python爬虫proxy代理的使用方法 -回复
为什么使用代理服务器?在进行爬虫过程中,使用代理服务器有以下几个优点:1. 隐藏真实IP地址:如果频繁访问同一个网站,网站可能会将我们的IP地址列入黑名单,使用代理服务器可以避免这种封锁。
2. 提高爬取速度:通过使用不同的代理服务器,我们可以实现多线程或多进程并发请求,从而提高请求响应的速度。
3. 获取更多数据:一些网站可能会根据我们的IP地址区分数据的提供范围,使用代理服务器可以让我们获取到更多的数据。
pythonimport requestsproxies = {"http": ""https": "}response = requests.get(url, proxies=proxies)其中,proxies是一个字典对象,键是协议类型(http或https),值是代理服务器的地址和端口号。
为了绕过这些限制,我们需要使用代理服务器(Proxy Server)来隐藏我们的真实IP地址,从而实现匿名访问和规避限制。
1. 什么是Proxy代理?Proxy代理服务器是一种充当客户端与目标服务器之间的中间服务器,将客户端的请求转发给目标服务器,并将响应返回给客户端。
2. Proxy代理的类型Proxy代理可以分为以下几种类型:- HTTP Proxy:代理服务器接收HTTP请求,并转发给目标服务器。
- HTTPS Proxy:代理服务器接收HTTPS请求,并转发给目标服务器。
- SOCKS Proxy:一种网络传输协议,它可以将TCP/IP数据包转发到任何位置,并且不承认任何与协议无关的内容。
在爬虫开发中,我们常常会使用HTTP Proxy来实现代理功能。
3. 获取Proxy代理在使用Proxy代理之前,我们需要获取可用的代理服务器地址。
有很多在线提供免费代理服务器地址的网站,比如"下面是一个简单的示例,展示如何从"pythonimport requestsfrom bs4 import BeautifulSoupdef get_proxies():url = "response = requests.get(url)soup = BeautifulSoup(response.text, "html.parser")table = soup.find("table", attrs={"id": "proxylisttable"})rows = table.tbody.find_all("tr")proxies = []for row in rows:columns = row.find_all("td")ip = columns[0].textport = columns[1].textproxy = f"{ip}:{port}"proxies.append(proxy)return proxies4. 使用Proxy代理进行爬虫获取到可用的代理服务器地址后,我们可以使用Python的requests库来实现Proxy代理功能。
mitmproxy win 使用 -回复
mitmproxy win 使用-回复如何在Windows上使用mitmproxy进行中间人攻击(MITM攻击)一、介绍中间人攻击(MITM攻击)是一种网络攻击技术,攻击者会在通信过程中窃取、篡改或伪造通信数据。
二、准备工作在开始之前,您需要完成以下准备工作:1. 下载并安装Python:mitmproxy是用Python编写的,因此您需要安装Python来运行mitmproxy。
您可以从Python官方网站(2. 安装mitmproxy:打开命令提示符(CMD),运行以下命令来安装mitmproxy:pip install mitmproxy三、打开mitmproxy一旦您完成了准备工作,可以按照以下步骤打开mitmproxy:1. 打开命令提示符(CMD):按下Win + R键,然后输入"CMD"并按下Enter键,以打开命令提示符。
2. 运行mitmproxy:在命令提示符中,输入以下命令来启动mitmproxy:mitmproxy四、设置浏览器代理mitmproxy已经在您的计算机上成功运行后,您需要将浏览器配置为使用mitmproxy作为代理服务器。
以下是如何配置不同浏览器的步骤:1. Google Chrome:打开Chrome浏览器,点击右上角的菜单图标,选择"设置"。
为了稳定起见,我用的比较成熟的老版本程序,主程序:nagios3.0.6yum -y install httpd gcc glibc glibc-common gd gd-develyum -y install openssl-devel(不做这步,安装nrpe会出现checking for SSL headers... configure: error: Cannot find ssl headers错误)先安装好 hhtpd gcc gd 库等依赖程序。
