2 TEX TEX vs. L ATEX 2ε




经典94/9/EC认证(ATEX认证)94/9/EC认证(ATEX认证)1 / 20一、概述在欧洲,欧盟成员国为了建立统一的欧洲大市场,真正实现商品、劳务、资本与人员的自由流通,做出一系列统一的规定,以消除贸易壁垒。






根据这个决议,欧共体彻底改变了以往那种技术性法规规定过细的做法,以技术法规和标准为手段, 只有在涉及到产品安全、工业安全、人体健康、保护消费者和保护环境方面的技术要求时,才制定相关的技术法规(即指令),而把具体的技术细节交由相关的技术标准去规定。



自1985年实施“新方法”至今新颁布的技术法规类的指令21个(其中包括潜在爆炸性环境 (A TEX)指令),凡与这些指令有关的产品,均须贴有CE标志,方可在欧2 / 20洲市场流通,此外还有几个未规定CE标志的指令,这些统称为“新方法指令”。





该任务196 8年交由欧洲电工标准协调委员会(CENELCOM)。

elsevier-latex 引用文献

elsevier-latex 引用文献

《Elsevier-Latex 引用文献:深度与广度兼具的撰写》引言在学术研究和论文写作中,引用文献是极为重要的一环。

而对于科技类论文的排版,Elsevier-Latex 是一种常用的工具。

本文将围绕Elsevier-Latex 引用文献展开深度与广度兼具的探讨,以期为读者提供全面的了解和深刻的指导。

一、Elsevier-Latex 引用文献的基本概念1.1 Elsevier-Latex 的定义与特点Elsevier-Latex 是一种用于撰写科技类论文的工具,它基于 Latex 排版系统,专门针对 Elsevier 出版社的期刊格式进行优化。


1.2 引用文献的重要性与作用在学术论文中,引用文献的作用不言而喻。



二、Elsevier-Latex 引用文献的撰写要点2.1 获取文献信息在使用 Elsevier-Latex 撰写论文时,获取文献信息至关重要。



2.2 文献引用格式使用 Elsevier-Latex 撰写论文,需要熟悉其规定的文献引用格式。



2.3 文献引用的代码处理在使用 Elsevier-Latex 撰写论文时,需要进行文献引用的代码处理。

这包括使用 BibTeX 来管理文献信息,正确插入引用标记,生成文献列表等。


三、Elsevier-Latex 引用文献的个人理解与观点在实际撰写论文的过程中,我对 Elsevier-Latex 引用文献有了更深入的了解。

CISM Courses and Lectures Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscripts with L ATEX 2ε

CISM Courses and Lectures Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscripts with L ATEX 2ε

CISM Courses and Lectures:Instructions for the Preparation of Manuscriptswith L A T E X2εAdriano Pascoletti*‡and Carlo Tasso†‡*Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,University of Udine,Udine,Italy †Artificial Intelligence Laboratory,University of Udine,Udine,Italy‡CISM,International Centre for Mechanical Sciences,Udine,ItalyAbstract This document specifies the formatting requirements forfinal manu-scripts that are to be published in the series CISM Courses and Lectures.It alsoexplains how template and stylefiles can be used.Specific instructions for theeditor(s)of the volume are also included.1Overview of Manuscript Preparation and DeliveryCISM Lecture Notes are published by SpringerWienNewYork.The preparation of the manuscript is completely based on electronic tools.No paper has to be produced by the authors.The default text processing system to use for preparing the manuscript is L A T E X2ε.When the electronic manuscript is ready,please transform it in PDF format.Re-member to include all the fonts in your PDFfile and use only Type1or TrueType fonts.Please avoid the embedding of(resolution-dependent)Type3fonts.If your paper exceeds4MB,please split it into two or morefiles,each smaller than4Mb.Authors should send their contributions to the editor(s)of the volume.Editors should collect all the papers and prepare a two-page preface and a table of contents,both according to the templatefiles available via the CISM web site.Please remember that each contribution should start on a right(recto)page,right pages have odd page numbers,and thefirst contribution should start on page1.Transform the preface and the table of contents in PDF format as well.When the whole manuscript is ready,editor(s)should use the CISM ftp server for sending the PDFfiles to CISM.Please contact Mrs.Monica Del Pin(M.DelPin@cism.it)who will provide you a user-name,a password and the precise URL to use.CISM printing office will send to the editor(s)a draft version of the cover and of the first pages of the volume,to be checked and approved for printing.For further questions about the use of the template and stylefiles,problems related to PDFfiles,etc.,you can send an e-mail to the CISM printing office(ciscud31@nettuno.it).1The templatefiles werefirst developed for he CISM sponsored conference UM971 (Jameson et al.,1997),further refined for the UM99conference(Kay,1999).Authors who have access to the printed proceedings of UM97or UM99(CISM volumes no.383and407 respectively)can see how the resulting volume is to look.Alternatively,individual UM97 and UM99papers can be downloaded from the on-line proceedings(/). 2Using the Template and Style FilesIn addition to the instructions that you are now reading,templatefiles for L A T E X2εare available via the CISM Web site.Probably all authors will be able to prepare their manuscripts using one of the templatefiles.If you can do so,the basic strategy is to copy the templatefile and replace the text in it with the text for your own manuscript, using the examples of formatting given in the templatefiles.3Following the InstructionsSome contributed volumes include individual papers that deviate visibly from the pre-scribed style.In a coherent,well-edited volume,this sort of deviation is not acceptable. In the interests of all authors and readers,the editor(s)will check eachfinal manuscript. In order to do this,each author should send a preliminary copy of his/her manuscript to the editor(s).If a manuscript deviates noticeably from the prescribed style,the au-thors will be asked by e-mail or fax to make the necessary adjustments and to resend their manuscript on short notice.If you anticipate any difficulties with this arrangement, please contact the editor soon.Font.If you like Times you may use the times package,but only in conjunction with the mathtimes package for typesetting mathematics:mixing Computern Modern Roman fonts for mathematics and Times for text produces unpleasant pages.Running heads.Running heads will be added to each page by the publisher,so please dont add them yourselves except perhaps temporarily for your own convenience during manuscript preparation.Please,use short running heads.Page numbers.The page numbers will be placed in the header by the publisher,nev-ertheless the stylefile inserts page numbers—starting from one—centered at the bottom of each page:they may help you and are needed by the publisher.3.1Formatting the Beginning of the ManuscriptTitle,authors,and institutes.Note that each author’s address includes only the institution,the town,the two-letter abbreviation of the state(if the address is in the U.S.),and the country.Note also that acknowledgements to colleagues and funding 1We thank Anthony Jameson from the Department of Computer Science,University of Saarbr¨u cken,Germany,for his effort in preparing the original version of the templatefiles.2agencies come in a footnote to the authors’names,not in a separate section of the text. Such a footnote is generated by\thanks{...}.As is usual in English,the major words in the title are to be capitalized.Specifically: Do not capitalize:–conjunctions(and,or,but);–articles(the,a,an);–prepositions of fewer than four letters(like of and for).Do capitalize all other words,including:–words of the above types if they come at the beginning of a heading or after a colon or a dash;–other short words,wherever they come(like Is and Not);–prepositions with four or more letters(like During and With);–words that occur as the second part of a hyphenated compound(as in Real-Time). Abstract.The length of the abstract should not exceed150words.3.2Formatting the Main TextThe package CCLAuthor provides three levels of headings correponding to the usual section,subsection and subsubsection of the article document class.First-level headings.These headings are entered by means of\CCLsection{...}or \CCLsection*{...}for unnumbered headings.Second-level headings.\CCLsubsection{...}places a numbered second-level head-ing,\CCLsubsection*{...}an unnumbered one.Third-level headings.They are entered by means of\CCLsubsubsection{...};the heading at the beginning of this paragraph is an example of this type of heading.There is no numbering and no extra capitalization of major words.The heading ends with punctuation.The subsequent text continues on the same line.3.3Other Formatting ElementsFigures.Figures must be clear and very neat,so we recommend a resolution of600 dpi at least.Center eachfigure horizontally,and place the caption after thefigure(e.g. see Figure1).Note that there is no extra capitalization of words infigure captions and that each caption ends with a period.Capitalize the word Figure in all in-text references that include numbers(e.g.,“see Figure1”).Example:commands used for inserting Figure1.\begin{figure}[htbp]\centering\includegraphics{samplefig.mps}\caption{A simple...}\label{fCCL} \end{figure}3Figure1.A simple directed graph on three vertices.Tables.Center each table horizontally,and place the caption before the table(e.g.see Table1).Note that there is no extra capitalization of words in table captions and that each caption ends with a period.Capitalize the word Table in all in-text references that include numbers(e.g.,“see Table1”).Table1.Average page length for manuscripts.Category No.of pagesPapers10/lecture(average)Example:commands for Ta-ble1.\begin{table}[htbp]\centering\caption{Average...}\begin{tabular}{|r|l|}\hlineCategory&No.of pages\\\hlinePapers&10/lecture\\&(average)\\\hline\end{tabular}\label{tCCL}Lists.L A T E X2εputs a considerable amount of vertical space between consecutive list items.The CCLAuthor package removes the extra space and produces tighter lists by de-fault.One can get the standard L A T E X2εlist spacing with the command\defaultlists before the list environment.3.4References to LiteratureThe general method used is that of giving the name(s)of the author(s)and the year, using parentheses.The templatefile is set up for the plainnat style.Some typical usages are shown below:\citet{CG91}investigated...givesCharniak and Goldman(1991)investigated...4...is well known\citep{CG91}.givesis well known(Charniak and Goldman,1991).\citet[chap.~11]{Fagin:ea95}proved...givesFagin et al.(1995,chap.11)proved...In two influential articles,\citet{Rich79,Rich89}discussed...givesIn two influential articles,Rich(1979,1989)discussed...A recent study\citep{Fagin:ea95}suggests...givesA recent study(Fagin et al.,1995)suggests...It is claimed\citealp[see][p.2]{Fagin:ea95},and\citealp{CG91})that... givesIt is claimed(see Fagin et al.,1995,p.2,and Charniak and Goldman,1991)that... The bibliography generated by the plainnat style looks like the following one. BibliographyE.Charniak and R.Goldman.A probabilistic model of plan recognition.In Proceedingsof the Ninth Conference on Artificial Intelligence,pages160–165,1991.R.Fagin,J.Y.Halpern,V.Moses,and M.Y.Vardi.Reasoning About Knowledge.MIT Press,1995.A.Jameson,C.Paris,and C.Tasso,er modeling-Proceedings of the Inter-national Conference UM97,Chia Laguna,Italy,June2–5,1997,CISM Courses and Lectures no.383,1997.Springer Verlag,Wien-New York.J.Kay,er modeling-Proceedings of the International Conference UM99,Banff, Canada,June20–24,1999,CISM Courses and Lectures no.407,1999.Springer Verlag, Wien-New York.er modeling via stereotypes.Cognitive Science,3:329–354,1979.E.Rich.Stereotypes and user modeling.In A.Kobsa and W.Wahlster,editors,UserModels in Dialog Systems.Springer,1989.5。



