AR-410 操作手册


乐科LW420A 410A 任意波形发生器用户手册说明书

乐科LW420A 410A 任意波形发生器用户手册说明书

F EATURES& B ENEFITS LeCroy's LW420B WaveStation™ is a dual-channel, 400 MS/s arbitrary wave-form generator (A WG) that brings together high performance with the flexibility and capability needed to quickly generate long, complex wave-forms. WaveStation offers more than just great technical specifications. It provides a high level of functionality and ease of use while eliminating many of the traditional obstacles ofA WGs.Building on over 11 years of experi-ence in the design and manufacture of high-performance digital storage oscil-loscopes and signal sources, LeCroy's WaveStation combines innovative signal processing, high-performance design, and human factors engineering to pro-vide a truly intuitive and highly interac-tive arbitrary waveform generator. T HE C HOICE IS Y OURS:S PECIFY T HE W AVEFORM, AND L ET T HE LW420BH ANDLE THE D ETAILS OR T AKE C ONTROL Y OURSELF With the WaveStation, you need no awareness of the sample clock period or the particular reconstruction filter being used. All the LW420B needs is your waveform’s time and voltage rela-tionships. No matter which of the many available tools you use to specify the waveform, the LW420B will generate the output using the optimum combi-nation of sample clock rate and filter bandwidth. The filters automatically selected will assure that aliasing does not take place and that all the timing relationships within the waveform will be precisely maintained. Full control of the clock and bandwidth filters is there for those who need it.LeCroyWaveStationLW410B/LW420BArbitraryWaveformGeneratorLW410A/420A AWGSR EAL -TIME W AVEFORM M ANIPULATION L ETSY OU Q UICKLY C ONTROL T HE W AVESHAPE —E ASILY AND I NTERACTIVELY —W HILE V IEWING ON THE I NTERNAL CRT D ISPLAYSelect a section of the waveform using the time cursors, then select one of a set of waveform manipulation opera-tions (e.g. move feature, delay, ampli-tude) and turn the knob! That is how easy it is to continuously modify all or part of a waveform. Time shifts, as small as 100 ps, amplitude variations on a peak, or changes in signal dura-tion are instantly reflected in the output signal. Margin testing or characteriza-tion, with the most complex wave-forms, has never been so easy.W AVEFORM C REATION H AS N EVER B EEN E ASIERWaveforms can be selected from libraries of traditional functions or application specific waveforms. They can also be created using equations or imported from external sources such as oscilloscopes, or from computer pro-grams and simulator output files. Once waveforms are created or captured,they can be further modified using internal waveform (array) math pro-cessing. The waveform math functions include basic arithmetic operations,smoothing, integration, differentiation,and convolution.The highly developed waveform edit-ing capability uses advanced signal processing to provide bandlimited cut,paste, insert and offset operations with minimal editing artifacts. Single sample resolution, further simplifying wave-form creation, is allowed since wave-forms are not constrained to 8 sample multiples as with most other A WGs.To simulate real-world signals, the internal, asynchronous, wide-band noise generator is easily used to add controlled amounts of noise to your signals—simply dial in the noise level as a percentage of your signal’s ampli-tude. A real timesaver is that if youvary the signal’s amplitude, the signal-to-noise ratio is maintained.F LEXIBLE W AVEFORM I MPORT A ND T RANSFERPull waveforms directly from most digi-tal scopes; Connect a GPIB cable between the LW420B and your digital oscilloscope. Select your scope from a list of commonly available models and begin importing waveforms.Waveforms of up to 1 Mpoints in ASCII or from programs such as MathCad,MATLAB, PSPICE, IQSIM, TOPSIM and others can be imported from the floppy drive. You can also use a shareware program from LeCroy to convert your files to DIF format and transfer directly over the GPIB to the LW420B.When importing or transferring files,you have the choice of over sampling or importing the points exactly as they are. Once in the WaveStation, all the modification, editing and math tools can be used to put the waveform in the shape you need for your task.F AST S WITCHG ROUPS EQUENCE I NCREASES T EST F LEXIBILITY ANDM INIMIZES T EST T IMELeCroy’s Fast Switch Group Sequence capability enables you to switch between many different pre-loaded waveforms in less then 11 ms.Waveforms will continually play until a sequence advance is received from the front panel or a remote command.Choose to auto advance from sequence to sequence or choose to jump to the nth sequence in the group. Generate a continuous output of a sequence selected from the group, or use the external trigger input to initiate a burst or single shot of the selected sequence.D IGITAL O UTPUT O PTIONThe Digital Output option provides 8-bit TTL and ECL digital outputs corre-sponding to the current value of the Channel–1 analog output. The latched digital data is held for the duration of the sample clock. The digital data,including the sample clock and its complement, are available via rear-panel connectors. The special digital editing mode is useful for creating and editing byte wide data patterns orselected bits and the standard “cut and paste” tools available for analog wave-forms can also be used.400 MS/S M AXIMUM C LOCK R ATE , 1 M POINT W AVEFORMS , ANDS YNTHESIZER T IMEBASE W ITH T WO P HASE -S YNCHRONIZED C HANNELSA maximum sample rate of 400MS/s,up to 1Mbyte of waveform memory, a precise timebase, and single point reso-lution gives you the power you need to generate the most demanding, com-plex stimuli. The timebase combining 3 ppm accuracy and 1 ppm/year stabil-ity assures that the waveforms you test your systems with next year will be the same as the ones you use today. Low single sideband phase noise and a 1 Hz frequency resolution over a con-tinuous 6 kHz–400 MHz range provide the flexibility and capability needed to generate even the most complex and demanding waveforms.F ULLY I NTEGRATED AWG I NCLUDESH IGHP ERFORMANCE P ROCESSOR ,I NTERNAL H ARD D ISK D RIVE , A ND B UILT -IN 9I NCH CRTWaveStation provides all the power needed to work with long and com-plex waveforms. A built-in hard disk drive, a 486 processor, up to 24 Mbytes of RAM, and a large internal mono-chrome VGA display make the LW420A a fast, responsive instrument ideally suited for the interactive graphical operations required in a high-perfor-mance A WG.S I G N A L S O U R C E SLW410A/420A AWG SG ENERATOR M ODEStandard Function Waveforms Sine, 1 Hz–100 MHz Square, 1 Hz–50 MHz Triangle, 1 Hz–25 MHz Ramp, 1 Hz–25 MHzPulse, (period) 20 ns - max. memory DCFrequency Sweep, Linear / Log Multitone, 1–10 tones,1 Hz–100 MHzSpecial Waveform Generation Mode IMD - Intermodulation distortion test waveform: Select center frequency, 1-15 tone pairs, tone spacing, resolu-tion, offset from center frequency.A RBITRARY F UNCTIONSWaveform CreationInteractive Graphical editor on internal 9” diagonal CRT—8.5” viewable.Standard FunctionsSine, Square, Triangle, Ramp, Pulse, DCEquation EditorWaveform (array) Math Waveform Import From Digital Oscilloscope Floppy Disk Feature Time Resolution:100 ps @ 400 MHz Available memory:256 k/ch standard 1 Mpoint optionalS EGMENTED W AVEFORMSMinimum segment length:64 points Maximum segment length:Up to available memory (1 Mpoint with memory option installed).Segment length resolution:1 point Number of links: 512 for 256k memory 2048 for 1M memoryW AVEFORM O UTPUT C HARACTERISTICSOutput channels:LW410A – 1 Channel LW420A – 2 ChannelOutput Impedance:50 Ω, ±5%DC Accuracy:2% ±40 mV >500 mV 2% ±15 mV <500 mV Vertical resolution:8 bits Minimum output voltage: 10 mV p-p into 50 ΩMaximum output voltage: 10 V p-p into 50 ΩOffset voltage range:±5 V into 50 Ω.The output voltage (signal + offset)must be in the range ±5 V into 50Ω.Offset voltage resolution:0.05% of full scaleOutput bandwidth:100 MHz (-3dB)(widest bandwidth)Total harmonic distortion:For sinusoidal output of <5 V p-p; < -45 dBc (-50 dBc typical) forfrequencies: <1MHz < -35dbc (< -45 dBc typical) forfrequencies: 1 MHz–20 MHz < -25 dBc (< -40 dBc typical) forfrequencies: >20MHz–50 MHz, predominantly 2nd harmonic Spurious & non-harmonic distortion:< -60 dBc for frequencies <1 MHz Signal-to-noise ratio:>40 dB (-45 typ-ical) for output amplitudes >100 mV @0 offsetTransition times:5.0 ns, 10%–90% at widest bandwidth.Overshoot and ringing:<8% of step size max. 3% typicalSettling time: <50 ns to within 2% of step size at widest bandwidth.Inter-channel crosstalk:<1%Ch 1 to Ch 2 skew:<1 ns for identical waveforms in each channel (widest bandwidth).Output protection:±20 VOutput filtering: Gaussian filters with the following cutoff frequencies can be selected; 100 MHz , 10 MHz, 1 MHz ,100 kHz , 10 kHzS AMPLE C LOCK C HARACTERISTICS(with internal 10 MHz reference)Sample Clock: 6 kHz–400 MHz Resolution: 1 HzAccuracy:<3 ppm over operating tem-perature range.Stability:aging <1 ppm/yearSSB Phase Noise: < -90 dBc/Hz @ 10KHz offset for a 10 MHz sine wave at the outputT RIGGERINGC HARACTERISTICSTrigger slope: Positive or Negative Trigger input impedance:50 Ω±5%Threshold range:±2.5VThreshold resolution: 20 mV Threshold accuracy:100 mV Threshold sensitivity:50 mV p-p Minimum pulse width:5 ns Protection: ±5 VT RIGGER M ODESContinuous:Runs continuously Single: Outputs 1 repetition of the waveform for each trigger received.Triggers received while the waveform is still running are ignored.Burst:Outputs the selected waveform a programmable number of times in response to a trigger. The maximum number of repetitions for a burst is 4,095. Triggers received while the burst is running are ignored.Gated:The waveform starts on theleading edge of the gate signal and stops on completion of the waveform cycle occurring at the trailing edge of the gate signal.T RIGGER D ELAYMinimum delay time:35 ns ±3.5 ns +5 sample clocks (fixed)Maximum delay time:10 s at highest clock rate to 100k s at lowest clock rate.Delay resolution:1 sample clock.Delay is in units of seconds. When operating from the front panel, the res-olution is set in increments of the sam-ple clock period.Delay accuracy:Same as sample clock + minimum delay time.Delay jitter:1 sample clock.T RIGGER S OURCESManual:Front panel push-button.External:Front panel BNC connector.GPIB:A trigger command may be issued over the GPIB bus.M ASS S TORAGE3.5” 1.44 MB DOS format floppy drive 400 MB internal hard disk drive.A UXILIARY I NPUTSExternal 10 MHz reference:Rear panel BNC connector for input of an external reference clock. 400 mV p-p to 5 V p-p into 50 Ω.A UXILIARY O UTPUTS10 MHz reference: ±3 ppm accuracy Amplitude (high): 1.6V into 50 Ω.Amplitude (low): 0.2V into 50 Ω.Markers: Select Edge or Clock Edge: 1 bit memory—set up to 128edge transitions—ECL or TTL levels Clock: Frequency up to one half the sample clock rate.Protection:Outputs protected to ±5 V.Channel 1 Digital Output Optional:8 bits and clock with TTL and ECL logic levels available simultaneously. Noise In: From rear panel BNC connectors.H ARD C OPY O UTPUTSSupported Printers include:Epson MX/FX Epson LQ HP LaserJet II HP ThinkJetP ROGRAMMABILITYGPIB IEEE 488.2 compatible.Compliant with SCPI programming lan-guage. Capable of initiating and con-trolling waveform transfer from digital oscilloscopes by simply connecting a GPIB cable (no computer required).M ECHANICALDimensions:14.92”W x 7.67”H x 19.58”D (37.9 cm x 19.5 cm x 49.7 cm)Weight:27.6 lbs (12.5 kilograms)E NVIRONMENTALTemperature:5º to 35º full specifica-tions; 0º to 40ºC operating;-20º to 70ºC non-operating.Humidity:10% to 90% relative, non-condensingP OWER :Autosensing90-132/180-250 V AC 47-63 Hz4 amps @ 115 V AC(20 amps cold start surge)2 amps @ 230 V AC(40 amps cold start surge)Warranty:One YearS I G N A L S O U R C E S。



绪 言承蒙惠顾,购得AR-410打印机。





在软件方面,AR-410秉承了得实系列打印机的高性能、高兼容性,可兼容所有STAR和EPSON 打印机,方便的自动撕纸功能及参数设置功能是得实打印机的特色。







目录第1章安装打印机...................................1-11.1开箱和检查......................................1-11.2放置打印机......................................1-21.3打印机部件......................................1-31.4安装和拆卸色带盒................................1-51.5打印机和主机连接................................1-81.6连接电源.......................................1-101.7安装打印驱动程序...............................1-11第2章纸的安装和使用...............................2-12.1选纸............................................2-12.2使用单页纸......................................2-22.3使用链式纸......................................2-3第3章控制面板.....................................3-13.1按钮及其指示灯..................................3-13.2开机功能........................................3-43.3组合功能........................................3-7第4章参数设置.....................................4-14.1如何进行参数设置................................4-24.2系统设置........................................4-34.3纸张设置........................................4-64.4接口设置.......................................4-104.5标准模式设置...................................4-114.6用户自定义页长.................................4-144.7双向测试及纵向校正.............................4-164.8打印针自动调整设置.............................4-194.9打印针补偿设置.................................4-204.10恢复出厂设置...................................4-22第5章票据通设置和使用.............................5-15.1 票据通设置......................................5-25.2 票据通的使用....................................5-3第6章用户调整设置.................................6-16.1 链式装纸页首调整................................6-16.2 摩擦装纸页首调整................................6-26.3 撕纸位置调整....................................6-3第7章故障和保养...................................7-17.1 故障处理........................................7-17.2 保养与维护......................................7-6第8章规格.........................................8-18.1 打印机规格......................................8-18.2 接口接头引脚....................................8-48.3 字符集..........................................8-88.4 控制码摘要表...................................8-148.4.1 标准模式和24针图像仿真控制码摘要表............8-14附录1:电子信息产品污染控制的说明.....................9-1安全规范使 用 注 意 事 项为了避免受到电击和伤害及防止损坏打印机,在接上电源之前,务请注意以下重要事项:仔细阅读操作手册等说明文件。

AR-400+ 操作手册

AR-400+ 操作手册

1. 售后服务请致电全国各地得实服务网点电话,或拨打: 400-810-9998(手机) 800-810-9998(免费) 2. 产品能耗: 产品使用状态 工作时 操作模式功率(休眠) 待机功率(关闭) 最大能耗 30W 3.2W 0.1W 最小能耗 10W
a. 本产品符合 GB25956-2010 《打印机、 传真机能效限定值及能效等 级》一级能效等级最高要求。 b. 打印机停止使用 5 分钟(默认出厂设置) ,即自动切换到节能模 式(详见第 4 章) 。 c. 只有当产品无任何外接输入电源时,才能实现零能耗。 3. 在换气不畅的房间中长时间使用或打印大量文件时, 建议用户适时 换气。 4. 如果用户需对产品性能升级或更换模块, 请来电咨询, 我们将给您 详细解答。 5. 当您弃置达到使用寿命年限的针式打印机或其原装耗材时, 我们建 议您将废弃产品返还给本公司或全国各地的得实服务网点, 由得实 集团作统一处理,以保护生态环境。 6. 本产品能使用含 70%回收纤维的再生纸进行打印。在不影响使用 的情况下,为节约资源,请选择使用再生纸;请选择双面打印。 7. 产品与电网电源的断开装置: 通过拔掉电源线插头能彻底切断产品 与电源电网的连通。
第1章 安装打印机
1.1 开箱和检查
打开纸箱,对照下图检查箱内部件和附件是否齐全。如果有任何 部件遗失,请与卖方联系。 注意:使用之前,请先取出打印头固定板及打印头固定珍珠棉,保留 原包装箱及缓冲材料,以备以后使用。
*机器出厂时, 送纸旋钮未安装于机器上, 请从缓冲材料上取出并安装。

1.2 放置打印机
在安装打印机之前,首先要确定一个合适的地方放置打印机。 这里“合适的地方”是指: 平放在工作台上。 避免将打印机置于过热、过度潮湿和灰尘过多的地方。 接上稳定电源,避免与电冰箱之类大功率或有干扰的电器同一电 源。 关掉打印机电源开关后,才能拔插电源线插头,打印机应尽可能 放置在接近插座的地方,便于使用。 打印机必须放置在走纸空间足够的地方。 如果用打印机并行接口连接,必须确保电缆长度在 2 米范围内; 用 RS-232C 连接,可选 SPC-32K 转换器,连接距离可在 15 米以 内。



