CH010=08930 中山音乐台
CH011=08950 商业一台
CH012=08980 深圳电台.新闻频道
CH013=09010 顺德电台(
CH014=09030 商业二台)
CH015=09040 广东电台台山台
CH016=09070 商业二台
CH017=09120 商业二台 源自CH018=09140 广东卫星台
CH019=09180 广东卫星台
CH020=09240 南海电台
CH021=09260 香港电台.第一台)
CH022=09280 斗门电台
CH023=09290 肇庆电台
CH024=09320 香港电台.第一台
CH025=09340 香港电台.第一台
CH026=09360 广东电台.健康频道
CH027=09390 广东电台.音乐频道
CH028=09460 佛山电台
CH029=09510 珠海电台.城市之声
CH030=09530 香港电台.第二台
CH031=09560 开平电台
CH032=09580 中央一套.中国之声
CH033=09620 广州电台
CH050=10040 新城娱乐台(香港)
CH051=10070 澳门电台
CH052=10080 东莞电台
CH053=10120 中央三套.音乐之声
CH054=10170 番禹电台
CH055=10220 广东卫星台
CH056=10250 新城财经台
CH057=10270 广州电台
CH058=10300 珠江经济台
CH067=10620 深圳电台.交通频率
1. 头部防护用品:- 安全帽:代码TH001- 防护帽:代码TH002- 防护面罩:代码TH003- 防护帽隔音耳罩:代码TH0042. 眼部防护用品:- 护目镜:代码EH001- 防护眼镜:代码EH002- 防护面罩:代码EH0033. 呼吸防护用品:- 一次性口罩:代码RH001- 防尘口罩:代码RH002- 防毒面具:代码RH0034. 手部防护用品:- 护手霜:代码PH001- 耐切割手套:代码PH002- 防热手套:代码PH003- 防护手套:代码PH0045. 身体防护用品:- 防护服:代码BH001- 防护裤:代码BH002- 防护鞋:代码BH003- 防护袖套:代码BH0046. 足部防护用品:- 防静电鞋:代码FH001 - 安全鞋:代码FH002- 防滑鞋:代码FH0037. 耳部防护用品:- 耳塞:代码CH001- 耳罩:代码CH002- 防噪音耳塞:代码CH0038. 全身防护用品:- 防护面罩:代码AH001 - 防护服:代码AH002- 防护手套:代码AH003 - 防护鞋:代码AH0049. 其他防护用品:- 防护膏:代码OH001- 防火罩:代码OH002- 防护背心:代码OH003这只是一些常见的劳动防护用品代码,不同国家和地区可能有些差异。
我们的灵通6600 可以存储199个频道。
进入:在关机状态下同时按下[监听键]和[上箭头键] ,并开机,这时屏幕显示“SELF” 进入频道编程模式。
(说明:监听键为手台侧面发射按扭PTT下面的第二个小圆按扭)操作:再按下键盘右下角[H/L]键进入操作界面,此时屏幕显示“CH-OO1 01”(注意:每一个频道的编辑操作分为9个步骤屏幕右上角的01、02、03……即是步骤的编号请大家注意按照号码的提示进行相对参数的设置。
按一下[PTT发射键] 再按一下[H/L 键] 此时可以通过键盘输入想要的频率,当六位数字输入完毕后再按一下[PTT发射键],此时接受频率设置完毕自动进入第3步骤接收亚音频率的设置。
一般情况下机器会默认为关闭并显示“OFF 03”由于上面我已经提到不对亚音进行设置,所以此步骤跳过,保持机器默认的OFF状态,直接按下[PTT发射键],进入第4步骤设置发射频率。
此步骤与步骤2相同,按一下[PTT 发射键] 再按一下[H/L键] 此时可以通过键盘输入想要的频率(注意发射频率要与接受的频率相同),当六位数字输入完毕后再按一下[PTT发射键],自动进入步骤5 进行发射亚音设置。
PSVCH057 - 东京迷城[中文][NONPDRM][3.65]
PSVCH058 - 断绝[PCSE00589][港版][中文][v1.01][Mai233]
PSVCH059 - 恶意(灾厄) 重生[PCSH00032][港版][中文][v1.01][DLC][Mai233]
PSVCH022 - 超次元海王星重生1[PCSG00226][汉化][中文][v1.02][Mai233]
PSVCH023 - 超次元海王星重生2姐妹时代[PCSE00508][美版][汉化][v1.00][Mai200]
PSVCH024 - 超次元海王星重生2姐妹时代[PCSG00335][日版][汉化][v1.00][Mai200]
PSVCH063 - 菲莉丝的炼金工房 不可思议之旅的炼金术士[中文][Mai][3.65]
PSVCH064 - 菲斯[PCSE00404][港版][中文][v1.00][Mai233]
PSVCH065 - 伏尔加维京[中文][Mai][3.65]
PSVCH066 - 富豪街DQ&FF 30周年 骰动人生好运道[港版][中文][DLC][NONPDRM][3.65]
PSVCH008 - SUPERBEAT-XONiC[PCSH00167][港版][中文][v1.05][DLC][Mai233]
PSVCH009 - UPPERS欲望之拳[PCSH00279][港版][中文][v1.00][DLC][Mai233]
PSVCH010 - 爱夏的工作室[PCSG00347][汉化][中文][v1.02][Mai200]
松下电工IFS2000Z 火灾自动报警系统介绍及产品特点介绍一、系统松下电工生产的IFS2000Z 型自动火灾报警系统,是一套面向新世纪的网络型自动火灾报警系统,系统由单台或多台自动火灾报警控制机组成。
控制机之间采用最新的LON 网连接通讯。
控制机之间的布线长度可达到2.85 公里。
每台控制机都带有标准RS232C 接口,可很方便地与外部进行通信或连接CRT 设备。
二、IFS2000Z 系列智能型主控机IFS2000Z 系列中,有六种机型的主、副控制机。
最大的是512 点,最小的是128 点。
控制机除上述的回路容量不同外,其控制机本身配备都是一样的,有标准输出点4 个,可编程输出点6 个,可编程输入点2 个。
主控机表面除了有声光报警外,还带有背光液晶显示屏,分15 字×3 行显示中文、英文和数字,能显示包括日期、时间、地点、报警内容及主控机内容等各种信息。
由于控制机配备有专门的抗干扰电路,因此具有很强的抗干扰能力,所有的布线都可以使用普通2 芯阻燃线。
拆除方法:控制爆破拆除法三、安全评估过程1. 预拆除调查在拆除前,我们进行了详细的预拆除调查,包括实地勘查、拆除建筑物结构鉴定、拆除工艺分析等。
2. 安全评估内容根据拆除对象的结构特点和拆除方法,我们进行了以下安全评估内容:- 爆破区域划定:根据建筑物结构的耐火和承重性能,确定了爆破区域的范围,并进行了标记和警示。
- 爆破方案:制定了详细的爆破方案,包括爆破顺序、起爆方式、炸药配置等。
- 安全措施:制定了必要的安全措施,包括封锁施工区域、警示标识、疏散通道设置等。
3. 安全评估结论根据我们的评估,拆除工程的安全性评估结论如下:- 拆除工作满足相关法律法规的要求,可以进行拆除。
- 拆除方案合理,能够最大程度地减少对周边环境和人员的影响。
- 根据爆破区域的划定和安全措施的设置,可以有效保障施工人员和周边居民的安全。
四、安全建议为确保拆除工程的安全进行,我们提出以下安全建议:- 实施拆除前,应对拆除施工人员进行必要的安全培训,确保其理解并遵守相关的安全操作规程。
- 拆除施工过程中,应严格按照拆除方案和安全措施进行操作,确保施工过程的安全性。
- 拆除过程中如遇突发状况,应立即停止施工并采取应急措施,确保人员安全。
步骤 2
按“OBJ”键选择 MOVE 命令,输入第二排产品 到第三排产品的距离,按“ENT”键进入第三步。 如果是编写从右至左的 104 程序,就把 X 移动距离 改为—0008.00 就可以。
CH. 102 0003 STEP
步骤 3
按“OBJ”键选择 SUBROUTINE 命令,输入两排产品点 胶程序 101,按“ENT”键进入第四步。如果是编写 104 程序就输入两排程序 103.
NMODE:模式转换: ①、[EXT] MODE:全自动控制模式,只有在此模式机械臂上的 START、STOP、RESET E 按键才有作用。 ②、[PROGRAM] MODE:编程模式。(编写、查看、修改、删除、复制程序等操作全部在
D 此模式进行)。 N ③、[TEST] MODE:手动测试、步进模式。
N 18→PTP SPEED MOVE Z:Z 轴移动速度设定; E 三、EDIT:(在[PROGRAM] MODE 条件下) D ①、STEP CALL 调出步骤
②、INSERT 插入命令
I ③、DELETE 删除步骤 F 4,CH COPY 复制程序(只针对 300S)
5,ALL DELETE 删除程序(只针对 300S)
④、[AUTO] MODE:自动运行模式。
I ⑤、[RS—232C] MODE:电脑连接模式。 L ⑥、[PRINT] MODE:程序打印模式。
0→MOVE:要使针头在 X 和 Y 轴上移动时使用此命令;
(L ) D C 的研究 自上世 纪 7 年代就 已经开始, 0 经过几十年的发展 , 现已出现 了各种制备的工艺和方法 叫】主要有离子柬增强沉积 ,
( D 、 溅射 ( E )电子 回旋 共 振 (C )真 空 阴极 电 弧 离 子 镀 ( C ) 直 流 辉 光 放 电 ( C—P V )激 光 等 离 子 体 沉 积 mE )射频 R s、 E R、 V AD 、 D C D、
Ma O 8 y2 O
20 年 5 08 月
c- I h在再构 的金刚石 (0 ) 2 ) 01 一( ×1表面
08 4 ) 2o3
( 内蒙古民族大学 物理与 电子信息学院 , 内蒙古 通辽
( 摘
要) 用分子 动力学模拟方法, 研究 了甲烷(H. C ) 在金刚石(0 ) 2 ) 0 1 一( ×1 表面的碰撞动力学过 程与化学吸附构
iv s g td. n e t ae i
Ke 0 d : y w r s a m l ̄ e D a n u f e C e s r t n o e d ; i m d s r c ; h mi p o x r a o i
1 引言
类 金 刚石 ( I ) 是 一种 非 晶碳膜 , 许 多类似 于 金刚 石 的优 良性 能 , 高硬 度 、 摩 擦 系数 、 耐磨 、 Dj 膜 C 具有 如 低 高 导热 、 缘 、 光 以 电绝 透 及 良好 的化学 稳定 性和 生物 相 容 性 等 , 广 泛 应 用 于 机 械 、 子 、 学 、 事 、 空 航 天 、 物 医 学 等 领域 【. 们 对 类 金 刚 石 膜 能 电 化 军 航 生 1人 】
i sa e a a z d Th r r i c i f n r n l e . e e ae f e d1 l o y v n 0 tu t r r o n m idal , t e d md n e o e n sr cu e ae f u d p  ̄ r y h wx e c f t h c e s r f o f u a o so ep s in o e moe uea d t es a i t cu e a l a e e g y h mi p o c n g zf n n t o i o ft l l h p t l r t r .s wel s t l r o i n i i h t h c n asu h lg a e i u sd I t ee d t l i t m ge o l A l in p o e s d e gg 】 r l r r s se . h n ,h r a o h we s l —m e ec l o rc s lr y e ( a ea o ae d c n e et e n n i o oi s n a l ( s
