剑桥少儿英语预备级AUNIT 1全英文教案

剑桥少儿英语预备级上教案Unit1 Greeting第一课时教学设计方案题目:Unit1 Greeting教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说 Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。
教学难点:自我介绍用语I’m …的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。
教具准备:1教材相关人物的面具或头饰2为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应的道具3教材相配套的录音带教学过程:1.热身 (Warm-up)(1)先给学生播放卡通片,了解所学语言运用的环境。
内容为“迪士尼英语”中第一课的片段(Magic English----Hello)学生在他们喜爱的卡通节目中了解、学习打招呼用语Hello./Hi ,边看卡通边说英语。
在现实生活中,我们还有许多的类似之处,有时我们甚至直接用英语的单词来代表某物如CD, VCD, DVD等等。
利用教科书开始的蝴蝶页Welcome to English 彩图中呈现的我们生活中学生已经会说或较熟悉的词汇如 CD, VCD, DVD, OK! Hi! Yeah! Wow! Bye! E-mail, Cartoon等词来激发学生学习兴趣与学习愿望。
2.呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)在学生初步了解打招呼用语后,教师播放本课的歌曲“Hello”的录音,自然引出师生之间的打招呼。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案第一章:Unit 1 Good morning教学目标:1. 学习问候语和自我介绍。
2. 能够用简单的句子描述自己的日常。
教学内容:1. 词汇:good morning, good afternoon, good evening, morning, afternoon, evening, how are you, I'm fine, thank you, and you, my name is, nice to meet you.2. 句型:What time is it? It's morning/afternoon/evening. Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. And you? My name is Nice to meet you.教学活动:1. 问候游戏:学生分组,互相问候,并用所学的词汇和句型进行对话。
2. 角色扮演:学生分组,扮演不同的时间场景,用所学的词汇和句型进行对话。
第二章:Unit 2 Goode教学目标:1. 学习告别语和表达再见。
2. 能够用简单的句子描述离别的情景。
教学内容:1. 词汇:goode, see you, e, have a good day, good luck, enjoy yourself, see you soon, later, tomorrow, next week.2. 句型:Goode. See you tomorrow/next week/soon. Bye. Have a good day/luck/time. I'll miss you. I'll see you later.教学活动:1. 告别游戏:学生分组,互相告别,并用所学的词汇和句型进行对话。
2. 角色扮演:学生分组,扮演不同的离别场景,用所学的词汇和句型进行对话。

剑桥少儿英语预备级教案完整版剑桥少儿英语预备级上教案Unit1 Greeting第一课时教学设计方案题目:Unit1 Greeting教学重点:本部分主要是见面打招呼、自我介绍及道别用语的会话学习,使学生在不同的情景中听懂、会说 Hello./Hi . Goodbye./Bye-Bye. I'm ...。
教学难点:自我介绍用语I’m …的发音不容易到位,学习起来较难,教师要适时纠正,切不可挫伤孩子的学习积极性。
教具准备:1教材相关人物的面具或头饰2为Let's play中的击鼓传花游戏准备相应的道具3教材相配套的录音带教学过程:1.热身 (Warm-up)(1)先给学生播放卡通片,了解所学语言运用的环境。
内容为“迪士尼英语”中第一课的片段(Magic English----Hello)学生在他们喜爱的卡通节目中了解、学习打招呼用语Hello./Hi ,边看卡通边说英语。
在现实生活中,我们还有许多的类似之处,有时我们甚至直接用英语的单词来代表某物如CD, VCD, DVD等等。
利用教科书开始的蝴蝶页Welcome to English 彩图中呈现的我们生活中学生已经会说或较熟悉的词汇如 CD, VCD, DVD, OK!Hi! Yeah! Wow! Bye! E-mail, Cartoon等词来激发学生学习兴趣与学习愿望。
2.呈现新课 (Presentation)(1)在学生初步了解打招呼用语后,教师播放本课的歌曲 “Hello”的录音,自然引出师生之间的打招呼。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册教案第一章:Unit 1 Hello, I'm Liu Tao.1.1 教学目标:能够自我介绍并介绍他人。
1.2 教学内容:单词:hello, I, am, name, Liu Tao, how are you, fine, thank you, you?句型:My name isHow are you?I'm fine, thank you. And you?1.3 教学步骤:1. 引入:教师与学生打招呼,介绍自己,并引导学生模仿。
2. 展示:教师展示图片或卡片,教授单词和句型。
3. 练习:学生分组进行自我介绍和互相问候的练习。
4. 应用:学生角色扮演,模拟在不同的场合进行自我介绍和问候。
第二章:Unit 2 This is my mother.2.1 教学目标:能够介绍家庭成员。
2.2 教学内容:单词:mother, father, brother, sister, this is, they句型:This is myHe/She is2.3 教学步骤:1. 引入:教师展示自己的家庭成员照片,并介绍。
2. 展示:教师展示图片或卡片,教授单词和句型。
3. 练习:学生展示自己的家庭成员照片,并用句型介绍。
