



History is the teacher of life.2、一切历史都是当代史。

All history is contemporary history.3、历史是国家和人类的传记。

History is the biography of country and human.4、历史是人类的过去的知识。

History is the past of human knowledge.5、历史是说过和做过事情的记忆。

History is the memory of said and done things.6、每一种真正的历史都是现代史。

Every kind of true history is modern history.7、胜利者书写历史,失败者创造历史。

Winners writing history, losers make history.8、无论如何,历史总是一代胜过一代。

However, history is always a generation than a generation.9、历史是安静的,喧嚣的是说历史的人。

History is a quiet, noisy mean history.10、历史又可教我们以智慧和价值的相对性。

History can teach us the wisdom and the relativity of value.11、历史,不过是由胜利者书写的谎言罢了。

History is written by the victors lies.12、历史是一面镜子,也是一本深刻的教科书。

History is a mirror, is also a profound textbook.13、不尊重历史的人,注定要重犯历史的错误。

People who do not respect history, are doomed to repeat the historical error.14、历史是一面镜子,它照亮现实,也照亮未来。

history 英语作文

history 英语作文

history 英语作文Title: The Impact of Historical Events on Modern Society。

History plays a pivotal role in shaping the present and the future. From ancient civilizations to contemporary societies, events of the past continue to influence our lives in various ways. In this essay, we will explore how historical events have impacted modern society.One significant aspect of history is its role in shaping cultural identity. The customs, traditions, and beliefs of a society are often deeply rooted in its historical experiences. For example, the legacy of colonialism has left a profound impact on many countries, influencing their languages, religions, and social structures. In India, for instance, British colonial rule not only altered the political landscape but also introduced English as a widely spoken language, which continues to be used today in various domains such aseducation, administration, and business.Moreover, historical events often serve as lessons for contemporary society. By studying past conflicts, revolutions, and social movements, we gain insights intothe consequences of certain actions and ideologies. Therise of totalitarian regimes in the 20th century, such as Nazi Germany and Stalinist Russia, serves as a stark reminder of the dangers of unchecked power and extremist ideologies. Understanding the factors that led to such regimes can help us identify and address similar threats in the present day, thus safeguarding democratic principlesand human rights.Furthermore, historical events shape the geopolitical landscape of the modern world. The outcomes of wars, treaties, and diplomatic negotiations determine the borders, alliances, and power dynamics among nations. For example, the aftermath of World War II led to the division of Europe into Eastern and Western blocs, setting the stage for the Cold War era. The fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989 markedthe end of this division and paved the way for thereunification of Germany, symbolizing the triumph of democracy over communism.In addition, technological advancements often havetheir roots in historical developments. The Industrial Revolution, for instance, transformed societies by ushering in an era of mass production, urbanization, and economic growth. The inventions and innovations of that period laid the foundation for modern industries such as manufacturing, transportation, and communication. Similarly, the Space Race between the United States and the Soviet Union during the Cold War spurred advancements in aerospace technology, leading to the exploration of space and the development of satellite communications, GPS, and other space-related technologies that are integral to the modern world.Moreover, historical injustices continue to impact contemporary society, often manifesting in issues of social justice, equality, and human rights. The legacies of slavery, colonization, and discrimination continue toaffect marginalized communities around the world. Efforts to address these injustices, such as movements for civilrights, indigenous rights, and gender equality, are rooted in an understanding of historical grievances and a commitment to building a more just and equitable society.In conclusion, history is not merely a record of the past but a living force that shapes the present and the future. By understanding the impact of historical events on modern society, we gain insights into our collective identity, learn from past mistakes, navigate geopolitical challenges, drive technological innovation, and strive for social justice. As we continue to grapple with the complexities of the modern world, it is essential to recognize the enduring influence of history and the lessons it offers for building a better tomorrow.。













