2011秋福师《中国化的马克思主义(邓小平理论概论)》在线作业一多选题(共10 道试题,共20 分。
)得分:201. 社会保障是一个庞大的体系,主要包括()A. 社会救济B. 社会保险C. 社会福利D. 社会优抚E. 社会互助正确答案:ABCDE 满分:2 分得分:22. 邓小平理论是()A. 当代中国的马克思主义B. 中国共产党的指导思想C. 中华民族振兴的精神支柱D. 时代精神与民族精神的统一E. 社会主义与爱国主义的统一正确答案:ABCDE 满分:2 分得分:23. 农业在国民经济中的基础作用表现在它()。
A. 为人们提供基本生活资料B. 为轻工业提供重要原料C. 为工业发展提供广阔市场D. 为经济建设提供资金积累E. 占国内生产总值比重的提高正确答案:ABCD 满分:2 分得分:24. 我国社会主义新时期党的建设主要包括()A. 思想建设B. 文化建设C. 经济建设D. 组织建设E. 作风建设正确答案:ADE 满分:2 分得分:25. 全国人民代表大会是我国的____。
A. 最高权力机关B. 最高立法机关C. 最高司法机关D. 最高监察机关E. 最高行政机关正确答案:AB 满分:2 分得分:26. 中国关于建立国际政治经济新秩序的主张包括()A. 以和平共处五项原则为基础建立国际政治经济新秩序B. 合理改革联合国机构C. 一手抓反对霸权主义和强权政治,一手抓打击恐怖主义D. 国际政治经济新秩序应包括国际政治新秩序和国际经济新秩序两个方面的内容E. 反对贸易壁垒正确答案:ABD 满分:2 分得分:27. 对“和平与发展是当今时代的主题”,正确的理解有()。
A. 和平与发展已经是一种事实B. 总体来说,和平与发展还是一种奋斗目标C. 世界和平与发展这两大问题,至今一个也没有解决D. 和平问题已经解决,但发展还要经过长期奋斗E. 发展问题已经解决,但和平还要经过长期奋斗正确答案:BC 满分:2 分得分:28. 社会主义初级阶段是我国建设社会主义不可逾越的一个历史阶段()A. 它反映了社会主义代替资本主义的客观必然性B. 它反映了我国的基本国情C. 它决定了生产力落后、商品经济不发达的客观条件D. 它的历史任务是实现工业化和经济的社会化、市场化、现代化E. 它的战略目标是摆脱贫困解决温饱,实现小康正确答案:BCD 满分:2 分得分:29. 衡量各方面工作成败的得失“三个有利于”标准是____A. 是否以利于安定团结B. 是否以利于发展社会主义生产力C. 是否有利于增强社会主义国家的综合国力D. 是否有利于国家的国际地位提高E. 是否有利于提高人民的生活水平正确答案:BCE 满分:2 分得分:210. 新世纪推进党的建设新的伟大工程,必须解决的两大课题是()。
取f 1.6GHz,代入得: Z C 337 j121.38
B 0.032 A
6、从B点顺时针转j 0.22 7、Zin Zin ZC 116 j88
0.218 0.038 C B 0.032 A
Z min jZ C tan 2 lmin Z L ZC Z C jZ min tan 2 lmin 38 j 77
(2)圆图法: U max 1、 5, U min 入图点A:Z 5 2、过A点作等驻波比圆 交负实轴于B点 3、从B点反时针转 0.33到C点 4、Z L 0.761 j1.542 5、ZL =ZL ZC 38 j 77
0.33 C 0.17
作业1 17 已知一传输线长度l 0.82,线上电压波腹为U max 50V,电压 波节为U min 13V,波腹距离负载lmax 0.032,Z C 400。求: Zin和Z L。 解: (1)理论解:
U max 3.85 U min 由: 得: 解得: Z L jZ C tan l Z in Z C Z C jZ L tan l Z max Z L jZ C tan lmax ZC Z C jZ L tan lmax Z max Z C 1538
解: (1) 2
Z L jZ C tan l Z in Z C Z C jZ L tan l 215 j 0
Parent photo buses life half child woman toothParents photos buses lives halves children women teeth2、频度副词often, always, sometimes等在句中的位置是有规律的,请写出这些规律,并各举一个例句。
(1)在动词 to be之后:Are you always at home on Sunday?(2)在实意动词之前:I sometimes go to London.(3)在含有助动词的句子中,置于助动词之后,实意动词之前。
I do not often go to work3、请写现在进行时的两种用法,并分别举一个例句。
He is talking to a customer.(2)现在进行时也可以表示这一段时期正在进行的活动,虽然在此时此刻江没有进行。
Li Jun is working on a new database at the moment, but right now she is sleeping.4、请用学过的功能句型介绍你自己的姓名、年龄、所在城市、工作。
请用英语写(略)我的名字叫薛盟My name is Xue Meng. 我今年岁I am years old. 我在西安市工作I work in Xi`an. 我在公司做行政工作I do administrative work in the company.开放英语(1)作业1第一部分交际用语1. A2. B3. B4. B5. A第二部分词汇与结构6. B7. A8. C 9 .C 10. C 11 .B 12 .B 13. C 14 .C 15. C16. B 17. A 18. B 19. B 20. A 21. B 22. A 23. C 24. C 25. A第三部分句型变换26. He is a manager.Is he a manager?27. She usually goes to work by bus.Does she usually go to work by bus?28. There are fifty students in the class.Are there fifty students in the class?29. They have a large house.Have they a large house? / Do you have a large house?30. He’s currently working on TV advertisements.Is he currently working on TV advertisements?第四部分阅读理解31.B 32.A 33.A 34.B 35.B 36.B 37.B 38.B 39.A 40.C第五部分翻译 41--45题:将下列英文句子翻译成中文。
2011年秋季工程制图(本)网上作业1 及答案
2011 监督学形考作业册答案
监督学形考作业1参考答案作业1:香港廉政公署的成功经验有何借鉴意义?形式:小组讨论内容:1:个人的讨论提纲 2:小组讨论后形成的提纲答:一、个人的讨论提纲1、高层政府官员对腐败问题的深刻认识,对廉署一如既往的支持。
七十年代,合成热塑纤维材料的发展,使模杯模压技术有 了长足的发展,其间公布了多项专利 。
1975年在美国亚特兰大举办了第一届国际服装模压成型技 术大会,两年后在德国举办了第二届会议 。
80年代,第一个关于使用PU海绵材料模压的专利由Sear发 明,介绍两多层织物材料粘合后,进行模压成型的技术。
第1章 绪论
本章的学习目的 全面、充分地了解本课程的研究对象:内衣模杯
本章的主要内容 内衣模杯的基本概念
问题1:文胸是什么? 文胸是支托、覆盖并保护女性胸部的衣物。又称为胸 围、围胸、胸罩、胸衣等。 问题2:文胸的主要功能是什么? 文胸的主要功能有: 保护女性胸部维持理想的形nated Cup
Push-up Cup
Push-up Cup
T-shirt Bra
T-shirt Bra
One Piece Bra
One Piece Bra
对模杯的材料的一般要求: 材料柔软舒适、透气、透湿; 对皮肤无刺激作用; 有一定的牢固性、耐用性及良好的水洗性和耐干洗性; 弹性适中,凸而呈自然的弧形。 模杯的材料的种类: 尼龙材料 海绵材料 海绵材料的成分是聚氨酯。聚氨酯是聚氨基甲酸酯的 简称,英文名为polyurethane(PU) 经过松脂后整理处理的棉织物 经编间隔织物
1.2 模杯的加工方法分析
内衣模杯有如下特征: 内衣模杯是模杯型文胸中的罩杯。 内衣模杯由耐高温可塑性材料经金属模具热定型而成的。
A.实用性B.时效性C.规范性D.真实性5.应用文的写作的落款者,即(C )。
A.一个B.二个C.三个D.四个13.应用文对材料的要求中,最根本的标准是( A )。
1、在应用文中,每一文种都具有相对固定的模式,这种规范,有的是国家政府明文规定的,有的则是( C )的。
A、个人创造b、领导指定c 、约定俗成d、随意发挥4、应用文最重要和最本质的特征是(D )。
A、实用性b、时效性 c 、规范性d、真实性6、应用文的写作往往是“遵命”写作,这个“遵命”应该理解为:遵领导之命和(d)。
A、遵相关政策之命b、遵作者需要之命 c 、遵经济利益之命d、遵自然规律之命7、应用文写作者的政策水平,主要体现在政策的制作和( b )。
A、读者制约性b、读者喜好度 c 、读者信服度d、读者满意度10、确立文章的主题,就是所谓的(B)。
A、构思b、立意c、选材d、布局11、应用文要求主题“鲜明”,即主题必须(C )。
A、含蓄b、深刻 c 、突出d、正确12、一般来说,应用文的主题只能有( A )。
A、一个b、二个c、三个d、四个13、应用文对材料的要求中,最根本的标准是( A )。
A、真实b、形象 c 、典型d、新鲜14、确凿是指材料的( D)。
A、既有共性特征又有个性特点的事件和材料b、最能表现主题的材料c 、有着广泛代表性和强大说服力的事件和材料d、指重大事情或重要材料16、按照时间的发展顺序或思维的递进逻辑顺序来组织材料的构思方法是(B)。
A、横式布局方式b、纵式布局方式c、纵横式布局方式d、混合式布局方式17、即写明写作目的,有指出写作根据的开头方式是( D)。
