Delrin POM 527UV NC010 物性表
Delrin 511DP BK402 POM 良好的尺寸稳定性 工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
Delrin 511DP NC010 POM 良好的尺寸稳定性 工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
Delrin FG100AL NC010 POM 抗蠕变性能好,耐冲击性好 输送机,工程机械配件;齿轮
Delrin FG100P NC010 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好;良好的点心 输送机,工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
Delrin FG100TL NC010 POM 良好的耐蠕变性,尺寸稳定性好 输送机;工程机械配件;齿轮;管
Delrin 100PE NC010 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好 汽车内饰件,工程机械配件;快速成型
Delrin 100ST BK602 POM 高耐冲击性;超高分子量 涂料应用;工程机械配件,紧固件
Delrin 100ST NC010 POM 高耐冲击性;超高分子量 涂料应用;工程机械配件,紧固件
Delrin 527UV NC010 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好 汽车内饰件
Delrin 570 NC000 POM 抗蠕变性能好,刚度好 汽运;工程机械配件
Delrin 577 BK000 POM 良好的刚性,良好的抗紫外线性能;中等粘度 工程机械配件
Delrin 900P BK602 POM 抗疲劳,抗蠕变性能好 工程机械配件;齿轮;通用;薄壁零件
Delrin 300CP NC010 POM 良好的尺寸稳定性 工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
Delrin 300PE NC010 POM 低VOC 工程机械配件,紧固件,齿轮
POM 美国杜邦 100PE NC010
DuPont™ Delrin ®100PE NC010ACETAL RESIN产品Delrin®聚甲醛树脂的共性包括优异的机械性能和物理性能比如高机械强度和刚性,优异的耐疲劳性能和抗冲击性,同时具有突出的耐潮湿、汽油、润滑剂、溶剂和多种其他中性化学品。
Delrin® 100PE NC010是一种高粘度均聚甲醛具有超低挥发性总说明数值单位测试标准树脂鉴别POM -ISO 1043产品标识码>POM<-ISO 11469流变性能数值单位测试标准熔体体积流动速度, MVR 2.1cm³/10min ISO 1133温度190°C ISO 1133负荷2.16kgISO 1133熔体质量流动速率 2.5g/10min ISO 1133模塑收缩率, 平行 2.2%ISO 294-4, 2577模塑收缩率, 垂直 1.8%ISO 294-4, 2577机械性能数值单位测试标准拉伸模量3100MPa ISO 527-1/-2屈服应力72MPa ISO 527-1/-2屈服伸长率26%ISO 527-1/-2名义断裂伸长率45%ISO 527-1/-2弯曲模量2900MPa ISO 178弯曲应力(3.5%应变)79MPa ISO 178无缺口简支梁冲击强度ISO 179/1eU +23°C N kJ/m²-30°C400kJ/m²简支梁缺口冲击强度ISO 179/1eA +23°C 15kJ/m²-30°C 13kJ/m²洛氏硬度91-ISO 2039-2洛氏硬度, Rockwell 121-ISO 2039-2热性能数值单位测试标准熔融温度, 10°C/min 178°C ISO 11357-1/-3热变形温度ISO 75-1/-21.80 MPa 99°C 0.45 MPa 157°C 维卡软化温度175°C ISO 306线膨胀系数, 平行110E-6/K ISO 11359-1/-2线膨胀系数ISO 11359-1/-2垂直110E-6/K 线性热膨胀系数100E-6/K 线性热膨胀系数100E-6/K 燃烧性能数值单位测试标准FMVSS ClassB -ISO 3795 (FMVSS 302)燃烧速率, 厚度:1毫米<100mm/min ISO 3795 (FMVSS 302)电性能数值单位测试标准相对介电常数.IEC 60250100Hz 4-1MHz3.9-Page: 1 of 5修订: 2016-01-08To find out more, visit DuPont Performance Polymers or contact nearest DuPont location.North AmericaAsia PacificEurope/Middle East/Africa 如需购买请联系138********邱-RQQ1539078605介质损耗因子IEC 60250100Hz 5E-41MHz 50E-4体积电阻率>1E13Ohm*m IEC 60093表面电阻率3E14Ohm IEC 60093介电强度44kV/mm IEC 60243-1相对漏电起痕指数600-IEC 60112吸湿性, 2mm 0.19%类似ISO 62吸水性, 2mm 0.92%类似ISO 62密度1420kg/m³ISO 1183熔体密度1190kg/m³-挥发性<2mg/kg VDA 275有机化合物的排放10µgC/g VDA 277气味测试 3.5class VDA 270建议干燥是--干燥温度80°C -干燥时间,除湿干燥机 2 - 4h -加工前水分含量≤0.2%-最优熔体温度205°C -注塑 熔体温度200°C -注塑 熔体温度210°C -最优模具温度90°C -模具温度80°C -模具温度100°C -保压范围90 - 110MPa -保压时间8s/mm -回火时间, 可选30min/mm -回火温度160°C -干燥温度75 - 85°C -干燥时间,除湿干燥机 2 - 4h -加工前水分含量≤0.2%-最优熔体温度200°C -熔体温度范围195 - 205°C-注塑异型材挤出成型片材挤出成型其它挤出成型加工方法粒料供货形式脱模助剂添加剂北美欧洲亚太中南美洲中东/非洲Global地区供应Drying is recommended, but not necessary for newly opened packaging stored in a dry location.Follow the drying guidelines above in the following cases:· If moisture is above the Processing Moisture Content recommendation,· When a resin container is damaged,· When the material is not properly stored in a dry place at room temperature, or · When packaging stays open for a significant time.Page: 2 of 5修订: 2016-01-08To find out more, visit DuPont Performance Polymers or contact nearest DuPont location.North AmericaAsia PacificEurope/Middle East/Africa 如需购买请联系138********邱-RQQ1539078605Page: 3 of 5修订: 2016-01-08To find out more, visit DuPont Performance Polymers or contact nearest DuPont location.North America Asia Pacific Europe/Middle East/Africa剪切速度 in 1/s粘度 i n P a s1E21E31E41E21E31E4200°C 215°C 230°C剪切速度 in 1/s剪切应力 i n P a1E21E31E41E51E6200°C 215°C 230°CPage: 4 of 5修订: 2016-01-08To find out more, visit DuPont Performance Polymers or contact nearest DuPont location.North AmericaAsia PacificEurope/Middle East/Africa温度 in °CE 模量 i n M P a-500501001501E21E31E4联系杜邦以获得材料安全物性数据表、一般指南和/或其他关于排风、处理、清洗、干燥等的相关信息。
The MSDS format adheres to the standards and regulatory requirements of the United States and may not meet regulatory requirementsin other countries.DuPont Page 1 Material Safety Data Sheet---------------------------------------------------------------------- "DELRIN" ACETAL RESIN ON SYNONYM LIST DEL036DEL036 Revised 14-JUN-2005---------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------- CHEMICAL PRODUCT/COMPANY IDENTIFICATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Material Identification"DELRIN" is a registered trademark of DuPont.