1694年,一位名叫Gottfried Wilhem von Leibniza 的德国数学家兼哲学家通过发明了一种可以运行乘法的机器来完善加法器。




The arithometer提出了一个更系统的方法来计算,因为它可以运算加,减,乘,除。










History 详解

History 详解

pushState 接受三个参数,它们分别是,一个 state 对象,标题,以及 URL ,其中 URL 为可选参数,标题暂时被浏览器忽略而未作处理,为防止今后浏览器做出修改,将标题传递为空字符串是安全的做法。这里的 state 是一个 JavaScript 对象,它用以存储关于你所要插入到历史记录的条目的相关信息。事实上,在 Firefox4 中,该对象的大小被限制在 640k 之内,如果需要存储更多的数据,请使用 sessionStorage 或者 localStorage
首先有必要来回顾一下我们已经熟悉的有关 History 的操作,它们主要包括:back(), forward(), and go(index) 这三个方法。
PS.值得注意的是,pushState 所带来地址栏的变化,不会触发 hash 的跳转效果,哪怕是新的地址仅仅是在旧的地址后面追加了 hash 值。另外,参数 url 可以是任何地址,外部的,甚至是不存在的,浏览器不会在 push 的时候去检查这个链接,它所做的仅仅是将这个地址添加到历史记录中。
修改历史:History 详解
17Tags: DOM, HTML5, JavaScript3条评论
Ajax 为人之所诟病的一个地方便是状态无法被添加到历史记录中,这意味着用户不能像常规方式一样通过浏览器提供的“前进”和“后退”按钮回退或前进到某一个状态。值得庆幸的是,在 HTML5 的规范中,History 对象被改造得足够强大,并提供了丰富的接口,这次的改变使得开发者可以自由地向 History 中插入、修改状态。目前这些接口在 Chrome, Safari 以及 Firefox 4 中已经得到了完整的支持。在这篇文章中,我们将对 History 对象进行全面的了解。



使用终端输入的命令,linux会把命令记录到历史列表中,保存在用户HOME目录下的.bash_history中,默认保存1000条,这个值可以修改1、通常执行history命令,只会显示编号和历史输入命令,要显示时间戳进行如下操作输入export HISTTIMEFORMAT='%F %T'然后再输入history ,会显示对应时间history [n] 列出最近n笔命令列表history [-c] 将目前shell里面全部history消除history [-a] 将目前新增history命令新增入histfiles中history [-r] 将histfiles的内容读到目前shell的history中history [-w] 将目前的history记忆内容写入histfileshistory [-d offset] 删除特定行数2、CTRL+R搜索历史命令3、四种方法快速执行上一条命令向上按钮查看、输入!-1回车、输入!!回车、CTRL+P按回车4、按特定关键字执行特定命令输入!up 执行最近一条以up开头的命令输入!$ 调用上一条命令参数如cd !$ 这里!$表示上一条命令参数5、用HISTSIZE控制命令命令总数输入vi ~/.bash_profile然后加入两行HISTSIZE = NHISTFLESIZE = N6、使用HISTFILE改变历史文件名输入vi ~/.bash_profileHISTFIFLE = 文件路径消除输入命令记录,使其在用history无法查询输入记录,使用HISTCONTROL忽略某条特定命令,在执行一条命令时可以将HISTCONTROL设置为ignorespace,并在该命令前加上一个空格来指示history忽略这条命令#export HISTCONTROL=ignorespace# ls –ltr# pwd# service httpd stop[注: 在service的前面加上一个空格,以便在命令历史中忽略它]# history | tail -367 ls –ltr68 pwd69 history | tail -3。

history EXO歌词

history  EXO歌词

HISTORY演唱:EXO-Mlisten 感觉到没有我的心脏停掉了节奏(my heart be breakin)泪水曾经愤怒的掉落大声嘶吼ha 移步向以后(my pain be creepin)灰的眼留恋蓝的天让无所谓叫嚣变成泡沫不含畏缩纯粹的执著原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体oh ohevery enery eyeryday 我创造的history break 破陈旧的规矩move it 让谎言作废(no more shakin like that)倒数归零后就会洗净了伤悲崭新的经纬时间还有空间穿越与游走梦想完美国度的光辉会让我们牵起手飞原地踏步过多久在这新的起始站点站这是我关卡一一都击破放弃在我字典没录入过我们一份两头本是太阳般一体结构oh oh 我降落这个世界的理由i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体oh oh让时间逆向行走该是转变的时候turn it up turn it up turn it up(turn it on)当你什么都会寄望给永远所有都推迟到下一个明天或许明天之后没有未来留下只有悔恨的灰烬和尘埃抓住爱的手爱的手爱的手越爱越完美暖爱这个星球悲伤在走手握喜悦的右手我们分享同一个理由ya 我们抱紧为一体在诞生的瞬间却开始习惯疏离和一个人的世界距离渐渐渐渐渐越来越远隔离分开成两边太阳不需要分界线one more two more three four more这一瞬间迎接翼望已久梦里完美世界心脏开始跳动急速跳动doong doong doong徘徊过多久在这新的起点始点站这是我yeah exom—m exo-k要打开我们未来的history我们一份两头本是太阳般一体结构oh 同一颗心脏太阳下我们连线无限的延长线i need you and you want me在这颗蓝色星体oh ohvery enery eyeryday 我创造的history。



