






B类考试进入河南赛区决赛1人,分数线113分;获国家级二等奖7人,分数线99分;获国家级三等奖12人,分数线93 分;获省级优秀奖21人,分数线84 分。




















附件:1、2007年全国大学生英语竞赛奖励名单2、陕西省第二届大学生化学实验邀请赛奖励名单3、2007“银河杯”中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup中国公开赛奖励名单4、2007全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕西赛区奖励名单5、2007年陕西省大学生篮球联赛奖励名单二○○七年十二月十二日—2—2007年全国大学生英语竞赛学生奖励名单奖励级别获奖人姓名奖励金额(元)二等奖陈光10002007年全国大学生英语竞赛(陕西赛区)学生奖励名单奖励级别获奖人姓名奖励金额(元)一等奖常赟500占小武300 二等奖刘姣300桂砚楠3002007年全国大学生英语竞赛承办院(系)奖励名单承办单位奖励金额(元)外语系1000—3—陕西省第二届大学生化学实验邀请赛奖励名单获奖代表队名单奖励金额(元)/队奖励级别学生指导教师学生指导教师一等奖俞浩杰500元2000元二等奖马英晋史俊、李善建300元1000元陕西省第二届大学生化学实验邀请赛承办院(系)奖承办单位奖励金额(元)化学化工学院1000—4——5—2007“银河杯”中国机器人大赛暨 RoboCup 中国公开赛奖励名单获奖代表队名单奖励金额(元)/队奖励级别学生指导教师学生 指导教师 半自主式MiroSot 实物组(5对5)项目一等奖300010000半自主型MiroSot(3对3) 实物组项目一等奖 3000 10000半自主型MiroSot(5对5)仿真组项目 三等奖邢益祖 刘 真 高 桓 刘 超 陶 莎 陈杜昊 南 轶 刘春鹏 陈民庆 邢文飞 胡沐荣韩家新 马 刚 王潇潇1000 30002007“银河杯”中国机器人大赛暨 RoboCup 中国公开赛承办院(系)奖励名单承办单位 获奖级别 单项奖额(元) 项数 合计金额(元)国家级一等奖 3000 2 6000 计算机学院国家级三等奖1000110002007全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕西赛区奖励名单代表队名单金额(元)/队奖励级别学生指导教师学生指导教师一等奖李瑞亮董俊才山博魏朝颖1000 3000 张伟强刘娜李光辉李富民500 2000二等奖陈民庆田杰李录王忠义500 2000卓涛何晓靓薛方党林立300 1000陈晶王西玲蒋记伟魏朝颖300 1000严勇张斌然王肄辉李美丽300 1000三等奖刘晋宏徐龙虹杨世龙卢学飞300 1000王博刘文婷曹天容李美丽300 1000马英晋赵顺利李曼李富民300 10002007全国大学生数学建模竞赛陕西赛区承办院(系)奖励名单承办单位获奖级别单项奖额(元)项数合计金额(元)省级一等奖1500 1 1500 理学院省级二等奖1000 2 2000省级三等奖500 6 3000—6—附件5:2007年陕西省大学生篮球联赛奖励名单获奖代表队名单奖励金额(元)/队奖励级别学生教练组学生教练组冠军主力:吴泉佟辛俊杰牛勇张盛魏磊杨楚波季燕博王岳鹏替补:姜楠王波王涛吕楠刘博良卫博领队:张婧教练:秦香副教练:张全成工作人员:李寿邦主力:4000替补:180020002007年陕西省大学生篮球联赛承办院(系)奖励名单承办单位奖励金额(元)体育系1000—7—主题词:比赛奖励通知抄送:校领导。






