



以下条款适用于除日本以外的全世界任何国家和地区的消费者:请您在使用本软件之前仔细阅读下列最终用户许可协议(软件名称:PMB(Picture Motion Browser))及其相关资料(总称,“SONY 软件”)。

用户许可协议最终用户许可协议(“协议”),包含在此附上的附则,是您与用户许可的颁发者 SONY 公司(“SONY”)之间的法律协议书。

本协议适用于 SONY 软件。

在个人电脑上安装 SONY 软件或使用 SONY 软件的同时,您即同意遵守本协议的所有条款。

如果您不同意遵守本协议的条款,SONY 公司将不会授权您使用 SONY 软件。

在这种情况下,您不应安装、复制、或使用 SONY 软件。

条款 1 SONY 软件使用许可证1. SONY软件。

SONY 软件受版权法、国际版权条约、以及其它知识产权法和条约的保护。

SONY 软件仅授权用户使用,并非出售。

2. 更新/加载。




条款 2 授权许可SONY 授予您非独占性使用许可证,但您无权再分发许可证。

您可以在个人电脑上使用与 SONY 数码摄像机或数码照相机相关的 SONY 软件,这些 SONY 软件是与 SONY 产品一起捆绑出售或预装在 SONY 产品中的。

条款 3 要求、禁止、权利和限制1. 储存使用/网络使用。

您不可以通过任何信息网络(特别包含国际互连网,或诸如局域网之类的信息网络)将 SONY 软件分发至其它电脑。

2. 出租。

您不可以将 SONY 软件出售、出租或租借给任何第三方。

3. 违反产权、版权或其它权利。

在使用 SONY 软件时,您不可以侵犯或违反 SONY 和/或第三方产品的产权、版权或其它权利。

索尼 NW-E503 E505 E507 说明书

索尼 NW-E503 E505 E507 说明书

警告 为防止火灾或电击危险,请勿将设备置于 雨中或潮湿的地方。
请勿将本系统安放在书橱或壁橱等狭 窄封闭处。 请勿使报纸、桌布、窗帘等物品挡住本设 备的通风孔,以免造成火灾。另外,请勿 将点燃的蜡烛放在本设备上。 请勿将盛满液体的物品(例如花瓶)放在 本设备上,以免造成火灾或电击危险。 安装注意事项 如果将本装置放置在受静电或电气干扰的地 方,则乐曲的传送信息可能会被破坏。这将阻 止在电脑上成功传送。
企标编号:Q/YXPD199-2005 上海索广电子有限公司 上海市闵行区剑川路 930 号
• 版权法禁止全部或部分复制软件或手册,或未 经版权所有人许可擅自租赁软件。
• SONY 在任何情形下对因使用随本播放器提供的 软件所导致的财务损害、利润损失,包括第三 方索赔均不承担任何责任。
在本说明书中,所有商标都未标注 ™ 和 ®。
本手册说明操作 Network Walkman 的方法。有关如何使用 SonicStage (附带的软件)的详情,请参阅 SonicStage 使用说明书。 SonicStage 使用说明书与 SonicStage 软件一起安装。
概述 ............................. 6 Network Walkman 的用途 ......... 6 其他特征 ....................... 7
Network Walkman 网络随身听
Portable IC Audio Player

智能高清播放机 TIZZBIRD F30 说明书

智能高清播放机 TIZZBIRD F30 说明书

用户手册智能高清播放机TIZZBIRD™ F30目录1.安全须知 (4)2.功能 (5)3.规格 (6)4.部件描述 (7)5.产品配件 (8)6.安装和连接装置 (9)7.使用遥控器操作 (13)8.初始化显示 (14)8.1开机 (15)8.2语言菜单设置 (16)8.3屏幕比例 (17)8.4音频视频设置 (18)8.5网络设置 (20)8.6关机、完全关机 (22)9.启动和待机 (23)9.1主页 (23)9.2封面艺术 (23)9.3电影 (25)9.4待机 (25)10.电影 (26)10.1电影 (26)10.2电影子菜单 (27)10.3添加海报 (28)10.4恢复播放与书签 (30)10.5电影播放菜单 (31)10.6播放速度控制 (31)10.7菜单搜索(时间,章节,书签) (32)10.8菜单信息 (32)10.9菜单字幕 (33)10.10音轨菜单 (33)10.11视频参数菜单 (34)10.12快速播放定位 (34)11.音乐 (35)11.1音乐 (35)11.2排列音乐 (35)11.3音乐播放 (36)11.4音乐播放菜单 (36)12.照片 (37)12.1照片目录 (37)12.2照片目录菜单 (37)12.3照片墙& 照片仓库 (37)12.4照片浏览 (38)12.5幻灯片控制 (38)13.使用文件浏览 (39)13.1文件目录 (39)13.2选择盘 (40)13.3更换字体 (40)14.网络连接 (42)14.1网上冲浪 (42)14.2网页浏览控制 (42)15.安装程序 (43)15.1把程序安装到TizzBird中 (43)15.2玩游戏 (44)16.设置 (45)16.1系统 (45)16.2音频视频 (46)16.3电影 (47)16.4音乐 (48)16.5照片 (49)16.6网络 (50)16.7封面艺术 (50)17.固件升级 (51)17.1本地固件升级 (51)17.1.1设置里的固件升级 (51)17.1.2文件目录下升级 (52)17.2在线升级 (52)1. 安全须知请勿与喇叭等磁性强烈的物品放在一起,避免损伤硬盘中的数据.2.功能TizzBird支持各种高清电影如HDMV和DVD格式如同AVI, MKV, XVID,TS格式,支持流行的H264和VC-1编码。

Uranus AE(Crius)深圳爱康全自动酶免疫使用说明书

Uranus AE(Crius)深圳爱康全自动酶免疫使用说明书

第三章 装卸、包装和运输 ......................................... 29
3HTUUTTU来自UT214H3.1 介绍................................................................................................................29
2.3 系统模块........................................................................................................16
2.3.1 一体化机械臂.........................................................................................................16
1.2 声明..................................................................................................................7
1.3 介绍..................................................................................................................7




