《国际贸易实务》参考试卷国际贸易实务试卷一一、名词解释(本类题共5小题,每小题2分, 共10分,每题只回答简要内容)本题得分1.共同海损2. Letter of Credit3.Price Terms4.国际多式联运5. 国际保理业务二、填空题(本类题共15个空,每填对1个空得1分,共15分)本题得分1.重量的计算方法有:净重、毛重、()、()和法定重量,其中()适于生丝的计量。
2. 远期汇票按承兑人不同可以分为()和(),其中()是很好的融资工具。
4. 按交单的前提,远期跟单托收分为()、和()二种,其中()对卖方风险较大。
5. 按照检验时间和地点的规定,有:在出口国检验、()和()三种,其中()适于四个象征性交货的贸易术语。
三、单项选择题(本类题共15个小题,每小题1分, 共15分。
A.麻袋装大米 B. 纸箱装苹果C.布袋装大枣D.铁桶装食用油4.在CFR合同下,卖方在装上船前货物因风险造成损失如需得到保险公司赔偿,需要()。
A.EUR12 per pair CIP Hong Kong Incoterms® 2010B. £1300 per M/T CFR USA Incoterms® 2010C. USD per ton FCA London Incoterms® 2010D. HKD20 per doz. CIF Shanghai Incoterms® 20106.内陆企业在出口合同中使用()术语,可以尽早将风险转移和提前收取货款。
《国际贸易实务》试卷A班级:学号:姓名:评分:一、判断题(每小题1分,共5分)1 、根据提单收货人一栏的写法不同,提单可分为清洁提单、记名提单、不清洁提单。
A 、平方米B 、公升C 、立方米D 、斤7、如果物价下降,固定价格对()有利。
A、卖方 B 、双方 C 、买方 D 、船方8 、在信用证付款的情况下,发票抬头应填()。
A 、开证申请人B 、受益人C 、出口商D 、保险商9、下列关于销售代理人说法正确的是()。
A 、发盘B 、还盘C 、邀请发盘D 、承诺14、常见的集合运输包装有()。
A 、集装箱B 条C 、箱D 、捆15 、对于接受生效,英美法采取()原则。
A、到达生效 B 、自然生效 C 、投邮生效 D 、中途生效三、多项选择题(每小题2分,共10分)16、在FOB术语下,下列属于卖方义务的是()。
A 、出口报关B 、保险C 、国内运费D 、国外运费17 、下列哪些贸易术语较常用()。
A 、CIFB 、DDPC 、EXWD 、CFR18、下列属于以说明表示品质的是()。
A 、凭规格B 凭样品C 、凭标准D 、看货买卖19 、一切险不承保以下风险()。
国际贸易实务练习试卷11(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 4. 名词解释 5. 简答题 6. 计算题单项选择题1.按照中国保险条款的规定,一切险的责任范围是指( )再加上一般外来原因所致的全部和部分损失。
A.水渍险的责任范围B.平安险的责任范围C.平安险和水渍险的责任范围D.一切险的责任范围正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务2.平安险的责任范围中不包括( )。
A.由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害造成整批货物的全部损失B.被保险人对承保范围内的货物采取抢救措施以减少损失而支付的合理费用C.由于恶劣气候、雷电、海啸、地震、洪水等自然灾害所造成的部分损失D.在装卸或转运时由于一件或数件整件货物落海造成的全部或部分损失正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务3.下列不属于一切险承保范围内的险别是( )。
A.偷窃提货不着险B.渗漏险C.交货不到险D.包装破裂险正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务4.偷窃提货不着险属于( )。
A.平安险B.水渍险C.附加险D.一切险正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务5.舱面险属于( )。
A.平安险C.附加险D.一切险正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务6.“仓至仓”(W/W)条款是( )。
A.承运人负责的运输责任起讫的条款B.保险公司承保的保险责任起讫的条款C.出口人承担的货物品质担保责任起讫的条款D.适用于各种险别的条款正确答案:B 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务7.根据“仓至仓”条款规定,当被保险货物从目的港卸离海轮时起算满( )天,不论货物是否进入收货人仓库,保险责任均告终止。
A.60天B.45天C.30天D.15天正确答案:A 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务8.按照中国人民保险公司海运货物保险条款的做法,投保一切险后还可以加保( )。
A.偷窃提货不着险B.卖方利益险C.战争、罢工险D.水渍险正确答案:C 涉及知识点:国际贸易实务9.( )险是基本险中承保责任范围最大的险别。
国际贸易实务试卷(含答案)第一篇:国际贸易实务试卷(含答案)国际贸易实务试题一.单选题1.CIF LONDON 卖方交货地点是(A)A.装运港船上B.目的港船上C.目的港码头D.装运港码头2.以CIF术语成交,货物在途中灭失应由(D)A.卖方承担损失B.买方承担损失C.船方承担损失D.买方向保险公司索赔3.国外来证规定,总金额50万元数量为1000公吨散装货物,如果未表明可否溢短装,则不准分批装运,根据《UCP600》条款规定,卖方发货的(D)A.数量和总金额均不能增减B.数量和总金额均可增减10%以内 C.数量和总金额均可增减5%以内D.数量可增减5%,总金额不超过50美元4.在国际贸易中,海运提单的签发日期是表示(B)A.货物已经开始装船的日期 B.货物已经装船完毕的日期 C.装载船只到达装运港口的日期 D.装载船只离开装运港口的日期5.某货轮在航行途中,A舱失火,船长误以为B舱也同时失火,命令对两舱同时施救。
那么(D)A.A舱乙批货物与B舱货物均属共同海损B.A舱乙批货物与B 舱货物均属单独海损 C.A舱货物均属共同海损D.A舱乙批货物属于共同海损,B舱货物属于单独海损6.在国际贸易中,买卖商品是按重量计价的,若合同未明确规定计算重量的办法时,按惯例,应按(A)。
A.净重计B.毛重计C.皮重计D.重量计7.以下单价表示方式正确的是(C)A.USD 100/PCB. 1000/MT CIF C.USD 100/PC LondonD.USD 100 CIF London8.必须经过背书才能进行转让的提单是(C)。
A.记名提单B.不记名提单C.指示提单D.备运提单9.国际货物买卖使用托收方式,委托并通过银行收取货款使用的汇票是(C)A.商业汇票,属于银行信用B.银行汇票,属于银行信用 C.商业汇票,属于商业信用 D.银行汇票,属于商业信用10.D/P at 30 Days Sight 与 D/A at 30 Days Sight 的区别是(A)A.前者30天后付款交单;后者承兑后交单,30天后付款B.都是30天后付款交单 C.都是承兑后交单D.付款和交单的时间都不一样二.多选题1.海洋运输货运险的基本险别有(ABC)A.平安险B.水渍险C.一切险D.战争险2. FOB、CFR、CIF这三个贸易术语的相同点是(AD)A.买卖双方的报关责任相同B.买卖双方承担的运费责任相同C.买卖双方承担的保险费责任相同D.买卖双方承担的货物风险责任相同3.构成共同海损的条件是(ABCE)A.共同海损的危险必须是实际存在的,不是主观臆测的B.消除船、货共同危险而采取的措施必须是合理的C.必须是属于非正常性质的损失D.采取措施后,船方和货方都作出了一定的牺牲E.支出的费用必须是额外的4.租船运输包括(AD)A.定期租船B.集装箱运输C.班轮运输D.定程租船5.海运提单的性质与作用主要是(BCD)A.它是海运单据的惟一表现形式B.它是承运人或其代理人出具的货物收据C.它是代表货物所有权的凭证D.它是承运人与托运人之间订立的运输契约的证明6.海上货物保险中,除合同另有约定外,哪些原因造成货物损失,保险人不予赔偿(ABCD)A.交货延迟B.被保险人的过失 C.市场行情变化D.货物自然损耗7.共同海损分摊时,涉及的收益方包括(ABC)A.货方B.船方C.运费方D.救助方8.信用证支付方式的特点是(BCD)A.信用证是一种商业信用B.信用证是一种银行信用C.信用证是一种单据的买卖D.信用证是一种自足的文件9.罚金条款一般适用于(ABC)A.卖方延期交货B.买方延迟开立信用证C.买方延期接运货物D.一般商品买卖10.备用信用证与一般的跟单信用证的区别主要在于(ABC)A.适用的范围不同 B.银行付款的条件不同C.受款人要求银行付款时所需要提交的单据不同D.备用信用证属于商业信用,而跟单信用证则属于银行信用三.判断并说明原因1.贸易术语的变形是由于在程租船运输的情况下,CIF要明确目的港的卸货费用由谁承担的问题。
★Case(ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ例):
One import and export company exported his goods under the CIF term. The seller delivered the goods on board the vessel on time and prepared all necessary documents. But the vessel stranded and sank in a few hours after departure. The next day, when the seller asked for payment with full set of documents in conformity with the contract, the buyer refused to accept the documents and rejected payment because his goods have been lost. Is it reasonable for the buyer to do so? Why?