C h001-G l o b a l i z a t i o n-a n d-t h e-M u l t i n a t i o n a l-F i r mEun & Resnick 4eCHAPTER 1 Globalization and the Multinational FirmQuestions in the test bank follow the order of the chapter outline:What’s Special about International Finance?Foreign Exchange and Political RisksMarket ImperfectionsExpanded Opportunity SetGoals for International FinancialManagementGlobalization of the World Economy:Major TrendsEmergence of Globalized Financial MarketsEmergence of the Euro as a Global CurrencyTrade Liberalization and Economic IntegrationPrivatizationMultinational CorporationsSummaryMINI CASE: Nike and Sweatshop LaborAPPENDIX 1A: Gains from Trade: The Theory ofComparative AdvantageWhat’s Special about “International” Finance?1)What major dimension sets apart international finance from domestic finance?a)foreign exchange and political risksb)Market imperfectionsc)Expanded opportunity setd)all of the aboveAnswer: d2)An example of a political risk isa)Expropriation of assetsb)Adverse change in tax rulesc)The opposition party being electedd)a) and b) are both correctAnswer: d - p. 53)Production of goods and services has become globalized to a large extent as a resultofa)Skilled labor being highly mobileb)Natural resources being depleted in one country after anotherc)Multinational corporations’ efforts to source inputs and locate productionanywhere where costs are lower and profits higherd)Common tastes worldwide for the same goods and servicesAnswer: c - p. 44)Recently, financial markets have become highly integrated. This developmenta)Allows investors to diversify their portfolios internationallyb)Allows minority investors to buy and sell stocksc)Has increased the cost of capital for firmsd)Answers a) and c) are both correct.Answer: a. see page 45)Japan has experienced large trade surpluses. Japanese investors have responded tothis bya)Liquidating their positions in stocks to buy dollar denominated bondsb)Investing heavily in U.S. and other foreign financial marketsc)Lobbying the U.S. government to depreciate its currencyd)Lobbying the Japanese government to allow the yen to appreciateAnswer: b - p. 46)Suppose your firm invests $100,000 in a project in Italy. At the time the exchangerate is $1.25 = €1.00. One year later the exchange rate is the same, but the Italiango vernment has expropriated your firm’s assets paying only €80,000 incompensation. This is an example ofa)Exchange rate riskb)Political riskc)Market imperfectionsd)None of the above, since $100,000 = €80,000×$1.25/€1.00Answer: b) political risk—the government is only giving you back your initial investment, if this was a good investment it should have been worth more than $100,000 a year later. For example if your cost of capital was 8% it should have been worth $108,000.7)Suppose that Great Britain is a major export market for your firm, a U.S. based MNC.If the British pound depreciates against the U.S. dollar,a)Your firm will be able to charge more in dollar terms while keeping pound pricesstable.b)Your firm may be priced out of the U.K. market, to the extent that your dollarcosts stay constant and your pound prices will rise.c)To protect U.K. market share, your firm may have to cut the dollar price of yourgoods to keep the pound price the same.d)b) and c) are both correct.Answer: b) and c) are both correct. See page 5.8)Most governments at least try to make it difficult for people to cross their bordersillegally. This barrier to the free movement of labor is an example ofa)Information asymmetryb)Excessive transactions costsc)Racial discriminationd) A market imperfectionAnswer: d) see page 6.9)When individual investors become aware of overseas investment opportunities andare willing to diversify their portfolios internationally,a)they trade one market imperfection, information asymmetry, for another,exchange rate risk.b)they benefit from an expanded opportunity set.c)They should not bother to read or to understand the prospectus, since its probablywritten in a foreign languaged)They should invest only in dollars or euros.Answer: b see page 8.10)Nestlé, a well-known Swiss corporation,a)Has been a paragon of virtue in its opposition to all forms of political risk.b)At one time placed restrictions on foreign ownership of its stock. When it relaxedthese restrictions, the total market value of the firm fell.c)At one time placed restrictions on foreign ownership of its stock. When it relaxedthese restrictions, there was a major transfer of wealth from foreign shareholders to Swiss shareholders.d)None of the aboveAnswer: c) See page 7.Goals for International Financial Management11)The goal of shareholder wealth maximizationa)is not appropriate for non-U.S. business firmsb)means that all business decisions and investments that a firm makes are done forthe purpose of making the owners of the firm better off financiallyc)is a sub-objective the firm should attempt to achieve after the objective ofcustomer satisfaction is metd)is in conflict with the privatization process taking place in third-world countries Answer: b - p. 812)As capital markets are becoming more integrated, the goal of shareholder wealthmaximizationa)Has been altered to include other goals as well.b)Has lost out to other goals, even in the U.S.c)Has been given increasing