






关键词:聚酰亚胺;液晶显示器;取向层;模块;彩色滤光片TN141.9 A引言液晶显示器是平板显示器中最早开发并被商品化的产品,薄膜晶体管液晶显示器(TFT-LCD)因轻薄、环保、高性能等优点,目前已成为显示的主流产品,广泛应用于液晶电视、笔记本电脑和手机屏等方面[1]。



1 液晶屏取向层中的应用取向层是液晶盒内与液晶直接接触的薄层物质,液晶分子依赖于玻璃基板表面取向膜的各向异性处理而得到有序排列,从而实现液晶盒光通量调制。





2 液晶屏模块中的应用2.1 应用于液晶显示中的连接目前,液晶显示屏与驱动模块之间的连接组装主要有带式自动组装(tape automated bonding,TAB)技术和COG (chip on glass)组装技术。















3、区分器件封装形式比如TI公司的基准电压芯片TL431,TL431C P代表的是PDIP封装,TL431CD代表的是SOI C 封装,其中后缀“P”和“D”代表的就是不同封装(“C”代表温度,在上面已经解释)。

4、区分订货包装方式比如,TI公司的基准电压芯片TL431 CD,如果要求是按盘装(2500PCS/盘)的采购,那么必须按TL431 CDR的型号下单,这里的后缀“R”代表的就是盘装。



(五)AC C20控制功能一、逻辑控制1、启动封锁功能起动封锁是指在某些特定情况下,不允许主机进行起动的一项安全措施。

在AC C20遥控系统中,只要出现下列的任意一种情况,都将激活遥控系统的启动封锁功能.(1)主机故障停车:当主机安保系绞检测到某种严重故障而导致故障停车时,将封锁主机的起动操作。






















Pneumatic Weld Control Products Catalog 0695/USAUpdated May 4, 2007SempressCatalog 0695/USAParker Means Components, Systems and Partnerships that WorkParker is committed to offering the automotive industry the most comprehensive array of motion control products and technologies. We are continuously improving the performance and value of our products to meet the current and future needs of the global automotive industry.Parker’s auto manufacturing focus includes body and assembly, powertrain, metal stamping, components and trim.Industry LeaderNo one can match Parker’s expertise in supplying motion control components and complete systems. For more than half a century, automotive manufacturers have trusted Parker with their motion control needs.Parker in Automobile ManufacturingThe specification list of Parker Products for the automotive Industry - Bulletin SAE 1 - lists 290 automotive plants around the world. This is a result of the technical and commercial competence we provide through close relationships with purchasers, engineers, project managers and shop floor personnel of the industry. Performance, efficiency, economy and reliability of Parker products make us the preferred source.Parker partnership benefits include:•Simultaneous engineering service, standardization, of components reduces part numbers, and provides easy maintenance•Added value through subassemblies, systems and kits•24 hour service with drop shipping•Low watt valve technology lowers energy and maintenance costs•T otal systems and experienced project management supportWe help to reduce your inventory, procurement costs, machine down time and to find solutions for environmental issues.!WARNINGFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS AND/OR SYSTEMS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.This document and other information from Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product and/or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise. It is important that you analyze all aspects of your application including consequences of any failure, and review the information concerning the product or system in the current product catalog. Due to the variety of operating conditions and applications for these products or systems, the user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the final selection of the products and systems and assuring that all performance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met.The products described herein, including without limitation, product features, specifications, designs, availability and pricing, are subject to change by Parker Hannifin Corporation and its subsidiaries at any time without notice.Offer of SaleThe items described in this document are hereby offered for sale by Parker Hannifin Corporation, its subsidiaries or its authorized distributors. This offer and its acceptance are governed by the provisions stated on the separate page of this document entitled “Offer of Sale”.© Copyright 2004, Parker Hannifin Corporation. All Rights Reserved.Welding ProductsTable of ContentsGeneral information............................................................................Inside Cover FeaturesThe Parker Sempress “Low Impact” Effect (2)The Parker Sempress “Rapid Approach” Effect (2)Other Options (3)Program Overview (3)ProductsDH / DP Valve Blockwith Low Impact and Rapid Approach Control..............................................4-5 LVU Frame BlockClamping System with Quick Release for Air Service Units.........................6-7 LVU-HY Frame BlockClamping System with Quick Release for Air & Water Service Units............8-9 EPDN / MP SeriesProportional Valve with Micro Processor ..................................................10-13 Reference List. (14)Dimensions....................................................................................................15-18 Offer of Sale. (20)Welding Products FeaturesFeaturesOver the last decades we have developed and manufactured, in close collaboration with the major car manufacturers, a number of specific products for spot welding applications.Parker Sempress Pneumatic is part of the Automation Group of the Parker Hannifin Corp. Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Parker Hannifin is the world leader in Fluid Power technology.The Parker Sempress “Low-Impact” Effect A specific feature in Parker Sempress Pneumatic spot weld cylinder is the “Low-Impact” effect.This is reached by means of an integrated pneumatic control which ensures that the electrodes are touching the sheet metal with low force and speed (kinetic energy) and that immediately after touch down of the electrodes the press-force is built-up instantly.This gives following advantages:•Less noise because the electrodes only touch the metal sheets softly.•No bouncing of the electrodes on the metal sheets, hence the spot welding can start immediately after the first contact.•Less wear on electrodes (measured lifetime-improvement of 30%) and sensitive electrode-caps (measured lifetime improvement of 200%).•No damaging of the metal sheets. Additional polishing can be avoided.•Less shocking movements in the welding gun and between electrodes•On robot-guns: water-hoses and electric cabling show less wear.•On manual guns: less physical stress for the operator•Less sparking because both metal sheets are pressed together properly and immediately after first contact.•Less welding points required because the quality of the weld is improved.•Lower welding current can be used.•An electrical feedback signal is available when 75% of the clamping force has been reached.One of the features of the Parker Sempress “Low-Impact” system is that it is stroke-independent. This means that the system works on every position of the cylinder. The nominal stroke of the cylinder should be longer than the maximum required stroke.The Parker Sempress “Rapid-Approach”EffectAnother specific feature is the “Rapid-Approach” effect. This allows, especially at welding guns with a big opening between both electrodes, for high speed in the beginning of the movement. At a certain point this speed is reduced after which the normal movement follows with the “Low-Impact” feature as described above. Also the “Rapid-Approach” feature is stroke-independent.This feature provides advantages when longer strokes are to be made, e.g. on C-type of welding guns with a stroke > 60 mm (2.36").Welding Products Other OptionsOther Options•A Built-in P/E Switch.This outputs an electric signal as soon as thecylinder reaches 75% of it’s full force.This signal indicates that after a very shortsqueeze-time or immediately welding can start.•Completely Isolated CylinderThis prevents both electrodes from getting a short-circuit through the piston rod, piston and housingof the cylinder.• Non-rotating Piston Rod.This prevents that the electrode connected to thepiston rod does not get out of position anddamages the electric cabling and water hoses.Program OverviewThe weld system consists of the following product options:1. Pneumatic Cylinders•Single Stroke•Double Stroke•With Pre-stroke•With Weld Stroke2.Valve Blocks3.Air and Water Treatment Units4.Proportional ValvesParker Sempress can combine these products into one system that features both “Low-Impact” and “Rapid-Approach” into your application. We would like to get the opportunity to explain to you how this can be done for your application.。










