





3、到期收益率(yield to maturity)就是零息票债券的收益率。


































(1)分别计算该经济的IS曲线和LM曲线;(2)当产品市场和货币市场同时均衡时的利率和国民收入(15分) 五、假设经济的总量生产函数为Y=KαL1-α,根据新古典增长理论,(1)分别求出稳态水平的人均资本存量K*和人均收入水平y*;(2)据此说明储蓄率的外生变化对人均收入水平的影响。






二、简答题(每题10分,共20分)1 简单分析社会总资本扩大再生产的实现条件及其派生公式并说明其经济涵义。








二、简答题(每小题6分,共30分)1、试分析“1:8”经验公式的内容、意义及缺陷2、试分析银行表外业务产生和发展的原因3、简述货币主义的汇率理论4、简述“物价-现金流动机制”5、简述“马歇尔-勒纳条件”三、分析计算(10分)四、论述(每小题20分,共40分)1、分析设置跨省一级分行的目的、意义及存在的问题2、我国政府一再重申人民币不贬值是出于经济方面的考虑,根据你所学的国际金融理论,请谈谈你的看法综合考试:金融理论与实务一、简答(8*5)1、可转换债券及其特点2、简述《巴塞尔协议》的贯彻实施对国际银行业经营管理的影响3、证券流通市场的作用4、简述贷款五类划分及其意义5、对比分析股份制银行利润分配与国家银行的差异二、论述(10分)1、论我国股票市场存在的问题及其应采取的措施2、试论现代商业银行表外业务的特点及其管理西南财大2000年研究生考试金融学试题一、判断分析题(32分)1、商品价格上升可以由非货币因素引起2、呆账准备金是为了应付支付困难而设立的准备金3、金融机构的融资效率高于金融市场的融资效率4、备付金制度是为了保证客户提现的准备金制度二、简答题(40分)1、如何理解“储蓄可能为储蓄者带来实质性的亏损”2、简述金融安全与经济安全的关系3、简述“存款是第一性的”的内涵的意义4、比较“实物储蓄与货币储蓄”的异同三、论述(28)1、试分析“金融由账房先生向经济调解着”的转变过程2、论金融创新与金融监管的关系金融理论与实践---银行经营与管理部分一、名词解释(6分)1、可用头寸2、商业银行集约化二、计算(4分)若某银行1998年6月1日拆出资金1800万元,拆借期限为2个月,资金在途期限6天,该行尚存上级行利率和在途损失利率约为万分之三,请计算保本拆借利率为多少三、简答(12分)1、主银行制度与主办银行制度的内容与区别2、如何理解“银行经营与管理既是一门科学,又是一门艺术”四、论述(8分)试论西方商业银行金融营销的产生、发展与变化金融理论与实践---金融市场学部分一、简答(10分)1、简述风险、不规则风险和规则风险及三者的关系2、中国公司为什么要选择ADR形式在美国间接上市二、论述(20分)我国现阶段为什么要大力发展证券投资基金西南财大2001年研究生考试金融学试题课程名称:货币金融学适用专业:金融学一、判断(40)1、货币流通手段职能是在货币的价值尺度职能的基础上发展起来的2、就同类信用而言,短期利率必然低于长期利率3、到期收益率(yield to maturity)就是零息票债券的收益率4、通货膨胀使各个集团的收入调整速度产生差异5、《巴塞尔协议》关于资本的规定是为了消除各国银行之间的竞争二、简答(30)1、信用卡是不是一种新的货币形式?为什么?2、信用创造的实质何在?为什么?3、分析单元银行制和分支行制的优劣三、论述(30)1、试论中国金融业实行分业管理与国际金融业竞争的关系2、试论对通货紧缩的治理银行经营管理一、判断分析(首先判断下面的表述是否正确,如果错误请说明理由,每小题2分,共10分)1、商业银行与工商企业一样,经营目的是为获取利润2、商业银行的信用中介职能直接影响社会货币供应量3、商业银行的收益都来自存贷利差4、资本是商业银行的经营者自己投入的本钱。
















见书2P287-294 乘数效应西方经济学部分三,什么是无差异曲线,无差异曲线有哪些特点?(10分)见书4p47-48四,为什么说MR=MC是厂商的利润最大化决策条件?(10分)见书4p102五。












1) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage ofthe rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as theA) inflation rate.B) exchange rate.C) interest rate.D) aggregate price level.Answer: C2) Financial markets and institutionsA) involve the movement of huge quantities of money.B) affect the profits of businesses.C) affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only (A) and (B) of the above.Answer: D3) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?A) A corporationʹs stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the secondary market.D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.E) None of the above.Answer: E4) The purpose of diversification is toA) reduce the volatility of a portfolioʹs return.B) raise the volatility of a portfolioʹs return.C) reduce the average return on a portfolio.D) raise the average return on a portfolio.Answer: A5) When the interest rate on a bond is _________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.A) below; demand; riseB) below; demand; fallC) below; supply; riseD) above; supply; fallAnswer: C6) In a recession when income and wealth are falling, the demand for bonds _________ and thedemand curve shifts to the _________.A) falls; rightB) falls; leftC) rises; rightD) rises; leftAnswer: B7) When people begin to expect a large stock market decline, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _________ and the interest rate _________.A) right; fallsB) right; risesC) left; fallsD) left; risesAnswer: A8) The spread between interest rates on low quality corporate bonds and U.S. government bonds_________ during the Great Depression.A) was reversedB) narrowed significantlyC) widened significantlyD) did not changeAnswer: C9) If income tax rates were lowered, thenA) the interest rate on municipal bonds would fall.B) the interest rate on Treasury bonds would rise.C) the interest rate on municipal bonds would rise.D) the price of Treasury bonds would fall.Answer: C10) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) yield curves should be equally likely to slope downward as to slope upward.B) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected torise in the future.C) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer:E11) According to the efficient market hypothesisA) one cannot expect to earn an abnormally high return by purchasing a security.B) information in newspapers and in the published reports of financial analysts is alreadyreflected in market prices.C) unexploited profit opportunities