Environment support for software consistency




1.6 S.E. Tasks and ResearchContent1.6.1 Software Characteristicsis not manufactured evidently Softwaredoesn’t “wear out”is decomposable and expansible1.6.2 Software Development difficulties①Productivity: Low;②Reliability: Low;③Maintainability: Low;④Management: Difficult;⑤Cost: High.Boehm:Software engineering is used as m o d er n s c i e n c e t e c h n o l o g y knowledge to design,construct c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m ,a n d essential relative documents in development,operation and m a i n t e n a n c e t h e p r o g r a m.1) Software Engineering Definition 1.6.3 Software Engineering FrameIEEE (p19):Software engineering :(1)The application of a systematic,d i s c i p l i ne d,q u a n t if i a b l eapproach to the development,operation,and maintenance ofsoftware;that is,the applicationof engineering to software.(2)The study of approaches as in(1).Webster:Software engineering is application of science and mathematics,through which,making up computer devices abilities with the aid of computer p r o g r a m,p r o c e s s a n d r e l a t i v e documents into useful thing for human.Fairley:Software engineering is the systematic development and maintenance technology and management subject that enable a software product to be developed and corrected at the limited cost on time.Frith Bauer (p18):Software engineering is the establishment and use of sound engineering principles in order to obtain economically software that is reliable and works efficiently on real machines.R.S.Pressman (p1):The technology encompasses a process, a set of methods, and an array of tools that we call software engineering.Software Engineering A Layered Technology Software Engineering a “quality” focusprocess modelmethodstoolsGoals of SEImprove the productivity of the development process Improve the comprehension of the developed software systems Improve the quality of the software product at all levels ReliabilityEfficiency (Speed, resource usage)User-friendly (user acceptance)Maintainability (comprehensive design and documentation) General goal:to produce quality software which is economic and useful and safe for people.Concerns of SEProductsSoftware products, test drivers (internal and external)Paper documents (internal and external)ProcessesHow software is created (plan, tools, techniques)How the quality is evaluated and ensuredToolsCASE tools, editors, project management tools, etc.PeopleTechnical, social, and managerial skillsPrinciplesProviding repeatability, guidelines and maturity in the software development process2) Software Engineering FramePrinciplesSupport ValidateCodeDesignAnalyzeSelect appropriate development modelAdopt appropriate design methodProvide high quality engineering supportPay attention to development process managementUsability CorrectnessWorthiness12A Common Process FrameworkCommon process frameworkFramework activitieswork taskswork productsmilestones & deliverablesQA checkpointsUmbrella ActivitiesUmbrella ActivitiesSoftware project managementFormal technical reviewsSoftware quality assuranceSoftware configuration management Document preparation and production Reusability managementMeasurementRisk management2) Software engineering methodologySoftware Engineering TheoryStructureMethodsToolsbaseLink,Promote each other1) Software normalization and standard 1.6.4 Research Content and MethodsRepresentationFormalInformal DefinitionStructured declaration Documentation3) Software tools and support environment①Software toolSoftware tool is a set of programs that aid to develop,test,analyze,maintain o t h e r c o m p u t e r p r o g r a m s a n d documents,to implement automatization of software product process,to improve the software productivity,reliability,and to reduce the software product cost.Requirements analysis tools Array Design toolsSoftware toolsCoding toolsValidation toolsMaintenance toolsⅠ) What’s the software environment Software environment is defined as a set of tools that are effective for entire software life cycle.Ⅱ) Software environment iscomposed of databasea set of tools call mode②Software support environmentⅢ) Characteristics①tightness②firmness③adaptability④portability4)Software project management Plan managementCost managementQuality managementOrganization managementExercisesTranslate the following definitions in to Chinese:(1)Software engineering is the discipline concerned with the application of theory,knowledge,and practice for effectively and efficiently building software system that satisfies the requirements of users and customers.S.E.is applicable to small,medium,and large-scale system.It encompasses all phases of the life cycle of a software system.S.E.employs engineering methods,processes,techniques,and measurement.It benefits from the use of tools for managing software development;analyzing and modeling software artifacts;assessing and controlling quality;and for ensuring a disciplined,controlled approach to software evolution and reuse.The elements of software engineering are applicable to the development of software in any computing application domain where professionalism,quality,schedule and cost are important in producing software system.(2)An international set of standards that can be used in the development of a quality management system in all industries is called ISO9000.ISO9000standards can be applied to a range of organizations from manufacturing to service industries.ISO 9001is the most general of these standards and applies to organizations concerned with the quality process in organizations that design,develop and maintain products.A supporting document(ISO9000-3)interprets ISO9001for software development.Several books describing the ISO9001standard are available(Johnson,1993;Oskarsson andGlass,1995;Peach,1996;Bamford and Deibler,2003).The ISO9001standard isn’t specifically aimed at software development but sets out general principles that can be applied to software.The ISO9001standard describes various aspects of the quality process and lays out the organizational standards and procedures that a company should define.These should be documented in an organizational quality manual.The process definition should include descriptions o f t h e d o c u m e n t a t i o n r e q u i r e d t o demonstrate that the defined processes have been followed during product development.(3)Software engineering is an engineering discipline whose focus is the cost-effective development of high-quality software systems.Software is abstract and intangible. It is not constrained by materials,or g o v e r n e d b y p h y s i c a l l a w s o r b y manufacturing processes.In some ways,this simplifies software engineering as there are no physical limitations on the potential of software.However,this lack of natural constraints means that software can easily become extremely complex and hence very difficult to understand.Chapter 2 Software Project Planningcustomerplannerplansystem specificationNeed ……,Want ……,Wehave ……What?Who?When?How many?TasksSoftware scopeResourcesSoftware Cost EstimationSoftware Project Scheduling2.1 Software scopeFunctions Performance Constraints Interfaces Reliability Describe in some languageSoftware scopeUnderstandableplannerSoftware scope1.Functions:the more detail we describe, the better we get the functions description;2.Performance:must be considered with functions simultaneously,because the same function can precipitate an order of magnitude difference in development effort when considered in the context of different performance bounds;3.Constraints:identify limits placed on the softwareby external hardware,available memory or other existing systems.Constraints must be evaluated together with functions and performance;4.Interfaces:hardware,software,people andprocedures;5.Reliability:we can use the nature of the project to aid in describing the software reliability.(1)hardware (e.g., processor, peripherals) that executes the software and devices (e.g., machines,displays) that are indirectly controlled by the software;(2)software that already exists (e.g., databaseaccess routines,reusable software components, operating system) and must be linked to the new software;(3)people who make use of the software via keyboard, mouse or other I/O devices, and(4)procedures that precede or succeed the software as a sequential series of operations.In each case the information transfer across the interface mustbe clearly understood.See you next!。