业务处理题作业1练习1:2011年3月2日,辉正公司向宏伟公司销售产品,销售货款234 000元(含增值税)。
该产品的实际成本为100 000元,公允价值为90 000元。
辉正公司对该项应收账款计提了30 000元坏账准备。
要求:请为辉正公司和宏伟公司做出债务重组的计算及会计处理辉正公司:应收账款的账面价值=234000-30000=204000(元)进项税额=90000*17%=15300(元)重组债权损失=204000-90000-15300=98700(元)借:库存商品 90000应交税费-应交增值税(进项税额)15300坏账准备 30000营业外支出—债权重组损失 98700贷:应收账款 234000宏伟公司:销项税额=90000*17%=15300(元)重组债务利得=234000-(90000+15300)=128700(元)借:应付账款 23400贷:主营业务收入 90000应交税费—应交增值税(销项税额) 15300营业外收入—债务重组利得 128700借:主营业务成本 100000贷:库存商品 10000练习2:辉正公司于2011年4月1日向宏伟公司销售产品,价税合计510 000元。
该设备的账面原价为380 000元,已提折旧为30 000元,已提减值准备10 000元,公允价值300 000元。
辉正公司对该项应收账款已提坏账准备50 00 0元。
1 . 春节
2 . 中秋
3 . 端午
4 . 中元
6 . (4分)
闽台植物崇拜突出地表现在( )崇拜上。
1 . 树木
2 . 花草
3 . 灌木
4 . 森林
7 . (4分)
台湾人民的过节习俗与( )一带颇为相近。
参考答案或提示: 寺院制度
3 . (4分)
参考答案或提示: 明代
4 . (4分)
福建有不少纪念郑成功的庙堂,其中以( )的郑成功纪念馆规模最大。
参考答案或提示: 南安石井
5 . (4分)
参考答案或提示: 元代
6 . (4分)
第 1 大题
1 . (4分)
( )即农历腊月二十四日祭祀灶神,其习俗主要是拂尘和送灶。
参考答案或提示: 祭灶
2 . (4分)
闽台两地寺与寺之间关系密切。台湾不少寺院,除了在寺院名称、建筑布局 、( )等方面与福建寺院相近外,其密切关系还表现在许多寺院是福建寺院的分支,有香火联系。
3 . 第三期复返初期状态
4 . 总体趋势则呈萎缩状态
8 . (5分)
清末及民国时期,福建与台湾的海上交通主要有( )这些航线。
1 . 福州与台湾
2 . 厦门与台湾
3 . 泉州与台湾
4 . 东山与台湾
职业综合英语(1) 作业1
对外经济贸易大学继续教育学院夜大教育部2010-2011学年度第二学期2011金融高本专业新职业英语—职业综合英语(1)作业1Ⅰ. Match the words or phrases on the left with their meanings on the right. Group One1. acquireB A. make something increase2. operateG B. obtain something3. entertainF C. keep one’s distance from4. individual E D. be likely to do5. tend toJ E. a single person or thing6. fuelA F. receive people as guests7. implyD G. cause to work; manage8. stay away fromC H. person elected or appointed to act for others9. reflectI I. express or mean indirectly10. representativeH J. make clear; showGroup Two1. locate H A. way of acting or behavior towards other people2. sketchF B. the possibility that something will happen3. manner A C. an act of trying to do something4. remoteJ D. improve the quality, value or extent of something5. enhanceD E. program or timetable for work6. prospectB F. a rough or unfinished drawing or painting7. flatten I G. an objective or result towards which efforts are directed8. targetG H. find the exact position of something9. attemptC I. make or become flat10. scheduleE J. far away in space or timeⅡ. Multiple Choice For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. He had been a doctor for five years by the time he __D__ from the medical school.A. will graduateB. will have graduatedC. graduatesD. graduated2. An exhibition of paintings _B___ at the museum next week.A. are to be heldB. is to be heldC. are holdingD. will hold3. After the project ___C_, the engineers immediately started a new one.A. completedB. has completedC. had been completedD. has been completed4. We __D__ for an hour when the bus finally came.A. waitedB. have waitedC. have been waitingD. had been waiting5. Will you please lend me the manual when you _C___ it?A. will finishB. have finishedC. will have finishedD. finishing6. Rebecca is too young to _B___ in the house without a babysitter.A. be leftB. leaveC. be leavingD. leaves7. I don’t remember __A__ a chance to make a presentation before so manycustomers.A. having been givenB. having givenC. to have been givenD. to have given8. The room _A___ at the moment, so it isn’t looking.A. is being painted; its bestB. has painted; the bestC. is painted; its bestD. has been painted; best9. When her husband died, all her happiness _A___.A. was destroyedB. damagedC. had damagedD. destroyed10. Once environmental damage _D___, it takes many years for the system to recover.A. has doneB. is to doC. doesD. is done11. The old __B__ treated badly in some countries.A. isB. areC. hasD. was12. Both the secretary and the manager __B__ agreed to cancel the meeting.A. hasB. haveC. areD. was13. Either you or I __A__ going to the manager’s office after work.A. amB. isC. areD. will14. This is one of the best products that _A___ sold this year.A. have beenB. hasC. had beenD. have15. About 80 percent of the work __D__done yesterday.A. areB. isC. wereD. was16. I don’t think it’s necessary to go _B___ all the details in the mind.A. offB. overC. onD. by17. I’m not sure whether it is good or not. It ___B_ the result.A. leads toB. depends onC. brings aboutD. results in18. You need an __C__ production manager to solve the problemsA. efficientB. effectiveC. capableD. emotional19. The students gave their classrooms an extra clean and were ready __B__ the leader’s arrival.A. toB. forC. withD. in20. The old lady’s death was not known _C___ the policemen broke into her room.A. whenB. afterC. untilD. while21. The guide __A__ taking the small path to the scenic spot.A. decidedB. proposedC. thoughtD. planned22. We feel lonely because we haven’t spent much time communicating __A__ ourfriends.A. withB. toC. fromD. on23. The president brought __B__ all of the new ideas in the meeting and considered them one by one in the following days.A. upB. forwardC. togetherD. about24. My teacher said that I had a gift for art and if I stuck to A____.A. painting.B. paintC. be paintingD. be painted25. The experts _B___ this film would be popular in the world like Titanic.A. made senseB. made sureC. made believeD. made up26. He got _B___ his bicycle and bought two kilos of tomatoes.A. out ofB. downC. upD. off27. The strong wind was ___D_ the broken window.A. ready forB. responsible forC. sure ofD. free from28. My argument is based ___B_ a lot of facts.A. inB. onC. toD. from29. Confucianism is __A__ to most foreigners, but understandable to most Chinese.A. complexB. easyC. compoundD. complicated30. It’s said that rabbits ___C_ rather quickly.A. addB. minusC. multiplyD. divideⅢ. Cloze (2x 10) Each blank in the following passages is provided with four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the whole passage and choose the best answer for each blank. Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneBefore the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the US. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.Today the car is the most popular __1_D_ of transportation in all of the US. It has completely replaced the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for nearly 90% of all personal travel.Most Americans are able to __2_A_ cars. The average price of a recently-made car was $2 500 in 1950, $2 740 in 1960, and up to $4 750 __3_B_ 1975. during this period American car manufacturers set about __4_D_ their products and work efficiency. As a result, the yearly income of the __5_C_ family increased form 1950 to 1975 __6C__ than the price of cars. For this reason __7_D_ anew car takes a smaller part of a family’s total earnings today.In 1951 proportionally it took 8.1 months of an average family’s income to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car __8_D_ 8.3 months of a family’s annual earnings. By 1975 it only took 4.75 month’s income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically superior to models from previous years.The influence of the automobile extends throughout the economy __9B__ the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money __10__C their cars running than on any other items.1. A. kinds B. sort C. mean D. types2. A. buy B. sell C. race D. see3. A. on B. in C. behind D. about4. A. raising B. making C. reducing D. improving5. A. unusual B. interested C. average D biggest.6. A. slowest B. equal C. faster D. less7. A. bringing B. obtain C. buy D. purchasing8. A. used B. spent C. cost D. needed9. A. then B. as C. so D. which10. A. starting B. leaving C. keeping D. repairingPassage TwoMr Smith was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not __C __ with life. He didn’t sleep well and his food didn’t __C__ with him. The situation lasted for some time.Finally, after a __C__ of sleepless nights, he decided to consult his doctor. The doctor advised a change of surroundings “ Go abroad”, he said. “ But I’m not good at foreigh languages”, said Mr Smith. “It doesn’t matter”, said the doctor, “It won’t __B__ to take a little lesson. __A__ on a voyage. Take plenty of exercise. Try to reduce your weight. Avoid rich food.”Mr Smith went to Switzerland. He didn’t know French or German, and had to communicate through gestures. He attended a physical training course. The instructor made him __B__ his knees, swing his arms, stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly. He had to lie on the ground and __B__ his right and left legs alternately. After a time he __D__ grew hard and firm. He almost put aside his financial worries and nearly forgot the importance of making more money. He ate and slept well. Finally he returned home, but unfortunately he __A__ was temporary. Soon he was a normal businessman again worried about his property, his profits, his savings, his success in a __A__ society.1. A. impressed B. hopeful C. satisfied D. healthy2. A. agree B. taste C. suit D. fit3. A. amount B. course C. number D. few4. A. injure