






因此,请与派克合作,准备改变这一切吧!/precisionfluidics 1 603 595-1500目录页T2-05Helix124高效和紧凑型 13.5mm 宽泵 – 高达 800 mLPM高压泵 – 超过5.5 LPM 和高达100 PSI 的压力T2-0320高性能与尺寸比率泵 – 高达2.5 LPMLTC 系列76液体系列传送泵 – 高达 650 mLPMEZ 底座92振动隔离安装系统小型活塞泵(空气)微型泵(空气/气体)微型泵(液体)T2-0494超紧凑型、高效泵 – 高达 7.5LPMBTC-IIS 系列62应用广泛的多功能双头泵系列产品 – 高达 11 LPMBTC 系列52应用广泛的多功能泵系列产品 – 高达6 LPMLTC-IIS 系列84液体系列双头传送泵 – 高达1.5 LPMCTS 系列BTX-Connect 2836高性能紧凑型 20 mm 宽泵 – 高达 2.5 LPM多功能双头和单头泵系列,适合多种应用-高达10 LPMTTC 系列74紧凑、高效、低压泵 – 高达 6 LPMTTC-IIS 系列84紧凑、高效、低压双头泵 - 高达 11 LPM附件4Helix 微型高压泵高达100 PSI (6.9 bar)压力Parker Helix 是一款紧凑型高压泵,旨在实现小型即时临床护理仪器。

Helix 可在挑战性的高海拔环境和无法使用外部压缩空气的应用中实现高压操作。

Helix 泵可提供5.5 LPM 以上的流量和高达100 PSI (6.9 bar)的压力,为性能至关重要且空间有限的台式诊断设备提供了出色的解决方案。

• 集成了用于卸荷的X 阀,可实现高压重启• 内部飞轮可在高压下低速运行• 无油活塞• 简单的安装特性• 带有推入式接头的快速流体连接• 符合RoHS 指令和REACH 标准产品特性• 液上空气• 气动驱动•微流控芯片• 即时临床护理检验• 分子诊断• 核酸纯化•基因组学典型应用典型市场产品规格物理特性电子5微型隔Helix 微型高压泵典型流量曲线• 曲线展示了0.080"偏移泵的流量性能• 使用5.0 Vdc 控制输入时,泵将以大约4400 RPM 的转速和高达8.5 LPM的流量的状态运行,但不建议连续工作。






广州市中海达测绘仪器有限公司服务获取资讯查阅 技术参数● 支持Hi-RTP星基增强服务(支持L-Band)● 通道数:660● BDS:B1I,B2I,B3I,B1C,B2a ● GPS:L1,L2,L5● GLONASS:L1,L2● GALILIEO:E1,E5a,E5b ● QZSS:L1,L2,L5● SBAS:支持● 输出格式ASCII:NMEA-0183,二进制码● 定位输出频率:1Hz~20Hz● 静态数据格式:GNS,Rinex双格式静态数据● 差分格式:CMR,RTCM2.X,RTCM3.0,RTCM3.2● 网络模式:VRS,FKP,MAC;支持NTRIP协议● 主机电池:内置高容量锂电池6800mAh/7.4V,网络移动站工作时间10小时[2]● 支持快充:支持USB PD3.0超级快充,充电时间≤3.5小时。

支持充电宝充电● 外接电源:6~28V宽压直流设计,5芯接口● 尺寸:Φ156mmx77mm ● 重量:≤1.2kg(含电池)● 功耗:4.2W● 材料:外壳采用镁合金材料系统配置通讯配置电源性能功能应用物理性能● 防尘防水:I P68● 防摔:抗2米测杆自然跌落● 相对湿度:100%不冷凝● 工作温度: -30℃~+70℃● 存储温度: -40℃~+80℃● 操作系统:Linux操作系统● 启动时间:3秒● 数据存储:内置8GB ROM,支持静态数据自动循环存储● 按键:两个按键● 显示屏:0.94英寸240*120高分辨率OLED高清彩色显示屏● LED提示灯:卫星灯,信号灯● 电子气泡:实现智能对中● 倾斜测量:内置高精度惯导,自动姿态补偿,无需校正,抗磁干扰, 到点即测,精度3厘米注:[1]测量精度、准确性、可靠性和初始化时间取决于各种因素,包括卫星数量、几何分布、观测时间、大气 状况及多路径效验等,该数据在正常条件下得出。



监控装置适用于 35KV 及以下电压等级所装

DPM-30B 电动机智能
DPM-30B 电动 监控装置适用于 DPM-31B:适用于
机智能监控装 置
3~10KV 电压等级的中 高压异步电动机的保
电机功率< 2000KW 电机回路
故障录波:每周波保存 64 点,保存 25 个周期,故 障前 15,故障后 10,共可采集 180 组,采集三相电 压或者三相电流,波形图形能通过液晶显示 16 路有源开入 标配 1 路 RS485 接口;可增选 1 路 RS485 接口; 2 路直流量采集口,可以采集 4~20mA 模拟信号; 双以太网通讯接口 2 路脉冲输入 1 路 GPS 对时 2 路可编程 4~20mA 输出,可以任意整定所对应的 测量量和倍数; RS232 调试串口
4 DPT-30B 变压器智能监控装置
1、 概述 DPT-30B 变压器综合保护监控装置适用于 10KV 及以下电压等级低压大容量变压器的保
护和监控。DPT-31B 厂用变智能监控装置主要适用于 3~10kV 电压等级小电流接地系统或小 电阻接地系统中的厂用变、所用变或接地变的保护;DPT-32B 用于变压器后备保护;DPT-33B 用于大于 2000kvar 以上变压器保护,具有差动保护和后备保护功能。 2、 功能配置
差动速断保护 保 护 比率差动保护
功 差流越限告警 能
TA 断线检测
■ ■ ■ ■
电动机启动超时保护 二段电流保护 反时限电流保护 两段式负序电流保护 低电压保护 过电压保护 过负荷保护 零序电流保护 过热保护 FC 回路保护 母线绝缘监察


