FIRA FRQG C004-2008




N32G4FR系列勘误手册V1.0目录1 勘误列表 (1)2 电源控制(PWR) (3)2.1S TOP2模式唤醒 (3)3 复位和时钟控制(RCC) (4)3.1系统定时器(S YSTICK) (4)4 GPIO和AFIO (5)4.1SPI1从模式,USART2同步模式 (5)4.2SPI1主模式,USART2同步模式 (5)4.3SPI2从模式,USART3同步模式 (5)4.4SPI2主模式,USART3同步模式 (5)5 模拟/数字转换(ADC) (6)5.1ADC数据左对齐 (6)5.2ADC模拟看门狗 (6)5.3ADC注入通道触发规则通道转换 (6)5.4从ADC转换受主ADC转换影响启动 (7)5.5相邻ADC数据寄存器受影响 (7)6 串行外设接口(SPI) (8)6.1SPI接口 (8)6.1.1 SPI波特率设置 (8)6.1.2 从模式CRC校验 (8)6.2I2S接口 (9)6.2.1 PCM长帧模式 (9)7 I2C接口 (10)7.1当前字节传输前必须被管理的软件事件 (10)7.2单次读取单或双字节时的注意事项 (10)7.3与其他外设同时使用DMA (11)8 通用同步异步接收器(USART) (12)8.1校验错误标志 (12)8.2RTS硬件流控 (12)9 调试接口(DBG) (13)9.1D EBUG寄存器 (13)10 定时器(TIM) (14)10.1定时器重复捕获检测 (14)11 实时时钟(RTC) (15)11.1RTC预分频 (15)11.2RTC校准 (15)11.3RTC计时 (15)12 芯片丝印及版本说明 (16)13 版本历史 (17)14 声明 (18)1勘误列表表1-1勘误概述2电源控制(PWR)2.1Stop2模式唤醒描述MCU处于Stop2模式,如在被唤醒的同时发生NRST复位,NRST不能复位MCU,唤醒优先,MCU将先响应唤醒。



Agenda Definitions OverviewWhy WINC Tangibilitized SummaryFAQAdditional informationDefinitionsArcSight SmartConnector ProductsMicrosoft Windows Event Log -Unified SmartConnector-aka Windows Unified SmartConnector, WUC-existing SmartConnector for WindowsMicrosoft Windows Event Log -Native SmartConnector-aka WINC , Windows Native SmartConnector-new (Feb 2015) next generation SmartConnector for Windows based on Windows Eventing API Microsoft TechnologiesMicrosoft Event Forwarding (WEF)-This is the Microsoft protocol for transferring events from a windows system to anotherMicrosoft Event Collector (WEC)-This is the Microsoft server that receives the events from one or more Windows systems via WEF.ArcSight Windows Unified Collector (WUC)ArcSight SmartConnectorW i n do w sS y s t e msArcSight WUC With Microsoft Windows Events Collector (WEC)ConnectorWUC collects from both Windows and WECArcSight SmartConnectorConnectorPull with JCIFS)Note that with WEF,events are pushed to theWindows Event Collector(WEC)WINC using native Windows Eventing APISpeaker note has web links to Microsoft Windows Eventing APIs for additional information.WINC collects from both Windows and WEC event logspushed with WEF topushed with WindowsEventing API)Why WINC?Answers these critical roadblocks -I am not using WUC because•Is does not collect from all windows events?o Especially Custom WEF event logs (not just fixed to WEF via system hardware event log)o Applocker•It does not support IPv6?•I am only interested in certain security events, I don’t want to collect everything.•I am not using AD. It is difficult and annoying to keep tabs on the OS versions of the event source to maintain WUC parsing?•I have to organize my event sources for optimal performance. It is difficult to maintain over time.o Remote WAN vs. Local LANo Low EPS vs. high EPSBenefits of new version of Windows SmartConnector•Event collection support for all logs*•No restriction for WEF event logs –support custom WEF log names•Easier installation, configure, and use•Windows OS info is optional for WINC’s operation•If customer prefer to include the OS info, then it can be provided via Windows AD or a host file.•Events are pushed and not “pulled”, therefore offers much more efficient resource use•Filtering at the event sources reduces event that feeds into WINC and work load demands on WINC•Support collection from pure IPv6 windows systems* Except Archived logUse Case 1•Collect Application, Security and System logs from the same window system •Typical demonstration or evaluation scenario of the Windows Native ConnectorWindows SystemsSmartConnectorApplication, Security and System LogsWUC –Many Configuration Panels•Configure the windows system (localhost) on the third panel•Many configuration parameters in the first panel•Lots of head scratchingWINC -One Click ConfigurationOne panelDefault selection –Done !!If you use Windows Event CollectorUse Case 2•Events are pushed to Forwarded Events log on a WEC•Collect Security and System Events on the SmartConnector windows serverSecurity and System LogsWindows SystemsArcSight SmartConnectorWindows Unified Connector (Pull with JCIFS)WUC –Limited support•Check “WEF Enabled”•Many panels•Can use only administrative logs not Forwarded Events Log •Need source host file or AD to find host informationWINC –Another One Panel Configuration•Still one panel•Select the logs –Done !!•Windows version are optional in WINC.It is NOT required! Don’t have to checkany of the two options listed•Use file for OS version•Upload source hosts file, or use ADUse Case 3I just monitor login failures•Large volume of events from the pool of events sources •I am only interested in logon failures (event id 4625)WUC•No filtering at event source•Filter the events after processing by the SmartConnector (ESM)•Waste of resources!WINC –Event FilterWINC –What to enter in the filterUse Case 3 –Cont’dBenefits of new version of Windows SmartConnector Summary•Collection support for all log*•No restriction for WEF event logs –support custom WEF log names•Easier to install, configure, and use•Windows OS info is optional for WINC operations•Events are “pushed” and not “pulled”, offers much more efficient resource use •Filtering at the event sources reduces event that feeds into WINC and work load demand on WINC•Support collection from pure IPv6 windows systems* Except Archived logFAQ•When is WINC available?WINC was released in Feb 2015. It is part of the SmartConnector build•中文, Français, and 日本語.On the roadmap. CON-15362 estimating May 2015•Windows 2003 is not support by WINC.Continue to use WUC until Microsoft to EOS 2003 July 2015.•Does WINC SmartConnector run on ArcMC?ArcMC is RHEL and WINC use native windows events API.•Which version of windows .NET is required?ArcSight WINC requires version 4.5 for .NET.•Does ArcMC manage WINC?Not at this time.•All logs -What about archived log?Archived windows logs are NOT supported.•Collection all for logs, what about parsing?Additional informationClick here for documentation for Microsoft Windows Event Log -Native SmartConnector documentation on Protect 724Click here for the ArcSight home page on Protect 724 if you would like to share or ask question.******************************************************************* for additional information.Supported Log typesAchieved Logs are not supported#-Parsing for security events* -Refer to application/custom parsing slideLogs supported out of the box for collection and parsing。

凤凰2008刷机教程 删除c盘杂物s40权限

凤凰2008刷机教程 删除c盘杂物s40权限



2.刷机包(可选可以用凤凰下载),pc套件,数据线(最好是原装的否则易死),废卡一张、安装:1.先清除电脑上的NOKIA驱动,以及老的凤凰 (6.61 KB)强制卸载凤凰.zip (47.45 KB)可以用着两个解决.关闭360等防护及防火墙.2.开始安装双击凤凰安装程序点击Install出现出现询问都选继续安装点击 NEXT接受一路狂点下面默认路径不要改下面就是XX了点击patch出现下图时点击exit点击finish安装完成.接下来安装刷机资料包 pc套件(备份好手机c 盘东西)二.启动及刷机注意:保证手机电充足,可以插者充电器,把废卡换上,内存卡拔下来,否则刷机成功后卡内部分软件不可用,手机调成标准模式.双击桌面凤凰快捷图标出现凤凰窗口选择files下的manage connections出现下图上面对话框点NEWUSB打钩, 点下一步出现finish 点下一步.选中usb 再点完成之后是下图选 USB 点APPLY 按钮变灰后点Close连接手机----- 点scan product出现下图中鼠标READY表示连接成功刷机开始:点Flashing---Firmware Update选择所需code,APAC-R为中文系统选择完成后点Refurbish然后耐心等待,中间不要碰到数据线,出现下图刷机成功close 关闭即可刷机结束.下面教你删除C盘铃音QQ 及游戏破除java权限注意:::凤凰刷机后会丢失证书下面教你恢复Product--***--All Settings单选Refurbish Certificates是证书打钩即可点击开始恢复完成后手机开机点close三.关于卸载问题找到windows--syeterm32把DK2文件全部删除就可以用控制面板删除程序了[本帖最后由346225916 于2009-5-20 22:06 编辑]附件2009-5-16 16:46安装-200951033050.jpg (29.38 KB)jamo2004营长UID1570105精华积分704帖子704威望点财富值758塞班币贡献值#2 大 中 只看该作者 使用道具 发表于 2009-5-16 16:58 资料 个人空间 短消息 加为好友 怎么没有了点交易信用0点线下活跃度0点原创小红花0朵阅读权限2 5 注册2 00 7-8 -8 手机型号状#3大 中只发表于 2009-5-16 17:28 资料 个人空间 短消息 加为好友删除自带铃声,qq,主题,壁纸 打开 我的电脑 右击凤凰浏览器 ,如图usb 选项打钩,然后选择connect(usb)再双击浏览器,打开c 盘双击如图文件夹再双击再击下图一三四文件夹内东东均删掉全选---Delete 没用的图片再见了下面的是主题下面删除qq以及游戏打开c盘---predejava--*collections里面删除qq***games里面是游戏接着删内置e-mail还是c盘内---predefmenuapps--**e-mail删掉就是那个了最后完成也是最关键的地方我的电脑---右击---Disconnect 一定要点否则容易烧机最后用凤凰把模式改为NORMAL大功告成#4 大 中只发表于 2009-5-16 18:31 资料 个人空间 短消息 加为好友教你解啊除java 权限-------可以免除软件没有证书总是询问的麻烦 用凤凰连接手机后Product---Product Profiles如图一定先点read 否则部分功能丢失之后 16项后打钩点write这个是来电现实姓名和电话号码28项一定选择图选的那项 ****R&W那个write 以后就不会因证书而困扰了、OVER叫你用截图手机图片用凤凰链接后打开texting-display text找到下图DUMP点击read 即显示手机当前图片下面的是调节手机背光亮度直接改数值就可以!!!顶啊![本帖最后由346225916 于2009-6-15 21:22 编辑]附件2009-6-15 21:221.jpg (50.45 KB)2009-6-15 21:222.jpg (34.17 KB)2009-6-15 21:2220095104568.jpg (70.65 KB)2009-6-15 21:22背光.jpg (35.45 KB)2009-6-15 21:22背光.jpg (35.45 KB)s40测试有效 s60测试中以后会补充也请广大班友测试研究凤凰应用。