索尼SONY笔记本,默认情况下大家只看到有一个分区盘符,其实另外还有两个隐藏的一分,一个只有100M左右(应该是用于安装VAIO CARE拯救大师软件的,是启动分区,启动系统的时候是首先进到这里再从这里引导系统,因为这个原因,要把WIN7删除装XP的话会出错,要装XP就要把这个分区删除或去掉他的启动活动分区),另有一个10左右的分隐藏分区,是用来装一个SONY原始的安装操作系统的,必要是恢复系统用。






(本人英文水平有限,只看到了“失败”,“64位”等一些单词),后来下了一个ADDS(Advanced Data Display System)中文版,在win7里操作成功,但重启后,在进入系统前多了一个英文提示,但进入系统后并没有划分出新区。

网上说中文版不行,英文版可以,本人没经证实是不是英文版的可以,因为我发现了索尼自带软件VAIO Care 拯救大师和win7本身就有这功能。

先来说一下VAIO Care 拯救大师的使用方法,使用VAIO Care 拯救大师只能把C盘分成C盘和D盘两个分区。

Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup 说明书

Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup 说明书

用户指南版权所有© Acronis, Inc., 2000-2010。


“Acronis” 和“Acronis Secure Zone” 均为Acronis, Inc. 的注册商标。

"Acronis Compute with Confidence"、“Acronis 启动恢复管理器”、“Acronis Active Restore” 及Acronis 标志均为Acronis, Inc. 的商标。

Linux 为Linus Torvalds 的注册商标。

VMware 和VMware Ready 为VMware, Inc. 在美国和/或其他司法管辖地的商标和/或注册商标。

Windows 和MS-DOS 为Microsoft Corporation 的注册商标。






上述第三方的许可证条款将在位于安装根目录中的license.txt 文件中详细说明。

您可随时通过以下方式查找最近更新的第三方代码列表以及使用软件和/或服务方面的相关许可证条款:/content/7696目录1简介 (7)1.1 Acronis® True Image OEM Quick Backup 是什么? (7)1.2 Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup 基本概念 (7)1.3 Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup 中的新增功能 (9)1.4 系统要求与可支持的媒体 (9)1.4.1最低系统要求 (9)1.4.2可支持的操作系统 (9)1.4.3支持的文件系统 (9)1.4.4支持的存储媒体 (10)2Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup 安装与启动 (11)2.1 安装Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup (11)2.2 运行Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup (11)2.3 激活Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup (12)2.4 升级Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup (12)2.5 删除Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup (13)3一般信息和专有Acronis 技术 (14)3.1 磁盘/分区映像 (14)3.2 完整与增量备份 (14)3.3 备份文件命名约定 (15)3.4 查看磁盘和分区信息 (16)3.5 从系统映像tib 文件启动 (16)4为灾难恢复作好准备 (17)4.1 如何做好准备应对灾难 (17)4.1.1有关测试备份是否可以用于恢复的建议 (17)4.1.2其他建议 (18)4.2 测试可启动应急媒体 (18)4.3 创建自定义应急CD (20)5了解Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup (21)5.1 程序工作区 (21)5.2 主屏幕 (22)5.3 选项屏幕 (25)6创建备份存档 (27)6.1 准备进行首次备份 (27)6.2 决定要备份的数据 (27)6.3 一些典型的备份方案 (28)6.3.1备份系统分区 (28)6.3.2备份整个系统磁盘 (28)6.3.3备份数据分区或磁盘 (29)6.3.4备份到网络共享 (30)7联机备份 (32)7.1 创建联机备份帐户 (32)7.2 备份到Acronis 联机备份 (32)7.3 从联机存储恢复数据 (35)7.4 管理联机存储 (36)7.5 设置联机备份选项 (37)7.5.1连接尝试 (38)7.5.2存储连接速度 (38)7.5.3存储清理 (39)7.5.4代理服务器设置 (40)7.6 有关为联机存储选择数据的建议 (40)8其他备份功能 (41)8.1 存档至各种不同位置 (41)8.2 备份向导– 详解 (43)8.2.1选择要备份的数据 (43)8.2.2选择存档位置 (44)8.2.3备份方式 (45)8.2.4选择备份选项 (45)8.2.5添加注释 (45)8.2.6备份操作 (45)8.3 调整备份 (46)8.3.1备份选项 (46)8.3.2设置本地存储 (47)9预定任务 (49)9.1 创建预定任务 (49)9.1.1设置为一次性执行 (50)9.1.2设置为事件发生时执行 (50)9.1.3设置定期执行 (51)9.1.4设置为每日执行 (51)9.1.5设置为每周执行 (52)9.1.6设置为每月执行 (52)9.2 管理预定任务 (53)10使用Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup 进行数据恢复 (55)10.1 恢复系统分区 (55)10.2 将磁盘备份恢复到不同容量的硬盘 (56)10.2.1不使用隐藏分区恢复磁盘 (56)10.2.2恢复带有隐藏分区的磁盘 (58)10.3 恢复数据分区或磁盘 (59)10.4 恢复文件和文件夹 (60)10.4.1从映像存档恢复文件和文件夹 (60)11其他恢复信息 (62)11.1 恢复向导— 详细信息 (62)11.1.1启动恢复向导 (62)11.1.2选择存档 (62)11.1.3恢复方法选择 (63)11.1.4选择要恢复的磁盘/分区 (63)11.1.5选择目标磁盘/分区 (64)11.1.6更改已恢复的分区类型 (65)11.1.7更改已恢复的分区大小和位置 (66)11.1.8为已恢复的分区指定代号 (66)11.1.9设置恢复选项 (66)11.1.10执行恢复 (67)11.2 设置默认恢复选项 (67)11.2.1文件恢复选项 (67)11.2.2覆盖文件选项 (67)11.2.3恢复优先级 (68)12创建可启动媒体 (69)12.1 创建基于Linux 的应急媒体 (69)13浏览存档和加载映像 (72)13.1 加载映像 (72)13.2 卸载映像 (74)14搜索备份存档及其内容 (76)14.1 搜索 (76)14.2 Windows Search 和Google Desktop 集成 (77)14.2.1将Google Desktop 用于Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup (78)14.2.2将Windows Search 用于Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup (80)15其他操作 (85)15.1 验证备份存档 (85)15.2 查看任务和日志 (85)15.3 管理备份存档 (86)15.4 删除备份存档 (87)15.5 转移备份存档 (88)16疑难解答 (89)16.1 一般 (89)16.2 安装问题 (89)16.3 备份和验证问题 (90)16.4 恢复问题 (91)16.5 恢复问题后重启性 (92)16.6 其它问题 (92)17硬盘与启动顺序 (94)17.1 设置BIOS 内的启动顺序 (94)17.2 在计算机上安装硬盘驱动器 (94)17.2.1安装IDE 硬盘驱动器(一般方案) (94)17.2.2主板插座、IDE 线缆、电源线 (95)17.2.3配置硬盘驱动器、跳线 (96)17.2.4安装SATA 硬盘 (96)17.2.5新安装内置SATA 盘的步骤 (96)17.3 硬盘抹除方式 (97)17.3.1信息抹除方法的作用原理 (97)17.3.2Acronis 使用的信息抹除方法 (98)18启动参数 (99)18.1 描述 (99)1简介1.1Acronis® True Image OEM Quick Backup 是什么?Acronis True Image OEM Quick Backup 是整合的软件套件,可确保计算机上所有信息的安全。


