Figure1—RelationshipbetweenPDCAandtheframeworki nthisInternationalStandard
0.5ContentsofthisInternationalStandard ThisInternationalStandardconformstoISO’srequirementsf ormanagementsPstemstandards.Theserequirementsinclud eahighlevelstructure,identicalcoretePt,andcommontermsw ithcoredefinitions,designedtobenefitusersimplementingm。


- Settings - Data
Appsense 环境管理器
• 从用户现有桌面关键里捕获配
• 按需配置用户需要的配置文件
• 可以将配置映射到云或虚拟化 • 再也不用为迁移而担心
从现有用户个人资料自动迁移应用设置 从本地或网络(漫游)配置文件导入
Privilege management
应用控制- 白名单
控制间谍软件/勒索软件的执行 基于用户身份进行应用控制 控制许可证的影响和风险
应用控制- 权限控制
应用 系统组件 网页组件 服务 安装
用户权限管理 虚拟桌面性能优化 虚拟化环境用户配置 虚拟桌面监视分析 Ivanti 价值
Registry NTUSER.DAT Single file at the root of the User Profile
Profile Directory location is configurable via:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList\ProfilesDirectory
• 可以帮您从Windows系统里移除
本地管理权限,但是不会影响用 户的效率 列表中的软件 的恶意程序
• 仍然允许用户安装从已知的合规
• 防止主动安装非法软件或被注入 • 基于内容的应用控制
Organizations can prevent up to of Windows intrusion threats by implementing four key disciplines



pc行业常用名词及缩写定义pc行业常用名词及缩写定义- 什么是 UI :UI的本意是用户界面,是英文User和interface的缩写。

- 什么是 GUIGraphics User Interface 图形用户界面有时也称为WIMP=Window/Icon/Menu/Pointing Device 窗口、图标、菜单、指点设备- 什么是 HUIHandset User Interface 手持设备用户界面- 什么是WUIWeb User Interface 网页风格用户界面- 什么是用户界面设计:在人和机器的互动过程(Human Machine Interaction)中,有一个层面,即我们所说的界面(interface)。





- 什么是IA:information Architect 信息架构- 什么是UE:user experience用户体验- 什么是HCI:human computer interaction人机交互- 什么是CHI:computer-human interaction人机交互- 什么是UCD:user -centered design用户中心设计- 什么是UPA:usability professionals' association 可用性专家协会IA在指一项工作的时候是 Information Architecture,指从事这项工作的人的时候是 Information Architect- 什么是IDIndustry Design 工业设计哦,不是Identity(身份证明)ID 就是identification Proof or evidence of identity, 确认身份的证据或证明- 什么是MMIMan Machine Interface人机接口,MMI是进行移动通信的人与提供移动通信服务的手机之间交往的界面。



天津一鸣物业服务有限公司TIANJIN YIMING PROPERTY SERVICES LTD秩序维护工作手册一、秩序维护管理工作规程 0目的 0范围 0职责 0工作规程 0相关文件 (5)相关记录 (5)二、秩序维护服务礼仪规范 (7)目的 (7)范围 (7)职责 (7)服务规范 (7)三、巡逻岗工作规程 (13)四、秩序维护内务管理规定 (18)总则 (18)职责 (18)内部关系 (20)礼节 (21)仪容仪表 (22)日常制度 (24)中控值班 (25)紧急出勤 (25)装备、器材日常管理 (26)安全工作 (27)五、秩序维护服务质量检查规程 (29)目的 (29)范围 (29)职责 (30)检查规程 (30)六、小区门岗工作规程 (35)目的 (35)范围 (35)职责 (35)工作规程 (36)相关文件 (37)相关记录 (37)七、秩序维护岗位交接班工作规程 (39)目的 (39)范围 (39)职责 (39)工作规程 (39)天津一鸣物业服务有限公司TIANJIN YIMING PROPERTY SERVICES LTD相关文件 (41)相关记录 (41)八、重点要害部位安全管理规程 (42)目的 (42)范围 (43)职责 (43)管理规程 (43)相关记录 (44)九、常见异常情况的处理规程 (45)目的 (45)范围 (45)职责 (45)工作规程 (46)相关文件 (47)相关记录 (48)十、大件物品放行操作规程 (49)目的 (49)范围 (49)职责 (49)工作规程 (49)相关文件 (50)相关记录 (50)十一、对讲机使用管理规程 (51)目的 (51)范围 (51)职责 (51)管理规程 (52)相关文件 (53)相关记录 (53)十二、秩序维护员军体培训规程 (54)目的 (54)范围 (54)职责 (54)工作规程 (54)相关文件 (61)相关记录 (61)一、秩序维护管理工作规程目的通过建立本规程,对物业区域的秩序维护服务工作实施规范管理,维护物业的公共秩序,保障业户的人身、财产安全,为业户提供安全的工作和生活环境。