B. hurt C. wound D. damage5. A. Go B. Join C. Start D. Leave6. A. strike B. bend C. pull D. twist7. A. rise B. raise C. extend D. remove8. A. fibre B. bones C. temper D. muscles9. A. achievement B. advancement C. improvement D. advantage10. A. competitive B. commercial C. struggling D. ornamental Ⅳ. Error Identification Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. The group will be examined the device first.be examined 改成examineA. B. C. D.2. The new MP3 player was cost him 100 yuan. Was去掉A. B. C. D.3. How long will the meeting be lasted?be lasted 改成lastA. B. C. D.4. It was his carelessness that led this accident. Led 后加toA. B. C.D.5. The room needs a thorough cleaning and Jane will help you to it.to后面加doA. B .C. D.6. Kitty likes to make use the new words she hears from her e后面加ofA. B. C. D.7. I got a great deal of money which would enable me going to Canada.going改成to goA. B. C. D.8. Mr Smith saved aside enough money for his old age.enough去掉A. B. C. D.9. We filled all the forms when we went abroad. forms 改成formA. B. C. D.10. I got the scholarship and as well as a dictionary.and去掉A. B. C. D.11. You can use the commit room to make furniture in.A. B. C. D.12. Regularly review can help make your knowledge permanent.regularly改成regularA. B. C. D.13. No matter how busy he is, he never forgets his week visit to his old friend Ann. Week改成weeklyA. B. C. D.14. People with slippers are not allowed to enter the theatre. With改成inA. B. C. D.15. He’s so practical to enjoy romantic life with Anna. so改成tooA. B. C. D.Ⅴ. Reading The passages are followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. (2 X 5)Passage OneWhat is meant by the term economic resources? In general, these are all the natural, man-made, and human resources that go into the production of goods and services. This obviously comers a lot of ground: factories and farms, tools and machines, transportation and communication facilities, all types of natural resources, and labor. Economic resources can be broken down into two general categories: property resources-land and capital, and human resources-labor and entreprenenrial skills.What do economists mean by land? Much more than non-economists. Land refers to all natural resources that are usable in the production process: cultivatable land, forests, mineral and oil deposits, and so on. What about capital? Capital goods are all the man-made aids to producing, storing, transporting, and distributing goods and services. Capital goods differ from consumer goods in that the latter satisfy wants directly, while the former do so indirectly by facilitating the production of consumer goods. It should be noted that capitals as defined here do not refer to money. Money, as such, produces nothing.The term labor refers to the physical and mental talents of humans used to produce goods or services (with the exception of a certain set of human talents, entrepreneurial skills, which will be considered separately because of their special significance). Thus the services of a factory worker or an office worker, a ballet dancer or an astronaut all fall under the general heading of labor.1. In Paragraph 1, the author uses the expression “This obviously covers a lot of ground” to indicate that _C___A. a factories and farms discussed in the passage are very largeB. economic resources will be discussed in great depthC. the topic of economic resources is a broad oneD. land is an important concept in economics2. When non-economists use the term “land”, its definition ____A. is much more general than when economists use itB. is much more restrictive than when economists use itC. changes from place to placeD. includes all types of natural resources3. Which of the following could be considered a kind of capital goods as defined in the passage?AA. A railroad.B. Money.C. A coal deposit.D. Human skills.4. The word “heading” in the last sentence is closest in meaning to ____.A. directionB. practiceC. categoryD. utility5. What is the author’s main purpose in writing this passage?DA. To explain the concept of labor.B. To criticize certain uses of capital.C. To contrast capital goods and consumer goods.D. To define economic resources.Passage TwoOne phase of the business cycle is the expansion phase. This phase is two-fold, comprising recovery and prosperity. During the recovery period there is ever-growing expansion of existing facilities, and new facilities for production are