


食品添加剂通用标准在线版根据第34届CAC大会(2011)更新"食品添加剂通用法典标准”(Codex STAN 192-1995) 规定了在各类食品中可能使用的食品添加剂的情况,无论这些食品是否已经被法典标准化。






其他相关链接:JECFAJE报告和毒理学专论JECFA质量规格点击此处查看法典现行版本食品添加剂通用标准.请注意:食品添加剂法典通用标准目前正在逐步完善,它将定期进行更新,包括CAC 大会采纳的其他食品添加剂规定。

食品添加剂通用标准主页食品分类食品添加剂查询功能类别术语表® FAO and WHO 2012食品类别法典GSF A的食品分类体系是分级的,适用于所有的食品,包括那些不允许使用食品添加剂的类别。







26 & 201
150 mg/kg
150 mg/kg
52 & 161
20 mg/kg
50 mg/kg
52 & 190
350 mg/kg
161 & 188
300 mg/kg
52 & 161
338; 339(i)-(iii); 340(i)(iii); 341(i)-(iii); 342(i),(ii); 343(i)-(iii); 450(i)-(iii),(v)-(vii); 451(i),(ii); 452(i)-(v); 542
150 mg/kg
338; 339(i)-(iii); 340(i)(iii); 341(i)-(iii); 342(i),(ii); 343(i)-(iii); 450(i)-(iii),(v)-(vii); 451(i),(ii); 452(i)-(v); 542
1320 mg/kg
1000 mg/kg
CODEX STAN 192-1995 表2
添加剂 焦糖色IV-亚硫酸氨法



专业研究・Professional Research46 大陆桥视野·2016年第22期高程计算原则相反,即需按“减后视、加前视”的原则进行。





牛乳中黄曲霉毒素的来源、危害、限量要求及控制措施朱素芳 刘海荣 王东泽 贾军燕 贾晓江/石家庄君乐宝乳业有限公司【摘 要】随着生活水平的提高,食品安全问题越来越受到人们重视,黄曲霉毒素是一种毒性极强的剧毒物质,在1993年被世界卫生组织(WHO)的癌症研究机构划定为1类致癌物。



【关键词】黄曲霉毒素;危害;限量要求;控制措施黄曲霉毒素主要是由黄曲霉 (aspergillus flavus)寄生曲霉(a.parasiticus)产生的次生代谢产物,主要是黄曲霉毒素B1、B2、G1、G2以及由B1和B2在体内经过羟化而衍生成的代谢产物M1、M2等。




前言本标准参考了国际食品法典委员会(CAC)食品添加剂通用标准(CODEX STAN 192 GENERAL STANDARD FOR FOOD ADDITIVES)的格式和体例。











GB14880 食品营养强化剂使用卫生标准GB/T 12493食品添加剂分类和代码3术语和定义3.1食品添加剂为改善食品品质和色、香、味,以及为防腐和加工工艺的需要而加入食品中的化学合成或者天然物质。



各国食品重金属限量标准比对一览表国际食品法典委员会(CAC)关于食品中重金属限量的规定主要集中在《食品和饲料中污染物和毒素通用标准》(CODEX STAN 193-1995)。


国际食品法典委员会(CAC)关于食品中重金属限量的规定主要集中在《食品和饲料中污染物和毒素通用标准》(CODEX STAN 193-1995)。


中国关于食品中重金属限量的规定主要集中在食品安全国家标准《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量》(GB 2762-2012)中,该标准已于2013年6月1日正式实施。


欧盟2006年颁布的委员会条例(EC) No 1881/2006,制定食品中某些污染物的最高限量,详细规定了欧盟水产品、谷物、蔬菜、水果、牛奶等食品中铅、镉、汞、锡重金属的限量。


随后欧盟多次发布相关条例对委员会条例(EC) No 1881/2006进行了修订,调整了重金属在各类食品中的含量。

其中最新的一次修订为委员会条例(EU) No 488/2014,就镉在食品中的最高限量,修订条例(EC)No1881/2006。



各国食品重金属限量标准如下:1. 国际食品法典委员会(CAC)国际食品法典委员会(CAC)关于食品中重金属限量的规定主要集中在《食品和饲料中污染物和毒素通用标准》( CODEX STAN 193-1995)。