TS 2-2003 v02.06 Page i
................................................................................................................................................xv Scope ..........................................................................................................................................................xvi History .........................................................................................................................................................xix TS 2-1998 Update.......................................................................................................................................xxi TS 2-2003 Update........................................................................................................................



DS8000B天馈线测试仪用户手册Copyright 2007-2008 INNO Instrument Inc.安全指南1.2 安全指南安全记号以下是与安全相关的记号;使用本设备之前,必须要熟悉掌握各种安全记号。

警告 ‘警告’记号代表致命危险;如果没有严格依照手册中的指示内容,可能会给用户造成严 重的损伤。

注意 如果没有严格依照手册中的指示内容,可能会给设备造成严重的损伤。

提示 为了用户的便利,向设备用户提示附加使用信息或者指南。




随意拆卸产品内部或者外部的保护导体,可能会给 DS8000B 天馈线测试仪造成损伤。

故意 拆卸造成设备故障时,属于用户的过失,即使是保修期内,制造公司对此不负任何责任。

输入电源及其他信息设备电源设定在容许电压范围(AC 110 — 250V)内,无须用户手动选择。

本设备没有配备单独的电 源保护用保险丝。

表 1.2.1 输入电源要求事项内置锂离子电池,错误的电源连接可能会导致爆炸。

需要更换电池时,请使用制造公司提 供的标准产品或者可以互换的相关产品;废弃电池时,请严格依照安全指南。

用户手册介绍本手册中详细说明了 DS8000B 产品基本功能和天线或者电缆的检查方法。


本手册的默认语言模式被设定为 “中文”。

用户手册的构成第一章. 概要对 DS8000B 的主要功能、制造商以及基本配件进行了说明。

第二章. 入门对设备外部界面端口的功能化测试及分析中使用的各种按键进行了说明。

第三章. 驻波比对适用天馈线测试仪功能的天线或者馈线的驻波比测试方法进行了说明;其中包括:系统支持的各种无线通信系统频率登记信息的利用方法和用户设定方法以及标准方法等。

SONY VAIO笔记本热键方案

SONY VAIO笔记本热键方案
10-04-09 新增XP1001方案,适合10年机子安装。
10-01-08 新增10年最新的VISTA/WIN7方案,09年以后的机子可以试用。
09-12-26 新增W系列和X系列的XP热键方案,因为版本比CW的老,所以改成了0902方案,而CW的方案调整成0903方案。
09-09-24 新增CW系列WINXP热键方案【XP0903】
SmartWi Connection Utility 无线切换管理软件 版本:
【WIN7 0901方案】 09.09.20更新
Sony Shared Library
Setting Utility Series 版本:
【WIN7 1002方案】 10.11.27更新
Sony Shared Library 装好重启
Setting Utility Series 版本:
VAIO Control Center 控制中心 版本:
如果亮度不能调节,或者亮度只能调一格的情况都是显卡驱动和SONY NC的问题。
先确保SONY NC已经安装驱动,在设备管理器中看下有没有硬件ID:SNY5001的未知设备,如果没有未知设备就不用考虑SONY NC的问题。
VAIO Control Center 控制中心,整合了热键功能 版本:
VAIO Power Management 电源管理 版本:


这一形势迫使今年9月走马上任的CEO Stephen
新闻网页贴吧知道MP3图片视频百科 帮助设置 首页 自然 文化 地理 历史 生活 社会 艺术 人物 经济 科学 体育 核心用户 NBA
该MeeGo用户界面小组还忙于创造手机参考用户经验,并编写了MeeGo用户界面设计原则和互动准则 。
这一里程碑标志着在Moblin和Maemo操作为主要架构和技术的选择决定合并完成已确定。 今天,我们也开放MeeGo基础设施建设 。 MeeGo项目包括:
MeeGo宣传短片,结合Qt和MeeGo触摸UI框架(MTF的) 手机的用户界面和应用子集参考 状态栏:时钟,网络,蓝牙,3G连接,通知,以及电池充电

西门子 HMI 设备OP 73micro,TP 177micro 操作说明

西门子 HMI 设备OP 73micro,TP 177micro 操作说明

Internet 上的服务与支持
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诺基亚 6670 手机 说明书

诺基亚 6670 手机 说明书
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版权所有 © 2005 诺基亚。保留所有权利。
安全事项............................................ 7
5. 多媒体功能...................................47
照相 / 摄像 ........................................................... 47 拍摄图像 ........................................................ 47 录制视频片段 ................................................ 49
使用拼音输入法 ............................................24 拼音输入法示例:输入 “拼音”................26 笔画输入法 ..........................................................26 使用笔画输入法 ............................................28 笔画输入法示例:输入 “你好”................29 传统英文输入法 ..................................................29 预想英文输入法 ..................................................30 使用预想英文输入法的提示 ........................31 输入空格及换行 ..................................................31 输入符号和标点 ..................................................32 输入数字 ..............................................................32 编辑选项 ..............................................................32 复制文字 ........................................................33