created. More businesses are created and older ones expanded. Improvements of various kinds are made. There is an ever-increasing optimism about the future of economic growth. Much capital is invested in machinery or “heavy” industry. More labor is employed. More materials are required. As one part of the economy develops, other parts are affected. For example, a great expansion in automobile production results in an expansion of the steel, glass, and rubber production. More roads are also required, hence stimulating paving and machinery industries. Demand for labor and materials results in greater prosperity for workers and suppliers of raw materials, including farmers. This increases purchasing power and the volume of goods bought and sold. Thus prosperity is diffused among various portions of the population. This prosperity period may continue to rise without an apparent end. However, a time comes when this phase reaches a peak and stops spiraling upwards. This is the end of the expansion phase.1. Which of the following would be the best title of the passage?CA. The Labor Force and Raw MaterialsB. The Recovery and Prosperity StateC. An Expanding SocietyD. The Period of Good Times2. Prosperity in one branch of industry ____.A. reflects itself in many other branchesB. affects the steel industryC. will end abruptlyD. will help all portions of society except the farmers3. Which of the following will probably be a good indicator of a period of expansion?BA. Demand for more toys.B. Expansion in machine tools industry.C. Population growth.D. Decline in farming.4. During the period of prosperity, people regard the future ___C_.A. cautiouslyB. practicallyC. confidentlyD. doubtfully5. The word “ones” in line 4 refers to __A__.A. facilitiesB. factoriesC. improvementsD. businessesⅥ. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English (10)1. 秘书可能会有很多其它不同的头衔。
第一单元丰富多彩的化学物质(作业1)一、选择题(每小题有1-2个正确选项)1、下列物质间的转化能一步实现的是A.Na2CO3 NaOH B.CaCO3 Ca(OH)2C.NaNO3 NaCl D.FeSO4CuSO42、下列反应中,不属于化合、分解、置换、复分解等四种基本反应类型的是A.CuSO4+H2S=CuS↓+H2SO4B.2FeCl3+Cu=2FeCl2+CuCl2C.Cu2(OH)2CO3 2CuO+CO2↑+H2O D.4Fe(OH)2+O2+2H2O=4Fe(OH)33、下列物质的水溶液能导电,但属于非电解质的是A.HNO3 B.Cl2C.NH4NO3D.SO24、下列反应中,氯元素全部被氧化的是A.2P+3Cl2===2PCl3B.2NaCl通电2Na+Cl2↑C.NaOH+HCl===NaCl+H2OD.2Cl2+2Ca(OH)2===CaCl2+Ca(ClO)2+2H2O5、下列说法中正确的是A.1mol任何纯净物都含有相同的原子数B.1molO2中约含有6.02×1023个氧分子C.1mol水中含有8mol电子D.阿伏加德罗常数就是6.02×1023mol-16、下列说法正确的是A.气体摩尔体积就是22.4L/molB.非标准状况下,1mol任何气体的体积不可能为22.4LC.常温常压下,2g氢气所含原子数目为2N AD.1molH2和O2的混合气体在标准状况下的体积约22.4L7、跟2.8g N2含有相同分子数的下列物质是A.16g氧气B.0.1mol甲烷分子C.1.8g水D.3.01×1022个磷酸分子8、阿波罗宇宙飞船升入太空是以N2H4(联氨)和N2O4为推力源。
反应温度高达2700℃,反应式为2N2H4+N2O4 == 3N2+4H2O。
对于该反应的说法正确的是A.联氨是氧化剂B.氧化产物和还原产物的质量比为1∶2C.属于置换反应D.联氨是还原剂9、现有三组溶液:①汽油和氯化钠溶液②39%的乙醇溶液⑧氯化钠和单质溴的水溶液,分离以上各混合液的正确方法依次是A . 分液、萃取、蒸馏 B. 萃取、蒸馏、分液C . 分液、蒸馏、萃取 D. 蒸馏、萃取、分液10、1986年,人们成功的用如下反应制得了氟:①2KMnO4+2KF+10HF+3H2O2=2K2MnF6+8H2O+3O2②K2MnF6+2SbF5=2KSbF6+MnF4③2MnF4=2MnF3+F2↑下列说法中正确的是A.反应①、②、③都是氧化还原反应B.反应①H2O2既是还原剂又是氧化剂C.氧化性:KMnO4>O2D.每生成1mol F2,上述反应共转移2mol电子9、下列说法正确的是A.CaCO3投入水中,溶液不导电,说明CaCO3是非电解质B.SO3溶于水溶液可以导电,故其属于电解质。
对外经济贸易大学继续教育学院夜大教育部2010-2011学年度第二学期2011金融高本专业新职业英语—职业综合英语(1)作业1Ⅰ. Match the words or phrases on the left with their meanings on the right.Group One1. acquireB A. make something increase2. operateG B. obtain something3. entertainF C. keep one’s distance from4. individual E D. be likely to do5. tend toJ E. a single person or thing6. fuelA F. receive people as guests7. implyD G. cause to work; manage8. stay away fromC H. person elected or appointed to act for others9. reflectI I. express or mean indirectly10. representativeH J. make clear; showGroup Two1. locate H A. way of acting or behavior towards other people2. sketchF B. the possibility that something will happen3. manner A C. an act of trying to do something4. remoteJ D. improve the quality, value or extent of something5. enhanceD E. program or timetable for work6. prospectB F. a rough or unfinished drawing or painting7. flatten I G. an objective or result towards which efforts are directed8. targetG H. find the exact position of something9. attemptC I. make or become flat10. scheduleE J. far away in space or timeⅡ. Multiple Choice For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence. Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. He had been a doctor for five years by the time he __D__ from the medical school.A. will graduateB. will have graduatedC. graduatesD. graduated2. An exhibition of paintings _B___ at the museum next week.A. are to be heldB. is to be heldC. are holdingD.will hold3. After the project ___C_, the engineers immediately started a new one.A. completedB. has completedC. had been completedD. has been completed4. We __D__ for an hour when the bus finally came.A. waitedB. have waitedC. have been waitingD. had been waiting5. Will you please lend me the manual when you _C___ itA. will finishB. have finishedC. will have finishedD. finishing6. Rebecca is too young to _B___ in the house without a babysitter.A. be leftB. leaveC. be leavingD. leaves7. I don’t remember __A__ a chance to make a presentation before so many customers.A. having been givenB. having givenC. to have been givenD.to have given8. The room _A___ at the moment, so it isn’t looking.A. is being painted; its bestB. has painted; the bestC. is painted; its bestD. has been painted; best9. When her husband died, all her happiness _A___.A. was destroyedB. damagedC. had damagedD. destroyed10. Once environmental damage _D___, it takes many years for the system to recover.A. has doneB. is to doC. doesD. is done11. The old __B__ treated badly in some countries.A. isB. areC. hasD. was12. Both the secretary and the manager __B__ agreed to cancel the meeting.A. hasB. haveC. areD. was13. Either you or I __A__ going to the manager’s office after work.A. amB. isC. areD. will14. This is one of the best products that _A___ sold this year.A. have beenB. hasC. had beenD. have15. About 80 percent of the work __D__done yesterday.A. areB. isC. wereD. was16. I don’t think it’s necessary to go _B___ all the details in the mind.A. offB. overC. onD. by17. I’m not sure whether it is good or not. It ___B_ the result.A. leads toB. depends onC. brings aboutD. results in18. You need an __C__ production manager to solve the problemsA. efficientB. effectiveC. capableD. emotional19. The students gave their classrooms an extra clean and were ready __B__ the leader’s arrival.A. toB. forC. withD. in20. The old lady’s death was not known _C___ the policemen broke into her room.A. whenB. afterC. untilD. while21. The guide __A__ taking the small path to the scenic spot.A. decidedB. proposedC. thoughtD. planned22. We feel lonely because we haven’t spent much time communicating __A__our friends.A. withB. toC. fromD. on23. The president brought __B__ all of the new ideas in the meeting and considered them one by one in the following days.A. upB. forwardC. togetherD. about24. My teacher said that I had a gift for art and if I stuck to A____.A. painting.B. paintC. be paintingD. be painted25. The experts _B___ this film would be popular in the world like Titanic.A. made senseB. made sureC. made believeD. made up26. He got _B___ his bicycle and bought two kilos of tomatoes.A. out ofB. downC. upD. off27. The strong wind was ___D_ the broken window.A. ready forB. responsible forC. sure ofD. free from28. My argument is based ___B_ a lot of facts.A. inB. onC. toD. from29. Confucianism is __A__ to most foreigners, but understandable to most Chinese.A. complexB. easyC. compoundD. complicated30. It’s said that rabbits ___C_ rather quickly.A. addB. minusC. multiplyD. divideⅢ. Cloze (2x 10) Each blank in the following passages is provided with four choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the whole passage and choose the best answer for each blank. Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.Passage OneBefore the 20th century the horse provided day to day transportation in the US. Trains were used only for long-distance transportation.Today the car is the most popular __1_D_ of transportation in all of the US. It has completely replaced the horse as a means of everyday transportation. Americans use their cars for nearly 90% of all personal travel.Most Americans are able to __2_A_ cars. The average price of a recently-made car was $2 500 in 1950, $2 740 in 1960, and up to $4 750 __3_B_ 1975. during this period American car manufacturers set about __4_D_ their products and work efficiency. As a result, the yearly income of the __5_C_ family increased form 1950 to 1975 __6C__ than the price of cars. For this reason __7_D_ anew car takes a smaller part of a family’s total earnings today.In 1951 proportionally it took months of an average family’s income to buy a new car. In 1962 a new car __8_D_ months of a family’s annual earnings. By 1975 it only took month’s income. In addition, the 1975 cars were technically