and sale of both visible and invisible goods.
As import is an kind of opposite operation to export, since if we understand export administration, so does the import.
What is export?
Exporting is an extension of trading with the customers living in another country. This extension of the trader’s domain is highly important, since it enables the buyers to make a choice between alternative goods in satisfying his needs. Not only are the goods of his own nation available to him but also those of other nations as well. A major benefit of exporting is an enhanced opportunity to exploit the comparative advantages enjoyed by the procedures in domestic market. Some other advantages of exporting as a national objective are its contribution to better use of national resources, reducing unemployment, increasing foreign exchange earnings and improving the balance of payment.
国际贸易实务综合题(一)(品质数量条款)一、单项选择题1、根据现有商品的实际品质进行买卖叫作(B)A、凭样品成交B、看货买卖C、凭规格买卖D、凭产地买卖2、在国际贸易中,对于某些品质变化较大而难以规定统一标准的农副产品,其表示品质的方法常用(A)A、良好平均品质B、看货买卖C、上好可销品质D、凭说明书买卖3、在国际贸易中,对技术型产品表示品质的方法是(C)A、凭规格买卖B、凭样品买卖C、凭说明书买卖D、凭商标或牌号买卖4、在国际贸易中,对生丝、羊毛、棉花等有较强的吸湿性商品,其计量方法通常为(C)A、毛重B、净重C、公量D、理论重量5、在国际贸易中最常见的计量方法是(B)A、毛重B、净重C、理论重量D、法定重量6、葡萄酒一批,合同规定酒精度为18°±0.5°,这里的±0.5°是(B)A、溢短装条款B、品质公差C、合理温差D、其它公差7、数量机动幅度的选择权一般属( A )A.卖方B.买方C.船方D.商检机构8、目前国际贸易中使用最多的一种计量方法是( B )A.按数量计算B.按重量计算C.按长度计算D.按面积计算9、我们所说的FAQ一般是指( C )A.精选货B.一级品C.大路货D.次品10.凭产地名称买卖适用于( C )A.技术密集型产品B.品质稳定的工业制成品C.具有其它产区所不具有的独特风格的产品D.标准部件11.大多数工业制成品习惯采用的计量方法是( D )A.按重量计B.按长度计C.按体积计D.按数量计12.液体商品多采用的计量方法是( B )A.按体积计B.按容积计C.按面积计D.按重量计13.化学气体等的交易多采用的计量方法是( A )A.按体积计B.按重量计C.按容积计D.按数量计14.采用毛重来计量商品一般适用于( D )A.价值高的商品B.精装商品C.吸湿性强的商品D.低值商品15.在国际上,对冷冻鱼或冻虾等没有公认规格和等级的商品,其交货时规定品质的方法常用。
《国际贸易实务》试卷A班级:学号:姓名:评分:一、判断题(每小题1分,共5分)1 、根据提单收货人一栏的写法不同,提单可分为清洁提单、记名提单、不清洁提单。
A 、平方米B 、公升C 、立方米D 、斤7、如果物价下降,固定价格对()有利。
A、卖方 B 、双方 C 、买方 D 、船方8 、在信用证付款的情况下,发票抬头应填()。
A 、开证申请人B 、受益人C 、出口商D 、保险商9、下列关于销售代理人说法正确的是()。
A 、发盘B 、还盘C 、邀请发盘D 、承诺14、常见的集合运输包装有()。
A 、集装箱B 条C 、箱D 、捆15 、对于接受生效,英美法采取()原则。
A、到达生效 B 、自然生效 C 、投邮生效 D 、中途生效三、多项选择题(每小题2分,共10分)16、在FOB术语下,下列属于卖方义务的是()。
A 、出口报关B 、保险C 、国内运费D 、国外运费17 、下列哪些贸易术语较常用()。
A 、CIFB 、DDPC 、EXWD 、CFR18、下列属于以说明表示品质的是()。
A 、凭规格B 凭样品C 、凭标准D 、看货买卖19 、一切险不承保以下风险()。
广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2011-2012学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A卷)参考答案考核对象:国贸091、092、093、094班国贸095、096、097、091(全英)班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________ Ⅰ. Put T for true or F for false in the corresponding blanks. ( 20% )1.T2. F3. F4. F5.F6.T7.T8.F9. F 10. TⅡ. Please write the best answer in the corresponding blanks. ( 20% ) 11. B 12. A 13. A 14. A 15. D 16. D 17. B 18. D 19. B 20.AⅢ. Calculation ( The results should be rounded off to two decimals. 9% ) 21.CIF= ( FOB+F) / (1 - premium rate×110%)=(100+8.79)/(1-1%×110%)=108.79/(1-0.011)=108.79/0.989≈110 USD per setI.e. this exporting Company should offer CIF London USD110 perpiece with the same profit.Ⅳ. Case Study ( 18% )22.(1)(6%)According to UCP600, if the exporter’s documents are complyingpresentation, the issuing bank could not refuse to pay.Because the UCP600 stipulates that “Credit means any arrangement,however named or described, that is irrevocable and therebyconstitutes a definite undertaking of the issuing bank to honour acomplying presentation.”“Honour means: a. to pay at sight if thecredit is available by sight payment. b. to incur a deferred paymentundertaking and pay at maturity if the credit is available by deferredpayment. c. to accept a bill of exchange (“draft”) drawn by thebeneficiary and pay at maturity if the credit is available byacceptance.”(2)(6%)The buyer should be responsible for the loss.Because according to Incoterms®2010, under CFR contract, if theseller has sent the buyer the shipping advice sufficiently and on timeafter loading the goods onto the vessel on time at the port of shipment,the buyer should bear the risks and losses after the goods have beenshipped on board the ship at the port of shipment.In this case, the seller and the buyer have signed a CFR contract withshipment during May, 2010. And the Chinese exporter has loaded thegoods onto the named vessel on the morning of May 5, 2010, sentthe buyer the shipping advice immediately on May 5 after shipment.So the seller has fulfilled all his obligations. And the risks and lossesto the goods happened on May 6 should be borne by the buyer. (3)(6%)If the Chinese exporter sent the buyer the shipping advice on May 6,the Chinese exporter should be responsible for the loss.Because according to Incoterms® 2010, under CFR contract, “Theseller must give the buyer any notice needed in order to allow thebuyer to take measures that are normally necessary to enable thebuyer to take the goods.”In this case, the seller sent the buyer the shipping advice on May 6but not the day of loading ended. If the seller sent the buyer theshipping advice on May 5, the buyer may insure the goods on thatday and wouldn’t be refused by the insurance company.So loss should be borne by the seller (the Chinese exporter).V. Fill in the sales confirmation in English. (3% for each blank, total 33%)(特别说明:请在①处填入商品名称;②处填入贸易术语;③处填入商品总数量;④处填入商品合同总金额;其他地方按要求填写。
