respectively. The size and morphology of the AA-CQDs were characterized using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) (FEI Tecnai G2 F20, USA). Zeta potential measurements were carried out on a Zetasizer Nano-ZS (Malvern Instruments, UK).Results and discussion:In this work, we developed a facile method to prepare AA-CQDs via a one-step microwave-assisted hydrothermal method. Amino acids such as L-phenylalanine, L-tryptophan, and L-cysteine were used as functional moieties to functionalize theCQDs. The as-prepared AA-CQDs exhibited excellent optical properties, good water solubility, and low cytotoxicity.Figure 1 shows the UV-Vis absorption spectra and PL spectra of AA-CQDs synthesized withdifferent amino acids. The AA-CQDs exhibited characteristic absorption peaks around 280 nm due to the π-π* transition of amino acids, and a broad PL band with an emission wavelength around 450 nm. The emission intensity of AA-CQDs prepared with L-cysteine was higher than those prepared with L-phenylalanine or L-tryptophan. This may be attributed to the thiol group (-SH) of L-cysteine, which may enhance the fluorescence intensity of the AA-CQDs.The TEM images of AA-CQDs prepared with L-cysteine are shown in Figure 2. The AA-CQDs appeared as monodisperse and spherical nanoparticles with an average size of around 3-4 nm. The AA-CQDs exhibited a highly fluorescent property, which may be attributed to their size-dependent quantum confinement effect.The zeta potentials of AA-CQDs prepared with different amino acids are shown in Figure 3. The AA-CQDs exhibited negative zeta potentials due to the presence of carboxyl groups on the surfaces of CQDs and amino acids. The zeta potentials of AA-CQDs prepared with L-phenylalanine and L-tryptophan were around -9.7 mV and -13.6 mV, respectively, while the zeta potential of AA-CQDs prepared withL-cysteine was around -23.1 mV. The higher zeta potential of AA-CQDs prepared with L-cysteine may be attributed to the thiol group (-SH) of L-cysteine, which may provide a stronger negative charge on the surface of the AA-CQDs.Conclusion:In summary, we developed a facile method to prepare AA-CQDs via a one-step microwave-assisted hydrothermal method, and characterized their physical and chemical properties. The AA-CQDs exhibited excellent optical properties, good water solubility, and low cytotoxicity. The AA-CQDs may have potential applications in bio-imaging, bio-sensing, and drug delivery. Further studies areneeded to evaluate the biocompatibility, pharmacokinetics, and in vivo toxicity of the AA-CQDs.。
以丙烯酸为功能性单体的苯丙乳液聚合及其性能研究徐丽丽;刘增伟;马凤国【摘要】以苯乙烯与丙烯酸丁酯为共聚单体,丙烯酸为功能性单体,通过半连续种子乳液聚合制备稳定的苯丙乳液.研究表明:当NaHCO3质量配比在0.19%~0.3%时,乳液稳定性好;当丙烯酸质量配比小于2.0时,乳液粒径分布窄,平均粒径为0.18 μm,乳液流动性较好,高于2.5时,乳液粒径变大且分布变宽,乳液呈膏状、流动性差;当丙烯酸质量配比增大时,乳液黏度呈逐渐上升趋势;随着氨水质量配比的增加,乳液黏度逐渐增大,但达到一定量后保持不变;随剪切速率增大,乳液呈明显的剪切变稀趋势,说明乳液为假塑性流体.【期刊名称】《丝绸》【年(卷),期】2015(052)005【总页数】5页(P11-15)【关键词】苯丙乳液;剪切速率;黏度;粒径【作者】徐丽丽;刘增伟;马凤国【作者单位】青岛科技大学高分子科学与工程学院,山东青岛266042;青岛科技大学橡塑材料与工程教育部重点实验室,山东青岛266042【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TS959.9;TQ317.4因社会环境安全需求,具有无毒、无味、污染少等优点的水溶性乳液逐渐占领市场[1-4],而苯丙乳液有较好的耐水性、耐候性、耐碱性等优点,且价格低廉,相对于其他水溶性乳液有着更高的性价比而倍受青睐[5-7],在涂料、纺织、黏合剂等领域有广泛应用[8-11]。
第52卷第9期2023年9月人㊀工㊀晶㊀体㊀学㊀报JOURNAL OF SYNTHETIC CRYSTALSVol.52㊀No.9September,2023高效Mo-Ni5P4双功能电催化剂的制备及其电解水性能研究高㊀鹏,张艳平,王㊀敏,余婉菲,李建保(海南大学材料科学与工程学院,南海海洋资源利用国家重点实验室,海口㊀570228)摘要:电催化制氢通过析氢反应(HER)和析氧反应(OER)同时产生氢气(H2)和氧气(O2),是一种高效且环境友好的产氢方式㊂但现阶段商业化的高效催化剂价格昂贵且储量较少,限制了电解水技术的大规模应用㊂因此,开发低成本㊁高稳定和环境友好的高效电催化剂,特别是基于非贵金属材料的磷化物电催化剂,成为近期研究热点㊂本研究通过水热和相对较低的磷化温度成功制备出了具有镂空纳米花结构的Mo掺杂Ni5P4催化剂㊂通过X射线衍射(XRD)㊁扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)对Mo-Ni5P4催化剂进行了表征,并研究了Mo-Ni5P4材料的电化学性能㊂研究发现,所合成的催化剂凭借掺杂对电子结构的改变,以及多孔纳米片的大表面积优势,提高了HER水解离步骤的速率㊂在碱性电解液中,Mo负载下的Ni5P4仅需116mV的析氢过电位就可实现10mA㊃cm-2的电流密度,同时析氧过电位只需255mV㊂在双电极配置中仅需1.608V的电池电压,持续测试27h后,催化剂仍显示出良好的稳定性㊂关键词:Ni5P4;Mo;掺杂;电催化析氢;电催化析氧;电催化全解水中图分类号:O643;TM912㊀㊀文献标志码:A㊀㊀文章编号:1000-985X(2023)09-1691-07 Preparation and Electrolytic Water Performance of an EconomicallyEfficient Mo-Ni5P4Bifunctional ElectrocatalystGAO Peng,ZHANG Yanping,WANG Min,YU Wanfei,LI Jianbao(State Key Laboratory of Marine Resource Utilization in South China Sea,School of Materials Science andEngineering,Hainan University,Haikou570228,China)Abstract:Electrocatalytic hydrogen production,to produce hydrogen(H2)and oxygen(O2)at the same time through hydrogen evolution reaction(HER)and oxygen evolution reaction(OER),which is considered as an efficient and environmentally friendly way to produce hydrogen.However,the high-efficiency catalysts for commercialization are expensive and have limited reserves,which limit the large-scale application of electrolytic water technology.Therefore,the development of efficient electrocatalysts with low cost,high stability and environmental friendliness,especially phosphides based on non-precious metal materials,is very challenging and much desired.Here,Mo-doped Ni5P4catalysts with hollow nanoflower structure were successfully prepared by hydrothermal and relatively low phosphorylation temperature.The microstructure of Mo-Ni5P4catalysts was characterized by X-ray diffraction(XRD),scanning electron microscopy(SEM)and transmission electron microscopy(TEM),and the electrochemical properties of Mo-Ni5P4materials were investigated.The