cnspp-ch11-Message Authentication and Hash Functions
新版Bluetooth Specification V4.0 EDR and BLE资料整理
一、产品参数蓝牙版本:Bluetooth Specification V4.0 EDR and BLE 串口缓冲区大小512 BytesSPP 设备–>模块,每包最大字节60BytesBLE 设备->模块,每包最大字节20Bytes模块BLE -> iOS 设备,内部分包60 字节每包模块BLE-> Android设备,内部分包20 字节每包模块SPP-> SPP 设备,内部分包60 字节每包启动时间:平衡模式2 Seconds、高速模式1 Second 工作模式:平衡模式、高速模式。
收发距离:SPP 30 米,BLE60米通讯距离:SPP 50 米,BLE100米(理想环境下)工作方式:上电自动复位,RESETB管脚可留空。
工作频率:2.4GHz ISM band调制方式:GFSK(Gaussian Frequency Shift Keying) 灵敏度:≤-84dBm at 0.1% BER传输速率:SPP 约40%串口效率BLE 约30%串口效率安全特性:Authentication and encryptionEDR 服务:L2CAP,、SDP,、RFCOMM、SPPBLE服务:ATT、GATT,、LE Service: 0xFFE0、Char: 0xFFE1功耗:SPP 平均约13mA ,BLE平均约9.5mA。
待机约10-17mA供电电源:+3.3VDC 50mA工作温度:–5 ~ +80 Centigrade外观尺寸:HM-12 26.9mm x 13mm x 2.2 mm型号电压尺寸(mm) 容量协议蓝牙版本HM-12 2.5-3.7V 27*13*2.2 64KB SPP/BLE V4.0 EDR+BLE管脚序号管脚名称管脚说明UART_TXUART1UART_RXUART2UART_CTSUART3UART_RTSUART4NC悬空5NC悬空6NC悬空7NC悬空8NC悬空9NC悬空10RESETB系统复位,低电平有效,若用不到请悬空11VCC电源3.3V 12GND地13GND地14NC悬空15NC悬空16NC悬空17NC悬空18NC悬空19NC悬空20GND地21GND地22PIO0按键管脚,详见附注说明23PIO1LED管脚,详见附注说明24PIO2数字输入、输出IO 口25PIO3数字输入、输出IO 口26PIO4数字输入、输出IO 口27PIO5数字输入、输出IO 口28PIO6数字输入、输出IO 口29PIO7数字输入、输出IO 口30PIO8数字输入、输出IO 口31PIO9数字输入、输出IO 口32PIO10数字输入、输出IO 口33PIO11数字输入、输出IO 口347. HM系列蓝牙模块与单片机连接注意要点:HM 系列蓝牙模块的工作电压推荐用3.3V,与3.3V 单片机直接连接即可,当需要与5V 单片机连接时,请在模块RX 引脚与单片机TX 引脚之间串一个1-2K的电阻,再接一个分压电阻接地,保护一下模块RX引脚,防止被烧坏。
问题二:认证客户端程序无法在安全沙箱里面运行,请将客户端程序从沙箱列表移除,然后重新运行客户端问题二解决方法:1. 在360隔离沙箱中找到“程序列表”,点击“记住”下的勾。
2. 在360隔离沙箱中找到“状态设置“,点击清理沙箱文件后,点击“确定”。
3. 在360隔离沙箱中,关闭“沙箱虚拟环境”。
4. 执行第2步提示无法上网进入C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc目录,查看hosts文件是否存在或者被加如后缀名,如果没有hosts文件,新建此文件,如果被加入后缀名,退出杀毒软件删除后缀名。
问题四:发现使用猎豹免费wifi代理软件问题四解决方法:1.把猎豹免费wifi代理软件卸载,重启电脑,由于猎豹免费wifi软件自动修改window 系统共享代理功能,请参“问题三”的步骤取消windows系统共享代理。
2.如果猎豹免费wifi代理卸载后,还是提示猎豹代理,可以重现安装猎豹wifi,然后再次卸载重启,也可以在卸载猎豹免费wifi 重启后退出杀毒软件使用运行 cmd 输入sc delete knatsvcsc delete liebaonat 删除猎豹服务。
linux 80211 认证过程
linux 80211 认证过程802.11是无线局域网的标准之一,定义了无线网络中设备之间的通信协议和认证过程。
在Linux系统中,认证过程分为四个阶段,即关联(Association),认证(Authentication),授权(Authorization)和密钥交换(Key Exchange)。
1.关联(Association):关联是客户设备与接入点(Access Point)建立连接的过程。
-共享密钥认证:客户设备向接入点发送认证请求,并提供预共享密钥(Pre-Shared Key,PSK)。
4.密钥交换(Key Exchange):密钥交换是为了保证在接下来的通信过程中数据的加密和解密。
hcip证书模板 -回复
3. 802.11的加密技术——有线等效加密WEP
802.11使用(CRC-32) 校验和算法计算报文的ICV,附加在MSDU后,ICV和MSDU一起被加密保护。CRC-32本身很弱,可以通过bit-flipping attack篡改报文。
wpa2认证过程 -回复
wpa2认证过程-回复WPA2(Wi-Fi Protected Access 2)是一种无线网络认证和加密协议,旨在提供更高的安全性保护。
它是WPA(Wi-Fi Protected Access)的升级版本,采用了更强大的认证和加密算法,用于保护我们的无线网络免受黑客和入侵者的攻击。
1. 首先,客户端设备(例如手机、笔记本电脑等)向无线接入点(AP)发送认证请求。
该请求是以EAPOL(Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN)帧的形式发送的。
2. 接下来,AP将向客户端发送一个EAP响应帧,要求客户端提供身份认证凭据。
3. 客户端收到EAP响应帧后,将会响应该帧,并向AP发送包含其身份认证凭据的EAP请求帧。
4. AP接收到客户端的EAP请求帧后,将使用此信息进行验证。
5. 远程认证服务器将验证客户端提供的凭据,并发送EAP响应帧来告知AP身份验证的结果。
6. AP接收到身份验证结果的EAP响应帧后,将通知客户端身份验证的结果。
7. 客户端收到AP发送的身份验证结果后,将响应成功或失败的EAP响应帧。
8. 关键的密钥协商过程是WPA2认证的下一个重要步骤。
CHAP认证也是CCNA课程PPP教学时所需掌握的基本配置,其配置如下:拓扑: RA DTE--------DCE RB--------------------------------------RA#conf tRA(config)#username RB password helloRA(config)#int s0RA(config-if)#encap pppRA(config-if)#ppp au chapRA(config-if)#end-------------------------------Router(config)#host RBRB(config)#username RA password helloRB(config)#int s0RB(config-if)#encap pppRB(config-if)#ppp auth chap%LINK-3-UPDOWN: Interface Serial0, changed state to up%LINEPROTO-5-UPDOWN: Line protocol on Interface Serial0, changed state to up------------------------------------------------------RA#sh int s0Serial0 is up, line protocol is up -------第一层二层UPHardware is HD64570Internet address is 1500 bytes, BW 1544 Kbit, DLY 1000 usec, rely 255/255, load 1/255Encapsulation PPP, loopback not set, keepalive set (10 sec) LCP Open -----------打开Open: IPCP, CDPCP -----------打开Last input 00:00:00, output 00:00:00, output hang neverLast clearing of show interface counters neverQueueing strategy: fifo。
pam authentication返回值
pam authentication返回值PAM(PluggableAuthenticationModule)是Linux系统中用于用户身份验证的模块,它支持多种身份验证方式,包括但不限于密码、令牌等。
网络技术与无线网络测试 选择题 64题
