Preservation of fresh-cut apple quality by pulsed light in combination with edible coatings




鲜切苹果贮存保鲜方法的探讨XXX(南京农业大学工学院,浦口区点将台路40号,农机系,农业机械化及其自动化专业,10级XX班,学号XXXXXXXXX,邮编210031)摘要: 苹果的贮存和保鲜方法多种多样。









我国科学家通过臭氧处理研究了荔枝、银杏、甜玉米等果蔬的保鲜,具有很好的保鲜效果,并且对果实的营养成分具有很好的保持作用,关键词:苹果,贮藏,保鲜Fresh-keeping and mechanism of persimmon leaf flavonoids onfresh-cut appleAbstract:Fresh-keeping of persimmon leaf flavonoids (PLF) on fresh-cut apple was studied. The content ofVc and TSS,and the changes of browning degree of fresh -cut apple were studied during the storage. Themechanism of PLF on fresh-cut apple was studied from the inhibitory on tyrosinase activities and its oxidationresistance. The results showed that PLF showed good fresh -keeping when concentration of sample 0.1 mg/mL,soak time 5 min. PLF hadobvious inhibitory activity on tyrosinase, had activity of scavenging DPPH·, O2·and ·OH. Conclusion: PLF showed good fresh -keeping. The mechanism was related to its inhibitory ontyrosinase activities and its oxidation resistance. This is probably the PLF with preservation role of themechanism.Key words:persimmon leaf flavonoids; fresh-keeping; tyrosinase; inhibitory mechanism; antioxidant.0引言鲜切苹果(fresh-cut apples)指新鲜苹果经分级、清洗、整修、去皮、切分、保鲜、包装等处理,供消费者即食用或餐饮业使用的一种新式苹果加工产品,也称最少加工苹果、轻度加工苹果或半加工苹果。


一般在漂洗水中加入一些保鲜剂进行护色,如亚硫 酸盐、抗坏血酸等,可以抑制微生物生长,降低或阻止酶 反应,改善鲜切水果的观感。 1.2.5 沥干
漂洗、护色完成后,需要尽快将水果表面的水分进行 干燥,因为潮湿有水的环境,容易促进微生物的生长,导 致鲜切水果发生品质变化,影响观感和口感。沥干可采用 沥水法,也可用干纸巾、棉布等吸水材料将鲜切水果表面 水分吸收,必要时可用风机吹风[5],但要注意控制吹风时 的温度。 1.2.6 涂膜
收稿日期院2018-12-26 作者简介院鞠天奎(1970—),男,讲师,主要从事农副产品保鲜贮藏与加工研究工作
1 鲜切工艺 1.1 鲜切工艺流程
图 1 鲜切水果工艺流程图 Fig.1 Flow chart of fresh-cut fruit process
1.2.4 漂洗与护色 在去皮、切分与修整完成后,还需要进一步漂洗。果
品鲜切后,影响其品质的最大问题是褐变。水果切分后进 行漂洗除了能防止发生褐变外,还可以保持果实的硬度 和口感。一般漂洗的时间不能超过 5 min。温度影响到漂 洗的效果,高温漂洗效果较好,但温度过高会使多酚氧化 酶的酶活性升高,建议漂洗温度低于 20 ℃[6]。除此之外, pH 值也是一个重要的影响因素,低 pH 值下的漂洗更利 于杀菌,不同水果漂洗所需 pH 值各不相同,需要根据水 果的品类进行选择[4]。

keeping freshness in fresh-cut produce

keeping freshness in fresh-cut produce

12Agricultural Research/February 19986uicy, sliced strawberries,diced beets, quartered tomatoes, slivered bellpeppers, and chopped celery—nutritious, fresh-cut fruits and vegeta-bles for salad bars and individual and family servings—are not just for restaurants. Nearly all major grocery chains are now carrying them. In great demand by health-conscious North Americans, fresh-cuts are also becom-ing more popular in Europe and Asia.Sales of fresh-cut produce—amushrooming industry—are expected to skyrocket to $19 billion by 1999.Packaged salads alone brought $889million in 1995, with 8 out of 10consumers surveyed buying them.“Maintaining quality of fresh-cut and intact produce is a major concern of the industry and a top ARS prior-ity,” says Kenneth C. Gross. A plant physiologist, Gross heads the ARS Horticultural Crops Quality Laborato-ry (HCQL) in Beltsville, Maryland.“Industry has been searching for alternative methods to protect fresh-cuts from decay and to prolong shelf life,” he says. “Our scientists have discovered natural ways to reduce deterioration and decay and extend the shelf life of produce without the use of undesirable chemicals.” [See “Cut-Ups!” in Agricultural Research,January 1997, pp. 20-21.]Using Natural Compounds Fresh fruits and vegetables, wheth-er whole or cut up, must be kept at temperatures between 32o F and 50o F to reduce the chance of bacterial and fungal attack.“Cool temperatures keep some harmful microorganisms at bay, but the cold can also cause injury,” says Chien Yi Wang, a horticulturist at the HCQL. “Although the tissue is still living, it is weakened by an inability to carry on normal metabolic process-es. And symptoms of chilling injury,such as pitting or other skin blem-ishes, become evident when theproduce warms up.”Wang has successfully used manytreatments to alleviate such damage.But his best success came when hefound that sweet-smelling methyljasmonate protected zucchinisquash, sweet peppers, and grape-fruit from chilling injury anddoubled their shelf life.“Jasmonates were first detected asfragrant compounds of essential oilsin plants of the genus Jasminum,”says Wang. “This group ofnatural compounds is foundin all plants, but in significant amounts in jasmine and honeysuckle.“We knew that many of the physiological responses to jasmonates are similar to the effects of abscisic acid,”he says.Levels of that plant hormone, which stimulates the natural separation of leaves and flowers from parent plants, increase when plants are subjected to environmental stress. “In several plant species, abscisicacid also increases protection against chilling injury,” saysWang. “We thought thatmethyl jasmonate might induce a similar response.”Subsequent research with HCQLchemist J. George Buta showed thatmethyl jasmonate may reducechilling injury by regulating levelsof abscisic acid and polyaminecompounds produced from aminoacids that stabilize plant cells.Squash treated with methyl jas-monate showed no deteriorationfrom cold-storage temperatures forup to 8 days, while untreated squashstarted to deteriorate after just 4days.How Does Methyl Jasmonate Work?“Well, it’s a fascinating com-pound,” Buta says. “Chemically, it’sassociated with environmental stress.Apparently it’s produced because ofthe stress and somehow serves as asignal, in the form of a chemicalvapor, to turn on natural defensemechanisms.”Buta says that methyl jasmonateelicits compounds in living plantsthat make them more resistant totemperature changes and attack byinsects, bacteria, and fungi. Hethinks it turns on nucleic acidsynthesis, which results in producingdefense proteins. These proteins, inturn, cause the production of antifun-gal or antibacterial compounds. Andmethyl jasmonate elicits the sameresponse in harvested produce,which is still-living tissue, as it doesin growing plants.Produced commercially, methyljasmonate is relatively inexpensive,and only small amounts are neededto be effective.Keeping Freshness in Fresh-Cut ProduceJTo determine the overall textural quality of a tomato,horticulturist Judith Abbott measures the fruit’s elastic and viscous properties.KEITH WELLER (K7944-4)Agricultural Research/February 19981314Agricultural Research/February 19986Abbott is investigating the texture of fresh-cut tomato slices. She has used different types of probes and developed measuring methods with a force-deformation testing machine to test the firmness of different tomato varieties.“The fruit needs to be firm enough to withstand mechanical handling.And commercial slicing machines literally throw a tomato against the slicing blades,” Abbott says. “But once the tomato is sliced, it keeps changing. In fact, it continues to ripen right up to the moment you eat it.”The method now used to test whole tomato firmness can’t be used for slices. Besides, the mechanicalproperties sensed by your hand when you squeeze a whole tomato andthose sensed in your mouth when you eat it are quite different. Different methods are needed to evaluate the eating quality of tomato slices and wedges, as well as other cut produce.With the fresh-cut industry grow-ing at a rapid pace, volume of pro-duce handled makes it impossible to hand slice. Therefore, the food industry needs varieties that can withstand a little rough handling but still end up with good eating texture.Abbott and Gross are looking at different genetic lines for varieties that best suit the fresh-cut industry.Abbott is also reviewing different ways to sanitize and handle produce after it has been cut to ensure that texture is maintained. In addition to tomatoes, she is experimenting with whole and cut apples, cantaloupes,honeydews, and watermelons.Manipulating GenesAlong with Gross, David Smith is taking a different approach to the texture issue. A molecular biologist at HCQL, Smith has just cloned part of a gene responsible for making a protein, which is an enzyme, that breaks down the cell wall in toma-toes. This cellular activity may cause some softening, which leads to texture changes that could end in deterioration and decay.“There is a critical relationship between texture and quality and postharvest shelf life,” Smith says.“And although other processes are involved in fruit softening, thebreakdown of the structure of the cell wall is probably the most critical.”As tomatoes ripen, their cell walls go through several changes generated by many enzymes. According toSmith, these enzymes include a group called beta-galactosidases. He has identified and cloned a family of seven beta-galactosidase genes in tomatoes that includes the gene responsible for degrading cell wall structure.“We’re collaborating with two research groups in the United King-dom to study the particular role of the gene involved in fruit softening,”says Smith. “We’re not sure just what the functions of the other genes are.”Smith is considering potential possibilities for using the cloned gene. “We can use the antisense approach, whereby we put the gene back in the opposite way it originally was, to knock out its function,” he says.“Or we can use co-suppression, in which we add back multiple copies of the gene that tells the plant to shut off all functions associated with these added genes. No one has figured out yet how this works; it just does.”According to lab director Gross,“We expect to have transgenic plants within a year.”—By Doris Stanley ,ARS.Scientists in this article can be reached at the USDA-ARS Horticul-tural Crops Quality Laboratory,Bldg. 002, 10300 Baltimore Ave.,Beltsville, MD 20705-2350; phone (301) 504-6128, fax (301) 504-5107;e-mail kgross@ xTo prevent browning and microbialgrowth, fresh-cut peach slices were dipped in naturally occurring compounds, amino acids, isoascorbic acid, and sorbate. The darker peach slices were not treated.KEITH WELLER (K7946-5)Horticulturist Chien Yi Wang (left) and technician Hilarine Repace evaluatechilling injury of cucumbers and zucchini.KEITH WELLER (K7943-3)。



第42卷 第21期 包 装 工 程2021年11月PACKAGING ENGINEERING ·42·收稿日期:2021-01-09基金项目:上海市科技创新行动计划(19391904000);上海市科技兴农项目(F01469) 作者简介:胡叶静(1993—),男,上海理工大学硕士生,主攻食品科学与工程。


鲜切蔬菜杀菌工艺及其对预制沙拉品质的影响胡叶静1,2,李保国1,石茂占2,张敏2,李松1(1.上海理工大学,上海 200093;2.上海鑫博海农副产品加工有限公司,上海 201516)摘要:目的 为保证预制沙拉的贮藏品质和食用安全,延长其保质期。

方法 分别采用质量浓度为200 mg/L 的次氯酸钠和50 mg/L 微酸性电解水,对鲜切果蔬进行一次和二次杀菌,在10万级洁净车间制备预制蔬菜沙拉和鸡肉沙拉,采用国标法检测预制沙拉在4 ℃条件下贮藏过程中品质的变化情况。