FIRA/FRQG C001: 2008 INDUSTRY STANDARD 工业标准Furniture - Children’s Domestic Furniture - General safety requirements 儿童家具整体的安全要求NO COPYING WITHOUT FIRA PERMISSION EXCEPT AS ALLOWED BY COPYRIGHT LAWFIRA/FRQG C001: 2008Publishing and copyright information版权和发行资料The FIRA copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.© FIRA International Limited 2008Publication historyFirst published October 2008Amendments issued since publicationAmd. No. Date Text AffectedPage 2 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 2008FIRA/FRQG C001: 2008 Contents 内容Foreword 序言 41. Scope 范围 52. Normative references 规范参考 63. Terms & definitions 条款与定义 64. Test Equipment 测试设备75. General 概况86. Safety requirements 安全要求87. Instructions & information suppliedwith product 产品附带操作说明与资料128. Test report 测试报告13Annex A - Useful information relating tothe size & weight of children 14Page 3 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 2008FIRA/FRQG C001: 2008FOREWORD 序言This Standard was created due to the absence of any British or European Standards applicable to children’s domestic and camping f urniture. The standard has been based on the requirements for adult furniture, but adapted to suit the needs of children. 这份标准是在英国和欧洲儿童家用和户外家具的标准上附带产生的,在成人家具的要求上增加了儿童需要的部分。



Reference number ISO 15484:2008(E)INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15484First edition 2008-08-01Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Product definition and quality assuranceVéhicules routiers — Matériaux de friction pour garnitures de freins — Définition du produit et assurance qualitéISO 15484:2008(E)PDF disclaimerThis PDF file may contain embedded typefaces. In accordance with Adobe's licensing policy, this file may be printed or viewed butshall not be edited unless the typefaces which are embedded are licensed to and installed on the computer performing the editing. In downloading this file, parties accept therein the responsibility of not infringing Adobe's licensing policy. The ISO Central Secretariat accepts no liability in this area.Adobe is a trademark of Adobe Systems Incorporated.Details of the software products used to create this PDF file can be found in the General Info relative to the file; the PDF-creation parameters were optimized for printing. Every care has been taken to ensure that the file is suitable for use by ISO member bodies. In the unlikely event that a problem relating to it is found, please inform the Central Secretariat at the address given below.COPYRIGHT PROTECTED DOCUMENT© ISO 2008All rights reserved. Unless otherwise specified, no part of this publication may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and microfilm, without permission in writing from either ISO at the address below or ISO's member body in the country of the requester. ISO copyright officeCase postale 56 • CH-1211 Geneva 20 Tel. + 41 22 749 01 11 Fax + 41 22 749 09 47 E-mail copyright@ Web Published in Switzerland--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)Contents PageForeword (iv)Introduction (v)1Scope (1)2Normative references (1)3Terms and definitions (2)4Symbols and abbreviated terms (2)5Product quality preplanning and test plan (3)5.1General (3)5.2Procedure (3)5.3Phases of product quality preplanning (4)5.4Test plan (4)6Checks and requirements — Brake lining complete (8)6.1General (visual, dimensional and material checks) (8)6.2Physical properties (9)6.3Corrosion (backing plate and shoe surface treatment) (12)6.4Friction performance passenger cars (12)6.5Friction performance commercial vehicles (13)7Documentation in the lining data sheet (LDS) (14)8Ongoing production monitoring (14)Annex A (informative) Example of lining data sheet (LDS) (15)Bibliography.....................................................................................................................................................20--` , , ` ` ` , , , , ` ` ` ` -` -` , , ` , , ` , ` , , ` ---ISO 15484:2008(E)ForewordISO (the International Organization for Standardization) is a worldwide federation of national standards bodies (ISO member bodies). The work of preparing International Standards is normally carried out through ISO technical committees. Each member body interested in a subject for which a technical committee has been established has the right to be represented on that committee. International organizations, governmental and non-governmental, in liaison with ISO, also take part in the work. ISO collaborates closely with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) on all matters of electrotechnical standardization. International Standards are drafted in accordance with the rules given in the ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2. The main task of technical committees is to prepare International Standards. Draft International Standards adopted by the technical committees are circulated to the member bodies for voting. Publication as an International Standard requires approval by at least 75 % of the member bodies casting a vote.Attention is drawn to the possibility that some of the elements of this document may be the subject of patent rights. ISO shall not be held responsible for identifying any or all such patent rights.ISO 15484 was prepared by Technical Committee ISO/TC 22, Road vehicles , Subcommittee SC 2, Braking systems and equipment .--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)IntroductionDrum and disc brake friction materials are important functional parts of the wheel brakes. They are pressed against the rotating brake drum or disc by a clamping force applied by the actuating mechanism of the brake during a braking operation. The kinetic energy of the vehicle is thereby largely transformed into heat. The brake pad or lining is of essential importance for the effectiveness and user comfort of the brake system. Disc brake pads consist of the friction material itself, the pad carrier plate and, in some cases, silencing parts, pad wear warning devices and retaining or guiding elements. The friction material is usually permanently bonded to the backing plate by a bonding process in which the friction material is subjected to both heat and pressure.Underlayers can be inserted between the friction material and backing plate to improve bond strength and other properties. Drum brake linings consist of the friction material itself, usually shaped to match the radius of the brake shoe onto which it is subsequently attached. The friction material is usually attached to the supporting brake shoe either by bonding or by the use of rivets. Conventional friction materials consist mainly of fibrous materials, bonding agents, anti-seize agents, metals and other fillers. The friction material type, and any backing plates, anti-noise measures, pad springs and pad wear warning devices, etc., are defined in the relevant figure.The basic aim of this International Standard is:⎯to ensure the product is verified and validated during all project phases for transfer into series production;⎯to increase product reliability and at the same time limit the cost of testing;⎯to identify the necessary test standards to equally cover brake performance and noise.Visibility of production spread and the opportunity to select parts for testing from assorted areas of compressibility are the main reasons for the statistical evaluation. The procedures described in this International Standard are based on ISO/TS 16949 and encompass the entire product quality preplanning process, from the definition phase up to the determination of parameters for series production. These are defined in this International Standard as phases 1 to 7.--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`-----`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---INTERNATIONAL STANDARD ISO 15484:2008(E)Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Product definition and quality assurance1 ScopeThe procedures in this International Standard apply to disc brake pads and drum brake linings for motor vehicles and describe systematic processes for the quality assurance of such brake linings.In conjunction with tolerance ranges, the test methods and results described in this International Standard permit a rapid assessment of disc brake pads.Uniform handling of the procedures through various phases ensures that the quality assurance requirements are clearly understood and that a global implementation is possible in the relationship between customers and suppliers.This International Standard relates to the completed friction material and is applicable during product development to the quality assurance of ongoing series production, focussing on the “component” friction material. It is advisable that tests with apparent “system” character be avoided.Raw material checks and processing control are outside the scope of this International Standard.2 Normative referencesThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.ISO 2812-1, Paints and varnishes — Determination of resistance to liquids — Part 1: Immersion in liquids other than waterISO 6310, Road vehicles — Brake linings — Compressive strain test methodISO 6312, Road vehicles — Brake linings — Shear test procedure for disc brake pad and drum brake shoe assembliesISO/PAS 22574, Road vehicles — Brake linings friction materials — Visual inspectionISO 26865, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Standard performance test procedure for commercial vehicles with air brakesISO 26866, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Standard wear test procedure for commercial vehicles with air brakesISO 26867, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Friction behaviour assessment for automative brake systemsISO 27667, Road vehicles — Brake lining friction materials — Evaluation of corrosion effects on painted backing plates and brake shoes--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)JASO C458-86, Test procedure of pH for brake linings, pads and clutch facings of automobilesJIS D 4311, Clutch facings for automobileJIS D 4421, Method of hardness test for brake linings, pads and clutch facings of automobilesSAE J2598, Automotive disc brake pad natural frequency and damping testSAE J2694, Anti-noise shims: T-Pull test1)SAE J2707, Wear test procedure on inertia dynamometer for brake friction materialsSAE J2724, Measurement of disc brake friction material underlayer distribution3 Terms and definitionsFor the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.3.1density--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ρratio of the mass to the volume of the friction material under normal conditions3.2porosityPrelative volume proportion of cavities in a materialNOTE This includes open or enclosed pores of any size, shape and distribution.4 Symbols and abbreviated termsSymbol Definition Unit ρdensity g/cm3ρnet absolute or real density without pore volume g/cm3m a pad mass in air for density measurements gm w pad mass in water for density measurements gV pad volume for density measurements cm3P porosity %T R roomtemperature °Cp B brakepressure kPaM d torque NmW B padwear mm/gW s discwear mm/gµcoefficient of friction —1) In preparation.ISO 15484:2008(E)5 Product quality preplanning and test plan5.1 GeneralThe test requirements for the various phases are defined in the different test plans for passenger cars and commercial vehicles in 5.4.The development phase of prototypes (phases 1 to 4) describes the systematics and tests used in the manufacture of brake linings from tools not yet meeting series standards. The end of phase 4 is the technical product release.The production transfer and initial sampling (phases 5 and 6) describes the required scope of testing for the assessment of the initial production series with the tools and processes intended for the series.The validation of the manufacturing process is proven by documentation and assessment of the results during initial series production (phase 6).The test volume during the continuing series production monitoring (phase 7) lies within the responsibility of the pad manufacturer and is documented in the control plan (CP) which also includes the details for the in-process inspection as well as for the incoming inspection of purchased parts like raw materials, backing plates, shims and accessories.Based on the level of in-process controls, the test efforts on the final product should be minimized and some tests, such as friction tests, may not be needed for each single batch. In any case, the frequency and sample size has to be defined in the CP.The chemical-physical brake lining data of the tests listed below include performance and/or characteristic data which result from a process chain. Any requirements of process capability indices and statistical process control need to be agreed between the customer and the supplier. Agreed tolerances, however, have to be respected.5.2 Procedure5.2.1 General procedureThe approval of brake linings is made by vehicle testing and a concurrent determination of its properties by the test standards listed here.The manufacturer of brake linings ensures that the parameters, the composition and the monitoring of the specified process parameters are maintained by regulated and auditable procedures.The determination of performance data via the test standards listed here at the end of this process chain and comparison with the tolerance serves as confirmation that the prescribed procedures were correctly performed. The time delay between processing and testing does not permit process intervention such as SPC (statistical process control).Determination of performance data on completed brake linings during a batch test serves as continuing proof of conformity and permits the observation of trends.The tolerance range for these data is determined as described in 5.2.2 to 5.2.5 below. 5.2.2 Prototyping — Customer samples (phase 4)Initial specification of tolerances are determined from the values of the batch tests of the prototype sampling. The assessment takes account of the data of the variant then approved. The tolerances arising from the approved prototypes are registered in the lining data sheet (LDS).--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---ISO 15484:2008(E)5.2.3 Specification/validation (phases 5 and 6)Results are obtained from the batches of the product transferred to series production, under the condition that the composition, the process, the brake, disc or drum and geometry are determined and comply with the state of the series. The results are verified with the customer. Variations to the tolerances shall be agreed with the customer and results shall be recorded on the lining data sheet (LDS). Specifications of tolerance are agreed with the customer viewing the data, using statistical analyses as appropriate.5.2.4 Series monitoring (phase 7)The ongoing surveillance of the series production (phase 7) shall be in accordance with the test frequencies and sample size which are fixed in a control plan by the manufacturer based on the process controls on series production.5.2.5 Review of toleranceA review of the tolerance following a number of batch tests to be determined can be performed by the friction material manufacturer and the customer.5.3 Phases of product quality preplanningThe phases of product quality preplanning are shown in Figure 1.Figure 1 — Phases of product quality preplanning5.4 Test plan5.4.1 GeneralSeparate test plans are made for passenger cars and commercial vehicles. The test plans differentiate four basic categories of tests:a) general;© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5b) physical properties; c) corrosion;d) inertia dynamometer tests.This International Standard defines preferred test procedures. Because of established databases and practices, alternative and regional tests are accommodated in the test plans. The companies working in another region should respect local practices. The future goal is the complete harmonization of the test procedures.5.4.2 Test plan for passenger car disc brake padsThe test plan for passenger car disc brake pads is shown in Figure 2. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new linings from inner or outer sideF General process/machine tests with new linings from inner or outer side (n/n), not for each part numberG All pads for noise dyno testsH Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 Evaluation of statistical distribution; samples for further tests to be derived from statistical distribution3 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number ! Separate for inner and outer pads. PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The a.m. sampling quantities are the sufficient requirements. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 2 — Test plan for passenger car disc brake padsCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---6© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5.4.3 Test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoesThe test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoes is shown in Figure 3. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE General process/machine tests with new lined shoes, not for each part numberF Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 If applicable3 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number !PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake linings are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 3 — Test plan for passenger car drum brake linings/lined shoesCopyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved75.4.4 Test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake padsThe test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake pads is shown in Figure 4. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new linings from inner or outer sideF General process/machine tests with new linings from inner or outer side (n/n), not for each part numberG All pads for noise dyno testsH Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number ! Separate for inner and outer pads. PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake pads are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 4 — Test plan for commercial vehicle disc brake padsCopyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---8© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved5.4.5 Test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake liningsThe test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake linings is shown in Figure 5. MSDS Material Safety Data SheetIndex:A The values so designated are to be shown as a trend representation starting from phase 5B Within a Product audit as per manufacturer's control planC Frequency and sample size as manufacturer´s control planD Tests with new linings from each part numberE Tests with new leading or trailing segments or anchor or cam block G Selection of wear test option in agreement with customerNotes:1 Full dimensional inspection only for PPAP (initial sampling)2 1 test during production transfer, primarily the first batchRemarks:Test quantities are valid for each part number !PPAP (Initial sampling) could be in-between or after Phase 5+6.The sampling quantities stated for brake linings are the minimum requirement. For prototypes, the sample can be reduced if there is a proven shortage of parts.For repeated sampling also tests can be left out, e.g. SAE J2707 wear testing.The complete test plan applies to new products or to friction material changes in existing products.Figure 5 — Test plan for commercial vehicle drum brake linings6 Checks and requirements — Brake lining complete6.1 General (visual, dimensional and material checks)6.1.1 Visual inspectionBrake linings shall exhibit no faults which could impair their function. The brake linings are inspected in the “as supplied” condition. The characteristic features for the visual inspection are defined in ISO/PAS 22574. 6.1.2 Underlayer distributionThe test method shall be in accordance with SAE J2724.Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved96.1.3 DimensionsThe dimensions of the brake linings which are to be tested shall comply with the appropriate current part drawing.6.1.4 MaterialThe brake lining manufacturer shall ensure and document the uniformity of material quality. The batch data of the approved initial samples are taken as a reference for all production batches. Potential test procedures in addition to raw material test results and certificates can be: ⎯ thermogravimetric analysis (TGA); ⎯ thermomechanical analysis (TMA); ⎯ pyrolytic gas chromatography (PGC); ⎯ differential-scanning-calorimetry (DSC); ⎯ electronic-differential-X-ray (EDX). This list does not exclude other test techniques.The material of the pad backing plate, the insulating shim, the retaining spring and the pad wear warning device shall comply with relevant drawing instructions.6.2 Physical properties6.2.1 Density of determinationThe density of friction materials is determined by the water displacement method. The procedure is based on the Archimedes principle. This states that a body fully immersed in water will exhibit an apparent loss of mass equivalent to the mass of the displaced water. Because 1 cm 3 of water weighs one gram at 4 °C, the loss of mass in water can be regarded as a numerical value equivalent to the volume. The density is therefore equal to the quotient of the mass in air and the mass of the displaced water.The test method in accordance with JIS D 4417 may be used as an alternative. ApparatusA suitable underfloor weigher, by means of which the mass of the sample can be weighed in grams within a tolerance of 0,1 % and to whose weighing facility a thin wire, light wire basket or clasp can be attached without any adverse effects on the result.A water vessel in a size which allows the sample to be completely immersed in the water, without coming into contact with the bottom or side walls of the vessel. Sample preparationThe friction material can be used wholly or in part for determining the density.Cut-out parts should have a minimum mass of 5 g. Rough surfaces shall be flat and smooth, to prevent the formation of bubbles when immersed in water. Care shall be taken that the samples are free from possible underlayer or bonding residue.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---10© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved6.2.1.4 ProcedureThe test is carried out at a temperature of (23 ± 2) °C. The water used is free from any suspended particles. Approximately 0,01 % of a wetting agent is added to the water in the water vessel in order to reduce its surface tension. If the water is visibly contaminated, it shall be replaced.First, the mass of the sample in air (m a ) shall be determined. Then the sample shall be completely immersed into the water by means of a wire, in a light wire basket, or using a clasp, and in the water its mass (m w ) shall be measured following an immersion period of 10 s. Ensure that no air bubbles adhere to the sample. CalculationThe density, ρ, is calculated as follows:aa w m m m ρ≅−aV m ρ=a wwaterV m m ρ=−(1)wherem a is the pad mass in air; m w is the pad mass in water; Vis the pad volume. Test reportState the density figure for each product as a single numerical value to the nearest 0,01 g/cm 3. If portions (parts) of a pad are measured, the average of three sample results shall be taken as the density of the product. 6.2.2 Porosity of determinationThe measured density of the friction material is compared to the calculated density. The measured density is based on either the specific gravity of the sample or dimensional measurements to determine the sample volume and mass. The calculated density is based on the density of each of the brake lining components and the mass proportion in the formulation.The test method in accordance with JIS D 4418 may be used as an alternative. Sample preparationIf the sample volume is to be determined by dimensional measurements, it shall be ground with flat parallel sides which allow acceptable thickness, length and width measurements to the nearest 0,1 % of the nominal sizes.Copyright International Organization for Standardization Provided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---© ISO 2008 – All rights reserved116.2.2.3 Procedure Inspect the part for adequate grind. Measure the sample length, width and thickness, each to the nearest 0,1 %. the mass of the sample to the nearest 0,1 %. Obtain the real density and the mass percentage of each raw material in the formulation. Do not include any fugitive materials such as solvents. CalculationThe porosity, P , is calculated as follows:net 1100%P ρρ⎛⎞=−× ⎜⎟⎝⎠(2)whereρ is mass/(length × width × thickness);ρnet is the absolute or real density without pore volume, calculated from a weighted average of the realdensity of the pad lining components. Test reportReport porosity to the nearest 0,1 %. 6.2.3 pH-indexThe test method shall be in accordance with JASO C458-86. 6.2.4 Cold and hot compressibilityThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310. 6.2.5 Swell and growthThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310.The test method in accordance with SAE J160 may be used as an alternative/regional test. 6.2.6 Thermal transmissionThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6310. 6.2.7 Shear strengthThe test method shall be in accordance with ISO 6312. 6.2.8 T-pull test (bonded insulator)The test method shall be in accordance with SAE J2694.Constant cross-head speed is an alternative to constant ramp load.Copyright International Organization for StandardizationProvided by IHS under license with ISONot for ResaleNo reproduction or networking permitted without license from IHS--`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`---。