1. 下列哪种设备用于连接不同类型的网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 集线器D. 网桥2. 无线网络中的SSID代表什么?A. Service Set IdentifierB. System Security IdentificationC. Signal Strength IndicatorD. Server Set Identifier3. 下列哪个协议用于无线网络的安全?A. HTTPB. FTPC. WEPD. SMTP4. 802.11n标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps5. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPAB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP6. 无线网络中的AP代表什么?A. Access PointB. Application ProtocolC. Advanced ProgramD. Active Port7. 下列哪个设备用于扩展无线网络的覆盖范围?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥8. 802.11ac标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps9. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPA2B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP10. 无线网络中的BSSID代表什么?A. Basic Service Set IdentifierB. Broadcast Service Set IdentifierC. Bridge Service Set IdentifierD. Base Station Set Identifier11. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥12. 802.11ax标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps13. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPA3B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP14. 无线网络中的ESSID代表什么?A. Extended Service Set IdentifierB. Extended System Security IdentificationC. Extended Signal Strength IndicatorD. Extended Server Set Identifier15. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥16. 802.11ad标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 Mbps17. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPAB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP18. 无线网络中的IBSS代表什么?A. Independent Basic Service SetB. Independent Broadcast Service SetC. Independent Bridge Service SetD. Independent Base Station Set19. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥20. 802.11ah标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps21. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WEPB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP22. 无线网络中的PSK代表什么?A. Pre-Shared KeyB. Public Service KeyC. Private Signal KeyD. Public Server Key23. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥24. 802.11bg标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsD. 1 Gbps25. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPA2B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP26. 无线网络中的WPA代表什么?A. Wi-Fi Protected AccessB. Wireless Public AccessC. Wired Private AccessD. Wireless Protected Authentication27. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥28. 802.11be标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps29. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPA3B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP30. 无线网络中的TKIP代表什么?A. Temporal Key Integrity ProtocolB. Temporal Key Identification ProtocolC. Temporal Key Integration ProtocolD. Temporal Key Identification Program31. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥32. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps33. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPAB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP34. 无线网络中的CCMP代表什么?A. Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication C ode ProtocolB. Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication C ode ProgramC. Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication C ode ProcedureD. Counter Mode with Cipher Block Chaining Message Authentication C ode Process35. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥36. 802.11by标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps37. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WEPB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP38. 无线网络中的AES代表什么?A. Advanced Encryption StandardB. Advanced Encryption SystemC. Advanced Encryption ServiceD. Advanced Encryption Security39. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器40. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps41. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPA2B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP42. 无线网络中的EAP代表什么?A. Extensible Authentication ProtocolB. Extensible Authentication ProgramC. Extensible Authentication ProcedureD. Extensible Authentication Process43. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥44. 802.11by标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps45. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPA3B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP46. 无线网络中的PEAP代表什么?A. Protected Extensible Authentication ProtocolB. Protected Extensible Authentication ProgramC. Protected Extensible Authentication ProcedureD. Protected Extensible Authentication Process47. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机D. 网桥48. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps49. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPAB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP50. 无线网络中的LEAP代表什么?A. Lightweight Extensible Authentication ProtocolB. Lightweight Extensible Authentication ProgramC. Lightweight Extensible Authentication ProcedureD. Lightweight Extensible Authentication Process51. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥52. 802.11by标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps53. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WEPB. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP54. 无线网络中的TLS代表什么?A. Transport Layer SecurityB. Transport Layer SystemC. Transport Layer ServiceD. Transport Layer Security Protocol55. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥56. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps57. 下列哪个是无线网络的认证标准?A. WPA2B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP58. 无线网络中的TTLS代表什么?A. Tunneled Transport Layer SecurityB. Tunneled Transport Layer SystemC. Tunneled Transport Layer ServiceD. Tunneled Transport Layer Security Protocol59. 下列哪个设备用于连接有线网络和无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥60. 802.11by标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps61. 下列哪个是无线网络的加密标准?A. WPA3B. HTTPC. FTPD. SMTP62. 无线网络中的SIM代表什么?A. Subscriber Identity ModuleB. Subscriber Identification ModuleC. Subscriber Identity ManagementD. Subscriber Identification Management63. 下列哪个设备用于连接多个无线网络?A. 路由器B. 交换机C. 中继器D. 网桥64. 802.11bz标准支持的最大数据传输速率是多少?A. 150 MbpsB. 300 MbpsC. 600 MbpsD. 1 Gbps答案:1. A2. A3. C4. B5. A6. A7. C8. D9. A10. A11. A12. D13. A14. A15. A16. D17. A18. A19. A20. A21. A22. A23. A24. B25. A26. A27. A28. D29. A30. A31. A32. D33. A34. A35. A36. D37. A38. A39. A40. D41. A42. A43. A44. D45. A46. A47. A48. D49. A50. A51. A52. D53. A54. A55. A56. D57. A58. A59. A60. D61. A62. A63. A64. D。
转录因子和启动子互作验证流程英文版Transcription Factor and Promoter Interaction Verification ProcessThe interaction between transcription factors and promoters is a crucial aspect of gene expression regulation. Understanding this interaction is essential for comprehending the molecular mechanisms underlying cellular processes. In this article, we will discuss the verification process for transcription factor and promoter interactions.The first step in the verification process is to identify the specific transcription factor and promoter sequences involved. This can be achieved through bioinformatics analysis of genome sequences or through experimental methods such as chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) followed by sequencing (ChIP-seq).Once the transcription factor and promoter sequences are identified, the next step is to assess their interaction. This can bedone using various in vitro and in vivo techniques. In vitro techniques, such as electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) or DNA affinity chromatography, allow for the direct measurement of the binding affinity between the transcription factor and the promoter DNA. In vivo techniques, such as luciferase reporter assays or chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by quantitative PCR (ChIP-qPCR), provide insights into the interaction in a more physiologically relevant context.To further validate the interaction, it is important to demonstrate that the transcription factor can regulate the expression of the target gene. This can be achieved by overexpressing or knocking down the transcription factor and measuring the changes in gene expression