1.1 KMbalancer 简介........................................................................................................5 1.2 安全信息.....................................................................................................................5 1.3 KMbalancer 的组成....................................................................................................5
4.4.1 初始振动测量................................................................................................38 4.4.2 试重测量........................................................................................................46 4.4.3 校正后不平衡测量........................................................................................54 4.5 双面动平衡...............................................................................................................56 4.5.1 初始振动测量................................................................................................57 4.5.2 试重测量........................................................................................................61 4.5.3 校正后不平衡测量........................................................................................68 第五章 计算器........................................................................................................................72 5.1 质量分解...................................................................................................................72 5.2 质量合成...................................................................................................................74 5.3 ISO 查询 ...................................................................................................................75 第六章 数据浏览....................................................................................................................77 6.1 浏览临时测点数据...................................................................................................77 第七章 通讯...........................................................................................................................81 附录:KMbalancer 技术规范.................................................................................................82

BOCON K23A 雨量站 RTU 使用说明书

BOCON K23A 雨量站 RTU 使用说明书

K23A雨量站RTU使用说明书地址:广州市天河软件园建工路12号三楼网址: 1前言 (3)第一章:K23A雨量站RTU功能说明 (5)一、信号采集: (5)二、通信方式: (5)三、其它配置: (6)四、规格说明 (6)第二章:接线说明和安装尺寸 (6)第三章:K23A雨量站RTU菜单说明 (7)一、主菜单 (7)二、系统参数设置 (7)三、采集器参数设置 (8)四、服务器参数设置 (8)五、RS232参数设置 (8)六、模拟量参数设置 (8)七、雨量参数设置 (9)八、RS485参数设置 (9)九、短信参数设置 (9)地址:广州市天河软件园建工路12号三楼网址: 2前言感谢您购买本公司的产品!本手册是关于设备的功能、设置、安装、接线方法、操作方法、故障时的处理方法等的说明书。
















• 15 to 55 mm lead pitch • Supplied loose in box • Consists of a low-inductive wound cell of metallized polypropylene film, potted in a flame-retardant case • Fixed and insulated leads.
MKP 338 4 X2 Interference suppression film capacitors
Product Specification NEW File under BCcomponents, BC05 2001 Jun 22
MKP 338 4 X2
MULTIPLIER (nF) 1 10 100 1000 3 4 5 6
Example: 104 = 10 x 10 = 100 nF
TYPE 338 4
PACKAGING loose in box taped
LEAD CONFIGURATION lead length 3.5 mm lead length 5.0 mm lead length 25.0 mm 15.0 mm bent back to 7.5 mm insulated leads stranded Cu-wire 0.5 mm2 for 37.5 and 55 mm pitch lead length 3.5 mm
• For X2 electromagnetic interference suppression • Specially designed to meet the requirements of the “IEC 60384-14 2nd edition and EN 132400”, requiring a 2.5 kV peak pulse voltage test, and the UL1283 specifications.



GSW型光栅数显系统(中文液晶提示)使用说明书成都远山机电产品有限公司尊敬的用户:欢迎您使用远山机电最新开发液晶中文提示的GSW 光栅数显系统,远山机电光栅系统广泛用于铣床、磨床、镗床、线切割、车床、电火花加工设备,它的应用有助于提高生产效率、显示直观、操作方便、精度准确、重复性稳定,是模具制造业、机械加工业、精密测量仪器必不可少的装置。


















面板按键说明GSW-204GSW-304目录功能项目 (7)清零 (8)输入坐标 (8)公/英制显示 (8)ABS/INC坐标 (9)自动分中 (10)RI(寻找师傅零位) (11)半径/直径 (11)计算器 (11)SDM300组记忆 (12)圆周分孔 (18)椭圆分孔 (21)斜线分孔 (25)圆弧加工 (27)平滑圆弧加工 (35)斜面加工 (39)电火花加工 (42)基本参数 (45)高级用户 (46)光栅线位移传感器 (48)光栅线位移动传感器行程和安装尺寸 (51)安装示图 (52)故障分析与处理 (53)GSW-中文提示光栅数显表,中文辅助显示智能表,采用高科技软件电子技术,功能多、易操作、可靠耐用,使机械加工的必备产品。


安 全 ......................................................................................................................3
服务手册的使用目的和使用方法 ...............................................................................................4 安全信息——电气系统 .............................................................................................................. 5 安全指导概要 ...................................................................................................................…….5 维护和修理时的安全预防 .........................................................................................................7



5 1200 16 -1 3.7 1700 20 0 4.7 2200 24 +1 5.7 50
V mV/V mV/V mV/V/kA/m µV/V
Sensor Specifications KMY 21 M (T=25 °C, Hx=2.5 kA/m) Supply voltage Bridge resistance Output signal range Offset voltage Sensitivity Hysteresis Condition A, B Condition A, B Condition A, B Condition A, B Condition A, B Condition A, B
An uniaxial linear magnetic field will generate a linear output within the specified magnetic field range.
Output proportional to magnetic field strength with very high sensitivity
VO/Vcc Voff/Vcc S
S in mV/V/kA/m
0 0
Figure 1: Sensitivity dependence on auxiliary field strength
2345来自Hx in kA/mAuxiliary field strengths below Hx<1.5 kA/m are not recommended, as small disturbances may flip the magnetization domains. Sometimes, the magnetic conditions in the application may provide enough Hx bias field stabilization. MEAS Germany can provide advise for customer specific magnet arrangements. If a bias field Hx is not applied or Hx is less than 2.5 kA/m, the sensor may be used only in a limited field range Hy, depending on the present total bias field Hx,tot. In this case, it is strongly recommended to ‘premagnetize’ the sensor, i.e. align all magnetic domains consistently, prior to the measurement. Hx,tot is the sum of all acting magnetic fields in x direction at the sensor die. Do not use the sensor outside the safe operating area. Leaving the save operating area can destroy an existing premagnetization and therefore will lead to unreproducible sensor signals.

