实验一 单轴压缩实验
P σc
式中:σc —单轴抗压强度,MPa ;
P —无侧限条件下岩石试件的轴向破坏荷载,N ; A —试件的截面面积,mm 2;
2.试样规格:采用直径为50mm ,高为100mm (高径比为2)的标准圆柱体。
3.加工精度:试样两端面的平行度偏差不得大于0.1mm ;试样两端的直径偏差不得大于0.2mm ;试样的两端面应垂直于试样轴线。
5.含水状态:采用自然状态,试样制成后放在底部有水的干燥器内1~2d ,以保持一定的湿度,但试样不得接触水面。
4.开动试验机,以0.5 ~0.8 MPa/s的加载速度对试样加载,直到破坏。
表1 岩石抗压强度测定结果。
Rock Mechanics for Natural Resources and InfrastructureSBMR 2014 – ISRM Specialized Conference 09-13 September, Goiania, Brazil© CBMR/ABMS and ISRM, 2014UCS Estimation through Uniaxial Compressive Test, Scratch Test and Based Log Empirical CorrelationAnselmo Machado BorbaPetrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, anselmoborba@.brFrancisco Henriques FerreiraPetrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, francisco@.brErick Slis Raggio SantosPetrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, erick_slis@.brVictor Manuel Domingues MenezesPetrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, victormdm@.brMichael StrugalePetrobras, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, michael_strugale@.brSUMMARY: In Petroleum, Civil and Mining Engineering, designing structures dealing with rock mass is a day-to-day activity. In order to execute such projects, it is essential to know the strength and deformability of rocks, as well as their in situ stress state. In Petroleum Engineering, especially, obtaining rock samples from a well and carrying out lab mechanical tests is costly and time-consuming. Thus, Petroleum Engineers have been attempting to determine rock mechanical properties through index tests or log-based correlations as to expedite this process and reduce the global cost of the activity. I order to be confident about results obtained via index tests or correlations, though, it is necessary to carry out a calibration of such outcomes against results from standard mechanical tests. In this article, a procedure used to determine the unconfined compressive strength is proposed. The data from that process supports the planning of two pilot projects to be developed by Petrobras in an on-shore oil field. In order to estimate the UCS for this oil field, three methods were applied: the standard uniaxial test, the scratch test and a log-based correlation. Due to the excellent agreement among results of all three methods, it was possible to extrapolate the data regarding UCS for the entire interval to be analyzed. The set of logs available, mainly transit-time and density log, was used as a guide in the UCS extrapolation process.KEYWORDS: Strength and elastic property of rock, scratch test, uniaxial compressive test, empirical correlation for UCS, rock mechanics, mechanical lab test.1.INTRODUCTIONRock mechanical characterization plays an important role in designing projects involving rock mass. However, the mechanical characterization of a material with natural occurrence, frequently presenting an anisotropic behavior and non-homogeneous distribution, is a challenging activity.In that context, rock mechanical characterization in a lab is a keystone for engineering projects involving rock mass. The unconfined compressive strength (UCS) test is the oldest and simplest lab test for that end and it is still widely performed (Jaeger et al., 2007). In this article, the uniaxial compressive test is used to determine the unconfined compressive strength using samples from petroleum well. Moreover, UCS is estimated through an index test, the scratch test. The methodology for this test was introduced in the 90´s by Richard et al. (1998).Additionally, UCS is estimated using electrical logs and an empirical correlation. The used correlation is suitable for sandy and argillaceous formations. Afterwards, the UCS estimated by these three tests was