# Tradenames and Synonyms"DELRIN" 100P BL1056,"DELRIN" 100P BN1107, 100P BN1112,"DELRIN" 100P BN1114,"DELRIN" 100P BNA085, 100P GN913,"DELRIN" 100P GN1074,"DELRIN" 100P GN1084, 100P GN1085,"DELRIN" 100P GY1010, 100P GY1128,"DELRIN" 100P GY6001,"DELRIN" 100P GY6002, 100P GYA205,"DELRIN" 100P GYA210, 100P GYB105,"DELRIN" 100P OR741,"DELRIN" 100P OR1056, 100P OR1058,"DELRIN" 100P OR1060,"DELRIN" 100P PK640, 100P RD1078,"DELRIN" 100P VT670, 100P VT1059,"DELRIN" 100P VT1060,"DELRIN" 100P YL1075, 100P WT760,"DELRIN" 100P YL6003,"DELRIN" 500P BL862, 500P BL902,"DELRIN" 500P BL983,"DELRIN" 500P BL1000, 500P BL1056,"DELRIN" 500P BL1066,"DELRIN" 500P BL1076, 500P BL1082,"DELRIN" 500P BL1097,"DELRIN" 500P BL6002, 500P BL6003,"DELRIN" 500P BLH028, 500P BLH707,"DELRIN" 500P BLH1004,"DELRIN" 500P BN1081, 500P BN6003,"DELRIN" 500P BNA004, 500P BNA054,"DELRIN" 500P BNA074,"DELRIN" 500P BNA084, 500P BNH789,"DELRIN" 500P BZ632,"DELRIN" 500P GN890, 500P GN1057, 500P GN6002,"DELRIN" 500P GNH856,"DELRIN" 500P GY1053, 500P GY1056, 500P GY1057,(CHEMICAL PRODUCT/COMPANY IDENTIFICATION - Continued) "DELRIN" 500P GY1084, 500P GY1086, 500P GY1098,"DELRIN" 500P GY1101, 500P GY1108, 500P GY1118,"DELRIN" 500P GY1125, 500P GY1126, 500P GY1178"DELRIN" 500P GY6001, 500P GY6002, 500P GY9022,"DELRIN" 500P GYA100, 500P GYA104, 500P GYA117,"DELRIN" 500P GYA210, 500P GYA214, 500P GYA225,"DELRIN" 500P GYH217,"DELRIN" 500P OR741, 500P OR1056,"DELRIN" 500P OR1063,"DELRIN" 500P OR7001,"DELRIN" 500P ORH625,"DELRIN" 500P RD836, 500P RD1066,"DELRIN" 500P RD1067,"DELRIN" 500P RD1078, 500P RD6001,"DELRIN" 500P RDH653, 500P RDH693,"DELRIN" 500P VT670, 500P VT1054,"DELRIN" 500P VTH621,"DELRIN" 500P WT670, 500P WT760,"DELRIN" 500P WT777,"DELRIN" 500P WT1002, 500P WT6002,"DELRIN" 500P YL314,"DELRIN" 500P YL1052, 500P YL1077,"DELRIN" 500P YL6002,"DELRIN" 500P YL6003, 500P YL7013,"DELRIN" 500P YLH1001,"DELRIN" 900P BL1079,"DELRIN" 900P BN1001, 900P BN1004,"DELRIN" 900P BN1007,"DELRIN" 900P BN1008, 900P BN1092,"DELRIN" 900P BN6003."DELRIN" 900P GY6002,"DELRIN" 900P GYA100,"DELRIN" 900P RD1004, 900P RD1065,"DELRIN" 900P RD1076,"DELRIN" 900P RD6001, 900P WT1053,"DELRIN" 900P WT1054,"DELRIN" 900P WT1056, 900P WT1063,"DELRIN" 900P WT6002,"DELRIN" 1700P BN1091, 1700P BN1093,"DELRIN" 1700P GY1057, 1700P GY1124,"DELRIN" 1700P GY6002,"DELRIN" 1700P RD776,"DELRIN" 1700P YL1059Company IdentificationMANUFACTURER/DISTRIBUTORDuPont Engineering Polymers1007 Market StreetWilmington,DE 19898PHONE NUMBERSProduct Information : 1-(800)-441-7515Transport Emergency : 1-(800)-424-9300(CHEMICAL PRODUCT/COMPANY IDENTIFICATION - Continued)Medical Emergency : 1-(800)-441-3637---------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS---------------------------------------------------------------------- ComponentsMaterial CAS Number %ACETAL POLYMER >97STABILIZER <2PIGMENT <1FORMALDEHYDE 50-00-0 <0.005Components (Remarks)Material is not known to contain Toxic Chemicals under Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Actof 1986 and 40 CFR part 372.Additives in this product do not present a respiration hazardunless the product is ground to a powder of respirable size andthe dust is inhaled. All dusts are potentially injurious to therespiratory tract if respirable particles are generated andinhaled in sufficiently high concentrations. Good industrialhygiene practices, as with all dusts, should include precautionsto prevent inhalation of respirable particles.---------------------------------------------------------------------- HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Potential Health EffectsADDITIONAL HEALTH EFFECTSRead the specific datasheet for product to be used before usingthis resin, as well as the Delrin Molding Guide.ACETAL POLYMERThere are no known effects from exposure to the Delrin polymeritself. If overheated, the polymer releases formaldehyde whichmay cause skin, eye, and respiratory irritation and allergicreactions.Significant skin permeation and systemic toxicity after contactappears unlikely. There are inconclusive or unverified reports of human sensitization.Carcinogenicity InformationThe following components are listed by IARC, NTP, OSHA or ACGIH ascarcinogens.(HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION - Continued)Material IARC NTP OSHA ACGIH FORMALDEHYDE 1 X X A2---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST AID MEASURES---------------------------------------------------------------------- First AidINHALATIONNo specific intervention is indicated as the compound is notlikely to be hazardous by inhalation. Consult a physician ifnecessary. If exposed to fumes from overheating or combustion,move to fresh air. Consult a physician if symptoms persist.SKIN CONTACTThe compound is not likely to be hazardous by skin contact, butcleansing the skin after use is advisable. If molten polymer gets on skin, cool rapidly with cold water. Do not attempt to peelpolymer from skin. Obtain medical treatment for thermal burn.EYE CONTACTIn case of contact, immediately flush eyes with plenty of waterfor at least 15 minutes. Call a physician.INGESTIONNo specific intervention is indicated as compound is not likely to be hazardous by ingestion.---------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES---------------------------------------------------------------------- Flammable PropertiesFlash Point : Not Applicable"Delrin" dust cloud ignition temperature is 440 degrees C (824degrees F).Large molten masses may ignite spontaneously in air. Waterquenching of such masses is good practice.Fire and Explosion Hazards:Like most organic materials in powder form, dust generated fromthis product may form a flammable dust-air mixture. Potential for a dust explosion may exist. Minimize the generation andaccumulation of dust. Keep away from sources of ignition. Burnswith invisible flame. Hazardous gases/vapors produced in fire are carbon monoxide, formaldehyde.Extinguishing MediaWater, Foam, Dry Chemical, CO2.(FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES - Continued)Fire Fighting InstructionsEvacuate personnel to a safe area. Keep personnel removed andupwind of fire. Wear self-contained breathing apparatus. Wearfull protective equipment.---------------------------------------------------------------------- ACCIDENTAL RELEASE MEASURES---------------------------------------------------------------------- Safeguards (Personnel)NOTE: Review FIRE FIGHTING MEASURES and HANDLING (PERSONNEL)sections before proceeding with clean-up. Use appropriatePERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT during clean-up.Spill Clean UpSpilled material is a slipping hazard.Sweep up to avoid slipping hazard.---------------------------------------------------------------------- HANDLING AND STORAGE---------------------------------------------------------------------- Handling (Personnel)See FIRST AID and PERSONAL PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT SECTIONS.# Handling (Physical Aspects)Open container only in well-ventilated area.Minimize the generation and accumulation of dust.StorageStore in a cool, dry place. Store in a well ventilated area awayfrom heat and sunlight.Keep containers tightly closed to prevent moisture absorption andcontamination.---------------------------------------------------------------------- EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Engineering ControlsVENTILATION When hot processing this material, use local and/orgeneral exhaust ventilation to control the concentration of vapors and fumes below exposure limits.In cutting or grinding operations with this material, use localexhaust to control the concentration of dust below exposure limits.(EXPOSURE CONTROLS/PERSONAL PROTECTION - Continued)Personal Protective EquipmentEye/Face ProtectionWear safety glasses. Wear coverall chemical splash goggles andface shield when possibility exists for eye or face contact due to splashing or spraying of molten material. A full face maskpositive-pressure air-supplied respirator provides protection from eye irritation.RespiratorsWhen temperatures exceed 230 degrees C and ventilation isinadequate to maintain concentrations below exposure limits, use a positive-pressure air-supplied respirator. Air- purifyingrespirators may not provide adequate protection.During grinding, sawing, routing, drilling or sanding operationsuse a NIOSH/MSHA approved air-purifying respirator with dust/mist cartridge or canister if airborne particulate concentrations areexpected to exceed permissible exposure levels.Protective ClothingIf there is potential contact with hot/molten material, wear heat resistant clothing and footwear.Wear leather or cotton gloves when grinding, sawing, routing,drilling or sanding.Exposure GuidelinesExposure Limits"DELRIN" ACETAL RESIN ON SYNONYM LIST DEL036PEL (OSHA) : Particulates (Not Otherwise Regulated) 15 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWA, total dust5 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWA, respirable dustOther Applicable Exposure LimitsFORMALDEHYDEPEL (OSHA) : 0.75 ppm, 0.92 mg/m3, 8 Hr. TWASTEL 2 ppm, 2.5 mg/m3TLV (ACGIH) : Ceiling 0.3 ppm, A2SensitizerAEL * (DuPont) : 0.5 ppm, 8 & 12 Hr. TWA1 ppm, 15 minute TWA* AEL is DuPont’s Acceptable Exposure Limit. Where governmentally imposed occupational exposure limits which are lower than the AEL are in effect, such limits shall take precedence.---------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIES---------------------------------------------------------------------- Physical DataMelting Point : 175-183 C (347-361 F)Solubility in Water : InsolubleOdor : Slight formaldehydeForm : PelletsSpecific Gravity : >1---------------------------------------------------------------------- STABILITY AND REACTIVITY---------------------------------------------------------------------- Chemical StabilityStable at normal temperatures and storage conditions.Conditions to AvoidMaintain polymer melt temperatures below 230 C (446 F) . Avoidprolonged exposure at or above the recommended processingtemperatures.Incompatibility with Other MaterialsIncompatible with strong acids and bases (decomposes formingformaldehyde) and strong oxidizing agents. At melt temperatures,acetal resins are incompatible with halogenated polymers such asPVC and PVDC and any elastomers containing halogenated polymers.Even small amounts of such contaminants can cause sudden andspontaneous formaldehyde gas formation. Workplace fumeconcentrations well above threshold levels are a likely result.Unsafe pressurization of equipment, e.g., extruders, molds, canalso result.Do not contaminate either virgin