history对象的常用方法1. history.back该方法用于后退到上一个页面。


示例:```javascript```2. history.forward该方法用于前进到下一个页面。


示例:```javascript```3. history.go该方法接受一个整数作为参数,用于跳转到历史记录的特定位置。


示例:```javascript```4. history.pushState该方法用于向浏览器历史记录堆栈中添加一个新的状态。


示例:```javascript```5. history.replaceState该方法用于替换当前页面的状态,而不会创建新的历史记录。


示例:```javascript```6. history.length该属性返回当前会话的历史记录条目数量。

示例:```javascriptconsole.log(history.length);```7. history.state该属性返回当前历史记录条目的状态对象。

示例:```javascriptconsole.log(history.state);```8. history.goForward该方法等同于history.forward(,用于前进到下一个页面。

示例:```javascript```9. history.backHref该方法返回上一个页面的URL。

示例:```javascriptconsole.log(history.backHref();```10. history.forwardHref该方法返回下一个页面的URL。

示例:```javascriptconsole.log(history.forwardHref();```11. history.scrollRestoration该属性用于设置或获取当页面被重新加载时是否恢复滚动位置的行为。

history 英语作文

history 英语作文

history 英语作文History is the study of the past. It is a discipline that seeks to understand and explain the events, people, and societies that have shaped the world we live in today. History is a crucial part of our education, as it provides us with a sense of identity and helps us to understand the world around us.History is a vast and diverse subject, covering everything from the ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia to the modern world. It encompasses the study of politics, economics, culture, and society, and seeks to understand the causes and effects of historical events. By studying history, we can gain insight into the human experience and learn from the mistakes and successes of the past.One of the most important reasons to study history is to gain a sense of perspective. By understanding the past, we can better understand the present and make informeddecisions about the future. History helps us to see that the world is constantly changing and that the challenges we face today are not unique. By studying the past, we can gain a sense of hope and resilience, knowing that people have overcome similar challenges in the past.Another important reason to study history is to gain a sense of identity. By learning about the history of our own culture and society, we can develop a sense of pride and belonging. History helps us to understand where we come from and how our society has been shaped by the events and people of the past. By studying history, we can gain a deeper appreciation for our own heritage and the contributions of those who came before us.History also teaches us valuable lessons about the human experience. By studying the successes and failures of the past, we can gain insight into human nature and learn from the mistakes of others. History helps us to develop critical thinking skills and the ability to analyze complex issues. By understanding the causes and effects ofhistorical events, we can gain a deeper understanding ofthe world around us.In conclusion, history is a crucial part of our education and provides us with valuable insights into the past. By studying history, we can gain a sense of perspective, develop a sense of identity, and learn valuable lessons about the human experience. History is a discipline that helps us to understand the world we live in today and make informed decisions about the future.。



