智能无纸记录仪操作手册V1.1.0 2010-10前言非常感谢使用本公司生产的无纸记录仪。
6 第二章功能特点。
6 第三章技术指标。
104.1仪表尺寸 (10)4.2端子接线 (10)4.3 继电器触点输出接线 (11)4.4 通讯接线..... . (11)第五章通讯。
125.1 RS-232C通讯方式 (12)5.2 RS-485通讯方式 (13)5.3 无线通讯.................................. ..14 第六章键盘功能与运行画面。
156.1键盘功能 (15)6.2 总貌画面............. . (16)6.3 棒图画面 (17)6.4 实时趋势 (18)6.5 报警信息 (20)6.6 掉电信息 (22)6.7 历史趋势 (23)6.8 日累积 (25)6.9 月累积 (26)第七章组态操作。
感谢您购买本公司记录仪,本机采用高性能低照度“cmos wxga hd ”高清感光芯片,有独特的超便携式设计,使它可以应用在各个领域,为您带来方便,安全,丰富多彩的日常生活。
TP1001中文资料_TP1001规格书_TP1001 PDF
PCB 布局
V1,V2,V3连接到开关电源的反馈网络,其走线要尽可能 的短;芯片的地线离开关电源的反馈网络的地线要尽可 能的短;同时走线要远离开关电源的干扰源。
当 USB 线缆断开时,D+的电压值被下拉电阻 RPDR_D+拉 低(见典型应用图)。一旦 D+的电压低于 VDAT_REF 时, TP1001 将导通开关 N5 从而将 D+和 D-短路并且关断开 关 N1~N4。 这时 TP1001 进入 USB 电池充电规范 1.2 版 兼容模式,电源默认输出 5V 电压值。RPDR_D+的建议取 值为 RPDR_D+=390kΩ。
Shenzhen TPOWER Semiconductor
TP1001 支持 QC2.0 快速充电协议的接口控制芯片
TP1001 是一款支持 QC2.0 快速充电协议的低成本接口 控制芯片。 TP1001 集成了所有必要的功能,可以将 QC2.0 功能添加到 AC/DC 适配器、 充电器和移动电源等 其他开关电源设备中,以实现对支持 QC2.0 协议的受电 设备的快速充电功能。 TP1001 支持 QC2.0 协议的整个输出电压范围,包括 A 类规范的输出电压范围(5V,9V,12V)和 B 类规范的输出电 压范围(5V,9V,12V,20V)。TP1001 可以自动检测出受电 设备为支持 QC2.0 协议或者为支持 USB 电池充电规范 1.2 版本,并且相应的启用输出电压调节功能。
Shenzhen TPOWER Semiconductor
TP1001 支持 QC2.0 快速充电协议的接口控制芯片
� 采用 64MB 大容量的 FLASH 闪存芯片存贮历史数据,掉电永不丢
� 全隔离万能输入,可同时输入多种信号,无需更换模块,通过软件
� 显示工程量数据的数值范围更宽可显示 6 位数值: -999, 99~1999.99; � 可以参数设置、显示工程位号,工程单位,有流量累积; � 具有闪动报警显示,同时指示各路通道的下下限、下限、上限、上
3.7 环境及其他 � 工作温度范围:0℃ ~50℃ � 储藏温度范围:-20℃~70℃ � 工作湿度范围:低于 85%R.H,无结露 � 仪表的重量(64 通道) :最大约 2.8Kg 3.8 记录时间
记录时间的长短与 FLASH 存储器容量、 记录间隔和输入点数有关, 计算公式如下:
3.3 报警输出及变送输出 � 继电器输出:触点容量 AC 220V,3A,阻性负载 � 12 点可参数设置输出,可按通道的各报警点值设定 � 可参数设置 8 点变送输出,光电隔离,误差小于± 0.2% F ·S ,电流输
出负载能力≤450Ω 电压输出配接设备阻抗:需大于 2KΩ
3.4 外供电源 � DC 24V 电源:用于给变送器供电,最大负载能力≤200mA
管理软件外,还支持 MCGS 、参数设置王等流行参数设置软件;
� 采用新型开关电源,能在交流电源 AC 85V~265V 宽电压范围内正常工
� 提供变送器 DC 24V 隔离配电; � 通过 EMCIII 级,保证仪表在恶劣的环境中正常工作。
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
三、 技术指标
3.1.显示 � 10.1 寸彩色 TFT 触摸 LCD 或 7 寸彩色 TFT 触摸 LCD � 数字显示画面、棒图显示画面、实时曲线画面、追忆曲线画面共四个
RS-WS-DY-6-*无线温湿度变送记录仪用户手册文档版本:V1.0目录1. 产品简介 (4)2. 产品选型 (4)3. 功能特点 (4)4. 技术参数说明 (5)5. 产品外形尺寸 (6)6. 菜单及显示说明 (6)6.1 面板示意说明 (6)6.2 液晶显示说明 (6)7. 系统菜单与设置 (7)7.1 按键功能说明 (7)7.2 按键操作简介 (8)7.3 功能显示项目说明 (8)8. 设备安装要求 (14)8.1设备安装前检查 (14)8.2整体安装说明 (14)8.3接口说明 (14)8.4 安装说明 (15)9. 设备接入监控平台软件 (15)10. 联系方式.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
11. 文档历史.................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
1. 产品简介RS-WS-DY-6系列产品是一款大屏液晶显示无线通信并带自身记录的温湿度测点。
行车记录仪中文说明书(总4页)-CAL-FENGHAI.-(YICAI)-Company One1-CAL-本页仅作为文档封面,使用请直接删除高清行车记录仪使用说明书产品结构示意图○1指示灯○2 USB接口○3支架接口○4显示屏○5菜单键○6录像/拍照键○7模式键○8复位键○9HDMI接口○10TF卡槽○11镜头○12喇叭○13麦克风○14电源开关键○15上翻键○16下翻键菜单功能设置开机按菜单键进入设置界面。
【4】 HDMI 功能通过HDMI连接线,将本设备与电视输出终端相连接,音视频信号可以在电视输出终端显示。
1.1关于microjet 记录仪(1)本记录仪为记录幅面宽180mm的多范围输入记录仪,通过DC电压输入信号和温色/电阻元件最多可记录12路。
(3)模拟记录曲线可以是连续的或间断的(参见1.3 格式特性)。
(1)面板装配附件2件(2)记录头(带吸水包装)1件(3)记录纸1包(4)手册1本(5)熔断器(250V/1A AC)1只1.3检查型号说明标签说明了型号名称等,请检查是否为你所订购的规格型号(在包装箱的顶部和主单元里有标签)。
PHA 45674-E123V/Y4记录数 1 1路连续记录 2 2路连续记录 3 3路连续记录 6 6路连续记录7 6路点记录8 12路点记录9 12路连续记录5输入信号数(温/色元件)0 无1 1路 2 2路 3 3路 6 6路8 12路Z 其它规范6 输入信号数(电阻元件)0 无1 1路 2 2路 3 3路 6 6路8 12路Z 其它规范7 输入信号数(DC电压)0 无1 1路 2 2路 3 3路 6 6路8 12路Z 其它规范5、6、7数值之和必须等于4的数值。
1记录纸照明A无B有2报警输出/外部控制0 无 1 6路报警输出加3路外部控制2 12路报警输出加3路外部控制3通讯Y 无R RS-485 T T-link输入信号工作值:温色:K 0-1200℃电阻元件:PT100 0-500℃ DC电压:-5-5VDC输入信号规范和记录通道的关系:例如:如果为3路温色信号,6路电阻信号和3路DC电压信号,则1-3路为温色,4-9为电阻,10-12为DC电压。
TL-AC1000 V1.0用户手册1.0.0
物品清单 ...............................................................................................................................1 第1章 1.1 1.2 1.3 第2章 2.1 2.2 2.3 用户手册简介 ................................................................................................... 2 目标读者 .......................................................................................................... 2 本书约定 .......................................................................................................... 2 章节安排 .......................................................................................................... 2 产品介绍 .......................................................................................................... 5 产品描述 .......................................................................................................... 5 产品特性 .......................................................................................................... 5 产品外观 .......................................................................................................... 6 2.3.1 2.3.2 第3章 3.1 3.2 前面板 .................................................................................................... 6 后面板 .................................................................................................... 7
感谢您购买本公司记录仪,本机采用高性能低照度“cmos wxga hd ”高清感光芯片,有独特的超便携式设计,使它可以应用在各个领域,为您带来方便,安全,丰富多彩的日常生活。
目录1 一般信息1-1 1.1 本手册使用符号1-1 1.1.1 安全符号1-1 1.1.2 指示符1-2 1.1.3 真空符号1-2 1.1.4 术语定义1-3 1.2 INFICON服务的支持1-5 1.2.1 维修中心1-6 1.3 前言1-7 1.3.1 用途1-7 1.3.2 技术参数1-8 物理参数1-8 电气参数1-8 接口1-8 其它参数1-9 环境条件1-9 1.4 开箱1-9 1.4.1 设备供货范围1-101.4.2 附件与选件1-102 安装2-1 2.1 运输2-1 2.2 就位2-1 2.3 仪器组件2-1 2.3.1 电子学模件2-3 通风2-3 键操作开关2-3 工作和显示单元2-3 2.3.2 质谱仪模件2-6 涡轮分子泵2-7 质谱仪2-8 离子源2-9 分离系统2-9 离子收集极2-9 静电放大器2-9 2.4 安装2-10 2.4.1 真空连接件2-11 2.4.2 电气连接件2-12 2.4.3 连接质谱仪- 电子学模件2-13 2.4.4 设定工作模式2-15 调整配线器2-16 2.4.5 连接至外控制器2-16 连接至SPS 2-17 数字I/O 插头, 多功能(16-脚) 2-18 数字输出, 插头: 数字输出(16-脚) 2- 模拟输出2-19 图形记录仪输出, 模拟输出插头(4脚) 2-20 音响输出2-21 2.5 仪器运行2-22 2.5.1 功能说明2-22 2.5.2 连接选件2-23 逆流配置(GROSS) 带泵模件2-24 逆流配置(FINE) 不带泵模件2-25 中间进气口配置(FINE) 2- 吸入器模式配置2-273 运行3-1 3.1 仪器接通电源3-1 3.1.1 校准压强规管3-2 3.1.2 确定真空模式的机器因素3-2 3.2 操作单元上的控制器3-3 3.2.1 操作与显示单元3-3 全貌3-3 操作单元上的控制器3-3 显示元件3-5 配置仪器参数3-6 菜单功能3-7 3.2.2 电源开关3-11 3.2.3 键开关3-11 3.3 校准3-12 3.3.1 内部校准3-12 3.3.2 外校准3-14 真空和吸入器模式的标准校准3-14 动态校准3-14 3.4 可编程的控制通讯3-16 3.4.1 数字输入3-16 3.4.2 继电器输出3-17 3.5 音响讯号3-183.6 停机3-184 维护4-1 4.1 INFICON服务4-1 4.2 维护工作4-1 4.2.1 更换过滤插件4-2 4.2.2 测试真空计PSG400 4-2 4.2.3 泵模件选件的维护4-2 4.2.4 更换电源保险丝4-3 4.2.5 清洗4-3 4.3 维护计划4-3 4.4 警告和误差信息4-6 4.4.1 硬件问题4-6 4.4.2 与应用有关的问题4-10附录A-1 A 索引A-11一般信息亲爱的用户,您选购的检漏仪是INFICON公司在真空与检漏技术领域积累了多年经验的产品.LDS1000 检漏仪尤其适合于组装在工业系统中. 它的多功能性, 操作简易和接口提供使这台设备适用于广泛的应用范围.本使用说明书包含有关LDS1000的功能, 安装, 启用与操作等重要说明.注我们建议您仔细阅读本使用说明书, 以保证从一开始就进入最佳工作状态.一般说明本公司保留设计与特定参数的更改权. 图示是无约束的.1.1 本手册使用符号1.1.1 安全符号有关操作安全与保护的重要标注如下:有关正确安装与使用设备的信息. 