A 一篇 L TEX 文档的基本构成
A 一篇 L TEX 文档, 由三个部分组成: 文档类声明, 导言区, 正文.
\documentclass{article} \usepackage{hyperref} \begin{document} Hello World! \end{document} 文档类就是 \documentclass{...}, 里面声明你要书写什么样式的文档, 常用的有: article, book, report. 可以自己定义一个新的文档类, 对文章的总体样式和各个细节进行声明, 或者定义自己的命令. 有的文档类是杂志社或者出版公司给的, 比如著名的 IEEEtran, elsarticle 文档类等等. 这些文档类及 其使用说明, 在电脑中都可以查到, 如图 6. 正文, 即 \begin{document} 和 \end{document} 之间的部分.
LaTeX 学习资料 . . . . . . . . 3.3.1 3.3.2 3.3.3 网上资源 . . . . . . . . 学习建议 . . . . . . . .
7 7 T X 编辑器的基本使用 E 8 7.1 TeXworks 的基本用法 . . . . . 8 7.2 WinEdt 的基本用法 . . . . . . 8 8 8 附录 8.1 9 9 9 10 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 没有 TEX 编辑器也可以工作 . . CTEX 套装安装 . . . . . . . . . 借助 MathType . . . . . . . . . 公式编号的问题 . . . . . . . . . 其他事项 . . . . . . . . . . . .
TEX Live + TeXworks



纱支原理及计算方法一、纱线纱支计算方法1. 单位⑴ 、定长制:A. 特克斯:1000 米长度的纱在公定回潮率时的质量克数称为特数。


公式:Ntex = (G/ L)x 1000式中:G 为纱的重量(克),L 为纱的长度(米)B. 旦尼尔:90 00米长的丝在公定回潮率时的质量克数称为旦数。


公式:Nden=(G/L)x 9000式中:G 为丝的重量(克),L 为丝的长度(米)⑵ 、定重制:A. 公支数(公支):1 克纱(丝)所具有的长度米数。


公式:Nm = L/G式中:L为纱(丝)的长度(米),G为纱(丝)的重量(克)B. 英支数(英支):1 磅纱线所具有的840 码长度的个数。

即英支数越大,纱线越细公式:Ne=( L/ G)X 840式中:L为纱(丝)的长度(码),G为纱(丝)的重量(磅)。

2、单位换算A .特数Ntex与英制支数NeNe= C/ Ntex (C为常数,化纤为590.5、棉纤为583,如果为混纺纱可根据混比进行计算,如:T/JC(65/35)45S 纱线C= 590.5 X 65%+583< 35%588,然后按公式计算便可)B .英制支数Ne与公制支数Nm纯化纤:Ne= 0.5905Nm 纯棉:Ne= 0.583Nm混纺纱线:如T/JC (65/ 35)45SNe=(0.5905X 65%+0.583X 35%)Nm3、特数Ntex 与公制NmNtex X Nm=10004、特数Ntex 与旦数NdenNden= 9X Ntex二、捻度与捻系数1.捻度:纱线单位长度内的捻回数。


精纺毛纱线及化纤长丝的捻度Tm,是以每米的捻回数表示,以上表示方法的的关系为:Ttex= 3.937Te= Nm /10 Te= 0.254 Ttex= 0.0254Tm捻回分Z捻和S捻两种。



MY L A T E X FAQ(常见问题)王国玉(wanggyu@)摘要本文收录了作者在学习和应用L A T E X中所遇到的诸多问题及解决办法,其内容涉及到一篇文档的各个部分,包括类型、目录、标题、页面、图表以及参考文献等诸多细节,并不断更新。

目录A文档类型3 1各文档类型有何区别? (3)B目录4 2如何自动添加目录? (4)3如何控制目录的格式? (4)4如何控制目录的显示级别? (4)C标题4 5如何更改标题序号型式? (4)6如何更改章节标题的格式? (5)7如何在章节标题中应用参考文献? (5)D页面5 8如何改变行间距和段间距? (5)9如何设置页码的格式? (6)10如何控制版面? (6)11如何设置页眉和页脚的格式? (6)E字体7 12常用字体 (7)13如何使用彩色字体? (7)14可以给源代码加上背景吗? (7)15如何给文档加上旁白或边注? (8)1目录2F浮动对象8 16怎样去掉浮动对象标题中的“:”? (8)17如何实现浮动对象的双语说明? (8)18如何实现双或多图并排(子图)的效果? (10)19如何设置图片路径? (13)20如何统计全文的图、表总数? (13)21如何在表格中画斜线? (14)22如何控制表格中的线宽? (14)23如何合并表格中的单元格? (15)G数学公式15 24如何实现公式的引用(括号引用)? (15)25如何输入特殊的重叠符号? (15)26常见数学公式L A T E X是如何实现的? (15)26.1分割长公式 (15)27如何处理数学公式中的文本? (16)H参考文献16 28如何使用参考文献? (16)29如何定制并使用自己需要的参考文献样式(bst文件)? (17)30如何实现参考文献的上标引用? (18)31如何改变参考文献的行距? (18)32如何去掉参考文献序号的中括号? (18)33如何让“参考文献”居中显示? (19)34如何生成反向引用(从参考文献到正文)? (19)I杂项19 35如何输入L A T E X,L A T E X2ε和C T E X? (19)36如何实现文档中的超级链接? (19)37如何实现文档中的图、表、公式等的自动(复合)超级链接?.20 38如何实现网址的链接? (21)39如何实现电子信箱的链接? (21)40Winedt能自动生成需要的环境吗? (21)41Winedt中可以显示行号吗? (21)42如何将一个大的pdf文件分解成几个单独的小的pdf文件?..22 43如何使得matlab输出的eps图形中支持中文? (22)44CT E X能否免安装? (22)45如何重复使用相同的脚注? (22)A文档类型346如何使作者序列中的脚注序号显示为阿拉伯数字形式? (22)47如何输出文章的行号? (23)48如何修改公式、图形以及表格的编号型式? (24)J高级技术24 49如何制定书签? (24)K制作演示文稿24 50如何安装ppower4p? (24)51如何用pdfscreen制作演示文稿? (25)52如何在演示文稿中加入视频文件? (25)参考文献26 A文档类型1各文档类型有何区别?L A T E X中的文档,通常分为三类,book,report和article,它们的各自特点如下:book类可以有part,chapter,section,subsection等,但没有摘要。

The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX 2ε Or L ATEX2e in 85 minutes

The Not So Short Introduction to LATEX 2ε Or L ATEX2e in 85 minutes

Chapter 2 goes into the details of typesetting your documents. It explains A most of the essential L TEX commands and environments. After reading this chapter you will be able to write your first documents.
The Not So Short A Introduction to L TEX 2ε
A Or L TEX2e in 85 minutes
by Tobias Oetiker Hubert Partl, Irene Hyna and Elisabeth Schlegl Version 3.1, 14. April, 1998
Thank you!
Much of the material used in this introduction comes from an Austrian A introduction to L TEX 2.09 written in German by: Hubert Partl <partl@mail.boku.ac.at>
Elisabeth Schlegl <no email>
in Graz
If you are interested in the German document you can find a version A updated for L TEX 2ε by J¨ org Knappen at CTAN:/tex-archive/info/lkurz
A Chapter 3 explains how to typeset formulae with L TEX. Again a lot of exA amples help you to understand how to use one of L TEX main strengths. At the end of this chapter you will find tables, listing all the matheA matical symbols available in L TEX.