Environment Systems and Decisions说明书

Environment Systems and Decisions说明书

Environment Systems and Decisions (2018) 38:161–162https:///10.1007/s10669-018-9689-2An introduction to Environment Systems and Decisions’ Special Issue on Emerging TechnologiesBenjamin D. Trump1 · Danail Hristozov2 · Igor Linkov1Published online: 15 May 2018© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2018Emerging and enabling technologies have the potential to revolutionize everything from industrial processes, to medi-cal breakthroughs, to overall improvements in the standard of living. As has been frequently noted, however, these potential benefits must be weighed against considerations of risk, cost, and societal assent, among various other concerns (Linkov et al. 2018a). Many of these technologies, such as nanotechnology, synthetic biology, 3D printing, and geoen-gineering, have potentially vast implications, making this reflective value judgment exercise all the more vital for poli-cymakers, developers, and the general public (Cummings et al. 2017). Their inherent uncertainty, from the perspec-tive of both potential risks and benefits, creates governance challenges that require regular reflection and coordinated response to address in a meaningful way (Rycroft et al. 2018; Trump 2017).This Special Issue includes commentaries and research articles that reflect upon several emerging and key enabling technologies that are already having an impact upon daily life and scientific practice. They represent a diversity of opinions and backgrounds, yet all seek to address the critical question of uncertainty and risk facing these new technolo-gies and technological opportunities. Although the emerging technologies field is vast, with many questions and oppor-tunities for inquiry, these articles capture core concerns of how might we understand the risks and rewards these tech-nologies pose to individual countries and societies at large and how might we better organize ourselves to address these technologies’ challenges in the future.Mampuys and Brom (2017) reflect upon key challenges of emerging biotechnologies, including the inherent tradeoffs between risk and benefit. They particularly reflect upon the need for social embedding and argue that such social reflec-tion should center upon “…which role we want technology to play in our lives.” For biotechnology, this includes a wide spectrum of genetic modification, from older genetically modified organisms to modification via gene editing tech-niques such as CRISPR–Cas9. The authors conclude that such discussion will address broad questions of policy, regu-lation, and oversight that remain uncertain or unaddressed within various governments.Linkov et al. (2018b) further acknowledges the risk/ben-efit divide by commenting upon a need for a collaborative, reflexive, and adaptive approach for risk governance to guide policymakers and key stakeholders in industry, academia, workers, and civil society. Building from reflections via a Society for Risk Analysis Policy Forum in Venice, Italy in March 2017, the authors offer insight into what such risk governance should look like and why emerging and key ena-bling technologies would be better suited to be governed under such a regime.Finkel et al. (2018) offer an alternative approach known as solution-focused risk assessment (SFRA). Specifically, SFRA is argued as an approach that can better evaluate syn-thetic biology, which is difficult to assess under quantitative risk assessment processes that require robust sources of data to populate and execute. The authors contend that SFRA can help qualitatively evaluate synthetic biology products against conventional competitors. Specifically, this paper applies SFRA to synthetic biology options for dengue virus vector control, where genetically modified Aedes aegypti have recently been developed and used to reduce such popu-lations in an effort to limit the transmission of dengue and other diseases.MacIntyre et al. (2017) discuss how emerging technolo-gies like synthetic biology, cyberthreats, and various other concerns present a new risk landscape for which there are few precedents, and are challenged by considerations of regulation and risk mitigation. Rapidly evolving patterns of technology convergence and proliferation of dual-use risks*Benjamin D. Trump***************************.mil1US Army Engineer Research and Development Center,Concord, MA, USA2GreenDecision SRL, Venice, Italy1 3162 Environment Systems and Decisions (2018) 38:161–1621 3expose inadequate societal preparedness. The authors outline examples in the areas of biological weapons, antimicrobial resistance, laboratory security, and cybersecurity in health care. In this way, they conclude that new challenges in health security such as precision harm in medicine can no longer be addressed within the isolated vertical silo of health, but require cross-disciplinary solutions from other fields.Cummings and Rosenthal (2018) review the public’s formation of opinions related to geoengineering, which is broadly defined as the deliberate large-scale manipulation of an environmental process that affects the earth’s climate. The authors seek to understand which factors contribute to or detract from public acceptance of geoengineering through robust path analytic modeling of public perceptions of geo-engineering that may better serve the academic community and decision-makers. This study finds that familiarity, epis-temic trust, preference for alternative solutions to climate change, and media consumption are interrelated in their influences on opinions toward geoengineering proposals and support for funding further geoengineering research.The articles in this issue each seek to better understand a component of emerging technologies, their governance, and/or various considerations ranging from risk perception and communication to policymaking and value tradeoffs. The questions asked within each article are representative of the greater challenges to the emerging technologies’ arena and will likely continue to be asked by various stakeholders on an international scale moving forward.ReferencesCummings CL, Rosenthal S (2018). Climate change and technology:examining opinion formation of geoengineering. Environ Syst Decis. https :///10.1007/s10669-018-9683-8Cummings CL, Lin SH, Trump BD (2017) Public perceptions of cli-mate geoengineering: a systematic review of the literature. Cli-mate Res 73(3):247–264Finkel A, Trump BD, Bowman D, Maynard A (2018). A “solution-focused” comparative risk assessment of conventional and syn-thetic biology approaches to control mosquitoes carrying the dengue fever virus. Environ Syst Decis. https :///10.1007/s10669-018-9688-3Linkov I, Trump BD, Poinsatte-Jones K, Florin MV (2018a) Gov-ernance strategies for a sustainable digital world. Sustainability 10(2):440Linkov I, Trump BD, Anklam E, Berube D, Boisseasu P, CummingsC, Ferson S, Florin M, Goldstein B, Hristozov D, Jensen KA, Katalagarianakis G, Kuzma J, Lambert J, Malloy T, Malsch I, Marcomini A, Merad M, Palma-Oliveira J, Perkins E, Renn O, Seager T, Stone V, Vallero D, Vermeire T (2018b). Science and practice of risk policy and governance for emerging technologies. Environ Syst Decis. https :///10.1007/s10669-018-9686-5MacIntyre CR, Engells TE, Scotch M, Heslop DJ, Gumel AB, PosteG, Broom A (2017). Converging and emerging threats to health security. Environ Syst Decis. https :///10.1007/s10669-017-9667-0Mampuys R, Brom F (2017). Emerging crossover technologies: How toorganize a biotechnology that becomes mainstream? Environ Syst Decis. https :///10.1007/s10669-017-9666-1Rycroft T, Trump B, Poinsatte-Jones K, Linkov I (2018) Nanotoxi-cology and nanomedicine: making development decisions in an evolving governance environment. J Nanopart Res 20(2):52Trump BD (2017) Synthetic biology regulation and governance: Les-sons from TAPIC for the United States, European Union, and Singapore. Health Policy 121(11):1139–1146。