Megger DET2 3 自动地线测试仪说明书

Megger DET2 3 自动地线测试仪说明书

DET2/3Advanced Ground TesterDESCRIPTIONThe Megger® DET2/3 automatic ground test instrumentis robust, compact and designed to measure ground electrode resistance and soil resistivity. It provides a full range of test methods and excels at the four terminal method of measurement, which eliminates the resistance of the current circuit from the measurement.The DET2/3 is a reliable instrument for use on large or more complex ground systems, which include communications ground systems and difficult test environments. It canbe used to test in accordance with BS 7430 (earthing/ grounding), BS-EN-62305 (lightning protection), IEEE Standard 81, and railway applications.Soil resistivity measurements are used to establishthe optimum electrode design and site, as well as archaeological and geological investigations.The DET2/3 is housed in a dual case design, which includes a tough outer case to protect the tester from knocks/drops and an inner fire retardant case.FEATURESHigh accuracy earth (ground) measurementsThe DET2/3 provides accurate 1 mΩ resolution measurements of ground electrode resistance.With its microprocessor controlled system, it provides a flexible and ‘user-friendly’ approach to ground tests by the provision of excellent error detection capabilities and full test information shown on a large color display.T est frequency, test current and filtering can be quickly and easily adjusted so that adverse conditions, which can influence the test, can be overcome.A wide band of test current frequencies, with a resolution of 0.5 Hz, can be used to eliminate errors caused by noise in the ground.The DET2/3 also includes an automatic frequency selection feature that scans for frequencies with the lowest noise level and then runs a test at that frequency. The selected test current frequency, test current level and the increased filtering option are stored in memory for use in subsequent tests.Continuity measurements and bonding§Single resistance range: One fully automatic range from0.01 Ω to 1.0 kΩ§Display: Three digit display§Accuracy: ±3% (±2 digits)§Bi-directional tests: Option for automatic bi-directional tests without the need to reconnect leads§Short circuit current: 200 mA continuity test currents§Lead null: Lead resistance compensation (NULL) operates with a lead resistance up to 10 Ωs ofresistanceHigh resolution of 1 mΩ, ideal for large ground systemsVersatile test modesHigh accuracy for ground electrode grid and soil resistivity testsR echargeable battery power that can last all day with a fast re-charge (up to 10 hours)Robust instrument with IP65 protectionAutomatic test frequency selection, with filters and high current featuresDiagnostic trace displayData storage - 900,000 pointsLarge color display that shows numeric andgraphical resultsTrace display and data storageUtilizing the latest processors, the DET2/3 can provide a live trace of its measurements, which graphically shows the amount of noise from the system under test - a powerful diagnostic tool for anyone doing ground testing.Use of the latest processors and a large internal memory allows for immediate calculations of resistivity (Wenner or Schlumberger method) and the ability to save a complete day’s worth of test results.T est result data can bedownloaded directlythrough a USB flash drive orstraight to a Windows PCrunning PowerDB™ software.Weatherproof and ruggedThe DET2/3 is sealed to IP54 standard, which provides weatherproofing during operation (case lid open).When the case lid is closed, its protection standard is toIP65 (water and dust damage).The case is made of a tough and light copolymer polypropylene, which can withstand the rough and tumble of outdoor use.Portable powerAn internal Li-ion battery provides for a full day of tests. The Li-ion battery has a fast recharge facility that allows a dead battery to provide an afternoon of tests, if charged during a lunch break.The DET2/3 can also operate from a standard 12 V DC battery supply.SPECIFICATIONS2, 3 and 4 pole resistance measurementsRange 0.001 Ω to 20.00 kΩ auto range Display 4-digit displayAccuracy±0.5 % of reading ±2 digitsat 23 °C ±2 °COperational uncertainty±2 % of reading, ±2 digits(meets IEC61557 operationaluncertainty requirement withreadings over 10 mΩ) whenspike resistances are below100 Ω ±5% of reading±2 digits ±10 mΩ(meets IEC61557 operationaluncertainty requirement withreadings over 10 mΩ)Test standards BS 7430 (Grounding)BS 62305 (Lightning)BS50122 (Railway)IEEE Standard 81Test frequency10 Hz to 200 Hz in steps of0.5 HzTest current50 mA max.Maximum output voltage Less than 50 V rmsMaximum interference Up to 50 V pk to pk3 and4 pole ART (selective) resistance measurementsRange 0.01 Ω to 10.00 kΩ auto range Accuracy ±5 % of reading ±3 digits at23 °C ±2 °CStakeless resistance measurementRange0.01 Ω to 200 ΩAccuracy ±7 % accuracy, ±3 digits at 128Hz ContinuityRange0.01 Ω to 1 kΩ (3 digits)Accuracy ±3 % (±2 digits)Test Current 12 V, 205 mALead Null < 10 ΩLeakage currentRange 0.00 A to 2.00 AAccuracy ±5% (±3 digits)Instrument specificationsDisplay 5.25 inch QWVGA, daylightviewable backlit colorOperating temperature and humidity+14 to +104 °F (-10 to +40 °C)90 % RH max at +104 °F (+40 °C) Storage temperature-4 to + 140 °F (-20 to +60 °C)IP rating IP54 operational (lid open),IP65 storage (lid closed) Measurement rating CAT IV 300 VMeasurement output rating50 V, 50 mA ac (switching dc) Power supply Internal Li-ion battery orexternal 12-18 V, 65 W, DC supply Battery life Up to 10 hrs useBattery charging time Fast recharge to 50%,3 hrs for 100%Safety Meets IEC 61010EMC Meets IEC 61326Dimensions L12.4 x W 11.2 x H 7.1 in.(L 315 x W 285 x H 181 mm) Weight9.9 lb (4.5 kg)Data download To PC through USB 2.0Data storage On board 500 record storage providing 900,000 data points downloadable as *.txt USB type A Data download to USB driveUSB type B Data download to PCSecondary measurement displayNoise, voltage and currentResistivity calculation Wenner: PE = 2 π a RWSchlumberger:PE = π b (b+a) RaTest modes Internally set 2P, 3P,ART (Selective), 4P,Stakeless (clamp) modesAux inputs MCC1010, MVC1010RoHS compliant YesACCESSORIESMCC1010 and MVC1010§For Stakeless tests§For Attached Rod T echnique (ART) testsCable reels with spike§T erminal adapter Detachable retro-fit for C1, P1, P2, C2 connectors§Sturdy handle and a smooth unwind and wind action§Cable ‘feed through’§100 ft, 165 ft, or 330 ft (30 m, 50 m or 100 m) cables §Attachable 12 in. (30 cm) ground spike§Spike can be hammered into the ground§Unique daisy-chain feature to create longer lengthsContinuity test cables and clips§ 1.4 m cables§ 2 wire connection cable* Supplied with reelsSALES OFFICEMegger USA -Valley Forge Corporate Center2621 Van Buren Avenue, Norristown, Pennsylvania, 19403, USAT. 1-866-254-0962F. 1-610-676-8610DET23_DS_US_V02ISO 9001The word ‘Megger’ is a registered trademarkORDERING INFORMATIONItem (Qty) Order Code DET2/3 Ground tester 1008-949 DET2/3 Ground tester, 165 ft (50 m) kit* 1008-969 DET2/3 Ground tester, 330 ft (100 m) kit* 1008-989 *Kits above include clamps and continuity leadsOptional accessoriesTwo ground stakes, 12 in. long (30 cm long) 6220-804 Cable reel kit ETK30 1010-176 Cable reel kit ETK50 1010-177 Cable reel kit ETK100 1010-178 Cable reel kit ETK50C 1010-179 Cable reel kit ETK100C 1010-180Optional accessories, continued Order Code Clamp MCC1010 1010-516 Clamp MVC1010 1010-518 Accessory bag 1010-854 12 V DC power lead 6231-584 Battery 1002-552 Power supply 1010-793 Terminal adapter, detachable retro-fit forC1, P1, P2, C2 connectors 6220-803。