abound, thereby explaining why so many people getrich by trading securities.D) all of the above are true.E) only A and B of the above are true.Answer: E12) To say that stock prices follow a ʺrandom walkʺ is to argue thatA) stock prices rise, then fall.B) stock prices rise, then fall in a predictable fashion.C) stock prices tend to follow trends.D) stock prices are, for all practical purposes, unpredictable.Answer:D13) The efficient market hypothesis suggests thatA) investors should purchase no-load mutual funds which have low management fees.B) investors can use the advice of technical analysts to outperform the market.C) investors let too many unexploited profit opportunities go by if they adopt a ʺbuy andholdʺ strategy.D) only A and B of the above are sensible strategies.Answer: A14) Which of the following is empirical evidence indicating that the efficient market hypothesismay not always be generally applicable?A) Small-firm effectB) January effectC) Market OverreactionD) All of the aboveAnswer: D15) An open market purchase of securities by the Fed willA) increase assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the banking system.B) decrease assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the Fed.C) decrease assets of the banking system and increase assets of the Fed.D) have no effect on assets of the nonbank public but increase assets of the Fed.E) increase assets of the banking system and decrease assets of the Fed.Answer: D16) Under usual circumstances, an increase in the discount rate causesA) the federal funds rate to fall.B) the federal funds rate to rise.C) no change in the federal funds rate.D) the supply of reserves to increase.E) the supply of reserves to decrease.Answer: C17) Which of the following is not an operating target?A) Nonborrowed reservesB) Monetary baseC) Federal funds interest rateD) Discount rateE) All are operating targets.Answer: D18) Money market instrumentsA) are usually sold in large denominations.B) have low default risk.C) mature in one year or less.D) are characterized by all of the above.E) are characterized by only A and B of the above.Answer: D19) If the Fed wants to lower the federal funds interest rate, it will _________ the banking system by _________ securities.A) add reserves to; sellingB) add reserves to; buyingC) remove reserves from; sellingD) remove reserves from; buyingAnswer: B20) Money market transactionsA) do not take place in any one particular location or building.B) are usually arranged purchases and sales between participants over the phone by tradersand completed electronically.C) both (a) and (b).D) none the the above.Answer: C21) The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt.Answer:False22) Typically, the interest rate on corporate bonds will be higher the more restrictions areplaced on management through restrictive covenants, because the bonds will beconsidered safer by bondholdersAnswer: False23) A change in the current yield always signals a change in the same direction of the yield tomaturity.Answer: True24) A bankʹs balance sheet indicates whether or not the bank is profitable. Answer: False25) Deposits that banks keep in accounts at the Federal Reserve less vault cash is called reserves.Answer: False26) Since a bankʹs assets exceed its equity capital, the return on assets always exceeds the return on equity.Answer: False27) Adverse selection refers to those most at risk being most aggressive in their search for funds.Answer: True28) Financial innovation has provided more options to both investors and borrowers. Answer: True28) When the federal governmentʹs budget deficit decreases, the demand curve for bonds shifts tothe right.Answer: False29) An increase in the inflation rate will cause the demand curve for bonds to shift to the right.Answer: False30) A positive liquidity premium indicates that investors prefer long-term bonds over short-termbonds.Answer: False31) When yield curves are downward sloping, long-term interest rates are above short-terminterest rates.Answer: False32) In an efficient market, abnormal returns are not possible even using inside information.Answer: False33) Technical analysis is a popular technique used to predict stock prices by studying past stock price data and search for patterns such as trends and regular cycles. Answer: True34) An open market sale leads to an expansion of reserves and deposits in the banking system and hence to a decline in the monetary base and the money supply.Answer: False35) Open market purchases by the Fed increase the supply of nonborrowed reserves. Answer: True36) In general, money market instruments are low risk, high yield securities. Answer: False37) Money markets are referred to as retail markets because small individual investors are theprimary buyers of money market securities.Answer: False38) Capital market securities are less liquid and have longer maturities than money marketsecurities.Answer: True39) The current yield on a bond is a good approximation of the bondʹs yield to maturity when the bond matures in five years or less and its price differs from its par value by a large amount.Answer: False40) A bankʹs largest source of funds is its borrowing from the Fed. Answer: False1.Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate Current Price3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?(10分)Solution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its face value. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For a given maturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises.For a given yield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals the coupon rate, a bond’s current price equal s its facevalue regardless of years to maturity.2. At your favorite bond store, Bonds-R-Us, you see the following prices:1-year $100 zero selling for $90.193-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $10002-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $1000Assume that the pure expectations theory for the term structure of interest rates holds, no liquidity or maturity premium exists, and the bonds are equally risky. What is the implied 1-year rate two years from now? (10分)Solution:From (a), you know that the 1-year rate today is 10.877%.Using this information, (c) tells you that:2-year rate)^2+ 1100/(1 + 100/1.10877 =1000So, the 2-year rate today is 9.95%.Using these two rates, (b) tells you that:3-year rate)3+ 1100/(1 + 100/1.09952 + 100/1.10877 =1000So, the 3-year rate today is 9.97%⨯ 9.97% – 2 ⨯ (3 =year rate 2 years from now 10.01%=9.95%)3. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years. (15分)What is the duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?Solution:The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year 1 2 3 SumPayment 3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments 3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments 3.33 6.18 103.83Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price 0.08 0.15 2.53 2.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio’s 2.86= (2.76) ⨯ 4/7 + (3) ⨯ 3/ 7 =durationIf rates increased,4. According to the loanable funds frameworks, draw two figures to explain the changes of interest rates during expansion and recession. (5分)Problems1. The following table lists foreign exchange rates between US dollars and British pounds during April.Date US Dollars perGBP Date US Dollars perGBP4/1 1.9564 4/18 1.75044/4 1.9293 4/19 1.72554/5 1.914 4/20 1.69144/6 1.9374 4/21 1.6724/7 1.961 4/22 1.66844/8 1.8925 4/25 1.66744/11 1.8822 4/26 1.68574/12 1.8558 4/27 1.69254/13 1.796 4/28 1.72014/14 1.7902 4/29 1.75124/15 1.7785Which day would have been the best day to convert $200 into British pounds?Which day would have been the worst day? What would be the difference in pounds?2. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Complete the following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate CurrentPrice3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?3. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay you and your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity?4. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years.a. What is th e duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?b. What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?5. Consider a bond that promises the following cash flows. The required discount rate is 12%.Year 0 1 2 3 4Promised Payments 160 170 180 230You plan to buy this bond, hold it for 2½ years, and then sell the bond.a. What total cash will you receive from the bond after the 2½ years? Assume that periodic cash flows are reinvested at 12%.b. If immediately after buying this bond, all market interest rates drop to 11% (including your reinvestment rate), what will be the impact on your total cash flow after 2½ years? How doesthis compare to part (a)?c. Assuming all market interest rates are 12%, what is the duration of this bond?Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you: 1.5180230160(1.12)170(1.12)$733.69.1.12 1.12⨯+⨯++= b. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%. 1.5180230160(1.11)170(1.11)$733.74.1.11 1.11⨯+⨯++= Notice that this is only $0.05 different from part (a).6. You own a $1,000-par zero-coupon bond that has 5 years of remaining maturity. You plan on selling the bond in one year, and believe that the required yield next year will have the following probability distribution:Probability Required Yield0.1 6.60% 0.2 6.75% 0.4 7.00% 0.2 7.20% 0.17.45%a. What is your expected price when you sell the bond?b. What is the standard deviation?Multiple Choice1.When the inflation rate is expected to increase, the real cost of borrowing declines at any given interest rate; as a result, the _________ bonds increases and the _________ curve shifts to the right. A) demand for; demand B) demand for; supply C) supply of; demand D) supply of; supplyIn Figure 4.1, the most likely cause of the increasein the equilibrium interest rate from i1 to i2 isA)an increase in the price of bonds. B) a business cycle boom.C) an increase in the expected inflation rate. D) a decrease in the expected inflation rate.In Figure 4.2, one possible explanation for the increase in the interest rate from i1 to i2 is a(n) _________ in _________. A) increase; the expected inflation rateB) decrease; the expected inflation rateC) increase; economic growthD) decrease; economic growthSolution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its facevalue. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For a givenmaturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises. For a given y ield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals thecoupon rate, a bond’s current price equals its face value regardless of years to maturity.Solution: To find your yield to maturity, Perpetuity value = PMT/I.So, 15625 = 1250/I. I = 0.08The answer to the final part, using a financial calculator:N = 20; I = 8; PMT = 1250; FV = 0Compute PV : PV = 12,272.69Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you: 1.5180230160(1.12)170(1.12)$733.69.1.12 1.12⨯+⨯++= b. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%. 1.5180230160(1.11)170(1.11)$733.74.1.11 1.11⨯+⨯++= Notice that this is only $0.05 different from part (a). c. The duration is calculated as follows:Year1 2 3 4 Sum Payments160.00 170.00 180.00 230.00 PV of Payments142.86 135.52 128.12 146.17 552.67Time Weighted PV of Payments142.86 271.05 384.36 584.68 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.260.490.701.062.50Since the duration and the holding period are the same, you are insulated from immediate changes in interest rates! It doesn’t always work out this perfectly, but the idea is important.Solution: The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year1 2 3 Sum Payment3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments3.33 6.18 103.83 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.080.152.532.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio’s duration = 3/7 ⨯ (3) + 4/7 ⨯ (2.76) = 2.86If rates increased, 0.005DUR 2.8670,000,000926,852.1 1.08i P P i ∆∆=-⨯⨯=-⨯⨯=-+ ASMT 02_1112A1. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Yield to MaturityCurrent Price3 5 3 7 6 7 9 7 9 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?2. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay youand your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity? 3. Assume you just deposited $1,000 into a bank account. The current real interestrate is 2% and inflation is expected to be 6% over the next year. What nominal interest rate would you require from the bank over the next year? How much money will you have at the end of one year? If you are saving to buy a stereo that currently sells for $1,050, will you have enough to buy it? 4. A 10-year, 7% coupon bond with a face value of $1,000 is currently selling for$871.65. Compute your rate of return if you sell the bond next year for $880.10.。