联系人:方老师联系电话:52090233东南大学2012-2013学年本科生各类学科竞赛获奖名单一、2012年国际遗传工程机器设计竞赛(iGEM )国际级二等奖陈牧原61009110 周乐24008107 凌昕彤61009323徐小丹21010122 程鹏24008221 周醒驭04010117高珅11209216 樊雪龙11109125 桂凯02009324国际级三等奖曾胜澜11210203 赵大地11210213 张鹤11109108莫丹11210205 叶叶14410119 徐鸿博43A10239管锐11210207 胡悦11109106 王丽11109104贾正阳11209113 贾昊若61309110 韩笑61309103二、2012第37届ACM国际大学生程序设计竞赛(ACM/ICPC)亚洲区预选赛国际级三等奖田康维09010327 段宇09010129 朱铖恺22011327三、2013美国大学生数学建模竞赛国际级一等奖居晟07310104 刘兵07210104 郑吉卉08010422温韵清71110426 沈凯71110412 钱玉明71110415童舟07110121 刘晓煜07110120 何博伟09010422罗清04010646 潘培龙09010322 夏淑兰09010407黄冰瑒08010404 李睿16010420 王冬贤04010446黄骋61010311 焦德宇61010324 赵懿祺61010308邵陈希61110115 何超16010118 葛颖森08010411王红蕊04010108 刘彻04011641 何粮宇04010119任晨曦61110129 郑嘉男61110116 吕游61010111夏辛08010410 熊健08010423 黄永升08010427凌昕彤61009323 马晓琳61011210 周醒驭04010117孙丁茜07010110 胡赛61310103 杨照辉61310104国际级二等奖陶博07110128 陈子豪04010334 王嘉频04010414段淞耀21010238 陶毅02010110 闫天昊21010240王辉05510101 张旭03010322 盛洁03A10607刘林楠61010120 郭爱文61010112 强勇61010113黄威霖03210722 王迅之04010036 唐博文03010129贺正然04011516 杨普04011532 熊子瑾04011530张莹莹07110133 秦天旸07110104 朱江波07310124张玉坤61110117 汤红健61110112 章敏61110107韩晓青04010107 曹言佳04010102 张来团04010146朱迪08010205 章恒亮16010121 徐乃阳04010118秦恺华04010641 苏阳04010524 刘兆栋04010645沙小仕61010131 崔宇柯04010441 黄尔平61010221王安懿04010602 周景锦04210726 朱统晶11210229崔粟晋22010218 俞熠22010212 殷砚君22010225高天翀04010520 陈嘉文04010519 喻翔昊04010534邸明轩04010542 顾立新04010546 李峰61310113史旭超07010119 陈廷欢06010535 王悦14B10301孙天慧04210706 赵远04210725 郑俊秋21710116于海磊61010317 王伟康61010110 郝志强61010216李晓东09010222 李哲蓉09010203 钱小三09010224阎萧羽07010202 王忠波04010424 吴凯04010445邢月秀04010302 赵立成04010342 张逸驰04010344于泳波21110207 吉星21710135 吕雪冬02010207马一华04211716 白石04211725 姚艳04211707缪瑶07110123 陈天鹏07210105 朱东博07009310张弘韬10110113 李静04010109 叶庆仕08010136桂一鸣06010123 刘静06010404 朱媛媛06010405贾厦雯61010207 邵淇61010202 侯创16010131四、中国机器人大赛暨RoboCup中国公开赛(长沙赛场、合肥赛场、徐州赛场)国家级一等奖刘垚09010309 高海丹08010432 秦昕彤08010417熊健08010423 杨忠忠71110215 郑吉卉08010422李天宇12011115 黄洲荣08009316 施发斌61009325郭骎09009132 刘祥骁08009422 王晨阳08009424五、首届全国大学生金相技能大赛国家级一等奖杨涛12010323国家级二等奖张越12010427国家级三等奖李碧谕12010405六、“安吉杯”第四届全国大学生物流设计大赛国家级二等奖胡亚茜14A10208 魏征14810104 王丽芳21210202 刘湘云02610204 李树冰14810117七、第七届“飞思卡尔”杯全国大学生智能汽车竞赛总决赛国家级一等奖赵行晟08009314 徐乃阳04010118 吴昌盛08009232国家级二等奖温潇61009127 吴展鹏09010221 罗鸿飞08010220国家级优秀奖王霆213092299 王力宇02009210 杨昆04009618夏迎舟08009207 袁云辉61009111八、2012年全国大学生电子设计竞赛模拟电子系统设计专题邀请赛(TI杯)国家级一等奖张添翼04009609 王国鹏04009312 贾子昱04009221刘文04009616 李多08009112 杨彬祺04009140国家级二等奖倪蕤04009510 奚锦程06009139 童华清04009541九、第六届全国大学生结构设计竞赛国家级二等奖朱文辉05210224 周扬05110221 梅俊逸05310122十、2012年(第5届)中国大学生计算机设计大赛国家级二等奖秦艳荣04009303 王有东04009314 许佩佩04009304国家级三等奖张宏波09009225 吴舒扬09009231 陶泽杨09009233国家级优秀奖陈西17110301 吴限22010317 杨阳22010322王馥嵘25010215十一、2013年“北斗杯”全国青少年科技创新大赛国家级二等奖罗怡22010127 皇甫思怡22010107 虞洋22010227国家级优秀奖庞恩亮71110228 戴巍71110134 薛琰71110414徐美娇22010207 刘全22010314 张勇22010219十二、2012年第二届全国大学生物理实验竞赛国家级三等奖张云昊04010040 赵蓉04210708十三、第十八届中国日报社“21世纪杯”全国英语演讲比赛总决赛国家级三等奖解安琪17111115十四、2012年英特尔杯大学生电子设计竞赛嵌入式系统专题邀请赛国家级二等奖朱志青06209527 全泉06209525 奚锦程06009139 国家级三等奖陶于阳04009236 贾子昱04009221 王桂存04009225十五、第二届全国高等学校大学生测绘技能竞赛国家级三等奖胡浩21309107 李军振21309121 汤枭21309117 杨徉21309109十六、第九届中国大学莎士比亚戏剧比赛国家级优秀奖周星艺14511140 吴杨17111210 尹嘉昕17111208 林双双17111212十七、2012年全国竞赛信息安全技术专题邀请赛国家级二等奖朱文远04009313 顾实宜04009529 邱林峥04009546 国家级三等奖朱筱贇04009537 张皓月04009602 谭杭波04009315 王国鹏04009312 蓝骥04009224 王有东04009314十八、第五届全国大学生节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛国家级一等奖左文强12009308 孙畅12009303 钱宬12009406 高龙飞03108618国家级三等奖鲁洁明03109627 桑超03109628 顾阳阳03109621 陈波61109111 花亚伟61109114 李梁栋61009233十九、2012年中国教育机器人大赛国家级特等奖沈仕卿22010323 卞骁炜22010214 石然02011318 史昀珂02011402国家级一等奖李啸行05211217二十、第三届全国大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛国家级二等奖刘金肖02010428 何秋熟02010417 常文02010407二十一、第八届全国大学生交通科技大赛国家级一等奖刘善文21110129 李烨21010128 董长印21010106李方卫21110143 郑云壮21010235 罗鸿飞08010220李宸02010331国家级二等奖汤斗南21009119 王辰71110326 罗天铭21011114张美慧21009104 陈若昀21109202 宋皓雪21210111李轶超21110224 曾琳惠21210108 王剑波21210130叶力豪07210113二十二、第六届“三菱电机自动化杯全国大学生自动化大赛暨自动化系统应用竞赛国家级一等奖史博03009221 黄世芳61109107 陈波61109111王献娉01109207国家级二等奖李昌政03009437 姚洋阳61109102 孙文静03009203陆沈楠61109110二十三、第九届全国周培源大学生力学竞赛国家级特等奖刘吉05110108国家级一等奖唐皓21010231 姚浩21010222 蒋超21010224国家级二等奖魏孝胜05111415 李悠扬02010423省(部、地区)级特等奖于静巍05310101 陈邵05311116 鲁冰05111122吴吉光05110205省(部、地区)级一等奖解虎跃05310111 唐雯珍02010408 郭飞05310132郭易木21011218 岳阳2101120 3卢杨05310107罗跃建03311517 刘廷峻05111502 谢春蓉05310108黄瑞瑞05311103 周力05110301 王渊05110302汤继善02010406 袁宸61110127 何冰冰05111303陶毅02010110 胡修秀05110320 杨森05110118韩磊05111425 张良尘05111611 张诚02010332唐一萌05311118 何长林05110423 颜川奇21010113仇彤21711136 罗斯达21011113 安元旭05311111穆发利05111225 史泽清05110202 宋正华05310117省(部、地区)级二等奖周炜炜05311119 陶佳跃05310124 何雅雯05110326赵柔05111305 蒋苏童05110236 丁智霞05110327李岩峻02010327 蒋灵杰05310123 徐梓栋05111304 程轶康05110305 陈政阳21710102 陈凯05110207 凌必超05310104 王溧宜05111610 李杰21010230 严舒玮05310105 徐红燕05211201 杨轩05311124 曹青青21011207 梅丹兵21610115 周鑫05310118 韩宜丹05311101 方钊21011116 徐浩天05310116 张海平05110115 缪宏伟05111121二十四、2013年全国大学生英语竞赛国家级特等奖方晗婧04011202 黄智深10011322 程茹洁04010242 王宇阳04011345 徐倩怡04012111 戴颖61312104 国家级一等奖宓梦丹14Y11123 刘逸楠17110304 杭蕴南21410129 张宇丰21A12827 秦玉磊43A12324 傅新星04010601 吕旻21110103 王迅之04010036 徐晶61310101 国家级二等奖郑延12010411 吉星霖17110213 王倩43212207 李晓兴04011103 陆书恒61312124 杨博涵06A11109 蒋超21010224 皮晨瑶17110120 陈乐01A10526 陈丽君13411116 赵俐丽07010205 周于浩61313113 薛原21411101 左雯14C11528 王天宜16012307 刘奇10010307 张苑04012306 黄群07110115 宋卉61012202 徐健男09010310 吴巧14C12605 吴姝悦21A12308 仇晓逢71112332 张一楠17111315 张睿14B12509 曾兰淳61312103 张慧21A12601 董夏鑫21A12125 王烁71112330 徐依斓17111304 郑玉冰21710128 吴梓芊43A12110 周禹08012117 国家级三等奖张雯露09011206 冯夏雨61012204 韩鹏16010234 李越04012134 孙园园43212402 张晓赫21110237 夏冬71112234 杨启凡71112331 张博涵01A12125 王颂成19010214 蔡韵雯21A12301 汤静21110116 刘芳硕04011214 王雅倩21A12509 韩旭05712104 于婷17110218 梁爽14B12315 蒋丽怡07310130 张倩21010124 夏萌17110215 林秦怡17111105 吴广臣13210127 邵茜14C12206 李群12010406 庄浩宇61312127 邵韵芸17112113 周杰21010228 陶朦09011201 史航宇61010305 金城05712108 石煜14C12606 张健06211627 李嘉鹏06211613 王聃权19012113 汪政扬04011248 黄心怡71110308 张小梦21310123 王禹欣61012303 陈希云14B10115 邓金凌43A12304 孙小桐17110302 居晟07310104 刘婉莹05511131 李茵71112301 赵楠楠04012304章茵21010203 曹嘉璐17111205 白岚61312101 许卓颐07012209 张波17111209 钱燕03011417 曹屹21010225 王静怡17111313 张翎影04010206 贡怡敏14C12406 姜秀夫04012518 杨杨05111236 李牧原14B12307 黄谢田19012302 牟吉宁04011114 王似佳21110102 张如04011206 刘策04011648 王越14C11526 顾潼71111411 梁将08010311二十五、2012全国大学生数学建模竞赛国家级二等奖崔宇柯04010441 沙小仕61010131 黄尔平61010221 陈琦61010105 张婷婷61010101 季杭为61010215 张莹莹07110133 秦天旸07110104 朱江波07310124 居晟07310104 周鹏程07310121 郑吉卉08010422 王文捷11210109 薛诗静11110114 单洁玲11110110 刘全22010314 徐美娇22010207 刘石劬22011231 王红蕊04010108 刘彻04011641 何粮宇04010119 省(部、地区)级一等奖顾俊逸04010335 陈明16010518 王淑君16010406 李晓东09010222 钱小三09010224 李哲蓉09010203 马徐骏04010226 朱玲燕04010203 祖俊婕04010207 罗清04010646 潘培龙09010322 夏淑兰09010407 省(部、地区)级二等奖任晨曦61110129 吕游61010111 郑嘉男61110116 于泳波21110207 吕雪冬02010207 吉星21710135 段淞耀21010238 闫天昊21010240 冯源08010135 孙天慧04210706 郑俊秋21710116 赵远04210725 黄骋61010311 赵懿祺61010308 焦德宇61010324 高天翀04010520 陈嘉文04010519 韩东洪04010516 郭立勇06010410 朱媛媛06010405 刘静06010404 陈凌蛟61311125 冯士睿61010315 沈治恒61010319 省(部、地区)级三等奖刘晓煜07110120 童舟07110121 刘兵07210104 马一华04211716 姚艳04211707 白石04211725 刘志成04010642 孙望舒11110137 王安懿04010602 毛丁益16010218 江溯帆16010233 李大可16010217 刘浩波08010112 黄健翔08010124 张虹08010301 党一菲09010428 吴程熙09010404 王文佳04011607 刘林楠61010120 郭爱文61010112 强勇61010113 孙丁茜07010110 殷浩楠06010214 万弃寒61010130 刘泽恒06011315 吴东昊03011327 何冰冰05111303 王辉南04010515 冯文华04010408 顾育嘉04010304 于海磊61010317 郝志强61010216 王伟康61010110 叶庆仕08010136 刘奇10010307 张弘韬10110113窦建青61010309 金春蓉61010307 贲有成71110109 李少冉61010220 唐伟佳61010201 周晓慧61010212 高晶04210707 郑超04210729 胡定禹04010241 崔粟晋22010218 俞熠22010212 殷砚君22010225 孙琛16010207 黄晓林16010228 韩鹏16010234 温韵清71110426 沈凯71110412 钱玉明71110415二十六、2012年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲(江苏赛区)大赛省(部、地区)级二等奖解安琪17111115 姜秀夫04012518省(部、地区)级三等奖张先汉07012227二十七、第五届江苏省工科院校先进制造技术创新制作比赛省(部、地区)级一等奖桂凯02009324 杨松松02009330省(部、地区)级二等奖蔡君丞02009323 陈华宇02009325 林元载02009525二十八、2012年江苏省土木工程大学生结构创新竞赛省(部、地区)级一等奖强翰霖05111229 王谆05111334 曹徐阳05111233 省(部、地区)级二等奖夏定风05111330 杨帆05111605 臧芃乔05111606 杜佳贇01A10124 黄坤01110118 周雅05A10225 张凡05110532 李瑞琪05110509 宋松涛05110315 潘漾05110137 陈钊05110515二十九、第七届全国信息技术应用水平大赛(江苏赛区)省(部、地区)级二等奖陈佳骐02010117 朱锐04011647 戴巍71110134 张哲22010318 金弘晟06211618 柳雨新22010121 钱澄06211620 庞恩亮71110228 刘天琴22010101 李飒22010302省(部、地区)级三等奖吴张佳妮03110602 朱铖恺22011327 张逸驰04010344 林元载02009525三十、第二届省普通高等学校大学生化学化工实验竞赛省(部、地区)级一等奖赵祥玉19309107 彭静19109104 陈艺新19109203 省(部、地区)级二等奖李立雄19109219 施键水19109210 钱坤19309109三十一、第九届华东地区高校“伟宏钢构杯”结构设计邀请赛省(部、地区)级优秀奖季小泉05110218 於恒05110130 武玉琼05110211三十二、第二届江苏省大学生工程训练综合能力竞赛省(部、地区)级一等奖刘金肖02010428 何秋熟02010417 常文02010407谢许宁02010425 张经辉02010426 罗国海02010422朱智勇02010403 唐雯珍02010408省(部、地区)级三等奖郗浩杰02010226 库后涛02A10623 罗利平02010211三十三、第十八届中国日报社“21世纪·可口可乐杯”全国英语演讲比赛江苏地区决赛省(部、地区)级特等奖解安琪17111115省(部、地区)级一等奖陈抒涵17110317三十四、第三届“浩辰杯”华东区大学生CAD应用技能竞赛省(部、地区)级一等奖陈佳骐02010117 陶毅02010110 徐振东02010405钟天铖02010404 戴嘉熙01111126省(部、地区)级二等奖周啸天02010303 韩承志02010113 王虎02010427省(部、地区)级三等奖朱峰冰02011410 周杰21010228 贾泽华03010516三十五、江苏省高校第九届大学生物理及实验科技作品创新竞赛省(部、地区)级一等奖陈晓61311107 周琪羽22009312 张兆杭19009131谭艺洋22009320 杨晨熙22009322 张俪园22009203省(部、地区)级二等奖林伟坚10009326 徐凯10009321 韩立功61010115林海10009317 季程10009320 汤智超16010607刘瀚16010621 彭冲16010624省(部、地区)级三等奖刘瀚16010621 周晓飞16010519 展东剑16010527张天22010204 张靓22010206 宗伟康22010216虞洋22010227 胡史奇10011307 王鑫14B11401省(部、地区)级优秀奖戴巍71110134 庞恩亮71110228 张骏71109232桂一鸣06010123 徐啸06010132 张骁彬06010130李畅06010431三十六、江苏省第四届大学生机械创新设计大赛省(部、地区)级一等奖艾青02009503 付建新02009326 李晨昊16009326 林元载02009525省(部、地区)级二等奖江铖02008133 韩雪颂14210142 夏本清14610111 张晓波02008130 何泽02008102 胡海桦22008225 韩晔珍22008205 朱碧玉22009309 李松22009319 刘露露22009207省(部、地区)级三等奖陈丹凤22008304 倪得晶22008401 许胜东22009138 刘弘逸22008410 梁佳琪22011210三十七、第七届“飞思卡尔”杯全国大学生智能汽车竞赛华东赛区省(部、地区)级一等奖温潇61009127 吴展鹏09010221 罗鸿飞08010220 赵行晟08009314 徐乃阳04010118 吴昌盛08009232 童华清04009541 陈洋洋04009437 杨彬祺04009140 吴里程06009315 刘玮04209716 阳赛04010326 省(部、地区)级二等奖顾阳阳03109621 夏迎舟08009207 赵安晓04009628三十八、2012年江苏省大学生电子设计竞赛省(部、地区)级一等奖王国鹏04009312 蓝骥04009224 王有东04009314 张晓燕04009137 杨彬祺04009140 苏菲04009203 付宇鹏04010126 李易04010134 刘悦晨09009419 倪蕤04009510 顾馨月04009543 蒋伟04009632 刘文04009616 张添翼04009609 赵安晓04009628 孙天慧04210706 赵蓉04210708 林桂石04210736 徐正港04010132 蔺蓓04010138 周平04010135 宗伟康22010216 刘畅22010213 谢雨蒙22011209 王许莲04009608 颜丽颖04009603 奚锦程06009139 胡赛61310103 葛中鹏61310107 徐晶61310101 陈牧云04009103 李多08009112 刘兆栋04010645 王红蕊04010108 杨照辉61310104 郭谦61010322 吴珏蓉04009106 贾子昱04009221 陶于阳04009236 省(部、地区)级二等奖陈子豪04010334 王嘉频04010414 潘晓青04010205 黄洲荣08009316 黄飞燕08009301 尤卫卫08009205 童华清04009541 陈洋洋04009437 刘玮04209716 张博天04010149 洪旸04010217 金晶04010240 苏畅06010230 翁俊杰06010127 吴凯06010226 孙文昭06209529 徐耘06209513 姚群06209530彭富林06010432 梁振楠06010509 吴丹06010305陈怀昊06010229 顾一帆06010232 封倩倩06010238梁凌轩61009120 张益成61009106 刘灿61009126梅茂奎04009413 王奇04009409 陈诗雨04009436孙觉非22009125 王正俊22009135 唐建22009224黄利敏16010109 高春16010127 张剑楠16010209刘飞非04009526 余士喜04009528 顾实宜04009529孙正04010328 黄舒夏04010306 董启宏04010330沈兵06010117 廖振星06010322 张馨月06010503胡翔16010422 郑嘉琪16010103 王炜波16010417张云昊61010316 谢宏祥61010124 陈琦61010105吉宇06009236 钱煦06009141 徐高伟06009437李峰灯04209715 董云扬04009109 王淑朋04009141三十九、东南大学第一届金相实验技能竞赛(见校机教〔2012〕135号)校级一等奖李碧谕12010405 等 3 人校级二等奖陈瑞兴12010314 等8 人校级三等奖徐全平12009123 等13 人校级优秀奖邵灵芝02010111 等8 人四十、东南大学第十届机械创新设计竞赛(见校机教〔2012〕144号)校级一等奖黄志昊02009217 等 6 人校级二等奖李晓东02009121 等8 人校级三等奖杨奕峰02009531 等12 人校级优秀奖吕树鹏02009524 等10 人四十一、东南大学第五届大学英语研究型课程十佳团队竞赛(见校机教〔2012〕168号)校级一等奖覃若曦14C11209 等 4 人校级二等奖沈晓08011315 等10 人校级三等奖张烁10211114 等31 人校级优秀奖克拉普14C11280 等 4 人四十二、东南大学本科生第六届PLD设计竞赛(见校机教〔2012〕171号)校级一等奖彭富林06010432 等9 人校级二等奖翁俊杰06010127 等18 人校级三等奖顾俊逸04010335 等26 人校级优秀奖王帆22010123 等12 人四十三、东南大学第三届智能信息处理系统软件设计竞赛(见校机教〔2012〕181号)校级特等奖徐乃阳04010118 等 3 人校级二等奖赖少发08010232 等 5 人校级三等奖刘文04009616 等 3 人校级优秀奖韩建军04010243 等11 人四十四、东南大学第九届RoboCup机器人竞赛(见校机教〔2012〕182号)校级一等奖徐奔08010117 等15 人校级二等奖邸明轩04010542 等24 人校级三等奖陈彤09010308 等35 人校级优秀奖吕金其03010419 等72 人四十五、东南大学第三届大学物理课程研究论文竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕31号)校级一等奖韩立功61010115 等 2 人校级二等奖赵梦珍21110112 等 5 人校级三等奖黄映坡04210705 等9 人四十六、东南大学第五届节能减排社会实践与科技创新竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕45号)校级一等奖郭思奇03010112 等9 人校级二等奖金圣03011311 等18 人校级三等奖章广祥03010504 等24 人校级优秀奖王旭冲16010222 等25 人四十七、东南大学第三届创新体验竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕49号)校级特等奖刘申阳09010411 等 4 人校级一等奖岳磊19111114 等56 人校级二等奖毛安琪14511125 等110 人校级三等奖郭少雄16011220 等152 人校级优秀奖鲁鑫05111420 等182 人四十八、东南大学第二届遗传工程机器设计竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕50号)校级一等奖邹昕11A11110 等7 人校级二等奖顾晓卉11A12207 等9 人校级三等奖周雯婷11A11111 等9 人校级优秀奖吴至榛04011451 等 4 人四十九、第五届“中华赞”经典诵读竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕52号)校级一等奖王希05311128 等25 人校级二等奖刘瑞媚03A10202 等47 人校级三等奖聂唱41112106 等56 人校级优秀奖童瑶21210127 等60 人五十、东南大学2013年第十五届电子设计竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕61号)校级一等奖周晓慧61010212 等33 人校级二等奖范栋琛16011210 等48 人校级三等奖周模量04010632 等93 人校级优秀奖黄杰22010334 等81 人五十一、东南大学第七届大学生智能车竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕62号)校级一等奖袁峻08010118 等18 人校级二等奖孙朝03010527 等33 人校级三等奖甘子伦16011223 等48 人校级优秀奖程茹洁04010242 等63 人五十二、2013年东南大学大学生英语竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕75号)校级一等奖周慕菁04210715 等19 人校级二等奖廖南楠21010129 等42 人校级三等奖魏震楠04012127 等86 人五十三、东南大学第十届视觉制导机器人竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕83号)校级一等奖孙朝03010527 等11 人校级二等奖孟义军02A11729 等24 人校级三等奖黄利敏16010109 等34 人校级优秀奖郑如生03011409 等70 人五十四、东南大学第六届IEEE标准电脑鼠走迷宫竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕93号)校级一等奖郭思奇03010112 等12 人校级二等奖李松22009319 等29 人校级三等奖黄鑫08010211 等38 人校级优秀奖倪立航03010210 等55 人五十五、东南大学第三届大学生CAD技术应用竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕94号)校级一等奖贾泽华03010516 等11 人校级二等奖俞斌02010201 等21 人校级三等奖夏天阳05111418 等32 人校级优秀奖姚懿航02010416 等41 人五十六、东南大学第三届医学本科生临床技能竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕95号)校级特等奖周兆明43208421 等 3 人校级一等奖薛明43208101 等 6 人校级二等奖徐仲林43208119 等9 人校级三等奖凌志新43208417 等12 人校级优秀奖夏笑笑43108242 等12 人五十七、东南大学第十二届结构创新竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕102号)校级一等奖王谆05111334 等45 人校级二等奖李舒欣05A12602 等93 人校级三等奖黄家豪05111537 等138 人校级优秀奖马体05111536 等183 人五十八、东南大学第五届英语演讲竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕105号)校级一等奖赵启眉17112210 等 2 人校级二等奖吴杨17111210 等 5 人校级三等奖杨佳丽10110126 等14 人五十九、东南大学第六届嵌入式系统设计竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕117号)校级一等奖郭立勇06010410 等9 人校级二等奖王芳06010138 等18 人校级三等奖张琰04011446 等18 人校级优秀奖邱晔鹏61010223 等13 人六十、东南大学本科生第七届数学建模竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕118号)校级一等奖曹佩哲09011114 等57 人校级二等奖王灿16011110 等87 人校级优秀奖郑先臣07311105 等240 人六十一、东南大学第九届大学生程序设计竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕119号)校级一等奖赵隐达04012626 等 6 人校级二等奖陈星宇71111216 等11 人校级三等奖程耘61012117 等17 人校级优秀奖高子豪71111116 等 4 人六十二、东南大学第九届本科生物理实验研究论文竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕120号) 校级一等奖郑祥杰16011224 等 6 人校级二等奖江平02011409 等17 人校级三等奖林松02A11329 等19 人校级优秀奖宋璇14B12106 等122 人六十三、东南大学本科生2013年高等数学竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕121号)校级一等奖黄子文10012206 等10 人校级二等奖王位极05A12615 等23 人校级三等奖韩彬12012311 等28 人校级优秀奖陈玉辰61012203 等41 人六十四、东南大学第十一届机械创新设计竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕122号)校级一等奖张经辉02010426 等9 人校级二等奖陈佳骐02010117 等9 人校级三等奖琚安建02010414 等16 人校级优秀奖解正康02010318 等17 人六十五、东南大学第五届大学生计算机设计竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕137号)校级一等奖张琰佳03010532 等 3 人校级二等奖惠允22010105 等 6 人校级三等奖薛琰71110414 等7 人校级优秀奖金天翼71110210 等10 人六十六、东南大学第三届交通科技竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕145号)校级一等奖蒋继望21710120 等9 人校级二等奖李方卫21110143 等18 人校级三等奖汤斗南21009119 等27 人校级优秀奖朱展21710230 等33 人六十七、东南大学第四届本科生广告艺术竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕152号)校级一等奖孔笛24010108 等 4 人校级二等奖罗友斌24A10123 等8 人校级三等奖吴怡凡24A11110 等8 人校级优秀奖许文娴24010107 等11 人六十八、东南大学第三届可编程序控制器设计竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕xxx号)校级特等奖袁宸61110127 等 1 人校级一等奖吴苏晨03010406 等 1 人校级二等奖何成洋03010427 等 2 人校级三等奖陈超61110111 等 3 人校级优秀奖冯其旺03010328 等 4 人六十九、东南大学第七届力学竞赛(见校机教〔2013〕xxx号)校级一等奖陈邵05311116 等14 人校级二等奖陶佳跃05310124 等27 人校级三等奖曾强05311130 等42 人校级优秀奖夏定风05111330 等27 人七十、东南大学第一届本科生物流设计竞赛校级一等奖袁伟翔21210124 等 5 人校级二等奖范玉瑶14810111 等 5 人七十一、第一届东南大学医学院本科生科研设计大赛院(系)级一等奖李娜43210212 等30 人院(系)级二等奖舒钊彻43A10127 等62 人七十二、2013年“北斗杯”全国青少年科技创新大赛东南大学选拔赛院(系)级一等奖惠允22010105 等13 人教务处实践教学科二〇一三年十月二十一日。



2010年全国大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)通知各省(自治区、直辖市)大学外语教学研究会、各高校教务处、外语系(部、室):为了配合教育部高等教育教学评估工作, 贯彻教育部关于大学英语教学改革和考试改革精神,促进《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》的落实,全面提高大学生英语综合运用能力,激发广大大学生学习英语的积极性,鼓励大学英语学习成绩优秀的大学生,推动大学英语教学质量上一个新台阶,经教育部有关部门批准,高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和高等学校大学外语教学研究会决定联合举办2010年全国大学生英语竞赛(2010 National English Contest for College Students,简称NECCS)。









2013年全国大学生英语竞赛暨大连理工大学第十一届“求索杯”英语竞赛考场安排考试日期:2013 年 4 月 14 日(星期日) 上午9:00—11:002、参赛学生需按要求携带学生证、身份证、耳机等进入考场;3、8:30考生可以进入考场,9:00后考生不得进入考场,9:00—9:30、10:50—11:00考生不得离开考场;考试结束待监考教师清点试卷完毕发出指令后方可离开考场。

暨大连理工大学第十一届“求索杯”英语竞赛考场安排考试日期:2013 年 4 月 14 日(星期日) 上午9:00—11:002、参赛学生需按要求携带学生证、身份证、耳机等进入考场;3、8:30考生可以进入考场,9:00后考生不得进入考场,9:00—9:30、10:50—11:00考生不得离开考场;考试结束待监考教师清点试卷完毕发出指令后方可离开考场。