安装前准备:1.新建nagios用户及用户组useradd nagiospassword nagios (设置密码)2.修改安装文件夹权限chown nagios.nagios /usr/local/nagios一、安装nagios主程序tar -zxvf nagios-3.0.6.tar.gzcd nagios-3.0.6./configure –prefix=/usr/local/nagios –with-command-group=nagiosmake allmake installmake install-initmake install-configmake install-commandmodels /usr/local/nagios (查看是否有etc、bin、sbin、share、var、libexec这六个目录,如果有,表示安装成功)cd ..二、安装nagios-plugins插件1、tar -zxvf nagios-plugins-1.4.9.tar.gzcd nagios-plugins-1.4.9./configure --prefix=/usr/local/nagios --with-nagios-user-nagios --with-nagios-group=nagiosmakemake installls /usr/local/nagios/libexec(会显示很多插件)2、将apache的运行用户加到nagios组里面从httpd.conf中过滤出当前的apache运行用户:grep ^User /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confUser apache(返回值)我的是apache,下面将这个用户加入nagios组usermod -G nagios apache3、修改apache配置文件vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.confshift+g 跳至文件最后,并加入如下内容:#setting for nagios 20090325#setting by ScriptAlias /nagios/cgi-bin /usr/local/nagios/sbin<Directory "/usr/local/nagios/sbin">Options ExecCGIAllowOverride NoneOrder allow,denyAllow from allAuthName "Nagios Access"AuthType BasicAuthUserFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswdRequire valid-user</Directory>Alias /nagios /usr/local/nagios/share<Directory "/usr/local/nagios/share">Options NoneAllowOverride NoneOrder allow,denyAllow from allAuthName "Nagios Access"AuthType BasicAuthUserFile /usr/local/nagios/etc/htpasswdRequire valid-user</Directory>保存后,/etc/init/httpd restart 重启apache服务。
python proxy用法 -回复
python proxy用法-回复【Python Proxy用法】Proxy (代理)是计算机网络中常见的一种设计模式,它允许一个对象作为另一个对象的接口或代表,以控制客户端对其内部对象的访问。
1. 引入代理相关的库在Python中,我们可以使用一些第三方库来实现代理功能,其中较为常用的有requests和socks。
可以使用pip来进行安装:pip install requestspip install pysocks2. 使用requests库实现HTTP代理requests库是Python中最常用的HTTP库之一,它提供了简单且直观的HTTP请求方法。
以下是使用requests库设置HTTP代理的示例代码:pythonimport requestsproxy = {'http': ' # 设置代理服务器的IP地址和端口号response = requests.get(' proxies=proxy) # 发送带有代理的HTTP 请求print(response.text) # 打印响应内容在上述代码中,我们首先定义了一个代理字典proxy,其中'http'表示我们将要使用的代理类型是HTTP。
3. 使用requests库实现HTTPS代理与HTTP代理类似,使用requests库也可以实现HTTPS代理。
以下是一个使用requests库设置HTTPS代理的示例代码:pythonimport requestsproxy = {'https': ' # 设置代理服务器的IP地址和端口号response = requests.get(' proxies=proxy) # 发送带有代理的HTTPS请求print(response.text) # 打印响应内容在这个示例中,我们将代理字典中的键设置为'https',以指示我们要使用的代理类型是HTTPS。
Contributors: Ed Buckler, Terry Casstevens, Peter Bradbury, Zhiwu Zhang, Dallas Kroon, Jeff Glaubitz, Kelly Swarts, Jason Wallace, Fei Lu, Alberto Romero, Cinta Romay, Eli Rodgers-Melnick, Alexander Lipka, Sara Miller, James Harriman, Yogesh Ramdoss, Michael Oak, Karin Holmberg, Natalie Stevens, and Yang Zhang.