results show that,catalysts synthesized in this work promote the rate of the HER water dissociation step,taking advantage of the Mo and Ni5P4hollow structures change and the large surface area of the porous nanosheets.In alkaline electrolytes,Ni5P4under Mo loading requires only116mV of hydrogen evolution overpotential to achieve a current density of10mA㊃cm-2,while only 255mV of oxygen evolution overpotential is required.In a two-electrode configuration,a battery voltage of only1.608V is required.The catalyst still shows good stability after27h of continuous testing.Key words:Ni5P4;Mo;doping;electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution;electrocatalytic oxygen evolution;overall water splitting㊀㊀收稿日期:2023-03-14㊀㊀基金项目:国家自然科学基金(52172086);海南省自然科学基金(522MS038)㊀㊀作者简介:高㊀鹏(1998 ),男,河南省人,硕士研究生㊂E-mail:1445967346@㊀㊀通信作者:李建保,博士,教授㊂E-mail:ljb-555@1692㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第52卷0㊀引㊀㊀言当今,化石能源带来的气候问题及全球变暖的状况愈发严重,清洁能源成为全人类共同的需求[1]㊂由于H2表现出高的能量密度又非常环保,研究者们不断在制氢领域中探索以寻求高效便捷又经济的制氢方法㊂可以通过多种能量转换来实现制氢,例如光解㊁热解㊁电解和生物分解,其中电解制氢作为高效且方便的制氢方法,受到了研究者们的广泛青睐[2-6]㊂氢气虽然作为一种理想的清洁燃料能源,但实现氢气的经济实用仍需要高效的水分解材料来支撑㊂目前,铂(Pt)和钌(Ru)/铱(Ir)基贵金属材料分别是析氢反应(hydrogen evolution reaction,HER)和析氧反应(oxygen evolution reaction,OER)电催化剂的活跃代表,但此类材料的稀缺程度及价格昂贵的问题说明了它们的不可持续[7-9]㊂为了解决这个问题,很多科研人员在非贵金属磷化物领域中进行了探索㊂对于磷化物催化剂来说,其优异的热稳定性和化学稳定性,以及非贵金属的特性保证了它在未来工业化应用的可能性,但磷化物的磷化程度完全依赖于制备温度,同时制备温度也普遍偏高,使得其生产成本提高,不利于未来的电解生产㊂在Ni5P4材料的制备过程中通常制备温度在400ħ以上,例如Ma等[10]在400ħ的温度下制备了铁掺杂的Ni5P4催化剂,并且达到10mA㊃cm-2的电流密度仅需131mV的过电位㊂He等[11]在氩气气氛下400ħ保温2h制备了钌掺杂的Ni5P4催化剂,其在碱性溶液中表现出非常出色的析氢性能㊂可见前人的研究中磷化物的制备少不了高温磷化的步骤,而选择较低的温度来制备磷化物催化剂很有发展前景㊂元素掺杂是优化催化剂的一种有效手段[12-16]㊂Zhou等[17]展示了一种海胆样N掺杂Ni5P4空心球的合成,通过阴离子掺杂进行电子调控,并与丰富活性位点的纳米结构相结合,在电流密度为10mA㊃cm-2时将过电位降低至96mV㊂Xiao等[18]㊁Qi等[19]㊁Pahuja等[20]和Rao等[21]分别用Co㊁Fe㊁Se和V对Ni4P5进行掺杂改性,使得催化性能都得到了大幅提升,说明掺杂是提升催化性能的有效方式㊂以上研究证明,合成大比表面积的纳米结构并结合掺杂调控是可行的选择㊂受以上工作的启发,本文选择使用较低磷化温度制备高效的双功能Mo掺杂Ni5P4催化剂㊂通过水热和350ħ的磷化温度,成功在泡沫镍上制备了多孔镂空纳米花状催化剂,分别用于高效的HER和OER㊂1㊀实㊀㊀验1.1㊀实验试剂次亚磷酸钠㊃一水(NaH2PO2㊃H2O),分析纯,上海易恩化学技术有限公司;氯化镍㊃六水(NiCl2㊃6H2O),分析纯,99%,上海易恩化学技术有限公司;钼酸钠㊃二水(Na2MoO4㊃2H2O),分析纯,99%,上海易恩化学技术有限公司;氟化铵(NH4F),分析纯,96%,上海易恩化学技术有限公司;尿素((NH2)2CO),分析纯,99%,上海阿拉丁生化科技股份有限公司;无水乙醇,分析纯,西陇科学股份有限公司;泡沫镍,厚度为2mm,昆山尚特新材料有限公司㊂1.2㊀催化剂的合成合成示意图如图1所示㊂首先进行泡沫镍的预处理,将泡沫镍切成1.5cmˑ3cmˑ0.2cm的小长条,用HCl浸泡并超声处理30min后分别用乙醇和去离子水超声清洗3次㊂之后将2mmol的NiCl2㊃6H2O, 10mmol尿素和0.08g的NH4F溶解在30mL的去离子水中,并在其中滴加200μL浓度为0.1mol/L的Na2 MoO4㊃2H2O溶液,放入清洗过的泡沫镍后转移至50mL的反应釜中㊂将反应釜放入120ħ的烘箱中反应12h,冷却至室温后取出样品,用酒精和超纯水冲洗数次后在60ħ干燥箱中干燥6h㊂最终得到泡沫镍上原位生长的Mo-Ni(OH)2前驱体㊂将干燥后的Mo-Ni(OH)2前驱体放置在管式炉中,在其上游放置1.5g NaH2PO2㊃H2O,随后在N2气氛下,以标况下1mL/min的流速和2ħ/min的升温速率升温至350ħ并保温2h,自然冷却至室温后,得到泡沫镍上原位生长的Mo-Ni5P4纳米催化剂㊂当不滴加Na2MoO4㊃2H2O时得到了未掺杂的Ni5P4样品㊂1.3㊀表征与电化学测试所有样品的物理化学性质都由以下手段进行表征㊂XRD图谱在X射线衍射仪(XRD-Rigaku-Smart Lab)上以3(ʎ)/min-1的扫描速率和25ʎ~80ʎ的范围测得,靶材为铜靶,样品为粉末㊂场发射扫描电子显微镜㊀第9期高㊀鹏等:高效Mo-Ni 5P 4双功能电催化剂的制备及其电解水性能研究1693㊀(SEM-日立S-4800)用来表征材料的微观形貌和尺寸,X 射线能谱分析仪(EDX)用来表征材料的表面元素㊂透射电子显微镜(TEM-美国FEI Tecnai G2F 20)在200kV 下表征样品形貌组成特征㊂图1㊀Mo-Ni 5P 4电催化剂的合成示意图Fig.1㊀Schematic diagram of the synthesis of Mo-Ni 5P 4electrocatalyst 电化学测量是在室温下用电化学工作站(CHI-660E)进行的㊂在1mol /L KOH 电解质中通过使用三电极体系对HER 和OER 的电化学性能进行测量,石墨棒作为对电极,饱和甘汞电极(Hg /HgCl 2/KCl)作为参比电极,制备的Mo-Ni 5P 4材料切成3mm ˑ3mm 用作工作电极,对比实验时制备了负载在泡沫镍上的商业RuO 2和Pt /C 作为对比工作电极㊂并用公式E (RHE)=E (SCE)+0.059pH +0.240V 对可逆氢电极进行校正㊂2㊀结果与讨论图2㊀Mo-Ni 5P 4和Ni 5P 4样品的XRD 图谱Fig.2㊀XRD patterns of Mo-Ni 5P 4and Ni 5P 4samples2.1㊀材料表征分析如图2所示,利用XRD 分析确定了所合成催化剂的晶相㊂其中掺杂和未掺杂Mo 的Ni 5P 4与标准PDF 卡片JCPDS#89-2588相结构一致,说明掺杂Mo 没有改变主相结构㊂通过扫描电子显微镜进行了初步的材料形貌观察㊂如图3所示,发现掺杂后,Mo-Ni 5P 4整体呈现出多孔镂空的纳米花状,在它的底层是互相交织的纳米片,它们将泡沫镍完整包裹并暴露出大量空隙,同时这些镂空纳米花又分散或少部分团聚于底层交织的纳米片之上,使得材料表面积扩大㊂从图3(a)可以看出,纳米花由一片片多孔镂空的纳米片交织组成,裸露出大量的精细结构,这对活性位点的暴露是十分有利的,而且可以增加电解液的接触面积,进而提高水解离的速率和气体的扩散㊂图3㊀不同放大倍数下Mo-Ni 5P 4催化剂的SEM 照片Fig.3㊀SEM images of Mo-Ni 5P 4catalyst at different magnification1694㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第52卷为了进一步揭示材料的详细微结构,测试了Mo-Ni 5P 4样品的高分辨率TEM 照片(见图4(a)㊁(d)),证实了镂空纳米片结构的存在㊂同时纳米片的高分辨率TEM 照片显示了分辨率良好的晶格条纹,测得的晶格条纹间距(0.208nm)与Ni 5P 4的(212)晶面相匹配㊂通过对Mo-Ni 5P 4催化剂进行EDX 面分布扫描,得到了所有元素的分布情况(见图4(b)),可以看出各种元素均存在㊂图4(c)㊁(e)㊁(f)分别显示了Ni㊁P㊁Mo 三种元素的分布状况,结果验证了Mo 元素的成功掺杂且分布均匀并未团聚㊂图4㊀Mo-Ni 5P 4样品的TEM 表征㊂(a),(d)HRTEM 照片;(b),(c),(e),(f)EDX 面分布图Fig.4㊀TEM characterization of Mo-Ni 5P 4sample.(a),(d)HRTEM images;(b),(c),(e),(f)EDX plane distribution images 2.2㊀电催化析氢性能首先在N 2饱和的碱性(1mol /L KOH)溶液中,用典型的三电极系统测试了Mo-Ni 5P 4的HER 活性,商业铂碳(Pt /C)催化剂作为对比样品也进行同等测试㊂图5(a)显示了相对于可逆氢电极(RHE)的线性扫描伏安法(LSV)曲线,和预期的一致,Pt /C 电极表现出高的催化活性,仅在78mV 的过电位(η)下就提供了10mA㊃cm -2的电流密度,而相对于Ni 5P 4(η=151mV)和泡沫镍(η=237mV)的Mo-Ni 5P 4催化剂,它也只需116mV 的过电位便可实现10mA㊃cm -2的电流密度,该值已经低于很多已报道的镍基磷化物催化剂的性能㊂Tafel 斜率可用来评价HER 的动力学,塔菲尔斜率可通过塔菲尔方程获得:η=b lg j +a [22-23]㊂图5(c)显示了Mo-Ni 5P 4㊁Ni 5P 4㊁NF 和商业Pt /C 对应的Tafel 斜率,Mo-Ni 5P 4催化剂拟合的斜率为68.0mV㊃dec -1,接近于Pt /C 的斜率40.8mV㊃dec -1,并且远低于Ni 5P 4(78.8mV㊃dec -1)和NF(193.7mV㊃dec -1)的Tafel 斜率,表明Mo-Ni 5P 4催化剂具有高的电子传递系数和优异的催化动力学㊂如图5(d)所示,电化学阻抗谱表明Mo-Ni 5P 4(69.7Ω)具有更小的电荷转移电阻,虽大于Pt /C 的电荷转移电阻,但相对于未掺杂Mo 元素的Ni 5P 4(109.6Ω),掺杂后明显减少了电子的转移电阻,证明了镂空状纳米结构在析氢反应中具有更快的电子转移速率,较小的电阻可归结于Mo 元素的引入㊂Pt /C(25.1Ω)催化剂的电荷转移电阻小于Mo-Ni 5P 4,这与极化曲线所得出的结果相同㊂2.3㊀电催化析氧性能此外,采用标准三电极体系在O 2饱和的1mol /L KOH 电解质中进行了OER 测试㊂相比Mo-Ni 5P 4催化剂的HER 的性能来说,它所表现在OER 方面的性能更为优越,与商业RuO 2相比,其具有更好的OER 活性㊂在OER 的测试中,以5mV㊃s -1的扫描速率采集极化曲线,并精确地测定小电流密度下的过电位[24]㊂如图6(a)㊁(b),Mo-Ni 5P 4催化剂在碱性电解液中的催化活性高于Ni 5P 4㊁RuO 2和NF,分别需要255㊁291㊁309㊁㊀第9期高㊀鹏等:高效Mo-Ni5P4双功能电催化剂的制备及其电解水性能研究1695㊀图5㊀在1mol/L KOH溶液中Mo-Ni5P4和对比样之间的HER性能对比图㊂(a)极化曲线;(b)10mA㊃cm-2电流密度处的HER过电位;(c)Tafel图;(d)阻抗图谱Fig.5㊀Comparison of HER performance between Mo-Ni5P4and comparison samples in1mol/L KOH solution. (a)Polarization curves;(b)HER overpotential at a current density of10mA㊃cm-2;(c)Tafel plots;(d)Nyquist plots图6㊀在1mol/L KOH溶液中Mo-Ni5P4和对比样之间的OER性能对比图㊂(a)极化曲线;(b)10mA㊃cm-2电流密度处的OER过电位;(c)Tafel图Fig.6㊀Comparison of OER performance between Mo-Ni5P4and comparison samples in1mol/L KOH solution.