HistoryT3-2 FILMcategory ['kætɪg(ə)rɪ] n. 种类,分类establish [ɪ'stæblɪʃ; e-] vt. 建立;创办;安置hybrid ['haɪbrɪd] n. 杂种,混血儿;混合物conform to符合;遵照classify ['klæsɪfaɪ] vt. 分类;分等confusing [kən'fju:ziŋ] v. 使迷惑;使混乱不清(confuse的ing形式)adj. 混乱的;令人困惑的fuse [fjuːz] v. 融合;熔化,熔融fiction ['fɪkʃ(ə)n] n. 小说;虚构,编造;谎言element ['elɪm(ə)nt] n. 元素;要素aquatic [ə'kwætɪk; -'kwɒt-]adj. 水生的;水栖的creature ['kriːtʃə] n. 动物,生物;人;创造物display [dɪ'spleɪ] vt. 显示;表现;陈列mollusk ['mɒləsk] n. [无脊椎] 软体动物narration [nə'reɪʃ(ə)n] n. 叙述,讲述;故事portray [pɔː'treɪ] vt. 描绘;扮演uncanny [ʌn'kænɪ] adj. 神秘的;离奇的;可怕的suspicious [sə'spɪʃəs] adj. 可疑的;怀疑的;多疑的innovator ['ɪnə,vetɚ] n. 改革者,创新者investigate [ɪn'vestɪgeɪt] v. 调查;研究documentary [dɒkjʊ'ment(ə)rɪ] n. 纪录片artistic [ɑː'tɪstɪk] adj. 艺术的;风雅的;有美感的incorporate [ɪn'kɔːpəreɪt] vt. 包含,吸收;体现;把……合并straightforward [streɪt'fɔːwəd] adj. 简单的;坦率的;明确的1.What is the main purpose of the lecture?A.To discuss the style of an early filmmakerB.To describe different types of filmmaking in the 1930sC.To discuss the emergence of the documentary filmD.To describe Painleve’s influence on today’s science-fiction films2.Why are Painleve’s films typical of the films of the 1920s and 1930s?A.They do not have soundB.They are filmed underwaterC.They are easy to understandD.They difficult to categorize3.According to the professor, how did Painleve’s film confuse the audience?A.They show animals out of their natural habitatB.They depict animals as having both human and animal characteristicsC.The narration is scientific and difficult to understandD.The audiences of the 1920s and 1930s were not used to films shot underwater4.Why does the professor mention sea horses?A.To explain that they were difficult to film in the 1930sB.To point out that Cousteau made documentaries about themC.To illustrate Pianleve’s fascination with unusual animalsD.To explain why Painleve’s underwater films were not successful5.Why does the professor compare the film style of Jacques Cousteau and Jean Painleve?A.To explain how Painleve influenced CousteauB.To emphasize the uniqueness of Painleves filming styleC.To emphasize the artistic value of Cousteau’s documentary filmsD.To demonstrate the superiority of Painleve’s filmmaking equipment6.What does the student imply when he say this:A.He does not like Jean Painleve’s filmsB.He thinks that the professor should spend more time discussing Jacques Cousteau’s filmC.He believes that high quality filmmakers are usually well knownD.He believes that Jean Painleve’s film have been unfairly overlookedT3-3 ARTT7-1 THEATERT8-2 ART Pariscanny ['kæni] adj. 精明的,谨慎的;节约的premiere [prɪ'mɪr] adj. 首位的;初次的vi. / vt.初次公演n. 初次演出;女主角progressive [prə'ɡrɛsɪv] adj. 进步的;先进的n. 改革论者;进步分子savvy ['sævi]n. 悟性;理解能力;懂行(的人)vt. 理解;懂vi. 理解;知道12. What is the lecture mainly about?A. Why the Salon exhibitions became popular among women artists in ParisB. Why French society did not approve of art schools or womenC How opportunities for women artists in Paris improvedD. How women artists in Paris cooperated with one another13. What point does the professor make about Julian when he mentions that Julian’s art school offered some classes onlyfor women?A. Julian’s school was the first art school in Paris to offer women-only classesB. Julian wanted to encourage the distinctive style of women in ParisC. Julian viewed himself as a social reformerD. Julian possessed outstanding business skills14. What does the professor emphasize as one benefit of competition in women’s classes?A. Women gained more confidence in their artistic abilitiesB. Women became instructors in private art studiosC. Women were able to sell their paintings for large amounts of moneyD. Women created new styles of painting15. According to the professor, what were two ways that the situation of women artists had changed by then end of thenineteenth century in Paris? Click on 2 answers.A. Women and men took art classes togetherB. Women artists played a greater role in the Salon exhibitionsC. More schools were established by women artistsD. Fewer women artists were traveling to Paris16. What does the professor imply about Bashkirtseffs’ painting In the Studio?A. It was one of many paintings that depicted a women’s studioB. It did not bring Bashkirtseff recognition for her artistic abilityC. It was criticized for an unrealistic depiction of women artistsD. It was beneficial for both Bashkirtseff and the school where she studied17. Listening again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.What does the professor mean when he says this?A. Paris was a popular place to visit, but not the best place to study artB. Paris was the most important place for an artist to study and workC. Living in Paris was difficult for women artists from other countriesD. Studying in Paris was beneficial for some artists, but not for others. T8-3 HISTORYquartz [kwɔrts] n. 石英magnify ['mæɡnɪfaɪ] vt. 放大;赞美;夸大vi. 放大;有放大能力societal [sə'saɪətl] adj. 社会的affluence ['æflʊəns] n. 