A T -AR410 SERIESModular Branch Office RoutersDatasheet | RoutersA T -AR410Modular Branch Office RouterA T -AR410SSecure Modular Branch Office RouterWirespeed E1/T1 IPsec VPN OperationWith full Layer 3 multi-protocol routingcombined with wirespeed VLAN switching in one compact unit,the AT -AR410 Series re-defines business-class routing.The AT -AR410 Seriessupports an extensive range of network services using simple modular plug in cards.Offeringunprecedented flexibility and performance in such a compact unit,the AT -AR410 Series isparticularly suited to T1/E1 applications where even the most data-intensive VPN operation is supported at full E1/T1 speeds.The AT -AR410Series is designed for the Small to Medium Enterprise (SME) and the branch office where multiple workgroups will benefit from VLAN separation together with high performance VPN tunnel operation for connection to remote offices and teleworkers,across the Internet.Businesses can also enjoy the cost advantages of Frame Relay networking at wirespeed E1/T1 rates.Unique VLAN Operation With Integral 4 X 10/100MBPS SwitchUnique for a product in this price bracket,the AT -AR410 Series routers support port-based and 802.1q tagged VLAN operations across their 4 x 10/100Mbs switch ports.This capability offers a potent combination of wirespeed L2switching between VLANs as well as highperformance L3 routing between VLANs in one highly cost-effective unit*.By supporting Layer 3routing between VLANs at a sustained rate of 8,500 PPS for 64 byte packets,the AT -AR410Series is a price breakthrough for small offices that have previously found the benefits of VLAN routing to be cost prohibitive.Simple Plug-in FlexibilityA range of different Port Interface Cards (PICs)can be plugged into the external network slot,including high speed E1/T1,V35/V21 sync,BRI/PRI ISDN and Ethernet PICs.This permits simple,affordable connectivity to today's network while allowing you to protect your investment and upgrade to new,speedier services in the future.Interface cards can be swapped in seconds and are automatically detected by the routers.These interface cards are shared with the Allied T elesis AT -AR700 Series of Enterprise routers,as well as the Rapier family of Layer 3 switches.Theonboard management/async port can be used for local management or for connection to an external modem.Stateful Inspection Firewall and DMZAllied T elesis' state of the art,stateful inspection firewall provides the highest level of security possible by providing full application-layer awareness without breaking the client/server model.Stateful inspection extracts the state-related information required for security decisions from all application layers and maintains this information in dynamic state tables for evaluating subsequent connection attempts.It also protects against a wide range of Denial of Service (DoS) attacks including Ping of Death,SYN/FIN flooding,Smurf attacks,port scans,fragment attacks and IP spoofing.E-mail alerts are automatically triggered when such attacks are detected.This provides a solution that is highly secure and offers maximum performance,scalability,andextensibility.This feature is part of the optional security bundle on the AT -AR410 and is standard on the AT -AR410S.* Each AT -AR410 switch port can only be a member of one tagged or untagged VLAN.Key Features•Port Interface Card (PIC) bay supporting a range of LAN/WAN interfaces•High-performance IPsec DES & 3DES VPN •Stateful Inspection Firewall•10/100Mbps Ethernet LAN/WAN port Integral 4 x 10/100Mbps full duplex Ethernet switch•Port-based VLAN operation on 4 switch ports •8Mb Flash for storage of two software releases •OSPF•BGP-4 (Optional)•CLI & SNMPv3 management •Web GUISoftware QoSAllied T elesis’AlliedWare TM software release2.7.1 provides advanced QoS and shaping features on the AT-AR410 Series.There are five key new QoS features available in this release—Bandwidth Metering,RED Curves,Mixed Scheduling,Virtual Bandwidth,and DAR.This release also supports eight queues per interface.Dynamic Application Recognition (DAR) is used to snoop for session setup exchanges and dynamically create classifiers that match the voice and video packets in the session.For more information about these advanced QoS features,see the Allied T elesis Advanced QoS White Paper available on our website.Hardware Accelerator for VPNand IPsecThe AT-AR410 Series optional hardware accelerator cards provide high performance compression and/or DES and 3DES encryption on all PPP and Frame Relay links.By offloading this work from the central routing processor, these hardware accelerators will ensure that DES-based IPsec and VPN operation will run at true wirespeed E1/T1 rates,hence maximising costly WAN links.Configuration and Management•T elnet remote management is supported across the LAN and WAN•The AT-AR410 Series supports Secure Shell (SSH) connections,which provide authenticated and encrypted secure remote management.SSH clients are available from third parties.•The AT-AR410 Series also supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2,SNMPv3,MIB II and Enterprise MIB About Allied T elesisAbout Allied T elesisAllied T elesis was founded in 1987 and now has offices around the globe,over 2,800 employees and over $500M of worldwide annual revenue. The attributes which have led Allied T elesis to achieve its leading position in the enterprise, operator and connectivity business segments can be summarised by four key elements:its business focus on networking technology for professional markets,where Allied T elesis has proved to be the only company capable of providing a total end-to-end solution at a high price/performance ratio;the ability to handle every aspect of its own products from design to marketing;the development of components and solutions which accommodate flexible, efficient and reliable network construction;and support from sound warranty terms and quality services.Allied T elesis connects the IP world efficiently thanks to affordable and highly reliablenetwork solutions.For more information see:Service and SupportAllied T elesis provides value-added supportservices for its customers under its Net.Cover SMprograms.For more information onNet.Cover SM support programs available in yourarea,contact your Allied T elesis salesrepresentative or visit our website:Feature SummaryDial-up Networking (ISDN & analog)Calling Line ID (CLI)Dial-on-DemandCLI Call-backMultilink PPP (MPP)Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol(BAP/BACP)Always on Dynamic ISDN (AODI)Leased LineSYNC up to 2 MbpsE1/T1/G.703 Unchannelized / ChannelizedLAN ProtocolsIPIPX/SPXIPX/SPX SpoofingPPPoERouting ProtocolsStatic RoutesRIP & RIP V2OSPFBGP-4 (option)WAN ProtocolsFrame RelayX.25DecNetIVRemote Access Dial-in SupportAsynchronous Serial Ports with Routing SupportLAN BridgingSpanning TreeCompressionSTAC CompressionIP Address ManagementIP MultihomingDynamic IP address assignmentDHCPAuthenticationCLI,PAP/CHAP AuthenticationRADIUS/TACACS AuthenticationVPN and SecurityNAT (Network Address Translation)PAT (Port address translation)IP Packet FilteringGeneric Routing Encapsulation (GRE)L2TP Access Concentrator / Network ServerICSA-certified Stateful Inspection FirewallHardware 56-bit DES Encryption (option)Triple DES Encryption (option)ICSA-certified IPsecIKESecure Shell Remote Management (SSH)Secure Socket Layer (SSL) for secure GUI,or inconjunction with the load balancerVLANsPort-based VLAN operation on 4 switch portsUp to 4 VLANsWirespeed switching between VLANsT agging supported in 'upstream' direction onlyT raffic Shaping and QoSIP Packet PrioritisationRSVPDiffServUpstream bandwidth limitingRapid Spanning Tree Protocol (RSTP)RedundancyVirtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)Configuration and ManagementConsole PortCommand Line InterfaceT elnetWeb BrowserSNMP / SNMPv2c / SNMPv3Power CharacteristicsInput Voltage:100-240vAC,50-60Hz,10WMax Power Consumption:17.6W (+3V3@2A,+5V@1A,+********)Integral universal power supplySecurity clip to retain IEC power cordPhysical CharacteristicsIU Rack mountDepth:190mmWidth:305mmWeight:1.75kg (3.75lbs)Environmental Characteristics Operating temperature range:0ºC - 40ºC (32ºF - 104ºF)Storage temperature range:-25ºC - 70ºC (-13ºF - 158ºF)Relative humidity range:5 - 95% non-condensingApprovalsEMCEmissions:EN55022 class A,FCC class A,VCCI class I,AS/NZS3548 class A Immunity:EN55024Safety:UL60950,CAN/CSA-C22.2 NO.60950-00,EN60950,AS/NZS3260Listing:UL,cULNetwork Interface (where applicable to PIC)ISDN Limited Network Protocol Analysis,FCC Part 68,Subpart D,IC CS-03 Issue 8 Part I and VI,CTR2,CTR3/A1,CTR4,ACA TS031 Hardware Features*An MDI/MDI-X selection switch is provided for port 4.Ports 1 to 3 are hard-wired in MDI-X mode** used for high performance Encryption and Compression MemoryDRAM:16MbFlash:8Mb (can store two images) ReliabilityMTBF:50,000 hours minMTTR:0.5 hours maxWarranty:2 yearsCountry of OriginChina Standards and ProtocolsSoftware Release 2.7.1BGP-4RFC 1771 Border Gateway Protocol 4RFC 3065 Autonomous System Confederations for BGP RFC 1997 BGP Communities AttributeRFC 1998 Multi-home RoutingRFC 2842 Capabilities Advertisement with BGP-4 RFC 2858 Multiprotocol Extensions for BGP-4RFC 2918 Route Refresh Capability for BGP-4RFC 2385 Protection of BGP Sessions via the TCP MD5 Signature OptionEncryptionFIPS 46-3 DESFIPS 46-3 3DESFIPS 180 SHA-1FIPS 186 RSARFC 2104 HMACEthernetIEEE 802.1D MAC BridgesIEEE 802.1G Remote MAC BridgingIEEE 802.2 Logical Link ControlIEEE 802.3u 100BASE-TIEEE 802.3x Full Duplex OperationIEEE 802.3ac VLAN TAGIEEE 802.3ad (static) Link AggregationIEEE 802.1Q Virtual LANsIEEE 802.1v VLAN Classification by Protocol and Port RFC 894 Ethernet II EncapsulationGeneral RoutingRFC 1918 IP AddressingRFC 791 IPRFC 950 Subnetting,ICMPRFC 1812 Router RequirementsRFC 1055 SLIPRFC 1122 Internet Host RequirementsRFC 1582 RIP on Demand Circuits"IPX Router Specification",v1.2,Novell,Inc.,Part Number 107-000029-001 IPX Router Specification RFC 792 ICMPRFC 1288 FingerRFC 1701 GRERFC 1702 GRE over IPv4RFC 2131 DHCPRFC 1542 BootPRFC 826 ARPRFC 925 Multi-LAN ARPRFC 3232 Assigned NumbersRFC 2661 L2TPRFC 2822 Internet Message FormatRFC 903 Reverse ARPRFC 1027 Proxy ARPRFC 793 TCPRFC 768 UDPRFC 1144 Van Jacobson's Compression AppleTalkISO 9542 End System to Intermediate System Protocol RFC 2390 Inverse Address Resolution ProtocolRFC 1142 OSI IS-IS Intra-domain Routing Protocol ISO 10589,ISO 10589 Technical Corrigendums 1,2,3, ISO Intermediate System-to-Intermediate SystemISO 8473,relevant parts of ISO 8348(X.213),ISO 8343/Add2,ISO 8648,ISO TR 9577 Open System Interconnection RFC 1332 The PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol (IPCP) RFC 1334 PPP Authentication ProtocolsRFC 1377 The PPP OSI Network Layer Control Protocol (OSINLCP)RFC 1378 The PPP AppleTalk Control Protocol (ATCP) RFC 1552 PPP internetworking packet exchange protocol IPXCPRFC 1570 PPP LCP ExtensionsRFC 1598 PPP in X.25RFC 1618 PPP over ISDNRFC 1661 The Point-to-Point Protocol (PPP)RFC 1762 The PPP DECnet Phase IV Control Protocol (DNCP) RFC 1877 PPP Internet Protocol Control Protocol Extensions for Name Server AddressesRFC 1962 The PPP Compression Control Protocol (CCP) RFC 1968 The PPP Encryption Control Protocol (ECP) RFC 1974 PPP Stac LZS Compression ProtocolRFC 1978 PPP Predictor Compression ProtocolRFC 1989 PPP Link Quality MonitoringRFC 1990 The PPP Multilink Protocol (MP)RFC 1994 PPP Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP)RFC 2125 The PPP Bandwidth Allocation Protocol (BAP) / The PPP Bandwidth Allocation Control Protocol (BACP) RFC 2516 A Method for Transmitting PPP Over Ethernet (PPPoE)RFC 2878 PPP Bridging Control Protocol (BCP)RFC 3022 Traditional NATRFC 1256 ICMP Router Discovery MessagesIP MulticastingRFC 2236 IGMPv2RFC 1075 DVMRPdraft-ietf-idmr-dvmrp-v3-9 DVMRPRFC 1112 Host ExtensionsRFC 1812 Router RequirementsRFC 2715 Interoperability Rules for Multicast Routing Protocols RFC 2362 PIM-SMdraft-ietf-pim-dm-new-v2-04 PIM-DMdraft-ietf-pim-sm-v2-new-09 PIM-SMIPsecRFC 2395 IPsec Compression - LZSRFC 2401 Security Architecture for IPRFC 2402 AH - IP Authentication HeaderRFC 2403 IPsec Authentication - MD5RFC 2404 IPsec Authentication - SHA-1RFC 2405 IPsec Encryption - DESRFC 2406 ESP - IPsec encryptionRFC 2407 IPsec DOIRFC 2408 ISAKMPRFC 2409 IKERFC 2410 IPsec encryption - NULLRFC 2411 IP Security Document RoadmapRFC 2412 OAKLEYRFC 1829 IPsec algorithmRFC 2451 The ESP CBC-Mode Cipher AlgorithmsRFC 3173 IPCompRFC 1828 IP Authentication using Keyed MD5IPv6draft-ietf-ngtrans-hometun-01 IPv6 over IPv4 tunnels for home to Internet accessRFC 1981 Path MTU Discovery for IPv6RFC 2375 IPv6 Multicast Address AssignmentsRFC 2460 IPv6RFC 2080 RIPng for IPv6RFC 2461 Neighbour Discovery for IPv6RFC 2462 IPv6 Stateless Address AutoconfigurationRFC 2463 ICMPv6RFC 2464 Transmission of IPv6 Packets over Ethernet NetworksRFC 2472 IPv6 over PPPRFC draft-vida-mld-v2 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)for IPv6draft-ietf-ngtrans-introduction-to-ipv6-transition-06 Anoverview of the introduction of IPv6 in the InternetRFC 2526 Reserved IPv6 Subnet Anycast AddressesRFC 2711 IPv6 Router Alert OptionRFC 3056 Connection of IPv6 Domains via IPv4 CloudsRFC 3315 DHCPv6RFC 3633 IPv6 Prefix Options for Dynamic HostConfiguration ProtocolRFC 3596 DNS Extensions to support IP version 6RFC 3513 Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6) AddressingArchitectureRFC 3484 Default Address Selection for Internet Protocolversion 6RFC 2710 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD) for IPv6draft-vida-mld-v2-08 Multicast Listener Discovery (MLD)for IPv6,Version 2RFC 2766 NAT-PTRFC 2529 Transmission of IPv6 over IPv4 Domainswithout Explicit TunnelsRFC 2893 Transition Mechanisms for IPv6 Hosts and RoutersRFC 3646 DNS Configuration options for Dynamic HostConfiguration Protocol for IPv6 (DHCPv6)RFC 3587 IPv6 Global Unicast Address FormatRFC 2365 Administratively Scoped IP MulticastRFC 3306 Supported IPv6 standardsRFC 3307 Allocation Guidelines for IPv6 Multicast AddressesManagementRFC 1155 MIBRFC 1157 SNMPRFC 1213 MIB-IIRFC 1643 Ethernet MIBRFC 1493 Bridge MIBRFC 2790 Host MIBRFC 1573 Evolution of the Interfaces Group of MIB-IIRFC 2338 VRRPRFC 1757 RMON (groups 1,2,3 and 9)RFC 2674 Definitions of Managed Objects for Bridgeswith Traffic Classes,Multicast Filtering and Virtual LANExtensions (VLAN)RFC 2665 Definitions of Managed Objects for theEthernet-like Interface TypesRFC 2580 Conformance Statements for SMIv2RFC 2578 Structure of Management Information Version2 (SMIv2)RFC 2096 IP Forwarding Table MIBRFC 2012 SNMPv2 MIB for TCP using SMIv2RFC 2011 SNMPv2 MIB for IP using SMIv2RFC 1657 Definitions of Managed Objects for BGP-4using SMIv2RFC 1515 Definitions of Managed Objects for IEEE802.3 MAUsRFC 2856 Textual Conventions for Additional HighCapacity Data TypesRFC 2579 Textual Conventions for SMIv2RFC 1212 Concise MIB definitionsRFC 2576 Coexistence of SNMPv1,v2 and v3 of theInternet-standard Network ManagementRFC 3410 Introduction and Applicability Statements forInternet-Standard Management FrameworkRFC 3411 An Architecture for Describing SNMPManagement Frameworks.RFC 3412 Message Processing and Dispatching for the SNMP.RFC 3413 SNMP Applications.RFC 3414 User-based Security Model (USM) for SNMPv3RFC 3415 View-based Access Control Model (VACM) forthe SNMPRFC 3416 Version 2 of the Protocol Operations for SNMPRFC 3417 Transport Mappings for the SNMPRFC 3418 MIB for SNMPRFC 3164 Syslog Protocoldraft-ietf-bridge-8021x-00.txt Port Access Control MIBOSPFRFC 1245 OSPF protocol analysisRFC 1246 Experience with the OSPF protocolRFC 1583 OSPFv2RFC 1793 Extending OSPF to Support Demand CircuitsRFC 1586 OSPF over Frame RelayRFC 2328 OSPF v2RFC 1587 The OSPF NSSA OptionQoSRFC 1349 Type of Service in the IP SuiteRFC 2205 Reservation ProtocolRFC 2211 Controlled-LoadRFC 2475 An Architecture for Differentiated ServicesIEEE 802.1p Priority TaggingRFC 2697 A Single Rate Three Color MarkerRFC 2698 A Two Rate Three Color MarkerRFC 2597 Assured Forwarding PHB GroupRFC 3246 An Expedited Forwarding PHB (Per-Hop Behavior)RIPRFC 1058 RIPv1RFC 1723 RIPv2SecurityIEEE 802.1x Port Based Network Access Controldraft-ylonen-ssh-protocol-00.txt SSH Remote Login ProtocolRFC 1779 X.500 String Representation of Distinguished NamesRFC 2459 X.509 Certificate and CRL profileRFC 2511 X.509 Certificate Request Message FormatRFC 2559 PKI X.509 LDAPv2RFC 2587 PKI X.509 LDAPv2 SchemaRFC 2510 PKI X.509 Certificate Management ProtocolsRFC 2585 PKI X.509 Operational ProtocolsPKCS #10 Certificate Request Syntax StandardDraft-IETF-PKIX-CMP-Transport-Protocols-01 TransportProtocols for CMPRFC 2865 RADIUSRFC 2866 RADIUS AccountingRFC 1492 TACACSdraft-grant-tacacs-02.txt TACACS+RFC 1413 IDPRFC 1858 FragmentationServicesRFC 959 FTPRFC 2821 SMTPRFC 2049 MIMERFC 1985 SMTP Service ExtensionRFC 1305 NTPv3RFC 1510 Network AuthenticationRFC 2156 MIXERRFC 854 Telnet Protocol SpecificationUSA Headquarters |19800 North Creek Parkway |Suite 200 |Bothell |WA 98011 |USA |T:+1 800 424 4284 |F:+1 425 481 3895European Headquarters |Via Motta 24 |6830 Chiasso |Switzerland |T:+41 91 69769.00 |F:+41 91 69769.11Asia-Pacific Headquarters |11 T ai Seng Link |Singapore |534182 |T:+65 6383 3832 |F:+65 6383 3830© 2006 Allied T elesis Inc.All rights rmation in this document is subject to change without notice.All company names,logos,and product designs that are trademarks or registered trademarks are the property of their respective owners.617-00453-00 Rev QRFC 855 Telnet Option Specifications RFC 856 Telnet Binary Transmission RFC 857 Telnet Echo OptionRFC 858 Telnet Suppress Go Ahead Option RFC 1091 Telnet terminal-type option RFC 1350 TFTPRFC 1179 Line printer daemon protocol RFC 932 Subnetwork addressing scheme RFC 1945 HTTP/1.0RFC 2217 Telnet Com Port Control Option SSLRFC 2246 The TLS Protocol Version 1.0draft-freier-ssl-version3-02.txt SSLv3STP / RSTPIEEE 802.1w - 2001 RSTPIEEE 802.1t - 2001 802.1D maintenanceX.25RFC 1356 Multiprotocol Interconnect on X.25 and ISDN in the Packet ModeITU-T Recommendations X.25 (1988),X.121 (1988),X.25ISDNANSI T1.231-1997ANSI T1.403-1995ANSI T1.408-1990AT&T TR 54016-1989Austel TS 013.1:1990Bellcore SR-3887 1997TS 013.2:1990TS 014.1:1990TS 014.2:1990ITU G.703ITU G.704ITU G.706ITU-T Recommendations G.703 (1972)ITU-T Recommendation Q.922G.794 (1988)G.706 (1988)I.120 (1988)I.121 (1988)I.411 (1988)I.430 (1988)I.431 (1988)Q.920 (1988)Q.921 (1988)Q.930 (1988) Q.931 (1988)ETSI Specifications ETS 300 011:1991ETS 300 012:1992ETS 300 102-1:1990ETS 300 1022:1990ETS 300 125:1991ETS 300 153:1992ETS 300 156:1992New Zealand Telecom TNA 134German Monopol (BAPT 221)Japan NTT I.430-aRockwell Bt8370 Fully Integrated T1/E1 Framer and Line Interface data sheetTechnical Reference of Frame Relay Interface,Ver.1,November 1993,Nippon Telegraph and Telephone CorporationFrame Relay ANSI T1S1 Frame relayRFC 1490,2427 Multiprotocol Interconnect over Frame RelayVoIP RFC 2543 SIP G.711 A/µ law G.723.1G.729 A/B (Optional)H.323 v2Ordering InformationAT -AR410-xxModular Branch Office Router AT -AR410S-xxSecure Modular Branch Office RouterWhere xx =10 for U.S.power cord 20 for no power cord 30 for U.K.power cord 40 for Australia power cord 50 for Europe power cordHardware upgrade options Port Interface CardsAT -AR020Single configurable E1/T1 interface that supports channelized/unchannelized Primary Rate ISDN/Frame RelayOrder Number:990-001304-00AT -AR021S (V2)Single Basic Rate ISDN (S/T) interface Order Number:990-001103-00AT -AR023Single Synchronous port up to 2Mbps to an external CSU/DSU (AT-V.35-DTE-00 or AT-V.21-DTE-00 cable required)Order number:990-001104-00AT -AR024Four Asynchronous RS232 interfaces to 115Kbps Order number:990-001105-00AT -AR027Two VoIP FXS portsOrder number:990-001356-00Encryption/Compression AT -AR011i ECMACProvides hardware-based DES and 3DES*encryption,hardware-based compressionOrder number:990-12278-00 (Not RoHS Compliant)Software upgrade optionsAT -AR400SSECPK(AT-AR410 only as these features are included in the Standard AlliedWare of the AT-AR410S)Provides Firewall,SMTP proxy,HTTP proxy Order number:980-10027-00AT -AR400 – ADVL3UPGRDAR400 Series Advanced Layer 3 Upgrade • IPv6• BGP-4• Server Load Balancing Order number:980-10021-00。



Sherwood 公司以及他的授权经销商及代理商认为他们自己应对仪器的安全性、可靠性 及性能负责,而且仅对如下情况的仪器负责:
l 装配操作、升级、调整、维修等工作只能由被他们授权的人所进行。 l 有关房间的电气安装操作需要遵从 IEC 需求或当地的管理条例。 l 设备要按照操作手册规定的步骤操作。
410 型工业及 410 型医用火焰光度计
410 型工业及 410 型医用 火焰光度计
(P)2007 北京中科科尔仪器有限公司 ( C ) 2007 Sherwood Scientific Limited
410 91 001 Issue 1 8th February 2007 ECN406
北京中科科尔仪器有限公司 1
包含在这一本手册的数据在当时印刷的时候是完全正确的。但是 Sherwood 公司的产品 是不断提高更新的,它拥有随时改变该产品说明书、设备及维修装配程序的权利,不需要预 先通知。
这一本手册是被授权的,而且保留所有的权利。这本书在没有征得著者的同意前不允许 以任何方式发表。
Sherwood Scientific Ltd 1 The Paddocks, Cherry Hinton Road Cambridge, CB1 8DH, United Kingdom
410 型工业及 410 型医用火焰光度计
使用说明...............................................ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้.......................................................................... 2 1.介绍 ........................................................................................................................... 5

FSR Inc. LIT1157RN-410系列音频视频切换器操作手册说明书

FSR Inc. LIT1157RN-410系列音频视频切换器操作手册说明书

INSTALLATION AND OPERATING MANUAL43810 LIT1157RN-410 SERIESAUDIO VIDEO SWITCHERVideo Products GroupCOMPLIANCE AND SAFETYPROPRIETARY INFORMATIONAll information in this manual is proprietary to and the property of FSR Inc. This publication is protected by the Federal Copyright Law, with all rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced, transcribed, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without prior explicit written permission from FSR Inc. OPERATOR’S SAFETY SUMMARYThe general safety information in this summary is for operating personnel.Read Instructions. Read and understand all safety and operating instructions before using this equipment. Keep the instructions handy.Removal of the top cover may expose dangerous voltages. To avoid personal injury, disconnect all power sources before removing the top cover. Do not operate the unit with the cover removed.Power Source:This product is intended to operate from the power source detailed in the specifi cation section of this manual. Do not use any other power source or exceed voltage limits.Grounding the Product:This product is grounded through the grounding conductor of the power cord. To avoid electrical shock, plug the power cord into a properly wired receptacle before connecting to the product input or output terminals.Use the Proper Power Cord Use only the power cord and connector specifi ed for your product. Use only a power cord that is in good condition. Refer cord and connector changes to qualifi ed service personnel.2TABLE OF CONTENTSCOMPLIANCE AND SAFETY (2)PROPRIETARY INFORMATION (2)OPERATOR’S SAFETY SUMMARY (2)INTRODUCTION (4)RN-410 FRONT PANEL OPERATION (4)SOURCE SELECTION (4)AUDIO LEVEL ADJUSTMENT (4)AUDIO TRIM ADJUSTMENTS (4)AUDIO CARD ABSENT (4)POWER UP / FAILURE OPERATION (5)DEFAULT FACTORY SETTINGS (5)TYPICAL APPLICATIONS (5)PINOUTS AND CABLING (6)SPECIFICATIONS (8)WARRANTY AND RETURN INFO (9)WARRANTY POLICY (9)SERVICE AND RETURN AUTHORIZATION (9)CONTACT INFORMATION (9)3INTRODUCTIONThis manual covers installation and operation the RN-410 family of audio video switchers. Most of the operat-ing principals are identical on all models. The unique characteristics such as connectors and pinouts are de-tailed on the application drawings.RN-410 FRONT PANEL OPERATIONSOURCE SELECTIONThe source video and audio input are selected by pressing one of the 4 source buttons located on the left sideof the front panel. A single lamp will be illuminated to indicate the selection. Note that the audio source input may be separately confi gured to a source different from that of the video input via the RS-232 interface.This is referred to as audio breakaway.The audio breakaway feature, when confi gured, will result in the lamp of the current video source input selected being lit continuously and the audio breakaway source will blink intermittently at a rate of once per second. Pressing a source select button will return both audio and video to the selected source and terminate the audio breakaway feature.AUDIO LEVEL ADJUSTMENTThe audio output level may be adjusted via the up and down buttons located on the right side of the front panel. The audio range may be adjusted in 1 dB increments from a fl oor of –45 dB to +5 dB by either pressing and holding the V ol Up or Down button or by discrete button presses. Each discrete press adjusts audio in 1dB steps. When continuously pressing a volume up or down button, the audio output level will be ramped in 1dB increments, traversing the entire range from –45 to +5 dB in approximately 6 seconds. The 5 audio output lamps are illuminated accordingly to refl ect 6 ranges (including all OFF).Audio mute may be toggled on and off by pressing the Audio Mute button to the immediate left of the audio output level lamps. The user may adjust the audio output volume down while remaining in mute state. However, if the user presses the volume up button while muted then the audio will be unmuted and the audio output level will be adjusted accordingly.AUDIO TRIM ADJUSTMENTSThe audio trim may also be adjusted for each of the 4 audio sources via the front panel. This is done by fi rst pressing and holding the desired audio source input button (thus switching both video and audio to that source) and then simultaneously pressing the volume up or down buttons to adjust the trim for the selected source. Note that the lamps will not be illuminated to refl ect the adjusted trim and will remain illuminated to refl ect the audio output level as may have been adjusted as above. The audio trim may be ramped up or down by holding both the audio source button and the respective trim direction button and will traverse the –5 dB to +15 dB range in approximately 2-3 seconds. Or the user can adjust in discrete 1 dB increments by discrete volume up or down presses. When the audio source button is released, the audio trim adjustment is terminated.AUDIO CARD ABSENTThe RN-410 is also available in confi gurations without an audio card. These RN-410 models have video capabilities only. However, the RN-410 chassis still contains the V olume lamps and buttons as well as the45TYPICAL APPLICATIONSAudio Mute lamp and button but they are effectively disabled and the lamps will not be lit. This provides a visual cue to user that the audio feature is absent on this model. The serial interface also provides indication of whether audio capability is present or not (see RN-410 Serial Protocol Manual).POWER UP / FAILURE OPERATIONThe RN-410 is capable of detecting imminent power failures and stores any con fi guration parameters to FLASH memory before complete power failure in order to restore the most recent operating con fi guration on start-up. A 5 second delay period upon power up allows for the power to stabilize. The user should wait 5 seconds after power up before operating or trying to send any serial commands to the unit.DEFAULT FACTORY SETTINGSThe RN-410 can be returned to its default factory settings by fi rst pressing and holding the Audio Mute button and then simultaneously pressing the Volume Up button. The default settings con fi gure the default video and audio output to port one, the audio output level to –30 dB and the audio trim levels for each audio input to 0 dB.6Cable Type: Standard 4 pin S-Video to two BNC male cable.Maximum Recommended Length: 35 ftPinoutSerial Control Port for Control of DTE DevicesSerial Control Port for Control of DCE DevicesPINOUTS AND CABLINGPlease see the RN-410 serial protocol manual included with the product for serial commands and other details on RS-232 control.7SPECIFICATIONS8WARRANTY AND RETURN INFOWARRANTY POLICYThis product is warranted against failures due to defective parts or faulty workmanship for a period of one year after delivery to the original owner. During this period, FSR will make any necessary repairs or replace the unit without charge for parts or labor. Shipping charges to the factory or repair station must be prepaid by the owner, return-shipping charges, via UPS / FedEx ground, will be paid by FSR.This warranty applies only to the original owner and is not transferable. In addition, it does not apply to repairs done by other than the FSR factory or Authorized Repair Stations.This warranty shall be cancelable by FSR at its sole discretion if the unit has beensubjected to physical abuse or has been modifi ed in any way without written authorization from FSR. FSR’s liability under this warranty is limited to repair or replacement of the defective unit.FSR will not be responsible for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the use or misuse ofits products. Some states do not allow the exclusion of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitations may not apply to you. This warranty gives you specifi c legal rights, and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state.Warranty claims should be accompanied by a copy of the original purchase invoiceshowing the purchase date (if a Warranty Registration Card was mailed in at the time of purchase, this is not necessary). Before returning any equipment for repair, please read the important information on service below. SERVICE AND RETURN AUTHORIZATIONBefore returning any equipment for repair, please be sure that it is adequately packed and cushioned against damage in shipment, and that it is insured. We suggest that you save the original packaging and use it to ship the product for servicing. Also, please enclose a note giving your name, address, phone number and a description of the problem.NOTE: All equipment being returned for repair must have a Return Authorization (RMA) Number. To get a RMA Number, please call FSR Service Department (973-785-4347).Please display your RMA Number prominently on the front of all packages.CONTACT INFORMATIONFSR Inc.244 Bergen Boulevard,West Paterson, NJ 07424Tel: (973) 785-4347 · Fax: (973) 785-4207E-Mail:****************·Web:910。



5. 用内六角扳手打开细角阀90度,五秒钟关 用内六角扳手打开细角阀90度 观察是否有泄漏点; 闭,观察是否有泄漏点; 6. 用肥皂水检查室内外联机处是否有泄漏, 用肥皂水检查室内外联机处是否有泄漏, 检查完要将肥皂水擦干; 检查完要将肥皂水擦干; 7. 从维修口取下软管,完全打开细角阀与粗 从维修口取下软管, 角阀。 角阀。 8. 确认维修口处没有泄露; 确认维修口处没有泄露;
• R22冷媒压缩机一般采用矿物油; R22冷媒压缩机一般采用矿物油 冷媒压缩机一般采用矿物油; • R410A冷媒压缩机一般采用有机合成油,常 R410A冷媒压缩机一般采用有机合成油, 冷媒压缩机一般采用有机合成油 见PVE(醚类)、POV(酯类); PVE(醚类)、 )、POV(酯类); • R410A与矿物油不能互溶。R410A空调系统 R410A与矿物油不能互溶 R410A空调系统 与矿物油不能互溶。 混入矿物油(R22用),会导致冷冻油劣化 会导致冷冻油劣化、 混入矿物油(R22用),会导致冷冻油劣化、 水解生成金属盐,空调毛细管堵塞等, 水解生成金属盐,空调毛细管堵塞等,所 以应该严格控制
R410A冷媒使用指南 R410A冷媒使用指南
• 制冷循环中用于传递、转移热量的流体; • 常见制冷剂有氟利昂、水、氨、二氧化碳 等 • 单一工质制冷剂: R22、水、氨 单一工质制冷剂: R22、水、氨 • 混合工质制冷剂: R407C、R410A 混合工质制冷剂: R407C、
• R410A冷媒大约是R-22冷媒压力的1.6倍左右。 R410A冷媒大约是 22冷媒压力的 倍左右 冷媒大约是R 冷媒压力的1.6倍左右。 高压力条件使R410A冷媒使用 冷媒使用R410A冷媒专 高压力条件使R410A冷媒使用R410A冷媒专 用工具和安装材料。 用工具和安装材料。



INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSR--410A Horizontal Split System Air ConditionerNH4A4These instructions must be read and understood completely before attemptinginstallation.TABLE OF CONTENTSPAGESAFETY CONSIDERATIONS1........................INSTALLATION2--3.................................Complete Pre--Installation Checks2...................Rig and Mount Unit2..............................Complete Refrigerant Piping Connections3.............Make Electrical Connections3........................START--UP4 ........................................SERVICE4 ......................................... MAINTENANCE6...................................SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Improper installation,adjustment,alteration,service,maintenance,or use can cause explosion,fire,electrical shock,or other conditions which may cause death,personal injury,or propertydamage.Consult a qualified installer,service agency,or your distributor or branch for information or assistance.The qualified installer or agency must use factory--authorized kits or accessories when modifying this product.Refer to the individual instructions packaged with the kits or accessories when installing.Follow all safety codes.Wear safety glasses,protective clothing, and work e quenching cloth for brazing operations. Have a fire extinguisher available.Read these instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions included in literature and attached to the unit.Consult local building codes and the current editions of the National Electrical Code(NEC) NFPA70.In Canada,refer to the current editions of the Canadian Electrical Code CSA C22.1.Recognize safety information.This is the safety--alertsymbol.When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or manuals,be alert to the potential for personal injury.Understand the signal words DANGER,WARNING,and CAUTION.These words are used with the safety--alert symbol.DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death.WARNING signifies hazards which could result in personal injury or death.CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury or product and property damage.NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced installation,reliability,or operation.INSTALLATION IMPORTANT:Effective January1,2015,all split system air conditioners and heat pumps must be installed pursuant to applicable regional efficiency standards issued by the Department of Energy.COMPLETE PRE--INSTALLATION CHECKS Unpack UnitMove the unit to final location.Remove unit from carton,being careful not to damage service valves and grilles.Inspect ShipmentFile a claim with the shipping company if shipment is damaged or incomplete.Check the unit nameplates to ensure units match job requirements.Consider System RequirementsConsult local building codes and NEC for special installation requirements.Allow sufficient space for airflow clearance,wiring,refrigerant piping,and servicing unit.Locate unit so that condenser airflow is unrestricted on both sides.Unit may be mounted on a level pad directly on base legs or mounted on raised pads at support points.RIG AND MOUNT UNITMounting on GroundMount unit on a solid,level concrete pad.Position unit so water or ice from roof does not fall directly onto e field--provided snow stand or ice rack where prolonged subfreezing temperatures or heavy snow occurs.If conditions or local codes require unit be fastened to a pad,6 field--supplied tie--down bolts should be used and fastened through slots provided in unit mounting feet.Mounting on RoofMount unit on a level platform or frame at least6in.(152.4mm) above roof surface.Isolate unit and tubing from structure.Clearance RequirementsWith coil facing wall:Allow6”(152.4mm)minimum clearance on coil side and coil end and20”(504.0mm)minimum clearance on fan side.Allow24”(609.6mm)minimum clearance on compressor end for service.With fan facing wall:Allow8”(203.2mm)minimum clearance on coil side and coil end and20”(504.0mm)minimum clearance on fan side.Allow24”(609.6mm)minimum clearance on compressor end for service.With multi--unit application:Allow24”(609.6mm)minimum clearance between multiple units.Arrange units so discharge of one does not enter inlet of another.IMPORTANT:When installing multiple units,ensure the discharge air from one unit is not drawn into another unit.When installing single or multiple units in an alcove,roof well,or partially enclosed area,ensure there is adequate ventilation to prevent recirculation of discharge air.Operating AmbientMinimum outdoor operating ambient in cooling mode is55_F (13_C),maximum125_F(52_C).RiggingKeep the unit upright and lift unit using a e cardboard or padding under the sling,and spreader bars to prevent sling damage to the unit.See Fig.1.Install the unit so that the coil does not face into prevailing winds.If this is not possible and constant winds above25mph are expected,use accessory wind baffle.See installation instructions provided with the accessory kit. NOTE:Accessory wind baffles should be used on all units with accessory low ambient temperature control.Field--fabricated snow or ice stands may be used to raise unit when operation will be required during winter months.Units may also be wall mounted using the accessory wall mountingkit.A07396 Fig.1---Lifting Unit with SlingCOMPLETE REFRIGERANT PIPING CONNECTIONS Outdoor units may be connected to indoor units using field--supplied tubing of refrigerant grade and condition.See Specification Sheet for correct line sizes.Do not use less than10ft (3.05m)of interconnecting tubing.When more than80ft(24.4m)of interconnecting tubing and more than20ft(6.1m)of vertical lift is used,consult the residential Long Line Application Guide for required accessories.If either refrigerant tubing or indoor coil is exposed to the atmosphere,the system must be evacuated following good refrigeration practices. Run refrigerant tubes as directly as possible,avoiding unnecessary turns and bends.Suspend refrigerant tubes so they do not damage insulation on vapor tube and do not transmit vibration to structure. Also,when passing refrigerant tubes through a wall,seal the opening so that vibration is not transmitted to structure.Leave some slack in refrigerant tubes between structure and outdoor unit to absorb vibration.Refer to separate indoor unit installation instructions for additional information.Filter DrierRefer to Fig.2and install filter drier as follows:1.Braze5in.(127mm)liquid tube to the indoor coil.2.Wrap filter drier with damp cloth.3.Braze filter drier to5in.(127mm)long liquid tube fromstep1.4.Connect and braze liquid refrigerant tube to the filterdrier.A05178 Fig.2---Filter Drier ComponentsThe filter drier must be replaced whenever the refrigeration system is exposed to the atmosphere.Only use factory specified liquid--line filter driers with rated working pressures less than600psig.NOTE:Do not install a suction--line filter drier in liquid line.Make Piping Sweat ConnectionsRemove plastic caps fromrefrigerant grade tubing.Service valves are closed from the factory and are ready for brazing.After wrapping the service valve with a wet cloth,the tubing set can be brazed to the service valve using either silver bearing or non--silver bearing brazing material. Consult local code requirements.Refrigerant tubing and the indoor coil are now ready for leak testing.NOTE:Unit is shipped with R--410A refrigerant factory charge indicated on nameplate.Pass nitrogen or other inert gas through piping while brazing to prevent formation of copper oxide.MAKE ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSPower WiringUnit is factory wired for voltage shown on nameplate.Provide adequate,fused disconnect switch within sight from unit,readily accessible,but out of reach of children.Provision for locking the switch open (off)is advisable to prevent power from being turned on while unit is being serviced.Disconnect switch,fuses,and field wiring must comply with the NEC and local code e copper wire only between the disconnect switch and e minimum 75C wire for the field power connection.Route power wires through the opening in unit side panel and connect in the unit control box as shown on the unit label diagram and Fig. 3.Unit must be grounded.LEGENDNEC —National Electrical Code TB —T erminal Board TB ConnectionsField Wiring Factory Wiring——A07428Fig.3---Line Power ConnectionsControl Circuit WiringControl voltage is 24v (40va minimum).See Fig.4and unit label diagram for field--supplied wiring details.Route control wirethrough opening in unit side panel to connection in unit controlbox.A07398Fig.4---NH4A4Typical Control Circuit ConnectionsNOTE :Use No.18AWG color--coded,insulated (35_C minimum)wire.If thermostat is located more than 100ft.(30.5m)from unit,as measured along the control voltage wires,use No.16AWG color--coded wire to avoid excessive voltage drop.NOTE :All wiring must conform to NEC and local codes.NOTE :Operating unit on improper line voltage constitutes abuse and could affect warranty.See Specification Sheet.Do not install unit in a system where voltage may fluctuate above or below permissible limits.Refer to the Specification Sheet for recommended fuse sizes.When making electrical connections,provide clearance at the unit for refrigerant piping connections.NOTE :The NH4A4units use the control transformer supplied with the matched indoor unit.START--UPPRELIMINARY CHECKS1.Check that all internal wiring connections are tight and that all barriers,covers,and panels are in place.2.Field electrical power source must agree with unit name-plate rating.3.All service valves must be open.4.Belly--band crankcase heater must be tight on compressor crankcase for those units with belly--band heaters.EV ACUATE AND DEHYDRATEField piping and fan coil must be evacuated and dehydrated.CHARGE SYSTEMRelease charge into system by opening (back--seating)liquid andsuction line service valves.Outdoor unit is charged for 15ft (4.6m)of 3/8--in.liquid line.TO START UNITBe sure that the field disconnect is closed.Set room thermostat below ambient temperature.Operateunit for 15minutes,then check system refrigerant charge.See Refrigerant Charging section.SERVICEHigh--Pressure Relief Valve The high--pressure relief valve is located in the compressor.Therelief valve opens at a pressure differential of approximately 550to 625 50psig between suction (low side)and discharge (high side)to allow pressure equalization.Internal Current and Temperature Sensitive OverloadThe control resets automatically when internal compressor motor temperature drops to a safe level (overloads may require up to 45minutes to reset).When an internal overload is suspected of being open,check by using an ohmmeter or continuity tester.Pumpdown ProcedureThe system maybe pumped down in order to make repairs on the low side without losing complete refrigerant charge.When system must be opened for service,recover refrigerant,break vacuum with dry nitrogen before opening system.1.Attach pressure gage to suction service valve gage port.2.Front--seat the liquid/mixed phase line valve.3.Start unit and run until suction pressure reaches20psig.4.Shut unit off and front--seat suction valve.5.De--pressurize low side of unit and recover refrigerant fol-lowing accepted practices.Crankcase HeaterThe crankcase heater prevents refrigerant migration and compressor oil dilution during shutdown when compressor is not operating.If the crankcase heater is de--energized for more than6 hours,both compressor service valves must be closed.NOTE:Addition of an accessory crankcase heater is required for long line and low ambient colling applications.Refer to the Residential Long Line Guideline.The crankcase heater is powered by the high--voltage power of the unit.It is connected across the line side of the contactor and is thermostatically controlled.To troubleshoot:1.Apply voltmeter across crankcase heater leads to see if heat-er voltage is on.Do not touch heater.Carefully feel areaaround crankcase heater;if warm,crankcase heater is func-tioning.2.With power off and heater leads disconnected,check acrossleads with ohmmeter.Do not look for a specific resistancereading.Check for resistance or an open circuit,and changeheater if an open circuit is detected.Service ValvesThe service valves in the outdoor unit come from the factory front--seated.This means the refrigerant charge is isolated from the line--set connection ports.To prevent damage to the valve,use a wet cloth or other accepted heat sink material on the valve before brazing.The service valve cannot be field repaired,therefore,only a complete valve or valve stem seal and service port caps are available for replacement.RefrigerantChargingNOTE:Do not vent or de--pressurize unit refrigerant to atmosphere.Remove and recover refrigerant following accepted practices.All units are shipped with the refrigerant charge listed on the nameplate.Refer to Specification Sheet and consider the following when working with R--410A refrigerant:S R--410A refrigerant cylinders are rose colored.S Recovery cylinder service pressure rating must be400 psig,DOT(Department of Transportation)4BA400orDOT BW400.S R--410A systems should be charged with liquid refrigerant.Use a commercial type metering device in the manifoldhose when charging into suction line with compressor op-erating.S Manifold sets should be700psig high side and180psig low side with550psig low--side retard.S Use hoses with700psig service pressure rating.S R--410A refrigerant,as with other HFCs,is only compat-ible with POE oils.S Vacuum pumps will not remove moisture from oil.S Polyol Ester oils absorb moisture rapidly.Do not expose oil to atmosphere.S Polyol Ester oils may cause damage to certain plastics and roofing materials.S Wrap all filter driers and service valves with wet cloth when brazing.S factory approved,liquid--line filter drier is required on ev-ery unit.S Do not use a TXV(thermostatic expansion valve)designed for use with R--22refrigerant.Refer to separate indoor unitinstallation instructions for more details.S If using a suction line drier,do not leave in place for more than72hours.35ft.(10.6m)--25ft.(7.6m)=10ft.X0.6oz./ft.=6oz.of additional charge.CHECK CHARGECharging method is shown on information plate inside unit.To properly check or adjust charge,conditions must be favorable for subcooling charging.Favorable conditions exist when the outdoor temperature is between70︒F and100︒F(21.11︒C and37.78︒C), and the indoor temperature is between70︒F and80︒F(21.11︒C and26.67︒C).Follow the procedure below:Unit is factory charged for15ft(4.57m)of lineset.Adjust charge by adding or removing0.6oz/ft(.018kg/m)of3/8liquid line above or below15ft(4.57m)respectively.For standard refrigerant line lengths(80ft/24.38m or less),allow system to operate in cooling mode at least15minutes.If conditions are favorable,check system charge by subcooling method.If any adjustment is necessary,adjust charge slowly and allow system to operate for15minutes to stabilize before declaring a properly charged system.If the indoor temperature is above80︒F(26.67︒C),and the outdoor temperature is in the favorable range,adjust system charge by weight based on line length and allow the indoor temperature to drop to80︒F(26.67︒C)before attempting to check system charge by subcooling method as described above.If the indoor temperature is below70︒F(21.11︒C),or the outdoor temperature is not in the favorable range,adjust charge for line set length above or below15ft(4.57m)only.Charge level should then be appropriate for the system to achieve rated capacity.The charge level could then be checked at another time when the both indoor and outdoor temperatures are in a more favorable range. NOTE:If line length is beyond80ft(24.38m)or greater than20 ft(6.10m)vertical separation,See Residential Piping and Long Line Guideline for special charging requirements.MAINTENANCELUBRICATIONCompressorCompressor contains factory oil charge;replace oil when e Mobile3MA--POE oil.CLEANING COILSCoil should be washed out with water or blown out with compressor air.Note that the blow--thru design causes dirt and debris to build up on the inside of the coils.Clean coil annually or as required by location and outdoor air conditions.Inspect coil monthly and clean as required.Fins are not continuous through coil sections.Dirt and debris may pass through first section, become trapped between the row of fins and restrict condenser e a flashlight to determine if dirt or debris has collected between coil sections.Clean coil as follows:1.Turn off unit a garden hose or other suitable equipment,flush coilfrom the outside to remove dirt.Be sure to flush all dirt anddebris from drain holes in base of unit.Fan motors are wa-terproof.Copyright2014International Comfort ProductsLewisburg,TN37091USAEdition Date:11/2014。

得实 AR-410 操作手册

得实 AR-410 操作手册

1. 售后服务请致电全国各地得实服务网点电话,或拨打: 400-810-9998(手机) 800-810-9998(免费) 2. 产品工作、待机、休眠及关闭状态的最大及最小能耗如下: 产品使用状态 工作时 待机 休眠 关闭 最大能耗 50W 9W 7W 小于 0.1W 最小能耗 8W 7W 6W 0
附录 1:电子信息产品污染控制的说明..................... 9-1
使 用 注 意 事 项
为了避免受到电击和伤害及防止损坏打印机, 在接上电源之前, 务请注意以下重要事项: 仔细阅读操作手册等说明文件。 打印机必须平放在固定的台面上。 避免震动、碰撞、高温和阳光直射、灰尘等。 请勿将打印机置于潮湿的环境中,请勿让雨水等任何液体沾湿打 印机。 打印机应安放在接近插座的地方,方便操作者进行电源插头的拔 插操作。 确保电源的电压值与打印机所规定的电压值一致,避免与电冰箱 等大功率或有干扰的电器同一电源。 为保证安全操作,三脚插头必须插进三孔交流电源插座中,其中 地线必须有效接地。 电源延长线必须为三芯并正确连接,以提供接地。 若交流电源插座与打印机插头不匹配,请更换合适的交流电源插 座,以保证人员、设备的安全使用。 连接打印机通讯电缆时,请先关闭打印机和计算机的电源,选用 适合的联机电缆将打印机和计算机连接起来, 并锁定卡口和旋紧 螺丝。 请勿接触打印头外壳,以防止高温伤害。 清洁打印机前,先关闭电源开关,从电源插座拔掉电源插头。用 软棉绒布沾少量中性清洁剂或酒精,轻抺打印机外部。 如遇打印机发生故障,除认可的合格技术员外,不可擅自进行维 修工作。
1.2 放置打印机
在安装打印机之前,首先要确定一个合适的地方放置打印机。 这里“合适的地方”是指: 平放在工作台上。 避免将打印机置于过热、过度潮湿和灰尘过多的地方。 接上稳定电源,避免与电冰箱之类大功率或有干扰的电器同一电 源。 关掉打印机电源开关后,才能拔插电源线插头,打印机应尽可能 放置在接近插座的地方,便于使用。 打印机必须放置在走纸空间足够的地方。 如果用打印机并行接口连接,必须确保电缆长度在 2 米范围内; 用 RS-232C 连接,可选 SPC-32K 转换器,连接距离可在 15 米以 内。

Sporlan R-410A产品介绍说明书

Sporlan R-410A产品介绍说明书

Sporlan products suitable for R-410A are introduced in this publication,Including special features,specifications, and characteristics of the devices for R-410A systems. Additional features,specifications,and characteristics for other refrigerants are included in appropriate sections of the Sporlan Catalogue.For immediate access to Sporlan literature please visit .R-410A is a 50% / 50% blend,by weight,of R-32 and R-125. The vapor pressure of R-410A is almost 50% greater than R-22’s vapor pressure.New R-410A systems must be designed to handle the higher pressure and require special service tools,such as manifold gauge sets,recovery units,and recovery tanks.R-410A is intended for use solely with polyolester (POE) oil, while R-22 can be used with POE,Alkylbenzene,or Mineral Oil.The higher pressure,and the fact that R-410A performs very much like a single component refrigerant,provide an opportunity to produce a more compact system with greater efficiency.In addition,R-410A refrigerant allows more suction line pressure drop since it is less sensitive to suction line efficiency losses.The future of the HVAC & R market looks promising for the development and use of R-410A systems.Applications primarily include air conditioning,chillers and commercial refrigeration.The superior performance characteristics of R-410A and the industry’s transition to HFCs have made this refrigerant a viable alternative to R-22 and other refrigerants,and is becoming the refrigerant of choice for many new air conditioning and heat pump designs.Catalogue R-410A MEJuly 2001Page 2— Catalogue R-410A&E Z I B EZ I B B g u o r h T t h g i a r t &E Z I EZ I B B el g n A &E Z I B I B B C u o r h T t h g i a r EZ I B B C el g n A THERMOSTATIC EXPANSION VALVESSporlan offers thermostatic expansion valves in R-410A nominal capacities between 0.88 and 28 kW. The models offered are externally equalized, have straight through or angle configuration, and SAE or ODF connections. The Sporlan refrigerant code for R-410A is the letter "Z ",which is used in the designation of products especially designed for R-410A service.The BIZE models have a conventional port construction.BBIZE models have the advantage of a balanced port construction,which makes them ideally suited for systems with a wide range of operating conditions.The CBIZE and CBBIZE models are similar to the BIZE and BBIZE, but have an internal check valve to allow refrigerant flow to bypass the expansion valve port in the reverse flow direction in heat pump systems.The integral check valve means fewer connections, easier installation,and increased reliability.The Sporlan TEVs designed for R-410A have replaceable thermostatic elements with a locknut ring stronger than normally used with common refrigerants such as R-22 or R-134a. This feature makes the thermostatic element capable of withstanding higher pressures. Replaceable thermostatic elements are designated by “KT-45-” plus the charge.Example: KT-45-ZGA.Currently, three thermostatic charges are available for R-410A service:ZGA – Has similar performance to the VGA charge used in R-22or NGA charge used in R-407C systems. The constituents and heavy thermal ballasts in the charge provide excellent anti-hunt characteristics by dampening the valve in the opening direction. The maximum operating pressure or MOP of this charge is not as defined as the ZCP160 charge,an alternate charge for R-410A air conditioning and heat pump applications.ZCP160– Has similar performance to the VCP100 charge used in R-22 systems or the NCP100 charge used in R-407C systems. The maximum operating pressure or MOP of this charge takes effect around 12°C evaporator temperature.The ZCP160 charge has a mild thermal ballast that dampens the valve in the opening direction only.ZN – Has similar performance to the VN charge used in R-22or NN charge used in R-407C systems. A heavy thermal ballast dampens the valve in the opening and closing directions.The ZN charge is a non-condensable charge without an MOP, and thus not subject to charge migration. It is used in special medium and high temperature applications, such as chillers located outdoors that must operate while exposed to cold temperatures.Contact the nearest Acal sales office if you have an application that requires a valve or charge that is not listed.Catalogue R-410A — Page 3ODF ConnectionsPage 4— Catalogue R-410ABIZE & BBIZEStraight Through ConfigurationB55 mmADDCCBIZE & BBIZEAngle ConfigurationE n i m 9n i m 9n i m 7n i m 7ni m 1Capillary Tube Length 76.2 cm Standard 152.4 cm Available47 mm49 mm56 mm90 mm30°7.9 m m m i n .B I ZE = 46 m m B B I Z E = 47 m mBIZE 46 mm BBIZE 47 mmCC E E49 mm49 mmDDDDDBCE Equalizer Option:1/8" OD x 31 cm ,61 cm or 91 cmlong capillary tube external equalizer with or without 1/4" SAE flare nutEqualizer Option:1/8" OD x 31 cm,61 cm or 91 cm long capillary tube external equalizer with or without 1/4" SAE flare nutE EGGFA1/4" ODFExternal Equalizer Fitting 1/4" ODF external equalizer fitting35Catalogue R-410A — Page 5CBIZE & CBBIZEStraight Through ConfigurationCBBIZEAngle ConfigurationEqualizer option:1/8" OD x 31 cm,61 cm or 91 cm long capillary tube external equalizer with or without 1/4" SAE flare nutEqualizer option:1/8" OD x 31 cm,61 cm or 91 cmlong capillary tube external equalizer with or without 1/4" SAE flare nut58 mmABCC30°DDG46mm49 mm59 mm93 mmFCBDAEHChatleff fittingsoption7.9 m m m i n .48 m m O D F 41 m mS A E6.4 m m 49 mm49 mmPage 6— Catalogue R-410AFor more information on Sporlan distributors please refer to Bulletin 20-10.SOLENOID VALVESValves with 4 different port sizes and ODF solder connections are available. The smallest port valve uses a MKC-1 coil while the rest use a MKC-2 coil. Sporlan solenoid valves are available in many different voltage and cycle ratings. Standard coils are listed in the specifications table below.Solenoid coils are available with either an integral junction box, a 1/2" conduit boss, or DIN connector. Hirshman connectors are also available. Models with other sizes and features are under development. Please contact the nearest Acal sales office if you have an application that requires a solenoid valve with capacities or voltages not shown in this catalogue.Catalogue R-410A — Page 7E6 SeriesE19 SeriesCoil removal 40 mmCoil removal 45 mmCoil removal 45 mm*B*BAADDDD*BAACCC E E14 SeriesFor more information on solenoid valves refer to Bulletin 30-10E6S130-HPE19S250-HPME9S240-HPPage 8— Catalogue R-410ACatch-All ®FILTER-DRIERSAll sealed models of Sporlan’s Catch-All and the HPC-100(heat pump) models are suitable for use in R-410A systems. The high water capacity and the acid removal ability of the Catch-All core are well suited to meet the demands of R-410A refrigerant and POE oil.Extensive testing of the materials and the molded core in the Catch-All have demonstrated its compatibility and effectiveness in systems using R-410A. Form 40-139 has a detailed explanation of R-410A compatibility testing of the Catch-All.fittingsFiberglass pad 100 mesh screenH ea v yl ea f sp ri n gCatalogue R-410A — Page 9 It’s the CORE that Counts!Page 10— Catalogue R-410ASA-14SU For more information refer to Bulletin 70-10Overall width is:33 mm for 1/4" and 3/8" sizes, 40 mm for 1/2" and 5/8" sizes, and 35 mm for 7/8" and 1-1/8" sizes.Most solder connections can be used as male fittings as well as female fittings.The 1/4”ODF is 3/8" ODM, the 3/8" ODF is 1/2" ODM, the 1/2" ODF is 5/8" ODM, and the 5/8"ODF is 3/4"ODM.Models with female flare and/or swivel nut connections are supplied with a copper gasket in the fitting.* These models have copper connections and feature a removable element cartridge — for replacement cartridge specify AC-20.Note:Change or add Catch-All Filter-Drier when the paper turns from green to chartreuse .SA-13SCatalogue R-410A — Page 11Zhu Gao DeRm. 1010, Tower 1 Kerry Everbright City 218 Tian Mu Road West Shanghai 200070, P.R. of China Tel: (86) 21 6353 4577Fax: (86) 21 6354 1227E-mail:*******************Acal China China Acal plcAir Conditioning & RefrigerationHeadquarters Office United Kingdom Peter Hogan 2 Chancellor Court Occam Road, Surrey Research Park Guildford GU2 7AH, United Kingdom Tel: (44) 1483 544500 Fax: (44) 1483 544550E-mail:*****************.ukwebsite:Helen Rosalia 10 Cutter Mill Road, Suite 203Great Neck, New York 11021, U.S.A. Tel: (1) 516 487 9870 Fax: (1) 516 487 9342E-mail:***************website: Hugo Dalla ZannaRua Conde do Pinhal, 2267, Suite 201 CEP 13560-140São Carlos, SP , Brasil Tel: (55) 16 270 8027 Fax: (55) 16 270 1604E-mail:**************A cal New York Inc International Sales Headquarters (excludes Europe & Japan)Acal S.A.Acal Brazil Brazil U.S.A.New York France Eliane Emerit-Bonnot Zone d'Activite des Marais 1 Avenue Louison Bobet BP 6494122 Fontenay-sous-Bois,Cedex, France Tel: (33) 1 4514 7300 Fax: (33) 1 4877 6230E-mail:***********website: Acal Controls Ltd.European Sales Office Headquarters (excludes France & Germany)England Angus Mackintosh Unit 2, The Rose Estate, Osborn Way Hook, Hampshire RG27 9UT, United Kingdom Tel: (44) 1256 382520Fax: (44) 1256 382530E-mail: **********************.uk website: Elke Villhauer Fischeracker 274223 Flein/Heilbronn, Germany Tel: (49) 7 131 5810 Fax: (49) 7 131 5812 90E-mail:************website: Acal GmbH Germany Tony Koh Tampines Central P.O. Box 400, Singapore 915214Tel: (65) 654 65461 Fax: (65) 654 65462E-mail:******************.sgAcal Singapore Singapore Sarkis Ohannessian P.O. Box 70-994Antelias, Lebanon Tel: (961) 4 522 309 Fax: (961) 4 522 309E-mail:****************.lb A cal Middle East Lebanon Anil Yadav 16/34 1st. Floor Sidhora Kalan Near Shakti Nagar Rly Bridge Delhi, India 110052Tel: (91) 11 364 3211 Fax: (91) 11 364 3212E-mail:******************Acal India India Mike Rivera PMB# 2195944 Coral Ridge Drive Coral Springs, Florida 33076, U.S.A.Tel: (1) 954 345 8278 Fax: (1) 954 255 6468E-mail:********************.net Acal Florida U.S.A.Florida Peter Harms Suite 3, 70 Kingsway Glen Waverley VIC 3150Tel: (61) 3 95747810Fax: (61) 3 9574 7820E-mail:****************Acal Australia Pty. Ltd.Australia。



