Individual motivation (theory)







一、动机理论知识点1. 需求层次理论(Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)这是由亚伯拉罕·马斯洛在1943年提出的理论,内容包括生理需求、安全需求、归属和爱的需求、尊重需求以及自我实现需求。


2. 成就动机理论(Achievement Motivation Theory)成就动机理论由大卫·麦克莱伦提出,它指出个体在实现自我成就感和成功感方面存在差异。



3. 期望理论(Expectancy Theory)期望理论由维克托·弗鲁米提出,它认为个体的动机取决于他们对于个人努力和绩效之间关系的认知。



二、情绪理论知识点1. 六种基本情绪(Six Basic Emotions)根据保罗·艾克曼和沃利特·弗里曼的研究,情绪可以分为六种基本类型:喜悦、恐惧、愤怒、厌恶、悲伤和惊讶。


2. 情绪调节理论(Emotion Regulation Theory)情绪调节理论认为,情绪不仅仅是自发产生的,个体也可以通过调节策略来主动管理和改变自己的情绪。


3. 情绪智力(Emotional Intelligence)情绪智力是指个体管理自己的情绪、理解他人的情绪以及有效应对情绪的能力。





心理过程(mental process)是动态的,泛指心理操作的加工程序,包括认知过程、情绪过程和意志过程。

认知过程(cognitive process)是个体获取知识和运用知识的过程,包括感觉、知觉、记忆、思维、想象和语言等。

情绪过程(emotional process)是个体对待他所认知的事物、所做的事情以及他人和自己的态度体验。

意志过程(will process)是趋向目标追求时的意识活动。

心理状态(mental state)有时,我们的心理活动在一段时间里会出现相对稳定的持续状态,这类心理现象即心理状态。

心理特征(mental qualities)是稳态的,指心理活动中经常表现出来的稳定特点。



个案研究法(case study method)是搜集单个被试各方面的资料以分析其心理特征的方法。


人格的整体性(unity of personality)是指人格虽有多种成分和特质,如能力、气质、性格、情感等等,但在一个现实的个人身上它们并不是孤立存在的,而是密切联系而成为一个有机的组织。

人格的稳定性(stability of personality)是指个体的人格特征是具有跨时间和跨情境的一致性。

人格的独特性(uniqueness of personality)是指人与人之间的心理和行为是各不相同的。

Motivation Theory(英文版)(ppt 17页)

Motivation Theory(英文版)(ppt 17页)
1.Hierarchy of Needs Theory
Abraham Maslow
• There is a hierarchy of 5 needs---physiological, safety,social,esteem,& self-actualization---and as each need is sequentially satisfied,the next need becomes dominant
• Need:some internal state that makes certain
outcomes appear attractive • Process:unsatisfied need---tension---drives---
search behavior---satisfied need----reduction of tension
• Maslow: a rigid steplike progression. ERG:contains a frustration-regression dimension
• Several studies have supported the ERG theory:natives of Spain & Japan place social needs before their physiological requirements
3.Cognitive Evaluation Theory
may be relevant to that set of jobs that falls in between--neither extremely dull nor intersting

























成就动机理论(achievement motivation theory)是一个关于人们为什么追求成就和如何评估自己成就水平的心理学理论。


一、成就动机理论的起源成就动机理论最早由心理学家大卫·麦克莱兰(David McClelland)在1950年代提出。



二、成就动机理论的主要观点1. 需求差异:成就动机理论认为人们在成就动机方面存在差异。



2. 成就动机的形成:成就动机的形成受到多种因素的影响,包括个人的童年经历、家庭教育方式以及文化环境等。


3. 成就目标的设置:成就动机理论指出,个体会自主设定适度挑战性的目标,这些目标既能激发他们的兴趣和动力,又可以提高他们的表现水平。


4. 成就动机的评价:个体对自己的成就水平进行评价时,会参考内在标准和外部标准。










1. 内在动机 (Intrinsic motivation)内在动机是指我们内心深处的动力,由于个人的兴趣、价值观和满足感而产生。


例如:- 寻求个人成长与发展- 追求个人兴趣与热爱- 实现自我价值与认同2. 外在动机 (Extrinsic motivation)外在动机是指来自外部的激励,如奖励、惩罚、批评或称赞。



例如:- 追求奖励与赞誉- 避免批评与惩罚- 满足他人期望与需求3. 目标设定理论 (Goal-setting theory)目标设定理论认为设定明确、有挑战性的目标可以提高个人的动机和表现。

以下是与该理论相关的短语搭配:- 制定明确的长期目标和短期目标- 追求个人进步和成就- 目标设定与执行策略4. 自我效能 (Self-efficacy)自我效能是指个体对于自己能够成功完成任务的信心和能力评估。