英语作文 技术进步对环境的影响

英语作文 技术进步对环境的影响

英语作文技术进步对环境的影响Technology Advancements and Their Impact on the EnvironmentThe rapid advancements in technology have undoubtedly transformed our world, bringing about numerous benefits that have improved our quality of life. From the convenience of smartphones to the efficiency of renewable energy sources, technology has become an integral part of our daily lives. However, as we embrace these technological innovations, it is crucial to consider their impact on the environment.One of the most significant ways in which technology has influenced the environment is through the increased consumption of natural resources. The production of electronic devices, such as computers, smartphones, and televisions, requires the extraction and processing of various raw materials, including metals, plastics, and rare earth elements. This process often involves energy-intensive methods and can lead to the depletion of finite resources, as well as the generation of harmful waste products.Furthermore, the growing demand for energy to power our technological devices has had a significant impact on theenvironment. Many of the energy sources that power our homes, offices, and transportation systems are still heavily reliant on fossil fuels, which contribute to the release of greenhouse gases and exacerbate climate change. While the development of renewable energy sources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, has been a positive step towards reducing our carbon footprint, the transition to a more sustainable energy landscape has been slow and uneven.Another area of concern is the issue of electronic waste, or e-waste. As technology continues to evolve at a rapid pace, the lifespan of electronic devices has become increasingly shorter, leading to a growing mountain of discarded electronics. These devices often contain hazardous materials, such as lead, mercury, and cadmium, which can leach into the soil and groundwater, posing a threat to both human health and the environment.The transportation sector has also been significantly impacted by technological advancements. While the development of electric vehicles and hybrid cars has the potential to reduce carbon emissions and improve air quality, the manufacturing process of these vehicles still requires significant energy and resources. Additionally, the infrastructure required to support widespread adoption of electric vehicles, such as charging stations, can also have environmental implications.However, it would be shortsighted to solely focus on the negative impacts of technology on the environment. In fact, technology has also played a crucial role in addressing environmental challenges and developing more sustainable solutions.For instance, advancements in renewable energy technology have made it possible to harness the power of the sun, wind, and water to generate clean, renewable electricity. This has led to a decrease in the reliance on fossil fuels and a reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, the use of technology in precision agriculture, such as GPS-guided tractors and drones, has allowed for more efficient and targeted use of resources, reducing the environmental impact of traditional farming methods.Furthermore, the rise of the internet and digital communication technologies has the potential to reduce our reliance on physical resources, such as paper and transportation. The shift towards remote work, online education, and e-commerce has the ability to decrease the carbon footprint associated with commuting and physical document management.In the realm of waste management, technology has also played a crucial role. The development of advanced recycling and waste-to-energy technologies has enabled the diversion of waste from landfillsand the conversion of waste into useful resources, such as fuel or building materials.It is clear that the relationship between technology and the environment is a complex one, with both positive and negative implications. As we continue to embrace technological advancements, it is essential that we prioritize environmental sustainability and work towards finding a balance between progress and environmental protection.This will require a multifaceted approach, including the development of more energy-efficient and environmentally-friendly technologies, the implementation of policies and regulations that encourage sustainable practices, and the promotion of public awareness and education on the importance of environmental stewardship.By recognizing the potential impact of technology on the environment and taking proactive steps to mitigate its negative effects, we can ensure that the technological progress we enjoy today does not come at the expense of the planet we leave for future generations.。



IEC 60601-1第三版对可编程医疗电气系统PEMS的要求14可编程医疗电气系统(以下简称PEMS)14.1概述本条款适用于PEMS,下列情况除外:—PESM提供的功能或性能不属于基本安全或基本性能;;或—符合ISO14971标准,,即PEMS的故障不会导致不可接受的风险。



