AU guidebok
A RESEARCH INTO THE DRAGON LANGUAGE龙语入门【LORE】DRAGON ALPHABET龙语字母表The Dragon Alphabet is the alphabet used for the Dragon Language. Text written in the Dragon Alphabet is found on walls in ancient dungeons and on burial grounds in the form of World Walls. The alphabet consists of 34 symbols: 25 that map directly to letters in the Latin alphabet, and 9 that represent pairs of letters. There is a symbol for every letter in the Latin alphabet except for "C".龙语字母表是龙语所使用的字母表。
The shape of the letters is constrained by their need to be written using three large talons and a vestigial fourth digit called the dewclaw. Thus, all of the character symbols consist of a maximum of three scratches occasionally punctuated with a dot from the dewclaw. 字母的书写通常由三画大的爪痕以及被称为“悬趾”的一点组成。
EB GUIDE Studio 用户手册说明书
EB GUIDE Studio用户手册版本 Automotive GmbHAm Wolfsmantel 46D-91058 ErlangenGERMANYPhone: +49 9131 7701-0Fax: +49 9131 7701-6333Legal noticeConfidential and proprietary information.ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this publication may be copied in any form, by photocopy, microfilm, retrieval system, or by any other means now known or hereafter invented without the prior written permission of Elektrobit Automotive GmbH.ProOSEK®, tresos®, and street director® are registered trademarks of Elektrobit Automotive GmbH.All brand names, trademarks and registered trademarks are property of their rightful owners and are used only for description.Copyright 2017, Elektrobit Automotive GmbH.目录1. 关于本文档 (15)1.1. 目标群体:建模员 (15)1.2. 用户文档的结构 (15)1.3. 印刷和样式约定 (16)1.4. 命名约定 (18)2. 安全并正确使用 (19)2.1. 预期用途 (19)2.2. 可能的误用 (19)3. 支持 (20)4. 简介 EB GUIDE (21)4.1. EB GUIDE product line (21)4.2. EB GUIDE Studio (21)4.2.1. 对 HMI 行为进行建模 (21)4.2.2. 对 HMI 外观进行建模 (22)4.2.3. 处理数据 (22)4.2.4. 模拟 EB GUIDE模型 (22)4.2.5. 导出 EB GUIDE模型 (23)4.3. EB GUIDE TF (23)5. 教程:入门 (24)5.1. 起始 EB GUIDE (24)5.2. 创建项目 (25)5.3. 对 HMI 行为进行建模 (26)5.4. 对 HMI 外观进行建模 (29)5.5. 启动模拟运行 (31)6. 背景信息 (33)6.1. 3D 图形 (33)6.1.1. 受支持的 3D 图形格式 (33)6.1.2. 3D 图形文件的设置 (33)6.1.3. 导入 3D 图形文件 (34)6.2. 动画 (35)6.2.1. 控件动画 (35)6.2.2. 视图转变的动画 (36)6.3. 应用程序和模型之间的应用程序编程接口 (36)6.4. 通信环境 (36)6.5. 图形用户界面元素 (37)6.5.1. 项目中心 (37) 导航区 (37) 内容区域 (37)6.5.2. 项目编辑器 (38) 导航元素 (39) "概要"元素 (40) 工具箱元素 (40) 属性元素 (40) 内容区域 (41) "事件"元素 (42) "数据池"元素 (42) "资产"元素 (43) 命令区 (43) 问题元素 (44)6.5.3. 可对接元素 (44)6.5.4. EB GUIDE Monitor (45)6.6. 数据池 (47)6.6.1. 概念 (47)6.6.2. 数据池项 (47)6.6.3. 窗口化列表 (47)6.7. EB GUIDE 模型和 EB GUIDE项目 (48)6.8. 事件处理 (49)6.8.1. 事件系统 (49)6.8.2. 事件 (49)6.9. 扩展 (49)6.9.1. EB GUIDE Studio 扩展 (49)6.9.2. EB GUIDE GTF 扩展 (50)6.10. 语言 (50)6.10.1. 在EB GUIDE Studio中显示语言 (50)6.10.2. EB GUIDE模型中的语言 (50)6.10.3. 导出和导入语言依赖项文本 (51)6.11. 外观 (51)6.12. 资源管理 (52)6.12.1. 字体 (52)6.12.2. 图像 (52) 9-patch 图像 (53)6.12.3. 3D 图形的网格 (53)6.12.4. .psd文件格式 (54)6.13. 脚本语言 EB GUIDE脚本 (54)6.13.1. 应用程序的功能和区域 (54)6.13.2. 命名空间和识别符 (55)6.13.3. 注释 (55)6.13.4. 类型 (56)6.13.5. 表达式 (56)6.13.6. 常量和引用 (57)6.13.7. 算术和逻辑表达式 (58)6.13.8. 左值和右值 (58)6.13.9. 局部变量 (59)6.13.10. While 循环 (60)6.13.11. If-then-else (60)6.13.12. 外部函数调用 (61)6.13.13. 数据池访问 (62)6.13.14. 控件属性 (63)6.13.15. 列表 (64)6.13.16. 事件 (65)6.13.17. 字符串格式设置 (66)6.13.18. 标准库 (67)6.14. 脚本化的值 (67)6.15. 键盘快捷键、按钮和图标 (69)6.15.1. 键盘快捷键 (69) 命令行快捷键 (70)6.15.2. 按钮 (70)6.15.3. 图标 (71)6.16. 状态机和状态 (72)6.16.1. 状态机 (72) 触觉状态机 (72) 逻辑状态机 (72) 动态状态机 (72)6.16.2. 状态 (73) 组合状态 (73) 视图状态 (74) 初始状态 (74) 结束状态 (75) 选择状态 (76) 历史状态 (77)6.16.3. 转换 (80)6.16.4. 状态机的执行 (83)6.16.5. EB GUIDE 与 UML 标记相比的标记 (87) 受支持的元素 (87) 不受支持的元素 (87) 偏差 (88)6.17. 触摸输入 (88)6.17.1. 非路径动作 (88)6.17.2. 路径动作 (89)6.17.3. 输入处理和操作动作 (89)6.17.4. 多点触摸输入 (89)6.18. 控件 (90)6.18.1. 视图 (90)6.18.2. 控件类别 (91)6.18.3. 控件属性 (92)6.18.4. 控件模板 (93)6.18.5. 控件功能 (94) 焦点控件功能类别 (95) 列表管理控件功能类别 (96)7. 对 HMI 行为进行建模 (97)7.1. 对状态机进行建模 (97)7.1.1. 添加状态机 (97)7.1.2. 添加动态状态机 (97)7.1.3. 为状态机定义进入动作 (98)7.1.4. 为状态机定义退出动作 (98)7.1.5. 删除状态机 (99)7.2. 对状态进行建模 (99)7.2.1. 添加状态 (99)7.2.2. 向组合状态添加状态 (100)7.2.3. 添加选择状态 (101)7.2.4. 为状态定义进入动作 (102)7.2.5. 为状态定义退出动作 (103)7.2.6. 从状态机中删除模型元素 (103)7.3. 通过转换连接状态 (104)7.3.1. 在两种状态之间添加转换 (104)7.3.2. 移动转换 (105)7.3.3. 为转换定义触发器 (106)7.3.4. 向转换添加条件 (107)7.3.5. 向转换添加操作 (108)7.3.6. 向状态添加内部转换 (110)8. 对 HMI 外观进行建模 (111)8.1. 使用控件 (111)8.1.1. 添加视图 (111)8.1.2. 向视图添加基本控件 (112) 添加矩形 (112) 添加椭圆 (112) 编辑椭圆 (112) 添加图像 (113) 添加一个标签 (115) 更改标签的字体 (115) 添加容器 (116) 添加实例化器 (117)8.1.3. 向一个 3D 控件到视图 (119) 向视图添加场景图 (119)8.1.4. 添加.psd文件到视图中 (120)8.1.5. 从视图中删除控件 (120)8.2. 使用控件属性 (121)8.2.1. 确定控件的位置 (121)8.2.2. 调整控件的大小 (122)8.2.3. 控件属性之间的链接 (123)8.2.4. 将控件属性链接到数据池项 (125)8.2.5. 向控件添加用户定义的属性 (127) 添加用户定义的Function (): bool类型的属性 (128)8.2.6. 重命名用户定义的属性 (129)8.3. 按控件功能扩展控件 (130)8.3.1. 添加控件功能 (130)8.3.2. 删除控件功能 (132)8.4. 向 EB GUIDE模型中添加语言 (133)8.4.1. 添加语言 (134)8.4.2. 删除语言 (135)8.5. 使用语言支持 (135)8.5.1. 向 EB GUIDE模型中添加外观 (136)8.5.2. 向数据池项添加外观支持 (136)8.5.3. 外观间转换 (137)8.5.4. 删除外观 (137)8.6. 添加动画 (138)8.6.1. 控件动画 (138)8.6.2. 给视图转变制作动画 (140)8.7. 重复使用控件 (141)8.7.1. 添加模板 (141)8.7.2. 定义模板接口 (142)8.7.3. 使用模板 (143)8.7.4. 删除模板 (143)9. 处理数据 (145)9.1. 添加事件 (145)9.2. 向事件添加参数 (145)9.3. 确定事件位置 (146)9.4. 删除事件 (147)9.5. 添加数据池项 (147)9.6. 编辑列表类型的数据池项 (148)9.7. 将属性转换为脚本化的值 (148)9.8. 建立外部通信 (149)9.9. 数据池项之间的链接 (151)9.10. 删除数据池项 (152)10. 处理项目 (153)10.1. 创建项目 (153)10.2. 打开项目 (154)10.2.1. 从文件资源管理器中打开项目 (154)10.2.2. 在EB GUIDE Studio中打开项目 (154)10.3. 重命名模型元素、数据池项和事件 (155)10.4. 验证和模拟运行 EB GUIDE模型 (156)10.4.1. 验证 EB GUIDE模型 (156) 使用EB GUIDE Studio验证 EB GUIDE模型 (156) 使用命令行验证 EB GUIDE模型 (157)10.4.2. 启动和停止模拟运行 (157)10.5. 使用 EB GUIDE Monitor (157)10.5.1. EB GUIDE Monitor中的触发事件 (158)10.5.2. 使用EB GUIDE Monitor更改数据池项的值 (158)10.5.3. 在EB GUIDE Monitor中启动脚本 (159)10.5.4. 作为独立程序启动 EB GUIDE Monitor (160)10.6. 导出 EB GUIDE模型 (161)10.6.1. 使用EB GUIDE Studio导出 EB GUIDE模型 (161)10.6.2. 使用命令行导出 EB GUIDE模型 (162)10.7. 更改EB GUIDE Studio的显示语言 (162)10.8. 配置文件 (163)10.8.1. 克隆配置文件 (163)10.8.2. 添加库 (164)10.8.3. 配置场景 (165)10.9. 导出和导入语言依赖项文本 (166)10.9.1. 导出语言依赖项文本 (166)10.9.2. 导入语言依赖项文本 (167) 使用EB GUIDE Studio导入语言依赖项文本 (168) 使用命令行导入语言依赖项文本 (168)11. 教程 (170)11.1. 教程:添加动态状态机 (170)11.2. 教程:使用对按钮行为进行建模 EB GUIDE脚本 (178)11.3. 教程:对路径动作进行建模 (184)11.4. 教程:使用动态内容创建列表 (187)11.5. 教程:使椭圆移动经过屏幕 (193)11.6. 教程:向数据池项添加语言依赖项文本 (196)11.7. 教程:使用 3D 图形 (200)12. 参考 (206)12.1. Android 事件 (206)12.2. 数据池项 (207)12.3. 数据类型 (207)12.3.1. 网格 (207)12.3.2. 布尔值 (207)12.3.3. 颜色 (208)12.3.4. 条件脚本 (208)12.3.5. 浮点值 (208)12.3.6. 字体 (209)12.3.7. 图像 (209)12.3.8. 整数 (209)12.3.9. 列表 (210)12.3.10. 字符串 (211)12.4. EB GUIDE脚本 (211)12.4.1. EB GUIDE脚本关键字 (211)12.4.2. EB GUIDE脚本运算符优先顺序 (212)12.4.3. EB GUIDE脚本标准库 (213) EB GUIDE脚本函数 A (213) abs (213) absf (213) acosf (214) animation_before (214) animation_beyond (214) animation_cancel (215) animation_cancel_end (215) animation_cancel_reset (215) animation_pause (215) animation_play (216) animation_reverse (216) animation_running (216) animation_set_time (216) asinf (217) atan2f (217) atan2i (217) atanf (217) EB GUIDE脚本函数 C - H (218) ceil (218) changeDynamicStateMachinePriority (218) character2unicode (218) clearAllDynamicStateMachines (219) color2string (219) cosf (219) deg2rad (220) expf (220) float2string (220) floor (220) focusNext (221) focusPrevious (221) format_float (221) format_int (222) getLineCount (223) getTextHeight (223) getTextLength (223) getTextWidth (224) has_list_window (224) hsba2color (224) EB GUIDE脚本函数 I - R (225) int2float (225) int2string (225) isDynamicStateMachineActive (225) language (226) localtime_day (226) localtime_hour (226) localtime_minute (226) localtime_month (227) localtime_second (227) localtime_weekday (227) localtime_year (227) log10f (228) logf (228) nearbyint (228) popDynamicStateMachine (228) powf (229) pushDynamicStateMachine (229) rad2deg (229) rand (230) shutdown (230) rgba2color (230) round (230) EB GUIDE脚本函数 S - W (231) seed_rand (231) sinf (231) skin (231) sqrtf (232) string2float (232) string2int (232) string2string (233) substring (233) system_time (233) system_time_ms (233) tanf (234) trace_dp (234) trace_string (234) transformToScreenX (234) transformToScreenY (235) transformToWidgetX (235) transformToWidgetY (235) trunc (236) widgetGetChildCount (236)12.5. 事件 (236)12.6. model.json配置文件 (237)12.7. platform.json配置文件 (241)12.8. 场景 (243)12.9. 支持的触摸屏类型 EB GUIDE GTF (244)12.10. 控件 (245)12.10.1. 视图 (245)12.10.2. 基本控件 (246) 容器 (246) 椭圆 (247) 图像 (247) 实例化器 (248) 标签 (248) 矩形 (249)12.10.3. 动画 (249) 动画 (249) 常量曲线 (250) 快速启动曲线 (251) 慢速启动曲线 (251) 二次曲线 (252) 正弦曲线 (252) 脚本曲线 (253) 线性曲线 (253) 线性插值曲线 (254)12.10.4. 3D 控件 (255) 场景图 (255) 场景图节点 (255) 摄像头 (256) 定向光 (256) 材料 (256) 网格 (257) 点光 (257) 聚光 (258)12.11. 控件功能 (258)12.11.1. 公共 (258) 子代可视性选择 (258) 已启用 (259) 已集中 (259) 多行 (259) 已按下 (260) 已选中 (260) 选择群组 (260) 旋转 (261) 文本切断 (262) 已触摸 (262)12.11.2. 效果 (263) 边框 (263) 着色 (263)12.11.3. 焦点 (264) 自动焦点 (264) 用户定义焦点 (265)12.11.4. 操作动作 (266) 滑动操作动作 (266) 按住操作动作 (266) 长按操作动作 (267) 路径动作 (267) 操作动作 ID (268) 二指缩放操作动作 (269) 旋转操作动作 (270)12.11.5. 输入处理 (270) 操作动作 (270) 按下的键 (271) 放开的键 (271) 键状态已变化 (271) Unicode 键 (272) 移入 (272) 移出 (273) 移过 (273) 可移动的 (273) 旋转 (274) 触摸丢失 (274) 触摸移动 (275) 触摸已按下 (275) 触摸已放开 (276) 触摸状态已变化 (276)12.11.6. 布局 (277) 绝对布局 (277) 方框布局 (277) 流式布局 (278) 栅格布局 (279) 布局留白 (279) 列表布局 (279) 缩放模式 (281)12.11.7. 列表管理 (281) 行索引 (281) 列表索引 (282) 模板索引 (282) Viewport (282)12.11.8. 3D (283) 摄像头视见区 (283) 环境纹理 (283) 弥散纹理 (284) 发光纹理 (285) 光地图纹理 (285) 正常贴图纹理 (286) 不透明纹理 (287) 反射纹理 (288) 镜面纹理 (288)12.11.9. 变换 (289) 中枢 (290) 旋转 (290) 缩放 (290) 剪切 (291) 转换 (291)13. 安装 (292)13.1. 背景信息 (292)13.1.1. 限制 (292)13.1.2. 系统要求 (292)13.2. 下载 EB GUIDE (293)13.3. 安装 EB GUIDE (293)13.4. 卸载中 EB GUIDE (294)术语表 (296)索引 (299)1.关于本文档1.1. 目标群体:建模员建模员使用EB GUIDE Studio创建人机接口(HMI)。