忽视将导致误动作或设备的局部损伤.有关防止大范围地损坏设备和环境的信息.有关防止各种人身伤害的信息.表示必须由熟练人员才能执行的步骤.1.1.2 指示符提示有关有益的步骤信息.注有关用户必须遵守的特殊技术要求的信息.参考图示依次包含章节数, 图号和项号. 例如: 图2-4/7为2章的图4中项7.1.1.3 真空符号下面列出本手册中使用的某些重要真空符号.图1-1 真空符号1.1.4 术语定义质量调整这个功能自动调谐质谱仪, 显示最大漏率. 控制处理器在选择的范围内改变离子加速电压直到离子检测器检测到最大的离子流. 在每次校准过程中自动运行质量调整功能.自动测量量程自动选择前置放大器的放大量程.LDS1000的自动测量量程功能覆盖所选定模式: 真空模式或吸入器模式的整个测量量程或漏率量程.自动抑零扣除和更新氦本底. 这个模式是用于确定漏率讯号的内部本底, 以便在随后的测量中不再出现这个内部氦本底.每次从STBY 转换至MEAS 或调用CAL 模式时执行. Zero 测量仅运行于前置放大器最灵敏的量程, 对于其它测量量程进行计算. 对不同测量量程确定的零值贮存在内存中, 在以后校正全部漏率时使用.如以后的校正结果中出现负值, 贮存的偏离值将按最小值为零值的原则变更. 从而校正值将自动适应衰减的本底(自动本底修正).GROSSGROSS是允许高的进气口压强(3 毫巴) 的测量模式. 最小可检漏率为3.5 x 10-10毫巴升/秒.FINEFINE 是进气口压强低于0,3 毫巴的中等测量模式. 检测上限为5 x 10-11毫巴升/秒.前级压强涡轮分子泵与涡旋泵之间前级管道中的压强.内部氦本底在测量系统中当前的氦分压强. 内部氦本底值是在Stand-by 模式中测量的, 并在转换至测量模式后, 最后从测量的讯号中扣除.最小可检漏率LDS1000可检测的最小漏率(≤5 x 10-11毫巴升/秒).菜单用户可使用菜单按自己的要求编程LDS1000. 菜单是树状的分支结构.测量测量模式LDS1000 测量试样的漏率.交货状态/ 缺省LDS1000 出厂时的交货状态.待用(STBY)等待状态. LDS1000 显示内部氦本底.PLC程序控制系统(可由用户编程). 生产设施的控制系统, 也控制LDS1000.1.2 INFICON服务的支持如将设备返回INFICON或INFICON的授权代理. 请标明设备无危害健康的物质或设备已污染. 如已污染, 前请标明危害的性质. 无污染申报表的任何设备INFICON将按发送地址退回. 对于LDS1000的单个元件同样有效.详细说明污染类型的表格见本章末.建议签订一份维护和检修合同.1.2.1 维修中心当您需要紧急协助时, 请与当地INFICON维修中心联系或联系德国科隆的服务热线:1.3 前言1.3.1用途LDS1000 是一台氦检漏仪用于安装在试漏系统中. 通常由PLC或RS232控制.LDS1000是检漏模件用于组装在工业试漏系统中. 可用于定量确定试件中的漏孔.•如在试件中充以氦压, 置于用真空连接至LDS1000的测试室中, 或•在试件中充以正压的氦测试气体, 用吸入器探头在试件外搜索(吸入器模式).LDS1000只能用于检漏.切勿用作抽气系统(尤其不能抽腐蚀性或潮湿气体).LDS1000的质谱仪模件中有强的永久磁铁可影响医疗注入或电子学设备.1.3.2 技术参数1.3.2.1 物理参数最大进气口压强GROSS 3毫巴最大进气口压强FINE 0.3毫巴最低可检氦漏率•真空模式–GROSS 模式≥3,5x10-10毫巴⋅升/秒–FINE 模式≥5x10-11毫巴⋅升/秒• 吸入器模式≥1×10-7毫巴⋅升/秒可显示的最大氦漏率0.1毫巴⋅升/秒测量范围10个量级漏率讯号的时间常数<1秒(盲住, 最终值的63%)可检质量数2,3和4质谱仪180°扇形磁场离子源两个阴极;铱/氧化钇进气口DN25KF起转时间(从开机) ≤3分1.3.2.2 电气参数电源, 可开关, 单相(与型号有关) 115伏±15%230伏±15%电源频率50/60 Hz功率损耗<120伏安保护类型–电子学模件IP30–手持单元IP54电源电缆(EU,USA,UK) 2.5米1.3.2.3 接口记录仪输出0-10伏控制输出典型24伏,最大35伏接口RS232音响输出1.3.2.4 其它参数电磁阀24伏电子学模件尺寸483 × 133 × 375毫米19 x 5 x 15’’质谱仪模件尺寸360 x 212 x 227毫米14,2 x 8,3 x 8,9’’电子学模件重量10公斤22磅质谱仪模件重量8,5公斤20磅污染水平(按IEC60664-1标准) 2过电压类别(按IEC60664-1标准) Ⅱ1.3.2.5 环境条件用于室内允许环境温度(在运行过程中) +10 °C … +40 °C允许储存温度–20 °C … +60 °C最高相对湿度80% 无凝聚最大允许海拔高度(在运行过程中) 2000米质谱仪的最大允许磁场感应强度7mT1.4 开箱LDS1000到货后应立即开箱, 即使暂不安装.检查运输箱是否有任何外伤. 完全取开包装材料.检查LDS1000的完整性(参阅1.4.1节), 并仔细目测检查LDS1000.如发现任何损伤, 立即报告代理商和保险商. 如损坏件必须更换, 请与订货部门联系.提示保留包装材料, 以便发现损坏时申诉.1.4.1 设备供货范围LDS1000 基本单元, 包括: 件号. 146 00• 电子学模件• 质谱仪模件, 真空计, 2 套钥匙• 3 根电源电缆(Europ, USA, UK)• SPS 连接件• 记录仪的连接件插头• 成套保险丝LDS1000基本单元: 件号. 146 01与146 00相同(见上), 但予装配电子学模件与质谱仪模件之间10 米间距(LDS包括改进的电路板和10 米连接电缆)1.4.2 附件与选件下列部件可附加订货:吸入器阀门• 吸入器管线3米带LEDs和测试器5米带LEDs和测试器10米带LEDs和测试器件号. 145 20 件号. 145 21 件号. 145 22 件号. 145 23MS 电缆1,5米3米5米10米包含专用的MSV电路板件号. 146 31 件号. 146 32 件号. 146 33 件号. 146 34延伸电缆5米10米15米件号. 146 40 件号. 146 41 件号. 146 42内部测试漏孔TL7 件号. 145 49 泵模件D4B 230V 件号. 145 11 • 带软管的喷枪件号. 165 55污染申报表检修和/或服务的提供仅适用于已提交正确完整申报表的真空设备和元件. 手续不完整的将导致延迟.本申报表必须由经过授权和有资格的人员填写和签署.1产品说明型号编号出厂号2 返修原因3 使用的工作液体4 产品的污染过程:毒性否□是□腐蚀性否□是□生物危害性否□是□*)易爆性否□是□*)放射性否□是□*)其它有害性物质否□是□5 有害的物质、气体和/或副产品请列出与设备接触过的物质、气体和副产品:商标/ 产品名称制造厂化学名称(或符号)危险性材料等级如泄漏应采取的措施人体接触的急救方法6 有法律约束的申报:我申明本申报表中的信息是完整和正确的。
PicoLog 1000系列PC数据记录器用户指南说明书
Copyright © 2013 Pico Technology Ltd. All rights er's Guidepl1000.en r2PicoLog 1000 SeriesI PicoLog 1000 Series User's GuideContents1 Introduction (1) (1)1 Overview (2)2 Safety warning (3)3 Leg al information (4)4 Accessories (4)5 Company details (5)6 Connecting the log g er (5)7 Getting started (6)8 Example circuit (voltag e) (7)9 Example circuit (lig ht)2 Product information (8) (8)1 Specifications (9)2 I/O connector pins (10)3 USB ADC-11 compatibility mode (11)3 Glossary (13)IndexPicoLog 1000 Series User's Guide1 1Introduction1.1OverviewThe PicoLog 1000 Series PC Data Loggers are m edium-speed, m ultichannel voltage-input devices for sam plinganalog data using a PC. This m anual describes the physicalproperties of the loggers.The following PicoLog 1000 Series Data Loggers are available:Version Resolution ChannelsPicoLog 101210 bits12PicoLog 121612 bits16These devices are designed for use with the PicoLog data logging software and thePicoScope oscilloscope software. You can also use the PicoLog API supplied todevelop your own program s to collect and analyse data. See the PicoLog 1000 SeriesProgram m er's Guide for details of the API.Introduction 21.2Safety warningWe strongly recom m end that you read the general safety inform ation below beforeusing your product for the first tim e. If the equipm ent is not used in the m annerspecified, then the protection provided m ay be im paired. This could result in dam ageto your com puter and injury to yourself or others.Maximum input rangeThe inputs of the PicoLog 1000 Series loggers are protected against overvoltages up to ±30 V. Input voltages beyond this range m ay cause perm anent dam age to the unit.Mains voltagesPico products are not designed for use with m ains voltages. To m easure m ains werecom m end the use of a differential isolating probe specifically designed for suchm easurem ents.Safety groundingThe ground of every unit is connected directly to the ground of your com puter via theinterconnecting cable provided. This is done to m inim ise interference. If the PC(especially laptops) is not grounded, reading stability cannot be guaranteed and it m ay be necessary to m anually ground the equipm ent.As with m ost oscilloscopes and data loggers, you should take care to avoid connecting the inputs of the unit to any equipm ent which m ay be at an unsuitable voltage. If indoubt, use a voltm eter to check that there is no hazardous AC or DC voltage. Failureto check m ay cause dam age to the product and/or com puter and could cause injury to yourself or others.You should assum e that the product does not have a protective safety earth.Incorrect configuration and/or use on voltages outside the m axim um input range can be hazardous.CleaningThe unit m ay be cleaned externally using a cloth dam pened slightly with water. Do not use any other solvents or abrasive cleaning m aterials.RepairsThe unit contains no user-serviceable parts. Repair or calibration of the unit requiresspecialised test equipm ent and m ay be perform ed only by Pico Technology or itsauthorised distributors.PicoLog 1000 Series User's Guide31.3Legal informationThe m aterial contained in