importance by managers in Europe.d)Has been shown to be a deterrent to raising funds abroad.Answer c) see page 813)Recent corporate scandals at firms such as Enron, WorldCom and the Italian firmParmalata)Show that managers might be tempted to pursue their own private interests at theexpense of shareholders.b)Show that Italian shareholders are better at monitoring managerial behavior thanU.S. shareholders.c)Show that white-collar criminals hardly ever get punished.d)Show that socialism is a better way to go than capitalism.Answer a) see page 9.14)While the corporate governance problem is not confined to the United States,a)It can be a much more serious problem in many other parts of the world, wherelegal protection of shareholders is weak or nonexistent.b)It has reached its high point in the United States.c)The U.S. legal system, with lawsuits used only as a last resort, ensured that anyconflicts of interest will soon be a thing of the past.d)None of the aboveAnswer: a) see page 9.15)The owners of a business are thea)Taxpayersb)Workersc)Suppliersd)ShareholdersAnswer: d)16)The massive privatization that is currently taking place in formerly socialist countries,will likelya)eventually enhance the standard of living to these countries’ citizensb)depend on private investmentc)increase the opportunity set facing these countries’ citizensd)all of the aboveAnswer: d) See page 10.17)A firm with concentrated ownershipa)May give rise to conflicts of interest between dominant shareholders and smalloutside shareholders.b)May enjoy more accounting transparency than firms with diffuse ownershipstructures.c)Is a partnership, never a corporation.d)Tends to exist overseas but not in the U.S.Answer: d) See page 9.18)The ultimate guardians of shareholder interest in a corporation, are thea)Rank and file workersb)Senior managementc)Boards of directorsd)All of the above19)In countries like France and Germany,a)Managers have often made business decisions with regard maximizing marketshare to the exclusion of other goals.b)Managers have often viewed shareholders as one of the “stakeholders” of the firm,others being employees, customers, suppliers, banks and so forth.c)Managers have often regarded the prosperity and growth of their combines, orfamilies of related firms, as their critical goal.d)Managers have traditionally embraced the maximization of shareholder wealth asthe only worthy goal.Answer: b) see page 9.20)When corporate governance breaks downa)Shareholders are unlikely to receive fair returns on their investmentsb)Managers may be tempted to enrich themselves at shareholder expensec)The board of directors is not doing its jobd)All of the aboveAnswer: d)Globalization of the World Economy21)Privatization refers to process of:a)Having government operate businesses for the betterment of the public sectorb)Government allowing the operation of privately owned businessc)Prohibiting government operated enterprisesd) A country divesting itself of the ownership and operation of a business venture byturning it over to the free market systemAnswer: d - p. 1422)Deregulation of world financial marketsa)Provided a natural environment for financial innovations, like currency futuresand options.b)Has promoted competition among market participants.c)Has encouraged developing countries such as Chile, Mexico, and Korea toliberalize by allowing foreigners to directly invest in their financial markets.d)All of the aboveAnswer: d see page 10.23)The emergence of global financial markets is due in no small part toa)Advances in computer and telecommunications technologyb)Rigorous enforcement of the Soviet system of state ownership of resources ofproduction.c)Government regulation and protection of infant industries.d)None of the above.24)The euroa)is the common currency of Europeb)is divisible into 100 cents, just like the U.S. dollarc)may eventually have a transaction domain larger than the U.S. dollard)All of the above.Answer: d) see page 11.25)Since its inception the euro has brought about revolutionary changes in Europeanfinance. For examplea)By redenominating corporate bonds and stocks from 12 different currencies intoone common currency, the euro has precipitated the emergence of continent wide capital markets in Europe that are comparable to U.S. markets in depth andliquidity.b)Swiss bank accounts are all denominated in euro.c)The European banking sector has become much more important as a source offinancing for European firms.d)There have actually not been any revolutionary changes.Answer: a) page 11.26)Since the end of World War I, the dominant global currency has been thea)British poundb)Japanese yenc)Eurod)U.S. dollarAnswer: d) page 11.27)In David Ricardo’s theory of comparative advantage,a)International trade is a zero-sum game in which one trading partner’s gain comesat the expense of another’s loss.b)Liberalization of international trade will enhance the welfare of t he world’scitizens.c)Is a short-run argument, not a long-run argument.d)Has been superseded by the now-orthodox view of mercantilism.Answer: b) page 14.28)The World Trade Organization, WTO,a)Has the power to enforce the rules of international trade.b)Covers agriculture and physical goods, but