结果 鲜切果蔬经杀菌处理后,其中的菌落总数由5.21 lg CFU/g 降低至2.40 lg CFU/g ;制备的预制蔬菜沙拉和鸡肉沙拉的贮藏保鲜期分别达6 d 和5 d ,贮藏期终点菌落总数分别为4.07,4.86 lg CFU/g 。

结论 采用微酸性电解水与次氯酸钠结合进行鲜切果蔬杀菌,可有效杀灭致病菌,控制微生物数量,保持预制蔬菜沙拉和鸡肉沙拉贮藏期间的品质。

关键词:预制沙拉;鲜切果蔬;品质;次氯酸钠;微酸性电解水中图分类号:TS255.36 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2021)21-0042-07 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2021.21.006Sterilizing Technology of Fresh-Cut Vegetables and Its Effect on the Quality of Pre-Made SaladHU Ye-jing 1,2, LI Bao-guo 1, SHI Mao-zhan 2, ZHANG Min 2, LI Song 1(1.University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093,China; 2.Shanghai Xinbo Sea andAgriculturalandSideline Products Processing Co., Ltd., Shanghai 201516,China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to ensure the storage quality and edible safety of pre-made salad and prolong its shelf life. Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables were sterilized for the first time and the second time with 200 mg/L sodium hypochlorite and 50 mg/L slightly acidic electrolytic water, respectively. Vegetable salad and chicken salad were pre-made in a 100,000-grade clean workshop, and the quality changes of the pre-madesalad during storage at 4 ℃ were detected by GB detection method. After sterilization, the total number of bacterial colonies in fresh-cut fruits and vegetables decreased from 5.21 lg CFU/g to 2.40 lg CFU/g. The storage period of the pre-made vegetable salad and chicken salad was6 days and 5 days, and the total number of colonies at the end of storage was 4.07 lg CFU/g and 4.86 lg CFU/g, respectively. The sterilizing process of fresh-cut fruits and vegetables by the combination of slightly acidic electrolytic water and sodium hypochlorite can effectively kill pathogenic bacteria, control the number of microorganisms, and maintain the quality of pre-made vegetable salad and chicken salad during storage.KEY WORDS: pre-made salad; fresh-cut fruits and vegetables; quality; sodium hypochlorite; slightly acidic electrolytic water. All Rights Reserved.第42卷第21期胡叶静等:鲜切蔬菜杀菌工艺及其对预制沙拉品质的影响·43·预制沙拉是以鲜切果蔬为主要原料,与肉、蛋、豆制品等组合,拌入不同口味沙拉汁、酱,形成低脂、低热量、富含营养,经包装、冷链运输,拆封即食的生鲜食品[1—2]。







1. 切割和包装:食品在新鲜状态下进行切割、去皮、去籽等处理,并迅速包装,以保持其新鲜度和质量。

2. 方便食用:由于食品已经被切割和处理,消费者可以直接购买并方便地食用,省去了切割和准备的步骤。

3. 保持新鲜度:新鲜切割的食品通常采用冷藏或真空包装等方式,以延长其保鲜期,并保持其质量和口感。

4. 多样性和选择:fresh-cut食品通常提供多种不同的切割和

5. 营养和健康:新鲜切割的食品通常保留了其自然的营养成分,因此在一定程度上有助于人们获取更多的维生素、矿物质和纤维。







关键词:褐变;机理;抑制Abstract: Rapid browning during storage was the main problem resulting in restrictions on the fruits and vegetables to long-distant markets. There were many reasons of browning, the enzymetic browning was the mostimportant, and it was the main handicap in processing and storage. The mechanism of enzymatic browning and methods to control browning are summarized Key words: browning; mechanism; control前言大多果蔬具有很强的季节性,为了保证果蔬较长的供应期,各种各样的保鲜及加工方法应运而生。









LED照明技术可应用于果蔬采后处理* 田 婧,李 邵,鲁少尉,刘雅青(农业农村部规划设计研究院设施农业研究所,农业农村部农业设施结构工程重点实验室,北京 100125)DOI: 10.16815/ki.11-5436/s.2020.31.016植物照明使用的灯具主要包括农用高压钠灯(high pressure sodium lamp,简称HPS)、荧光灯、白炽灯和发光二极管(light-emitting diode,简称LED)等;其中,HPS和LED是在种植领域使用最广的两类灯具。

HPS 作为传统植物补光灯,应用范围广、技术成熟,但能耗较高、发射光谱与植物光合作用有效辐射光谱吻合度不高,且发光通过汞蒸汽,光源废弃后存在环境污染隐患;LED作为新型照明设备,具有光能利用率高、使用寿命长、能耗较低、绿色环保等诸多优点,但也存在发光效率较低、光衰减率较大等缺陷[1-3]。





在温室作物栽培中应用LED,光强较低和随距离光衰减率较大是目前LED无法替代HPS的主要限制因素,温室LED株间补光一般需达到100~200 μmol/(m2·s),顶部补光则需达到300~500 μmol/(m2·s)[4],较高的光通量和光效能对很多LED灯具生产厂商来说存在较大难度。