resin or rework. Do not mix this resin with pigments or additives other than those designated byDuPont. Do not mix this grade with other grades of Delrin, norwith any other resins, without first consulting DuPont. Doing any of the above may change the thermal stability of this resin andpotentially cause decomposition.DecompositionDecomposition of this material depends on the length of time it is exposed to elevated temperatures. At the recommended processingtemperature of 210-220 C (410-428 F), decomposition should not besignificant until after 30 minutes. Decomposition may beaccelerated by contaminants, pigments, and/or other additives.Autoclaving with pressurized steam may lead to a rapiddecomposition and should be done for only minimum amounts of time. COOL COMPLETELY BEFORE OPENING the autoclave.Hazardous gas/vapor produced is formaldehyde.(STABILITY AND REACTIVITY - Continued)PolymerizationPolymerization will not occur.---------------------------------------------------------------------- TOXICOLOGICAL INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Animal DataDelrinInhalation 6 hour LC50: > 22,000 mg/m3 in ratsOral LD50: > 11,000 mg/kg in ratsDelrin is not a skin irritant, and is not a skin sensitizer inanimals.Single or repeated inhalation exposures to high concentrations ofDelrin dust resulted in collapse of some areas of the lungs, other areas were over-inflated. This effect was seen as late as 11-19days post-exposure.No toxic effect were observed in animals ingesting Delrin.No animal test reports are available to define carcinogenic,mutagenic, developmental, or reproductive hazards.---------------------------------------------------------------------- ECOLOGICAL INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ecotoxicological InformationAQUATIC TOXICITY:No information is available. Toxicity is expected to be low based on insolubility in water. Do not discharge to streams, ponds,lakes or sewers.---------------------------------------------------------------------- DISPOSAL CONSIDERATIONS---------------------------------------------------------------------- Waste DisposalPreferred options for disposal are (1) recycling, (2) incineration with energy recovery, and (3) landfill. The high fuel value ofthis product makes option 2 very desirable for material thatcannot be recycled, but incinerator must be capable of scrubbingout acidic combustion products. Treatment, storage,transportation, and disposal must be in accordance with applicable federal, state/provincial, and local regulations.---------------------------------------------------------------------- TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Shipping InformationNot regulated in transportation by DOT/IMO/IATA.---------------------------------------------------------------------- REGULATORY INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- U.S. Federal RegulationsTSCA Inventory Status : In compliance with TSCA Inventoryrequirements for commercial purposes.State Regulations (U.S.)STATE RIGHT-TO-KNOWNo substances on the state hazardous substances list, for thestates indicated below, are used in the manufacture of products on this Material Safety Data Sheet, with the exceptions indicated.SUBSTANCES ON THE PENNSYLVANIA HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES LIST PRESENTAT A CONCENTRATION OF 1 % OR MORE (0.01% FOR SPECIAL HAZARDOUSSUBSTANCES)- None known.WARNING - SUBSTANCES KNOWN TO THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA TO CAUSECANCER, BIRTH DEFECTS OR OTHER REPRODUCTIVE HARM- Formaldehyde.SUBSTANCES ON THE NEW JERSEY WORKPLACE HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCE LISTPRESENT AT A CONCENTRATION OF 1% OR MORE (O.1% FOR SUBSTANCESIDENTIFIED AS CARCINOGENS, MUTAGENS OR TERATOGENS)- None known.---------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER INFORMATION---------------------------------------------------------------------- Additional InformationMEDICAL USE: CAUTION: Do not use in medical applicationsinvolving permanent implantation in the human body. For othermedical applications see DuPont CAUTION Bulletin No. H-50102.---------------------------------------------------------------------- The data in this Material Safety Data Sheet relates only to thespecific material designated herein and does not relate to use incombination with any other material or in any process.Responsibility for MSDS : REGULATORY AFFAIRSDUPONT ENGINEERING POLYMERSAddress : CHESTNUT RUN PLAZA 713WILMINGTON, DE 19880-0713Telephone : 302-999-4257# Indicates updated section.(Continued)This information is based upon technical information believed to be reliable. It is subject to revision as additional knowledge and experience is gained.End of MSDS。
杜邦物性表-POM DELRIN500TNC010