富裕;丰富;流入;汇聚6. What is the lecture mainly about?A. Political events that led to the invention of eyeglassesB. A comparison of attitudes toward vision correction in Europe and ChinaC. The relationship between the printing press and literacyD. An overview of vision correction over time7. According to the professor, what was an advantage of using clear glass instead of quartz to make reading stones?A. Clear glass was easier to find than quartzB. Clear glass was easier to cut to the appropriate sizeC. Clear glass magnified the letters more than quartz didD. Clear glass was less expensive than quartz8. What does the professor imply about the invention of eyeglass?A. Its historical records are more detailed than those of other inventionsB. It has little impact on social attitudes toward vision correctionC. Its occurrence in different places at approximately the same time is out unusualD. It contributed to a substantial increase in the number of literate people.9. Which sentence best describe eyeglasses before the invention of the printing press?A.They were available to everyoneB.They were a symbol of wealth and wisdomC.They could not correct vision accuratelyD.They could be bought only from traveling peddlers10. Put the events in the order that they happenedClick on a sentence. Then drag it to the space where it belongs11. Listening again to part of the conversation. Then answer the question.11. What does the professor imply when she says this?A. She is impressed by the solutionB. The solution she describe is obviousC. The solution was not a common practiceD. The solution was not particularly expensiveT10-2 EUROPEANT15-3 ARTT16-2 MUSICT16-4 ART stained glassT17-1 art historyT17-3 history ancient Egyptian calendarcivilization [,sivilai'zeiʃən,-li'z-]n. 文明;timekeeping ['taim,ki:piŋ]n. 计时;时间obligation [,ɔbli'ɡeiʃən]n. 义务;职责;keep track of 记录;与…保持联系addresse:从事于divide into 把……分成inundation [,inʌn'deiʃən]n. 洪水;泛滥subsidence [səb'saidəns]n. 下沉;沉淀;submerged [səb'mə:dʒd]adj. 水下的,subsidence [səb'saidəns]n. 下沉;沉淀;recede [ri'si:d]vi. 后退;减弱|vt. 归还fertile ['fə:tail]adj. 富饶的,肥沃的;silt [silt]n. 淤泥,泥沙crops n. 农作物barley ['bɑ:li]n. 大麦phases ['feisi:z]n. 阶段,predictably [pri'diktəbli]adv. 可预言地complicated ['kɔmplikeitid]adj. 难懂的,复杂的average ['ævəridʒ]n. 平均;平均数;海损Sirius ['siəriəs]n. [天] 天狼星heliacal [hi:'laiəkəl]adj. 太阳的heliacal rising:晨出indicator ['indikeitə]n. 指示器lunar ['lju:nə]adj. 月亮的reliable [ri'laiəbl]adj. 可靠的adjusted [ə'dʒʌstid]adj. 调整过的festival ['festəvəl]n. 节日administrative [əd'ministrətiv]adj. 管理的,行政的inconvenient [,inkən'vi:njənt]adj. 不便的alongside [ə'lɔŋ'said]adv. 在旁边bureaucratic [,bjurəu'krætik]adj. 官僚的1.What is the lecture mainly about?A.Differences between modern and ancient calendarsB.The importance of astronomy in Egyptian religionC.The timekeeping systems of ancient EgyptD.How to use agritulture as a method timekeeping2.Why does the professor mention the names of the seasons in ancient Egypt?A.To explain the importance of religionB.To emphasize the significance of the Nile RiverC.To indicate when different types of crops were harvestedD.To describe early discoveries in astronomy3.Why was the heliacal rising of Sirius important to the Egyptians? Click on 2 answersA.It helped determine the beginning of the New YearB.It was used to calculate the length of the monthC.It marked the beginning of harvest timeD.It indicated when the Nile would flood4.Once the Egyptians realized the significance of the heliacal rising of Sirius, what change did they make to theiragricultural calendar?A.They made each month exactly 30 days.B.They shortened the length of the yearC.They added a religious festival date to celebrate the heliacal rising of SiriusD.They allowed the number of months in the year to vary.5.What are two points the professor made about the administrative calendar?Click on 2 answersA.It included more religious festivals than did the other calendarB.It was used for scheduling tax paymentsC.It had the same number of days every yearD.It used the Moon to determine the beginning of the year11. What is the professor explaining when she says this?A.The weakness of the Egyptian bureaucracyB.The Egyptians' motivations for developing a second calendarC.The importance of accurately predicating when the Nile would floodD.The problems that result from using two calendars.T18-2 Art Roman sculptureT18-3 European History SpiceT19-4 Cecilia BeauxT21-4 Alice Neelexpressionist [ik'spreʃəәnist] adj. 表现主义的portrait ['pɔrtrɪt, -,tret, 'por-] n. 肖像, 画像1.What aspect of Alice Neel's work does the class mainly discuss?!The ways that her artistic style developed over time!The influence of photography on her portraits!The style she used to portray her subjects!Criticism of her approach to Realism and Expressionism2.What point does the professor make about photography and portraiture in the twentieth century? !Painters began to produce more lifelike portraits in imitation of photography.!Photography largely replaced the tradition of portrait painting.!Photographers followed the style of portrait painters in creating their work.!Both photography and portrait painting were considered inferior art.3.According to the professor, what two aspects of Neel's work are characteristic of Expressionism? Click on 2 answers!The depiction of unusual object!The way the subjects' faces are portrayed!The shape of the subjects' bodies!The use of color in the paintings4.According to the professor, why did Neel paint portraits?!She felts that it was the best way to represent a time period.!She enjoyed the technical challenge of painting portraits.!She found that it was too difficult to earn a living painting abstract art.!She followed the lead of Expressionist painters who also painted portraits.5.Why does the professor discuss the variety of people in Neel's portraits?!To explain why it took Neel a long time to find her characteristic style!To explain why Neel experimented with genres other than portraiture!To identify elements of Realism and Expressionism in Neel's paintings!To emphasize a distinctive feature of Neel's body of work6.Why does the professor say this:!To influence the students' opinions about Alice Neel's work!To suggest that Alice Neel created her best paintings late in her career !To reinforce the fact that Neel's work was not appreciated!To show that Alice Neel's situation was similar to his ownT22-C2 music history professorT22-4 music。