以下是与自我效能相关的短语搭配:- 培养积极的自我影像与信念- 发展有效的解决问题的能力- 建立持久的毅力和耐力5. 动力理论 (Motivation theory)动力理论研究了人类行为中各种驱动力的形成和影响。

以下是与动力理论相关的短语搭配:- 满足生理和心理需求- 寻求刺激与挑战- 追求成就和认可6. 团队动力 (Team motivation)团队的动力是指团队中成员合作的共同目标和激励方式。

以下是与团队动力相关的短语搭配:- 建立团队合作和信任- 鼓励团队精神和互助精神- 分享成功和反思失败总的来说,人类的动机可以来自内在也可以来自外在,通过设定明确的目标、培养自我效能和满足各种需求来提高动力。

ted演讲inside the mind of中英对照

ted演讲inside the mind of中英对照

ted演讲inside the mind of中英对照作为一个十几岁的少年,我的父母晚上会出去参加聚会或晚餐,我会对自己承诺利用这个时间来学习。


When I was in college, I'd tell myself that I'd start working on a paper weeks before it was due. But instead, I'd wait until the last minute, cramming all my research and writing into a single all-nighter.当我上大学时,我告诉自己要在作业到期前几周开始写作。


Even now, as a successful writer and speaker, I still struggle with procrastination. In fact, I'm doing it right now as I write this article. I've been putting it off for hours, checking emails and social media instead.即使现在,作为一名成功的作家和演讲者,我仍然在与拖延症作斗争。



So why do I procrastinate so much? And why do so many others struggle with it too?那么,为什么我这么拖延呢?为什么其他人也会有这个问题呢? To answer these questions, I started doing some research on the science of procrastination. I read books and articles,I watched TED talks and YouTube videos. And what I discovered is that procrastination isn't just a bad habit or a lack of willpower. It's a complex psychological behavior with deep roots in our brains.为了回答这些问题,我开始研究拖延症的科学。