引言 .................................................................................................................................................. 6 1 入门指南....................................................................................................................................... 7 1.1 执行 TASSEL .................................................................................................................... 8 1.2 开源代码............................................................................................................................ 8 1.3 软件开发工具.................................................................................................................... 8 1.4 图形界面............................................................................................................................ 9 1.5 管道(命令行界面) ...................................................................................................... 10 1.6 GBS 管道 .......................................................................................................................... 10 2 File(文件)菜单 ....................................................................................................................... 10 2.1.1 Save Data Tree(保存数据树) ............................................................................ 10 2.1.2 Open Data Tree(打开数据树)............................................................................ 10 2.1.3 Save Data Tree As…(数据树另存为…) ........................................................... 10 2.1.4 Open Data Tree…(打开数据树…).................................................................... 11 2.1.5 Set Preferences(设置首选项) ............................................................................ 11 3 Data(数据)菜单 ................................................................................................................. 11 3.1 Load(加载) .................................................................................................................. 12 3.1.1 Hapmap ........................................................................................................... 14 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 HDF5(层次数据格式,版本5) ............................................................... 14 VCF(Variant Call Format 变异体召唤格式) ............................................ 15 Plink ................................................................................................................ 15
6.2. 强大的config .............................................................................................94
6.3. 聚合config变量 .........................................................................................98
写这本书,只是想把自己会的一点东西完全的落于纸上。在努力学习 UVM 的 过程中,自己花费了很多时间和精力。我只想把学习的心得记录下来,希望能够给 后来的人以启发。如果这本书能够给一个人带来一点点的帮助,那么我的努力就不 算是白费。
这本书的前半部分(第 1 到第 9 章)介绍了 UVM 的使用,其用户群较为广泛;
8.2. 搭建一个简单的register model...............................................................129
8.3. 复杂的register model...............................................................................137
pyqtgraph signalproxy用法
pyqtgraph signalproxy用法【原创实用版】目录1.pyqtgraph 信号代理类(signalproxy)概述2.pyqtgraph 信号代理类的作用3.pyqtgraph 信号代理类的使用方法4.pyqtgraph 信号代理类的示例正文【1.pyqtgraph 信号代理类(signalproxy)概述】pyqtgraph 是一个用于快速开发科学图形用户界面的纯 Python 库,它的信号代理类(signalproxy)为使用者提供了一种简单易用的方式来处理信号与槽(signal and slot)之间的连接。
【2.pyqtgraph 信号代理类的作用】信号代理类在 pyqtgraph 中的主要作用是简化信号与槽之间的连接过程。
【3.pyqtgraph 信号代理类的使用方法】要使用 pyqtgraph 信号代理类,首先需要从 pyqtgraph 库中导入signalproxy 模块。
然后,通过以下步骤创建一个信号代理实例:1.使用 signalproxy 模块中的 signalProxy() 函数创建一个信号代理实例。
2.使用代理实例的 connect() 方法将信号与槽函数连接起来。
3.在需要触发槽函数的地方调用代理实例的 emit() 方法。