(a)Polarization curves;(b)OER overpotential at a current density of10mA㊃cm-2;(c)Tafel plots1696㊀研究论文人工晶体学报㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀㊀第52卷360mV的过电位来达到10mA㊃cm-2的电流密度㊂这种OER催化活性使该催化剂性能优于很多自支撑的片状磷化物和目前报道的其他类型催化剂[25-27]㊂另外根据极化曲线得到塔菲尔曲线,Mo-Ni5P4和Ni5P4的Tafel斜率分别为48.4和93.2mV㊃dec-1(见图6(c)),低于商用RuO2和单纯的泡沫镍(104.7和162.1mV㊃dec-1),证明Mo-Ni5P4的反应动力学最快㊂2.4㊀电催化全解水性能考虑到催化剂在析氢析氧方面均表现出优异的水分解性能,因此构建了Mo-Ni5P4阴阳极催化剂的双电极配置来进一步研究整体水分解性能,在碱性溶液下进行两电极性能测试㊂并且使用商业电极(RuO2作为阳极,Pt/C作为阴极)在相同的条件下进行了测试㊂由图7(a)的极化曲线可以看出,在1mol/L KOH溶液中达到10mA㊃cm-2的电流密度仅需要1.608V的电池电压就能实现,远低于RuO2和Pt/C组成的双电极电压(1.665V)㊂更重要的是,在长期稳定性测试中(见图7(b)),电极电势在27h内保持稳定,表明该催化剂具有长期的稳定性㊂说明Mo-Ni5P4催化剂具有实际应用的可能性㊂图7㊀Mo-Ni5P4耦和Pt/C-RuO2耦的完全水分解性能对比图㊂(a)LSV曲线;(b)电流密度为10mA㊃cm-2时的稳定性Fig.7㊀Comparison of the complete hydrolysis performance of Mo-Ni5P4and Pt/C-RuO2coupling.(a)LSV profiles;(b)stability at a current density of10mA㊃cm-23㊀结㊀㊀论本文使用较低磷化温度制备了Mo掺杂Ni5P4高效电催化剂,该催化剂同时拥有析氢析氧功能,表现出优异的电解水性能㊂在碱性溶液中,HER和OER分别表现出116和255mV的低过电位,同时低的塔菲尔斜率说明该催化剂具有更快的动力学特征㊂在两电极体系中,1.608V的电池电压即可驱动10mA㊃cm-2的电流密度,同时27h的超长稳定性使得其在实际应用中成为可能㊂优异的电化学性能可归结于Mo掺杂改变了Ni5P4的电子结构,进而提升了析氢反应动力学,同时多孔镂空纳米花形貌的构建为更多的活性位点暴露提供了可能,这都为加速水分解效率奠定了基础㊂该催化剂在电解水领域具有广阔的应用前景㊂参考文献[1]㊀SHINDELL D,SMITH C J.Climate and air-quality benefits of a realistic phase-out of fossil fuels[J].Nature,2019,573(7774):408-411.[2]㊀BAYKARA S Z,BILGEN E.An overall assessment of hydrogen production by solar water thermolysis[J].International Journal of HydrogenEnergy,1989,14(12):881-891.[3]㊀ANXOLABÉHÈRE-MALLART E,COSTENTIN C,FOURNIER M,et al.Boron-capped tris(glyoximato)cobalt clathrochelate as a precursor forthe electrodeposition of nanoparticles catalyzing H2evolution in water[J].Journal of the American Chemical Society,2012,134(14): 6104-6107.[4]㊀ZHU Y P,REN T 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稻壳热解制备纳米二氧化硅南京工业大学(210009) 贾中兆 万永敏 张少明【摘要】以稻壳为原料,通过热解法制备S iO2纳米粉体。
采用SEM和XRD对SiO2微观结构进行表征,结果表明:所制的S iO2纳米粉体为无定性结构、颗粒均匀、分散性好、平均粒径为80nm左右。
关键词 稻壳 热解 纳米SiO2Preparation of N ano2silica by Thermal Decomposition of Rice H ull Abstract Using rice hull as raw material,silica nano2particles are prepared by thermal decomposition meth2 od.The preparation is performed under the condition of520℃and keeping warm for215h.The microstruc2 ture is characterized by SEM and XRD analysis and the results indicate that nano2silica has amorphous struc2 ture,is well distributed and homogeneous,and the mean grain size is about80nm.K eyw ords rice hull,thermal decomposition,nano2silica中图分类号:TQ1272 文献标识码:B 纳米技术在我国是一项刚刚起步的新兴技术。
PRACTICE一,英译汉Hydrolyze —水解 Alkane —烷烃 Evaporation —蒸发 Aluminum —Al Oxidation —氧化反应 Methylamine —甲胺 Halogen —卤素 carbon dioxide 混合物 binary compounds 二元化合物 Cyclohexane —环己烷 monophase 单相的 polyethylene 聚乙烯 stainless steel 不锈钢 aminobenzene 苯胺 1. The Ideal-Gas Equation of State 理想气体状态方程 2. The First Law of Thermodynamics 热力学第一定律 3. Reaction Rates 反应速率 4. Activation Energy 活化能 5. Separatory Funnel 分液漏斗 6. Homogeneous Catalysis 均相催化7. Conjugate Acid-Base Pairs 共轭酸碱对 8. The Common-Ion Effects 同离子效应9. The Solubility-Product Constant 溶度积常数 二,命名 1. 甲烷 methane2. 2-甲基-3-乙基辛烷 3-ethyl- 2-methyloctane3. 2-乙基-1,3-丁二烯 2- ethyl -1, 3-butadiene4. 环己烷 Cyclohexane5. 对二甲苯 paraxylene6. 乙酸甲酯 Methyl acetate7. 醋酸 Acetic acid8. 丙酮Acetone C H 3C H C H 2C H 2 C H 2C H C H 3C H 2C H 3C H3三,翻译命名2-methylbutane 2-甲基丁烷3-ethyl-2-methylheptane 3-乙基-2-甲基庚烷 4-ethyl-2-methylhexane 2-甲基-4-乙基己烷4-ethyl-2,2-dimethylhexane2,2-二甲基-4-乙基己烷5,5-bis(l,2-dimethylpropyl)nonane 5,5-二(1,2-二甲基丙基)壬烷2-hexyl-l,3-butadiene 2-己基-1,3-丁二烯 Benzyl 苄基(苯甲基) Phenyl 苯基 ethyl chloride 氯化乙基 2-fluoropropanemethanol 甲醇 ethanol 乙醇 1,2-ethanedioltrimethylamine 三甲胺 phenylmethanal ethanoyl chloride 四,翻译短句1. Acetylene (乙炔) is hydrocarbon especially high in heat value.乙炔烃特别是高热值2. It is common knowledge that bodies are lighter in water than they are in air.大家都知道,水中的物体比在空中更轻。
新型碳气凝胶的制备及表征何蕊;刘振法【摘要】以氨水作为间苯二酚和甲醛反应的催化剂,经溶胶-凝胶制备有机气凝胶,再经过常温常压干燥、高温碳化形成碳气凝胶.采用X射线衍射、比表面仪、扫描电镜能谱分析仪对样品进行表征.结果表明:以氨水为催化剂所得碳气凝胶比表面积在900m2/g左右,呈现连续颗粒状.%Carbon aerogels are prepared by sol-gel process via reaction of resorcinol and formaldehyde with ammonia water as catalyst and afterward ambient drying followed by carbonization. The structure of products is characterized by X-ray diffraction, gas physisorption, scanning electron microscopy and energy spectrum analysis. Results indicte that the carbon aerogels with ammonia as catalyst show a coarser surface, and its specific surface area is about 900 m2/g, presenting continuous granular.【期刊名称】《河北科技大学学报》【年(卷),期】2013(034)001【总页数】4页(P26-29)【关键词】碳气凝胶;催化剂;氨水【作者】何蕊;刘振法【作者单位】河北省科学院能源研究所,河北石家庄050081;河北省科学院能源研究所,河北石家庄050081【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O648碳气凝胶是一种由高聚物分子构成的多空非晶凝聚态材料,可以用在力学、热学、光学及声学等方面,具有独特的性能和用途。