Eaton S Embrague Selector PDF说明书
S U P P O R TB AC K ED B YConsulte la Guía de GarantíaRoadranger TCWY0900 para conocer las más recientes ofertas de tiempo y millaje de garantía.Selector de embrague de alto rendimientoKits de instalación de embrague de alto rendimiento de Eaton ®S U P P O R TB AC K ED B YPara obtener ayuda con respecto a las especificaciones o el servicio de mantenimiento y reparaciones, llame al 1-800-826-HELP (4357) o ingrese a /roadranger.En México llame al 001-800-826-4357.Frenos de embrague de alto rendimientoCuando se remueve una transmisión para reemplazar un embrague, ¿por qué no se ha de reemplazar los otros componentes con desgaste relacionados al embrague con un kit de instalación de embrague de Eaton? Tiene todas las piezas e instrucciones que necesita para una vida útil más larga del embrague, cambios más suaves y menos desgaste en su transmisión.ESTRÍADE PIEZA DESCRIPCIÓNNO.1.75" - 10 Límite de torsión 1277402" - 10 Kwik-Konnect 127200 Límite de torsión 127760Kwik-Konnect ®Límite de torsiónAPLICACIÓNINCLUYE NRO. DE EJE DE ENTRADANRO.DE KITSerie RTK-2468 23566Serie RT con cojinete piloto estilo Mack ® K-3599 23566Serie RT – Rendimiento pesado K-3762 23566 (diseñado para aplicaciones de PTO)Serie RT con eje de entrada de 14 estrías K-3768 4304841Serie RT con liberación hidráulica de embrague K-4125 23566Serie RT con eje de entrada de 1.75" K-4264 S-2928Serie FRK-3600 4304633Serie FR con cojinete piloto estilo Mack ® K-3601 4304633Serie FR con diseño original de eje de entrada K-36024302315(4302315)Serie FR con liberación hidráulica de embrague K-4124 4304633Serie FR con eje de entrada de 1.75" K-4263 S-2790Serie FRLO (Iluminación)K-3764 4305624Todos los modelos de UltraShift PLUSK-4145 4308011(3SB)(4SB)(6SB)para disminuir el traqueteo de los engranes en actividadEatonGrupo de vehículos13100 E. Michigan Ave.Galesburg, MI 49053 USA 800-826-HELP (4357)/roadranger © 2019 EatonTodos los derechos reservados. Impreso en Estados Unidos.CLSL1511SP 0719。
WKW.automotive Logistics Guide for Suppliers说明书
PB 8.6.4- 001 (before VA11-02) logistics guide for suppli-ers changed: checked: cleared: Name:Team Emmert Hr. Emmert Hr. Stöber Datum:June 2020 Information printout 22.07.2020WKW.automotiveLogistics Guide for SuppliersVersion 6.0 (Revision date 06/2020)Applicable for:Walter Klein GmbH & Co. KG, Wuppertal and Bad LaaspheWKW Aktiengesellschaft, VelbertErbslöh Aluminium GmbH, Velbert and HemerWKW Roof Rail GmbH, VelbertWKW Engineering GmbH, WuppertalWKW AnodiCoat GmbH & Co. KG, SprockhövelGetek GmbH, VelbertWKW North America, LLC.Erbsloeh Aluminium Solutions, Inc.Table of Contents0. FOREWORD 31. COMMUNICATION 32. TRANSPORT AND DELIVERY PROCESSES 63. PACKAGING REQUIREMENTS 84. SPECIAL ACTIONS 95. LOGISTICS QUALITY 10Note:The Logistics Guide for Suppliers is subject to the revision service. The current version is available at (in the download area).0.ForewordThe Logistics Guide for Suppliers offers support in the design and optimization of the supply chain. The following requirements for our suppliers are basic prerequisites for a long-term mutual cooperation.The Logistics Guide for Suppliers is therefore also an integral part of each contract and, in its entirety, the subject of the contractual relations between the WKW Group and the Suppliers.If our customers have general conditions, obligations or requirements that differ from, or are not included in, the contents of the Logistics Guide for Suppliers, they will be separately agreed with the Supplier.1. CommunicationAll information exchanged between the Supplier and the WKW Group (in writing or verbally) shall be treated as confidential and must not be disclosed to a third party.ReachabilityThe defined contact persons must be reachable at any time on working days during normal business hours. For emergency cases, it must be ensured that a competent contact person can be reached at any time for emergency cases (e.g. by mobile phone number).Deputisation RuleDeputisation arrangements must be in place for all contact persons.Response TimeA short response time within a scope matching the specific situation is expected.Enquiries, particularly those concerning delivery date and quantity enquiries should be an-swered on the same day.An answer within a few hours is necessary in the case of escalation enquiries (potential sup-ply bottleneck).LanguageThe contact persons and their deputies should have a command of the respective national language of our factories, or at least English.Information BehaviorThe Supplier shall immediately communicate delivery deviations of any type to the appropri-ate contact person.Every anticipated supply bottleneck that can cause delivery or quantity impacts must be noti-fied immediately (not later than the following working day) to the responsible scheduler.If the notification of a new delivery call-off or order schedule notifies an immediate require-ment, which can also represent a scheduled outstanding quantity, the Supplier shall immedi-ately (not later than the following working day) agree on the delivery quantity and date with the appropriate contact person.If this does not happen, it can be assumed that the immediate requirement can be fulfilled by the Supplier and will be shipped during the following working days.Objections can only be made within 5 working days of receipt of the delivery call-off or order, in writing to the responsible scheduler. The delivery call-off or order is deemed accepted after this period.Supplier’s Declaration1.) The Supplier is obliged to submit, on request, a written declaration (Supplier’s Declara-tion) on the customs-related origin of the supply items.2.) A change in the origin properties of supply items, for which the Supplier has submitted along-term Supplier’s Declaration, must be notified immediately without request.3.) The Supplier is liable for all disadvantages incurred by WKW Group due to an improper,incorrect or late-submitted Supplier’s Declaration. If necessary, the Supplier must prove his information on the origin of the goods by means of an information sheet confirmed by a customs office.Company Holiday ClosureThe Supplier must ensure deliveries in accordance with the delivery call-off schedule/order during company holiday closure.Credit Note ProcedureThe credit note procedure is the standard payment procedure for the Velbert location.A separate agreement on such will be concluded with the Supplier.Requirement NotificationThe Supplier shall be notified of the requirements by means of(a)Delivery call-offs on the basis of progress numbersThe delivery call-offs contain data that specify the delivery date, quantity and deliv-ery/approval status.Delivery call-offs are to be regarded as being binding, day-exact delivery rules, and in the medium-term and long-term as week-exact /month-exact requirement forecasts. (b)Orders on the basis of fixed quantities and delivery datesOnly written orders / delivery call-offs (sent by fax, EDI, Web EDI (Velbert location), E-mail, mail) are to be regarded as being legally binding.Delivery call-offs will be notified on a rolling basis. They will be regularly updated and gener-ally have a horizon of 6 months. The last delivery call-off is binding and replaces earlier de-livery call-offs.The dates shown in delivery call-offs /orders are the receiving dates at the WKW Group.Acceptance Obligation for Delivery Call-offsAcceptance obligations on the part of the WKW Group (production/material approval) will be notified with the delivery call-off or separately agreed.In the production approval period, the WKW Group bindingly guarantees the Supplier that the entire material/manufacturing cost, up to the level of the already incurred cost for the scheduled quantity will be taken over, even if the scheduled quantity is cancelled.In the material approval period, the WKW Group bindingly guarantees the Supplier that the material cost, up to the level of the already incurred cost for the scheduled quantity will be taken over, even if the scheduled quantity is cancelled.The acceptance obligation does not mean that the Supplier may make a delivery without ob-taining approval in the case of a cancellation or shifting of scheduled quantities.In the case of an acceptance obligation, the Supplier must notify the quantities to be ac-cepted and state the related delivery call-off (date and number)Data MediumEDI (Electronic Data Interchange) is the current standard and is already implemented by many suppliers. The format used for delivery call-offs is VDA 4905. However, the electronic data interchange for advance shipping notices (VDA 4913), invoices (VDA 4906) and credit notes should also be supported.2.Transport and Delivery ProcessesDelivery Terms (Incoterms)In accordance with the Incoterms 2020, the following procedure shall apply for the selection of a carrier:‘carriage paid’ (DAP):The Supplier notifies the WKW Group of the carrier of his choice and states the transport cost. The transport cost and the return of the empties are borne by the Supplier.‘ex works’ (FCA):The WKW Group specifies the carrier.The transport cost is borne by the WKW Group and the return of the empties is borne by the Supplier unless agreed otherwise.Carriage paid is deemed agreed unless agreed otherwise.DeliveryThe delivery documents, i.e.