windowsserver2008错误代码KMS激活错误代码及解决方案当您尝试使用多个的激活密钥(MAK) 或密钥管理服务(KMS) 来对一个或多个基于 Windows Vista 的计算机执行批量激活时,您可能会收到错误代码。


错误代码 0xC004C001症状尝试使用 MAK 激活一台或多台计算机时您可能会收到下面的错误信息:0xC004C001激活服务器确定指定的产品密钥无效原因如果 MAK 无效,可能会出现此问题。

解决方法要解决此问题,验证用于该密钥由 Microsoft 提供的 MAK。

要验证 MAK 有效,与宾夕法尼亚州呼叫中心。

回到顶端错误代码 0xC004C003症状尝试使用 MAK 激活一台或多台计算机时您可能会收到下面的错误信息:0xC004C003激活服务器确定指定的产品密钥被阻止。

原因如果 MAK 阻止激活服务器上,可能会出现此问题。

解决方法要解决此问题,与宾夕法尼亚州呼叫要获取新的 MAK 然后安装并激活系统的中心。

回到顶端错误代码 0xC004B100症状尝试使用 MAK 激活一台或多台计算机时您可能会收到下面的错误信息:0xC004B100激活服务器确定无法激活计算机。

原因如果 MAK 不受支持,可能会出现此问题。

解决方法要解决此问题,验证使用 MAK 的由 Microsoft 提供的 MAK。

要验证 MAK 有效,与宾夕法尼亚州呼叫中心。

回到顶端错误代码 0xC004C008症状尝试使用 KMS 激活一台或多台计算机时您可能会收到下面的错误信息:0xC004C008激活服务器确定无法使用指定的产品密钥。

原因如果 KMS 密钥已超过激活限制,可能会出现此问题。

KMS 密钥激活最多 10 次六个不同的计算机上。


回到顶端错误代码 0xC004C020症状尝试使用 MAK 激活一台或多台计算机时您可能会收到下面的错误信息:0xC004C020激活服务器报告多次激活密钥已超出限制。



《儿童家具通用技术条件》国家标准介绍刘曜国【期刊名称】《中国标准导报》【年(卷),期】2012(000)006【总页数】2页(P13-14)【作者】刘曜国【作者单位】全国家具标准化技术委员会【正文语种】中文GB 28007—2011《儿童家具通用技术条件》国家标准,经国家标准化管理委员会2011年10月31日批准发布,于2012年8月1日正式实施。