DuPont™ Delrin®acetal resinDelrin® 500T NC010Delrin® 500T NC010 is a toughened, medium viscosity acetal homopolymer resin with impact resistance similar to Delrin® 100. It can be used in parts requiring noise reduction.Property Test Method Units ValueIdentificationResin Identification ISO 1043POM-IPart Marking Code ISO 11469>POM-I< MechanicalYield Stress ISO 527MPa (kpsi)54 (7.8)Yield Strain ISO 527%20Strain at Break ISO 527%50mm/min>50Nominal Strain at Break ISO 527%35Tensile Modulus ISO 527MPa (kpsi)2300 (334)Tensile Creep Modulus ISO 899MPa (kpsi)1h2300 (334)1000h1150 (167)Flexural Modulus ISO 178MPa (kpsi)2100 (305)Flexural Stress ISO 178MPa (kpsi)@ 3.5% Strain60 (8.7)Notched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eA kJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)923°C (73°F)14Unnotched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eU kJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)33023°C (73°F)NBContact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060130/060130 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin® 500T NC010Property Test Method Units ValueThermalDeflection Temperature ISO 75f °C (°F)0.45MPa146 (295)1.80MPa78 (172)Melting Temperature ISO 11357-1/-3 °C (°F)10°C/min178 (352)CLTE, Normal ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F) 1.1 (0.61)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.2 (0.66)55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.6 (0.89)CLTE, Parallel ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F) 1.1 (0.61)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.3 (0.72)55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.31 (0.73)Vicat Softening Temperature ISO 306 °C (°F)50N139 (282) RheologicalMelt Mass-Flow Rate ISO 1133g/10 min190°C, 2.16kg12ElectricalSurface Resistivity IEC 60093ohm1E15Relative Permittivity IEC 602501E2 Hz 3.61E6 Hz 3.6Volume Resistivity IEC 60093ohm m>1E13Dissipation Factor IEC 60250E-41E6 Hz160CTI IEC 60112V600Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060130/060130 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin® 500T NC010Property Test Method Units ValueFlammabilityFlammability Classification IEC 60695-11-100.75mm HBFlammability Classification UL940.75mm HBOxygen Index ISO 4589-1/-2%23High Amperage Arc Ignition Resistance UL 746A arcs0.75mm200Hot Wire Ignition UL 746A s0.75mm81.5mm113.0mm15 Temperature IndexRTI, Electrical UL 746B°C0.75mm105RTI, Impact UL 746B°C0.75mm85RTI, Strength UL 746B°C0.75mm85OtherDensity ISO 1183kg/m3 (g/cm3)1380 (1.38)Hardness, Rockwell ISO 2039/2Scale M79Scale R117Water Absorption ISO 62, Similar to%Equilibrium 50%RH0.21Saturation, immersed0.82Molding Shrinkage ISO 294-4%Normal, 2.0mm 1.6Parallel, 2.0mm 1.7Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060130/060130 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin® 500T NC010Property Test Method Units ValueProcessingMelt Temperature Range °C (°F)200-210 (390-410)Melt Temperature Optimum °C (°F)205 (400)Mold Temperature Range °C (°F)40-60 (100-140)Mold Temperature Optimum °C (°F)50 (122)Drying Time, Dehumidified Dryer h2-4Drying Temperature °C (°F)80 (175)Processing Moisture Content%<0.05Hold Pressure Range MPa (kpsi)60-80 (9-12)Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060130/060130 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated;these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-useconditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body.For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.。
杜邦物性表-POM DELRIN100TNC010
DuPont ™ Delrin®acetal resinPRELIMINARY DATADelrin ®100T NC010IdentificationResin Identification ISO 1043POM-I Part Marking Code ISO 11469>POM-I<Mechanical Yield Stress ISO 527MPa (kpsi)52 (7.5) Yield Strain ISO 527%25 Strain at Break ISO 527%50mm/min>50Nominal Strain at Break ISO 527%>50 Tensile Modulus ISO 527MPa (kpsi)1900 (276) Flexural ModulusISO 178MPa (kpsi)1700 (245)Notched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eAkJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)13 23°C (73°F)25Unnotched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eUkJ/m 2-30°C (-22°F)NB 23°C (73°F)NBContact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm. Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The above data are preliminary and are subject to change as additional data are developed on subsequent lots.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060126/060126The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin ® 100T NC010 is a toughened, high viscosity acetal homopolymer grade with high impact resistance.PropertyTest Method Units ValueDelrin ®100T NC010ThermalDeflection TemperatureISO 75f °C (°F)0.45MPa 130 (265) 1.80MPa72 (160)Melting Temperature ISO 11357-1/-3 °C (°F)10°C/min 178 (352)CLTE, Parallel ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.2 (0.67)Rheological Melt Mass-Flow Rate ISO 1133g/10 min190°C, 2.16kg 2.0ElectricalRelative Permittivity IEC 602501E6 Hz 3.1Dissipation Factor IEC 60250E-41E6 Hz 90CTI IEC 60112V 600Other DensityISO 1183kg/m 3 (g/cm 3)1370 (1.37)Hardness, Rockwell ISO 2039/2Scale M 59 Scale R 113Water Absorption ISO 62, Similar to%Equilibrium 50%RH 0.3 Saturation, immersed 0.9Molding Shrinkage ISO 294-4%Normal, 2.0mm 1.9 Parallel, 2.0mm2.1Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm. Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The above data are preliminary and are subject to change as additional data are developed on subsequent lots.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060126/060126The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.PropertyTest Method Units ValueDelrin ®100T NC010ProcessingMelt Temperature Range °C (°F)200-210 (390-410)Melt Temperature Optimum °C (°F)205 (400) Mold Temperature Range °C (°F)40-60 (100-140)Mold Temperature Optimum °C (°F)50 (122) Drying Time, Dehumidified Dryer h 2-4 Drying Temperature °C (°F)80 (175) Processing Moisture Content %<0.05 Hold Pressure RangeMPa (kpsi)60-80 (9-12)Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm. Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The above data are preliminary and are subject to change as additional data are developed on subsequent lots.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2005.060126/060126The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.PropertyTest Method Units Value。
POM F20-03物性数据
POM共聚|Kepital? F20-03|韩国工程塑料
POM 100P物性表
• 电线电缆应用
• 紧固件
• 铸造薄膜
RoHS 合规性
• 联系制造商
• 自然色
• 挤出 • 片材挤出成型
• 型材挤出成型 • 注射成型
• 铸造薄膜
• Isothermal Stress vs. Strain (ISO 11403-1)
• Shear Modulus vs. Temperature • Viscosity vs. Shear Rate (ISO
Delrin® 100P NC010
ACETAL RESIN DuPont Performance Polymers
机械性能 拉伸模量 -40°C 2 23°C 2 100°C 2 23°C 抗张强度 屈服, -40°C 2 屈服, 23°C 2 屈服, 100°C 2 屈服, 23°C -40°C 2 23°C 2 100°C 2 伸长率 屈服, -40°C 2 屈服, 23°C 2 屈服, 100°C 2 屈服, 23°C 断裂, -40°C 2 断裂, 23°C 2 断裂, 100°C 2 断裂, 23°C 断张率 (23°C) 拉伸蠕变模量 1 hr 1000 hr 弯曲模量 -40°C 23°C 100°C 23°C 弯曲强度 5.0% 应变, 23°C 3.5% 应变, 23°C 剪切强度 (23°C)
2012年2月11日 测试方法 UL 746
UL 746
UL 746
UL 746
Copyright © 2012 - IDES - The Plastics Web ® | 15899928820
额定值 单位制 80.0 °C
杜邦Delrin 988PA
聚甲醛®988PA NC010是一种低粘度缩醛均聚物,低螺杆注塑存款。它专门配制用于齿轮应 质
用要求较高的精度和尺寸稳定性。 说
杜邦高性能聚合物所提供的信息 明:
物理性质 密度 线性模具收缩
力学性能 抗拉强度,屈服 断裂伸长率 伸长率 拉伸模量 弯曲模量 简支梁冲击强度
25 G/10分
@负荷4.76磅, 温度374°F
公 72.0兆帕
3.00 GPA
3.00 GPA
0.630焦耳/平方厘 米
英语 10400磅
50.0 °C
50.0 °C
122 °F
122 °F
122 °F
UL 746B UL 746B UL 746B IEC 60695-11-10 IEC 60695-11-10 IEC 60695-11-10
POM 500P
POM 美国杜邦 Delrin POM 500P 通用注塑级部分物性
隆翔塑胶V开明塑胶 1365002+5009=刘先生
拉伸强度(引张强度) 70 kg/cm²(MPa)[Lb/in2]
拉伸屈服伸长率(延伸率) 40%
拉伸断裂伸长率(延伸率) 30%
弯曲模量(弯曲弹性率) 2900kg/cm²(MPa)[Lb/in2]
弯曲强度 80 kg/cm²(MPa)[Lb/in2]
洛氏硬度 R-120
成型收缩率 1420 %
维卡软化点 155℃(℉)
熔点 178℃(℉)
表面电阻率 1.00E Ω
美国杜邦 POM 500P同级别型号
100 100 BK602 100AF 100AL 100B 100P 100P BK602 100P NC 100P NC010 100PE NC010
美国杜邦 POM的其它级别
美国杜邦POM 111P NC010物性数据表
ASTM D638/ISO 527
ASTM D638/ISO 527
ASTM D790/ISO 178
ASTM D790/ISO 178
美国杜邦POM111P NC010物性数据表
ASTM D638/ISO 527
ASTM D638/ISO 527
ASTM D638/ISO 527
ASTM D696/ISO 11359
ASTM D150/IEC 60250
ASTM D150/IEC 60250
ASTM D257/IEC 60093
ASTM D257/IEC 60093
ASTM D256/ISO 179
ASTM D256/ISO 179
【技术指标】PLURONIC 聚醚系列一、产品组成聚氧丙烯聚氧乙烯嵌段型聚醚二、产品结构HO(CH2CH2O)m(CH3CHCH2O)n(CH2CH2O)mH三、产品性能及指标名称平均分子量比重25/25℃粘度25℃CPS流点℃浊点(1%水溶液)℃熔点℃表面张力dynes/cm溶解度0.10%0.01%0.001%乙醇95甲苯二甲苯全氯乙煤油乙二醇丙二醇水国产牌号对照组成:聚氧乙烯、聚氧丙烯嵌段聚合物英文名称:polyether L61、L62、L64结构式:HO(C2H4O)a-(C3H6O)b-(C2H4O)c-H类型:非离子型【性能与应用】1、作低泡沫洗涤剂或消泡剂。
L61、L64、F68用于配制低泡、高去污力合成洗涤剂;L61在造纸或发酵工业中用作消泡剂;F68 在人工心肺机血液循环时用作消泡剂,防止空气进入。
杜邦物性表-POM DELRIN500PNC010
DuPont™ Delrin®acetal resinDelrin® 500P NC010Delrin® 500P NC010 is a medium viscosity acetal homopolymer resin for injection molding. Delrin® 500P has improved processing thermal stability.Property Test Method Units ValueIdentificationResin Identification ISO 1043POMPart Marking Code ISO 11469>POM< MechanicalYield Stress ISO 527MPa (kpsi)70 (10.1)Yield Strain ISO 527%17Strain at Break ISO 527%50mm/min40Nominal Strain at Break ISO 527%30Tensile Modulus ISO 527MPa (kpsi)3100 (450)Tensile Creep Modulus ISO 899MPa (kpsi)1h2800 (406)1000h1600 (232)Flexural Modulus ISO 178MPa (kpsi)2900 (420)Flexural Stress ISO 178MPa (kpsi)@ 3.5% Strain80 (11.6)Notched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eA kJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)823°C (73°F)9Unnotched Charpy Impact Strength ISO 179/1eU kJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)22023°C (73°F)300Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.061121/061121 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; thesedata may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you mayneed to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variationsin actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publicationis to be considered as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. CAUTION: This product is not permitted to be sold for use in medical applicationsinvolving any implantation in the human body or where contact with internal body fluids or tissues will equal or exceed 24 hours. For applications involvingcontact of less than 24 hours, see “DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102 and contact your DuPont sales representative.Delrin® 500P NC010Property Test Method Units ValueThermalDeflection Temperature ISO 