14.2 文件化第14章要求的文件是ISO14971中规定的记录和文件的补充,应作为风险管理文档的一部分。

14.3 风险管理计划应引用PEMS确认计划(风险管理中应包含软件风险的评估)……更详细的要求见本文档后面附录:IEC 60601-1第三版对可编程医疗电气系统PEMS的要求-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------提供以下软件文件列表或按“软件确认报告模板”提供相关的文件:(表格用英文填写)软件确认报告模板(本文档仅供参考,IEC 60601-1第三版对可编程医疗电气系统PEMS的要求---见此文档后面的附录)1. 软件描述简单概述下软件实现的功能有哪些1.Purpose and ScopeThis document gives a comprehensive overview of the XXXX features that are controlled by software, and describe the intended operational environment.1.1Product specification and performanceThe intended use of this device is ……1.2Function如:The software of the XXXX includes the following functions:●The LCD display Control●Time clock and NV Memory (nonvolatile memory) management●Pressure measuring●Keyboards control (flow meter knot )●Alarm system (such as buzzer audio alarm control )……2. Software Development Environment DescriptionSoftware development life cycle plan 软件设计生命周期计划……3. 软件设计需求及架构3.1 Third-party and off-the-shelf (OTS) software 第三方或现用软件(适用时)These requirements should include the following:– title and manufacturer, version level, release date, patch number and upgrade designation;– the system hardware and software necessary to support proper operation (e.g. processor type and speed, memory type and size, and system, communication and display software requirements);– interfaces to the software component;– safety critical and RISK CONTROL measure functions dependent on the software component.3.2 Integration 系统集成(对于复杂的系统适用时)The developer should establish an integration plan to integrate the components of each PESS and of the PEMS. The plan should include the approach, responsibilities and sequence, and include all software components.3.3 Requirements specification 需求说明(依产品实际情况,包含以下适用项目的相关内容)The requirements should include, as appropriate to the PEMS software:–functional and capability requirements, including ESSENTIAL PERFORMANCE, physical characteristics, and environmental conditions under which the software is to perform;– interfaces external to the software;– safety requirements including RISK CONTROL measures for hardware failures and potential software defects and specifications related to methods of operation and maintenance, environmental influences, and RISK CONTROL;– software driven alarm signals, warnings and OPERATOR messages;– security requirements, where lack of security would compromise safety;– human-factors engineering requirements related to the use of the PEMS, including those related to support for manual operations, human-equipment interactions, constraints on personnel, and areas needing concentrated human attention that are sensitive to human errors and training;– data definition and database requirements;– installation and acceptance requirements for the PEMS software;– documentation to be developed;– operation and execution requirements;– maintenance requirements.3.4 Configuration management 配置管理A configuration management plan should be established that describes:– the items to be controlled;– the configuration management activities;–PROCEDURES and schedule for performing these activities;– responsibilities for performing these activities;–PROCEDURES to control the receipt, installation, and acceptance of each software component.如:3.5 Design and implementation 设计与实施During application of the PEMS DEVELOPMENT LIFE-CYCLE model, design and implementation will include the selection of:a) the design environment, for example:– software development methods;– computer aided software engineering (CASE) tools;– programming language;– hardware and software development platforms;– simulation tools;– design and coding standards;b) electronic components;c) redundant hardware;d) human-PEMS interface;e) energy sources;f) environmental conditions;g) third-party software;h) networking options.如:Hardware RequirementsHardware requirements generally include:• microprocessors:如芯片型号或要求• memory devices:如128 x 8 bytes of Data Memory (RAM); 64 x 8 bytes of EEPROM Data Memory; 2K x 14 words of FLASH Program Memory;• sensors• energy sources• safety features• communicationsProgramming Language RequirementsProgramming language requirements include program size requirements or restrictions, and information on management of memory leaks.Interface RequirementsInterface requirements generally include both communication between system components and communication with the user such as:• printers• monitors• keyboard• mouse.Performance and Functional RequirementsSoftware performance and functional requirements include algorithms or control characteristics for therapy, diagnosis, monitoring, alarms, analysis, and interpretation with full text references or supporting clinical data, if necessary. Software performance and functional requirements may also include:• device limitations due to software• internal software tests and checks• error and interrupt handling• fault detection, tolerance, and recovery characteristics• safety requirements• timing and memory requirements• identification of off-the-shelf software, if appropriate.Architecture Design Chart 硬件框图、软件设计框图或架构3.6 Documentation 设计输出文档需求如应输出哪些文档?4. 软件验证/确认计划/风险管理计划应包含软件确认小组成员列表、验证/测试方法及判定标准VERIFICATION plan 验证计划PEMS VALIDATION plan 系统确认计划PEMS Risk management Plan 软件风险控制5.Software Design Specification (SDS) 软件详细设计说明如:参见文件编号#### 软件详细设计说明或XXX功能模块参见文件编号#### XXX功能模块软件详细设计说明6. 软件风险管理PEMS风险控制The software Hazard Analysis should take into account all hazards associated with the software’s intended use,##7. 软件测试和软件确认软件测试记录测试人员、测试日期软件确认-追溯矩阵(可引用文件编号)9. 软件中未解决的异常A list of all unresolved software anomalies. For each anomaly, please indicate the:●problem●impact on device performance●any plans or timeframes for correcting the problem (where appropriate)11.其他(适用时)如果有涉及到网络和数据耦合N ETWORK/DATA COUPLING请参考标准EN 60601-2006中附录H中H.6和H.7的要求,补充相关内容H.6 N ETWORK/DATA COUPLINGH.7 Design considerations for NETWORK/DATA COUPLING----- END -----附:软件生命周期模型举例,来源于EN 60601-2006中的附录H。



人工智能对环境影响英语作文Artificial Intelligence and Its Environmental ImpactThe rapid advancement of artificial intelligence (AI) has brought about numerous benefits to society, revolutionizing various industries and transforming our daily lives. However, the environmental impact of this technological revolution has become a growing concern, as the development and implementation of AI systems can have significant consequences on our planet. In this essay, we will explore the multifaceted relationship between artificial intelligence and the environment, examining both the potential benefits and the potential drawbacks.One of the primary ways in which AI can positively impact the environment is through its ability to optimize resource utilization and improve energy efficiency. AI-powered systems can analyze vast amounts of data, identify patterns, and make informed decisions that minimize waste and reduce energy consumption. For instance, AI-enabled smart grids can optimize the distribution of electricity, reducing energy losses and ensuring more efficient use of renewable energy sources. Similarly, AI-powered logistics and transportation systems can optimize routing and scheduling, leading to reducedfuel consumption and lower carbon emissions.Furthermore, AI can play a crucial role in environmental monitoring and conservation efforts. AI-powered sensors and satellite imagery can be used to detect and track environmental changes, such as deforestation, habitat loss, and the spread of invasive species. This information can then be used by policymakers and conservation organizations to implement targeted interventions and develop more effective strategies for protecting the environment. Additionally, AI-powered simulations and predictive models can help researchers and decision-makers better understand complex environmental systems and make more informed decisions.However, the environmental impact of AI is not limited to its potential benefits. The development and deployment of AI systems can also have significant negative consequences, particularly in terms of energy consumption and resource usage. The training and operation of AI models, especially those based on deep learning, can be highly energy-intensive, requiring vast amounts of computing power and generating significant greenhouse gas emissions. As the demand for AI-powered applications continues to grow, the energy footprint of these systems could become a significant contributor to global climate change.Moreover, the manufacture and disposal of the hardware requiredfor AI systems can also have a significant environmental impact. The extraction of raw materials, the production of electronic components, and the disposal of e-waste can all contribute to environmental degradation, pollution, and the depletion of natural resources. This issue is particularly pressing as the rapid pace of technological change often leads to the premature obsolescence of AI hardware, further exacerbating the problem of e-waste.To mitigate the environmental impact of artificial intelligence, a multifaceted approach is necessary. Researchers and developers must prioritize the development of energy-efficient AI systems, exploring ways to reduce the energy consumption of training and deployment processes. This may involve the use of more efficient hardware, the optimization of algorithms, and the incorporation of renewable energy sources into the infrastructure supporting AI systems.Additionally, the life cycle of AI hardware must be addressed, with a focus on sustainable design, responsible sourcing of materials, and the implementation of comprehensive recycling and disposal programs. Governments and policymakers can play a crucial role in this regard, by implementing regulations and incentives that encourage the development of environmentally-friendly AI technologies and the responsible management of AI-related waste.Furthermore, the integration of AI with other emerging technologies, such as renewable energy, smart city infrastructure, and sustainable agriculture, can amplify the positive environmental impact of artificial intelligence. By leveraging the power of AI to optimize these systems, we can unlock new opportunities for environmental conservation and sustainable development.In conclusion, the relationship between artificial intelligence and the environment is a complex and multifaceted one. While AI has the potential to significantly contribute to environmental protection and sustainability, its development and deployment must be carefully managed to mitigate the potential negative consequences. By prioritizing energy efficiency, responsible hardware management, and the strategic integration of AI with other sustainable technologies, we can harness the power of artificial intelligence to create a more environmentally-conscious future. As we continue to advance in the field of AI, it is crucial that we remain mindful of its environmental impact and work towards creating a harmonious balance between technological progress and environmental stewardship.。