this release is licensed, not sold. Pico Technology grants alicence to the person who installs this software, subject to the conditions listed below.AccessThe licensee agrees to allow access to this software only to persons who have beeninform ed of these conditions and agree to abide by them.UsageThe software in this release is for use only with Pico products or with data collectedusing Pico products.CopyrightPico Technology claim s the copyright of, and retains the rights to, all m aterial(software, docum ents etc.) contained in this release. You m ay copy and distribute theentire release in its original state, but m ust not copy individual item s within the release other than for backup purposes.LiabilityPico Technology and its agents shall not be liable for any loss, dam age or injury,howsoever caused, related to the use of Pico Technology equipm ent or software,unless excluded by statute.Fitness for purposeNo two applications are the sam e: Pico Technology cannot guarantee that itsequipm ent or software is suitable for a given application. It is your responsibility,therefore, to ensure that the product is suitable for your application.Mission-critical applicationsThis software is intended for use on a com puter that m ay be running other softwareproducts. For this reason, one of the conditions of the licence is that it excludes usage in m ission-critical applications, for exam ple life support system s.VirusesThis software was continuously m onitored for viruses during production, but you areresponsible for virus-checking the software once it is installed.SupportIf you are dissatisfied with the perform ance of this software, please contact ourtechnical support staff, who will try to fix the problem within a reasonable tim e scale. If you are still dissatisfied, please return the product and software to your supplier within28 days of purchase for a full refund.UpgradesWe provide upgrades, free of charge, from our web site. We reserve the right tocharge for updates or replacem ents sent out on physical m edia.TrademarksPico Technology, PicoScope and PicoLog are tradem arks of Pico Technology Ltd.,registered in the United Kingdom and other countries. Pico Technology acknowledgesthe following product nam es as tradem arks of their respective owners: Windows, Excel, Visual Basic, LabVIEW, Delphi.Introduction 41.4AccessoriesThe following item s are supplied in all packages:Standard items Part no.PicoLog 1000 Series PC Data Logger PP543 (PicoLog 1012)PP544 (PicoLog 1216)USB cable MI106Software and Reference CD-ROM DI025USB Installation Guide DO112The following additional item s are supplied in som e packages (see our website fordetails):Additional items Part no.Sm all Term inal Board PP545Sm all Term inal Board User's Guide DO161The Sm all Term inal Board m akes connecting wires to the Data Logger m uch easier.Instead of soldering wires to a 25-way D-type plug, you can sim ply insert preparedwire ends into the screw term inals on the term inal board. The board also containssolder pads to allow you to fit resistors that divide the input voltage to each channelby a known ratio, thereby expanding the m easuring range by the sam e ratio. Forexam ple, if you divide the input voltage by 4, then the effective input range of theData Logger is increased from 2.5 V to 10 V on that channel.1.5Company detailsAddress: Pico TechnologyJam es HouseColm worth Business ParkST. NEOTSCam bridgeshirePE19 8YPUnited KingdomPhone:+44 (0) 1480 396 395Fax: +44 (0) 1480 396 296Email:Technical Support********************Sales******************Web site:PicoLog 1000 Series User's Guide 51.6Connecting the loggerBefore you connect your logger, you must install the software supplied on theCD.To connect the PicoLog logger, plug the cable provided into any available USB port onyour PC.I/O connector: for the pin-num bering of the I/O connector, see I/O connector pins. The Pico PP545 Sm all Term inal Board is specially designed to connect to this socketto allow you to m ake connections to individual wires easily without soldering. If youneed to use a ribbon cable to connect your signals to this socket, use the shortestpossible length to avoid introducing too m uch crosstalk between the signals.Status LED: this flashes while the device is capturing data. The flash rate depends on the sam pling rate.USB port: use the USB cable supplied to connect this to the PC that is running the Pico software. A PC with a USB 2.0 port is recom m ended for best performance.1.7Getting startedTo check that the unit is working, start the PicoScope program by clicking thePicoScope icon on your desktop:You should im m ediately see a signal trace on the screen. As the inputs are high-im pedance, the trace will show noise until a defined voltage is applied to the input. If you connect a 1.5 V battery between the GND term inal and the C1 analog input (see I/O connector pins ), you should see the signal jum p to +1.5 V. Alternatively you cangenerate a test voltage using a potential divider connected between the PO outputand a GND term inal.996Introduction 1.8Example circuit (voltage)This is how to connect a sim ple voltage source to the Data Logger:The com ponents of the circuit are as follows:Once you have built the circuit, connect it to the Data Logger, run the PicoScope 6software and watch the trace on the display. When the voltage source is connected,the trace should rise to the level of the source voltage. When the voltage source isdisconnected, the trace should fall to zero volts.PicoLog 1000 Series User's Guide71.9Example circuit (light)Here is an exam ple of a sensor circuit that you could connect to the logger.The com ponents of the circuit are as follows:Once you have built the circuit, connect it to the Data Logger, run the PicoScope 6software and watch the trace on the display. When the sensor is exposed to light, the trace should rise to alm ost 2.5 V. When the sensor is covered, the trace should fall toa value close to 0 V.Product information 82Product information2.1SpecificationsNotes:1.Block m ode is supported by PicoScope and the PicoLog 1000 Series API, but not byPicoLog.2.Except in USB ADC-11 com patibility m ode (see I/O connections table)109PicoLog 