-VDA delivery note (VDA 4994) or VDA goods receipt/issue slip (VDA 4912) in the case of EDI delivery note-VDA shipping order ( (VDA 4922)must be handed over complete at the goods receiving department on delivery. Parts for First Article Inspection must be shown separately on the delivery note.The production of the delivery documents and the loading must be done on the basis of the unloading point.The advance shipping notice by EDI must be sent timely and no later than the shipping of the goods.The Supplier shall ensure that delivery documents are filled out properly. Deliveries without the required information cannot be entered into the system.Labeling of Load CarriersThe VDA 4902 compliant and completely and correctly filled-out transport label must be placed on the load carrier at a well visible place and in a way that prevents it from coming off accidentally.A transport label must be placed on each load unit, each container and every single package within a load unit; not relevant labels must be removed.ChangesParts changes may not be made without written approval. Further details are described in the Quality Management Directive QMR01.First articles must be clearly marked as such with a transport label and delivered separately from series deliveries.Delivery HoursThe delivery hours vary from location to location and must therefore be individually coordi-nated with each factory.Deliveries outside these fixed hours are only permitted in exceptional cases after obtaining approval from the Scheduling and Goods Receiving Departments.Deviations here from require a separate agreement; otherwise the goods will not be unloaded. If extra cost is incurred as a result of late delivery, the Supplier will be invoiced for such cost.Deviation from the RequirementsIf specified packaging or defined procedures are not complied with by the Supplier, this will have an effect on the supplier rating.The Supplier will be invoiced a lump-sum expense charge of $100.00 for each deviation. This charge does not include further claims like sorting, labor, extra warehouse and freight return costs which will be invoiced at cost.DeliveryThe Supplier is fully responsible for the on-time and proper arrival of the goods in the case of carriage paid deliveries. The Supplier shall ensure that the contracted forwarding agent can provide information on the whereabouts of the goods at any time.In the case of "ex works" deliveries, the Supplier is responsible for both the on-time availa-bility of the scope of supply and also for the timely and correct notification to the carrier. The notification must be timely effected so as to ensure delivery of the goods at the specified arrival time.The following carrier is currently specified for the Velbert and Wuppertal location for ex-works deliveries within Germany:Gebr. Taskin Logistics GmbHTel.: 02339 / 9039 120 oder 126**************************The WKW Group reserves the right to invoice extra cost incurred as a result of a non-compliance of this instruction.Over deliveriesThe Supplier must always deliver the scheduled quantity on the respective requirements date in accordance with the delivery call-off/order.If the delivery exceeds the tolerance limits in terms of time or quantity/value, the WKW Group reserves the right to-reject the goods and return them at the Supplier’s expense.-or accept the goods.3.Packaging RequirementsGeneralThe packaging must be planned on a parts-specific basic taking into account logistics, quality assurance, environmental friendliness and cost-effectiveness aspects and will be separately agreed.The following requirements must be fulfilled regardless of the type of packaging used:-Damage-free parts delivery (no quality impairment)-Building of rational load units-Optimum capacity utilization of the containers-Reduction of stuffing material to a minimum-Transport securing devices-Protection against dust and moisture-Low flammability-Problem-free unload ability of the transport vehicles by means of floor conveyors,e.g. fork-lift trucks-Stack ability (at least two layers)-Suitable handling arrangement-Ergonomic and simple parts withdrawal-Recyclable material-Preference to reusable packaging-Identification of the used packaging materials-Containers and packaging may only be used in a clean conditionThe Supplier is always liable for quality deteriorations as a result of defective/poor, wet or soiled packaging. The packer/sender is always liable for the condition of the delivered goods.A use other than the intended use of load carriers owned by the WKW Group or its customers is not permitted.The use of disposable packaging must be avoided.Pursuant to the Packaging Regulation (VerpackV § 4) disposable packaging must be taken back at own cost. The Supplier can be released from this take-back obligation after mutual agreement.All disposable packaging must be clearly and visibly marked with standard symbols and ab-breviations as per DIN 6120 ff or symbols generally accepted by the waste disposal industry.Special Requirements for Use of Wooden MaterialsThe phytohygienic provisions of the IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) must be complied with for international trading with packaging material made of solid wood.Packaging ConditionsIn the case of delivery of containers that are damaged, incorrectly used or loaded contrary to the regulations, the resulting extra work or cost (re-packing, repair, etc.) will be invoiced. The available container stock will be monitored by means of an empties management. The account management will be handled by the factories with regular account reconciliation taking place. If this does not happen, the Supplier will be responsible for subsequent differ-ences. This will result in replacement purchases payable by the Supplier.The scrapping of containers of the WKW Group requires prior approval. Otherwise, the re-placement costs will be borne by the Supplier.4.Special ActionsDefinition of an Escalation PlanA backlog catch-up plan must be produced if delivery difficulties persist for some time. The production of an 8-D Report is also required.Documentation ObligationContinuous quality improvement is a principle at the WKW Group. The compliance with IATF 16949 is a tool for this and a requirement of our customers.The documentation of additional freight costs for extra tours of our suppliers is a requirement within the scope of IATF 16949. This means that the Supplier has to keep record of both he costs of extra tours caused by the Supplier and their causes. The Supplier is obliged to make such documentation available at any time upon request.5. Logistics QualityThe WKW Group always expects a zero-defect strategy, i.e. potentially occurring defects must be systematically analyzed and corrected. The quality management requirements for our sup-pliers are detailed in the QMR01 Directive. This is why only logistics-specific requirements are addressed here.Delivery Service LevelWithin the scope of the zero-defect strategy, the objective of the WKW Group is a 100% de-livery service level. From new suppliers, we expect a minimum delivery service level of 90% and a continuous improvement objective.The delivery service level is calculated on the basis of delivery date and quantity compliance. The basis of calculation of the delivery date and quantity compliance is the last delivery call-off/order sent to the Supplier. If deviations from the quantity and/or delivery date are agreed with the scheduler, they will only have an effect on the delivery service level when a corre-sponding delivery call-off/order is issued to the Supplier.Supplier RatingThe quality of a Supplier’s performance and any change therein is measured with a supplier rating system.The objective is to work out improvements in areas with potential.The supplier rating is done at least once a year and serves as information for strategic talks between the Purchasing Department of the and the Sales Department of the Sup-plier. Details on the supplier rating can be called up at AuditThe aim of the audit is to show improvement potentials and weak spots in the processes of the Supplier. The WKW Group team can consist of employees from the quality assurance, pro-duction, purchasing and/or logistics departments.Which suppliers will be submitted to an audit, will depend on the supplier rating and the supplier’s delivery performance. In general, an audit will be done at all new suppliers.If a WKW Group customer wishes to take part in an audit, such participation can only be re-fused by the Supplier in justified cases.。