《人的动机理论》(The theory of human motivation)Error and amendment of Maslow's theory of human motivationMaslow "s theory of motivation" error correction and its author: a remarkable feature of hatred within distinguish man from the lower animal, is relative to the objective needs of animal has more forms and more levels of. However, what caused the difference between humans and animals? How should the level of human needs be objectively divided? What is the logical relationship between the hierarchy of needs? Obviously, the solution of these problems is of great significance for revealing the mystery of human beings, exploring the phenomenon of human value and the law of change of motion. Many scholars (especially Maslow) have made a lot of research, and many different conclusions, but almost all of the conclusions are based on subjective experience and intuitive feeling it, without sufficient theoretical basis, its reasoning logic does not follow the strict procedure, thus unable to determine and verify its correctness. Some scholars even believe that these problems themselves are a purely subjective problem, and there is no objective and unified answer. First, the debate about the hierarchy of human needs is very different about the division of human needs. It is divided into six levels: the food and clothing needs, safety and health needs, and enjoy the aesthetic needs, belongingness and love needs, esteem needs, self-expression needs; is divided into five levels: Food and clothing needs, safety and health needs, and enjoy the aesthetic need, need, love and respect yourself some people realized; divided into four levels: physiological needs, safety and health needs, belongingness and love needs,self-expression needs; and so on, these classification methodsare lack of necessary theoretical basis. At present, people generally accepted the theory of human motivation put forward by American psychologist Maslow in 50s". He divides human needs into five levels: physiological needs, safety needs, love needs, respect needs, and self actualization needs. However, Maslow did not discuss why his division, this division method is not based on logical reasoning, more is based on their perceptual experience, lack of necessary theoretical basis, people cannot use the theory to affirm it or deny it, but according to practical experience and intuitive sense of it. It is not difficult to find, this division is the main method of different external characteristic parameters according to different needs in the process of human survival and development has (such as importance, persistence, extensive and profound) to carry out, and these differences in external characteristic parameters which can not accurately reflect the intrinsic logic relation between the various needs. Obviously, the division level must be in accordance with the need of internal factors that need to objective causes, can correctly reflect the intrinsic logic relation between the various needs, the resulting "needs theory" or "motivation theory" is objective and scientific. The author believes that human needs should be divided and divided into four levels, namely, food and clothing, health and safety, self-esteem and respect, self development and self actualization needs. This conclusion is consistent with Maslow's theory of motivation comparison, the main difference is: love need not classified as a level, to a level, with respect to need, respect need can be divided into works in the opposite direction of the two aspects of the need for self-esteem and respect need. I also think, can not be "aesthetic and enjoy" alone into a hierarchy, and because theaesthetic enjoyment is in need to be generated to meet after the emotional experience, it is not an objective need, but a subjective reflection of all forms and all levels of needs are met in all it will make people produce emotional experience and aesthetic enjoyment. Two, the theoretical basis of the division of human needs hierarchy, to know how to divide the hierarchy of needs, we must first understand the objective nature of needs. According to the theory of unified value, the objective essence of human needs is the value demanded by the human subject for the improvement of its essential force, and for the individual,In order to improve their ability to work, the value of the use of living materials requirements. Generally speaking, people's consumption of various subsistence motive is to meet various subjective desires or their subjective and objective need, is to maintain and develop their own ability to work, the objective is to direct motive potential labor itself accumulate necessary machine. Practice shows that different types of living materials satisfy people's different levels of subjective needs, and form different levels of labor potential, and serve the different levels of labor ability. Therefore, the hierarchical structure of labor ability determines the structure of labor potential, the hierarchical structure of labor potential determines the structure of life information, life information hierarchy determines the hierarchy of human needs. The ability to work can be divided into four basic levels: 1, the bio chemical reaction ability ", is based on energy metabolism rate of the main scale, reflects the ability for the use of food energy and its substitute. 2, the "individual labor ability", which is the physical, mental and physical strength, complexity and proficiency as the main scale, reflects theability of people to the nature of various physical, chemical and biological nature and strength. 3, the "social work", which is the social influence (such as power, prestige, reputation and personality etc.) as the main scale, reflects the people for social law and social power ability. 4, the "ideal labor ability", which is the force of faith (such as religious belief, outlook on life and world view) as the main scale, reflects the people for social progress and the law of human development and power control ability. According to the four different levels of labor ability, labor potential can be divided into four basic types, means of subsistence is correspondingly divided into four basic types, the subjective need is accordingly divided into four basic levels. Three, the four basic types of labor potential (I) physiological labor potential. The part of labor potential that is used to maintain and develop people's "biochemical reaction ability" is called "physiological labor potential". All human activities are based on the basic biochemical reactions, and only with the basic biochemical reaction ability, people can have more advanced behavior and thinking ability. Biochemical reactions in organisms can exhibit organisms for external energy exchange, is the biological chemical reaction can use total quantity to describe energy metabolism, biochemical reaction ability can be used to describe the energy metabolism rate. The physiological potential of labor is the accumulation of people's consumption of physiological living materials (such as food, air, water, salt, clothes, etc.). The physiological data is based on the life of food energy as the core, all other non food energy in the form of physical life can be replaced by the food energy to a certain extent and compensation, physical labor potential generated can be converted into certain food energy. (two)individual labor potential. The labor potential that is used to maintain and develop the individual labor ability is called the individual labor potential. In the physiological condition of the natural environment and people in general, not all physical labor potential can eventually transformed into individual actual labor potential, this is because human life is limited, any person at any time are possible because of security reasons for health reasons inside and outside and the loss of their labor ability, failure rate is the accumulation of personal physical labor potential there will always be a certain size. The failure rate is called the failure rate of life "(failure rate or physiology), it consists of two parts: the failure rate of internal life, it is made up of individual health state to decide; the failure rate of the external life, it is the safety performance by the individual to determine the natural environment. Therefore, the objective of individual labor ability is to improve the utilization rate of biochemical reaction ability, and the objective of individual labor potential is to improve the utilization rate of physiological labor potential.The living materials used to reduce the rate of human life failure are called health related living materials; the data used to reduce the failure rate of human external life are called safe living materials. For example, nutrients, security facilities, labor protection products, comfortable clothing, aesthetic works, elegant environment can maintain and improve people's health and environmental safety performance to a certain extent. (three) socialized labor potential. The part of labor potential that is used to maintain and develop "socialized labor capacity" is called socialized laborpotential. In the general social environment, not all of the individual labor potential can eventually transformed into the social recognition of the ability to work, this