全面版环境保全手册英文版Comprehensive Environmental Conservation ManualIn today's world, the importance of environmental conservation cannot be overstated. As we face increasing threats to our planet, it is crucial for individuals and organizations to take action to protect the environment for future generations.This comprehensive manual aims to provide a detailed guide on various aspects of environmental conservation, including tips on reducing waste, conserving energy, and promoting sustainable practices in everyday life.Table of Contents:1. Introduction to Environmental Conservation2. Waste Reduction Strategies3. Energy Conservation Tips4. Sustainable Practices for Everyday Life5. Importance of Biodiversity Preservation6. Advocacy and Community Involvement7. Resources for Further LearningIntroduction to Environmental ConservationEnvironmental conservation is the practice of protecting the natural environment and its resources. By reducing our impact on the planet, we can help preserve ecosystems and prevent further damage to the environment.Waste Reduction StrategiesOne of the key components of environmental conservation is reducing waste. By practicing the 3 R's - Reduce, Reuse, Recycle - individuals can minimize their environmental footprint and contribute to a more sustainable future.Energy Conservation TipsConserving energy is another crucial aspect of environmental conservation. Simple actions such as turning off lights when not in use,using energy-efficient appliances, and reducing water consumption can all help reduce our overall energy consumption.Sustainable Practices for Everyday LifeIncorporating sustainable practices into our daily routines is essential for long-term environmental conservation. This can include using eco-friendly products, choosing public transportation over driving, and supporting local businesses that prioritize sustainability.Importance of Biodiversity PreservationBiodiversity is essential for the health of our planet, as it supports ecosystem stability and resilience. By protecting and preserving biodiversity, we can ensure a balanced and thriving environment for all living organisms.Advocacy and Community InvolvementIndividuals can make a significant impact on environmental conservation by getting involved in advocacy efforts and community initiatives. By raising awareness and promoting sustainable practices, wecan inspire others to take action and create a more environmentally conscious society.Resources for Further LearningFor those interested in delving deeper into environmental conservation, there are a wealth of resources available, including books, websites, and organizations dedicated to promoting sustainability and environmental protection.By following the guidance outlined in this manual, individuals and organizations can play a vital role in environmental conservation and contribute to a more sustainable and resilient planet for future generations.。



软件项目环境保护管理体系与措施英文回答:Software Project Environmental Management System and Measures.Environmental concerns are becoming increasingly important in modern software development. Companies and software engineers are being held responsible for the environmental impact of their products and services. As a result, many organizations are now implementing software project environmental management systems (SPEMSs) to help them reduce their environmental footprint.SPEMSs are frameworks that help software developers to identify, assess, and manage the environmental impacts of their software projects. They provide a structured approach to environmental management, and they can help organizations to comply with environmental regulations and standards.There are a number of different SPEEMs available, and each one has its own unique approach. Some of the most popular SPEEMs include:The Green Software Foundation's Green Software Standard.The ISO/IEC 14040 series of environmental management standards.The US Environmental Protection Agency's Software Sustainability Guide.Organizations that implement a SPEEMS can benefit from a number of advantages, including:Reduced energy consumption.Reduced greenhouse gas emissions.Improved waste management.Increased employee awareness of environmental issues.Enhanced corporate reputation.In addition to implementing a SPEEMS, organizations can also take a number of other measures to reduce the environmental impact of their software projects. These measures include:Using energy-efficient hardware and software.Designing software for energy efficiency.Reducing waste in software development.Promoting employee awareness of environmental issues.By implementing a SPEEMS and taking other environmental measures, organizations can reduce their environmental impact and improve their corporate reputation.中文回答:软件项目环境保护管理体系和措施。