1000 Series User's Guide 92.2I/O connector pins The I/O connector is the 25-way connector on the front of the unit. Pin num bers andsignal nam es are as follows. See Specifications for further details of input andoutput characteristics.Note 1:These outputs are available when the unit is used in USB ADC-11com patibility m ode .Note 2:The ground pins are protected by resettable fuses. If you connect one of the ground pins to a voltage source such as a power pack, and the voltage source shares a ground connection with the USB cable to the Data Logger,then a large current will flow into the ground pin. The fuse will detect this condition and disconnect the pin before dam age is caused to the Data Logger. The fuse will autom atically reset itself when the voltage source is disconnected from the input pin.Note 3:NC = not connected810Product information 10The I/O connector pins are numbered as follows:2.3USB ADC-11 compatibility modeThe PicoLog 1000 Series data loggers m ay be used as replacem ents for the USB ADC-11, an 11-channel data logger previously available from Pico Technology. The 1000Series units have all the functions of the USB ADC-11 and som e extra functions, suchas extra digital outputs , a PWM output and a sensor power output. They alsohave a faster USB interface and m ore advanced driver software.If you use a 1000 Series unit with old versions of PicoScope and PicoLog that werereleased before April 2009, then it will autom atically em ulate a USB ADC-11. You cancontinue to use the unit as an USB ADC-11 if you wish, or you can upgrade yoursoftware to enable the extra functions of the new unit.99PicoLog 1000 Series User's Guide11 3GlossaryAccuracy. The closeness between m easured values and true values. This is m oreusually expressed as the error, as a percentage of full scale, between the m easuredvalue and the true value.ADC. Analog to Digital Converter. An ADC sam ples analog signals and converts themto digital data for storage and processing. It is an essential com ponent of a datalogger.Analog bandwidth. The range of input frequencies over which the m easured signalpower is at least half its true value. This corresponds to a drop in am plitude of about29%.Duty cycle. For a square wave signal, the proportion of the tim e that the signalspends at the high level divided by the period of the signal, expressed as a percentage.Thus, a sym m etrical square wave has a duty cycle of 50%.Input impedance. The im pedance of the input channels of the logger with the inputdisconnected. Im pedance is the total opposition (due to resistance, capacitance andinductance) offered to the flow of an alternating current.Linearity. The ideal output of an ADC is a linear function of its analog input. Linearity is a m easure of the worst-case deviation from this ideal characteristic.Maximum sampling rate. A figure indicating the m axim um num ber of sam ples theADC is capable of acquiring per second. Maxim um sam ple rates are usually given in S/s(sam ples per second.) The higher the sam pling rate of the ADC, the m ore accurately it can represent the high-frequency details in a signal.Overload protection. The m axim um voltage that can be applied across the inputs ofthe ADC without causing dam age to it.PWM. Pulse-width m odulation. A way of conveying analog inform ation by m eans of asingle binary signal. The PWM output from the PicoLog 1000 Series units is a squarewave between 0 volts and +3.3 volts, with variable duty cycle. The average voltageof the signal is the peak voltage, 3.3 volts, m ultiplied by the duty cycle. The signalcan be used to control proportionalResolution. A value, in bits, indicating the num ber of distinct input levels that theADC can turn into digital values.11USB. Universal Serial Bus. This is a standard port that enables you to connectexternal devices to PCs. A typical USB 1.1 port supports a data transfer rate of 12m egabits per second and is m uch faster than an RS-232 serial port. A full-speed USB2.0 port operates at up to 480 m egabits per second.PicoLog 1000 Series User's Guide13IndexAAccessories 4Accuracy 8, 11ADC 11ADC-11 compatibility mode 8, 10 Analog bandwidth 11Analog inputs 8BBandwidth 8Block mode 8CCircuit example 6, 7Compliance 8Connections 5Contact details 4DDigital outputs 8Dimensions 8Duty cycle 11EEnvironmental conditions 8 Example circuit 6, 7II/O connector 5, 8Input coupling 8Input impedance 8, 11Input rangeexpanding 4LLDR 7LED 5Legal information 3Linearity 8, 11MMaximum sampling rate 11OOverload protection 8, 11 Overview 1PPC connection 8PicoScope 5Power output 8PWM 11PWM output 8RResolution 8, 11SSafety warning 2Sampling rate 8Small Terminal Board 4 Specifications 8Status LED 5Streaming mode 8TTerminal board 4UUSB 11USB ADC-11 compatibility mode 10 USB port 5, 8VVoltage input connection 6WWeight 8PicoLog 1000 Series User's Guide15Pico TechnologyJames HouseColmworth Business ParkST. NEOTSCambridg eshire PE19 8YPUnited King domTel: +44 (0) 1480 396 395Fax: +44 (0) 1480 396 296Copyright © 2013 Pico Technology Ltd. All rights reserved.pl1000.en r2 10.05.2013。
TP-1A 简单操作说明书
迪塞尔科技 TPP1000 10X Passive 探头操作指南说明书
Operating informationThe TPP100010X Passive Probe is a high impedance probe with 10X attenuation that is designed for use with Tektronix FlexChannel™and MDO3000,MDO/MSO/DPO4000B,MSO/DPO5000series ground-referenced oscilloscopes.Connect the probe as shown in the illustrationsbelow.Compensating the ProbeYou should compensate the probe after you attach it to an oscilloscope for the first time,or after you have changed the probe tip cartridge.1.Connect the probe to an oscilloscope channel.2.Connect the probe tip and ground to the probe compensation terminals on the oscilloscope.NOTE.When using the MMCX tip (206-0663-xx),the following part numbers are required to connect the tip to the Probe Comp connections:131-9717-xx (1),196-3434-xx (1),and 206-0569-xx (2).See Connecting the MMCX tip to the oscilloscope Probe Comp.3.On FlexChannel™instruments:a.Double tap the Channel Badge for the connected probe.b.Select the Probe Setup.c.Select Compensate Probe.d.Select Compensate Probe in the pop up window.4.On MSO/DPO5000instruments:a.Select Vertical >Probe Cal....b.Select the tab of