一. 产品概述1.概述南京因泰莱电器公司(INT)研制和生产的PA200系列综合数字式继电器是采用计算机技术、电力自动化技术、通讯技术等多种高新技术的产品,它集保护、测量、控制、监测、通讯等多种功能于一体,是电力系统自动化的基础硬件装置,是构成智能化开关柜的理想电器元件。



2.产品特点z PA200系列综合数字继电器不仅拥有继电保护完整的保护功能,而且对所有测量量进行数字化的处理和计算,保证了继电保护的可靠性和安全性。


所有元件采用工业级CMOS芯片,在机箱设计、电源设计、电路设计上总体考虑了电磁兼容性,具有极强的抗干扰能力,在强干扰情况下保护不会误动;z 事件顺序记录,直接使用汉字显示事件及保护动作信息,累加记录;z 汉字显示保护整定菜单;z 可显示测量电压、电流、有功、无功、电度等数值;z 具有远方单元管理功能;z完善的自检体系,包括对RAM、ROM、定值、继电器、AD通道及测量通道系数的正常值的检测;z 面板上装设了设置/运行开关,设置时须输入口令,避免人员误改定值;z 全封闭抗干扰硬件结构,超薄型设计,安装方便。




场所区域光照要求 插头形式
澳大利亚/ 新西兰 美式 英式
走廊、楼梯库房、货栈 100~150 Lux 一般办公室 300~500 Lux 粗机加工、钳工 300~500 Lux 中机加工、钳工 500~700 Lux 绘图室、商店 700~1000 Lux 精细机加工、钳工 1000~1500 Lux 精细检验 1500~3000 Lux 细微工作 3000~5000 Lux Lux(勒克斯):Lumen/M2 流明/米2
L(升): 立方分米 m L (毫升) :立方厘米 1 ft3 (立方英尺)= 28. 3168 L(升) 1 L(升)=1000 m L (毫升) UK gal :英加仑 1UK gal = 4. 546 L US gal :美加仑 1 US gal = 3. 785 L
CFM:ft3 / min (立方英尺/分钟)
通道位置数 例如: 2极6路:二根进线,6个位置通道,每个通道 都可有二线输出 3极3位:三根进线,3个位置通道,每个通道 都可有三线输出 6档3极:三根进线,6个位置通道,每个通道 都可有三线输出
N/O : 常开,常态下切换触点打开,
N/C : 常闭,常态下切换触点闭合,
法/ 欧码 英码
36 3 37 4 38 5 39 5.5 40 6 41 7 42 8 43 9 44 10 46 11 47 12
中国厘米 22.5 23 23.5 24 24.5 25 25.5 26 26.5/ 27 28 法/ 欧码 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 英码 3/3.5 4 4.5 5/5.5 6 6.5 7/7.5 8/8.5 9/9.5 10 美国码 一般比英码大0.5码



国电南自Q/GDNZ.J.01.72-2000标准备案号:1539- 2000PSL 620C系列数字式线路保护技术说明书国电动份GUODIAN NANJING AUTOMATION CO.,LTDPSL620C数字式线路保护装置技术说明书V4.30国电南京自动化股份有限公司2005年12月版本声明本技术说明书适用于以下版本的保护程序:PSL621C距离保护版本: 4.53PSL621C零序重合闸保护版本: 4.52PSL622C高频保护版本: 4.10PSL623C过流零序重合闸保护版本: 4.53PSL626C过流距离重合闸保护版本: 2.82PSL627C过流重合闸保护版本: 2.82产品说明书版本修改记录表1098765432 V4.3 增加具备双以太网通信口(或三以太网)、RS485串行通信口、V4.52 2005.12 就地打印串行通讯口、PSView调试分析软件串行通讯口1 V4.0 增加装置整体结构图、面板布置图、结构安装图等 V4.50 2003.9 序号 说明书版本修 改 摘 要 软件版本号 修改日期* 技术支持:电话(025)51183140传真(025)51183144* 本说明书可能会被修改,请注意核对实际产品与说明书的版本是否相符* 2005年12月 第1版 第1次印刷目 录1 概述 (1)1.1适用范围 (1)1.2功能配置及型号 (1)1.3性能特点 (1)2 技术性能及指标 (3)2.1额定电气参数 (3)2.2技术性能及指标 (3)2.3环境条件 (4)2.4绝缘性能 (4)2.5电磁兼容性能 (5)2.6机械性能 (5)3 PSL621C线路保护装置 (6)3.1功能及原理 (6)3.1.1 启动元件 (6)3.1.2 选相元件 (6)3.1.3 距离保护 (6)3.1.4 零序保护 (12)3.1.5 重合闸继电器 (14)3.1.6 失灵启动 (16)3.1.7 合闸加速保护 (16)3.1.8 交流电压电流异常判断 (17)3.1.9 过流保护 (18)3.1.10 低周减载、低压减载 (18)3.2硬件构成 (20)3.2.1 硬件配置 (20)3.2.2 各模件说明 (22)3.3定值与整定 (31)3.3.1 装置整定项目与有关参数整定范围 (31)3.3.2 整定计算及整定方法简介 (33)4 PSL622C线路保护装置 (37)4.1功能及原理 (37)4.1.1 高频保护 (37)4.2硬件构成 (44)4.2.1 硬件配置 (44)4.2.2 各模件说明 (45)4.3定值与整定 (46)4.3.1 装置整定项目与有关参数整定范围 (46)4.3.2 整定计算及整定方法简介 (47)5 PSL623C线路保护装置 (49)5.1功能及原理 (49)5.2硬件构成 (50)5.2.1 硬件配置 (50)5.2.2 各模件说明 (51)5.3定值与整定 (52)5.3.1 装置整定项目与有关参数整定范围 (52)5.3.2 整定计算及整定方法简介 (54)6 PSL626C 线路保护装置 (56)6.1功能及原理 (56)6.2硬件构成 (60)6.2.1 硬件配置 (60)6.2.2 各模件说明 (61)6.3定值与整定 (65)6.3.1 装置整定项目与有关参数整定范围 (65)6.3.2 整定计算及整定方法简介 (66)7 PSL627C 线路保护装置 (69)7.1功能及原理 (69)7.2硬件构成 (70)7.2.1 硬件配置 (70)7.2.2 各模件说明 (71)7.3定值清单及整定说明 (72)7.3.1 装置整定项目与有关参数整定范围 (72)7.3.2 整定计算及整定方法简介 (73)8 信息记录和分析 (75)9 与变电站自动化系统配合 (75)10 事件信息一览表 (76)1 概述1.1 适用范围PSL 620C系列数字式线路保护装置是以距离保护、零序保护和三相一次重合闸为基本配置的成套线路保护装置,并集成了电压切换箱和三相操作箱,适用于110KV、66KV或35KV输配电线路。