75-1/-2 °C (°F)0.45MPa158 (316)1.80MPa94 (201)Melting Temperature ISO 11357-1/-3 °C (°F)10°C/min178 (352)CLTE, Parallel ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F) 1.0 (0.56)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.1 (0.61)55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.5 (0.82)CLTE, Normal ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F) 1.0 (0.56)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.1 (0.61)55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.6 (0.9)Vicat Softening Temperature ISO 306 °C (°F)50N157 (315) RheologicalMelt Mass-Flow Rate ISO 1133g/10 min190°C, 2.16kg15ElectricalSurface Resistivity IEC 60093ohm1E15Volume Resistivity IEC 60093ohm m1E12Electric Strength IEC 60243-1kV/mm (V/mil)1.0mm33 (838)Relative Permittivity IEC 602501E2 Hz 3.91E6 Hz 3.9Dissipation Factor IEC 60250E-41E2 Hz2001E6 Hz60CTI IEC 60112V600Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.061121/061121 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; thesedata may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you mayneed to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variationsin actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publicationis to be considered as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. CAUTION: This product is not permitted to be sold for use in medical applicationsinvolving any implantation in the human body or where contact with internal body fluids or tissues will equal or exceed 24 hours. For applications involvingcontact of less than 24 hours, see “DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102 and contact your DuPont sales representative.Delrin® 500P NC010Property Test Method Units ValueFlammabilityFlammability Classification IEC 60695-11-100.75mm HBFlammability Classification UL940.75mm HBOxygen Index ISO 4589-1/-2%22High Amperage Arc Ignition Resistance UL 746A arcs0.75mm200Hot Wire Ignition UL 746A s0.75mm81.5mm113.0mm15 Temperature IndexRTI, Electrical UL 746B°C0.75mm501.5mm1103.0mm110RTI, Impact UL 746B°C0.75mm501.5mm853.0mm90RTI, Strength UL 746B°C0.75mm501.5mm903.0mm95Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.061121/061121 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; thesedata may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you mayneed to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variationsin actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publicationis to be considered as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. CAUTION: This product is not permitted to be sold for use in medical applicationsinvolving any implantation in the human body or where contact with internal body fluids or tissues will equal or exceed 24 hours. For applications involvingcontact of less than 24 hours, see “DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102 and contact your DuPont sales representative.Delrin® 500P NC010Property Test Method Units ValueOtherDensity ISO 1183kg/m3 (g/cm3)1420 (1.42)Hardness, Rockwell ISO 2039/2Scale M92Scale R120Water Absorption ISO 62, Similar to%Equilibrium 50%RH0.3Immersion 24h0.6Saturation, immersed 1.4Molding Shrinkage ISO 294-4%Normal, 2.0mm 1.9Parallel, 2.0mm 2.0ProcessingMelt Temperature Range °C (°F)210-220 (410-430)Melt Temperature Optimum °C (°F)215 (420)Mold Temperature Range °C (°F)80-100 (175-210)Mold Temperature Optimum °C (°F)90 (195)Drying Time, Dehumidified Dryer h2-4Drying Temperature °C (°F)80 (175)Processing Moisture Content%<0.2Hold Pressure Range MPa (kpsi)80-100 (12-15)Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm.Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.061121/061121 The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; thesedata may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise.The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you mayneed to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variationsin actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publicationis to be considered as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. CAUTION: This product is not permitted to be sold for use in medical applicationsinvolving any implantation in the human body or where contact with internal body fluids or tissues will equal or exceed 24 hours. For applications involvingcontact of less than 24 hours, see “DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102 and contact your DuPont sales representative.。
01 多异氰酸酯
常温下 TDI 为无色或淡黄色有特殊刺激性气味的透明液体,遇光
在 10℃以下放置会产生白色结晶。TDI 的典型物性见表 1-1。
表 1-1 甲苯二异氰酸酯的典型物理性质
凝固点/℃ 相对密度(20℃/4℃) 沸点/℃ 蒸汽压/Pa
1 多异氰酸酯
多异氰酸酯是所有聚氨酯材料必不可少的原料之一,其种类比较 多,从原料工业化来源、经济性和产品物性等方面考虑,目前聚氨酯 工业中实际使用的多异氰酸酯原料以 TDI、MDI 和 PAPI 为主。其中 TDI 主要用于制造软质聚氨酯泡沫塑料、涂料、浇注型聚氨酯聚氨酯 弹性体、胶粘剂、铺装材料和塑胶跑道等,MDI 用于制造热塑性聚氨 酯弹性体、合成革树脂、鞋底树脂、单组分溶剂型胶粘剂等,PAPI 主要用于合成硬质聚氨酯泡沫塑料、胶粘剂等。还有一些脂肪族二异 氰酸酯如 HDI、IPDI 用于不黄变聚氨酯漆,特殊的芳香族二异氰酸酯 如 NDI 用于高性能聚氨酯弹性体等,三异氰酸酯用作聚氨酯及其它 树脂的交联剂等。本章将从二异氰酸酯单体、二异氰酸酯衍生物、三 异氰酸酯、PAPI 及改性 MDI、封闭型异氰酸酯等方面进行介绍。 1.1 二异氰酸酯单体 1.1.1 甲苯二异氰酸酯
TDI-100 产品,主要用于涂料、胶粘剂等。分别在美国 Lake Charles 和法国 Pont-de-Claix 生产,因为产地不同,技术指标有些差异。