the channel for the connected probe.c.In the Calibration section,click Calibrate Probe.5.On MDO3000and MDO/MSO/DPO4000B instruments:Press the Channel Menu front panel button for the channel that you connected the probe to.Push the More button until Probe Setup is selected.Push the Calibrate Probe button and follow the on-screen instructions.If the probe compensation fails,verify that the signal and ground connections are secure at the Probe Comp connections.Also check that the ground connection is secure at the probe head,the rigid,MMCX or pogo tip is secured tightly in the probe head,and the hook tip is securely connected to the tip.StandardaccessoriesWARNING.To avoid electric shock when using the probe or accessories,keep fingers behind the finger guard of probe body and accessories.ItemDescriptionProbe tips –pogo (white)and rigid (gray)The white pogo tip ispre-installed on the probe,and is spring-loaded for compliant testing of circuit boards.Reorder Tektronix part numbers:206-0610-xx (rigid tip)206-0611-xx (pogotip)Insulator sleeveUnscrew this sleeve to replace the probe tips.Reorder Tektronix part number342-1194-xx Hook tipPress the hook tip onto the probe tip and then clamp the hook onto the circuit.Rating:300V CAT II Reorder Tektronix part number013-0362-xx Micro hook tipUse this tip to access test points in tight spaces.Press the hook tip onto the probe tip and then extend the pincers around the circuit.Rating:300V CAT II Reorder Tektronix part number013-0363-xx Universal IC capUse this cap to prevent shorting the probe tip between IC pins.Press the cap on the probe tip until it snaps on,and then spin the cap to expose the probe tip toward the IC lead.Reorder Tektronix part number013-0366-xx Ground springsTo limit aberrations on high frequency signals caused by ground path inductance,bend the spring to reach nearby ground connections (<0.75in,long;<0.25in,short).Reorder Tektronix part numbers:016-2028-xx (long,2ea.)016-2034-xx (short,2ea.)Ground lead,with alligator clip Secure the lead to the probe head ground and then to your circuit ground.Reorder Tektronix part number196-3521-xx Color bandsUse these bands to identify the oscilloscope channel at the probe head.Reorder Tektronix part number 016-0633-xx (5pairs)Optional accessoriesNOTE.The accessories shown below are available for the probes and are rated ≤30V unless indicated otherwise.AccessoryPart number MMCX probe tip (gold)1206-0663-xx MMCX to 0.1-inch (2.54mm)square pin adapter (blue),0.025-inch (0.635mm)sq.pins 131-9717-xxMMCX to 0.062inch (1.57mm)square pin adapter (white),0.016-0.018inch (0.4-0.46mm)sq.pins 131-9677-xxElectricalY-Lead 196-3434-xx MicroCKT TestTip206-0569-xx BNC to Tip Adapter,Unterminated 013-0367-xx Circuit Board Test Point/PCBAdapter 016-2016-xx Chassis-Mount Probe TestJack131-4210-xx 6”Clip-on GroundLead 196-3198-xx 12”Alligator GroundLead 196-3512-xx Wire,spool,32AWG020-3045-xx DUT Interface pin kit with (qty.20)0.018inch (0.46mm)round solder-inpins020-3169-xxProbe tip tripod support with living hinge,2each2352-1170-xxSolder aid for 0.062-inch (1.57mm)pitch square pins,0.016-0.018-inch (0.4-0.46mm)sq.pins003-1946-xx1See Connecting the MMCX tip to the oscilloscope Probe Comp for connection instructions.2The tripod probe tip support is pictured with the probe tip and adapter attached.Interchanging the ProbeTipWARNING.To reduce the risk of shock,disconnect the probe before changing the probetips.For optimal performance,do a probe compensation after the tip has been replaced.Connecting the MMCX tip to the oscilloscope ProbeCompWARNING.To reduce the risk of shock,disconnect the probe before connecting accessories.ItemDescriptionConnect the MMCX tip to adapter 1The MMCX adapter(131-9717-xx)snaps onto the MMCXtip.Connect the Y–lead to MMCX adapter 1Push the Y–lead (196-3434-xx)adapter into the MMCX adapter until it is seated.The signal input (red)connects to the center of the MMCXadapter.Connect the MicroCKT test tips to Y-leadPush the Y-lead into the handles of the MicroCKT test tips (206-0569-xx).Connect the MicroCKT test tips to Probe Comp terminals Attach the two MicoCKT test tips to the Probe Comp terminals on the ocsilloscope frontpanel.1MMCX tip,adapter,and Y-lead is limited to 30vrms,42Vpk,60VDC,and OVT <500Vpk.TPP10001GHz 10X Passive Probe Instructions*P071280904*071-2809-04Electrical and mechanical speci ficationsCharacteristic Speci fication Bandwidth (–3dB)1GHz System rise time (typical)<450psSystem input capacitance Rigid and MMCX tip:3.9pF ±0.3pF Pogo pin tip:5.1pF ±0.5pF System attenuation accuracy 10:1±2.2%Probe series resistance @DC 9.75M Ω±0.5%System input resistance @DC 10M Ω±2%Propagation delay ~5.67ns Maximum input voltage 300V RMS CAT II 1Cable length1.3m ±3cm1MMCX tip,adapter,and Y-lead is limited to 30vrms,42Vpk,60VDC,and OVT <500Vpk.PerformancegraphsEnvironmental speci ficationsCharacteristics DescriptionTemperature Operating Nonoperating –15°C to +65°C (+5°F to +149°F)–62°C to +85°C (–80°F to +185°F)Humidity Operating5%to 95%relative humidity (%RH)up to +30°C,5%to 75%RH above +30°C up to +65°C.NoncondensingNonoperating 5%to 45%RH above +65°C up to +85°C.NoncondensingAltitude Operating Nonoperating3.0km (9,842ft)maximum 12.2km (40,000ft)maximum Certi fications and compliancesCharacteristics Description EUDirectivesCompliance was demonstrated to the following speci fication as listed in the Of ficial Journal of the European Communities:Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU:EN61010-031/A1:2008RoHS Directive 2011/65/EUMeasurement Category Product ExamplesCAT III:Distribution-level mains,fixed installation CAT II:Local-level mains,appliances,portable equipmentCAT I:Circuits not directly connected to mains.Pollution Degree 2Do not operate in environments where cond-uctive pollutants may be present (as de fined in IEC 61010-1).Rated for indoor use only.Additional Safety StandardsUL61010-031;2010CAN/CSA C22.2No.61010-031:07/A1:2010IEC61010-031;IEC61010-031/A1:2008Equipment Recycling.This product complies with the European Union’s requirements according to Directive 2012/19/EU on waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE).For more information about recycling options,check the