MTT 细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒产品编号 产品名称包装 C0009S MTT 细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒 500次 C0009MMTT 细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒2500次产品简介:MTT 细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒(MTT Cell Proliferation and Cytotoxicity Assay Kit)是一种非常经典的细胞增殖和细胞毒性检测试剂盒,被广泛应用于细胞增殖和细胞毒性的检测。
MTT 可以被线粒体内的一些脱氢酶还原生成结晶状的深紫色产物formazan (图1A)。
然后通过酶标仪可以测定570nm 波长附近的吸光度(图2)。
图1. MTT 细胞增殖及细胞毒性检测试剂盒实测效果图。
A. HeLa 细胞加入使用本试剂盒配制的MTT 溶液,在细胞培养箱内孵育4小时,显微镜下可见大量结晶状的深紫色产物formazan 生成。
B. 不同数量HeLa 细胞在MTT溶液(MTT solution)加入后4小时的效果图(上图)及深紫色产物formazan 生成后加入Formazan 溶解液(Formazan solvent),充分溶解后的效果图(下图)。
图2. 本试剂盒检测不同数量HeLa 细胞的效果图。
本试剂盒采用了独特的Formazan 溶解液配方,无需去除原有的培养液,可以直接加入Formazan 溶解液溶解formazan 。
从而避免了由于去除培养液时formazan 被部分去除而引起的误差。
碧云天各种细胞增殖和细胞毒性检测试剂盒的比较和选择,请参考/support/cell-proliferation.htm 。
本试剂盒C0009S 包装可以测定500个样品,C0009M 包装可以测定2500个样品。
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Preparation and Characterization of Component Materials for Intermediate Temperature Solid Oxide
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Novel Strategies for Preparation and Characterization of Functional Polymer-metal Nanocomposites
A r ticle ID:042727104(2007)0520630202R 22B y D N M ,,2D M @N ovel Strategies for Preparation and Character izationof Functional Polymer 2metal N anocomposites f orElectr ochemical ApplicationsD.N.Muravie v(Depa rt ment of Chemist ry ,Autonomous U niv ersity of Ba rcelona ,08193Bellater ra ,Ba rcelona ,Spain)K eyw o r ds :n ov el strategies;polymer 2metal ;nan ocompositesCLC number :O 636.9 1 IntroductionThe synt hesi s and charact erization of Metal Nano Part icles (MN Ps)has at tracted great i nterest of scien 2ti st s and technologist s wit hi n t he last years due t heir unique physical and chemical properties ,which substan 2tially differ f rom t hose of bot h bul k material and si ngle atoms.These properties provide various pract ical appli 2cations of MNPs i ncluding cat alysi s 2and elect rocatalysi s 2based processes ,which occur in ,for example ,f uel cells of different types or in various sensing devices (e.g.amperomet ric sensors and biosensors ).The main draw 2back ,which still li mit s t heir wide applicat ions ,is i nsufficient stabilit y of MN Ps deali ng wit h t hei r high t rend to aggregate.Coalescence of MNPs result s in t he loss of t heir nanomet ric size and s pecial properties.St abilization of MNPs i n polymeric mat rices of different t ypes has been proven to be one of t he most promi sing strategies to prevent t hei r aggregat ion and to save t hei r properties [1].The Polymer 2Stabilized MNPs (PSMN Ps )and t he polymer 2metal nanocomposite materials on t heir base start to fi nd wide applications in various fields of science and technology.2 ResultsIn t his com munication we demonst rat e t hat Metal 2Polymer Nanocomposite Membranes (MPNCMs )con 2t aining MN Ps can be easily prepared in a Sulfonat ed PolyEt herEt her K etone (SP EE K )polymeric mat ri x by using t he polymeric membranes as nanoreactors to bot h synthesize and to characterize t he composition and ar 2chi tect ure of t he formed MN Ps [2-3].Metal ions (or met al ion c omplexes )are fi rst i nc orporated in the poly 2meric matrix where t hey undergo a reduct ion reaction t hat leads to t he formation of corresponding MPNCMs.Since t his t echnique allows for carrying out successive met al loading 2reduction cycles ,it permit s to synt hesize bot h monometallic and bi metallic (e.g.,core 2shell )MNPs.The proposed approach i s illust rated by t he resul ts obt ained by t he synt hesi s and characterization of MPNCMs containing Pt ,Pd (monometallic )and Pt @Cu and Pd @Cu (core 2shell )PSMN Ps along wit h t hei r application i n electrochemical sensor and biosens or const ruc 2tions.第46卷 第5期2007年10月复旦学报(自然科学版)Journal of Fudan U niversity (Natural Science )Vol.46No.5Oct.2007eceived da te :20070704iogra ph :..uraviev Corres ponde nce author E mail :imit ri.uraviev ua[1] A D Pomogailo,G I Dzhardimalieva,A S Rozenberg,et al.K inetics a nd mechanism of in situ simultaneous forma2tion of metal nan oparticles in stabilizing polymer Matrix[J].J Na nopar ticle Res,2003,5:4972519.[2] D N Muraviev.Intermatrix synthesis of polymer2stabilized metal nano2par ticles for sens or applications[J].Con2tributions to Science,2005,3(1),17230.[3] D N Muraviev,J Maca nás,M Farre,et al.Novel routes for inter2matrix synt hesis and c haracterization of polymerstabilized metal nano2particles for molecular recognition devices[J].Sensors&Act uators,2006,118(122):4082 417.(C ont inued from page629)References:[1] Valeeva I L,Lachinov A N.Synth Met,1993,57(1):4115.[2] Z hereb ov A Yu,Lachin ov A N.Synth Metals,1991,44:99.[3] Lachinov A N,Z hereb ov A Yu,K or nilov V M.Pisma v J ET F,1990,52(2):742.[4] Vorobieva N V,Lac hinov A N,Loginov B A.Surf ace,2006,5:22.[5] K ornilov V M,Lachin ov A N.J ET F,1997,111(4):1513.[6] Lachinov A N,Z hereb ov A Yu,et al.Synt h Metals,1993,59:377.[7] K ornilov V M,Lachin ov A N.Pisma v J E T F,1995,61(6):504.[8] Lachinov A N,K ornilov V M,et a l.J SID,2004,12(2):149.[9] Ionov I N,Lachinov A N,Rench R.Pisma v J TF,2002,28(14):69.[10] K ornilov V M,Lac hinov A N.Mic ro system Technique,2003,3:78.[11] K ornilov V M,Lac hinov A N.Phy sics of Low2Dimen sional Str ucture s,2004,1/2:145.[12] Lachinov A N,K ornilov V M,et al.J ET P,2006,102(4):640.1 36 第5期 D.N.Muraviev:Novel Strategies for Prepa ration and Characterization of Functional… 。