4023导航、测绘、气象及海洋专用仪器制造4023 导航、测绘、气象及海洋专用仪器制造指用于气象、海洋、水文、天文、地理空间、航海、航空等方面的导航、制导、测量仪器和仪表及类似装置的制造。




Item Part Number Number Description
1 02-3612-01 Float valve, with shut off 02-4652-01 Float valve, no shut off
1a 13-0895-01 Inlet tubing, order 2, cut to 15" 2 A39126-021 Water level sensor 3 A39143-001 Spacer 4 12-3060-21 Harvest assist solenoid, 115 v
February 2012 Page 2
CU1526, CU2026, CU3030 Service Parts CU1526 and CU2026 Back and Base
10 9 6
11 12 4
Item Part Number Number Description
1 A39145-001 Baffle, AC 2 A39086-001 Bracket, access valves 3 A39092-001 Bracket, purge valve 4 03-1531-01 Screw 5 02-3692-21 Drain fitting 6 03-3868-01 Screw 7 03-0571-00 Screw 8 03-1394-01 Pal nut 9 A39142-001 Service panel 10 A40252-001 Back panel 11 03-1674-01 Nut, leg mounting 12 A39083-001 Bracket, nut 13 A39089-001 Overlay panel, attach with adhesive tape, item 13a, 2 feet 13a 19-0642-02 Adhesive tape, order by foot.




产品继承了以前老式润滑油加注机的优点同时又融合了现代的自动控制的优点,利用在工业现场稳定控制的plc 技术、传感器技术对加注量、加注速度、加注精度进行实时控制,同时利用现代加工工艺制作防滴漏加油枪保持了工作地点的整洁。

根据油品的粘度我们分为以下几个系列:产品编号:BKJZ-RA 型备注:需要用户提供相关的技术参数:1、生产节拍;2、润滑油的型号3、加注口径适用范围:可满足生产节拍每小时10—30辆,单台加油量小于50升(可调),适用油品为各号液压油,双曲线油,等油品的运动粘度小于16.3mm^2/s,粘度等级小于40#的各种油品加注产品特点:结构紧凑、操作简单、运行平稳、噪声小、加油准,更改予置方便产品主要技术参数:1使用电源:380V50HZ ,施耐德电器元件2三菱PLC ,可根据用户选定3泵的型号:KCB18.3两台4电机功率:1.5kw 5注油量:0-15L/min 6予置方式:液晶屏7四档位控制8油枪形式:防滴漏9油箱容积:200L10美国GPI 流量计计量精度±1%11注油机尺寸:600mm×800mm×1750mm产品编号:BKJZ-RB 型备注:需要用户提供相关的技术参数:4、生产节拍;5、润滑油的型号6、加注口径适用范围:可满足生产节拍每小时20—45辆,单台加油量小于15升(可调),适用油品为齿轮油,前后桥油,发动机机油,等油品的运动粘度小于500mm^2/s,粘度等级小于460#产品特点:结构紧凑、操作简单、运行平稳、噪声小、加油准,更改予置方便产品主要技术参数:1使用电源:380V50HZ,施耐德电器元件2三菱PLC ,可根据用户选定3泵的型号:KCB18.3两台4电机功率:1.5kw 5注油量:0-15L/min 6予置方式:液晶屏7四档位控制8油枪形式:防滴漏9油箱容积:200L10GPI 流量计计量精度±1%11注油机尺寸:600mm×800mm×1750mm 12电流平衡加热器3kw,控制温度30-100℃产品编号:RC型气动黄油加注机,用于加注20kg 的标准桶,可选配定量加注枪本机特点1:气源压力:4—8bar输油比率:55:1瑞典亚力安气动柱塞泵,亚德克气控阀输油管:3m输出油量:500g-900g/min 罐体容量:20Kg ,180kg 适用油品:0-3#油外形尺寸:300x800mm选配定量加油枪加注精度±5%备注:需要用户提供相关的技术参数:7、生产节拍;8、油的型号9、加注口径本机特点2:气源压力:4—8bar输油比率:55:1瑞典亚力安气动柱塞泵,亚德克气控阀输油管:3m输出油量:500g-900g/min 罐体容量:20Kg ,180kg 适用油品:0-3#油外形尺寸:500x1200mm选配GPI 黄油专用流量计,三菱PLC,施耐德电器元件,计量精度±1%制动液加注机制动液加注机适应了现代化汽车大生产的需要,能够满足每班120台的加注节拍,应用德国先进的真空泵、真空传感器、plc 技术对汽车的制动系统进行实时监控真空度,产品具有加注速度快、加注效果好、降低工人劳动强度、自动化程度高等优点。