国际食品法典委员会(CAC)标准(编号与名称)1 法典标准1.1 一般要求标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 001-1985 预包装食品标签通用标准Codex Stan 106-1983 辐照食品通用标准Codex Stan 107-1981 食品添加剂销售时的标签通用标准Codex Stan 150-1985 食用盐标准Codex Stan 192-1995 食品添加剂标准前言Codex Stan 193-1995 食品污染物和毒素标准前言Codex Stan 209-1999 加工用花生中黄曲霉素残留限量标准1.4 特殊营养与膳食(包括婴幼儿食品)标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 053-1981 特殊膳食用的低盐食品Codex Stan 072-1981 婴儿配方食品Codex Stan 073-1981 罐装的幼儿食品Codex Stan 074-1981 加工的婴幼儿谷物类食品Codex Stan 118-1981 无麸质食品Codex Stan 146-1985 特殊膳食的预包装食品标签及说明的通用标准Codex Stan 156-1987 断奶后的配方食品Codex Stan 180-1991 特殊药疗作用食品的标签及说明Codex Stan 181-1992 减轻体重用低能量配方食品Codex Stan 203-1995 控制体重用配方食品1.5 加工和速冻水果、蔬菜标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 013-1981 番茄罐头Codex Stan 014-1981 桃罐头Codex Stan 015-1981 葡萄柚罐头Codex Stan 016-1981 菜豆和黄刀豆罐头Codex Stan 017-1981 苹果沙司罐头Codex Stan 018-1981 甜玉米罐头Codex Stan 038-1981 食用真菌和真菌制品Codex Stan 039-1981 食用干菌Codex Stan 040-1981 鲜鸡油菌Codex Stan 041-1981 速冻豌豆Codex Stan 042-1981 菠萝罐头Codex Stan 052-1981 速冻草莓Codex Stan 055-1981 蘑菇罐头Codex Stan 056-1981 芦笋罐头Codex Stan 057-1981 加工浓缩番茄酱Codex Stan 058-1981 青豌豆罐头Codex Stan 059-1981 李罐头Codex Stan 060-1981 树莓罐头Codex Stan 061-1981 梨罐头Codex Stan 062-1981 草莓罐头Codex Stan 066-1981 食用橄榄Codex Stan 067-1981 葡萄干Codex Stan 068-1981 橘子罐头Codex Stan 069-1981 速冻树莓Codex Stan 075-1981 速冻桃Codex Stan 076-1981 速冻越橘Codex Stan 077-1981 速冻菠菜Codex Stan 078-1981 什锦水果罐头Codex Stan 079-1981 果酱和果冻标准Codex Stan 080-1981 加柑橘皮丝的果冻Codex Stan 081-1981 经加工的成熟豌豆罐头Codex Stan 099-1981 热带水果色拉罐头Codex Stan 103-1981 速冻乌饭果Codex Stan 104-1981 速冻韭菜Codex Stan 110-1981 速冻嫩茎花椰菜Codex Stan 111-1981 速冻花椰菜Codex Stan 112-1981 速冻苷蓝Codex Stan 113-1981 速冻菜豆和黄刀豆Codex Stan 114-1981 速冻法式油炸马铃薯Codex Stan 115-1981 酸黄瓜Codex Stan 116-1981 胡萝卜罐头Codex Stan 129-1981 杏罐头Codex Stan 130-1981 杏干Codex Stan 131-1981 带壳开心果Codex Stan 132-1981 速冻整玉米粒Codex Stan 133-1981 速冻带芯玉米Codex Stan 140-1983 速冻胡萝卜Codex Stan 143-1985 海枣Codex Stan 144-1985 棕榈油罐头Codex Stan 145-1985 板栗和板栗酱罐头Codex Stan 159-1987 芒果罐头Codex Stan 160-1987 芒果酱Codex Stan 177-1991 脱水椰米Codex Stan 182-1993 菠萝Codex Stan 184-1993 芒果Codex Stan 185-1993 胭脂鲜人果Codex Stan 186-1993 刺梨Codex Stan 187-1993 杨桃Codex Stan 188-1993 玉米笋Codex Stan 196-1995 荔枝Codex Stan 197-1995 鳄梨1.6 果汁及相关产品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 044-1981 杏蜜、桃蜜、梨蜜(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 045-1981 橘子汁(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 046-1981 葡萄柚汁(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 047-1981 柠蒙汁(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 048-1981 苹果汁(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 049-1981 番茄汁(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 063-1981 浓缩苹果汁(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 064-1981 浓缩橘子汁(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 082-1981 葡萄汁(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 083-1981 浓缩葡萄汁(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 084-1981 浓缩拉布鲁斯卡甜葡萄汁(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 085-1981 菠萝汁(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 101-1981 无果肉的黑加仑果蜜(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 120-1981 黑加仑汁(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 121-1981 浓缩黑加仑汁(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 122-1981 特殊小浆果的果肉蜜(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 134-1981 柑橘类水果果汁饮料(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 138-1983 浓缩菠萝汁(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 139-1983 采用防腐剂加工的浓缩菠萝汁Codex Stan 148-1985 番石榴果蜜(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 149-1985 液体芒果果肉汁(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 161-1989 其他未涉及的果蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 164-1989 其他未涉及的果汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 179-1991 蔬菜汁通用标准1.7 谷物、豆类及其制品和植物蛋白标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 151-1989 木薯Codex Stan 152-1985 小麦粉Codex Stan 153-1985 玉米Codex Stan 154-1985 粗磨全玉米粉Codex Stan 155-1989 玉米粉和玉米渣Codex Stan 163-1987 小麦面筋Codex Stan 169-1989 脱皮的整珍珠小米Codex Stan 171-1989 特种豆类Codex Stan 172-1989 高粱米Codex Stan 173-1989 高粱面Codex Stan 174-1989 植物蛋白制品通用标准Codex Stan 175-1989 大豆蛋白制品通用标准Codex Stan 176-1989 食用木薯粉Codex Stan 178-1991 硬质小麦粗粉和硬质小麦粉Codex Stan 198-1995 大米Codex Stan 199-1995 小麦和硬质小麦Codex Stan 200-1995 花生Codex Stan 201-1995 燕麦Codex Stan 202-1995 古斯(蒸熟的硬质小麦餐)1.8 油脂及相关制品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 019-1981 不包括在专有标准之内的食用油脂通用标准Codex Stan 020-1981 食用豆油Codex Stan 021-1981 食用花生油Codex Stan 022-1981 食和棉籽油Codex Stan 023-1981 食用葵花籽油Codex Stan 024-1981 食用菜籽油Codex Stan 025-1981 食用玉米油Codex Stan 026-1981 食用芝麻油Codex Stan 027-1981 食用红花油Codex Stan 028-1981 猪油Codex Stan 029-1981 炼制猪油Codex Stan 030-1981 炼制牛油(不包括牛脂肪)Codex Stan 031-1981 食用牛脂Codex Stan 032-1981 人造奶油(脂肪含量不低于80%)Codex Stan 033-1981 初榨橄榄油、精炼橄榄油及精炼橄榄渣油Codex Stan 034-1981 食用芥籽油Codex Stan 123-1981 食用低芥酸菜籽油Codex Stan 124-1981 食用椰油Codex Stan 125-1981 食用棕榈油Codex Stan 126-1981 食用棕榈仁油Codex Stan 127-1981 食用葡萄籽油Codex Stan 128-1981 食用巴苏油(巴巴苏棕榈油)Codex Stan 135-1981 人造奶油(脂肪含量在39%~41%间) Codex Stan 194-1995 食用精炼油棕油Codex Stan 195-1995 食用棕榈硬脂酸甘油脂Codex Stan 210-1999 几种植物油标准Codex Stan 211-1999 几种动物或动植物混合油脂产品1.9 鱼和水产品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 003-1991 三文鱼(大马哈鱼)罐头Codex Stan 036-1981 速冻鳍鱼(去内脏和不去内脏)Codex Stan 037-1981 小虾或对虾罐头Codex Stan 070-1981 金枪鱼和中型鲭类鱼罐头Codex Stan 090-1981 蟹肉罐头Codex Stan 092-1982 速冻小虾或对虾Codex Stan 094-1981 沙丁鱼和沙丁类鱼制品罐头Codex Stan 095-1981 速冻龙虾Codex Stan 119-1981 鳍鱼罐头Codex Stan 165-1989 速冻鱼肉片、鱼肉糜和肉片肉糜混合食品Codex Stan 166-1989 速冻面包屑或面糊包裹的鱼条块和鱼片Codex Stan 167-1989 盐腌鳕鱼和盐腌鳕鱼干Codex Stan 189-1993 鱼翅干Codex Stan 190-1995 速冻鱼片Codex Stan 191-1995 速冻生鱿鱼1.10 肉和肉制品(包括浓肉汤和清肉汤)标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 088-1981 腌牛肉标准Codex Stan 089-1981 午餐肉标准Codex Stan 096-1981 熟制腌火腿(后腿)标准Codex Stan 097-1981 熟制的腌猪碲膀(前腿)标准Codex Stan 098-1981 熟制的腌肉肠标准Codex Stan 117-1981 肉羹和肉汤标准1.11 糖、可可制品、巧克力及其他制品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 004-1981 白糖Codex Stan 005-1981 糖粉(冰糖)Codex Stan 006-1981 绵白糖Codex Stan 007-1981 无水葡萄糖Codex Stan 008-1981 水合葡萄糖Codex Stan 009-1981 葡萄糖浆Codex Stan 010-1981 干葡萄浆Codex Stan 011-1981 乳糖Codex Stan 012-1981 蜂蜜Codex Stan 054-1981 葡萄糖粉(结晶葡萄糖)Codex Stan 086-1981 可可脂Codex Stan 087-1981 巧克力Codex Stan 102-1981 果糖标准Codex Stan 105-1981 可可粉和加糖干可可粉Codex Stan 108-1981 天然矿泉水Codex Stan 137-1981 可食冰和冰水混合物(包括微生物导则和用于标签的成分分类) Codex Stan 141-1983 碎可可豆、可可块、可可油饼和可可细粉(用于加工可可和巧克力制品Codex Stan 142-1983 夹心巧克力Codex Stan 147-1985 可可脂糖果Codex Stan 162-1987 食醋Codex Stan 168-1989 蛋黄酱Codex Stan 176-1995 食用木薯粉Codex Stan 212-1999 糖标准1.12 乳及乳制品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan A-1-1971 奶油和乳清奶油Codex Stan A-2-1973 奶油、无水奶油和无水乳脂肪Codex Stan A-3-1971 淡炼乳和脱脂淡炼乳Codex Stan A-4-1971 甜炼乳和脱脂甜炼乳Codex Stan A-5-1971 全脂奶粉、部分脱脂奶粉和脱脂奶粉Codex Stan A-6-1978 干酪Codex Stan A-8a-1978 几种再制干酪和可涂沫的再制干酪Codex Stan A-8b-1978 再制干酪和可涂抹的再制干酪Codex Stan A-8c-1978 再制干酪原料Codex Stan A-9-1976 直接食用的稀奶油Codex Stan A-10-1971 奶油粉、半奶油粉和高脂奶粉Codex Stan A-11a-1975 酸奶和甜酸奶Codex Stan A-11b-1976 调味酸奶和发酵后热加工的酸奶制品Codex Stan A-15-1995 乳清粉Codex Stan A-18-1995 食用干酪制品Codex Stan C-1-1966 契达干酪Codex Stan C-2-1966 达纳不利干酪Codex Stan C-3-1966 丹伯干酪Codex Stan C-4-1966 埃达姆干酪Codex Stan C-5-1966 古达干酪Codex Stan C-6-1966 哈瓦乌特干酪Codex Stan C-7-1966 三梭干酪Codex Stan C-8-1967 柴郡干酪Codex Stan C-9-1967 埃门塔尔干酪Codex Stan C-10-1967 格鲁爱维干酪Codex Stan C-11-1968 迪尔丝特干酪Codex Stan C-12-1968 林堡格干酪Codex Stan C-13-1968 圣保林干酪Codex Stan C-14-1968 斯维西干酪Codex Stan C-15-1968 普罗沃隆干酪Codex Stan C-16-1968 (脱脂奶)农家干酪,包括稀奶油的农家干酪Codex Stan C-17-1968 布它卡斯干酪Codex Stan C-18-1969 库努米尔斯干酪Codex Stan C-19-1969 古德不诺斯达少斯特干酪Codex Stan C-20-1969 哈日卡斯干酪Codex Stan C-21-1969 赫达松斯特干酪Codex Stan C-22-1969 赫沙松斯特干酪Codex Stan C-23-1969 挪维甲干酪Codex Stan C-24-1971 玛里保干酪Codex Stan C-25-1971 法保干酪Codex Stan C-26-1972 艾思罗干酪Codex Stan C-27-1972 罗曼德干酪Codex Stan C-28-1972 阿姆斯特丹干酪Codex Stan C-29-1972 雷德斯干酪Codex Stan C-30-1972 氟雷斯干酪Codex Stan C-31-1973 稀奶油奶酪Codex Stan C-32-1973 特定蓝脉乳酪Codex Stan C-33-1973 坎伯德干酪Codex Stan C-34-1973 伯瑞干酪Codex Stan C-35-1978 揉碎硬干酪2 法典指导原则法典指导原则名称CAC/GL 001-1979 标签说明的通用导则CAC/GL 002-1985 营养标签导则CAC/GL 003-1989 食品添加剂纳入量的抽样评估导则CAC/GL 004-1989 在食品中使用植物蛋白制品的通用导则CAC/GL 005-1989 在国际贸易中核事故污染后食品放射核素的指导值CAC/GL 006-1991 食品和包装材料中氯乙烯单体和丙烯腈残留的推荐值CAC/GL 007-1991 鱼中甲基汞指导值CAC/GL 008-1991 较大婴儿和幼童的辅助配方食品导则CAC/GL 009-1987 食品中添加必需营养素的通则CAC/GL 010-1979 婴幼食品中使用的矿牧物和复合维生素参考清单CAC/GL 011-1991 混合果汁的导则CAC/GL 012-1991 混合果蜜的导则CAC/GL 013-1991 乳过氧化酶系保藏鲜奶的导则CAC/GL 014-1991 加工肉禽制品使用的调料和香草的微生物质量指南CAC-GL 015-1991 加工肉禽制品时非肉类蛋白制品导则CAC/GL 016-1993 关于建立食品中兽药残留管理方案的法典导则CAC/GL 017-1993 成批罐头食品视觉直观检验的程序导则CAC/GL 018-1993 危害分析关键控制点(HACCP)系统应用导则CAC/GL 019-1995 食品安全控制紧急情况时信息交流的法典导则CAC/GL 020-1995 食品进出口检验和出证原则CAC/GL 021-1997 食品微生物指标设定及应用原则CAC/GL 022-1997 非洲街头食品管理措施规划导则CAC/GL 023-1997 应用营养说明的导则CAC/GL 025-1997 食品进口过程中拒收情况下两国信息交流导则CAC/GL 029-1997 自然调味品的一般要求CAC/GL 030-1999 微生物风险评估的原则及导则CAC/GL 032-1999 有机食品生产、加工、标识、销售导则(除牲畜产品外)CAC/GL 033-1999 检测农药残留的推荐性抽样方法CAC/GL 034-1999 食品进出口检验与出证系统中增进等同互认性导则3 国际推荐操作规程操作规程编号名称CAC/RCP 01-1969 食品卫生通则国际推荐规程CAC/RCP 02-1969 水果蔬菜罐头的卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 03-1969 干果卫生规程CAC/RCP 04-1971 脱水椰子的卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 05-1971 国际推荐的脱水水果蔬菜(包括食用菌)卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 06-1972 坚果卫生规程CAC/RCP 08-1976 速冻食品加工和处理的操作规程CAC/RCP 09-1976 鲜鱼卫生规程CAC/RCP 10-1976 鱼罐头卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 11-1976 鲜肉卫生规程CAC/RCP 13-1976 加工肉、禽制品卫生操作规程和导则CAC/RCP 14-1976 禽类加工的卫生操作规程和导则CAC/RCP 15-1976 蛋制品卫生操作规程(包括灭菌蛋制品的微生物要求)CAC/RCP 16-1978 冻鱼卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 17-1978 国际推荐的小虾和对虾卫生规程CAC/RCP 18-1978 国际推荐的软体鱼贝类卫生规程CAC/RCP 19-1979 国际食品辐照设备应用推荐操作规程CAC/RCP 20-1979 国际食品贸易中的道德规程CAC/RCP 21-1979 国际婴幼儿食品卫生操作规程(包括微生物属性及其分析方法)CAC/RCP 22-1979 花生卫生规程CAC/RCP 23-1979 低酸和酸化低酸罐头食品推荐卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 24-1979 龙虾卫生规程CAC/RCP 25-1979 国际推荐的熏鱼卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 26-1979 国际推荐的咸鱼卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 27-1983 国际推荐的机械加工鱼糜卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 28-1983 蟹卫生规程CAC/RCP 29-1983 国际推荐的野味食品卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 30-1983 蛙腿加工的卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 31-1983 国际乳粉卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 32-1983 经机械分级并用于深加工的肉、禽的生产、贮藏和组成操作规程和导则CAC/RCP 33-1985 天然矿泉水采集、加工、销售的卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 35-1985 国际推荐面糊和/或面包包裹的冷冻鱼制品操作规程CAC/RCP 36-1987 散装食品油脂贮存及运输操作规程CAC/RCP 37-1989 国际推荐的头足纲动物卫生规程CAC/RCP 38-1993 国际推荐的兽药使用管理规程CAC/RCP 39-1993 预烹制和烹制的集体供餐业食品卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 40-1993 无菌加工和低酸包装食品卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 41-1993 国际推荐的动物宰后检验及鉴定的操作规程CAC/RCP 44-1995 热带新鲜水果蔬菜包装运输的操作规程4 其他法典文件文件检索编号内容XOT 01-1972 食品添加剂使用的通用原则XOT 02-1987 有关食品添加剂在食品中转移的原则XOT 03-1989 加工助剂清单XOT 04-1999 食品添加剂国际编码系统XOT 05-1999 食品添加剂参考规格目录XOT 06-1989 食品和动物饲料分类XOT 07-1993 适用于法典最大残留限量值进行分析的商品农残分析的实验室操作规程导则推荐的农残分析方法XOT 11-1976 婴儿食品简述XOT 12-1985 填充介质(成分和标签)――加工水果蔬菜XOT 13-1969 FAO/WHO食品法典中有关预包装食品的采样方法XOT 14-1993 用分析与抽样法典委员会推荐的分析方法时,所需提供的信息XOT 15-1997 法典一般方法XOT 16-1999 按商品名称字母顺序排列的采样和分析方法XOT 17-1999 依条款字母顺序排列的参考分析方法XOT 食品法典名词定义XOT 天然香料基本要求XOT 杀虫剂残留测定的推荐采样方法XOT 畜禽类产品中兽药残留的推荐采样方法XOT 农残分析XOT 矿物盐清单XOT 复合维生素,包括特殊维生素类型的清单XOT 乳与乳制品法典总则XOT 分析和采样方法目录5 法典推荐分析方法推荐方法检索编号方法名称CAC/RM 01-1969 固体总含量的测定CAC/RM 02-1969 120℃16h干燥失重的测定CAC/RM 03-1969 105℃3h干燥失重的测定CAC/RM 04-1969 二氧化硫的测定CAC/RM 06-1969 颜色测定CAC/RM 07-1969 旋光度的测定CAC/RM 08-1969 电导灰分的测定CAC/RM 10-1969 异硫氰酸烯丙酯含量测定CAC/RM 11-1969 花生油试验CAC/RM 12-1969 芝麻油试验CAC/RM 13-1969 皂化物含量测定CAC/RM 14-1969 铁含量测定CAC/RM 15-1969 乳脂肪含量测定CAC/RM 16-1969 脂肪含量测定CAC/RM 17-1969 干燥失重的水含量测定CAC/RM 18-1969 维生素E含量测定CAC/RM 19-1969 氯化钠的测定CAC/RM 20-1970 Bellier指数测定CAC/RM 21-1970 半干性油试验CAC/RM 22-1970 橄榄油残留试验CAC/RM 23-1970 棉籽油试验CAC/RM 24-1970 茶籽油试验CAC/RM 25-1970 芝麻油试验CAC/RM 26-1970 紫外线(E1%/1cm)CAC/RM 28-1970 干重的测定(液体包装介质)CAC/RM 29-1970 净含量测定CAC/RM 30-1970 食品大小的测定CAC/RM 31-1970 容器水容量的测定CAC/RM 32-1970 速冻果蔬解冻过程标准CAC/RM 33-1970 速冻果蔬烹调过程标准CAC/RM 34-1970 速冻水果蔬菜净重的测定CAC/RM 35-1970 (速冻豌豆)乙醇不溶物含量的测定CAC/RM 36-1970 干燥失重的测定(方法一)CAC/RM 37-1970 干燥失重的测定(方法二)CAC/RM 38-1970 蔬菜罐头中钙含量测定CAC/RM 39-1970 (加工果蔬荚壳接缝处)纤维韧性试验CAC/RM 40-1971 速冻鱼类化冻和烹调过程CAC/RM 41-1971 包冰衣的速冻鱼的净含量测定CAC/RM 42-1971 预包装食品采样方案CAC/RM 43-1971 速冻水果中可溶性固形物总量测定CAC/RM 45-1972 干燥失重填充物的测定CAC/RM 47-1972 乙醇不溶物的测定CAC/RM 48-1972 豌豆种类的区分方法CAC/RM 49-1972 矿物杂质的测定CAC/RM 50-1974 葡萄干中水分的测定(AOAC电导法) CAC/RM 51-1974 葡萄干中矿物杂质的测定CAC/RM 52-1974 葡萄干中矿物油的测定CAC/RM 53-1974 葡萄干和其他食品中山梨糖醇的测定CAC/RM 54-1974 速冻果蔬中矿物性杂质的测定CAC/RM 55-1976 婴儿食品中脂肪的测定――方法Ⅰ。