与栽培补光需要的较高光强不同,采后保鲜所需的光强较低,各研究报道中使用的光强一般在10~80 μmol/(m2·s)之间。



文献翻译(2020****届本科)学院:专业:班级:姓名:学号:指导教师:2020****年5月Emerging technologies for keeping microbial and sensory quality of minimally fresh processed fruits and vegetablesThe emphasis in post-harvest fruit protection against quality attributes losses,physiological disorders, diseases and insects has shifted from using agro-chemicals to various alternative techniques,including biological control,cultural adaptations and physical methods such as controlled atmosphere(CA),MAP and irradiation.Given the restrictions of chemical use in plant foods and because many of them cause ecological problems or are potentially harmful to humans and may be withdrawn from use,the advantage of these alternative techniques is that no chemicals are involved(Artés,1995;Graham and Stevenson,1997;Reddy et al.,1998;Mathre et al.,1999;Sanz et al.,1999;Daugaard,2000;Harker et al.,2000;Marquenie et al.,2003). Additionally,preservation techniques are becoming milder in response to demands of consumers for higher quality,more convenient foods that are less heavily processed and preserved and less reliant on chemical preservatives(Abee and Wounters,1999).The unique way to assure microbial and sensory quality of minimally fresh processed plant products relies on refrigerated storage and distribution,although combination of refrigeration and subinhibitory preservation techniques could prolong their shelf-life.As mentioned above,many non-conventional methods are now being investigated;however,there are some limitations to their application since some methods are not applicable to fresh-cut fruits and vegetables because of damage to plant tissue but only to liquid foods such as fruit juices(Carlin and Nguyen-the,1997). Therefore,in this section those techniques that can be used to preserve fresh processed plant foods will be revised.The most critical step in the production chain of minimal fresh processing of fruits and vegetables is washing-disinfection.For this reason,special attention to the alternative sanitizing agents as well as the new technologies for disinfection of these commodities will be given.To develop or improve washing and sanitizing treatments,special attention should be paid to the compatibility of treatments with commercial practices,cost,absence of induced adverse effects on product quality and the need for regulatory approval and consumer acceptance(Sapers,2001).Some alternatives to sanitizing agents are:O3,ClO2,peracetic acid (about90–100ppm),H2O2,organic acids(acetic,lactic,citric,malic,sorbic and propionic acids at300–500 mg/ml),electrolysed water,radio frequency,hot water treatments and UV-C radiation(Adams et al.,1989; Masson,1990;Castañer et al.,1996;Tomás-Barberán et al.,1997;Delaquis et al.,1999,2000,2004;Sapers,2001;Suslow,2002;Jacxsens,2002;Aguayo,2003;Allende,2003).1.Hydrogen peroxideTreatments of hydrogen peroxide(H2O2)seem to be a promising alternative to chlorine for disinfecting minimally fresh processed vegetables(Soliva-Fortuny and Martín-Belloso,2003).H2O2is generally recognized as safe(GRAS)for some food applications,but has not yet been approved as an antimicrobial wash. It does not produce residues since it is rapidly decomposed by the enzyme catalase to water and O2(Sapers, 2001).Various experimental antimicrobial applications of H2O2for foods have been described,including preservation of vegetable salads,berries and fresh-cut melons(Hagenmaier and Baker,1997)since it reduces microbial populations and extends the shelf-life without causing loss of quality.Sapers and Simmons(1998) recommended its use for fresh-cut melon as it extended the shelf-life for4–5days in comparison to chlorine treatments.However,they demonstrated that H2O2is injurious to some commodities,causing bleaching of anthocyanins in mechanically damaged berries.H2O2vapour delayed or reduced the severity of bacterial soft rot in fresh processed cucumber,green bell pepper and zucchini,but no effect on spoilage of fresh-cut broccoli was found(Hagenmaier and Baker,1997).Additionally,an extended shelf-life was found in fresh processed cucumbers,green bell peppers and zucchini after washing in a5–10per cent solution of H2O2for2min (Sapers and Simmons,1998).It means that the applicability of H2O2to a broad range of minimally fresh processed vegetables should be determined,especially with commodities that are subject to rapid spoilage.2.Acidic electrolysed waterThis is a new disinfectant technique for fresh produce that has been shown to be efficient due to its antimicrobial and antiviral activities for fruit and vegetables(Izumi,1999;Koseki and Itoh,2000).Electrolysis of water containing a small amount of sodium chloride generates a highly acidic hypochlorous acid solution containing10–100ppm of available chlorine.Koseki et al.(2001)found that acidic electrolysed water(pH2.6, oxidation reduction potential,1140mV;30ppm of available chlorine)reduced viable aerobes in shredded lettuce by2log cfu/g within10min,showing a higher disinfectant effect than ozonated water.They reported that the use of this new technique could be applicable for food factory hygiene,meaning that the use of acidic electrolysed water at home or restaurant kitchen just before eating fresh fruits and vegetables could prevent poisoning.According to this,Park et al.(2002)reported population reductions on lettuce leaves exceeding2.49log units for E.coli O157:H7and L.monocytogenes and Horton et al.(1998)reported populationreductions of E.coli O157:H7on apples of3.7–4.6log units cfu/g.However,Izumi(1999)only found1log unit cfu/g reduction in the microbial population of fresh-cut vegetables.3.Chlorine dioxideChlorine dioxide(ClO2)is a strong oxidizing agent(about2.5times the oxidative capacity of chlorine) having a broad biocide efficacy(Singh et al.,2002),including a good biofilm penetration.To date,the FDA (USFDA,1998)has allowed the use of aqueous ClO2in washing of uncut and unpeeled fruit and vegetables. However,ClO2is unstable and it must be generated on-site and can be explosive when concentrated(Jacxsens, 2002).Zhang and Farber(1996)found that the initial microbial load decreased by1log cycle of cfu/g for shredded lettuce inoculated with L.monocytogenes at levels of5mg/l ClO2in aqueous solution.However, Reina et al.(1995)found that bacterial populations present on fresh processed cucumbers were not greatly influenced by ClO2treatment,even at concentration of5.1mg/l.More recently,Singh et al.(2002)found that increasing the concentration of ClO2in deionized water(5mg/l for1and5min)resulted in a decrease in E. coli O157:H7population on lettuce and baby carrots in comparison to washing with deionized water(control) for the same period.Increasing the washing period from1to15min with aqueous ClO2(5mg/l)showed no significant reduction in the population of E.coli O157:H7on shredded lettuce.However,after washing baby carrots a reduction in E.coli O157:H7was found.anic acidsSeveral organic acids have been tested as alternative disinfectants to sanitize fresh-cut vegetable surfaces (Hilgren and Salverda,2000).They may retard and/or prevent the growth of some microorganisms(Beuchat, 1998).Their antimicrobial activity is not generally due to killing of the cells but they affect the cells’ability to maintain pH homeostasis,disrupting substrate transport and inhibiting metabolic pathways(Seymour,1999). Peracetic acid has been recommended for treatment of process water(Hilgren and Salverda,2000);however, population reductions for aerobic bacteria,coliforms,yeast and moulds on fresh-cut celery,cabbage and potatoes,treated with80ppm peracetic acid,were less than1.5log units cfu/g(Forney et al.,1991).Wright et al.(2000)obtained a2log units cfu/g reduction in apple slices inoculated with E.coli O157:H7using80ppm peracetic acid,with an interval of30min between inoculation and treatment.On the other hand,Wisniewsky et al.(2000)found a reduction of less than1log unit cfu/g at the sameconcentration but in an interval of24h.Citric acid has been proposed as a very good coadjutant to the washing of fresh-cut fruit and vegetables due to its antibrowning power.It is a phenolase Cu-chelating agent and the inhibition of PPO was attributed to its chelating action(Jiang et al.,1999).Santerre et al.(1988)reported that application of citric acid can prevent browning of sliced apple thus extending shelf-life and it was shown that the combination of citric acid and ascorbic acid exhibited even more beneficial effects(Pizzocaro et al.,1993). Additionally,Jiang et al.(2004)found that the application of citric acid was effective in extending shelf-life and maintaining the quality of fresh-cut Chinese water chestnut slices during storage.5.OzoneOzone(O3)is a strong oxidant and potent disinfecting agent and,when it is applied to food,it leaves no residues since it decomposes quickly.The biocide effect of O3is caused by a combination of its high oxidation potential,reacting with organic material up to3000times faster than chlorine(EPRI,1997).Even though it is new for the USA,it has been utilized in European countries for a long time(Guzel-Seydima et al.,2004).For instance,it has been commonly used as a sanitizer in water treatment plants since the early1900s (Gomella,1972)and also for disinfection of swimming pools,sewage plants,disinfection of bottled water and prevention of fouling of cooling towers in Europe(Gomella,1972;Rice et al.,1981;Legeron,1982;Schneider, 1982;Echols and Mayne,1990;Costerton,1994;Videla et al.,1995;Strittmatter et al.,1996).In1997,an expert panel decreed that O3was a GRAS substance for use as a disinfectant or sanitizer for foods when usedin accordance with good manufacturing practices in the USA(Suslow,2003)and it has now been approved for use as a disinfectant or sanitizer in foods and food processing in the USA(USDA,1997,1998).The bactericidal action of O3has been studied and documented on a wide variety of organisms,including those that are resistant to chlorine,extending the shelf-life of a number of fruit and vegetables(Fetner and Ingols, 1956;Norton et al.,1968;Rice et al.,1982;Foegeding,1985;Ishizaki et al.,1986;Foegeding and Busta,1991; Restaino et al.,1995;Beuchat,1998;Richardson et al.,1998;Aguayo,2003).In fact,it has been proven thatO3is suitable for washing and sanitizing solid food with intact and smooth surfaces(e.g.fruit and vegetables) and ozone-sanitized fresh produce has recently been introduced in the USA market.The use of O3to sanitize equipment,packaging materials and the processing environment is currently being investigated(Kim et al., 2003).The modus operandi of O3implicates the destruction of microorganisms by the progressive oxidationof vital cellular components.The bacterial cell surface has been suggested as the primary target of ozonation (Guzel-Seydima et al.,2004).Khadre and Yousef(2001)compared the effects of O3and H2O2againstfoodborne Bacillus spp.spores and found that O3was more effective than H2O2.In shredded lettuce treated with O3,Kim et al.(1999)reported that bubbling O3gas(49mg/l,0.5l/min)in a lettuce-water mixture decreased the natural microbial load by1.5–1.9log unit cfu/g in5min.As a consequence,a number of patents have been issued for using O3to treat fruit and vegetables.However,the results obtained by Singh et al.(2002) have shown that treatment with ozonated water(5.2mg/l)did not result in any significant reduction in E.coliO157:H7populations during1–15min of washing in shredded lettuce,although they found a reduction in microbial counts on baby carrots after10min exposure to5.2mg/l ozonated water.The reduced efficacy of ozonated water during lettuce washing might be due to more O3demand of organic material in the medium as it was also found in melon fresh-cut pieces(Aguayo,2003).It was shown that the use of O3in the storage of vegetable products could have detrimental effects,as happened in some berries with very thin skin which can be easily penetrated by O3,oxidizing the fruit(Norton et al.,1968;Rice et al.,1982).The antimicrobial efficacy can be enhanced considerably when ozonation is combined with other chemical(e.g.H2O2)or physical(e.g.UV-C radiation)treatments.Mechanical action is also needed as a means to dislodge microorganisms from the surface of the food and expose them to the action of the sanitizer (Kim et al.,2003).6.Hot water treatmentsHeat preservation is one of the oldest forms of preservation known to man and has the potential to provide barriers to reduce microorganisms and inhibit enzyme activity,but this treatment is incompatible with fresh processed plant food since heat is associated with destruction of flavour,texture,colour and nutritional quality(Orsat et al.,2001).However,hot water treatments used to reduce or eliminate pathogens offer an alternative means to control the quality deterioration of fresh fruit and vegetables,as well as a means of enzyme inactivation(Bolin and Huxsoll,1991).These mild heat treatments consist of subjecting the productsto temperatures of50–90°C for periods of time not exceeding1–5min.Loaiza-Velarde et al.(1997)reported that dipping lettuce in water at45–55°C would extend the shelf-life and visual quality of minimally fresh processed lettuce by inhibiting the activity of PAL,which is the enzyme that initiates biosynthesis of phenolic compounds that leads to visible discoloration along the cut edge of the lettuce leaf(López-Gálvez et al.,1996). Additionally,Li et al.(2001)suggest that heat(50°C)treatment combined with20mg/l free chlorine for90s may have delayed browning and reduced initial populations of some groups of microorganisms naturally occurring on iceberg lettuce,but enhanced microbial growth during subsequent storage due to tissue damage.Delaquis et al.(1999,2000)found a reduction of2log cfu/g in initial microbial load in lettuce washedwith chlorinated water(100_l/l)at47°C for3min,compared to washing at4°C.However,in2004,Delaquis et al.found that comparison between lettuce washed at4°C and50°C revealed that disinfection of the lettuce was improved by heat,although the difference in total microbial populations was only1log cfu/g.The application of mild heat treatments is commonly by using hot air,hot water or steam.Among them, hot water is the easiest conditioning treatment since it offers a great flexibility and easiest control(Barkai-Golan and Philips,1991).However,Orsat et al.(2001)have demonstrated that it is possible to treat carrot sticks thermally with radio-frequency energy in less than2min at an internal temperature of60°C,to reduce the microbial load before packaging while minimizing the detrimental effects on the sensory quality of the fresh-like product.The main difference in using this treatment is that in radio-frequency heating,the energy is absorbed directly within the material,the heating is rapid and uniform throughout the material and the technology is relatively simple to adapt to an existing processing line.保持保持微创微创微创新鲜新鲜新鲜已已加工果蔬的微生物和感官质量的新兴技术(英文文献中文译稿)收获后水果对质量损失、生理病变、虫害等的保护的重点已经从使用农药转变为各种替代技术,包括生物控制、文化适应和物理方法如控制气氛、MAP 和辐射。



不同保鲜处理对鲜切苹果保鲜效果的影响范林林;冯叙桥【摘要】为研究不同保鲜剂及热处理对鲜切苹果品质的影响,将鲜切寒富苹果(Malus domestica)分别进行1.5%柠檬酸溶液、1.5%异抗坏血酸钠溶液、0.08%溶菌酶溶液和50℃的水浴中浸泡2 min处理,沥干后用0.08mm厚度CPP包装袋包装,抽真空(0.098 MPa)后密封,置于4℃冷库中贮藏,每3d测定与保鲜相关的生理生化指标.结果表明:不同保鲜剂及热处理均可适度延缓苹果切块感官品质、营养物质含量的下降、抑制微生物的繁殖,其中1.5%异抗坏血酸钠溶液浸泡处理的保鲜效果最好,能在4℃、15d贮藏期内较好地维持鲜切苹果的品质.%To determine the effect of different edible coatings and heat treatment on quality and storage of freshcut "Hanfu" apple (Malusdomestica) in vacuum packing,slices of the fresh-cut apple were packed by 0.08 mm thickness CPP film and stored at 4 ℃ after dipping in 1.5% citric acid solution,1.5%ascorbic acid sodium solution,0.08%lysozyme solution and 50 ℃ hot-water,sequentially for 2min.Indexes that related to maturity and aging were measured every 3d during the storage period.The results indicate that all the treatments had positive effects on keeping sensoryquality,inhibiting the nutritional loss and reducing microbial levels in the cut apple slices.Treatment with 1.5% ascorbic acid sodium solution showed the best preservation effect on fresh-cut apple slices stored at 4 ℃ for 15 d.【期刊名称】《食品与发酵工业》【年(卷),期】2015(041)001【总页数】5页(P252-256)【关键词】鲜切苹果;真空包装;柠檬酸;异抗坏血酸钠;溶菌酶【作者】范林林;冯叙桥【作者单位】渤海大学食品科学研究院,辽宁省食品安全重点实验室,辽宁锦州,121013;渤海大学食品科学研究院,辽宁省食品安全重点实验室,辽宁锦州,121013【正文语种】中文近年来,已有不少探究鲜切果蔬保鲜技术的研究,其中,采用化学保鲜剂处理是对鲜切果蔬进行保鲜的重要手段,例如异抗坏血酸钠、柠檬酸、溶菌酶及壳聚糖涂膜等[1]。


3. Postharvest physical damage
Wounding,some form of processing (e.g. slicing, chopping, trimming整修, peeling,coring, and/or shredding切丝).
Cutting shape has also been identified as having an effect on quality of fresh-cut commodities, often in association with precut product turgidity. Cut cylinders of melon stored for up to 10 days were firmer than slices or trapezoidal(不规则) sections, but exhibited a higher degree of translucency(半透明) than the other two cuts; trapezoidal cutting was determined to be the optimal protocol (最佳方法)(Aguayo et al., 2004a).
reported by Hong et al. (2000)
slices made from tomatoesthat were harvested from plants grown using hairyvetch(毛苕子) mulch were firmer, had lesswater-soaked areas (indicativeof chillingrelated injury), and exhibited less increases in electricalconductivity (indicator of stress-induced membrane damage)than slices from plants grown using black polyethylene(黑色聚乙烯 ) mulch.