As n Energy St r ® P rtner,International Comfort Products has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR ® guidelines for energy efficiency.SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE513 71 3002 02 March 200914 SEER R −410A PACKAGE AIR CONDITIONER, 2½ to 5 TONS 3−Phase, 208/230V and 460V, 60 HzREFRIGERATION CIRCUIT•Environmentally sound R-410A refrigerant•Copper tube/aluminum fin condenser and evaporator coils •Scroll compressors standard on all modelsEASY TO INSTALL AND SERVICE•Installs easily on a rooftop or at ground level•Easy single-panel accessibility for maintenance and installation•Easily converts to down discharge applications with duct covers providedBUILT TO LAST•Wire grille•Pre-painted steel cabinet•High efficiency X-13 indoor blower motor on all models •Vertical condenser fan discharge•Rust-proof base with integral sloping drainWARRANTY•5-year compressor limited warranty •1-year parts limited warrantyUNIT PERFORMANCE DATAModel Number Voltage 3 Ph - 60Hz.COOLINGUnit Dimensions Height x Width x DepthOperating Weight (lbs)Nominal Capacity BTU/hS.E.E.R E.E.R.PAN430000H00A 208/23028,40014.312.038 x 48 x 33277PAN436000H00A 208/23034,20014.212.044 x 48 x 33335PAN436000L00A 46034,20014.212.044 x 48 x 33349PAN442000H00A 208/23040,50014.312.048 x 48 x 44384PAN442000L00A 46040,50014.312.048 x 48 x 44398PAN448000H00A 208/23048,00014.312.048 x 48 x 44402PAN448000L00A 46048,00014.312.048 x 48 x 44416PAN460000H00A 208/23059,00014.012.052 x 48 x 44430PAN460000L00A46059,00014.012.052 x 48 x 44446UNIT SPECIFICATIONSUNIT SIZE030036042048060 NOMINAL CAPACITY (ton)2−1/233−1/245 SHIPPING WEIGHT lb (kg)*331 (150.1)389 (178.4)446 (202.3)464 (210.5)492 (223.2) COMPRESSOR (1 each)ScrollREFRIGERANT (R−410A) Quantity lb (kg)7.8 (3.5)9.8 (4.4)11.0 (5.0)10.5 (4.8)14.5 (6.6) REFRIGERANT METERING DEVICE TXVCONDENSER COIL Rows—Fins/in. Face Area (sq ft)2 (21)10.22 (21)15.252 (21)19.42 (21)19.42 (21)23.3CONDENSER FAN Nominal Cfm Diameter in. (mm) Motor Hp (Rpm)235022 (558.8)1/8 (825)235022 (558.8)1/8 (825)235022 (558.8)1/8 (825)330022 (558.8)1/4 (1100)330022 (558.8)1/4 (1100)EVAPORATOR COIL Rows—Fins/in. Face Area (sq ft)3 (17)3.704 (15)3.703 (17)4.703 (17)5.704 (17)5.70EVAPORATOR BLOWER Nominal Airflow (Cfm) Size in.(mm)Motor (Hp) (RPM)100010 x 10(254 x 254)1/2 (1050)120011 x 10(279 x 254)3/4 (1000)120011 x 10(279 x 254)3/4 (1075)160011 x 10(279 x 254)1 (1075)175011 x 10(279 x 254)1 (1040)RETURN−AIR FILTERS (in.){}Throwaway (mm.){}20 x 24 x 1508x610x2520 x 30 x 1610x762x2524 x 30 x 1610x762x2524 x 36 x 1610x914x2524 x 36 x 1610x914x25*For 460 volt units add 14 lb (6.35 kg) to the shipping weight.{ Required filter sizes shown are based on the larger of the ARI (Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Institute) rated cooling airflow or the heating airflow velocity of 300 ft/minute for throwaway type or 450 ft/minute for high−capacity type. Air filter pressure drop for non−standard filters must not exceed 0.08 IN. W.C..} If using accessory filter rack refer to the filter rack installation instructions for correct filter sizes and quantity.PRESSURE SWITCHESSwitch Type Cut−out Pressure (PSIG)Reset (automatic) Pressure (PSIG) High650 +/− 15420 +/− 15 Loss of Charge (Low)20 +/− 545 +/− 10ELECTRIC HEATER PRESSURE DROPSmall Cabinet − Model Sizes 30, 36Heater SizeCFM 5006007008009001000110012001300140015001600Static Pressure Drop Due to Electric Heater (inches water column)5 kW0. 10 kW0. 15 kW0. 20 kW0. Large Cabinet − Model Sizes 42, 48, 60Heater SizeCFM 110012001300140015001600170018001900200021002200230024002500Static Pressure Drop Due to Electric Heater (inches water column)5 kW0. 10 kW0. 15 kW0. 20 kW0. UNIT PERFORMANCE DATA (230V − 3 Phase − 60 Hz)Model NumberCOOLINGRated Capacity (BTU/h)S.E.E.R E.E.R.S/T RatioPAN43028,40014.312.0.75PAN43634,20014.212.0.76PAN44240,50014.312.0.75PAN44848,00014.312.0.75PAN46059,00014.012.0.76SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE2513 71 3002 02UNIT AIRFLOW, Horizontal and Downflow Discharge, 230 Volts, Dry CoilModel MotorSpeedWireColorCFM at External Static Pressure (Inches Water Column) Blue741638547415−−−−−−−−−−Med−Low Pink898820738662536−−−−−−−−Medium Red973887823733665538451−−−−Med−High1Orange11401064996915840758687564480 High Black1202114010821015961881810732631PAN436Low Blue1206115110851033961901839769694 Med−Low1Pink1369131712621208115210951037979919 Medium Red14191370131512691209116111011043984 Med−High Orange155715071464141213651310126512121154 High Black159915531505146014101361131012621203PAN442Low Blue129512341182112610751016955898857 Med−Low Pink1345128212351194114010951027974921 Medium Red150514521413135813231282123411691130 Med−High1Orange154514921449141113621313127812311188 High Black170516431607156815181483144814041360PAN448Low Blue144513891341128112361189113910721027 Med−Low1Pink167816351602155815131474143814041349 Medium Red196219151880184317941753171116751628 Med−High Orange213120882065201319821941188818601785 High Black246124092339228621922140206219681874PAN460Low Blue1448136212961226116811081071998905 Med−Low Pink172216751614154314991442140813561308 Medium1Red188718471783172616771625157815271432 Med−High Orange205520081958192719001768168515811458 High Black229222382158204919351840173216351513*Air delivery values are without air filter and are for dry coil (See Pressure Drop tables). Deduct field−supplied air filter pressure drop and wet coil pressure drop to obtain external static pressure available for ducting.1.Factory−shipped cooling speedWET COIL PRESSURE DROP (IN. W.C.)MODEL SIZESTANDARD CFM (S.C.F.M.) 60070080090010001100120013001400150016001700180019002000Pressure Drop (inches water column)30−−−−−−−−−−36−−−−−−−−−−42−−−−−−−−−−48−−−−−−−−−−60−−−−−−−−−− FILTER PRESSURE DROPFILTER SIZECFM 50060070080090010001100120013001400150016001700180019002000210022002300Pressure Drop (inches water column)20 x 24 x 1————————————24 x 30 x 1———————————24 x 36 x 1——————— MINIMUM AIRFLOW FOR RELIABLE ELECTRIC HEATER OPERATION (CFM)Model Size:3036424860 Airflow:10001200140016001750SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE3513 71 3002 02ELECTRIC HEATER USAGE, 208/230−3−60Electric Heater Model Number NominalCapacity(kW)FusesUsed With Model Sizes3036424860EHNA05H0N 5.00üüüüüEHNA10H0N10.00üüüüüEHNA15H0N15.00üüüüüEHNA20H6F20.06üüüELECTRIC HEATER USAGE, 460−3−60Electric Heater Model Number NominalCapacity(kW)FusesUsed With Model Sizes3036424860EHNA05L0N 5.00N/AüüüüEHNA10L0N10.00N/AüüüüEHNA15L0N15.00N/AüüüüEHNA20L0N20.00N/AüüüELECTRIC HEATER ELECTRICAL DATAMODEL SIZE NOMINALV−PH−HZVOLTAGERANGEELECTRIC HEAT (208V / 230V)POWER SUPPLY (208V / 230V)NOMINAL kWFull LoadAmpacityMinimum CircuitAmpacityMaximum Over−Current Protection MIN MAXPAN430208 / 230−3−60187253− / −− / −15.4 / 15.420 / 20 3.8 / 510.4 / 1218.1 / 20.120 / 25 7.5 / 1020.8 / 24.131.1 / 35.335 / 40 11.3 / 1531.3 / 36.144.3 / 50.345 / 60PAN436208 / 230−3−60187253− / −− / −18.2 / 18.225 / 253.8 / 510.4 / 1220.5 / 22.525 / 257.5 / 1020.8 / 24.133.5 / 37.635 / 4011.3 / 1531.3 / 36.146.6 / 52.650 / 60460−3−60414506−−10.6155.06.011.31510.012.018.82015.018.026.330PAN442208 / 230−3−601872533.8 / 510.4 / 1223.8 / 23.835 / 357.5 / 1020.8 / 24.133.5 / 37.635 / 4011.3 / 1531.3 / 36.146.6 / 52.650 / 6015 / 2041.4 / 47.959.3 / 67.460 / 70460−3−60414506−−11.1155.06.011.31510.012.018.82015.018.026.33020.024.133.935PAN448208 / 230−3−60187253− / −− / −26.2 / 26.235 / 353.8 / 510.4 / 1226.2 / 26.235 / 357.5 / 1020.8 / 24.135.5 / 39.640 / 4011.3 / 1531.3 / 36.148.6 / 54.650 / 6015 / 2041.4 / 47.961.3 / 69.470 / 70460−3−60414506−−12.5155.06.012.51510.012.019.82015.018.027.33020.024.134.935PAN460208 / 230−3−60187253− / −− / −29.5 / 29.540 / 403.8 / 510.4 / 1229.5 / 29.540 / 407.5 / 1020.8 / 24.135.5 / 39.640 / 4011.3 / 1531.3 / 36.148.6 / 54.650 / 6015 / 2041.4 / 47.961.3 / 69.470 / 70460−3−60414506−−14.6205.06.014.62010.012.019.82015.018.027.33020.024.134.935SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE4513 71 3002 02SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE8513 71 3002 02ACCESSORIESROOF CURBSRoof Curb for Small CabinetNote A: When unit mounting scre w is used ,retainer bra cke t must also be used.Roof Curb for Large CabinetNote A: When unit mounting scre w is used ,retainer bra cket must also be used.UNIT SIZE MODEL NUMBER A IN. [MM]B IN. [MM]C IN. [MM]D IN. [MM]E IN. [MM]F IN. [MM]G IN. [MM]30, 36NPRFCURB006A008 [203]11 [279]16−1/2[419]28−3/4 [730]30−3/8 [771]44−5/16 [1126]45−15/16 [1167]NPRFCURB007A0014 [356]11 [279]16−1/2[419]28−3/4 [730]30−3/8 [771]44−5/16 [1126]45−15/16 [1167]42, 48, 60NPRFCURB008A008 [203]16−3/16 [411]17−3/8[441]40−1/4 [1022]41−15/16 [1065]44−7/16 [1129]46−1/16 [1169]NPRFCURB009A0014 [356]16−3/16 [411]17−3/8[441]40−1/4 [1022]41−15/16 [1065]44−7/16 [1129]46−1/16 [1169]Notes:1.Seal strip must be applied as required to unit being installed.2.Roof curb is made of 16 gauge steel.3.Attach ductwork to curb (flanges of duct rest on curb).4.Insulated panels: 1-in. thick fiberglass 1 lb. density.5.When unit mounting screw is used (see Note A), a retainer bracket must be used as well. This bracket must also be used when required by code for hurricane or seismic conditions. This bracket is available through Micrometl.SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE9513 71 3002 02ACCESSORIES (continued)ROOF CURBSModel Number DescriptionUse With Model SizeNPRFCURB006A008” High Roof Curb 30, 36NPRFCURB007A0014” High Roof Curb 30, 36NPRFCURB008A008” High Roof Curb 42, 48, 60NPRFCURB009A0014” High Roof Curb42, 48, 60ECONOMIZERSModel Number DescriptionUse With Model SizeNPECOMZR003A00Vertical or Horizontal, internal with solid state controller, fully modulating damper, up to 50% barometric relief *, supply and dry bulb outdoor air sensors, filter rack with 1−inch filters.**30, 36NPECOMZR004A0042NPECOMZR006A0048, 60AXB078ENTOutdoor Enthalpy ControlALL* Barometric relief only works in the down discharge application ** Outdoor enthalpy available as field installed accessoryMANUAL FRESH AIR DAMPERSModel Number Control Use With Model SizeNPMANDPR004A00Manual Outside Air Damper − Ex-ternal w/ filter rack and 1” filter30, 36NPMANDPR005A0042NPMANDPR006A0048, 60FILTER RACK and FILTER (shipped with 1” filters)Model Number Application Filter SizeUse With Model SizeNPFILTRK004A00Horizontal or Downflow InternalFilter Rack12” x 20” x 1” (quan. 2) or12” x 20” x 2” (quan. 1) PLUS 10” x 20” x 2” (quan.1)30, 36NPFILTRK005A0012” x 24” x 1” or 2” (3 required)42NPFILTRK006A0012” x 24” x 1” or 2” (3 required)48, 60CONCENTRIC DIFFUSER & DUCT TRANSITIONSModel Number DescriptionUse With Model SizeAXB030CSA STEP DOWN − Fits 2’ x 4’ Ceiling Grid (Adpats round 18” duct)ALL AXB030CFA FLUSH MOUNT − Fits 2’ x 4’ Ceiling Grid (Adapts round 18” duct)ALL NPDUCFLG002A00Square (14” x 16”) to Round (14”) − 1 set of 2, use with curb 30, 36, 42, 48HIGH AND LOW PRESSURE SWITCH KIT, LOW AMBIENT, ANTI −CYCLE TIMER, COMPRESSOR START ASSISTModel Number DescriptionUse With Model SizeAXB035LAA Low ambient Control − enables cooling system to operate down to 0Deg. F by cycling condenser fan on and offALL NRTIMEGD001A00 5 minute anti −cycle timer (Note: many thermostats have inherent anti −cycle timer logic)ALL NPHSTART001A00PTC type compressor start assistALLCRANKCASE HEATERModel Number DescriptionUse With Model SizeNPCRKHTR004A00240V Belly −band type electric heater30ELECTRIC HEATERS, 208/230−3−60Electric Heater Model Number Nominal Capacity (kW)Fuses Used With Model Sizes3036424860EHNA05H0N 5.00üüüüüEHNA10H0N 10.00üüüüüEHNA15H0N 15.00üüüüüEHNA20H6F 20.06üüüELECTRIC HEATER USAGE, 460−3−60Electric Heater Model Number Nominal Capacity (kW)Fuses Used With Model Sizes3036424860EHNA05L0N 5.00N/A üüüüEHNA10L0N 10.00N/A üüüüEHNA15L0N 15.00N/A üüüüEHNA20L0N20.0N/AüüüSPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE10513 71 3002 02Model SizeUNIT HEIGHT inches [mm]CENTER OF GRAVITYinches [mm]AXYZ3037.02 [940]24.2 [614.7]16.5 [419.1]16.0 [406.4]3641.02 [1042]22.8 [579.1]16.6 [421.6]16.9 [429.3]SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE11513 71 3002 02UNIT DIMENSIONS, model sizes 42, 48, 60Model SizeUNIT HEIGHT inches [mm]CENTER OF GRAVITYinches [mm]AXYZ4246.98 [1193]24.5 [622.3]21.3 [541.0]16.9 [429.3]4846.98 [1193]24.6 [624.8]22.0 [558.8]17.5 [444.5]6050.98 [1295]25.5 [647.7]22.4 [568.9]19.7 [500.4]GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSCABINETUnit cabinet shall be constructed of phosphated, zinc−coated, pre−painted steel capable of with−standing 500 hours in salt spray. Normal service shall be through a single removable cabinet panel. The unit shall be constructed on a rust proof unit base that has an externally trapped, integrated sloped drain.Evaporator fan compartment top surface shall be insulated with a minimum ½” thick, flexible fiberglass insulation, coated on the air side and retained by adhesive and mechanical means. The evaporator wall sections will be insulated with a minimum semi−rigid foil−faced board ca-pable of being wiped clean. Aluminum foil−faced fiberglass insulation shall be used in the entire indoor air cavity section.COOLING SECTIONThe unit is factory charged and operationally ready upon delivery. The unit refrigerant circuit has a high efficiency scroll compressor with inter-nal overload protection, and copper tube/aluminum fin evaporator and condenser coils. The unit is designed for cooling operation to 40o F and will be capable of being wired for field installed economizer type acces-sories.COILSThe evaporator and condenser coils are fabricated with aluminum fins mechanically bonded to copper tubing. Both coils are pressure tested prior to assembly into the unit and electronically leak tested after assem-bly into the unit.CONDENSER FANThe unit has a single direct-drive propeller-fan/motor assembly. The assembly is mounted directly to a vertical-discharge grille that is easily removed for service. Motors are 1100 RPM with sleeve or ball bearings and internal overload protection.EVAPORATOR BLOWERAll units have a direct-drive X−13 evaporator blower motor as a stan-dard. The direct-drive evaporator blower motor has sleeve bearings and internal overload protection.CORNER WEIGHTS and RIGGING DETAILS3-phase units only. Single-phase unitsrequire accessory kit NPLIFTBK003A10CORNER WEIGHTSModel Size:3036424860lbs kg lbs kg lbs kg lbs kg lbs kg Unit Only Weight277125.6335151.9384174.2402182.3430195.0 Corner Weight 15223.67132.29944.910145.810246.2 Corner Weight 26830.88036.39844.510145.810648.1 Corner Weight 3*6730.48136.79844.510145.810648.1 Corner Weight 4**9040.810346.712858.113862.614766.7 Rigging Weight***296134.3324160.6406184.2424192.3452205 Shipping Weight***331150.1389176.4446202.3464210.5492223.2 * 460 Volt units add 5 lbs (2.2 kg) to Corner Weight 3.** 460 Volt units add 9 lbs (4.08 kg) to Corner Weight 4.*** 460 Volt units add 14 lbs (6.35 kg) to Shipping Weight.SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE12513 71 3002 02International Comfort Products, LLC Lewisburg, Tennessee 37091 USA SPECIFICATIONS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE13513 71 3002 02MODEL NOMENCLATUREMODEL SERIES P A N 436000H 00A 1P = Package A = Air Conditioner N = R-410A4 = 14SEER30 = 30,000 BTUH = 2.5 Tons 36 = 36,000 BTUH = 3 Tons 42 = 42,000 BTUH = 3.5 Tons 48 = 48,000 BTUH = 4 Tons NOMINAL60 = 60,000 BTUH = 5 Tons COOLING BTUH 000 = N/ANOMINAL HEATING BTUHH = 208/230-3-60L = 460-3-60VOLTAGE00 = Standard FACTORY INSTALLED OPTIONSSales Model Digit Engineering Digit。