Preparation and characterization of Ag-TiO2 hybrid clusters powders[1](Ag-TiO2混合团簇粉末的制备和表征)Abstract:液相电弧放电法被用于制备纳米Ag-TiO2复合超细粉末。
所需的长度尺度对于这些结构的控制是在纳米级别的[ 2 ]。
这方面的一个例子是Ag-TiO2复合材料通过胶体方法合成[ 3 ]或由γ射线辐照法合成[ 4 ]。
Preparation and photocatalytic activity of immobilized composite photocatalyst (titania nanoparticle/activated carbon)[2]固定化复合光催化剂(TiO2纳米颗粒/活性炭)的制备和光催化活性研究Abstract:制备了一种固定化复合光催化剂——TiO2纳米颗粒/活性炭(AC),并研究了它在降解纺织染料的光催化活性。
常用的制备聚合物微球的方法有乳液聚合法、微乳液Preparation and characterization of modified polystyrene microsphereHOU Yan-hui 1,2,LI Jing-min 1,2,AN Qing-ming 1,SONG Guang-kun 1((1.School of Material Science and Engineering ,Tiangong University ,Tianjin 300387,China ;2.State Key Laboratory of Separation Membrances and Membrane Processes ,Tiangong University ,Tianjin 300387,China )Abstract :In order to obtain poly mer microspheres with large specific surface area and carboxylation袁the carboxylatedpolystyrene microspheres with special morphology were prepared by modified two -staged seeded swelling polymerization.In the process of polymerization袁divinylbenzene and carboxyl functional monomers were used to swell polystyrene seed.The effects of the kinds of carboxyl monomers and the amount of seedballs on the microspheres were studied袁and the optimum reaction conditions were determined.The structure of the polymer and the morphology of the microspheres were characterized by SEM and XPS.The results show that polymer microspheres prepared from styrene-divinylbenzene-methacrylic acid have irregular morphology and different particle sizes.It is presumed that methacrylic acid has strong hydrophilicity and is not easily soluble with divinylbenzene and polystyrene seed袁resulting in incomplete copolymerization曰microspheres with good morphology袁large specific surface area and moderate mechanical strength can be obtained by polymerization ofstyrene-divinylbenzene-butyl acrylate曰when polystyrene seed 颐BA 颐DVB =1.5颐10颐8渊w/w冤袁polystyrene microspheres modified by butyl acrylate with good morphology and specific surface area of 9.312m 2/g wereobtained.Key words :polymer microspheres ;styrene ;butyl acrylate ;large specific surface area ;carboxylation收稿日期:2019-11-11基金项目:中国石油科技创新基金项目(2015D-5006-0502)通信作者:侯彦辉(1977—),男,博士,副教授,主要研究方向为烯烃催化聚合。
2015年度中国有色金属科技论文奖评选结果一等奖(58篇) 论文标题期刊名称作者推荐单位作者单位Anglesite and silver recovery from jarosite residues through roasting and sulfidization-flotation in zinchydrometallurgy Journal of HazardousMaterials韩海生,孙伟,胡岳华,贾宝亮,唐鸿鹄中南大学资源加工与生物学院中南大学资生院Rare earth elements recycling from waste phosphor by dual hydrochloric acid dissolution Journal of HazardousMaterials刘虎,张深根,潘德安,田建军,杨敏,吴茂林,Alex A. Volinsky北京科技大学北京科技大学Separation of Mo(VI) and Fe(III) from the acidleaching solution of carbonaceous Ni–Mo ore by ionexchange HydrometallurgyJun Peng(彭俊), Xuewen Wang(王学文), Changjun Jiang(蒋长俊),Mingyu Wang(王明玉), Yiqian Ma(马艺骞), Xiaoyan Xiang(向小艳)中南大学冶金与环境学院中南大学Pretreatments-assisted high temperature ball milling route to Li4Ti5O12 and its electrochemical performance Materials LettersPuqi Jia(贾普琦),Zhongbao Shao(邵忠宝),Kuiren Liu(刘奎仁)东北大学东北大学Understanding the Cu-Zn brass alloys using ashort-range-order cluster model: significance of specific compositions of industrial alloys Scientific Reports 洪海莲,王清,董闯,Peter K.Liaw大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院大连理工大学材料科学与工程学院Geological features and S isotope composition of tin deposit in Dachang ore district in Guangxi Transactions of NonferrousMetals Society of China成永生中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院中南大学基于组合广义形态滤波的大地电磁资料处理中南大学学报(自然科学版)李晋,汤井田,肖晓,张林成,张弛中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院中南大学地球科学与信息物理学院微波外场对液相合成砂状氧化钇前驱体型貌的影响有色金属科学与工程曾青云有色金属科学与工程编辑部江西理工大学Simulation of Magnetohydrodynamic MultiphaseFlow Phenomena and Interface Fluctuation in Aluminum Electrolytic Cell with Innovative Cathode METALLURGICAL ANDMATERIALSTRANSACTIONS B王强,李宝宽,贺铸,冯乃祥东北大学东北大学Mineral cleavage nature and surface energy: Anisotropic surface broken bonds consideration Transactions of NonferrousMetals Society of China高志勇,孙伟,胡岳华中南大学中南大学Influence of Phanerochaete chrysosporium on degradation and preg-robbing capacity of activatedcarbon Transactions of NonferrousMetals Society of ChinaQian LIU, Hong-ying YANG, Lin-linTONG东北大学材料与冶金学院东北大学材料与冶金学院有色金属冶金研究所高铅铜阳极泥的工艺矿物学中国有色金属学报杨洪英,李雪娇,佟琳琳,陈国宝东北大学材料与冶金学院东北大学材料与冶金学院Adding a spinodal decomposition retarder: Anapproach to improvingelectrochemical properties of ruthenium–tin complex oxides (添加调幅分解阻滞剂——改善Ru-Sn 复合氧化物电化学活性的一种方法)Journal of the ElectrochemicalSociety刘雪华,邵艳群,王欣,刘玉茹,唐中帜,唐电,林玮福建省金属学会材料学术委员会福州大学材料研究所Synthesis and characterisation of M3V2O8 (M = Ni or Co) based nanostructures: a new family of high performance pseudocapacitive materials Journal of MaterialsChemistry AMao-Cheng Liu(刘卯成), Ling-BinKong(孔令斌), Long Kang(康龙),Xiaohong Li(李晓红), FrankC.Walsh(弗兰克), Man Xing(邢慢),Chao Lu(芦超), Xue-Jing Ma(马雪婧)Yong-Chun Luo(罗永春)兰州理工大学兰州理工大学扩能生产后复杂老矿山通风系统优化改造研究矿业研究与开发彭庚,崔秀敬湖南有色金属股份有限公司黄沙坪矿业分公司湖南有色金属股份黄沙坪矿业分公司谦比希铜矿下向深孔爆破分段嗣后充填采矿法试验与应用采矿技术杨清平中国有色矿业集团有限公司中色非洲矿业有限公司The influence of impurities on Ga electrowinning:Vanadium and iron