products of food category 13.1)
“electrolyte”drinks and
particulated drinks
Dietetic formulae for slimming purposes and weight reduction

特殊膳食食品(如特殊膳食用补充食品),不包括 13.1 -13.4
标示等有特殊要求[4]。食品安全国家标准 《运动营养食 料归属于 14.0 饮 料 中的 特 殊 用 途 饮 料
品通则》(征求意见稿) 对运动营养食品的定义为:“为 (包括运动饮料、营养素饮料);同时,13.0 特殊膳食
满足运动人群、体力活动者的生理代谢状态、运动能力 用食品中并无运动饮料的类别及相关描述[8]。
食品分类号 13.0 13.01 13.01.01 13.01.02 13.01.03 13.02 13.02.01 13.02.02 13.03 13.04 13.05
食品名称 特殊膳食用食品 婴幼儿配方食品 婴儿配方食品 较大婴儿和幼儿配方食品 特殊医学用途婴儿配方食品 婴幼儿辅助食品 婴幼儿谷类辅助食品 婴幼儿罐装辅助食品 特殊医学用途配方食品(13.01 中涉及品种除外) 低能量配方食品 除 13.01-13.04 外的其他特使膳食用食品
群的生理特点的饮料”[1],在此基础上,国家标准 《运动 满足两个特点,一是需满足“特殊的身体或生理状况和
饮料》 对运动饮料的定义做了更加详细的规定,即补充 (或) 满足疾病、紊乱等状态下”的需要;一是需满足