· 30 ·鲜切果蔬产品就是新鲜水果或蔬菜经整理(或去皮)、切割、装袋(或经预包装)后,提供给消费者的一种新鲜方便、营养丰富、风味良好的可食用产品。

它不含添加剂,也能在运输贮藏过收稿日期:2012-03-05 *通讯作者基金项目:大连民族学院“太阳鸟”学生科研项目;国家自然科学基金项目(30771508/C02021005、30972038/C110601))。




特别是在美国,鲜切果蔬占有极大的市场份额,2002~2003年的销售额达到100~120亿美元,并且金龙娇,王艳颖*,马 超,胡文忠(大连民族学院生命科学学院,大连 116600)摘要:以鲜切富士苹果为试材,研究了不同浓度的茉莉酸甲酯处理对常温下贮藏的鲜切苹果生理生化的影响。

在贮藏过程中分析测定了鲜切苹果PPO 和POD 酶活性、多酚、还原糖和可溶性蛋白质含量等生理生化指标。

结果表明,与对照相比,茉莉酸甲酯处理能抑制PPO 和POD 酶活性,多酚、总糖和可溶性蛋白质含量也发生了不同程度的提高,尤其以低浓度的茉莉酸甲酯处理贮藏效果更好,可保持鲜切苹果较好的贮藏品质。

关键词:茉莉酸甲酯;鲜切;富士苹果;生理生化中图分类号:TS 255.3 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1005-9989(2012)10-0030-05Effects of methyl jasmonate treatment on physiology andbiochemistry in fresh-cut Fuji appleJIN Long-jiao, WANG Yan-ying *, MA Chao, HU Wen-zhong(College of Life Science, Dalian Nationalities University, Dalian 116600)Abstract : Effects of different concentrations of methyl jasmonate treatment on the physiology and biochemistry were investigated in fresh-cut Fuji apple during normal temperature storage. Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) and peroxidase (POD) activity, polyphenols, reducing sugar and soluble protein contents were determined. The results showed that the activity of PPO and POD were inhibited by methyl jasmonate, as compared with the control, the contents of polyphenols, reducing sugar and soluble protein were increased inordinately. Especially the lower concentrations methyl jasmonate stored effectively and maintained better storage quality of fresh-cut Fuji apple.Key words: methyl jasmonate; fresh-cut; Fuji apple; physiology and biochemistry茉莉酸甲酯处理对鲜切苹果生理生化变化的影响· 31 ·2012年 第37卷 第10期仍以10%~20%的速度迅速增长[2]。





运用多功能集成理论,设计一种双功能集成保鲜包装袋,通过配置功能D膜和E膜的搭配,对比裸放组与普通PE 保鲜膜组,探索评价双功能集成保鲜袋对袋内顶空气体、鲜切苹果外观品质、VC、可溶性固形物含量、失质量率的影响。


关键词:鲜切苹果;双功能集成;保鲜包装;功能薄膜中图分类号:TS255.3文献标志码:A doi:10.16693/ki.1671-9646(X).2018.05.002(Beijing Key Laboratory of Printing and Packaging Materials and Technology,Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication,Beijing102600,China)Apple is one of our favorite fruit,especially fresh-cut apples are more popular with vast number of consumers be-cause of the following characteristics:natural nutrient-rich,fresh taste and other characteristics.Fresh-cut apples that are ex-posed to air at room temperature can only stay fresh for a few short hours,and they are prone to loss of moisture and suscepti-ble to oxidation and thus lose their commercial ed the multi-active integration design theory,to design a dual-active integrated fresh-keeping bags with functional film D and functional film E as raw material films.Which were evaluated for their influences on the headspace gas in bag,and the appearance quality,vitamin C(VC),soluble solids content and water loss of fresh-cut apples in this paper by contrast with naked group and ordinary PE film group.The results showed that double ac-tive integrated packaging could effectively slow down the respiration of fresh-cut apple,reduce nutrient loss,maintain the ap-pearance quality of fresh-cut apple,and avoid water condensation,extending the storage of fresh-cut apple at normal temper-ature from2days in exposed in air to4~5days in dual-active integrated fresh-keeping bags under25℃.fresh-cut apple;dual-active integrated;fresh packaging;functional film苹果素来就享有“水果之王”的美称,具有极高的营养价值和医疗价值。



包 装 工 程第44卷 第11期 ·46·PACKAGING ENGINEERING 2023年6月收稿日期:2023−03−02基金项目:科技支撑重点项目(20YFZCSN00620)作者简介:余冬青(1999—),女,硕士生,主要研究方向为活性包装。

迭香精油活性贴对鲜切猪肉保鲜效果的研究余冬青,赵欣欣,程赤云,刘秋瑶,阎瑞香(天津科技大学 轻工科学与工程学院,天津 300457)摘要:目的 为了提高迷迭香精油(REO )的稳定性,开发出一种安全、便捷的实用型活性包装。

方法 以迷迭香精油为活性成分,采用三步法(乳化、包埋、多层复合)制备出精油缓释活性贴,并验证其对鲜切猪肉的保鲜效果。

结果 在4 ℃下,不同比例的迷迭香精油活性贴均可在一定程度上抑制鲜切猪肉的腐败变质,最佳处理效果的体积比为46∶,贮藏至第6天时,猪肉的pH 值、挥发性盐基氮(TVB–N )含量、硫代巴比妥酸(TBARS )值较空白对照(CK )分别降低了0.7 mg/g 、0.073 1 mg/g 、0.63 mg/kg ;延缓了猪肉色度、汁液流失率、菌落总数(TVC )、感官品质的变化,可延长鲜切猪肉货架期2 d 左右。

结论 制备的缓释型活性贴具有稳定性好、操作简单易行的优势。


关键词:迷迭香精油;活性贴;鲜切猪肉;氧化;变质中图分类号:TS206 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2023)11-0046-09 DOI :10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2023.11.006Preservation Effect of Rosemary Essential Oil Active Packaging on Fresh-cut PorkYU Dong-qing , ZHAO Xin-xin , CHENG Chi-yun , LIU Qiu-yao , YAN Rui-xiang(College of Light Industry Science and Engineering, Tianjin University of Science & Technology, Tianjin 300457, China) ABSTRACT: The work aims to develop a safe and convenient practical active packaging to improve the stability of rosemary essential oil. A slow-release active packaging was prepared by three-step method (emulsification, encapsulation and multi-layer composite) with rosemary essential oil as the active ingredient, and its preservative effect on fresh-cut pork was verified. At 4 ℃, different proportions of rosemary essential oil active packaging could inhibit the spoilage of fresh-cut pork to a certain extent, and the proportion for the best treatment effect was 4∶6. The pH, total volatile basic nitrogen content and thiobarbituric acid value of pork were reduced by 0.7 mg/g, 0.073 1 mg/g and 0.63 mg/kg compared with those of blank control on the 6th day of storage, respectively. The changes in pork chroma, juice loss rate, total viable count and sensory quality were also slowed down, thus extending the shelf life of fresh-cut pork by about 2 days. The prepared slow-release active packaging has the advantages of good stability and easy operation, and as a green and bio-degradable packaging material, it has potential application value in the field of food preservation. KEY WORDS: rosemary essential oil; active packaging; fresh-cut pork; oxidation; spoilage猪肉是最常见也是人们吃得最多的肉类食品。



制作苹果奶昔的作文英语Title: The Art of Crafting an Apple Smoothie。

Introduction:In the realm of culinary delights, few beverages rival the refreshing and nutritious appeal of a well-craftedapple smoothie. Combining the crisp sweetness of appleswith the creamy texture of milk, this concoction delightsthe taste buds while offering a plethora of health benefits. In this discourse, we embark on a journey through the artof crafting the perfect apple smoothie, exploring its ingredients, preparation methods, and the joy it brings to those who indulge.Ingredients:The foundation of any exquisite apple smoothie lies in the selection of premium ingredients. For this ambrosial delight, one shall require:1. Fresh, ripe apples preferably organic for enhanced flavor and nutritional value.2. Chilled milk or a dairy alternative such as almond milk for a creamy consistency.3. Natural sweeteners like honey or maple syrup to complement the natural sweetness of the apples.4. A dash of ground cinnamon or nutmeg to elevate the flavor profile with warm, aromatic notes.5. Optional additions for customization, including a handful of spinach for added nutrients or a scoop of protein powder for a post-workout boost.Preparation:Crafting a delectable apple smoothie is a harmonious fusion of artistry and technique. Follow these steps to achieve beverage perfection:1. Begin by washing and coring the apples, ensuring to remove any seeds or blemishes that may detract from the smoothie's purity.2. Cut the apples into small chunks, allowing for easier blending and a smoother consistency.3. In a blender, combine the apple chunks with the chilled milk of your choice.4. Add a drizzle of honey or maple syrup to sweeten the mixture to your desired taste.5. Sprinkle in a pinch of ground cinnamon or nutmeg, infusing the blend with aromatic warmth.6. For those seeking an extra nutritional boost, toss in a handful of fresh spinach or any preferred greens.7. Secure the blender lid and blend the ingredients on high speed until smooth and creamy, ensuring there are nolumps or chunks remaining.8. Taste the smoothie and adjust the sweetness or spice level as needed, adding more honey, cinnamon, or other ingredients to achieve your desired flavor profile.9. Once satisfied with the taste and texture, pour the smoothie into chilled glasses and garnish with a slice of fresh apple or a sprinkle of cinnamon for visual appeal.Enjoyment:With the apple smoothie artfully prepared and presented, the final step is to savor the fruits of your labor. Sit back, take a sip, and relish in the harmonious blend of flavors dancing on your palate. Feel the cool creaminess of the milk mingling with the crisp sweetness of the apples, punctuated by hints of warm spice and earthy undertones. Allow each sip to transport you to a realm of puregustatory bliss, where every moment is a celebration of culinary mastery and sensory delight.Conclusion:In conclusion, the art of crafting an apple smoothie transcends mere culinary prowess, embodying a symphony of flavors, textures, and sensations. From the careful selection of premium ingredients to the precise execution of blending and seasoning, each step in the process contributes to the creation of a beverage that delights the senses and nourishes the body. So, the next time you crave a refreshing indulgence, heed the call of the apple smoothie and embark on a journey of epicurean delight.。



包装工程第45卷第5期·46·PACKAGING ENGINEERING2024年3月精准控温对鲜切胡萝卜贮藏品质和抗氧化性的影响宾宇淇1,谢佳妮1,王铭宇1,张鹏2,3,李江阔2,3,陈晨1,4*,姜爱丽1,4*(1.大连民族大学生命科学学院,辽宁大连116600;2.天津市农业科学院农产品保鲜与加工技术研究所,天津300384;3.国家农产品保鲜工程技术研究中心(天津),天津300384;4.生物技术与资源利用教育部重点实验室,辽宁大连116600)摘要:目的针对传统冷库温度波动大,易导致冷害、冻害的难题,以新鲜胡萝卜为材料,研究在2个贮藏温度(4、15 ℃)下精准控温(±0.1)℃对鲜切胡萝卜贮藏品质和抗氧化性的影响。

方法将鲜切胡萝卜分别置于4 ℃和15 ℃的普通冰箱和精准恒温箱中进行为期15 d和9 d的贮藏,测定贮藏过程中鲜切胡萝卜的外观品质、感官品质、风味物质(鲜切胡萝卜和熟胡萝卜片)、白化指数、硬度、脆性、呼吸强度、总酚含量、ABTS自由基清除能力及微生物生长情况。