levels. Additionally, mutational analysis can be performed to identify specific DNA sequences within the promoter that are critical for the interaction with the transcription factor.Finally, it is essential to confirm the functional significance of the interaction. This can be done by demonstrating that thetranscription factor can regulate the biological processes associated with the target gene. For example, knocking down the transcription factor may result in altered phenotypes or altered responses to external stimuli.In conclusion, the verification process for transcription factor and promoter interactions involves the identification of the specific sequences involved, assessment of their interaction using in vitro and in vivo techniques, demonstration of regulatory effects on gene expression, and confirmation of the functional significance of the interaction. Through this process, we can gain a deeper understanding of the molecular mechanisms underlying gene expression regulation.中文版转录因子和启动子互作验证流程转录因子与启动子之间的相互作用是基因表达调控的关键方面。
gentoo iso验证密钥 -回复
gentoo iso验证密钥-回复以下是针对Gentoo ISO验证密钥的一步一步回答。
Gentoo Linux是一种自由及开放源代码操作系统,它提供了一个轻量级、可定制、高度灵活的Linux发行版。
首先,前往Gentoo Linux官方网站(ISO镜像文件。
它能够生成一个唯一标识符,通过比较该标识符以及官方提供的校验和,可以确定ISO 镜像文件是否被篡改。
下一步是获取Gentoo ISO验证密钥。
你可以在Gentoo Linux官方网站的安全密钥页面(在安全密钥页面上,你将会看到一系列的验证密钥,每个密钥对应着一个Gentoo Linux项目的不同部分。
一般来说,你应该选择标记为"Release Engineering"或"Release Engineering (auto sync)"的密钥。
这可以通过使用Linux上的gpg 工具来完成。
打开终端,并运行以下命令:bashgpg import <path_to_key_file>其中,`<path_to_key_file>`是你下载的密钥的路径。
Committee on National Security SystemsPolicy onAssured Information Sharing (AIS) for National Security Systems (NSS)This document prescribes minimum standards.Your department or agency may require further implementation.CNSS No. 24 May 2010CNSS Policy No. 24CNSS Secretariat (I923)National Security Agency * 9800 Savage Road * Suite 6716 * Ft Meade MD 20755-6716cnss@FOREWORD1. This document establishes the ―Policy on Assured Information Sharing (AIS) for National Security Systems (NSS).‖ The United States Government is committed to responsibly sharing information through a risk-managed approach among authorized U.S. entities, pursuant to Executive Order 13526 (Reference A). Providing timely, secure information to decisionmakers, intelligence analysts, warfighters, and policy makers will enable efficient operations and protect the interests of the U.S. Government and American people. To complete this transition to a culture of AIS, individuals and organizations must establish a foundation to build trust by implementing common policies, practices, and processes. This effort will result in AIS within a trust-based environment in which information may be shared transparently and collaboratively, between authorized users. 2. This policy derives its authority from National Security Directive 42 (Reference B), which outlines the roles and responsibilities for securing NSS, and applicable sections of the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002 (Reference C).3. This policy also supports the National Strategy for Information Sharing: Successes and Challenges in Improving Terrorism-Related Information Sharing , as well as national cybersecurity initiatives.4. The Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) Secretariat is tracking the status of the Member and Observer organ izations’ implementation of new and revised CNSS Issuances in order to create an Issuance Compliance Report. The Secretariat will oversee and administer this report process, which will be initiated six months following approval of this policy.5. This policy is available from the CNSS Secretariat, as noted below, or the CNSS website: .