10250T contact block assembly•Underwriters Laboratories Listed•For use on a flat surface of Type 1, 2, 3, 3R, 3S ቢ, 4, 4X, 12, and 13 enclosures •IP65ቢ For indicating lights without moveable operations.General1. Drill mounting hole for vertical or horizontalmounting per one of the figures above.2. Ensure sealing gasket is in place on theoperator. Align locating nib of operator with notch in panel and insert operator through mounting hole. Exception: See special instruction publication 20437 for placement of sealing gasket when using 10250T/91000T protective boots.3. Place legend plate and mounting nut overoperator. Tighten mounting nut. If applicable, assemble lenses, mushroom buttons, etc., to operator. Tighten securely (5 ft-lbs) (6.8 Nm).4. Torque terminals to 7 in-lbs (0.8 Nm).For ease of assembly, Eaton recommends the following tools:•10250T/91000TA95 for 10250T/91000T octagonal nuts, E29, and E30 lines•E22CW for 10250T/91000T octagonal nuts,E22, E34, and E30 lines(Optional)T est orEarth/Ground 0.136 (3.5 mm) Diameter Hole or Use 60/75ºC Copper Conductors OnlyVertical MountingHorizontal MountingEaton Corporation Electrical Sector 1111 Superior Ave.Cleveland, OH 44114United States877-ETN-CARE (877-386-2273)© 2011 Eaton Corporation All Rights Reserved Printed in USAPublication No. IL04707001E / Z11206June 2011Eaton is a registered trademark of Eaton Corporation.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Instructional Leafl et IL04707001EEffective June 201110250T contact block assemblyPush–pull operatorsApplication guideTo assist in the selection of contact blocks, the diagram on page 1 shows pictorially by symbols “A ” and “B” locations of contactcircuits after assembly of contact blocks to the operator. T able 1 and T able 2 show the effect of the push and pull operations on either NO or NC contacts.A maximum of two contact blocks may be used with each operator. Maximum torque of stacking screws is 9 in-lbs. Adding more than two blocks may cause this switch to malfunction. Single circuit contact must be mounted under circuit “A ”. Special function contact blocks are not available for use with the three-position push–pull operator.ote: N Buttons and lenses in various colors are ordered and packaged sepa-rately. This pushbutton unit is oiltight when the adapter gasket and button or lens gasket are securely tightened.T able 1. P ush–Pull Operator T ypesOperator TypeContactBlock CircuitOperator Mode and Contact CircuitPulled Intermediate Pushed Circuits A BCircuits A BCircuits A BMomentary push and pull andmomentary pull,maintained push 2NC 1NO X X O O X OO O X Maintained push and pull (Two-positions)1NC 2NC 1NO 2NOX or X X X O or O O O Nointermediate position O or O O O O O X X Momentary push and pull (Three-positions)1NO–1NC O XO OX Oote: N X = contacts closed; O = contacts openT able 2. P ush–Pull Wire Position OperationControlLine DiagramOperatorCircuitsOperator ModeThree-wire,three-position,momentaryMomentary push and pull2NC contactblocksSTARTNormal positionSTOP Two-wire,two-position,maintainedMaintained push and pull1NC contactblocksSTART (Maintained)Nointermediate positionSTOP (Maintained)Three-wire momentary pull,maintained pushMaintained push and maintained ready,momentary pull to start2NC contactblocksSTARTNormal positionSTOP。
路由器N300 WNR2000v4 安装指南说明书
Attendez que votre modem démarre (environ 2 minutes).Si votre modem est équipé d'une batterie de secours, retirez puis réinsérez d'abord la batterie avant de brancher votre modem.Contenu de la boîte :Routeur sans fil N300WNR2000v4Guide d'installationCâble Ethernet sous tension.que le bouton d'alimentation (On/Off) est en position allumée (bouton enfoncé).Vous pouvez également vous connecter en mode sans fil en utilisant les paramètres de sécurité sans fil prédéfinis situés sur l'étiquette du barre d'adresse, ou consultez la section« Dépannage » au verso de ce guide d'installation.Routeur sans fil N300(non fourni)Novembre 2012NETGEAR, le logo NETGEAR et Connect with Innovation sont des marques commerciales et/ou des marquesdéposées de NETGEAR, Inc. et/ou des filiales de NETGEAR aux Etats-Unis et/ou dans d'autres pays. Lesinformations sont sujettes à changement sans préavis. Les autres marques et noms de produits sont desmarques commerciales ou des marques déposées de leurs détenteurs respectifs. © NETGEAR, Inc. Tous droitsréservés.Destiné à une utilisation en intérieur uniquement dans tous les états membres de l'UE, les états de l'AELE et laSuisse.Pour consulter la déclaration de conformité complète pour l'UE rendez-vous sur le site/app/answers/detail/a_id/11621/Identifiez les paramètres de réseau sans fil prédéfinis sur votre routeur et Connexion des périphériques sans fil àvotre routeurChoisissez la méthode manuelle ou la méthode WPS (Wi-Fi Protected Setup) pourajouter des ordinateurs portables et divers périphériques à votre réseau sans fil.Méthode manuelle1. Lancez l'utilitaire qui gère vos connexions sans fil sur le périphérique sans filque vous souhaitez connecter à votre routeur (iPhone, ordinateur portable,ordinateur, console de jeu). Cet utilitaire recherche l'ensemble des réseauxsans fil disponibles.2. Recherchez le nom de réseau sans fil (SSID) NETGEAR prédéfini etsélectionnez-le. Le nom de réseau Wi-Fi (SSID) prédéfini est indiqué surl'étiquette du produit, située en dessous du routeur.Remarque : si vous avez modifié le nom de votre réseau lors du processusd'installation, recherchez ce nouveau nom de réseau.3. Saisissez le mot de passe prédéfini (ou votre mot de passe personnalisé sivous l'avez modifié) et cliquez sur Connect (Connecter).4. Répétez les étapes 1 à 3 pour ajouter des périphériques sans filsupplémentaires.Méthode WPSSi votre périphérique sans fil prend en charge la fonctionnalité WPS (Wi-FiProtected Setup), que NETGEAR appelle la méthode Push 'N' Connect, il voussera peut-être demandé d'appuyer sur un bouton WPS situé sur le routeur au lieude saisir un mot de passe. Le cas échéant :1. Appuyez sur le bouton WPS durouteur.2. Dans un délai de 2 minutes, appuyez sur le bouton WPS situé sur lepériphérique client ou suivez les instructions relatives à la fonctionnalité WPSaccompagnant votre périphérique sans fil pour terminer la procédure WPS.Le périphérique est alors connecté à votre routeur.3. Répétez cette procédure pour ajouter des périphériques sans fil WPSsupplémentaires.Remarque : le WPS ne prend pas en charge la sécurité WEP. Si vous tentezde connecter un client WEP à votre réseau à l'aide de la fonctionnalité WPS,cela ne fonctionnera pas.DépannageLe navigateur ne peut pas afficher la page Web.•Assurez-vous que votre ordinateur est connecté au routeur par l'un des quatreports de réseau local Ethernet ou en mode sans fil.•Assurez-vous que le routeur est sous tension, et que son voyant sans fil estbleu continu.•Fermez puis rouvrez le navigateur afin de vérifier que ce dernier ne conservepas la page précédente en mémoire cache.•Accédez à .•Si l'ordinateur est configuré avec une adresse IP fixe ou statique (ce qui estrare), modifiez ce paramètre afin d'obtenir automatiquement une adresse IPauprès du routeur.Après l'installation de votre périphérique, notez le numéro de série inscrit surl'étiquette de votre produit. Il vous sera nécessaire pour enregistrer votre produit àl'adresse https://. Vous devez enregistrer votre produit avant depouvoir utiliser l'assistance téléphonique de NETGEAR. NETGEAR vousrecommande d'enregistrer votre produit sur le site Web de NETGEAR. Pour obtenirdes mises à jour de produits et accéder au support Web, rendez-vous à l'adresse.Vous pouvez télécharger gratuitement le logiciel de filtrage de sites Internetcentralisé Live Parental Controls pour votre routeur à l'adresse suivante :/lpc.Pour accéder aux fonctionnalités supplémentaires, notamment le compteur detrafic, l'accès invité, etc., connectez-vous à l'adresse suivante :.Vous pouvez obtenir le manuel de l'utilisateur en ligne à l'adresse ou via un lien dans l'interface utilisateur duproduit.NETGEAR vous recommande d'utiliser uniquement les ressources d'assistanceofficielles NETGEAR.Téléchargez l'assistant NETGEAR GeniegratuitementRéglez automatiquement les problèmes deréseau courants et gérez les connexions àvotre réseau domestique en toute simplicité./genie。
guide book的格式
guide book的格式作为旅行者们必备的指南,guide book旨在提供所前往景点相关信息的指南,为旅行者提供更加便捷的旅行。
但对于初次出游者来说,往往对guide book的格式并不了解,下面我将为大家介绍一下guide book的格式。
一.封面封面是guide book的开头,它需要包括所涉及的旅游区域、时间、旅游目的以及cover page。
二.目录目录通常出现在封面之后,指明guide book的组成部分和章节的顺序。
四.地图/交通为了让读者更好的了解景点的位置和交通方式,地图和交通信息是guide book中不可或缺的一部分。
六.景点/活动这部分是guide book最为精髓的一个部分。
七.小贴士最后是为互助旅行者准备的一些小贴士,以便读者更好的适应和利用guide book。
总之,guide book的关键在于信息的详细和实用性,尽量准确地提供所有相关信息,以便游客在旅途中更好地决策和计划。
对于guide book的作者,以上章节都需要得到足够的关注和认真撰写。
Dixon (Asia Pacific) Pty Ltd170 Francis Road Wingfield, SA 5013PO Box 2491 Regency Park, SA 5942AustraliaPhone(08) 8202 6000Fax (08) 8202 6099.auABN 35 075 100 239Through it's divisions and affiliated companies, Dixon is recognised as the premier manufacturer and supplier of hose fittings, pipe, valves, specialty mining products and accessories spanning a wide range of industrial uses. Dixon's reach includes products for food, dairy processing, beverage and brewery, mobile tankers, mining,construction, chemical processing, petroleum, oilfields, refining, nuclear and manufacturing.Dixon pays strict attention to the values that have formed the core of its success for decades: unmatched customer service, quality products, and the core values of responsibility, respect, caring, citizenship, trust and fairness.Shoulde r ed Piping Systems and Couplinged Piping Systems and Coupling Guide 2006Guide 200In today’s world of mining and mineral processing, the process of facility design and engineeringmoves at a rapid pace. Fast track construction is often the rule, not the exception. When it comes to piping,The Minsup™ Shouldered Piping System can help you manage those accelerated schedules whilst meeting or exceeding design standards, savingyou money in the process.The range comprises: shouldered pipe, shouldered valves, 2 and 4 bolt couplings, quick release couplings and the new interlock shouldered couplings.3Room 203Building 3, No. 1000 Xiechun Road Jiading DistrictShanghai PRC 201804Phone +86 021 6089 9980Fax+86 021 6992 2177River Place62 Havelock Road Apt #09-07Singapore 169659Phone +65 6693 5977*****************************.au******************************.auDixon Asia Pacific Private Limited6 Union Circuit Yatala QLD 4207Phone (07) 3807 1415Fax(07) 3807 1843Phone• No loose parts. Captive washer on the nut and the bolt is retained in the housing.