superior to models from previous years.The influence of the automobile extends throughout the economy __9B__ the car is so important to Americans. Americans spend more money __10__C their cars running than on any other items.1. A. kinds B. sort C. mean D. types2. A. buy B. sell C. race D. see3. A. on B. in C. behind D. about4. A. raising B. making C. reducing D. improving5. A. unusual B. interested C. average D biggest.6. A. slowest B. equal C. faster D. less7. A. bringing B. obtain C. buy D. purchasing8. A. used B. spent C. cost D. needed9. A. then B. as C. so D. which10. A. starting B. leaving C. keeping D. repairingPassage TwoMr Smith was a wealthy industrialist, but he was not __C __ with life. He didn’t sleep well and his food didn’t __C__ with him. The situation lasted for some time. Finally, after a __C__ of sleepless nights, he decided to consult his doctor. The doctor advised a change of surroundings “Go abroad”, he said. “But I’m not good at foreigh languages”, said Mr Smith. “It doesn’t matter”, said the doctor, “It won’t __B__ to take a little lesson. __A__ on a voyage. Take plenty of exercise. Try to reduce your weight. Avoid rich food.”Mr Smith went to Switzerland. He didn’t know French or German, and had to communicate through gestures. He attended a physical training course. The instructor made him __B__ his knees, swing his arms, stretch his neck and shake his head rapidly. He had to lie on the ground and __B__ his right and left legs alternately. After a time he __D__ grew hard and firm. He almost put aside his financial worries and nearly forgot the importance of making more money. He ate and slept well. Finally he returned home, but unfortunately he __A__ was temporary. Soon he was a normal businessman again worried about his property, his profits, his savings,his success in a __A__ society.1. A. impressed B. hopeful C. satisfied D. healthy2. A. agree B. taste C. suit D. fit3. A. amount B. course C. number D. few4. A. injure B. hurt C. wound D. damage5. A. Go B. Join C. Start D.Leave6. A. strike B. bend C. pull D.twist7. A. rise B. raise C. extend D. remove8. A. fibre B. bones C. temper D. muscles9. A. achievement B. advancement C. improvement D. advantage10. A. competitive B. commercial C. struggling D. ornamentalⅣ. Error Identification Each of the following sentences has four underlined parts marked A, B, C and D. Identify the one that is not correct. Then mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet.1. The group will be examined the device examined 改成examineA. B. C. D.2. The new MP3 player was cost him 100 yuan. Was去掉A. B. C. D.3. How long will the meeting be lastedbe lasted 改成lastA. B. C. D.4. It was his carelessness that led this accident. Led 后加toA. B. .5. The room needs a thorough cleaning and Jane will help you to 后面加doA. B .C. D.6. Kitty likes to make use the new words she hears from her 后面加ofA. B. C. D.7. I got a great deal of money which would enable me going to 改成to goA. B. C. D.8. Mr Smith saved aside enough money for his old 去掉A. B. C. D.9. We filled all the forms when we went abroad. forms 改成formA. B. C. D.10. I got the scholarship and as well as a 去掉A. B. C. D.11. You can use the commit room to make furniture in.A. B. C. D.12. Regularly review can help make your knowledge 改成regularA. B. C. D.13. No matter how busy he is, he never forgets his week visit to his old friend Ann. Week改成weeklyA. B. C. D.14. People with slippers are not allowed to enter the theatre. With改成inA. B. C. D.15. He’s so practical to enjoy romantic life with Anna. so改成tooA. B. C. D.Ⅴ. Reading The passages are followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C andD. You should decide on the best choice and mark your answer by blackening the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet. (2 X 5)Passage OneWhat is meant by the term economic resources In general, these are all the natural, man-made, and human resources that go into the production of goods and services. This obviously comers a lot of ground: factories and farms, tools and machines, transportation and communication facilities, all types of natural resources, and labor. Economic resources can be broken down into two general categories: property resources-land and capital, and human resources-labor and entreprenenrial skills.What do economists mean by land Much more than non-economists. Land refers to all natural resources that are usable in the production process: cultivatable land, forests, mineral and oil deposits, and so on. What about capital Capital goods are all the man-made aids to producing, storing, transporting, and distributing goods and services. Capital goods differ from consumer goods in that the latter satisfy wants directly, while the former do so indirectly by facilitating the production of consumer goods. It should be noted that capitals as defined here do not refer to money. Money, as such, produces nothing.The term labor refers to the physical and mental talents of humans used to produce goods or services (with the exception of a certain set of human talents, entrepreneurial skills, which will be considered separately because of their special significance). Thus the services of a factory worker or an office worker, a ballet dancer or an astronaut all fall under the general heading of labor.1. In Paragraph 1, the author uses the expression “This obviously coversa lot of ground” to indicate that _C___A. a factories and farms discussed in the passage are very largeB. economic resources will be discussed in great depthC. the topic of economic resources is a broad oneD. land is an important concept in economics2. When non-economists use the term “land”, its definition ____A. is much more general than when economists use itB. is much more restrictive than when economists use itC. changes from place to placeD. includes all types of natural resources3. Which of the following could be considered a kind of capital goods as defined in the passageAA. A railroad.B. Money.C. A coal deposit.D. Human skills.4. The word “heading”in the last sentence is closest in meaning to ____.A. directionB. practiceC. categoryD. utility5. What is the author’s main purpose in writing this passageDA. To explain the concept of labor.B. To criticize certain uses of capital.C. To contrast capital goods and consumer goods.D. To define economic resources.Passage TwoOne phase of the business cycle is the expansion phase. This phase is two-fold, comprising recovery and prosperity. During the recovery period there is ever-growing expansion of existing facilities, and new facilities for production are created. More businesses are created and older ones expanded. Improvements of various kinds are made. There is an ever-increasing optimism about the future of economic growth. Much capital is invested in machinery or “heavy” industry. More labor isemployed. More materials are required. As one part of the economy develops, other parts are affected. For example, a great expansion in automobile production results in an expansion of the steel, glass, and rubber production. More roads are also required, hence stimulating paving and machinery industries. Demand for labor and materials results in greater prosperity for workers and suppliers of raw materials, including farmers. This increases purchasing power and the volume of goods bought and sold. Thus prosperity is diffused among various portions of the population. This prosperity period may continue to rise without an apparent end. However, a time comes when this phase reaches a peak and stops spiraling upwards. This is the end of the expansion phase.1. Which of the following would be the best title of the passageCA. The Labor Force and Raw MaterialsB. The Recovery and Prosperity StateC. An Expanding SocietyD. The Period of Good Times2. Prosperity in one branch of industry ____.A. reflects itself in many other branchesB. affects the steel industryC. will end abruptlyD. will help all portions of society except the farmers3. Which of the following will probably be a good indicator of a period of expansionBA. Demand for more toys.B. Expansion in machine tools industry.C. Population growth.D. Decline in farming.11114. During the period of prosperity, people regard the future ___C_.A. cautiouslyB. practicallyC. confidentlyD. doubtfully5. The word “ones” in line 4 refers to __A__.A. facilitiesB. factoriesC. improvementsD. businesses Ⅵ. Translate the following Chinese sentences into English (10)1. 秘书可能会有很多其它不同的头衔。
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3. 画出如下二维晶体的原胞,并判断它们所属的点阵类型
4. 假定立方晶胞的边长(晶格常数)为1,试求出下面四中晶体的 第一和第二紧邻的距离。 a)简立方;b)体心立方;c)面心立方;d)金刚石结构
3 2
9. 已知某二维点阵的基失为
ˆ 为单位矢量. x 和 y 其中 ˆ 求其倒格矢并画出它的第一布里渊区。
7. 将布拉维格子的格点位置在笛卡尔坐标系中用一组数(n1,n2,n3)表示, Q1)如果ni全为偶数或奇数,对应着什么点阵; Q2)如果ni的和为偶数,对应着什么点阵。
8. 右图为FeCo合金的立方原胞(红球代表铁;蓝球代 表钴),假定晶格常数为a,且Fe与Co的原子形状因子 分别为f1与f2。 求: 1)几何结构因子。 2)如果红球代表钴;蓝球代表铁,再求几何结构因子。