下面是一个简单的示例:```pythonimport sysfrom PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication, QPushButton, QVBoxLayout, QWidgetfrom pyqtgraph.Qt import Qtfrom pyqtgraph.signalproxy import signalProxyclass MyApp(QWidget):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.initUI()def initUI(self):vbox = QVBoxLayout()self.button = QPushButton("Click me")vbox.addWidget(self.button)self.button.clicked.connect(self.on_button_clicked) self.setLayout(vbox)self.setWindowTitle("Signal Proxy Example") self.setGeometry(300, 300, 300, 200)self.show()def on_button_clicked(self):print("Button clicked")if __name__ == "__main__":app = QApplication(sys.argv)ex = MyApp()sys.exit(app.exec_())```在这个例子中,我们通过信号代理类将 QPushButton 的 clicked 信号与自定义的槽函数 on_button_clicked 连接起来。
2.开启代理用户可以通过在命令行中输入"usedict on"命令来开启代理。
3.关闭代理用户可以通过在命令行中输入"usedict off"命令来关闭代理。
四、usedict的高级用法1.设置代理服务器位置区域和端口号用户可以通过在命令行中输入"usedict set<proxy_address>:<port>"命令来设置代理服务器的位置区域和端口号。
用户可以输入"usedict set"来设置代理服务器位置区域为127.0.0.1,端口号为8888。
2.设置代理模式用户可以通过在命令行中输入"usedict mode <mode>"命令来设置代理模式。
proxychains 参数
ProxyChains是一款适用于Linux和其他Unix系统的网络代理设置工具,它强制ProxyChains是一款适用于Linux和其他Unix系统的网络代理设置工具,它强制使任一程序发起的TCP连接请求必须通过诸如TOR或SOCKS4, SOCKS5或HTTP等代理服务器。
- dynamic_chain:该配置项能够通过ProxyList中的每个代理运行流量,如果其中一个代理关闭或者没有响应,它能够自动选择ProxyList中的下一个代理。
- strict_chain:这是ProxyChains的默认配置,与dynamic_chain相似,也能够通过ProxyList中的每个代理运行流量,但是如果ProxyList中的代理出现故障,不会自动切换到下一个。
- random_chain:该配置项会从ProxyList中随机选择代理IP来运行流量,如果ProxyList 中有多个代理IP,在使用proxychains的时候会使用不同的代理访问目标主机,从而使主机端探测流量更加困难。
python cythonize 详细参数
cythonize是 Cython 提供的一个用于编译 Cython 程序的命令行工具。
它的主要作用是将Cython 源文件(.pyx文件)编译成C 代码,然后再编译成共享库或扩展模块,以便在 Python 中调用。
以下是cythonize命令的一些常用参数:1.文件路径(file):–-i或--inplace: 在源文件所在目录生成共享库文件。
–source: 源文件路径。
2.编译选项(compiler_directives):–--compiler: 指定使用的编译器,例如--compiler=mingw32。
–--annotate: 生成 HTML 格式的注释文件,用于查看代码的性能瓶颈。
–--force: 强制重新编译所有文件,即使没有变化。
3.其他选项(options):–-a或--annotate: 生成 HTML 格式的注释文件,用于查看代码的性能瓶颈。
–--force: 强制重新编译所有文件,即使没有变化。
–--line-directives: 在 C 代码中插入#line指令,使得编译错误更容易理解。
4.语言选项(language_level):–2: 使用 Python 2 的语法特性。
–3: 使用 Python 3 的语法特性。
–3str: 使用 Python 3 字符串语法。
5.输出选项(output_file):–-o或--output-file: 指定输出文件名。
6.优化选项(optimize):–0, 1, 2, 3: 不同级别的优化,类似于 GCC 的-O0, -O1, -O2, -O3。
7.其他(其他参数可能会根据 Cython 版本而有所不同):–--workdir: 生成的 C 文件和共享库的工作目录。
–--build: 生成的 C 文件和共享库的构建目录。
示例用法:请注意,实际的参数使用可能会根据 Cython 的版本而有所不同。
管理 Cisco Umbrella 操作指南说明书
1.Cisco Umbrella – Security Solution∙Secure Internet Gateway∙Ransomware Protection∙DNS and IP layer enforcement∙Intelligent Proxy∙Command and control callback blocking∙Threat Intelligence∙Umbrella Packages2. Implementing Cisco Umbrella∙Cisco Umbrella Overview∙Protect Your Network∙Point Your DNS to Cisco Umbrella∙Custom Policies∙Intelligent Proxy∙Umbrella Policy Tester∙Policy Precedence3. Roaming Client∙Umbrella Roaming Client – Introduction∙Prerequisites∙Downloading and Installing∙Verifying Operation∙Policy Configuration∙Adding IP Layer Enforcement∙Status, States, and Functionality∙Virtual Appliances∙Troubleshooting∙Internal Domains4. Umbrella Roaming Security∙AnyConnect: Cisco Umbrella Roaming Security Client Administrator Guide ∙Cisco Umbrella Dashboard Configuration∙Cisco Certificate Import5. Virtual Appliance Setup Guide∙Deployment Guidelines∙Deploy the VAs∙Setup via VMWare∙Setup via Hyper-V∙Configuring Your VAs∙Local DNS Forwarding∙Reroute DNS∙Sites and Internal Networks∙Sizing6. Active Directory∙Active Directory Setup∙Set Up DNS Forwarding with Your VAs∙Active Directory Environment∙Route DNS Traffic∙Communication Flow and Troubleshooting ∙Multiple Active Directory and Umbrella Sites7. Reporting∙Reporting Basics∙Understanding Security Categories∙Scheduled Reports: Overview and Setup∙Security Overview Report∙Activity Search Report∙Security Activity Report∙Destinations Report∙Identities Report∙Cloud Services Report∙Admin Audit Log Report8. Umbrella Multi-Organization∙Cisco Umbrella Multi-Org Overview∙Centralized Settings∙Centralized Reports: Service Status∙Centralized Reports: Cloud Services。
proxychains 使用方法