CommScope Z-CZ系列432光纤双向线缆产品说明书

CommScope Z-CZ系列432光纤双向线缆产品说明书

Fiber indoor/outdoor cable, Interlocking Armored, LSZH Riser-Rated, Gel-Free, Central Tube Rollable Ribbon, 432 fiber, Singlemode G.657.A2/B2,Feet jacket marking, Black jacket color, B2ca flame ratingProduct ClassificationRegional Availability Asia | Australia/New Zealand | EMEA | Latin America | NorthAmericaPortfolio CommScope®Product Type Fiber indoor/outdoor cableProduct Series Z-CZGeneral SpecificationsCable Type Ribbon central tubeConstruction Type ArmoredFiber Type, quantity432Fibers per Ribbon, quantity12Inner Jacket Color BlackJacket Color BlackJacket Marking FeetSubunit Type Gel-freeTotal Fiber Count432DimensionsBuffer Tube/Subunit Diameter10.4 mm | 0.409 inDiameter Over Jacket24.3 mm | 0.957 inRepresentative Image13Page ofMechanical SpecificationsMinimum Bend Radius, loaded485 mm | 19.094 inMinimum Bend Radius, unloaded340 mm | 13.386 inTensile Load, long term, maximum800 N | 179.847 lbfTensile Load, short term, maximum2670 N | 600.24 lbfCompression10 N/mm | 57.101 lb/inCompression Test Method FOTP-41 | IEC 60794-1 E3Flex25 cyclesFlex Test Method FOTP-104 | IEC 60794-1 E6Impact 5.15 N-m | 45.581 in lbImpact Test Method FOTP-25 | IEC 60794-1 E4Strain See long and short term tensile loadsStrain Test Method FOTP-33 | IEC 60794-1 E1Twist10 cyclesTwist Test Method FOTP-85 | IEC 60794-1 E7Optical SpecificationsFiber Type G.657.A2/B2 | G.657.A2/B2Environmental SpecificationsInstallation temperature-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)Operating Temperature-40 °C to +70 °C (-40 °F to +158 °F)-40 °C to +70 °C (-40 °F to +158 °F)23Page ofStorage Temperature-40 °C to +70 °C (-40 °F to +158 °F)Cable Qualification Standards ANSI/ICEA S-104-696 | EN 187105 | Telcordia GR-409EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Fire Performance B2caEN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Smoke Rating s1aEN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Droplets Rating d2EN50575 CPR Cable EuroClass Acidity Rating a1Environmental Space Aerial, lashed | Buried | Low Smoke Zero Halogen (LSZH) | Riser Flame Test Listing NEC OFCR-ST1 (ETL) and c(ETL)Flame Test Method CSA FT4 | IEC 60332-1-2 | IEC 60754-2 | IEC 61034-2 | UL1666 | UL 1685Jacket UV Resistance UV stabilizedWater Penentration24 hWater Penentration Test Method FOTP-82 | IEC 60794-1 F5Environmental Test SpecificationsCable Freeze-2 °C | 28.4 °FCable Freeze Test Method FOTP-98 | IEC 60794-1 F15Heat Age-40 °C to +85 °C (-40 °F to +185 °F)Heat Age Test Method IEC 60794-1 F9Low High Bend-20 °C to +60 °C (-4 °F to +140 °F)Low High Bend Test Method FOTP-37 | IEC 60794-1 E11Temperature Cycle-20 °C to +70 °C (-4 °F to +158 °F)Temperature Cycle Test Method FOTP-3 | IEC 60794-1 F1Packaging and WeightsCable weight475 kg/km | 319.185 lb/kftIncluded ProductsCS-8G1-RR-I/O–Enhanced Low Macrobending, Zero Water Peak, Dispersion-Unshifted Singlemode RollableRibbon Fiber (ITU-T G.657.A2, B2)* FootnotesOperating Temperature Specification applicable to non-terminated bulk fiber cable33Page of。