//s//CHERYL J. ROBYCHAIRPOLICY ON ASSURED INFORMATION SHARINGFOR NATIONAL SECURITY SYSTEMSSECTION I—SCOPE1. This document establishes the Policy on Assured Information Sharing (AIS) for National Security Systems (NSS). The document applies to Federal Government departments and agencies that own or operate NSS and any other entities that operate NSS on behalf of a Federal Government department or agency.SECTION II—REFERENCES2. Annex A lists referenced documents. Future updates to referenced documents shall be considered applicable to this policy.SECTION III—DEFINITIONS3. Definitions used in this policy are contained within Reference D, Annex B, or other references when specifically indicated.SECTION IV—POLICY4. Each Federal Government department and agency shall ensure the assured sharing of information by implementing the following measures:a. General(1) Develop and implement a policy-based decision-making process to oversee the assured sharing of information within and among security domains.(2) Leverage existing information assurance (IA) policies, processes, and capabilities on networks and infrastructures, to the maximum extent possible.(3) Optimize AIS among NSS, within given statutory and regulatory constraints, to protect information privacy guaranteed by Federal law and other legal rights of U.S. persons in accordance with Executive Order 13353, (Reference E).b. Governance(1) Establish a policy framework to enable information sharing among internal Committee on National Security Systems (CNSS) member and observer departments and agencies.(2) Establish governance procedures to instill common processes, practices, and standards, and their compliance.(3) Refer any issues regarding AIS to the CNSS governance structure.c. Architecture(1) Develop NSS Information Technology and IA architectures using the Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA) and relevant National Institute of Standards and Technology standards.(2) Ensure that departments and agencies reference the FEA Security and Privacy Profile (FEA SPP). (Reference F).(3) Incorporate IA controls at the data, component, system, and service levels of NSS that manage risk and protect privacy, while allowing information to be shared across security domains.(4) Integrate comprehensive IA capabilities (e.g., confidentiality, integrity, availability, non-repudiation, authorization, and authentication) into NSS to facilitate AIS.(5) Include IA and AIS principles at the earliest possible point of the NSS system development life cycle to ensure the optimal approach for affecting engineering requirements and designing adequate information security into the program from the outset.(6) Ensure AIS is addressed within existing department or agency-specific IA programs for NSS.(7) Promote enhanced information sharing through discoverability, accessibility, and availability based on common tagging, retrieval, and dissemination standards applied across the NSS.d. Information Assurance Risk Management(1) Develop, establish, and implement an IA risk management program in accordance with CNSS Policy No. 22, (Reference G).(2) Integrate lessons learned from exercises, risk assessments, and survivability assessments into requirements and procedures to advance AIS on NSS.(3) Follow security-control assessment processes, procedures, and standards that support reciprocity throughout the Community of NSS users.e. Technology(1) In accordance with the Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996 (Reference H) and the National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Policy No. 11, ―National Information Assurance Acquisition Policy‖ (Reference I), use available commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) or government off-the-shelf (GOTS) products, as first choice, when they are interoperable, cost effective, and meet IA and AIS requirements for NSS.(2) Adhere to the existing CNSS security authorization process, CNSS Policy No. 6, (Reference J) , and the security categorization and control selection process, CNSS Instruction No. 1253 (Reference K), to implement IA controls in support of this policy selection.(3) Identify and use, to the maximum extent applicable, Federal or industry best-practice AIS standards, technologies, and business processes that maximize the effectiveness of AIS. Use these applicable best practices to make NSS information available, as authorized, at all classification levels and across all infrastructures, whether virtual and/or under the direct control of the agency of origination that is providing and transferring the data.f. Resources(1) Plan, program, and budget for the appropriate resources to maintain and modernize AIS capabilities for NSS, in accordance with Office of Management and Budget (OMB) A-130, (Reference L).