proxychains 使用方法Pro某ychains 是一个开源工具,用于在终端中通过代理服务器访问网络。
它可以将终端中的所有网络连接路由到代理服务器上,以达到隐藏真实 IP 地址、绕过防火墙限制和访问被封锁的网站的目的。
Pro某ychains 的使用方法相对简单,下面将介绍如何在 Linu某系统上使用 Pro某ychains。
首先,你需要确保系统上已经安装了 Pro某ychains,如果没有安装,可以通过以下命令来安装:```$ sudo apt-get install pro某ychains``````socks5 1080```这里以使用SOCKS5代理服务器为例。
``````此外,Pro某ychains 还支持通过代理服务器进行 DNS 查询。
如果你希望将 DNS 查询也通过代理服务器进行,可以在配置文件中的 Pro某yList 行下面添加另一行:```pro某y_dns```添加该行后,Pro某ychains 会通过代理服务器解析 DNS 查询,从而隐藏真实的 IP 地址。
需要注意的是,Pro某ychains 只能将命令行工具的网络连接通过代理服务器进行路由,而无法直接影响图形界面应用程序的网络连接。
总结起来,Pro某ychains 是一个方便易用的工具,可以帮助你在终端中通过代理服务器访问网络。
通过简单的配置和命令,你就可以实现隐藏 IP 地址、绕过防火墙限制和访问被封锁的网站等目的。
Sophos Mobile服务器部署指南说明书
ContentsAbout this guide (1)Sizing considerations (2)Architecture examples (6)Ports and protocols (16)EAS proxy usage scenarios (20)EAS proxy architecture examples (21)Technical support (27)Legal notices (28)Sophos Mobile1 About this guideThis guide contains deployment considerations for a Sophos Mobile system.It provides guidance on the proper dimensioning of a Sophos Mobile server installation in terms of hardware (for example CPU and memory) and software (for example database and virtualization) requirements, and it explains, on the basis of schematic diagrams, different usage scenarios for the integration of Sophos Mobile and the standalone EAS proxy into your organization's infrastructure.Sophos Mobile2 Sizing considerationsImportantThis section provides guidance on how to size the Sophos Mobile server based on some keycriteria. The recommendations are based on default settings of the relevant configurationparameters and on a reasonable distribution of device types, tenants (customers) andadministrators. If the setup for a customer differs significantly, the suggested values must to bemodified.Activities that generate loadThe following activities generate load on the Sophos Mobile server:•Administrator interaction: Any administrator interactively working in a customer account generates load. The load depends on the amount of interactive actions and the number of devices for that customer.•Self Service Portal interaction: Any user interactively working on the Self Service Portal generates load. The number of concurrent sessions is relevant for the sizing of a server.•Device Sync: The devices synchronize with the server in predefined intervals. Each sync operation generates load. The number of devices and the interval are relevant for the sizing of a server.•Policy/app distribution: Any device interaction, like lock or wipe, policy updates or app distribution generates server load. The server is able to distribute the load over time (batching), but the servermust be sized to handle that additional load.•Email traffic: The EAS proxy acts as a gateway for email communication. The server load depends on the number of devices syncing email and the sync period. If the EAS proxy is installed on a different server, this load can be neglected. More than one active EAS proxy can add to theserver load, as the device status must be fetched regularly. Please note that, because all emailtraffic passes the EAS proxy, sufficient network bandwidth is required.System componentsA Sophos Mobile system can be divided into 3 main components:•Sophos Mobile server: The server manages all administrator and user interactions, the device sync and the policy and app distribution.•Database server: The database server (DB server) handles all read and write activities and queries. Most of the SMC server activities result in a DB server action. The DB server can beinstalled either on the same or different hardware server as the Sophos Mobile server.