工业尺寸测量技术:卡尔兹伊斯 CONTURA 三维跨轨辅助测量机说明书

工业尺寸测量技术:卡尔兹伊斯 CONTURA 三维跨轨辅助测量机说明书

I n d u s t r i a l M e a s u r i n g T e c h n o l o g y f r o m C a r l Z e i s s CONTURASpecificationsUniversal 3D-CMMwith measuring probe headsEconomicVersatileUser-orientedAccurate•CNC-controlled measuring machines with measuring probe heads •Crossbeam and quill are made of ceramic material which is virtually insensitive to temperature fluctuations, humidity and contamination.•Takes up amazingly little space by integrating the controller into the machine base.•Several sizes for optimal measuring volumeDescriptionCONTURATechnologyApplicationTechnical FeaturesSensor TechnologyControl•For use in your production environment and tool shop, in the receiving department and final inspection.•For large and small parts, whether they are made of metal or plastic.•For production screening or individual workpiece inspection.•For pallet measurement also of different parts in several, unmanned shifts.Zeiss probe DT•Measuring single-point probe system •Adjustable measuring force•Dynamic single-point probing for more probing security•Upgradeable to scanning probe VAST XT under usage of the same styli configurations and probe change rack; assembly on site.A reliable, long-term return on your investment – with CONTURA •Additional CONTURA performance characteristics:-Probe changing magazine (option)Zeiss VAST XT universal probe•VAST: Variable Accuracy and Speed Probing Technology •For scanning multi-point and single point measurements•Just the right one, if statements are required not only on dimension and position but also on form•Just the right one, if function-oriented inspection is required with ring or plug gage•Just the right one, if the probing technology is to be adapted to the mea-suring task - and not vice versa.Software•supports process-oriented production•generates complex measuring runs automatically•makes your processes reliable due to statistics functions and data feedback to your production department And last but not least:•The Zeiss measuring software guides you through your metrology work with user-friendly menu prompting and programming logic.The Zeiss measuring library•links up all areas of product creation: development, design, construc-tion, testing, production, quality control ...•uses the same data base in all areas•provides a solution for any measuring application •is based on modern hardware platforms under MS Windows, Linux and UNIX •operates interactively with CAD•has networking, multi-user and multi-tasking capabilitiesSelect EquipmentWhen conditions become worse or the accuracy has to be better:•Increased accuracy•Extended temperature conditions•Temperature sensor for workpiece, machine temperature sensor2CONTURA PerformanceProbe SystemsProbe systems Zeiss VAST XT universal probe for scanning and single point measurements;Zeiss DT for single point measurements.Full collision protection of mobile part up to v=70 mm/s (2.8 ips)Measuring force during data acquisition: Variable, 50 to 1000 mNStyli weight: Maximum 500 g (17.6 oz.) (incl. adapter plate)Probe length:Maximum 500 mm (19.7 in.)Styli tip diameter: Minimum 1 mm (0.04 in.)Probe changing system Manual change by push-button control at panel (electromagnetic clamping)Optional:CNC change in connection with probe magazineor ProMax active probe magazine (without loss in measuring range)Supply DataPower supply 1/N/PE 100/110/115/120/125/230/240 V (±10%); 50-60 Hz (±3.5%)Max. power consumption: 2000 VAAir supply Supply pressure 6 to 8 bar (87 to 145 psi), pre-filtered,Approx. consumption at 5.0 bar (72 psi) 30 l/min (1.2 cfm),Air quality according to ISO 8573 part 1, classification 4Ambient RequirementsAir humidity40% to 60%Permissible ambient temperature+17°C to +35°C (63 °F to 95 °F)CONTURA CONTURA Select Temperature ranges in which Ambient temperature18 - 22 °C (65 °F - 72 °F)18 - 26 °C (65 °F - 79 °F) the specified maximum permissible Thermal fluctuations per hour 1.0 K/h (1.8 °F/h) 2.0 (3.6 °F/h)errors are guaranteed per day 1.5 K/h (2.7 °F/h) 3.0 K/h (6.0 °F/h)Thermal gradient spacial 1.0 K/m (0.5 °F/ft) 1.0 K/m (0.5 °F/ft)360-22-209/I I I -e P r i n t e d i n G e r m a n y . V I I /2002 N o o S u b j e c t t o t e c h n i c a l m o d i f i c a t i o n a n d t o c h a n g e s i n s c o p e a n d d e s i g n . P r i n t e d o n c h l o r i n e -f r e e p a p e r .© C a r l Z e i s s © C o n c e p t i o n , t e x t a n d d e s i g n b y C a r l Z e i s s .Carl ZeissIndustrial Metrology73446 Oberkochen/Germany Sales:+49 18 03 33 63 36Service:+49 18 03 33 63 37Fax:+49 73 64 20 38 70E-mail:************ Carl ZeissIMT Corporation6250 Sycamore Lane N.E.Minneapolis, MN 55369Phone:+1 763 533-9990Fax:+1 763 533-0219E-Mail:*************Internet:/imtDimensions in mm (in.)CONTURAExplanations to CONTURA accuracy。



AD-4322A称重显示控制器使用手册济南金钟电子衡器股份有限公司版本标识:03目录第一章概述 (1)1.1 特点 (1)1.2主要技术性能指标 (1)1.3功能 (1)1.4结构 (2)1.5 功能特性一览表 (5)第二章注意事项 (7)第三章基本功能 (8)3.1 去皮功能 (8)3.2累计功能 (8)3.3重量检验功能 (9)3.4车辆存贮功能 (10)第四章预置功能 (12)4.1预置点 (12)4.2 功能选择 (15)第五章传感器接线 (23)第六章数字校秤 (25)6.1 称量校准步骤 (25)6.2 线性校准 (25)6.3 重力加速度修正 (26)第七章串行口 (28)第八章选购件 (29)8.1 外部I/O接口OP-02 (29)8.2 RS232接口OP-04 (30)8.3 模拟输出OP-07 (32)8.4 打印机接口OP-08 (33)第九章故障提示及三包规定 (39)第一章概述AD-4322A是在多应用领域,充分实践的基础上,运用高新技术,集各种称重显示控制器优点之精华而设计开发的新一代称重显示控制器(以下简称仪表)。


其特点概括为以下几个方面:1.1 特点本仪表主要特点如下:1)注重恶劣环境的适应性:性能稳定,抗干扰能力强,功耗低,可靠性高;2)注重复杂功能的适用性:不但可实现去皮、累计、存贮、重量检验等基本功能,还设计了新颖的预置功能以提高操作效率;3)注重外部接口的多样性:备有多种适配的选用附件;4)注重安装调试的简便性:采用数字设定和多点数字校准方法。