HAF2008Silicon N Channel MOS FET SeriesPower SwitchingTarget specificationADE-208-707 (Z)1st. EditionDec. 1998 This FET has the over temperature shut–down capability sensing to the junction temperature. This FET has the built–in over temperature shut–down circuit in the gate area. And this circuit operation to shut–down the gate voltage in case of high junction temperature like applying over power consumption, over current etc.Features• Logic level operation (4 to 6 V Gate drive)• High endurance capability against to the short circuit• Built–in the over temperature shut–down circuit• Latch type shut–down operation (Need 0 voltage recovery)OutlineHAF20082Absolute Maximum Ratings (Ta = 25°C)ItemSymbol Ratings Unit Drain to source voltage V DSS 60V Gate to source voltage V GSS (16)V Gate to source voltage V GSS (–2.5)V Drain current I D20A Drain peak currentI D(pulse)Note140A Body-drain diode reverse drain current I DR20A Channel dissipation Pch Note230W Channel temperature Tch 150°C Storage temperature Tstg–55 to +150°CNote:1.PW ≤ 10µs, duty cycle ≤ 1 %2.Value at Ta = 25°CTypical Operation CharacteristicsItem Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test ConditionsInput voltage V IH 3.5——V V IL —— 1.2V Input currentI IH1——100µA Vi = 8V, V DS = 0(Gate non shut down)I IH2——50µA Vi = 3.5V, V DS = 0I IL ——1µA Vi = 1.2V, V DS = 0Input currentI IH(sd)1—0.8—mA Vi = 8V, V DS = 0(Gate non shut down)I IH(sd)2—0.35—mA Vi = 3.5V, V DS = 0Shut down temperature T sd —175—°C Channel temperature Gate operation voltage V op3.5—12VHAF20083Electrical Characteristics (Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions Drain current I D1(25)——A V GS = 3.5V, V DS = 2V Drain currentI D2——10mA V GS = 1.2V, V DS = 2V Drain to source breakdown voltage V (BR)DSS 60——V I D = 10mA, V GS = 0Gate to source breakdown voltage V (BR)GSS (16)——V I G = (300µA), V DS = 0Gate to source breakdown voltage V (BR)GSS (–2.5)——V I G = (–100µA), V DS = 0Gate to source leak currentI GSS1——100µA V GS = 8V, V DS = 0I GSS2——50µA V GS = 3.5V, V DS = 0I GSS3——1µA V GS = 1.2V, V DS = 0I GSS4——–100µA V GS = –2.4V, V DS = 0Input current (shut down)I GS(op)1—0.8—mA V GS = 8V, V DS = 0I GS(op)2—0.35—mA V GS = 3.5V, V DS = 0Zero gate voltege drain current I DSS ——10µA V DS = 60 V, V GS = 0Gate to source cutoff voltage V GS(off) 1.0— 2.25V I D = 1mA, V DS = 10V Static drain to source on state resistanceR DS(on)—4560m ΩI D = 10A, V GS = 4V Note3Static drain to source on state resistanceR DS(on)—2840m ΩI D = 10A, V GS = 10V Note3Forward transfer admittance |y fs |(11)(17)—S I D = 10A, V DS = 10V Note3Output capacitance Coss —(380)—pF V DS = 10V , V GS = 0f = 1 MHz Turn-on delay time t d(on)—( )—µs I D = 10A, V GS = 5V Rise timet r —( )—µs R L = 3ΩTurn-off delay time t d(off)—( )—µs Fall timet f —( )—µs Body–drain diode forward voltage V DF —(1.0)—V I F = 20A, V GS = 0Body–drain diode reverse recovery time t rr —( )—ns I F = 20A, V GS = 0diF/ dt =50A/µs Over load shut down t os1—( )—ms V GS = 5V, V DD = 12V operation time Note4t os2—( )—msV GS = 5V, V DD = 24V Note:3.Pulse test4.Include the time shift based on increasing of chennel temperature when operete under over loadcondition.HAF2008Main Characteristics4HAF2008 Package DimensionsUnit: mm5HAF20086Cautions1.Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi’s or any third party’s patent,copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document.Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document.2.Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.3.Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However,contact Hitachi’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation,traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.4.Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installationconditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product.5.This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.6.No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi.7.Contact Hitachi’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products.Hitachi, Ltd.Semiconductor & IC Div.Nippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Tel: Tokyo (03) 3270-2111 Fax: (03) 3270-5109Copyright © Hitachi, Ltd., 1998. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Hitachi Asia Pte. Ltd.16 Collyer Quay #20-00Hitachi TowerSingapore 049318Tel: 535-2100Fax: 535-1533URLNorthAmerica : http:/Europe : /hel/ecg Asia (Singapore): .sg/grp3/sicd/index.htm Asia (Taiwan): /E/Product/SICD_Frame.htm Asia (HongKong): /eng/bo/grp3/index.htm Japan : Asia Ltd.Taipei Branch Office3F, Hung Kuo Building. No.167, Tun-Hwa North Road, Taipei (105)Tel: <886> (2) 2718-3666Fax: <886> (2) 2718-8180Hitachi Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd.Group III (Electronic Components)7/F., North Tower, World Finance Centre,Harbour City, Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui,Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: <852> (2) 735 9218Fax: <852> (2) 730 0281 Telex: 40815 HITEC HXHitachi Europe Ltd.Electronic Components Group.Whitebrook ParkLower Cookham Road MaidenheadBerkshire SL6 8YA, United Kingdom Tel: <44> (1628) 585000Fax: <44> (1628) 778322Hitachi Europe GmbHElectronic components Group Dornacher Straße 3D-85622 Feldkirchen, Munich GermanyTel: <49> (89) 9 9180-0Fax: <49> (89) 9 29 30 00Hitachi Semiconductor (America) Inc.2000 Sierra Point Parkway Brisbane, CA 94005-1897Tel: <1> (800) 285-1601Fax: <1> (303) 297-0447For further information write to:。

NPort 管理套件 для Windows 7、Server 2008 R2 或更高版本的 rel

NPort 管理套件 для Windows 7、Server 2008 R2 或更高版本的 rel

NPort Administration Suite for Windows 7, Server 2008 R2 or laterRelease NotesSupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Fixed driver signature failure on Windows 7.• For IP Serial library, unable to reopen a Grouped-COM port.• Fixed BSOD when a Grouped-COM port is opened.• Encrypted configuration file can't be imported via web console.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series,NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-8-DT Series, NPort 5600-8-DTL Series, NPort IA5000 Series, NPort P5150A• Supports Windows Server 2019.• Supports Moxa Security Guideline.New Features• Separate driver versions are now used to support different Windows versions; driver v2.0 supports Windows 95/98/ME/NT/XP/Visa and Windows Server 2003/2008, driver v3.0 supports Windows 7/8/8.1/10 and Windows Server 2008 R2/2012/2012 R2/2016/2019.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPNPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series,NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series, Industrial Device Servers • Supports encrypted configuration.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Device search failure when the host has more than 16 IP addresses.• NPort Administration Suite could not be run on Windows 2000.EnhancementsWindows 10, Windows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98,Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2,Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows 10.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Updated IPSerial.dll to fix thread handle always existing.• Utility could not monitor devices with "auto save device" setting when restarting the utility.• Utility could not monitor devices with "manual" setting before executing search function.• Ports mapped by the NPort Administration Suite v1.18 or earlier would disappear when using a version of Administration Suite later than v1.18.• Searching by 802.11 WLAN would fail on Windows 7 or later.• The timeout of IPSerial nsio_checkalive function would not work on Windows 7 Ultimate.• Popup error message "The network component is not ready" when searching for an NPort on Windows 8.• Ports could not be sorted by COM number order when clicking the COM number field in the monitor page.• The ports mapped by NPort Administration Suite v1.19 or earlier could not be opened by using a version of Administration Suite later than v1.19.17.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME,Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • IPSerial.dll upgraded to version 1.7.3.• IPSerial added example code for VB2010.• Updated NPort.dll to support NPort P5150A.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT,Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012.• Supports "Always Accept Open Request" for Windows 2000 and newer.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Driver caused a BSOD when opening and closing repeatedly in Windows 2008 R2.• Driver caused a BSOD when applications open grouped COM ports which contain one or more disabled ports.• In the COM Grouping function, sometimes HyperTerminal may not read the received data immediately.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5150AI-M12, 5250AI-M12, 5450AI-M12.• Supports LLDP configuration.• Supports Windows publish.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Application will not work properly when logging as a standard user in Windows Vista/7environments. This version will prompt the user change to an account with administrative rights.• Windows 2008 64-bit driver would cause a BSOD when accessing an invalid memory path.• Modified the Georgetown time zone to GMT-04:00, Caracas to GMT-04:30, and Sofia to GMT +02:00.• The "nsio_RTS" function was not able to control RTS signals.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort P5150A.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• System BSOD when setting and enabling COM grouping functions in Windows 2008 R2.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5600-8-DTL Series.• Supports NPort A Series products in NPort.dll library.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Reduced handle counts when application called nsio_init() from IPSerial library.• When closing COM port and applying change to other COM numbers simultaneously, the NPort administrator utility will cause a hang up.• If the nsio_close() function is called several times and then the nsio_open() function is called, it will fail and return an undefined error code.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Multi-connection by IPSerial library.• Supports Windows 7.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Shortened opening time for COM Grouping.• Shortened setting time for COM Grouping.• Write operation would stop transmitting.• Monitor and port monitor would stop after removing target.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 7, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports COM Grouping function for Windows NT.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• Set IP filter netmask error on Windows x64 platforms.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort 5110A, 5130A, 5150A, IA5450A, IA5450AI, IA5150A, IA5150AI, IA5250A, IA5250AI,5210A, 5230A, 5250A.• Supports COM Grouping function (does not support Windows 95/98/ME/NT).New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• "Import COM Mapping" function would throw an "invalid pointer opertion" message.• Monitor function would cause a memory leak.• Adjusted the IRP completion order for multi-processor environments.• Fixed the buffer protection mechanism for issues while inserting special characters in the serial RX buffer.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports NPort IA-5250I.New FeaturesN/A• This version also applies to models NPort IA-5250ISupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Upgraded package: IPSerial Library.• Application crash problem with IP serial library when binding more than 8 IPs(alias) for PC.• Loading driver failed in Windows Vista x64.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series N/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• SERIAL_PURGE_TXABORT did not reset the WriteCharsQueued counter.• SIO outqueue count was inaccurate under classic mode.• The port number was incorrect in the "UDP Mode Settings: Destination" list.• Startup of Monitor and Port Monitor may fail.• Removal of Monitor and Port Monitor may fail.• The search function would have issues on a Windows 2003 host with dual LAN cards.• Adding COM port would fail if "SERIALCOMM" registry key was absent.• Invalid argument for time encode.• Access violation problem in "IP Address Report List".• Search function supports 16 IP addresses for local host.• "Alive" status in Monitor and Port Monitor may be incorrect.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series N/ANew FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows Vista, Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports Windows Vista.• Supports 5610-8-DT, 5610-8-DT-J, 5650-8-DT, 5650-8-DT-J and 5650I-8-DT.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved IoctlGetCommstatus() to report live out queue count.• Improved utility user interface.• Improved COM setting functions. If the selected ports are in use, no change can be made to them.These settings include: COM number, Tx mode, FIFO, and Fast Flush.• Improved COM setting functions. If the users do not have administrative privileges, they cannot add or delete COM ports. However, they can still view the COM settings and open the COM ports.• Improved utility user interface.• Modem dial out caused system halt on multi-processor platforms.• Driver read operations caused double completion (BSOD) on multi-processor platforms.• GetCommStatus caused a BSOD on multi-processor platforms.• ioctl of setting Xon/Xoff character failed.• Fixed bugs detected by Static Driver Verifier, which include a double completion problem and completion of IRP without releasing the cancel spinlock.• FastFlush setting error when COM port number exceeds 127.• COM Mapping problem when a disabled port is opened.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Added "Network Timeout" function for COM settings.• Added auto message log function.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/A• IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR bug causing a BSOD.• IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER bug causing system halt.• Accessible IPs export and import configurations did not match.• IOCTL_SERIAL_IMMEDIATE_CHAR bug causing a BSOD.• IPSerial nsio_write and mutli-port connection problems.• Administrator could not remove serial port settings when uninstalling the NPort Administration Suite.• COM Mapping could not import files exported by Administrator v1.2.• Disconnecting an NPort will crash the application while calling nsio_close.EnhancementsWindows 2000, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows NT, Windows Server 2003,Windows XPIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports PPP Mode and Real COM Mode (RFC2217) operating mode for NPort 56xx.• Supports 64-bit Windows.• Moved nprcmisic.dll to nport.dll to cover all NPort models.• Supports NPort 5130, 5150, 5650, 5650-S-SC, 5650-M-SC.• Supports SERIAL_LSRMST_ESCAPE and SERIAL_LSRMST_MST event types of IOCTL_SERIAL_LSRMST_INSERT requests. SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_NODATA and SERIAL_LSRMST_LSR_DATA event types are not supported due to driver limitations.New FeaturesN/AN/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs Fixed• Improved Windows 2000/XP/2003 driver "Fast Flush" performance.• Improved disconnection process to prevent application blocking.• Improved NT/2000/XP/2003 driver Ioctl performance (parity, baud, modem...).• High CPU loading with Hyper Threading systems.• COM Mapping rescan prevents some models from being able to be configured.• Port Monitor: When NPort is reconnecting, Administrator increases CPU load to 100%.• Event log lost problem.• IOCTL_SERIAL_SET_WAIT_MASK (npser+114c) BSOD RQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL problem.• (npser+5c13) BSOD KERNEL_MODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED problem.• Verifier testing problem.• Classic mode oqueue length was not correct.• Tx does not stop on network disconnection.• Write blocked after reconnecting.EnhancementsN/AIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • Supports new functions of firmware 2.0.• Added new NPort IA model.• Added Web console toolbar.• Supports IOCTL_SERIAL_XOFF_COUNTER command (Windows 2000/XP/2003), which is used by some 16-bit programs.New Features• Registered COM number usage (Windows 2000/XP/2003). This will avoid other COM device from using the same COM number occupied by this driver.N/ASupported Operating SystemsNotesChangesApplicable ProductsBugs FixedN/AN/AEnhancementsN/AIndustrial Device Servers, NPort 5100 Series, NPort 5100A Series, NPort 5200 Series, NPort 5200A Series, NPort 5400 Series, NPort 5600 Series, NPort 5600-DT Series, NPort 5600-DTL Series • First release.New FeaturesN/AN/A。