compared, aiming at upscaling it for the entire logged interval.The main goal of this article is to obtain UCS in three distinct scales: small (through uniaxial compressive tests, using samples); intermediary (through scratch test performed on rock cores) and large (through empirical correlation and well logs).2. METHODOLOGYThe target petroleum field of this analysis is an on-shore oil producer field whose reservoir burial depth ranges from 900 to 1300 m. PETROBRAS intends to implement two pilot projects in this field. The first one will be an enhanced oil recovery (EOR) project through CO2 injection; the other one will be a CO2 geological disposal project. The rock mechanical characterization presented in this article is part of the effort of designing both pilot projects.For the first cored well, a 42 meter-long core was cut. From this core, the interval of rock ranging from 1049 to 1067 m was selected to be tested. The main lithology components of the selected interval are: sandstone, shale, argillite and siltstone. The interval also presents thin lens of bioclastic grainstone.For the selected interval, a campaign of mechanical tests - including conventional UCS tests and scratch tests – was designed. The main purpose of that campaign was to characterize the unconfined compressive strength of the analyzed interval. Furthermore, an empirical correlation to estimate UCS was used. Due to the predominant lithology of the analyzed interval, it was decided that a well-known correlation employed in the program MechPro TM(Fjær et al., 1992, p.232) would be used. This correlation was proposed by Coates and Denoo (1981) and Anderson et al. (1986). It relies on the comprehensive rock mechanical test campaign performed by Deere and Miller (1969) for the United State Air Force. 3. DETERMINING THE UCSRock unconfined compressive strength is one of the most frequently used parameters in engineering studies dealing with intervention in rock masses. In order to determine this parameter, the uniaxial compression test is usually employed. Alternatively, in the late 90’s, an indentation strength test able to assess the UCS of the scratched material was proposed and christened scratch test(Richard et al., 1998). For the analyzed well, there is yet a third way of assessing the UCS; through empirical correlations using information obtained by the lowering of electric logs into the well (mainly acoustic and porosity logs).3.1 Uniaxial Compression TestCurrently, the uniaxial compression test is still the most frequently employed procedure for the purposes of rock mechanical characterization. As an example, many classifications of rock materials are developed solely from rock uniaxial compression data (Azevedo and Marques, 2002). The test is used not only to assess a rock's strength (UCS), but also its deformability modulus (elastic or Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio).The test consists of compressing a cylindrical plug between two metallic caps, inducing the rock sample to a state of uniaxial stress. The sample is loaded until failure.3.2 Scratch TestThe scratch test is an alternative, simpler and less expensive way of assessing a rock’s unconfined mechanical strength (Richard et al., 1998, Schei et al., 2000 and Richard et al., 2012). The test comprises measuring the tangential and normal forces necessary to create a groove or scratch in the core outer surface or in its slabbed face.The equipment used in the scratch test is comprised of a v-shaped rack to support and fix the rock core and a mobile block. In the lower part of the moving block, there is a sharp diamond cutter.In order to perform the scratch test, the sample is placed and fixed on the rack. As thesharp