1制冷标示,闪烁(频率 1Hz )时表明制冷输出延时。













按- 3秒钟,闪烁显示传感器 2的温度10秒钟。





在正常模式下,按▼ 3秒钟,闪烁显示传感器 3的温度10秒钟。






电源:可选用 220VAC/110VAC/12VAC/12VDC ;温度传感器:传感器1 :测量柜内温度,用于压缩机的控制,柜内温度报警。



半导体(二极管、三极管)的识别和表示方法中国半导体器件型号命名方法 半导体器件型号由五部分(场效应器件、半导体特殊器件、复合管、PIN型管、激光器件的型号命名只有第三、四、五部分)组成。

五个部分意义如下: 第一部分:用数字表示半导体器件有效电极数目。

2-二极管、3-三极管 第二部分:用汉语拼音字母表示半导体器件的材料和极性。




P-普通管、V-微波管、W-稳压管、C-参量管、Z-整流管、L-整流堆、S-隧道管、N-阻尼管、U-光电器件、K-开关管、X-低频小功率管(F<3MHz,Pc<1W)、G-高频小功率管(f>3MHz,Pc<1W)、D -低频大功率管(f<3MHz,Pc>1W)、A-高频大功率管(f>3MHz,Pc>1W)、T-半导体晶闸管(可控整流器)、Y-体效应器件、B-雪崩管、J-阶跃恢复管、CS-场效应管、BT-半导体特殊器件、FH-复合管、PIN-PIN型管、JG-激光器件。

第四部分:用数字表示序号 第五部分:用汉语拼音字母表示规格号不同的国家和地区,对晶体三极管的命名方法是不一样的。

可从相关的前缀来辨别晶体管的材料(硅、锗),极性(N管、P 管)等。





C250 Cartridges for AL250 iron JBC-C250系列烙铁头
Galvanic treatment tips offers outstanding thermal performance and long duration.
ø 0,6
ø 0,8
ø 1,7 ø1
ø 2,2
ø 0,5
C105-101 C105-103 C105-106 C105-107
1 x 0,3
1,8 x 0,5
C105-105 C105-110
C105-108 C105-113
C245-938 ØA=3,8 C245-931 ØA=2,7
C245-228* A=12,4 B=15,0 C245-224* A=12,0 B=12,0
C245-965 ØA=1,9
C245-223* A=8,5 B=8,5
ø 0,6
ø 0,8
ø 1,7
ø 2,2



Pneumatic Air Preparation Systems Optional Port Block Kits• To change port sizes Port Block Kits are available, they are attached to any unit utilizing the connecting kit.• Allows assemblies to be removed from a hard pipedsystem.Modular ManifoldP3Y Series Manifolds provide up to 4 extra outlet ports. They may be assembled at any position in a combination e.g. before the lubricator to provide oil free take off or at theend of a combination to provide extra outlet ports.Port sizesInlet port Top Bottom Front and Back 3/4"1/8”1”1/4”1"1/8”1”1/4”G1AccessoriesMaterial specificationsBody Aluminium Weight0.65 kg (1.43 lb)Material specificationsBody Aluminium Weight0.7 kg (1.5 lb)Dimensions mm (inches)Pneumatic Air Preparation SystemsSolenoid OperatorsSolenoid Operators - CNOMO MaterialsTechnical data -Solenoid operators, coil combinationsPilot ValveBody:Polyamide Armature tube:BrassPlunger & core:Corrosion resistant Cr-Ni steel Seals:Fluorocarbon Screws:Stainless steelCoilEncapsulation material:Thermoplastic as standard Duroplast for M12 connectionTransientsInterrupting the current through the solenoid coil producesmomentary voltage peaks which, under unfavorable conditions, can amount to several hundred times the rated operating voltage. Normally, these transients do not cause problems, but to achieve the Maximum life of relays in the circuit (and particularly of transistors, thyristors and integrated circuits) it is desirable to provide protection by means of voltage-dependent resistors (varistors). All connectors/cable plugs EN175301-803 with LED’s include this type of circuit protection.Solenoid Coils with M12 ConnectionSolenoid Coils with DIN A or Industrial B Connectionabove part numbers for spares. The operators are supplied with mounting screws and interface ‘O’ rings. Coils and connectors must be ordered separately.22mm x 30mm 30mm x 30mm Part number Spare Base Solenoid Pilot Operator CNOMO NCNC Normal Operator with 22 x 30 standard coilNC Normal Operator with 30 x 30 standard coil Working pressure 0 to 10 bar 0 to 10 bar Ambient temperature -10°C to 60°C *-10°C to 60°C *Power (DC) 4.8W 2.7W Power (AC)8.5VA 4.9VA Voltage tolerance +/-10%+/-10%Duty cycle 100%100%Insulation class FFElectric connection B Industrial DIN 43650A Protection IP65IP65Approval UL/CSAWorking mediaAll neutral media such as compressed air* Limited to 50°C if use with 100% duty cyclePneumatic Air Preparation SystemsSolenoid Nuts, Connectors & CablesSolenoid Connectors / Cable Plugs EN175301-803Part number 22mm Form B Part number 30mm Form A Solenoid coil dimensions mm (inches)Cable plug dimensions mm (inches)Electrical schematics22mm Form B industrial cable plugs22 x 30mm30 x 30mm30mm DIN 43650A cable plugs。

