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Otis Brazil Launches New Version of Remote Elevator

Monitoring System


The REM® 6.0 system provides connected elevators 24 hours a day, 365 days a year REM® 6.0系统提供一年365天24小时连网的电梯

SAO PAULO, Feb. 11, 2016 —Elevadores Otis is launching its REM 6.0 system, the newest version of its remote elevator monitoring system, in Brazil. With more than half a million REM devices installed worldwide, Otis continues to be the leader in remote elevator monitoring technology.

2016年2月11日,圣保罗—巴西奥的斯电梯公司在巴西发布了其最新版的远程电梯监控系统—Rem 6.0系统。全球安装的REM装置超过50万台,奥的斯仍旧是远程电梯监控技术的领导者。

To offer all users and building managers a more reliable and comfortable experience, the REM system remotely monitors elevator performance around the clock. If the REM system detects a potential problem, it diagnoses the cause and location, and automatically makes a service call to the Otis Customer Service Center. An Otis mechanic is dispatched when necessary. This new version features an increase in data sensors and an upgrade in the REM 6.0 modem to proactively detect anomalies even faster. This enhanced response time maximizes elevator uptime.

为了为所有用户和大厦经理提供一个更加可靠和舒适的体验,REM系统远程全天候监控电梯的性能。如果REM系统检测到一个潜在的问题,它将对问题的诱因和位置进行诊断,并自动拨打维修电话给奥的斯客户服务中心。必要时会派遣一位奥的斯机修工前往。此新版远程电梯监控系统增加了数据传感器,并对REM 6.0调制解调器进行了升级,使预测性的异常现象检测更加快捷。加快的响应时间使电梯的运行时间最大化。

"In the age of connectivity, Otis is innovating once again by enabling direct communication between the elevator and our Customer Service Center, which often allows us to anticipat e, identify and solve anomalies before they interrupt operation,” said Fernando Peiter, sales and marketing director, Otis Brazil. “We are glad to offer our customers a new generation of service solutions, where technology, comfort and safety converge for an enhanced customer experience."

“在连通性的时代,奥的斯再一次通过促成电梯与我们的客户服务中心之间的直接通讯实现了创新,而这一创新常常允许我们在异常现象使运行中断前得到预测、确定和解决”,巴西奥的斯营销总裁Fernando Peite说,“很高兴能为我们的客户提供新一代的服务解决方案,该解决方案集科技、舒适度和安全性于一体,提高了客户的体验。”

The REM system identifies common maintenance incidents before they interrupt operation. It detects deteriorating components and intermittent anomalies that might have gone undetected until they caused service requirements. Here’s how it works:


∙Diagnostic software monitors elevators continuously and sends data to the REM unit located in the machine room.


∙The REM unit sends this information to the Customer Service Center.


∙Data is categorized by urgency and reviewed by Customer Service Center representatives.


∙ A Customer Service Center representative alerts the field mechanic, when necessary.


∙The mechanic arrives at the job site with specific information, tools and parts to work on the elevator.


Because REM monitoring is online, service teams can detect, report, and solve intermittent anomalies and other situations without users noticing.


The REM system is easy and fast to install. A phone line is all that is required.