Support/Service section of the Tektronix Web site (/productrecycling).Safety summaryReview the following safety precautions to avoid injury and prevent damage to this product or any products connected to it.To avoid potential hazards,use this product only as speci fiing the probe or accessories in a manner not speci fied could result in a shock or fire hazard.This product is intended for use by professionals and trained personnel only;it is not designed for use in households or by children.To avoid fire or personal injuryGround-Referenced Oscilloscope Use.Do not float thereference lead of this probe when using with ground referenced oscilloscopes (for example,MDO,MSO,and DPO series oscilloscopes).The reference lead must be connected to earth potential (0V).Connect and Disconnect Properly.Connect the probe output to the measurement instrument before connecting the probe to the circuit under test.Disconnect the probe input and the probe reference lead from the circuit under test before disconnecting the probe from the measurement instrument.Avoid Electric Shock.To avoid injury or loss of life,do not connect or disconnect probes or test leads while they are connected to a voltage source.Observe All Terminal Ratings.To avoid fire or shock hazard,observe all ratings and markings on the product.Consult the product manual for further ratings information before making connections to the product.Avoid Electric Shock.When using probe accessories,never exceed the lowest rating of the probe or its accessory,whichever is less,including the measurement category and voltage rating.Avoid Electric Overload.To avoid injury or fire hazard,do not apply potential to any input,including the reference inputs,that varies from ground by more than the maximum rating for that input.Avoid Exposed Circuitry and Do not Operate Without Covers.Do not touch exposed connections and components when power is present.Inspect The Probe And Accessories.Before each use,inspect probe and accessories for damage (cuts,tears,defects in the probe body,accessories,cable jacket,etc.).Do not use if damaged.Do Not Operate in Wet/Damp Conditions.Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere.Keep Product Surfaces Clean and Dry.Safety Terms and Symbols Terms in This Manual.These terms may appear in thismanual:WARNING.Warning statements identify conditions or practices that could result in injury or loss oflife.CAUTION.Caution statements identify conditions or practices that could result in damage to this product or other property.Symbols on the Product.These symbols may appear on theproduct:Contacting TektronixWeb site: Phone:1-800-833-9200Address:Tektronix,Inc.Department or name (if known)14200SW Karl Braun Drive P.O.Box 500Beaverton,OR 97077USA Email:*************************Warranty informationFor warranty information,go to /warranty.Copyright ©Tektronix,Inc.All rights 。
Philips 1000系列智能门匠视频观察器说明书
Philips 1000 seriesSmart door viewerBig wide-angle HD night visionPIR human body detectionRemote intelligent monitoringMutual link with smart lockDDA131FCWNew visual horizonVisible security, touchable considerationThe 170° ultra-wide-angle lens with noise cancellation infrared night vision function andthe 24-hour AI human body detection, allowing you to view the scenes in front of yourdoor anytime and anywhere, which makes your home much secure.HD night vision makes visible security•The 170° lens & 1080P HD display: Offer better vision•Two-way audio call: Make real-time communication everywhere•5-inch HD touch screen: Easy operation for the whole familySmarter chip knows more about you•ARM quad-core processor: Assure stable system•AI human motion detection:Smart life never stops here•Intensive metal body: With anti-prying alarm•Local & Cloud storage: Allow viewing records via app anytime•The magnetic stand: Enable easy disassembly and charging•Big Lithium battery: Up to 90-day standby•Link with the smart door lock: For much secure assuranceThe 170° lens & HD display Features with a monitoring-level 170 ° lens, the smart door viewer can absorb a high volume of light, together with four bright infraredsupplement lights and a professional infrared lampshade, it offers better night vision, even under insufficient lighting environments.Two-way audio callWhen you ring the doorbell or press the [call] button on the screen, you can start the real-time audio call with the built-in microphone and speaker. It can offer you a perfect calling experience.5-inch HD touch screenThe 5-inch IPS multi-touch HD screen adopts 2.5D full lamination curved glasses, which make everything look terrific. The interactive design is easy for children and the elderly to operate.ARM quad-core processorAdopt the quad-core ARM processor, the product shows strong performance with lower power consumption, which runs multi-task easier and makes the alert control system of the door to be more swift and stable.AI human motion detectionAdopted a PIR infrared sensor, when someone appears within three meters outside the door, the smart door viewer will identify through the AI human body detection algorithm and instantly captures a photo or video. Meanwhile, it pushes notifications to themobile app via the Cloud encryption server to monitor the situation at the door.Intensive metal bodyAdopted with the intensive metal body design and built-in anti-prying sensor, when the smart door viewer recognizes abnormal dynamics and offline from the Internet, the product will trigger an alarm to warn the strangers andremind your family, then the mobile app will receive push notifications in the real-time.Local and Cloud storageThe 4G local storage could satisfy your daily requirement, it could save the records even offline from the Internet. Any encrypted photo or video uploads to the Cloud server can be saved for 3 days, and you could view the records via the Philips app at any time.The magnetic standTo simply use the four built-in magnets to install the product and remove the display to disassemble the product. With the reinforced cable, the product could be much durable.Big Lithium batteryWith standby time up to 90 days, the built-in high-density polymer lithium battery has power-saving functionality. When theremaining battery level is 10%, the indicator in the upper left corner of the host's screen turns red and there will be a low battery level alert.Issue date 2023-11-28 Version: 3.1.1EAN: 69 71318 50230 9© 2023 Koninklijke Philips N.V.All Rights reserved.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Trademarks are the property of Koninklijke Philips N.V. or their respective owners.Design & Appearance •Color:Red copper Extended Function •IoT Module: Wifi Accessory Parts •Power adapter •Magnetic stand •User Manual •Warranty Card。