国际食品法典委员会(CAC)标准 1 法典标准 1.1 一般要求标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 001-1985 预包装食品标签通用标准Codex Stan 106-1983 辐照食品通用标准Codex Stan 107-1981 食品添加剂销售时的标签通用标准Codex Stan 150-1985 食用盐标准Codex Stan 192-1995 食品添加剂标准前言Codex Stan 193-1995 食品污染物和毒素标准前言Codex Stan 209-1999 加工用花生中黄曲霉素残留限量标准 1.2 食品中农药残留――最大限量值标准编号标准名称食品中农药残留最大限量标准 1.3 食品中兽药残留――最大限量值标准编号标准名称食品中兽药残留最大限量标准 1.4 特殊营养与膳食(包括婴幼儿食品) 标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 053-1981 特殊膳食用的低盐食品Codex Stan 072-1981 婴儿配方食品Codex Stan 073-1981 罐装的幼儿食品Codex Stan 074-1981 加工的婴幼儿谷物类食品Codex Stan 118-1981 无麸质食品Codex Stan 146-1985 特殊膳食的预包装食品标签及说明的通用标准Codex Stan 156-1987 断奶后的配方食品Codex Stan 180-1991 特殊药疗作用食品的标签及说明Codex Stan 181-1992 减轻体重用低能量配方食品Codex Stan 203-1995 控制体重用配方食品 1.5 加工和速冻水果、蔬菜标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 013-1981 番茄罐头Codex Stan 014-1981 桃罐头Codex Stan 015-1981 葡萄柚罐头Codex Stan 016-1981 菜豆和黄刀豆罐头Codex Stan 017-1981 苹果沙司罐头Codex Stan 018-1981 甜玉米罐头Codex Stan 038-1981 食用真菌和真菌制品Codex Stan 039-1981 食用干菌Codex Stan 040-1981 鲜鸡油菌Codex Stan 041-1981 速冻豌豆Codex Stan 042-1981 菠萝罐头Codex Stan 052-1981 速冻草莓Codex Stan 055-1981 蘑菇罐头Codex Stan 056-1981 芦笋罐头Codex Stan 057-1981 加工浓缩番茄酱Codex Stan 058-1981 青豌豆罐头Codex Stan 059-1981 李罐头Codex Stan 060-1981 树莓罐头Codex Stan 061-1981 梨罐头Codex Stan 062-1981 草莓罐头Codex Stan 066-1981 食用橄榄Codex Stan 067-1981 葡萄干Codex Stan 068-1981 橘子罐头Codex Stan 069-1981 速冻树莓Codex Stan 075-1981 速冻桃Codex Stan 076-1981 速冻越橘Codex Stan 077-1981 速冻菠菜Codex Stan 078-1981 什锦水果罐头Codex Stan 079-1981 果酱和果冻标准Codex Stan 080-1981 加柑橘皮丝的果冻Codex Stan 081-1981 经加工的成熟豌豆罐头Codex Stan 099-1981 热带水果色拉罐头Codex Stan 103-1981 速冻乌饭果Codex Stan 104-1981 速冻韭菜Codex Stan 110-1981 速冻嫩茎花椰菜Codex Stan 111-1981 速冻花椰菜Codex Stan 112-1981 速冻苷蓝Codex Stan 113-1981 速冻菜豆和黄刀豆Codex Stan 114-1981 速冻法式油炸马铃薯Codex Stan 115-1981 酸黄瓜Codex Stan 116-1981 胡萝卜罐头Codex Stan 129-1981 杏罐头Codex Stan 130-1981 杏干Codex Stan 131-1981带壳开心果Codex Stan 132-1981 速冻整玉米粒Codex Stan 133-1981 速冻带芯玉米Codex Stan 140-1983 速冻胡萝卜Codex Stan 143-1985 海枣Codex Stan 144-1985 棕榈油罐头Codex Stan 145-1985 板栗和板栗酱罐头Codex Stan 159-1987 芒果罐头Codex Stan 160-1987 芒果酱Codex Stan 177-1991 脱水椰米Codex Stan 182-1993 菠萝Codex Stan 183-1993 木瓜Codex Stan 184-1993 芒果Codex Stan 185-1993 胭脂鲜人果Codex Stan 186-1993 刺梨Codex Stan 187-1993 杨桃Codex Stan 188-1993 玉米笋Codex Stan 196-1995 荔枝Codex Stan 197-1995 鳄梨 1.6 果汁及相关产品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 044-1981 杏蜜、桃蜜、梨蜜(仅用物理方法保藏)Codex Stan 045-1981 橘子汁(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 046-1981 葡萄柚汁(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 047-1981 柠蒙汁(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 048-1981 苹果汁(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 049-1981番茄汁(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 063-1981 浓缩苹果汁(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 064-1981 浓缩橘子汁(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 082-1981 葡萄汁(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 083-1981 浓缩葡萄汁(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 084-1981 浓缩拉布鲁斯卡甜葡萄汁(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 085-1981 菠萝汁(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 101-1981 无果肉的黑加仑果蜜(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 120-1981 黑加仑汁(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 121-1981 浓缩黑加仑汁(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 122-1981 特殊小浆果的果肉蜜(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 134-1981 柑橘类水果果汁饮料(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 138-1983 浓缩菠萝汁(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 139-1983 采用防腐剂加工的浓缩菠萝汁Codex Stan 148-1985 番石榴果蜜(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 149-1985 液体芒果果肉汁(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 161-1989其他未涉及的果蜜标准(采用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 164-1989 其他未涉及的果汁标准(仅用物理方法保藏) Codex Stan 179-1991 蔬菜汁通用标准 1.7 谷物、豆类及其制品和植物蛋白标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 151-1989 木薯Codex Stan 152-1985 小麦粉Codex Stan 153-1985 玉米Codex Stan 154-1985 粗磨全玉米粉Codex Stan 155-1989 玉米粉和玉米渣Codex Stan 163-1987 小麦面筋Codex Stan 169-1989 脱皮的整珍珠小米Codex Stan 170-1989 小米面Codex Stan 171-1989 特种豆类Codex Stan 172-1989 高粱米Codex Stan 173-1989 高粱面Codex Stan 174-1989 植物蛋白制品通用标准Codex Stan 175-1989 大豆蛋白制品通用标准Codex Stan 176-1989 食用木薯粉Codex Stan 178-1991 硬质小麦粗粉和硬质小麦粉Codex Stan 198-1995 大米Codex Stan 199-1995 小麦和硬质小麦Codex Stan 200-1995 花生Codex Stan 201-1995 燕麦Codex Stan 202-1995 古斯(蒸熟的硬质小麦餐) 1.8 油脂及相关制品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 019-1981 不包括在专有标准之内的食用油脂通用标准Codex Stan 020-1981 食用豆油Codex Stan 021-1981 食用花生油Codex Stan 022-1981 食和棉籽油Codex Stan 023-1981 食用葵花籽油Codex Stan 024-1981 食用菜籽油Codex Stan 025-1981 食用玉米油Codex Stan 026-1981 食用芝麻油Codex Stan 027-1981 食用红花油Codex Stan 028-1981 猪油Codex Stan 029-1981 炼制猪油Codex Stan 030-1981 炼制牛油(不包括牛脂肪) Codex Stan 031-1981 食用牛脂Codex Stan 032-1981 人造奶油(脂肪含量不低于80%) Codex Stan 033-1981 初榨橄榄油、精炼橄榄油及精炼橄榄渣油Codex Stan 034-1981 食用芥籽油Codex Stan 123-1981 食用低芥酸菜籽油Codex Stan 124-1981 食用椰油Codex Stan 125-1981 食用棕榈油Codex Stan 126-1981 食用棕榈仁油Codex Stan 127-1981 食用葡萄籽油Codex Stan 128-1981 食用巴苏油(巴巴苏棕榈油) Codex Stan 135-1981 人造奶油(脂肪含量在39%~41%间) Codex Stan 194-1995 食用精炼油棕油Codex Stan 195-1995 食用棕榈硬脂酸甘油脂Codex Stan 210-1999 几种植物油标准Codex Stan 211-1999 几种动物或动植物混合油脂产品 1.9 鱼和水产品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 003-1991 三文鱼(大马哈鱼)罐头Codex Stan 036-1981 速冻鳍鱼(去内脏和不去内脏) Codex Stan 037-1981 小虾或对虾罐头Codex Stan 070-1981 金枪鱼和中型鲭类鱼罐头Codex Stan 090-1981 蟹肉罐头Codex Stan 092-1982 速冻小虾或对虾Codex Stan 094-1981 沙丁鱼和沙丁类鱼制品罐头Codex Stan 095-1981 速冻龙虾Codex Stan 119-1981 鳍鱼罐头Codex Stan 165-1989 速冻鱼肉片、鱼肉糜和肉片肉糜混合食品Codex Stan 166-1989 速冻面包屑或面糊包裹的鱼条块和鱼片Codex Stan 167-1989 盐腌鳕鱼和盐腌鳕鱼干Codex Stan189-1993 鱼翅干Codex Stan 190-1995 速冻鱼片Codex Stan 191-1995 速冻生鱿鱼 1.10 肉和肉制品(包括浓肉汤和清肉汤) 标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 088-1981 腌牛肉标准Codex Stan 089-1981 午餐肉标准Codex Stan 096-1981 熟制腌火腿(后腿)标准Codex Stan 097-1981 熟制的腌猪碲膀(前腿)标准Codex Stan 098-1981 熟制的腌肉肠标准Codex Stan 117-1981 肉羹和肉汤标准 1.11 糖、可可制品、巧克力及其他制品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan 004-1981 白糖Codex Stan 005-1981 糖粉(冰糖) Codex Stan 006-1981 绵白糖Codex Stan 007-1981 无水葡萄糖Codex Stan 008-1981 水合葡萄糖Codex Stan 009-1981 葡萄糖浆Codex Stan 010-1981 干葡萄浆Codex Stan 011-1981 乳糖Codex Stan 012-1981 蜂蜜Codex Stan 054-1981 葡萄糖粉(结晶葡萄糖) Codex Stan 086-1981 可可脂Codex Stan 087-1981 巧克力Codex Stan 102-1981 果糖标准Codex Stan 105-1981 可可粉和加糖干可可粉Codex Stan 108-1981 天然矿泉水Codex Stan 137-1981 可食冰和冰水混合物(包括微生物导则和用于标签的成分分类) Codex Stan 141-1983 碎可可豆、可可块、可可油饼和可可细粉(用于加工可可和巧克力制品Codex Stan 142-1983 夹心巧克力Codex Stan 147-1985 可可脂糖果Codex Stan 162-1987 食醋Codex Stan 168-1989 蛋黄酱Codex Stan 176-1995 食用木薯粉Codex Stan 212-1999 糖标准 1.12 乳及乳制品标准编号标准名称Codex Stan A-1-1971 奶油和乳清奶油Codex Stan A-2-1973 奶油、无水奶油和无水乳脂肪Codex Stan A-3-1971 淡炼乳和脱脂淡炼乳Codex Stan A-4-1971 甜炼乳和脱脂甜炼乳Codex Stan A-5-1971 全脂奶粉、部分脱脂奶粉和脱脂奶粉Codex Stan A-6-1978 干酪Codex Stan A-8a-1978 几种再制干酪和可涂沫的再制干酪Codex Stan A-8b-1978 再制干酪和可涂抹的再制干酪Codex Stan A-8c-1978 再制干酪原料Codex Stan A-9-1976 直接食用的稀奶油Codex Stan A-10-1971 奶油粉、半奶油粉和高脂奶粉Codex Stan A-11a-1975 酸奶和甜酸奶Codex Stan A-11b-1976 调味酸奶和发酵后热加工的酸奶制品Codex Stan A-15-1995 乳清粉Codex Stan A-18-1995 食用干酪制品Codex Stan C-1-1966 契达干酪Codex Stan C-2-1966 达纳不利干酪Codex Stan C-3-1966 丹伯干酪Codex Stan C-4-1966 埃达姆干酪Codex Stan C-5-1966 古达干酪Codex Stan C-6-1966 哈瓦乌特干酪Codex Stan C-7-1966 三梭干酪Codex Stan C-8-1967 柴郡干酪Codex Stan C-9-1967 埃门塔尔干酪Codex Stan C-10-1967 格鲁爱维干酪Codex Stan C-11-1968 迪尔丝特干酪Codex Stan C-12-1968 林堡格干酪Codex Stan C-13-1968 圣保林干酪Codex Stan C-14-1968 斯维西干酪Codex Stan C-15-1968 普罗沃隆干酪Codex Stan C-16-1968 (脱脂奶)农家干酪,包括稀奶油的农家干酪Codex Stan C-17-1968 布它卡斯干酪Codex Stan C-18-1969 库努米尔斯干酪Codex Stan C-19-1969 古德不诺斯达少斯特干酪Codex Stan C-20-1969 哈日卡斯干酪Codex Stan C-21-1969 赫达松斯特干酪Codex Stan C-22-1969 赫沙松斯特干酪Codex Stan C-23-1969 挪维甲干酪Codex Stan C-24-1971 玛里保干酪Codex Stan C-25-1971 法保干酪Codex Stan C-26-1972 艾思罗干酪Codex Stan C-27-1972 罗曼德干酪Codex Stan C-28-1972 阿姆斯特丹干酪Codex Stan C-29-1972 雷德斯干酪Codex Stan C-30-1972 氟雷斯干酪Codex Stan C-31-1973 稀奶油奶酪Codex Stan C-32-1973 特定蓝脉乳酪Codex Stan C-33-1973 坎伯德干酪Codex Stan C-34-1973 伯瑞干酪Codex Stan C-35-1978 揉碎硬干酪 2 法典指导原则法典指导原则名称CAC/GL 001-1979 标签说明的通用导则CAC/GL 002-1985 营养标签导则CAC/GL 003-1989 食品添加剂纳入量的抽样评估导则CAC/GL 004-1989 在食品中使用植物蛋白制品的通用导则CAC/GL 005-1989 在国际贸易中核事故污染后食品放射核素的指导值CAC/GL 006-1991 食品和包装材料中氯乙烯单体和丙烯腈残留的推荐值CAC/GL 007-1991 鱼中甲基汞指导值CAC/GL 008-1991 较大婴儿和幼童的辅助配方食品导则CAC/GL 009-1987 食品中添加必需营养素的通则CAC/GL 010-1979 婴幼食品中使用的矿牧物和复合维生素参考清单CAC/GL 011-1991 混合果汁的导则CAC/GL 012-1991 混合果蜜的导则CAC/GL 013-1991 乳过氧化酶系保藏鲜奶的导则CAC/GL 014-1991 加工肉禽制品使用的调料和香草的微生物质量指南CAC-GL 015-1991 加工肉禽制品时非肉类蛋白制品导则CAC/GL 016-1993 关于建立食品中兽药残留管理方案的法典导则CAC/GL 017-1993 成批罐头食品视觉直观检验的程序导则CAC/GL 018-1993 危害分析关键控制点(HACCP)系统应用导则CAC/GL 019-1995 食品安全控制紧急情况时信息交流的法典导则CAC/GL 020-1995 食品进出口检验和出证原则CAC/GL 021-1997 食品微生物指标设定及应用原则CAC/GL 022-1997 非洲街头食品管理措施规划导则CAC/GL 023-1997 应用营养说明的导则CAC/GL 025-1997 食品进口过程中拒收情况下两国信息交流导则CAC/GL 029-1997 自然调味品的一般要求CAC/GL 030-1999 微生物风险评估的原则及导则CAC/GL 032-1999 有机食品生产、加工、标识、销售导则(除牲畜产品外)CAC/GL 033-1999 检测农药残留的推荐性抽样方法CAC/GL 034-1999 食品进出口检验与出证系统中增进等同互认性导则 3 国际推荐操作规程操作规程编号名称CAC/RCP 01-1969 食品卫生通则国际推荐规程CAC/RCP 02-1969 水果蔬菜罐头的卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 03-1969 干果卫生规程CAC/RCP 04-1971 脱水椰子的卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 05-1971 国际推荐的脱水水果蔬菜(包括食用菌)卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 06-1972 坚果卫生规程CAC/RCP 08-1976 速冻食品加工和处理的操作规程CAC/RCP 09-1976 鲜鱼卫生规程CAC/RCP 10-1976 鱼罐头卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 11-1976 鲜肉卫生规程CAC/RCP 13-1976 加工肉、禽制品卫生操作规程和导则CAC/RCP 14-1976 禽类加工的卫生操作规程和导则CAC/RCP 15-1976 蛋制品卫生操作规程(包括灭菌蛋制品的微生物要求) CAC/RCP 16-1978 冻鱼卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 17-1978 国际推荐的小虾和对虾卫生规程CAC/RCP 18-1978 国际推荐的软体鱼贝类卫生规程CAC/RCP 19-1979 国际食品辐照设备应用推荐操作规程CAC/RCP 20-1979 国际食品贸易中的道德规程CAC/RCP 21-1979 国际婴幼儿食品卫生操作规程(包括微生物属性及其分析方法) CAC/RCP 22-1979 花生卫生规程CAC/RCP 23-1979 低酸和酸化低酸罐头食品推荐卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 24-1979 龙虾卫生规程CAC/RCP 25-1979 国际推荐的熏鱼卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 26-1979 国际推荐的咸鱼卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 27-1983 国际推荐的机械加工鱼糜卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 28-1983 蟹卫生规程CAC/RCP 29-1983 国际推荐的野味食品卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 30-1983 蛙腿加工的卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 31-1983 国际乳粉卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 32-1983 经机械分级并用于深加工的肉、禽的生产、贮藏和组成操作规程和导则CAC/RCP 33-1985 天然矿泉水采集、加工、销售的卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 35-1985 国际推荐面糊和/或面包包裹的冷冻鱼制品操作规程CAC/RCP 36-1987 散装食品油脂贮存及运输操作规程CAC/RCP 37-1989 国际推荐的头足纲动物卫生规程CAC/RCP 38-1993 国际推荐的兽药使用管理规程CAC/RCP 39-1993 预烹制和烹制的集体供餐业食品卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 40-1993 无菌加工和低酸包装食品卫生操作规程CAC/RCP 41-1993 国际推荐的动物宰后检验及鉴定的操作规程CAC/RCP 44-1995 热带新鲜水果蔬菜包装运输的操作规程 4 其他法典文件文件检索编号内容XOT 01-1972 食品添加剂使用的通用原则XOT 02-1987 有关食品添加剂在食品中转移的原则XOT 03-1989 加工助剂清单XOT 04-1999 食品添加剂国际编码系统XOT 05-1999 食品添加剂参考规格目录XOT 06-1989 食品和动物饲料分类XOT 07-1993 适用于法典最大残留限量值进行分析的商品农残分析的实验室操作规程导则推荐的农残分析方法XOT 11-1976 婴儿食品简述XOT 12-1985 填充介质(成分和标签)――加工水果蔬菜XOT 13-1969 FAO/WHO食品法典中有关预包装食品的采样方法XOT 14-1993 用分析与抽样法典委员会推荐的分析方法时,所需提供的信息XOT 15-1997 法典一般方法XOT 16-1999 按商品名称字母顺序排列的采样和分析方法XOT 17-1999 依条款字母顺序排列的参考分析方法XOT 食品法典名词定义XOT 天然香料基本要求XOT 杀虫剂残留测定的推荐采样方法XOT 畜禽类产品中兽药残留的推荐采样方法XOT 农残分析XOT 矿物盐清单XOT 复合维生素,包括特殊维生素类型的清单XOT 乳与乳制品法典总则XOT 分析和采样方法目录 5 法典推荐分析方法推荐方法检索编号方法名称CAC/RM 01-1969 固体总含量的测定CAC/RM 02-1969 120℃16h干燥失重的测定CAC/RM 03-1969 105℃3h干燥失重的测定CAC/RM 04-1969 二氧化硫的测定CAC/RM 06-1969 颜色测定CAC/RM 07-1969 旋光度的测定CAC/RM 08-1969 电导灰分的测定CAC/RM 10-1969 异硫氰酸烯丙酯含量测定CAC/RM 11-1969 花生油试验CAC/RM 12-1969 芝麻油试验CAC/RM 13-1969 皂化物含量测定CAC/RM 14-1969 铁含量测定CAC/RM 15-1969 乳脂肪含量测定CAC/RM 16-1969 脂肪含量测定CAC/RM 17-1969 干燥失重的水含量测定CAC/RM 18-1969 维生素E含量测定CAC/RM 19-1969 氯化钠的测定CAC/RM 20-1970 Bellier指数测定CAC/RM 21-1970 半干性油试验CAC/RM 22-1970 橄榄油残留试验CAC/RM 23-1970 棉籽油试验CAC/RM 24-1970 茶籽油试验CAC/RM 25-1970 芝麻油试验CAC/RM 26-1970 紫外线(E1%/1cm) CAC/RM 28-1970 干重的测定(液体包装介质) CAC/RM 29-1970 净含量测定CAC/RM 30-1970 食品大小的测定CAC/RM 31-1970 容器水容量的测定CAC/RM 32-1970 速冻果蔬解冻过程标准CAC/RM 33-1970 速冻果蔬烹调过程标准CAC/RM 34-1970 速冻水果蔬菜净重的测定CAC/RM 35-1970 (速冻豌豆)乙醇不溶物含量的测定CAC/RM 36-1970 干燥失重的测定(方法一) CAC/RM 37-1970 干燥失重的测定(方法二) CAC/RM 38-1970 蔬菜罐头中钙含量测定CAC/RM 39-1970 (加工果蔬荚壳接缝处)纤维韧性试验CAC/RM 40-1971 速冻鱼类化冻和烹调过程CAC/RM 41-1971 包冰衣的速冻鱼的净含量测定CAC/RM 42-1971 预包装食品采样方案CAC/RM 43-1971 速冻水果中可溶性固形物总量测定CAC/RM 45-1972 干燥失重填充物的测定CAC/RM 47-1972 乙醇不溶物的测定CAC/RM 48-1972 豌豆种类的区分方法CAC/RM 49-1972 矿物杂质的测定CAC/RM 50-1974 葡萄干中水分的测定(AOAC电导法) CAC/RM 51-1974 葡萄干中矿物杂质的测定CAC/RM 52-1974 葡萄干中矿物油的测定CAC/RM 53-1974 葡萄干和其他食品中山梨糖醇的测定CAC/RM 54-1974 速冻果蔬中矿物性杂质的测定CAC/RM 55-1976 婴儿食品中脂肪的测定――方法Ⅰ。