HydrometallurgyLing Liu(刘玲), Mingyong Wang(王明涌), Zhi Wang(王志), Yi Zhang(张懿)中国科学院过程工程研究所中国科学院过程工程研究所Si-Sn合金精炼-定向凝固过程硅的分离提纯中国有色金属学报巫剑,王志,胡晓军,郭占成,范占军,谢永龙中国科学院过程工程研究所中国科学院过程工程研究所Microstructure and enhanced H2S sensing properties of Pt-loaded WO3 thin films Sensors and ActuatorsB:ChemicalYanbai Shen,Baoqing Zhang,Xianmin Cao,Dezhou Wei,JiaweiMa,Lijun Jia,Shuling Gao,BaoyuCui,Yongcheng Jin东北大学资源与土木工程学院东北大学The shift of microbial community under theadjustment of initial and processing pH during bioleaching of chalcopyrite concentrate by moderatethermophiles Bioresource TechnologyRunlan Yu,Lijuan Shi,Guohua Gu,Guanzhou Qiu,Weimin Zeng中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院中南大学固态还原铁捕集法回收铂族金属二次资源中国有色金属学报董海刚,赵家春,陈家林,范兴祥,付光强,杨海琼昆明贵金属研究所昆明贵金属研究所Electrochemical extraction of Ti5Si3 silicide from multicomponent Ti/Si-containing metal oxidecompounds in molten salt Journal of MaterialsChemistry AXingli Zou (邹星礼),Xionggang Lu(鲁雄刚),Zhongfu Zhou (周忠福),Wei Xiao (肖玮),Qingdong Zhong(钟庆东),Chonghe Li (李重河),Weizhong Ding (丁伟中)上海大学材料科学与工程学院上海大学Ti-V-Cr系阻燃钛合金的抗点燃性能及其理论分析金属学报弭光宝,黄旭,曹京霞,曹春晓中国航空工业集团公司北京航空材料研究院中国航空工业集团公司北京航空材料研究院Dielectric Properties and Optimization of Parametersfor Microwave Drying of Petroleum Coke Using Response Surface Methodology Drying Technology 刘晨辉云南民族大学化学与生物技术学院云南民族大学金矿开采单位产品能耗限额限定值计算模型研究黄金王芳,严鹏,韦华南,郭树林黄金杂志社长春黄金研究院尾矿库氰渣淋溶废水深度处理工艺研究黄金刘强,李哲浩,降向正,朱军章黄金杂志社长春黄金研究院玻利维亚碳酸盐型混合铜矿石选冶联合方法分离铜硫稀有金属肖军辉,孙红娟,樊珊萍,王振西南科技大学环境与资源学院西南科技大学Stepwise Extraction of Valuable Components from Red Mud Based on Reductive Roasting with SodiumSalts Journal of HazardousMaterialsGuanghui Li(李光辉),MingxiaLiu(刘明霞),Mingjun Rao(饶明君),Tao Jiang(姜涛),JiangqiangZhuang(庄锦强),Yuanbo Zhang(张元波)中南大学中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院Effects of Gd concentration on microstructure, texture and tensile properties of Mg-Zn-Gd alloys subjected tolarge strain hot rolling Materials Science &Engineering A罗骏,闫宏,陈荣石,韩恩厚中国科学院金属研究所人事处中国科学院金属研究所电感耦合等离子体质谱法测定离子型稀土矿中离子相稀土总量及分量冶金分析施意华,邱丽,唐碧玉,杨仲平,宋慈安,古行乾中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司一种基于块体化程度理论的裂隙岩体巷道顶板稳定性分级方法研究岩土力学陈庆发,韦才寿,牛文静,陈德炎,冯春辉,范秋雁广西大学广西大学Fractional distribution and risk assessment of heavy metal contaminated soil in vicinity of a lead/zinc mine Trans. Nonferrous Met. 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Al-Bogami,Deia Abd El-Hady,Jun Lu,Khalil Amine北京理工大学材料学院北京理工大学Kinetics of rare earth pre-loading with 2-ethylhexyl phosphoric acid mono 2-ethylhexyl ester [HEH(EHP)]using rare earth carbonates Separation and PurificationTechnology王良士,黄小卫,于瀛,龙志奇北京有色金属研究总院北京有色金属研究总院Effect of samarium on microstructure and corrosion resistance of aged as-cast AZ92 magnesium alloy 稀土学报(英文版)吴道高,颜世宏,王志强,苗睿瑛,张小伟,陈德宏北京有色金属研究总院有研稀土新材料股份有限公司Synthesis of lanthanum oxide nanosheets by a greencarbonation process Chinese Science Bulletin(2015更名为ScienceBulletin)肖燕飞,冯宗玉,黄小卫,黄莉,龙志奇,王强,侯永可北京有色金属研究总院北京有色金属研究总院Impurities especially titanium in the rare earth metalgadolinium —before and after solid stateelectrotransport Journal of Rare Earths苗睿瑛,张小伟,朱琼,张志琦,王志强,颜世宏,陈德宏,周林,李宗安北京有色金属研究总院北京有色金属研究总院深冷处理对CeO2添加超细WC-9Ni-Cr3C2硬质合金结构、性能与残余应力的影响硬质合金时凯华,刘小胡,昝秀颀,闵召宇,廖军硬质合金编辑部自贡硬质合金有限责任公司An Analytical Solution for Acoustic Emission Source Location for Known P Wave Velocity System MATHEMATICALPROBLEMS INENGINEERINGDong LJ (Dong, 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Guo(郭占成)中国科学院过程工程研究所中国科学院过程工程研究所二等奖(75篇)论文标题期刊名称作者推荐单位作者单位The application of zinc calcine as a neutralizing agent for the goethite process in zinc hydrometallurgy Hydrometallurgy 韩海生,孙伟,胡岳华,唐鸿鹄中南大学资源加工与生物学院中南大学资生院工业水表选型与经济效益运行分析计量技术李新峰河南中孚实业股份有限公司河南中孚实业股份有限公司Comparative studies on the initial stages of arc-sprayed and zinc-rich powder coatings in sulfur-rich environment Journal of Alloys andCompounds李红英,段俊颖,闽小兵中南大学材料科学与工程学院中南大学Electrochemical behavior of rolled Pb-0.8%Ag anodesin an acidic zinc sulfate electrolyte solution containingCl−ions Hydrometallurgy杨海涛,郭忠诚,陈步明,刘焕荣,张永春,黄惠,李学龙,付仁春,徐瑞东中国科学院过程工程研究所中国科学院过程工程研究所基于信号子空间增强和端点检测的大地电磁噪声压制物理学报李晋,汤井田,王玲,肖晓,张林成湖南师范大学物理与信息科学学院湖南师范大学物理与信息科学学院考虑侧向约束的预应力混凝土超静定结构次内力计算及影响江西理工大学学报邓通发,刘平平,肖佳明,王超众江西理工大学学报编辑部江西理工大学磁化处理对W6Mo5Cr4V2高速钢刀具加工质量的影响有色金属科学与工程刘政,郭颂,谌庆春有色金属科学与工程编辑部江西理工大学机电工程学院CuO-CO2-NH3-H2O体系孔雀石浸出的热力学分析有色金属科学与工程曹才放,王旭,赵天瑜,杨亮,熊辉辉有色金属科学与工程编辑部江西理工大学离子型稀土矿浸取工艺对资源、环境影响有色金属科学与工程邹国良,吴一丁,蔡嗣经有色金属科学与工程编辑部江西理工大学铜闪速炉反应塔内壁挂渣热力学模型探析有色金属科学与工程汪金良,张文海,童长仁有色金属科学与工程编辑部江西理工大学密度泛函理论及其在选矿中的应用有色金属科学与工程何桂春,蒋巍,项华妹,齐美超,康倩有色金属科学与工程编辑部江西理工大学试验研究渗流过程离子型稀土渗透性的变化规律有色金属科学与工程罗嗣海,黄群群,王观石,胡世丽,洪本根有色金属科学与工程编辑部江西理工大学Equilibrium between NO3- and NO2- in KNO3–NaNO2 melts: a Raman spectra study Chinese Optics Letters胡宪伟,喻宗鑫,高炳亮,石忠宁,于江玉,王兆文东北大学东北大学Influences of tensile pre-strain and bendingpre-deflection on bendingand tensile behaviors of an extruded AZ31Bmagnesium alloy Materials and DesignZhichao Ma(马志超), Hongwei Zhao(赵宏伟), Xiaoli Hu(胡晓利),Hongbing Cheng(程虹丙), Shuai Lu(鲁帅), Lin Zhang(张霖)吉林大学机械科学与工程学院吉林大学机械科学与工程学院Dynamic recrystallization behavior of a typical nickel-based superalloy during hot deformation Materials and DesignXiao-Min Chen(陈小敏),Y.C.Lin(蔺永诚),Dong-Xu Wen(温东旭),Jin-Long Zhang(张金龙),Min He(何敏)中南大学机电工程学院中南大学机电工程学院基于田口法的铜阳极泥微波浸出工艺中国有色金属学报(中文版) 马致远,杨洪英,陈国宝,吕阳,佟琳琳东北大学材料与冶金学院东北大学材料与冶金学院活性炭对钴矿物生物浸出的催化作用中国有色金属学报刘伟,杨洪英、佟琳琳、刘媛媛东北大学材料与冶金学院东北大学材料与冶金学院Beneficiation of cassiterite fines from a tin