cutter moves along the sample, a rectangular groove is created. Two load cells are assembled in the moving block aiming at measuring the normal and tangential forces applied to create the groove. Figure 1 depicts the scratch test equipment employed in Petrobras’ Rock Mechanics Laboratory to perform the tests described in this study..Figure1.ScratchTest equipment employed throughout the mechanical test campaign (Wombat TM , 2011).During the performance of the test, it must be ensured that the rock removed from the groove is reduced to powder, avoiding spalled fragments. The determinant factor in obtaining powder or spalled fragment is the fixed depth for the groove. An experienced operator should be able to choose the suitable depth in order to avoid the latter.Theoretically, the groove may present any shape. However, most commonly, it presents a transversal rectangular section, shaped by a cutter with a width of 10 mm. As mentioned before, the depth should be fixed by the operator. Depending on the rock strength level, it is possible to assess both the UCS and the internal friction angle by employing sharp and dull cutters, respectively.In this study, only the rock’s UCS is being measured, which requires a sharp cutter and the registering of the tangential force.The measurement of the tangential resistance force comprises two factors:1. energy spent on rock fragmentation;2. friction between the cutter’s lower face and the groove’s base .Only the first factor is related to rock strength, but both of them constitute the tangential force. In order to eliminate the effect of friction, the latter is regarded as independent from the groove’s depth, and cuts with varying depths are performed. Afterwards, a tangential force (F cs ) vs. grove’s depth (wd ) graphic is plotted, similar to the one in Figure 2. The slope of the fitted straight-line, ԑ, represents the intrinsic specific energy (ISE ), which is proportional to the rock's unconfined compressive strength.Figure 2. Standard curve of an ISE analysis (Wombat™, 2011).In the specific case of the employed cutter’s geometry, the coefficient of proportionality is equal to one; therefore, the ISE is equal to the UCS. The fitted straight-line y-intercept equals the friction force between the cutter and the groove. As mentioned before, this parameter has no significance in the UCS determination. Differently from UCS tests, the scratch test can be considered quasi-nondestructive. In the worst-case scenario, the groove depth reachesapproximately 5 mm. This scenario happens when there is a highly fragmented rock or an unleveled core. In such cases, it is necessary to level the core and, consequently, it is necessary to scratch the rock more times, reaching a deeper groove. As it should be noted, the rock consumption in such kind of test is irrelevant.The compressive strength determined by a scratch test should be interpreted as an estimative; thus, some conventional uniaxial compressive strength tests must be performed in order to calibrate the UCS curve previously obtained. However, the scratch test offers the following advantages:•it provides a UCS log throughout the extension of the core, generating more data than the uniaxial compressive test;•it allows for UCS estimative in millimetric or centimetric scale, so the test is capable of capturing the rock heterogeneity in a higher resolution;•it can be considered a quasi-nondestructive test, bearing in mind its low consumption of material.The scratch test capacity of providing small-scale quantitative description of heterogeneities along the cores, combined with petrophysical properties - obtained from lab tests or well logs - can improve the selection of plug samples for