饮片或中成药须在指定的药检机构进行检测,其中规定重金 属含量不得超标[18]。部分国家或地区中药材重金属限量标 准如下( 表 4) 。
第 39 卷第 15 期 2014 年 8 月
Vol. 39,Issue 15 August,2014
表 3 部分国家或地区中药材 SO2 残留限量标准 Table 3 Sulfur dioxide residue limits of Chinese herbal medicines in some countries or regions
粒、粉及液体硫磺。按加工方法的不同,可分为升华硫、精制 硫及沉降硫等。按用途可分为食品级、工业级硫、农业级、试 剂纯及分析纯硫磺,其中最常见的为食品级和工业级硫磺。
工业硫磺是由 石 油 炼 厂 气、天 然 气、焦 炉 气 等 回 收 或 者 硫铁矿、天然硫磺等制得; 食品级硫磺( 食品添加剂硫磺) 则 是以工业硫磺 经 加 工、处 理、提 纯 制 得。两 者 的 区 别 主 要 在 于其各项技术指标中有毒物质含量的不同( 表 1) 。如按照 GB 3150-2010《食品添加剂硫磺》规定,食品添加剂硫磺砷 ( As) 不得超过 0. 000 1% ,而 GB / T 2449-2006 中国工业硫磺 指标中,合格品工业级硫磺 As 的限量为 0. 05% 。显然,等级 过低的工业硫磺若用于食品,纯度远远不够[2],天然硫磺亦 然。 2 硫磺熏蒸方法及硫磺熏蒸的中药材种类 2. 1 硫磺熏蒸法
基层中药材加 工 过 程 中,常 在 一 个 封 闭 的 空 间,用 架 子 或其他器具隔开中药材和硫磺,将中药材密封处理之后点燃 硫磺,以此进行硫磺熏蒸。常见的硫磺熏蒸方法有 3 种[3]。 2. 1. 1 容器硫磺熏蒸法 中药材置于熏制器具 ( 烘灶、熏 灶、熏箱) 内,顶部留几个小孔,下部放少量硫磺粉,使其燃 烧,散发烟雾,连续熏蒸 10 ~ 12 h,直至熏透。每百千克中药 材使用硫磺 0. 5 kg。此法应用最为普遍,是一般基层加工的 常用方法。 2. 1. 2 简便硫磺熏蒸法 中药材置于简易容器内,硫磺粉 用较小器皿( 小碗、小铁盒等) 放入容器底部,待烟雾充满,用 湿布盖住容器外部,并用塑料膜封好,放置过夜后打开封盖, 挥尽硫烟。每百千克中药材使用硫磺 1. 2 kg。此法操作简 便,硫烟易挥散,对中药材的质量影响不大。 2. 1. 3 库房硫磺熏蒸法 此法常用于中药材库房存储的杀 虫、防腐,可 依 据 需 要 熏 制 面 积,按 照 一 定 的 硫 磺 比 例 量 ( 150 ~ 250 g·m - 3 ) 在密闭熏房内进行。分次于 2 ~ 3 d 内烧