E-1ߜIntrinsically Safe for Class 1, Div 1, Groups ABCD and Non-incendive for Class 1, Div 2, Groups ABCD Indoor/Outdoor (NEMA Type 4X, 6P)LocationsߜSubmersible to 46 m (150')ߜUser Calibration Through SoftwareߜProgrammable Start Time ߜReal Time OperationOM-CP-TEMP1000IS Intrinsically Safe Temperature Data LoggerPart of the NOMAD ®Family$199Basic UnitReal Time Recording: Device may be used with PC to monitor and record data in real time Temperature Calibration:Digital calibration through software Recording Interval: 2 seconds to 12 hours selectable in software Calibration Date: Automatically recorded within device to alert user when calibration is requiredPower: 3.6 V lithium battery included Battery Life: 1 year typical Data Format: Date and time stamped, °C, °F, °K, °RTime Accuracy: ±1 minute per month at 20°C when RS-232 port is not in useComputer Interface: PC serial,RS-232C COM or USB (interface cable required) 2400 baudSoftware:WIN98/NT/2000/XP/VISTA 32-bit (VISTA 32-bit version only; VISTA 64-bit is not supported)Operating Environment:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F),0 to 100% RH non-condensing Dimensions: 108 dia x 26 mm L (4.3 x 1.0")Weight: Aluminum: 110 g (4 oz)Stainless: 230 g (8 oz)software (software is required to operate the datalogger and is sold separately).Ordering Example: OM-CP-TEMP1000IS-CERT Intrinsically safe temperature datalogger with NIST calibration certificate and OM-CP-IFC110Windows software and RS-232 cable, $259 + 99 = $358.OM-CP-TEMP1000IS, $199, shownslightly larger than actual size.The OM-CP-TEMP1000IS is a rugged, waterproof, battery powered, stand-alone device that can automatically recordtemperatures between -40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F). This all-in-onecompact, portable, easy to use device will measure and record up to32,767 temperature measurements.The OM-CP-TEMP1000IS is ideal for use in harsh environments. Its real time clock ensures that all the data is time and date stamped. The storage medium is non-volatile solid state memory, providing maximum data security even if the battery becomes discharged. The device can be started and stopped directly from your computer and its small size allows it to fit almost anywhere.The OM-CP-TEMP1000IS makes data retrieval quick and easy. The software converts your PC into a real time strip chart recorder. Data can be printed in graphical ortabular format and can be exported to a text or Microsoft fileSpecificationsTemperature Sensor:SemiconductorTemperature Range:-40 to 80°C (-40 to 176°F)Temperature Resolution: 0.1°C Calibrated Accuracy: 0.5°CStart Time: Start time and date are programmable through softwareOM-CP-IFC110, $99, Windows software displays data in graphical or tabular formatCANADA Laval(Quebec)1-800-TC-OMEGA UNITED KINGDOM Manchester,England0800-488-488GERMANY,Germany************FRANCE 088-466-342BENELUX 0800-099-33-44UNITED STATES 1-800-TC-OMEGA Stamford,CT.CZECH REPUBLIC Karviná,Czech Republic596-311-899TemperatureCalibrators, Connectors, General Test and Measurement Instruments, Handheld Instruments for Temperature Measurement, Ice Point References, Indicating Labels,Crayons, Cements and Lacquers, Infrared Temperature Measurement Instruments, Recorders, Relative Humidity Measurement Instruments, PT100 Probes, PT100 Elements,Temperature & Process Meters, Timers and Counters,Temperature and Process Controllers and Power Switching Devices, Thermistor Elements, Probes and Assemblies,Thermocouples, Thermowells and Head and WellAssemblies, Transmitters, Thermocouple Wire, RTD ProbesPressure,Strain and ForceDisplacement Transducers, Dynamic Measurement Force Sensors, Instrumentation for Pressure and StrainMeasurements, Load Cells, Pressure Gauges, PressureReference Section, Pressure Switches, Pressure Transducers,Proximity Transducers, Regulators, Pressure Transmitters,Strain Gauges, Torque Transducers, ValvespH and ConductivityConductivity Instrumentation,Dissolved OxygenInstrumentation,Environmental Instrumentation,pH Electrodes and Instruments,Water and Soil Analysis InstrumentationHeatersBand Heaters,Cartridge Heaters,Circulation Heaters,Comfort Heaters,Controllers,Meters and SwitchingDevices,Flexible Heaters,General Test and Measurement Instruments,Heater Hook-up Wire,Heating Cable Systems,Immersion Heaters,Process Air and Duct,Heaters,Radiant Heaters,Strip Heaters,Tubular HeatersFlow and LevelAir Velocity Indicators,Doppler Flowmeters,LevelMeasurement,Magnetic Flowmeters,Mass Flowmeters,Pitot Tubes,Pumps,Rotameters,Turbine and Paddle Wheel Flowmeters,Ultrasonic Flowmeters,Valves,Variable Area Flowmeters,Vortex Shedding FlowmetersData AcquisitionAuto-Dialers and Alarm Monitoring Systems,Communication Products and Converters,Data Acquisition and Analysis Software,Data LoggersPlug-in Cards,Signal Conditioners,USB,RS232,RS485and Parallel Port Data Acquisition Systems,Wireless Transmitters and Receivers。
登记号:1. 目的:建立记录仪STR1000 的使用标准操作规程。
2. 范围:本规程适用于注射用水储存及分配系统、纯蒸汽发生器系统。
3. 职责:生产部制水岗位操作人员对本规程的实施负责。
4. 规程:4.1. 记录仪的每个通道均可实现曲线图打印和数字打印,能在本身打印的100mm 宽的纸格上同时记录刻度值、时间及每一个信号的曲线,并将通道号印在各通道的轨迹旁。
4.2. 输入信号种类及测量范围:4.3.1. 显示方式: 在测量状态下,显示通道号和测量值。 在设定状态下,显示设定内容。 在通道全部关闭时,显示实时时间。 六个指示灯为继电器动作号码提示灯4.3.2. 记录方式: 打印记录曲线(记录状态,记录指示灯亮) 打印设定参数(在记录指示灯灭时,按报表键) 打印测量值数据(在记录指示灯亮时,按报表键)4.3.3. 设定状态下,数码管依次显示的内容:1~8 通道号A 量程代码01 35d 小数点位0 3┣显示下限-1 ~9[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ]┫显示上限[ 记录左边界] 记录右边界H 报警上限L 报警下限H. 偏差上限0000~9999L. 偏差下限E 报警回差00~99误差校正-或+00~99 P走纸速度0000~1990 mm/hb记录标尺0~8U自动打印测量值时间间隔0000~9999 分钟4.4. 键盘操作,该表共有六个使用键,其中有测量状态使用键和设定状态使用键。
4.4.1. 测量状态使用键:记录键:按一次,记录指示灯亮,仪表根据设定的方式打印模拟曲线;再按一次,则记录指示灯灭,仪表不记录。
有附加目镜和物镜如果选Yes, 测量将受到很多限制,切记!!!