further lab tests. In this study, the plugs that underwent uniaxial compressive tests were selected based on scratch test results.3.3 Correlation with electric logsIn the past, the petroleum industry attempted to directly measure elastic properties in bottomhole conditions, e.g.: THE TM(Kuhlman et al., 1993), a wellbore extensometer. Field tests conducted by Petrobras experts using such tool were not successful, though.The lack of reliable tools to directly measure compressive/tensile strength and elastic properties of rocks in oil wells has encouraged the development of a considerable number of empirical correlations for estimating such properties. Many of those correlations rely on the registering of well logging, such as acoustic transit-time logs, or on other properties stemming from logs, such as porosity (Fjær et al., 2008, p.294).Rivera et al. (2002) remark that log measurements are frequently employed for: i) identifying problematic intervals; ii) selecting intervals for lab characterization; and iii) upscalling lab results to the field scale, in order to outline the physical properties of reservoir and surrounding rocks.Each log presents their own vertical resolution and radius of investigation; thus, depending on the rock’s degree of heterogeneity, log measurements may not be able to accurately detect the variation of rock properties. According to Santos and Ferreira (2010), a typical log vertical resolution is around 1 ft. or higher, which might be insufficient in detecting the rock’s heterogeneity. Under such conditions, two scenarios might unfold: i) the underestimation of strength in strong intervals; or ii) the overestimation in weak ones. In both scenarios, the rock’s physical properties are poorly represented.In the literature, it is possible to find several technical articles dealing with the determination of compressive strength and elastic properties of rocks using empirical correlations and log-based data. Chang et al. (2006) and Odulami et al. (2011) present a comprehensive review of correlations proposed by a number of authors. Such correlations are function of logs such as acoustic transit-time or wave velocity, density, Young’s modulus, shale content, porosity, etc. The authors also group the empirical correlations according to lithology, degree of consolidation, among others.If there is no available empirical correlation for an analyzed oil or gas field, it is necessary to take an existing one from the literature concerning mainly the lithology, but also the burial depth, consolidation degree and, of course, the set of available logs.It is also advisable to perform some mechanical lab tests to calibrate the chosen correlation for the analyzed field, as it should be discussed ahead in this article.It should be kept in mind that the empirical correlation was chosen considering mainly the lithology of the analyzed interval. Therefore, the MechPro TM UCS correlation was selected because it is suitable for shale and sandstone presenting a varying level of clay content. TheC&D UCS correlation is expressed for the following equation (Fjær et al., 1992, p. 232):1.9∙101 1∙ 1 2 ∙ 1 0.78 (1)In order to have UCS expressed in MPa , the following units in expression 1 should be used: ρ is the rock density (kg/m 3); V p is the shear wave velocity (m/s ); ν is the Poisson’s ratio (dimensionless); V sh is the shale content (dimensionless).The C&D correlation relies on a more general empirical correlation proposed by Deere and Miller (D&M) (1969). Using the D&M correlation it is possible to estimate UCS for limestone and dolomite besides shale and sandstone, as proposed by C&D. Figure 3 presents a graphical representation of the D&M UCS correlation. In