is because any individual will because of some internal and external, the labor positions can not completely match with the ability to work, or can not find the release ability of labor labor post, resulting in individual labor potential part of the failure and the failure rate of the waste, the accumulation of personal individual labor potential always do not match labor jobs have a certain size. The failure rate is referred to as the "social failure rate", it consists of two parts: the internal social failure rate, it is made up of individual preference for society to decide, depends on the size of the love and respect of others or the society; the external social failure rate, it is by choice Society for the individual to decide, depends on the size of the society for love and respect for the individual level. If a person has a higher degree of love and respect for society or others, he will be on every possible occasion actively for the society or others to contribute their strength, consciously put all their individual needs and social labor potential or others combine to achieve his best choice of labor jobs. In order to make the individual labor potential as much as possible into the society or others useful labor; if society has a higher degree of love and respect for the people, will provide jobs for him in all possible conditions, provide favorable conditions for his playing ability and cleverness, combine to make all of his individual labor potential as much as possible needs or the needs of others and the society, the individual labor potential as much as possible into social recognition Work ability. Therefore, the objective purpose of socialized labor ability is to improve the utilization rate of individuallabor capacity, and the objective objective of social labor potential is to improve the utilization rate of individual labor potential. The living materials used to reduce the internal social failure rate of people are called self esteem living materials; the living materials used to reduce the external social failure rate of human beings are called the life data of human dignity. For example, certificates, bonuses, honors, job titles, titles, etc., can reflect and change the respect for the individual to a certain extent, and can meet the needs of people for respect and respect. (four) ideal labor potential. The part of labor potential that is used to maintain and develop "idealized labor capacity" is called idealized labor potential. In the general social and historical conditions, not all of the social labor potential can eventually transformed into useful for the survival and development of human labor ability, really for human progress and social development, this is because any society will exist various social ills in any historical period, such as corruption, rigid thinking, unfair distribution, these social ills will guide social labor potential investment unreasonable production and consumption caused by the loss and waste, the reasons for internal and external social association, part of the social labor potential does not comply with the development of human beings and society really need or want. There is a certain size and the failure rate, the failure rate is called the "ideal failure rate", it is by the society for the ideal goal of human choice tendency The size of the decision depends on the extent to which the actual operation of the society conforms to the ideal goal of human beings. If a person can establish a correct outlook on life, the correct belief in life,The development of human and society as their mission in life; the development direction according to the correct belief in life to establish their own pursuit of occupation and the ability to work; according to the objective need of social development to release all of their labor ability; "self" melt in the long history of human development, so he caused the society the potential loss and waste will be greatly reduced, thus forming the largest ideal labor ability. If a society can correctly understand its historical mission, to make their own social behavior in line with the objective needs of human progress and social development, is committed to the peaceful coexistence of foreign, security and stability, is committed to the development of economic construction, population control and scientific and cultural undertakings, so it caused the social labor potential loss and waste will be reduced to a minimum; on the contrary, if a wrong understanding of its historical mission, put a lot of manpower, material and financial resources to engage in foreign aggression, to engage in persecution, neglecting the development of economic construction, population control and scientific and cultural undertakings, so it caused social labor the potential loss and waste will be greatly enhanced. Therefore, the objective purpose of the ideal labor ability is to improve the utilization rate of socialized labor capacity, and the objective objective of the ideal labor potential is to improve the utilization rate of social labor potential. For the ideal labor potential means of life is called "ideal type" or "self realization" of life, it can be an external religious culture, knowledge of the humanities, can also be through the personal understanding of thinking inside the brain and the formation of the highest belief and pursuit of life. To sum up, the power of human natureis from low level to high level gradually developed to high level, the objective essential strength is in wider range, more durable, more reliable maintenance and more efficient use of low levels of essential strength. Correspondingly, the labor potential is from low level to high level gradually developed, an objective of high level labor potential is in wider range, more durable, more reliable maintenance and more efficient use of low level labor potential. Four, different hierarchy of needs logic to sum up, there are progressive logic relationship between the four hierarchy of needs: (1) whether it is from the time evolution of the whole human point of view, or from the time order of the individual growth, or from the need to meet the priority order, need is always from low level to high the level gradually developed. (2) the lower needs basis of advanced needs, the need for advanced development and sublimation lower need, is to lower the need for greater range of time and space that can make the senior need lower needs can be more reliable and more lasting satisfaction. Health and safety needs to ensure that people need to eat more reliably and more lasting satisfaction; self-esteem and respect for people to meet the needs of the class can ensure that people need of food, health and safety are more reliable, more lasting satisfaction; self realization class can ensure people to meet the needs of the the food and clothing, health and safety, self esteem and respect people need to need more reliable, more satisfied. (3) to meet the needs of the senior with lower gradually, and with the blocked lower need gradually decline, but the senior need is relatively independent to a certain extent, the specific performance: when the lower needs are fully met when suddenly, senior need not immediately formed and stabilized; when the lower needs the meeting is blocked, seniorneed not immediately disappear; sometimes the need for advanced lower needs is a reaction to a certain extent or negative effects, people tend to be able to meet the needs of the senior one, at the expense of lower need completely. For example, people sometimes sacrifice their own health and safety, even sacrifice their lives for some kind of social honor and some ethical concepts. (4) the growth of low level labor ability is strictly restricted by the physiological limit, and the higher the level of labor ability is, the weaker the physiological limit is,As a result, there is a growing trend of growth, and the growth of people's labor ability is mainly through the growth of high-level labor capacity. Therefore, the development of the minimum level of human needs is very limited, only the highest level of development and change is unlimited, the higher the level of demand, the more free space for its development and change. (5) differences in the physiological structure and function of the people is weak, and the differences in the social role and function is usually huge, so that people in the gap between low level of labor capacity is small, while in the high level of labor ability gap is huge, so it is small in the low level to the gap, and at a high level to the gap is often huge. (6) due to high level of labor capacity growth mainly depend on social forces or other forces, which requires better coordination between people and interests, and consciously with the interests of others together, so the labor ability is stronger, more consciously to become representative of the interests of others and society the interests of the "utilitarian view" will be more extensive, more consciously get rid of the temptation of self-interest, more considerate ofothers to make their own individual needs consciously consistent with social needs or the needs of others. (Chinese value theory research network: ) (next page)CThis information comes from the internet. Personal collection。