SONY HDR-CX130 CX160 CX180 Handycam 手冊

SONY HDR-CX130 CX160 CX180 Handycam 手冊


攝影機不防塵、防滴或防水。請參閱“關於 使用攝影機”(第91頁)。

“PMB”(軟體,包括“PMB說明”) “Handycam”手冊(PDF)
在目前的錄製或播放條件下,灰色的選單項 目無法使用。 LCD顯示幕採用超高精密技術製造,可用的 有效畫素超過99.99%。然而,可能有些微小 的黑點和/或亮點(白點、紅點、藍點或綠 點)不斷出現在LCD顯示幕上。這些點是製 造過程的正常結果,並不影響錄製。 盡享實用功能
建議您使用品質優異的Sony附件。 有些國家/地區可能沒有供應Sony優質附 件。


本手冊中使用的範例影像是以數位相機擷取 作為圖解說明,可能與攝影機實際顯示的影 像和螢幕指示不同。此外,攝影機的圖解和 其螢幕指示也被誇大或簡化以增進理解。 在本手冊中,內建記憶體(HDR-CX160/ CX180)和記憶卡稱為“錄製媒體”。 在本手冊中,以高清晰品質影像(HD)錄製 的DVD光碟均稱為AVCHD錄製光碟。 攝影機與附件的設計和規格若有變更,恕不 另行通知。


若要避免影像資料遺失,請定期將所有錄製 的影像儲存到外部媒體。若要將影像儲存在 電腦上,請參閱第44頁,若要將影像儲存在 外接裝置上,則請參閱第50頁。 可用來儲存影像的光碟或媒體類型取決於錄 拍攝模式]。以[60p 製影像時所選的[ ]錄製的動畫可使用外部媒體儲存 質量 ]錄製的動 (第52頁)。以[最高品質 畫可儲存於外部媒體或Blu-ray光碟中(第 48、52頁)。



智能手机硬件组成部分手机系统+CPU+GPU+ROM+RAM+外部存储器+手机屏幕+触摸屏+ 话筒+听筒+摄像头+重力感应+蓝牙+无线连接(wifi)=智能手机基本带3G网络手机系统手机也像电脑一样,有自己的操作系统,没有操作系统的手机就是一块废铁。



操作系统SymbianSymbian代表机型:诺基亚N8Symbian(中文名:塞班)是一个实时性、多任务的纯32位操作系统,具有功耗低、内存占用少等特点,非常适合手机等移动设备使用,经过不断完善,虽然在智能型手机市场取得了无比的成功,并长期居于首位,但是Symbian S60、Symbian3,UIQ等(尤其是S60)系统近两年亦遭遇到显著的发展瓶颈。