4. 应用:学生角色扮演,模拟向他人介绍自己的家庭成员。
第三章:Unit 3 Good morning.3.1 教学目标:能够使用正确的问候语。
3.2 教学内容:单词:good morning, good afternoon, good evening, morning, afternoon, evening句型:GoodHello, !3.3 教学步骤:1. 引入:教师以问候语开始上课,引导学生模仿。
2. 展示:教师展示图片或卡片,教授单词和句型。
3. 练习:学生以小组为单位,练习使用不同的问候语。
4. 应用:学生角色扮演,模拟在不间使用正确的问候语。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案一、第一单元:Hello, I'm Liu Tao!教学目标:1. 学习并掌握自我介绍及相互问候的常用语句。
2. 学习并运用基数词1-10进行自我介绍。
3. 能够听懂并正确回答“How old are you?”等问题。
教学内容:1. 重点词汇:hello, I'm, you're, nice to meet you, how old are you, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten2. 重点句型:Hello, my name isHow old are you?I'm years old.教学活动:1. 热身活动:唱英文歌曲“Hello, Hello, Hello!”2. 教学新词汇:使用图片和实物展示,教授重点词汇。
3. 句型练习:分组进行角色扮演,模拟自我介绍和相互问候的场景。
4. 听力练习:播放录音,让学生听懂并正确回答问题。
5. 家庭作业:让学生录制自我介绍的视频,并发给老师。
二、第二单元:Colors and Clothes教学目标:1. 学习并掌握基本的颜色词汇。
2. 学习并运用颜色词汇描述衣服。
3. 能够听懂并正确回答“What color is it?”等问题。
教学内容:1. 重点词汇:red, yellow, blue, green, white, black, purple, orange, clothes2. 重点句型:What color is it?It's color.I like colors.教学活动:1. 热身活动:唱英文歌曲“The Color Song”2. 教学新词汇:使用彩色实物和图片展示,教授重点词汇。
3. 句型练习:分组进行角色扮演,模拟描述衣服和颜色的场景。
4. 听力练习:播放录音,让学生听懂并正确回答问题。
5. 家庭作业:让学生画出自己喜欢的颜色和衣服,并写上相应的英文句子。

剑桥少儿英语预备级教案Unit1 GreetingsⅠTeaching aims and demands1,使学生通过学习本单元能用英语跟同学问候、教师及家长等打招呼2,是学生出入接触英语的语音、语调和节奏3,是学生能初步掌握本单元中出现的几个单词的短语ⅡExpressions in communication1,Good morning!/Morning!2,Say hello to Teddy Bear!3,Hello!Hi!ⅢKey words and expressionsHello,moring,Monkey Munchy, Panda Pandy ,Dog Doffy, Cat Catty,Teddy BearⅣMaterials for teachingSome pictures about animals or toysLesson1Step1 Self-introudutionsOk.From now on,I will be your English teacher.I am___。
Please read after me!Step 2 Say requests(具体要求具体制定)Step 3 Something about beginning the class<Stand up→I can stand upSit down→I can sit downHow are you today ? → I am fine, thank you, how are you or and you>注:点名时说:I am here.Step 4 Teach orders(1)Clap your hands, one two threeStamp your feet, one two three(2)Are you ready? Go! Go !Go!(3)Nod your head, Yes! Yes! Yes!Shake your head, No! No! No!Step 5 Giving namesStep 6 GreetingsDrawing some pictures about the three tines of the day to teach (Good morning!/Morning! Good afternoon! Hello! Hi!Good evening!) At last using the names to practice the greetings.Step 7 Homework抄写自己的名字每个三排每排五个,用英语和父母打招呼。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册教案第一章:Unit 1 Hello, I'm Liu Tao.1.1 教学目标让学生掌握基本的自我介绍用语,如“Hello, my name is ”和“Nice to meet you.”让学生能够介绍自己的年龄、爱好和喜欢的食物。
1.2 教学内容生词:hello, name, nice, meet, age, like, food句子:Hello, my name is Liu Tao. Nice to meet you. I am 10 years old. I like playing soccer and eating apples.1.3 教学步骤Step 1: 教师与学生进行简单的自我介绍,引导学生学习生词。
Step 2: 学生听录音,模仿发音和语调。
Step 3: 学生进行角色扮演,用所学的句子进行自我介绍。
Step 4: 学生进行小组活动,互相练习自我介绍。