1) The price paid for the rental of borrowed funds (usually expressed as a percentage ofthe rental of $100 per year) is commonly referred to as theA) inflation rate.B) exchange rate.C) interest rate.D) aggregate price level.Answer: C2) Financial markets and institutionsA) involve the movement of huge quantities of money.B) affect the profits of businesses.C) affect the types of goods and services produced in an economy.D) do all of the above.E) do only (A) and (B) of the above.Answer: D3) Which of the following can be described as involving direct finance?A) A corporation?s stock is traded in an over-the-counter market.B) People buy shares in a mutual fund.C) A pension fund manager buys commercial paper in the secondary market.D) An insurance company buys shares of common stock in the over-the-counter markets.E) None of the above.Answer: E4) The purpose of diversification is toA) reduce the volatility of a portfolio?s return.B) raise the volatility of a portfolio?s return.C) reduce the average return on a portfolio.D) raise the average return on a portfolio.Answer: A5) When the interest rate on a bond is _________ the equilibrium interest rate, there is excess_________ in the bond market and the interest rate will _________.A) below; demand; riseB) below; demand; fallC) below; supply; riseD) above; supply; fallAnswer: C6) In a recession when income and wealth are falling, the demand for bonds _________ and thedemand curve shifts to the _________.A) falls; rightB) falls; leftC) rises; rightD) rises; leftAnswer: B7) When people begin to expect a large stock market decline, the demand curve for bonds shifts to the _________ and the interest rate _________.A) right; fallsB) right; risesC) left; fallsD) left; risesAnswer: A8) The spread between interest rates on low quality corporate bonds and U.S. government bonds_________ during the Great Depression.A) was reversedB) narrowed significantlyC) widened significantlyD) did not changeAnswer: C9) If income tax rates were lowered, thenA) the interest rate on municipal bonds would fall.B) the interest rate on Treasury bonds would rise.C) the interest rate on municipal bonds would rise.D) the price of Treasury bonds would fall.Answer: C10) According to the expectations theory of the term structure,A) yield curves should be equally likely to slope downward as to slope upward.B) when the yield curve is steeply upward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected torise in the future.C) when the yield curve is downward-sloping, short-term interest rates are expected to remain relatively stable in the future.D) all of the above.E) only A and B of the above.Answer:E11) According to the efficient market hypothesisA) one cannot expect to earn an abnormally high return by purchasing a security.B) information in newspapers a nd in the published reports of financial analysts is alreadyreflected in market prices.C) unexploited profit opportunities abound, thereby explaining why so many people getrich by trading securities.D) all of the above are true.E) only A and B of the above are true.Answer: E12) To say that stock prices follow a ?r andom walk? is to argue thatA) stock prices rise, then fall.B) stock prices rise, then fall in a predictable fashion.C) stock prices tend to follow trends.D) stock prices are, for all practical purposes, unpredictable.Answer:D13) The efficient market hypothesis suggests thatA) investors should purchase no-load mutual funds which have low management fees.B) investors can use the advice of technical analysts to outperform the market.C) investors let too many unexploited profit opportunities go by if they adopt a ?buy andhold? strategy.D) only A and B of the above are sensible strategies.Answer: A14) Which of the following is empirical evidence indicating that the efficient market hypothesismay not always be generally applicable?A) Small-firm effectB) January effectC) Market OverreactionD) All of the aboveAnswer: D15) An open market purchase of securities by the Fed willA) increase assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the banking system.B) decrease assets of the nonbank public and increase assets of the Fed.C) decrease assets of the banking system and increase assets of the Fed.D) have no effect on assets of the nonbank