tailingslime by froth flotation Separation Science andTechnologyZhou Yongcheng(周永诚),TongXiong(童雄),Song Shaoxian(宋少先),Xiao Wang(王晓),ZhengbinDeng(邓政斌),Xian Xie(谢贤)昆明理工大学昆明理工大学Effects of manganese nitrate concentration on the performance of an aluminum substrateβ-PbO2-MnO2-WC-ZrO2 composite electrode material International Journal ofHydrogen Energy杨海涛,陈步明,刘焕荣,郭忠诚,张永春,李学龙,徐瑞东昆明理工大学昆明理工大学云南格咱岛弧地苏嘎成矿岩体I型花岗岩年代学、地球化学研究及地质意义地质论评刘学龙,李文昌,张娜,尹光侯,邓明国昆明理工大学云南省地质调查局DFT study of ethyl xanthate interaction with sphalerite (1 1 0) surface in the absence and presence of copper Applied Surface Science刘建,文书明,邓久帅,陈秀敏,封奇成昆明理工大学昆明理工大学钼酸铵溶液的净化研究中南大学学报自然科学版俞娟,杨洪英,方钊,王斌,李林波,朱军西安建筑科技大学冶金工程学院西安建筑科技大学冶金学院深孔爆破成井在谦比希铜矿中的应用现代矿业施发伍中国有色矿业集团有限公司中色非洲矿业有限公司缓倾斜薄矿脉底板破碎矿体采矿方法研究有色金属(矿山部分)李占炎中国有色矿业集团有限公司中色卢安夏铜业有限公司广西大厂铜坑锌多金属矿体勘探方法探讨西部探矿工程魏宏炼,罗光克广西华锡集团股份有限公司铜坑矿广西华锡集团股份有限公司铜坑矿广西铜坑矿区重金属污染的防治实践中国矿山工程许远清,韦方景,张绍国,韦建宏广西华锡集团股份有限公司铜坑矿广西华锡集团股份有限公司铜坑矿两种新型水溶性庚铂衍生物的合成和抗癌活性研究无机化学学报姜婧,楼丽广,谌喜珠,徐永平,叶青松,刘伟平昆明贵金属研究所昆明贵金属研究所柠檬酸铅在柠檬酸钠溶液中溶解行为北京科技大学学报何东升,李巧双,杨典奇,杨聪,王贤晨,杨家宽武汉工程大学资源与土木工程学院武汉工程大学金属矿山可控循环风利用与节能金属矿山刘晓培,宫锐,常德强,曲元龙,柳静献沈阳有色冶金设计研究院沈阳有色冶金设计研究院Influence of Zr alloying on the mechanical properties,thermal stability and oxidation resistance of Cr-Al-Ncoatings Applied Surface ScienceW.Z.Li(李伟洲),Q.Z.Chen(陈泉志),T.Polcar,R.Serra,A.Cavaleiro广西大学材料科学与工程学院广西大学材料学院冲击荷载作用下花岗岩动力特性试验分析工程爆破郭连军,杨跃辉,华悦含,李林中国工程爆破协会工程爆破编辑部辽宁科技大学基于车载式火箭爆破带破冰破凌性能试验研究工程爆破杨旭升,梁秋祥,董德坤,张金辉,张连伟中国工程爆破协会工程爆破编辑部沈阳军区司令部工程科研设计院240m高钢筋混凝土烟囱爆破拆除及振动控制技术工程爆破张英才,范晓晓,盖四海,董保立,徐鹏飞,王晓中国工程爆破协会工程爆破编辑部河南理工大学土木工程学院黄金矿山大型球磨机综合节能研究及应用黄金谢敏雄,梅治福黄金杂志社山东黄金矿业(莱州)有限公司三山岛金矿H2SO4-NH4F-SbF3粗锑电解精炼体系研究黄金崔焱,林艳,谢刚,杨大锦黄金杂志社昆明冶金研究院The combined effects of ultrasonic wave and electric field on the microstructure and properties ofSn2.5Ag0.7Cu0.1RE/Cu soldered joints Journal of Materials Science:Materials in Electronics张柯柯,张晓娇,邱然锋,石红信,刘宇杰河南科技大学河南科技大学矿山大型机械设备智能集中润滑系统设计中国矿业李建,李建中,杨文龙,赵志刚赣州有色冶金研究所赣州有色冶金研究所Thermal transformation of pyrophyllite and alkali dissolution behavior of silicon Applied Clay ScienceGuanghui Li(李光辉),JinghuaZeng(曾精华),Jun Luo(罗骏),Mingxia Liu(刘明霞),Tao Jiang(姜涛),Guanzhou Qiu(邱冠周)中南大学中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院Synchronous Volatilization of Sn, Zn, and As, andPreparation of Direct Reduction Iron (DRI) from a Complex Iron Concentrate via CO Reduction JOM李光辉,姜涛,游志雄,张元波,饶明军,文佩丹,郭宇峰中南大学中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院A new double reduction method for slope stabilityanalysis J. Cent. South Univ. 白冰,袁维,李小春中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所中国科学院武汉岩土力学研究所考虑重金属污染岩石侵入面损伤的本构模型岩土工程学报程峰,王星华,莫时雄中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司中国有色桂林矿产地质研究院有限公司江西某白钨矿选矿工艺研究金属矿山郭玉武,魏党生,叶从新,韦华祖湖南有色金属研究院湖南有色金属研究院提高矽卡岩型多金属硫化矿床伴生贵金属回收的研究有色金属(选矿部分)陈代雄,肖骏,杨建文湖南有色金属研究院湖南有色金属研究院从锌电积阳极泥中回收锌和锰的试验研究湿法冶金蒋光辉,牛莎莎,陈海清,刘俊湖南有色金属研究院湖南有色金属研究院Separation of silica from pyrite cinder via reverse cationic flotation Journal of Chemical andPharmaceutical Research王全亮,冯其明湖南有色金属研究院湖南有色金属研究院湖北黄土咀铁矿地下水防治现代矿业李国山长沙有色冶金设计研究院有限公司长沙有色冶金设计研究院有限公司钛合金Ti6A14V高速磨削试验研究中国机械工程田霖,傅玉灿,杨路,赵家延中国机械工程杂志社南京航空航天大学地球化学对钨钼矿分离的借鉴中国有色金属学报赵中伟,何利华中南大学冶金与环境学院中南大学冶金与环境学院粗硫酸镍提取工艺及生产实践铜业工程苏峰,李敬忠,李俊标,周忠金隆铜业有限公司金隆铜业有限公司多晶硅副产物二氯二氢硅的应用研究有色冶金节能石何武,杨永亮,汤传斌,肖荣晖,严大洲中国恩菲工程技术有限公司中国恩菲工程技术有限公司高压酸浸技术开发及工程化利用世界有色金属刘诚,傅建国中国恩菲工程技术有限公司中国恩菲工程技术有限公司某矿开发中时间效应分析中国矿山工程王志远,朱瑞军中国恩菲工程技术有限公司中国恩菲工程技术有限公司尾矿库的雨虹特性及洪水计算方法选择中国矿山工程郑学鑫中国恩菲工程技术有限公司中国恩菲工程技术有限公司有色冶炼烟气骤冷收砷技术研究与应用中国有色冶金姚亮,李旭朋中国恩菲工程技术有限公司中国恩菲工程技术有限公司氨基修饰介孔分子筛SBA-15吸附水中Cu2+性能研究环境工程韦真周,魏建文,罗永红,慕江容,王姜婷,陆叶娟,宋建雄广西冶金研究院有限公司桂林理工大学三软大倾角煤层综采放顶煤技术与装备2014,第二届煤炭科技创新高峰论坛李鸿雷,刘海旺,陈宾河南豫联煤业集团有限公司河南豫联煤业集团有限公司新疆希勒库都克铜钼矿床黄铁矿微量元素和稀土元素特征矿产勘查龙灵利,王京彬,王玉往,王莉娟,廖震,赵路通,孙志远,李德东,高一菡北京矿产地质研究院北京矿产地质研究院Synthesis and electrochemical performance of cathodematerial Li1.2Co0.13Ni0.13Mn0.54O2 from spentlithium-ion batteries Journal of Power SourcesLi Li,Xiaoxiao Zhang,Renjie Chen,Taolin Zhao,Jun Lu,Feng Wu,KhalilAmine北京理工大学材料学院北京理工大学材料学院Crystal structure and hard magnetic properties of TbCu7-type Sm0.98Fe9.02–x Ga x nitrides Journal of Rare Earths权宁涛,张世荣,于敦波,李扩社,罗阳,靳金玲,张坤,刘宇超,李红卫北京有色金属研究总院北京有色金属研究总院,有研稀土新材料股份有限公司Raman spectra of RE2O3 (RE=Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er,Tm, Yb, Lu, Sc and Y): laser-excited luminescence and trace impurity analysis Journal of Rare Earths余金秋,崔磊,何华强,颜世宏,胡运生,吴浩北京有色金属研究总院北京有色金属研究总院Effect of Si-N substituting for Al-O bonds on luminescence properties of Sr3AlO4F:Ce3+ phosphor Journal of Rare Earths马小乐,庄卫东,郭汉杰,刘荣辉,刘元红,胡运生,温晓帆北京有色金属研究总院北京有色金属研究总院Energy transfer from Eu2+ to Mn2+ in M5(PO4)3Cl (M= Ca, Sr) Journal of Luminescence杨凤丽,安炜,庄卫东,田光善,荆西平北京有色金属研究总院北京有色金属研究总院固相烧结阶段保温参数对Ti(C,N)基金属陶瓷显微组织和力学性能的影响硬质合金马遗萍,郑勇,周伟,赵毅杰,沈裕峰硬质合金编辑部南京航空航天大学硬质合金涂层刀片的金相检测硬质合金胡希川,刘风光,李克林硬质合金编辑部成都邦普合金材料有限公司有限元仿真预测高温合金切槽刀具寿命的初步探讨硬质合金刘志林,严宏志硬质合金编辑部中南大学高硫极细全尾砂充填料配比及输送特性试验研究中国矿山工程王怀勇,张爱民,贺茂坤中国矿山工程编辑部中国恩菲工程技术有限公司Near-net-shape tungsten-rhenium alloy parts produced by plasma spray forming and hot isostatic pressing Materials Transactions王跃明,熊翔,赵中伟,解路,颜建辉,闵小兵,郑峰中南大学冶金与环境学院湖南科技大学机电工程学院Facile synthesis of aluminum-doped LiNi0.5Mn1.5O4 hollow microspheres and their electrochemicalperformance for high-voltage Li-ion batteries Journal of Alloys andCompounds刘小林,李丹,莫乔铃,郭晓宇,杨潇潇,陈国新,钟盛文江西理工大学江西理工大学铽掺杂氟化钙绿色荧光粉的合成及发光性能光学学报廖金生,柳少华,王甘震,聂丽灵江西理工大学江西理工大学一个中心对称的(6,3)拓扑二维蜂窝网的Ni-咪唑基三脚架配合物的合成、结构及其介电性有色金属科学与工程于银梅,谭育慧,黄海平,熊剑波,王艳,高继兴,徐庆,唐云志江西理工大学江西理工大学油酸钠作用下金红石的浮选行为及作用机理中国有色金属学报王军,程宏伟,赵红波,覃文庆,邱冠周中南大学资源加工与生物工程学院中南大学Research on the Penetration Depth in AluminumReduction Cell with New Type of Anode and CathodeStructures JOMLiu Yan,Li yudong,Zhang Ting'an,Feng Naixiang东北大学材料与冶金学院东北大学砷的高效硫化回收技术在污酸处理中应用实践硫酸工业董冕,刘祖鹏,曹龙文大冶有色金属集团控股有限公司科学技术协会大冶有色金属有限责任公司冶炼厂Preparation and properties of plasma electrolyticoxidation coating on sandblasted pure titanium by acombination treatment Mater.Sci.Eng.C 王宏元山东大学材料科学与工程学院山东大学Silver nanowires with rounded ends: ammoniumcarbonate-mediated polyol synthesis, shape evolutionand growth mechanismCrystEngComm 刘绍宏,孙薄明,李继光,陈家林东北大学材料与冶金学院东北大学优秀奖(92篇)论文标题期刊名称作者推荐单位作者单位高纯度异丙基乙基硫氨酯的合成有色矿冶王咏梅,牟松,张海龙,郭靖宇中国有色集团沈阳矿业投资有限公司沈阳有研矿物化工有限公司。