CTEX FAQ (常见问题集) v0.4 beta
Copyright c 2003–2005
G 数学公式 G.1 编号 45 46 47 48 如何实现定理、 定义、 推论等的统一编号? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何让公式编号中使用当前章节编号做前缀? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何实现如 (1a) (1b) 这种公式编号? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何让一个公式编号表示为另一个公式编号的变化形式? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
CTEX FAQ (常见问题集) v0.4 beta
Copyright c 2003–2005
C 安装升级 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 哪里可以下载 CTEX 中文套装软件? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 哪里可以下载 MiKTEX 的最新版本? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 哪里能找到我想要的宏包? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 如何升级现有的 MiKTEX? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 我下载了一些新的宏包, 该如何安装到我的系统中去? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTEX 中文套装软件的 Basic 和 Full 版本都有什么区别? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CTEX-Fonts、 CTEX-CS、 CTEX-Ext 都是干什么的?和 CTEX 中文套装有什么关系? . . . . .



T E X Live 指南T E X Live 2010Karl Berry 编写/texlive/2010年7月目录1简介31.1T E X Live 与T E X Collection ..................................31.2操作系统支持..........................................31.3T E X Live 的基本安装......................................31.4获得帮助............................................42T E X Live 概览42.1T E X Live,proT E Xt,MacT E X 的大集合:T E X Collection ..................42.2T E X Live 的顶层目录......................................52.3预定义的texmf 目录树概览..................................52.4T E X 的扩展版本........................................62.5T E X Live 中其他值得一提的程序...............................62.6T E X Live 中的字体.......................................73安装73.1启动安装程序..........................................73.1.1Unix ...........................................73.1.2Mac OS X ........................................83.1.3Windows ........................................83.1.4Cygwin .........................................83.1.5文本界面安装程序...................................83.1.6专家图形界面安装程序.................................93.1.7简化的向导安装程序..................................93.2执行安装程序..........................................93.2.1二进制系统菜单(只对Unix 适用)..........................93.2.2选择要安装的组件...................................93.2.3目录...........................................103.2.4选项...........................................113.3install-tl 命令行选项......................................133.3.1-repository 参数...................................131测试版本目录23.4安装后的操作..........................................133.4.1Windows ........................................133.4.2如果创建了符号链接..................................133.4.3Unix 下的环境变量...................................143.4.4环境变量的全局配置..................................143.4.5XeT E X 的字体配置...................................143.4.6ConT E Xt Mark IV ...................................153.4.7集成本地与个人宏文件.................................153.4.8集成第三方字体.....................................153.4.9增加Windows 和Cygwin 下的最大内存量......................153.5测试安装是否成功.......................................163.6其他可下载软件的链接.....................................174网络安装175在DVD 或USB 上最具可移植性地运行T E X Live 186tlmgr :管理你的安装186.1图形界面模式的tlmgr .....................................196.2tlmgr 命令行使用示例.....................................197有关Windows 平台的说明207.1针对Windows 的特征.....................................207.2Windows 上附加的软件....................................217.3User Profile 目录相当于主目录................................217.4Windows 注册表........................................217.5Windows 权限.........................................228Web2C 用户指南228.1Kpathsea 路径搜索.......................................238.1.1路径的来源.......................................238.1.2配置文件........................................248.1.3路径展开........................................248.1.4默认展开........................................258.1.5大括号展开.......................................258.1.6子目录展开.......................................258.1.7特殊字符与其意义:简要说明.............................258.2文件名数据库..........................................268.2.1文件名数据库......................................268.2.2kpsewhich:独立的路径搜索..............................268.2.3使用举例........................................278.2.4调试操作........................................288.3运行时选项...........................................309致谢31测试版本1简介310发行历史3210.1过去...............................................3210.1.12003...........................................3210.1.22004...........................................3310.1.32005...........................................3410.1.42006–2007........................................3510.1.52008...........................................3510.1.62009...........................................3610.2现状...............................................3610.3未来...............................................3711翻译说明371简介1.1T E X Live 与T E X Collection本文档描述T E X Live 软件的主要功能和特性,T E X Live 是T E X 及其相关程序在GNU /Linux 及其他类Unix 系统、Mac OS X 和Windows 系统下的一套发行版。