•EAS proxy: All email traffic passes the EAS proxy. It is installed either as a component of the Sophos Mobile server (internal EAS proxy) or as a separate component on one or more externalservers (standalone EAS proxy).Sophos Mobile server sizingDefinitions:• 1 CPU equals to an Intel XEON core with 2.5 GHz.Sophos MobileSophos MobileSophos Mobile •On each malware scan, 256 bytes per app are used for online look-ups against the latest threat data in the SophosLabs database.•For downloading data updates for the antivirus engine, 10-20 KB per day are used on average.Sophos Mobile3 Architecture examplesLearn how to integrate Sophos Mobile server into your organization’s infrastructure.Communication overviewSophos Mobile Sophos Mobile in demilitarized zone (DMZ)Sophos MobileSophos Mobile in DMZ with incoming and outgoing traffic protectionSophos Mobile in backend with incoming and outgoing traffic protectionSophos Mobile as a Service communication overviewSophos Mobile cluster with Sophos UTM Web Application FirewallSophos Mobile cluster with Amazon Web Services CloudSophos Secure Email push notificationsSophos Mobile and Sophos SafeGuard Enterprise keyring synchronizationSophos Mobile and Microsoft Azure for Intune app protection and federated authentication4 Ports and protocols1If not available, Sophos Mobile has no information about iOS and macOS updates. For example, compliance rules regarding mandatory updates have no effect.2Required to use Exchange Web Services (EWS) notifications. See Sophos knowledge base article 127137.5 EAS proxy usage scenariosYou use IBM Notes Traveler (formerly IBM Lotus Notes Traveler) for non-iOS devicesThe internal EAS proxy is not suitable for this scenario because it only supports the ActiveSync protocol, which is used by Microsoft Exchange and by IBM Notes Traveler for iOS devices. IBMNotes Traveler for non-iOS devices (for example, Android) uses a different protocol that is supported by the standalone EAS proxy.For non-iOS devices, dedicated Traveler client software is required. This software is available through <traveler-server>/servlet/traveler or the Traveler file system. The Install Appand Uninstall App features of Sophos Mobile can be used to install and uninstall the Traveler client software. Configuration has to be performed manually.You want to support multiple backend serversWith the standalone EAS proxy you can set up multiple instances of backend email systems. Each instance needs an incoming TCP port. Each port can connect to a different backend. You need one URL per EAS proxy instance.You want to set up load balancing for EASYou can set up standalone EAS proxy instances on several computers and then use a load balancer to distribute the client requests among them.For this scenario an existing load balancer for HTTP is required.You want to use client certificate based authenticationFor this scenario an existing PKI is required and the public part of the CA certificate has to be set in the EAS proxy.You need to manage more than 500 devicesFor performance reasons, we recommend you use the standalone EAS proxy server instead of the internal version when email traffic for more than 500 client devices must be managed.6 EAS proxy architecture examplesLearn how to integrate the Sophos Mobile standalone EAS proxy into your organization’s infrastructure. The standalone EAS proxy is available for all installation types of the Sophos Mobile server:•Sophos Mobile on Premise•Sophos Mobile as a Service•Sophos Mobile in CentralEAS proxy with Sophos Mobile serverEAS proxy with Sophos Mobile in CentralClient certificate authorizationReverse proxySeveral proxy instances on different computersSeveral proxy instances on the same computerEAS proxy with IBM Traveler clientsEAS proxy behind a load balancerPowerShell modeYou can set up a PowerShell connection to an Exchange or an Office 365 server. This means that the EAS proxy service communicates with the email server through PowerShell to control the email access for your managed devices. Email traffic is routed directly from the devices to the email server. It is not routed through a proxy.PowerShell mode (Sophos Mobile in Central)7 Technical supportYou can find technical support for Sophos products in any of these ways:•Visit the Sophos Community at / and search for other users who are experiencing the same problem.