第二章:Unit 2 This is my mother.2.1 教学目标让学生能够介绍家庭成员,如“This is my mother”和“She is a teacher.”2.2 教学内容生词:mother, father, sister, brother, teacher句子:This is my mother. She is a teacher. This is my father. He is a doctor.2.3 教学步骤Step 1: 教师展示图片,引导学生学习生词。
Step 2: 学生听录音,模仿发音和语调。
Step 3: 学生进行角色扮演,用所学的句子介绍家庭成员。
Step 4: 学生进行小组活动,互相练习介绍家庭成员。
第三章:Unit 3 What's your name?3.1 教学目标让学生掌握询问他人姓名和年龄的用语,如“What's your name?”和“How old are you?”3.2 教学内容生词:name, old, are, you句子:What's your name? My name is Liu Tao. How old are you? I am 10 years old.3.3 教学步骤Step 1: 教师引导学生学习生词,并讲解句子的用法。

剑桥少儿英语预备级(A)Unit 1 Greetings 篇一一、Teaching aims and demands:1)can use simple English greet others2) can say“Good morning!” “Good afternoon “Good evening”3) Can read the new words about letter A a4) can speak out the sentences of part 7二、Important and difficult points:What‘s this? It’s the letter Aa.Good morning! Good afternoon! Good evening .Hello! Hi! Slide三、Teaching Steps :Step1 Greetings:Good morning /afternoon! Boys and girls how are you today? ……Ask one student to stand up and say Hello to him or her .and encourage him or her to answer “hello!” Then ask some other students to practice this sentence.Step 2:Call their names and say hello to the Hello Ming Ming Hello, Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang ……Step 3:PresentationShow the students some pictures about morning and ask, what’s the picture say? ---- Morning, Yes, its morning teach the new word.Then show another picture and then teach the word afternoon and the same way to the word evening.Step 4: After learning the short sentences, we will learn an English song, teach the song and practice in groups or in pairsStep 5: show a model slide (this is a slide, what does it like? Yes, it likes the letter Aa).Write the letter Aa on the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is the slide, Slide on the A a.Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape ace alien then practice some times .Step 7 Teach them how to write letter AaStep 8 :Do some exercises1) Do the exercises on page 4 of the students’ book2) match them3) Good morning Hello!Good night. Good afternoon.Good evening. Good morning.Hello! Good night.Good afternoon! Good evening.剑桥少儿英语预备级上Unit 3 Catch and run 篇二一、Teaching aims and demands:*Can understand some simple actions and do it*Know the meaning of “catch、run .”*Can read and write letter Bb and can read the new words about Bb*Can read the sentences of part 7 on page 11二、Important and difficult points:catch ! Run to the …… door table windowboys girls blackboard teacher flowers cab cap三、Teaching method and steps:Step1:Bring some toys to the classroom at the beginning of the class, throw them to the classes one by one and say: Catch! If they can understand what’s meaning, take out the pictures show to them and teach the new words: ball, door, window, blackboard, teacher, flowersStep2: Go to the playground play games and learn: Please be ready. Run!Group them into boys and girls. Have a rally race. Then queue in a line, do some actions (Who is the fastest):Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window!Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers!Then chant it and do it:Catch a ball, run to the door.Catch a pen, run to Ben.Catch a pencil, run to the middle.Catch, run, catch, run, catch and run.Step3:Go back to the classroom, have a rest, then color it on page 12.then listen and circles on page 12,Step4:take a piece of paper and ask them ?What’s this ?It’s a piece of paper ,yes ,now cut it into a shape of big moon ,and then ask :What’s this now ?--- Yes ,it’s moon .What does it look like ike a smiling face , like the letter C c .Who said it likes letter C c ,will be prized . Say: c is the moon, C c is the moon. We are on the moon, we are on the moon.Step5: Show them pictures and teach: cab, cap, and cat. Can add some words about Cc.Step6: Teach them how to write letter Cc.Step7: Exercises:Speak out and do actions:Run to the door! Run to the table! Run to the window!Run to the teacher! Run to the flowers!Stand! Sit! Catch! Run!Ask and answer in pairs: What’s this? It’s a big C. What’s this? It’s a small c.Practice reading and writing letter C c剑桥少儿英语预备级教案篇三【课文内容】--It#39;s the letter K. 这是字母K。
剑桥少儿英语预备级A 教案试题 剑桥少儿预备级A教案Unit 1

预备级上册Unit1 GreetingTeaching aims and demands:★使学生通过学习本单元能用英语跟同学、老师及父母等打招★使学生初步接触英语的语音、语调和节奏★使学生能初步掌握本单元中出现的几个单词和短语The main and difficult points:★Greeting : Hi, Hello, Good morning, Say hello to sb.★Key Words :※monkey Munchy / panda Pandy / cat Catty / dog Doffy / Teddy bearTeaching materials:大气锤一个或是将矿泉水瓶内装上沙子做成沙锤;Munchy Pandy Catty Doffy Teddy 的头饰或图片;课件Teaching process:Activity one:Warm upst:Greet with ‘1Hi/ Hello/ Good morning/ Good afternoon/Good evening 使用自制课件第三页学习。
TopicActivity two:st: Greet five new friends. 1使用自制课件第四页,点击目录中的第二部分,会跳转到相应页面。
※Teacher says “Today I've got a new friend. His name's monkey Munchy.Do you want to know my new friend?' Then teacher will teach pupils tosay “monkey Munchy”. When pupils can say it well, teacher can showthe picture of monkey Munchy .点击课件中monkey Munchy的单词会有monkey Munchy的发音,并出现monkey Munchy的图片。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册教案第一章:Unit 1 Hello, I'm Liu Tao.教学目标:1. 学习并掌握基本的自我介绍和相互问候的表达方式。
2. 能够听懂并正确回答“What's your name?”和“How old are you?”等问题。
3. 能够用简单的句子介绍自己的喜好和家庭成员。
教学内容:1. 词汇:hello, I'm, name, old, like, mother, father, sister, brother2. 句型:What's your name?How old are you?I'm years old.My name isI like教学步骤:1. 引入新课程,向学生问好,并引导学生回答。
2. 教授词汇和句型,用实物或图片辅助教学。
3. 分组练习,让学生互相问候并介绍自己。
4. 角色扮演,让学生模拟在不同的情境下使用所学知识。
第二章:Unit 2 This is my family.教学目标:1. 学习并掌握家庭成员的称呼和表达方式。
2. 能够听懂并正确回答关于家庭成员的问题。
3. 能够用简单的句子介绍自己的家庭成员。