FLUXUS F808 809 流量计说明书

FLUXUS F808 809 流量计说明书

Technical SpecificationFLUXUS® F808/809Transmitter FLUXUS F808Transmitter FLUXUS F809Measurement with transducers mounted by Variofix CMeasurement with transducers mounted by PermaFiXUltrasonic Flowmeters for Liquids for Permanent Installation in Hazardous AreasEspecially designed for the stationary use in explosive atmosphereFeatures•F808: instrument with one measuring channel for exact and reliable flow measurement•F809: Instrument with two measuring channels for exact and reliable flow measurement under complex flow conditions •Precise bi-directional and highly dynamic flow measurement with the non-intrusive clamp-on technology•High precision at fast and slow flow rates, high temperature and zero point stability •Transmitter housing:- Corrosionproof and suitable for offshore application-Transmitter F80x**-A1 in a flameproof housing (degree of protection IP66)-Transmitter F80x**-F1 in an explosionproof housing (NEMA 4X)•Certifications:-F80x**-A1: ATEX/IECEx -F80x**-F1: FM Cl. 1, Div. 1-F808**-F2: FM Cl. 1, Div. 2•The transmitters can be operated by a magnet pen without opening the housing•Automatic loading of calibration data and transducer detection for a fast and easy set-up (less than 5 min), providing precise and long-term stable results •User-friendly design•Communication interfaces Modbus RTU and HART available •Transducers available for a wide range of inner pipe diame-ters () and fluid temperatures ()•Flow measurement independent of pipe wall thickness and medium pressure• approved transducers for hazardous areas available•HybridTrek automatically switches between transit time and NoiseTrek mode of measurement when high particulate flows are encountered•Measurement is unaffected by medium density, viscosity and solid content (max. 10 % of volume)•Product variant FLUXUS XLF is especially suited for precise and reliable flow measurement applications with very low flow velocities (e.g. chemical injection in oil and gas extraction)ApplicationsDesigned for industrial use in harsh environments, especially for oil extraction and processing in the petrochemical and chemical industry.•Chemical industry•Petrochemical industry•Oil extraction and exploration •Refineries6...6500 mm -170...+600 °C ATEX/IECEx, FM Class 1 Div. 1/Div.2FLUXUS® F808/809Technical Specification Table of Contents Function (3)Measurement Principle (3)Calculation of Volumetric Flow Rate (3)Number of Sound Paths (4)Typical Measurement Setup (4)Flow Transmitter (5)Technical Data (5)Dimensions (8)Wall and 2 " Pipe Mounting Kit (10)Terminal Assignment (11)Transducers (13)Transducer Selection (13)Transducer Order Code (14)Technical Data (15)Transducer Mounting Fixture (25)Coupling Materials for Transducers (28)Connection Systems (29)Transducer Cable (30)Junction Box (F80***-A1) (31)Technical Data (31)Dimensions (31)2 " Pipe Mounting Kit (optional) (32)Terminal Assignment (32)Extension Cable (F80***-F1) (33)Terminal Assignment for Terminal Board KFM1 (33)Technical Specification FLUXUS® F808/809FunctionMeasurement PrincipleTransit Time Difference PrincipleIn order to measure the flow of a medium in a pipe, ultrasonic signals are used, employing the transit time dif-ference principle. Ultrasonic signals are emitted by a transducer installed on the pipe and received by a sec-ond transducer. These signals are emitted alternately in the flow direction and against it.As the medium in which the signals propagate is flowing, the transit time of the ultrasonic signals in the flow direction is shorter than against the flow direction.The transit time difference, ∆t, is measured and allows the flowmeter to determine the average flow velocity along the propagation path of the ultrasonic signals. A flow profile correction is then performed in order to ob-tain the area averaged flow velocity, which is proportional to the volumetric flow rate.Two integrated microprocessors control the entire measuring process. This allows the flowmeter to remove disturbance signals, and to check each received ultrasonic wave for its validity which reduces noise.HybridTrekIf the gaseous or solid content in the medium increases occasionally during measurement, a measurement with the transit time difference principle is no longer possible. NoiseTrek mode will then be selected by the flowmeter. This measurement method allows the flowmeter to achieve a stable measurement even with high gaseous or solid content.The transmitter can switch automatically between transit time and NoiseTrek mode without any changes to the measurement setup.Calculation of Volumetric Flow Rate= k Re . A . k a . ∆t/(2 . t fl )wherePath of the ultrasonic signal Transit time difference ∆t-volumetric flow ratek Re -fluid mechanics calibration factor A -cross-sectional pipe area k a -acoustical calibration factor ∆t -transit time difference t fl-transit time in the mediumV ·V ·FLUXUS® F808/809Technical SpecificationNumber of Sound PathsThe number of sound paths is the number of transits of the ultrasonic signal through the medium in the pipe. Depending on the number of sound paths, the following methods of installation exist:•reflection arrangementThe number of sound paths is even. Both of the transducers are mounted on the same side of the pipe. Correct positioning of the transducers is easier.•diagonal arrangementThe number of sound paths is odd. Both of the transducers are mounted on opposite sides of the pipe. In the case of a high signal attenuation by the medium, pipe and coatings, diagonal arrangement with 1 sound path will be used.The preferred method of installation depends on the application. While increasing the number of sound paths increases the accuracy of the measurement, signal attenuation increases as well. The optimum number of sound paths for the parameters of the application will be determined automatically by the transmitter.As the transducers can be mounted with the transducer mounting fixture in reflection arrangement or diagonal arrangement, the number of sound paths can be adjusted optimally for the application.Typical Measurement Setup a - transducer distancenegative transducer distance Example of a measurement setup in reflection arrangementTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F808/809Flow TransmitterTechnical DataFLUXUS F809**-A1F809**-A1AF809**-F1F808**-A1F808**-F1F808**-F2design explosion proof field device, 1 or 2 mea-suring channelsexplosion proof field device, 1 measuring channel transducersC****81, C****LI1, C***2E85C**1N62C****81, C****LI1, C***2E85C**1N62C****53measurementmeasurement principle transit time difference correlation principle,automatic NoiseTrek selection for measurements with high gaseous or solid content flow velocity 0.01...25 m/srepeatability 0.15 % of reading ±0.01 m/smediumall acoustically conductive liquids with < 10 % gaseous or solid content in volume (transit time difference principle)temperature compensation corresponding to the recommendations in ANSI/ASME MFC-5.1-2011accuracy 1with standard calibration with advanced calibration (optional)with field calibration 2±0.5 % of reading ±0.01 m/s flow transmitter power supply100...240 V /50...60 Hz or20...32 V DC power consumption< 8 Wnumber of flow measuring channels 1, optional: 21damping 0...100 s, adjustable measuring cycle (1 channel)100...1000 Hz response time 1 s, option: 70 ms housing material cast aluminum, special offshore coating degree of protection accord-ing to IEC/EN 60529IP66dimensions see dimensional drawing weight 6.1 kg 5.3 kg fixation wall mounting, 2 " pipe mounting operating temperature -30...+60 °C (< -20 °C without operation of the display)display 2 x 16 characters, dot matrix, backlight menu language English, German, French, Dutch, Spanish 1for transit time difference principle, reference conditions and v > 0.15 m/s2reference uncertainty < 0.2 %±1.6 % of reading ±0.01 m/s ±1.2 % of reading ±0.01 m/sFLUXUS® F808/809Technical SpecificationTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F808/809serial data kit (optional)software (all Windows™ versions)-FluxData: download of measurement data, graphical presentation,conversion to other formats (e.g. for Excel™)-FluxDiag (optional): online diagnostics and report generation -FluxKoef: creating medium data sets-FluxSubstanceLoader: upload of medium data sets сable RS2323adapter RS232 - USB 3outputs The outputs are galvanically isolated from the transmitter.numberF809**-A1current output: 2binary output: 2 or 4or current output: 0 or 1binary output: 1Modbus or current output: 2/HART binary output: 2or frequency output: 1binary output: 1F809**-A1A current output (intrinsic safety): 1/HARTcurrent output: 2binary output: 2 or 4or current output: 0 or 1binary output: 1Modbusor current output: 2/HART binary output: 2or frequency output: 1binary output: 1current output: 1binary output: 1or current output: 1Modbus or current output: 1/HART binary output: 1current outputcurrent output I1, I2-range 0/4...20 mA-accuracy 0.1 % of reading ±15 μA -active output R ext < 500 Ω-passive outputU ext = 4...26.4 V, depending on R ext , R ext < 1 k Ωcurrent output I1 in HART mode -range4...20 mA-passive output U ext = 7...30 V DC -active output U int = 24 Vcurrent output (intrinsic safety)current output