《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷(英文版)(doc7页)《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷(英文版)(doc 7页)广东外语外贸大学国际经济贸易学院《国际贸易实务》2009-2010学年第一学期期末考试试卷(A卷)考核对象:‘4+0’国贸084班‘4+0’国贸085班考试时间:2小时班级:_______ 学号:________ 姓名:_________ 成绩:________Ⅰ. Put T for true or F for false in the brackets at the end of each statement. ( 15% )1.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, if the seller exportsceramics using CIF term, he must insure the goodsagainst All Risks plus Risk of Clash and Breakage.2.()According to INCOTERMS 2000, under CIF Liner TermsHamburg, the buyer must pay the discharging fees inthe port of destination.3.()International customs and practice is the internationalstandard which is of some guiding significance tointernational business men. So all the internationalbusiness men should abide by the internationalcustoms and practice.4.()When the charterer fails to load or unload the goods withinthe stipulated period of time, he has to pay demurrageto the ship-owner.5.()In order to avoid complications, we should try our best touse much more kinds of methods to stipulate thequality of the goods.6.()According to CISG, if the package of the goods is not inacordance with the terms and conditions of the contract,the buyer could lo dge claims, but he couldn’t reject thegoods.7.()According to CISG, if the seller delivers a quantity of goodsgreater than that provided for in the contract, the buyermay take delivery or refuse to take delivery of all thequantity (including the excess quantity and thecontracted quantity).8.()A chinese company exports 1500 bags of cement using CIFterm in the contract and has insured the goods againstF.P.A. before shipment. However five bags fall intowater when loading in the port of shipment. Becausethe five bags have not been on board yet, the insurancecompany is not responsible for the loss of the five bags.9.()According to UCP 600, if there isn’t any other stipulation,the transshipment is allowed.10.()The cl ause of “ CIF London, New York or Tokyo, atbuyer’s option” is reasonable and we could agree whenexporting goods.11.()According to UCP 600, the L/C is independent of theunderlying transactions.12.()According to CISG, the offeror can withdraw his offer, buthe can not revoke it no matter what happened.13.()The colletcing bank should promise to get the moneyfrom the buyer under Collection.14.()According to UCP 600, the beneficiary should present fullset clean on board B/Ls if the L/C requires B/Ls with nospecial terms and conditions.15.()Under Collection, the payer of the draft should be thebuyer’s bank.Ⅱ. Please choose the best answer from the following choices of each question. ( 20% )1. An exporter in Guangzhou has agreed to sell goods to acompany in New York. The exporter is responsible for arrangingtransport but not insurance. Which of the following shipping terms is correct? ( )A. CIF New YorkB. FOB New YorkC. CFR New YorkD. FOB Guangzhou2. According to UCP 600, if there is no special description aboutthe form of the L/C in it, then this L/C is ( )A. irrevocable and non-transferableB. revocable andtransferableC. irrevocable and transferableD. revocable and non-transferable3. Which term means the minimum cost coverage by the seller?( )A. EXWB. FCAC. FASD.FOB4. According to CISG, when sale by sample and there are not anyother detailed stipulations in contract, the goods delivered bythe seller should be ( )A. About same as the sampleB. same as the sampleC. different a little from sampleD. A, B, C are all right.5. A B/L acts as ( )A. a receipt of goods by the carrierB. an evidence of the contract of carriageC. a document of title for the goodsD. A, B, C are all right.6. Under D/A, the draft must be ( )A. sight draftB. time draftC. banker’s draftD. clean draft7. According to CISG, the offer can be submitted ( )A. in written formB. orallyC. in written form or be sent orally8. The shipping Mark usually doesn’t contain ( )A. the code name of shipper or consigneeB. number of packagesC. name of destinationD. chemical characteristics9. In the following payment terms, ( ) is the safest term to theseller.A. sight payment L/CB. D/P at sightC. Payment at 30 days after delivery of goodsD. Cash with order10. In the following statements about loading and dischargingcharges in charter party, ( ) is correct.A. F.I. means the shipper should unload the goods by himself.B. F.O. means the shipper should load the goods by himself.C. The time charter party shouldn’t stipulate terms about these charges.D. The ship-owner isn’t responsible for these charges in tramp shipping.