MEMS digital output motion sensor low-power high performance 3-axes “DSC-XYZ” accelerometerKey Features•Supply voltage, 1.62V to 3.6V •For 2x2x1.1 mm LGA-12 package •User selectable range, ±2g, ±4g, ±8g, ±16g •User selectable data output rate •Digital I 2C/SPI output interface •14 bit resolution •Low power consumption •2 Programmable interrupt generators with independent function for motion detection •Free-fall detection •Embedded self-test function •Factory programmable offset and sensitivity • RoHS compliantApplications•User interface for mobile phone and PMP •Display orientation •Gesture recognition •Active/inactive monitoring •Free-fall detection •Double/ Click recognition •Power management •Vibration monitoring •Inclination and tilt sensing •PedometerProduct OverviewThe da280 sensor is a low power high performance capacitive three-axis linear accelerometer developed by micro-machined technology. The device is available in a 2x2x1.1mm land grid array (LGA) and it is guaranteed to operate over an extended temperature range from -40°C to +85°C. The sensor element is fabricated by single crystal silicon with DRIE process and is protected by hermetically sealed silicon cap from the environment. The device features user selectable full scale of ±2g/ ±4g/ ±8g/ ±16g measurement range with data output rate from 1Hz to 1 kHz with signal condition, temperature compensation, self-test, motion detection imbedded. The da280 has a self-test mode for user to check the functioning of the sensor and a power-down mode that makes it good for handset power management. Two independent and flexible interrupts provided greatly simplify the algorithm for various motion status detections. Standard I2C and SPI interfaces are used to communicate with the chip.Content1 Block diagram and pin description (9)1.1 Block diagram (9)1.2 Pin description (9)2 Mechanical and electrical specifications (11)2.1 Mechanical characteristics (11)2.2 Electrical characteristics (12)2.3 Absolute maximum ratings (13)3 Communication interface (14)3.1 Communication interface Electrical specification (14)3.1.1 SPI Electrical specification (14)3.1.2 I2C Electrical specification (15)3.2 Digital interface operation (16)3.2.1 SPI Operation (16)3.2.2 I2C Operation (18)4 Terminology and functionality (20)4.1 Terminology (20)4.1.1 Sensitivity (20)4.1.2 Zero-g level (20)4.2 Functionality (21)4.2.1 Power mode (21)4.2.2 Sensor data (21)4.2.3 Self-test (21)4.2.4 Factory calibration (22)4.3 Interrupt controller (22)4.3.1 General features (22)4.3.2 Mapping (23)4.3.3 Electrical behavior (INT1/INT2 to open-drive or push-pull) (24)4.3.4 New data interrupt (24)4.3.5 Active detection (24)4.3.6 Tap detection (24)4.3.7 Orientation recognition (26)4.3.8 Freefall interrupt (27)5 Application hints (29)6 Register mapping (30)7 Registers description (32)7.1 SOFT_RESET (00H) (32)7.2 CHIPID (01h) (32)7.3 ACC_X_LSB (02H), ACC_X_MSB (03H) (32)7.4 ACC_Y_LSB (04H), ACC_Y_MSB (05H) (32)7.5 ACC_Z_LSB (06H), ACC_Z_MSB (07H) (33)7.6 MOTION_FLAG (09H) (33)7.7 NEWDATA_FLAG (0AH) (34)7.8 TAP_ACTIVE_STATUS (0BH) (34)7.9 ORIENT_STATUS (0CH) (35)7.10 RESOLUTION_RANGE (0FH) (35)7.11 ODR_AXIS (10H) (35)7.12 MODE_BW (11H) (36)7.13 SWAP_POLARITY (12H) (37)7.14 INT_SET1 (16H) (37)7.15 INT_SET2 (17H) (38)7.16 INT_MAP1 (19H) (38)7.17 INT_MAP2 (1AH) (38)7.18 INT_MAP3 (1BH) (39)7.19 INT_CONFIG (20H) (39)7.20 INT_LTACH (21H) (40)7.21 FREEFALL_DUR (22H) (40)7.22 FREEFALL_THS (23H) (41)7.23 FREEFALL_HYST (24H) (41)7.24 ACTIVE_DUR (27H) (41)7.25 ACTIVE_THS (28H) (42)7.26 TAP_DUR (2AH) (42)7.27 TAP_THS (2BH) (42)7.28 ORIENT_HYST (2CH) (43)7.29 Z_BLOCK (2DH) (43)7.30 SELF_TEST (32H) (44)7.31 CUSTOM_OFF_X (38H) (44)7.32 CUSTOM_OFF_Y (39H) (44)7.33 CUSTOM_OFF_Z (39H) (45)7.34 CUSTOM_FLAG (4EH) (45)7.35 CUSTOM_CODE (4FH) (45)7.36 Z_ROT_HODE_TM (51H) (45)7.37 Z_ROT_DUR (52H) (46)7.38 ROT_TH_H (53H) (46)7.39 ROT_TH_L (54H) (46)8 Package information (47)8.1 Outline dimensions (47)8.2 Tape and reel specification (47)9 Revision history (49)List of tablesTable 1.Pin description (10)Table 2.Mechanical characteristic (11)Table 3.Electrical characteristics (12)Table 4.Absolute maximum ratings (13)Table 5.Electrical specification of the SPI interface pins (14)Table 6.Electrical specification of the I2C interface pins (15)Table 7.Mapping of the interface pins (16)Table 8.W1 and W0 settings (17)Table 9.I2C Address (18)Table 10.SAD+Read/Write patterns (18)Table 11.Transfer when master is writing one byte to slave (18)Table 12.Transfer when master is writing multiple bytes to slave (18)Table 13.Transfer when master is receiving (reading) one byte of data from slave (19)Table 14.Transfer when master is receiving (reading) multiple bytes of data from slave (19)Table 15.Self-test difference values (22)Table 16.Interrupt mode selection (22)Table 17.meaning of ‘orient’ bits in symmetric mode (26)Table 18.meaning of ‘orient’ bits in high-asymmetric mode (26)Table 19.meaning of ‘orient’ bits in low-asymmetric mode (27)Table 20.blocking conditions for orientation recognition (27)Table 21.Register address map (30)Table 22. SOFT_RESET register (32)Table 23. I2C Configuration description (32)Table 24. CHIPID register (32)Table 25.ACC_X_LSB register (32)Table 26.ACC_X_MSB register (32)Table 27.ACC_Y_LSB register (33)Table 28.ACC_Y_MSB register (33)Table 29.ACC_Z_LSB register (33)Table 30.ACC_Z_MSB register (33)Table 31.MOTION_FLAG register (33)Table 32.MOTION_FLAG register description (33)Table 33.NEWDATA_FLAG register (34)Table 34.NEWDATA_FLAG register description (34)Table 35.TAP_ACTIVE_STATUS register (34)Table 36.TAP_ACTIVE_STATUS register description (34)Table 37.ORIENT_STATUS register (35)Table 38.ORIENT_STATUS register description (35)Table 39.RESOLUTION_RANGE register (35)Table 40.RESOLUTION_RANGE register description (35)Table 41.ODR_AXIS register (35)Table 42.ODR_AXIS register description (36)Table 44.MODE_BW register description (36)Table 45.SWAP_POLARITY register (37)Table 46.SWAP_POLARITY register description (37)Table 47.INT_SET1 register (37)Table 48.INT_SET1 register description (37)Table 49.INT_SET2 register (38)Table 50.INT_SET2 register description (38)Table 51.INT_MAP1 register (38)Table 52.INT_MAP1 register description (38)Table 53.INT_MAP2 register (38)Table 54.INT_MAP2 register description (39)Table 55.INT_MAP3 register (39)Table 56.INT_MAP3 register description (39)Table 57.INT_CONFIG register (39)Table 58.INT_CONFIG register description (39)Table 59.INT_LTACH register (40)Table 60.INT_LTACH register description (40)Table 61.FREEFALL_DUR register (40)Table 62.FREEFALL_DUR register description (40)Table 63.FREEFALL_THS register (41)Table 64.FREEFALL_THS register description (41)Table 65.FREEFALL_HYST register (41)Table 66.FREEFALL_HYST register description (41)Table 67.ACTIVE_DUR register (41)Table 68.ACTIVE_DUR register description (41)Table 