I1-range 4...20 mA ---accuracy 0.04 % of reading ±3 μA---passive outputU ext = 7...30 V, depending on R ext , R ext < 1 k Ω--current output I1 in HART mode -range4...20 mA--passive output U ext = 7...30 V DC -frequency output range0...5 kHz -open collector24 V/4 mAoptional: 30 V/100 mA or8.2 V DIN EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR)-binary output Reed relay 48 V/100 mA -open collector24 V/4 mAoptional: 30 V/100 mA or8.2 V DIN EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR)24 V/4 mAoptional (only in combination with HART): 30 V/100 mA or 8.2 V DIN EN 60947-5-6 (NAMUR)binary output as alarm output -functions limit, change of flow direction or error binary output as pulse output -pulse value 0.01...1000 units -pulse width 80...1000 ms 3connection of the interface RS232 outside of explosive atmosphere (housing cover open)FLUXUSF809**-A1F809**-A1AF809**-F1F808**-A1F808**-F1F808**-F2FLUXUS® F808/809Technical Specification DimensionsTechnical Specification FLUXUS® F808/809FLUXUS® F808/809Technical Specification Wall and 2 " Pipe Mounting KitTerminal Assignmentpower supplytransducersoutputs (Options)FLUXUS F808ACDCterminal strip terminal connection terminal connection KL2L phase L++N neutral L--PEearthPEearthmeasuring channel Aterminal strip terminal connection KL4ARS transducer , internal shieldAR transducer , signal AV transducer , signal AVS transducer , internal shieldcable gland or equipotential bonding terminal (transducers)external shield terminal strip terminalconnection KL1 4 GND 6 (+) 5 (-)binary output B1KL33 GND 2 (+) 1 (-)active current output I1terminal strip terminalconnection KL1 4 GND 6 (+) 5 (-)binary output B1KL33 GND 1 (-) 2 (+)passive current output I1terminal strip terminal connection KL1 1 (S) 2 (A+) 3 (B-)ModbusKL33 GND 2 (+) 1 (-)active current output I1terminal strip terminal connection KL1 1 (S) 2 (A+) 3 (B-)ModbusKL33 GND 1 (-)2 (+)passive current output I1power supplyoutputspower supplytransducersoutputsFLUXUS F809ACDCterminal connection terminal connection L phase L++N neutral L--PEearthPEearthmeasuring channel Ameasuring channel Bterminal connection terminal connection AV transducer , signal BV transducer , signal AVS transducer , internal shield BVS transducer , internal shield ARS transducer , internal shield BRS transducer , internal shield AR transducer , signal BR transducer , signal cable gland or equipo-tential bonding termi-nal (transducers)external shield cable gland or equipo-tential bonding termi-nal (transducers)external shield terminal connection 1(-), 2(+)current output I1frequency output F13(-), 4(+)current output I25(-), 6(+)binary output B1 (open collector)7(-), 8(+)binary output B2 (open collector)9(-), 10(+)binary output B3 (open collector or Reed relay)binary output B1 (open collector)11(-), 12(+)binary output B4 (open collector or Reed relay)A+, B-, SRS485lower housing,front viewupper housing,back viewTransducersTransducer Selectiontransducer order codeFSG4005006500FSK10020036006500FSM5010020003400FSP2550200600FSQ1025150400FSS610705105010050010005000inner pipe diameter [mm] recommended possibleTransducer Order Code1, 2345, 67, 89...1112, 13no. of character t r a n s d u c e rt r a n s d u c e r f r e q u e n c y-a m b i e n t t e m p e r a t u r ee x p l o s i o n p r o t e c t i o nc o n n e c t i o n s y s t e m-e x t e n s i o n c a b l e/o p t i o ndescriptionFSset of ultrasonic flow transducers for liquids measurement, shear wave G 0.2 MHzK0.5 MHzM 1 MHz P 2 MHz Q 4 MHz S 8 MHzN normal temperature rangeEextended temperature range (shear wave transducers with trans-ducer frequency M, P, Q)A1ATEX zone 1/IECEx zone 1F1FM Class I Div. 1F2FM Class I Div. 2TS direct connection or connection via junction box TIdirect connectionXXX0 m: without extension cable> 0 m: with extension cable, F80***-A1: with junction box, F80***-F1: with terminal board KFM1LC long transducer cable IP68degree of protection IP68OShousing with stainless steel 316example FSM-NA1TS-000shear wave transducer 1 MHz, normal temperature range, ATEXzone 1/IECEx zone 1, connection system TS (direct connection)--/Technical DataShear Wave Transducers (zone 1)Shear Wave Transducers (zone 1, IP68)Shear Wave Transducers (zone 1, extended temperature range)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Class I, Div. 1)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Class I, Div. 1)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Div. 2)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Div. 2)Shear Wave Transducers (FM Div. 2)Transducer Mounting FixtureOrder Code1, 234567 (9)10, 11no. of character t r a n s d u c e r m o u n t i n g f i x t u r et r a n s d u c e r-m e a s u r e m e n t a r r a n g e m e n ts i z e-f i x a t i o no u t e r p i p e d i a m e t e r/o p t i o ndescriptionVL Variofix LV СVariofix C PF PermaFiXWItransducer box for WaveInjectorK transducers with transducer frequency G, K M transducers with transducer frequency M, P, Q Q transducers with transducer frequency Q Stransducers with transducer frequency SD reflection arrangement or diagonal arrangement Rreflection arrangement S small M medium Llarge B boltsS tension straps W weldingNwithout fixation 00210...20 mm 00420...40 mm T3640...360 mm 01310...130 mm 036130...360 mm 092360...920 mm 200920...2000 mm 4502000...4500 mm 9404500...9400 mm SK10.5...2.5 in SK2 3...6 in SK38...10 in SK412...18 in SK520...36 in SK642...100 in SK7100...170 in SB2 3...6 in SB38...10 in SB412...18 in SB520...36 in SB630...100 in NDRanyIP68degree of protection IP68OS housing with stainless steel 316Zspecial designexample VL M -D S -S 200Variofix L and tension straps for transducers with transducer frequency M, PPFM-DS-S200PermaFiX and tension straps for transducers with transducer frequency M, P, Q--/Coupling Materials for TransducersTechnical Datanormal temperature range(4th character of transducer ordercode=N)extended temperature range(4th character of transducer ordercode=E)WaveInjector WI-400 < 100 °C< 170 °C< 150 °C< 200 °C< 280 °C280...400 °C< 24 h coupling com-pound type N orcoupling foiltype VT coupling com-pound type E orcoupling foiltype VTcoupling com-pound type E orcoupling foiltype VTcoupling com-pound type E or Hor coupling foiltype VTcoupling foiltype A andcoupling foiltype VTcoupling foiltype B andcoupling foiltype VTlong time measurement coupling foiltype VT1coupling foiltype VT2coupling foiltype VT1coupling foiltype VT2coupling foiltype A andcoupling foiltype VTcoupling foiltype B andcoupling foiltype VT1 < 5 years2 < 6 monthstype order code ambient temperature material remark°Ccoupling compoundtype N990739-1-30...+130mineral grease pastecoupling compoundtype E990739-2-30...+200silicone pastecoupling compoundtype H990739-3-30...+250fluoropolymer pastecoupling foil type A990739-7max. 280leadcoupling foil type B990739-8> 280...400silvercoupling foil type VT990739-61-10...+200fluoroelastomer for transducers with transducerfrequency F990739-0for transducers with transducerfrequency G, H, K990739-6for shear wave transducers withtransducer frequency M, P 990739-14for shear wave transducers IP68and Lambwave transducers withtransducer frequency M, P, Q 990739-5for transducers with transducerfrequency QConnection SystemsTransducer CableTechnical Datatransducer frequency (3d character of transducerorder code)F, G, H, K M, P Q S T S /T 1x lx lx l x l cable lengthm 5≤ 3004≤ 3003≤ 902≤ 40cable length (*****62)m 15≤ 30015≤ 30015≤ 90--cable length (option LC,*****62)m 46≤ 30046≤ 30046≤ 90--cable length (option IP68)m12≤ 30012≤ 300----x - transducer cable lengthl - max. length of extension cabletransducer cabletype16992550 (option IP68)61112549ambient temperature °C-55...+200-40...+100-100...+225-100...+200properties longitudinal water tight cable jacket materialPTFE PUR PFA PTFE outer diameter mm 2.9 5.2 ±0.2 2.7 5.3thickness mm0. brown grey white black shield x xxxsheath materialstainless steel 304 (1.4301)-stainless steel 304 (1.4301)-option OS : 316L (1.4404)option OS : 316L (1.4404)outer diameter mm8-8-extension cabletype26155245transmitterF80***-F1F80***-A1F808**-F2ambient temperature °C-40...+70-30...+70propertieshalogen free fire propagation test according to IEC 60332-1combustion test according to IEC 60754-2halogen free fire propagation test according to IEC 60332-1combustion test according to IEC 60754-2cable jacket materialPUR PUR outer diameter mm 1212thickness mm22colour black black shield x xsheath material -steel wire braid with copolymer sheath outer diametermm -15.6Junction Box (F80***-A1)Technical DataDimensionsTSFLUXUS_F808_809V1-7EN_Leu, 2015-10-14312 " Pipe Mounting Kit (optional)Terminal Assignment32TSFLUXUS_F808_809V1-7EN_Leu, 2015-10-14Extension Cable (F80***-F1)The extension cable and the transducers are connected via terminal board KFM1. The terminal board has to be installed into a junction box (by customer) approved for hazardous areas.Terminal Assignment for Terminal Board KFM1TSFLUXUS_F808_809V1-7EN_Leu, 2015-10-1433FLEXIM GmbH Wolfener Str. 3612681 BerlinGermanyTel.: +49 (30) 93 66 76 60 Fax: +49 (30) 93 66 76 80internet: e-mail:***************Subject to change without notification. Errors excepted. FLUXUS® is a registered trademark of FLEXIM GmbH.34TSFLUXUS_F808_809V1-7EN_Leu, 2015-10-14。