Ⅲ. Calculation ( 25% )1. A Company in Guangzhou quotes its exporting price, USD950Per Metric Ton FOB Guangzhou, to a German company. But theGerman company requires the exporter to offer CIF Hamburg price ( with the goods insured W.P.A. plus War Risk). If thefreight from Guangzhou to Hamburg is USD180 Per Metric Ton,the insured amount is 110% of CIF value and the premium rateis 1.3% of W.P.A. plus War Risk.(1) Please calculate how much this exporting companyshould offer CIF Hamburg price per Metric Ton with thesame profit. ( 10% )(2) If the German company requires the exporter to offerCIFC5% Hamburg price ( with the goods insured W.P.A.plus War Risk). Please calculate how much this exportingcompany should offer CIFC5% Hamburg price per MetricTon with the same profit. ( 5% )2. A company in Shanghai exports some garments to a foreigncompany. the total exporting amount is USD 70000 FOBShanghai. If the domestic purchasing price of these garments is450000 RMB. The domestic total charges (including all kinds ofdomestic fees and taxes) are 40000 RMB. And the export tax rebate is 3000 RMB. And the exchange rate is USD1:RMB7.Please calculate the rate of profit or loss of this exporttransaction. ( 10% )Ⅳ. Fill in the contract form in English with the following particulars (40%)卖方:中国粮油食品公司买方:温哥华加拿大食品公司合同号码:88-SC-3商品名称:长城牌草莓酱 (strawberry jam)规格:340克听装in cans。
国际贸易实务试题库及答案一、单选题(共50题,每题1分,共50分)1、在短卸情况下,可以向( )提出索赔。
A、卖方,保险公司和承运人B、保险公司和承运人C、承运人D、卖方正确答案:A2、经过背书才能转让的提单是( )A、指示提单B、清洁提单C、记名提单D、不记名提单正确答案:A3、在班轮运价表中用字母“M”表示的计收标准为( )A、按货物件数计收B、按货物毛重计收C、按货物体积计收D、按商品价格计收正确答案:C4、某外面公司出口茶叶5公吨,在海运途中遭受暴风雨,海水涌入仓内,致使一部分茶叶发霉变质,这种损失属于( )A、推定全损B、单独海损C、共同海损D、实际全损正确答案:B5、以下哪个不是海上货物运输的特点( )A、通过能力大B、风险小C、运量大D、运费低廉正确答案:B6、在海洋货物保险业务中,共同海损( )A、是部分损失的一种B、是全部损失的一种C、有时为部分损失,有时为全部损失D、是推定全损正确答案:A7、承兑是( )对远期汇票表示承担到期付款责任的行为。
C、付款人D、收款人正确答案:C8、信用证中规定某银行为议付行,那么该议付行( )。
客户又于星期三来电表示接受我星期一的发盘,在上述情况下( )。
A、属有条件的接受B、接受无效C、接受有效D、如我方未提出异议,则合同成立正确答案:B10、《2010年通则》解释的贸易术语有( )A、9种B、6种C、11种D、13种正确答案:C11、一旦发现对方侵犯我商标权,则最有效的解决途径为( )A、诉讼B、协商C、仲裁D、调解正确答案:A12、信用证的到期日为12月31日,最迟装运期为12月15日,最迟交单期为运输单据出单后15天,出口人备妥货物安排出运的时间是12月10日,则出口人最迟应于( )向银行交单。
《国际贸易实务》期末考试试卷及答案(一)一.判断题:(10分)1. 某外商来电要我方提供大豆,要求按含油量20%,含水分15%,不完善粒6%,杂质1%的规格订立合同,对此,在一般情况下,我方可以接受。
(X )2. 若卖方交付货物的品质在约定的品质机动幅度或品质公差范围内,除非买卖双方另有规定,一般不另行增减价格。
( ,V, )3. 在出口贸易中,表示品质的方法多种多样,为了明确责任,最好采用既凭样品,又凭规格买卖的方法。
( X )4. 根据《公约》的规定,如卖方所交货物多于约定数量,买方可以全部收下合同规定和卖方多交的货物,也可以全部拒收合同规定和卖方多交的货物。
(X )5. 以毛作净就是以净重代替毛重。
(X )6. 保险公司对陆运战争险的承保责任起讫与海运战争险的承保责任起讫都是“仓至仓”。
( X )7. 不论在何种情况下,固定作价都比非固定作价有利。
( X )8. 佣金和折扣都可分为明佣(扣)和暗佣(扣)两种。
(,V, )9. 含佣价=净价/(1一佣金率),其中的净价一定是FOB价。
( X )10. FOB价格术语的变形是因装货费用的负担问题而产生的,而CIF价格术语的变形则是因卸货费用的负担问题而产生的。
( ,V, )二.单项选择题:(15分)1. 在交货数量前加上“约”或“大约”字样,按《UCP500》的规定,这种约定可解释为交货数量不超过( A )的增减幅度。
A.10% B.5% C.2.5% D.1.5%2. 在品质条款的规定上,对某些比较难掌握其品质的工业制成品或农副产品,我们多在合同中规定( C )。
A.溢短装条款 B.增减价条款C.品质公差或品质机动幅度 D.商品的净重3. 凭卖方样品成交时,应留存( B )以备交货时核查之用。
A.回样 B.复样C.参考样 D.对等样品4. 《1932年华沙一牛津规则》是国际法协会专门为解释( C )合同而制定的。
A.FOB B.CFR C.CIF D.FCA5. CIF Ex Ship's Hold与DES相比,买方承担的风险( A )。
无锡商业职业技术学院2010-2011学年第 一 学期《国际贸易实务(英语)》期终考试试卷题号 Part Ⅰ Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅴ Part Ⅵ Part VII 总分得分评阅人得分1. UCP600 is a code to standardize the conditions under which bankers are prepared to issue ( ).A .t raveler’s chequeB .documentary collectionC .bills of exchangeD .documentary credit 2. According to the stipulation of INCOTERMS 2000,FOB is only suitable for ()transportation.A. SEAB. INLAND WA TERW AY TRANSPORTC. RAILWAYD. SEA AND INLAND W ATERW AY TRANSPORT 3. Regarding the expenses borne by the seller ,the following correct one is () A.FOB>CFR>CIF B.FOB>CIF>CFR C.CIF>CFR>FOB D.CIF>FOB>CFR 4. Under ( ) terms, the seller ’s responsible is minimum.A.FOBB.DAFC.EXWD.FAS 5. Under ()terms, the seller ’s responsible is maximum.A.DDUB.DAFC.EXWD.DDP 6. FAQ is used for ()A. agricultural and by-product productB. industrial productC. mechanical productD.wood and aquatic products 7. Cotton 、raw silk 、wool usually adopt () weight B. gross weightC.conditioned weightD. theoretical weight8. Y our customer asks your bank to handle a collection outwards on his behalf. Y our bank is( ).A .the reimbursing bankB .the negotiating bankC .the remitting bankD .the collecting bank密封线密封线内不准答题系部: 班级: 姓名: 学号:Part ⅠChoose the best answer. ( 20% )9.Remitting bank is the bank to which the ( ) entrusts the collection items.A. drawerB. payerC. draweeD. importer10.The purpose of an acceptance credit is to give the ( ) time to make payment.A. advertising bankB. negotiation bankC. importerD. paying bank11.Where goods are to be dispatched by road, rail or air instead of by sea, the documentarycredit will call for a road transport document or a rail transport document or an airway bill instead of().A.a bill of exchange B.a certificate of originC.a bill of lading D.a certificate of insurance12. A clean transport documents is one which bears no clause or notation declaring adefective condition of the ().A.vessel B.B/L itselfC.goods or their packaging D.voyage13. Which of the following payment modes may bring the lowest risk to a seller?