暨大连理工大学第十一届“求索杯”英语竞赛考场安排考试日期:2013 年 4 月 14 日(星期日) 上午9:00—11:002、参赛学生需按要求携带学生证、身份证、耳机等进入考场;3、8:30考生可以进入考场,9:00后考生不得进入考场,9:00—9:30、10:50—11:00考生不得离开考场;考试结束待监考教师清点试卷完毕发出指令后方可离开考场。

暨大连理工大学第十一届“求索杯”英语竞赛考场安排考试日期:2013 年 4 月 14 日(星期日) 上午9:00—11:002、参赛学生需按要求携带学生证、身份证、耳机等进入考场;3、8:30考生可以进入考场,9:00后考生不得进入考场,9:00—9:30、10:50—11:00考生不得离开考场;考试结束待监考教师清点试卷完毕发出指令后方可离开考场。

暨大连理工大学第十一届“求索杯”英语竞赛考场安排考试日期:2013 年 4 月 14 日(星期日) 上午9:00—11:002、参赛学生需按要求携带学生证、身份证、耳机等进入考场;3、8:30考生可以进入考场,9:00后考生不得进入考场,9:00—9:30、10:50—11:00考生不得离开考场;考试结束待监考教师清点试卷完毕发出指令后方可离开考场。




其中,A类(研究生)荣获全国一等奖1名,全国二等奖3名,三等奖5名,自治区一等奖3名、二等奖7名、三等奖14名;B类(英语专业本、专科学生)荣获全国特等奖1名、二等奖2名、三等奖4名,自治区一等奖4名、二等奖8名、三等奖9名;C类(非英语专业本科生)荣获全国特等奖2名、一等奖14名、二等奖38名、三等奖75名,自治区一等奖50名、二等奖100名、三等奖200名;D类(体育类和—1 —艺术类本科生和高职高专类学生)荣获全国二等奖1名、三等奖1名,自治区一等奖1名、二等奖2名、三等奖3名。

现将获奖名单公布如下::一、获指导教师奖的名单如下:1、获全国A类一等奖的指导教师为:宋优2、获全国B类特等奖的指导教师为:臧红宝3、获全国C类特等奖的指导教师为:李洪辉4、获全国C类一等奖的指导教师为:魏宏君李寅菲朱海燕陈继清陈彩霞赵红春柴春兰二、国家奖获得者147名A类一等奖(1名):芦碧含(学术201212班)A类二等奖(3名):蒋志远(2011级)帅林遥(产业经济学2012)张晓倩(产业经济学2012)A类三等奖(5名):赵东栋(区域经济学2012)张静(区域经济学2012)杨丽丽(农业经济管理2012)马骏(区域经济学2012)孙晓霞(学术20127班)B类特等奖(1名):陈鑫(英语20104班)B类二等奖(2名):张楠(英语20101班)邹雅(英语20103班)—2 —B类三等奖(4名):赵曼(英语20102班)卞赛赛(英语20101班)李茂淑(英语20101班)庞淇匀(英语20104班)C类特等奖(2名):李雨欣(会计20103班)赵晓雪(财管20102班)C类一等奖(14名):王淑堃(食工20124班) 程亚男(信管20111班) 向文强(临床20124班) 张博文(动科20111班) 叶石成(生科20101班) 文向圆(食工20122班) 赵沛尧(水电20122班) 杨灵(中药20111班) 刘培(电气20123班) 张馨萌(教育20121班)杨松(金融20101班)徐小余(金融20111班)邢攀龙(审计20122班)刘培勤(金融20103班)C类二等奖(38名):王由美(食品20111班)于然(数学20121班)王晓楠(中药20122班)陈佳雷(土木20124班)刘闪闪(临床20124班)马欢(临床20108班)陈磊(资环20121班)王灏(给水20122班)王文雅(汉文20123班)董敏(检验20111班)张树群(农水20122班)杨俊(土木20104班)陈笑笑(农科20121班)帅秋杰(中药20111班)—3 —赵洋阳(临床20114班)张钰(药学20121班)王柯(影像20122班)王超然(学前20121班)葛小伟(计科20101班)司阳涛(计科20112班)郭娟(检验20122班)栾远东(计科20121 苏音(工管20123班)郭慧敏(注会20113班)安旭楠(学前20121班)李霞(土木20113班)冯盏盏(药学20124班)贾昕(园艺20111班)张靓颖(心理20121班)李浩然(食工20122班)刘宇熙(土木20124班)张李璇(人资20112班)祝艳梅(金融20103班)刘爽(审计20102班)吴珊(金融20101班)江潜(金融20112班)黄静(物流20112班)赵建春(金融20112班)C类三等奖(75名):张秉政(预防20111班)张宝(临床20108班)胡少卿(计科20121班)李岑星(历史20121班)徐颖(工业20111班)焦亦旋(工商20122班)陈艳(会计20113班)宋佳颖(食品20113班)唐孟宇(计科20121班)郭亚萍(中药20111班)冀雪姣(临床20127班)付颖(环境20111班)徐丽凡(电气20123班)边顺甬(电气20111班)岳李炜(农科20121班)汪捷(数学20121班)赵凯钰(食质20122班)丁杰英(广电20121班)—4 —陈曼曼(汉文20121班)付惠敏(药学20123班)杨丽芬(应化20122班)程向超(经济20123班)张春燕(会计20113班)张梦宇(食质20121班)蔡清华(计科20122班)尹颜朋(计科20111班)付淑月(药学20122班)李少华(临床20127班)高佳琦(政治20121班)陈枝(临床20102班)赵亚雪(电气20122班)苏鑫(电气20124班)何莹莹(工商20121班)刘绚(汉文20111班)曾宏梅(预防20111班)袁清宸(临床20123班)叶梦姣(电气20094班)刘小维(数学20121班)底慕萍(食工20123班)李哲(俄语20113班)马奉君(汉语20111班)肖琳(中药20111班)刘欢(食品20115班)陈杨梅(食质20122班)戎亚茹(计科20121班)郭清华(临床20107班)王林娜(应化20115班)秦宇(工业20122班)高冰(数学20121班)刘一博(给排20112班)梁雨生(中药20122班)梁家珍(中药20122班)吴诉诉(药学20114班)魏曦(临床20124班)石梓童(影像20121班)田一雄(食品20116班)罗佳兴(食质20121班)姜玉白(临床20126班)王鑫(法学20121班)周强(机制20111班)张娴(生科20123班)张银龙(物理20111班)—5 —罗霞(金融20103班)周惠琳(金融20103班)吴汉龙(金融20113班)吕婷婷(电商2012级)王松鹤(审计20123班)王路云(人资20112班)武丽娟(物流20111班)郭海兰(金融20103班)武雨(金融20111班)吴佩(物流20121班)穆鹏胤(审计20101班)罗珺仁(金融20093班)王海涛(金融20121班)D类二等奖(1名):李常彬(药学2011班)D类三等奖(1名):陈婷(药学2011班)三、自治区奖获得者(401名)A类一等奖(3名):张岗(会计专硕2011)李秋霞(学术201210班)张驰(学术20124班)A类二等奖(7名):赵宇龙(水建20122班)崔匡洲(研2012级)吕健飞(化学工艺2012级)胡成林(企业管理)蒋静(学术20114班)张永生(2012级科硕8班)李建华(学术20125班)A类三等奖(14名):李焕焕(肿瘤2012级)马莉(2012学术11班)韩旭(会计学2012)王玉芹(会计专硕2012)高婷婷(药研2012班)王景欣(2012级)刘娟(2012级科硕8班)李龙(产业经济学2012)—6 —陆道芬(产业经济学2012)苏帆(免疫2012级)周昌健(工业催化2012级)许捷(区域经济学2011)黄艳勤(学术20127班)张爱霞(学术20124班)B类一等奖(4名):李朝红(英语20121班)于海丽(英语20104班)殷褚(英语20111班)刘莉雯(英语20102班)B类二等奖(8名):王莉莉(英语20103班)周原(英语20112班)周高峰(英语20111班)刘肖(英语20101班)杨静(英语20101班)李晓娜(英语20122班)姚长胜(英语20111班)韩星星(英语20102班)B类三等奖(9名):唐湘琴(英语20104班)罗兰(英语20112班)郭海璇(英语20123班)陈露(英语20124班)狄蝶(英语20101班)陶海燕(英语20102班)董玲玲(英语20111班)程子龙(英语20095班)柴尚萍(英语20102班)C类一等奖(50名)李令金(食品20117班)王伯韬(食品20102班)杨素立(农水20111班)陈凯(给水20121班)滕小兵(给水20122班)陈书军(水电20121班)张晓艳(药学20102班)张健(临床20124班)—7 —李琼(临床20124班)张佳惠(临床20126班)刘明棚(检验20122班)于琳娜(影像20121班)余森(临床20108班)刘峰飞(法学20121班)张薇(食质20121班)周美辰(公管20101班)朱小芳(化工20122班)王杉(电气20124班)宁沐蕾(园林20102班)顾会芬(生科20111班)谢敬辉(生科20113班)刘强(数学20121班)邢慧慧(食质20121班)许长征(农水20111班)张文斐(计科20122班)吴俊杭(电信20122班)赵丹(计科20121班)李天一(药学20124班)何芮(中药20111班)李超杰(中药20112班)杨雪梅(检验20121班)徐梓凯(临床20116班)屈晓娟(检验20111班)臧俊涛(工业20121班)杨洋(工商20121班)李九龙(园艺20101班)田正浩(生科20122班)李学凯(农水20121班)左松清(土木20114班)杨凯悦(水电20112班)董天磊(俄语20113班)雷红兵(电商2012级)姚栋梅(物流2012级)曹志康(金融20102班)刘聪(金融20103班)闫聪林(金融20112班)王曼曼(电商20111班)潘宇(物流20111班)张道达(金融20113班)郭艳芳(金融20103班)C类二等奖(100名)—8 —史腊梅(汉文20123班)熊敏(汉文20123班)卢霞(电信20122班)张燕(信管20101班)刘美玲(药学20122班)刘泽宇(药学20102班)晏政(临床20125班)张莹莹(食品20103班)宁孔卵(食工20121班)姜维(影像20122班)刘明月(历史20121班)杨丽端(旅游20111班)张利萍(财管20101班)王舒戎(工管20124班)孔若飞(会计20113班)牛宏达(会计20113班)喻乐(会计20103班)黎永平(数学20121班)张晓旭(汉文20121班)郭王权(土木20114班)王佩莹(汉文20123班)郭营营(电信20122班)薛永琴(中药20122班)王嘉琪(临床20111班)鲁世林(政治20121班)原振兴(材料20122班)江姗姗(经济20113班)张琳琳(种科20122班)渠清(食工20123班)闫安和(旅游20101班)谷鑫(工商20117班)刘梦麒(心理20121班)周旭峰(心理20121班)张亮(汉文20121班)胡舒阳(食工20122班)徐珍(食质20121班)马志成(给排20112班)王丽超(汉文20123班)郑思远(电气20125班)张亚茹(会计20113班)沈博睿(农科20121班)宁帅然(生科20123班)李娇娇(食质20121班)刘曼华(药学20121班)—9 —王明阳(材料20121班)申艳艳(会计20103班)杜静静(种科20121班)尹树明(生科20113班)安然(数学20121班)张怡萱(心理20121班)张志文(土木20104班)陈小琴(汉文20122班)沈丹洋(预防20121班)陈柯煜(临床20124班)邵田丽(检验20112班)李安(法学20121班)张永亮(动医20101班)孔详程(材料20121班)袁双(机制20101班)张岳园(工业20111班)蓝月(工商20122班)任嘉康(工管20124班)刘亮(工管20125班)姚青青(农经20121班)徐佳(工商20117班)解海洋(会计20103班)马丽君(植保20112班)王洁(生科20122班)王悦(生科20122班)张航(食品20116班)张京星(食质20121班)朱生辉(土木20104班)于嫣(广电20121班)杨晓璇(维语20111班)刘燕梅(信管20121班)阿斯木姑丽·木合白提(计科20112班)贡天远(口腔20121班)张黛(影像20111班)郭羿(临床20113班)张勇(临床20107班)焦亚洁(经济20121班)罗惠兰(农资20102班)柳璐(金融20103班)马洁(金融20111班)肖腾腾(金融20123班)朱玉红(审计20113班)—10 —王文静(审计20123班)朱一(人资20111班)王瑶(人资20123班)赵谦(金融20121班)刘安琪(审计20102班)邢溯(人资20102班)张凯军(人资20102班)李吟雪(人资20112班)柴亚辉(电商20111班)徐晓枫(金融20102班)何天娇(金融20103班)韩玉坤(金融20113班)赵园园(金融20121班)刘阳(统计20121班)C类三等奖(200名)杨萍(临床20115班)郭超(口腔20111班)胡芸(临床20117班)龙星(口腔20101班)曾思维(历史20121班)许培送(材料20121班)毕梦娇(环境20121班)刘瑶瑶(环境20111班)张天庆(应化20121班)李雪(机制20121班)王蕾(经济20123班)刘田(会计20113班)项安琪(园林20121班)王莹(林学20121班)李亚军(种科20122班)黄泽芳(科教20111班)徐梦妍(物理20121班)耿秋月(食工20121班)吴赟婷(食品20116班)陈鑫玥(汉文20122班)徐浩伦(药学20122班)李媛(口腔20121班)罗中华(临床20124班)王慧娜(检验20122班)李俊玲(药学20123班)谢慧丽(影像20122班)邓瑶(动科20123班)张亚仙(环境20122班)—11 —杨露露(化工20121班)杨宽祥(电气20113班)贾锦彤(植保20112班)张丽君(生科20113班)张蕾(数学20121班)张佳乐(学前20121班)黄顺伦(地理20111班)李潇(农水20122班)杨钊(土木20104班)张烨(计科20112班)陈倩(中药20112班)解怡(检验20121班)魏哲文(临床20113班)张丽莎(法学20121班)王林(法学20121班)邢文思(材料20122班)周兴雅(食质20123班)鲁亚(临床20125班)贾广萌(财管20101班)于培瑶(经济20123班)张惠菊(植保20111班)高喜风(农学20122班)王玉钦(农学20122班)李志鹏(林学20121班)李振燕(生科20121班)陈荣樟(生科20111班)向必旭(数学20121班)梁乃心(汉文20121班)翁欢欢(心理20111班)李雪(食质20121班)宋云霄(食质20121班)刘旭(水电20121班)刘甲奇(农水20112班)郝巧龙(中药20121班)袁曦玉(口腔20121班)李仁鹏(临床20123班)周文斌(临床20126班)李国杰(法学20121班)卫子舒(工商20116班)王文丽(园艺20121班)唐洁(食质20121班)陈双毓(药学20121班)史苏云(临床20126班)孙西尚(应化20122班)—12 —朱启帆(应化20122班)姬丽娟(工业20112班)谭晓燕(电气20092班)陈小钗(工商20121班)杜莉(工商20121班)王胜男(经济20111班)宋金美(经济20111班)王平(种科20121班)王雁(生科20121班)岑丽瑶(教育20121班)李宁宁(中药20121班)万真真(预防20111班)靖会新(护理20123班)黄先敏(护理20123班)孙精文(临床20114班)易慧敏(检验20112班)白月(法学20122班)宋欢(动医20121班)马秋慧(化工20111班)郭庆枭(经济20112班)费春艳(生科20111班)秦安秀(食工20121班)户江红(计科20122班)刘中奎(机制20124班)李培(工商20122班)辛振佳(工商20117班)聂文竹(经济20112班)杨娟娟(林学20121班)孟颖(生科20121班)陈其印(生科20123班)黄雅月(生科20111班)韦靖威(土木20124班)范晶晶(护理20123班)潘兴燕(护理20122班)陈奕楚(临床20111班)王一名(临床20117班)彭利君(检验20112班)周京(法学20121班)蒋蕊(材料20121班)马莉(经济20111班)彭娜(经济20122班)夏玉洁(食工20121班)付婷婷(计科20122班)吴启元(临床20125班)—13 —温鑫(影像20121班)王旋(公管20121班)黄冲(应化20121班)韩飒飒(工商20121班)宣燚斐(农经20121班)王俊俊(园林20121班)马腾云(园林20111班)兰彩霞(植保20112班)高亚琴(种科20122班)柴亚茹(种科20121班)张云(园艺20111班)刘延(生科20121班)徐路路(生科20123班)李红丹(生科20111班)张双飞(生科20113班)邓文娟(汉文20121班)李小妮(食品20103班)马慧丽(食工20122班)席嘉佩(食工20122班)郑锦涛(农水20111班)冉聃颉(农水20111班)沈亚倩(土木20124班)王怀星(农水20121班)赵倩(给排20101班)王诗运(汉文20123班)江红红(计科20121班)高登魁(计科20121班)赵吉祥(计科20111班)陶鑫(计科20112班)李燊林(信管20101班)高玉(药学20121班)周晓楠(中药20121班)张璐瑶(口腔20111班)冯丹(影像20112班)马亚锐(临床20113班)罗茜茜(农机20121班)鲁双英(食工20121班)邝振媛(法学20121班)曾昭忠(材料20121班)朱群(化工20122班)王婷(工业20121班)林盖(机制20101班)王三发(电气20112班)李楠(工商20122班)—14 —李小婷(工商20122班)徐一骋(工商20122班)位宏(资环20121班)彭华雨(应物20121班)张露(统计20121班)方天舒(物流20101班)朱春丽(物流20121班)樊雲(审计20101班)褚燕燕(金融20102班)王丰(金融20103班)马京志(统计20101班)董春风(电商20101班)徐苛苛(电商20121班)魏霞(审计20122班)黄文勇(人资20101班)王雯(人资20121班)张露(金融20113班)张盼歌(金融20113班)李佩佩(金融20113班)李玉梅(金融20122班)朱新新(电商20111班)刘彩霞(电商20121班)陈娟(审计20101班)吕园园(审计20101班)张涵依(审计20103班)牛丽娜(审计20112班)朱兴东(人资20102班)吕雨娟(人资20111班)徐英香(金融20113班)曹瑞莹(金融20121班)孟丹娉(统计20121班)张帅(电商20111班)时慧振(电商20112班)訾文凤(审计20112班)王文娟(审计20122班)宋小刚(人资20101班)潘登(人资20102班)孟阳(人资20121班)刘蕊(人资20123班)姚琦(金融20103班)D类一等奖(1名)陈瑞(药学2011班)D类二等奖(2名)—15 —赵娜(网络职专2010)何雨楠(护理20121班)D类三等奖(3名)郝琪(药学2011班)马会洁(护理20122班)马英英(网络职专2010)石河子大学教务处2013年7月2日抄送:各学院—16 —石河子大学教务处2013年7月2日—17 —。