not services or intellectual propertyrights.c)Recently expelled China for human rights violations.d)Ruled that NAFTA is to be the model for world trade integration.Answer: b) page 14.29)Privatizationa)Has spurred a tremendous increase in cross-border investment.b)Has allowed many governments to have the funds to nationalize importantindustries.c)Has guaranteed that new ownership will be limited to the local citizens.d)Has generally decreased the efficiency of the enterprise.Answer: b) page 15-16.30)The theory of comparative advantage:a)Claims that economic well-being is enhanced if each country’s citizens produceonly a single productb)Claims that economic well-being is enhanced when all countries comparecommodity prices after adjusting for exchange rate differences in order tostandardize the prices charged all countriesc)Claims that economic well-being is enhanced if each country’s citizens producethat which they have a comparative advantage in producing relative to the citizens of other countries, and then trade productiond)Claims that no country has an absolute advantage over another country in theproduction of any good or service.Answer: c - pp. 11 – 12Multinational Corporations31)A multinational firm can be defined asa) A firm that invests short-term cash inflows in more than one currencyb) A firm that has sales affiliates in several countriesc) A firm that is incorporated in more than one countryd) A firm that incorporated in one country that has production and sales operationsin several other countries.Answer: d - p. 1532)A MNC may gain from its global presence bya)Spreading R&D expenditures and advertising costs over their global salesb)Pooling global purchasing power over suppliersc)Utilizing their technological and managerial know-how globally with minimumadditional costsd)All of the above are potential gains.Answer: d) page 17.33)MNCs can use their global presence toa)Take advantage of underpriced labor services available in certain developingcountriesb)Gain access to special R&D capabilities residing in advanced foreign counties.c)Boost profit margins and create shareholder value.d)All of the above.Answer: d) page 17.34)Foreign-owned manufacturing companiesa)Generally are more productive and pay their workers more than do comparablelocally-owned businesses, in the world’s most highly developed countries.b)Generally are more productive and pay their workers less than do comparablelocally-owned businesses, in the world’s most least developed countries.c)Tend to specialize in articles of manufacture that are illegal in their homecountries.d)Gain from their global presence by paying their workers in shoes.Answer: d – see International Finance in Practice p. 1735)A purely domestic firm sources its products, sells its products, and raises its fundsdomesticallya)Can face stiff competition from a multinational corporation that can source itsproducts in one country, sell them in several countries, and raise its funds in athird country.b)Can be more competitive than a MNC on its home turf due to superior knowledgeof the local marketc)Can still face exchange rate risk, just like a MNCd)All of the above are true.Answer: d36)MNC stands fora)Multinational Corporationb)Mostly National Corporationc)Messy National Corporationd)Military National CooperationAnswer: a)37)Which is growing at a faster rate, foreign direct investment by MNCs or internationaltrade?a)FDI by MNCsb)International tradec)Since they are linked, they grow at the same rated)None of the aboveAnswer: a) page 16.38)A true MNC, with operations in dozens of different countriesa)Must effectively manage foreign exchange riskb)Can ignore foreign exchange risk since it is diversifiedc)Will pay taxes in only its home countyd)None of the above.Answer: a) page 17.39)A MNC cana)Be a factor that increases the opportunities of the citizens of less developedcountriesb)Be a factor that increases the opportunity set of domestic investorsc)Increase economic efficiencyd)All of the above.Answer: d) page 17.40)A corporation that can source its products in one country, sell them in another country,and raise the funds in a third countrya)Is a multinational corporation.b)Is a domestic firm if all of the shareholders are from the same countryc)Enjoys a built-in hedge against exchange rate riskd)Enjoys a built-in hedge against political riskAnswer: a)Appendix: The Theory of Comparative Advantage41)Country A can produce 10 yards of textiles and 6 pounds of food per unit of input.Compute the opportunity cost of producing one additional unit of food instead oftextiles.a) 1 yard of textiles per 1.67 pounds of foodb) 1 pound of food per 1.67 yards of textilesc) 1 yard of textiles per .6 pounds of foodd) 1 pound of food per .6 yards of textilesAnswer: cRationale: 6/10 = .6 pounds of food42)The gains from tradea)Are likely realized in the long run when workers and firms have had the time toadjust to the new competitive environmentb)Are immediately realized in the short run, when governments drop protectionistpolicies.c)Are smaller than the costs of adjustmentd)None of the above.Answer: a)43)Comparative advantagea)Is also known as relative efficiencyb)Can lead to trade even in the face of absolute