69.ACTIVE_THS register (42)Table 70.ACTIVE_THS register description (42)Table 71.TAP_DUR register (42)Table 72.TAP_DUR register description (42)Table 73.TAP_THS register (42)Table 74.TAP_THS register description (43)Table 75.ORIENT_HYST register (43)Table 76.ORIENT_HYST register description (43)Table 77.Z_BLOCK register (43)Table 78.Z_BLOCK register description (43)Table 79.SELF_TEST register (44)Table 80.SELF_TEST register description (44)Table 81.CUSTOM_OFF_X register (44)Table 82.CUSTOM_OFF_X register description (44)Table 83.CUSTOM_OFF_Y register (44)Table 84.CUSTOM_OFF_Y register description (44)Table 85.CUSTOM_OFF_Z register (45)Table 86.CUSTOM_OFF_Z register description (45)Table 88.CUSTOM_FLAG register description (45)Table 89.CUSTOM_CODE register (45)Table 90.CUSTOM_CODE register description (45)Table 91.Z_ROT_HODE_TM register (45)Table 92.Z_ROT_HODE_TM register description (46)Table 93.Z_ROT_DUR register (46)Table 94.Z_ROT_DUR register description (46)Table 95.ROT_TH_H register (46)Table 96.ROT_TH_H register description (46)Table 97.ROT_TH_L register (46)Table 98.ROT_TH_L register description (46)Table 99.Document revision history (49)List of figuresFigure 1 Block Diagram (9)Figure 2 Pin description (9)Figure 3 SPI slave timing diagram (14)Figure 4 I2C Slave timing diagram (15)Figure 5 Instruction Phase Bit Field (16)Figure 6 MSB First and LSB First Instruction and Data Phases (17)Figure 7 I2C Protocol (18)Figure 8 power mode (21)Figure 9 Interrupt mode (23)Figure 10 Timing of tap detection (25)Figure 11 Definition of vector components (26)Figure 12 da280 I2C electrical connection (29)Figure 13 12 Pin LGA Mechanical data and package dimensions (47)Figure 14 Tape and reel dimension in mm (48)1 Block diagram and pin description1.1 Block diagramCSB SDIOSCLKSDOPS INT1INT2GNDIOFigure 1 Block Diagram1.2 Pin descriptionFigure 2 Pin description2Mechanical and electrical specifications2.1Mechanical characteristicsVdd = 2.5 V, T = 25 °C unless otherwise noted (a)a. The product is factory calibrated at 2.5 V. The operational power supply range is from 1.62V to 3.6 V.Table 2.Mechanical characteristicSymbol Parameter Test conditions Min Type Max UnitFS Measurement range FS bit set to 00±2 g FS bit set to 01 ±4 g FS bit set to 10 ±8 g FS bit set to 11 ±16 gSo Sensitivity FS bit set to 00 4096 LSB/g FS bit set to 01 2048 LSB/g FS bit set to 10 1024 LSB/g FS bit set to 11 512 LSB/gTCSo Sensitivity change vs.temperatureFS bit set to 00 0.01 %/°CTyoff Typical zero-g level offsetaccuracy70 mgTcoff Zero-g level change vs.temperatureMax delta from 25°C ±0.6 mg/°CAn Acceleration noise density FS bit set to 00,Normal Mode,ODR = 1000Hz150 200 ug/sqrt(Hz)Vst Self-test output change X: FS bit set to 00 400 mg Y: FS bit set to 00 400 mg Z: FS bit set to 00 400 mgTop Operation temperature range -40 85 °C2.2Electrical characteristicsVdd = 2.5 V, T = 25 °C unless otherwise notedTable 3.Electrical characteristicsSymbol Parameter Test conditions Min Typ. Max Unit Vdd Supply voltage 1.62 2.5 3.6 V Vdd_IO I/O Pins supply voltage 1.62 3.6 VIdd current consumption innormal modeTop=25℃,ODR=1kHz220 uAIdd_lp current consumption in lowpower modeTop=25℃,ODR=62.5Hz,BW=500Hz40 uAIdd_sm current consumption insuspend modeTop=25℃ 1 uAVIH Digital high level inputvoltageSPI&I2C 0.7*Vdd_IO VVIL Digital low level inputvoltageSPI&I2C 0.3*Vdd_IO VVOH high level output voltage 0.9*Vdd_IO V VOL Low level output voltage 0.1*Vdd_IO V BW System bandwidth 1.95 500 Hz ODR Output data rate 1 1000 Hz Wake-uptimetwu From stand-by 1 ms Start-uptimetsu From power off 3 ms PSRR Power Supply Rejection Rate Top=25℃20 mg/V2.3Absolute maximum ratingsStresses above those listed as “absolute maximum ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. This is a stress rating only and functional operation of the device under these conditions is not implied. Exposure to maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Table 4.Absolute maximum ratingsParameter Test conditions Min Max Unit Storage Temperature -45 125 ℃Supply Voltage Supply pins -0.3 4.25 VSupply Voltage Logic pins -0.3 Vdd_IO+0.3 VESD Rating HMB,R=1.5k,C=100pF ±2 kV Mechanical Shock Duration<200us 10,000 gNote: Supply voltage on any pin should never exceed 4.25VThis is a mechanical shock sensitive device, improper handling can cause permanent damages to the part.This is an ESD sensitive device, improper handling can cause permanent damages to the part.3Communication interface3.1Communication interface Electrical specification3.1.1SPI Electrical specificationTable 5.Electrical specification of the SPI interface pinsSymbol Parameter Condition Min Max Unit fsclk Clock frequency Max load on SDIO or SDO = 25pF 10 MHz tsclk_l SLCK low pulse 20tsclk_h SLCK high pulse 20Tsdi_setup SDI setup time 20 ns Tsdi_hold SDI hold time 20 nsTsdo_od SDO/SDI output delay Load = 25pF 30 ns Load = 250pF 40 nsTcsb_setup CSB setup time 20 ns Tcsb_hold CSB hold time 40 nsThe figure below shows the definition of the SPI timing given in Table5:Figure 3 SPI slave timing diagram3.1.2I2C Electrical specificationTable 6.Electrical specification of the I2C interface pinsSymbol Parameter Min Max Unitfscl Clock frequency 400 kHztscl_l SCL low pulse 1.3 ustscl_h SCL high pulse 0.6 us Tsda_setup SDA setup time 0.1 us Tsda_hold SDA hold time 0.0 ustsusta Setup Time for a repeated start condition 0.6 usthdsta Hold time for a start condition 0.6 ustsusto Setup Time for a stop condition 0.6 ustbuf Time before a new transmission can start 1.3 us The figure below shows the definition of the I2C timing given in Table 6:Figure 4 I2C Slave timing diagram3.2Digital interface operationThe da280 supports two serial digital interface protocols for communications as slave with a host device: SPI and I2C. The active interface is selected by the state of the pin PS, 0 selects SPI and 1 selects I2C. By default, SPI operates in 3-wire mode and it can be re-configured by writing 1 to bit ‘SDO_active’ to work in 4-wire mode. Both interfaces share the same pins. The mapping for each interface is given in the following table:Table 7.Mapping of the interface pinsPIN name I2C SPISCL/SCLK Serial clock Serial clockSDA/SDI Serial Data Data input (4-wire mode).Data input/output (3-wire mode)SDO Used to set LSB of I2C address Data output (4-wire mode)CSB Unused Chip select3.2.1SPI OperationThe falling edge of CSB, in conjunction with the rising edge of SCLK, determines the start of framing. Once the beginning of the frame has been determined, timing is straightforward. The first phase of the transfer is the instruction phase, which consists of 16 bits followed by data that can be of variable lengths in multiples of 8 bits. If the device is configured with CSB tied low, framing begins with the first rising edge of SCLK.The instruction phase is the first 16 bits transmitted. As shown in Figure5, the