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UK1 2 3 版 M18 圆柱型超声波传感器说明书

UK1 2 3 版 M18 圆柱型超声波传感器说明书

Ultrasonic SensorsCatalogueCod. CAT3EUK1476201Datasheet - UK1 - english - Ed.01/2014CylindricalUltrasonic Sensor M18UK1 with T each-in functionUK12/3SeriesProductsM18cylindricalM18cylindricalIP67Models with digital output: two programmable outputs and single adjustable output detectionModels with current or voltage analogue outputs: programmable switching points and slope outputs to optimize the resolutionWorking area adjusting (window teach or on object teach) by Teach-in button suitable for all models for a fast coming into workMultifunction LED indicator: output state, adjustment procedure, NO/NC selection and reverse ana-log output slopePlastic and AISI 316L stainless steel housing, cable and plug connector exit with 4 pinsAdjustable Hysteresis function: model with programmable double digital outputs, specific for levels featuresapprovalsprotection degree4/5-UK1 product is an M18 ultrasonic sensor, with both plastic housing and AISI 316L stainless ste-el , that works in direct diffuse mode on four different working ranges reaching up to 2.200 mm of maximum working distance.Through the use of Teach-in button it is possible to set the working distance, the output status (NO/NC) and the slope of analog output and to change function on the model with hysteresis function. A single orange LED indicator, visible through the transparent plug and cable exit, furnish informa-tion about the output and the regulation procedure.All the UK1 models are temperature compensated , ensuring reliability in the detection for entire working range.UK1 sensors have a housing totally filled of resin, to be suitable for applications subject to vibra¬tions, and boast of IP67 protection grade.M18 cylindrical ultrasonic sensor UK1pack contentfurther commercial and technical documents availableHigh resolution picturesApplication notes:- Control of stabilizer extension for hydraulic cranes (italian: CAT3IUK1261667, english: CAT3EUK1261668 and spanish: CAT3SUK1261669)- Presence control of operators for waste collection vehicles (italian: CAT3IUK1261667, english: CAT3EUK1261668 and spanish: CAT3SUK1261669)- Level check in the underground solid urban waste collection and disposal depots (italian: CA-T3IUK1261667, english: CAT3EUK1261668 and spanish: CAT3SUK1261669)ProductsInstallation manual (english + italian): CAT8BUK1365401 (UK1A), CAT8BUK1365501 (UK1C), CAT8BUK1365601 (UK1D), CAT8BUK1363502 (UK1F)Dangerous areas safety manual (ATEX versions only)CE declaration of conformity (ATEX versions only)ATEX marking label (solo versioni ATEX)2 plastic nuts or 2 metallic nuts 2 flexible washerscustom models already testedminimum quantity that can be ordered1 pieceM18cylindricalcode description6/7single digital output standard cULus certified available modelsdouble digital output standard cULus certified available modelsProductsM18cylindricaldouble output cULus certified available modelscULus and A TEX certified available modelsUK1D/E*-**UL 8/9cULus certified available modelsaccording to IEC EN 60947-5-2 and ICE EN 60947-5-7ProductsM18cylindricalWHBK BU BN electrical diagrams of connectionswhiteblack blue brownP1P2NO NCNOmm SP2SP1P1P2mmLHHLLHmm SP2Sensore SensorSP1P1P2mmmmSP2SensoreSP1P1P2mmLLLHHHH H HLLLNC 10/11available outputsModels with digital output + analogue output*(1)It can be used as a single model output.maximum selected working distance and first point to select minimum selected working distance and second point to selectModels with double digital output - standard window and ajdjustable hysteresys outputsProductsM18cylindrical[m m ]UK1A/**-**T arget 100*100 mm T arget Ø25 mmT arget 200*200 mmT arget Ø25 mmUK1A/**-0*UK1C/**-****UK1D/**-0*UK1D/**-**T arget 200*200 mm T arget Ø25 mmUK1F/**-****[m m ]UK1F/**-**arget 200*200 mm arget Ø25 mmUK1A/**-1*UK1D/**-1*response diagramP a r a l l e l D i s p l a c e m e n t (m m )i s c e P a r a l l e l D i s p l a c e m e n t (m m )Distance (mm)Distance (mm)mm63,519,183,6Ø 4,7SW 24141 ÷ 2,5M 12 x 11 ÷ 2,5mm63,519,1(86,6)38,3Ø4,7Ø 4,7SW 22Ø 2557,517,691,7 ÷ 93,2SW 22Ø 251M 1mm57,519,291,714SW 24M 18 x 1trimmer12dimensionsning nutflexible washerflexible washermetalnutplug cable exitM12 plug cable exitProductsM18cylindricalCatalogueUltrasonic SensorsCAT3EUK1476201 ULTRASONIC SENSORS CATALOGUE UK1 ENG ED.01/2014All information written in this catalogue are subject to modifications without notice.They don’t represent any obligation for M.D. Micro DetectorsAny variation will be implemented in this catalogue and its electronic version, available on the corresponding page of M.D. Micro Detectors website:。

Gas detector说明书

Gas detector说明书
CertificateN": B AM|ZBN006/05
Herebyit is certifiedby the BAMCertificatioBn odythatthe
Portablegas detector Model:,,GasAlertMicro"
Types : ,,GAM|C-X(y)-(DL2-|wRi)t"h H2S& COsensor
and GAMIC-BAT2-03
Accessories: BatterychargerModelGAMlC-CO1-K-EUandGAMlC-C03-K-EU
TestreportBAMll-1332t2OOo4f Augusst th2, OO5
Thetestreporct omprise5s1 pagesand30annexews ith847pages.
E x a m i n a t i do on c u m e n t s :
1. QuickReferencGe uideGasAlertMicDro55541(4Englishin) theversionof 2004,20pages
2. GasAlertMicArToEXApprovaLlabelwitdhrawinNg o.GMlA-2o5f1April25th, 2005,GasAlertMicBroAMCertificatioSntickeGr MIA-328of Septembe8rth,2005 andBAMCalGasLabewl ithdrawingNo.FXUA09C of April2nd,2004,3pages
ofthemanufactureBrW TechnologieLs td.