结果在2种温度条件下贮藏,与15 ℃相比,在4 ℃下贮藏具有更好的保鲜效果。


结论与15 ℃相比,在4 ℃下贮藏有利于保持鲜切胡萝卜的品质,采用精准控温贮藏对鲜切胡萝卜具有显著的保鲜效果。

关键词:鲜切胡萝卜;精准控温;保鲜;抗氧化中图分类号:TS255.3;TB482 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1001-3563(2024)05-0046-10DOI:10.19554/ki.1001-3563.2024.05.006Effect of Precise Temperature Control on Storage Quality andAntioxidant Activity of Fresh-cut CarrotsBIN Yuqi1, XIE Jiani1, WANG Mingyu1, ZHANG Peng2,3, LI Jiangkuo2,3,CHEN Chen1,4*, JIANG Aili1,4*(1. College of Life Science, Dalian Minzu University, Liaoning Dalian 116600, China; 2. Institute of Agricultural ProductsPreservation and Processing Technology, Tianjin Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Tianjin 300384, China;3. National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Preservation of Agricultural Products (Tianjin),Tianjin 300384, China; 4. Key Laboratory of Biotechnology and Bioresources Utilization,Ministry of Education, Liaoning Dalian 116600, China)ABSTRACT: The work aims to investigate the effect of precise temperature control (±0.1 ℃) on storage quality and antioxidant activity of fresh-cut carrots under 2 storage temperature (4 ℃ and 15 ℃), so as to solve the difficulties of large temperature fluctuation, cold damage and freeze injury in traditional cold stores. Fresh-cut carrots were stored at4 ℃ and 15 ℃ for 15 d and 9 d in a normal refrigerator and a precise thermostat, respectively, and the appearance, sensory收稿日期:2023-10-13基金项目:甘肃省科技重大项目(21ZD4NA016-02);辽宁省教育厅科学研究经费项目(LJKZ0017);大连民族大学研究第45卷第5期宾宇淇,等:精准控温对鲜切胡萝卜贮藏品质和抗氧化性的影响·47·quality, flavor (fresh-cut carrots and cooked carrot slices), whitening index (WI), firmness, brittleness, respiratory rate, total phenolic content (TPC), ABTS radical scavenging ability and microbial growth were determined during the storage process. During the storage at two temperature, 4 ℃ storage provided better freshness preservation compared with 15 ℃.Compared with the refrigerator, thermostat significantly (P<0.05) inhibited the WI, respiratory rate and microbial growth of fresh-cut carrots, slowed down the decrease of firmness and brittleness, and significantly (P<0.05) increased the TPC and ABTS radical scavenging capacity, slowed down the deterioration of the flavor of the fresh-cut carrots in the process of storage and after boiling at high temperature, and maintained a higher sensory quality of the samples. Compared with15 ℃, 4 ℃ storage has better preservation effect, in which precise temperature control has significant preservation effecton fresh-cut carrots.KEY WORDS: fresh-cut carrots; precise temperature control; preservation; antioxidant胡萝卜(Daucus carota L.)是日常生活中常见的根茎蔬菜之一,它含有丰富的营养物质。

他是一个匈牙利木材商的孩子 英语作文

他是一个匈牙利木材商的孩子 英语作文

他是一个匈牙利木材商的孩子英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1He is the Son of a Hungarian Timber MerchantThe light filtered through the dusty windowpanes of the one-room cottage, casting a warm glow over the simple furnishings. A rickety wooden table stood in the center, its aged surface bearing the scars of countless meals shared by ahard-working family. In the corner, a cast-iron stove radiated a comforting heat, its belly stoked with the very logs that had sustained generations of Szabó men.It was here, amidst the rustic charm of this humble abode, that I first learned of Béla's extraordinary heritage. Béla, my closest friend since we could toddle, was the son of a Hungarian timber merchant – a legacy that carried with it a weight of tradition, perseverance, and an unwavering connection to the vast forests that blanketed our homeland.From an e arly age, Béla's father, István, instilled in him a profound respect for the woodlands that provided their livelihood. I can vividly recall the countless afternoons we spenttrailing behind István's broad frame as he led us into the emerald depths of the forest, his weathered hands tracing the bark of the mighty oaks and spruces as if greeting old friends."These trees," he would say, his voice resonating with a reverence forged by generations of woodsmen, "are the lifeblood of our people. They shelter us, warm us, and provide for our families. To work with wood is not merely a trade; it is a sacred trust, a bond between man and nature that must be honored and nurtured."Béla absorbed every word, his eyes alight with a fascination that mirrored my own. We were but mere saplings then, yet the seeds of understanding had taken root, cultivated by István's patient tutelage and the whispers of the ancient woodland that surrounded us.As the years passed, Béla's love for the timber trade only deepened. He spent countless hours at his father's side, learning the intricacies of selecting the finest trees, felling them with precision, and transforming their sturdy trunks into beams, planks, and the myriad components that would eventually become the homes, barns, and structures that dotted our village.It was a labor of love, one that demanded a harmony between brawn and intellect. Béla possessed both in abundance,his muscular frame honed by years of hauling logs and his sharp mind ever-calculating the most efficient means of maximizing each precious tree's yield.Yet, what truly set Béla apart was his unwavering dedication to preserving the delicate balance between man and nature. He understood, perhaps better than most, that the forests were not an infinite resource to be exploited but rather a living, breathing entity that required careful stewardship."For every tree we take, we must plant two in its stead," he would remind us, his brow furrowed with determination. "It is our sacred duty to ensure that these woodlands thrive for generations to come."And so, amidst the backbreaking toil of felling and hauling, Béla and his father would meticulously scatter seeds, nurturing the saplings that would one day tower above us, their branches reaching towards the heavens in a perpetual cycle of renewal.As we grew older, our paths diverged – I pursued my studies in the city, while Béla remained rooted in the ancestral trade that had shaped his very being. Yet, our bond remained unbroken, a testament to the enduring friendship forged amidst the whispering boughs and the rich, loamy scent of the forest floor.Whenever I returned home, I would seek out Béla, and together we would venture into the woodlands that had been our playground and classroom. There, amidst the towering sentinels of oak and pine, he would regale me with tales of his latest endeavors, his eyes shining with a pride that transcended mere profession."Do you remember that sapling we planted all those years ago?" he would ask, gesturing towards a magnificent oak whose branches stretched towards the heavens. "Today, its wood will become the beams that support a new family's home, a legacy that will endure long after we are gone."In those moments, I glimpsed the true essenc e of Béla's calling – a sacred trust that extended far beyond the mere extraction of timber. He was a custodian of the land, a steward charged with ensuring that the woodlands remained vibrant and abundant, a wellspring of life and sustenance for generations yet to come.As I reflect upon those cherished memories, I am struck by the realization that Béla's legacy extends far beyond the physical structures his labors have yielded. In his unwavering commitment to preserving the delicate balance between manand nature, he has become a living embodiment of the timeless wisdom that has guided his family's trade for centuries.The forests that whispered their secrets to us as children now stand as a testament to Béla's dedication, their verdant canopies a reassuring promise that the cycle of renewal will continue, unbroken. And though the paths we tread may diverge, our bond remains rooted in the shared experience of a childhood spent in the embrace of the woodlands, shaped by the gentle guidance of a humble timber merchant and his son.For Béla is more than a purveyor of wood; he is a custodian of a way of life, a guardian of the precious balance that sustains us all. And in his reverence for the forests that have nurtured and sustained his family, I see a legacy that transcends mere commerce, a testament to the enduring spirit of a people forever intertwined with the whispering boughs and the rich, loamy scent of the earth itself.篇2He Was the Child of a Hungarian Lumber MerchantGrowing up as the son of Laszlo Kovacs, a Hungarian lumber merchant, was certainly a unique experience that shaped who I am today. My father's profession and our family's ties to thetimber industry dominated so much of my childhood in ways both large and small.Even my earliest memories are intertwined with images and smells related to wood and forests. I can vividly remember the aromas of freshly cut pine and oak wafting through our home as my father would proudly show off his latest shipments of premium hardwood and softwood from the suppliers he worked with across Hungary and neighboring countries. The entryway to our house always seemed to have stacks of wood samples sitting around, collected from my dad's business trips to remote logging camps and sawmills.Some of my most cherished recollections are of heading out to those very logging sites and mills with my father on the weekends. I'm sure he brought me along partly as a way to spend extra time together, but I know he also wanted me to gain an appreciation for the hard work involved in harvesting and processing timber from the vast forests that covered much of Hungary. From a young age, I learned to identify different tree species like oak, maple, ash and pine just from studying the colors and grain patterns of the wood.My dad loved having me tag along to see the entire chain of operations - everything from witnessing the skilled lumberjacksfelling mighty tree trunks with ax and saw, to observing the logs being fed through mammoth sawmill blades to be transformed into stacks of lumber. To this day, I can still hear the thunderous, rhythmic thumping of those saw blades echoing through the cavernous mills. I'll never forget the first time at about 8 years old when my father let me run a small hand-operated sawmill to cut a pine log into boards, dripping with sap and giving off that indescribably pleasant woody scent.While the mills and篇3He Is the Child of a Hungarian Timber MerchantMy father is a timber merchant in the heart of Budapest, Hungary's capital city that straddles the brilliant waters of the Danube River. Our family trade has been dealing in wood for generations - seasoning it, shaping it, selling it to builders and carpenters and anyone needing quality planks and beams. I was raised with the sweet smell of fresh-cut pine always in the air and sawdust clinging to my clothes.While my friends spent their after-school hours playing video games or sporting about, I was often helping out at my father's timber yard. It was hard work, with long hours andphysical labor under the hot Hungarian sun. But I didn't mind it one bit. There was something deeply satisfying about being surrounded by those sturdy stacks of lumber, feeling the weight of the wood in my hands, seeing the unique grains and whorls in each plank.From an early age, I learned to identify the various types of trees by studying their bark patterns and leaves. By thirteen, I could discriminate between oak, ash, pine, birch, and maple with just a glance and a pass of my fingers along the wood's surface. My father taught me how timber needed to be properly dried and cured before it could be used for building. He showed me the tricks for detecting knots, cracks, warping, and rot. I became adept at using calipers to measure planks to the exact dimensions needed.On weekends, I'd accompany my father as he drove his battered old truck out to the remote forests that blanketed the rolling hills beyond Budapest. We'd meet up with the hardy woodcutters who supplied our stock - weathered men with thick forearms and calloused palms who could deftly wield an axe with felling precision. I marveled at how they selected just the right tree to chop down, their keen eyes scanning for signs ofparasites, disease or internal decay that could ruin the timber quality.Once the trunk was on the ground, the real work began. The tree had to be stripped of branches and bark, then sliced into rough-hewn logs for transport back to our yard. It took tremendous strength and stamina to roll those massive segments of wood onto the truck's flatbed. Many times I strained alongside the men, grunting and groaning as we inched the heavy logs forward an agonizing foot at a time. The ride back to the city always felt like a small triumph, the weight in the truck's belly proof of our hard labor.At the timber yard, those logs then went through a long process to become the smooth, finished planks that constructed houses, barns, fences and furniture all across Budapest. First they were run through whirring sawmill blades that sliced them into rough rectangles. Then they were kilned - carefully dried in a massive heated chamber to evaporate their moisture over weeks until reaching the optimal singular digit percentage. After that came the planers that stripped off the rough-cut exterior to reveal the gleaming interior wood beneath.I loved working that final stage - feeding the cured planks through the industrial planer one by one, feeling the machine'srhythmic vibrations travel up my arms as the sharp blades sliced away wood shavings in a curling spiral of golden ribbons. Out the other side would slide a polished length of timber, smooth as silk and refinished to perfection, ready to be cut to size and bundled for sale.My favorite part was always examining those high-quality finished planks and visualizing the potential locked inside. A few lengths of maple could become the sturdy bones of a handsome dining room table. Dress them in a dark oak stain, add ornately carved legs, and you had an heirloom piece to last generations. Or picture fragrant pine boards fashioned into the walls and rafters of a cozy alpine cabin, offering warmth and protection from winter's brutal chill. Skilled hands could even take scraps of wood and whittle them into intricate toys or utensils or objetd'art bursting with personality.To me, there was magic in how something so solid and simple as felled trees could be crafted into amazing creations filled with utility, beauty, and purpose. Like sculptors starting with an uncouth hunk of marble, woodworkers could transform dull, rigid logs into virtually anything their talents could envision - with enough passion, skill, and hard labor.That drive to coax raw potential into purposeful art was something I absorbed at the timber yard from a very young age.I saw it in my father's rough hands as he guided me in stacking and moving wood. I felt it in the satisfying weariness of my own muscles after a long day's loading and unloading. It whispered from the twisted whorls and grains in the very fiber of the timber itself - reminders of the decades of patient growing and reaching toward the sun that went into each plank.Working with my father also instilled in me a deep respect for nature's bountiful yet finite resources that must be sustainably and responsibly maintained. We never clear-cut swaths of forestland all at once, but carefully selected only mature trees while leaving the rest to keep the woodland thriving. The timber that was harvested was used as fully as possible, with no scrap or offcut going to waste. It was a humble, honest trade directly tied to the cycles of the natural world.Now I've graduated university and am pursuing my own career path. But the lessons I learned in that worn timber yard still stay with me - the value of diligent hard work, the importance of environmental stewardship, and most of all the profound appreciation for how something as simple as wood can be turned into art through passionate commitment.My childhood was framed and textured by those stacks of lumber reaching up like cityscapes toward Budapest's wide blue skies. I'll always remember the echoing thunk of axe meeting wood deep in the forests, and the thick tang of bark and sap perfuming the summer air. I associate those sights and smells with the visceral comforts of home - the feel of lovingly handcrafted furniture welcoming me to run my hands along its grains, the sturdy wooden beams and joists that have cradled generations of my family beneath their sheltering strength.So while my friends dreamed of becoming doctors, lawyers or scientists when we were young, I saw myself as something much simpler and more grounded - an artisan builder following in my father's footsteps, taking the gifts of the forests and shaping them into useful, beautiful things that would bring warmth and joy to homes across Hungary for years to come.I am the son of a humble Hungarian timber merchant. And I wouldn't have it any other way.。