自我决定理论概述自我决定理论(self-determination theory,简称SDT)是一种较新的学习动机理论,与自主学习观点密切联系。







归属是指感觉到关心他人并被他人关心,有一种从属于其他个体和团体的安全感,与别人建立起安全和愉快的人际关系(Ryan,1995;Leary & Baumeister,1995)。

自主是指个体能感知到做出的行为是出于自己的意愿的,是由自我来决定的(Deci & Ryan,1986;Ryan & Connell,1989),即个体的行为应该是自愿的且能够自我调控的。







动机名词解释 心理学

动机名词解释 心理学






















麦克利兰的“成就需要理论”(2008-01-04 09:58:48)转载▼麦克利兰的成就动机理论(McClelland Achievement Motivation Theory),也称三种需要理论(Three needs theory)、成就需要理论,是美国哈佛大学教授戴维·麦克利兰(David·C·McClelland)通过对人的需求和动机进行研究,于50年代在一系列文章中提出的.麦克利兰把人的高层次需求归纳为对成就、权力友谊的需求。













Contents of this page include:∙Maslow∙Hertzberg∙Elton Mayo∙Handy∙Mcgregor theory X and Y∙Ouchi theory Z∙Lean and mass productionMaslow’s hierarchy of needs:Maslow showed how an individual’s emphasis on needs moved from basic to the higher needs. The needs at the bottom must be satisfied to move at the higher ones. Needs do not have to be completely satisfied before higher needs emerge, a sufficient level of satisfaction is acceptable as opposed to the maximum or optimum level.Maslow’s theory may be summarized and simplified by saying that everyone wants certain things throughout life, and these things can be placed in five ascending categories namely:Basic or physiological needs: the things needed to stay alive: food, shelter and clothing. Such needs can be satisfied by money.Safety or security needs: people want protection against, unemployment, retirement as well as being safeguarded against unfair treatment. These needs can be satisfied by the rules of employment i.e pension scheme, sick fund, employment legislation.Social needs: the vast majority of people want to be part of a group and it is only through group activity that this need can be satisfied. Thus it is up to the organization to make the employee feel part of a group.Ego or Esteem needs: e.g. can include employee being asked to lead a group in a project. This enables the employee to think well of himself and in his abilities. This can be satisfied if the say or suggestion of the employee is taken into account and/or he is asked to lead or be part of an important task.Self-actualization or self-fulfillment needs: this is quite the need to achieve something worthwhile in life. It is a need that is satisfied only by continuing success, for example opening and running a new office.EVALUATION OF MASLOW:The significance of maslow’s hierarchy of needs is that if underlines the relative importance of money. Status gives little satisfaction to a person desperate for food and shelter.On the other hand it demonstrates that money alone is not enough, and indeed as basic needs are satisfied people arelikely to concentrate their attentions on social and ego needs.Herzberg’s theory of motivation:Herzberg attempted to find out what motivated people at work. He developed the two-factor theory that was based on the idea that motivation is based on two needs, namely hygiene factors and motivational factors.Hygiene factors: are those that have to do with non-job related features such as the working environment.Motivational factors: are those concerned with a need for personal development.Hygiene factors: factors that need to be met to prevent dissatisfaction. Will not motivate in themselves, they are concerned with extrinsic factors associated with the job itself but are not directly a part of it. The important fact to remember is that attention to these hygiene factors prevents dissatisfaction but does not necessarily provide positive motivation.Pay∙Conditions∙Company policy∙Relationships with higher levels, such as management∙Treatment at work∙Inability to develop∙Feelings of inadequacyMotivators: factors which motivate: the main motivation factor are not in the environment but in the intrinsic value and satisfaction gained from the job itself. Motivation factors include:∙Sense of achievement∙Chance of promotion∙Chance of improvement∙Recognition of effort∙Responsibility∙Nature of job itselfElton Mayo (Hawthorne Studies)Mayo’s most important contribution was to identify the basis of work satisfaction as non-economic and to connect it more with the interest taken in the worker’s performance than with the financial reward.Okay here’s what happened in plain simple words:∙ A test was conducted on 6 women which lasted for five years ∙The test was conducted so as to observe the effect on output and morale of various changes in working conditions. ∙Initially, an incentive payment scheme was introduced; then rest periods in different forms. Changes were made in the hours of work etc.∙CONCLUSION: it was found that whatever changes were made including a return to the original conditions, output still rose!