CODEX STAN 193-1995(CAC 标准 食品和饲料中污染物和毒素通用标准 ,更新至2010)

CODEX STAN 193-1995(CAC 标准  食品和饲料中污染物和毒素通用标准 ,更新至2010)

1.2 1.2.1
DEFINITION OF TERMS General The definitions for the purpose of the Codex Alimentarius, as mentioned in the Procedural Manual, are applicable to the General Standard for Contaminants and Toxins in Food and Feed (GSCTFF) and only the most important ones are repeated here. Some new definitions are introduced, where this seems warranted to obtain optimal clarity. When reference is made to foods, this also applies to animal feed, in those cases where this is appropriate.
Processing aids are any substance or material, not including apparatus or utensils, and not consumed as a food ingredient by itself, intentionally used in the processing of raw materials, foods or its ingredients, to fulfil a certain technological purpose during treatment or processing and which may result in the non-intentional but unavoidable presence of residues or derivatives in the final product. Adopted 1995; Revised 1997, 2006, 2008, 2009; Amended 2009, 2010

GB 2760 修订意见(香料部分)

GB 2760 修订意见(香料部分)

GB 2760修订意见香料部分建议从GB 2760中删除食用香料部分,建立独立的食用香料管理标准,对食用香料进行区分管理;同时,在香料管理标准对将食用香料列表中的注解内容,作为独立章节实施管理。



食品添加剂必须结合其在所使用的食品类别的用量和人群暴露量,逐一评估其安全性,制定Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI),统一编制International Numbering System (INS)代码,规定其在某一特定食品类别上的最大使用量。


基于食品用香料的人群暴露量非常低,其安全评估是结合化学特性,毒理学特性和人群暴露量估算的结构类似的一组化合物的评估,而不需要逐一评估,也不需要制定Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI),也没有International Numbering System (INS)代码。

一般食品添加剂(Food additives)与食品用香料(Flavorings),在使用和安全性方面有很大的不同,所以在法规的规定和管理模式上也应有区别。

故建议我国在法规的规定和管理模式上,把一般的食品添加剂(Food additives)与食品用香料(Flavorings)区别对待,区分管理。







在中国,国家标准《食品安全国家标准食品中二氧化硫残留量的测定》(GB 5009.60-2016)规定了食品中二氧化硫残留量的测定方法和限量要求。





比如,国际食品法典委员会(Codex Alimentarius Commission)制定了《关于食品中二氧化硫残留量的最大限量标准》(CODEX STAN 193-1995),其中规定了食品中二氧化硫残留量的最大限量。












1. 中国国家标准:GB/T 22366-2008《代可可脂巧克力及代可可脂巧克力制品》。

2. 美国食品药品监督管理局(FDA)标准:21CFR 166.110 《可可脂替代品》。

3. 欧洲标准:EN 12824:2017《巧克力和巧克力制品 - 规范》。

4. 国际食品法典委员会(CAC)标准:CODEX STAN 192-1995《巧克力和巧克力制品标准》。





72-144g 72g 60-159g
72-144g 84g 70g 72g 60-144g
• 利用以下公式进行转换:
• 营养强化剂使用量最小值/kg=营养强化剂 使用量最小值/d×1000/最大摄取值
• 营养强化剂使用量最大值/kg=营养强化剂 使用量最大值/d×1000/最小摄取值
1994 2006-7 乳制品 学龄前儿童配方粉 3000-9000μg 200-400μgRE/d (折算后为1257.86666.7μgRE/kg) 300-600μgRE/d (折算后为2083.310000μgRE/kg)
调制乳粉(除外儿童用 3000-9000μg 乳粉和孕产妇用乳粉)

硫酸锌 葡萄糖酸锌 甘氨酸锌 氧化锌 乳酸锌 柠檬酸锌 氯化锌 乙酸锌 碳酸锌
附录C:可用于特殊膳食用食品的营养强化剂 化合物来源名单
• 共包含两个表格,分别是 • C.1 允许用于特殊膳食用食品的营养强化 剂及化合物来源 • C.2 仅允许用于部分特殊膳食用食品的其 他营养成分及使用量
• 附录C的名单中化合物的来源参考了国际食品法典委员会 CAC/GL10– 1979,Revised 2008,DVISORY LISTS OF NUTRIENT COMPOUNDS FOR USE IN FOODS FOR SPECIAL DIETARY USES INTENDED FOR INFANTS AND YOUNG CHILDREN的内容,其中矿物质来源参考表A的内容,维生 素来源参考表B内容,同时结合卫生部公告,即在CAC名单 中有且卫生部公告中批准使用的则纳入该名单。对于CAC 名单中没有列出但卫生部公告中已批准可在食物中作为化 合物来源添加,仅仅在附录B中列出,在附录C的名单中暂 不包括。 • 对于部分在卫生部公告中没有明确指明化合物来源的,则 参考CAC标准加入,如泛酸的化合物来源为D-泛酸钙和D泛酸钠。



特定水果罐头标准CODEX STAN 319-2015 2015年通过本标准将取代以下各项单独标准:《芒果罐头标准》(CODEX STAN 159-1987)《梨子罐头标准》(CODEX STAN 61-1981)1. 适用范围本标准适用于下文第2节和相关附录中的定义、供直接食用(包括用于膳食或按要求重新包装)的特定水果罐头。



2. 说明2.1 产品定义水果罐头指以下产品:(1) 由符合相应附录定义的大量完好的、新鲜的、冷冻的且达到了适于加工的成熟度的水果通过热加工处理或其它物理方法加工而成的产品。


根据产品类型,处理操作包括清洗、去皮、去核、去梗、分级、切割等;(2) (a) 用/不用适当的液态包装介质包装产品及第3.1.2节中注明的其它备选配料;(b) 依照良好的生产规范,真空包装的介质不得超过产品净重的20%,且应在能够产生内压的前提下密封容器1;(3) 在容器中密封前后,以适当的方式加工以防产品变质并确保正常的环境温度储存条件下的产品稳定性。

2.2 式样除相应附录中规定的式样外,使用任何其他式样均应按照第2.2.1节所述获得批准。

2.2.1 其他式样对于以下产品,应允许该产品采用其它外观式样:(1) 与本标准规定的其它外观式样具有明显差异;(2) 符合本标准的所有相关要求,包括缺陷、沥干物重的限制,以及适用于最接近预提供式样的其它要求;和(3) 标签上对产品进行了充分的描述,以免困扰或误导消费者。