1INDEXSECTION 1.General Requirements for All Long Line Set Applications..............................2SECTION 2.Outdoor Unit and Indoor Unit are at the Same Elevation...............................4SECTION 3.Outdoor Unit is Above the Indoor Unit............................................................5SECTION 4.Outdoor Unit is Below the Indoor Unit............................................................6SECTION 5.Calculations - Tubing Equivalent Length, Tube Size and Refrigerant (7)This long line set application guideline applies to all AHRI listed R-410A air conditioner and heat pump split system matches of nominal capacity 18,000 to 60,000 Btuh. This guideline will cover installation requirements and additional accessories needed for split system installations where the line set exceeds 80 feet (24.4 m) in actual length. The long line sets can have three different configurations (1) Outdoor unit and Indoor unit are at the same level, (2) Outdoor unit is above the Indoor unit coil, (3) Outdoor unit is below the Indoor unit.This guideline is meant to provide installation instructions based on most common long line set applications.Installation variables may affect the system operation.Contact Technical Servicesfor variations or applications outside those outlined in this document.TP-107KTECHNICAL PUBLICATIONTP-107KGoodman Company, L.P .April 2017LONG LINE SETAPPLICATION R-410ASECTION 1. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL LONG LINE SET APPLICATIONS1.Equivalent length must be used to determine acceptability of any long line set application. See Section 5for equivalent length calculations.2.For any residential split system installed with a long line set, 3/8” liquid line size must be used.Limiting the liquid line size to 3/8” is critical since an increased refrigerant charge level from having a larger liquid line could possibly shorten a compressor’s life-span.a.Exceptions for air conditioning (cooling only) applications, 1/4" liquid line may be used in:i. 1.5 ton applications for up to 100 equivalent feet (30.5 equivalent meters) with maximum 40’(12.2 m) vertical liftii. 2.0 ton applications for up to 75 equivalent feet (22.9 equivalent meters) with maximum 20’(6.1 m) vertical liftb.Exceptions for air conditioning (cooling only) applications, 5/16" liquid line may be used in:i. 1.5 ton applications for up to 250 equivalent feet (76.2 equivalent meters) with maximum 60’(18.3 m) vertical liftii. 2.0 ton applications for up to 200 equivalent feet (61.0 equivalent meters) with maximum 40’(12.2 m) vertical liftiii. 2.5 ton applications for up to 175 equivalent feet (53.3 equivalent meters) with maximum 30’(9.1 m) vertical lift3.Most refrigerant tubing kits are supplied with 3/8” (9.5 mm) thick insulation on the suction line. For longline installations over 80 feet (24.4 m) , if the line set passes through a high ambient temperature zone, 1/2” (12.7 mm) thick suction line insulation is required to reduce loss of capacity. The liquid line must be insulated if more than 50 feet (15.2 m) of liquid line will pass through an area that might reach temperatures of 30°F or higher than outdoor ambient. Never attach a liquid line to any uninsulated portion of the suction line.4. A crankcase heater must be installed on any compressor (if crankcase heater is not already factoryinstalled).5.Hard start assist kit is required.e of a thermostatic expansion valve (TXV) is required in all long line set applications. Unit must becharged to 7 to 9 ºF subcooling at the indoor unit.7.Maximum equivalent length of line set is:a. 250 feet (76.2 m) for single stage units with scroll or reciprocating compressors.b. 150 feet (45.7 m) for single stage units with rotary compressors.c. 150 feet (45.7 m) for two stage units.8.Maximum linear length of line set is:a. 200 feet (61.0 m) for single stage units with scroll or reciprocating compressors.b. 150 feet (45.7 m) for single stage units with rotary compressors.c. 150 feet (45.7 m) for two stage units.9.Low voltage wiring. Verify low voltage wire gauge is adequate for the length used due to increased lineset application.10.Vibration and Noise: In long line applications, refrigerant tubing is highly prone to transmit noise andvibration to the adjoining structure. Use adequate vibration-isolating hardware when mounting line set to structural members. See Figures 1-1, 1-2 and 1-3 for example of proper mounting.2Wrapped in Armaflex®Figure 1-1.Installation of Refrigeration Piping From Vertical to HorizontalIMPORT ANT - Refrigerant lines must not touch wall.Figure 1-2. Installation of Refrigerant Piping (Vertical)New construction shownNOTE: If line set is installed on the exterior of an outside wall, similar installation practices are to be used.Figure 1-3. Installation of Refrigerant Piping (Horizontal)3Figure 1-3. Installation of Refrigerant Piping (Horizontal)11.Heat Pump Application Only. Liquid line solenoid must be installed less than 2 feet (61cm) from theoutdoor unit following the solenoid supplier information for installation.12.Heat Pump Application Only. Heating piston change (in the outdoor unit) is not required.13.Final Charge Adjustment. All units must have refrigerant charge verified by proper adjustment ofsubcooling at the indoor unit after initial charge adjustment per Section 5. Proper adjustment means pressure and temperature of the liquid line at the indoor unit must be measured to calculate subcooling at the indoor unit. If subcooling at the indoor unit is less than 5°F, then additional refrigerant must be added until this subcooling level is achieved. If subcooling at the indoor unit is more than 7°F, then refrigerant must be removed until this subcooling level is achieved.SECTION 2. OUTDOOR UNIT AND INDOOR UNIT ARE AT THE SAME ELEVATION1.In a completely horizontal installation with a long line set where the indoor unit is at the same altitude as(or slightly below) the outdoor unit, the line set should be sloped continuously towards the indoor unit. This helps reduce refrigerant migration to the outdoor unit during a system’s off-cycle.2.The maximum elevation (vertical) difference for this section to be applicable is 10 feet (3.0 m) separationbetween outdoor unit and indoor unit. If outdoor unit is more than 10 feet (3.0 m) above indoor unit use Section 3. If outdoor unit is more than 10 feet (3.0 m) below indoor unit use Section 4.3.Inverted suction loop is not required at either unit.44.An accumulator is not required for air conditioners (accumulators are factory installed on heat pumps).5.An oil trap at the indoor unit is not required.6.Liquid Line Solenoid not required if non-bleed TXV is used on the outdoor unit.SECTION 3. OUTDOOR UNIT IS ABOVE THE INDOOR UNIT**An oil trap at the indoor unit is required if the elevation difference exceeds 80' (24.4 m). The trap can be constructed of standardrefrigerant fitting (See Figure 3-1.)1.Suction line must be sloped continuously towards the indoor unit.2.The maximum elevation (vertical) difference between the outdoor unit and indoor unit is:a. not restricted in this configuration for single stage air conditioning units (must adhere tomaximum equivalent length).b. 80 feet (24.4m) for single stage heat pump units. Exception: 200ft (61 m) vertical separation allowedfor 14 SEER Long Line Set models and 16 SEER single stage HP models.c. 25 feet (7.6 m) for two stage units.3.Inverted suction loop is not required at either unit.4.An accumulator is not required for air conditioners (accumulators are factory installed on heat pumps).5.Liquid Line Solenoid not required if non-bleed TXV is used on the outdoor unit.Long Radius Street Ell45°Ell45°Street EllShort RadiusStreet EllFigure 3-1. Oil Trap5SECTION 4. OUTDOOR UNIT IS BELOW THE INDOOR UNIT1.The maximum elevation (vertical) difference between the outdoor unit and the indoor unit is 80 feet(24.4 m).2.Suction line must be installed in a manner to prevent liquid migration to the outdoor unit from theindoor unit (see following note 3).3.An inverted suction line trap must be installed on the suction line just before the inlet to the indoor unit(see Figure 4-1). The top of the inverted loop must be slightly above the top of the indoor unit coil and can be created simply by brazing two 90° long radius elbows together if a bending tool is unavailable.Properly support and secure the inverted loop to the nearest point on the indoor unit or adjacent structure.4.An accumulator is required to be added (external to the outdoor unit, within 2 linear feet (61 linearcentimeters) of the outdoor unit) for air conditioning installations. See Table 4-1 for accumulator selection.Adapter fittings at the accumulator connection may be required. Do NOT install an accumulator in the suction line set in heat pump applications.5.Liquid Line Solenoid not required if non-bleed TXV is used on the outdoor unit.HL = Length of trap must be more than Indoor Unit Height (H)Figure 4-1. Indoor Unit with Inverted SuctionTable 4-1. Accumulator Size67SECTION 5. CALCULATIONS - TUBING EQUIVALENT LENGTH, TUBE SIZE ANDREFRIGERANT1.In long line applications the “equivalent line length” is the sum of the straight length portions of the suction line plus losses (in equivalent length) from 45 and 90 degree bends. Add the total straight (lineal) length of tubing to the equivalent length of elbows and bends to get total equivalent length.Equivalent length = Length Horizontal + Length Vertical + Losses from bends (see Table 5-1)2.Table 5-1 lists the equivalent length gained from adding bends to the suction line. Properly size the suction line to minimize capacity loss.Table 5-1. Losses from suction line elbows (equivalent length, ft.)Table 5-2. Losses from suction line elbows (equivalent length, m)Table 5-1. Losses from suction line elbows (equivalent length, ft.)EXAMPLE: 3/4” suction line using 3/4” elbows150 feet of straight tubing + (four short radius elbows x1.7) + (2 long radius elbows x1.5) =150 + 3.4 + 3 = 156.4 equivalent feet3.Table 5-2 lists multiplier values to recalculate system cooling capacity as a function of a system’s equivalent line length (as calculated from the suction line) and the selected suction tube size.NOTE: Select the proper suction tube size based on equivalent length of the suction line (see Tables 5-1 and 5-2) and recalculated system capacity.Table 5-3. Capacity Multipliers (feet)1 Equivalent length is to be used for capacity multiplier reduction.2 7/8” suction line is not approved for 2-ton two stage heat pump applications.3 7/8” suction line is not approved for 3-ton two stage heat pump applications over 80 feet.4 1-1/8 suction line is not approved for 4-ton and 5-ton two stage heat pump applications over 80 feet.Table 5-4. Capacity Multipliers (meters)84.Refrigerant Quantity Adjustment. All residential R-410A outdoor units are factory charged for 15 feet(4.6 m) of line set.To calculate the initial amount of extra refrigerant (in ounces):a. Subtract 15 feet (4.6 m) from the total linear (not equivalent) length of actual line setb. Multiply that value by 0.6 (oz. per foot) or 17.0 (g per meter) of R-410A refrigerantc. This will be the initial amount of R-410A refrigerant that must be added prior to finalcharge adjustment.All systems must have final charge adjustment performed as required in Section 1. In most residential applications a minimal amount of additional refrigerant will be needed to account for the volume in the suction line. For some applications using 1 1/8” suction line and/or over 150 feet of lineal length (45.7 m), approximately 3 pounds (1.4 kg) of additional refrigerant may be needed to account for the suction line.For a more precise calculation of refrigerant needs use Table 5-3. The additional refrigerant for given line lengths can be found in Table 5-4.RA (oz.) = (LA- 15) ft. x 0.6 oz./ft.RA ( g ) = (LA- 4.6) m. x 55.8 g/m.Where:RA = Initial additional refrigerant neededLA= Actual lineal line set lengthTable 5-5 Additional Refrigerant Per Unit Length.Table 5-6 Initial Refrigerant for Given Line Length (feet)Table 5-7 Initial Refrigerant for Given Line Length (meters)9THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK 10THIS PAGE LEFT INTENTIONALLY BLANK11NOTE: SPECIFICATIONS AND PERFORMANCE DATA LISTED HEREIN ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICEQuality Makes the Difference!All of our systems are designed and manufactured with the same high quality standards regardless of size or efficiency. We have designed these units to significantly reduce the most frequent causes of product failure. They are simple to service and forgiving to operate. We use quality materials and components. Finally, every unit is run tested before it leaves the factory.That’s why we know. . .There’s No Better Quality.Goodman Company, L.P.5151 San Felipe, Suite 500, Houston, TX 77056© 2015-2017 Goodman Company, L.P.12。

sigmacover 410英文说明书

sigmacover 410英文说明书

sigmacover 410英文说明书全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hey guys, today I'm going to tell you all about this super cool thing called the SigmaCover 410! It's like this magical paint that protects things and makes them look amazing. Let's dive in and learn all about it!So, the SigmaCover 410 is a special type of paint that you can use on lots of different surfaces to keep them safe from all sorts of things. It's really strong and durable, so it can handle whatever you throw at it. You can use it on metal, concrete, wood, and even on the floor!One of the coolest things about the SigmaCover 410 is that it comes in lots of different colors. You can choose from red, blue, green, and even sparkly silver! You can mix and match the colors to create your own cool designs. How awesome is that?!Oh, and did I mention that the SigmaCover 410 is super easy to use? All you have to do is follow the instructions on the can and you'll be good to go. Just make sure to have an adult help you if you're not sure what to do.The best part about the SigmaCover 410 is that once you put it on, it stays put. It's like a superhero shield that protects your stuff from getting scratched or dirty. Plus, it makes everything look shiny and new. Your parents will be so impressed!So, if you want to keep your things looking awesome and protected, make sure to get yourself some SigmaCover 410. It's the best paint around and you won't be disappointed. Trust me, you'll be the envy of all your friends with this stuff!That's all for now, folks. Thanks for listening to my little spiel about the SigmaCover 410. Get out there and start painting, you won't regret it!篇2Hey guys, today I'm going to tell you all about the amazing Sigmacover 410! This is a super cool product that we can use for lots of different things. Let's dive right in and learn all about it!First off, the Sigmacover 410 is a special kind of coating that we can apply to different surfaces to protect them from things like water, chemicals, and even harsh weather. It's like a superhero shield for our things!One of the best things about Sigmacover 410 is that it's really easy to use. All we have to do is mix it up with a brush or a roller, then apply it to the surface we want to protect. It dries really quickly too, so we don't have to wait around forever for it to work its magic.Another cool thing about Sigmacover 410 is that it comes in lots of different colors. We can choose the one that matches our room or our favorite color. How fun is that?And get this – Sigmacover 410 is super durable. That means it will last a long time and keep our things looking great. It's like a magical spell that keeps everything safe and sound.So there you have it, guys! The Sigmacover 410 is a fantastic product that we can use to protect our stuff and make it look awesome. Let's all go out and try it today!篇3Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you all about Sigmacover 410, a super cool product that you can use at home or in school!So, what is Sigmacover 410? It's a protective coating that you can use on all kinds of surfaces to keep them looking niceand new. Whether it's your desk, your walls, or even your toys, Sigmacover 410 has got you covered!Using Sigmacover 410 is really easy. All you have to do is make sure the surface you want to protect is clean and dry, then just apply a thin coat of Sigmacover 410 using a paintbrush or roller. Let it dry for a bit, and voila! Your surface is now protected from scratches, stains, and all kinds of damage.But wait, there's more! Sigmacover 410 is also super durable and long-lasting, so you won't have to worry about reapplying it every month. Plus, it's available in lots of different colors, so you can choose the one that matches your style.So, if you want to keep your things looking great and protected, make sure to grab a bottle of Sigmacover 410 today! You won't be disappointed. Thanks for listening!篇4Hey guys, do you know what Sigmacover 410 is? Well, it's like this super cool paint that you can use to make things look nice and pretty. It's like magic in a can!So, let me tell you a bit about how to use Sigmacover 410. First, you need to make sure that the surface you want to paint isclean and dry. You don't want any dirt or dust getting in the way of your masterpiece, do you?Next, you gotta mix the Sigmacover 410 with the right ratio of hardener and thinner. It's kinda like baking a cake, you gotta get the ingredients just right for it to work perfectly.After that, you can start applying the paint with a brush or a roller. Make sure to do it evenly and smoothly, just like coloring in a coloring book. Oh, and don't forget to wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself!Once you're done painting, you gotta let it dry for a bit. It's like waiting for your nail polish to dry – patience is key, my friends!And there you have it, your very own piece of art with Sigmacover 410. So go ahead, grab a can and start painting away. Who knows, maybe you'll be the next Picasso!篇5Hey guys! Today I'm going to tell you all about SigmaCover 410. It's a special paint that you can use to protect things and make them look super cool. Let's learn all about it!First of all, SigmaCover 410 is a type of epoxy paint. That means it's really strong and durable. You can use it to paint all kinds of things like walls, floors, metal surfaces, and even concrete. It's perfect for places that need extra protection from things like water, chemicals, and scratches.To use SigmaCover 410, you need to mix two parts together – the epoxy paint and a hardener. It's important to mix them in the right ratio, so make sure you follow the instructions carefully. Once it's mixed, you can start painting! You can use a brush, roller, or even a spray gun to apply the paint. Just make sure you wear gloves and a mask to protect yourself.After you finish painting, you need to wait for SigmaCover 410 to dry. It usually takes a few hours to dry completely, but it's worth the wait. Once it's dry, you'll have a super strong and shiny surface that will last for a long time.One important thing to remember is that SigmaCover 410 is a bit smelly when you're painting, so make sure you do it in a well-ventilated area. And don't forget to clean your tools with a special cleaner after you're done.So there you have it – SigmaCover 410 is a great paint that can protect and beautify all kinds of surfaces. Have fun using itand make sure to ask your parents for help if you need it. Happy painting!篇6Hey everyone! Today, I'm going to tell you all about Sigmacover 410 - the super cool paint that can protect all your favorite stuff and make them look awesome!First off, Sigmacover 410 is a super tough epoxy coating that can be used on all kinds of surfaces, like metal, concrete, and even wood. This means you can use it to paint your bike, your skateboard, or even your school desk! The possibilities are endless!Not only does Sigmacover 410 make your stuff look great, but it also protects them from scratches, stains, and all sorts of other damage. So no need to worry about your new paint job getting ruined - Sigmacover 410 has got you covered!But wait, there's more! Sigmacover 410 is also super easy to apply. All you need is a paintbrush or roller, and you're good to go! Just make sure to follow the instructions on the can, and you'll have a perfect finish in no time.So there you have it, folks - Sigmacover 410 is the perfect paint for all your projects, big or small. Give it a try and see for yourself how amazing it is!篇7Title: My SigmaCover 410 User ManualHey everyone! Today, I want to tell you all about this super cool thing called SigmaCover 410. It's like magic for fixing stuff up and making things look brand new. Let me show you how to use it!Step 1: Get ReadyFirst things first, make sure you have everything you need to start. You'll need your SigmaCover 410, a brush or roller, and some gloves to protect your hands.Step 2: Prep the SurfaceBefore you start using SigmaCover 410, make sure the surface you're working on is clean and dry. If there are any cracks or holes, fill them in with putty and smooth it out.Step 3: Mix It UpNow it's time to mix the SigmaCover 410. Follow the instructions on the label to get the right consistency. Once it's all mixed up, you're ready to go!Step 4: Apply ItUse your brush or roller to apply the SigmaCover 410 to the surface. Make sure to spread it out evenly and cover the whole area. If you need to add another coat, wait for the first one to dry before applying the second.Step 5: Let It DryAfter you've applied the SigmaCover 410, let it dry completely. This may take a few hours, so be patient and don't touch it until it's all dry.Step 6: Admire Your WorkOnce the SigmaCover 410 is dry, step back and admire your handiwork. You'll be amazed at how great the surface looks now!That's it, guys! Using SigmaCover 410 is easy peasy and so much fun. Just remember to follow the instructions and take your time. You'll be a DIY pro in no time!篇8Hello everyone! Today I'm going to tell you all about Sigmacover 410. It's like a magic potion for your walls!First things first, Sigmacover 410 is a special kind of paint that protects your walls from all sorts of yucky stuff like dirt, grime, and even water. It's super easy to apply – just grab a brush or roller and start painting. And the best part? It dries super fast so you can enjoy your newly painted walls in no time!But that's not all – Sigmacover 410 also comes in lots of fun colors, so you can choose the perfect shade to match your room. Whether you like bright and bold or soft and subtle, there's a color for everyone.And get this – Sigmacover 410 is also super durable, so it won't chip or peel easily. That means you can enjoy your beautifully painted walls for years to come without having to worry about touch-ups.So, next time you want to give your walls a fresh new look, why not give Sigmacover 410 a try? It's easy to apply, comes in lots of colors, and will keep your walls looking great for a long time. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!篇9Hey guys! Today, I want to tell you all about a really cool product called Sigmacover 410. It's like a magical potion that can make things super strong and protected. Let's dive into the world of Sigmacover 410 and discover all the awesome things it can do!First things first, Sigmacover 410 is a special type of coating that you can use to paint things like walls, floors, pipes, and even boats. It's super versatile and can be used on all sorts of surfaces. Once you apply Sigmacover 410, it forms a tough protective layer that keeps whatever you painted safe from all sorts of damage. It's like a shield that keeps the bad stuff out!One of the coolest things about Sigmacover 410 is that it's really easy to use. You can apply it with a paintbrush, roller, or spray gun – whatever you prefer! Just make sure to follow the instructions on the can to get the best results. And remember, always wear protective gear like gloves and a mask when using Sigmacover 410 to keep yourself safe.Another great thing about Sigmacover 410 is that it comes in lots of different colors. You can choose the perfect shade to match whatever you're painting. Whether you want a bright, bold color or a more subtle hue, Sigmacover 410 has got youcovered. Plus, it's super durable and long-lasting, so you won't have to worry about repainting anytime soon.So, if you're looking for a way to protect and beautify your stuff, look no further than Sigmacover 410. It's like a superhero for your belongings, keeping them safe and stylish at the same time. Give it a try and see the magic for yourself!篇10Hey guys, today I'm gonna tell you all about Sigmacover 410! It's like this super cool paint that you can use to make things look extra awesome. Let's dive right in!First off, Sigmacover 410 is a kind of epoxy coating that you can put on all sorts of stuff. It's really durable and tough, so it protects things from getting scratched or banged up. Plus, it comes in lots of different colors, so you can pick the one that looks best on whatever you're painting.When you're using Sigmacover 410, make sure to read the instructions carefully. You gotta mix it up just right and apply it evenly to get the best results. And don't forget to wear gloves and a mask to keep yourself safe!Once you've put on the Sigmacover 410, it dries really quickly. Then you can sit back and admire your handiwork –everything will look so shiny and new! And the best part is, it stays that way for a long time because Sigmacover 410 is super long-lasting.So there you have it, Sigmacover 410 is the perfect way to give your stuff a fresh new look and keep it protected at the same time. It's easy to use, looks great, and lasts a long time. What more could you ask for? Try it out for yourself and see how awesome it is!。