FR Series Filter Regulators 安装与维护手册说明书

FR Series Filter Regulators 安装与维护手册说明书

1. Introduction1.1. General InformationThis instruction and operating manual contains important notices the user should observe for personal safety as well as prevention against damage to property. Notices concerning personal safety are highlighted by a safety symbol ( ).1.2. General Safety InstructionsIn order to ensure safe operation of this product, the user must read all safety instructions described in this manual and observe safety information and symbols without exception.1.3. Correct UsageThis product can be used only for purposes specified in these instructions. If any purpose is not stated in these instructions, the user is fully responsible for all charges and replacements to this product.1.4. Range and Responsibilities of PersonnelQualified personnel should be trained, instructed or authorized in operating and maintaining products and systems according to the safety regulations for electrical circuits, high pressures and hazardous atmosphere.They should be trained or instructed in maintenance and use of proper safety equipment according to the safety instructions.They should have good experience to identify risks and avoid potential hazards when working with these products and systems.1.5. Transportation and StorageEnsure damages during delivery are prevented through proper packing. Products and replacement parts should be returned in their original packing. If the original packing is no longer available, please ensure the products andreplacement parts are packaged to provide protection during transport.2. OverviewUse of the air filter regulator is to maintain certain air pressure and protect the main equipment from the inflow of debris. Rugged aluminum or 316SS body material helps resist corrosion.3. Specifications4. Principle of OperationAttach gauge or 1/8” plug to gauge port.Connect air supply to “In” port. Connect regulated air to “Out” port. Output air pressure from the filter regulator willsupply connected equipment when connected.After all connections are made, use “Adjust Screw” to adjust to the desired air pressure. Turn clockwise to increasethe air pressure. Turn counter-clockwise to decrease the air pressure.When output air pressure is at the desired value, tighten the “Locking Nut” to hold the position of the “Adjust Screw” tomaintain adjusted air pressure.- Supplying air with a lot of moisture and oil may cause equipment to fail. It may be necessary to open the “Drain Plug” to discharge the moisture and oil occasionally.- Make sure input and output connections are correct. Reversing the connection may cause air to exit the“Spring Case” and cause the filter regulator to work improperly.5. Spare PartsFR-10, FR-12, FR-13 FR-20, FR-22, FR-236. DimensionsFR-10, FR-20FR-12, FR13, FR22, FR23A-T Controls product, when properly selected, is designed to perform its intended function safely during its useful life. However, the purchaser or user of A-T Controls products should be aware that A-T Controls products might be used in numerous applications under a wide variety of industrial service conditions. Although A-T Controls can provide general guidelines, it cannot provide specific data and warnings for all possible applications. The purchaser / user must therefore assume the ultimate responsibility for the proper sizing and selection, installation, operation, and maintenance of A-T Controls products. The user should read and understand the installation operation maintenance (IOM) instructions included with the product and train its employees and contractors in the safe use of A-T Controls products in connection with the specific application. While the information and specifications contained in this literature are believed to be accurate, they are supplied for informative purposes only. Because A-T Controls is continually improving and upgrading its product design, the specifications, dimensions and information contained in this literature are subject to change without notice. Should any question arise concerning these specifications, the purchaser/user should contact A-T Controls.For product specifications go to /A-T Controls, Inc. • 9955 International Boulevard, Cincinnati, OH 45246 • Phone: (513) 530-5175 • Fax: (513) 247-5462 • 。


= 00486-001-0001204-84*** = X15-34815
Windows Server 2008 R2 Datacenter = QX7TD-2CMJR-D7WWY-KVCYC-6D2YT
= 00496-001-0001526-84*** = X15-34820
下面是我用slmgr.vbs /rearm重置过一次后的截图
最新一组OEM Key
slmgr.vbs -xpr (运行命令)
winver (运行命令)
据说是DELL的。没有试过行不行来自 342DG-6YJR8-X92GV-V7DCV-P4K27
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2008GRA00014 航班信息显示终端MB370WXOM 2008GRA00015 CGM-6抢修料 2008GRA00016 Hopen嵌入式操作系统V4.0 2008GRA00018 面向海外市场的电子政务平台系统V1.0 2008GRA00020 椭圆曲线密码算法芯片ISECMM1256B 2008GRA00022 金融智能信息终端安全应用系统 V2.0 2008GRA00024 无碳刚玉尖晶石砖 2008GRA00026 超高亮、大功率太阳能LED灯 2008GRA00028 大尺寸稀土超磁致伸缩材料 2008GRA00030 集装箱/车辆快速检查系统 2008GRA00032 SJY117安全文件传输系统V1.0 2008GRA00034 建筑节能控管系统(BCNS) 2008GRA00036 冷冻干燥机LGJ-18型 2008GRA00037 CSGC-3000通用软件平台
2008GRA10019 防爆变频葫芦式起重机 2008GRA10020 YH6016坐标轴式重型数控弧齿锥齿轮铣 齿机
2008GRA10021 全功能线路故障指示器 2008GRA10022 系列三相栅极电机驱动芯片SAN623X 2008GRA10023 TAI型凸轮轴再生砂砂型 2008GRA10024 径向三端面旋转接头机械密封 2008GRA10025 移动式LPG供气装置 2008GRA10026 焊接机器人生产线自动控制系统 2008GRA10027 特高压平波电抗器用新型薄膜绕包圆铝 线