苹果蜂蜜奶昔英语作文Indulge in the Sweet Symphony of Apple Honey Smoothie: A Culinary Delight for the Soul.In the realm of culinary delights, where flavors dance harmoniously upon the palate, there exists a beverage that captivates the senses and nourishes the body: the apple honey smoothie. This delectable concoction, crafted with a symphony of fresh ingredients, embodies the essence of wholesome indulgence and pure bliss.As the first rays of dawn illuminate the sky, casting a golden glow upon the earth, venture forth to your local farmers' market or trusted grocer. There, amidst thevibrant hues of nature's bounty, seek out crisp, juicy apples, their skins adorned with the promise of sweetness. Select an assortment of varieties, each contributing unique notes to the symphony of flavors that awaits your creation.With apples in hand, embark on a journey to procure theliquid gold that will elevate your smoothie to new heights: pure, unadulterated honey. Visit a local apiary or search the shelves of your favorite health food store for this viscous treasure, brimming with the essence of wildflowers and sunshine.Upon returning to your culinary sanctuary, embark upon the transformative process of crafting your masterpiece. Begin by thoroughly washing the apples, ensuring that no trace of earthly impurities remains. With a sharp knife, deftly core and slice the apples, their flesh revealing a vibrant canvas upon which your culinary artistry will unfold.Next, gather your trusty blender, a faithful companion in the realm of smoothie alchemy. Place the sliced apples into its capacious chamber, along with a generous dollop of honey. Sweetness is a matter of personal preference, so adjust the honey to your desired level of delight.To enhance the symphony of flavors, consider adding a touch of acidity to balance the sweetness. A squeeze offresh lemon juice or a dash of tart yogurt can introduce a refreshing brightness that will awaken your senses.For a touch of creamy indulgence, add a scoop of plain Greek yogurt or silken tofu. This luscious addition will create a velvety texture that will caress your palate with every sip.Should you desire a touch of herbal magic, incorporate a handful of fresh spinach or kale leaves. These leafy greens will lend a subtle earthy note while infusing your smoothie with an abundance of vitamins and minerals.As you prepare to unleash the full potential of your culinary creation, consider the power of spices. A pinch of cinnamon or nutmeg can invoke a warm, comforting embrace, while a hint of ginger can provide a stimulating kick that will energize your soul.With all ingredients harmoniously assembled within the blender's embrace, secure the lid and engage the motor. Allow the blades to dance their rhythmic dance,effortlessly blending the symphony of flavors into a smooth, velvety elixir.Pour the freshly crafted apple honey smoothie into a chilled glass, its vibrant hue inviting you to embark on a sensory journey. As you raise the glass to your lips,inhale the tantalizing aroma that promises a moment of pure indulgence.With each sip, allow the symphony of flavors to unfold upon your palate. The crisp sweetness of the apples harmonizes seamlessly with the golden nectar of honey, creating a melody that dances upon your tongue. The tangy acidity and creamy texture provide a delightful counterpoint, ensuring that each sip is a harmonious experience.As you savor the apple honey smoothie, let its nourishing essence permeate your being. The vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants present in its every drop will revitalize your body, leaving you feeling invigorated and refreshed.Whether enjoyed as a refreshing start to your day, a午后pick-me-up, or a healthy and satisfying snack, the apple honey smoothie is a culinary masterpiece that will delight your senses and nourish your soul. So next time you crave a moment of pure indulgence, reach for this delectable concoction and let its symphony of flavors serenade your palate.。















仪器与设备为立式防爆冰箱、TG16-ws 离心机、H2100R 高速冷冻离心机、AL104-IC 电子分析天平、HH-2数显恒温水浴锅、TV-1810型紫外可见分光光度计。

1.2试验设计试验设4个处理组:浸泡1.5%护色保鲜-丝素蛋白溶液(A );浸泡1.5%护色保鲜液(B );浸泡1.5%丝素蛋白溶液(C );不作任何处理(D )。