∙The output recorded over time kept on increasing.Evaluation: it was apparent that the changes in working conditions could not account for the increase in output –this was due to the enhanced work satisfaction that the girls enjoyed, the development of personal friendships, and a new social atmosphere, which brought a marked change in their attitude towards work.Mcgregor’s theories:Theory X: assumes that people dislike work and responsibility. Therefore they must be coerced, controlled, directed or threatened with punishment to get them to make an effort towards achievement of organizational objectives. However modern employment laws have made this difficult for managers. For this reason a ‘carrot’ approach is used. People have to be persuaded to carry out tasks by promises or rewards. In many ways this is similar to Taylor’s view.Theory Y: assumes that most people are motivated by those things at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy. In other words, people are responsible, committed and enjoy having control over work. Most people, given the opportunity, will get involved in work and contribute towards the solution of a problem that may arise.IN OTHER WORDS:THEORY X is pessimistic and rigid. Control is primarily external i.e. imposed on the subordinate by the superior.THEORY Y is optimistic, dynamic and flexible, with an emphasis o self-direction and the integration of individual needs with organizational demands.Ouchi theory ZIn theory Z there is an emphasis on the interpersonal skills that form the basis of group working, where decision making is by consensus, but responsibility remains with the individual.There is emphasis on building trust through informal and democratic relationships.The characteristics of the theory z organizations are:∙Long term employment∙Slow evaluation and promotion∙Moderately specialized careers∙Consensual decision making∙Individual responsibility- this could mean giving greater responsibility lower down the line∙Concern for the employeeLEAN PRODUCTIONLean production is divided into the following sectors: ∙Kaizen∙Just in time manufacturing∙Time based management∙Empowerment∙TeamworkingKaizen is perhaps the most concept in Japanese management. It means continuous improvement. In western businesses productivity remains the same for long periods of time, then suddenly rises. The increase is followed by another period of stability, before another rise. Increases in productivity may result from new working practices or new technology. The dotted line below shows the Japanese approach. Improvements are continuous. They result from changes in production techniques.the kaizen is said to be an umbrella concept. A wide range of different production techniques and working practices must be carried out for it to be effective. These include:∙Zero defect policies∙Total quality management∙Quality control circles∙Automation∙Just in timeIt is difficult for workers in the business to look for continuous improvement all the time. In order to solve this problem a system was introduced namely PDCA (plan, do, check, action)Plan: business must identify where improvement is needed. Data must be gathered and used to develop a plan which will result in improvement.Do: once the plan has been finalized it must be carried out. Check: the next stage in the cycle is to check whether or not there has been an improvement.Action: if the plan has been successful, it must be introduced in all parts of the business.Just in time manufacturing:JIT: just in time manufacturing is an important part of lean production. It is defined as for example in any manufacturing and selling organization: ‘raw materials being delivered JIT to be made into parts, parts were delivered JIT to be made into goods and goods were produced and delivered JIT to be sold.’Advantages:∙It improves cash flow as money is not tied up in stock∙The system reduces waste∙Since no stock is held the excess factory space can be used for something else∙Links with and the control of suppliers is improvedDisadvantages:∙ A lot of faith is placed in the reliability and flexibility of suppliers∙Increased order costs∙Advantages of bulk discounts is lost∙Difficult to cope up with sharp increases in demandTime-based management:Time based mgt involves reducing the amount of time businesses take carrying out certain tasks, such as launching new products or cutting lead times in production. Time based mgt is a feature of lean production because it involves eliminating a type of waste i.e. time.Advantages:∙Customers will benefit. A wider range of products will be available and there will be faster delivery times.∙Increased efficiency will benefit the company by improving it’s image in the eyes of the people∙The time spent on range of production tasks is reduced.This helps to improve productivity and reduce unit costs.Empowerment:Empowerment involves giving employees the power to make decisions in a business. The aim of empowerment is to give employees more control over their own work conditions.Businesses have now learnt that efficiency will improve if workers are given the opportunity to involve themselves in decision making. Workers will be better motivated and the business may gain from the creativity of its workers.Empowerment is not without difficulties. Some workers may not be able to make their own decisions and training may be required to teach them such skills. Mangers may resent giving up authority. Some staff may even abuse their power to make decisions.Team working:A growing number of businesses are introducing team working. This involves dividing the workforce into fairly small groups. Each team will focus on particular areas of production and team members will have the same common aims.Effective teamworking requires cooperation between workers and management. Both the business and employees can benefit from team working. Workers should develop relationships with colleagues and a team spirit which may improve motivation and productivity. Flexibility will improve. For example team members might be more willing to cover for an absent colleague.MASS production。