教学内容:1. 词汇:family, mother, father, sister, brother, grandmother, grandfather2. 句型:This is myShe/He is myThis is my family.教学步骤:1. 引入新课程,向学生展示图片或实物,引导学生回答相关问题。
2. 教授词汇和句型,用实物或图片辅助教学。
3. 分组练习,让学生互相介绍自己的家庭成员。
4. 角色扮演,让学生模拟在家庭场景中使用所学知识。
第三章:Unit 3 Colors教学目标:1. 学习并掌握基本的颜色词汇。
2. 能够听懂并正确回答关于颜色的提问。
3. 能够用简单的句子描述物体的颜色。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案第一章:Unit 1 Hello, my name's Luna.教学目标:1. 学习并掌握基本的自我介绍用语,如“Hello, my name's”, “I'myears old.”等。
2. 能够用英语进行简单的问候和自我介绍。
教学内容:1. 新单词:hello, name, Luna, moon, sun, earth, star, space。
2. 对话:Hello, my name's Luna. I'm seven years old. How old are you? I'm eight years old.教学活动:1. 热身活动:唱一首英文歌曲《Hello, Hello》。
2. 小组活动:学生分成小组,互相进行自我介绍。
3. 角色扮演:学生模拟对话,练习自我介绍。
第二章:Unit 2 I have a pet cat.教学目标:1. 学习并掌握描述宠物的基本词汇,如“I have a pet”, “It's”等。
2. 能够用英语简单描述自己的宠物。
教学内容:1. 新单词:pet, cat, dog, fish, bird, turtle, spider。
2. 对话:I have a pet cat. Its name is Max. What about you?教学活动:1. 热身活动:看图片,讨论不同种类的宠物。
2. 小组活动:学生分成小组,互相介绍自己的宠物。
3. 角色扮演:学生模拟对话,练习描述宠物。
第三章:Unit 3 Numbers 1-10.教学目标:1. 学习并掌握数字1-10的英语表达。
2. 能够用英语进行简单的数字计数。
教学内容:1. 新单词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten。
2. 对话:I have three pets. How many pets do you have?教学活动:1. 热身活动:唱一首英文歌曲《Five Little Monkeys》。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案第一章:Unit 1 Hello, my name's Luna.教学目标:1. 学会自我介绍和询问他人名字的常用英语表达方式。
2. 能够听懂并正确回答关于名字和年龄的问题。
3. 能够运用所学知识进行简单的日常交流。
教学内容:1. 单词:hello, my name's, how old are you, cat, dog, fish, bird, mouse, tree, sun, moon, star2. 短语:good morning, good afternoon, good evening, nice to meet you,e e3. 句型:What's your name? My name'sHow old are you? I'm教学活动:1. 课堂互动:教师与学生进行自我介绍,引导学生学习并模仿。
2. 小组活动:学生分组,互相练习询问名字和年龄,并进行角色扮演。
3. 游戏:动物猜谜游戏,学生通过描述动物特征来猜测动物名字。
第二章:Unit 2 I have a cat.教学目标:1. 学会描述自己拥有的事物,并能够询问他人拥有的事物。
2. 能够听懂并正确回答关于拥有事物的questions.3. 能够运用所学知识进行简单的日常交流。
1. 单词:I have, a, cat, dog, fish, bird, mouse, tree, sun, moon, star2. 句型:I have a I have aWhat do you have? I have a教学活动:1. 课堂互动:教师展示物品,引导学生描述自己拥有的事物。
2. 小组活动:学生互相询问拥有的事物,并进行角色扮演。
3. 游戏:物品配对游戏,学生通过找出相同物品进行配对。
第三章:Unit 3 Colors教学目标:1. 学会描述颜色,并能够正确使用颜色词汇。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案第一章:Unit 1 Hello, my name's Tim.1.1 教学目标:能听懂并正确使用日常问候语"Hello" 和"Goode"。
1.2 教学内容:学习日常问候语"Hello" 和"Goode"。
学习介绍自己的名字和年龄:"My name is Tim. I am ten."学习询问名字的疑问词"What's your name?" 和回答"My name is "。
1.3 教学活动:教师与学生互相问候,示范"Hello" 和"Goode" 的用法。
第二章:Unit 2 This is my sister.2.1 教学目标:能听懂并正确使用"This is " 介绍人物。
能用"She/He is " 描述人物的外貌特征。
2.2 教学内容:学习使用"This is " 介绍人物:"This is my sister. Her name isSarah."学习使用"She/He is " 描述人物外貌特征:"She is tall."学习询问人物关系的疑问词"What's her/his name?" 和回答"Her name is " 或"His name is "。