2.3 品种类型可以使用任何用于罐装的商业培育品种。

3. 主要成分和质量要素3.1 成分3.1.1 基本成分符合第2节和相应附录所定义的水果和符合下文第3.1.3节定义的适合该产品的液态包装介质。

3.1.2 备选配料按照相应附录的有关规定。

3.1.3 包装介质符合《罐装水果包装介质指南》(CAC/GL 51- 2003)。

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GENERAL STANDARD FOR FOOD ADDITIVESCODEX STAN 192-1995, Rev. 4-2003PREAMBLE1.SCOPE1.1P ERMITTED F OOD A DDITIVESOnly the food additives listed herein are permitted for use in foods in conformance with the provisions of this Standard1. Only food additives which have been evaluated by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA) and found acceptable for use in foods are included in this Standard.1.2F OODS IN W HICH A DDITIVES M AY B E U SEDThis Standard sets forth the conditions under which permitted food additives may be used in all foods, whether or not they have previously been standardized by Codex. The food additive provisions of Codex Commodity Standards shall be included in and superseded by the provisions of this Standard. These provisions also comply with the other requirements of the Preamble.1.3F OODS IN W HICH A DDITIVES M AY N OT B E U SEDFood categories or individual food items where the use of food additives are not allowed or are restricted are defined by this Standard.1.4T HE P ERMITTED L EVELS OF U SE FOR F OOD A DDITIVESThe primary objective of establishing permitted levels of use of food additives in various food groups is to ensure that the intake of additives does not exceed the acceptable daily intake.The food additives covered by this standard and their maximum levels of use are based in part on the food additive provisions of previously established Codex commodity standards, or upon the request of governments after subjecting the requested maximum levels to an appropriate method which would verify the compatibility of a proposed maximum level with the ADI.The Danish budget method may be used as a first step in this regard2. The submission of actual food consumption data is also encouraged.2.DEFINITIONS OF TERMS USED IN THIS STANDARDa)Food additive means any substance not normally consumed as a food by itself and not normallyused as a typical ingredient of the food, whether or not it has nutritive value, the intentional addition of which to food for a technological (including organoleptic) purpose in the manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, packaging, transport or holding of such food results, or may be reasonably expected to result (directly or indirectly), in it or its by-products becoming a component of or otherwise affecting the characteristics of such foods. The term does not include contaminants or substances added to food for maintaining or improving nutritional qualities.31Notwithstanding the provisions of this Section of the General Standard, the lack of reference to a particular additive or to a particular use of an additive in a food in the General Standard as currently drafted, does not imply that the additive is unsafe or unsuitable for use in food. The Commission shall review the necessity for maintaining this footnote on a regular basis, with a view to its deletion once the General Standard is substantially complete.2“Consensus Document on the Danish Budget Method”, Nordic Working Group on Food Toxicology and Risks Evaluation, Report No. 4/90.3 Codex Alimentarius, Second Edition (Revised 1995), Volume 1A (General Requirements), p. 11.b)Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI) is an estimate by JECFA of the amount of a food additive,expressed on a body weight basis, that can be ingested daily over a lifetime without appreciable health risk (standard man = 60 kg).4c)Acceptable Daily Intake "Not Specified" (NS)5 is a term applicable to a food substance of very lowtoxicity which, on the basis of the available data (chemical, biochemical, toxicological, and other), the total dietary intake of the substance arising from its use at the levels necessary to achieve the desired effect and from its acceptable background in food does not, in the opinion of JECFA, represent a hazard to health. For that reason, and for reasons stated in individual JECFA evaluations, establishment of an acceptable daily intake expressed in numerical form is not deemed necessary by JECFA. An additive meeting this criterion must be used within the bounds of good manufacturing practice as defined in sub-paragraph 3.3 below.3.GENERAL PRINCIPLES FOR THE USE OF FOOD ADDITIVES 63.1a)Only those food additives shall be endorsed and included in this Standard which, so far ascan be judged on the evidence presently available from JECFA, present no risk to thehealth of the consumer at the levels of use proposed.b)The inclusion of a food additive in this Standard shall have taken into account anyAcceptable Daily Intake, or equivalent assessment, established for the additive and itsprobable daily intake7 from all sources. Where the food additive is to be used in foodseaten by special groups of consumers, account shall be taken of the probable daily intake ofthe food additive by consumers in those groups.3.2The use of food additives is justified only when such use has an advantage, does not present a hazard to health of and does not mislead the consumer, and serves one or more of the technological functions set out by Codex and needs set out from (a) through (d) below, and only where these objectives cannot be achieved by other means which are economically and technologically practicable:a)to preserve the nutritional quality of the food; an intentional reduction in the nutritionalquality of a food would be justified in the circumstances dealt with in sub-paragraph (b)and also in other circumstances where the food does not constitute a significant item in anormal diet;4 Principles for the Safety Assessment of Food Additives and Contaminants in Food, World Health Organization, (WHOEnvironmental Health Criteria, No. 70), P. 111 (1987).5For purposes of this Standard, the phrase acceptable daily intake (ADI) “not limited” (NL) has the same meaning as ADI “not specified”. The phrase “acceptable ADI” refers to an ADI which is more appropriately limited by the level of treatment of the food, rather than on a mg additive per kg body weight per day basis (see, Summary of Evaluations Performed by the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives (JECFA), FAO/WHO, ILSI Press, 1994, Part 1, p.3).6 General Principles for the Use of Food Additives were originally adopted by the Ninth Session of the Codex Alimentariusas a Codex Advisory Text (para. 295, ALINORM 72/35) and were reprinted in the Second Edition of the Codex Alimentarius, Vol. 1A, (General Requirements) pp. 45-47 (Revised 1995). Pertinent portions of the Text have now been incorporated as an integral part of this Standard, suitable modifications having been made as necessary with respect to the present context.7 "Guidelines for Simple Evaluation of Food Additive Intake", CAC/VOL. XIV Ed. 1, Supplement 2 (1989), givesprocedures for calculating the theoretical maximum daily intake (TMDI) and the estimated daily intake (EDI) of food additives; other appropriate procedures may be used to calculate the TMDI and EDI.b)to provide necessary ingredients or constituents for foods manufactured for groups ofconsumers having special dietary needs;c)to enhance the keeping quality or stability of a food or to improve its organolepticproperties, provided that this does not change the nature, substance or quality of the food soas to deceive the consumer;d)to provide aids in the manufacture, processing, preparation, treatment, packing, transport orstorage of food, provided that the additive is not used to disguise the effects of the use offaulty raw materials or of undesirable (including unhygienic) practices of techniques duringthe course of any of these activities.3.3G OOD M ANUFACTURING P RACTICE (GMP)8All food additives subject to the provisions of this Standard shall be used under conditions of good manufacturing practice, which include the following:a)the quantity of the additive added to food shall be limited to the lowest possible levelnecessary to accomplish its desired effect;b)the quantity of the additive that becomes a component of food as a result of its use in themanufacturing, processing or packaging of a food and which is not intended to accomplishany physical, or other technical effect in the food itself, is reduced to the extent reasonablypossible; and,c)the additive is prepared and handled in the same way as a food ingredient.3.4S PECIFICATIONS FOR THE I DENTITY AND P URITY OF F OOD A DDITIVESFood additives used in accordance with this Standard should be of appropriate food grade quality and should at all times conform with the applicable Specifications of Identity and Purity recommended by the Codex Alimentarius Commission9 or, in the absence of such specifications, with appropriate specifications developed by responsible national or international bodies. In terms of safety, food grade quality is achieved by compliance with the specifications as a whole and not merely with individual criteria.4.CARRY-OVER OF FOOD ADDITIVES INTO FOODS104.1C OMPLIANCE WITH THE C ARRY-O VER P RINCIPLEOther than by direct addition, an additive may be present in a food as a result of carry-over from a food ingredient, subject to the following conditions:a)the additive is permitted in the raw materials or other ingredients (including food additives)according to this General Standard;8 For additional information, see Codex Alimentarius Commission Procedural Manual, Tenth Edition (1997), p. 78.9 Food additive specifications endorsed by the Codex Alimentarius Commission are included in the JECFA "Compendiumof Food Additive Specifications", Volumes 1 and 2 (1992), and in addenda thereto, published by FAO.10 The principle relating to the carry-over of food additives into foods (the "Carry-Over Principle") addresses the presence ofadditives in food as a result of the use of raw materials or other ingredients in which these additives are used. The Codex Alimentarius Commission at its 17th Session (1987) adopted a revised statement of the principle as a Codex Advisory Text. The Text is printed in its entirety in Codex Alimentarius, Second Edition, Vol. 1A (General Requirements), pp. 94-95, 1992. The Carry-Over Principle applies to all foods covered by Codex Standards, unless otherwise specified in such standards.b)the amount of the additive in the raw materials or other ingredients (including foodadditives) does not exceed the maximum amount so permitted.c)the food into which the additive is carried over does not contain the food additive in greaterquantity than would be introduced by the use of the ingredients under proper technologicalconditions or manufacturing practice.4.2I NGREDIENTS AND R AW M ATERIALS AS C ARRIERS FOR A DDITIVES11An additive is permitted in a raw material or other ingredient if the raw material or ingredient is used exclusively in the preparation of a food which is in conformity with the provisions of the standard.5.FOOD CATEGORY SYSTEM12The food category system is a tool for the allocation of food additive uses authorized by this Standard. The food category system applies to all foodstuffs including those in which no additives are permitted.The food descriptors are not to be legal product designations nor are they intended for labelling purposes.The food category system is based on the following principles:a)The food category system is hierarchical, meaning that when the use of an additive ispermitted in a general category, it is automatically permitted in all its sub-categories, unlessotherwise stated. Similarly, when an additive is permitted in a sub-category, its use is alsoallowed in any further sub-categories and in descriptors or individual foodstuffs mentionedin a sub-category.b)The food category system is based on product descriptors of foodstuffs as marketed, unlessotherwise stated.c)The food category system takes into consideration the carry-over principle. By doing so,the food category system does not need to specifically mention compound foodstuffs, e.g.,prepared meals, because they may contain, pro rata, all the additives allowed in theircomponents, except when the compound foodstuff needs and additive which is notauthorized in its components.d)The food category system is used to simplify the reporting of food additive uses forassembling and constructing this Standard.6.FORMAT OF THE STANDARDThe food additives listed herein have been grouped into the 23 major functional classes of the Codex International Numbering System (INS) for Food Additives.1311See ALINORM 97/12, para. 44.12Each Codex Commodity Standard has been initially assigned to one of the food categories or sub-categories of the food category based on the system developed by the Confédération des Industries Agro-Alimentaires de la CEE (CIAA). It is expected that the food category system for the Standard (CL 1996/14-FAC) will form the basis of a new food classification scheme that will be eventually proposed for adoption by the CAC. Codex Standard Numbers (CXSNs), together with the corresponding names of the Codex Commodity Standards and the food categories and sub-categories to which the CXSNs have been classified, are listed in ANNEX B.13 Although the General Standard as currently drafted covers only antioxidants and preservatives, the complete Standard willeventually cover the uses of food additives in all 23 INS functional classes; see Codex Alimentarius Vol. 1A, Second Edition (Revised 1995), Section 5.2, pp. 57-92.Table1 of this Standard specifies, for each food additive or food additive group (in alphabetical order), the foods in which the additive is acceptable for use, together with the acceptable maximum use levels. Table 