public but increase assets of the Fed.E) increase assets of the banking system and decrease assets of the Fed.Answer: D16) Under usual circumstances, an increase in the discount rate causesA) the federal funds rate to fall.B) the federal funds rate to rise.C) no change in the federal funds rate.D) the supply of reserves to increase.E) the supply of reserves to decrease.Answer: C17) Which of the following is not an operating target?A) Nonborrowed reservesB) Monetary baseC) Federal funds interest rateD) Discount rateE) All are operating targets.Answer: D18) Money market instrumentsA) are usually sold in large denominations.B) have low default risk.C) mature in one year or less.D) are characterized by all of the above.E) are characterized by only A and B of the above.Answer: D19) If the Fed wants to lower the federal funds interest rate, it will _________ the banking system by _________ securities.A) add reserves to; sellingB) add reserves to; buyingC) remove reserves from; sellingD) remove reserves from; buyingAnswer: B20) Money market transactionsA) do not take place in any one particular location or building.B) are usually arranged purchases and sales between participants over the phone by tradersand completed electronically.C) both (a) and (b).D) none the the above.Answer: C21) The primary reason that individuals and firms choose to borrow long-term is to reduce the risk that interest rates will fall before they pay off their debt.Answer:False22) Typically, the interest rate on corporate bonds will be higher the more restrictions areplaced on management through restrictive covenants, because the bonds will beconsidered safer by bondholdersAnswer: False23) A change in the current yield always signals a change in the same direction of the yield tomaturity.Answer: True24) A bank?s balance sheet indicates whether or not the bank is profitable. Answer: False25) Deposits that banks keep in accounts at the Federal Reserve less vault cash is called reserves.Answer: False26) Since a bank?s assets exceed its equity capital, the return on assets always exceeds the return on equity.Answer: False27) Adverse selection refers to those most at risk being most aggressive in their search for funds.Answer: True28) Financial innovation has provided more options to both investors and borrowers. Answer: True28) When the federal government?s budget deficit decreases, the demand curve for bonds shifts tothe right.Answer: False29) An increase in the inflation rate will cause the demand curve for bonds to shift to the right.Answer: False30) A positive liquidity premium indicates that investors prefer long-term bonds over short-termbonds.Answer: False31) When yield curves are downward sloping, long-term interest rates are above short-terminterest rates.Answer: False32) In an efficient market, abnormal returns are not possible even using inside information.Answer: False33) Technical analysis is a popular technique used to predict stock prices by studying past stock price data and search for patterns such as trends and regular cycles. Answer: True34) An open market sale leads to an expansion of reserves and deposits in the banking system and hence to a decline in the monetary base and the money supply.Answer: False35) Open market purchases by the Fed increase the supply of nonborrowed reserves.Answer: True36) In general, money market instruments are low risk, high yield securities.Answer: False37) Money markets are referred to as retail markets because small individual investorsare theprimary buyers of money market securities.Answer: False38) Capital market securities are less liquid and have longer maturities than moneymarketsecurities.Answer: True39) The current yield on a bond is a good approximation of the bond?s yield tomaturity when the bond matures in five years or less and its price differs from itspar value by a large amount.Answer: False40) A bank?s largest source of funds is its borrowing from the Fed.Answer: False1.Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate Current Price3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the currentmarket value?(10分)Solution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its face value. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the couponrate. For a given maturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises.For a given yield to maturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equals the coupon rate, a bond’s current price equals its facevalue regardless of years to maturity.2. At your favorite bond store, Bonds-R-Us, you see the following prices:1-year $100 zero selling for $90.193-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $10002-year 10% coupon $1000 par bond selling for $1000Assume that the pure expectations theory for the term structure of interest rates holds, no liquidity or maturity premium exists, and the bonds are equally risky. What is the implied 1-year rate two years from now? (10分)Solution:From (a), you know that the 1-year rate today is 10.877%.Using this information, (c) tells you that:2-year rate)^2 1100/(1 100/1.10877 1000So, the 2-year rate today is 9.95%.Using these two rates, (b) tells you that:3-year rate)3 1100/(1 100/1.09952 100/1.10877 1000So, the 3-year rate today is 9.97%9.97% – 2 (3 year rate 2 years from now 10.01%9.95%)3. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years. (15分)What is the duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?Solution:The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year 1 2 3 SumPayment 3.60 3.60 43.60PV of Payments 3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03Time Weighted PV of Payments 3.33 6.18 103.83Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price 0.08 0.15 2.53 2.76The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.2.86 (2.76) 4/7 (3) 3/ 7 durationSo, the portfolio’sIf rates increased,4. According to the loanable funds frameworks, draw two figures to explain the changes of interest rates during expansion and recession. (5分)Problems1. The following table lists foreign exchange rates between US dollars and British pounds during April.Date US Dollars perGBP Date US Dollars perGBP4/1 1.9564 4/18 1.75044/4 1.9293 4/19 1.72554/5 1.914 4/20 1.69144/6 1.9374 4/21 1.6724/7 1.961 4/22 1.66844/8 1.8925 4/25 1.66744/11 1.8822 4/26 1.68574/12 1.8558 4/27 1.69254/13 1.796 4/28 1.72014/14 1.7902 4/29 1.75124/15 1.7785Which day would have been the best day to convert $200 into British pounds?Which day would have been the worst day? What would be the difference in pounds?2. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Complete the following table:Years to Maturity Discount Rate CurrentPrice3 53 76 79 79 9What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?3. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay you and your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity?4. A bank has two, 3-year commercial loans with a present value of $70 million. The first is a $30 million loan that requires a single payment of $37.8 million in 3 years, with no other payments until then. The second is for $40 million. It requires an annual interest payment of $3.6 million. The principal of$40 million is due in 3 years.a. What is the duration of the bank’s commercial loan portfolio?b. What will happen to the value of its portfolio if the general level of interest rates increased from 8% to 8.5%?5. Consider a bond that promises the following cash flows. The required discount rate is 12%.Year 0 1 2 3 4Promised Payments 160 170 180 230You plan to buy this bond, hold it for 2? years, and then sell the bond.a. What total cash will you receive from the bond after the 2? years? Assume that periodic cash flows are reinvested at 12%.b. If immediately after buying this bond, all market interest rates drop to 11% (including your reinvestment rate), what will be the impact on your total cash flow after 2? years? How doesthis compare to part (a)?c. Assuming all market interest rates are 12%, what is the duration of this bond?Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you:$733. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%.