•Visit the Sophos Support knowledge base at /en-us/support.aspx.•Download the product documentation at /en-us/support/documentation.aspx.•Open a ticket with our support team at https:///support/contact-support/ support-query.aspx.8 Legal noticesCopyright © 2019 Sophos Limited. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise unless you are either a valid licensee where the documentation can be reproduced in accordance with the license terms or you otherwise have the prior permission in writing of the copyright owner.Sophos, Sophos Anti-Virus and SafeGuard are registered trademarks of Sophos Limited, Sophos Group and Utimaco Safeware AG, as applicable. All other product and company names mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective owners.。
openresty 常用编译参数
openresty 常用编译参数OpenResty是一个基于Nginx的可扩展的Web平台,它通常用于构建高性能的Web应用程序。
以下是一些常用的编译参数:1. --prefix=path,指定OpenResty的安装路径。
2. --with-luajit,启用LuaJIT支持,LuaJIT是一个快速的JIT编译器,可以提高Lua脚本的性能。
3. --with-pcre=path,指定PCRE库的路径,PCRE是一个正则表达式库,用于支持正则表达式匹配。
4. --with-openssl=path,指定OpenSSL库的路径,用于支持加密和安全连接。
5. --with-http_ssl_module,启用SSL模块,支持HTTPS协议。
6. --with-http_realip_module,启用RealIP模块,用于获取真实的客户端IP地址。
7. --with-http_stub_status_module,启用Stub Status模块,用于监控Nginx的运行状态。
8. --with-http_v2_module,启用HTTP/2支持,提高Web应用的性能。
9. --with-threads,启用线程支持,可以提高并发处理能力。
10. --with-stream,启用Stream模块,支持TCP和UDP代理。
subs_filter编译 -回复
然后,我们可以按照以下步骤进行sub_filter的编译:步骤1: 下载Nginx源代码你可以从Nginx的官方网站上下载最新的稳定版本的源代码。
步骤2: 解压源代码解压下载的源代码,并进入到解压后的目录。
步骤3: 配置编译选项在终端中输入以下命令,配置编译选项:./configure add-module=/path/to/sub_filter/其中,`/path/to/sub_filter/`是sub_filter模块的源码路径。
步骤4: 编译在终端中输入以下命令,开始编译:make这个过程可能需要一些时间,取决于你的系统性能和源代码的大小。
步骤5: 安装编译完成后,输入以下命令将编译好的Nginx安装到系统中:make install你可能需要使用`sudo`来获取足够的权限进行安装。
步骤6: 配置Nginx在Nginx的配置文件中,找到你想要使用sub_filter的location块,并添加以下代码:sub_filter 'old_text' 'new_text';sub_filter_types *;其中,`old_text`是你想要替换的文本,`new_text`是你想要替换成的新文本。
步骤7: 重启Nginx在终端中输入以下命令,重启Nginx服务器:sudo service nginx restart这个命令可能会因为不同的操作系统而有所不同。
相反,如果proxy_buffering关闭,c反馈的数据实时地通过b传输给a1. proxy_buffering on;该参数设置是否开启proxy的buffer功能,参数的值为on或者off。
但是无论proxy_buffering是否开启proxy_buffer_size都是生效的2. proxy_buffer_size 4k;该参数用来设置一个特殊的buffer大小的。
3. proxy_buffers 8 4k;这个参数设置存储被代理服务器上的数据所占用的buffer的个数和每个buffer的大小。
4. proxy_busy_buffer_size 16k;在所有的buffer里,我们需要规定一部分buffer把自己存的数据传给a,这部分buffer就叫做busy_buffer。
proxy.usedict用法 -回复
pythonfrom proxy import usedict接下来,我们创建一个学生信息字典,并使用usedict函数将其转换为可以代理的字典对象。
pythonstudents = {'Alice': 18, 'Bob': 20, 'Charlie': 19}proxy_students = usedict(students)现在,我们可以通过proxy_students来代理对学生信息字典的访问。
pythonprint(proxy_students['Alice']) # 输出:18如果我们尝试获取一个不存在的键值对,将会引发KeyError异常。
pythonprint(proxy_students.get('David')) # 输出:None现在,让我们看一下如何通过Proxy来修改学生信息。
pythonproxy_students['Alice'] = 20print(proxy_students['Alice']) # 输出:20如果我们尝试修改一个不存在的键值对,Proxy将自动将其添加到学生信息字典中。
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Max Client Bandwidth
Transactions / Second
210-25-PR 510-25-PR 810-25-PR 8100-5-PR 8100-10-PR 8100-30-PR 9000-5-PR 9000-10-PR 9000-20-PR
10Mbps 50Mbps 200Mbps 300Mbps 350Mbps 475Mbps 450Mbps 475Mbps 650Mbps
200 400 1700 2500 3000 4000 3500 4000 5700
No licensed user limit No licensed user limit No licensed user limit No licensed user limit No licensed user limit No licensed user limit No licensed user limit No licensed user limit No licensed user limit