(2) Ensure that all acquisitions related to NSS AIS capabilities incorporate IA life-cycle requirements and considerations throughout all phases, consistent with business needs and missions.g. Culture(1) Integrate an AIS training, education and awareness program for NSS into existing IA and security awareness training. Ensure that personnel are trained on an initial and recurring basis.(2) Organizations should consider establishing incentives and other programs to encourage and reward AIS to enable a shift to a culture that supports the responsibility to share and provide, with authorized entities.SECTION V—RESPONSIBILITIES5. The CNSS will coordinate with the Director, OMB, to develop business standards for the FEA regarding AIS on NSS.6. The heads of each Federal department or agency shall ensure the implementation of this policy and develop clear and comprehensive implementation guidance in support of current law, policies, regulations, and business rules7. The CNSS will provide guidance to the Federal departments and agencies for using established AIS standards and best practices applicable to NSS.SECTION VI—QUALIFICATIONS, EXCLUSIONS, AND EXCEPTIONS8. This policy establishes a framework for supporting AIS among CNSS members. Based on threats and risk management, deliberations, and decisions, heads of Federal departments and agencies may impose, on their respective systems, more stringent IA measures, consistent with their responsibility to protect and to share.Enclosures:ANNEX A—ReferencesANNEX B—DefinitionsREFERENCESa.Executive Order 13526, Classified National Security Information, December 29, 2009.b.National Security Directive 42, National Policy for the Security of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems, July 5, 1990.c.Public Law 107-347 [H.R. 2458], codified at 44 U.S.C. § 3541 et seq., The E-Government Act of 2002, Title III, the Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002, December 17, 2002.mittee on National Security Systems Instruction No. 4009, National Information Assurance (IA) Glossary, revised June 2006, or its successor.e.Executive Order 13353, Establishing the President’s Board on Safeguarding Americans’ Civil Liberties, August 27, 2004.f.The Federal Enterprise Architecture Security and Privacy Profile, Version2.0, May 1, 2006.mittee on National Security Systems Policy No. 22, Information Assurance Risk Management Policy for National Security Systems, February 2009.h.Public Law 104–208 (PL 104-208), Clinger-Cohen Act of 1996, January 3, 1996.i.National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems Security Policy No. 11: National Information Assurance Acquisition Policy, January 2000.mittee on National Security Systems Policy No. 6 (CNSSP No. 6), National Policy on Certification and Accreditation of National Security Telecommunications and Information Systems, October 2005.mittee on National Security Systems Instruction No. 1253, Security Categorization and Control Selection for National Security Systems, October 2009.l.Office of Management and Budget Transmittal Memorandum No. 4, Circular A-130, Management of Federal Information Resources, November 28, 2000.DEFINITIONS1. Assured Information Sharing (AIS): The ability to confidently share information with those who need it, when and where they need it, as determined by operational need and an acceptable level of security risk.2. Enterprise Architecture (EA): A strategic information asset base that defines the mission, the information necessary for performing the mission, the technologies necessary for performing the mission, and the transitional processes for implementing new technologies in response to changing mission needs. The EA includes a baseline architecture, target