FIRA FRQG C002-2008

FIRA FRQG C002-2008

INDUSTRY STANDARDFurniture - Children’s Domestic Furniture - Seating – Requirements for strength, stability and durabilityNO COPYING WITHOUT FIRA PERMISSION EXCEPT AS ALLOWED BY COPYRIGHT LAWPage 2 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 2008Publishing and copyright informationThe FIRA copyright notice displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.© FIRA International Limited 2008Publication historyFirst published October 2008Amendments issued since publicationAmd. No. Date Text AffectedPage 3 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 2008ContentsForeword 4 1. Scope5 2. Normative references6 3. Requirements7 4. Tests8 5. Test report10 Annex A – Additional Test Methods 12 Annex B – Additional requirements for seating with unusual features13Page 4 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 2008INTRODUCTIONThis Standard was created due to the absence of any British or European Standards applicable to children’s domestic furniture. The standard has been based on the requirements for adult furniture, but adapted to suit the needs of children.The Standard has been produced and endorsed by the Furniture Retail Quality Group whose members consist of:ASDABRITISH HOME STORES EARLY LEARNING CENTRE FIRA INTERNATIONAL LIMITED HABITATHOME RETAIL GROUP INSTORE RETAILJOHN LEWIS DEPARTMENT STORES MARKS & SPENCER MATALANMAMAS & PAPAS MORRISONS MOTHERCARE NEXT TESCO TOYS R US WILKINSON WOOLWORTHSPage 5 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 20081. SCOPEThis Standard specifies safety, stability, strength and durability requirements for children’s seating for domestic indoor, outdoor and camping use.The standard is applicable to all types of domestic seating for indoor, outdoor and camping use by children from 3 years old to 12 years old.This Standard forms a suite of standards covering children’s furniture:FIRA/FRQG C001: 2008 Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Generalsafety requirementsFIRA/FRQG C002: 2008 Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Seating– Requirements for strength, stability and durabilityFIRA/FRQG C003: 2008 Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Tables &desks – Requirements for strength, stability and durabilityFIRA/FRQG C004: 2008 Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Storagefurniture – Requirements for strength, stability and durabilityThe standard does not cover educational furniture as British and European Standards currently exist.The standard does not cover items with play features which will be classed as Toys and covered by National Legislation, however elements of this standard may be used to assess the suitability of a product containing both furniture and play aspects.For furniture featuring functions not covered within this standard (e.g. electrical features, lighting etc.), these functions should be assessed in accordance with the most appropriate Regulations or Standards.This standard does not contain requirements for bean bags.This standard does not cover the requirements for fire retardency of upholstered product as National Legislation currently exists.Note: Where furniture is designed for children under 3 years of age this standard may be used as a guide. However, due to the additional risks associated with this age group, reference should also be made otherapplicable standards such as the suite of toy standards (EN 71) and relevant childcare standards.Annex A (Normative) contains additional requirements for seating with unusual features such as rocking chairs, swing seats, hammocks and reclining chairs.Page 6 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 20082. NORMATIVE REFERENCESThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.FIRA/FRQG C001: Children’s domestic furniture – General safetyrequirementsFIRA/FRQG C003: Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Tables &desks – Requirements for strength, stability and durabilityFIRA/FRQG C004: Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Storagefurniture – Requirements for strength, stability and durabilityBS 4875-1 Strength and stability of furniture – Part 1:Requirements for the strength and durability of the structure of domestic seatingBS EN 1022 Domestic furniture – Seating – Determination ofstabilityBS EN 1728 Domestic furniture – Seating – Test methods forthe determination of strength and durabilityBS EN 1729-2 Furniture – Chairs and tables for educationalinstitutions – Part 2: Safety requirements and test methodsPage 7 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 20083. REQUIREMENTS3.1 General Seating which include other features, such as tables and storage shallalso meet the appropriate requirements from FIRA/FRQG C003: 2008 and FIRA/FRQG C004: 2008.3.2 Safety requirementsA ll seating shall satisfy the applicable general safety requirements as defined in FIRA/FRQG C001: 2008.3.3 Performance requirementsAfter the product has been tested in accordance with clause 4, at theselected test level (see 4.4), none of the following defects shall have occurred:a) the seating no longer fulfils the stability requirements;b) any fracture of any member, joint or component, including seat suspensions and castors;c) any fracture or cracking through the full thickness of any part of a structural shell;d) any loosening, shown to be permanent of joints intended to be rigid;e) any deformation or cracks that will adversely affect the performance of any part of the sample;f) any impairment of the operation of any mechanical part.Page 8 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 20084. TESTS4.1 Moisture content of timber componentsBefore testing, parts made of timber products shall be checked with an electric moisture meter to ensure that the moisture content is between 8 % and 12 %. If the moisture content is outside this range the sample shall be placed in a suitable environment until the moisture content is between 8 % and 12 %.4.2 Inspection before testingImmediately before testing, the sample shall be thoroughly inspected. Any defects in the members, joints or attachments shall be noted so that they are not attributed to the tests. A complete dimensional check shall be carried out on all articles likely to suffer permanent deformation as a result of testing. The dimensions shall be recorded.Any minor defects detected as a result of this inspection shall be recorded in the test report. If the sample is found to have a major defect as described in 3.3, the sample shall be rejected.4.3 ProcedureAll the tests shall be carried out on the same sample. If any failure occurs during the sequence of tests, all the tests shall be repeated on a completely new test sample.All tests shall be carried out at the same test level (see Table 1), and in the sequence given in Table Seat loading pointsSeat loading points are defined in Table 3 of EN 1729-2: 2006.For seating suitable for children aged 3 years to 6 years old the seat loading points for sizemark 2 chairs shall be used.For seating suitable for children aged 7 years to 12 years old the seat loading points for sizemark 4 chairs shall be used.For seating suitable for children aged 3 years to 12 years old the seat loading points for sizemark 4 chairs shall be used.4.3.2 Stability testsStability tests shall be carried out in accordance with EN 1022, except that the seat loading points shall be as defined in Clause 4.3.1 and the test loads shall be as defined in table 1.Page 9 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 20084.3.3 Strength and durability testsStrength and durability tests shall be carried out in accordance with EN 1728, except that the seat loading points shall be as defined in Clause 4.3.1 and the test loads shall be as defined in table 1.4.4 Test levels4.4.1 Seating for use by children from 3 years – 6 years oldSeating for use by children from 3 years to 6 years old shall be tested in accordance with test level 1 as shown in Table Seating for use by children from 6 years – 12 years oldSeating for use by children from 6 years to 12 years old shall be tested in accordance with test level 2 as shown in Table Seating for use by children from 3 years – 12 years oldSeating for use by children from 3 years to 12 years old shall be tested in accordance with test level 2 as shown in Table 1.4.5 Inspection after testingImmediately after completion of the tests, the sample shall again bethoroughly inspected. Any apparent defects as given in 3.3 shall be noted, together with any other changes that have taken place since the initial inspection.Page 10 of 14© FIRA International Ltd 2008Table 1 - TestsTest Level Test Test Description Loading 1 2 1 BS EN 1022 6.2 & 6.3 Forwards overturning Seat load: N Horizontal force: N 250 20 500202 BS EN 1022 6.4 Sideways stability without arms Seat load: N Horizontal force: N 250 20 500203 BS EN 1022 6.5 Sideways stability with arms Arm load: N Seat load: N Horizontal force: N 150 110 20 300210204 BS EN 1022 6.6 Rearwards stability Seat load: N Back force: N 250 70 5001305 EN 1728, 6.2.1 &6.3 Seat and back static load test Seat: force NBack: force N10 times750 200 1000 250 6 EN 1728, 6.2.2 Seat front edge static load testForce, N 10 times 750 10007 EN 1728, 6.4 Footrail static load test Force, N 10 times750 10008 EN 1728, 6.5 Arm sideways static load test Force, N 10 times250 3509 EN 1728, 6.6 Arm downwards static load testForce, N 10 times 250 35010 EN 1728, 6.7 & 6.9 Seat and back fatiguetestCycles Seat: 750 N Back: 250 N - 1000011 EN 1728, 6.8 Seat front edge fatigue testCyclesForce: 750 N - 5000 12 EN 1728, 6.10 Arm fatigue test Cycles Force: 200 N- 500013 EN 1728, 6.12 Leg forward static load test Force, N (max.)Seat load, N10 times180 750 300 750 14 EN 1728, 6.13 Leg sideways static load testForce, N (max.)Seat load, N 10 times 180 750 250 750 15 EN 1728, 6.15 Seat impact test Drop height, mm, 10 times140 14016 Annex A Additional seat impact test Drop height, mm, 10 times100 10017 EN 1728, 6.16 Back impact test Height of fall, mm 10 times70 12018 BS 4875-1 Annex C Drop Test Drop height 10 times100 1505. TEST REPORTThe test report shall contain at least the following:a) the number and date of this Standard, i.e. FIRA/FRQG C002: 2008b) details of the article tested, e.g. specification and photographs;c) details of any defects (see 4.2) observed before the tests;d) details of any defects and damage observed after the tests (see 3.3);e) the test result;f) details of any deviation from the test procedures;g) name and address of test facility;h) date of testing.ADDITIONAL TEST METHODSA.1 Additional seat impact testThis test is only applicable to chairs with plastic seats.A.1.1 EquipmentA1.1.1 L oading PadA 60 mm (± 1mm) diameter rigid, circular, flat faced object, manufactured from a hard smooth material, with a 12 mm (± 1mm) radius on all front edges.A1.2 Test MethodPlace the loading pad (A1.1.1) on the seat loading point (4.3.1). Allow a 15 kg (± 5%) mass to fall freely onto the top surface of the loading pad, from the height defined in Table 1.Frequency between impacts shall be 4 (± 1) seconds.Page 12 of 14ADDITIONAL REQUIREMENTS FOR SEATING WITH UNUSUALFEATURESChairsA.1 RockingIn addition to the appropriate requirements contained within the main document, rocking chairs shall be assessed in accordance with EN 1022 Clause 7.4, with the following test loads:A.1.1 Seating for use by children from 3 years – 6 years oldLoad in chair to be three loading discs as specified in EN 1022 Clause4.4Note: Where appropriate the test discs defined in EN 1022 may besubstituted for test disks with a smaller diameter to allow testing to becarried out on chairs with a small seat area.A.1.2 Seating for use by children from 6 years – 12 years oldLoad in chair to be six loading discs as specified in EN 1022 Clause 4.4A.1.3 Seating for use by children from 3 years – 12 years oldLoad in chair to be six loading discs as specified in EN 1022 Clause 4.4 SeatsA.2 SwingSwing seats shall be tested in accordance with the following tests from Table 1, at the appropriate test level:Test numbers: 1, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 14, 15, 16 & 17.In addition swing seats should feature a means of limiting amount of swing to prevent overturning.A.3 HammocksHammocks designed to be suspended from or between trees, or similar user supplied supports are not covered by this standard due to the risk posed by failure of the support mechanism.Hammocks should be accompanied by their own supporting frame. Due to the nature of hammocks stability testing is not appropriate.The height of the main sitting/lying surface above the ground shall not exceed 600 mm.Hammocks shall be tested, at the appropriate test level, to the following clauses:Test numbers: 5 (seat static load only), 10 (seat fatigue only), 15 & 16.The loading point will be the geometrical centre of the hammock.Hammocks shall be supplied with the following additional warnings: •Children should be subject to adult supervision at all times when using this product.•Beware of the risk of tippingChairsA.4 RecliningIn addition to the appropriate requirements contained within the main document, reclining chairs shall be assessed in accordance with EN 1022 Clause 7.7, with the following test loads:A.1.1 Seating for use by children from 3 years – 6 years oldLoad in chair to be one loading discs on seat and three loading discson the back. Loading discs to be as specified in EN 1022 Clause 4.4Note: Where appropriate the test discs defined in EN 1022 may be substituted for test disks with a smaller diameter to allow testing to be carried out on chairs with a small seat area.A.1.2 Seating for use by children from 6 years – 12 years oldLoad in chair to be two loading discs on seat and five loading discs onthe back. Loading discs to be as specified in EN 1022 Clause 4.4A.1.3 Seating for use by children from 3 years – 12 years oldLoad in chair to be two loading discs on seat and five loading discs onthe back. Loading discs to be as specified in EN 1022 Clause 4.4A.5 Office Style Seating – Tilting ChairsIn addition to the appropriate requirements contained within the main document, reclining chairs shall be assessed in accordance with EN 1022 Clause 7.7, with the following test loads:A.1.1 Seating for use by children from 3 years – 6 years oldLoad in chair to be five loading discs as specified in EN 1022 Clause4.4Note: Where appropriate the test discs defined in EN 1022 may be substituted for test disks with a smaller diameter to allow testing to be carried out on chairs with a small seat area.A.1.2 Seating for use by children from 6 years – 12 years oldLoad in chair to be nine loading discs as specified in EN 1022 Clause4.4A.1.3 Seating for use by children from 3 years – 12 years oldLoad in chair to be nine loading discs as specified in EN 1022 Clause4.4.Page 14 of 14。