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ASCO 产品说明书:单稳态阀门

ASCO 产品说明书:单稳态阀门

FEATURES• The monostable spool valves in conformity with IEC 61508 Standard (2010 route 2H version) have TÜV certified with integraty levels: SIL 2 for HFT = 0 / SIL 3 for HFT = 1• All the exhaust ports of the spool valve are connectable, providing betterenvironmental protection. Particularly recommended for sensitive areas, such as clean rooms, and applications in the pharmaceutical and food processing sectors • The valves offer environmental protection against the ingress of liquids, dusts or other foreign matter (environmentally-protected construction)• Can be externally piloted (external air pilot supply) to convert valve to zero minimum operation by flipping a gasket• The solenoid valves satisfy all relevant EU directivesGENERALDifferential pressure 2 - 10,4 bar [1 bar =100 kPa]Flow (Qv at 6 bar)860 l/min (ANR)fluids (✶)temperature range (TS)seal materials (✶)air, inert gas, filtered-40°C to +60°CVMQ (silicone) + PUR (polyurethane)MATERIALS IN CONTACT WITH FLUID(✶) Ensure that the compatibility of the fluids in contact with the materials is verified Body, end covers Brass Spool valve internal parts Brass, stainless steel, POM Core tube Stainless steel Core and plugnut Stainless steel Core spring Stainless steelSeals & discs NBR Top disc P A Disc holder POM Cartridge (low power) Welded, packless AISI 430Seat Brass Seat insert POM Shading coil CopperRider rings (low power) PTFE (NF/WSNF solenoids only)SPECIFICATIONSpipe size orifice size flow coefficientKv operating pressure differential (bar)powerlevel prefix optional solenoidsbasic catalogue numbermin.(2)max. (PS)NEMA ATEX / IECExIP65air (✶)7 & 9Ex db Ex eb mb Ex mb Ex ia-( )(mm)(m 3/h)(l/min)~=~/=EF LPKF NF EM PV (WS)LI -SC Solenoid air pilot operated - spring return (monostable)1/460,7512,50 / 21010BP --l l l --l 551A407 (1)1/460,7512,50 / 21010BP l ------- 551G407 (1)1/460,7512,50 / 21010LP -l l l m m -l 551A307 (1)1/460,7512,50 / 21010LP m ------- 551G307 (1)Solenoid air pilot operated and return (bistable)1/460,7512,50 / 21010BP --l l l --l 551A4081/460,7512,50 / 21010BP l ------- 551G4081/460,7512,50 / 21010LP -l l l m m -l 551A3081/460,7512,50 / 21010LPm-------551G308Select 8 for NPT ANSI 1.20.3 or select G for ISO G (228/1) ● Available feature m Available feature in DC only. - Not available (1) Certified IEC 61508 Functional Safety data, use suffix "SL". (2)Zero minimum is only achieved if external pressure is applied.SOLENOID VALVESpilot operated, spool typesingle/dual solenoid (mono/bistable function )brass body, 1/4NC3/2Series55118/R 01POWER LEVELS - cold electrical holding values (watt)PREFIX TABLEprefixdescription power level1234567LP RP MP BP E F Explosionproof - NEMA 7, 9 - Zinc plated steel conduit m--l E V Explosionproof - NEMA 7, 9 - 316 SS conduit m--l E M Waterproof IP66/67 - Metal enclosure (EN/IEC 60079-7,-18 and -31)*l--lE T Threaded conduit/hole (M20 x 1,5)l--l L P KF Flameproof - Aluminium (EN/IEC 60079-1, 60079-31)*l---N F Flameproof - Aluminium (EN/IEC 60079-1, 60079-31)*l--l P V Encapsulated epoxy moulded (EN/IEC 60079-18)*m--l S C Solenoid with spade plug connector (EN/IEC 60730)l--l W P Waterproof IP67 - Metal enclosure l--l L I I.S. with Aluminium IP66/IP67 enclosure (EN/IEC 60079-11+31)*m---W S Waterproof IP67 - 316 SS enclosure l--l W S L P K F Flameproof 316L SS (EN/IEC 60079-1, 60079-31)*l---W S E M Waterproof IP66/67 - 316 SS enclosure (EN/IEC 60079-0+7+18+31)*l--l W S L I I.S. with 316L SS IP66/IP67 enclosure (EN/IEC 60079-11+31)*m---W S N F Flameproof 316L SS (EN/IEC 60079-1, 60079-31)*l--l T Threaded conduit (1/2" NPT)l--lH T Class H - High temperature, +80°C ambient temp.---lX Other special constructions l--l SUFFIX TABLEsuffixdescription power level1234567LP RP MP BP M O Push type manual operator m/l--l S L Certified IEC 61508 Functional Safety data (2)m/l--l OPTIONS & ACCESSORIESseries pipe size exhaust protector (stainless steel)551G 1/834600418(1) NPT 1/834600482(1) G 1/434600419(1) NPT 1/434600483(1) M534600484(1)l Available featurem Available feature in DC only- Not available* A TEX/IECEx valves using these solenoids are approved according to EN 13463-1 (non electrical)(1)Provided with "SL" suffix(2)Not to use with MO suffixPRODUCT SELECTION GUIDESTEP 1Select basic catalogue number,including pipe thread indentificationletter. Refer to the specifications tableon page: 1Example: G551A407STEP 2Select prefix (combination). Refer tothe specifications table and the prefixtable, respect the indicated powerlevel.Example: EMSTEP 3Select suffix (combination) if required.Refer to the suffix table, respect theindicated power level.Example: MOSTEP 4Select voltage. Refer to standardvoltages on page: 3Example: 230V / 50HzSTEP 5Final catalogue / ordering number.Example:EM G551A407MO 230 V / 50 HzORDERING EXAMPLES VALVES:SC G551 A 407230V/50 HzSC G551 A 407SL230V/50 HzSC G551 A 408MO230V/50 HzSCHT8551 A 408MO230V/50 HzWSLPKF G551 A 307MO24V/DCLPKF G551 A 307MO24V/DCLPKF G551 A 307MO230V/50 HzLI G551 A 30724V/DCWSLI G551 A 308MO24V/DCEM8551 A 407MO230V/50 HzEF G551 H 407MS240V/60 Hzprefix(3)pipe thread voltage basic number(3)suffix(3)P refix EF and EV should always be used in conjunction with change letter Hin the basic number18/R1EXPLANATION OF TEMPERATURE RANGES OF SOLENOID VALVESValve temperature rangeThe valve temperature range (TS) is determined by the selected seal material, the temperature range for proper operation of the valve and sometimes by the fluid (e.g. steam)Operator ambient temperature range The operator ambient temperature range is determined by the selected power level and the safety codeT otal temperature rangeThe temperature range of the complete solenoid valve is determined by the limitations of both temperature ranges aboveELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSCoil insulation class FElectrical safety IEC 335Standard voltagesDC (=) 24V - 48VAC (~) 24V - 48V - 115V - 230V (5)/50Hz; other voltages and 60Hz are available on requestprefix optionpower ratings operator ambient temperature range (TS)safety codeelectrical enclosure protection (EN 60529)replacement coil / kit type(2)inrush holding hot/cold ~~=~=(VA)(VA)(W)(W)(C°)(1)230 V/50 Hz 24V/DC Basic power (BP)SC552310,59/11,2-40 to +75EN 60730IP65, moulded 400425-117400425-14201WP/WS 552310,59/11,2-40 to +75EN 60730IP67, steel /SS 400405-117400405-14204NF/WSNF 552310,5--60 to +25/40/60II2G Ex db IIC Gb T6/T5/T4, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db IP66/67, alu./SS 400405-117-02NF/WSNF ---9/11,2-60 to +40/60/75II2G Ex db IIC Gb T6/T5/T4, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db IP66/67, alu./SS -400405-14202EM/WSEM 552310,59/11,2-40 to +40II2G Ex eb mb IIC Gb T3, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db IP66/67, steel /SS 400909-117400913-14204PV 552310,59/11,2-40 to +65II2G Ex mb IIC Gb T3(~)/T4(=), II2D Ex mb IIIC DbIP67, moulded -(4)-(4)05EF/EV552310,59/11,2-40 to +52/40NEMA type 7 and 9NEMA 4X 238614-058238714-00606Low Power (LP)SC 1,51,51,51,7/1,7-40 to +60EN 60730IP65, moulded 400925-097400925-04207WP/WS 1,51,51,51,7/1,7-40 to +60EN 60730IP67, steel /SS 400926-097400926-04209LPKF/WSLPKF(7)2,42,42,4 (8)--40 to +40/65/80II2G Ex db IIB+H2 Gb T6/T5/T4, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db IP66/67, alu./SS - (4)- (4)13LPKF/WSLPKF---0,5/0,5 (7)-40 to +60II2G Ex db IIB+H2 Gb T6, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db IP66/67, alu./SS - (4)- (4)13LPKF/WSLPKF ---2,1 (8)-40 to +40/80II2G Ex db IIB+H2 Gb T6/T4, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db IP66/67, alu./SS - (4)- (4)13NF/WSNF 1,851,851,851,5/1,8-60 to +75/80II2G Ex db IIC Gb T6/T5, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db IP66/67, alu./SS - (4) (5)- (4)08EM/WSEM 1,51,51,51,7/1,7-40 to +40/55II2G Ex eb mb IIC Gb T6/T5, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db IP66/67, steel /SS - (4)- (4)09PV ---1,7/1,7-40 to +65II2G Ex mb IIC Gb T6, II2D Ex mb IIIC DbIP67, moulded -- (4)10EF/EV ---1,7/1,7-40 to +60NEMA type 7 and 9NEMA 4X -- (4)11LI (3) (6)---0,5/0,5-40 to +60II1G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db (6)IP66/67, alu.-- (4)14WSLI (3) (6)---0,5/0,5-40 to +60II1G Ex ia IIC T6 Ga, II2D Ex tb IIIC Db (6)IP66/67, SS-- (4)14prefix optionsafety parameters (1) Temperature range can be limited by sealings(2)Refer to the dimensional drawings on pages: 4 to 7(3) L I/WSLI: Check the electrical characteristics in the corresponding catalogue pages (4) Multiple coil kits are available under A TEX/IECEx, contact us (5) Only available in 24, 48 and 110V/DC (6) L I/WSLI: Low Power, 24 V DC only (LI: For use in zone 0 locations, see the installation conditions given in the I&M instructions )(7)LPKF/WSLPKF: 24 V DC, max. ambient temp. +80°C, contact us (48 V DC = 2,1 W)(8)Max. power ratings values: 115 V AC (2,4 W), 48 V DC (2,1 W)- Not availableU I = (DC)I I P I L I C I (V)(mA)(W)(H)(µF)Low Power (LP)LI/WSLI325001,5ELECTRICAL CONNECTIONSprefixconnectionSCSpade plug connector with cable gland EN175301-803A (ISO 4400) for cables with an outer diameter from 6 to 10 mm WP , WS, EM, WSEMM20 plastics cable gland for cables with an outer diameter from 7 to 12 mm.NF , WSNF , LPKF , WSLPKF 1/2" NPT threaded cable entry. Enclosures are supplied without cable gland PVMoulded-in cable, standard length 2 mLI, WSLI 1/2" NPT threaded cable entry. Enclosures are supplied without cable gland EF , EV1/2" NPT conduits, standard length 35 cmADDITIONAL OPTIONS• Valves configured for external pilot air supply, TPL 20547• Other pipe threads are available on request• Ex mb/mD (prefix "PV") solenoid can be supplied with various cable lengths •Compliance with "UL", "CSA" and other local approvals available on requestINSTALLATION• Multi language installation/maintenance instructions are included with each valve • The solenoid valves can be mounted in any position without affecting operation• Do not connect the pressure supply to the exhaust port 3. The “environmentally-protected” construction is not adapted for a “distributing” function or use in NO function. Contact us for functions available in specific versions• IEC 61508 Functional Safety (suffix SL). Check temperature range of valve body and solenoid for suitability. For probability of failure, contact us• It is necessary to connect pipes or fittings to the exhaust ports to protect the internal parts of the spool valve and its pneumatic operator if used outside or in harsh environments (dusts, liquids etc.)• Threaded pipe connection identifier is 8 = NPT (ANSI 1.20.3); G = G (ISO 228/1)18/R 01DIMENSIONS (mm), WEIGHT (kg)2 mounting holes: 5,3 mm dia.; Spotfacing: 9 mm dia., depth 5 mmTYPE 01:Epoxy mouldedSC: IEC 335 / ISO 4400551A407 / 551A408TYPE 02:Aluminium, epoxy coated / AISI 316L SSNF / WSNF: EN/IEC 60079-1, 60079-31551A407 / 551A408TYPE 04:Metal, epoxy coated / AISI 316L SSWP / WS: IEC 335EM / WSEM: EN/IEC 60079-7+18+31551A407 / 551A408All types18/R1TYPE 05:Epoxy encapsulatedPV: EN/IEC 60079-18551A407 / 551A408TYPE 06:Epoxy encapsulatedEF and EV: NEMA type 7, 9 / ICS-6 ANSI551G407 / 551G408TYPE 07:Epoxy mouldedSC: IEC 335 / ISO 4400TYPE 08:Aluminium, epoxy coated / AISI 316L SSNF / WSNF: EN/IEC 60079-1, 60079-31551A307 / 551A308TYPE 09:Metal, epoxy coated / AISI 316L SSWP / WS: IEC 335EM / WSEM: EN/IEC 60079-7+18+31TYPE 10:Epoxy encapsulatedPV: EN/IEC 60079-1818/R1TYPE 11:Epoxy encapsulatedEF and EV: NEMA type 7, 9 / ICS-6 ANSI551G307 / 551G308TYPE 13:Aluminium, cataphorese black painting / AISI 316L SSLPKF/WSLPKF: EN/IEC 60079-1, 60079-31TYPE 14:Aluminium, cataphorese black painting / AISI 316L SSLI / WSLI: EN/IEC 60079-11, 60079-31551A307 / A308 / A307MO / A308MO551A307 / A308 / A307MO / A308MO18/R1type prefix/option power level A B C D E weight (1)monostable bistable 01SC BP132170102,722,586,50,761,34 02NF BP158224141,8--1,853,51 02WSNF BP158224141,8--3,154,81 04WP / WS / EM / WSEM BP148204103--1,622,22 05PV BP1321728822,567,50,821,45 06EF / EV BP132,517385,522,574,50,641,29 07SC LP132,5173101,522,587,50,971,55 08NF LP158224141,8--1,853,51 08WSNF LP158224141,8--3,154,81 09WP / WS / EM / WSEM LP148204102,2--1,051,70 10PV LP132172100,522,567,51,031,67 11EF/EV LP132,5173100,522,574,50,851,50 13LPKF LP141192113--0,901,62 13WSLPKF LP141192113--1,512,82 14LI LP141192113--0,911,63 14WSLI LP141192113--1,522,83 (1)Incl. coil(s) and connector(s).2Ex d certified cable gland (on request)3Three-core cable, length 2 m4Cable gland for unarmoured cable with 7 to 12 mm dia. sheath6Connector rotatable by 90° increments (cable Ø 6 - 10 mm)8Manual operator location, suffix MO9External pilot air supply, 1/8 pipe sizeConnectable pilot exhaust portNon-connectable pilot exhaust portACCESSORIESø14ø14201/8NPTpilot exhaust protector part number276405-0011/81/41011exhaust protector18/R1e s i g n a n d s p e c i fi c a t i o n s a r e s u b j e c t t o c h a n g e w i t h o u t n o t i c e . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d .18/R 01。