安徽农学通报,Anhui Agri,Sci,Bull,2021,27(08)
(吕梁学院生命科学系,山西吕梁 033000)
摘 要:以鲜切苹果为材料,分别用 10、20、30g/L 大豆分离蛋白(soy protein isolate, SPI)浸泡处理,以蒸馏水为
作者简介:李雨奇(1995—),女,山西吕梁人,硕士,助教,研究方向:果蔬保鲜、功能食品。 收稿日期:2021-02-23
Copyright©博看网 . All Rights Reserved.
27 卷 08 期
1 材料与方法
1.1 材料与试剂 苹果购自水果批发市场,品种为吉县 红富士;大豆分离蛋白粉(食品级)购自河南万邦实业有 限公司;食品级聚乙烯盒购自冀州区百逸塑料制品厂;氢 氧化钠、酚酞、2,6—二氯靛酚、草酸、抗坏血酸均为分析 纯,购自国药集团。 1.2 仪器与设备 BSA224S型电子天平:赛多利斯科学仪 器(北京)公司;GY-3型指针式水果硬度计:北京顺科达科 技有限公司;K9860型pH计:梅特勒—托利多仪器上海有 限 公 司 ;LQ90T 型 手 持 折 光 仪 :天 津 瑞 特 精 密 仪 器 有 限 公司。 1.3 试验方法 1.3.1 样品前处理 称取10g SPI,加入560mL蒸馏水,加
子的褐变程度[6],保持鲜切甜瓜和鲜切哈蜜瓜的感官品 质[7-8],并对圣女果、草莓、冬枣和迷你黄瓜等果蔬表现出 较好的保鲜效果[9-12]。为此,笔者以鲜切苹果为原料,研 究不同浓度SPI浸泡处理对鲜切苹果贮藏过程中品质的 影响,并探究保鲜效果最佳的SPI浓度,以期为鲜切苹果 的保鲜提供科学依据。
LI Yuqi (Department of Life Science, Lvliang University,Lvliang 033000,China) Abstract: In this study, fresh-cut apples were soaked by soy protein isolate(SPI)with concentration of 10, 20, 30g/ L to explore the changes of quality indicators of fresh-cut apples stored at 4℃ for 5 days. And distilled water was used as a blank control. The experimental results showed that different concentrations of SPI treatment can alleviate the loss of quality, inhibit the reduction of hardness, titratable acid, pH, soluble solids content(SSC)and vitamin C content of fresh-cut apples during storage period. But SPI had no significant effect on the color difference of freshcut apples. The SPI treatment with concentration of 10g/L has the best preservation effect on fresh-cut apples, which can maintain its sensory quality and significantly extend the storage period. Key words: Fresh-cut apples; Soy protein isolate; Preservation
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ReviewApplication of modified atmosphere packaging as a safety approach to fresh-cut fruits and vegetables e A reviewM.Oliveira a,M.Abadias b,*,all b,R.Torres b,N.Teixid o b,I.Vi~n as aa Food Technology Department,University of Lleida,XaRTA-Postharvest,Agrotecnio Center,Rovira Roure191,25198Lleida,Catalonia,Spainb IRTA,XaRTA-Postharvest,Edifici Fruitcentre,Parc Científic i Tecnol o gic Agroalimentari de Lleida,Parc de Gardeny,25003Lleida,Catalonia,Spaina r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received16January2015 Received in revised form11June2015Accepted23July2015 Available online26July2015Keywords:Modified atmosphere packaging Foodborne pathogensFresh-cut fruits and vegetables a b s t r a c tThis review provides an overview of the effect of modified atmosphere packaging(MAP)on the survival and growth of foodborne pathogens on fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.Substantial technological ad-vances have been made in this area,mainly in improving the quality and shelf-life of minimally pro-cessed products.Nevertheless,attention must be paid on the survival and growth of pathogenic microorganisms that may be present in fruits and vegetables.Modified atmosphere packaging(MAP)in combination with refrigeration temperatures could be used as a mild preservation technique for safety of minimally processed fruits and vegetables.However,the effect of MAP on microorganisms can vary, depending mainly on the storage conditions and the type of packaged product.©2015Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.Fresh-cut fruits and vegetablesThe International Fresh-cut Produce Association(IFPA)defines fresh-cut products as fruits or vegetables that have been peeled,or cut into100%usable product that is packaged to offer consumers high nutrition,convenience andflavor while still maintaining freshness.Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are minimally processed products,which should be in a raw state,not frozen or thermally processed,and ready to eat or cook.Over the last decade the market for freshly prepared fruit and vegetable products has grown.The main driving force behind this market growth is increasing consumer demand for fresh,healthy, convenient and additive-free prepared product items.Moreover, different organizations(WHO,FAO,USDA,EFSA)recommend the increase in fruit and vegetable consumption to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases and cancer.The United Kingdom(UK)is the largest fresh-cut fruits and vegetables market in the European Union(EU),accounting for around a third of total EU consumption.In Germany and Spain,this sector is still in an early stage of development.However,despite the economic crisis,the fresh-cut fruits and vegetables market has grown continually in recent years.Sales of ready-to-eat vegetables in Spain showed an annual increase of5e6%,reaching70,600and 74,064tons in2010and2011,respectively(Anonymous,2013). After this period the Spanish market stabilized,with sales of approximately77,000tons recorded in2013(Anonymous,2014).There are various steps involved in the preparation of fresh-cut products(Fig.1).Each unit operation must be performed correctly to ensure satisfactory quality,shelf-life and safety of thefinished products(Gorny,1996).Minimally processed products deteriorate as a result of physiological ageing,biochemical changes and mi-crobial spoilage,physical and chemical deterioration,which may result in degradation of the color,texture andflavor(Varoquaux& Wiley,1994).While conventional food-processing methods extend the shelf-life of fruit and vegetables,the minimal processing to which fresh-cut fruit and vegetables are subjected renders products highly perishable,requiring chilled storage to ensure reasonable shelf-life and safety.Modified atmosphere packaging(MAP)has been widely and successfully used in combination with refrigera-tion to maintain the safety and extend the shelf-life of whole and minimally processed fruits and vegetables(Werner&Hotchkiss, 2006).2.Pathogens associated with fruits and vegetablesFresh-cut fruits and vegetables harbor a wide variety of micro-organisms,such as bacteria,yeasts and fungi that cause spoilage (Abadias,Usall,Anguera,Solsona,&Vi~n as,2008).80e90%of bac-teria are gram-negative,predominantly Pseudomonas and Enter-obacteriaceae species(Nguyen-The&Prunier,1989).Lactic acid*Corresponding author.E-mail lists available at ScienceDirectTrends in Food Science&Technologyjournal homepage:h ttp:///tren ds-in-foo d-science-and-technology/10.1016/j.tifs.2015.07.0170924-2244/©2015Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.Trends in Food Science&Technology46(2015)13e26bacteria (LAB)are normal flora of fruits and vegetables and asso-ciated with spoilage organisms,causing unpleasant odors (Fleet,1992).Yeasts and molds (YM)are present in smaller numbers than bacteria but,when present in high numbers,can contribute to spoilage of fermented products and the development of soft rot (Fleet,1992).Owing to epidemiological surveys fresh-cut fruits and vegeta-bles could also harbor pathogenic bacteria capable of causing hu-man infections,such as Listeria monocytogenes ,Salmonella spp.and Escherichia coli O157:H7(Abadias et al.,2008;Beuchat,1996;Francis,Thomas,&O'Beirne,1999;Nguyen-The &Carlin,1994;Sagoo,Little,Ward,Gillespie,&Mitchell,2003).Many factors can contribute to the contamination of fresh and fresh-cut products with FBPs.Pre-harvest contamination of fruits and vegetables can occur via animals,insects,water,soil,dirty equipment and human handling.Post-harvest manipulation,wash water,workers,packing materials,process equipment and transportation vehicles are also potential sources of contamination (Beuchat &Ryu,1997).Due to the occasional presence of FBPs on fruits and vegetables,several outbreaks associated with the consumption of these prod-ucts have been reported.For example,melons,tomatoes,pears,watermelons,strawberries,mangoes,grapes,spinach and lettuce have been implicated in outbreaks caused by Salmonella spp.and E .coli O157:H7(CDC,2007;Ethelberg et al.,2010;Friesema et al.,2007,2008;Harris et al.,2003).L .monocytogenes has been impli-cated in outbreaks linked to contaminated lettuce,broad-leaved endive,broccoli,radishes,cabbages,potatoes,cucumbers and melons (Beuchat,1996;Carlin &Nguyen-The,1994;CDC,2011;Farber &Peterkin,1991;Little &Gillespie,2008).During processing,many vegetable cells are broken,and the intracellular products they release may enhance bacterial growth.To minimize the risk of infection or intoxication associated with the consumption of contaminated fresh-cut fruits and vegetables,speci fic measures and interventions should be studied and imple-mented to minimize the risk of contamination.A wide variety of disinfectants (such as chlorine,hydrogen peroxide,organic acids and ozone)have been used to reduce bac-terial populations on minimally processed products (Beuchat,1998).Chlorine is the most widely used sanitizer in the industry.However,studies indicate that standard chlorine concentrations (50e 200ppm)are not effective in reducing pathogen load on fresh-cut products (Behrsing,Winkler,Franz,&Premier,2000;Delaquis,Stewart,Cazaux,&Toivonen,2002;Lee &Baek,2008).Moreover,prolonged exposure to chlorine vapor may cause irritation to the skin and respiratory tract of the workers and adversely affect the environment (Beuchat,1998).In addition,trihalomethanes can be produced when chlorine comes into contact with organic matter.Modi fied atmosphere packaging in combination with refriger-ation temperatures could be used as a mild preservation technique to enhance the safety of minimally processed products.However,the effect of MAP on microorganisms can vary,depending mainly on the storage conditions and the type of product.3.Packaging technologyModi fied atmosphere packaging of fresh products consists in altering the atmosphere inside the package,which is achieved by the natural interaction between the respiration rate of the product and the transfer of gases through the packaging material.The desired atmosphere can be created using either active or passive MAP.Active MAP is based on the displacement or replacement of gases in the package,or the use of gas scavengers or absorbers to establish a desired mixture of gases,while passive MAP is based on the use of a speci fic packaging film,in which a desired atmosphere develops naturally due to the products respiration and the diffusion of gases through the film (Lee,Arul,Lencki,&Castaigne,1996).Modi fied atmosphere packaging is used for various types of products,and the speci fic mixture of gases in the packaging in each case depends on the product type,the packaging materials and the storage temperature.If the permeability (for O 2and CO 2)of the packaging film is adapted to the product respiration,an equilibrium modi fied atmosphere (EMA)is established in the package and the shelf-life of the product increases.O 2,CO 2and N 2are the most commonly used gases in MAP.During product storage,O 2is consumed and CO 2is generated by produce respiration.Nitrogen is an inert gas which is used as ‘filler ’gas in MAP to balance the volume decrease due to CO 2absorption and to prevent package collapse (Sandhya,2010).Generally,an atmosphere of 3e 6%O 2and 2e 10%CO 2achieves microbial control and extends the shelf-life of a wide variety of fresh-cut products (Gorny,1997,Table 1).In addition,other gases such as helium,argon and xenon (noble gases)and nitrous oxide (N 2O)have been used in MAP applications to reduce microbial growth and maintain the quality of the product (Meng,Zhang,&Adhikari,2012;Rocculi,Romani,&Rosa,2004;Tom as-Callejas,Boluda,Robles,Art e s,&Art e s-Hern a ndez,2011;Zhang,Zhan,Wang,&Tang,2008).How-ever,the effect of these gases on FBPs has not been studied.The application of high O 2or superatmospheric levels has also been reported to inhibit enzymatic discoloration,preventinganaerobicFig.1.A flow diagram for the production of minimally processed fruits and vegetables.M.Oliveira et al./Trends in Food Science &Technology 46(2015)13e 2614fermentation reactions and influencing aerobic and anaerobic mi-crobial growth(Van der Steen,Jacxsens,Devlieghere,&Debevere, 2002).As with most MAP gases,an atmosphere with high O2 concentration has different effects depending on the commodity.Of the major gases used in MAP,CO2is the only one that has a direct and significant antimicrobial effect.In general,dissolved CO2 inhibits microbial growth,affecting the lag phase,maximum growth rate and maximum population densities reached (Devlieghere&Debevere,2000).The inhibitory effect of CO2is not universal and is dependent on the microorganism and growth phase,temperature,water activity and product characteristics.The mode of action on bacteria is thought to combine a number of ef-fects,including changes in intracellular pH,alteration of microbial protein and enzyme structure and function,and alteration of cell membrane function andfluidity(Davies,1995).As previously mentioned,the use of MAP for fresh-cut prod-ucts requires careful selection of thefilm and package type for each commodity.Severalfilm characteristics must be considered to select the appropriate packaging,such as the level of protec-tion provided,the strength,sealability and clarity,the ability to label,and the gas gradient formed by the closedfilm(Zagory, 1995).In addition to thefilm characteristics,temperature control is also very important to an effective MAP system.Temperature strongly affects the respiration rate and the permeability of gases through packagingfilms,allowing atmosphere changes to occur inside the packaging(Hertog,Peppelenbos,Evelo,&Tijskens,1998; Jacxsens,Devlieghere,De Rudder,&Debevere,2000).Furthermore, storage temperature is one of the most important factors in the survival and growth of pathogens on fresh-cut fruits and vegeta-bles.Maintaining produce temperature at or below4 C throughout the cold-chain is essential for microbial safety.4.Influence of packaging atmosphere on growth and survival of pathogens on fresh-cut fruits and vegetablesThe growth and survival of microorganisms on fresh-cut fruits and vegetables is significantly influenced by the intrinsic properties of the product and by a series of extrinsic factors.Intrinsic factors, which vary between products,include pH,nutrient composition, water activity,natural microbiota,and presence of natural antimi-crobial compounds.Due to commodity differences and extrinsic factors in the individual MAP assays,pathogen behavior in this study varied considerably.To characterize the behavior of E.coli O157:H7,Salmonella spp.and Listeria spp.on fresh-cut fruits and vegetables under MAP conditions,we reviewed the scientific literature and summarized the available data(Tables2e4).4.1. E.coli O157:H7E.coli O157:H7is an ecologicallyfit microorganism with supe-rior ability to survive and grow in extraintestinal environments and has been linked to several outbreaks caused by fresh-cut fruits and vegetables.These observations have led to concern about the sur-vival of faecal pathogenic bacteria on fruits and vegetables.Fresh-cut fruits and vegetables stored at temperatures8 C showed different outcomes,ranging from slight growth to no change or to measurable losses in viability(Table2).For example, Abdul-Raouf,Beuchat,and Ammar(1993)and Oliveira et al.