efficiencyc)Exists when one party can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity costthan another party.d)All of the aboveAnswer: d)44)Country A can produce 10 yards of textiles and 6 pounds of food per unit of input.Country B can produce 8 yards of textiles and 5 pounds of food per unit of input.a)Country A is relatively more efficient than Country B in the production of foodb)Country B is relatively more efficient than Country A in the production of textilesc)Country A has an absolute advantage over Country B in the production of foodand textilesd)Country B has an absolute advantage over Country A in the production of foodand textilesAnswer: cRationale: Country A can produce more of everything than Country B. Thus, Country Aa)Free trade between nationsb)That the factors of production (land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability) arerelatively immobile.c)That the factors of production (land, labor, capital, and entrepreneurial ability) arerelatively mobiled)a) and b)Answer: d) see page 22.46)If one country is twice the size of another country and is better at making almosteverything than the benighted citizens of the smaller county,a)The bigger county enjoys an absolute advantageb)The bigger county enjoys an relative advantagec)The bigger county enjoys an comparative advantaged)There is not enough information to make a determinationAnswer: a) see page 22.47)Country A can produce 10 yards of textiles and 6 pounds of food per unit of input.Country B can produce 8 yards of textiles and 5 pounds of food per unit of input.a)Country A is relatively more efficient than Country B in the production of textilesb)Country B is relatively more efficient than Country A in the production of foodc)Country A has an absolute advantage over Country B in the production of foodand textilesd)All of the aboveAnswer: d - pp.24 - 25opportunity cost of 1 yard oftextiles per .6 (= 6/10) poundsof food; Country B has anopportunity cost of 1 yard oftextiles for .63 (= 5/8) poundsof food. Country A has anopportunity cost of 1 pound offood per 1.67 (= 10/6) yards oftextiles; Country B has anopportunity cost of 1 pound offood for 1.60 (= 8/5) yards oftextiles. Thus, Country A hasan absolute advantage and arelative efficiency overCountry B in the production oftextiles. Country B has arelative efficiency overCountry A in the production offood. Country B does not havean absolute advantage overCountry A in the production offood or textiles.48)Consider the no-trade input/output situation presented in the following table andgraph for countries A and B. Assuming that free trade is legal, develop a scenario that will benefit the citizens of both countries.CountryA B TotalI. Total Potential Output(lbs. or yards; 000,000s)Food 600 500 1100Textiles 120500 1700II. Consumption(lbs. or yards; 000,000s)Food 300 400 700Textiles 200 400 600a)Country B should make all the textiles and trade with Country A for foodb)Country A should make nothing but textiles and trade with Country B for food.c)Country B should make all the textiles and Country A should make all the foodd)Country B should make nothing but textiles and trade with Country A for food.Answer: b)a subtle differencebetween a) and b).With answer a)there are only500,000,000 yardsof textilesproduced, which isless than the600,000,000 unitscurrentlyconsumed.consume 400 units of foodand 400 units of textiles eachand currently do not tradewith one another. Thecitizens of country A have togive up one unit of food togain two units of textiles,while the citizens of countryB have to give up one unit oftextiles to gain two units offood. Their productionpossibilities curves areshown.a)The citizens of country A should make food and trade with the citizens of countryB for textilesb)The citizens of country A should make textiles and trade with the citizens ofcountry B for foodc)There are no gains from trade in this exampled) A is twice as good as B at making food and B is twice as good as A at makingtextilesRationale: consider the shapeof the combined productionpossibilities curve with andwithout trade: The citizens ofcountry A should maketextiles and trade with thecitizens of country B for food;the citizens will be able to gofrom the point shown on thecombined no trade line tosomewhere better.50)Consider a dentist and a 14-year old boy. The dentist can make $100 per hour drillingteeth and the 14-year old boy can make $2 per hour picking up used aluminum cans.The dentist is a manly man and can mow his half-acre lot in one hour. The 14-year old boy can mow the lawn in two hours. If the dentist hires the boy to mow his lawn at any price less than $100, but more than $4a)Both he and the boy are better offb)The dentist would be exploiting the boyc)The boy would be exploiting the dentistd)All of the aboveAnswer: a) or d).Rationale: It really comes down to a philosophical question regarding exploitation.。
Ch001 Globalization
Learning Objectives
Understand what is meant by the term globalization. Be familiar with the main drivers of globalization. Appreciate the changing nature of the global economy. Appreciate how the process of globalization is creating opportunities and challenges for business managers.