2.3 教学活动:教师示范使用"This is " 介绍人物,学生跟随模仿。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册教案Unit 1 GreetingsUnit 2 who is the firstUnit 3 Catch andrunUnit 4 Color it greenUnit 5 Let’s playunit6 Hide and seekunit7 Point to yournoseunit8 How many doorsunit9 Tell your friends.unit10 Lets do it.unit11 Letsguess.unit12 Bounce a ball.unit13 Exercise our body.unit14 Clap our hands.unit15 I candraw it.unit16 I can see it.Unit 1 GreetingsTeaching aims and demands:1)can usesimple English greet others2 can say“Good morning”“Good afternoon “Goodevening Can read the new words about letter A a4 can speak out the sentences of part7二、Important and difficult points:What‘s this It’s the letter Aa.Good morning Good afternoon Good evening .Hello Hi Slide三、Teaching Steps :Step1 Greetings:Goodmorning /afternoon Boys and girls how areyou today ……Ask one student to stand upand say Hello to him orher .and encourage him or her to answer “hello”Then ask som other students to practice thissentence.Step 2:Call their names and say hello to them.HelloMing Ming Hello Dan Dan. Hello Fang Fang ……Step 3: PresentationShow the---- Morning Yesstudents some pictures about morning andask what’s the picture sayitsmorning teach the new word.Then show another picture and then teach thewordafternoon and the same way to the word evening.Step 4: After learning the shortsentences we willlearn an English song teach the song and practice ingroups or inpairsStep 5: show a model slide this is a slide what doesit like Yes it likes the letterAa.Write the letter Aaon the blackboard and teach the letter A a A is theslide Slide on theA a.Step 6 teach the words about the letter A a : ape acealien then practice sometimes .Step 7 Teach them how to write letter AaStep 8 :Do some exercises1 Do theght.exercises on page 4 of the students’ book2 match them3 Good morning HelloGood niGood afternoon.Good evening. Good morning.Hello Good night.Good afternoon GoodeveningUnit 2 who is the firstTeaching aims and demands :They can understand somesimple actions and doit They can do “Stand up “”Sit down”” Come here ““Go bac Can unde rstand the meaning of “up “and “”down”.Can read B b and some new words about BbCan read the sentences of part 5二、Important and difficult pointsWhat’s thisStand up. Sit down. Come here. GobackHands pens pencils feet cat snail back bee ballbeef三、teachingmethod:本单元的教学重点是游戏,通过大家一起做动作来学习英语,也就是我们常说的,“玩中学,学中玩”。

剑桥少儿英语预备级第一单元教案篇一:剑桥少儿英语预备级下教案unit1剑桥少儿英语预备级教案(下) unit 1 School is funⅠ上课时间:3月7日,8日10:20—11:50紫教室人数(3人).Teaching contents ;2.words:1)school:pen,ruler,bag,book,pencil-case,small,big,blackboard,desk,school,chair,pencil;2) school:garden,swimming pool,classroom,playground;3)numbers:1-15;3.sentences:1)What can you see? I can see…2)How many …are there?There are …4.grammar:how many is/are;5.topic:school is fun;Ⅱ.Teaching purpose1.listening:能听懂第一单元的以下录音;part 1 pen,ruler,bag,book,pencil-case,small,big,blackboard;What can you see? I can see…Part 6 Listen and write the numbersboy_girs_desks_chairs_doors_windows_TV(s)_blackboards_2.speaking:会说教材以下内容;part 1pen,ruler,bag,book,pencil-case,small,big,blackboard;What