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GIANT FULL E+ 2 PRO 2022 电动山地车说明书

GIANT FULL E+ 2 PRO 2022 电动山地车说明书

SPECSMOTORE SyncDrive Pro, 85Nm, powered by Yamaha SENSOR RideControl Ergo 3, grip integratedDISPLAY RideControl GO, frame integrated LED displayANT+ Wireless display compatibleBATTERIA EnergyPak Smart 625Wh Compatibile con EnergyPak Plus range extender (solo per taglie M, L e XL)TAGLIE S, M, L, XL COLORAZIONI Amber GlowTELAIOALUXX SL-grade Aluminum, Advanced Forged Composite Upper Rocker,160mm Maestro suspension system, 'Boost' 148x12mm, UDHTM derrailleur hangerFORCELLARockShox Domain R 29er, 170mm travel, 15x110 Boost, Maxle Stealth,E-bike ApprovedAMMORTIZZATORE Fox Float DPS Performance, EVOL Large Volume sleeve, 2-position lever,205x62.5mm Trunnion mount, custom tuned MANUBRIO Giant Contact Trail, 35x800mm MANOPOLEGiant Tactal Pro-E, single lock-on ATTACCO MANUBRIO Giant Contact SL 35REGGISELLA Giant Contact Switch, dropper, 30,9mm (S:100, M: 125, L: 150, XL: 175)SELLA Giant Romero Trail PEDALIFlat pedalDERAGLIATORE POSTERIOREShimano DeoreDERAGLIATORE ANTERIORE MRP 1X HD2 custom co-molded chain guide DERAGLIATORE POSTERIORE Shimano Deore 12-speedFRENIShimano Deore BR-M4120, 4-piston, hydraulic disc, 203mm COMANDI FRENO Shimano Deore BL-M4100, I-spec EVPACCO PIGNONI Shimano Deore CS-M6100-12, 10-51T, 12-speed CATENA KMC e.12 Turbo, EcoProteq, e-bike optimizedGUARNITURAPraxis Wavetm 36T Cold Forged 4130 premium steel Praxis e-Cadet+custom forged crankarm set (S/M:160, L/XL:165)MOVIMENTO CENTRALE-RUOTE CERCHI Giant AM 29"[F] 27.5"[R], Tubeless ready, 30mm inner widthMOZZI Shimano MT410 Boost, Center-Lock, [F] 110x15 [R] 148x12mm Micro-Spline Drive Body Thru-axle RAGGI Sapim E-Lite [r] Race [f]COPERTUREMaxxis Minion DHF 29x2.6" foldable, Tubeless, EXO+, 3CMaxxTerra[F]Maxxis High Roller II 27.5x2.5" foldable, Tubeless,DoubleDown, 3C MaxxTerra Compound [R]EXTRA Tubeless kit (liquid, valves, levers, manual, tool)ACCESSORISISTEMA DI ILLUMINAZIONE Optional:- Giant Recon series e-bike lights available and directconnectablePrezzo: 5.199 €GEOMETRIATELAIO SMLXLLOW | HIGH LOW | HIGH LOW | HIGH LOW | HIGH Lunghezza tubo sella (mm)400425450475Angolo tubo sella76,7° | 77,5°76,7° | 77,5°76,7° | 77,5°76,7° | 77,5°Lunghezza tubo orizzontale (mm)569 | 568595 | 594622 | 621649 | 648Lunghezza tubo sterzo (mm)100100110120Angolo sterzo63,7° | 64,5°63,7° | 64,5°63,7° | 64,5°63,7° | 64,5°Rake forcella (mm)44444444Trail (mm)135,5 | 132,1135 | 132135 | 132135,5 | 132,1Interasse (mm)1209 | 12101236 | 12371265 | 12661295 | 1296Lunghezza carro posteriore (mm)454 | 454454 | 454454 | 454454 | 454Movimento centrale (mm)25 | 1525 | 1525 | 1525 | 15Stack (mm)636 | 632635 | 632645 | 641654 | 650Reach (mm)425 | 430450 | 455475 | 480500 | 505Altezza stand over (mm)785 | 789772 | 776771 | 775768 | 772Larghezza manubrio c/c (mm)800800800800Lunghezza attacco manubrio (mm)40405050Lunghezza pedivella (mm)160160165165Dimensione ruoteF29" / R27F29" / R27F29" / R27F29" / R27Le specifiche tecniche e i colori sono soggette a variazioni senza obbligo di preavviso.Verifica la disponibilità con il tuo rivenditore Giant e Liv di fiducia.REIGN E+ 3。



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ATEX的使用和幻灯片的制作 TEX/L
3 / 17
What TEX can do?
TEX是通用的排版程序,通过加入不同的扩展包,实现对各种各样文 本的排版。
A TEX在设计时特别考虑对数学符号、公式的排版,使用L TEX扩展规 范,我们可以轻松的排版出漂亮的含有各种复杂公式和图形的学术 论文、技术文档等正式文档。
2. Formatting text and sections The text should be divided into sections, each with a separate heading and consecutive numbering. Note, however, that single secondary, tertiary, and quaternary sections remain unnumbered. Each section heading should be A placed on a separate line using the appropriate L TEX commands. For more detailed information on different sections and their formatting see the Authors’ Guide.
使用beamer 扩展包,我们可以排版出精美且具有结构化的幻灯片文 档,本文档就是使用 beamer 生成的。 配合bibtex 扩展规范,我们可以建立参考文献数据库,并在正式写论 文时轻松的引用数据库中的文献,各种样式的调整和文献编号的管 理自动完成。



class: \documentclass{thuthesis} style: \usepackage{thutils}
\NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e}[1999/12/01] \ProvidesClass{thuthesis} [2007/05/13 3.0 Tsinghua University Thesis Template] %\ProvidesPackage{thutils} % [2007/05/13 3.0 Tsinghua University Thesis Template] % code body \endinput
\newenvironment{denotation}[1][2.5cm]{ \thu@chapter*[]{\thu@denotation@name} % no tocline \noindent\begin{list}{}% {\vskip-30bp\xiaosi[1.6] \renewcommand\makelabel[1]{##1\hfil} \setlength{\labelwidth}{#1} % label box width \setlength{\labelsep}{0.5cm} % label to text \setlength{\itemindent}{0cm} % label indent \setlength{\leftmargin}{\labelwidth+\labelsep} % left margin \setlength{\rightmargin}{0cm} \setlength{\parsep}{0cm} % \setlength{\itemsep}{0cm} % label vspace \setlength{\listparindent}{0cm} % parindent from the second par \setlength{\topsep}{0pt} % vskip to top text }}{\end{list}}
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This is a test. It is only a test. I understand about 20% A of L TEX 2ε . A L TEX 2ε is simple to use, but there are a few tricks you should know.
Document Classes
A L TEX 2ε uses the \footnote command to produce footnotes. Simply enclose the desired text in curly braces. By default, it starts with the number 1 and increments it each time you use a footnote.1
For example, to specify an article with 12 point type to fit on a4 paper, use \documentclass[12pt,a4paper]{article} Other (optional) classes may also be available; these slides were produced with the document class seminar.
1. Paragraph mode - Your input is arranged into paragraphs, and the paragraphs are placed on the page. Line and page breaks are determined using standard typographic rules. Note: To suppress the usual indentation at the start of a paragraph, use the \noindent command. 2. LR mode - Your input is treated as a single “box” running from left to right. No line breaking is done. 3. math mode - Your input is considered as symbols to construct a formula. Spacing is determined by typographic rules for formulas.
Document Preparation ATEX 2ε using L
Phil Spector
Statistical Computing Facility Department of Statistics University of California, Berkeley
Word Processing Programs
A Simple Example
\documentclass{article} \begin{document} This is a test. It is only a test. I understand about 20\% of \LaTeXe. % A percent sign is the % beginning of a comment \LaTeXe\ is simple to use, but there are a few tricks you should know. \end{document}
hyphen - -
Seven of the ten special symbols are easy to produce: \$ \_ $ \& \{ & { \% \} % } \# #
The other three symbols can be produced in math mode: $\tilde{}$ ˜ $\backslash$ \ $\grave{}$ ` Some additional symbols are also available: \dag \ddag † ‡ \S \P § ¶
A TEX vs. L TEX 2ε
A • L TEX − originally developed by Leslie Lamport of DEC (mid 1980s) − a set of macros written in TEX − focuses on the structure of the document − widely accepted by journals − many additional macros are easily available A − upgraded in 1990 to L TEX 2ε
\copyright \pounds
c £
In \’a \"d \v g \~\j \d m Notes 1. \i and \j produce dotless i and j. 2. Most accents operate on one letter, but need spaces if they are defined with a letter 3. An alternative is to provide the argument in curly braces ({ }); \v{g} results in g ˇ.
• WYSIWYG “What You See Is What You Get” – fast, easy-to-use – non-portable – generally proprietary • Mark-up Languages – sometimes WYSIAYG “What You See Is All You Get”
– human readable, transportable
A – some (like TEX/ L TEX) are free – files must be processed before they are displayed or prt is processed, not just a page at a time
The standard document classes are article, book, report, and letter. Options to the document class are placed in square brackets, and can include Font Size: Paper Size: Page Format: Orientation: 10pt 11pt 12pt letterpaper legalpaper a4paper, etc. onecolumn twocolumn oneside twoside landscape
A The Basics of L TEX 2ε
• You must specify a document class with \documentclass • Precede text with \begin{document} and end with \end{document} • Type sentences in the normal way — extra spaces in your input are ignored • Leave a blank line for paragraphs • Beware of the 10 special characters: # $ % & _ { } ~ ^ \ • The command latex processes a .tex file, and creates a .dvi (device-independent file) • Display using xdvi; print using dvips
Out a ´ ¨ d g ˇ ˜ m .
In \u b \.e \H h \b k \t no
Out ˘ b e ˙ ˝ h k ¯ no
In \^c \‘f \=\i \c l
Out ˆ c ` f ¯ ı ¸ l
A When L TEX 2ε processes your input, it does so in one of three modes:
• TEX − developed by Donald Knuth of Stanford (1970s/early 1980s) − about 300 basic commands − complete control of the printed page − additional commands (macros) are generally necessary
A L TEX 2ε uses different symbols for open quote and close quote: Open Quote ‘‘ “ Close Quote ’’ ”
There are several different types of dashes: em-dash --- — en-dash -- –
A If your version of L TEX doesn’t recognize the \documentclass A command, it indicates that it is an older version of L TEX.
Quotes and Special Symbols
The \usepackage command
After deciding upon an overall style, you can specify additional features in your document through the \usepackage command. Packages can be used to change fonts, provide support for languages other than English, modify existing commands or create new commands. One popular package is fullpage; it modifies the default margins to use more of the page for text. To use this package, include the following line after the \documentclass command: \usepackage{fullpage} If you are using more than one package, their names should be separated by commas. Not all packages will be available on all systems.