()A.T/T in advance B.L/CC.D/P D.D/A14.A bank that opens an L/C at the request of an importer is a (an)().A.issuing bank B.paying bankC.accepting bank D.informing bank15. The risk to the exporter in open account trading is that by surrendering the shippingdocuments to the importer, he()before he has obtained payment for them.A.is in control of the goods B.loses control of the goodsC.retains control of the goods D.gives up control of the goods16.The collecting bank may release the documents against the buyer’s acceptance of a()draft on documents against acceptance basis.A.usance B.sightC.bank D.commercial17. The following are the basic functions of a bill of lading except acting as().A.a receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporterB.a certificate of origin, which certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country C.a document of title to goods being shipped overseasD.a quasi-negotiable document18. “Financial documents”means bills of exchange, promissory notes, ()or other similarinstruments used for obtaining the payment of money. A .invoices B .deposit receipts C .checks D .bills of lading 19. A bank, acting on instructions from the ( ), issues L/C.A .exporterB .importerC .sellerD .consignor20. Credit operations of all parties concerned deal with ( ).A .goodsB .goods and documentsC .documentsD .L/C得分得分41. International tradePart Ⅱ Terms translation. ( 20% )Part Ⅲ Terms (10% )31. 贸易壁垒 32. 报关 33. 保兑信用证 34. 跟单汇票 35. 单据买卖 36. 追索权 37. 滞期费 38. 象征性交货 39. 品质公差 40. 绝对配额21. trade surplus 22. export tax rebates 23. visible trade 24. market failure 25. economic sanction 26. sustainable development 27. profit margin 28. corresponding bank 29. discount house 30. performance guarantee42. Offer43. Quality of goods 44. The balance of payment 得分45. What are the significations of B/L? 46. What are the principles of L/C settlement? 47. What are the stages to reach an agreement? 得分48. The invoice value is USD 528,000.00, number is 5536P211. ISSUING BANK: BANK OF CHINA, LIAONING BRANCH L/C NO.: 860002144560 DA TED: 2006-6-7EXPIRY DATE: 2006-8-21 IN JAPANAPPLICANT: DALIAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMP.& EXP.CORPORA TION 35 YUHA STREET, DALIAN, CHINA BENEFICIARY: NISSHO IWAI CORPORA TION TOKYO, JAPAN AMOUNT: USD 528,000.00A V AILABLE WITH/BY: BANK OF CHINA, TOKYO BRANCH TOKYOBY NEGOTIATIONDRAFTS AT: 120 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SHIPMENT FOR 100PCT OF THEPart Ⅳ Questions ( 10% )Part ⅤPlease make out the draft with the following information. (10%)INVOICE V ALUEDRAWEE: BANK OF CHINA, LIAONING BRANCH得分49. A company purchased four kinds of steel plate: 400M/T. and the type is 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch. The quantity is 100M/T each size, and the contract marked that: “5% more or less for each size, at seller’s option” When the seller delivered the goods, the quantity is :6 inch---70M/T; 8 inch---80 M/T; 10 inch---60 M/T;12 inch---210 M/T. And the total quantity is 420 M/T. When the exporter submits the full set of document, the importer refuses to receive the goods owing to quantity problems.Question: Do you think the importer’s action is reasonable? Please list your reasons. 50. On FOB term basis, Seller A prepared the goods at the stipulated time, meanwhile , Buyer B informed A of the name of vessel and the date of shipment ,when the goods was lifted to the ship, it fell down on the deck ,so now who shall take responsibility, seller or buyer? Why?No.________________ ____________________ Exchange for _____________________At _________________________________________Sight of this First of Exchange (Second of the same tenor and date unpaid) pay to the order of_____________________________________________________________ the sum of ___________________________________________________ Drawn under _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________To ___________________________________________________________ ________________________Part VI Case study ( 15% )密封 线密封线内不准答题系部: 班级: 姓名: 学号:51. A Chinese company imported some flammable liquid chemical raw material from a French company. When the goods arrived at the destination, it was found that there was a slight leakage caused by the defect in a few packages. However, the Chinese company failed to take any measures to save the loss and prevent the damage from expanding. As a result, the leakage worsened after the warehousing of the goods and led to a self-ignited fire. Afterwards, the Chinese company claimed against the French company for full compensation of the total loss, but was refused. Do you think the French company’s refusal is reasonable? Why?Part VII Calculation ( 15% )得分52. 我国某出口公司出口商品US$1,000 per metric ton CIFC2%NEW YORK。