S4A5S 1-1 2 到 5 磅吨的 R-410A 冷凝剂空调机说明书

S4A5S 1-1 2 到 5 磅吨的 R-410A 冷凝剂空调机说明书

PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSThis unit has been designed utilizing R-410A refrigerant. This environmentally sound refrigerant allows you to make a responsible decision in the protection of the earth’s ozone layer.NOTE: :Ratings contained in this document are subject to change at any time. Always refer to the AHRI directory () for the most up-to-date ratings information.INDUSTRY LEADING FEATURES / BENEFITS Energy Efficiency•13.8 - 16.0 SEER2 / 11.2 - 13.0 EER2•Levels as low as 65 dBADesign Features•Small footprint•Durable cabinet–All steel cabinet construction–Mesh coil guardReliability, Quality and Toughness•Scroll compressor•Factory-supplied filter drier•High pressure switch•Line lengths up to 250ft (76.2m)•Low ambient cooling (down to 0°F / -18°C) with approved low ambient accessory kits.S4A5SAir Conditionerwith R-410A Refrigerant 1-1/2 to 5 Nominal Tons*Units are rated with 25ft.(7.6m) of lineset length. Review the Vapor Line Sizing and Cooling Capacity Loss section when using other lineset sizes and lengths of lineset.†Liquid Line Sizing For Cooling Only Systems with R-410ARefrigerant Tables.Note: Review the unit’s Installation Instructions for proper installation guidance.MODEL NUMBER NOMENCLATURE123456789101112N N A A A N A A N N A S 4A5S18A K A W A Airflow Type Refrigerant OD TypeSEER2OD Design Type Cooling capacityFeatureVoltageSpecial FeatureRegionMajor SeriesHorizontal DischargeR-410A A = AC 5 = 14.3 SEER2S = Single Stage ,000 Btuh (nominal) A = Standard K = 208-230-1A=StandardW = StandardSouthwest AC A = FirstSeriesCATALOG ORDERING NUMBERSSize Model Number 18S4A5S18AKAWA 24S4A5S24AKAWA 30S4A5S30AKAWA 36S4A5S36AKAWA 48S4A5S48AKAWA 60S4A5S60AKAWAPHYSICAL DATAUNITSIZE182430364860Compressor Type Scroll REFRIGERANT R-410ACharge lb (kg)7.50 (3.40)6.80 (3.08)8.70 (3.95)9.40 (4.26)10.50 (4.76)10.50 (4.76)Cond Fan Propeller Type, Direct DriveAir Discharge HorizontalAir Qty (CFM)136015301920261527852785Motor HP 1/31/31/101/41/41/3Motor RPM 830830800825850840Cond CoilFace Area (Sq ft)7.57.512.312.314.414.4Fins per In.202020202020Rows 222222Circuits233344Valve Connect.(In.ID)Vapor 5/83/43/47/87/87/8Liquid3/8RefrigerantTubes*(In.OD)Rated Vapor*5/83/43/47/87/81-1/8Max Liquid Line †3/8Use of the AHRI Certified TM Mark indicates a manufacturer’s participation in the program For verification ofcertification for individual products, go to REFRIGERANT PIPING LENGTH LIMITATIONSLiquid Line Sizing and Maximum Total Equivalent Length † for Cooling Only Systems with R-410A Refrigerant:The maximum allowable length of a residential split system depends on the liquid line diameter and vertical separation between the indoor and outdoor units. Review “Maximum Total Equivalent Length Outdoor Unit BELOW Indoor Unit,” for the liquid line sizing and maximum lengths.* Maximum actual length not to exceed 200ft(61m)†Total equivalent length accounts for losses due to elbows or fitting. See the Long Line Guideline for details.--=outside acceptable range*Maximum actual length not to exceed 200ft (61 m)†Total equivalent length accounts for losses due to elbows or fitting. See “LONG-LINE APPLICATIONS” for details.--=Outside acceptable rangeMaximum Total Equivalent Length † Outdoor Unit BELOW Indoor UnitSIZELIQUID LINE CONNECTION(IN.OD)LIQUID LINEDIAM.W/TXV (IN. OD)AC WITH R-410A REFRIGERANT MAXIMUM TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH:OUTDOOR UNIT BELOW INDOOR VERTICAL SEPARATION FT (M)0-5(0-1.5)6-10(1.8-3.0)11-20(3.4-6.1)21-30(6.4-9.1)31-40(9.4-12.2)41-50(12.5-15.2)51-60(15.5-18.3)61-70(18.6-21.3)71-80(21.6-24.4)183/81/415015012510010075------5/16250*250*250*250*250*250*250*225*1503/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*243/81/47575755050--------5/16250*250*250*250*250*225*1751251003/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*303/81/430----------------5/16175225*20017512510075----3/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*363/85/1617515015010010010075----3//8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*483/83/8250*250*250*250*250*250*230160--603/83/8250*250*250*225*190150110----Maximum Total Equivalent Length † Outdoor Unit ABOVE Indoor UnitSIZELIQUID LINE CONNECTION(IN.OD)LIQUID LINE DIAM.W/TXV (IN.OD)AC WITH R-410A REFRIGERANT MAXIMUM TOTAL EQUIVALENT LENGTH: OUTDOOR UNIT ABOVEINDOOR VERTICAL SEPARATION ft. (m)25(7.6)26-50(7.9-15.2)51-75(15.5-22.9)76-100(23.2-30.5)101-125(30.8-38.1)126-150(38.4-45.7)151-175(46.0-53.3)176-200(53.6-61.0)0183/81/4175250*250*250*250*250*250*250*5/16250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*3/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*0243/81/4100125175200225*250*250*250*5/16250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*3/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*0303/81/430--------------5/16250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*3/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*0363/85/16225*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*3/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*0483/83/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*0603/83/8250*250*250*250*250*250*250*250*Units are factory charged for 15 ft (4.6 m) of 3/8” liquid line. The factory charge for 3/8” lineset 9 oz (266.16 g). When using other length or diameter liquid lines, charge adjustments are required per the REFRIGERANT CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS table.Charging Formula:[(Lineset oz/ft x total length) – (factory charge for lineset)] = charge adjustmentExample 1: System has 15 ft of line set using existing 1/4 “liquid line. What charge adjustment is required?Formula:(.27 oz/ft x 15ft) – (9 oz) = (4.95) oz.Net result is to remove 4.95 oz of refrigerant from the system Example 2: System has 45 ft of existing 5/16” liquid line. What is the charge adjustment?Formula:(.40 oz/ft. x 45ft) – (9 oz.) = 9 oz.Net result is to add 9 oz of refrigerant to the system LONG LINE APPLICATIONSAn application is considered Long-Line, when the refrigerant level in the system requires the use of accessories to maintain acceptable refrigerant management for systems reliability. See ACCESSORY USAGE GUIDELINES for the required accessories.Defining a system as long-line depends on the liquid line diameter, actual length of the tubing, and vertical separation between the indoor and outdoor units.For air conditioner systems, the “AC WITH R-410A REFRIGERANT LONG-LINE DESCRIPTION ft (m)” table shows when an application is considered long-line.REFRIGERANT CHARGE ADJUSTMENTSLIQUID LINE SIZE (IN.OD)R-410A CHARGE OZ/FT(G/M) 3/80.60(17.74) (Factory charge for lineset = 9 oz / 266.16 g) 5/160.40 (11.83)1/40.27 (7.98)AC WITH R-410A REFRIGERANT LONG LINE DESCRIPTION ft. (m)Beyond these lengths, long line accessories are requiredLIQUID LINE SIZE(IN.OD)UNITS ON SAME LEVEL ft. (m)OUTDOOR BELOW INDOOR ft. (m)OUTDOOR ABOVE INDOORft. (m)1/4No accessories needed within allowed lengths No accessories needed within allowed lengths175(53) 5/16120 (37)50 (15.2) vertical or 120 (37) total120 (37) 3/880 (24)35 (10.7) vertical or 8024) total80 (24)VAPOR LINE SIZING AND COOLING CAPACITY LOSSLONG LINE APPLICATION: An application is considered “longline”when the total equivalent tubing length exceeds 80 ft. (24.4 m) or when there is more than 20 ft. (6.09 m) vertical separation between the indoor and outdoor units. These applications require additional accessories and system modifications for reliable system operation. The maximum allowable total equivalent length is up to 250 ft. (76.2 m).The maximum vertical separation is 200 ft. (60.96 m) when the outdoor unit is above the indoor unit, and up to 80 ft. (24.4 m) when the outdoor unit is below the indoor unit. Refer to the ACCESSORY USAGE GUIDELINES or required accessories. See the Long-line Application Guideline for required piping and system modifications. Also, refer to the “Vapor Line Sizing and Cooling Capacity Losses — R-410A Refrigerant 1-Stage Air Conditioner Applications” table for the vapor tube diameters based on the total length to minimize the cooling capacity loss.Vapor Line Sizing and Cooling Capacity Losses — R-410A Refrigerant 1-Stage Air Conditioner ApplicationsUNIT NOMINAL SIZE (BTUH)MAXIMUMLIQUIDLINEDIAMETES(IN.OD)VAPORLINEDIAMETERS(IN.OD)COOLING CAPACITY LOSS (%) TOTAL EQUIVALENT LINE LENGTH FT. (M)26-50(7.9-15.2)51-80(15.5-24.4)81-100(24.7-30.5)101-125(30.8-38.1)126-150(38.4-45.7)151-175(46.0-53.3)176-200(53.6-61.0)201-225(61.3-68.6)226-250(68.9-76.2)0183/81/21235678911 5/8011122233 3/40000111110243/85/8012233455 3/4001111122 7/80000011110303/85/8123345678 3/4001112223 7/80000111110363/85/812456891012 3/4011223344 7/80001111220483/83/4012345567 7/8001122233 1-1/80000000110603/83/412456791011 7/8012234455 1-1/8000111111= Applications in this area may be long- line and may have height restrictions. See LONG-LINE APPLICATIONSACCESSORIESKIT NUMBER KIT NAMEUNIT SIZE (VOLTAGE / SERIES) 0180240300360480601191447Fan Motor X X1187074Fan Motor X NASA00601CH Crankcase Heater X X X XNASA00501CH Crankcase Heater X X NASA00201FS Evaporator Freeze Stat X X X X X X NASA001AC Cycle Protector X X X X X X NASA001TD Time Delay Relay X X X X X X NASA00201WS Winter Start Kit X X X X X X NASA401LA Low Ambient Kit X X X X X X NASA012SC Hard Start Kit X X X X X X NASA00201WB Wind Baffle X XNASA00301WB Wind Baffle X XNASA00401WB Wind Baffle X X NASA00101SG Stacking Kit X XNASA00201SG Stacking Kit X X X X NASA00101WM Wall Mounting Kit X XNASA00201WM Wall Mounting Kit X X X X NASA403PS Low Pressure Switch Kit X X X X X X NASA00201SJ Sound Blanket Kit X X X XNASA00101SJ Sound Blanket Kit X X NASA401LS Solenoid Valve Kit X X X X X X NAEA40501TX TXV Kit X X XNAEB40501TX TXV Kit X X XNAEA40601TX TXV Kit XNAEB40601TX TXV Kit XNAEA40701TX TXV Kit X X NAEB40701TX TXV Kit X XX=AccessoryACCESSORY DESCRIPTION AND USAGE1. Ball Bearing Fan MotorA fan motor with ball bearings that permits speed reduction while maintaining bearing lubrication.2. Compressor Start Assist − Capacitor and RelayStart capacitor and relay gives a “hard” boost to compressor motor at each age Guideline:Required for reciprocating compressors in the following applications:Long lineLow ambient coolingHard shut off expansion valve on indoor coil Liquid line solenoid on indoor coilRequired for single−phase scroll compressors in the following applications:Long lineLow ambient coolingSuggested for all compressors in areas with a history of low voltage problems.3. Crankcase HeaterAn electric resistance heater which mounts to the base of the compressor to keep the lubricant warm during off cycles.Improves compressor lubrication on restart and minimizes the chance of liquid age Guideline:Required in low ambient cooling applications.Required in long line applications.Suggested in all commercial applications.4. Evaporator Freeze ThermostatAn SPST temperature−actuated switch that stops unit operation when the evaporator reaches freeze-up age Guideline:Required when a low ambient kit has been added.5. Low Pressure Switch KitOptional added compressor protection against loss of refrigerant. The compressor cuts out the system at 50 PSI and allows operation again at 95 PSI. Used for commercial or “harsh” environment applications for extra protection. Not required for a Low−Ambient Cooling application.6. Low-Ambient ControllerA fan-speed control device activated by a temperature sensor, designed to control condenser fan motor speed in response to the saturated,condensing temperature during operation in cooling mode only. For outdoor temperatures down to –10°F/–23.3°C), it maintains condensing temperature at 100_F ±10_F (37.8_C ±5.5_C). Usage Guideline:A Low Ambient Controller or Low-Ambient Pressure Switch must be used when cooling operation is used at outdoor temperatures below 55_F (12.8_C).Suggested for all commercial applications.7. Winter Start KitThe device is designed to alleviate nuisance opening of the low−pressure switch by bypassing it for the first 3 minutes of operation. A Winter Start control must be used where low evaporator temperatures, or nuisance tripping of low−pressure switch may be encountered. It is not required for low ambient cooling applications unless a low−pressure switch is added.8. Time Delay RelayOptional accessory for systems that do not have an integral blower time delay.ACCESSORY USAGE GUIDELINEACCESSORYREQUIRED FOR LOW-AMBIENT COOLING APPLICATIONS (BELOW 55︒ F/12.8︒ C)REQUIRED FOR LONG LINEAPPLICATIONS *(Over 80 ft./24.38 m)*.For tubing line sets between 80 and 200 ft. (24.38 and 60.96 m) and/or 20 ft. (6.09 m) vertical differential, refer to Residential Split-System Long line Application Guideline.REQUIRED FORSEA COAST APPLICATIONS (WITHIN 2 MILES / 3.22 km)Ball Bearing Fan MotorStandardStandard StandardCompressor Start Assist Capacitor and RelayYes YesNo Crankcase HeaterYes Yes No Evaporator Freeze Thermostat Yes NoNo Liquid Line Solenoid Valve No See Long Line Application GuidelineNo Low-ambient Pressure Switch Yes ††.In units equipped with ECM OD motor, motor and fan needs to be replaced per unit accessory guide to work properly. Unit will not meet AHRI rated efficiency once motor and fan are replaced to use this accessory.No No Winter Start ControlYes ‡‡.Required if Low Pressure Switch is factory or field installed.NoNoLEGEND :FLA - Full Load AmpsHACR - Heating, Air Conditioning, Refrigeration LRA - Locked Rotor Amps NEC - National Electrical CodeRLA - Rated Load Amps (compressor)NOTE :Tested in compliance with AHRI 270 but not listed with AHRI..NOTE :Tested in compliance with AHRI 270 but not listed with AHRI..NOTE: Sound pressure data vs distance converted using AHRI 275 Standard under certain environmental and layout assumptionsELECTRICAL DATAUNITSIZEV/PHOPER VOLTS **.Permissible limits of the voltage range at which the unit operates satisfactorily COMPRFAN MCA MAX FUSE †OR CKT BRK AMPS†.Time-Delay fuse.Complies with 2023 requirements of ASHRAE Standards 90.1MAX MINLRARLA FLA 18208-230/125319742.68.80 2.6013.6202449.79.30 2.6014.2203065.012.800.7016.7253680.112.20 1.2016.52548110.019.90 1.4526.44060150.025.602.6034.650SOUND POWER LEVELUNIT SIZESTANDARD RATING( dBA)TYPICA OCTAVE BAND SPECTRUM (dB, WITHOUT TONE ADJUSTMENT)1252505001000200040008000186765.762.860.962.161.955.749.3247072.866.266.867.460.756.649.5306973. POWER LEVEL WITH ACCESSORY SOUND SHIELDUNITSIZESTANDARD RATING (dBA)TYPICAL OCTAVE BAND SPECTRUM (dB, WITHOUT TONE ADJUSTMENT)1252505001000200040008000186567.763.059.659.658.853.347.7246769.865.063.562.758.254.646.5306973.467.865.763.361.658.253.2367070.667.565.566.263.059.655.0487368.269.969.666.464.465.460.4607375.572.969.367.262.660.760.0SOUND PRESSURE LEVELS (dBA)UNITSIZEAT DISTANCE 10' FROM UNITAT DISTANCE 15' FROM UNITAT DISTANCE 20' FROM UNIT1851.548.045.52448.545.042.53050.547.044.53653.550.047.54852.549.046.56055.552.049.5CHARGING SUB-COOLING (TXV-TYPE EXPANSION DEVICEUNITSIZE-SERIESREQUIREDSUBCOOLING°F(°C)1812 (6.7)2411 (6.1)308 (4.4)368 (4.4)4813 (7.2)6012 (6.7)S4A5S: PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONSESTED AHRI COMBINATION RATINGSNOTE : Ratings contained in this document are subject to change at any time.For AHRI ratings certificates, please refer to the AHRI directory Additional ratings and system combinations can be accessed via the Ratings Database here: Airquest RatingsEER2—Energy Efficiency RatioSEER2—Seasonal Energy Efficiency Ratio TXV —Thermostatic Expansion V alve NOTES :1. Ratings are net values reflecting the effects of circulating fan motor heat. Supplemental electric heat is not included.2. Tested outdoor/indoor combinations have been tested in accordance with DOE test procedures for central air conditioners. Ratings for other combinations are determined under DOE computer simulation procedures.3. Determine actual CFM values obtainable for your system by referring to fan performance data in the fan coil or furnace coil literature.4. Do not apply with capillary tube coils as performance and reliability are significantly affected.Outdoor Model NumberIndoor Coil Model NumberCapacity EER2SEER2S4A5S18AKAW EA*4X19L17A*+TDR 18,00012.514.3S4A5S24AKAW EA*4X25L17A*+TDR 23,80012.514.3S4A5S30AKAW EA*4X37L21A*+TDR 28,40012.014.3S4A5S36AKAW EA*4X37L21A*+TDR 35,60012.514.5S4A5S48AKAW EA*4X61L24A*+TDR 47,50012.014.0S4A5S60AKAWEA*4X61L24A*+TDR57,00011.513.8CONDENSER ONLY RATINGSSST °FCONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES °F (°C)55.0 (12.8)65.0 (18.3)75.0 (23.9)85.0 (29.4)95.0 (35.0)105.0 (40.6)115.0 (46.1)30.0 (-1.1)TCG14.6913.8112.9712.1511.3310.489.58 SDT68.9478.2887.7197.17106.62116.03125.38 KW0.690.790.90 1.02 1.16 1.31 1.4935.0 (1.7)TCG16.2015.2614.3713.4912.6011.6710.69 SDT70.2279.5888.9898.39107.77117.12126.41 KW0.690.790.90 1.02 1.16 1.32 1.5040.0 (4.4)TCG17.8416.8415.8914.9413.9612.9611.89 SDT71.6880.9990.3499.70109.02118.30127.52 KW0.680.790.90 1.03 1.17 1.33 1.5045.0 (7.2)TCG19.6218.5617.5316.5015.4514.3513.19 SDT73.2582.5291.81101.11110.36119.57128.70 KW0.680.790.90 1.03 1.17 1.33 1.5150.0 (10.0)TCG21.5420.4219.3118.2017.0615.8714.61 SDT74.9584.1793.40102.63111.81120.93129.97 KW0.680.780.90 1.03 1.17 1.34 1.5255.0 (12.8)TCG23.6222.4321.2420.0418.8017.5116.14 SDT76.8085.9595.13104.27113.37122.40131.34 KW0.680.780.90 1.03 1.18 1.34 1.5330.0 (-1.1)TCG20.6119.4718.3517.2116.0514.8613.62 SDT72.2981.5990.89100.22109.55118.81128.04 KW0.97 1.08 1.21 1.36 1.53 1.73 1.9635.0 (1.7)TCG22.6821.4620.2419.0117.7616.4615.11 SDT73.7283.0192.34101.65110.90120.10129.25 KW0.96 1.08 1.22 1.37 1.54 1.74 1.9840.0 (4.4)TCG24.9023.5822.2620.9319.5718.1716.71 SDT75.3684.6593.92103.15112.34121.45130.52 KW0.95 1.08 1.22 1.38 1.56 1.76 1.9945.0 (7.2)TCG27.2525.8324.4122.9721.5019.9818.40 SDT77.1686.3995.59104.75113.86122.89131.86 KW0.94 1.08 1.23 1.39 1.57 1.78 2.0250.0 (10.0)TCG29.7628.2326.7025.1423.5521.9020.20 SDT79.0688.2397.36106.44115.46124.40133.26 KW0.93 1.08 1.23 1.40 1.59 1.80 2.0455.0 (12.8)TCG32.4330.7729.1227.4425.7123.9422.10 SDT81.0790.1799.22108.22117.14125.99134.72 KW0.92 1.07 1.24 1.42 1.61 1.83 2.0730.0 (-1.1)TCG22.7721.5820.4619.3018.1016.8215.45 SDT69.6379.0288.5297.96107.37116.73126.02 KW 1.16 1.32 1.48 1.67 1.87 2.10 2.3735.0 (1.7)TCG25.1623.8822.6321.3720.0518.6717.18 SDT71.1280.4889.8799.25108.60117.88127.10 KW 1.17 1.32 1.49 1.67 1.88 2.11 2.3840.0 (4.4)TCG27.7026.3224.9723.6022.1720.6419.05 SDT72.6781.9791.31100.64109.92119.08128.30 KW 1.17 1.33 1.50 1.68 1.89 2.13 2.4045.0 (7.2)TCG30.4929.0027.5126.0124.4622.8021.03 SDT74.4283.6692.88102.14111.33120.43129.44 KW 1.18 1.34 1.50 1.69 1.90 2.14 2.4250.0 (10.0)TCG33.4831.8630.2628.6026.9125.1323.21 SDT76.2785.4494.62103.73112.86121.89130.80 KW 1.19 1.35 1.52 1.70 1.92 2.16 2.4455.0 (12.8)TCG36.6834.9433.1931.4229.5627.6125.55 SDT78.2087.3396.42105.51114.49123.41132.26 KW 1.20 1.36 1.53 1.72 1.93 2.18 2.46* AHRI listing applies only to systems shown in Combination Ratings table.• KW - Outdoor Unit Kilowatts Only.• SDT - Saturated Temperature Leaving Compressor (°F)• SST - Saturated Temperature Entering Compressor (°F/°C)• TCG - Gross Cooling Capacity (1000 Btuh)30.0 (-1.1)TCG29.7028.0426.4624.9023.3121.6619.85SDT 69.4878.8388.2197.59106.98116.33125.57KW 1.29 1.56 1.80 2.04 2.29 2.56 2.8635.0 (1.7)TCG32.7030.9529.2427.5425.7923.9822.04SDT 70.8380.1889.5098.83108.13117.41126.60KW 1.31 1.57 1.81 2.05 2.30 2.58 2.8940.0 (4.4)TCG36.0234.0532.2330.3728.4526.4624.31SDT 72.4981.5890.89100.15109.37118.55127.68KW 1.33 1.58 1.82 2.07 2.32 2.60 2.9245.0 (7.2)TCG39.4937.4335.4033.3731.2729.1026.77SDT 74.0883.2092.35101.51110.66119.76128.81KW 1.35 1.60 1.83 2.07 2.33 2.62 2.9550.0 (10.0)TCG43.1841.0238.8336.5734.3031.9029.35SDT 75.7484.8893.96102.98112.06121.05129.96KW 1.37 1.61 1.84 2.08 2.34 2.63 2.9655.0 (12.8)TCG47.1944.8042.3939.9637.4934.8532.09SDT 77.6786.6295.56104.53113.52122.39131.19KW 1.39 1.62 1.842.08 2.34 2.64 2.9830.0 (-1.1)TCG39.8337.8435.8233.7931.6829.4827.14SDT 73.4982.8292.12101.43110.71119.92129.08KW 2.10 2.30 2.54 2.82 3.15 3.52 3.9435.0 (1.7)TCG43.8741.6739.5037.2834.9932.6030.09SDT 75.3184.5093.75102.98112.18121.33130.40KW 2.12 2.32 2.57 2.86 3.19 3.56 3.9940.0 (4.4)TCG48.2045.8443.4741.0738.5835.9833.26SDT 77.2086.3495.50104.66113.77122.81131.81KW 2.14 2.35 2.60 2.89 3.22 3.61 4.0345.0 (7.2)TCG52.8950.3347.7545.1442.4339.6336.67SDT 79.2588.3197.38106.46115.46124.42133.30KW 2.15 2.37 2.62 2.92 3.27 3.65 4.0850.0 (10.0)TCG57.9555.1952.3749.5346.5943.5540.34SDT 81.4690.4699.40108.37117.28126.14134.88KW 2.17 2.40 2.65 2.96 3.31 3.70 4.1455.0 (12.8)TCG63.4160.3957.3454.2551.0547.7544.28SDT 83.8492.70101.57110.43119.23127.96136.56KW 2.19 2.42 2.693.00 3.36 3.754.1930.0 (-1.1)TCG49.6347.1544.6442.0639.3536.4633.33SDT 78.5287.6296.70105.79114.81123.73132.55KW 2.56 2.83 3.15 3.51 3.93 4.41 4.9435.0 (1.7)TCG54.6651.9749.2646.4143.4840.3537.03SDT 80.7989.7998.80107.73116.68125.49134.21KW 2.61 2.89 3.21 3.58 4.01 4.49 5.0340.0 (4.4)TCG60.2057.1454.2451.1247.9044.5140.92SDT 83.1992.10101.04109.88118.66127.36135.94KW 2.67 2.94 3.27 3.65 4.09 4.58 5.1245.0 (7.2)TCG65.8762.6959.4756.1352.6448.9545.06SDT 85.7994.57103.37112.12120.79129.34137.76KW 2.70 3.00 3.34 3.73 4.17 4.67 5.2250.0 (10.0)TCG72.1268.6665.1661.4757.6653.6749.45SDT 88.6297.25105.92114.64123.01131.44139.67KW 2.76 3.06 3.41 4.10 4.26 4.77 5.3255.0 (12.8)TCG78.7775.0171.1367.1463.0258.6554.10SDT91.57100.09108.57117.02125.40133.62141.70KW 2.82 3.133.493.904.364.875.42CONDENSER ONLY RATINGSSST °FCONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES °F (°C)55.0 (12.8)65.0 (18.3)75.0 (23.9)85.0 (29.4)95.0 (35.0)105.0 (40.6)115.0 (46.1)GUIDE SPECIFICATIONSGENERALSYSTEM DESCRIPTIONOutdoor-mounted, air-cooled, split-system air conditioning unit suitable for ground or rooftop installation. Unit consists of a scroll-type hermetic compressor, an air-cooled coil, propeller-type condenser fan, and a control box. Unit discharges supply air horizontally as shown on contract drawings.Unit should be used in a refrigeration circuit to match up to a packaged fan coil or furnace.Quality Assurance–Unit is rated in accordance with the latest edition of AHRI Standard 210.–Unit is certified for capacity and efficiency, and listed in the latest AHRI directory.–Unit construction complies with latest edition of ANSI/ASHRAE and with NEC.–Unit is constructed in accordance with UL standards and carries the UL label of approval. Unit has c-UL approval.–Unit cabinet is capable of withstanding Federal Test Method Standard No. 141 (Method 6061) 500-hr salt spray test.–Air-cooled condenser coils are leak tested and pressure tested–Unit is constructed in a ISO9001 approved facility. Delivery, Storage, and Handling–Unit is shipped as single package only and is stored and handled per unit manufacturer’s recommendations.–Warranty (for inclusion by specifying engineer)–U.S. and Canada only.PRODUCTSEquipment–Factory assembled, single piece, air−cooled air conditioning unit.Contained within the unit enclosure is all factory wiring, piping, controls, compressor, refrigerant charge R−410A, and special features required prior to field startup.Unit Cabinet–Unit cabinet is constructed of galvanized steel and pre- and post-painted sheet metal.Fans–Condenser fan is direct−drive propeller type, discharging air horizontally–Condenser fan motors are totally enclosed, 1-phase type with classB insulation and permanently lubricated bearings. Shafts arecorrosion resistant.–Fan blades are statically and dynamically balanced.–Condenser fan openings are equipped with coated steel wire safety guards AIR-COOLED, SPLIT-SYSTEM AIR CONDITIONERS4A5S1-1/2 TO 5 NOMINAL TONS Compressor–Compressor is a scroll-type, hermetically sealed.–Compressor is mounted on rubber vibration isolators. Condenser Coil–Condenser coil is air cooled.–Coil is constructed of aluminum fins mechanically bonded to copper tubes which are then cleaned, dehydrated, and sealed. Refrigeration Components–Refrigeration circuit components include liquid-line front seating shutoff valve with sweat connections, vapor-line front-seating shutoff valve with sweat connections, system charge of R−410A refrigerant, and compressor oil.–Unit is equipped with high-pressure switch.–Filter drier for R−410A refrigerant is provided for field installation. Operating Characteristics–The capacity of the unit meets or exceeds ________________ Btuh at a suction temperature of _____ °F/°C. The power consumption at full load does not exceed _________ kW.–Combination of the unit and the evaporator or fan coil unit has a total net cooling capacity of _____ Btuh or greater at conditions of _____ CFM entering air temperature at the evaporator at _____°F/°C wet bulb and _____ F/C dry bulb, and air entering the unit at _____ F/C.–The system has a SEER of _____ Btuh/watt or greater at DOE conditions.Electrical Requirements–Nominal unit electrical characteristics is _____ v, single phase, 60 hz. The unit is capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of _____ v to _____ v.–Nominal unit electrical characteristics is _____ v, three phase, 60 hz. The unit is capable of satisfactory operation within voltage limits of _____ v to _____ v.–Unit electrical power is a single point connection.–Control circuit is 24V.Special Features–Refer to the section of this literature identifying accessories and descriptions for specific features and available enhancements.© 2022 Carrier. All rights reserved.A Carrier Company Edition Date: 08/22Catalog No: S4A5S-51-01PDReplaces: New。

BackBeat GO 410 耳机用户指南说明书

BackBeat GO 410 耳机用户指南说明书

BackBeat GO serie 410 Guida dell'utenteSommarioPanoramica dell'auricolare3Sicurezza3Associazione4Procedura di associazione4Modalità di associazione4Installare l'app5Operazioni preliminari6Accensione o spegnimento6Ricarica e montaggio6Risposta e termine di una chiamata7Regolare il volume7Musica7Sempre collegati9Esclusione microfono9Ripetere l'ultimo numero9Ulteriori caratteristiche:10Uso di due dispositivi10Modalità DeepSleep10Magnete intelligente11Cavo convertibile11Custodia per auricolare11Supporto13Indicatore luminoso (LED)Risposta/fine chiamata: toccare una (1) volta Accensione: tenere premuto per 2 secondi Spegnimento: tenere premuto per 4 secondi Riproduzione musicale/pausa: toccare una (1) volta Brano successivo: tenere premuto per 2 secondi Brano precedente: tenere premuto per 2 secondi Siri, Assistente Google ™Tenere premuto per 2 secondi +Pulsante di aumento del volume: toccare per aumentare il volume -Pulsante di riduzione del volume: toccare per ridurre il volume + e -Pulsante di regolazione del volume: consente di attivare/disattivare l'esclusione del microfono + e Cancellazione del rumore attiva: tenere premuto per 2 secondi per attivare/disattivare - e Magnete intelligente: tenere premuto per 2 secondi per attivare/disattivare Prima di utilizzare l'auricolare, consultare il documento "Tutela della sicurezza" per importantiindicazioni relative alla sicurezza, alla ricarica, alla batteria e alle norme vigenti.SicurezzaInstallare l'appPer ottenere il massimo dall'auricolare, scaricare la nostra app gratuita, BackBeat per iOS/Android™.L'app consente di:•Selezione di una lingua•Attivazione/disattivazione della funzione•Find MyHeadset•Visualizzare la guida dell'utentePer prestazioni ottimali, installare l'app BackBeat su tutti i dispositivi associati all'auricolare.Premere il pulsante centrale finché non viene emesso l'avviso vocale di accensione o spegnimento.Ricaricacompletata.RegolazioneOperazioni preliminariAccensione o spegnimentoRicarica e montaggioSostituire i cuscinettiSostituire i cuscinetti e fissarli in posizione è facile. Lato sinistro e lato destro sono indicati sul cuscinetto e sull'auricolare.Toccare una volta il pulsante di riproduzione/pausa.Passaggio al brano successivoPremere per 2 secondi il pulsante di aumento (+) del volume.Riproduzione del brano precedentePremere per 2 secondi il pulsante di riduzione (-) del volume.La connessione Bluetooth ha un raggio d'azione massimo di 10 metri dal telefono al dispositivo e viceversa prima che l'audio peggiori e la connessione venga persa. Se si perde la connessione, il dispositivo tenta di ripristinarla non appena rientra nel raggio d'azione.Durante una chiamata, premere i pulsanti Volume su e Volume giù . Viene emesso l'avviso vocale"Esclusione microfono attivata/disattivata".Toccare due volte il pulsante centrale per chiamare l'ultimo numero composto.Sempre collegatiEsclusione microfonoRipetere l'ultimo numeroRispondere alle chiamate da due dispositivi è facile.Mentre è in corso una chiamata, il secondo dispositivo associato emette una notifica sonora per la chiamata in arrivo.Per rispondere a una seconda chiamata dall'altro dispositivo, toccare il pulsante centrale per terminare la chiamata corrente e rispondere automaticamente alla nuova chiamata. Se si sceglie dinon rispondere alla seconda chiamata, questa viene trasferita alla segreteria.Se gli auricolari vengono lasciati accesi ma fuori dal raggio d'azione del telefono a cui sono associati per 90 minuti, preservano la carica della batteria passando in modalità DeepSleep.Una volta che il dispositivo ritorna entro il raggio d'azione del cellulare, premere il pulsantecentrale per uscire dalla modalità DeepSleep.Ulteriori caratteristiche:Uso di due dispositiviModalità DeepSleepCustodia per auricolareAvvolgere l'auricolare come mostrato per riporlo nella custodia.SupportoULTERIORI INFORMAZIONI/supportPlantronics Inc.Plantronics BV345 Encinal Street Santa Cruz, CA 95060 Stati Uniti Scorpius 171 2132 LR Hoofddorp Paesi Bassi© 2018 Plantronics, Inc. Il marchio e i loghi Bluetooth sono di proprietà di Bluetooth SIG, Inc. e l'uso di tali marchi da parte di Plantronics è consentito su licenza. Tutti gli altri marchi sono di proprietà dei rispettivi proprietari.Brevetti in attesa di approvazione.213188-16 (10.18)。