2013年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛高一年级组试题(总分:150分答题时间:120分钟)听力部分(共三大题,记30分)I. Responses (句子应答)(共5小题;每小题1分,记5分)Please listen to the following five sentences and choose the best response to each one you hear. Each sentence will be read only once.(请听句子,然后选出一个能够恰当应答你所听到的句子的最佳选项。


)(答案涂在答题纸上)1.A. It’S sunny.B.What a pity.C.I think SO.D.You’d better not.2.A.I think it’s a western.B.I don’t want to watch that.C.The news is at six fifteen.D.I'll meet you at the school gate.3.A.I’11 have dinner with you.B.Give me a call at any time.C.It depends on how busy we are.D.Let’S go to see a film.4.A.Never mind.B.You’re welcome.C.I've no idea.D.That’S wonderful.5.A.Will 2 o'clock this afternoon be OK? B.That’S really amazing.C.I’ll try my best.D.I like Chinese food best.II. Dialogues(对话理解)(共15小题;每小题1分,记15分)A) Please listen to the following five mini-dialogues. Each dialogue is followed by a question. Choose the best answer or picture for each question. Each dialogue and question will be read twice.(请听下面五组对话,每组对话后有一个问题,根据你所听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问的最佳选项。




















2013年大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)C类决赛真题试卷Part Ⅱ Vocabulary and Structure31. She was on her______throughout the job interview because she didn't want to say anything stupid.A.Defence B.Care C.Caution D.Guard32. He has been with the company for 30 years, but the management has now decided to_____ _ with his services.A.Discard B.Dispense C.Dispose D.Dismiss33. To the disappointment of the whole country the national team was______in the first round of t he international tournament.A.Excluded B.Eliminated C.Suspended D.Segmented34. Dr. Jones' theory had been the orthodoxy in the field for 50 years until a young scholar _____ _every argument of the theory in a famous paper.A.Confront B.Confounded C.Refuted D.Renounced35. ______every effort has been made to ensure that the details in this brochure are correct, the company cannot accept responsibility for any late changes.A.Even B.While C.Nevertheless D.Whereas36. In this part of town, people are only worried about keeping up with______.A.the Johnsons B.the Smiths C.the Joneses D.the Williams37. The general public depends upon television to know about world affairs but unfortunately the TV reports sometimes______the reality.A.Misrepresent B.Tramper C.Disrupt D.Mistake38. ______, street features such as fountains, steps and even cobbled roadways, are being excl uded from our streets because of the risk of accidents.A.Technically B.Surprisingly C.Financially D.Logically39. For some people, it may be______to remember what they have just read ______recall wher e they left their car keys.A.much easier: than to B.probable: as C.better: than D.so easy: just as 40. "If you don't mind, I'd sooner you______your violin somewhere else," my landlord cried. A.would practise B.Practise C.had practised D.Practised41. ______our money back in a reasonable manner failed, we had to resort threats.A.When asking for B.While we asked for C.Having asked for D.If we ask for42. The president ordered that the stadium______finished before the National Day but the engin eer knew very clearly that it was almost impossible for it______in so short a time.A.be: to do B.be: to be done C.should be: to be doing D.will be: to have done43. The dinosaurs probably became extinct after a giant asteroid hit the Earth about 65 million ye ars ago. But what______if this asteroid______?A.would have happened: had missed B.would happen: missed C.happened: would miss D.was happening: missed44.—Are your printers easy to use? You see, we've managed without one up to now. Why are th ere so many knobs and buttons?—______In fact, they're entirely automatic.A.Whatever you think it is. B.Sorry to disappoint you. C.They couldn't be easier.D.It is the cheapest one.45.—Hello, John. How's your latest book going? I mean the one you're writing on the Loch Ness monster.—Well, ______.—Oh dear. Why's that?—Well, the inspiration's there but everything else is wrong. One day I tire myself out with the writing and the next day I can hardly keep myself awake.A.it's going rather slowly at present B.I've finished it now C.Nobody has fou nd the monster yet D.The editor asked me to stop writing Part Ⅲ ClozeThe opium poppy is a bright flower, usually red or orange, that grows to a【C1】h eight______of about 75 -90 centimetres. In the wild, it usually grows in huge clusters, sometimes covering an entire field. Humans have cultivated this flower for thousands of years,【C2】b oth_____for its beauty and for the powerful chemicals it produces. It is not【C3】sur prising______that an ancient human eventually tasted opium, the dried juice of the poppy. Man y people【C4____mistakenly(mistake)believe that the juice comes only from the seedpods, and only at a c ertain time of year. The juice does not pool up the seedpod just before the seed ripen, but it flows 【C5】thr ough______the rest of the plant as well. The stem and seed capsules leak this milky juice easily if the plant is knocked down or the stem is broken. The dried juice forms a brown crust that is eas y to see. Someone searching for food was probablyhu ngry______enough to risk tasting the dried material. He or she was probably surprised by the re sult.The first opium-eater has had a long sleep before being able to tell anyone else about the poppy . Its【C7】sci entific______name, papa-ver somniferum, means " sleep-bringing poppy ".【C8】_sleepiness_____ (sleep)is one of the best-known side-effects of ingesting opium. Ancient Greek art often showed Hypnos, the god of sleep, with poppies in his hands. The same images were ass ociated with Somnus, the Roman god of sleep.This【C9 connectio n__(connect)of poppies with sleep carried through to one of the most popular books and movies of 20th-century America. In the 1939 movie The Wizard of Oz, a girl named Dorothy and h er friends are trying to find a wizard who can help them get the things they need. An【C10】ev il______witch tries to stop them. One of the witch's tricks is to put Dorothy and all her friends to sleepby leading them into a beautiful, dangerous field of bright poppies.Part Ⅳ Reading Comperhension Section ANowadays, most people realise that it's risky to use credit card online. However, from time to tim e, we all use passwords and government ID numbers on the Web. We think we are safe, but that may not be true I A new kind of attack is being used by dishonest people to steal ID and credit car d numbers from innocent websurfers.This new kind of attack is called " phishing". Phishing sounds the same as the word "fishing" , a nd it implies a thief is trying to lure people into giving away valuable information. How can phishers lure people to do this? Like real fishermen, they use bait in the form of great online deals or servic es. For example, phishers might use fake emails and false websites to con people into revealing cr edit card numbers, account usernames, and passwords. They imitate well-known banks, online sel lers, and credit card companies. Successful phishers may convince as many as 5 percent of the p eople they contact to respond and give away their personal financial information.Is this really a big problem? Actually, tricking 5 percent of the online population is huge! Currentl y , more than 350 million people have access to the Internet, and 75 percent of those Internet user s live in the wealthiest countries on Earth. It has been estimated that phishers send more than 3 bil lion scam messages each year. Even by tricking only 5 percent of the people, phishers can make a lot of money.Since there is so much money to make through this kind of scam, it has caught the interest of m ore than just small-time crooks. Recently, police tracked down members of an organised phishing group in Eastern Europe who had stolen hundreds of thousands of dollars from people online. The group created official-looking email messages requesting people to update their personal information at an international bank's website. However, the link to the bank in the message actually sent p eople to the phishers' fake website. To make matters worse, further investigation revealed that this group had connections with a crime in Russia.How can innocent websurfers protect themselves? Above all, they have to learn to recognize e mail that has been sent by a phisher. Always be wary of any email with urgent requests for person al financial information. Phishers typically write upsetting or exciting but fake statements in their e mails so that people will reply right away. Also, messages from phishers will not address recipients by name because they really don't know who the recipients are yet. On the other hand, valid mess ages from your bank or other companies you normally deal with typically include your personal na me.Giving personal information over the Internet has always been full of【A1】_risks_____but now it's even more so with the new Internet scam, phishing. Phishers first lure,【A2】___innocent___websurfers into a scam by making up fake emails. With this bait they lure some of the people they contact to give away personal financial【A3】______while there are millions of people surfing the Internet, phishers may make a lot of money th rough sending scam message. These phishers are not just small-time crooks. Police investigation s have recently tracked down organised phishing groups in Eastern Europe with connections to a crime【A4】______in Russia. Websurfers must deal with any urgent emails【A5】______private information warily. For example, a bank will address their customers properly where as a phisher will not be able to.Section BCollege of Engineering,Mathematics and Physical Science Harrison Building Streatham Campus University of Exeter Exet er UK EX44QF Tel: + 44(0)1392723628 Fax: +44(0)1392217965 Email: emps@ exeter. ac. uk De ar Mr Qiu YeCongratulations! On behalf of the University of Exeter, I write to inform you that your application for postgraduate study at the University has been considered and we are pleased to offer you a pl ace on the following programme subject to the conditions set out below.Programme: Master of science in Computer Science Registration dates: 21-22 September 20 13School: College of Engineering, Mathematics and Physical Science Mode of study: Full-time Tuition status: OverseasAll new students will be required to arrive and register over the weekend of 21 -22 September, 2 013 and to participate in the Welcome Week events held between 23 -27 September, 2013.As a postgaduate student at Exeter, you will be part of our friendly Computer Science Departme nt which provides close personal contact between staff and students and results in a highly produc tive and well-organised research environment. You will be based in the College's Harrison building which includes a suite of new teaching and research laboratories.We maintain a firm focus on career-orientated postgraduate training. Working closely with a prof essional advisory group that includes senior managers from companies such as IBM, we ensure th at our programmes support the needs of the sector and our graduates are well placed for success in this exciting field.The College maintains an excellent reputation for its research in robotics, machine learning, mul ti-objective optimisation, pattern recognition and computational statistical modelling, natural compu ting and hydroinformatics.The University of Exeter offers excellent technology-enhanced learning opportunities via an inter active online learning environment which encourages blogging, online discussion forums and virtu al field trips. All students have access to My Exeter—a student portal which is home to vital IT services including your email and calendar, documents saved to your own file space, online learning fa cilities and teaching timetables.At Exeter we are also committed to a system of personal tutoring so that student receive the indi vidual support and advice they need to succeed in their study here. All students have a personal tu tor who is there to support you and help you deal with any problems or issues that arise.Our Main Library is available to you to support your studies 24/7 throughout the academic year: we have the second largest number of e-journal downloads of any UK university: we have one of t he highest UK academic library ratios of books to students with a stock in excess of 1. 2 million: an d we have one of Britain's largest public collections of books, prints, artefacts and ephemera relati ng to the history and prehistory of cinema in the Bill Douglas Centre.I congratulate you on this offer and I look forward to welcoming you to the University of Exeter. Yours sincerely, Howard JohnsonHead of Recruitment and Admissions Office61. There is a welcome week dating from 23 -27 September, 2013 and all new postgraduates mu st register during that week. A.TURE B.FALSE62. Qiu Ye will study Computer Science in the University of Exeter as a full-time overseas postgr aduate student.A.TURE B.FALSE63. All postgraduate students in Computer Science can work in IBM after graduation because of t he close relationship between the company and the university. A.TURE B.FALSE 64. What does My Exeter provide students with?65. How can students benefit from the personal tutoring system?Section CDavid Blaine calls himself an illusionist—a kind of magician who appears to do spectacular and often dangerous tricks. Among his more widely publicized feats, Blaine has been buried alive for a week, spent sixty hours encased in a hollow block of ice, and spent thirty-five hours standing on a platform 50 centimeters in diameter at the top of a 30-metre high pillar. In 2003 , the thirty-year-old illusionist from New York spent forty-four days in a clear plastic box that was hanging from a crane above the Thames River in Lon-don. But there was more to this trick than just staying in a small b ox for such a long time. Blaine also went without food for the entire period living nothing but water t he whole time.On the day Blaine entered the box and the crane lifted him high above the river, a crowd of curio us spectators gathered to watch. For the next six weeks the crowds continued to drop by the site t o watch Blaine sleeping, writing in his journal, and staring back at them. However, not everyone ju st wanted to watch. Some people came to give Blaine a hard time and to do things to break the m agician's will and force him to come down. A few people threw things at his box or grilled food und er it so that the smell would float up to the starving performer. One person even went so far as to tr y and cut the hose carrying water up to Blaine's box, but security guards stopped the vandal befor e he could do any damage. Finally, after forty-four days up in the air, Blaine was lowered to the gro und and released from his box. He was weak and much thinner than before, but the performer still managed to give a short speech to the crowd gathered to watch him emerge. Then he was put in a n ambulance and rushed to a hospital where he spent the next week recovering from his ordeal. Not everyone in the crowd was satisfied with the ending of the magician's stunt. They had come expecting to see a dramatic finale. Some of the suggestions for ending the feat in a spectacular w ay included dropping the box into the river and watching Blaine escape, or opening the box in the air and letting Blaine jump out. Or, in a true magician's fashion, some people wanted to see him va nish into thin air, leaving a white rabbit in his place.So what did David Blaine finally accomplish through this amazing feat of endurance? He certainly generated a lot of headlines! Along with a number of articles appearing in newspapers on both sides of the Atlantic, various websites sprang up both supporting and criticizing the man and his stunt .66. David Blaine is a man who has done many amazing and______stunts over his career. 67. For one of his latest feat, Blaine stayed inside a small box and______himself for quite a long time with only water.68. Unsatisfied with Blaine's hanging stunt, some people expected to s ee him perform______at the end.69. Which of Blaine's stunts lasted the longest?A.Being buried alive. B.Being encased in a hollow block of ice. C.Standing on a high pillar. D.Staying without food in a hanging box.70. Why did some people criticize Blaine's hanging stunt?A.He came out of the box early. B.He didn't perform as long as he had promised. C.Th e ending was not surprising enough. D.It was too cruel and unhuman. Section DIt seems that there is no middle ground when it comes to cats. People either love them or hate t hem. These feelings are not new either. All through history, cats have been worshiped or hated. A study of ancient writings and evidence found in tombs indicates that for the past 5,000 years, cats have been kept as pets in China, Arabia, Egypt, and India. However, this isn't very long compared to dogs, which have been domesticated for 50,000 years. Still, while the period in which cats have been domesticated may be quite short, it has definitely had its high and low points.Cats were at their positions of domesticated life in ancient Egypt. There were more cats living in Egypt during the time of the pharaohs than any other place in the world since that time. This high n umber of cats was probably due to the laws protecting them as holy animals. If anyone was caught killing a cat, the person could be put to death. Families in Egypt also mourned the death of a cat a nd had the body of the dead cat wrapped in cloth before it was finally laid to rest. This respect for c ats carried over to the Boman Empire where cats were the only animals allowed into temples. This fact was probably because of the ability of cats to keep the temples free of mice and rats.With the coming of the Dark Ages in Europe, the place of cats in society took a turn for the wors e. Because they were associated so closely with the "old religions" of Egypt and the Roman Empir e, Christians began to associate cats with pagan beliefs.(74)Cats had a reputation as helpers of wi tches. When a person was accused of being a witch, a cat would often be put on trial with the pers on. The cat would be tortured to try and make the person tell the truth, and usually the cat and the person would end up being burned in a bonfire or drowned. Bonfires of collected cats were not unc ommon during this time.The days of hunting witches have ended, but other myths about cats still hold out. For a while, people in some places used to bury live cats under new buildings for good luck. As well, many peo ple today continued to believe that black cats bring bad luck. If a black cat walks in front of a perso n, that person must take extra care in the near future to watch out for dangerous situations.(75)Re gardless of superstition, cats remain a popular pet today. Some cat experts believe that a cat can never truly be domesticated because it may turn wild and run away at any time. However, this clai m has not put people off keeping cats in their homes. A third of homes in the United States have ca ts, and one out of every three of these homes keeps both a dog and a cat. Especially in large citie s, many people in small apartments have found that cats make much better pets than dogs. 71. Why were there most cats living in ancient Egypt during the time of the pharaohs? 72. When was the lowest point in the history of raising cats?73. What percentage of American homes keeps both a cat and a dog? 74. Cats had a reputat ion as helpers of witches. When a person was accused of being a witch, a cat would often be put o n trial with the person.75. Regardless of superstition, cats remain a popular pet today. Some cat experts believe that acat can never truly be domesticated because it may turn wild and run away at any time. However, t his claim has not put people off keeping cats in their homes. Error CorrectionOne theory about the universe says that it has no boundary, no edge.This theory was proposed by Stephen Hawking and Jim Hartle. It says 【M1】______ that the universe has a finite area, but no one travelling through theuniverse would ever come to a point that the universe stops. This 【M2】______ would be similar to journey over the surface of Earth. We can travel 【M3】______ around the world without reaching boundaries nor edges, yet the area of 【M4】______ the planet is finite. This no boundary theory predicts what the universe 【M5】______ does have a beginning and an end, but it differs off the traditional 【M6】______ Big Bang theory in some ways. The traditional Big Bang theoryassuming that the beginning of the universe was a singularity, a point 【M7】______ of infinite density and infinitesimal volume to where space and time 【M8】______ became distorted. Instead, Hawking and Hatle predictthat the beginning of the universe could likened to the North 【M9】______ Pole of the Earth. If degrees of latitude on the Earth could becompare to time, it could be said that the universe began 【M10】______ at the North Pole. However, the North Pole in itself is just an ordinary point on Earth. Part Ⅴ Translation Section B86.两国的边境东部山区至西部海岸绵延一千余公里,其中多处存在争端。