can you see? I can see…part 3Look the picture and answer these questions:How many boys/girs/teachers/doors/windows/TV(s)/fans are there?There are…3.reading:会读教材以下内容;part 2garden,swimming pool,classroom,playground.part 4Which one is different(look at the pictures)1)desk, banbana,chair,blackboard;2)eraser,book,pen,door;3)school,garden,pencil,playground;4) chair, pencil, eraser, pen;4.writing:会写教材以下内容;part 6 Listen and write the numbersboy_girl_desks_chairs_doors_windows_TV(s)_blackboards_ing:1)能完成教材上以下内容的作业:part 4, part 5,part 6;2)会唱教材上以下内容的歌曲:part 5;3)会玩教材上以下内容的游戏:part4 ,part 6;Ⅲ.Teaching methods1.song:part 5School is fun ,school is fun.Drawing singing and we are Number One.School is fun ,school is fun.Drawing singing and we are Number One.Dancing,runningmjumping,and swimming.We are Number One.We are Number ONE.2.game:part 4 Look at these pictures and find out which one is different ;首先,让学生要认识所要教授的内容,引导学生用简单的方法就可以理解难度较大的内容;其次,本堂课要教授的内容都是生活中常用的,教室里有的,所以就让学生在教室中找出内容,老师所英语学生用手去触摸,让学生知道汉语的意思;最后,用游戏的方法,让学生动起来,边说英语,边找出本堂课的内容。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案第一章:Unit 1 Hello, my name's Luna.教学目标:1. 学习并掌握基本的自我介绍用语,如“Hello, my name's”, “I'm years old.”等。
2. 学会使用“Good morning”, “Good afternoon”, “Good evening”进行问候。
3. 能够听懂并回答关于姓名、年龄和学校的问题。
教学内容:1. 词汇:hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, my name's, Luna, Max, seven, year, school, China, UK, Australia, Japan, Korea, morning, afternoon, evening, name, age, country2. 句型:Hello, my name's Good morning/afternoon/evening. I'm years old.教学活动:1. 热身活动:让学生们进行自我介绍,介绍自己的姓名和年龄。
2. 小组活动:学生们两两配对,进行角色扮演,模拟在不同的时间进行问候和自我介绍。
3. 听力练习:播放对话录音,让学生们听懂并回答相关问题。
第二章:Unit 2 How old are you?教学目标:1. 学习并掌握询问年龄的用语,如“How old are you?”和“I'm years old.”。
2. 能够听懂并回答关于年龄的问题。
3. 学会使用基数词表示年龄。
教学内容:1. 词汇:how old, are you, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty2. 句型:How old are you? I'm years old.教学活动:1. 热身活动:让学生们用卡片展示自己的年龄,并说出对应的数字。

剑桥少儿英语预备级上册全册教案第一章:Unit 1 Hello!教学目标:1. 学习并掌握基本的问候语和介绍自己的方式。
2. 能够用英语进行简单的自我介绍和与他人问候。
教学内容:1. 学习单词:hello, good morning, good afternoon, good evening, how are you, my name is, nice to meet you。
2. 学习句子:Hello, my name is Tom. How are you? I'm fine, thank you. Nice to meet you.教学活动:1. 教师与学生进行自我介绍,示范如何用英语问候他人。
2. 学生进行小组活动,互相问候并介绍自己。
3. 角色扮演活动,学生模拟在不同的场合进行问候和自我介绍。
第二章:Unit 2 Numbers教学目标:1. 学习并掌握1-10的数字。
2. 能够用英语进行简单的数字表达。
教学内容:1. 学习单词:one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten。
2. 学习句子:One, two, three, four, five. How many? Six, seven, eight, nine, ten.教学活动:1. 教师出示数字卡片,学生跟随教师一起数数。
2. 学生进行小组活动,用数字卡片进行游戏,练习数字的表达。
3. 学生分组进行比赛,看哪个组数数最快最准确。
第三章:Unit 3 Colors教学目标:1. 学习并掌握基本的颜色词汇。
2. 能够用英语描述物体的颜色。
教学内容:1. 学习单词:red, yellow, blue, green, white, black, purple, orange, pink, gray。
2. 学习句子:This is red. That is blue. What color is it? It's yellow.教学活动:1. 教师出示不同颜色的物体,学生跟随教师一起说出颜色。