AT-AR410系列 中等网络模块化接入路由器AT-AR410 模块化接入路由器AT-AR410S 模块化安全接入路由器(正面)(背面)10/100TX WAN 端口 x 1 10/100TX LAN 端口 x 4 异步端口 x 1 PIC 插槽 x 1加密压缩卡插槽 x 1产品特性:z PIC 插槽支持多种WAN 端口 z 10/100M 以太网WAN 端口 z 内置4端口快速以太网交换机 z 基于端口的VLAN 、VLAN tagz ICSA 认证高速DES 和3DES VPN z 内置加密压缩卡(EMAC/CMAC ) z 线速E1/T1 IPSec VPN z ICSA 认证状态检测防火墙 z 最多1023个VPN 隧道 z 8MB Flash ,可存2套系统软件 z 支持OSPF 、RIPv1/v2/ng z 可选的BGP4、IS-IS z 全面支持IPv6 z IPv6 Ready 认证 z IPv6 IPSec z 支持IPSec-NATz 支持DVMRP 、PIM-SM/DM 、PIMv6 z 支持DHCP v6、Ping v6z 支持Radius/Tacacs/Tacacs+ z 支持VRRPz 支持Console 、Telnet 、web 等管理方式z 支持SNMP v1 / v2c / v3 z 支持SSH2.0/SSL/HTTPS z 紧凑的1U 机箱安奈特的AR410系列企业级路由器专门为中小型企业及其分支机构设计,虽然体积纤巧,但它将业务丰富的三层路由、线速的二层交换以及强大的安全屏障融为一体,从而重新定义了商业级路由的概念。

借助于AR410系列路由器,用户可以采用一台设备实现内网的VLAN 交换以及多种广域网接入方式。

除此之外,AT-AR410S 还预先内置了IPSec VPN 硬件加速卡以及状态监测防火墙(AT-AR410也可升级为AT-AR410S ),从而为企业的安全接入建立了一面铜墙铁壁。

高效13 SEER的环保平衡R-410A冷气条件器说明书

高效13 SEER的环保平衡R-410A冷气条件器说明书

EFFICIENT 13SEER AIR CONDITIONERENVIRONMENTALLY BALANCED R-410A REFRIGERANT1-1/2THRU 5TONS SPLIT SYSTEM 208/230V olt,1-phase,60HzREFRIGERATION CIRCUITS Scroll compressors on all modelsS Filter-Drier supplied with every unit for field installation S Copper tube /aluminum fin coil EASY TO INSTALL AND SERVICES Easy Access service valves on all models S External high and low refrigerant service ports S Only two screws to access control panel S Factory charged with R-410A refrigerant BUILT TO LASTS Baked-on powder coat finish over galvanized steel S Post-painted (black)coil finsS C oated,weather-resistant cabinet screwsS Coated inlet grille with 2”(51mm)spacing standard,alternate models available with 3/8”(10mm)grille spacing for extra protection (hail guard)LIMITED WARRANTY*S 5year compressor limited warrantyS 5year parts limited warranty (including compressor and coil)-With timely registration,an additional 5year parts limited warranty (including compressor and coil)*For owner occupied,residential applications only.See warranty certificate for complete details andrestrictions,including warranty coverage for otherapplications.Use of the AHRI Certified TM Mark indicates a manufacturer’s participation in the program.For verification of certification for individual products,go to .Model Number Size (tons)Nominal BTU/hr Min.Circuit AmpacityMax.Fuse or BreakerOperating Dimensions height x width/depth in.(mm)Ship /Operating Weight lbs.(kg)N4A318*KF 1-1/218,00011.82025-5/16x 23-1/8(643x 587)130/107(59/49)N4A324*KG 224,00014.32525-5/16x 23-1/8(643x 587)127/107(58/49)N4A330*KG 2-1/230,00016.62528-11/16x 25-3/4(729x 654)149/126(68/57)N4A336*KF 336,00018.13025-5/16x 31-3/16(642x 792)151/134(68/61)N4A342*KN 3-1/242,00023.54032-5/16x 31-3/16(821x 792)218/190(99/86)N4A348*KG 448,00024.34035-1/2x 31-3/16(901x 792)205/175(93/79)N4A360*KN560,00029.05028-11/16x 31-3/16(729x 792)232/199(106/91)*A =2”(51mm)spacing inlet grille or G =3/8”(10mm)spacing inlet grille.OUTDOOR UNIT MODEL NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDE Digit Position:12345,6789101112 Example Part Number:N4A324A K N100 H=Airquest MainlineN=Airquest Entry BRANDING4=R-410A REFRIGERANTA=Air ConditionerH=Heat Pump TYPE3=13SEER4=14SEER NOMINAL EFFICIENCY18=18,000BTUH=1-1/2tons24=24,000BTUH=2tons30=30,000BTUH=2-1/2tons36=36,000BTUH=3tons42=42,000BTUH=3-1/2tons48=48,000BTUH=4tons60=60,000BTUH=5tons NOMINAL CAPACITYA=Standard GrilleG=Coil Guard GrilleC=Coastal FEATURESK=208/230-1-60VOLTAGESales CodeEngineering RevisionExtra DigitExtra DigitACCESSORIES PART NUMBER IDENTIFICATION GUIDEDigit Position:123456,78,910,11 Example Part Number:N A S A00101C H N=Non-Branded BRANDINGA=Accessory PRODUCT GROUPS=Split System(AC&HP)KIT USAGEA=OriginalB=2nd Generation MAJOR SERIES0=Generic or Not Applicable2=R-224=R-410A REFRIGERANTProduct Identifier NumberPackage QuantityType of Kit(Example:CH=Crankcase Heater)PHYSICAL DATA(1-phase)Model Size18243036424860 Nominal Cooling Capacity(BTU/hr)18,00024,00030,00036,00042,00048,00060,000 Nominal SEER13. PSC Fan Motor HP1/121/101/101/51/51/41/4 Fan RPM(single speed)110011001100110011001100800 Fan CFM1792221821693167316733653365 Coil Face Area ft2(m2)8.40(.78)8.40(.78)11.49(1.1)12.93(1.2)17.25(1.6)19.40(1.8)12.93(1.2) Coil Rows-fins per inch1-201-251-251-251-251-252-20 Circuits3335456 Liquid Line Connection Size in.(mm)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10) Vapor Line Connection Size in.(mm)3/4(19)3/4(19)3/4(19)7/8(22)7/8(22)7/8(22)1-1/8(22) Rated Line Set Liquid TubeDiameter in.(mm)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)3/8(10)Rated Line Set Vapor TubeDiameter in.(mm)3/4(19)*3/4(19)*3/4(19)*7/8(22)*7/8(22)*7/8(22)*1-1/8 (28.6)*Factory Charge R-410A lbs.(kg) 3.15(1.43)3.15(1.43)4.62(2.10)5.42(2.46)5.84(2.65)7.37(3.34)8.19(3.71)Required Subcooling°F(°C)14(7.8)10(5.6)10(5.6)11(6.1)10(5.6)13(7.2)15(8.3)*Units are rated with25ft(7.6m)of lineset length.See Vapor Line Sizing and Cooling Capacity Loss table when using other sizes and lengths of lineset.Note:See unit Installation Instruction for proper installation.Check the piston size shipped with the indoor unit to see if it matches the required indoor piston size.If it does not match, replace the indoor piston with the correct size per the table below.Outdoor Unit Connected to a Factory Approved Indoor Unit(with FEM4P*Fan Coil)Outdoor Unit Size-Series18-F24-G30-G36-F42-N48-GPiston Size by Outdoor495561-7378 NOTE:Pistons shipped with outdoor units are only qualified and approved with the above listed fan coils.The piston included with the FMA4P*and FM(C,U)4P*fan coils are unique to those products and CANNOT be replaced with the piston shipped with the outdoor unit.Refer to AHRI Directory to check if your combination can use a piston or requires an accessory TXV.ELECTRICAL DATA(208/230-1-60,voltage range197V-253V)Model Size18243036424860 Minimum Circuit Ampacity-MCA(amps)11.814.316.618.123.524.329.0 Maximum OverCurrentProtective device-MOCP(amps)20252530404050Compressor RLA(Rated Load Amps) LRA(Locked Rotor Amps)9.047.510.962.912.867.813.679.017.9112.018.393.022.1125.0Fan Motor FLA(Full Load Amps) 1.1 1.1 1.4 1.4 **Sound Rating tested in accordance with AHRI Standard270-2008(not listed with AHRI).A-Weighted Sound Power Level-Without Sound ShieldModel StandardRating(dBA)TYPICAL OCTAVE BAND SPECTRUM(without tone adjustment) 125250500100020004000800018-F7164. 24-G7450.960.666.471.065.561.159.2 30-G7254.859.365.168.266.461.657.3 36-F7550.561.064.567.062.560.052.5 42-N7857.565. 48-G7655.562.969.671.269.566.359.1 60-N7957.567. Note:Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard270-2008(not listed in AHRI).A-Weighted Sound Power Level -With Sound ShieldModelStandard Rating(dBA)TYPICAL OCTAVE BAND SPECTRUM (without tone adjustment)125250500100020004000800018-F 7066. 7451.161.366.671. 7251.959.364.867.365.261.154.836-F 7551.062.064.565.562.059.551.542-N 7757.565.070.572. 7555.862.669.770.668.765.458.660-N 7957.568.072.574.572.568.060.5Note:Tested in accordance with AHRI Standard 270-2008(not listed in AHRI).REFRIGERANT CHARGE ADJUSTMENTSLiquid Line SizeR-410A Charge oz/ft3/80.60(Factory charge for lineset =9oz)5/160.401/40.27Units are factory charged for 15ft (4.6m)of 3/8”liquid line.The factory charge for 3/8”lineset 9oz.When using other length or diameter liquid lines,charge adjustments are required per the chart above.Charging Formula:[(Lineset oz/ft x total length)–(factory charge for lineset)]=charge adjustmentExample 1:System has 15ft of line set using existing 1/4“liquid line.What charge adjustment is required?Formula:(.27oz/ft x 15ft)–(9oz)=(-4.95)oz.Net result is to remove 4.95oz of refrigerant from the system Example 2:System has 45ft of existing 5/16”liquid line.What is the charge adjustment?Formula:(.40oz/ft.x 45ft)–(9oz.)=9oz.Net result is to add 9oz of refrigerant to the systemLONG LINE APPLICATIONSAn application is considered Long Line,when the refrigerant level in the system requires the use of accessories to maintain acceptable refrigerant management for systems reliability.See Accessory Usage Guideline table for required accessories.Defining a system as long line depends on the liquid line diameter,actual length of the tubing,and vertical separation between the indoor and outdoor units.For Air Conditioner systems,the charts below shows when an application requires a TXV and long line accessories due to lineset length.AC with R-410A Refrigerant Long Line Description ft (m)Beyond these lengths,a TXV is required T otal LengthOutdoor Unit Above or Below Indoor UnitTXV required beyond 50ft.(15.2m)TXV required beyond 20ft.(6.1m)AC with R-410A Refrigerant Long Line Description ft (m)(Beyond these lengths,long line accessories are required)Liquid Line SizeUnits On Same LevelOutdoor Below Indoor Outdoor Above Indoor1/4+TXV No accessories needed within al-lowed lengths No accessories needed withinallowed lengths175(53.3)5/16+TXV 120(36.6)50(15.2)vertical or 120(36.6)total 120(36.6)3/8+TXV80(24.4)35(10.7)vertical or 80(24.4)total80(24.4)Note:See Long Line Guideline for detailsConsult the Long Line Application Guideline document before purchasing/installing line sets.Applications in shaded area may have height restrictions that limit allowable total equivalent length when outdoor unit is below indoor unit.COOLING PERFORMANCE FOR COMBINATION RATINGS Indoor ModelsFor complete ratings information,use the AHRI website directory search:.New ratings may be listed online before Specification Sheets are updated.Unit Size Series Indoor Model Furnace ModelAHRI Standard Ratings Cooling 95°F (35°C )Capacity FactoryInstalledSEER EERStandard W/Field TDR Pis-tonN4A318*KF EN(A,D)4X24L14**17,800TXV 13.0011.00N4A324*KG EN(A,D)4X24L14**23,000TXV 13.0011.00N4A330*KG EN(A,D)4X31L17**27,800TXV 13.0011.00N4A336*KF EA*4X37L21A*34,200TXV 13.0011.00N4A342*KN EA*4X42L21A*41,000TXV 13.0011.00N4A348*KG EA*4X48L17A*44,500TXV 13.0011.00N4A360*KN EA*4X60L24A*57,500TXV 13.0011.00*A =2”(51mm)spacing inlet grille,G =3/8”(10mm)spacing inlet grilleTESTED AHRI COMBINATION RATINGS*Or scan this QR code:NOTE:Ratings contained in this document are subject to change at any time.For AHRI ratings certificates,please refer to the AHRI Additional ratings and system combinations can be accessed via the Airquest database:/AHRIratings/ratings.aspx?Brand=AirquestCOOLING PERFORMANCE RATINGS For Outdoor/Indoor Models For complete ratings information,use the AHRI website directory search:.New ratings may be listed online before Specification Sheets are updated.EVAPORAT-OR AIRCONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES deg F758595105115CFM EWBCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKW Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens N4A318(A.G)KF*Series Outdoor Section With EN*4X24L14A*Indoor Section5255717.4717.47 1.3016.7716.77 1.4416.0816.08 1.6015.3415.34 1.7914.5614.56 2.02 6217.7616.72 1.2916.9716.34 1.4416.1615.93 1.6015.3615.36 1.7914.5814.58 2.02 6318.0416.20 1.2917.2315.83 1.4416.3915.44 1.6015.4915.02 1.7914.6014.56 2.02 6719.3314.06 1.2818.5213.17 1.4317.6213.36 1.6016.6412.96 1.7915.6512.56 2.02 7221.2111.38 1.2720.3111.05 1.4219.4110.71 1.5918.3710.33 1.7817.339.96 2.026005718.1218.12 1.3217.4417.44 1.4716.7216.72 1.6315.9315.93 1.8215.1215.12 2.05 6218.1918.01 1.3217.5417.28 1.4616.7416.74 1.6315.9615.96 1.8215.1415.14 2.05 6318.4017.43 1.3217.6117.05 1.4616.7716.64 1.6315.9615.96 1.8215.1415.14 2.05 6719.1715.05 1.3118.8114.68 1.4617.9014.32 1.6316.8913.92 1.8215.8813.52 2.05 7221.4711.95 1.3020.6211.65 1.4519.6811.30 1.6218.6410.93 1.8117.5510.55 2.056755718.7018.70 1.3418.0018.00 1.4917.2417.24 1.6616.4116.41 1.8515.5715.57 2.08 6218.7118.71 1.3418.0218.02 1.4917.2617.26 1.6616.4416.44 1.8515.5915.59 2.08 6318.7918.56 1.3518.0218.02 1.4917.2717.27 1.6616.4416.44 1.8515.6015.60 2.08 6719.8815.95 1.3419.0315.61 1.4918.1115.24 1.6617.0814.83 1.8516.0714.43 2.08 7221.7012.53 1.3320.8112.21 1.4819.8611.87 1.6518.7811.49 1.8417.6211.09 2.06 N4A324(A.G)KG*Series Outdoor Section With EN(A,D)4X24L14**Indoor Section7007227.0013.49 1.5426.0013.12 1.7824.8812.71 2.0523.6012.25 2.3722.2011.77 2.74 6724.7016.72 1.5423.7616.33 1.7822.6815.90 2.0521.5115.44 2.3720.2314.95 2.74 6323.0016.10 1.5522.0715.69 1.7821.0715.26 2.0619.9714.80 2.3718.7714.30 2.75 6222.7019.89 1.5521.8119.46 1.7820.8818.99 2.0619.9519.95 2.3718.9818.98 2.75 5722.2922.29 1.5521.5821.58 1.7820.7920.79 2.0619.9219.92 2.3718.9618.96 2.758007227.3914.17 1.5726.3513.79 1.8125.2013.38 2.0923.8712.92 2.4122.4212.43 2.78 6725.0817.82 1.5824.1117.43 1.8223.0017.00 2.0921.7916.53 2.4120.4716.03 2.78 6323.3917.14 1.5822.4316.72 1.8221.3916.28 2.0920.2615.81 2.4119.0215.30 2.79 6223.2421.32 1.5822.4322.43 1.8221.5921.59 2.0920.6620.66 2.4119.6219.62 2.79 5723.1623.16 1.5822.4022.40 1.8221.5621.56 2.0920.6320.63 2.4119.6019.60 2.799007227.6614.81 1.6126.5914.43 1.8525.4114.02 2.1324.0513.56 2.4522.5713.06 2.82 6725.3618.88 1.6124.3718.49 1.8523.2418.05 2.1322.0017.57 2.4520.6517.05 2.82 6323.6718.11 1.6222.7017.70 1.8521.6317.25 2.1320.4716.77 2.4519.2116.24 2.83 6223.8923.89 1.6223.1023.10 1.8522.2122.21 2.1321.2221.22 2.4520.1320.13 2.83 5723.8623.86 1.6223.0723.07 1.8522.1822.18 2.1321.2021.20 2.4520.1120.11 2.83 N4A330(A,G)KG*Series Outdoor Section With EN(A,D)4X31L17**Indoor Section8757233.2216.91 2.0631.6916.39 2.2630.0615.84 2.5028.4815.31 2.7727.4114.95 3.12 6730.2821.08 2.0528.9120.56 2.2527.5420.04 2.4926.1319.52 2.7624.9819.08 3.10 6328.1620.25 2.0427.0519.80 2.2525.7819.28 2.4924.4618.76 2.7622.8618.13 3.08 6228.0725.27 2.0526.8026.56 2.2525.7125.71 2.4824.6024.60 2.7623.2923.29 3.08 5727.6727.67 2.0426.7126.71 2.2525.6725.67 2.4824.5524.55 2.7623.2623.26 3.089707233.8117.69 2.1032.0017.08 2.3030.3016.51 2.5328.7115.99 2.8127.4915.59 3.14 6730.6422.21 2.0929.2021.67 2.2927.8021.15 2.5326.3520.61 2.8025.0920.14 3.13 6328.5521.32 2.0827.3420.83 2.2926.0320.31 2.5224.6719.76 2.7923.1319.14 3.11 6228.6728.67 2.0927.4727.47 2.2926.3626.36 2.5225.2025.20 2.8024.1424.14 3.14 5728.5728.57 2.0927.4327.43 2.2926.3326.33 2.5225.1425.14 2.7924.2124.21 3.1311257234.1018.74 2.1632.3618.17 2.3630.6017.59 2.6028.9317.05 2.8727.7016.66 3.20 6731.1023.99 2.1529.5723.42 2.3628.1122.88 2.5926.6322.32 2.8625.4621.89 3.21 6329.2523.06 2.1527.6822.44 2.3526.3421.90 2.5924.9121.33 2.8623.6520.80 3.19 6229.5729.57 2.1528.4128.41 2.3527.2027.20 2.5925.9925.99 2.8625.0325.03 3.20 5729.5729.57 2.1528.3828.38 2.3527.2027.20 2.5925.9525.95 2.8624.9924.99 3.20EVAPORAT-OR AIRCONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES deg F758595105115CFM EWBCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKW Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens N4A336(A,G)KF*Series Outdoor Section With EA*4X37L21A*Indoor Section10507241.0221.66 2.5439.4021.07 2.8337.6720.45 3.1435.7119.75 3.4833.4418.95 3.91 6737.3426.81 2.5335.8226.20 2.8134.2025.55 3.1132.3924.83 3.4530.2423.98 3.87 6334.6825.78 2.5333.2325.15 2.8131.7124.49 3.1029.9723.75 3.4427.9422.89 3.85 6234.0931.81 2.5332.6931.14 2.8131.2531.03 3.1029.7929.79 3.4428.1728.17 3.85 5733.4433.44 2.5332.3132.31 2.8131.1031.10 3.1029.7429.74 3.4328.1228.12 3.8512007241.6722.87 2.6040.0022.28 2.9038.1921.64 3.2136.1620.93 3.5633.8420.12 3.98 6737.9728.72 2.5936.4228.10 2.8834.7427.44 3.1832.8626.71 3.5230.6625.85 3.93 6335.3227.56 2.5933.8226.92 2.8732.2426.25 3.1730.4525.49 3.5028.3624.62 3.92 6235.0434.70 2.5933.7233.72 2.8732.4432.44 3.1630.9930.99 3.5029.2629.26 3.92 5734.8734.87 2.5933.6733.67 2.8732.3932.39 3.1630.9530.95 3.5029.2229.22 3.9213507242.1424.02 2.6740.4123.42 2.9738.5622.78 3.2836.4822.06 3.6334.1021.25 4.05 6738.4530.58 2.6536.8529.95 2.9435.1429.28 3.2433.2228.53 3.5830.9927.65 4.00 6335.8029.28 2.6534.2628.63 2.9332.6327.95 3.2330.8327.19 3.5728.6826.27 3.98 6236.1236.12 2.6534.8634.86 2.9333.5033.50 3.2331.9831.98 3.5730.1630.16 3.99 5736.0736.07 2.6534.8134.81 2.9333.4533.45 3.2331.9431.94 3.5730.1230.12 3.99 N4A342(A,G)KN*Series Outdoor Section With EA*4X42L21A*Indoor Section12257248.6525.59 3.4546.4124.73 3.6844.1523.88 4.0841.7823.00 4.5139.2322.06 4.99 6744.6231.50 3.4042.5530.62 3.6640.4729.75 4.0638.2728.85 4.5035.9227.90 4.98 6341.6830.56 3.3539.8229.72 3.7037.8528.84 4.0835.7627.91 4.5133.5326.94 4.97 6240.9837.36 3.3539.1136.47 3.6537.2535.56 4.0435.3234.59 4.4833.3933.39 4.97 5739.8939.89 3.3338.3638.36 3.6436.8236.82 4.0435.1835.18 4.4833.4033.40 4.9714007249.3626.72 3.5447.0425.86 3.7644.6924.99 4.1542.2424.10 4.5939.6023.15 5.06 6745.3233.35 3.4843.1732.47 3.7441.0031.58 4.1338.7430.68 4.5736.3229.72 5.05 6342.3732.31 3.4440.4431.45 3.7938.4030.56 4.1736.2529.64 4.5933.9528.65 5.06 6241.8439.94 3.4339.9538.98 3.7338.0838.08 4.1236.3836.38 4.5634.4934.49 5.05 5741.4241.42 3.4339.7939.79 3.7238.1438.14 4.1236.3936.39 4.5634.4934.49 5.0515757249.9027.82 3.6247.5026.94 3.8445.0826.07 4.2342.5725.17 4.6639.8624.21 5.14 6745.8535.16 3.5743.6334.27 3.8241.4133.39 4.2139.1032.47 4.6536.6331.49 5.13 6342.9034.01 3.5240.9233.16 3.8738.8332.26 4.2536.6331.32 4.6834.2830.31 5.14 6242.6842.28 3.5240.9340.93 3.8039.2039.20 4.2037.3537.35 4.6435.3535.35 5.12 5742.6642.66 3.5240.9440.94 3.8039.2039.20 4.2037.3537.35 4.6435.3535.35 5.12 N4A348(A,G)KG*Series Outdoor Section With EA*4X48L17A*Indoor Section12757253.8727.47 3.1851.4526.27 3.5948.9225.05 4.0746.2523.82 4.6143.4122.56 5.21 6749.0633.61 3.1646.8332.31 3.5644.5031.00 4.0542.0429.66 4.5939.4128.30 5.19 6345.6032.39 3.1443.5331.11 3.5541.3329.80 4.0339.0228.47 4.5736.5527.11 5.18 6244.7939.62 3.1442.7638.21 3.5540.6436.76 4.0238.4235.26 4.5736.1636.16 5.17 5743.2943.29 3.1341.6541.65 3.5439.9139.91 4.0238.0838.08 4.5636.1136.11 5.1714257254.7128.64 3.2352.2227.41 3.6549.5826.17 4.1346.8324.91 4.6743.9123.63 5.28 6749.8435.47 3.2247.5434.13 3.6345.1232.78 4.1142.5831.40 4.6539.9029.99 5.26 6346.3534.12 3.2144.2032.79 3.6141.9431.45 4.0939.5530.08 4.6437.0228.68 5.24 6245.6242.07 3.2043.5540.56 3.6141.4341.12 4.0939.3739.37 4.6337.2937.29 5.24 5744.8044.80 3.2043.0943.09 3.6141.2541.25 4.0939.3139.31 4.6337.2437.24 5.2415757255.3729.76 3.2952.7928.51 3.7150.0927.24 4.1947.2625.96 4.7444.2724.65 5.34 6750.4637.27 3.2848.0935.89 3.6945.6134.49 4.1743.0133.08 4.7140.2631.63 5.32 6346.9635.79 3.2744.7434.42 3.6742.4233.04 4.1539.9731.63 4.7037.3830.19 5.30 6246.4044.30 3.2644.3744.37 3.6742.4542.45 4.1540.4240.42 4.7038.2538.25 5.31 5746.1046.10 3.2644.3044.30 3.6742.3942.39 4.1540.3640.36 4.7038.2038.20 5.31EVAPORATORAIRCONDENSER ENTERING AIR TEMPERATURES deg F758595105115CFM EWBCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKWCapacityMBtuhTotalSys-temKW Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens Total Sens N4A360(A,G)KN*Series Outdoor Section With EA*4X60*24A*Indoor Section17507268.7134.82 4.3765.7633.74 4.8162.5932.60 5.3059.2131.39 5.8455.5430.09 6.42 6763.1643.00 4.2960.4341.90 4.7457.5040.73 5.2354.3939.50 5.7751.0338.20 6.36 6359.1541.80 4.2456.5940.69 4.6853.8439.50 5.1850.9238.26 5.7247.7936.96 6.31 6258.1451.13 4.2355.6549.99 4.6753.0148.77 5.1650.2747.45 5.7147.5547.55 6.31 5756.6356.63 4.2154.6054.60 4.6652.4252.42 5.1650.0950.09 5.7147.5547.55 6.3120007269.7136.45 4.4866.6735.37 4.9263.3834.20 5.4159.8832.98 5.9556.0731.67 6.53 6764.1545.67 4.4061.3144.55 4.8558.2743.36 5.3455.0542.13 5.8751.5840.80 6.46 6360.1444.30 4.3557.4743.18 4.7954.6141.98 5.2851.6040.73 5.8248.3639.39 6.42 6259.3354.75 4.3456.8053.54 4.7854.2354.23 5.2851.7751.77 5.8349.0549.05 6.42 5758.7558.75 4.3356.5956.59 4.7854.2654.26 5.2851.7751.77 5.8349.0549.05 6.4222507270.4437.99 4.5967.3136.90 5.0363.9335.73 5.5260.3334.49 6.0556.4133.16 6.63 6764.8548.20 4.5161.9447.09 4.9558.8245.89 5.4455.5244.63 5.9851.9643.27 6.56 6360.8446.68 4.4558.1145.56 4.9055.1744.34 5.3952.0843.07 5.9348.7741.69 6.52 6260.4460.44 4.4558.1858.18 4.9055.7255.72 5.4053.1053.10 5.9450.2350.23 6.54 5760.4760.47 4.4558.1958.19 4.9055.7355.73 5.4053.1053.10 5.9450.2350.23 6.54T otal sensible capacities are based on net capacities.Blower heat has been subtracted.Sensible capacities shown are based on800F(270C)entering air at the indoor coil.For sensible capacities at other than800F(270C),deduct835Btuh(245 kW)per1000CFM(480L/S)of indoor coil air for each degree below800F(270C),or add835Btuh245kW)per1000CFM(480L/S)of indoor coil air per degree above800F(270C).Detailed cooling and heating capacities are based on indoor and outdoor unit at the same elevation per AHRI standard210/240-2008.If additional tubing length is required and/or indoor unit is located above outdoor unit,a slight variation in capacity may occur.System kw is total of indoor and outdoor unit kilowatts.ACCESSORY USAGE GUIDELINESAccessoryREQUIRED FORLOW-AMBIENT APPLICATIONS{Below55︒F(13︒C)}REQUIRED FORLONG-LINE APPLICATIONS*Crankcase Heater Yes Yes Evaporator Freeze Thermostat Yes No Winter Start Control Yes**NoTXV Yes YesǂHard Start Kit(Capacitor&Relay)Yes YesLow Ambient Kit(Pressure Switch)Yes NoSupport Feet,4”(102mm)tall Recommended NoLiquid Line Solenoid Valve No See Long-Line Application Guideline *Refer to the Long Line Application Guideline document.**Can only be installed in conjunction with the Low Pressure SwitchǂTXV required beyond20ft(6.1m)vertical separation or50ft(15.2)total length.ACCESSORIESPart Number Description Used OnModel Size NASA003CH Crankcase Heater for Scroll Compressor(208/230V)18,24,30,36 NASA001CH Crankcase Heater for Scroll Compressor(208/230V)42,48,60 NASA003SC Hard Start Kit(Capacitor&Relay)ALL NASA00201FS Evaporator Freeze Thermostat ALL NASA403PS Low Pressure Switch,AC,R-410A ALL NASA404PS High Pressure Switch,AC or HP,R-410A ALL NASA001LS Liquid Line Solenoid Valve,R-410A ALL NASA001TD Time Delay Relay,Indoor Blower ALL NASA00201WS Winter Start Control ALL NASA001AC Anti-Cycle Timer(5minute delay)ALL NASA401LA Low Ambient Kit(Pressure Switch),R-410A ALL NASA00201SF Support Feet,4”(102mm)tall(5blocks)18,24,30 NASA001SF Support Feet,4”(102mm)tall(4blocks)36,42,48,60 NASA00301SJ Sound Jacket,Compressor18,24,36 NASA00201SJ Sound Jacket,Compressor30,42,48 NASA00101SJ Sound Jacket,Compressor60 NAEA40501TX TXV Kit,R-410A-for use with copper or tin fan coils18,24 NAEA40601TX TXV Kit,R-410A-for use with copper or tin fan coils30,36,42 NAEA40701TX TXV Kit,R-410A-for use with copper or tin fan coils48,60 NAEB40501TX TXV Kit,R-410A-for use with aluminum coils18,24 NAEB40601TX TXV Kit,R-410A-for use with aluminum coils30,36,42 NAEB40701TX TXV Kit,R-410A-for use with aluminum coils48,60Copyright2016International Comfort ProductsLewisburg,Tennessee37091USA。