2003-2010年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛、决赛真题及答案汇总2004年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛听力录音原文及参考答案Part I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes, 30 points)Section A Dialogues (10 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short dialogues. At the end of each dialogue, a question will be asked about what was said. Both the dialogue and the question will be read only once. After each question,there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A, B, C and D, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.1. W: Hi, I’d like to send this package by express mail to San Francisco and I would like to buy a sheet of stamps, please.M: Here are your stamps, and just put the package on the scale.Q: Where did the conversation take place? (D)2. M: I’m going out to lunch. Do you need anything while I’m out?W: Yes, if you pass a convenience store, get me some chocolate—a Snickers bar, please.Q: What do you learn from this conversation? (B)3. W: If we go by car, how do we cross the river?M: There’s a ferry that will take your car. There’s even one for trains.Q: How will they cross the river? (D)4. W: I heard that the mayor is closing the cheese factory.M: Yes, but it is only temporary.W: Oh, I’m surprised. I thought it was going to shut down for good.Q: Why was the woman surprised? (C)5. M: I spilled tomato juice on my new white shirt. Do you think it will come out?W: That’s too bad. Leave it there and I’ll see what I can do.Q: What is the man’s problem?(B)6. W: I’m going to lunch with my bowling instructor.M: What about the committee meeting?W: Don’t worry. I’ll be back at the office before then.Q: Where is the woman probably going now? (C)7. M: How long have you had this problem with your shoulder?W: It started last week after my skiing accident.M: Let’s try some tests to determine the nature of the injury.Q: What is the man going to do? (B)8. W: Are you having a good time?M: Sure. Thanks again for inviting me.W: No problem. I just wish more people could have come.Q: How does the woman feel? (C)9. M: We finally made it, Mary! 2003-2010年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛、决赛真题及答案汇总集 原创第2 页共33 页W: I can’t believe graduation is tonight.M: Can you come to my graduation party?W: Sure, after I finish the family celebration.M: I want to be sure we get pictures of us together.W: In our caps and gowns!Q: When will the woman go to the man’s graduation party? (A)10. M: Hi, did you pass your geography exam?W: Yeah, I did quite well in fact, I got 76%.M: Oh,well done! So they gave you a per cent? I thought they gave grades.W: Yeah, they gave both. Mine was an “A”. So how about you?M: Well, we don’t have exams.We have continuous assessment, so you just have to docoursework, and you get a mark for each essay.Q: How does the school evaluate the man’s progress in geography? (A)Section B News Items (10 points)Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short pieces of news from BBC or VOA. After each news item and question,there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter onthe Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.11. Tens of thousands of health workers will go house to house over the next three days in aneffort to immunise 63 million children under the age of five in sub-Saharan Africa. The campaignis the start of monthly national immunisation days during the low season for polio. It’s hoped that vaccinating children now—when the virus is at its weakest—will be the best way of stopping transmission.Question:How old are the children to be immunised?(B)12. Amid pomp and ceremony, China launched the 2008 Olympics. Together with a Chinese counterpart, the president of the International Olympic Committee, Jacques Rogge, used a giant golden key to symbolically open what he called the most important market in the world. In his speech, he emphasised the power of the Olympic brand in China’s emerging market. Question:What does the giant golden key symbolize?(C)13. Microsoft tries to keep the code for its Windows operating system a closely guarded secret. It’s the equivalent of computer DNA and the firm fears if it falls into the wrong hands it could be used to infiltrate millions of computers worldwide. More than 90 percent of the world’s PCs run Windows.Question:What action does Microsoft intend to take?(A)14. Before he set off in November, there were fears that Francis Joyon would be unable to control his huge boat, named IDEC. With its three hulls slicing through the water and a massive rotating mast that reached 30 metres into the sky, the boat was built in 1986 for a crew of ten. It was fearedthat such a boat would be too powerful for one man in the rough seas of the Southern Ocean. Question:How many people can the boat carry?(B)15. Over timescales of thousands of years, the Earth goes through a natural cycle of warmer and colder periods, driven by changes in heat coming from the Sun. Professor William Ruddiman from the University of Virginia has now calculated that if the Earth had followed its natural cycle overthe last ten thousand years, it ought to have got steadily colder. It hasn’t,because, he believes, human activities have been keeping the temperature steady. 2003-2010年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛、决赛真题及答案汇总集 原创第3 页共33 页Question:Has the Earth got steadily colder over the last ten thousand years?(A) 16. Inequality of health care is still paramount, says the WHO’s latest report. Industrialised countries account for less than 20 percent of the world’s population but take 90 percent of health spending. In Japan more than 500 dollars is spent on drugs per person per year. This compares to just three dollars in Sierra Leone. Only slightly more is spent in many sub-Saharan countries. Question: How much do many sub-Saharan countries spend on drugs per person per year?(B)17. The Iraqi dinar has risen a third or so in value against the dollar since the new banknotes began to circulate. One factor has been the gradual pick up of the Iraqi economy after the devastation of the war. There are simply more transactions taking place, which has supported the value of the currency. And it seems Iraqis trust the new dinar banknotes more than they did the old ones, which featured pictures of Saddam Hussein.Question:Why did the Iraqi new dinar rise in value?(C)18. The list of countries known to have the relatively new and deadly strain of bird flu is rapidly growing. The focus now is on Indonesia where tests will soon confirm whether or not the bird flu which killed several million chickens there is the often fatal H5N1, already confirmed in 5 other countries in the region. Reports of an outbreak in Laos are also being investigated.Question:What is the number of countries mentioned in this news report?(C)19. An unhealthy diet together with little exercise and smoking are the key preventable risks ofnon-communicable diseases and it’s estimated that low fruit and vegetable intake alone causes more than two and a half million deaths each year.Question:What causes more than two and a half million deaths each year?(A)20. Around Europe interest rates are at their lowest levels in half a century. But businesses are pressing for even cheaper borrowing costs amid signs of continued economic weakness.A big drop in German manufacturing announced earlier this week is cited as evidence that Europe’s most important economy may even be sliding into recession. And the rise of the euro to a four-year high against the dollar in currency dealing is a major worry for many European exporters.Question:What is the key problem for European exporters?(A)Section C Passages (10 points)Directions:In this section, you will hear 2 passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear 5 questions. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A, B, C and D. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Passage OneThe world of music will never be the same since the formation of a band in Liverpool, England in 1956. The Beatles were formed by George Harrison, Ringo Starr, Paul Mc-Cartney, and John Lennon. Their first hit song Love Me Do was recorded in 1962. The Beatles quickly became the world’s best-known pop music group and many people today still regard them as the finest band in the history of pop music.Lennon and McCartney were the authors of most of the songs the group recorded. Harrison also wrote songs, often using ideas from Indian music. The drummer of the group was the famousRingo Starr and he occasionally sang. For six years the Beatles had hit after hit song. Twenty-eightof their songs were on the Top Twenty record charts and seventeen of these songs reached number one on the charts. 2003-2010年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛、决赛真题及答案汇总集 原创第4 页共33 页The group also had a successful movie career. The comedies A Hard Day’s Night and YellowSubmarine became very successful movies. People imitated their long hairstyles, clothing, and humor. Almost all later pop bands learned from the Beatles. Beatlemania is the word used to describe how strong and loyal the fans were.Questions 21 to 25 are based on the passage you have just heard:21. What kind of music did the Beatles play?(D)22. What did many people copy from the Beatles?(D)23. Where were the members of the Beatles group from?(B)24. Which of the following is NOT true?(C)25. How many of the Beatles’songs reached number one on the record charts?(A)Passage TwoHave you ever wondered where these cute little teddy bears came from? They were named for President Theodore Roosevelt in 1902.President Roosevelt was on a hunting trip in Mississippi when members of the hunting partycaught a black bear and tied him to a tree. President Roosevelt was called to the area to shoot the bear, which he refused to do and said it was unsportsmanlike and showed poor manners.The Washington Post newspaper ran a cartoon showing the President refusing to shoot the bearand people all over America saw the cartoon.Morris Michtom, a shopkeeper in Brooklyn, New York, placed two toy bears in the window of his shop. Mr. Michtom requested permission from the President to call them “Teddy Bears”as Teddy is the nickname for Theodore Roosevelt. The sweet little bears with shiny button eyes were adelight with children everywhere. The Teddy Bears were made by Mr. Michtom’s wife. Mr. Michtom formed a new business called the Ideal Novelty and Toy Corporation.Today, Teddy Bears are treasured toys of children all over the world. They are also collected by people and many are displayed in museums. Teddy Bears are sold by many companies and youcan find them in almost any toy store, dressed in costumes or with a ribbon around the neck.Questions 26 to 30 are based on the passage you have just heard:26. Why did President Roosevelt refuse to shoot the bear?(C)27. Why did Mr. Michtom ask for the President’s permission to call the toy bears “Teddy Bears”?(A)28. Which of the following is NOT true?(D)29. How many Teddy Bears were made by Mrs. Mitchtom and placed in the window of their shop?(C)30. What did Mr. Mitchtom do after he sold the Teddy Bears in 1902?(D)Part II V ocabulary and Structure (10 minutes, 20 points)Section A Multiple Choice (10 points)31. A 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. B 38. D 39. B 40. CSection B Cloze-Test (10 points)41. B 42. A 43. A 44. B 45. A 46. B 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. APart III Word Guessing and IQ Test (5 minutes, 10 points)Section A Word Guessing (5 points)51. B 52. B 53. D 54. C 55. BSection B IQ Test (5 points)56. C 57. A 58. B 59. A 60. A 2003-2010年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛、决赛真题及答案汇总集 原创第5 页共33 页Part IV Reading Comprehension (25 minutes,30 points)61. trays62. To preserve their colours. (or: To prevent darkening.)63. In hot-air chambers.64. dried separately and then mixed65. climbers, explorers, soldiers66. Because it takes so little time to cook them.67. The travails of comics connoisseur Harvey Pekar.68. original screenplay69. Los Angeles, New York70. Encouraged and excited.71. Bend It Like Beckham, Dirty Pretty Things, In America, The Station Agent. ( Any three of them.)72. 15.73. modern advances in surgery74. the stomach or one lung75. 20%76. The body’s tendency to reject alien tissues.77. No, it has yet to become a reality.78. your illness may be curable79. tripled80. Leeds81. Manchester82. Married women, those unmarried with partners83. “Sindies”, women in their 40s84. The sales have reached a new high, with regional variations.85. Dress, way of speaking, area of residence education and manners. (Any three of them.)86. Rulers, administrators, freemen and slaves.87. politically88. recurrent89. resident foreigners90. The rise of the burghers.Part V Error Correction (5 minutes,10 points)91. non-smoke→non-smoking92. also ∧smoked→be93. smoke→smokeless / non-smoking94. banned→banning95. to→from96. down→up97. has→has98. √99. economical→economic100. employee→employeesPart VI Translation (10 minutes, 20 points) 2003-2010年全国大学生英语竞赛C类初赛、决赛真题及答案汇总集 原创第6 页共33 页Section A English-Chinese Translation(10 points)101. 即它必须在价格或质量或服务方面具有竞争力,并且还应具有能够吸引人们购买的“个性特点”。


