1 also includes the uses of those additives with non-numerical ADIs for which a maximum use level is specified.2 of this Standard contains the same information as Table 1, but the information is Tablearranged by food category number.Table3 of this Standard lists additives with non-numerical JECFA ADIs that are acceptable for use in foods in general when used at quantum satis levels and in accordance with the principles of good manufacturing practice described in Section 3.3 of this preamble. The Annex to Table 3 lists food categories and individual food items excluded from the general conditions of Table 3. The provisions in Table 1 and 2 govern the use of additives in the food categories listed in the Annex to Table 3.Table 1, 2 and 3 do not include reference to the uses of substances as processing aids.Unless otherwise specified, maximum levels for food additives are set on the final product as consumed.7.REVIEW AND REVISION OF THE STANDARD7.1R EVIEW OF THE S TANDARDThe food additive provisions for this Standard shall be reviewed on a regular basis and revised as necessary in light of revisions of Acceptable Daily Intakes by JECFA or of changing technological need and justification for use.7.2R EVISION OF THE S TANDARDThe food additive provisions of this Standard shall be amended as necessary. Proposed revisions of this Standard may be initiated by recommendations by Codex Committees, Codex member States, or the Codex Commission. Information to support amendment of the Standard shall be provided by the proposing body. Supporting information that shall be provided to the Codex Committee on Food Additives and Contaminants may include, as appropriate:−Specifications for the food additive;−Intended food category or sub-category, and use level for the food additive;−Summary of JECFA safety evaluation of the food additive; and−Technological justification and need for the additive.The Codex Committee for Food Additives and Contaminants shall consider all proposed amendments to this Standard.ANNEX A TO THE PREAMBLEGuidelines for the Development of Maximum Levels for the Use of Food Additives withNumerical Acceptable Daily IntakesThis annex is intended as a guidance to screen proposals for use of additives based on consideration of their maximum use level and the physiological upper limit to the amount of food and drink that can be consumed each day. The Annex is not intended for allocating provisions for the use of an additive and cannot be used for calculating accurate additive intakes.I FOOD ADDITIVES - BASIC PRINCIPLES FOR CALCULATION OF USE LEVELS Guideline 1The levels and quantities of food additives used in the Budget Method calculations should be expressed on the same basis as the substances on which the ADI was allocated (e.g., an acid or its salts). For foods sold as concentrates or powders intended for reconstitution before consumption, the Budget calculation on the food additive use levels should be performed on the ready-to-eat product.II ESTIMATION OF THE SAFETY ASPECTS OF USE LEVELS - FOOD ADDITIVES WITH NO NUMERICAL ADIGuideline 2F OOD A DDITIVES WITH AN ADI OF “N OT S PECIFIED”When an additive has been allocated an ADI "not specified"14 it could in principle, be allowed for use in foods in general with no limitation other than in accordance with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). It should, however, be born in mind that ADI not specified does not mean that unlimited intake is acceptable. The term is used by JECFA in case where "on the basis of the available data (chemical, biochemical, toxicological, and other) the total daily intake of the substance arising from its use at the levels necessary to achieve the desired effect and from its acceptable background in food does not, in the opinion of the Committee, represent a hazard to health"1If, therefore, a substance is used in larger amounts and/or in a wider range of foods than originally envisaged by JECFA it may be necessary to consult JECFA to ensure that the new uses fall within the evaluation. For example a substance may have been evaluated as a humectant without including a later use as a bulk sweetener, which could give considerable higher intake.Guideline 3F OOD A DDITIVES E VALUATED AS “A CCEPTABLE” FOR C ERTAIN P URPOSESIn some cases, JECFA has been unable to allocate an ADI but nevertheless found a specific use of a substance acceptable. In such cases, the additive in question should only be authorized in accordance with the conditions specified. In case of any other reported uses CCFAC should request JECFA to re-evaluate the additive in question in light of the new information on uses.III ESTIMATION OF THE SAFETY ASPECTS OF USE LEVELS - FOOD ADDITIVES WITH NUMERICAL ADI14Principles for the Safety Assessment of Food Additives and Contaminants in Food. Geneva, World Health Organization, 1987 (Environmental Health Criteria, No. 70), p.83.Guideline 4F RACTIONS OF THE ADI TO BE USED FOR S OLID F OOD AND B EVERAGES,R ESPECTIVELYIf an additive is proposed for use in both solid food and in beverages the full ADI cannot be used for both for uses in solid food and uses in beverages. It is therefore necessary to allocate a fraction of the ADI to each of the applications. As a first approach, it may be appropriate to assume that one-half of the ADI is allocated to each solid and liquid foods. However, in special cases other fractions may be more appropriate as long as the sum of the fractions does not exceed the figure for the ADI (e.g. FS=1/4 and FB=3/4 ; FS=1/6 and FB=5/6), where FS is the fraction for use in solid food and FB is the fraction for use in beverages). If the additive is used only in solid food, then FS =1 and FB=0 and if the additive is used only in beverages, then FS=0 and FB=1.III(a)FOOD ADDITIVE USES IN SOLID FOOD (FS)Guideline 5U SE L EVELS B ELOW FS X ADI X 40If the proposed use levels are below FS x ADI x 40, these food additive provisions could be suitable in food in general.Guideline 6U SE L EVELS B ELOW FS X ADI X 80If the proposed use levels are below FS x ADI x 80 they are acceptable provided the daily consumption of the foods containing the additive will usually not exceed half of the assumed maximum total solid food intake (i.e., 12.5 g/kg bw/day).Guideline 7U SE L EVELS B ELOW FS X ADI X 160If the proposed use levels are below FS x ADI x 160 they are acceptable provided the daily consumption of the foods containing the additive will usually not exceed one fourth of the assumed maximum total solid food intake (i.e., 6.25 g/kg bw/day).Guideline 8U SE L EVELS B ELOW FS X ADI X 320If the proposed use levels are below FS x ADI x 320 they could be accepted provided the daily consumption of the foods containing the additive will usually not exceed one eighth of the assumed maximum total food intake (i.e., 3.13 g/kg bw/day).Guideline 9U SE L EVELS A BOVE FS X ADI X 320If the proposed levels are higher than FS x ADI x 320 they should only be accepted for products where calculation of potential intake from all proposed uses will show that exceeding the ADI is unlikely, or if estimation of the intake of the additive based on more exact intake estimates methods show that the use levels are acceptable (e.g., food consumption surveys)III(b)FOOD ADDITIVE USES IN BEVERAGES (FL)Guideline 10U SE L EVELS B ELOW FL X ADI X 10If the proposed levels are below FL x ADI x 10, the additive could be accepted for use in all beverages in general.Guideline 11U SE L EVELS B ELOW FL X ADI X 20If the proposed use levels are below FL x ADI x 20 they could be accepted provided the daily consumption of beverages containing the additive will usually not exceed half of the assumed maximum total intake of beverage (i.e., 50 ml/kg bw/day).Guideline 12U SE L EVELS B ELOW FS X ADI X 40If the proposed use levels are below FL x ADI x 40 they could be accepted provided the daily consumption of beverages containing the additive will usually not exceed a fourth of the assumed maximum total intake of beverage (i.e., 25 ml/kg bw/day).Guideline 13U SE L EVELS B ELOW FL X ADI X 80If the proposed use levels are below FL x ADI x 80 they could be accepted provided the daily consumption of beverages containing the additive will usually not exceed an eighth of the assumed maximum total intake of beverage (i.e., 12.5 ml/kg bw/day).Guideline 14U SE L EVELS A BOVE FL X ADI X 80Levels above FL x ADI x 80 should only be accepted for products where calculation of potential intake will show that exceeding the ADI is unlikely (e.g., strong alcoholic beverages).ANNEX B TO THE PREAMBLEF OOD C ATEGORY S YSTEM TO THE C ODEXG ENERAL S TANDARD FOR F OOD A DDITIVES(under development)ANNEX C TO THE PREAMBLECross-reference of Codex Standardized Foods with the Food Category System used for theelaboration of the GSFA15Annex C sorted by Codex Standard Number.Standard No. Codex Standard Title Food Category No.003-1981 Rev. 2-1995 Canned Salmon 09.4012-1981 Rev. 2-2001 Honey 11.5013-1981 CannedTomatoes 015-1981 CannedGrapefruit 016-1981 Canned Green Beans and Wax Beans Rev. 1-2001 Canned Applesauce Canned Sweet Corn Rev. 3-2003 General Standard for Edible Fats and Oils Not Covered by Individual Standards 02.1032-1981 Rev. 1-1989 Margarine Rev. 2-2003 Olive Oil, Virgin and Refined, and Refined Olive Pomace Oil,Olive Oils and Olive Pomace Oils 02.1.2036-1981 Rev. 1-1995 Quick-Frozen Finfish, Uneviscerated and Eviscerated 09.2.1 037-1981 Rev. 1-1995 Canned Shrimps or Prawns 09.4038-1981 Edible Fungi and Fungi Products (concentrate, dried concentrate or extract) Edible Fungi and Fungi Products (edible fungi) 038-1981 Edible Fungi and Fungi Products (fermented) 038-1981 Edible Fungi and Fungi Products (fungus products) 04.2.2038-1981 Edible Fungi and Fungi Products (incl. freeze dried, fungusgrits and fungus powder) Edible Fungi and Fungi Products (quick frozen) Edible Fungi and Fungi Products (salted, pickled or in vegetable oil) Edible Fungi and Fungi Products (sterilized) Dried Edible Fungi Fresh Fungus "Chanterelle" Quick Frozen Peas CannedPineapple Apricot, Peach & Pear Nectar (preserved exclusively by physical means) Orange Juice (preserved exclusively by physical means) Uses food category system (under development) revised as of the 35th CCFAC (ALINORM 03/12A-Appendix II) (2003) and Codex commodity standards adopted at Step 8 through the 26th CAC (2003)Standard No. Codex Standard TitleFood Category No. 046-1981 Grapefruit Juice (preserved exclusively by physical means) 047-1981 Lemon Juice (preserved exclusively by physical means) 048-1981 Apple Juice (preserved exclusively by physical means) 049-1981 Tomato Juice (preserved exclusively by physical means) 052-1981Quick Frozen Strawberries04.1.2.1 053-1981 (Amended 1983) Foods with Low-Sodium Content (salt substitutes)12.2053-1981 (Amended 1983) Foods with Low-Sodium Content (special dietary foods with low sodium content) 13.0 055-1981 Canned Mushrooms 056-1981 Canned Asparagus 057-1981 Processed Tomato Concentrates (tomato paste) 057-1981Processed Tomato Concentrates (tomato puree) Canned Green Peas 060-1981 Canned Raspberries 061-1985 Rev. 1-2001Canned Pears04.1.2.4062-1987 Canned Strawberries Concentrated Apple Juice (preserved exclusively by physicalmeans) Orange Juice (preserved exclusively by physicalmeans) 066-1981 Rev. 1-1987Table Olives04.2.2.3067-1981 Raisins04.1.2.2 068-1981 Canned Mandarin Oranges 069-1981Quick Frozen Raspberries 070-1981 Rev. 1-1995Canned Tuna and Bonito09.4 072-1981 (4th Amendment 1997) Infant formula13.1.1073-1981 Canned Baby Foods13.2 074-1981 (4th Amendment 1997) Processed Cereal-Based Foods for Infants and Children 13.2 075-1981 Quick Frozen Peaches 076-1981 Quick Frozen Bilberries 077-1981Quick Frozen Spinach04.2.2.1078-1981 Canned Fruit Cocktail 079-1981Jam (Fruit Preserves) and Jellies04.1.2.5080-1981 Citrus Marmalade 081-1981 Canned Mature Processed Peas04.2.2.4 082-1981 Grape Juice (preserved exclusively by physical means) Concentrated Grape Juice (preserved exclusively by physicalmeans) 084-1981Sweetened Concentrated Labrusca Type Grape Juice No. Codex Standard Title Food Category No.(preserved exclusively by physical means)085-1981 Pineapple Juice (preserved exclusively by physical means) Rev. 1-2001 Cocoa Butters 05.1.3088-1981 Rev. 1-1991 Canned Corned Beef 08.3.2089-1981 Rev. 1-1991 Luncheon Meat 08.3.2090-1981 Rev. 1-1995 Canned Crab Meat 09.4092-1981 Rev. 1-1995 Quick Frozen Shrimps or Prawns 09.2.1094-1981 Rev. 1-1995 Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products 09.4095-1981 Rev. 1-1995 Quick Frozen Lobsters 09.2.1096-1981 Rev. 1-1991 Cooked Cured Ham 08.2.2097-1981 Rev. 1-1991 Cooked Cured Pork Shoulder 08.2.2098-1981 Rev. 1-1991 Cooked Cured Chopped Meat 08.3.2099-1981 Canned Tropical Fruit Salad Non-Pulpy Blackcurrant Nectar (preserved exclusively by physical means) Quick Frozen Blueberries 104-1981 Quick Frozen Leek Rev. 1-2001 Cocoa Powders (Cocoa) and Dry Mixtures of Cocoa andSugar 05.1.1108-1981 Rev. 1-1997(Amended 2001) Natural Mineral Waters Quick Frozen Broccoli Quick Frozen Cauliflower Quick Frozen Brussels Sprouts Quick Frozen Green Beans and Wax Beans Quick Frozen French-Fried Potatoes Pickled Cucumbers (Cucumber Pickles) CannedCarrots 117-1981 Rev. 2-2001 Bouillon and Consommés 12.5119-1981 Rev. 1-1995 Canned Finfish 09.4120-1981 Blackcurrant Juice (preserved exclusively by physical means) Concentrated Blackcurrant Juice (preserved exclusively byphysical means) Pulpy Nectars of Certain Small Fruits (preserved exclusivelyby physical means) DriedApricots 131-1981 UnshelledPistachioNuts 132-1981 Quick Frozen Whole Kernel Corn Quick Frozen Corn-on-the-Cob Rev. 1-1995 Nectars of Certain Citrus Fruits (preserved exclusively byphysical means) Minarine 02.2.2。