6 V-Angle display 垂直角显示方式(天顶距/高度角/坡度角)
---zenith angle 天顶距 水平方向为90 度
---elev. Angle +/- 高度角 水平方向为 0 度仰角为正
---elev. Angle % 坡度角 水平方向为0 向上为正坡度(3%)
断 路 器 状 态
V 输 出
合闸 出口
跳闸 出口
跳闸 信号
告警 AC/ AC/ GN 信号 DC+ DC- D
B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 B7 B8 B9 B10 B11
1、CSP1000S后端子说明 ................................... - 6 2、CSP1000T后端子说明 ................................... - 6 3、CSP1000M后端子说明 ................................... - 7 4、CSP1000C后端子说明 ................................... - 7 七、CSP1000 系列装置显示及按键操作: .............................. - 8 1、面板指示灯说明(以CSP1000T为例) ...................... - 8 2、键盘说明 ............................................ - 8 3、人机接口 ............................................ - 9 八、CSP1000 系列装置操作与说明 ................................... - 13 1、CSP1000S微机线路保护装置 ............................ - 13 2、CSP1000T微机变压器保护装置........................... - 14 3、CSP1000M微机电动机保护装置........................... - 15 4、CSP1000C微机电容器保护装置........................... - 17 九、运输与贮藏 ................................................... - 18 十、售后服务 ..................................................... - 18 -
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TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
无纸记录仪以其丰富的显示画面、 灵活的操作方式以及强大的记录、 运算 、 控制和管理功能,在各行各业中获得了极其广泛的应用。本产品吸纳了各种国 内外无纸记录仪的优点,应用最新的显示技术、微电子技术、数据存储和通讯 技术,是一款功能齐全、操作方便、精确可靠、高性价比的产品。 本产品配置丰富,有蓝屏和彩色两种显示屏。可以接收多种类型的直流电 流、电压和电阻信号,实现温度、压力、液面、流量、成分以及力、力矩、位 移等物理量的显示、记录、越限监控、报表生成、数据通讯、信号变送以及流 量累计等功能。 本产品主要由液晶屏、按键、ARM 微处理器为核心的主板、主电源、外供 变送器电源、智能通道板、大容量 FLASH 等构成:
一、概述................................................................................................... 1 二、 功能特点......................................................................................... 2 三、 技术指标......................................................................................... 4 四、安装与接线....................................................................................... 7 五、仪表运行及操作.............................................................................10 六、仪表组态......................................................................................... 21 七、累积功能及累积组态(选配功能)............................................ 33 八、流量组态及带温压补偿计算功能(选配功能)........................ 36 九、PID 控制组态(选配功能)......................................................... 44 十、故障分析及排除.............................................................................49
3.6 电源条件 � �
AC 220V 供电的仪表:AC 85~265V,功耗小于 25VA DC 24V 供电的仪表:24V±10%,功耗小于 25VA
3.7 环境及其他 � � � �
工作温度范围:0℃~50℃ 储藏温度范围:-20℃~70℃ 工作湿度范围:低于 85%R.H,无结露 仪表的重量:最大约 2.8Kg
5.2 运行画面
无纸记录仪运行过程中所显示的画面为运行画面,包括总貌画面、数显画 面、 流量画面、 棒图画面、 实时曲线画面;画面设置(按画面键进入): 总貌画面 、 累积报表、追忆画面、报警记录、系统组态、通道组态、报警组态、累积组态、 打印组态、PID 组态等画面。其中数显画面、流量画面(或调节画面) 、棒图画 面、 (实时)曲线画面为常用的基本画面,可以由总貌画面下的按键提示直接选 择,其他的画面需要进入到设置菜单画面来选择。在基本画面下顶部的区域为
电流输出(4~20)mA, (0~10) mA, (0~20) mA 可选。 电压输出 (0~5)V, (1~5) V 可选。 出厂默认设定为(4~20)mA, 其他类型订货时注明。
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
二、 功能特点
� 无笔、无纸记录,日常维护工作量非常小,运行费用低; � 采用高亮度单色或彩色 TFT 液晶屏,CCFL 背光、画面清晰; � 采用 ARM 微处理器,可同时实现 16 路信号采集、记录、显示和报警; � 采用 64MB 大容量的 FLASH 闪存芯片存贮历史数据,掉电永不丢
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
M R 2 3 .5% 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 报警输出 数 显 C H 01 C H 02 C H 03 C H 04 C H 05 C H 06 C H 07 C H 08 V T 01 * * N o ** * * N o ** * * N o ** * * N o ** * * N o ** * * N o ** * * N o ** 01 02 流 量 +1 2 3 .4 5 +1 2 3 .4 5 +1 2 3 .4 5 +1 2 3 .4 5 +1 2 3 .4 5 +1 2 3 .4 5 E rr O.L 246 .90 Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa Mpa 0 7 /0 8 /0 8 1 2 :2 3 :1 3 0-5V 0-5V 0-5V 4-2 0 m A 4-2 0 m A 4-2 0 m A 4-2 0 m A 4-2 0 m A HH HH HH HH HH HH HH HH H H H H H H H H L L L L L L L L LL LL LL LL LL LL LL LL
� 配备标准 USB 接口。历史数据转存快捷方便; � 标准串行通讯接口, 带光偶隔离的 RS485 和 RS232C;
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
� 支持标准 ModBus RTU 通讯协议(选配功能) ,除支持本公司数据
管理软件外,还支持 MCGS、组态王等流行组态软件;
3.2 输入信号
输入信号包括直流电流,直流电压,热电阻,热电偶,远传压力表五类, 通过按键输入选择。隔离万能输入,无需跳线器。 直流电流: (4~20)mA, ( 0~10)mA, ( 0~20)mA 直流电压: (1~5)V , ( 0~5)V 热电阻:Pt100,Cu100,Cu50,BA1,BA2,G53 热电偶:K,S,R,B,N,E,J,T 其它输入信号或分度号需在订货时注明。
� 全隔离万能输入,可同时输入多种信号,无需更换模块,通过软件
� 显示工程量数据的数值范围更宽,可显示 5 位数值:-9999~19999; � 可以组态、显示工程位号,工程单位,有流量累积; � 具有闪动报警显示,同时指示各路通道的下下限、下限、上限、上
上限报警;12 路继电器报警输出;
3.8 记录时间
记录时间的长短与 FLASH 存储器容量、记录间隔和输入点数有关,计算公式如下:
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
64 X 1024 X 492 X 记录间隔
记录天数= 通道数 X 24 X 3600
记录间隔以秒为单位: 例:8 通道每 10 秒记录一次可记录的天数 总天数=64x1024x492x10/8/24/3600=466 天
� 可配备不同类型的智能通道板,根据应用要求选择。 � 内置大容量 FLASH,可通过 U 盘快速将 FLASH 中的数据转储到计
算机中。内置的 FLASH 的容量为 64M 字节,8 通道时若 20 秒记录 一次可记录 865 天 ,最快 0.1 秒记录一次所有通道的数据。
� 数字能。 � 测量、显示基本误差:±0.2% F·S � 可组态 12 点报警功能。 � 可组态 8 点变送输出,光电隔离,误差小于±0.2% F·S
� � � �
基本误差小于±0.2%F·S,数字显示范围-9999~19999 测量分辨力:1/60000,16 位 AD 转换器 实时曲线记录间隔 0.1 秒~60 秒分 8 档,对应整屏曲线时间 30 秒~300 分 追忆曲线记录间隔从 0.1 秒到 50 秒连续可设超过 50 秒时可选 1 分钟,5 分钟,10 分钟,30 分钟,60 分钟。可选择循环或非循环两种记录方式
3.3 报警输出及变送输出 � � �
继电器输出:触点容量 AC 220V,3A,阻性负载 12 点可组态输出,可按通道的各报警点值设定 可组态 8 点变送输出,光电隔离,误差小于±0.2% F·S,电流输出负 载能力≤450Ω
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册 电压输出配接设备阻抗:需大于 2KΩ
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
本无纸记录仪具有多个操作显示画面和组态界面,显示清晰、信息量大、 组态方便。用户无需专业培训就可以方便地操作使用仪表。仪表接上电源后显 示系统初始化画面,在系统自检期间内可以通过按上下键对显示的对比度进行 调整。初始化系统完毕,进入总貌画面。下面分别就仪表的键盘操作、各操作 显示画面、各组态画面分别加以介绍。
� 采用新型开关电源,能在交流电源 AC 85V~265V 宽电压范围内正常工
� 提供变送器 DC 24V 隔离配电; � 全铝密封外壳, 通过 EMCIII 级, 保证仪表在恶劣的环境中正常工作 。
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
三、 技术指标
3.1.显示 � �
5 寸蓝色 LCD 或彩色 TFT LCD 数字显示画面、棒图显示画面、实时曲线画面、追忆曲线画面共四个 基本画面
TP1000 记录仪·使用手册
4.2 接线端子图