architecture, and sequencing plan.3. Cross Domain Solution (CDS): Information Assurance solution that provides the ability to access or transfer information between two or more domains.4. Federal Enterprise Architecture (FEA): A business-based framework that the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) developed for government-wide improvement in developing EAs by providing a common framework to identify opportunities for simplifying processes and unifying work across the Federal Government.5. Information Assurance (IA): Measures that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring their availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality, and non-repudiation. These measures include providing for restoration of information systems by incorporating protection, detection, and reaction capabilities.6. National Security System (NSS) (44 U.S.C. Section 3542(b)(2)Any information system (including any telecommunications system) used or operated by an agency or by a contractor of an agency, or other organization on behalf of an agency—(i) the function, operation, or use of which—(I) involves intelligence activities;(II) involves cryptologic activities related to national security;(III) involves command and control of military forces;(IV) involves equipment that is an integral part of a weapon or weapons system; or(V) subject to subparagraph (B), is critical to the direct fulfillment of military or intelligence missions; or(ii) is protected at all times by procedures established for information that have been specifically authorized under criteria established by an Executive order or an Actof Congress to be kept classified in the interest of national defense or foreign policy.(B) Subparagraph (A)(i)(V) does not include a system that is to be used for routine administrative and business applications (including payroll, finance, logistics, and personnel management applications).7. Security Domain: A domain that implements a security policy and is administered by a single authority.。
mimu ipsec 标识符 -回复
mimu ipsec 标识符-回复什么是mimu ipsec 标识符?Mimu IPsec 是一种用于虚拟专用网络(VPN)连接的安全通信协议。
首先,我们需要了解VPN 和IPsec 的基本概念。
VPN 是一种通过公共网络建立私人网络连接的技术。
VPN 的一个主要目标是确保通信的机密性、完整性和身份验证。
IPsec 是一种网络层安全协议,可以提供安全的数据传输。
IPsec 通常使用两个主要协议来实现:AH(认证头)和ESP(封装安全载荷)。
在IPsec 中,标识符是一个用于识别和验证通信参与者的值。
它可以是一个IP 地址、域名、用户名或证书。
在VPN 环境中,其中两个最常见的标识符类型是IP 地址和用户名。
当进行Mimu IPsec 连接时,标识符的作用如下:1. 建立连接:在建立Mimu IPsec 连接之前,双方需要交换标识符以识别对方,并确保彼此的身份。
2. 安全策略:标识符用于确定IPsec 策略。
IPsec 策略定义了用于建立连接的安全参数,例如加密算法、认证方法和密钥长度。
3. 数据传输:一旦连接建立,标识符继续用于识别通信中的参与者。
4. 断开连接:当连接结束时,标识符也用于识别并验证断开连接的参与者。
引用:/zh-cn/library/cc732307(WS.10).aspx远程访问身份验证方法应用到: Windows Server 2008∙比较身份验证方法∙EAP∙MS-CHAP v2∙CHAP∙PAP∙未经身份验证的访问比较身份验证方法应用到: Windows Server 2008PPP 身份验证协议Windows Server® 2008 中的远程访问支持下表中列出的点对点协议(PPP) 身份验证协议。
EAP应用到: Windows Server 2008任意身份验证机制可以通过可扩展的身份验证协议(EAP) 对远程访问连接进行身份验证。
要使用的确切身份验证方案由远程访问客户端与身份验证器(远程访问服务器或远程身份验证拨入用户服务[RADIUS] 服务器)进行协商。
默认情况下,“路由和远程访问”包含对EAP-TLS 的支持。
可以将其他EAP 模块插入运行“路由和远程访问”的服务器,以提供其他EAP 方法。
EAP 允许在远程访问客户端与身份验证器之间进行开放式对话。
例如,EAP 与安全令牌卡一起使用时,身份验证器可以单独在远程访问客户端中查询名称、PIN 和卡令牌值。
EAP 身份验证方案称为EAP 类型。
只有远程访问客户端与身份验证器支持相同的EAP 类型时,才能成功地进行身份验证。
EAP-TLSEAP 传输层安全(EAP-TLS) 是在基于证书的安全环境中使用的EAP 类型。
如果使用智能卡进行远程访问身份验证,必须使用EAP-TLS 身份验证方法。
EAP-TLS 消息交换在远程访问客户端与身份验证器之间提供相互身份验证、加密方法协商以及加密密钥确定。
EAP-TLS 提供最强大的身份验证方法和密钥确定方法。
SNMP社区字符串SNMP(Simple Network Management Protocol)是一种用于监控和管理网络设备的标准协议。
在SNMP中,社区字符串分为两种类型:读取社区字符串(Read Community String)和写入社区字符串(Write Community String)。
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Message Authentication
• message authentication is concerned with: – protecting the integrity of a message – validating identity of originator – non-repudiation of origin • Any message authentication or digital signature mechanism has two levels of functionality. At the lower level, there must be some sort of function that produces an authenticator: a value to be used to authenticate a message. This lower-level function is then used as a primitive in a higher-level authentication protocol that enables a receiver to verify the authenticity of a message.