• Suitable for pressure or vacuum applications. • Single bolt design.• ‘No Pinch’ housing design assures a positive gasket seal. • High pressure applications. • Patented design.• 3 simple steps to assemble freight costs.Housing: SG Iron - ISO 1083:400-250-15 SGI Lever: SG Iron - ISO 1083:400-250-15 SGI Side Plates: 4” & 6” - ISO 1083:400-250-15 SGI Other sizes are pressed mild steel. Gasket: Buna-N Finish: Zinc Plated- Offset Tee - Flanged Adaptor - Blank end - Setting Piece - Y piece - Concentric Reducers - CrossAlso available in theMinsup TM Shouldered Piping System range:Dimensional Characteristics* Australian pipe sizesMaterials: BS 1387:1985 - Standard specifications for screwed and socketed steel tubes and tubulars and for plain end steel tube suitable for welding and for screwing to BS21 pipe threads.Max Working Pressure: 3500 KPaHot Dip Galvanised: Min. 300g/m 2 coverage conforming to AS/NZS 4792 - Hot dipped galvanised (zinc) coating on ferrous hollow section, applied by a continuous or a specialised process.*Working pressure (capacity) as tested to AWWAC606 requirements for grooved and shouldered joints Safety factor of 3:1 on burst pressure.Material: SG iron to ISO 1083:400-250-15 SGI. Bolts & Nuts: Metric; grade 4.6 to AS1112.Working pressure (capacity) as tested to AWWA C606 requirements. Safety factor of 3:11 23Nominal Bore mm 50 80 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 600OD mm 60.3 88.9 114.3 165.1 219.1 273.1 323.9 355.6 406.4 457.0 508.0 609.6Working Pressure MPa psi 5.2 5.2 5.2 4.0 4.0 1.8 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6 1.6755755755580580260230230230230230230Part #08/048/20/00008/048/20/00208/048/20/00308/048/20/00508/048/20/00608/048/20/00708/048/20/00808/048/20/02008/048/20/02108/048/20/02208/048/20/02308/048/20/024Pipe Size DN Pipe OD (mm) Part # Working PressureMPa PS I 50 80 100 150 20060.3 88.9 114.3 165.1 219.1FKG-502L-65 FKG-502L-88 FKG-502L-114 FKG-502L-165 FKG-502L-2193.5 3.5 3.5 2.5 2.5500 500 500 360 360O . D .Tee (equal)Adaptor ScrewedElbow 45°45°Elbow 90°90°Bolted CouplingQuick Release CouplingInterlock CouplingShouldered Mining PipeFront and Side view of Quick Release CouplingTop and Side view of Bolted CouplingInterlock Coupling and shouldered PipeBSP F x 2” Shouldered 2“ Shouldered x 2” Shouldered BSP F 1” x 2” Shouldered Shoulderd Lever Operated Butterfly Valve Part # 08/048/19/000G 08/048/19/002G 08/048/19/003G 08/048/19/005G 08/048/19/006G2.* Pressure MPa NominalBore mm 50 80 100 150 200OD mm 60.3 88.9 114.3 165.1 219.1Quick Release CouplingsMaterial Specifications Material SpecificationsShouldered Piping Systems AccessoriesMinsup Ball Valve / Butterfly ValvesHousing Material Ductile iron to ISO 1083 Bolts High Tensile Finish Electro Galvanised Safety Factor3:1Specifications Shouldered Gate Valve。
A QUICK-GUIDE FOR CITATION: TURABIANThis quick guide provides selected examples of frequently used citation formats. For additional examples, consult the complete style manual, A Manual for Writers of Term Papers, Theses, and Dissertations, 7th edition, available at the Reference Desk.Turabian format maintains a minimum 1 inch margin on all sides, on all pages. Indentation is 6 to 8 spaces.1. Book, single author (17.1.1):Example of a bibliographic entry:Schuller, Gunther. The Swing Era: The Development of Jazz, 1930-1945 New York: OxfordUniversity Press, 1989.Example of note:1.Gunther Schuller, The Swing Era: The Development of Jazz, 1930-1945 (New York: Oxford University Press, 1989), 89.2. Book, two or more authors (17.1.1):Examples of a bibliographic entry:Giddins, Gary and Scott DeVeaux. Jazz. New York: W.W. Norton, 2009.Burkholder, J. Peter, Donald J. Grout and Claude V. Palisca. A History of Western Music, 8th ed. New York: W. W.Norton, 2010.Example of note:2. Gary Giddins and Scott DeVeaux, Jazz (New York: W.W. Norton, 2009), 445.3. Editor or translator in addition to an author (17.1.1):Example of a bibliographic entry:Grout, Donald J. A History of Western Music, Edited by Peter J. Burkholder and Claude V. Palisca. 8th ed. New York: W.W. Norton, 2009.Editor or translator in addition to an author (17.1.1) –cont.:Example of note:3. Donald J. Grout, A History of Western Music, 8th ed., ed. Peter J. Burkholder and Claude V. Palisca (New York: W.W. Norton, 2009), 35-53.4. Chapter and other titled parts of a book (17.1.8):Example of a bibliographic entry:Szwed,John. “Vamp.” In So What: The Life of Miles Davis. 1-5. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2002.Example of note:4. John Szwed, “Vamp,” i n So What: The Life of Miles Davis (New York: Simon and Schuster, 2002), 1-5.5. Journal Article (17.2.2):Example of a bibliographic entry:Dorian, Patrick C., “Confessions of a Sideman –or– A View from the Side (and the Back): How Spanish Jazz Producer Jordi Suñol Moved the 18 Musicians of the Phil Woods Big Band Relatively Unscathed in and out of8 European Countries 17 Times, on 20 Planes and 15 Buses, Performing 21 Sets of Music in 23 Days (andNight) –or– How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bus,” Jazz Educators Journal 31, no. 6 (May 1999): 15-56.Example of note:Patrick C. Dorian “Confessions of a Sideman –or– A View from the Side (and the Back): How Spanish Jazz Producer Jordi Suñol Moved the 18 Musicians of the Phil Woods Big Band Relatively Unscathed in and out of 8European Countries 17 Times, on 20 Planes and 15 Buses, Performing 21 Sets of Music in 23 Days (and Night) –or– How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bus,” Jazz Educators Journal 31, no. 6(May 1999): 14-56.6. Journal Article, online (17.2.7):Example of a bibliographic entry:Bohlman, Philip V. "Musicology as a Political Act." Journal of Musicology 11, no. 41 (August 1993): 411- 436./stable/764020 (accessed March 28, 2011).Journal Article, online (17.2.7) –cont.:Example of note:6. Philip V. Bohlman, “Musicology as a Political Act,” Journal of Musicology 11, no. 41 (August 1993): 411- 436, /stable/764020 (accessed March 28, 2011).*ALWAYS include the stable link when referencing an online source. DO NOT copy the link from the address bar and paste that into the citation. If you are using an article database, there will almost always be a link or button to the “persistent”, “stable” or “perma” link.**ALWAYS remove hyperlink.7. Magazine Article, print (17.3):Example of a bibliographic entry:Coss, Bill. "Cecil Taylor’s Struggle f or Existence: Portrait of The Artist as a Coiled Spring." Downbeat, October 26, 1961.Example of a bibliographic entry (online magazine):Coss, Bill. "Cecil Taylor’s Struggle f or Existence: Portrait Of The Artist As A Coiled Spring." Downbeat, October 26, 1961: 30 pars. /default.asp?sect=stories&subsect=story_detail&sid=890 (accessed April 12, 2011).Example of note (online magazine):7.Bill Coss, “Cecil Taylor’s Struggle for Existence: Portrait of the Artist as a Coiled Spring.”Downbeat, October 26, 1961, 30 pars. /default.asp?sect=stories&subsect=story_detail&sid=890 (accessed April 12, 2011).**ALWAYS remove hyperlink8. Newspaper article, print (17.4):* in most cases only cite articles from daily papers in notes –but if possible weave into text See below.…In a Daily Variety article (October 4, 2001) Richard Ginnell mentions some of Coltrane’s more notable contributions to the jazz world.Newspaper article, print (17.4) –cont.:Example of note:8. Richard S. Ginnell, "The John Coltrane Tribute: 75th Anniversary," Daily Variety, October 4, 2001.9. Sound Recording (17.8.4):Example of a bibliographic entry:Coltrane, John. A Love Supreme.Impulse Records 000061002. CD, 1964.Example of note:9. Miles Davis, Kind of Blue, “Freddie Freeloader,”Sony Records 64935 (CD), 1959.10. Encyclopedia Reference (17.5.3):Examples of a bibliographic entry:Encyclopedia Britannica, 15th ed., s.v. “World War I.”The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music. Edited by Bruno Nettl and Ruth M. Stone. New York: Garland, 1998- 2002.Example of note:10.Johannes Tall, "Estonia," in The Garland Encyclopedia of World Music, eds. Bruno Nettl and Ruth M. Stone(New York: Garland, 1998-2002).11. Online Encyclopedia Reference (17.5.3):Examples of a bibliographic entry:Grove Music Online, s.v. "Sibelius, Jean," /index.html?authstatuscode=200 (accessed September 18, 2011).Adams, Stephen. s.v. “Schafer, R. Murray.” Grove Music Online. (accessed November 19, 2007).Online Encyclopedia Reference (17.5.3) –cont.:Example of note:11. Grove Music Online, s.v. “Schafer, R. Murray” (by Stephen Adams), (accessed November 19, 2007).11. Book Review:Example of a bibliographic entry:Midelfort, H.C. Erik. Review of Witchcraft, Magic, and Culture, 1736-1951, by Owen Davies. Journal of Social History 35, no. 1 (Fall 2001) : 210-211.Example of note:12. H.C. Erik Midelfort, review of Witchcraft, Magic, and Culture, 1736-1951, by Owen Davies,Journal of Social History 35, no. 1 (Fall 2001) : 210-211.12. Oral History Interview (17.6.3)*:Example of a bibliographic entry:Adams, Helen. 1974. Interview by Sara McAllister, 8 July. Tape recording. Marshall University Oral History Collection, Huntington, West Virginia.Example of note:13. Helen Adams, interview by Sara McAllister, tape recording, 8 July 1974, Marshall UniversityOral History Collection, Huntington, West Virginia.*This is the basic format for an interview citation, though the citation itself varies with the interview. Please refer to Turabian for more specific details.。