Daikin 42602170301 09 16 14 SEER R-410A 单包式空调机说明书

Daikin 42602170301 09 16 14 SEER R-410A 单包式空调机说明书

OWNER’S MANUAL14SEER R--410A Single--Package Air ConditionerSingle Phase2to5Nominal TonsPAJ4,WJA4A05194Fig.1--Unit PAJ4and WJA4NOTE TO EQUIPMENT OWNER:For your convenience,please record the model and serial numbers of your new equipment in the spaces provided.This information,along with the installation data and dealer contact information,will be helpful should your system require maintenance or service.UNIT INFORMATIONModel#_____________________________________ Serial#______________________________________ACCESSORIES(List type and model#)_____________________________________________ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________INSTALLATION INFORMATIONDate Installed________________________________ DEALERSHIP CONTACT INFORMATION Company Name_______________________________ Address______________________________________ _____________________________________________ Phone Number_______________________________ Technician Name_____________________________ _____________________________________________NOTE TO INSTALLER:This manual must be left with the equipment owner.Our products are designed,tested and built in accordance with DOE standardized procedures;however,actual operating results and efficiencies may vary based on manufacturing and supplier tolerances,equipment configuration,operating conditions and installation practices.SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Improper installation adjustment,alteration,service,maintenance,or use can cause explosion,fire,electrical shock,or other conditions which may cause death,personal injury,or propertydamage.Consult a qualified installer,service agency,or your distributor or branch for information or assistance.The qualified installer or agency must use factory--authorized kits or accessories when modifying this product Refer to the individual instructions packaged with the kits or accessories when installing.Follow all safety codes.Wear safety glasses,protective clothing, and work e quenching cloth for brazing operations. Have a fire extinguisher available.Read these instructions thoroughly and follow all warnings or cautions included in literature and attached to the unit.Consult local building codes,the current editions of the National Electrical Code(NEC)NFPA70 and NFPA90B--Installation Warm Air Heating and A/C Systems (Residential).In Canada refer to the current editions of the Canadian electrical Code CSA C22.1.Recognize safety information.This is the safety--alertsymbol.When you see this symbol on the unit and in instructions or manuals,be alert to the potential for personal injury.Understand these signal words;DANGER,WARNING,and CAUTION.These words are used with the safety--alert symbol.DANGER identifies the most serious hazards which will result in severe personal injury or death.WARNING signifies hazards which could result in personal injury or death.CAUTION is used to identify unsafe practices which may result in minor personal injury or product and property damage.NOTE is used to highlight suggestions which will result in enhanced installation,reliability,or operation. NOTE:Installer:This manual should be left with the equipment user.TO START UNIT:1.Turn on the electrical power supply to the unit.2.Select temperature and set system switch to desired mode.T O SHUT OFF UNIT:NOTE:If the unit is being shut down because of a malfunction, call your dealer as soon as possible.1.Set the temperature switch to OFF.2.Turn off the electrical power supply to unit.Cooling ModeWith the SYSTEM or MODE control set to COOL,your unit will run in cooling mode until the indoor temperature is lowered to the level you have selected.On extremely hot days,your unit will run for longer periods at a time and have shorter“off”periods than on moderate days.Supplemental HeatYour system may also be equipped with a supplemental heating source such as electric heat.On cold days and nights,your system will automatically turn on the supplemental heat,as needed,in order to maintain the level of comfort you have selected.When the thermostat calls for supplemental heat,you may notice the indoor fan increase its speed.ROUTINE MAINTENANCEAll routine maintenance should be handled by skilled,experienced personnel.Your dealer can help you establish a standard procedure. For your safety,keep the unit area clear and free of combustible materials,gasoline,and other flammable liquids and vapors.To assure proper functioning of the unit,flow of condenser air must not be obstructed from reaching the unit.Clearance from the top of the unit is48in.(1219mm).Clearance of at least36in. (914mm)is required on sides except the power entry side(42in. [1067mm]clearance).Maintenance and Care for the Equipment OwnerBefore proceeding with those things you might want to maintain yourself,please carefully consider the following:Air FiltersThe air filter(s)should be checked every 3or 4weeks and changed or cleaned whenever it becomes dirty.Dirty filters produce excessive stress on the blower motor and can cause the motor to overheat and shut down.This unit must have air filters in place before it can be operated.These filters can be located in one of at least two places.In many applications,the installer will provide return air filter grilles mounted on the wall or ceiling of the conditioned structure.In the instance of filter grilles,the filters can simply be removed from the grille and replaced.Table 1indicates the correct indoor filter size for your unit.Table 1–Indoor Air Filter DataUnit Size Filter Size02420x20x1(508x508x25mm)03020x24x1(508x610x25mm)036---04224x30x1(610x762x25mm)048---06024x36x1(610x914x25mm)If you have difficulty locating your air filter(s)or have questions concerning proper filter maintenance,contact your dealer for instructions.When replacing filters,always use the same size and type of filter that was supplied,originally,by the installer.Fans and Fan MotorsPeriodically check the condition of fan wheels and housings and fan--motor shaft bearings.No lubrication of condenser--orevaporator--fan bearings or motors is required or recommended.Indoor and Outdoor CoilsCleaning of the coils should only be done by qualified servicepersonnel.Contact your dealer for the required annual maintenance.Condensate DrainThe drain pan and condensate drain line should be checked and cleaned at the same time the cooling coils are checked by your dealer.CompressorAll compressors are hermetically sealed and do not require periodic maintenance.Condenser FanThe fan must be kept free of all obstructions to ensure proper cooling.Contact your dealer for any required service.Electrical Controls and WiringElectrical controls are difficult to check without proper instrumentation.If there are any discrepancies inthe operating cycle,contact your local dealer and request service.Refrigerant CircuitThe refrigerant circuit is difficult to check for leaks without the proper equipment.If inadequate cooling is suspected,contact your local dealer for service.Unit PanelsAfter performing any maintenance or service on the unit,be sure all panels are fastened securely in place to prevent rain from entering unit cabinet and to prevent disruption of the correct unit airflow pattern.REGULAR DEALER MAINTENANCEIn addition to the type of routine maintenance you might be willing to perform,your unit should be inspected regularly by a properly trained service technician.An inspection (preferably each year,but at least every other year)should include the following:1.Inspection and,if required,cleaning of the indoor coil condensate drain.2.Inspection and,if required,cleaning of the evaporator drain pan.3.Inspection and cleaning of blower wheel housing and motor.4.Inspection of all supply--air and return--air ducts for leaks,obstructions,and insulation integrity.Any problems found should be resolved at this time.5.Inspection of the unit base to ensure that no cracks,gaps,etc.,exist which may cause a hazardous condition.6.Inspection of the unit casing for signs of deterioration.7.Inspection of all electrical wiring and components to ensureproper connection.8.Inspection for leaks in the refrigerant circuit.Pressure--check to determine appropriate refrigerant charge.9.Operational check of the unit to determine workingconditions.Repair or adjustment should be made at thistime.Your servicing dealer may offer an economical service contract that covers seasonal inspections.Ask for further details.Complete service instructions can be found in the unit Installation, Start--up and Service Instructions.Warranty CertificateYour unit has a limited warranty.Be sure to read the warranty carefully to determine the coverage for your unit.Before you call for service......check for several easily--solved problems.If insufficient heating or cooling is suspected:()Check for sufficient airflow.()Check the air filter for dirt.()Check for blocked return--air or supply--air grilles.Be sure they are open and unobstructed.If these checks do not reveal the cause, call your servicing dealer.If your unit is not operating at all,check the following list for easy solutions:()Check to be sure that your thermostat temperature selector is set below the indoor temperature during the cooling season.Be sure the SYSTEM switch or MODE control is in the COOL position and not in the OFF position.()If your unit still fails to operate,call your servicing dealer for troubleshooting and repairs.Specify the model and serial numbers of your unit.(Record them in this manual in the space provided.)If the dealer knows exactly which unit you have,he may be able to offer suggestions over the phone,or save valuable time through knowledgeable preparation for the service call.In Case of TroubleIf you perform the steps above and unit performance is still unsatisfactory,shut off the unit and call your dealer.Dealer’s NameTelephoneUnit ModelUnit Serial NumberCopyright2016International Comfort ProductsLewisburg,TN37091USAReplaces:42602170300。



使用注意事项: 使用注意事项
1:给仪表充电时,无须对电池放电 2:如仪表长时间放置,必须每月开机检查仪表 并充电一次。 3:在作业环境粉尘大的环境下,建议仪表放置 在随机的皮套中使用。 4:在作业环境昏暗时,可按“ ”键开启仪表 背光灯观看仪表读数。 5:在作业环境下,必须保持仪表为开机状态,严 禁调零。 6:每次使用前,尽量保持仪表电量充足。 7:不要自行拆卸仪表。 8:注意水和酸碱物质对仪表的侵害。
量程: 量程 一但M40遇到的待测气体浓度超过传感器的量程 范围,仪器将在读数的最左边显示1—表明传感器 读数超量程。 CO的默认量程为:0~999ppm H2S的默认量程为:0~500ppm O2的默认量程为:0~30%VOL LEL的默认量程为:0~100%LEL
读数超量程时报警锁定,为清除 传感器 注: LEL读数超量程时报警锁定,为清除LEL传感器 读数超量程时报警锁定 的超限,先关掉仪器,再开机即可。 的超限,先关掉仪器,再开机即可。
附件: 附件: M.Cal -M40仪器管理台 仪器管理台 支持M40 V4.0以上版本仪器 可单台独立管理也可以6台M40同时管理 面板LED灯指示仪器测试、充电、标定状态 可记录150次测试、标定记录。记录包括系列号、 时间日期、传感ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ信息、标定值、测试读数等 两键即可完成通气测试和标定操作 自动完成对仪器通气测试、标定和充电工作 可以独立使用便于携带,同时也可以与PC机相 连进行数据下载 可以使用SP40泵进行测试机标定 每次自动形成测试和标定报告,同时可以通过 打印设备打印报告 体积小巧便于携带
定过程自动进行,仪器会显示传感器标定数值 此过程 不需要对仪器进行任何操作,标定结束时仪器发出一次蜂鸣声。标定结束 后仪器提示标定结果。
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绪 言
承蒙惠顾,购得 AR-410 打印机。在使用本机前,请细阅 这本用户手册,以便能正确使用。并且请妥善保存这本手册, 万一有不了解或故障时,这本手册会带给您很大的帮助。 AR-410 打印机是得实集团与日本西铁城公司合作开发、 生产的多用途 9 针 80 列重负荷平推式票据打印机。 AR-410 具有超强的金属机械结构,特有的票据厚度自适 应打印设计,摩擦和链式两种平推式进纸,打印速度高达 68 汉字/秒,打印针寿命 4 亿次,800 万字符长寿命耐用大色带, GB18030 中文大字符集硬字库,使 AR-410 在硬件方面别具特 色。 在软件方面,AR-410 秉承了得实系列打印机的高性能、 高兼容性,可兼容所有 STAR 和 EPSON 打印机,方便的自动撕 纸功能及参数设置功能是得实打印机的特色。 打印机针调整和断针自动补偿功能是得实打印机的专利 技术。 AR-410 易用、耐用、功能强大、用途广泛、性能价格比 特高,是商业、财税、零售、餐饮等行业打印各类票据的极 佳选择。
附录 1:电子信息产品污染控制的说明..................... 9-1
使 用 注 意 事 项
为了避免受到电击和伤害及防止损坏打印机, 在接上电源之前, 务请注意以下重要事项: 仔细阅读操作手册等说明文件。 打印机必须平放在固定的台面上。 避免震动、碰撞、高温和阳光直射、灰尘等。 请勿将打印机置于潮湿的环境中,请勿让雨水等任何液体沾湿打 印机。 打印机应安放在接近插座的地方,方便操作者进行电源插头的拔 插操作。 确保电源的电压值与打印机所规定的电压值一致,避免与电冰箱 等大功率或有干扰的电器同一电源。 为保证安全操作,三脚插头必须插进三孔交流电源插座中,其中 地线必须有效接地。 电源延长线必须为三芯并正确连接,以提供接地。 若交流电源插座与打印机插头不匹配,请更换合适的交流电源插 座,以保证人员、设备的安全使用。 连接打印机通讯电缆时,请先关闭打印机和计算机的电源,选用 适合的联机电缆将打印机和计算机连接起来, 并锁定卡口和旋紧 螺丝。 请勿接触打印头外壳,以防止高温伤害。 清洁打印机前,先关闭电源开关,从电源插座拔掉电源插头。用 软棉绒布沾少量中性清洁剂或酒精,轻抺打印机外部。 如遇打印机发生故障,除认可的合格技术员外,不可擅自进行维 修工作。
第5章 5.1 5.2 第6章 6.1 6.2 6.3 第7章 7.1 7.2 第8章 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.4.1
票据通设置和使用 ............................. 5-1 票据通设置 ...................................... 5-2 票据通的使用 .................................... 5-3 用户调整设置 ................................. 6-1 链式装纸页首调整 ................................ 6-1 摩擦装纸页首调整 ................................ 6-2 撕纸位置调整 .................................... 6-3 故障和保养 ................................... 7-1 故障处理 ........................................ 7-1 保养与维护 ...................................... 7-6 规格 ......................................... 8-1 打印机规格 ...................................... 8-1 接口接头引脚 .................................... 8-4 字符集 .......................................... 8-8 控制码摘要表 ................................... 8-14 标准模式和 24 针图像仿真控制码摘要表 ............ 8-14
5、将打印头移到中间,略为倾斜色带架,按次序将标识①、②的卡位 安装于机架上,轻按色带盒,使其安装到位;接着把色带芯导入打 印头下侧, 再把标识③色带导架上的卡位安装到打印头罩对应的卡 位上:
6、确保色带已夹在打印头和色带保护片中间,色带盒已固定在机架的 适当位置上,如下图所示。
7、再次旋转色带盒上的旋钮,收紧色带芯,并左右移动字车数次,确 保字车及色带的运动顺畅。 8、将面盖小心盖好。打印机正常工作时,盖上面盖可以隔离灰尘,同 时减低打印时产生的噪音,打开面盖仅是为了更换色带及进行调 整。
第1章 安装打印机
1.1 开箱和检查
打开纸箱,对照下图检查箱内部件和附件是否齐全。如果有任何 部件遗失,请与卖方联系。 注意:使用之前,请先取出打印头固定板及打印头固定珍珠棉,保留 原包装箱及缓冲材料,以备以后使用。
*机器出厂时, 送纸旋钮未安装于机器上, 请从缓冲材料上取出并安装。

1. 售后服Leabharlann 请致电全国各地得实服务网点电话,或拨打: 400-810-9998(手机) 800-810-9998(免费) 2. 产品能耗: 产品使用状态 工作时 操作模式功率(休眠) 待机功率(关闭) 最大能耗 30W 3.2W 0.1W 最小能耗 10W
a. 本产品符合 GB25956-2010 《打印机、 传真机能效限定值及能效等 级》一级能效等级最高要求。 b. 打印机停止使用 5 分钟(默认出厂设置) ,即自动切换到节能模 式(详见第 4 章) 。 c. 只有当产品无任何外接输入电源时,才能实现零能耗。 3. 在换气不畅的房间中长时间使用或打印大量文件时, 建议用户适时 换气。 4. 如果用户需对产品性能升级或更换模块, 请来电咨询, 我们将给您 详细解答。 5. 当您弃置达到使用寿命年限的针式打印机或其原装耗材时, 我们建 议您将废弃产品返还给本公司或全国各地的得实服务网点, 由得实 集团作统一处理,以保护生态环境。 6. 本产品能使用含 70%回收纤维的再生纸进行打印。在不影响使用 的情况下,为节约资源,请选择使用再生纸;请选择双面打印。 7. 产品与电网电源的断开装置: 通过拔掉电源线插头能彻底切断产品 与电源电网的连通。 4
1.3 打印机部件
导 纸 板: 调整前摩擦式进纸(单页纸)的边缘位置,导向纸张正 确送入。 入 纸 槽: 前摩擦式进纸(单页纸)的通道。 打 印 头: 打印针及其驱动部分组成。 面 盖: 保护打印头及其它内部部件并降低噪音。 控制面板: 表示打印机状态,可对打印机功能进行多种简易操作。 送纸调杆: 该调杆有两个位置, 电源开关: 电源接通或断开。 色 带 盒: 内装打印色带。 色带导架: 固定色带芯。 链 接 轮: 控制链式纸的传动、左右调整位置、锁定。 口: 连接计算机与打印机,标准配置为并行接口、USB 接口。 电 源 线: 连接打印机和电源插座。 为链式纸, 为单页纸。
1.2 放置打印机
在安装打印机之前,首先要确定一个合适的地方放置打印机。 这里“合适的地方”是指: 平放在工作台上。 避免将打印机置于过热、过度潮湿和灰尘过多的地方。 接上稳定电源,避免与电冰箱之类大功率或有干扰的电器同一电 源。 关掉打印机电源开关后,才能拔插电源线插头,打印机应尽可能 放置在接近插座的地方,便于使用。 打印机必须放置在走纸空间足够的地方。 如果用打印机并行接口连接,必须确保电缆长度在 2 米范围内; 用 RS-232C 连接,可选 SPC-32K 转换器,连接距离可在 15 米以 内。
本产品信息如有更改,恕不另行通知。 本资料仅供参考。除中国现行法律法规规定,得实集团 不承担任何由于使用本资料而造成的直接或间接损失的责 任。 得实集团保留最终解释权。
第1章 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 第2章 2.1 2.2 2.3 第3章 3.1 3.2 3.3 第4章 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 4.9 4.10 安装打印机 ................................... 1-1 开箱和检查 ...................................... 1-1 放置打印机 ...................................... 1-2 打印机部件 ...................................... 1-3 安装和拆卸色带盒 ................................ 1-5 打印机和主机连接 ................................ 1-8 连接电源 ....................................... 1-10 安装打印驱动程序 ............................... 1-11 纸的安装和使用 ............................... 2-1 选纸 ............................................ 2-1 使用单页纸 ...................................... 2-2 使用链式纸 ...................................... 2-3 控制面板 ..................................... 3-1 按钮及其指示灯 .................................. 3-1 开机功能 ........................................ 3-4 组合功能 ........................................ 3-7 参数设置 ..................................... 4-1 如何进行参数设置 ................................ 4-2 系统设置 ........................................ 4-3 纸张设置 ........................................ 4-6 接口设置 ....................................... 4-10 标准模式设置 ................................... 4-11 用户自定义页长 ................................. 4-14 双向测试及纵向校正 ............................. 4-16 打印针自动调整设置 ............................. 4-19 打印针补偿设置 ................................. 4-20 恢复出厂设置 ................................... 4-22