this graphic, one can see some colored points representing results of UCS tests performed using limestone plugs from a Petrobras’ oil field.Santos and Ferreira (2010) have proposed a correlation to estimate UCS to limestone based on D&M correlation. This correlation might be taken as an extension of the C&D work.4.RESULTSThe first step of the mechanical test campaign was to perform the scratch test in an 18 meter-core interval, ranging from 1049 to 1067 m, as showed in Figures 4 and 5. The characterization of the entire 18-meter rock section was not possible due to the integrity of certain intervals of the material, especially those with a predominantly shale lithology. It would seem that such material presents a physico-chemical and mechanical instabilities. Trying to avoid the former instability the core was cut in an oil-based drilling fluid and transported in properly sealed containers filled with the oil used in the fluid formulation, in order to avoid contact with air moisture.Figure 4. Core sampled from a depth ranging from 1049 to 1058 m (driller´s measured depth - DMD).Figure 5. Core sampled from a depth ranging from 1058 to 1067 m (driller´s measured depth - DMD).The UCS estimated by the scratch test arepresented in Figure 6. This figure also presents UCS estimated by the uniaxial compressive tests and C&D empirical correlation. In order to simplify the analysis, additional information is plotted in Figure 6, such as lithology, compressional transit-time and gamma ray logs and shale content.Figure 6. UCS results from three analyses performed using core, plugs and logs from the selected well It is estimated that a significant part of the tested section presents unconfined compressive strength lower than 100MPa, displaying, nonetheless, peaks of almost 250MPa.In order to perform the uniaxial compression tests, 10 standard cylindrical plugs were selected and cut. The plug selection took into account the UCS from scratch tests previously performed. Seven of those plugs were subjected to a nondestructive analysis of acoustic velocity testing. In such test, the rock dynamic elastic properties (Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio) is determined. Table 1 presents the geometric characteristics of plugs (burial depth, diameter and height) and the estimated elastic dynamic properties. Additionally, it is presented the plug lithology and porosity (φ).As it can be seen in Table 1, 70% of the tested plugs were sandstone. This happened due to the difficulty of cutting plugs from other lithologies, especially shale that is frequently present in the interval chosen for this characterization.Table 1. Geometric characteristics, lithology, porosity and dynamic elastic properties of plugs selected to undergo uniaxial compression tests.[Plug]Dep.(m)LithoD(mm)H(mm)φ (%)E d(GPa) CP01 1052.8 SHL 38.1 79.7 10.0 35.5 0.15 CP02 1054.7 SND 38.2 80.4 15.1 30.3 0.13 CP03 1055.4 SND 38.4 80.6 20.2 21.0 0.13 CP04 1056.0 SND 38.0 80.1 21.8 21.0 0.11 CP05 1056.3 SND 38.1 80.1 - - -CP06 1056.8 SND 38.2 80.1 11.7 26.5 0.11 CP07 1057.5 SND 38.1 80.2 - - -CP08 1058.4 ARG 38.0 80.1 - - -CP09 1060.3 SND 38.2 80.1 5.1 39.8 0.12 CP10 1066.4 SHL 38.2 77.9 3.8 20.8 0.05 Selected plugs' lithology, namely shale (SHL), sandstone (SND) and argillite (ARG). Dep = driller´s measured depth (DMD).Results from the uniaxial compressive tests (UCS, static Young’s modulus and static Poisson’s ratio) are shown in Table 2.For purpose of comparison UCS is plotted in Figure 6 along with the other two estimated values for this parameter (scratch test and empirical correlation).Table 2. Results from the uniaxial compression test.