0-Grab Bal说明书
148.5mm``性LH叟罕斗从哲Guide and Caution咽召包否已从罕叫从苞Power supply precautions1. 对吾斗包世芭人冷音针苛QC2.0王七QC3.0 1. Forsmooth usage, we recommend us,ng a大围号人回到人南音过召甘任S\a!L回.QC2.0andQC3.0CigarJack早包含翌书电色Lff从哲1. 早洲3mm,却HSmmOl41斗兄空列OI<,人恬纣音书召苟卫,望早升101尘刊叫叫早召老衬01对陀屯令双合LICI.4. 大尼µ扑早芒丘才菩O冷l召早对吾OflOI甘01世创昔今毁合L回工召罕芒O忙H21召早斗旮舍LI卧-30"COI怂:吾召立迳召土60"C召辛.早包合召否甘-BO"C召辛:2-:::t酉钳吾封否XI Wirelesscharging guidelines1. For phones with case�cases with a thickness of 3mm to 5mm is recommended. For some cases the wireless charging function may be limited.2.3巴皆丕磕音世号古回,生叶呈芒音丘马世皆叫 2. Use the three-way adjustments of the 0-Grab Bal. 否君�I臾引罕�I立(±DI呈芒玉世叫早性合召71Place the smartphone in the center of the 0-Grab弓世斗早因詈斐卒召夸衬空爸呈封啡20%告世Bal cradle. (The right positioning of the phone can 牛双合L(卧.)increasethe chargingefficiencyby20%)3. 早召老衬D仄l钳么引巨芒叫召早2主召召卫吕 3. For smartphones thatdo not support wireless王芒世号习01甘01皆创世牛双芒啡,马召罕芒charging, please note that a 2 seconds wamingtone 啦胆l召早斗召舍L忙I.may occur orthatthe product may have functional 早牡杏袒音01,1钳苟la±DI巨芒abnormality. A bnormal functionality may occur in 叫目纽红南皂±DI巨芒the following cases:叫肖全对包砬匡芒升10伈Smartphones that do not support wireless charging-Smartphones made out of m etal-Smartphone cases made out of m etal4. Please note that in case of high temperatures inthe vehicle, the heat may cause the product tomalfunction. T ake caution in thefollowingcases:-Temperature above 30'C: decrease ofchargingPercentage-Temperature approx. 60-C: interruption ofwireless charging-Temperature approx. B O"C: 0-Grab Bal stopsoperating 0-Grab区Fast Wireless Charger对吾人f号昝丐人1包LI卧.This is your productuser manual..2.::J. 翌皆早邑老召平问召卦君皂l0-Grab Bal wireless charging mounting manual可呈丕召雀丘沮01叶呈罕包老召才大回詈从号对AIIH.The wireless charging mount can be used right away without anyadditional assembly., �r,; 庄三n':,,i,,_玉1. 大t碧舍吾干�I2.:! 翌世号刀悍l塌合LICf.l. Insert/place the 0-Grab Bal holding clip in the air vent of the vehicle.2. 舍吾子才丸cH斗丕告早号昼司舍吾干�I巳甘针对卫召甘LIC十2. Rotate the fastener on the clip to secure the grip in the air vent.3. 升101量昼癸2巴豆工凿岂番从邑苞苍上1l7f咎豆呈ILICf.3. Plug in the cable and the 0-Grab Bal is ready to use纽1亘芒才大1号岂How to mount the smartphone 卢』。
PRODUCT GUI DET H E I N T E R S E C T I O N O FA R T A N D T E C H N O L O GYAt Audeze we remove the boundaries between artist and listener. Our products combine revolu-tionary acoustic engineering and beautiful crafts-manship to provide the finest listening experience.Our headphones’ best-in-class accuracy makes them an irreplaceable tool for those requiring the most transparent audio reproduction available. First discovered by audiophiles, now professional engin-eers and music producers are using our headphones as their new reference.We’re proud to present our product guide that briefly covers some of our technology and specifi-cations. However, no product guide can ever do our products justice. The only way to truly appreciate our headphones is listening to them. To learn more please visit E N G I N E E R I N GImplementing unique designs and patent-ed technologies, Audeze is widely recog-nized as the industry leader, offering planar magnetic headphones with unpar-alleled performance, visual appear-ance, and comfort in all price categories. We accomplish this by pushing the limits of technology, materials science andengineering, always striving for sonic perfection.F L U XO R™M A G N E T I C T E C H N O L O GYWith our new, patent-pending Fluxormagnetic technology introduced in the EL-8, Audeze delivers nearly double the magnetic flux density of the highest-grade neodymium magnetic circuits available. This remarkable achievement results in reduced weight with greater efficiency towork with mobile devices.U N I F O R C E™D I A P H R A G M T E C H N O L O GYThe EL-8’s patent-pending Uniforce diaphragm employs an industry first - variable trace widths in the voice-coil to effectively capture variations in the magnetic field within the magnetic gaps by equalizing the forces of the individual traces, creating a uniform driving force across the entire diaphragm surface. This results in dramatically reduced distortion, higher resolution and improved imaging.FA Z O R™T E C H N O L O GYOur patent-pending Fazor technology, introduced in the LCD Collection, is also integrated into the EL-8. Fazors are special acoustical elements positioned on either side of the magnetic structure. They enhance transparency by affecting the sound waves generated by large planar diaphragms. A few of the benefits include extended frequency response, improved high-frequency extension, and lowered distortion, with better imaging.D E S I G N A N D C O M F O R TOur award-winning headphones are known for their signature sound created by our advanced transducer technologyallied with the finest craftsmanship and hand-selected woods.Employing unique design and advanced transducer technology, our headphones provide total comfort for hours on end.Combining legendary style with the world’s most advanced planar magnetic technology, delivering the ultimate listen-ing experience.H A N D C R A F T E DW O R K M A N S H I PAudeze’s hand-tooled manufactur-ing process combined with advanced materials and technology produces extremely accurate and incredible sounding headphones. The LCD Collection delivers the listener into a new world of music, full of rich detail, low end clarity and overall accuracy.E L-8C O L L E C T I O NThe EL-8s are a remarkable achievement in engineering, comfort and style. Its perfor-mance surpasses anything on the market in its price range. The iconic industrial design is by BMW DesignWorks USA. The EL-8 features all of our technologies includ-ing Fluxor magnetics, Uniforce diaphragms and Fazor elements delivering deep bass, an engaging midrange, and a sweet, detailed top end with no breakup modes. The closed-back model has all the sonic benefits of the open-back model and provides a quiet listening environment, even in noisy areas, to fully enjoy music with virtually no ambient noise. The EL-8 is sensitive enough to be driven directly by portable players and sounds even better with an external amplifier.EL-8OP E NBACKStyleOpen circumaural Transducer typePlanar magnetic Magnetic structureFluxor magnets Magnet typeNeodymium Transducer active diaphragm area34.30 cm 2 (5.32 in 2)Maximum power handling15W (for 200ms)Sound pressure level>130dB with 15W Frequency response10Hz – 50kHz Total harmonic distortion<0.01% through entire frequency range Impedance30 ohms Efficiency102d B /1mW Optimal power requirement 200mW – 4W Weight 460gS P E C I F I C AT I O N S• 1.2m Audeze headphone cable • 3.5mm to 1/4in stereo adapterPA C K A G E I N C L U D E S • Fazor elements • Fluxor magnetic structure • Uniforce diaphragms A U D E Z E T E C H N O L O G YEL-8CL OSE DBACKStyleClosed-back circumaural Transducer typePlanar magnetic Magnetic structureFluxor magnets Magnet typeNeodymium Transducer active diaphragm area34.30 cm 2 (5.32 in 2)Maximum power handling15W (for 200ms)Sound pressure level>130dB with 15W Frequency response10Hz – 50kHz Total harmonic distortion<0.01% through entire frequency range Impedance30 ohms Efficiency100d B /1mW Optimal power requirement 200mW – 4W Weight 480gS P E C I F I C AT I O N S• 1.2m Audeze headphone cable • 3.5mm to 1/4in stereo adapterPA C K A G E I N C L U D E S • Fazor elements • Fluxor magnetic structure • Uniforce diaphragms A U D E Z E T E C H N O L O G YWinnerPOTY StereophileMagazine 2014Best HeadphoneHi-FiWorld 20142014Winner POTY TAS Magazine 2014Winner Writers Choice Headphone Guru Best Headphone What Hi-Fi 2014L C D C O L L E C T I O NThe award-winning LCD Collection, acknowledged by many as the best in the world,defined Audeze as a prestigious manufacturer of ultra-performance headphones. Nocompetitor can match our powerful bass and flat response down to an amazing 20Hz.Each LCD is individually tested and measured and, upon product registration, usersmay request their frequency response chart.StyleOpen circumaural Transducer typePlanar magnetic Magnetic structureProprietary push-pull design Magnet typeNeodymium Transducer active diaphragm area39.8 cm 2 (6.17 in 2)Maximum power handling15W (for 200ms)Sound pressure level>130dB with 15W Frequency response5Hz – 20kHz extended out to 50kHz Total harmonic distortion<1% through entire frequency range Impedance110 ohms Efficiency102d B /1mW Optimal power requirement 1 – 4W S P E C I F I C AT I O N S• 2.5m 1/4in to dual 4-pin mini-XLR cable • 2.5m 4-pin XLR to dual 4-pin mini-XLR cable • 3.5mm to 1/4in stereo adapter • Professional travel case PA C K A G E I N C L U D E S • Fazor elements • Large ultra thin-film diaphragms • Unique magnetic structure A U D E Z E T E C H N O L O G Y • Lambskin or leather-free headband and earpads O P T I O N S Our flagship headphone has been called the best in the world. At the pinnacle of our LCD Collection, the LCD-3 delivers the highest resolution music experience of all our headphones. It’s