(2010) reported declines in cell populations on fresh-cut lettuce at5 C, while Koseki and Isobe(2005)found no change at this temperature. Posada-Izquierdo et al.(2013)reported high variability of growth data between replicates on iceberg lettuce stored at8 C under passive MAP with very low O2levels(<0.5kPa).However,Francis and O'Beirne(2001)observed an increase of E.coli O157:H7pop-ulations on iceberg lettuce and dry coleslaw under passive MAP at the same temperature.Sharma et al.(2011)observed a greater decrease of E.coli O157:H7populations on iceberg lettuce stored at4 C in air con-ditions than in a high CO2/low O2atmosphere.For baby spinach stored at4and7 C,Brown et al.(2011)found that air packaging and active MAP(high O2level)had a stronger inhibitory effect than a high N2atmosphere.However,Bae,Choi,Heu,Kang,and Lee (2011)reported that active MAP conditions with100%CO2and 100%N2were effective in delaying growth of E.coli O157:H7on white cabbage stored at10 C.Oliveira et al.(2010)observed that the O2and CO2levels developed in the different types of packagingfilms did not affect the survival and growth of E.coli O157:H7on‘Romaine’lettuce stored at5and25 C.Similar results were obtained by Abdul-Raouf et al.(1993)on iceberg lettuce,cucumber and carrots,and by Abadias,Alegre,Oliveira,Altisent,and Vi~n as(2012)on curly endive and carrot,where a low O2atmosphere had no apparent effect on the survival and growth of E.coli O157:H7at different temperatures.A similar variability in pathogen behavior at refrigeration tem-peratures was also observed on fresh-cut fruits.Raybaudi-Massilia, Mosqueda-Melgar,Sobrino-Lopez,Soliva-Fortuny,and Martin-Belloso(2009a,b)observed reduced pathogen counts on fresh-cut apples and pears under passive MAP conditions at5 C for30 days.However,Alegre,Abadias,Anguera,Oliveira,and Vi~n as (2010a)found that E.coli O157:H7populationsfluctuated over time on fresh-cut apples under passive MAP conditions at the same temperature,with no differences observed between MAP and air.On fresh-cut strawberries stored at7 C,E.coli O157:H7was unable to grow in equilibrium-modified atmosphere(EMA,3%O2/ 5%CO2)and high-oxygen atmosphere(HOA,95%O2/5%N2)but grew slightly until day5under air conditions(Siro,Devlieghere,Table1Modified atmosphere storage recommendations for selected fresh-cut fruits andvegetables.Product Temperature( C)AtmosphereO2(%)CO2(%)Fresh-cut VegetablesBroccoli0e52e36e7Shredded cabbage0e55e7.515Shredded,sticks or sliced carrots0e52e515e20Sliced leek0e555Chopped butterhead lettuce0e51e35e10Chopped green leaf lettuce0e50.5e35e10Chopped or shredded iceberg lettuce0e50.5e310e15Chopped red leaf lettuce0e50.5e310e15Chopped romaine lettuce0e50.5e35e10Sliced mushrooms0e5310Sliced or diced onion0e52e510e15Diced peppers0e535e10Sliced or whole-peeled potato0e51e36e9Sliced rutabaga0e555Cleaned spinach0e50.8e38e10Sliced tomato0e533Sliced zucchini50.25e1eFresh-cut fruitsSliced apple0e5<1eCubed cantaloupe0e53e56e15Cubed honeydew0e5210Sliced kiwifruit0e52e45e10Sliced orange0e514e217e10Sliced peach01e25e12Sliced pear0e50.5<10Sliced persimmon0e5212Arils(seed coating)pomegranate0e5e15e20Sliced strawberry0e51e25e10Reproduced from Gorny(1997).M.Oliveira et al./Trends in Food Science&Technology46(2015)13e2615Table2Overview of the impact of MAP storage on growth and survival of E.coli on fresh-cut vegetables and fruits.Microorganism Vegetables andfruitsMAP conditions/temperature a Outcomes ReferencesE.coli O157:H7Romaine lettuce Lettuce samples were packaged underthree different atmospheric conditions:air and two passive MAP.Twofilms of O2permeability of3500cm3/m2/day/atm(Film I)and1100cm3/m2/day/atm(Film I)wereused.Bags were stored at5 C for10days and25 C for3days.Populations of E.coli on lettuce slightly decreased duringthe10-day storage period at5 C,whereas they increasedafter3days at25 C.Populations in Film II(the least permeable)were greaterthan in the other two packagefilms at25 C.No differences were observed on samples stored at5 C.Differences in gases levels betweenfilms were observedonly at5 C,where O2levels decreased slowly reachingvalues of8.0and6.0%approximately forfilm I andfilm II,respectively.The CO2increased slowly and reached levelsaround6.0%and8.0%forfilm I andfilm II,respectively.At25 C,gases changed very fast and reached O2valuesaround0.8%and around12%for CO2.Oliveira et al.,2010E.coli O157:H7Iceberg lettuce Three different MAP conditions wereapplied:(1)film permeability of110ccO2/100in2/24h(cm3/m2/24h)andinitialflush with N2to reach O2level of2%;(2)samefilm permeability withmicroperforations,near-ambient airatmospheric conditions;(3)high CO2and low O2levels in gas-impermeablefilm.All samples were stored for10d at4and15 C.A decrease in population counts was observed in alltreatments at4 C,but more considerably(1.70log cfu/g)under treatment(2).In treatment1,the O2decreasedquickly to1.5%and maintained throughout storage.Intreatment3O2declined rapidly reaching to0%on day3.CO2increased gradually in treatment1,reaching8.9%on day10.For treatment3,a rapidly accumulation of CO2(34%)wasobserved after10days.At15 C,E.coli populations increased by at least2.7log cfu/gunder all storage conditions.Same results of gases levelswere observed but were achieved more rapidly.Sharma et al.,2011E.coli O157:H7cocktail Iceberg lettuce Lettuce was packaged in afilm with O2permeability of504mL/m2/day atm.Samples packaged in passive MAP werestored at4,8,13and16 C.Storage at4 C produced a slight decrease of E.coli O157:H7.E.coli O157:H7was able to grow at8,13and16 C undervery low O2levels(<0.5kPa).CO2increased during storage up to14kPa approximatelyfor all temperatures.Samples stored at8 C,presented a high variability ofgrowth data between replicates.This can be explained bythe fact that8 C might be the temperature defininggrowth/non growth for this pathogen.Posada-Izquierdoet al.,2013E.coli O157:H7cocktail Iceberg lettuce Lettuce was packaged in afilm with O2permeability of1100mL/m2/day atm.Samples packaged in passive MAP werestored at4,8,13and16 C.Storage at4 C produced a decrease of E.coli O157:H7.E.coli O157:H7was able to grow at8,13and16 C undervery low O2levels,at almost anaerobic conditions.Gaseous atmosphere reached anaerobic conditions after3days at16 C.O2and CO2changed from22%to0.09%andfrom0.33%to11.4%,respectively.However,for lowertemperatures,anaerobic conditions were found after6and15days for13and8 C,respectively.Posada-Izquierdoet al.,2014E.coli O157:H7cocktail Iceberg lettuce,cucumber andcarrotsLettuce was packaged in afilm with O2permeability of3000cm3/m2/day.Cucumbers and carrots were packagedin afilm with O2permeability of7000cm3/m2/day.Bags were sealed under air conditionsor active MAP containing3%O2and97%N2and stored at5or12 C for14days orat21 C for7days.Populations of E.coli declined on vegetables stored at5 Cand increased on vegetables stored at12and21 C.Packaging under active MAP had no apparent effect on E.coli O157:H7counts.Abdul-Raoufet al.,1993E.coli O157:H7(two strains)Iceberg lettuce,swedes(rutabaga),dry coleslaw mix(80%shreddedcabbage,20%shredded carrot),raw soybeansproutsVegetables were packaged in bags withO2permeability of1200mL/m2/day/atm and stored at4and8 C for12days.E.coli populations increased during storage on lettuce at8 C.The pathogen also increased on coleslaw and soybeansprouts but up to day5,then declined until the end ofstorage.Differences were observed between strains on packagedswedes at8 C.In lettuce bags,CO2increased to10e12%and O2fell to3e4%.O2fell to2%and CO2rose to8e10%in bags of sweeds.In dry coleslaw mix and soybean sprouts bags,CO2rose to25e27%and O2fell to0e1%.At4 C,reduced growth of E.coli was observed.Francis&O'Beirne,2001E.coli Sliced carrots,butterhead andiceberg lettuce Samples were packaged in35m moriented polypropylenefilm andbutterhead samples wereflushed with100%N2before sealing.Film permeability not mentioned.All samples were stored at8 C for9days.E.coli populations declined on carrots and both lettucevarieties.In packages of sliced carrots,butterhead and iceberg lettuce,gas concentration was:O20e5%,0e1%and5e11%and CO2approximately8e18%,4e8%and5e7%,respectively.Gas levels observed were unlikely to have had adverseeffects on the growth patterns of E.coli.Gleeson&O'Beirne2005E.coli O157:H7Curly endive andcarrot Samples of fresh-cut carrot or endivewere packaged under three differentatmospheric conditions:air and twopassive MAP.Twofilms of O2permeability ofThe pathogen population significantly declined in endiveduring storage.O2in Film I decreased from20.7%to9.4%after day8and remained unchanged and progressivelydecreased in Film II.O2in Film II were lower than in Film I,with afinal value of3.7%.CO2gradually increased but neverAbadias et al.,2012 M.Oliveira et al./Trends in Food Science&Technology46(2015)13e2616Table2(continued)Microorganism Vegetables andfruitsMAP conditions/temperature a Outcomes References3500cm3/m2/day/atm(Film I)and 1100cm3/m2/day/atm(Film II)were used.Bags were stored at5 C for10days.exceeded10%.E.coli populations decreased in carrots.O2in Film I decreased during thefirst day and then no differences were observed.In Film II,O2decreased,reaching0.2%at the end of the storage.CO2increased in Film II throughout storage and reached18%.The concentrations in Film I bags were significantly lower at each tested time.E.coli O157:H7cocktail Spinach After treated with100-ppm chlorinedioxide or100-ppm sodiumhypochlorite,spinach was packaged inbags with oxygen permeability of55cc m m/kPa d m2.Four different packaging methods wereapplied:(1)air;(2)vacuum;(3)CO2(100%);(4)N2(100%).All samples were stored for7d at7 C.The pathogen grew during storage in samples packaged inair.Vacuum and active MAP atmospheres were effective onmaintaining E.coli levels.Lee&Baek,2008E.coli O157:H7cocktail Baby spinach Commercially packaged baby spinachwas inoculated and resealed(passiveMAP).Film permeability was not mentioned.Samples were stored at1,5,8and12 Cfor12days.The pathogen grew at12 C and at8 C.E.coli populations on samples stored at5and1 C declinedover time.There was a rapid increase in CO2and decrease in O2withinthefirst3days after sealing bags at all temperatures.Afterthat,package atmosphere remained relatively stable untilthe end of storage.The gases levels inside packagesdepended on temperature.Luo,He,McEvoy,&Conway,2009E.coli O157:H7Spinach Samples were packaged in bags with O2permeability of450cc/ were sealed under30%vacuumand stored at4 C or10 C for15days.A slight decrease in E.coli populations was observed at4 C,while at10 C resulted in a small increase of the pathogen.Gases concentration depended on temperature andtreatments applied before packaging.Generally,O2droppedto a maximum of14%and CO2increased no more than2%during storage in all treatments.Lopez-Velasco,Davis,Boyer,Williams,&Ponder,2010E.coli O157:H7cocktail Baby spinach Two active MAP conditions containing80%O2,20%CO2(high oxygen)and80%N2,20%CO2(nitrogen)and air werecreated.For high oxygen or nitrogenatmospheres,samples were packagedwith O2permeability of<20cc/m2/24h.In air conditions,samples werepackaged with O2permeability of1450cc/ were stored for9days at4to7 C.Packaging with air and high oxygen reduced E.coli O157:H7populations by0.26and0.15logs,compared to nitrogen.Brown et al.,2011E.coli O157:H7White cabbage After treated with2%lactic acid,cabbage was packaged in bags withpermeability of55mL-m m/kPa-s-m2.Four different packaging methods wereapplied:(1)air;(2)vacuum;(3)CO2(100%);(4)N2(100%).All samples were stored for7d at10 C.E.coli increased in cabbage after vacuum packaging after7days at10 C.Air,N2and CO2gas packaging were effective in delayinggrowth of the pathogen after lactic acid treatment.Bae et al.,2011E.coli O157:H7Cabbage Twofilms of O2permeability of1277±159mL/m2/day/atm(Film I)and54.8±0.7mL/m2/day/atm(Film II)were used.Six packaging treatments were madewith modified atmospheres andfilms.Two active MAP with a gas mixture of70kPa O2and15kPa CO2balanced withN2(MAP1);5kPa O2and15kPa CO2balanced with N2(MAP2);a moderatevacuum packaging(MVP)with avacuum degree of10.1kPa.Samples were stored at5 C for10days.The populations were kept lower in MAP1with Film I orFilm II than in the other treatments.The population of E.coli increased in the MVP treatmentwith Film II which maintained low O2partial pressureduring storage.However,no proliferation of this pathogenwas observed in MVP with Film I.High levels of O2(>40kPa)were only observed in samplespackaged under MAP1regardless thefilm used.However,inMAP2O2were less than10kPa and in Film II achieved0kPaafter5days.CO2concentration increased to more than20kPa for MAP1regardless thefilm used.Conversely,in MAP2CO2decreased reaching2kPa at the end of storage for bothfilms.Gas composition within the packages depended on initialgas conditions and was greatly affected byfilmpermeability.Lee et al.,2011E.coli O157:H7Cactus-pear fruit Samples were packaged with O2permeability of9.23Â10À19mol m/m2/s/Pa.Two different packaging conditionswere applied:(1)Air and(2)active MAP5%O2,30%CO2,and65%N2.Samples were stored at4,8,12and20 C for14days.E.coli was able to grow only in samples stored at4and8 Cin both package atmospheres.Pathogen was suppressed after7days at20 C.Differences on the behavior of E.coli between packageatmospheres only were observed at12 C.Corbo et al.,2005(continued on next page)M.Oliveira et al./Trends in Food Science&Technology46(2015)13e2617。