[Plug] UCS (MPa) E (GPa) νCP01 70.8 24.2 0.26CP02 70.2 14.1 0.13CP03 37.6 8.7 0.15CP04 31.1 6.5 0.21CP05 44.7 6.3 0.15CP06 51.2 9.4 0.18CP07 39.4 7.5 0.05CP08 61.4 9.3 0.22CP09 158.9 32.6 0.11CP10 48.6 7.2 0.18All uniaxial compression tests were performed under assumed drained conditions (plug’s top and bottom were vented). However, in the case of both shale tests, it is impossible to assure that conditions were perfectly drained, given the low capacity of pore pressure diffusion typical to this kind of rock.Analyzing Figure 6, one can see that there is a very good agreement among the results from the three methods applied to estimate UCSforthe selected well.In that case, the gamma ray log and the core- gamma do not present remarkable enough peaks to render a satisfactory depth correlation; this is the conventional depth correction methodology.Due to the resolution of the scratch test, the depth correction was made using scratch test results. Comparing scratch test results and compressional transit-time log, the core-depth (DMD) was shifted - 2.4 m downward - in order to fit the log-depth (LMD). This might be seen as an additional feature of the scratch test.5. CONCLUSIONThis article presents the results of the unconfined compressive strength ascertained by means of three methods: standard uniaxial test, scratch test and log-based empirical correlation. The results from the three distinct methods are in agreement and, because of that, it was possible to extrapolate the values obtained from the core analyses to the entire rock interval being considered in the two aforementioned pilot projects.If one intends to indirectly estimate UCS values, it is strongly advisable to perform some standard mechanical test in order to calibrate the values obtained by indirect methods, as it was showed in this article. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTThe authors gratefully acknowledge Petrobras for supporting the study and permitting to publish the results.REFERENCESAnderson, R., Coates, G., Denoo, S., Edwards, D., and Risnes, R. (1986). Formation collapse in a Producing Well, The Technical Review 34, p.29-32. Azevedo, I.C.D., and Marques, E.A.G. (2002).Introdução à Mecânica das Rochas, 1ª edição, Viçosa, Editora UFV (in portuguese).Bieniawski, Z.T., and Bernede, M.J. (1979). Suggested Methods for Determining the Uniaxial Compressive Strength and Deformability of Rock Materials, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences & Geomechanics Abstracts, Vol. 16, n. 2, p.135-140.Chang, C., Zoback, M.D., and Khaksar, A. (2006).Empirical relations between rock strength and physical properties in sedimentary rocks, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 51, p. 223-237. Coates, G.R., and Denoo, S.A. (1981). Mechanical properties program using borehole analysis and Mohr´s circle, SPWLA 22nd Annual Logging Symposium.Deere, D.U., and Miller, R.P. (1969). Engineering classification and index properties for intact rock, Tech. Rep. AFWL-TR-65-1l6.Fjær, E., Holt, R.M., Horsrud, P., Raaen, A.M., and Risnes, R. (1992). Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics, 1st ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 346p.Fjær, E., Holt, R.M., Horsrud, P., Raaen, A.M., and Risnes, R. (2008). Petroleum Related Rock Mechanics, 2nd ed., Elsevier, Amsterdam, 491p. Jaeger, J.C., Cook, N.G.W., and Zimmerman, R.W.(2007), Fundamentals of Rock Mechanics. 4ª edição, Malden, Blackwell Publishing.Kuhlman, R.D., Heemstra, T.R., Ray, T.G., Lin, P., and Charlez, P.A. (1993). Field Test of Downhole Extensometer Used to Obtain Formation In-Situ Stress Data., SPE Rocky Mountain Regional / Low Permeability Reservoir Symposium, Denver, April 12-14, 1993, SPE-25905.Odunlami, T., Soroush, H., Kalathingal, P., and Somerville, J. (2011). Log-Based Rock Property Evaluation - A New Capability in a Specialized Log Data Management Platform, SPE/DGS Saudi Arabia Section Technical Symposium and Exhibition, 15-18 May, Al-Khobar, Saudi Arabia, SPE-149050. Richard, T., Dagrain, F., Poyol, E., and Detournay, E.