history-英语作文History is a fascinating subject that allows us to explore the past and understand how it has shaped the present. It is like a time machine that takes us on a journey through different eras and civilizations, giving us a glimpse of how people lived, thought, and interacted with each other.One of the most interesting aspects of history is the study of ancient civilizations. From the majestic pyramids of Egypt to the advanced technology of the Roman Empire, these ancient societies have left behind a wealth of artifacts and writings that provide us with valuable insights into their way of life.The study of history also allows us to understand the impact of major events and movements on the world. The rise and fall of empires, the spread of religions, and the struggles for independence have all shaped the course of human history and continue to influence the world we live in today.In addition to understanding the broader scope of history, it is also important to recognize the individual stories and experiences of people throughout history. By learning about the lives of ordinary people, we can gain a deeper appreciation for the challenges and triumphs they faced in their daily lives.History is not just about memorizing dates and events, but about understanding the complexities of human experience and the forces that have shaped our world. It is a subject that encourages us to think critically, question assumptions, and consider different perspectives.Ultimately, the study of history helps us to connect with our past, appreciate the present, and navigate the future with a greater understanding of the world around us. It is a subject that continues to evolve as new discoveries are made and new perspectives are considered, making it an endlessly fascinating and relevant field of study.。

history 英语作文

history 英语作文

history 英语作文History is full of stories, some inspiring, some tragic, and some simply unbelievable. It's a tapestry of human experiences, woven with threads of triumph and defeat, love and hate, progress and regression.The ancient civilizations left behind a legacy of innovation and discovery that still shapes our world today. From the engineering marvels of the Roman Empire to the philosophical wisdom of ancient China, their contributions continue to inspire and awe.The Middle Ages were a time of great upheaval, markedby the rise and fall of empires, the spread of deadly plagues, and the relentless pursuit of power. It was an era of chivalry and brutality, faith and superstition, wherethe line between hero and villain was often blurred.The Age of Exploration opened up new frontiers and brought together cultures from around the globe. It was atime of daring adventurers and ruthless conquerors, of trade and exploitation, of discovery and destruction.The modern era has been shaped by revolutions, wars, and technological advancements that have transformed every aspect of human life. From the industrial revolution to the digital age, the pace of change has been relentless, leaving behind a trail of progress and destruction.History is a mirror that reflects the best and worst of humanity, a reminder of our capacity for greatness and our propensity for folly. It is a story that continues to unfold, with each generation adding its own chapter to the ongoing saga of human civilization.。