Message Authentication
the types of functions that may be used to produce an authenticator may be grouped into three classes, as follows: • Message encryption: The ciphertext of the entire message serves as its authenticator • Message authentication code (MAC): A function of the message and a secret key that produces a fixedlength value that serves as the authenticator • Hash function: A function that maps a message of any length into a fixed-length hash value, which serves as the authenticator
Chapter 11 – Message Authentication and Hash Functions
Chapter 11 – Message Authentication and Hash Functions
11.1 Authentication Requirements 11.2 Authentication Functions Message Encryption Message Authentication Code Hash Function 11.3 Message Authentication Codes Requirements for MACs Message Authentication Code Based on DES 11.4 Hash Functions Requirements for a Hash Function Simple Hash Functions Birthday Attacks Block Chaining Techniques 11.5 Security of Hash Functions and MACs Brute-Force Attacks Cryptanalysis
Security Requirements
1. Disclosure: Release of message contents to any person or process not possessing the appropriate cryptographic key. 2. Traffic analysis: Discovery of the pattern of traffic between parties. In a connection-oriented application, the frequency and duration of connections could be determined. In either a connection-oriented or connectionless environment, the number and length of messages between parties could be determined. Measures to deal with the first two attacks are in the realm of message confidentiality
Security Requirements
6. Timing modification: Delay or replay of messages. In a connection-oriented application, an entire session or sequence of messages could be a replay of some previous valid session, or individual messages in the sequence could be delayed or replayed. In a connectionless application, an individual message (e.g., datagram) could be delayed or replayed.
Message Encryption
• message encryption by itself also provides a measure of authentication • if symmetric encryption is used then:
– receiver know sender must have created it – since only sender and receiver now key used – know content cannot of been altered – if message has suitable structure, redundancy or a checksum to detect any changes
Error control
Message Encryption
• if public-key encryption is used:
– encryption provides no authentication of sender, since anyone potentially knows public-key – however if
symmetric encryption
we may say that B is assured that the message was generated by A. Why? The message must have come from A because A is the only other party that possesses K and therefore the only other party with the information necessary to construct ciphertext that can be decrypted with K. Furthermore, if M is recovered, B knows that none of the bits of M have been altered, because an opponent that does not know K would not know how to alter bits in the ciphertext to produce desired changes in the plaintext.
• sender signs message using their private-key • then encrypts with recipients public key • have both secrecy and authentication
– again need to recognize corrupted messages – but at cost of two public-key uses on message
Measures to deal with items 3 through 6 in the foregoing list are generally regarded as message authentication.
Security Requirements
7. Source repudiation: Denial of transmission of message by source. Mechanisms for dealing specifically with item 7 come under the heading of digital signatures. 8. Destination repudiation: Denial of receipt of message by destination. Dealing with item 8 may require a combination of the use of digital signatures and a protocol designed to counter this attack.