无锡商业职业技术学院2010-2011学年第 一 学期《国际贸易实务(英语)》期终考试试卷题号 Part Ⅰ Part Ⅱ Part Ⅲ Part Ⅳ Part Ⅴ Part Ⅵ Part VII 总分得分评阅人得分1. UCP600 is a code to standardize the conditions under which bankers are prepared to issue ( ).A .t raveler’s chequeB .documentary collectionC .bills of exchangeD .documentary credit 2. According to the stipulation of INCOTERMS 2000,FOB is only suitable for ()transportation.A. SEAB. INLAND WA TERW AY TRANSPORTC. RAILWAYD. SEA AND INLAND W ATERW AY TRANSPORT 3. Regarding the expenses borne by the seller ,the following correct one is () A.FOB>CFR>CIF B.FOB>CIF>CFR C.CIF>CFR>FOB D.CIF>FOB>CFR 4. Under ( ) terms, the seller ’s responsible is minimum.A.FOBB.DAFC.EXWD.FAS 5. Under ()terms, the seller ’s responsible is maximum.A.DDUB.DAFC.EXWD.DDP 6. FAQ is used for ()A. agricultural and by-product productB. industrial productC. mechanical productD.wood and aquatic products 7. Cotton 、raw silk 、wool usually adopt () weight B. gross weightC.conditioned weightD. theoretical weight8. Y our customer asks your bank to handle a collection outwards on his behalf. Y our bank is( ).A .the reimbursing bankB .the negotiating bankC .the remitting bankD .the collecting bank密封线密封线内不准答题系部: 班级: 姓名: 学号:Part ⅠChoose the best answer. ( 20% )9.Remitting bank is the bank to which the ( ) entrusts the collection items.A. drawerB. payerC. draweeD. importer10.The purpose of an acceptance credit is to give the ( ) time to make payment.A. advertising bankB. negotiation bankC. importerD. paying bank11.Where goods are to be dispatched by road, rail or air instead of by sea, the documentarycredit will call for a road transport document or a rail transport document or an airway bill instead of().A.a bill of exchange B.a certificate of originC.a bill of lading D.a certificate of insurance12. A clean transport documents is one which bears no clause or notation declaring adefective condition of the ().A.vessel B.B/L itselfC.goods or their packaging D.voyage13. Which of the following payment modes may bring the lowest risk to a seller?()A.T/T in advance B.L/CC.D/P D.D/A14.A bank that opens an L/C at the request of an importer is a (an)().A.issuing bank B.paying bankC.accepting bank D.informing bank15. The risk to the exporter in open account trading is that by surrendering the shippingdocuments to the importer, he()before he has obtained payment for them.A.is in control of the goods B.loses control of the goodsC.retains control of the goods D.gives up control of the goods16.The collecting bank may release the documents against the buyer’s acceptance of a()draft on documents against acceptance basis.A.usance B.sightC.bank D.commercial17. The following are the basic functions of a bill of lading except acting as().A.a receipt for the goods from the shipping company to the exporterB.a certificate of origin, which certifies that the goods were produced in a particular country C.a document of title to goods being shipped overseasD.a quasi-negotiable document18. “Financial documents”means bills of exchange, promissory notes, ()or other similarinstruments used for obtaining the payment of money. A .invoices B .deposit receipts C .checks D .bills of lading 19. A bank, acting on instructions from the ( ), issues L/C.A .exporterB .importerC .sellerD .consignor20. Credit operations of all parties concerned deal with ( ).A .goodsB .goods and documentsC .documentsD .L/C得分得分41. International tradePart Ⅱ Terms translation. ( 20% )Part Ⅲ Terms (10% )31. 贸易壁垒 32. 报关 33. 保兑信用证 34. 跟单汇票 35. 单据买卖 36. 追索权 37. 滞期费 38. 象征性交货 39. 品质公差 40. 绝对配额21. trade surplus 22. export tax rebates 23. visible trade 24. market failure 25. economic sanction 26. sustainable development 27. profit margin 28. corresponding bank 29. discount house 30. performance guarantee42. Offer43. Quality of goods 44. The balance of payment 得分45. What are the significations of B/L? 46. What are the principles of L/C settlement? 47. What are the stages to reach an agreement? 得分48. The invoice value is USD 528,000.00, number is 5536P211. ISSUING BANK: BANK OF CHINA, LIAONING BRANCH L/C NO.: 860002144560 DA TED: 2006-6-7EXPIRY DATE: 2006-8-21 IN JAPANAPPLICANT: DALIAN LIGHT INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTS IMP.& EXP.CORPORATION 35 YUHA STREET, DALIAN, CHINA BENEFICIARY: NISSHO IWAI CORPORA TION TOKYO, JAPAN AMOUNT: USD 528,000.00A V AILABLE WITH/BY: BANK OF CHINA, TOKYO BRANCH TOKYOBY NEGOTIATIONDRAFTS AT: 120 DAYS AFTER THE DATE OF SHIPMENT FOR 100PCT OF THEPart Ⅳ Questions ( 10% )Part ⅤPlease make out the draft with the followingINVOICE V ALUEDRAWEE: BANK OF CHINA, LIAONING BRANCH得分49. A company purchased four kinds of steel plate: 400M/T. and the type is 6 inch, 8 inch, 10 inch and 12 inch. The quantity is 100M/T each size, and the contract marked that: “5% more or less for each size, at seller’s option” When the seller delivered the goods, the quantity is :6 inch---70M/T; 8 inch---80 M/T; 10 inch---60 M/T;12 inch---210 M/T. And the total quantity is 420 M/T. When the exporter submits the full set of document, the importer refuses to receive the goods owing to quantity problems.Question: Do you think the importer’s action is reasonable? Please list your reasons. 