电话:3987779外国语学院2011-08-31附获奖名单2011年全国大学生英语竞赛获奖情况一览表特等奖序号类别姓名年级专业指导老师1 B 尚冰英语09-2蔺志渊2 C 孟伟电气08-4李惠敏3 C 黄炎电气08-8张宏涛4 C 赵心瑜日语08-1王春香一等奖序号类别姓名年级专业指导老师1 C 王玉娴计算机08-4 王红英2 C 郭亚飞安全工程08-1 王春香3 C 邹亚菲地质08-4 张苏燕4 C 唐甲希信管09-1 刘悦5 C 李娜1111-1 田现辉6 C 朱佳颖电气A1 吴敏7 C 郭一帆自动化09-5 闫莉鸽8 C 冯灵智材料08-5 江华9 C 邢作昌地质09-3 余阳10 C 张贺丽机设08-7 张小雨11 C 郇东曼财管09-2 陈蕊12 C 陈玉勇消防09-1 许莎莎13 C 刘争光电气09-2 郜莉14 C 陈竞男测绘09-5 李西新15 C 陈磊电气本10-2 许丹丹16 C 张国治电气08-6 张宏涛17 C 陈辉电气09-5 白桂芬18 刘晓宁机制09-4 闫莉鸽19 C 周洋测绘08-1 许丹丹二等奖序号类别姓名年级专业指导老师1 B 王看英语08-1 冉玉体2 B 张梦英语09 李爱琴3 C 秦自兴采矿08-5 王俊英4 C 王建文采矿09-3 郜莉5 C 张志杰测绘09-2 白桂芬6 C 谢征信息08-2 王俊英7 C 郭东林1111-2 田现辉8 C 郭振迪热能08-4 梁萍9 C 曹士超化工08-1 张引弟10 C 郭闯测控09-2 刘庭华11 C 张方方旅游管理09-1 卜佑娟12 C 李广娜工业08-2 王俊英13 C 庞尧地科08-2 张苏燕14 C 刘营车辆09-3 薛晶晶15 C 王浩电气08-8 张宏涛16 C 张倩倩人力09-1 王伟17 C 张春艳信管09-3 刘悦18 C 李冬梅信管09-3 刘悦19 C 邵慧壮电气09-3 郜莉20 C 黄杰电气09-3 郜莉21 C 万宏莉111109-1 陈蕊22 C 张建勇化工08-3 张引弟23 C 葛晓利1111-1 田现辉24 C 王聪聪安全09-5 许莎莎25 C 黄锦辉机制08-6 张小雨26 C 王升华化工09-3 刘悦27 C 赵才电气08-1 李惠敏28 C 郭雪琴工商08-1 江华29 C 崔杰安全10-4 李玲玲30 C 李子慧日语09-1 欧阳艳31 C 胡思日语09-1 欧阳艳32 C 赵乾地信10-2 刘冰33 C 晁代强万方矿山08-1 赵素花34 C 丁充热能08-3 梁萍35 C 余令艺自动化09-1 曹敏36 C 张宜超机械A-2 王红英37 C 杨杏歌建筑08-1 张引弟38 C 杨志远应化09-1 王翠芳39 C 冯朝阳安全09-5 许莎莎40 C 朱亮亮测绘08-5 田现辉41 C 张鹏远人力10-2 周志欣42 C 夏益宾机制本10-2 高爱华43 C 王健磊电气09-4 白桂芬44 C 朱敬芳电信09-3 王翠芳45 C 薛吉星自动化08 王新建46 C 张颖会计09-3 于阳晓47 C 侯淑杰财管09-1 陈蕊48 C 杨永芳土木09-3 曹旺儒49 C 郝泷万方测绘08-1 姚燕飞50 C 赵蕊电气09-1 郜莉51 C 潘晓梦111109-2 陈蕊52 C 康冬雪会计10-1 周长军53 C 李瑞敏化工09-01 刘悦54 C 王瑨测控08-2 吴敏55 C 赵文昌自动化09-2 曹敏56 D 陈夕朦图形09-1 吴敏三等奖序号类别姓名年级专业指导老师1 B 葛佳丽英语08-1 冉玉体2 B 彭冰英语09 朱林3 B 温清淋英语09 李爱琴4 B 吕静英语08-2 杨晓燕5 C 王展翼材料10-4 李玲玲6 C 邹丽华1111-2 田现辉7 C 李俊利电气10-19 赵小娟8 C 索荣辉土管10-1 王静9 C 朱正万方电气09-2 杨瑞玲10 C 罗亮工业08-1 王俊英11 C 王伟杰工业08-1 王俊英12 C 姚子露化工08-3 张引弟13 C 宋中振机制08-1 李惠敏14 C 姜小军机设08-8 张小雨15 C 马燕楠万方财管08-4 周长军16 C 郑鹏举建筑09-2 张欣欣17 C 胡晓光电气09-7 杨洋18 C 魏可心电气10-26 梁萍19 C 许冰洁111109-2 陈蕊20 C 孟祥燕111109-1 陈蕊21 C 徐帅电气A1 吴敏22 C 宋辛辛地信09-1 陈大维23 C 周晴杰应物09-1 王翠芳24 C 步晓雪信管09-2 刘悦25 C 刘大超数学09-1 刘悦26 C 靳凌璐计算机10-1 江华27 C 施兴华地信08-2 江华28 C 侯文奇电科09-3 李西新29 C 韩宗建安全工程08-2 王春香30 C 卢鑫机制09-9 刘庭华31 C 吴鸣电气08-2 李惠敏32 C 李得永电气08-4 李惠敏33 C 汪念地信10-2 刘冰34 C 别惠芳万方1111-2 徐凯35 C 朱灏电气10-25 常呈霞36 C 何昌春采矿08-2 王俊英37 C 于云梅交通09-1 韩莎夏38 C 王亚涛交通09-1 韩莎夏39 C 张鹏飞材控09-3 常长海40 C 赵普方化工08-3 张引弟41 C 王超华机械10-4 王红英42 C 金开云机设08-8 张小雨43 C 李艳滨土木10-6 王前进44 C 王天啸电气09-9 杨洋45 C 卓晓笑111109-1 陈蕊46 C 李蹊电气08-7 张宏涛47 C 李龙晓会计09-1 于阳晓48 C 王亚军中文09-1 薛晶晶49 C 李旭娜应物09-2 王翠芳50 C 李沙沙安全10-3 李玲玲51 C 王冬娅万方地质10-2 徐凯52 C 万盈金融10-1 南世峰53 C 刘苡含金融10-1 南世峰54 C 赵丹阳城管09-1 陈大维55 C 王诗昆建环08-2 赵晓娟56 C 邵银萍工管10-1 周志欣57 C 陈莹万方会计08-2 徐凯58 C 郑卫芳通信工程08-1 徐景文59 C 王占立电信08-1 翟中伟60 C 原兴飞111109-2 陈蕊61 C 程银声测绘10-6 李玲玲62 C 裴孟杰通信工程08-1 徐景文63 C 阳媛化学10-1 南世峰64 C 薛玉杰采矿08-1 王俊英65 C 郑威建筑09-1 张欣欣66 C 白利网络08-4 徐景文67 C 赵万里材控10-1 王丽君68 C 卢会亭电气本10-3 张萍69 C 耿中利测绘08-4 田现辉70 C 张萍测绘08-4 田现辉71 C 石义方测绘08-5 田现辉72 C 左唐粉机制本10-4 高爱华73 C 王健地科09-1 高江辉74 C 王菡御建筑09-2 张欣欣75 C 薛永谦数学09-1 刘悦76 C 赵晨霞水文10-2 耿延77 C 谢雪珂材料10-3 孙莉78 C 韩丽苹地信09-1 陈大维79 C 李朝阳矿加09-2 王伟80 C 昝明军水文09-2 卜佑娟81 C 宋永强通信09-3 杨洋82 C 赵宏卫电气09-5 白桂芬83 C 张萌萌土木09-7 曹旺儒84 C 王宽岩土08-1 王宏磊85 C 郭倩电科09-3 李西新86 C 孟亭亭电气10—A2 吴敏87 C 刘鹏飞通信10-2 田现辉88 C 李凡凡电气10—A2 吴敏89 C 高星机制09-3 王静90 C 崔长乐111109-1 陈蕊91 C 陈晨机设08-7 张小雨92 C 赵化甜机制本10-2 高爱华93 C 张志伟电气09-1 郜莉94 C 张黎明消防09-2 许莎莎95 C 张聪聪公管09-1 闫莉鸽96 C 张焕资环地质10-3 周志欣97 C 王玉龙计本10-1班可庆九98 C 王瑾计算机08-3 王红英99 C 宋佳材料化学10-2 周艳艳100 C 裴小萌安全09-4 许莎莎101 C 潘悦怡信管10 康燕来102 C 刘振立采矿09-2 郜莉103 C 刘长河建筑10-2 任凤华104 C 李月梅数学09-2 刘悦105 C 李龙材控10-2 王丽君106 C 鞠升辉机制09-9 刘庭华107 C 贾华应化09-2 王翠芳108 C 丁东林广告09 -2 欧阳艳109 C 崔亚茹市场营销10-1 梁萍110 C 陈勇数学09-2 刘悦111 D 张晶社体10-1 赵素花省级优秀省级优秀序号类别姓名年级专业指导老师1 C 朱时廷采矿09-2 郜莉2 C 谢帅采矿10-1 杨俊霞3 C 叶振博网络08-2 常呈霞4 C 龚翔材料08-1 江华5 C 吴东峰机制08-3 李惠敏6 C 苗朝阳机械10-10 王红英7 C 李宝富化工10-2 孙莉8 C 石志梁土木10-9 王前进9 C 谭慧萍111109-2 陈蕊10 C 乔丹颖水文09-2 卜佑娟11 C 梁鸿利机械A-2 王红英12 C 陈玉会计08 赵晓娟13 C 刘进来工业09-2 欧阳艳14 C 吕晓伟采矿09-3 郜莉15 C 申少奎工业08-1 王俊英16 C 陈海靖锻压08-1 张宏涛17 C 刘佳会铸造08-2 张宏涛18 C 董涛霞1111-3 田现辉19 C 邱实机制09-2 王静20 C 胡婧婧机制09-8 刘庭华21 C 刘易哲安管10-2 常呈霞22 C 段冬杰电气10-12 翟中伟23 C 郭成温万方矿山08-4 赵素花24 C 王涵硕土木10-9 王前进25 C 骆文昕金融10-2 南世峰26 C 晁士龙电气09-4 白桂芬27 C 杨小立电气09-7 杨洋28 C 乔新欢财管10-2 刘冰29 C 李柯锦电气08-3 李惠敏30 C 常鹏飞电气08-8 张宏涛31 C 李亚会市场08-2 陈茜32 C 张珍1111-2 田现辉33 C 丁倩倩电气A1 吴敏34 C 田海龙地信09-2 陈大维35 C 高歌环境09-2 卜佑娟36 C 史臻荣工业设计09-2 张欣欣37 C 张晓峰1111-1 李慧娟38 C 刘恒矿加09-1 王伟39 C 赵广浩土管09-1 白桂芬40 C 李汝乐材化09-1 陈大维41 C 李灵敏计算机09-1 郜莉42 C 张鹏辉建筑08-2 张引弟43 C 安静财管08-2 许莉莉44 C 胡瑞丽消防08-1 张小雨45 C 李盼人力08-1 吴敏46 C 唐献印岩土08-1 王宏磊47 C 尤巧巧人力08-3 吴敏48 C 娄秀芳安全工程08-4 王春香49 C 许雪晴万方机设09-3 李佳雨50 C 代振机械A-2 王红英51 C 杜萌会计08 赵晓娟52 C 夏文胜1111-1 田现辉53 C 宋会磊消防09-1 许莎莎54 C 刘浩事管08-3 张小雨55 C 李东亚电气08-7 张宏涛56 C 马国芳市场10-3 梁萍57 C 孙利克会计09-3 于阳晓58 C 周天浩计算机10-1 江华59 C 孙慧玲旅游管理09-1 卜佑娟60 C 王香钊电气10—A2 吴敏61 C 刘党伟电气10-25 常呈霞62 C 卢卫永采矿08-1 王俊英63 C 穆少琼采矿08-3 王俊英64 C 司晓鹏采矿08-5 王俊英65 C 冯明兵交通08-2 赵小娟66 C 王瑞材控09-3 常长海67 C 王超安全09-4 许莎莎68 C 李皓机制09-3 王静69 C 郑俊娜机制09-5 闫莉鸽70 C 赵文哲机械10-1 王红英71 C 王艺华材料08-3 江华72 C 魏聪源材化09 陈大维73 C 闫志勇地质10-1 周志欣74 C 王五星材料化学10-2 周艳艳75 C 关慧姗建筑09-2 张欣欣76 C 曹秀庆数学09-1 刘悦77 C 文春艳数学10-1 王静78 C 赵梦启旅游管理10-2 张苏燕79 C 李亚电气10-27 梁萍80 C 张亚利事管08-1 张小雨81 C 蔡中原电气10-26 梁萍82 C 李婷111109-1 陈蕊83 C 郑喻鑫电气A1 吴敏84 C 岳凯丽会计10-2 周长军85 C 陈冬冬水文09-2 卜佑娟86 C 王博彦通信09-2 杨洋87 C 于世洋安全10-4 李玲玲88 C 温凤歌建筑10-1 任凤华89 C 王旭歌消防08-2 张小雨90 C 刘飞飞土木09-6 曹旺儒91 C 贺高红人力08-3 吴敏92 C 李娜应化09-1 王翠芳93 C 张宝坤机制09-5 闫莉鸽94 C 王成莉电气10-12 翟中伟95 C 赵志真111109-2 陈蕊96 C 王玉梅法学08-3 陈茜97 C 熊丝丝财管10-1 刘冰98 C 贾二娜广告09 -1 欧阳艳99 C 胡芮会计10-2 周长军100 C 王强民水文09-1 卜佑娟101 C 豆宁宁会计09-1 于阳晓102 C 焦云会计09-2 于阳晓103 C 刘旭热能08-4 梁萍104 C 柴阿军计算机08-2 王红英105 C 闫肃人力08-1 吴敏106 C 郭子成电气10—A2 吴敏107 C 马胜晓会计08 赵晓娟108 C 杨阳工业08-3 王俊英109 C 张浩强采矿08-1 王俊英110 C 王晶晶工业08-3 王俊英111 C 张晓卫工业08-3 王俊英112 C 李明俊市场营销10-1 梁萍113 C 高秋圆材控09-2 常长海114 C 张贝贝测绘09-1 白桂芬115 C 陈璐安管08-2 徐景文116 C 刘夏然1111-1 田现辉117 C 王许安全09-1 许莎莎118 C 喻阳安全09-4 许莎莎119 C 王芬信管10 康燕来120 C 盛琳测绘08-5 田现辉121 C 李智敏旅游08-1 江华122 C 霍少峰遥感09-1 杨洋123 C 李玮玮测绘09-4 李西新124 C 王亚芳机制09-3 王静125 C 陈亚南机械10-10 王红英126 C 赵玉栋机械10-5 王红英127 C 张丹丹机制09-2 王静128 C 王加伟信息08-2 王俊英129 C 张莹超电气10-12 翟中伟130 C 李帅电气10-22 田现辉131 C 张贝佳数学09-2 刘悦132 C 赵春雨电信09-1 王翠芳133 C 连萌材料10-3 孙莉134 C 郭小佳材料10-3 孙莉135 C 樊小依电气08-1 李惠敏136 C 谷斐电气08-2 李惠敏137 C 张亚超电气08-2 李惠敏138 C 张文丽111110-2 张苏燕139 C 薛驹金融08-2 陈茜140 C 裴小会事管09-2 韩莎夏141 C 李易卿电气A1 吴敏142 C 肖涛地信09-2 陈大维143 C 张顺地科10-2 康燕来144 C 吴艳龙电气10-17 南世峰145 C 彭亮财管10-1 刘冰146 C 谢利娜财管10-1 刘冰147 C 刘晓娅生物10-2 康燕来148 C 李晓英会计09-1 于阳晓149 C 朱柳霖会计09-2 于阳晓150 C 蒋定立通信09-4 杨洋151 C 刘胜万方安全09-3 杨瑞玲152 C 胡磊子测控08-1 吴敏153 C 王路测控08-3 吴敏154 C 李会亭电气09-5 白桂芬155 C 马冬青建筑10-1 任凤华156 C 韩美霞会计09-3 于阳晓157 C 丁勤勤电气09-3 郜莉158 C 夏少旭材料09-4 张欣欣159 C 郭长亮化工10-3 孙莉160 C 于燕燕成人教育王宏磊161 C 杨智敏城管09-2 陈大维162 C 段玉璐人力08-2 吴敏163 C 蒙新旺材控09-1 常长海164 C 董利辉安全工程08-1 王春香165 C 刘维网络工程08-2 常呈霞166 C 郭磊万方电气09-3 杨瑞玲167 C 谭玉全材控09-2 常长海168 C 侯鹏程电气10-7 周长军169 C 苏阳阳机制09-6 闫莉鸽170 C 史维乾电气10-16 南世峰171 C 李晓楠矿加10-3 周长军172 C 杨婷婷事管09-2 韩莎夏173 C 王永兴安全10-3 李玲玲174 C 夏启电气09-5 白桂芬175 C 宋亚金人力08-1 吴敏176 C 李毅机械A-2 王红英177 C 丁昌露机械A-2 王红英178 C 韩涛电气10-24 常呈霞179 C 李珂珂信息10-2 张小雨180 C 王梦阳工业10-2 王俊英181 C 侯亚美交通08-1 赵小娟182 C 赵帅工业08-3 王俊英183 C 耿聪颖材料10-1 孙莉184 C 田甘露自动化09-6 闫莉鸽185 C 骈龙材控09-3 常长海186 C 杨正凯材料10 孙莉187 C 罗四海材料10-4 李玲玲188 C 匡曼曼中文10-1 张芳芳189 C 张丽法学08-1 陈茜190 C 苏锟鹏电仪09-1 王晓培191 C 赵鹏机制本10-4 高爱华192 C 岳海彦机械10-7 王红英193 C 胡泽元机制09-1 王静194 C 甘鹏飞万方工商10-3 徐凯195 C 禹晓燕化工09-3 刘悦196 C 郭丽娟化工10-2 孙莉197 C 李亚南采矿10-2 杨俊霞198 C 任韶敏财管10-2 刘冰199 C 徐有为电信09-1 王翠芳200 C 张珂旅游管理10-2 张苏燕201 C 赵静电气08-3 李惠敏202 C 付永旗电气08-8 张宏涛203 C 李宸丞遥感10-1 刘冰204 C 高飞遥感10-2 刘冰205 C 何焕工商08-2 江华206 C 张弛恒电气A1 吴敏207 C 陈春燕地信09-1 陈大维208 C 范春杰地科10-2 康燕来209 C 颜会敏人力09-3 王伟210 C 刘冰冰水文09-2 卜佑娟211 C 徐萌萌生物10-2 康燕来212 C 李霞会计10-1 周长军213 C 吕倩软件09-3 欧阳艳214 C 王梦安全10-3 李玲玲215 C 王栋测控08-1 吴敏216 C 刘彪测绘09-5 李西新217 C 孙鹏测绘10-4 李玲玲218 C 兰倩电气09-3 郜莉219 C 郑秋月化工10-3 孙莉220 C 庞艳菊人力08-1 吴敏221 C 闫鹏洋土木09-6 曹旺儒222 C 刘家宝岩土08-1 王宏磊223 C 李愿人力08-3 吴敏224 C 裴亚娟土木10-8 康燕来225 C 李晓彦自动化09-7 闫莉鸽226 C 贾双龙安全工程08-1 王春香227 C 郭阳娜安全工程08-3 王春香228 C 王东瑾万方会计08-6 徐凯229 C 刘佳豪交通10-2 张芳芳230 C 储抗工商0-1 周艳艳231 C 张玉地机制08-5 张小雨232 C 洪兆溪机制09-6 闫莉鸽233 C 李雪机制09-1 王静234 C 雷艳萍信管08-3 王俊英235 C 王真真化工09-3 刘悦236 C 郭青111110-2 张苏燕237 C 王鹏鹏遥感10-1 刘冰238 C 杨旭婷公管10-2 常呈霞239 C 范俊枝万方材料08-3 姚燕飞240 C 黄强热能08-4 梁萍241 C 赵二宁财管08-2 许莉莉242 C 李鹏举自动化09-1 曹敏243 C 郭方方电气10-21 张引弟244 C 张昭电气10—A2 吴敏245 C 王飞采矿08-1 王俊英246 C 谢树苹信息10-1 张小雨247 C 龚爽采矿09-5 常长海248 C 张少军工业08-2 王俊英249 C 李燕杰建筑08-1 张引弟250 C 刘梦婷日语10-1 孙莉251 C 张闯铸造08-2 张宏涛252 C 刘奇消防09-1 许莎莎253 C 张鹏华1111-3 田现辉254 C 袁洁明1111-3 田现辉255 C 谭志涛测绘08-5 田现辉256 C 张文龙机制09-7 刘庭华257 C 张会平万方工业08-1 许丹丹258 C 赵俊杰金融10-2 南世峰259 C 邓嘉卿电气10-5 梁萍260 C 李瑞滨电气09-9 杨洋261 C 侯方圆电气08-6 张宏涛262 C 张荷芬电气08-8 张宏涛263 C 张文彬111110-2 张苏燕264 C 王冰冰遥感10-2 刘冰265 C 姬东艳事管09-2 韩莎夏266 C 林亚萍事管09-2 韩莎夏267 C 韩冰事管09-2 韩莎夏268 C 李亚宁电气A1 吴敏269 C 王亚飞自动化08 王新建270 C 郭玉慧会计10-2 周长军271 C 班琳生物10-1 康燕来272 C 王茜会计09-2 于阳晓273 C 江晓斌化工09-01 刘悦274 C 李蒙蒙城管10-2 王静275 C 毛艳青自动化08-1 梁萍276 C 许喜英通信09-3 杨洋277 C 李鑫计算机09-1 郜莉278 C 卢义安全10-3 李玲玲279 C 刘闪闪热能08-4 梁萍280 C 王重阳热能08-3 梁萍281 C 胡剑明测控08-4 吴敏282 C 周洪伍测控08-4 吴敏283 C 张闪闪化工10-1 孙莉284 C 张晶琼电气09-2 郜莉285 C 陈红岩电气09-2 郜莉286 C 魏鹏飞工设08-2 李芳芳287 C 马欣欣人力08-1 吴敏288 C 张亚婷建工08-2 王红英289 C 周磊安全工程08-4 王春香290 C 王苗苗应化10-2 周艳艳291 C 赵德机械A-2 王红英292 C 赵凯通信10-2 田现辉293 C 张龙阁1111-3 田现辉294 C 肖慧娜机制09-5 闫莉鸽295 C 路培培财管10-2 刘冰296 C 张莎莎计本10-3班297 C 徐祖辉人力09-2 王伟298 C 赵转自动化08 梁萍299 C 岳伟中文09-1 薛晶晶300 C 郭江龙自动化09-2 曹敏301 C 姬艳曼测绘09-6 李西新302 C 刘柳财管08-2 许莉莉303 C 冉露露建筑10-2 任凤华304 C 张立机械A-2 王红英305 C 覃孟婷电气10-25 常呈霞306 C 王元盛材料08-5 江华307 C 李磊工业10-2 王俊英308 C 张龙自动化09-8 闫莉鸽309 C 乔保利材料10-4 李玲玲310 C 宋凯凯日语10-1 孙莉311 C 刘师师化工08-3 张引弟312 C 毛小冰通信08-3 徐景文313 C 宋雪通信08-3 徐景文314 C 周丹1111-1 田现辉315 C 朱项宁工设08-2 李芳芳316 C 李永生安全09-1 许莎莎317 C 王锦超网络工程08-1 秦彩玲318 C 张景机械1015 李玲玲319 C 刘洋机械10-7 江华320 C 康宇机制09-1 王静321 C 顾伟华信息08-2 王俊英322 C 付彬测绘10-2 翟中伟323 C 刘霞材控10-4 王丽君324 C 吴桂侠环境10-2 耿延325 C 麻贺彬土木10-7 王前进326 C 吕杰金融10-2 南世峰327 C 潘耀宗电气10-4 梁萍328 C 姜景瑞水文10-2 耿延329 C 张文峰电信09-2 王翠芳330 C 曹晓芬数学10-2 王静331 C 马晓敏事管08-1 张小雨332 C 张利宁事管08-3 张小雨333 C 王崇谦电气10-23 田现辉334 C 赵媛电气08-2 李惠敏335 C 崔健玮电气A1 吴敏336 C 许瑞电气A1 吴敏337 C 茹艳丽城规09-1 许莎莎338 C 高会争电气10-18 赵小娟339 C 柴径阳环境09-1 卜佑娟340 C 薛忠真水文09-1 卜佑娟341 C 吴颖中文09-1 薛晶晶342 C 张静化工09-01 刘悦343 C 何玉响应物09-1 王翠芳344 C 樊风采法学09-3 李西新345 C 李宁信管09-2 刘悦346 C 刘丹热能08-3 梁萍347 C 方亚军热能08-3 梁萍348 C 王亚清自动化09-2 曹敏349 C 梁新明电气09-2 郜莉350 C 束秋妍地信10-2 刘冰351 C 郭婷电科09-1李西新352 C 张明磊电科09-1李西新353 C 刘海燕水文08-2 任凤华354 C 宁波安全工程08-3 王春香355 C 崔婧姝万方电气09-6356 A 沈斐玲研机械10 王前进357 B 孟红英英语09 李爱琴358 B 胡晨曦英语09-1 李爱琴359 B 王丽英语08-2 杨晓燕360 B 杨娇英语08-1 冉玉体361 B 吕庆洋英语09 蔺志渊362 B 李若媛英语08-2 杨晓燕363 B 刘燕英语10-3 常剑若364 B 王婷英语08-1 冉玉体365 B 王瑜琳英语08-2 杨晓燕366 B 张茜英语08-3 王祖友367 B 杨静英语09 蔺志渊368 B 周凯阳英语10-1 冉玉体369 B 刘小娟英语08-3 王祖友370 B 贾浩英英语08-1 冉玉体371 D 张雪缘艺术09-2 石贵生372 D 王婉秋艺术09-1 石贵生373 D 张莎莎艺术09-1 石贵生374 D 张倩倩社体09-1 石贵生。