2-1 Declining Trade and Investment Barriers p.8
Table 1.1: Average Tariff Rates on Manufactured Products as Percent of Value
2-1 Volume of world trade and production
1-2 Globalization of production p5
Refers to sourcing of goods and services from locations around the world to take advantage of
Differences in cost or quality of the factors of production Labor Land Capital
1 电压范围宽
2 对过电压响应快
3 耐脉冲电流能力强
4 限制电压低
5 电压温度系数小
超市记账表格篇一:超市会计如何做账务处理超市会计如何做账务处理 2012-11-14 00:11etkalmjl224 |分类:财务税务 | 浏览378次分享到:2012-11-14 00:20提问者采纳由于超市经营品种多,主营方式为零售,日常核算比较烦琐,因此,根据财务核算应执行售价核算,具体操作如下:一、主营业务核算1、商品购进时,由采购人员根据购货发票填制商品验收单(入库单),商品验收单(入库单)要有超市负责人、商品验收人、采购人、微机录入人、主管会计签字,进货单金额应与微机录入单进金额一致,出纳根据手续完备的原始单据予以付款并填制记账凭证,会计分录:借:库存商品(验收单售价合计) 贷:库存现金(银行存款、应付账款)商品进销差价(验收单进销差价合计)2、商品销售时,根据每日电脑提供的销售统计表及收银员收款统计表同收银员实际交款单核对,会计分录:借:库存现金(银行存款、应收账款)贷:主营业务收入(按电脑1提供的销售统计表)对电脑提供的收银员收款统计表同收银员实际交款单有差额的,长短宽部分应挂其他应(收)付款借项或贷项。
进销差价率=(上期进销差价期末余额+本期进销差价发生额)/(上期库存商品期末余额+本期库存商品发生额)*100%本期进销差价=本期主营业务收入X进销差价率根据进销差价计算单作会计分录:借:商品进销差价贷:主营业务成本4、月末主管会计计算应该交纳的增值税(假定是小规模纳税人)小规模增值税=本期主营业务收入X3%会计分录为:借:主营业务收入贷:应交税费—应交增值税其他税费计算及会计分录:城市维护建设税=本期增值税X7%教育费附加=本期增值税X3%地方教育费=本期增值税X2%(根据各地实际情况计算) 借:营业税金及附加——城市维护建设税营业税金及附加——教育费附加营业税金及附加——地方教育费贷:应交税费——应交城市维护建设税应交税费——应交教育费附加应交税费——应交地方教育费5、月末按售价结转销售成本借:主营业务成本(本期销售金额)贷:库存商品(本期销售金额)26、月末结转销售收入借:主营业务收入(按扣税后的主营业务收入)贷:本年利润7、月末结转销售成本及税金借:本年利润贷:主营业务成本(按扣完差价后的主营业务成本)营业税金及附加(城市维护建设税、教育费附加、地方教育费)二、其他业务核算1、对于房产出租收入、其他收入,根据签定的协议按权责发生制按月入帐借:库存现金(银行存款、预收帐款)贷:其他业务收入(预收帐款)——房产出租收入其他业务收入——出售包装物收入其他业务收入——入场费收入2、税金计算及会计分录:营业税=其他业务收入X5%房产税=其他业务收入X12%城市维护建设税=本期营业税X7%教育费附加=本期营业税X3%地方教育费=本期营业税X2%(根据当地实际情况)会计分录借:营业税金及附加——营业税营业税金及附加——城市维护建设税营业税金及附加——教育费附加营业税金及附加——地方教育费管理费用——房产税贷:应交税费——应交营业税应交税费——应交房产税应交税费——应交城市维护建设税应交税费——应交教育费附加应交税费——应交地方教育费三、月末结转利润借:其他业务收入贷:本年利润借:本年利润贷:营业税金及附加管理费用四、超市应坚持定期盘点制,根据盘点结果生成盘点单,并将盘3点单上报公司,盘点单要有理货员、店长、微机录入人、会计、监点人签字。
图1.3 确定信号与随机信号波形
第1章 信号与系统的基本概念 3.周期信号与非周期信号 (1)周期信号:每隔一定时间T,周而复始且无始无终的信号称为周期信号 周期信号: 周期信号 设周期为T,f (t ) 表示某一周期函数,则周期信号可表示为
m = 0 , ± 1 , ± 2 ,L 把能使上式成立的最小正值T 称为 f (t)的基波周期 T0 。
y 1 ( t ) = T { f 1 ( t )}
y 2 (t ) = T { f 2 (t )}
T {α f1 (t ) + β f 2 (t )} = α y1 (t ) + β y2 (t )
α 式中, ,β 为任意常数。 线性连续系统的数学模型是线性微分方程。
第1章 信号与系统的基本概念 例如由电阻、电感串联构成的回路系统,可抽象表示成如图1.10所示 的模型。若激励信号是电压源 f (t ) ,系统响应为回路电流 i (t ) ,当
L = 1H ,R = 1Ω ,由基本运算单元构成的模拟框图如图1.11所示。 根据元
T →∞ − T
( )
−2 t
dt = ∫ e dt + ∫
4t −∞
e dt = 2 ∫
−4 t
e −4 t d t =
1 2
第1章 信号与系统的基本概念
f 2 (t ) = e−2t ,则有 对于图1.7(b)所示信号 T 1 −4T 4T −2t 2 E = lim ∫ e dt = lim − [e − e ] = ∞ T →∞ −T T →∞ 4
Service vacuum thermoplastic
•三、 不同的國家或地區使用電源線的類型,材質 • 插頭形狀,認証VC絕緣/ PVC護套”,究竟什么是PVC絕緣,什么又是PVC 護套?下圖將會幫助大家建立一個感性認識 另外在線材上我們看見的“105℃”字樣,是表示該線材能夠承受的最高溫度為105℃。 •三、 不同的國家或地區使用電源線的類型,材質 • 插頭形狀,認証標志,標識的具体含義