50. On FOB term basis, Seller A prepared the goods at the stipulated time, meanwhile , Buyer B informed A of the name of vessel and the date of shipment ,when the goods was lifted to the ship, it fell down on the deck ,so now who shall take responsibility, seller or buyer? Why?No.________________ ____________________ Exchange for _____________________At _________________________________________Sight of this First of Exchange (Second of the same tenor and date unpaid) pay to the order of_____________________________________________________________ the sum of ___________________________________________________ Drawn under _________________________________________________ _________________________________________________To ___________________________________________________________ ________________________Part VI Case study ( 15% )密封 线密封线内不准答题系部: 班级: 姓名: 学号:51. A Chinese company imported some flammable liquid chemical raw material from a French company. When the goods arrived at the destination, it was found that there was a slight leakage caused by the defect in a few packages. However, the Chinese company failed to take any measures to save the loss and prevent the damage from expanding. As a result, the leakage worsened after the warehousing of the goods and led to a self-ignited fire. Afterwards, the Chinese company claimed against the French company for full compensation of the total loss, but was refused. Do you think the French company’s refusal is reasonable? Why?Part VII Calculation ( 15% )得分52. 我国某出口公司出口商品US$1,000 per metric ton CIFC2%NEW YORK。
国际贸易实务 期末试卷(含答案解析)
)1.下列选项中,不属于询盘注意事项的是( )。
A.具体B.诚意C.笼统D.注意商务礼2.以下哪个不是询盘常用的形式( )。
A.传真B.邮件C.电话D.传话3.以下条件哪个不是询盘( )。
A.请报价B.请寄价格表C.请寄产品目录D.请降价4.交易磋商的环节中,哪个阶段是不具备法律约束力的( )。
A.询盘B.发盘C.还盘D.接受5.商品的命名尽量以( )用法为准。
A.本地区的B.本国的C.国际通行的D.卖方命名的6.《公约》中规定,如果卖方交货与合同规定的品质不符,买方( )该批货物。
A.有权拒绝接受B.无权拒绝接受C.听从卖方指示接受7、在国际贸易中,凡属“货"、“样”不能完全一致的商品,一般都不适宜( )。
A.凭样品买卖B.凭规格买卖C.凭产地买卖D.凭说明书买卖8.下列不是运输包装上的标志的是( )。
A.运输标志B.指示性标志C.警告性标志D.条形码9.“唛头"是运输包装标志中的( )。
A.主要标志B.目的地标志C.原产地包装D.件号包装10.FOB条件下卖方的义务是( )。
A.负责出口报关B.负责投保C.负责租船订舱D.负责进口报关11. CFR/CIF术语下,办理保险者应为( )。
A. 买方/卖方B. 卖方/买方C. 买方/买方D. 卖方/卖方12.就卖方承担的费用而言,正确的是( )。
A. FOB > CFR > CIFB. FOB > CIF > CFRC. CIF > CFR > FOBD. CIF > FOB > CFR13.班轮运送货物如果运费计收标准为“A.V",则表示( )。
A.按货物毛重计收B.按货物体积计收C.按商品价格计收D.按货物件数计收14.班轮运输中的“一负责"指的是( )。
专科《国际贸易实务》一、 (共75题,共150分)1. 某发盘人在其订约建议中加有“仅供参考”字样,则这一订约建议为( )。
发盘 B。
递盘 C。
邀请发盘 D。
出口羊毛计算重量,通常采用的计量方式法是( )。
公量 B。
净重 C.毛重 D。
承保海上风险和一般外来风险使货物致损的最低险别是( ). (2分)A。
一切险 B。
平安险 C.水渍险 D.附加险.标准答案:B4。
承兑交单属于( )方式的一种。
信用证 B.汇付 C.保理 D。
解决国际贸易争议的途径很多,其中对双方当事人相对不利的一种是( )。
(2分)A.友好协商B.调解 C。
仲裁 D。
( )是指议付行收到收益人的单据和(或)汇票后,经审查无误,将单据和汇票寄交国外付款行索取货款,待收到付款行将货款拨入议付行账户的贷记通知书时,即按当日外汇牌价折成人民币收入受益人账户。
定期结汇 B.收妥结汇 C。
交单结汇 D。
寄售协议在性质上属于( )。
(2分)A.信托合同 B。
委托合同 C.买卖合同 D。
标准答案:A8. 复杂的转手贸易往往表现为( )。
记账贸易 D。
卖方 B。
承运人 C。
保险公司 D。
银行.标准答案:A10. 托收方式下的D/P和D/A的主要区别是( )。
标准答案:B11. 买卖合同中规定溢短装条款,是允许卖方( )。
在交货质量上有一定幅度的差异B.在交货数量上有一定幅度的差异C.在包装规格上有一定幅度的差异D.在交货品质上有一定幅度的差异.标准答案:B12. 按照中国保险条款的规定,一切险的责任范围是指( )再加上一般外来原因所致的全部和部分损失。
()4.按照FOB Under Tackle的规定,卖方的交货地点是买方指定船舶的吊钩所及之处。
福建对外经济贸易职业技术学院09级三年制高职2021届清考补测验卷课程名称:国际贸易实务适用班级:09商务文秘、09商务英语〔电子文秘〕、07商务英语〔岁昌〕系别:姓名:专业:班级:测验日期:学号:一二三四五六题型得分总分评卷人〔20%〕〔20%〕〔10%〕〔15%〕〔11%〕〔24%〕此题得分小计一、单项选择题( 本大题共20 小题,每题 1 分,共20 分)〔〕1. 按照 ?2000 年国际贸易术语解释通那么? ,买卖双方风险划分的边界与费用划分的边界不一致的贸易术语是A.D组 B .C组 C .F 组 D .E组〔〕2. 按照?2000年国际贸易术语解释通那么? ,卖方责任义务最小的贸易术语是A.EXW B .DDP C .DDU D .DAF〔〕3.对一些质量不不变的初级产物,在规定品质条款时,其灵活制定品质指标常用A.品质机动幅度 B .品质公差C.交货品质与样品大体相等 D .规定一个约量〔〕4. ?UCP60?0规定“约〞允许有关金额或数量的增减幅度不超过A. 9%B.10%C.13%D.15%〔〕5. 小件急需品和贵重货物,其有利的运输方式是A. 海洋运输B. 邮包运输C. 航空运输D. 公路运输〔〕6. “小心轻放〞为A.危险性标记C.警告性标记B.易燃性标记D.指示性标记〔〕7.在国际货物保险中,不克不及单独投保的险别是A. 淡水雨淋险B. 水渍险C. 安然险D. 一切险〔〕8.以下不在一切险承保范围内的险别是A.盗窃提货不着险 B .渗漏险 C .交货不到险 D .碰损险〔〕9.“四川榨菜〞顶用来说明商品品质的方法是A.凭商标或品牌 B .凭尺度 C .凭规格 D .凭产地名称〔〕10.进出口业务中,M/T暗示A. 电汇B. 票汇C. 信汇D. 托收〔〕11. 假设汇票受款人一栏内写明“Pay to the order of ,, 〞那么该汇票是A. 不成畅通转让B. 可以经背书转让C. 无须背书,即可畅通转让D. 由出票人决定是否可以转让〔〕12. 国际货物买卖使用托收方式,委托并通过银行收取货款,使用的汇票是A. 商业汇票,属于商业信用C. 商业汇票,属于银行信用B. 银行汇票,属于银行信用D. 银行汇票,属于商业信用〔〕13.D/P·T/R 意指A.付款交单 B .承兑交单C.付款交单凭信托收据借单 D .承兑交单凭信托收据借单〔〕14. 在进出口业务中,能够作为物权凭证的运输单据有A. 商业发票B. 提单C. 航空运单〔〕15.按照 ?联合国国际货物发卖合同公约?的规定,构成一项十分确定的发盘的三个主要条件是D. 铁路运单A. 价格,数量,付款条件B. 价格,数量,交货期C. 价格或规订价格的方法;数量或规定命量的方法;货物的名称D. 价格,数量,品质〔〕16.?联合国国际货物发卖合同公约?规定的索赔期限为买方实际收到货物后A.半年内 B .1 年内 C .1 年半内 D .2 年内〔〕17.在交易磋商过程中,有条件的接受是A.还盘的一种形式C.发盘的一种形式B .接受的一种形式D .发盘的邀请〔〕18.有关合同成立的时间,?公约?规定A.