领导心理学术语表 Glossary

领导心理学术语表 Glossary
跨职能团队(Cross-functional Team)由来自组织不同职能部门的成员组成,他们被组织到一起执行特殊的任务,创造崭新的非常规产品或服务。
决策领导角色(Decisional leadership roles)包括企业家(Entrepreneur)、问题处理者(Disturbance-handler)、资源分配者(Resource-allocator)和谈判者(Negotiator)。
职能团队(Functional Team)指属于同一职能部门有着共同的目标的一组员工,如营销、研发、生产、人力资源或信息系统等部门。
二元关系理论(Dyadic Theory)是一种研究领导力的方法,它试图解释领导者为何用差别行为对待不同的下属。
高效的下属(Effective Follower)是那些具有批判性思维,同时参与度又高的人。
人际领导角色(Interpersonal leadership roles)包括名义领袖(Figurehead)、领导者(Leader)和联络者(Liaison)。
职业指导培训(Job Instructional Training)步骤包括(1)受训者做好准备(2)培训者提出任务(3)受训者执行任务(4)培训师的后续工作。



Self-determination Theory 自我决定理论上一篇 / 下一篇 2013-02-22 00:00:00查看( 1055 ) / 评论( 1 ) / 评分( 5 / 0 ) Self-determination Theory (SDT) 是一种激励理论。






自我决定理论把动机分为内部动机(Intrinsic motivation)、外部动机(Extrinsic motivation)和无动机(Amotivation)三种类型。

内部动机的类型内部动机是人类固有的一种追求新奇和挑战、发展和锻炼自身能力、勇于探索和学习的先天倾向(Deci 和Ryan,1985)。


Vallerand(1997)把内部动机分为三种类型:1. 了解刺激型(IM-Knowledge)。



2. 取得成就型(IM-Achievement)。




3. 体验刺激型(IM-Stimulation)。





一、动机理论1. 需求层次理论(Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs)需求层次理论是心理学家亚伯拉罕·马斯洛提出的理论,它将需求分为生理需求、安全需求、归属与爱的需求、尊重需求和自我实现需求五个层次。


2. 成就动机理论(Achievement Motivation Theory)成就动机理论由心理学家大卫·麦克莱兰提出,认为人们在追求成功和避免失败的过程中,存在内在动机和外在动机的驱使。


3. 期望理论(Expectancy Theory)期望理论由心理学家维克多·弗鲁托提出,强调个体的动机来源于对行为结果的期望。


4. 自我决定理论(Self-Determination Theory)自我决定理论由心理学家爱德华·迪西和理查德·瑞安提出,认为人们具有内在的动机和追求自主性、能力和相关性的需要。


二、情绪理论1. 六种基本情绪根据心理学家保罗·艾克曼和威廉·弗里森提出的情绪理论,人类情绪可以归纳为六种基本情绪:快乐、悲伤、愤怒、惊讶、恐惧和厌恶。


2. 情绪表达与认知人类通过面部表情、声音、身体语言等方式表达情绪。


motivational model动机模型

motivational model动机模型

motivational model动机模型以下是一篇关于动机模型的文章,探讨了动机的不同类型和影响因素。



























教育心理学名词以下是为您生成的 20 个教育心理学名词:1. 学习动机(Learning Motivation)- 词性解释:名词- 意思:推动学生进行学习活动的内在动力。

- 用法:“激发学生的学习动机是教育中的重要任务。

”- 近义词:学习动力- 双语例句:- 哎呀,我怎么就找不到激发自己学习动机的方法呢? Howcan I fail to find the way to stimulate my learning motivation?- 你难道不觉得拥有强烈的学习动机才能在学业上取得成功吗?Don't you think having a strong learning motivation is essential to succeed in studies?2. 认知风格(Cognitive Style)- 词性解释:名词- 意思:个体在认知过程中所表现出来的习惯化的行为模式。