Parker FL20系列服务器驱动器与电机产品说明书

Parker FL20系列服务器驱动器与电机产品说明书

Power Range 2Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorWARNING — USER RESPONSIBILITYFAILURE OR IMPROPER SELECTION OR IMPROPER USE OF THE PRODUCTS DESCRIBED HEREIN OR RELATED ITEMS CAN CAUSE DEATH, PERSONAL INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE.• This document and other information from Parker-Hannifi n Corporation, its subsidiaries and authorized distributors provide product or system options for further investigation by users having technical expertise.• The user, through its own analysis and testing, is solely responsible for making the fi nal selection of the system and components and assuring that all performance, endurance, maintenance, safety and warning requirements of the application are met. The user must analyze all aspects of the application, follow applicable industry standards, and follow the information concerning the product in the current product catalog and in any other materials provided from Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors.• To the extent that Parker or its subsidiaries or authorized distributors provide component or system options based upon data or specifi cations provided by the user, the user is responsible for determining that suchdata and specifi cations are suitable and suffi cient for all applications and reasonably foreseeable uses of the components or systems.Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorFL20 Servo DriveDrive overview (5)Technical characteristics (6)Drive component (8)Terminal details (10)Wiring diagram (13)Connection to Peripheral Devices (14)Typical main circuit wiring (15)Ordering code - Drive (16)Drive dimensions (18)Servo MotorServo motor overview (22)Ordering code - Motor (23)Technical characteristics (24)Motor dimensions (27)Accessories (32)Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorGlobal Product DesignParker Hannifin has more than 40 years experience in the design and manufacturing of drives, controls, motors and mechanical products. With dedicated global productdevelopment teams, Parker draws on industry-leading technological leadership and experience from engineering teams in Europe, North America and Asia.Local Application Expertise Parker has local engineering resources committed to adapting and applying our current products and technologies to best fit our customers’ needs.Manufacturing to Meet Our Customers’ NeedsParker is committed to meeting the increasing service demands that our customers require to succeed in the global industrial market. Parker’s manufacturing teams seek continuous improvement through the implementation of lean manufacturing methods throughout the process. We measure ourselves on meeting our customers’ expectations of quality and delivery, not just our own. In order to meet these expectations, Parker operates and continues to invest in ourmanufacturing facilities in Europe, North America and Asia.Parker HannifinThe global leader in motion and control technologiesWuxi, China Littlehampton, UK Charlotte NC, USA Chennai, IndiaJangan, KoreaParker provides sales assistance and local technical support through a network of dedicated sales teams and authorized technical distributors.For contact information, please refer to the Sales Offices on the back cover of this document or visit Electromechanical Worldwide Manufacturing Locations EuropeLittlehampton, United Kingdom Dijon, FranceOffenburg, Germany Filderstadt, Germany Milan, Italy AsiaWuxi, China Jangan, Korea Chennai, IndiaNorth AmericaRohnert Park, California Irwin, PennsylvaniaCharlotte, NorthCarolina NewUlm, MinnesotaParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorOverviewDescriptionFL20-S Series Servo Drives is a high performance drive particularly suitable for Film Line and similarapplications. It has a 1.2kHz frequency response with a full closed loop functionality. The feedback options are incremental encoder, absolute encoder and resolver.The FL20-S has in-built RS485/232 port for PC monitoring. It also has CANopen and EtherCATcommunication as options. The Parker PAC controller with its EtherCAT communication can be used as a complete solution for applications that need a controller as well as servo drives and motors.FL20C is the in built EtherCAT version of the FL20S. The I/Os are optimized as most of the commands would be through the EtherCAT communication.Features• Flexibility• Full closed loop control or multi-position control or interrupted position control • Gantry synchronization • Gain switchingFaster• Frequency response 1.2kHz • Dual-core processors • 23-bit absolute encoderPowerful• Built-in PLC Function• Pulse command Frequency up to 4Mhz • RS485/232, CANopen, EtherCAT• RS485/232 interface connected to PC SoftwareFL20 series Servo Drives for Film Line ApplicationsTechnical CharacteristicsParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorTechnical CharacteristicsFL20-S Servo Drive SpecificationsParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor Technical CharacteristicsFL20-C Servo Drive SpecificationsParker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorDrive ComponentInput Signal for FL20-S DrivesCharging IndicatorThe LED will light up when incoming poweris given. The DC Link capacitors will retain charge for some time even if power is turnedoff. Do not attempt to touch the power terminals as long as this LED is ‘ON”.Main Power InputOperator PanelSerial Communication Port (CN1)PC, PLC, CNC and other host controllerEncoder Interface (CN2)Connected with the servo motorInput and output signal (CN3)Command input, the monitor signal output terminal.Ground Connection.Must connect to ground at all times to avoid electric shock.Control Power InputBraking resistor connectionDC Reactor ConnectionServo Motor Connection1) 2connected power supply.2) 3forbidden to connect.1 phase 220V .Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorDrive ComponentInput Signal for FL20-C DrivesThe LED will light up when incoming poweris given. The DC Link capacitors will retain charge for some time even if power is turnedoff. Do not attempt to touch the power terminals as long as this LED is ‘ON”.Main Power InputOperator PanelSerial Communication Port (CN1)PC, PLC, CNC and other host controllerEncoder Interface (CN2)Connected with the servo motorInput and output signal (CN3)Command input, the monitor signal output terminal.Ground Connection.Must connect to ground at all times to avoid electric shock.Control Power InputBraking resistor connectionDC Reactor ConnectionServo Motor Connection1) 2connected power supply.2) 3forbidden to connect.1 phase 220V .Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorCN2 Terminal DefinitionFigure: From the wire side to drive side lookFigure: From the wire side to drive side lookTerminal DetailsCN1 Terminal DefinitionFigure: CN1 terminal definition (from the wire side to drive side view)Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorTerminal DetailsCN3 Terminal Definition for FL20-S Drives12Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorOther SignalCommunication PortTerminal DetailsCN3 Terminal Definition for FL20-C DrivesParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor Wiring diagramConnected to the shell1314Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motor伺服电机PC ,PLC ORcommunication Servo motorConnection to Peripheral Devices(1 phase 220V, only L1 and L3 should be connected.)15Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorTypical main circuit wiringFor 220V servo driveFor 380V servo driveNote)For 220V input servo drive, L1C and L2C should be connected to power supply.For 220V single phase connect to L1 and L3.For 380V input servo drive, L1C and L2C are forbidden to connectPanel16Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorOrdering CodeFL20-S Series DriveNote)-EtherCAT, CANopen communication cards1.0kW, M2 Frame 152 T3 M2 1.5kW, M2 Frame 202 T3 M32kW, M3 Frame 302 T3 M33kW, M3 Frame 452 T3 M3 4.5kW, M3 Frame 552 T3 M3 5.5kW, M3 Frame 752 T3 MM47.5kW, MM4 Frame 113 T3 MM411kW, MM4 Frame 153 T3 M415kW, M4 Frame 183 T3 M518kW, M5 Frame 223 T3 M522kW, M5 Frame 303 T3 M630kW, M6 Frame 373 T3 M637kW, M6 FrameB3Built in Brake Unit + Dynamic Brake Note) - F or build in and external resistors details please 48 x 175 x 195B3(no braking resister)M275 x 175 x 195B1, B3M3100 x 203 x 218B1, B3M3(5.5kW)100 x 203 x 218B1MM4150 x 336 x 203B1(no braking resister)M4185 x 380 x 215B1(no braking resister)M5210 x 420 x 215B1(no braking resister)M6268.4 x 498 x 234B1(no braking resister)Note)- Specification subject to change without notice.Optional Communication CardParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor Ordering CodeFL20-C Series Drive202 T3 M32kW, M3 Frame 302 T3 M33kW, M3 Frame 452 T3 M3 4.5kW, M3 Frame 552 T3 M3 5.5kW, M3 Frame 752 T3 MM47.5kW, MM4 Frame 113 T3 MM411kW, MM4 Frame 153 T3 M415kW, M4 Frame 183 T3 M518kW, M5 Frame 223 T3 M522kW, M5 Frame 303 T3 M630kW, M6 Frame 373 T3 M637kW, M6 Frame B3Built-in Brake Unit + Dynamic Brake Note)- F or build in and external resistors details pleaseM148 x 175 x 195resistor)M275 x 175 x 195B1, B3M3100 x 203 x 218B1, B3M3(5.5kW)100 x 203 x 218B1MM4150 x 336 x 203B1(No built-in brakingresistor)M4185 x 380 x 215B1(No built-in brakingresistor)M5210 x 420 x 215B1(No built-in brakingresistor)M6268.4 x 498 x 234B1(No built-in brakingresistor)Note)- Specification subject to change without notice.17Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorDrive Dimensions M1 Frame dimensionsM2 Frame dimensions18Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor M3 Frame dimensionsMM4 Frame dimensions1920Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorDrive DimensionsM5 Frame dimensionsParker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorM6 Frame dimensions2122Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorServo motorOverviewDescriptionServo motor is the latest development of a high-performance motor to meet the customer‘s requirement and the needs of actual market; supports wiring flexible, cost-effective standard AC servo position system.Servo motor nameplateMotor Current Rated Grade GradeRated Installation Product No.MA102F67EDM74211009038TYPE : FMMA-102F67ED FM17 - 0110R6EEDFLTH. CI .F IP54 No. :Rated Power : 11 kW Magnetic Field Angle :Production Date :AC permanent magnetic synchronous servo motorRated voltage : 380 V Rated Current : 23 A Speed : 1700 r/min Fan Voltage: 220 VRated Torque : 64 N·M M = 5 Nm23Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorOrdering CodeServo Motor (for 180 Flange and less)Servo Motor (for 180 and 250 spigot motor)R Resolver F 14-core 2500 ppr Incremental encoder G 8-core 2500 ppr Incremental encoder H 4-core 23-bit Incremental encoder S 4-core 17-bit Absolute encoder T4-core 23-bit Absolute encoderResolver F 14-core 2500 ppr Incremental encoder G 8-core 2500 ppr Incremental encoder H 4-core 23-bit Incremental encoder S 4-core 17-bit Absolute encoder T4-core 23-bit Absolute encoderSmooth shaft with C hole DKeyway shaft with C holeNote)The servo motors are used for both 220V and 380V .Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorTechnical CharacteristicsServo Motor Specifications (220V – Incremental, Absolute Encoder and Resolver)Note)• These part numbers are based on Incremental Encoder Type.• Three-phase AC servo motor type permanent magnet synchronous motor, natural cooling, protection class IP65.• The matched servo drive and motor can work with the most situation. But for some special situation, please contact to Parker sales team.24Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorServo Motor Specifications (380V – Incremental, Absolute Encoder and Resolver)Note)• These part numbers are based on Incremental Encoder Type.• Three-phase AC servo motor type permanent magnet synchronous motor, natural cooling, protection class IP65.• The matched servo drive and motor can work with the most situation. But for some special situation, please contact to Parker sales team.25Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorServo Motor Specifications (380V – Incremental, Absolute Encoder and Resolver)Note)• These part numbers are based on Incremental Encoder Type.• On behalf of the motor shaft extension brake category, please refer to [naming rules servo motor] in this manual.• The matched servo drive and motor can work with the most situation. But for some special situation, please contact to Parker sales team.2627Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorMotor DimensionsServo motor60 Flange80 Flangeencoder plugencoder plugTolerance grade not noted refer to GB/T 1804-2000-Mencoder plugencoder plug28Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorMotor DimensionsServo motor110 FlangeTolerance grade not noted refer to GB/T 1804-2000-MWaterproof rubber cover of aviation plug29Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor130 FlangeWaterproof rubber cover of aviation plugTolerance grade not noted refer to GB/T 1804-2000-M30Parker FL20 Series Servo drive · motorMotor DimensionsServo motor180 Flange MotorWaterproof rubber cover ofaviation plugTolerance grade not noted refer to GB/T 1804-2000-M31Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorFM15, FM17, FM20 series, Air-coolingNote)• 1-phase 220V power supply of 50 /60 Hz is usable for servomotor fan. • Green terminal definition: K-220VAC, L-220VAC, M-PE.Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorAccessoriesFeedback Cable• Absolute Encoder Cable (Maximun length : 30m)2) Encoder cable with L aviation plug((applicable for 110, 130 and 180 flange servo motor)1) Encoder cable with DB plug((applicable for 80 flange and below 80 flange servo motor)32Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor • Resolver Feedback Cable (Maximun length : 30m)2) Feedback cable with I aviation plug (applicable for servo motor with base No. E, F)Control Cable• Control cable (Maximum length : 30m)Note)33• ZL4-4PO-XXX is single strand cable, grounding cable is yellow-green cable of 2.5 mm2.Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorAccessoriesCommunication Cable• EtherCAT cable (Maximum length : 30m)Power Cable(Servo motor power line form L- Plug power line (for 800W of Servo motors), Maximum length : 30m)[ 220V Servo Motor Power cable ]Note)• HK4A cable is suitable for flange below 180 with aviation plug.• HK4B is suitable for 180 flange with aviation plug.• The unit of length is m.34Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motor[ 380V Servo Motor Power cable ]Note)• HK4A cable is suitable for flange below 180 with aviation plug.• HK4B is suitable for 180 flange with aviation plug.• The unit of length is m.35Parker FL20 SeriesServo drive · motorAccessoriesPower Cable(Servo motor power line form L- Plug power line (for 800W of Servo motors), Maximum length : 30m)[ 380V Servo Motor Power cable for >180Frame ]36MemoMemoAerospaceKey MarketsAftermarket services Commercial transports EnginesGeneral & business aviation Helicopters Launch vehicles Military aircraft MissilesPower generation Regional transportsUnmanned aerial vehiclesKey ProductsControl systems & actuation products Engine systems & componentsFluid conveyance systems & componentsFluid metering, delivery & atomization devicesFuel systems & components Fuel tank inerting systems Hydraulic systems & componentsThermal management Wheels & brakesElectromechanicalKey MarketsAerospaceFactory automation Life science & medical Machine toolsPackaging machinery Paper machineryPlastics machinery & converting Primary metalsSemiconductor & electronics TextileWire & cableKey ProductsAC/DC drives & systemsElectric actuators, gantry robots & slidesElectrohydrostatic actuation systems Electromechanical actuation systems Human machine interface Linear motorsStepper motors, servo motors, drives & controls Structural extrusionsPneumaticsKey MarketsAerospaceConveyor & material handling Factory automation Life science & medical Machine toolsPackaging machineryTransportation & automotiveKey ProductsAir preparationBrass fittings & valves ManifoldsPneumatic accessoriesPneumatic actuators & grippers Pneumatic valves & controls Quick disconnects Rotary actuatorsRubber & thermoplastic hose & couplingsStructural extrusionsThermoplastic tubing & fittings Vacuum generators, cups & sensorsFluid & Gas HandlingKey MarketsAerial lift AgricultureBulk chemical handling Construction machinery Food & beverage Fuel & gas delivery Industrial machinery Life sciences Marine Mining Mobile Oil & gasRenewable energy TransportationKey ProductsCheck valvesConnectors for low pressure fluid conveyance Deep sea umbilicals Diagnostic equipment Hose couplings Industrial hose Mooring systems & power cablesPTFE hose & tubing Quick couplingsRubber & thermoplastic hose Tube fittings & adapters Tubing & plastic fittingsHydraulicsKey MarketsAerial lift AgricultureAlternative energy Construction machinery ForestryIndustrial machinery Machine tools MarineMaterial handling Mining Oil & gasPower generation Refuse vehicles Renewable energy Truck hydraulics Turf equipmentKey ProductsAccumulators Cartridge valvesElectrohydraulic actuators Human machine interfaces Hybrid drivesHydraulic cylindersHydraulic motors & pumps Hydraulic systemsHydraulic valves & controls Hydrostatic steeringIntegrated hydraulic circuits Power take-offs Power units Rotary actuators SensorsProcess ControlKey MarketsAlternative fuels Biopharmaceuticals Chemical & refining Food & beverage Marine & shipbuilding Medical & dental Microelectronics Nuclear PowerOffshore oil exploration Oil & gasPharmaceuticals Power generation Pulp & paper SteelWater/wastewaterKey ProductsAnalytical InstrumentsAnalytical sample conditioning products & systems Chemical injection fittings & valvesFluoropolymer chemical delivery fittings, valves & pumpsHigh purity gas delivery fittings, valves, regulators & digital flow controllers Industrial mass flow meters/controllersPermanent no-weld tube fittings Precision industrial regulators & flow controllersProcess control double block & bleedsProcess control fittings, valves, regulators & manifold valvesSealing & ShieldingKey MarketsAerospaceChemical processing Consumer Fluid power General industrial Information technology Life sciences Microelectronics Military Oil & gasPower generation Renewable energy Telecommunications TransportationKey ProductsDynamic seals Elastomeric o-ringsElectro-medical instrument design & assembly EMI shieldingExtruded & precision-cut,fabricated elastomeric seals High temperature metal seals Homogeneous & inserted elastomeric shapesMedical device fabrication & assemblyMetal & plastic retained composite sealsShielded optical windows Silicone tubing & extrusions Thermal managementVibration dampeningParker’s Motion & Control TechnologiesAt Parker, we’re guided by a relentless drive to help our customers become more productive and achieve higher levels of profitabil-ity by engineering the best systems for their require-ments. It means looking at customer applications from many angles to find new ways to create value. What-ever the motion and control technology need, Parker has the experience, breadth of product and global reach to consistently deliver. No company knows more about motion and control technol-ogy than Parker. For further info call 00800 27 27 5374Climate ControlKey MarketsAgriculture Air conditioningConstruction Machinery Food & beverage Industrial machinery Life sciences Oil & gasPrecision cooling Process Refrigeration TransportationKey ProductsAccumulatorsAdvanced actuators CO 2 controlsElectronic controllers Filter driersHand shut-off valves Heat exchangers Hose & fittingsPressure regulating valves Refrigerant distributors Safety relief valves Smart pumps Solenoid valvesThermostatic expansion valvesFiltrationKey MarketsAerospaceFood & beverageIndustrial plant & equipment Life sciences MarineMobile equipment Oil & gasPower generation & renewable energy ProcessTransportation Water PurificationKey ProductsAnalytical gas generatorsCompressed air filters & dryersEngine air, coolant, fuel & oil filtration systems Fluid condition monitoring systems Hydraulic & lubrication filters Hydrogen, nitrogen & zero air generatorsInstrumentation filters Membrane & fiber filters Microfiltration Sterile air filtrationWater desalination & purification filters & systemsDec. 2017© 2017 Parker Hannifin Corporation Parker Hannifin Corporation Automation Group AP This catalogue is offered to you by;Parker Asia PacificChinaSales OfficeShanghai office: 86 21 2899 5000Parker Hannifin Motion&Control Co. 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Sunburst Block CBD II No.15 BSD (Bumi Serpong Damai), Tangerang 15311, IndonesiaVietnamSales OfficeOffice: 84 8 3999 1600Parker Hannifin Vietnam Co., Ltd.4th Floor, VRG office building, 177 Hai Ba Trung, Ward 6, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City, VietnamAustraliaSales OfficeOffice: 61 2 9634 7777Parker Hannifin (Australia) Automation Department 9 Carrington Rd Castle Hill, NSW, 2154 AustraliaNew ZealandSales OfficeOffice: 64 9 574 1744Parker Hannifin (NZ) Ltd.5 Bowden Road, Mt Wellington 1060, Auckland, New Zealand。