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The trichothecene mycotoxin T-2 is a fungal metabolite known to contaminate stored grain and other agricultural products (22). This compound is a potent inhibitor of protein synthesis (1, 20) and has been implicated as the causative agent of several mycotoxicoses (12, 22). The lack of sensitivity and specificity of existing biological and physicochemical analysis methods for T-2 led Chu and co-workers to devise immunoassays for T-2 quantification (2, 17). Critical to the development of any chemical immunodetection system are antibodies to the target chemical. However, the titers of antisera to T-2 raised in rabbits have been uniformly low, although the antibodies in these antisera have been of sufficient affinity to allow adequate quantification (2, 7, 18). The low titers and inherent problems of standardization with antisera led us to prepare mouse monoclonal antibodies to T-2. In this paper, we offer a possible explanation for the low titers in anti-T-2 antisera and describe the preparation and characterization of two mouse monoclonal anti-T-2 antibodies.
was present in every microwell, and all experiments were controlled for nonspecific binding of reagent
antibodies. Logit-log plots of competitive inhibition data were generated with the computer program described by Rodbard and Lewald (19), and the molar concentration that inhibited 50% of antibody binding (IC50) was calculated for each inhibitor compound. Minimal detectable concentrations of T-2 were calculated by the method of Miles (14). Hybridoma preparation. A series of fusions were done over several months with various standard immunization regimens, but no hybridomas secreting antibodies to T-2 were found. Indeed, the fusion efficiency (number of wells with hybrids per number of wells seeded) was always less than 10% and often less than 1%. In an attempt to improve the fusion success rate, an immunological enhancement procedure that increases the frequency of antigen-reactive B lymphocytes was used. Details of the anti-IgD enhancement system have been published elsewhere (6). Briefly, T-2 is conjugated to GIgG by the method of Chu et al. (2), and female BALB/c mice are injected intravenously with 400 jig of exhaustively dialyzed T-2-GIgG concomitantly with 200 F.g of goat anti-mouse IgD prepared by the method of Finkelman et al. (5). Sera from immunized mice were tested for anti-T-2 titers by EIA, and two mice with the highest titers were boosted on day 34 postimmunization with 100 p.g of exhaustively dialyzed T-2-GIgG. Splenic lymphocytes were harvested 4 days later and fused as described previously (10). Hybridomas were screened by EIA and CIEIA; hybrids positive by both assays were cloned by limiting dilution, and the cloned hybridomas were adapted as ascites
MATERIALS AND METHODS Chemicals. T-2, HT-2, diacetoxyscirpenol, monoacetoxyscirpenol, and deoxynivalenol were obtained from MycoLab Co., Chesterfield, Mo. Deoxyverrucarol was prepared and donated by Bruce Jarvis, University of Maryland. Preparation of conjugates. T-2 was conjugated to bovine serum albumin (BSA), keyhole limpet hemocyanin, or goat immunoglobulin G (GIgG) by the method of Chu et al. (2). The epitope densities were between 10 and 20 mol of T-2 bound per mol of protein. All conjugates were dialyzed against at least 10 liters of phosphate buffer (pH 7.2) to remove unconjugated T-2. EIA. Standard enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) and competitive inhibition EIAs (CIEIAs) were performed essentially as described previously (9, 10) except that microtiter plates were coated with T-2-BSA in 0.1 M Tris hydrochloride buffer (pH 8.2) and affinity-purified rabbit anti-mouse IgGl was used (4). In the CIEIA, a final concentration of 5%
Received 9 August 1984/Accepted 23 October 1984
Two mouse immunoglobulin GI monoclonal antibodies that bind to the trichothecene mycotoxin T-2 were prepared. These antibodies, designated 12C12 and 15H6, had affinities for T-2 of 3.5 x 106 and 5.8 x 107 liters/mol, respectively. A competitive inhibition enzyme immunoassay that employed these antibodies had a sensitivity for T-2 of 50 ng per assay. Both antibodies bound to the metabolite HT-2 but not to the related trichothecenes monoacetoxyscirpenol, diacetoxyscirpenol, deoxynivalenol, and deoxyverrucarol. Evidence is presented that T-2-protein conjugates inhibit protein synthesis in lymphoid cells and that this apparent immunotoxicity may be due to the release of T-2 from the protein carrier.