接受生效时间即为合同成立时间B.投邮时间即为合同成立时间C.发盘生效时间即为合同成立时间D.还盘发出时间即为合同成立时间〔〕19.大都国家都认定仲裁裁决是A.终局性的 B .可更改的 C .无约束力的 D .不确定的〔〕20.按照 ?跟单信用证统一惯例?的规定,如信用证没有特殊规定,受益人交单的时间不宜超过运输单据签发后A.5 天 B .7 天 C .15 天 D .21 天此题得分小计二、多项选择题〔本大题共10 小题,每题 2 分,共20 分〕〔〕1.信用证与买卖合同之间存在着微妙的关系,当事人在采用信用证支付方式时应注意A. 信用证以买卖合同为根底开立,必需与买卖合同完全一致B. 即使信用证中提及买卖合同,银行也不受买卖合同的约束C. 当信用证与买卖合同规定不符时,受益人必需按买卖合同规定履约D. 申请人与受益人之间的纠纷不影响开证行履行本身的义务〕2.按照 ?2000年国际贸易术语解释通那么? ,FOB、CFR和CIF 的共同点暗示为〔A. 交货地址都是在装运港B. 均适用于水上运输方式C. 风险划分都是以船舷为界D. 买卖双方承当的责任义务不异〕3.海运提单的性质与作用主要是〔A. 海运单据的独一暗示形式B. 代表货物所有权C. 承运人与托运人之间订立的运输契约的证明D. 承运人或其代办署理人出具的货物收据〔〔〔〔〕4.以下情况中,不属于不成抗力事件的有A. 地动〕5.属于商业信用的支付方式是A. 汇付B. 托收C. 信用证〕6.联合国制定的尺度运输标记主要包罗B .当局禁令C .能源危机D .汇率变更D. 银行保函A. 目的地 B. 件数号码 C. 收货人代号 D. 参考号〕7.构成一项有效的发盘,必需具备的条件包罗A.发盘应向一个或一个以上特定的人提出B.必需说明发盘人在其发盘一旦被受盘人接受即受约束的意思C.必需规定发盘的有效期D.发盘内容必需十分确定〔〔〕8.按照货物是否装船分类,提单有A. 清洁提单B. 不清洁提单C. 装船提单D. 备运提单〕9.海运方式下出口肠衣一批,为防止在运输途中因容器损坏而引起渗漏损掉,进口商应要求出口商投保A.渗漏险 B .一切险C.一切险加保渗漏险 D .水渍险加保渗漏险〔〕10.在进出口合同中,单价条款包罗的内容是A. 计量单元B. 单价金额C. 计价货币D. 贸易术语此题得分小计三、判断题〔本大题共10 小题,每题 1 分,共10 分〕〔〕1. 不成抗力是买卖合同中的一项免责条款。
). 在商品和包装上不注明生产国的包装是()。
. 中性包装. 无牌包装. 非使用包装. 使用包装. 进口生丝毛,计算重量的方法一般采用()。
. 净重. 毛重. 公量. 理论重量. 唛头一般不包括以下哪项内容( )。
. 收货人简称或代号. 参考号. 件号. 装货港. 下列术语中,卖方不负责办理出口手续及支付相关费用的是()。
. “空白抬头,空白背书”提单是指()。
. 提单正面“”一栏空白,由托运人在提单背面签字. 提单正面“”一栏空白,无须背书. 提单正面“”一栏填“ ”,由托运人在提单背面签字. 提单正面“”一栏填“ ”,无须背书.对于价值较低的商品,往往采用()计算其重量。
.以毛作净.法定重量.净重.理论重量.凭卖方样品成交时,应留存( )以备交货时核查之用。
.回样. 复样.参考样. 对等样. 象征性交货是指()。
.卖方没有实际交货.卖方按约定完成装运,并向买方交单据代替交货.卖方未按期在约定地点完成装运.卖方未按合同履行交货合同.若合同规定有品质公差条款,则在公差范围内,买方( )。
. 不得拒收货物. 可以拒收货物. 可以要求调整价格. 可以拒收货物也可以要求调整价格. 货物的外包装上有一只酒杯,这种标志属于()。
. .. ..贸易术语表示的是()。
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江苏通州中专电大通州学院2013—2014学年第一学期《国际贸易实务》期终考试试卷出卷人:吴飞云审核人:张林娣专业部:班级:姓名:学号:得分:一、判断题(1*20)1. ()在国际贸易中,达成一项交易的两个必不可少的环节是发盘和接受。
2. ()在交易磋商过程中,发盘是卖方作出的行为,接受是由买方作出的行为。
3. ()不可撤销的发盘是不能撤回的。
4. ()某外商来电要我提供大豆,按含油量18%,含水分14%,不完全粒7%,杂质1%的规格订立合同,对此,在一般情况下,我方可以接受。
5. ()按买方来样,我复制一样品寄买方确认。
6. ()我国从日本进口货物,如按FOB条件成交,需由我方派船到日本口岸接运货物;如按CIF条件成交,则由日方租船舶将货物运往中国港口。
可见,我方按FOB 进口承担的货物运输风险,比按CIF进口承担的风险大。
7. ()合同中规定装运条款为“9/10 月份装运”,我出口公司必须将货物于 9 月、10 月两个月内,每月各装一批。
8. ()按国际惯例,凡装在同一航次及同一条船上的货物,即使装运时间与装运地点不同,也不作为分批装运论。
9. ()使用班轮运输货物时,货方不再另行支付装卸费。
A. 除非发盘人及时提出异议,该逾期接受有效,合同成立B. 只要发盘人及时表示确认,该逾期接受有效,合同成立C. 该逾期接受丧失接受效力,合同未成立2、据《公约》规定,下列哪些为一项发盘必须具备的基本要素?()A、货名品质数量B、货名数量价格C、货名价格支付方式D、货名品质价格3、某发盘人在其订约建议中加有“仅供参考”字样,则这一订约建议为( ) 。
A.发盘.递盘.邀请发盘.还盘4、按照《联合国国际货物销售合同公约》的解释,有效的接受必须( )。
A.以口头或书面声明方式表示出来.以某种行为方式表示出来C.以上二者均可 D.以上二者须同时具备5、国外来证规定,交货数量为 10000 公吨散装货,未表明可否溢短装,不准分批装运,根据《UCP 500》规定,卖方发货的()。
A. 数量和总金额均可增减 10%B. 数量和总金额均可增减 5%C. 数量可增减 5% ,总金额不得超过信用证总金额6、凭样品买卖时,如果合同中无其他规定,那么卖方所交货物( )。
A.可以与样品大致相同必须与样品完全一致允许有合理公差 D. 允许在包装规格上有一定幅度的差异7、我们所说的FAQ一般是指:()A.精选货B.一级品C.大路货D.次品8、根据《UCP600》,除非信用证规定货物的数量不得有增减外,在所支付款项不超过信用证金额的条件下,货物数量准许的增减幅度为:()A.4%B.5%C.8%D.10%9、凭样品买卖时,如果合同中无其他规定,那么卖方所交货物:()A.可以与样品大致相同B.必须与样品完全一致C.允许有合理公差D.允许在包装规格上有一定幅度的差异10、珠宝、首饰等商品具有独特性质,在出口确定其品质时:()A.最好用样品磋商B.最好用文字说明C.最好看货洽谈成交D.最好用图片说明11、在来样加工出口合同中,确定商品品质的方法应该是:()A.以买方样品为准B.以对等样品为准C.以卖方样品为准D.以图样为准12、《INCOTEMS 2000》C 组贸易术语与其它各组贸易术语的重要区别之一是()。
A. 交货地点不同B. 风险划分地点不同C. 风险和费用划分的地点相分离13、青岛进口一批货物,从日本东京空运至青岛,日方支付运费和保险费并承担货物的风险责任至青岛,日方办理出关手续,中方办理进关手续和卸货。
按以上交易条件和《2010通则》,应选用的贸易术语是( )A.CIF青岛B. CIP青岛C. DAP青岛D. DDP青岛14、下列我方出口单价写法正确的是( )A.每吨1000美元FOB伦敦B.每打100法国法郎FOB净价减1%折扣C.每码3.50HKD CIFC2%香港D.500英镑CFR净价伦敦15、就卖方承担的风险而言,()。
A、CIF比FOB大B、CFR比FOB大C、CIF与FOB相同D、CIF比CFR大16.在国际贸易中佣金应付给( )。
A.收货人 B.发货人 C.中间商 D.委托人17、在国际贸易中,海运提单的签发日期是指()。
A. 货物开始装船的日期B. 货物全部装船完毕的日期C. 货物装船完华船舶起航的日期18、必须经过背书才能进行转让的提单是()。
A. 记名提单B. 不记名提单C. 指示提单19、一般情况下CIF价比FOB价要多考虑()。
A、《2010通则》B、《1932年华沙—牛津规则》C、《1941年美国对外贸易定义修订本》D、《汉堡规则》4、按提单对货物表面状况有无不良批注,可分为( )。
A.清洁提单 B.不清洁提单 C.记名提单 D.不记名提单5、租船运输包括()。
A.定期租船 B.集装箱运输 C.班轮运输 D.定程租船6、出口茶叶,为防止运输途中串味,办理保险时,应投保()。
A、ALL RISKSB、WPAC、FPAD、WAR RISK8、汇付的方式可以分为:()A、汇款B、信汇C、电汇D、票汇9、汇付业务中所涉及的当事人主要有:()A、汇款人B、汇出行C、汇入行D、收款人10、构成不可抗力事件的要件有:()A、事件发生在合同签订后B、不是由于当事人的故意或过失所造成的C、事件的发生及其造成的后果是当事人无法预见、控制、避免或克服的D、不可抗力是免责条款四、案例分析(5*6)1、我向一美商购进棉花一批,合同价格规定为每公吨1450美元FOBNewYork,通知对方装货,但对方要求我方负担从纽约城内仓库至装上船的一切费用。
试问我方应如何处理?2、2009 年1 月份我国某一进口商与东南亚某国以CIF 条件签订合同进口香米,由于考虑到海上运输距离较近,且运输时间段海上一般风平浪静,于是卖方在没有办理海上货运保险的情况下将货物运至我国某一目的港口,适逢国内香米价格下跌,我国进口商便以出口方没有办理货运保险,卖方提交的单据不全为由,拒收货物和拒付货款。
问这一合同的性质是否还属于CIF合同?4、某出口公司对美成交女上衣 1000件,合同规定绿色和红色上衣按3︰7搭配,即绿色300件,红色700件。
对此,我方应如何处理?五、计算题(5*2)1、我某公司出口一批商品共 1 000 公吨,出口价格为每公吨2 000 美元CIF × × × 港。
客户现要求改报 FOBC5% 上海价。
查该商品总重量为 1 200 公吨,总体积 1 100 立方米,海运运费按 W /M 计收,每运费吨基本运费率为 120 美元,港口附加费 15% ,原报价的保险金额按 CIF 价另加成10% ,保险险别为一切险,保险费率为 1% ,试求该商品的FOBC5% 上海价。
问保险金额及保险费多少?国际贸易实务期终考试参考答案一、判断以下说法正确与否,并说明理由:1. √ 2、× 3. × 4.× 5. × 6. × 7.×8.√9.√ 10. × 11. ×12. × 13. ×14. ×15. × 16. √ 17. √ 18. √ 19. × 20. √二.选择题1、A2、B 3.4.C 5. C 6. B 7、C 8、B 9、B 10、C 11、B 12.D 13.C 14. C 15、C 16、C 17、B 18、C 19、B 20、B四、多项选择1、AB2、ABCD3、ABC4、AB5、AD6、BCD7、ABC8、BCD9、ABCD 10、ABCD四、案例题1、参考答案:我方不应负担这笔费用,因为在<<2010通则>>,对于FOB术语中买卖双方的费用划分问题做了明确规定,卖方承担越过装运港船上船之前的一切费用和风险,案例中从纽约城内仓库至船上这段路程的运费属于越过装运港船上之前的费用,所以应由美方来承担。