instruction phase is divided into a number of bit fields.Figure 5 Instruction Phase Bit FieldThe first bit in the stream is the read/write indicator bit (R/W). When this bit is high, a read is being requested, otherwise indicates it is a write operation.W1 and W0 represent the number of data bytes to transfer for either read or write (Table8). If the number of bytes to transfer is three or less (00, 01, or 10), CSB can stall high on byte boundaries. Stalling on a non-byte boundary terminates the communications cycle. If these bits are 11, data can be transferred until CSB transitions high. CSB is not allowed to stall during the streaming process.The remaining 13 bits represent the starting address of the data sent. If more than one word is being sent, sequential addressing is used, starting with the one specified, and it either increments (LSB first) or decrements (MSB first) basedon the mode setting.Table 8.W1 and W0 settingsW1:W0 Action CSB stalling00 1 byte of data can be transferred. Optional01 2 bytes of data can be transferred. Optional10 3 bytes of data can be transferred. OptionalNo11 4 or more bytes of data can be transferred. CSB must be heldlow for entire sequence; otherwise, the cycle is terminated.Data follows the instruction phase. The amount of data sent is determined by the word length (Bit W0 and Bit W1). This can be one or more bytes of data. All data is composed of 8-bit words.Data can be sent in either MSB-first mode or LSB-first mode (by setting ‘LSB_first’ bit). On power up, MSB-first mode is the default. This can be changed by programming the configuration register. In MSB-first mode, the serial exchange starts with the highest-order bit and ends with the LSB. In LSB-first mode, the order is reversed. (Figure6)Figure 6 MSB First and LSB First Instruction and Data PhasesRegister bit ‘SDO_active’ is responsible for activating SDO on devices. If this bit is cleared, then SDO is inactive and read data is routed to the SDIO pin. If this bit is set, read data is placed on the SDO pin. The default for this bit is low, making SDO inactive.3.2.2I2C OperationI2C bus uses SCL and SDA as signal lines. Both lines are connected to VDDIO externally via pull-up resistors so that they are pulled high when the bus is free. The I2C device address of da280 is shown below. The LSB bit of the 7bits device address is configured via SA0pin.Table 9.I2C AddressSAD6 SAD5 SAD4 SAD3 SAD2 SAD1 SAD0 W/R0 1 0 0 1 1 SAO 0/1Table 10.SAD+Read/Write patternsCommand SAD[6:1] SAD[0]=SA0 R/W SAD+R/W Read 010011 0 1 01001101(4dh)Write 010011 0 0 01001100(4ch)Read 010011 1 1 01001111(4fh)Write 010011 1 0 01001110(4eh)The I2C interface protocol has special bus signal conditions. Start (S), stop (P) and binary data conditions are shown below. At start condition, SCL is high and SDA has a falling edge. Then the slave address is sent. After the 7 address bits, the direction control bit R/W selects the read or write operation. When a slave device recognizes that it is being addressed, it should acknowledge by pulling SDA low in the ninth SCL (ACK) cycle.At stop condition, SCL is also high, but SDA has a rising edge. Data must be held stable at SDA when SCL is high. Data can change value at SDA only when SCL is low.Figure 7 I2C Protocol4Terminology and functionality4.1Terminology4.1.1SensitivitySensitivity describes the gain of the sensor and can be determined e.g. by applying 1 g acceleration to it. As the sensor can measure DC accelerations this can be done easily by pointing the axis of interest towards the center of the earth, noting the output value, rotating the sensor by 180 degrees (pointing to the sky) and noting the output value again. By doing so, ±1 g acceleration is applied to the sensor. Subtract the larger output value from the smaller one, and dividing the result by 2, leads to the actual sensitivity of the sensor. This value changes very little over temperature and also time. The sensitivity tolerance describes the range of sensitivities of a large population of sensors.4.1.2Zero-g levelZero-g level offset (TyOff) describes the deviation of an actual output signal from the ideal output signal if no acceleration is present. A sensor in a steady state on a horizontal surface measure 0 g in X axis and 0 g in Y axis whereas the Z axis measure 1 g. The output is ideally in the middle of the dynamic range of the sensor (content of output data registers are 00h, data expressed as 2’s complement number). A deviation from ideal value in this case is called Zero-g offset. Offset is to some extent a result of stress to MEMS sensor and therefore the offset can slightly change after mounting the sensor onto a printed circuit board or exposing it to extensive mechanical stress. Offset changes little over temperature; see “Zero-g level change vs. temperature”. The Zero-g level tolerance (TyOff) describes the standard deviation of the range of Zero-g levels of a population of sensors.4.2Functionality4.2.1Power modeThe da280 has three different power modes. Besides normal mode, which represents the fully operational state of the device, there are two special energy saving modes: low-power mode and suspend mode.Figure 8 power modeIn normal mode, all parts of the electronic circuit are held powered-up and data acquisition is performed continuously. In suspend mode, the whole analog part, including the oscillator, Ana LDO, Dig LDO and Drive Buffer are all powered down, no data acquisition is performed and the only supported operation is to read/write the registers. Suspend mode is entered by writing ‘11’ or ‘10’ to the (0x11) ‘pwr_mode’ bits.In low power mode, the device is periodically switching between a sleep phase and a wake-up phase. The wake-up phase essentially corresponding to operation in normal mode with complete power-up of the circuitry. During the sleep phase the analog part except the oscillator is powered down.During the wake-up phase, if a enabled interrupt is detected, the device stays in the wake-up phase as long as the interrupt condition endures (non-latched interrupt), or until the latch time expires (temporary interrupt), or until the interrupt is reset (latched interrupt). If no interrupt detected, the device enters the sleep phase.4.2.2Sensor dataThe width of acceleration data is 14bits given in two’s complement representation. The 14bits for each axis are split into an MSB part (one byte containing bits 13 to 6) and an LSB lower part (one byte containing bits 5 to 0)4.2.3Self-testThis feature permits to check the sensor functionality by applying electrostatic forces to the sensor core instead of external accelerations. By actually deflecting the seismic mass, the entire signal path of the sensor can be tested. Activating the self-test results in a static offset of the acceleration data; any external acceleration or gravitational forceapplied