1.2主要技术性能指标1)最高输入灵敏度:0.6μV/d;2)噪声:±0.3 μV(峰-峰值);3)空秤信号范围:-6 ~30 mV;4)零点温度性能:±(0.2 μV+8×10-6×空秤值)/℃;5)量程温度系数:±8×10-6 /℃;6)非线性:0.01 %F.S.;7)A/D分辨率:1/330,000;8)A/D转换速率:约16次/秒;9)重量显示:7位13mm高真空荧光管显示;10)皮重显示:8位11mm高真空荧光管显示;11)最大重量显示值:99995012)分度数:最大20000;13)分度值:1、2、5、10、20、50;14)小数点位置:5种。

24KS32 Wall Mounted Air Conditioner 技术数据说明书

24KS32 Wall Mounted Air Conditioner 技术数据说明书

SYSTEM INDOOR/OUTDOOR24KS32KS2432/C2432WALL MOUNTED AIR CONDITIONERGENERAL DATA(AT 230V)POWER V/PH/HZ230/208/1/60Circuit Ampacity, Min.(A)30Fuse size, Max.(A)30COMPRESSOR Rotary-HermeticNo. used1R.L. Amps - L.R. Amps(A)9.6 - 66.0Crankcase Heater -OUTDOOR FAN ñ TYPE Propeller Dia. (in.) - No. used18-3/32 - 1Type Drive - No. speeds Direct ñ 3 (AUTO)No. Poles - RPM (High) 6 - 879No. Motors ñ HP 1 - 1/7CFM (High)1,900F.L. Amps. (A)0.9OUTDOOR COIL - TYPE Aluminum Fin & Copper Pipe Fin Type - Pipe Type Slit Plate - Inner Riffled Rows - F.P.I.2 - 14.1Face Area (sq.ft.) 6.63Tube Size (in.)3/8INDOOR FAN - TYPECross - Flow Dia. & Length (in.) - No. used 4-1/3 & 39-1No. speeds3 & Auto No. Poles -RPM (High)4-1,280No. Motors - HP 1 - 1/25CFM (HI/MED/LOW)540/460/380F.L. Amps (A)0.4INDOOR COIL - TYPE Aluminum Fin & Copper Pipe Fin Type - Pipe type Slit Plate - Inner Riffled Rows - F.P.I.2 - 12.7Face Area (sq. ft.) 2.66Tube Size (in.)3/8Drain Connection Size (in.)1-1/4REFRIGERANTR22Lbs. - R22 (O.D. Unit) 5.5Control Capillary Tube ConnectionFlare Line Length, Max (ft.)132Lift difference, Max (ft.)82Line Size - in. O.D. Discharge 1/4Line Size - in. O.D. Suction 3/4DIMENSIONS (in.)H x W x D Indoor Unit -Uncrated14-9/16x 49-7/32x 8-9/32-Crated18-6/32x 52-23/32x 10-11/32Outdoor unit -Uncrated30-15/16x 37x 13- 3/8-Crated 35-17/32x 40x 30WEIGHT INDOOR OUTDOOR Net (lbs.)40.0152.0Shipping (lbs.)51.0168.0Shipping Volume(cu.ft.) 5.812.3SS24KS32-1PERFORMANCE DATA @ ARI STANDARD CONDITIONS (230/208V)Refrigerant Line SetAP2710BH (30 ft)AP2715BH (50 ft)Low Ambient Control N/A Fresh Air IntakeN/ACentral Remote ON-OFF Control Available Airduct ExtensionN/A Indoor Frame Extension N/ACondensate Drain PumpAvailable Non-Removable Remo-con Bracket AvailableOPERATING RANGE CoolingIndoor Air Outdoor Air Intake Temp.Intake Temp.Maximum 95F DB/71F WB 115 F DB Minimum 67F DB/57F W 67 F DBCERTIFICATION24KS32SYSTE M INDOOR/OUTDOOR 24KLS32KS2432/CL2432WALL MOUNTED LOW AMBIENT AIR CONDITIONERGENERAL DATA(AT 230V)POWER V/PH/HZ230/208/1/60Circuit Ampacity, Min.(A)30Fuse size, Max.(A)30COMPRESSOR Rotary-HermeticNo. used1R.L. Amps - L.R. Amps(A)9.6 - 66.0Crankcase Heater 30WOUTDOOR FAN ñ TYPE Propeller Dia. (in.) - No. used18-3/32 - 1Type Drive - No. speeds Direct ñ 3 (AUTO)No. Poles - RPM (High) 6 - 879No. Motors ñ HP 1 - 1/7CFM (High)1,900F.L. Amps. (A)0.9OUTDOOR COIL - TYPE Aluminum Fin & Copper Pipe Fin Type - Pipe Type Slit Plate - Inner Riffled Rows - F.P.I.2 - 14.1Face Area (sq.ft.) 6.63Tube Size (in.)3/8INDOOR FAN - TYPECross - Flow Dia. & Length (in.) - No. used 4-1/3 & 39-1No. speeds3 & Auto No. Poles -RPM (High)4-1,280No. Motors - HP 1 - 1/25CFM (HI/MED/LOW)540/460/380F.L. Amps (A)0.4INDOOR COIL - TYPE Aluminum Fin & Copper Pipe Fin Type - Pipe type Slit Plate - Inner Riffled Rows - F.P.I.2 - 12.7Face Area (sq. ft.) 2.66Tube Size (in.)3/8Drain Connection Size (in.)1-1/4REFRIGERANTR22Lbs. - R22 (O.D. Unit) 5.5Control Capillary Tube ConnectionFlare Line Length, Max (ft.)132Lift difference, Max (ft.)82Line Size - in. O.D. Discharge 1/4Line Size - in. O.D. Suction 3/4DIMENSIONS (in.)H x W x D Indoor Unit -Uncrated14-9/16x 49-7/32x 8-9/32-Crated18-6/32x 52-23/32x 10-11/32Outdoor unit -Uncrated30-15/16x 37x 13- 3/8-Crated 35-17/32x 40x 30WEIGHT INDOOR OUTDOOR Net (lbs.)40.0152.0Shipping (lbs.)51.0168.0Shipping Volume(cu.ft.) 5.812.3SS24KLS32-1PERFORMANCE DATA @ ARI STANDARD CONDITIONS (230/208V)Refrigerant Line SetAP2710BH (30 ft)AP2715BH (50 ft)Low Ambient Control Built-In Fresh Air IntakeN/ACentral Remote ON-OFF Control Available Airduct ExtensionN/A Indoor Frame Extension N/ACondensate Drain PumpAvailable Non-Removable Remo-con Bracket AvailableOPERATING RANGE CoolingIndoor Air Outdoor AirIntake Temp.Intake Temp.Maximum 95F DB/71F WB 115 F DB Minimum 67F DB/57F WB0 F DB CERTIFICATION24KLS32WARRANTYSANYO products are warranted against defects in materials and workmanship for the period below;LABOR PARTSCompressor 30 Days 5 Years Other Components N/A 1 Year Because of a policy of continuous product improvements, SANYO reserves the right to change specifications and design without notice.Full specific warranty rights, conditions, exclusions and obligations are specified in the warranty packed with each products.SANYO FISHER COMPANYA Division of SANYO North America Corporation21605 Plummer St. Chatsworth, CA 91311Phone : (818) 998- 7322Fax : (818) 701- 4160Website: Dimensional DataOutdoor Unit: KS2432Outdoor Unit: C2432, CL2432。