2008r2激活密钥1.引言1.1 概述在本章节中,将介绍2008r2激活密钥的重要性和作用,以及本文将要讨论的内容。

首先,2008r2激活密钥是指用于激活Windows Server 2008 R2操作系统的一组密钥。












本文的目标读者群体是对2008r2激活密钥感兴趣的企业用户、IT技术人员以及Windows Server系统的使用者。




1.2 文章结构文章结构部分的内容如下:本文共分为以下几个章节,每个章节都会详细介绍和讨论2008r2激活密钥的相关内容。




戴尔 PowerEdge 系统 MicrosoftWindows 小型企业服务器 2008 安装指南

戴尔 PowerEdge 系统 MicrosoftWindows 小型企业服务器 2008 安装指南

Microsoft®Windows®Small Business Server 2008 for Dell™PowerEdge™ SystemsInstallation GuideNotes and CautionsNOTE: A NOTE indicates important information that helps you make better use of your computer.CAUTION: A CAUTION indicates potential damage to hardware or loss of data if instructions are not followed.Information in this document is subject to change without notice.©2010Dell Inc.All rights reserved.Reproduction of these materials in any manner whatsoever without the written permission of Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.Trademarks used in this text: Dell, the DELL logo, Dell OpenManage, and PowerEdge are trademarks of Dell Inc.; Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are either trademarks or registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to refer to either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products. Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and trade names other than its own.February 2010 A00This document provides the instructions to install your Microsoft® Windows® Small Business Server2008 operating system and includes the following topics:•“Pre-Installation Requirements” on page4•“Installing Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Using the USC” on page4•“Installing Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Using the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation Media” onpage6•“Installing Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Using the Operating System Media” on page8NOTE: If you purchased a Dell™ system without the operating system installed on your system, it is strongly recommended that you use the Unified ServerConfigurator (USC) or the supported version of the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation media to guide you through the operating system installation. NOTE: If you use the operating system media to install the operating system,you must install the latest device drivers located either on the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation media or at/support/downloads.Installing Windows Small Business Server 200834Installing Windows Small Business ServerPre-Installation RequirementsCAUTION:The following installation procedures erase all data on your hard drive. It is recommended that you backup all important data before you begin installation.To determine the devices that are installed on your system:1Boot your system from the Dell Systems Management T ools and Documentation media.2Select View Hardware in the System Software Manager window.The devices installed on your system are listed on your screen.Before you install the operating system:•Read any additional document that ships with your operating system.•Ensure that your system has the latest BIOS, firmware, and driver updates. If required, download the latest BIOS, firmware, and driver updates from or use the Dell Server Update Utility available on the Dell Server Updates media.•Create a device driver media (diskette, USB drive, CD, or DVD). NOTE: If you are not using the Dell Systems Management Tools andDocumentation media or the USC, and the operating system does not have the driver for the storage controller, you must create a device driver media. For more information, see “Creating a Device Driver Media” on page 10.Installing Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Using the USC1Connect the keyboard, monitor, mouse, and any peripherals to the system that you have chosen to configure as the management server.2T urn on the system and the attached peripherals.3Press <F10> to enter System Services .The Unified Server Configurator menu is displayed with several options.4Select OS Deployment .The Configure RAID now or Go directly to OS deployment screen is displayed.5Configure the RAID at this time. If the RAID is already configured, select OS deployment, and click Next.The Select Operating System screen is displayed with a list of compatible operating systems.NOTE: Ensure that the RAID is properly configured to enable the requiredWindows Small Business Server 2008 configuration. For information onrecommended partition sizes and configurations, see the Getting Starteddocument and other reference documentation from . 6Select Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008, and click Next. 7Insert the operating system media when prompted, and click Finish to reboot the system.8Press <F11> to ensure that you boot from the operating system media and select the DVD drive or press a key when prompted.The Install Windows screen is displayed.9Select the appropriate option for Language, Time and Currency Format, and Keyboard or Input Method, and click Next.The Operating System Install screen is displayed.10Select the operating system you want to install, and click Next.The License Agreement screen is displayed.11Read the information carefully. If you agree with all the information, selectI accept the license terms and then click Next.The Which T ype of Installation Do Y ou Want screen is displayed.12Click Custom(advanced), if it is not selected.The Disk Partition screen is displayed.13Select the partition on which you want to install Windows Small Business Server 2008 and click Next.The Installing Windows screen is displayed and the installation process begins.Installing Windows Small Business Server 200856Installing Windows Small Business Server14Complete the instructions in the Windows Small Business Server 2008 Installation wizard.To complete the operating system installation, perform the procedure described in "Completing the Operating System Installation " onpage 12.Installing Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Using the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation MediaY ou must configure the system to boot from the CD/DVD drive. To install the operating system using the Dell Systems Management T ools and Documentation media:1Connect the keyboard, monitor, mouse, and any additional peripherals to your system.2T urn on the system and the attached peripherals.3Insert the Dell Systems Management T ools and Documentation media into the CD/DVD drive.4Press <F2> when prompted to run the setup utility.The BIOS Settings screen is displayed.5Using the arrow keys, scroll to the Boot Sequence field and press <Enter>.6Configure the DVD ROM drive to be the first boot option and press <Esc> to exit the BIOS Setting screen.The system prepares to boot from the CD/DVD drive. NOTE: Alternatively, you can press <F11> to enter the Boot Device Menu to select the DVD ROM drive as the boot option.The Dell Systems Management T ools and Documentation media menu is displayed with several options.Installing Windows Small Business Server 200877Select Dell Systems Build and Update Utility.The system boots from the selected option.NOTE: This may take several minutes depending on the speed of the drive.The Dell Systems Build and Update Utilityscreen is displayed.8Select the Server OS Installationoption in the Single Server Solutionsection.The Select Operating System screen is displayed with a list of compatible operating systems.9Select Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008.Ensure Create Utility Partition option is checked if you want to create a utility partition and click Continue .NOTE: If you select the Create Utility Partition option, you can run system diagnostics and memory tests using the <F10> key during post.The Configure or Skip RAID screen is displayed.10Select Skip Raid Configuration if RAID is already configured and click Continue .NOTE: If the RAID is configured, then the existing RAID configuration details are displayed.NOTE: Ensure that the RAID is properly configured to enable the required Windows Small Business Server 2008 configuration. For information onrecommended partition sizes and configurations, see the Getting Starteddocument and other reference documentation from .The Installation Summary screen and the installation options that you have selected, are displayed.11Click Back to change the installation options. If the options displayed are accurate, click Continue .CAUTION: All system partitions are erased along with all data on the local hard drives.The Server OS Installation screen is displayed and the operating system installation begins.8Installing Windows Small Business ServerCAUTION: TheDell Systems Build and Update Utility screen prompts you toremove the media after all the installation settings are finalized. Remove the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation media. The system reboots to local hard drives and then prompts for the Windows Installation media. Do not boot directly to the CD/DVD drive at this stage.12Click Finish after you have inserted the Windows installation media in the CD/DVD drive.The system may display messages during installation.13Press OK to continue with installation.14Follow "Installing Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Using the USC" on page 4.To complete the operating system installation, perform the procedure described in "Completing the Operating System Installation" on page 12.Installing Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 Using the Operating System MediaNOTE: It is recommended that you use the USC or Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation media as it includes the latest drivers and fixes for your Dell system.1Connect a keyboard, monitor, mouse, and any additional peripherals to your system.2T urn on your system and any attached peripherals.Several BIOS screens appear during startup, but do not require any user intervention.3Insert the Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008 media into the DVD drive.NOTE: If a Windows operating system is installed on your system, thefollowing message is displayed: Press any key to boot from the CD/DVD ...Press any key to begin the installation.The following message is displayed:Windows is Loading FilesAfter the files are loaded, the Install Windows screen is displayed.Installing Windows Small Business Server 200894Select the appropriate Language , Time & Currency , and Keyboard values and click Next .The Windows Small Business Server 2008 screen is displayed.5Click Install Now .The T ype your product key for activation screen is displayed.6Enter the 25-character product key located on your Certificate of Authenticity (COA) label and clickNext .NOTE: The COA label is shipped along with your operating system.NOTE: If you are using the Dell recovery media to install or reinstall youroperating system, you will not be prompted for the product key.The Please read the license terms screen is displayed along with the software license terms.7Read the license terms, select the I accept the license terms option, and click Next to continue with the installation.The Which type of installation do you want screen is displayed.8Select Custom (advanced) for a new operating system installation.The Where do you want to install Windows screen is displayed.9Specify the partition on which you want to install the operating system.NOTE: If the storage controller driver is not installed on your system, youcannot create the hard-drive partitions. You may need to provide massstorage drivers during installation. Download the required driver file to adriver diskette, CD, DVD, or USB drive in the root directory of the media. For more information, see "Creating a Device Driver Media" on page 10. To provide the driver during setup, click Load Driver . You can browse to locate the driver or use Setup to search the media.To create a partition and begin installation:aClick New .b Specify the size of the partition in MB, and click Apply .NOTE: The recommended minimum partition size for the Primary partition is 60 GB. If you are installing additional memory on your system, you may require additional primary partition space to accommodate the page file. For moreinformation on page files, see Microsoft Knowledge Base (KB) article 99768 and KB article 889654 on .c Select the newly-created partition and click Next.The Installing Windows screen displays the progress bar for the installation of the operating system.NOTE:The installation procedure may take some time to complete.After the first phase of operating system installation is complete, thesystem reboots.The Continue Installation screen is displayed.10Click Next if you are not migrating from Windows Small Business Server 2003 to Windows Small Business Server 2008. For more information onmigrating from Windows Small Business Server 2003 to Windows SmallBusiness Server 2008, see the Windows Small Business Server 2008Migration Guide at .To complete the operating system installation, perform the proceduredescribed in "Completing the Operating System Installation" on page12.Creating a Device Driver MediaUse one of the methods described in the following sections to create a device driver media:Downloading Drivers From the Dell Systems Management Tools and Documentation Media:1Insert the Dell Systems Management T ools and Documentation media into the system.The Welcome to Dell Service and Diagnostic Utilities screen is displayed.2Select your server model and operating system and click Continue.The list of drivers is displayed.3Select the required driver, the self-extracting zip file and click Run. Copy the driver to a diskette drive, CD, DVD, or USB drive.Repeat this step for all the drivers that you require.4Use the media that you created with the Load Driver option, to load mass storage drivers.NOTE: To provide the driver during setup, click Load Driver. You can browseto locate the driver or use Setup to search the media.10Installing Windows Small Business ServerDownloading Drivers From the Dell Support Site1Go to .2Click Drivers and Downloads.3Enter the service tag of your system in the Choose by Service Tag field or select your system’s model.4Select the System T ype, Operating System, Driver Language, Category, and Importance from the drop-down list.NOTE: On the primary server, select Microsoft Windows Small BusinessServer 2008 x64 to install the operating system. On the secondary server(Premium only), depending on the operating system you want to install, selectMicrosoft Windows Server 2008 x64 or Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x86.The drivers that are applicable to your selection are displayed.5Download the drivers that you require to a diskette drive, USB drive, CD, or DVD.6Use the media that you created with the Load Driver option, to load mass storage drivers.NOTE: To provide the driver during setup, click Load Driver. You can browseto locate the driver or use Setup to search the media.Using the DRAC Diskette ImageInstall the Dell mass storage drivers using Dell Remote Access Controller DRAC 4, DRAC 5 or iDRAC diskette images located at . For information on setting up the virtual diskette drive media, see the DRAC documentation available at /manuals.NOTE: You can install drivers using the DRAC diskette image only if your system has a DRAC installed and configured.Completing the Operating System InstallationAfter installing the operating system, perform the following procedure to enter the required information:1In the Verify the clock and time zone settings screen, click Open Date and Time to verify the clock and time zone settings to change the clock and time zone settings.Click Next.The Get important updates screen is displayed.NOTE: If the operating system does not have the driver for the networkcontroller, A network adapter not found screen is displayed. Use one of thefollowing options to install a network controller driver:•Open Device Manager to install drivers•BrowseNOTE: You cannot proceed with the installation unless you install the networkcontroller driver.2Select Go online and get the most recent installation updates.NOTE: You can select this option only if the system is connected to theInternet. Select Do not get the most recent installation updates if the system isnot connected to the Internet.The Connecting your server screen is displayed along with the progress of the installation updates.Once the updates are completed, the Company information screen isdisplayed.3Enter the details of the company(optional) and click Next.The Personalize your server and your network screen is displayed.4Enter the server name, the internal domain name and click Next.NOTE: The server name and internal domain name cannot be changed afterthe installation.The Add a network administrator account screen is displayed.5Enter the network administrator user name and password and click Next.The Install Security services screen is displayed.6Select the appropriate security service(optional) and click Next.NOTE: The security services listed in the Install Security services screen aretrial versions valid for four months. You have to buy the full license separately.Check the details of the network administrator account, server name, anddomain name in That is all the information needed screen, and click Next toconfirm.The Expanding and Installing files screen is displayed along with the progress of installation.NOTE: The installation may take 30 mins to an hour to complete dependingupon the hardware you are using.NOTE: During the operating system installation, the system reboots multipletimes.The Successful installation screen is displayed once the installation is complete.7Click Start using the server.NOTE: If the system encounters problems during installation, the InstallationIssues screen displays the list of problems.The Windows SBS Console screen is displayed.8Select the appropriate initial configuration tasks to complete the system setup and close the window once the configuration is complete.Installing Windows Small Business Server 2008 Premium EditionTo install the Premium edition of Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008, you must install two servers.1To install the first server, use this document.2To install the second server, ensure that you select the required media architecture (x86 or x64), and follow one of the installation proceduresexplained in this document to install the operating system using USC,Dell Systems management T ools and Documentation media, or theoperating system media.NOTE: If you require specific instructions, see Installing Windows Server2008 available at /ostechsheets. After installing, join the secondserver to the Windows Small Business Server 2008 domain using the nativemethod.3To view the second server in the Windows Small Business Server 2008 console, click Network→ Computers. The second server is listed under Client computers.Installing SQL Server 2008For information on installing SQL Server 2008 on your system, see How to: Install SQL Server 2008 at .NOTE: The SQL Server 2008 license is included in Windows Small BusinessServer 2008 Premium Edition that you can use to install SQL Server 2008 on thesecond server in the Windows Small Business Server 2008 domain.NOTE: Product keys for SQL Server are available on the Product Key labels,found inside the DVD case.。