二、 電源的標稱截面積或線號与載流量 5.電源線的最大載流量 一般我們在選擇電源線時首先要考慮其載流量,通過I=W/U計算出所設計產品的額定電流范圍, 然后在不同型號的電源線中進行選擇。但在實踐中我們往往會發現有些插頭上也會標出電流,這時 候我們通常認為電源線所能承受的最大電流是插頭標示電流和電源線能承受的電流中的最小電流。 二、 電源的標稱截面積或線號与載流量 如:一條電源線(VDE規格) ,插頭標示10A 250V,電源線標稱截面積為0.75mm2,那么這條電 源線最多只能承受6A的電流。
•三、 不同的國家或地區使用電源線的類型,材質 • 插頭形狀,認証標志,標識的具体含義
這里還有一點要向大家指出,各种規格的插頭在選擇時必須嚴格遵守該國的標准,但是線材卻可以變通,前提是兩种 不同規格的線材可以達到相同的使用要求。比如SAA規格的LFC-2F型號的線材就可以和歐規的H03VVH2-F換用。當然, 更換時還要獲得相關客戶的确認。
北京 CHX X0008上海C HXX0116 天津 CHXX0133重庆 CH XX0017安徽省安庆 CHXX0452蚌埠 CH XX0444 合肥CHXX0448 黄山 CHX X0453福建省福州CHXX0031 涵江 CHX X0045旧镇C HXX0070 南平 CHXX0471泉州CH XX0114 武夷山 CHXX0467厦门 CH XX0140 永安CHXX0473 漳州 CH XX0162甘肃省敦煌 CHXX0223酒泉 CH XX0226 兰州CHXX0079 马鬃山 CH XX0221 天水CHXX0386 乌鞘岭 CH XX0233 西风镇 CHXX0271玉门镇C HXX0224广东省佛山 CHX X0028广州C HXX0037 河源 CHXX0492惠州 CH XX0053 连县CHXX0481 梅县 CHX X0486汕头C HXX0493 韶关 CHXX0482深圳C HXX0120 信宜 CHXX0495阳江 CH XX0500 湛江CHXX0163 广西壮族自治区北海 CHX X0499桂林C HXX0434 柳州 CHXX0479南宁CH XX0100 梧州CHXX0490 贵州省安顺 CH XX0005 贵阳CHXX0039 海南省海口 CH XX0502 琼海CHXX0506 河北省保定 CH XX0308 承德CHXX0302 石家庄 CH XX0122 唐山CHXX0131 张家口 CH XX0300河南省安阳 CHXX0269开封 CH XX0072 洛阳CHXX0086 新乡 CHX X0148信阳C HXX0149 郑州 CHXX0165黑龙江省哈尔滨 CHXX0046漠河 CH XX0171 牡丹江 CHXX0278嫩江 CH XX0177 湖北省广华 CHXX0396江陵 CH XX0408 武汉CHXX0138 宜昌 CHX X0407湖南省常德CHXX0416 长沙 CHX X0013南岳C HXX0423 桑植 CHXX0410湘潭CH XX0142 岳阳CHXX0411 浏阳 CHX X0083吉林省长白CHXX0299 长春 CHX X0010长岭C HXX0277吉林市C HXX0063 临江 CHXX0297延吉 CH XX0291江苏省常州 CHXX0015南京 CH XX0099 南通CHXX0101 徐州 CHX X0437镇江C HXX0166江西省赣州 CHX X0436广昌C HXX0470 景德镇 CHX X0457九江C HXX0068 庐山CHXX0456南昌 CH XX0097辽宁省鞍山 CHXX0004本溪 CH XX0296 朝阳CHXX0294 大连 CHX X0019丹东C HXX0306 抚顺 CHXX0029锦州 CH XX0067 牛庄CHXX0105 营口 CH XX0304沈阳 CHX X0119内蒙古自治区百灵庙C HXX0247 赤峰 CHXX0286集宁 CH XX0250 林东CHXX0276 宁夏回族自治区盐池 CHX X0263银川C HXX0259 永宁 CHXX0158青海省河南C HXX0337 西宁 CHXX0236山东省济南C HXX0064 胶县 CHXX0061青岛 CH XX0110 泰山CHXX0316 山西省大同 CH XX0251 河曲CHXX0256 太原 CHX X0129五台山CHXX0257 阳城CHX X0273阳泉C HXX0152陕西省安康 CHX X0394汉中C HXX0390 华山 CHXX0388临潼 CH XX0082 西安CHXX0141 咸阳 CHX X0143四川省巴塘CHXX0352 成都 CHX X0016峨嵋山CHXX0359 广安 CHX X0036华阳C HXX0052 康定 CHXX0358绵阳 CH XX0351 宜宾CHXX0362 泸州C HXX0088新疆维吾尔自治区哈巴河 CH XX0195 哈密CHXX0219 喀什 CHX X0074米泉C HXX0095 皮山 CHXX0215乌鲁木齐CHXX0135 乌苏 CHX X0136伊宁CHXX0203 云南省保山 CH XX0370 大理CHXX0371 广南 CHX X0477昆明C HXX0076 思茅CHXX0381元江 CH XX0382 浙江省杭州C HXX0044 湖州 CHXX0056嘉兴C HXX0062 绍兴 CHXX0117温州 CH XX0462。
摩托罗拉CP1660型对讲机手调频的操作方法摩托罗拉CP1660型对讲机手调频的操作方法1.1开机,迅速连续按PTT按键最下方的可编程键5次对讲机屏幕会显示(USER 【用户模式】和DEALER【经销商模式】)1.2选择DEALER按下PTT键再松开PTT键。
2.1按住PTT按键下方的可编程键开机, 对讲机屏幕会显示BCKLIGHT【背光选择】。
2.2松开编程键,按对讲机正面的左右键,找到CHANNEL【通道,信道】2.3按PTT键,按对讲机正面的左右键找到RX FREQ【接收频率】,按PTT键,这时对讲机屏幕会显示CH—001【信道1】。
2.5再按PTT键,这时对讲机就会显示001(RX)【信道1接收频率】的频率,修改之后按PTT键SA1/ED【保存】,(证明您修改的频率存储完成毕)2.6按PTT按键下方的可编程键返回上一级, 按对讲机正面的左右键找到TXFREQ【发射频率】。