用途 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 责任与保修. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
产品型号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
参数模式 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 选用 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 参数组 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 基本操作 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
tinb07c1-c 2007-11
1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 1.1.3
1.2 1.2.1
1.4 1.4.1 1.4.2 1.4.3
有效性 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 件号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 固件版号 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 型号标签 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
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Preliminary CMOS SDRAM
Disables or enables device operation by masking or enabling all inputs except CLK, CKE and DQM. Masks system clock to freeze operation from the next clock cycle. CKE should be enabled at least one cycle prior to new command. Disables input buffers for power down mode. Row/column addresses are multiplexed on the same pins. Row address : RA 0 ~ RA 10, Column address : CA 0 ~ CA 7 Selects bank to be activated during row address latch time. Selects bank for read/write during column address latch time. Latches row addresses on the positive going edge of the CLK with RAS low. Enables row access & precharge. Latches column addresses on the positive going edge of the CLK with CAS low. Enables column access. Enables write operation and row precharge. Latches data in starting from CAS, WE active. Makes data output Hi-Z, t SHZ after the clock and masks the output. Blocks data input when DQM active. Data inputs/outputs are multiplexed on the same pins. Power and ground for the input buffers and the core logic. Isolated power supply and ground for the output buffers to provide improved noise immunity. This pin is recommended to be left No Connection on the device.
Preliminary CMOS SDRAM
86Pin TSOP (II) (400mil x 875mil) (0.5 mm Pin pitch)
REV. 4 July 1998
Pin CLK CS Name System clock Chip select Input Function Active on the positive going edge to sample all inputs.
I/O Control
Data Input Regielect 512K x 32 Sense AMP 512K x 32 512K x 32 512K x 32 Refresh Counter
Output Buffer
Preliminary CMOS SDRAM
The KM432S2030B is 67,108,864 bits synchronous high data rate Dynamic RAM organized as 4 x 524,288 words by 32 bits, fabricated with SAMSUNG ′s high performance CMOS technology. Synchronous design allows precise cycle control with the use of system clock. I/O transactions are possible on every clock cycle. Range of operating frequencies, programmable burst length and programmable latencies allow the same device to be useful for a variety of high bandwidth, high performance memory system applications.
• • • • •
Part No. KM432S2030BT-G/F8 KM432S2030BT-G/FL KM432S2030BT-G/F10 Max Freq. 125MHz 100MHz 100MHz LVTTL Interface Package 86 TSOP (II)
Note : Permanent device damage may occur if "ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS" are exceeded. Functional operation should be restricted to recommended operating condition. Exposure to higher than recommended voltage for extended periods of time could affect device reliability.
Parameter Voltage on any pin relative to Vss Voltage on V DD supply relative to Vss Storage temperature Power dissipation Short circuit current Symbol VIN, VOUT VDD, VDDQ TSTG PD IOS Value -1.0 ~ 4.6 -1.0 ~ 4.6 -55 ~ +150 1 50 Unit V V °C W mA
Preliminary CMOS SDRAM
REV. 4 July 1998
512K x 32Bit x 4 Banks Synchronous DRAM
• • • • JEDEC standard 3.3V power supply LVTTL compatible with multiplexed address Four banks operation MRS cycle with address key programs -. CAS latency (2 & 3) -. Burst length (1, 2, 4, 8 & Full page) -. Burst type (Sequential & Interleave) All inputs are sampled at the positive going edge of the system clock Burst read single-bit write operation DQM for masking Auto & self refresh 64ms refresh period (4K cycle)
Timing Register
DQM * Samsung Electronics reserves the right to change products or specification without notice.
REV. 4 July 1998
Revision History Revision .2 (May 1998) -. Pin #70 MCH is changed to N.C. Revision .3 (June 1998) - ICC3N & ICC3NS is updated. - The Desciption of MCH on the "Pin Function Description" is deleted and that of NC is added. - Address pin description is changed. (A0 ~ A11 to A0 ~ A10) Revision .4 (July 1998) -.DQ Buffer and IBIS characteristics are eliminated.
Row Decoder
Row Buffer
Address Register
Column Decoder Col. Buffer Latency & Burst Length
Programming Register LWCBR LDQM
Clock enable
Address Bank select address Row address strobe Column address strobe Write enable Data input/output mask Data input/output Power supply/ground Data output power/ground No Connection