- 用法:“不同的学生具有不同的认知风格,教师应因材施教。

”- 近义词:认知方式- 双语例句:- 我的认知风格好像和别人不太一样,这可怎么办? My cognitive style seems different from others. What should I do?- 难道你没发现认知风格会影响我们对知识的理解和掌握吗?Haven't you noticed that cognitive style can affect our understanding and mastery of knowledge?3. 自我效能感(Self-efficacy)- 词性解释:名词- 意思:个体对自己能否成功完成某一行为的主观判断。

- 用法:“培养学生的自我效能感有助于增强他们的自信心。

”- 近义词:自我能力感- 双语例句:- 我一直努力提升自我效能感,可为啥还是觉得自己不行呢?I've been trying to enhance my self-efficacy, but why do I still feel incompetent?- 你说自我效能感是不是成功的关键因素之一呢? Do you think self-efficacy is one of the key factors for success?4. 学习迁移(Learning Transfer)- 词性解释:名词- 意思:一种学习对另一种学习的影响。






1. 受试者观察理论受试者观察理论(Social Learning Theory)是由美国心理学家阿尔伯特·班德拉(Albert Bandura)提出的。





2. 奖励和惩罚理论奖励和惩罚理论(Reinforcement and Punishment Theory)是行为学习理论的核心概念之一。




3. 模仿学习模仿学习(Imitation Learning)是人类学习行为的一种重要方式。





4. 学习效应理论学习效应理论(Learning Effect Theory)认为,个体通过对自己的行为和行为结果的反馈,来调整和改进自己的行为。

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Theory Y Cont’d • 5. imagination, creativity and ingenuity (独创性) in the solution of a problem are widely distributed in the population. •.
Theory Y Cont’d • 6. The intellectual capability and potential of human is only partly utilized
• 4. Managers assume that subordinaries prefer to be directed, wish to avoid responsibility, have relatively little ambition and want security above all.
McGregor’s Theories ’
Theory X
McGregor’s Theories ’
• 1. The average person has an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible.
Theory X • 2. Due to dislike of work people need to be forced, directed, controlled, threatened with punishment to get them to work at least adequately towards the organisation’s objectives
dislike of work need to be coerced, directed, controlled, threatened with punishment avoids responsibility, has little ambition and wants security Managers assume above
Theory Y Cont’d • 3. commitment to goals and objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement.
Theory Y Cont’d • 4. under the proper conditions people learn to both accept and seek out responsibility.
Individual Motivation (theory)
• To apply an appropriate content theory of motivation to explain individual behaviour in the workplace • To apply an appropriate process theory and reinforcement theory of motivation to explain individual behaviour in the workplace
Theory X (Cont’d) • 3. The average person prefers to avoids responsibility, has little ambition and wants security above everything else.
Theory X (Cont’d)
Reinforcement III Theory
The Porter And Lawler Expectancy Model
CASE study: the adults learning characteristics
Train Adults:
• 1. Adult learners are self-directed and internal motivated. • 2. Adult learners learn with self experience and styles. • 3. Adult learners learn from reality. • 4. Adult learners need to be guided and given feedbacks. • 5. Adult learners prefer to learn in a friendly, safe, enthusiastic, informal and competitive environment. • 6. Adult learners prefer divergent learning methods and learning activities. • 7. Adult learners are life and work centered learners.
Vroom’s expectancy ’ theory
Strength of motivation = Valence x Expectancy (or/ and instrumentality)
Expectancy: 因采取某种行动可能导致实现 所求目标的概率 Valence: 人对某一目标或成果的重视程度 Instrumentality: 对承诺实现可能性的预测
McGregor’s Theories ’
Theory Y • 1. Physical and mental effort for work is as natural as resting and playing
Theory Y • 2. Control and the threat of punishment are not the only ways to bring about effort towards an organisation’s goals. People will display self control and self direction in the service of goals to which they are committed.
• To explain suitable methods which management can use to improve job performance
• People’s behavior is determined by what motivated them. • Their performance is a product of both ability level and motivation.
Three key areaheory, 一张表 process theory, 一个流程 reinforcement theory
I. Content Theory
Maslow’s ’ Hierarchy
Maslow’s Hierarchy ’
Frederick Herzberg (1923-)
motivationhygiene theory
Hertzberg’s motivation’ hygiene theory (1959)
Hertzberg’s motivation’ hygiene theory (1959)
II. Process Theory