X20 PLC 商品说明书

X20 PLC 商品说明书
Required accessories CompactFlash cards CompactFlash 16 GB extended temp.
CompactFlash 512 MB extended temp.
CompactFlasபைடு நூலகம் 1024 MB extended temp.
CompactFlash 2048 MB extended temp.
X20(c)CP158x and X20(c)CP358x
4 Order data - X20CP158x
Order number X20CP1583
0CFCRD.016GE.02 0CFCRD.0512E.02 0CFCRD.1024E.02 0CFCRD.2048E.02 0CFCRD.4096E.02 0CFCRD.8192E.02 4A0006.00-000 X20AC0SR1 X20TB12 0AC201.91
X20 PLC, Atom 1.0 GHz, 256 MB DDR2 RAM, 1 MB SRAM, removable application memory: CompactFlash, 1 insert slot for X20 interface modules, 2 USB interfaces, 1 RS232 interface, 1 Ethernet interface 10/100/1000BASE-T, 1 POWERLINK interface, including power supply module, 1x terminal block X20TB12, slot cover and X20 end cover plate X20AC0SR1 (right) included, order application memory separately!



简介 2003系列数字量输入模块,8路输入,24VDC, 1ms,漏式/源式 2003系列数字量输入模块,16路输入,24VDC,1ms,漏式/源式 2003系列数字量输入模块,16路输入,24VDC,1ms,漏式/源式,2个电隔离输入组 2003系列数字量输入模块,8路输入,100-240VAC,50ms 2003系列数字量混合模块,8路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式/源式,8路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列数字量混合模块,8路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式/源式,8路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列数字量混合模块,16路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式,16路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列混合模块,8路输入,24VDC, 4ms,漏式,1/2个通道用于计数器信号或2个增量式编码器,20kHz 2003系列混合模块,3路输入,24VDC,50 kHz,漏式,1/2个通道用于计数器信号,增量式编码器,2个晶体管输出,24VDC,0.5A
简介 2003系列数字量混合模块,8路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式/源式,8路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列数字量混合模块,8路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式/源式,8路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列数字量混合模块,16路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式,16路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列混合模块,8路输入,24VDC, 4ms,漏式,1/2个通道用于计数器信号或2个增量式编码器,20kHz 2003系列混合模块,3路输入,24VDC,50 kHz,漏式,1/2个通道用于计数器信号,增量式编码器,2个晶体管输出,24VDC,0.5A
简介 2003系列数字量输出模块,8路FET输出,24 VDC,2A. 输出端也可设置成输入端 2003系列数字量输出模块,8路继电器输出,240VAC/30VDC,2A 2003系列数字量输出模块,4路继电器输出,240VAC/24VDC,4A 2003系列数字量输出模块,8路继电器输出,240VAC/24VDC,2.5A 2003系列数字量混合模块,8路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式/源式,8路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列数字量混合模块,8路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式/源式,8路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列数字量混合模块,16路输入24VDC,1ms,漏式,16路晶体管输出24VDC,0.5A 2003系列混合模块,8路输入,24VDC, 4ms,漏式,1/2个通道用于计数器信号或2个增量式编码器,20kHz 2003系列混合模块,3路输入,24VDC,50 kHz,漏式,1/2个通道用于计数器信号,增量式编码器,2个晶体管输出,24VDC,0.5A 2003系列电机模块,4个电机数字量输出等级,24VDC,3A/50°C,启动电流10A (max.50 ms) 2003系列电机跨接模块,2个电机(H)跨接,10-30VDC@4A,峰值电流最高8A(max.2s),集成电流调节器