2003年全国大学生英语竞赛初赛试题2003 National English Contest for College Students(Preliminary)Part I Listening Comprehension(30 minutes,30 points)Section A Dialogues(10 points)Directions:In this section ,you will hear 10 short dialogues.At the end of each dialogue,a question will be asked about what was said.Both the dialogue and the question will be read only once.After each question there will be a pause.during the pause,you must read the four choices marked A,B,C and D,and decide which is the best answer.Then m ark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.1.A.A sales clerk.B.A police officer.C.A tailor.D.A nurse.2.A.By train.B.She walks.C.By car.D.By bus.3.A.Fish is the only dish left.B.Chicken is the only dish left.C.Vegetarian meals are not offered.D.There aren't any vegetarian meals left.4.A.He starts work next weekend.B.He'll be away.C.He'll be in the mountains.D.He's moving to Florida.5.A.In an elevator.B.At a dress store.C.On the seventh floor.D.At a department store.6.A.They felt it was disorganized.B.They were pleased with its Asian content.C.They felt it lacked Asian content.D.They felt it ignored recent events.7.A.He doesn't have enough time.B.He doesn't have a watch.C.The library doesn't have the articles he wants.D.He can't find the library.8.A.He wants the woman to dine out with them.B.He wants to work tomorrow.C.He wants the woman to finish dinner first.D.He wants to pay for the dinner.9.A.Twice a day.B.Twice a week.C.Once a week.D.Daily.10.A.At two o'clock.B.At four o'clock.C.At three thirty.D.At eight o'clock.Section B News Items(10 points)Directions:In this section,you will hear 10 pieces of short news from BBC or VOA.There will be a question following each piece of news.Write down the answer to each question in no more than 15 words.11._______________________________________12._______________________________________13._______________________________________14._______________________________________15._______________________________________16._______________________________________17._______________________________________18._______________________________________19._______________________________________20._______________________________________Section C Compound Dictation(10 points)Directions:In this section,you will hear a passage three times.When the passage is read for the first time,you should listen carefully for its general idea.Then listen to the passage again.When the passage is read for the second time,you are required to fill in the blanks numbered from 21 to 28 with the exact words you have just heard.For blanks numbered from 29 to 30,you are required to fill in the missing information.You can either use the exact words you have just heard or write down the main points in your own words.Finally,when the passage is read for the third time,you should check what you have written and rewrite the correct answers on the Answer Sheet.Although general Motors and General Electric are large multinational companies with operations around the globe,there are numerous smaller companies that engage in international trade.Because 95percent of the world's population and two-thirds of its (21)_____ power are located outside the United States,it is important for American (22)_____to be present in foreign markets.However,before we explain the different methods by which a company may (23)_____in international trade,we might first consider some important (24)_____that U.S.companies often fail to study before they sell products in a foreign country.These factors are (25)_____with differences in language,in values and attitudes,and in political (26)_____.When (27)_____Coca-Cola into the Chinese market in 1920,the company used a group of Chinese symbols that,when spoken,sounded like Coca-Cola.However,when read,these symbols meant,“a female horse fattened with wax”.Upon reentering the Chinese market in the 1970s,Coca-Cola used a series of Chinese (28)_____that translates into“happiness in the mouth”.(29)_________________________.Culture is the total pattern of human behavior that is practiced by a particular group of people.(30)_________________________.Part II Vocabulary and Structure(15 minutes,30 points)Section A Multiple Choice(20 points)Directions:Questions 31-50 constitute a complete passage.There are 20blanks in the passage.For each blank there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.Choose the one that best completes the sentence.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.31.Senior Metropolitan police officers tried to dismiss the Noting Hill race riots which raged for five nights over the August bank holiday in 1958 as the work of“ruffians,both colored and white”hell-bent on hooliganism ,according to __B___ official files.A.recent revealed B.newly releasedC.previous disclosing D.earlier exposing32.But police eyewitness reports in the secret papers_D___ that they were overwhelmingly the work of a white working class mob out to get the“niggers”.A.contain B.convinceC.consist D.confirm33.The ferocity of the Noting Hill“racial riots”,as the press called them at the time,shocked Britain into_A_C___ for the first time that it was not above the kind of racial conflict then being played out in the American deep south.A.realizing B.witnessingC.watching D.identifying34.The carnival,which will__C___ the streets of west London _____more than 1.5 million people this weekend,was started in 1959 as a direct response to the riots.A.crowd;of B.pour;forC.fill;with D.emerge;in35.While senior officers tried to play down the racial aspects of the riots,the internal Metropolitan police files released this month at the public record office confirm that the disturbances were overwhelmingly _C__A__ by 300 to 400 strong“Keep Britain White”mobs ,many of them Teddy boys armed with iron bars ,butcher's knives and weighted leather belts,who went“nigger-hunting”among the West Indian residents of Noting Hill and Noting Dale.A.erupted B.commencedC.triggered D.inaugurated36.The first night left five black men _A__D__ on the pavements of Noting Hill.A.lying unconscious B.there diedC.feel faint D.serious hurt37.The battles raged over the bank holiday weekend as the black _D____responded in kind with counterattacks by large groups of“men of color”similarly armed.A.column B.armyC.brigade D.community38.Thomas Williams was stopped by the police as he came out of Bluey's Club on Talbot Road,Noting Hill.He __B___a piece of iron down his left trouser leg,a petrol bomb in his right pocket and a razor blade in his inside breast pocket:“I have to protect myself,”he told the arresting officer.A.found to have B.was found to haveC.found having D.was found having39.The _A_B___ files,which were sealed under the 75-year rule but have been released early,show that senior officers tried to convince the then home secretary,“Rab”Butler,that there was not a racial element to the rioting.A.forbidden B.confidentialC.incredible D.strict40.In his official report,Detective Sergeant M.Walters of the Notting Hill police said the national press had been wrong to portray the“widespread series of street disturbances”as“racial”riots:“Whereas there certainly was some __A___ feeling between white and colored residents in this area,it is abundantly clear much of the trouble was caused by ruffians,both colored and white,who seized on this opportunity to indulge in hooliganism.”A.ill B.sickC.painful D.hurt41.But the police witness statements and private statistics __B_D__ .A.told differently B.interpreted in a different wayC.existed m any differences D.told a different story42.The Met commissioner was told that _C_D___ the 108people who were charged with offences ranging from grievous bodily harm to affray and riot and possessing offensive weapons,72 were white and 36 were “colored”.A.for B.fromC.of D.in43.It is popularly believed that the riot began on the night of Saturday,August 20,when a 400-strong crowd of white men,_B D____“Teds”,attacked houses occupied by West Indians.A.they are all B.many of themC.some were D.most of them belong to44.Among the __C__ was Majbritt Morrison ,a young white Swedish bride of a Jamaican.A.offenders B.riotersC.victims D.residents45.She was pelted with stones,glass and wood,and _B_D___ in the back with an iron bar as she tried to get home.A.bruised B.struckC.patted D.scratched46.The internal police witness statements provide graphic evidence of the motives of the mobs—at one point crowds several thousand strong roamed the streets of Notting Hill,_B____ homes and attacking any West Indian they could find.A.plunging into B.breaking intoC.seeking for D.searching for47.PC Richard Bedford said he had seen a mob of 300 to 400 white people in Bramley Road _C__A__:“We will kill all black bastards.Why don't you send them home?”A.shouting B.to cryC.utter D.announced48.PC Ian McQueen on the same night said he was told:“Mind your own __D___,cops.Keep out of it.We will settle these niggers our way.We'll murder the bastards.”A.matters B.affairC.things D.business49.The disturbances continued night after night until they finally petered out on September 5.At the Old Bailey Judge Salmon later handed down exemplary __D___ of four years each on nine white youths who had gone“nigger hunting”.A.decisions B.statementsC.trials D.sentences50.While those dealt with by the courts were overwhelmingly white ,the large number of black people also arrested and the official _C____ there had not been a racial motive ensured a legacy of black mistrust of the Metropolitan police that has never really been eradicated.A.persistence B.perseveranceC.insistence D.instanceSection B Error Correction(10points)Directions:The following passage contains 9 errors.In each case only one word is involved.You should proofread the passage on the Answer Sheet and correct it in the following way:EXAMPLEOne night,quite late,I was still awake in the room I am shared with 1. ammy husband.I was lying on my right side and can hear a child crying. 2. couldGetting up,I went ∧see if our son was all right. 3. toHe was sleeping soundly,breathing deeply and gently. 4. √The ZipperWhatever did we do before the invention of the zipper?In 1893 the world's first zipper was produced in Chicago.Although the inventor claimed that it was a reliable fasteningfor clothing,this was not the case.The Chicago zipper sprang 51.______open without warning,or jammed shut,and it swiftly lostpopularity.Twenty years ago a Swedish-born engineer called 52.______Sundback solved the problem.He attached tiny cups to thebacks of the interlocked teeth,and this meant that the teeth 53.______could be enmeshed more firmly and reliably.At first zippers were made of metal.They were heavy,andif they got stuck it was difficult to free.Then came nylon 54.______zippers which were lighter and easier to use,and had smallerteeth.The fashion industry liked the new zippers far betterbecause they didn’t distort the line of the garment or weighing 55.______down light fabrics.They were also easier for the machiniststo fit into the garment.Meanwhile a new fastening agent made its appearance atthe end of the twenty century: velcro. Velcro is another product 56.______made from nylon.Nylon is a very tough synthetic fibre firstdeveloped in the 1930s,and bearing a name to mind the wearer 57.______of the two places where it was developed:NY for New York andLON for London.Velcro is made with very small nylon hooks onone side of the fastening which caught tiny looped whiskers on the 58.______other side of the fastening.It is strong and durable.Velcro is used on clothing,luggages and footwear.It is quick 59.______and easy to fasten and unfasten,and has taken a large part ofthe zipper's share of the market.It is also used in ways a zippercannot be used—for instance as an easily changed fastening onplaster casts,and to hold furnishing fabrics in a position.60.______Part III Situational Dialogues(5 minutes,10 points)Directions:Complete the following dialogues by choosing the best answer.Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.61.Rob:Hey Jill,you're looking great.Jill:Thanks,Rob.____________Rob:Well,you did it.How?Jill:I jog every morning,and I go to aerobics every other day.A.I bought this dress yesterday.Really smart.B.You are looking fine too.C.I'm recovering my strength after the flu.D.My New Year's resolution was to get in shape.62.Bob:Hi Jane.How are you?Jane:____________I didn't sleep a wink last night.The people next door were making a lot of noise again till very late at night.A.I'm feeling a bit out of sorts this morning.B.Fine,thank you.And you?C.I slept like a log and didn't want to get out of bed.D.It seems a bit unusual,you know.63.Ann :Aah!He's gorgeous!Look at those big,golden paws.When did you get him?Roger:Yesterday.____________Ann :Oh,right.What kind is she?Roger:A Labrador.A.Susan's got a more beautiful one.B.What's up?C.It's a she actually.D.Isn't it right?64.Tina:Wow,look at all the things on sale.____________Andrew:Yes,look,this shirt is 50 %off.Tina:And look at these shoes.They are 30 %off the normal price.A.I'd like to buy a skirt.B.There are some real bargains.C.Are the prices reasonable?D.These shoes are the same as mine.65.Woman:Have you finished the packaging?Man :____________Woman:Good.Because the truck will be coming soon,this is a rush job.A.Don't hurry m or I'll break the glass.B.Almost.I just have to wrap the glass and put it into boxes.C.No,I haven't.Why didn't you help me with it?D.Yes,I have.What else can I do for you?66.Customs Officer :________________________Mrs.John son :No,nothing at all.Customs Officer :No perfume,alcohol or cigarettes?Mrs.John son :Well,I have 200 cigarettes;that's all.A.Do you have anything in the bag,ma'am?B.Do you have anything to declare,ma'am?C.Do you want to buy something,ma'am?D.Is there anything I can do for you,ma'am?67.Linda:Hello.I'd like to send this package,please.Clerk:____________________________________Linda:First class.How long will that take?Clerk:About three days.A.How would you like to send it?B.Which class are you in?C.Where do you want to send it to?D.Which class is it in?68.Assistant:Can I help you?Colin :Yes,it's about this sports shirt.I washed it the other day.The colour ran and it shrank.Assistant:Oh dear,I see.________________________Colin :I'm afraid not.Assistant:I'm sorry,but I'm not allowed to change anything without a receipt.A.Did you buy it here?B.Would you want to change it?C.Do you have the receipt?D.Could you tell me who sold it to you?69.James:Could I have my bill,please?Can I pay by credit card or eurocheque?Receptionist:____________James:I'll pay by credit card,then.Receptionist:That's fine.I hope you enjoyed your stay here.A.Here's your bill.B.Sorry,we don't take credit card.C.You can pay by eurocheque.D.Yes,we take both.70.Husband:When is our anniversary?Wife:________________________Husband:No,it's just that I bought these flowers for you and I was hoping today was the day.A.Hmm ...I can't remember either.Why?B.Hey,are these flowers for me?C.Who cares?Do you want to give me a surprise?D.Are you joking?Have you really forgotten again?Part IV Reading Comprehension(25 minutes,40 points)Section A Multiple Choice(10 points)Directions:There is one reading passage in this part.The passage is followed by 5 questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A,B,C and D.You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 71 to 75 are based on the following passage:Taking a peep at what's going on in your headCARL Filer,18,a star salesman at a B&Q hardware store in the UK,was called up for promotion within one week of starting work.But,instead of being made supervisor,he was sacked—after his employers saw the results of his psychometric test.You might think that anyone who answers that he“strongly disagrees he is an over-achiever is asking for trouble,but Mr Filer already thought he had proved himself more than capable.This year,nearly half of UK firms—46 percent—will use psychometric tests to select trainees,compared with just 17 percent in 2000,according to a report for GTI,a publisher of graduate career guides.These tests,which rate candidates’ability and gauge their personality,have been used in the UK since the 1980s.But assorted studies have shown most people—graduates in particular—are wholly cynicalabout the idea of their personality being“measured.“People tend to see them as either too silly or too clever,says Clive Fletcher,professor of occupational psychology at University of London.“But all the evidence indicates the tests do have some value.The first personality test as we know it,was developed by the American army in 1917 to filter out weak recruits.But it was not until the 1980s that the tests became popular in Britain.With a rising number of graduates going for a decreasing number of jobs,organizations began to see psychometric testing as a cheap,reliable alternative to the expensive,time-consuming interview.But today the tests are becoming alarmingly sophisticated and are edging towards probing the“dark side:pathology and personality disorders.Increasingly,tests are being used to try to detect promising young graduates who may,later in life,fly off the rails(go crazy);or to stop psychopaths(having mental disorder)getting recruited.In the future,interviewees could even be given a mouth swab to reveal the genetic and biological markers of personality.“We are heading for the era of genetic screening,”warns Carolyn Jones,of the Institute for Employment Rights.“I think these tests are very flawed.And there are other problems with the tests.For starters,it is possible to fake it—even the test producers agree on this.But they have made it as hard as possible.For example,look at whether you agree or disagree with the following two statements:“New ideas come easily to me and“I find generating new concepts difficult.How long did it take you to realize they both could mean the same thing?The main argument,however,is that the tests are invalid and cannot quantify(put a numerical value on)something as changeable as personality.The golden rule is then,that a psychometric test should never be used as the sole basis of selection,but should always be followed by interviews.71.Most people's attitude towards the psychometric test is ______.A.contemptuous B.favorable C.tolerant D.confounded72.Which of the following is one of the reasons why psychometric testing wins an advantage over interviews?A.It doesn't cost any money.B.It requires no equipment.C.It is time-saving.D.It can be done within seconds.73.Which of the following statements is the author's idea?A.Psychometric tests are defective.B.Psychometric tests should not be the only way to recruit promising young graduates.C.Psychometric tests are invalid and cannot quantify something changeable as personality.D.Psychometric tests are golden rules.74.The test producers make the tests very complicated to ______.A.avoid cheating B.improve genetic screeningC.find out the best ideas D.generate new concepts75.Which of the following is not true according to the passage?A.The American army developed the first personality test to screen out weak recruits.B.In the future,interviewers could give a mouth swab to reveal interviewees’symptoms.C.There are possibilities for starters to cheat in the psychometric tests.D.Interviews still play an important role in evaluating interviewees.Section B Short Answer Questions(30 points)Directions:In this part there are 3 passages with 15 questions or incomplete statements.Read the passages carefully.Then answer the questions in the fewest possible words(not exceeding 10 words).Remember to rewrite the answers on the Answer Sheet.Questions 76 to 80 are based on the following passage:The 8 Steps of Social Invention1.Get ready to play.Like other types of creativity,social inventiveness flourishes when you begin thinking outside conventional boundaries.Charlie Girsch,a St.Paul,Minnesota-based creativity consultant,suggests that you start by playing with obviously absurd explanations for everyday events.“If traffic is slow,you'll be tem pted to say,‘Hmm.Must be an accident up ahead.’Instead,try saying,‘Must be a family of turtles crossing the highway’or‘I expect there's some kind of alien abduction going on.’You'll be amazed how soon you will be looking at familiar problems in new ways.”Girsch's book,Fanning the Creative Spirit(Creativity Central,1999)has scores of other exercises for limbering up the inventive part of your brain.2.Generate a zillion far-fetched ideas.Concerned about the homeless in your neighborhood?Imagine a Homeless Parliament,a Homeless Circus,homeless families forming an orchestra,a homeless museum ...and on and on.Generate like mad with no regard for feasibility in order,as social invention pioneer Nicholas Albery advises,to “overcome e worthy-but-dull ideas.”Eventually the two or three best ideas will begin to stand out.3.Take your wildest idea and bring it down to earth.How about that Homeless Circus?Could it turn into a forum for homeless people to display their creative talents?A performance series about homelessness?A neighborhood carnival with the homeless as guests of honor?Your flakiest idea may have a germ of brilliance that actually makes it more attractive,and thus more feasible(and fundable),than its worthy-but-dull cousins.4.Look for in venations that solve more than one problem.The Slow Food Movement,born in Italy,boosts local farmers and regional cuisine traditions and restaurateurs and the same time that it“feeds”our hunger for authentic tastes,healthy eating,and a more leisurely,saner style of life.5.Accentuate the positive.“A very common question that I get when I work with people in communities is‘Why doesn't anybody care about our problems?’”notes M chael Patterson,a social inventor and activist in Massachusetts.“What a worthless question.‘Why’?questions are for philosophers.Ask‘How’?and‘What’?questions—they are a lot more practical.”For instance,Patterson asks,“What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?”6.Give it a rest.Walk away from your favorite idea for a while,forget about it,let it sleep.With your conscious mind out of the way,your subconscious gets to fiddle with the concept for a while,and you just might have an unexpected insight or breakthrough.7.Practice“yes and”in stead of“yes but”.No matter how tempted you are to say“Yes,but this will be hard because,”or“Yes,but a million other people are doing this,”shift the conjunction to“and”and see what sort of positive refinement or change emerges.“Yes,and we could concentrate on immigrants.”“Yes,and we can make it open to all ages.”8.Get your idea into the world.This is the tough part.You might seek out the help of activists who will take a shine to your ideas.Orbecome an organizer yourself.Paul Glove,a New York social inventor,coun-sels:“If you have an idea you believe in,write a pamphlet with your phone number on it and post it in Laundromats and bookstores.If three people call you,have lunch with them and call yourselves an organization.If five people call,meet with them and issue a press release.”Presto,you're launched.76.To generate far-fetched ideas helps to ______.77.Michael Patterson wants us to come up with“How”?and“What”?instead of“Why”?questions because he considers they are more practical than ______.78.The purpose to practice“yes and”instead of“yes but”is to make yourself more ______.79.According to the article,when one has difficulty developing his favorite idea,he should ______.80.One should not only generate far-fetched ideas but also ______ because the latter step is the nearest to reality.Questions 81 to 85 are based on the following passage:Thin Slice of TV Has Big MarketIt is too early to write an obituary for bulky picture tubes,which will remain the most affordable TV sets for years to come.But,analysts and industry executives insist that thin screens already have started to become the dominant format for TV sets in the digital era.Sharp price cuts have brought plasma sets and other thin,flat televisions out of high-end electronic boutiques and into thousands of mass-market outlets such as Cosco,a wholesale buying club in the US,best known for offering members bulk items and big discounts.The least expensive plasma sets still cost a hefty US $3,000or more ,yet sales are growing so rapidly that many manufacturers are racing to boost production.That increase,combined with expanding production capacity and improved technology,could push the price of plasma sets down by one-third next year,according to analyst Richard Doherty of Envisioneering Group,a US research firm.But manufacturers are not just competing with each other;they are also trying to fend off challenges from competing thin-screen technologies,such as liquid crystal displays(LCD).The demand for thin screens is fuelled in part by the advent of DVDs and digital TV broadcasts,which offer more detailed pictures and more lifelike colors than conventional analog TV signals.To see the difference,consumers need a set that can pack more information onto the screen than their current TVs can.This sharpness is most vivid on screens that are 40inches diagonal or larger.At that size,however,traditional direct view and projection TVs are so bulky that many consumers have trouble finding a place for them at home.Hence the interest in thin screens—models slender and light enough to hang on a wall.The glass panels at the heart of plasma and LCD sets come mainly from about a dozen companies with factories in Japan,South Korea and,increasingly,China.About 800,000 plasma panels will be shipped this year around the world,analysts say.That is a tiny amount compared with the overall market for TVs,which was about 140 million sets last year.But,industry experts said 2003would be a“breakout year”or plasma because shipments should double.Helping drive the growth are new or expanded manufacturing facilities.For example,Japanese electronics giant NEC last year doubled the capacity of its Japanese factory—reaching 300,000to 400,000 plasma panels.And it plans to double it again in 2003,officials said.As competition has heated up during the last four years,prices have fallen more than 50 percent.According to“NPD Tec world”,the average price of a plasma display sold in the US dropped from US $12,700in January 1999 to US $6,100in October 2002.The best markets for plasma screens have been in Asia,and about half of the sets have gone to businesses instead of homes.LCD TVs carry a premium price—they can be 10 times as expensive as a comparable tube-driven television—that knocks them out of most buyers’budgets.But LCD panels are quickly taking over the market for computer monitors,and the tens of millions of panels being produced for that segment will help push down prices for LCD TVs,analysts predicted.Sharp Electronics,for one,is betting heavily on LCDs.Its chairman,Toshiaki Urushisako,has predicted that Sharp will switch completely from conventional tube sets to LCD TVs in Japan by 2005.Flat-panel refers to wafer-thin(3 inches or less)TVs,whereas flat-screen may actually describe traditional cathode-ray-tube sets(CRTs)whose glass front lacks the distorting curve that TVs have had for 50 years.Be aware of two things:One,flat-panel technology may not be high-definition TV;for eventual HDTV reception,some of these sets will require a separate HD tuner.Two,some flat-panel TVs are just the panel and lack speakers and sometimes a built-in tuner.Price range:US $700-2,000LCD vs plasmaIn general,LCD technology is used for smaller screens because of the enormous number of transistors needed to turn the glasslike liquid crystals into color images.The larger the display,the more transistors,the more chance of failed connections.A plasma screen is found in TV sets larger than 20 inches.Color is comparable to an LCD's.LCDs do not deteriorate over time,while a plasma display averages 30,000 hours(a traditional TV screen can go for 20,000),after which it fades over a period of years.Earlier problems with the quality of plasma's contrast have been addressed,and current screens are cleaner and better defined.Price range:US $600-2,800HDTVSimply put,high-definition TV is 10 times as sharp as traditional TV,and the sound is digital,like CD sound,not FM ,which is what traditional TV provides.HD technology achieves its visual clarity with more immage lines on the screen.Where analog TVs have 480 horizontal lines,HDTV has 720 or 1,080lines.Be aware :m any HDTV sets being sold now are in fact only HDTV monitors ,offering a crisp picture .To receive genuine high-definition television signals,owners must buy a separate HDTV receiver.Price range:US $1,000-6,000LOS ANGELEST IMES81.According to the article,TV sets with _____will still be the most popular in the coming years.82.The factors that stimulate the thin screens to be more and more popular include _____,_____,and_____.83.The rapidly expanding market for LCD panels and their large-scale production will help lower _____.84.When a wealthy customer wants to buy a very large TV,he should select _____and _____according to the passage.85.We can infer from the passage that among all kinds of TV sets _____is of the best quality.。