(2012). Rock Strength Determination from Scratch Tests, Engineering Geology, vol. 147-148, p. 91-100. Richard, T., Detournay, E., Drescher, A., Nicodème, P., and Fourmaintraux, D. (1998). The Scratch Test as a Means to Measure Strength of Sedimentary Rocks, SPE/ISRM Eurock´98, Trondheim, 8-10 July, SPE- 47196.Rivera, R.S., Stenebråten, J., and Dagrain, F., (2002).Continuous scratch testing on core allows effective calibration of log-derived mechanical properties for use in sanding prediction evaluation, SPE/ISRM Rock Mechanics Conference, Irving, TX, USA.Santos, E.S.R., and Ferreira, F.H. (2010). Mechanical Behavior of a Brazilian Off-Shore Carbonate Reservoir, 44th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 5th U.S.-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Salt Lake City, UT, USA.Schei, G., Fjær, E., Detournay, E., Kenter, C.J., Fuh,G.F., and Zausa, F. (2000). The Scratch Test: AnAttractive Technique for Determining Strength and Elastic Properties of Sedimentary Rocks, Society of Petroleum Engineers.Wombat Machine (2011) – User Manual – Software Ver.1. Technical manual, EPSLOG, October 2011.。
三.试样的规格、加工精度、数量及含水状态1. 试样规格:采用直径为50 mm,高为100 mm的标准圆柱体,对于一些裂隙比较发育的试样,可采用50 mm×50 mm×100 mm的立方体,由于岩石松软不能制取标准试样时,可采用非标准试样,需在实验结果加以说明。
2. 加工精度:a 平行度:试样两端面的平行度偏差不得大于0.1mm 。
b 直径偏差:试样两端的直径偏差不得大于0.2 mm ,用游标卡尺检查。
c 轴向偏差:试样的两端面应垂直于试样轴线。
3.试样数量: 每种状态下试样的数量一般不少于3个。
4.含水状态:采用自然状态,即试样制成后放在底部有水的干燥器内1~2 d ,以保持一定的湿度,但试样不得接触水面。
1—百分表 2-百分表架 3-试样4水平检测台1—直角尺 2-试样 3- 水平检测台图5-3 电阻应变片粘试2.位置确定:纵向、横向电阻应变片粘贴在试样中部,纵向、横向应变片排列采用“┫”形,尽可能避开裂隙,节理等弱面。
实验一 单轴压缩实验
P σc
式中:σc —单轴抗压强度,MPa ;
P —无侧限条件下岩石试件的轴向破坏荷载,N ; A —试件的截面面积,mm 2;
2.试样规格:采用直径为50mm ,高为100mm (高径比为2)的标准圆柱体。
3.加工精度:试样两端面的平行度偏差不得大于0.1mm ;试样两端的直径偏差不得大于0.2mm ;试样的两端面应垂直于试样轴线。
5.含水状态:采用自然状态,试样制成后放在底部有水的干燥器内1~2d ,以保持一定的湿度,但试样不得接触水面。
4.开动试验机,以0.5 ~0.8 MPa/s的加载速度对试样加载,直到破坏。
表1 岩石抗压强度测定结果。
二、荷载控制设置参数的重要性1. 在单轴压缩试验中,荷载控制设置参数包括加载速率、加载方式、加载范围等。
2. 合理的荷载控制设置参数还可以使试验结果更加客观和全面。
以下是一些原则,供大家参考:1. 加载速率:加载速率是指单位时间内施加在试样上的力的变化量。
2. 加载方式:加载方式可以分为恒速加载和变速加载。
3. 加载范围:加载范围是指试验中所选取的荷载的范围和变化规律。
收稿日期:2023-02-10作者简介: (1986-),,,,。
doi:10.3969/j.issn.1005-2798.2023.11.020不同分层数量的煤系地层岩石单轴压缩试验分析李 凯,乔卫民,贺丽峰(山西蒲县煤业集团富家凹煤业有限公司,山西临汾 041000)摘 要:,-10153,。
关键词:层状岩体;分层厚度;单轴压缩中图分类号:TD315 文献标识码:B 文章编号:1005-2798(2023)11-0076-05 、,[1]。
1 -1015m ,127mm,50mm、100mm ,。
、,90mm、45mm 33mm.、12、96,1(L ,M ,S )。
,XRD 、X 。
3,,72h ,,:(/100g)0.41~0.47,12℃~20℃,(/100g)0.001,(/100g)0.02,:-,200±20,600~1000.,6h ,72h ;∶=(0.8~1)∶1,1。
1 表1 固化温度与时间/℃20~2540~5070~100120~155/h24630.52 2.1 岩石的特征常数随层数的变化趋势,,,,。
2 3 2(a),,,3,3.57%,9.77%,23.63%,39.82%,15.61%,17.17%.2(b),,。
2.2 岩石的横向应变与纵向应变的关系,,,,,33。
表2 3种岩石的力学参数L-123M-123S-123σc/MPa73.3275.9480.4852.6765.1273.6551.6959.7660.57μ0. E/Gpa35.8429.8627.9534.7125.6225.0631.3625.6326.63 3,,,,,,,。
实验2 单轴压缩实验
李享荣 编写
2.铸铁:铸铁压缩一般也取圆柱形试件,其尺寸与低碳钢一样,试件受力直至破坏(图2-2),破坏断面与试样轴线约成35o — 45o ,测出破坏时的载荷
图2-1 低碳钢压缩 图2-2 铸铁压缩
图2-3 低碳钢压缩图 图2-4 铸铁压缩的图
S σb σd h /S F s
σ0/A F S b F b σ0/A F b b σl F ∆-l F ∆-
s F b F。
一个643型压盘夹具应变传感器∙一个轴向应变测量元件一个周向应变测量元件一个信号调节器和各传感器的电缆790.61型岩石力学软件∙按照ASTM D2938-86, D-3148-86, 4341-84 和4405-84的岩石单轴压缩试验ISRM建议的确定岩石单轴压缩强度和单轴压缩中岩石材料的变形能力的方法。
对于要求大于1000 kN (220kip)的压缩试验,可以卸除载荷传感器,并可用适合框架载荷的差压(P)传感器测量力。
由于作动器摩擦力,要求的力小于1000 kN (220 kip)的试验,应当使用一个力传感器。
实验1 常温单轴拉伸实验马 杭 编写单轴拉伸实验是研究材料机械性能的最基本、应用最广泛的实验.由于试验方法简单而且易于得到较为可靠的试验数据,在工程上和实验室中都广泛利用单轴拉伸实验来测取材料的机械性能。
2.测定材料的强度指标(屈服极限S σ、强度极限b σ)和塑性指标(延伸率δ和面缩率ψ)。
游标卡尺.图1—1 圆棒拉伸试样简图三、试样材料性能的测试是通过试样进行的,试样制备是试验的重要环节,国家标准GB6397-86对此有详细的规定。