1PhotoelectricsRetro-reflective, PolarizedType PA18CLP20T, AC, PBTP housingProduct Description•Range: 2.0 m•Modulated red light, polarized •Supply voltage: 20 to 250 VAC •Output: 500 mA SCR•Make and break switching functions •LED-output indication•Improved immunity to reflecting surfaces •Cable and plug versionsThe PA18CLP .. is a family of inexpensive general purpose Polarized Retro-reflective sensors in industrial stan-dard 18 mm cylindrical PBTP housing. They are useful for simple applica-tions where a basic sensor provides adequate sensing performance. The sensors are simple to use and no adjustment are necessary.The output is a 2-wire NO or NC thyristor (SCR) output.Housing Rated Ordering no. Ordering no. Ordering no. Ordering no.diameter operating SCR/Cable SCR/Plug SCR/Cable SCR/Plugdist. (S n ) Make switching Make switching Break switching Break switching M18 2.0 m PA18CLP20TO PA18CLP20TOM6 PA18CLP20TC PA18CLP20TCM6Note: Plugs and reflectors to be ordered separately.Type SelectionSpecifications2PA18CLP20TSpecifications (cont.)DimensionsOperation DiagramPower supplyObject present, light beam in t er r upt e dWiring Diagrams2 BN3 BU3 BU2 BNM12 x 1Detection Diagram3Accessories•Reflectors: ER series•Connector type CON.6A... serie •MB18A•APA18-RARFor further information refer to “Accessories”.Delivery Contents•Photoelectric switch: PA18CLP20T.•2 nuts•Packaging:Plastic bagInstallation HintsRelief of cable strainProtection of the sensing faceSwitch mounted on mobile carrierTo avoid interference from inductive voltage/current peaks, separate the prox. switch pow-er cables from any other power cables, e.g.motor, contactor or solenoid cablesIncorrectCorrectThe cable should not be pulledA proximity switch should not serve as mechanical stopAny repetitive flexing of the cable should be avoidedPA18CLP20T。

Parker 'Classic' LCM Laser CM20 可移动粒子分析仪介绍说明书

Parker 'Classic' LCM Laser CM20 可移动粒子分析仪介绍说明书

T h e L C M ‘F l u i d C o M o n i t o r i n g …or too time consuming……or too un-affordable…The Parker Filtration Condition Monitoring Centre is proudsampler, and after checking the flow……simply turn the unit on c l e techniques and monitoring technologyhave brought to our customers cutting-edge engineers and maintenance operatives to find out the featuresthat make the LaserCM a unique predictive maintenance instrument. Then we got to work with our design engineers to re-configure theAfter just two minutes, the ISO or NAS code will be automatically too expensive?3Have you stopped looking becausewe asked you to spare to gooduse because that’s all the time itwill take you to carry out a fullyautomatic, on-line particle analysis using the Parker LCM ‘Classic ’.****************/cmc That’s it! –no need to set any parameters or identification data.Classic LCM20User manual CDEmpty battery packCarton box suppliedto house kitParker Hannifin Sales LocationsAE – United Arab Emirates Abu DhabiTel: +971 2 67 88 587AR – ArgentinaBuenos AiresTel: +54 3327 44 4129AT – AustriaWiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501 Austria (Eastern Europe) Wiener NeustadtTel: +43 (0)2622 23501-970 AU – AustraliaCastle HillTel: +61 (0)2-9634 7777AZ – AzerbaijanBakuTel: +99 412 598 3966BE – BelgiumNivellesTel: +32 (0)67 280 900BR – BrazilCachoeirinha RSTel: +55 51 3470 9144BY – BelarusMinskTel: +375 17 209 9399CA – CanadaMilton, OntarioTel: +1 905-693-3000CH – SwitzerlandRef. GermanyCN – ChinaBeijingTel: +86 10 6561 0520 ShanghaiTel: +86 21 5031 2525CZ – Czech Republic KlecanyTel: +420 284 083 111DE – GermanyKaarstTel: +49 (0)2131 4016 0DK – DenmarkBallerupTel: +45 4356 0400ES – SpainMadridTel: +34 91 675 73 00FI – FinlandVantaaTel: +358 20 753 2500FR – FranceContamine-sur-ArveTel: +33 (0)4 50 25 80 25GR – GreeceAthensTel: +30 210 933 6450HK – Hong KongTel: +852 2428 8008HU – HungaryBudapestTel: +36 1 220 4155IE – IrelandDublinTel: +353 (0)1 466 6370IN – IndiaMumbaiTel: +91 22 6513 7081/82-85IT – ItalyCorsico (MI)Tel: +39 02 45 19 21JP – JapanTokyoTel: +81 3 6408 3900KR – South KoreaSeoulTel: +82 2 559 0400KZ – KazakhstanAlmatyTel: +7 3272 505 800LV – LatviaRigaTel: +371 74 52601MX – MexicoApodacaTel: +52 81 8156 6000MY – MalaysiaSubang JayaTel: +60 3 5638 1476NL – The NetherlandsOldenzaalTel: +31 (0)541 585000NO – NorwaySkiTel: +47 64 91 10 00NZ – New ZealandMt WellingtonTel: +64 9 574 1744PL – PolandWarsawTel: +48 22 573 24 00PT – PortugalLeça da PalmeiraTel: +351 22 9997 360RO – RomaniaBucharestTel: +40 21 252 1382RU – RussiaMoscowTel: +7 495 641 2156KrasnoyarskTel: +7 3912 52 73 35Yuzhno-SakhalinskTel: +7 4242 42 35 27St. PetersburgTel: +7 812 320 49 37SE – SwedenSpångaTel: +46 (0)8 597 950 00SG – SingaporeTel: +65 6887 6300SI – SloveniaNovo MestoTel: +386 7 337 6650SK – SlovakiaRef. Czech RepublicTH – ThailandBangkokTel: +662 717 8140TR – TurkeyMerter/IstanbulTel: +90 212 482 91 06 or 07TW – TaiwanTaipeiTel: +8862 2298 8987UA – UkraineKyivTel: +380 44 494 2731UK – United KingdomWarwickTel: +44 (0)1926 317 878US – USACleveland (industrial)Tel: +1 216-896-3000Lincolnshire (mobile)Tel: +1 847-821-1500Miami (Pan American Div.)Tel: +305 470 8800VE – VenezuelaCaracasTel: +58 212 238 5422ZA– South AfricaKempton ParkTel: +27 (0)11-961 0700Catalogue Ref: FDCB140GB1Issue Date: 01/07Hydraulic Filter Division Europe© Copyright 2007Parker Hannifin CorporationAll rights reserved.Filtration website: /eurofiltFiltration email: filtrationinfo@For further information on other Parker Products,call EPIC free on 00800 27 27 5374。

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