consideration for environment考虑 -回复

consideration for environment考虑 -回复

consideration for environment考虑-回复考虑环境的重要性不断引起人们的关注。





























香港理工大学-软件进化与维护3At the end of this unit you should be able to understand:the international processes of software maintenancethe availability of maintenance supporting toolsthe software engineering environmentthe use of ontology3.2 Learning FlowIn this unit, we cover the following topics:IEEE Standard for Software MaintenanceISO Standard for Software MaintenanceMaintenance supporting toolsProcess-Sensitive SE EnvironmentsOntology3.3 ProcessesThe processes of software maintenance are not limited to modifying just the software:-Modifying the software typically modifies part of the machines services in a systemNot all software maintenance involved making changes only to the software implantations of business rulesSome software maintenance changes the system's documentationThe largest part of software maintenance does not only modify the software. - it leaves the code and the documentation unchanged. What it does is to use the code and the documentation to:-1. build or refresh the systems personnel's knowledge and understanding of the system and its software;2. support consultation with users3. validate of test the software as a whole (e.g. regression testing)4. provide basis for answering managerial questions5. assist training in use of the system6. serve as basis in helping management devise ways to give the organization new or changed functionality through different and changed uses of the existing systemsThe basic steps of software maintenance includes:1. understand the problem or requirement for change2. identify and describe the changes to be made to the system3. make the changes4. test the changed software, and regression testing5. implement the upgraded system and assessing the entire system at the post implementation review3.4 IEEE Standard for Software MaintenanceThe IEEE Standard 1219-1998 describes an iterative process for managing and executing software maintenance activities Use of the standard is not restricted by size, complexity, criticality, or application of software productThe standard does not presuppose the use of any development model The basic process model includes input, process, output and control for software maintenance Defines the software maintenance process into the following seven phases:Problem / Modification Identification, Classification & Prioritization AnalysisDesignImplementationRegression / System TestingAcceptance testingDelivery3.4 IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance3.4.1 Problem / Modification Identification, Classification and PrioritizationInput Modification Request (MR)Process Assign an identification numberClassify the type of maintenanceAnalyze the modification to determine whether to accept or reject Make preliminary estimate of the modification size/magnitude Prioritize the modificationSchedule the MROutput V alidated MRThe MR details in repository3.4 IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance3.4.2 AnalysisInput V alidated MRResource estimate and repository informationProject and system related documentsProcess Perform feasibility analysis -- impact, alternative solutions, conversion requirements, safety and security implications, human factors, short term and long term costs, benefit, etc.Perform detailed analysis -- modification requirements, identified impacted elements, safety and security issues, test strategy, implementation details, etc.Control Retrieval of the relevant version of project and system documentation from the configuration control function Review of the proposed changes and engineering analysis to assess technical and economic feasibilityConsideration of the integration of the proposed change within the existing softwareV erification that all analysis and project documentation is updated and controlledV erification that the change schedule can support the proposed test strategyReview of the resource estimates and schedulesTechnical review to the proposed enhancementsOutput Feasibility reportDetailed analysis reportUpdated change requirementsModification listTest strategyImplementation plan3.4 IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance3.4.3 DesignInput All outputs of the previous Analysis phaseProject and system related documentsExisting programs, databases etc.Process Identify affected software modulesModify software module documentationDevelop test cases for the new changesIdentify / create regression testsIdentify relevant documentation with updated requirements Update the modification listControl Conduct software inspection of the designV erify that the new design is documented as a software change authorizationV erify the inclusion of the new design materialV erify that the test documentation has been updatedComplete the traceability between requirements and design Output Revised modification listUpdated design baselineUpdated test plansRevised detailed analysisV erified requirementsRevised implementation planA list of documented constraints and risks3.4 IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance3.4.4 ImplementationInput Results of the design phaseCurrent programs, databases etc.Project and system documentationProcess Build changes into program codes and perform unit testing Integrate software with system and integration and regression tests Perform risk analysis and review periodically during the phase Assess the readiness for system test Control Conduct software inspectionEnsure unit and integration tests are preformed and documented Ensure test documentation are updated or developedIdentify, document, and resolve any risk exposedV erify training and technical documentation are updatedV erify the traceability between design and codesOutput Updated softwareUpdated design documentationUpdated test documentationUpdated user documentationUpdated training materialA statement of risk and impact to usersTest-readiness review report3.4 IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance3.4.5 Regression / System T estingInput Test readiness review reportSystem test documentation, such as test plans, test cases, test procedures, user manuals, design etc.Updated systemProcess Perform system functional testPerform interface testingPerform regression testingConduct test readiness review to assess preparedness for acceptance testingControl System tests are conducted by independent test function Configuration control -- software code listings, MRs and test documentationOutput Tested and fully integrated systemTest reportTest readiness review report3.4 IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance3.4.6 Acceptance T estingInput Test readiness review reportAcceptance test documentation, such as test plans, test cases, test procedures, user manuals, design etc.Fully integrated systemProcess Perform acceptance tests at the functional levelPerform interoperability testingPerform regression testingControl Report test results for the functional configuration audit Conduct functional auditEstablish the new system baselinePlace the acceptance test documentation under configuration control.Output New system baselineFunctional configuration audit reportAcceptance test report3.4 IEEE Standard for Software Maintenance3.4.7 DeliveryInput Fully tested systemProcess Conduct physical configuration auditNotify user communityDevelop archival version of the system for backupPerform installation and trainingControl Document physical configuration audit reportProvide system materials for user accessComplete the version description documentComplete updates to status accounting databasePlace contents of the delivery configuration controlOutput Physical configuration audit reportV ersion description document3.5 ISO Standard for Software MaintenanceThe final draft of international standard ISO/IEC FDIS 14764 describes in detail management of the maintenance process described in ISO/IEC 12207Written for maintainers of software and those responsible for development and quality assurance. It can also be used by acquirers and users of systems containing software who provide inputs to the Provides the framework within which software maintenance plans are executed, evaluated, and tailored to the maintenance scope and magnitude of given software products Provides guidance for the maintenance of softwareDefines the activities and tasks of software maintenance, and provides maintenance planning requirementsDoes not address the operation of software and the operational functions, e.g., backup, recovery, system administration Maintenance Process are comprised of the following six activities: Process