表 1-3 Bayer 公司及 Huntsman 公司的 TDI 系列产品规格及参考指标
Desmodur Desmodur Desmodur Suprasec TDI
POM 527UV BK701物性表
DuPont ™ Delrin®acetal resinDelrin ®527UV BK701Identification Resin Identification ISO 1043POMPart Marking Code ISO 11469>POM<Mechanical Yield Stress ISO 527MPa (kpsi)71 (10.3)Yield Strain ISO 527%14Strain at Break ISO 527%50mm/min 35Nominal Strain at BreakISO 527%23Tensile Modulus ISO 527MPa (kpsi)3200 (464)Flexural Modulus ISO 178MPa (kpsi)3000 (435)Notched Charpy Impact StrengthISO 179/1eAkJ/m2-30°C (-22°F)7 23°C (73°F)9Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm. Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.060301/060303The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.Delrin ® 527UV BK701 is a medium viscosity black acetal homopolymer resin with UV stabilizers developed for automotive interior applications. It has improvements in UV aging characteristics and thermal stability over Delrin ® 507.PropertyTest MethodUnitsValue大田化工有限公司 张守将 13686205757Delrin ®527UV BK701ThermalDeflection Temperature ISO 75-1/-2 °C (°F)0.45MPa 163 (325) 1.80MPa92 (198)Melting Temperature ISO 11357-1/-3 °C (°F)10°C/min 178 (352)CLTE, Normal ISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F)0.97 (0.54) 23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.1 (0.61) 55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.6 (0.89)CLTE, ParallelISO 11359-1/-2E-4/C (E-4/F)-40 - 23°C (-40 - 73°F)0.94 (0.52)23 - 55°C (73 - 130°F) 1.1 (0.61) 55 - 100°C (130 - 212°F) 1.4 (0.78)Rheological Melt Mass-Flow RateISO 1133g/10 min190°C, 2.16kg 15Flammability Flammability Classification IEC 60695-11-100.84mm HB Flammability Classification UL940.84mm HBTemperature IndexRTI, Electrical UL 746B°C0.84mm 50 RTI, Impact UL 746B °C 0.84mm 50 RTI, Strength UL 746B°C0.84mm50Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm. Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.060301/060303The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.PropertyTest Method Units Value大田化工有限公司 张守将 13686205757Delrin ®527UV BK701Other DensityISO 1183kg/m 3 (g/cm 3)1410 (1.41)Molding Shrinkage %Parallel, 4.0mm 1.8ProcessingMelt Temperature Range °C (°F)210-220 (410-430)Melt Temperature Optimum °C (°F)215 (420) Mold Temperature Range °C (°F)80-100 (175-210)Mold Temperature Optimum °C (°F)90 (195) Drying Time, Dehumidified Dryer h 2-4 Drying Temperature°C (°F)80 (175)Processing Moisture Content %<0.2Hold Pressure RangeMPa (kpsi)80-100 (12-15)Contact DuPont for Material Safety Data Sheet, general guides and/or additional information about ventilation, handling, purging, drying, etc.ISO Mechanical properties measured at 4.0mm, ISO Electrical properties measured at 2.0mm, and all ASTM properties measured at 3.2mm. Test temperatures are 23°C unless otherwise stated.The DuPont Oval Logo, DuPont™, The miracles of science™ and Delrin® are trademarks or registered trademarks of DuPont Company. Copyright© 2006.060301/060303The information provided in this data sheet corresponds to our knowledge on the subject at the date of its publication. This information may be subject to revision as new knowledge and experience becomes available. The data provided fall within the normal range of product properties and relate only to the specific material designated; these data may not be valid for such material used in combination with any other materials, additives or pigments or in any process, unless expressly indicated otherwise. The data provided should not be used to establish specification limits or used alone as the basis of design; they are not intended to substitute for any testing you may need to conduct to determine for yourself the suitability of a specific material for your particular purposes. Since DuPont cannot anticipate all variations in actual end-use conditions DuPont makes no warranties and assumes no liability in connection with any use of this information. Nothing in this publication is to be considered as alicense to operate under or a recommendation to infringe any patent rights. DuPont advises you to seek independent counsel for a freedom to practice opinion on the intended application or end-use of our products. Caution: Do not use this product in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications see "DuPont Medical Caution Statement", H-50102.PropertyTest Method Units Value大田化工有限公司 张守将 13686205757。
Delrin 111P POM 物性表
率,流 动
线性成 型收缩 率,横
0.021 厘米/厘米
@厚 2.00 mm
0.019 厘米/厘米
@厚 2.00 mm
0.021 英寸/英寸
@厚度在 0.0787
0.019 英寸/
@厚度在 0.0787
平行; ISO 294-4 正常; ISO 294-4
熔体流 动
复方熔 体指数
0.018 - 0.021 厘米/厘米
ISO 527 5mm/min(0.2in/min)AS TM D638 5mm/min(0.2in/min)AS TM D638
ISO 527 ISO 178
ISO 178 ASTM D790 ASTM D256
口 悬臂梁 冲击强 度,无 缺口 悬臂梁 缺口冲 击强度 (ISO )
@温度 23.0 - 55.0°C
110 °Cμm/m-
@温度 23.0 - 55.0°C
140 °Cμm/m-
@温度 55.0 - 100°C
178 °C
165 °C
61.1 °Fμin/in-
@温度 73.4 - 131°F
61.1 °Fμin/in-
@温度 73.4 - 131°F
77.8 °Fμin/in-
10400 磅
@温度 73.4°F
40 %
@Temperature 73.4 °F
50 %
@Temperature 73.4 °F
73 %
@Temperature 73.4 °F
@温度 73.4°F
21 %
@Temperature 73.4 °F
435 沪深