js history方法

js history方法

js history方法JS history方法是JavaScript中的一个内置对象,它提供了一些用于操作浏览器历史记录的方法。




二、常用的history方法1. back()方法:通过这个方法我们可以在浏览器历史记录中后退一个页面。



2. forward()方法:与back()方法相反,forward()方法用于在浏览器历史记录中前进一个页面。


3. go()方法:go()方法可以在浏览器历史记录中跳转到指定的页面。




1. pushState()方法:pushState()方法可以向浏览器历史记录中添加一个新的状态。



2. replaceState()方法:replaceState()方法与pushState()方法类似,都可以改变URL并向历史记录中添加一个新的状态。




在Hash 模式下,当用户点击页面中的链接时,浏览器会向服务器发送一个请求,请求的URL中包含Hash值,服务器会根据Hash值来返回相应的页面内容。



History模式是通过HTML5的History API来实现的,可以通过pushState()和replaceState()方法来添加和修改浏览器历史记录。








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History 歌词

History 歌词

Girl, I can't explain what I feel.
Oh baby my baby, baby, baby, baby.. yeah. 漫长的一天仿佛就像短暂一秒的感觉
别把爱藏起来抓住幸福只要你能坦白oh baby I lost my mind 当你走进我视线
就在你周围整个世界 get in slow motion
但你可信赖我是不顾一切去爱你的人你将会慢慢明白I don’t know why 这感觉无可取代
像童话故事里幸福结局 happily ever after
My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-
My babe, baby babe, baby. baby-
告诉我到底 what is love。



路由history原理指的是前端路由实现中的一种常见方式,主要运用了HTML5的history API。






路由history原理相比传统的服务器端渲染方式具有更好的用户体验和性能表现,但需要注意的是,它需要浏览器支持HTML5的history API,并且需要特殊的后端配置才能实现。

- 1 -。

History 歌词

History 歌词

History - One DirectionYou gotta help me I'm losing my mind ,Keep getting the feeling you , wanna leave this all behind 我已完全失控亟需你的救助 ,而你只想将这一切 ,抛诸脑后Thought we were going strong , I thought we were holding on ,Aren't we还以为我们坚不可摧 ,我们会锲而不舍 ,难道不是吗No they don't teach you this in school ,Now my heart's breaking , and I don't know what to do 教科书怎会教你这些 , 此刻心碎的 , 我有些茫然失措Thought we were going strong , thought we were holding on ,Aren't we还以为我们坚不可摧 ,我们会锲而不舍 , 难道不是吗You and me got a whole lot of history ,We could be the greatest team , that the world has ever seen你和我拥有不可磨灭的难忘过往 , 我们会是伟大团队 , 令世界为之侧目的You and me got a whole lot of history , So don't let it go we can make some more , we can live forever你和我拥有不可磨灭的难忘过往 , 就不要轻易放弃 , 我们能创造不朽的奇迹All of the rumors all of the fights , But we always find a way to make it out alive外界的流言蜚语所有的争论敌对 , 我们总能突出重围顽强存活Thought we were going strong , hought we were holding on , Aren't we还以为我们坚不可摧 , 我们会锲而不舍 , 难道不是吗You and me got a whole lot of history , We could be the greatest team , that the world has ever seen你和我拥有不可磨灭的难忘过往 , 我们会是伟大团队 , 令世界为之侧目的You and me got a whole lot of history , So don't let it go we can make some more , we can live forever你和我拥有不可磨灭的难忘过往,就不要轻易放弃, 我们能创造不朽的奇迹Minibars expensive cars, hotel rooms and new tattoos, The good champagne and private planes 小酒柜豪车 ,酒店房间新纹身 , 上好的香槟私人飞机but they don't mean anything , Cause' the truth is out , I realize that without you here要知道这些毫无意义 ,因为事实显而易见 ,我早已明白没有你的人生life is just a lie , This is not the end this is not the end , We can make it you know it you know只是自欺欺人罢了 , 这不是终点这不是完结 , 我们能创造辉煌你懂的你明白的You and me got a whole lot of history, We could be the greatest team你和我拥有不可磨灭的难忘过往 ,我们会是伟大团队that the world has ever seen , You and me got a whole lot of history令世界为之侧目的 ,你和我拥有不可磨灭的难忘过往So don't let it go we can make some more, we can live forever 就不要轻易放弃 ,我们能创造不朽的奇迹You and me got a whole lot of history你和我拥有不可磨灭的难忘过往We could be the greatest thing team我们会是伟大团队the world has ever seen令世界为之侧目的You and me got a whole lot of history你和我拥有不可磨灭的难忘过往So don't let it go we can make some more就不要轻易放弃we can live forever我们能创造不朽的奇迹So don't let me go so don't let me go就不要放弃我不要离开我We can live forever我们会是永恒的传奇Baby don't you know baby don't you know宝贝难道你还不明白吗不明白吗We can live forever我们会是永恒的传奇。