$733. that this is only $0.05 different from part (a).6. You own a $1,000-par zero-coupon bond that has 5 years of remaining maturity. You plan on selling the bond in one year, and believe that the required yield next year will have the following probability distribution:Probability Required Yield0.1 6.60% 0.2 6.75% 0.4 7.00% 0.2 7.20% 0.17.45%a. What is your expected price when you sell the bond?b. What is the standard deviation? Multiple Choice1.When the inflation rate is expected to increase, the real cost of borrowing declines at any given interest rate; as a result, the _________ bonds increases and the _________ curve shifts to the right. A) demand for; demand B) demand for; supply C) supply of; demand D) supply of; supplyIn Figure 4.1, the most likely cause of the increase in the equilibrium interest rate from i1 to i2 isA)an increase in the price of bonds. B) a business cycle boom.C) an increase in the expected inflation rate. D) a decrease in the expected inflation rate.In Figure 4.2, one possible explanation for the increase in the interest rate from i1 to i2 is a(n) _________ in _________. A) increase; the expected inflation rateB) decrease; the expected inflation rateC) increase; economic growthD) decrease; economic growthSolution:Years to Maturity Yield to Maturity Current Price3 5 $1,054.463 7 $1,000.006 7 $1,000.009 5 $1,142.169 9 $ 880.10When yield to maturity is above the coupon rate, the band’s current price is below its facevalue. The opposite holds true when yield to maturity is below the coupon rate. For agivenield tomaturity, the bond’s current price falls as yield to maturity rises. For a given ymaturity, a bond’s value rises as its maturity increases. When yield to maturity equalsthecoupon rate, a bond’s current price equals its face value regardless of years tomaturity.Solution: To find your yield to maturity, Perpetuity value PMT/I.So, 15625 1250/I. I 0.08The answer to the final part, using a financial calculator:N 20; I 8; PMT 1250; FV 0Compute PV : PV 12,272.69Solution:a. You will receive 160, reinvested that for 1.5 years, and 170 reinvested for 0.5 years. Then you will sell the remaining cash flows, discounted at 12%. This gives you:$733. This is the same as part (a), but the rate is now 11%.$733. that this is only $0.05 different from part (a). c. The duration is calculated as follows:Year 1 2 3 4 SumPayments160.00 170.00 180.00 230.00 PV of Payments142.86 135.52 128.12 146.17 552.67 Time Weighted PV of Payments142.86 271.05 384.36 584.68 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.260.490.701.062.50Since the duration and the holding period are the same, you are insulated from immediate changes in interest rates! It doesn ’t always work out this perfectly, but the idea is important.Solution:The duration of the first loan is 3 years since it is a zero-coupon loan. The duration of the second loan is as follows:Year 1 2 3 SumPayment 3.60 3.60 43.60 PV of Payments 3.33 3.09 34.61 41.03 Time Weighted PV of Payments3.33 6.18 103.83 Time Weighted PV of PaymentsDivided by Price0.080.152.532.76 The duration of a portfolio is the weighted average duration of its individual securities.So, the portfolio ’s duration 3/7 (3) 4/7 (2.76) 2.86If rates increased, 0.005DUR2.8670,000,000926,852.1 1.08i P P iASMT 02_1112A1. Consider a bond with a 7% annual coupon and a face value of $1,000. Completethe following table:Years to Maturity Yield to MaturityCurrent Price3 5 3 7 6 7 9 7 99What relationship do you observe between yield to maturity and the current market value?2. You are willing to pay $15,625 now to purchase a perpetuity which will pay youand your heirs $1,250 each year, forever, starting at the end of this year. If your required rate of return does not change, how much would you be willing to pay if this were a 20-year, annual payment, ordinary annuity instead of a perpetuity? 3. Assume you just deposited $1,000 into a bank account. The current real interestrate is 2% and inflation is expected to be 6% over the next year. What nominal interest rate would you require from the bank over the next year? How muchmoney will you have at the end of one year? If you are saving to buy a stereo that currently sells for $1,050, will you have enough to buy it? 4. A 10-year, 7% coupon bond with a face value of $1,000 is currently selling for$871.65. Compute your rate of return if you sell the bond next year for $880.10.。


























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以下是2016年数学真题的一道选择题:1. 设函数 $y = ax^2 + bx + c$,其中 $a > 0$,当 $x \in [-1, 1]$ 时,函数 $y$ 的值单调递减,则下列结论正确的有()A. $b > 0$B. $b < 0$C. $b = -2a$D. $c > 0$答案:B解析:根据函数 $y = ax^2 + bx + c$ 单调递减的特点,可知二次项的系数 $a > 0$,且一次项的系数 $b < 0$,故答案为 B。





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