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Unit 1 Under the Same Roof Part II A birthday present Tape script John: It's super, Mary. It's just what I wanted. Mary: Well, I know you said your old calculator was no good any more. John: Well, it wasn't that it was no good. It just wouldn't do all the things I need to do at work. And it certainly wouldn't remember telephone numbers for me like this one. Mary: I suppose you're going to start putting in numbers straightaway. John: I've put in one while we've been chatting. I've put in our solicitor 's number. You know how often I need to call him on company contracts. Mary: So what others are you going to put in? John: Well, number one. Accountant , I think. Mary: The company's accountant? John: Yes. Now just let me put in the number. That's it. Mary: And number two, the bank. John: OK. Bank. Now, that's 345674. Oh...And number 3, the doctor. Mary: Yes. His number's er, let me think. 76763. And then the dentist, of course. John: What's that? Number 4, isn't it? Dentist. Mary: Yes, the number's 239023. I remember, because I rang yesterday about Robbie's appointment. John: That's fine. And now -- the garage . 757412. Mary: And then how about the station number? You're always hunting around for that in a panic. John: Yes, you're right. What is the number anyway? Mary: Oh, I can't remember. I'll just look it up in the telephone directory . John: All right. Now, number 7, the flower shop, I think. Yes, florist. And that's 989024. Oh, I mustn't forget the new London office number. So that's number 8, new London office. Mary: John, here's the station number. 546534. John: 546534. Thanks. Now that was number 6 on my list. Mary: How far have you got now? John: Well, I've added a couple more. The next one will be 9. Mary: What about Bill and Sue ? John: No, I can always remember their number. But I always have to look up John and Jane's number. What is it? Mary: John and Jane ... John and Jane...I know,21463. John: OK, 21463. John and Jane. And one more perhaps? Mary: The hairdresser? John: Why do I need the hairdresser's number? No, I thought this was my pocket calculator. Oh, I tell you one number we do need quite often -- the sports club ! Mary: the sport club! John: Great minds think alike! OK, number 10. Sports club. And that's – Mary: 675645. Mary: 675645. Well that's enough for the moment. I think. Now, as it's my birthday, what about taking me out for a meal ? Mary: I don't think I can remember the telephone number of our favorite restaurant. Part III. Family life then and now Tape script:Josephine: We did feel far more stability in our lives, because you see…in these days I think there's always a concern that families will separate or something, but in those days nobody expected the families to separate . Gertrude: Of course there may have been smoking, drinking and drug-taking years ago, but it was all kept very quiet, nobody knew anything about it. But these days there really isn't the family life that we used to have. The children seem to do more as they like whether they know it's right or wrong. Oh, things are very different I think. Question: What was your parents' role in family life? Josephine: Well, my mother actually didn't do a tremendous amount in the house , but she did do a great deal of work outside and she was very interested, for example, in the Nursing Association collecting money for it. We had somebody who looked after us and then we also had someone who did the cleaning. Gertrude: Well, we lived in a flat, we only had three rooms and a bathroom. Father worked on the railway at Victoria Station and my mother didn't work obviously. My father's wage I think was about two pound a week and I suppose our rent was about twelve shillings a week, you know aw rent was – I'm going back a good many years. We didn't have an easy life , you know, and I think that's why my mother went out so much with her friends. It was a relief for her, you know really. Question: Did you have a close relationship with your parents? Josephine: In a sense I would say not very close but we, at that time, didn't feel that way, we didn't think about it very much I don't think . I think today people are much closer to their parents and talk about everything, which we didn't. Then, of course, we used to play a lot of games, because we didn't have a television or even a radio and we would play games in the evenings rather than have conversation, I think. Question: Was there more discipline in families in those days? Josephine: Oh yeas, I do think so, yes. We were much more disciplined and we went about as a family and it wasn't until I was probably about 18 before I would actually go out with any friends of my own. Statements: • 70years ago young people often smoked and drank in front of others. • Apart from a great deal of work outside, Josephine's mother also looked after her children and did the cleaning in the house. • Gertrude's father earned two pounds a week. • Gertrude's family had to pay ten shillings a week for their flat. • Young people seventy years ago deeply felt that they did not have a very close relationship with their parents. • Nowadays people are much closer to their parents and talk about everything to them. Part V. Memory test: Brother and Sisters 1. b 2. d 3. a 4. c 5. b 6. b Tape script:Woman: Well, my brother was six years younger than I, and er, I think that when he was little I was quite jealous of him. I remember he had bea coo over him. One day a friend and I played, erm, barber shop, and erm, my mother must have been away, she must have been in the kitchen or something (mm) and we got these scissors and sat my brother down and kept him quiet and (strapped him down)… That's right, and cut off all his curls, you see. And my mother was so upset, and in fact it's the first…I think it's one of the few times I've ever seen my father really angry. Man: What happened to you? Woman: Oh…I was sent to my room fro a whole week you know, it was terrible. Man: But was that the sort of pattern, weren't you close to your brother at all? Woman: Well as I grew older I think that er I just ignored him… Man: What about … you've got an older brother too, did … were they close, the two brothers? Woman: No, no my brother's just a couple of years older than I … so the two of us were closer and we thought we were bother very grown up and he was just a … a kid… so we deliberately, I think, kind of ignored him. And then I left, I left home when he was only still a schoolboy, he was only fifteen (mm) and I went to live in England and he eventually went to live in Brazil and I really did lose contact with him for a long time. Man: What was he doing down there? Woman: Well, he was a travel agent, so he went down there to work … And, erm, I didn't, I can't even remember, erm sending a card, even, when he got married. But I re…I do remember that later on my mother was showing me pictures of his wedding, ‘cause my mother and father went down there to the wedding, and er, there was this guy on the photos with a beard and glasses, and I said, “Oh, who's this then?” ‘cause I thought it was the bride's brother or something like them (mm) … and my mother said frostily, “That … is your brother!” (laughter) Questions for memory test: • According to the passage, how many brothers does the lady have? • When the sister saw her mother coo over her young brother how did she feel? • What's her father's reaction when he got to know that the sister had cut off her younger brother's hair? • How old was her younger brother when she left home? • Where did her brother eventually live? • Who was the buy on the photos with a beard and glasses? [NoPage]