sound is always musical, spacious, ultra-realistic, with powerful bass, a rich and engaging midrange, and a top end that pulls you into the music. For the best results Audeze recommends pairing the LCD-3 with an external headphone amplifier.StyleClosed-back circumaural Transducer typePlanar magnetic Magnetic structureProprietary push-pull design Magnet typeNeodymium Transducer active diaphragm area39.8 cm 2 (6.17 in 2)Maximum power handling15W (for 200ms)Sound pressure level>130dB with 15W Frequency response5Hz – 20kHz extended out to 50kHz Total harmonic distortion<1% through entire frequency range Impedance20 ohms Efficiency100d B /1mW Optimal power requirement 1 – 4W S P E C I F I C AT I O N S• 2.5m 1/4in to dual 4-pin mini-XLR cable • 2.5m 4-pin XLR to dual 4-pin mini-XLR cable • 3.5mm to 1/4in stereo adapter • Professional travel case PA C K A G E I N C L U D E S • Fazor elements • Large ultra thin-film diaphragms • Unique magnetic structure A U D E Z E T E C H N O L O G Y • Lambskin or leather-free headband and earpadsO P T I O N S The closed-back LCD-XC was created based on our core customers’ feedback. It delivers all the benefits of the LCD-X while isolating the listener and reducing ambient noise for a private listening experience, a significant achievement due to the inherent challenges of enclosing our planar transducers. The LCD-XC is the finest closed-back planar available, sensitive enough to be driven directly by portable players and mobile devices, but an external amplifier produces better sonic results.StyleOpen circumaural Transducer typePlanar magnetic Magnetic structureProprieatary push-pull design Magnet typeNeodymium Transducer active diaphragm area39.8 cm 2 (6.17 in 2)Maximum power handling15W (for 200ms)Sound pressure level>130dB with 15W Frequency response5Hz – 20kHz extended out to 50kHz Total harmonic distortion<1% through entire frequency range Impedance20 ohms Efficiency103d B /1mW Optimal power requirement 1 – 4W S P E C I F I C AT I O N S• 2.5m 1/4in to dual 4-pin mini-XLR cable • 2.5m 4-pin XLR to dual 4-pin mini-XLR cable • 3.5mm to 1/4in stereo adapter • Professional travel case PA C K A G E I N C L U D E S • Fazor elements • Large ultra thin-film diaphragms • Unique magnetic structure A U D E Z E T E C H N O L O G Y • Lambskin or leather-free headband and earpadsO P T I O N S The LCD-X is one of the most efficient headphones on the market and extracts the maximum drive out of low-powered amplifiers and portable devices. It’s also the most neutral of all the LCD Collection explaining its popularity with audio -philes, recording engineers and musicians alike for its clarity and fast, accurate dynamics. With 20 ohms impedance the LCD-X is sensitive enough to be driven directly by a laptop or mobile device, however as with all headphones, an external amplifier improves results.StyleOpen circumaural Transducer typePlanar magnetic Magnetic structureProprieatary push-pull design Magnet typeNeodymium Transducer active diaphragm area39.8 cm 2 (6.17 in 2)Maximum power handling15W (for 200ms)Sound pressure level>130dB with 15W Frequency response5Hz – 20kHz extended out to 50kHz Total harmonic distortion<1% through entire frequency range Impedance70 ohms Efficiency101d B /1mW Optimal power requirement 1 – 4W S P E C I F I C AT I O N S• 2.5m 1/4in to dual 4-pin mini-XLR cable • 3.5mm to 1/4in stereo adapter • Professional travel case PA C K A G E I N C L U D E S • Fazor elements • Large ultra thin-film diaphragms • Unique magnetic structure A U D E Z E T E C H N O L O G Y • Lambskin or leather-free headband and earpads • Caribbean Rosewood or Bamboo composite enclosureO P T I O N S The LCD-2 is the legendary headphone that made Audeze an industry leader. Continuous evolution and the addition of Fazor technology have enhanced its transparency and overall performance. Known for their tight, extended bass response, smooth, inviting midrange, and warm high frequencies, the LCD-2 headphones offer a listening experience that makes believers out of even casual music listeners. For the best performance The LCD-2 requires an external head -phone amplifier.DECK A RD C L A S S -A A M P/DA CTypeSingle-ended class-A SNR106dB A-weighted THD+N0.00045% at 1kHz 2VRMS Frequency response20Hz – 20kHz /-0.03dB at 20Hz Line out impedance 50 ohms S P E C I F I C AT I O N S• AC power cable• USB interface cable PA C K A G E I N C L U D E S LINE OUTSample rate 16 to 32-bit 44.1kHz 48kHz 88.2kHz 96kHz 176.4kHz 192kHz 352.8kHz (384kHz Mac only)Gain Low=0dB Mid=10dB High=20dB AC input AC100V: 90V – 110VAC110V: 100V – 120V (Factory default)AC230V: 210V – 230V Power consumption<19W Dimensions 155mm x 290mm x 50mm System support Windows XP/Vista/7/8/8.1 PC: USB 2 driver required Mac OSX 10.6.4 and above DAC SNR 106dB A-weightedTHD+N 0.00045% at 300 ohms 13mW 1kHzFrequency response 20Hz – 20kHz / -0.03dB at 20HzHeadphone out impedance 3 ohmsOutput power 795mW at 33 ohms465mW at 300 ohms235mW at 600 ohms HEADPHONE OUT A powerhouse of a headphone amplifier combined with a high-performance DAC, the Deckard drives any headphone with power to spare. The DAC has impressive specs and handles 16 to 32-bits and sampling rates from 44.1kHz to 384kHz. There’s a volume control and front-panel switches to choose gain and input so you can also use the Deckard as a great line-level preamp. The sound is exciting and dynamic with beautifully rendered tonal colors that make music come alive.。
神奇化妆师作曲:蓝又时填词:林夕编曲:唐奕聪监制:梁荣骏是为著做得好他给戏子化妆谁是丑角主角一上妆观众不要思索只要望一望亦是为大家好他给这世间化妆无论逼到赌气赶到喘气都粉饰到充满生气就是兴旺生灵如白纸一张想添加色彩不免姿整生命涂脂抹粉会遮盖不必要的阴影补补妆改变个看法受难是另一种美好补补妆改变个说法寂寞是另一种清高补补妆改变个看法混乱是另一种对赌补补妆改变个说法末日是另一种清早是为著睡得好给知觉加厚妆华丽被单里装满的跳蚤不见光也不痛不痕别冲撞是为著活得好位位都要懂得装无论再黑也需要一线光再丑也丑到比较好看别绝了望心情如白纸一张想添加色彩不免姿整表情涂脂抹粉会遮盖不必要的阴影补补妆改变个看法受难是另一种美好补补妆改变个说法寂寞是另一种清高补补妆改变个看法混乱是另一种对赌补补妆改变个说法末日是另一种清早改改妆改变了看法罪行是陌生的友好改改妆改变了说法绝望是梦想的初稿改改妆改变了看法末路是未知的领土改改妆改变了说法活著是未死的枯草单车不要不要假设我知道ba you ba you ga sei wo zi dou一切一切也都是为我而做ya cei ya cei ya dou si wei wo yi zuo为何这么伟大如此感觉不wei he zei mo wei dai yu ci gan guo ba dou不说一句的爱有多好ba sui ya gui dei ai you duo hou只有一次记得实在接触到zi you ya ci gei de si zai ji(pu)cou dou骑着单车的我俩kei za dan ce dei wo lang怀紧贴背的拥抱wai geng ti bui dei yong pou难离难舍想抱紧些茫茫人生好像荒野nan lei nan se sang pao geng se , mang mang reng seng hou cang fang ye 如孩儿能伏於爸爸的肩膊谁要下车yu hai yi neng fu yu ba ba dei jin po , sei you ha ce难离难舍总有一些常情如此不可堆卸nan lei nan se zong you ya se , sang qing yu ci ba ke tui ce任世间再冷酷想起这单车还有幸福可惜reng si gan zai leng hou sang hei zei dan ce huan you hen fou he zei经已给我怎会看不到jin yi ga wo zen wei hen ba dou虽说演你角色实在有难度sui sv yin lei gao se si zai you nan dou从来虚位以待何不给个拥抱cong lai hei wei yi dai he ba ga gou yong pou想我怎去相信这一套sang wo zen hei sang seng ze ya tou多疼惜我却不便让我知道duo tong sei wo kuo ba bin rong wo zi dou怀念单车给你我唯一有过的拥抱wai lin dan ce ga lei wo , wei yi you guo dei yong pou难离难舍想抱紧些茫茫人生好像荒野nan lei nan se sang pao geng se , mang mang reng seng hou cang fang ye 如孩儿能伏於爸爸的肩膊yu hai yi neng fu yu ba ba dei jin po哪怕遥遥长路多斜na pa you you cang lou duo zei你爱我爱多些让我他朝走得坚壮些lei ai wo ai duo zei , rang wo ta zv zao da jin zong ce你介意来爱护又靠谁施舍lei gai yi lai ai wu , you kao sei si se.难离难舍想抱紧些茫茫人生好像荒野nan lei nan se sang pao geng se , mang mang reng seng hou cang fang ye 如孩儿能伏於爸爸的肩膊谁要下车yu hai yi neng fu yu ba ba dei jin po , sei you ha ce难离难舍总有一些常情如此不可推卸nan lei nan se zong you ya se , sang qing yu ci ba ke tui ce任世间怨我坏可知我只得你承受我的狂或野reng si gan yun wo wai he zi wo zi da lei xin sou wo dei kuang wa ye一丝不挂fan sau si noi gau dik nei yat zyun lim分手时内疚的你一转脸wai yat hau bat soeng yau sam mo hin lin为日后不想有甚灱牵连dong ngo gung zok seoi gok tou gou yu lok/ngok naa mo hak yi gwo hou mui tin当我工作睡觉祷告娱乐那么刻意过好每天seoi liu nei gin cung bong liu yau yun gin min谁料你见松绑了又愿见面seoi dong co soeng baai teoi/tyut bei wai yiu zo yau谁当初想摆脱被围绕左右gwo hau seoi yan bei yiu hung yu sai gaai zeon tau过后谁人被遥控於世界尽头lak dou fu kap kwan naan coi zi bin ce sin muk ngau勒到呼吸困难才知变扯线木偶ze gan sin kei sat syut dou dai seoi naa nip zoi sau这根线其实说到底谁拿捏在手bat zeoi bat saan zi dang nei kap ling yat deoi sau kam wok不聚不散只等你给另一对手擒获naa si cing si bat wui yung soeng yu saang loi loeng dou那时青丝不会用上余生来量度daan ngo to zoek keoi hok faat yin yun tou cam zaau dik faai lok/ngok但我拖著躯壳发现沿途寻找的快乐ying hai yu nei gin bok waak si kei sat zoi dang ngo se got仍系於你肩膊或是其实在等我舍割yin hau dyun sin fung zaang wui zik fei tin gwok然后断线风筝会直飞天国ze se nin mong nei gan pou taa ceot yin这些年望你紧抱他出现waan pang ho daam sam zoi wu soeng gau cin还凭何担心再互相纠缠kap ngo zaau go bun leoi zaau dou lau haa nei dik zeoi/zuk yan yaa ho faat zin给我找个伴侣找到留下你的足印也可发展cyun wai nei bui ying bik ngo bou bou hoeng cin全为你背影逼我步步向前yu yaт gan si hin yan zoek sap fong zi lou如一根丝牵引著拾荒之路git zoi hau lung noi han yoeng dak ci yau waan mou结在喉咙内痕痒得似有还无wai nei on sam ngo zoi mei siu zung soeng tou mei tou为你安心我在微笑中想吐未吐zi soeng nei wo bun leoi yiu hou coi waan koeng bing hou只想你和伴侣要好才顽强病好bat zeoi bat saan zi dang nei kap ling yat deoi sau kam wok不聚不散只等你给另一对手擒获yi wai cing si bat wui yung soeng yu saang loi loeng dou以为青丝不会用上余生来量度daan ngo to zoek keoi hok faat yin yun tou cam zaau dik faai lok/ngok但我拖著躯壳发现沿途寻找的快乐ying hai yu nei gin bok waak si kei sat zoi dang ngo se got仍系於你肩膊或是其实在等我舍割yin hau dyun sin fung zaang wui zik fei tin gwok然后断线风筝会直飞天国yat zik baт gok kwan bong ngo dik mei ho kau gan sing nok一直不觉捆绑我的未可扣紧承诺mun tau cing si soeng dou baak liu ying laan dak teoi/tyut lok满头青丝想到白了仍懒得脱落bei nei hin dung si gok zeoi hau seoi yun cin yiu dou tin gwok被你牵动思觉最后谁愿缠绕到天国yin hau si lit keoi hok yuk