2.9如果需要设置哑音,按PTT按键下方的可编程键返回上一级, 按对讲机正面的左右键找到RX PL【接收哑音】, 按PTT键,这时对讲机屏幕会显示CH—001【信道1】,这时001会闪动,按PTT键,这时对讲机就会显示001信道是否有哑音, 按对讲机正面的左右键设置模拟哑音和数字哑音. 修改之后按PTT键SA1/ED【保存】. 按PTT按键下方的可编程键返回上一级, 按对讲机正面的左右键找到TX PL【发射哑音】, 按PTT键,这时对讲机屏幕会显示CH—001【信道1】,这时001会闪动,按PTT键,这时对讲机就会显示001信道是否有哑音, 按对讲机正面的左右键设置模拟哑音和数字哑音.修改之后按PTT键SA1/ED【保存】.3,设置完毕之后关机,再开机就可以了.。
松下电工I F S Z火灾自动报警系统介绍及产品特点介绍The following text is amended on 12 November 2020.松下电工IFS2000Z火灾自动报警系统介绍及产品特点介绍一、系统松下电工生产的IFS2000Z 型自动火灾报警系统,是一套面向新世纪的网络型自动火灾报警系统,系统由单台或多台自动火灾报警控制机组成。
控制机之间采用最新的LON 网连接通讯。
每台控制机都带有标准RS232C 接口,可很方便地与外部进行通信或连接CRT 设备。
二、 IFS2000Z 系列智能型主控机IFS2000Z 系列中,有六种机型的主、副控制机。
最大的是512 点,最小的是128 点。
控制机除上述的回路容量不同外,其控制机本身配备都是一样的,有标准输出点4 个,可编程输出点6 个,可编程输入点2 个。
主控机表面除了有声光报警外,还带有背光液晶显示屏,分15 字×3 行显示中文、英文和数字,能显示包括日期、时间、地点、报警内容及主控机内容等各种信息。
由于控制机配备有专门的抗干扰电路,因此具有很强的抗干扰能力,所有的布线都可以使用普通2 芯阻燃线。
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第六节 有机化合物的结构测定
1、分离提纯 2、元素定性分析与定量分析 3、分子式的确定 4、结构确定现代方法
构象异构体 重叠式构象
分子式相同, 结构不同的化合物 称为同分异构体, 也叫结构异构体。
构造异构体:因分子中原子的连结次序不同或 者键合性质不同而引起的异构体。
碳架异构体:因碳架不同而引起的异构体。 CH3
醛酮(Carbonyl compounds)
第五节 有机酸碱的概念
传统的酸碱理论(Arrlennius,1848年提出) 在水中电离出氢离子的为酸
接受电子对的为酸 给出电子对的为碱
生命运动从分子水平上就是有机化学 2、95%以上的药物为有机化合物 药物的制备、质量控制、贮存、
1、有机化合物的种类繁多、结构复杂、数 目庞大但组成元素少 。 原因:1、C原子自身相互结合能力很强 。 2)、 结合的方式多种多样(单键、双键、 三键、直链、支链、环状)。 3) 、同分异构现象普遍 (构造异构、构 型异构、构象异构)。 2、易燃烧 3、熔点、沸点低
一 、 从有机体内提取有机物 ( 1773 –1805)
酒石酸、尿酸、乳酸等 “生命力”学说
二、 由提取进入到提取合成并举的时代 ( 1806 –1828 –1848 )
F.Wohler:合成尿素 从无机物合成得到有机物
三 、进入合成时代 (1849 –) 标志性成果 维生素B12 牛胰岛素 紫杉醇 绿色化学 维生素B12
第一节 有机化合物和有机化学 第二节 有机化合物的结构 第三节 共价键的几个重要参数、断裂方式 和有机反应类型 第四节 有机化合物的分类
第五节 有机酸碱的概念 第六节 有机化合物的结构测定
第一节 有机化合物和有机化学
4、水溶性差 (大多不溶或难溶于水,易溶于 有机溶剂) 5、反应速度慢、反应复杂,副反应多 6、与生命过程密切相关
( 结 构 异 构 体 ) 同 分 异 构 体
官能团异构体 互变异构体 价键异构体 构型异构体
几何异构体 旋光异构体 交叉式构象
脂环 化合物
芳环 脂杂环 化合物 化合物
烷烃(Alkanes) 烯烃(Alkenes) 炔烃(Alkynes) 芳烃(Aromaties) 卤烃(Alkylhalide) 醇(Alcohol) 酚(Phenol) 羧酸(Acid) 酯(Ester) 酰卤(Carbonyl halide) 酸酐(Anhydride) 酰胺(Amide) 胺(Amine) 磺酸
(1)价键的形成是原子轨道的重叠或电子配对的结 果。如果两个原子都有未成键电子,并且自旋方向相 反,就能配对形成共价键。 (2)共价键的饱和性 (3)共价键的方向性 原子轨道重叠程度大小决定共价键 的牢固程度。
+ H(1s) Cl(2p) 不稳定结合 (2) 重叠最大 稳定结合 (1)
(4)原子轨道杂化 (5)电负性、极性 3. 分子轨道法(电子离域论) 分子轨道法认为,当任何数目的原子 轨道重叠时,就可形成同样数目的分子轨 道。
能 量 (反键轨道)ψ 2 =ψ A -
ψA ψ1
ψ B (原子轨道)
(成键 轨道)ψ 1 = ψ A + ψ B
互变异构体: 因分子中某一原子在两个位置迅速移动而 产生的官能团异构体。
价键异构体:因分子中某些价键的分布发生了改变,与 此同时也改变了分子的几何形状,从而引 起的异构体。
hv hv
蛛网式 结构简式 键线式
共价键 离子键 配价键 三、现代共价键理论 1. 原子轨道和电子云 含义——原子中电子的运动状态,用波函数Φ表示。 表示方法:电子云的形状和疏密、界面图的大小和疏 密 s, p, d, f (形状、伸展方向) 核外电子排布规律:Pauli不相容,能量最低, Hund规则 2. 价键法(电子定域论) (1)价键的形成是原子轨道的重叠或电子配对的结 果。如果两个原子都有未成键电子,并且自旋方向相
第三节 共价键的几个重要参数、断裂方式和有机反应类型
一、几个重要参数 1、键长 3、键能 2、键角 4、键的极性和可极化性
二、共价键断裂方式和有机反应类型 1、均裂 2、异裂 3、周环反应
第四节 有机化合物的分类
链形化合物 环形化合物 碳环化合物 杂环化合物 芳杂环 化合物