Part I Listening Comprehension (30 marks)
Section A (5 marks) Section B (10 marks) Section C (5 marks) Section D (10 marks) five short conversations two long conversations five short news items a radio talk
Part II Vocabulary and Structure (15 marks) Part Ⅲ Cloze (10 marks) Part Ⅳ Reading Comprehension (40 marks) Part V Translation (10 marks) Part VI Error Correction (10 marks) Part VII IQ Test (5 marks) Part VIII Writing (30 marks)
4. What did the man mention about the briefcase? A. The price. B. The shape. C. The color. 【听力原文】 W: British Rail Lost Property, Waterloo. M: Good morning. I left my briefcase on the train, the 7:47 from Bournemouth, this morning. It’s sort of an averagesized, rectangular, leather briefcase with brass locks. W: Sorry, we haven’t got it, sir.



2013National English Contestfor College Students(Level C-Final)参考答案及作文评分标准Part I Listening Comprehension(30marks)Section A(5marks)1—5ACBBCSection B(10marks)6—10CCABA11—15BCBCASection C(5marks)16—20ACBACSection D(10marks)21.prescription22.drug addiction23.lenient approach24.distinguished between 25.are licensed to26.single transaction27.Proponents28.legitimate29.campaigns30.therebyPart II Vocabulary and Structure(15marks)31—35DBBCB36—40CABAD41—45ABACAPart III Cloze(10marks)46.height47.both48.surprising49.mistakenly50.through 51.hungry52.scientific53.Sleepiness54.connection55.evilPart IV Reading Comprehension(40marks)Section A(10marks)rmation59.gang60.requesting Section B(10marks)61.F62.T63.F64.It provides students with an online learning environment.65.They receive the individual support and advice they need to succeed in their study. Section C(10marks)66.enduring67.starved68.more dramatically69.D70.CSection D(10marks)71.Because the Egyptians worshiped cats as holy animals and there were laws protecting them.72.The Dark Ages in Europe.73.About 10percent.74.猫惯有“巫师的助手”之称。


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为了配合教育部高等教育教学评估工作,贯彻第四次全国教育工作会议精神,落实教育部关于大学英语教学改革和考试改革精神,促进大学各类英语教学改革的实施,全面提高大学生英语综合运用能力,激发广大学生学习英语的积极性,推动全国大学各类英语教学质量上一个新台阶,经教育部有关部门批准,教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和高等学校大学外语教学研究会决定联合举办2013年全国大学生英语竞赛(2013 National English Contest for College Students)。

竞赛分为A 、B 、C 、D四个类别,本竞赛面向我校全体学生,每个学生都可自愿报名参赛,竞赛提倡“重在参与”的奥林匹克精神。

A 类考试适用于研究生参加;B类考试适用于英语专业本、专科学生参加;C类考试适用于非英语专业的本科生参加;D类考试适用于体育类和艺术类本科生和非英语专业高职高专类学生参加。

初赛:定于2013年4月 14日(星期日)上午9﹕00--11﹕00在昆明学院举行,竞赛由全国统一命题,包括笔试和听力两部分。


决赛:定于2013年5 月12 日(星期日)上午9﹕00--11﹕00在全国各地同时举行。







外国语学院 2013-2-28。