dyun naan dyun zoi然后撕裂躯壳欲断难断在baт gam s am heoi se got不甘心去舍割naan dou oi bun san ho oi zoi yu cuk bok难道爱本身可爱在於束缚mou noi nei ngo hin gwo sau mut sing saak/sok无奈你我牵过手没绳索人来人往-陈奕迅曲:陈辉阳词:林夕编曲监制:陈辉阳朋pang4 友jau5 已ji5 走zau2刚gong1 升sing1 职zik1 的dik1 你nei5 举geoi2 杯bui1 到dou3 凌ling4 晨san4 还waan4 未mei6 够gau3用jung6 尽zeon6 心sam1 机gei1 拉laai1 我ngo5 手sau2缠cin4 在zoi6 我ngo5 颈geng2 背bui3 后hau6说syut3 你nei5 男naam4 友jau5 有jau5 事si6 忙mong4 是si6 借ze3 口hau2说syut3 到dou3 终zung1 于jyu1 饮jam2 醉zeoi3 酒zau2情cing4 侣leoi5 会wui6 走zau2刚gong1 失sat1 恋lyun5 的dik1 你nei5 哭huk1 干gon1 眼ngaan5 泪leoi6 前cin4 来loi4 自zi6 首sau2寂zik6 寞mok6 因jan1 此ci2 牵hin1 我ngo5 手sau2除ceoi4 下haa6 了liu5 他taa1 手sau2 信seon3 后hau6我ngo5 已ji5 得dak1 到dou3 你nei5 没mut6 有jau5但daan6 你nei5 我ngo5 至zi3 少siu2 往wong5 后hau6成sing4 为wai4 了liu5 蜜mat6 友jau5闭bai3 起hei2 双soeng1 眼ngaan5 你nei5 最zeoi3 挂gwaa3 念nim6 谁seoi4眼ngaan5 睛zing1 张zoeng1 开hoi1 身san1 边bin1 竟ging2 是si6 谁seoi4感gam2 激gik1 车ce1 站zaam6 里lei5尚soeng6 有jau5 月jyut6 台toi4 能nang4 让joeng6 我ngo5 们mun4 满mun5 足zuk1 到dou3 落lok6 泪leoi6拥jung2 不bat1 拥jung2 有jau5 也jaa5 会wui6 记gei3 住zyu6 谁seoi4快faai3 不bat1 快faai3 乐lok6 留lau4 在zoi6 身san1 体tai2 里lei5爱oi3 若joek6 能nang4 够gau3 永wing5 不bat1 失sat1 去heoi3何ho4 以ji5 你nei5 今gam1 天tin1 竟ging2 想soeng2 找zaau2 寻cam4 伴bun6 侣leoi5谁seoi4 也jaa5 会wui6 走zau2刚gong1 相soeng1 恋lyun5 的dik1 你nei5 先sin1 知zi1 我ngo5 们mun4原jyun4 来loi4 未mei6 够gau3借ze3 故gu3 松cung4 开hoi1 我ngo5 的dik1 手sau2藏cong4 在zoi6 贴tip3 纸zi2 相soeng1 背bui3 后hau6我ngo5 这ze2 苦fu2 心sam1 开hoi1 过gwo3 没mut6 有jau5但daan6 试si3 过gwo3 散saan3 心sam1 旅leoi5 游jau4如jyu4 何ho4 答daap3 没mut6 有jau5闭bai3 起hei2 双soeng1 眼ngaan5 我ngo5 最zeoi3 挂gwaa3 念nim6 谁seoi4眼ngaan5 睛zing1 张zoeng1 开hoi1 身san1 边bin1 竟ging2 是si6 谁seoi4感gam2 激gik1 车ce1 站zaam6 里lei5尚soeng6 有jau5 月jyut6 台toi4 曾cang4 让joeng6 我ngo5 们mun4 满mun5 足zuk1 到dou3 落lok6 泪leoi6拥jung2 不bat1 拥jung2 有jau5 也jaa5 会wui6 记gei3 住zyu6 谁seoi4快faai3 不bat1 快faai3 乐lok6 有jau5 天tin1 总zung2 过gwo3 去heoi3爱oi3 若joek6 为wai4 了liu5 永wing5 不bat1 失sat1 去heoi3谁seoi4 勉min5 强koeng4 娱jyu4 乐lok6 过gwo3 谁seoi4爱oi3 若joek6 难naan4 以ji5 放fong3 进zeon3 手sau2 里lei5何ho4 不bat1 将zoeng1 这ze2 双soeng1 手sau2 放fong3 进zeon3 心sam1 里lei5时si4 间gaan1 会wui6 走zau2刚gong1 失sat1 恋lyun5 的dik1 我ngo5 开hoi1 始ci2 与jyu5 旁pong4 人jan4 携kwai4 着zoek6 手sau2但daan6 甚sam6 么maa1 可ho2 以ji5 拥jung2 有jau5缠cin4 在zoi6 那naa5 颈geng2 背bui3 后hau6最zeoi3 美mei5 丽lai6 长coeng4 发faat3 未mei6 留lau4 在zoi6 我ngo5 手sau2我ngo5 也jaa5 开hoi1 心sam1 饮jam2 过gwo3 酒zau2最佳损友朋友我当你一秒朋友朋友哦东内丫谬朋友peng you o duong nei yei miu peng you朋友我当你一世朋友朋友哦东内丫say朋友peng you o duong nei yei sei peng you奇怪过去再不堪回首ki怪过回最笨汉为叟kei guai guo hei zuai be huong wei shou怀缅时时其实还有外敏细细ki色完有ming wai xi xi kei shei wan you朋友你试过将我营救朋友内洗过窘我赢够peng you nei xi guo juang o yin gou朋友你试过把我批斗朋友内洗过把我呸豆peng you nei xi guo ba o pei dou无法再与你交心联手木筏在与内高森铝叟mu fa zuai yu nei gao suong lien shou毕竟难得有个最佳损友本ging难大有过最该损友bei geng nan de you go zui gai xun you从前共你促膝把酒倾通宵都不够从秦共内促色把走king通siu都八够cong qin gong nei zho sei ba zou king tong xiu dou bei gou我有痛快过你有没有我有痛fai过你有木有o you tong fai guo nei you mo you很多东西今生只可给你很多东say 跟森几呵克内hen duo dong sei guon shang ji he kup nei保守至到永久bou守及到稳够bou qun ji dou win gou别人如何明白透笔人鱼和明八头bie ren yu he meng bua tou实实在在踏入过我宇宙色色在在搭热过我宇走sei sei zuai zuai duoa yuo guo o yu zou即使相处到有过裂口集死凶去豆有过里侯jie xi suang qu dou you guo lei ho命运决定了以后再没法聚头命稳kue定留以后在木法最头ming wen kuei ding li yi hou zuoai mo fa ju tou但说过去却那样厚但须过回 kue那样厚dan xue guo hui kuei na yong hou问我有没有men o you mo you确实也没有一直躲避的藉口suei zuai mo you yeu jie dou bei de jie hou非甚麽大仇fei shuong mo dai shou为何旧知己在最后变不到老友wei hou gou ji gei zuai zui hou bin bei dou lou you不知你是我敌友bei ji nei xi o die you已没法望透yi mo fa mong tou被推着走跟着生活流bei tui ju zou gen ju sheng wuo lou来年陌生的是昨日最亲的某某loei nian meo seng de xi zuo yo zui chen de mou mou森say及高东天八机罕有多内彬及六及过米够多siong热听本起都八最够凶呦再起哈奏对剖头层书头但系名稳热敏每过海厚热cei走豆留某过喽后系地域系有过及呀木有机油位及彬六过有队有闷我有木有阔色呀木有丫集躲被滴集厚非森莫待叟为活够资给在最后彬本豆漏油八机你系我敌友以木筏忙透被推着走跟着森喔楼来连默僧滴系昨热最岑滴某某走及改散后过及有贼鱼作豆油ki奏ki最及叟六过自有楼走kue木人凶你养我安雷背着楼引棕起岑铝广分叟有木有阔色呀木有丫集躲被滴集厚非森莫待叟为活够资给在最后彬本豆漏油八机你又有木有挂您借狗友哇借及给走奏凶通透来连默僧滴系昨热最岑滴某某总好於那日我没有没有遇过某某zong hao yu na rei o mo you mo you yu guo mou mou190闷我有木有阔色呀木有丫集躲被滴集厚非森莫待叟为活够资给在最后彬本豆漏油八机你系我敌友以木筏忙透被推着走跟着森喔楼来连默僧滴系昨热最岑滴某某。
专利名称:Guidebook.发明人:江澤 進申请号:JP実願平5-76581申请日:19931228公开号:JP実開平7-40163U公开日:19950718专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:(57)< Abstract > < Objective >Until recently, printing the picture and character in the string and the paper, the cloth and the leather etcIt does and is decorated there was a guidebook which, but following kind of fault ohIt is. As for the string guidebook,the thing or the string which everything has adhered to the manualBeing somethingwhere the adhesive is attached to one end, is convenient, but the other manualIt was not replaced. In addition, present such as paper, cloth and leatherThe time, puts the guidebook to midst of book-reading, the part which quantityIt rises, it falls, because it does, on the other hand with the disturbanceIt was. You could do this device, in order to exclude these faultsIt is the thing. < Constitution >As for configuration of this device, in the upper Tip of small-sized Tanzaku 1 stringBeing something which installs one end of 2, 2 you can be restless string 2 from here, it is denseAlso it is possible. As for this device, while reading the string tide which does not become the disturbanceAdvantage of the ri and advantage of the Tanzaku guidebook which can be inserted in any manualWith becomes one, it is very convenient.申请人:江澤 進地址:神奈川県川崎市宮前区宮前平2丁目5番7号国籍:JP更多信息请下载全文后查看。
专利名称:GUIDE BUSH发明人:KOBAYASHI MASAFUMI 申请号:JP25008489申请日:19890926公开号:JPH03110028A公开日:19910510专利内容由知识产权出版社提供摘要:PURPOSE:To make the guide post to smoothly slide into the guide bush in the environment of raising temperature by using the shape memory material that its inner diameter becomes larger at the upper temperature than the shape memory temperature as the guide bush used on the press device. CONSTITUTION:The guide post 1 passes through the guide bush 2 and the guide bush 2 consists of the shape memory material 3 and the bias ring 4. There is a slight gap 5 between the guide post 1 and the guide bush 2. The shape memory material is set so as to expand to the outer side when the shape is restored. The bias ring 4 is used with the material of large elasticity and is set so as to be not beyond the elastic limit in the range of the shape variation of the shape memory material 3. The shape memory material 3 is smaller than the size of the shape restoration in the normal temperature and is restricted with the bias ring 4. The guide post 1 is a normal metal and the gap 5 becomes small in its thermal expansion, but the shape memory material 3 restores shape and the inner diameter of the guide bush 2 becomes larger and so the guide post 1 is able to slide in the guide bush 2.申请人:SEIKO EPSON CORP更多信息请下载全文后查看。
AU 2014社交媒体喷泉:AutoCAD电气说明书
Project Manager
AutoCAD Palette Customized Right Click Menus
The AutoCAD Electrical Project
Create New Project Dialog Box
Name it Location for files Option to create a new folder Copy another project file’s settings Descriptions: project-wide
Class summary
If you are currently using AutoCAD® to develop controls drawings or if you have AutoCAD® Electrical but you are still primarily using it as vanilla AutoCAD to complete your controls drawings, this is the class for you. Learn key tips and tricks to get you quickly up and running with AutoCAD Electrical, so that you can start utilizing all of its amazing automation! Hot Topics will include template development, support file step up, and user friendly automated commands. This class will be electrifying and have you feeling the spark of love for ACADE!
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You can take the bus
B30 to the DC city, endpoints is Greenbelt Green Line subway station, 40 minutes one-way ,fare $ 6; Or ICC bus 201, to reach the Shady Grove Metro Red Line station, the one-way 1h +, Tickets $ 5
Send Your full name Your AU ID Your preferred roommate’s full name & AU ID To housing@
$3498 per semester
A full complete of furniture
Cable TV
Wired Internet access
Wireless Internet access
Pillow Blanket Towels Alarm Clock Desk lamp Laptop computer television
Grills(烤架) Water beds Microwaves(pr ovided in each kitchen) Coffee makers Hot pot Rice cookers Popcorn poppers
• Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport.( 里根国家机场) • Washington Dulles International Airport.(杜勒斯 国际机场 • Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport.(巴尔的摩-华盛顿马歇尔国际机 场)
The Office of Campus Life found that 95.4% of all residents agreed with the statement, "Do you feel safe oncampus?" Residence halls are locked 24-hours a day and can only be entered using the student‘s specially coded AUID. Students may visit other halls, but only with an escort(陪同). Crime prevention efforts include a 24hour escort service, emergency phones across the campus, and physical defense courses.
We do hope this guide is useful for all your residence needs
First-year Housing Guide
--蔡慧 1812ຫໍສະໝຸດ 801WHAT TO BFING
Traditional double room
$4733 per semester
Traditional triple room
Lock your door. Report suspicious persons or activity to hall staff and not take strangers into the halls First-year students and Washington Semester students living in the residence halls are prohibited from bringing cars to campus. Students wishing to keep a car on campus should visit the Parking and Transportation Services website for the most up-to-date parking policy information.