Reverse Proxy Assumes 70% peak CPU load with 12k HTTP objects and limited SSL. Because it is usually impossible to control the number of clients connecting in a reverse proxy deployment, only models without user limits are recommended. Always use SGOS Proxy Edition for reverse proxy deployments. Max Client Bandwidth Maximum client side bandwidth. Server side bandwidth is typically much lower due to proxy caching. Transactions per Second This is the number of HTTP requests per a second that can be sustained by the ProxySG. ProxySGs are licensed based on concurrent client IP addresses only. Other parameters, such as Max Bandwidth and Transactions / Second are suggested values based on the physical capacity of the system. Concurrent Licensed Client IPs Licensed users is measured as the number of unique client IP addresses with open inbound TCP connections to the ProxySG. The measurement is instantaneous and concurrent. It is not based on the average over any time interval. The administrator can configure the ProxySG to either bypass connections from new users, to delay them until another client drops all of its connections or to attempt to accept them. The default is to accept them. No licensed user limit 8100 and 9000 series models and models labeled '-25' have no license limit on the number of concurrent users. The hardware configurations of the '-25' models are identical to the '-20' model for each platform. The licensed user limit for the '-20' models are near the hardware's capacity if most features are enabled. Use the '-25' models if the number of users is not
known or if your use of the appliance enables more users to be processed than the license limit allows. Hardware Spec SSL accelerator cards are included where listed. A separate license is required to activate SSL termination. 2x1000BT and 4x1000BT passthru cards can be programmed to act as bridges or independent ports: a 2x1000BT passthru card can be used as a single 2-port bridge or 2 independent Ethernet interfaces These guidelines show the relative power of SG appliances. Appropriate configurations can vary from these guidelines and will depend on technical requirements.
Without ADN Enabled With ADN Enabled
Hardware Spec
Storage CPU Cores
Total Storage (GB)
Preinstalled Option Cards
On-board Network Ports Power Supply
Figure 1: Example Reverse ProxySG deployment scenario
Copyright © 2008, 2009 Blue Coat Systems, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document may be reproduced by any means nor translated to any electronic medium without the written consent of Blue Coat Systems, Inc. Specifications are subject to change without notice. Information contained in this document is believed to be accurate and reliable, however, Blue Coat Systems, Inc. assumes no responsibility for its use, Blue Coat is a registered trademark of Blue Coat Systems, Inc. in the U.S. and worldwide. All other trademarks mentioned in this document are the property of their respective owners. Page 1 of 2
2 port 100BT Passthru 2x1000BT 2x1000BT 2x1000BT 2x1000BT 2x1000BT 4 port 1000BT Passthru 4 port 1000BT Passthru 4 port 1000BT Passthru
Single Single Single Redundant Redundant Redundant Redundant Redundant Redundant
200 400 1700 2500 3000 4000 3500 4000 5700
Because we know that throughput peaks at 20Mbps in this example, we can rule out the SG210-25-PR model (which is appropriate for maximum client bandwidth of 10Mbps. The appropriate ProxySG appliance in this example is the SG510-25-PR. Notes: • Although not included in the Reverse Proxy Sizing Guide, user licensed models: SG210, SG510, and SG810 (-5, -10, and -20) can be used for reverse proxy if the number of concurrent users is known (which might be true for internal corporate applications). • • If antivirus protection is required, quote the Proxy AV810-A as part of the solution If SSL proxy is required, a separate SSL license (2 x SW-SSL-SG810-10) will need to be included on the quote. The appropriate service options should also be included.