试样的工作部分(即均匀部分,其长度为C l )应保持均匀光滑以确保材料的单向应力状态。
均匀部分的有效工作长度0l 称为标距,0d 和0A 分别为工作部分的直径和面积。
按国家标准规定,材料延伸率的测试应优先采用两类比例试样:(1)长试样:0010d l =(圆形截面试样),或003.11A l =(矩形截面试样)(2)短试样:005d l =(圆形截面试样),或0065.5A l =(矩形截面试样)用长试样和短试样测得的断后延伸率分别记做10δ和5δ,国家标准推荐使用短比例试样。
压缩试验(一)班级: 姓名: 学号:一、实验目的:测定压缩试验用土的物理指标 ρ、ω,确定d s 为压缩试样做准备,熟悉压 缩试验的原理。
二、实验仪器设备:测定 ρ、ω的仪器,天平、铝盒、环刀、烘箱、托盘、削土刀等。
三、测定ρ、ω的实验数据以及e 0 的计算 1、ρ的测定:(1)测出环刀的容积V ,在天平上称环刀质量m 1。
(4)将取好土样的环刀放在天平上称量,记下环刀与湿土的总质量m 2 (5) 计算土的密度:按下式计算V m m V m 12-==ρ(6)重复以上步骤进行两次平行测定,其平行差不得大于0.03g/cm 3 ,取其算术平均值。
(7)实验记录环刀法测得的数据填入下表中2、ω的测定:(1)取代表性试样,粘性土为15—30g,砂性土、有机质土为 50g,放入质量为m 0的称量盒内,立即盖上盒盖,称湿土加盒总质量m 1,精确至0.01g.(2)打开盒盖,将试样和盒放入烘箱,在温度105——1100C 的恒温下烘干。
粘性土不得少于8小时;砂类土不得少于6小时;对含有机质超过10%的土,应将温度控制在65——700C 的恒温下烘至恒量。
(3)将烘干后的试样和盒取出,盖好盒盖放入干燥器内冷却至室温,称干土加盒质量m 2为,精确至0.01g 。
(4)计算含水率:按下式计算%1000221⨯--==m m m m m m w s w(5)重复以上步骤进行两次平行测定,其平行差不得大于0.03g/cm 3 ,取其算术平均值。
(6)实验记录将实验得到的数据填入下表3、e 0 的计算首先,d s 已经被测出为2.72,则e 0 的计算公式为1)1(0-+=ρρωωs d e将前面的数据代入公式得到e 0=1.034、压缩试验原理(1)首先,按以上步骤求出e 0(2)按下式计算各级压力下固结稳定后的孔隙比e i式中:Δh i —某级压力下试样高度变化,即总变形量减去仪器变形量,cm ; h 0——试样初始高度,cm 。
(3)试样制备的精度应�鹤闳缦乱�求: a沿试样高度,直径的误差不超过0.03cm; b试样两端面不平行度误差,最大不超过0.005cm; c端面应垂直于轴线,最大偏差不超过0.25°;d 方柱体试样的相邻两面应互相垂直,最大偏差不超过0.25°。
四、实验步骤1.取加工好的岩石试样15块,放入抽真空设备中进行饱水处理,浸泡24h;2.a.(1)从饱水后的试样中取3 块,进行冻结前常温(+20℃)条件下岩石的单轴压缩试验,并记录应力-应变曲线等信息;(2)从剩下的饱水岩样中取出6块放入低温箱中,在恒温-10℃条件下冻结48h;(3)取出冻结后的3块岩样,进行冻结-10℃条件下岩石的单轴压缩试验,并记录应力-应变曲线等信息;(4)取出冻结后另外3块岩样,在室内常温环境下自然解冻后,进行岩石冻结解冻后恢复到常温条件下岩石的单轴压缩试验,并记录应力-应变曲线等信息;b.以剩余的6块试样为对象,把冻结温度设置为-30℃,重复a中步骤(2)~(4);3.通过试验数据分析在两种冻结温度下,岩样冻结前、冻结中和冻结解冻后三种状态下三种岩石单轴压缩下强度、应力-应变曲线及弹性模量等参数的变化情况。
三.试样的规格、加工精度、数量及含水状态1. 试样规格:采用直径为50 mm,高为100 mm的标准圆柱体,对于一些裂隙比较发育的试样,可采用50 mm×50 mm×100 mm的立方体,由于岩石松软不能制取标准试样时,可采用非标准试样,需在实验结果加以说明。
2. 加工精度:a 平行度:试样两端面的平行度偏差不得大于0.1mm。
b 直径偏差:试样两端的直径偏差不得大于0.2 mm,用游标卡尺检查。
c 轴向偏差:试样的两端面应垂直于试样轴线。
3.试样数量: 每种状态下试样的数量一般不少于3个。
4.含水状态:采用自然状态,即试样制成后放在底部有水的干燥器内1~2 d ,以保持一定的湿度,但试样不得接触水面。
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history id 2 wall contactforce id 1
history id 3 wall contactforce id 2
save initial
; --------------- INITIAL PHASE: CREATION OF A BONDED SPECIMEN ----------------
-4.0 4.0 -5.0 ...
4.0 4.0 -5.0 ...
4.0 -4.0 -5.0
ball attribute density 1.0e3 damp 0.7
cycle 2000 calm 10
solve aratio 5e-3 calm 1000
contact hod bond gap 0.1
contact property pb_kn 1e7 pb_ks 1e7 pb_ten 4e5 pb_coh 4e5 pb_fa 20.0
domain extent -5 5 -5 5 -7.5 7.5 condition destroy
cmat default model linear property kn 1e7
wall attribute centrotation 0.0 0.0 5.0 range z 5.0
wall attribute centrotation 0.0 0.0 -5.0 range z -5.0
cycle 10
solve arat 5e-3 elastic
wall attribute zvel 0.0 gradient 0.0 0.0 -0.001
solve time 50.0
save final-case0
; ------------ CASE 0: NO TRACKING OF FRAGMENTS - NO BALL RESULTS -------------
set precision 15
title 'Fragmentation of a Bonded Particle Model'
ball result addattribute fragment time 0.1 activate
wall result addattribute velocity time 0.1 activate
solve time 50.0
save final-case1
;call post_treat.p3fis
restore initial
fragment register ball-ball
fragment activate time 0.1
restore initial
call fracture.p3fis
solve time 50.0
; fname: fragment.p3dat
; Illustrate how the Fragment, DFN and Model Result logic can be used
; to study the fragmentation of a Bonded Particle Model.
wall delete
cmat default type ball-facet model linear property kn 1e7 ks 1e7 fric 0.5
wall generate id 1 name top polygon -4.0 -4.0 5.0 ...
-4.0 4.0 5.0 ...
cmat default type ball-ball model linearpbond property kn 5e6 proximity 0.1
wall generate box -2.5 2.5 -2.5 2.5 -5 5
set random 10001
ball distribute porosity 0.3 radius 0.25 0.3 box -2.5 2.5 -2.5 2.5 -5 5
4.0 4.0 5.0 ...
4.0 -4.0 5.0
wall generate id 2 name bottom polygon -4.0 -4.0 -5.0 ...
save final-case2
;call post_treat.p3fis
自己看看 我的是PFC5.0