JBL MRX525 音频系统说明书

JBL MRX525 音频系统说明书

JBL Incorporated, 8500 Balboa Boulevard, P .O.Box 2200, Northridge, California 91329 U.S.A.J B L M R X 525 R E V HPACKAGE WIRING DIAGRAM03-12T echnical ManualJBL MRX525SPECIFICATIONSACOUSTIC & ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS:•Nominal Impedance: 4 Ohms •Power Capacity:800W / 1600W / 3200W, 2 hrs.(Cont/ Prog/Peak):700W / 1400W / 2800W, 100 hrs • Frequency Range:40 Hz - 20 kHz (-10 dB)•Frequency Response:57 Hz – 20 kHz (±3 dB) •Maximum SPL:129 dB SPL continuous (135 dB SPL peak)•System Sensitivity:100 dB SPL (1 watt @ 1 meter)•Crossover Frequency:1.8 kHzSYSTEM COMPONENTS:•Cabinet:Enclosure (Not for Sale)•Grille:362524-001•Low Frequency 265H-1, 380 mm (15 in) Differential Transducer:Drive woofer •DC Resistance: 5.0 ohm ±10%•High Frequency 2408H, 37.5 mm (1.5 in) annularTransducer:polymer diaphragm, neodymium compression driver•DC Resistance:4.8 ohm +/- 0.2 ohmSYSTEM COMPONENTS:(CONT’D) • Crossover Network:364969-001AURAL SWEEP TEST SPECIFICATIONS:A.System Aural Sweep T est:7.0V Input, 50 Hz to 20 kHzB.L.F .Aural Sweep Test:7.0V Input, 10 Hz to 300 HzC.H.F .Aural Sweep Test:0.75V Input, 200 Hz to 1.5 kHz PHYSICAL SPECIFICATIONS:•Enclosure Dimensions:1240 x 535 x 460 mm D (H x W x D)(48.75 x 21.0 x 18.0 in D)•Net Weight (ea):84.0 lb (38.2 kg)WARRANTY INFORMATION:•Refer to Warranty Statement packed with each product.Warranty 59660Manual362053-001Carton362293-001Fillers (2)362294-002Pkg, Microfoam (8) 49790PPop Sticker 362896-001NETWORK SCHEMATIC - (364969-001)Driver, High Freq 2408H(361549-001X) Driver Repl D8R2408Driver,Low Freq (2)265H(362048-001X)Cone Repl C8R265 265H-1 (2)(363837-003X)Cone Repl C8R265-1Network Assembly 364969-001YEL YEL/BLKGRN GRN/BLKWH/BLK WH NOTE:INDIVIDUAL PARTS FOR THE ABOVE CROSSOVER ARE NOT AVAILABLE.A COMPLETE REPLACEMENT ASSEMBL Y SHOULD BE ORDERED.JBL MRX525804-11110-1610-32 x 1, FLT, PH,BLK OXIDE, LCSNetwork, Input364969-001Screw (6)882-41110-106 x 5/8, PAN, PH,BLK ZINC, LCSNameplate 362051-001Grille Assembly w/ Screen362524-001 Screw (26)882-51110-12Foot (4)353445-001Screw (4)884-41110-1210 x 3/4, PAN, PH,PB, BLK ZINC, LCSDriver, Low Freq (2)265H(362048-001X)Cone ReplC8R265265H-1(363837-003X)Cone ReplC8R265-1Network, Input362292-001Screw (2)882-41110-106 x 5/8, PAN, PH,BLK ZINC, LCS。



















Sun Server X4-8 安全指南说明书

Sun Server X4-8 安全指南说明书

Sun Server X4-8安全指南文件号码 E55447-012014 年 6 月版权所有 © 2014, Oracle 和/或其附属公司。







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2008 年 8 月安全公告包含以下 11 个安全漏洞:
严重等级 (6)
1.Microsoft Windows 图像颜色管理系统中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码 (952954)
2.Internet Explorer 的累积性安全更新 (953838)
3.Snapshot Viewer for Microsoft Access 的 ActiveX 控件中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码 (955617)
4.Microsoft Excel 中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码 (954066)
5.Microsoft PowerPoint 中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码(949785)
6.Microsoft Office 筛选器中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码(924090)
重要等级 (5)
1.IPsec 策略处理中的漏洞可能导致信息泄露 (953733)
2.事件系统中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码 (950974)
3.Outlook Express 和 Windows Mail 的安全更新 (951066)
4.Windows Messenger 中的漏洞可能导致信息泄露 (955702)
5.Microsoft Word 中的漏洞可能允许远程执行代码 (955048)。

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FIRA/FRQG C004: 2008 INDUSTRY STANDARDFurniture - Children’s Domestic Furniture – Storage furniture – Requirements for strength, stability and durabilityNO COPYING WITHOUT FIRA PERMISSION EXCEPT AS ALLOWED BY COPYRIGHT LAWFIRA/FRQG C004: 2008Page 2 of 8© FIRA International Ltd 2008Publishing and copyright informationThe FIRA copyright notice displayed in this document indicateswhen the document was last issued.© FIRA International Limited 2008Publication historyFirst published October 2008Amendments issued since publicationAmd. No. Date Text AffectedFIRA/FRQG C004: 2008Page 3 of 8 © FIRA International Ltd 2008ContentsForeword 41. Scope 52. Normative references 63. Requirements 74. Test report 8FIRA/FRQG C004: 2008Page 4 of 8© FIRA International Ltd 2008FOREWORDThis Standard was created due to the absence of any British or European Standards applicable to children’s domestic furniture. The standard has been based on the requirements for adult furniture, but adapted to suit the needs of children.The Standard has been produced and endorsed by the Furniture Retail Quality Group whose members consist of:ASDABRITISH HOME STORESEARLY LEARNING CENTREFIRA INTERNATIONAL LIMITEDHABITATHOME RETAIL GROUPINSTORE RETAILJOHN LEWIS PARTNERSHIPMARKS & SPENCERMATALANMAMAS & PAPASMORRISONSMOTHERCARENEXTTESCOTOYS R USWILKINSONWOOLWORTHSFIRA/FRQG C004: 2008Page 5 of 8 © FIRA International Ltd 20081. SCOPEThis Standard specifies safety, stability, strength and durability requirements for children’s storage units for domestic indoor, outdoor and camping use.The standard is applicable to all types of domestic storage furniture for indoor, outdoor and camping use by children from 3 years old to 12 years old.This Standard forms a suite of standards covering children’s furniture:FIRA/FRQG C001: 2008 Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Generalsafety requirementsFIRA/FRQG C002: 2008 Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Seating– Requirements for strength, stability and durability FIRA/FRQG C003: 2008 Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Tables &desks – Requirements for strength, stability anddurabilityFIRA/FRQG C004 Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Storagefurniture – Requirements for strength, stability anddurabilityThe standard does not cover educational furniture as British and European Standards currently exist.The standard does not cover items with play features which will be classed as Toys and covered by National Legislation, however elements of this standard may be used to assess the suitability of a product containing both furniture and play aspects.For furniture featuring functions not covered within this standard (e.g. electrical features, lighting etc.), these functions should be assessed in accordance with the most appropriate Regulations or Standards.The standard does not cover the requirements for Toy Boxes which are covered by EN 71.The standard does not cover the requirements for fire retardency of upholstered product as National Legislation currently exists.Note: Where furniture is designed for children under 3 years of age this standard may be used as a guide. However, due to the additional risks associated with this age group, reference should also be made other applicable standards such as the suite of toy standards (EN 71) and relevant childcare standards.Annex A (Normative) contains additional test methods for storage furniture that may be sat or climbed on.FIRA/FRQG C004: 2008Page 6 of 8 © FIRA International Ltd 20082. NORMATIVE REFERENCESThe following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. Forundated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.FIRA/FRQG C001Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – General safety requirements FIRA/FRQG C002Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Seating – Requirements for strength, stability and durability FIRA/FRQG C004Furniture - Children’s domestic furniture – Storage furniture – Requirements for strength, stability and durability BS EN 14749Domestic and kitchen storage units and worktops. Safety requirements and test methods BS 4875-7Strength and stability of furniture. Domestic and contract storage furniture. Performance requirementsFIRA/FRQG C004: 2008Page 7 of 8 © FIRA International Ltd 20083. REQUIREMENTS3.1 GeneralStorage furniture which includes other features, such as seating andtables shall also meet the appropriate requirements from FIRA/FRQGC002: 2008 and FIRA/FRQG C003: 2008.3.2 Safetyrequirements3.2.1 GeneralA ll storage furniture shall satisfy the applicable general safetyrequirements as defined in BS EN 14749 and FIRA/FRQG C001: 2008.3.2.2 Product with zipper frontsAny item of furniture that a child can enter and has an internal volumegreater than 0.03 m3, and in which all the internal dimensions aregreater than 150 mm that has zip access shall use two way zip pulls.3.2.3 Additional stability requirementsAll products over 600 mm high shall be supplied with an appropriatewall fixing. The wall fixing shall conform to Clause 6.6.4 of BS EN14749.3.2.4 Product which may be used as a climbing frameWhere possible the design of product shall not be such that a child isencouraged to climb on or up a product.Where such features cannot be designed out of the product, thesefeatures shall be tested in accordance with the Footholds Impact Test, Clause 5.6.2 of BS EN 747: 2007.After the product has been tested none of the following defects shallhave occurred:a) the item no longer fulfils the stability requirements of BS EN 14749:2005;b) any fracture of any member, joint or component;c) any fracture or cracking through the full thickness of any part of astructural shell;d) any loosening, shown to be permanent of joints, intended to be rigid;e) any deformation, or cracks that will adversely affect the performanceof any part of the sample;f) any impairment of the operation of any mechanical part.FIRA/FRQG C004: 2008Page 8 of 8© FIRA International Ltd 20083.3 Performance requirements3.3.1 GeneralAll products shall, as a minimum, meet the applicable requirements of BS 4875-7 to test level 2.4. TEST REPORTThe test report shall contain at least the following:a) the number and date of this Standard, i.e. FIRA/FRQG C004: 2008 b) details of the article tested, e.g. specification and photographs; c) details of any defects observed before the tests;d) details of any defects and damage observed after the tests; e) the test result;f) details of any deviation from the test proceduresg) name and address of test facilityh) date of testing。