to the sensor during active self-test will be observed in the output as a superposition of both acceleration and self-test signal.The self-test is activated individually for each axis by writing 1 to the (0x32) ‘self_test_en’ bit. It is possible to control the direction of the deflection though bit ‘self_test_sign’ for each axis. The excitation occurs in positive (negative) direction if ‘self_test_sign’ = ‘0b’ (‘1b’).In order to ensure a proper interpretation of the self-test signal it is recommended to perform the self-test for both directions and then to calculate the difference of the resulting acceleration values. Table15 show the difference for each axis.Table 15.Self-test difference valuesX-axis signal Y-axis signal Z-axis signalResulting difference value +0.4g +0.4g +0.4g4.2.4Factory calibrationThe IC is factory calibrated for sensitivity (So) and Zero-g level (TyOff). The trimming values are stored inside the chip’s nonvolatile memory. The trimming parameters are loaded to registers while da280 reset (POR or software reset). This allows using the device without further calibration.4.3Interrupt controllerInterrupt engines are integrated in the da280. Each interrupt can be independently enabled and configured. If the condition of an enabled interrupt is fulfilled, the corresponding status bit is set to 1 and the selected interrupt pin is activated. There are two interrupt pins, INT1 and INT2; interrupts can be freely mapped to any of these two pins. The pin state is a logic ‘or’ combination of all mapped interrupts.4.3.1General featuresAn interrupt is cleared depending on the selected interrupt mode, which is common to all interrupts. There are three different interrupt modes: non-latched, latched and temporary. The mode is selected by the ‘latch_int’ bits according to table16.Table 16.Interrupt mode selectionlatch_int Interrupt mode0000 non-latched0001 temporary latched 250ms0010 temporary latched 500ms0011 temporary latched 1s0100 temporary latched 2s0101 temporary latched 4s0110 temporary latched 8s0111 latched1000 non-latched1001 temporary latched 1ms1010 temporary latched 1ms1011 temporary latched 2ms1100 temporary latched 25ms1101 temporary latched 50ms1110 temporary latched 100ms1111 latchedAn interrupt is generated if its activation condition is met. It can’t be cleared as long as the activation condition is fulfilled. In the non-latched mode the interrupt status bit and the selected pin (INT1 or INT2) are cleared as soon as the activation condition is no more valid. Exceptions to this behavior are the new data and orientation, which are automatically reset after a fixed time.In the latched mode an asserted interrupt status and the selected pin are cleared by writing 1 to (0x21) ‘reset_int’ bit. If the activation condition still holds when it is cleared, the interrupt status is asserted again with the next change of the acceleration registers.In the temporary mode an asserted interrupt and selected pin are cleared after a defined period of time. The behavior of the different interrupt modes is shown in figure 9.Figure 9 Interrupt mode4.3.2MappingThe mapping of interrupts to the interrupt pins is done by registers ‘INT_MAP_x’ (0x19 0x1a and 0x1b), setting int1_inttype (e.g. int1_freefall) to 1 can map this type of interrupt to INT1 pin and setting int2_inttyp to 1 can map this type interrupt to INT2 pin.4.3.3Electrical behavior (INT1/INT2 to open-drive or push-pull)Both interrupt pins can be configured to show desired electrical behavior. The active level for each pin is set by register bit int1_lvl (int2_lvl), if int1_lvl (int2_lvl) = 0 (1), then the pin INT1 (INT2) is 0 (1) active.Also the electric type of the interrupt pin can be selected. By setting int1_od (int2_od) = 1 (0), the interrupt pin output type can be set to be open-drive (push-pull).4.3.4New data interruptThis interrupt serves for synchronous reading of acceleration data. It is generated after an acceleration data was calculated. The interrupt is cleared automatically before the next acceleration data is ready.4.3.5Active detectionActive detection uses the slope between successive acceleration signals to detect changes in motion. An interrupt is generated when the slope (absolute value of acceleration difference) exceeds a preset threshold. The threshold is set with the value of register ‘active_th’ with the LSB corresponding to 16 LSB of acceleration data, that is 3.9mg in 2g-range, 7.8mg in 4g-range, 15.6mg in 8g-range and 31.3mg in 16g-range. And the maximum value is 1g in 2g-range, 2g in 4g-range, 4g in 8g-range and 8g in 16g-range.The time difference between the successive acceleration signals depends is fixed to 1ms.Active detection can be enabled (disabled) for each axis separately by writing ‘1’ to bits ‘active_int_en_x/y/z’. The active interrupt is generated if the slope of any of the enabled axes exceeds the threshold for [‘active_dur’+1] consecutive times. As soon as the slopes of all enabled axes fall below this threshold for [‘active_dur’+1] consecutive times, the interrupt is cleared unless the interrupt signal is latched.The interrupt status is stored in the (0x09) ‘active_int’ bit. The (0x0b) bit ‘active_first_x/y/z’ records which axis triggered the active interrupt first and the sign of this acceleration data that triggered the interrupt is recorded in the (0x0b) bit ‘active_sign’.4.3.6Tap detectionTap detection has a functional similarity with a common laptop touch-pad or clicking keys of a computer mouse. A tap event is detected if a pre-defined pattern of the acceleration slope is fulfilled at least for one axis. Two different tap events are distinguished: A single tap is a single event within a certain time, followed by a certain quiet time. A double tap consist a first such event followed by a second event within a defined time.Single tap interrupt is enabled by writing 1 to the (0x16) ‘s_tap_int_en’ bit and double tap interrupt is enabled by writing 1 to the (0x16) ‘d_tap_int_en’ bit. The status of the single tap interrupt is stored in the (0x09) ‘s_tap_int’ bit and the status of the double tap interrupt is stored in the (0x09) ‘d_tap_int’ bit.The slope threshold for detecting a tap event is set by the (0x2b) “tap_th” bits with the LSB corresponding to 256LSB。









早在97年夏普就已经是24BIT的解码了,直到1999年的爱华F80仍然还是采用20BIT 解码。








国美领航者ERP信息系统国美电器于2011年12月1日宣布,国美集团领航者ERP Leader信息系统差不多正式实施成功,国美ERP(企业资源打算)信息系统在行业内首次实现利润核算到单店以及全国库存共享。










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索尼最近推出了一个新项目:Android 的概念版(Concept for Android™),这个项目致力于一款基于 Android 5.1 开发的手机系统。

在测试阶段,这个新系统将会保留索尼的应用,并且砍掉部分 Google 系应用,例如视频应用 YouTube。

首批系统将会在Xperia Z3 手机上试用。

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“每周发一个新版本”这种规则,其实早已在 Android 的定制系统 CyanogenMod 上实现,而国内的手机厂商比如小米和魅族也已经按照这样的节奏更新系统。




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