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sync, it was possible for the authentication method and key
exchange lists to be empty on the SSH2 page in the Session
Options dialog.
- After installing SecureCRT for the first time, upon starting,
host-key algorithms as they are received from the server.
Previously unsupported algorithms were displayed as blank
- VCP/VSH: Entering the wrong passphrase for an SSH1 RSA public
key no longer displays an "invalid structure" error. Users are
now prompted to enter a passphrase until they use the correct
one or cancel.
- For new installations, the default local directory for SFTP tabs
is now "My Documents". The SFTP local directory can be set
through a session INI-file only option called "Sftp Tab Local
was selected before the connection attempt timed out.
- SSH2: When editing the default session, it was possible do a
password change.
- SSH2: Under certain circumstances, even though an X.509 host key
Changes in SecureCRT 5.1 (Official) -- March 28, 2006
Bug fixes:
- In some cases, escape sequences beginning with "ESC ]" were
password that had been specified on the command line.
- The tab status indicator changed to "connected" when connecting
to a host that did not exist if another tab that was connected
- SSH2: Under certain circumstances, SecureCRT crashed when
attempting to start an X client using SSH2 X11 forwarding.
- SSH2: The trailing slash was no longer being appended during
SecureCRT(R) 5.1.1 (Official) -- April 25, 2006
Copyright (C) 1995-2006 VanDyke Software, Inc.
All rights reserved.
upgrading from a version of SecureCRT prior to 5.0.
If a log file name with parameter substitutions was specified
and "Prompt for filename" was set, the log file name was not
This file contains a SecureCRT product history. It includes lists
of new features, changes, and bug fixes sorted by release. For a
product description, installation notes, registration information,
Bug fixes:
- There were problems with line drawing characters and menu
positions when running dellmgr.
- On 64-bit systems, pressing "8" brought SecureCRT to the
- The installation program no longer removes old versions of
SecureCRT from Windows Add/Remove Programs.
- For DNS addresses, SecureCRT uses the return list as is,
rather than preferring IPv4 addresses.
Bug fixes:
- If SecureCRT and SecureFX were integrated, but were out of
not possible to use the same local port as another port forward
when the local IP address was different.
- SSH1: Entering the wrong passphrase for an SSH1 RSA public key
resulted in an "invalid structure" error.
- SSH2: In the Local Port Forwarding Properties dialog, it was
incorrectly interpreted.
Changes in SecureCRT 5.1 (Beta 4) -- March 14, 2006
- Added Global.ini option "Serialize Connections". If this
the user was prompted to configure TAPI information and
SecureCRT crashed if the dialog was cancelled.
- Under certain circumstances, printing did not work after
- In the Quick Connect dialog, changes made to the default
session were only reflected for the default protocol.
- The transfer protocol name was modified in the session .ini
option is set, when multiple sessions are connected at the
same time, they are connected serially instead of in parallel.
- VCP/VSH: The command-line clients now display unsupported
file every time a connection attempt to that session was made.
- SSH1: Under certain circumstances, authentication failed when
connecting to an SSH1 server using Quick Connect.
local file completion. This was a change in behavior from 5.0.
- SSH2: It was not possible to change the passphrase of a public
key through the Public Key Properties dialog.
Bug fixes:
- If a generic proxy was misconfigured, it caused SecureCRT to
hang, and disconnecting the session caused SecureCRT to crash.
- SecureCRT crashed when unsaving a password for a session and