ImplementationProblem and Modification AnalysisModification ImplementationMaintenance Review/AcceptanceMigrationRetirementFigure 3.5a3.5 ISO Standard for Software Maintenance3.5.1 Process ImplementationEstablish plans and procedures that to be applied during maintenance processMaintenance plan is developed in parallel with development planInput Relevant baselinesSystem documentationModification Request (MR) or Problem Report (PR)Task Develop maintenance plans and proceduresEstablish MR and PR proceduresImplement configuration managementDevelop configuration management planControl Conduct review to control all the outputsOutput Maintenance PlanTraining PlanMaintenance ProceduresProject Management PlanProblem Resolution ProceduresMeasurement PlanMaintenance ManualPlans for User FeedbackTransition PlanMaintainability AssessmentConfiguration Management Plan3.5 ISO Standard for Software Maintenance3.5.2 Problem and Modification AnalysisAssess the modification requests and problem reportsObtain approval to proceedInput MR/PRBaselineSoftware RepositorySystem Documentation, such as configuration status, functional requirements, project planOutputs from Process Implementation activityTask Perform MR/PR analysisReplicate or verify the problemDevelop options for implementing modificationDocument the MR/PR, analysis results and implementation options Obtain approval for the selected modification option Control Perform risk analysisUse outputs from Maintenance Process Problem and Modification Analysis activity to revise resource estimate and a decision whether to proceed to the Modification Implemenation activityOutput Impact AnalysisRecommended OptionApproved ModificationUpdated Documentation, such as test strategy, test plan, test procedures, software documents, requirements3.5 ISO Standard for Software Maintenance3.5.3 Modification ImplementationDevelops and tests modification of software productInput Baseline, such as system architecture definitions, MR record, source codeApproved MR/PROutputs from the Problem and Modification Analysis Activity Task Conduct analysis to determine which documentation, software units, and versions needed to be modifiedInvokes Development Process of ISO/IEC 12207 to implement the modificationsControl Perform joint reviewsOutput Updated T est Plans and ProceduresUpdated Documentation, such as modification records, analysis report, requirements, training materialsModified Source CodeTest ReportingMeasures3.5 ISO Standard for Software Maintenance3.5.4 Maintenance Review/AcceptanceEnsures the modifications to the system are correct and that they were accomplished in accordance with approved standards using correct methodologyInput Modified softwareModification test resultsTask Conduct reviews with the organization authorizing the modification to determine the integrity of the modified system Obtain approval for the satisfactory completion of themodificationControl Conducts joint reviewsOutput New Baseline, incorporating accepted modifications Rejected ModificationsAcceptance reportAudit and Review ReportsSoftware Qualification Test Report3.5 ISO Standard for Software Maintenance3.5.5 MigrationDetermines actions needed to accomplish the migrationDevelops and documents the steps required to effect the migration Input Old Environment(s)New Environment(s)Old Baseline(s)New Baseline(s)Task Migrates a system or software (including data) from a old to a new operational environmentDevelops, documents and executes migration planNotifies users the migration plans and activitiesConduct parallel operations of the old and new environments for smooth transition to new environment Provide necessary training during transitionNotifies all concerned when scheduled migration arrivesArchives all associated old environmenta€?s documentation, logs, and codePerform post-operation review to assess the impact of the change Make accessible (in accordance with data protection and audit requirements) of data used by or associated with old environmentControl Conducts joint reviewsOutput Migration PlanMigration toolsNotification of IntentMigrated Software ProductNotification of CompletionMeasuresArchived data3.5 ISO Standard for Software Maintenance3.5.6 RetirementOnce a software product has reached the end of its useful life, it must be retiredAnalysis is performed to assist in making the decision to retire a software productAnalysis is often economic-based and may be included in the Retirement PlanAnalysis should determine if it is cost effective to:retain outdated technology develop a new software product to achieve modularity, facilitate maintenance, achieve standardization, and facilitate vendor independenceInput Old software product baseline to be retiredNew software productOld environmentTask Develops and documents a retirement planNotifies users the retirement plans and activitiesConduct parallel operations of the retiring and new software product for smooth transition to new systemProvide necessary training during transitionNotifies all concerned when scheduled retirement arrivesArchives all associated old environmenta€?s documentation, logs, and codeMake accessible (in accordance with data protection and audit requirements) of data used by or associated with retired software productControl Conducts joint reviewsOutput Retirement PlanNotification of IntentRetirement ResultsTrained PeopleRetired Software ProductNotification of CompletionMeasuresArchived baseline and data3.6 Tool Support3.6.1 MethodologicalBecause maintenance is the most expensive stage in the software lifecycle, it is important to have methodologies and tools so that we can approach this problem in the best possible way.Necessities in the development and maintenance phases are practically divergent and different.3.6 Tool Support3.6.2 ConceptualConceptual tools represent inherent complexity of software maintenance projects.O A level-based conceptual architecture is necessary to be able to work at different detail levels.O A software life cycle process framework is useful for knowing which software processes are related to the maintenance process.To ensure that all the concepts are correctly defined, used,and represented, a generic ontology for software maintenance is used.O A real-world software maintenance process is defined with a Workflow ontology based on the workflow technology.O Measure ontology, for software maintenance projects management, has been defined to estimate and improve the process, measuring what is happening with those real-world projects.3.6 Tool Support3.6.3 Technical / SoftwareHorizontal tools - offer an integrated user interface for using the different vertical toolsV ertical tools - examples include:-O Manage change requests (CR) from inception to end of activities O Define and register quality metricsO Represent and manage software process modelsRepository Manager - ideally, there should be a common repository for all the environment componentsProcess Enactment Tools - recommend the use of workflow tools to manage software processes3.7 PSEE (Process-Sensitive SE Environments)3.7.1 PurposeA PSEE allows the integration of the software maintenance and the management technologies.O Although software maintenance is not a typical manufacturing process, a software maintenance project consists of 2 main, interrelated processes - production and management:- §The production process is the same SE process (software maintenance)§Management process provides the needed resources forthe production process, and controls it.3.7 PSEE (Process-Sensitive SE Environments)3.7.2 ProcedureTo achieve processes integration, PSEE:-O implements, controls, enhances the feedback and feed-forward pathsO provides integrated support to the whole projectO takes advantage of software process technology3.7 PSEE (Process-Sensitive SE Environments)3.7.3 FeatureA key feature of a PSEE is the computerized process support, consisting:-O process model in a computer-governable format, andO necessary tools to define, modify, analyze and enact it.3.7 PSEE (Process-Sensitive SE Environments)3.7.4 ComponentsThe essential components include:O Repository -- store process model, product definition data, information on status of process enactmentO Process engine:-§process modeling language interpreter to control PSEE§control information flow among people who carry out the activities§The information flow takes place between the repository and the workspaces, from some workspaces to others, and among users and their workspaces.3.8 OntologyIn order to satisfy the requirements of a truly integrated software engineering environment, an explicit specification of such conceptualization is needed, i.e. building an ontology.3.8 Ontology3.8.1 Informal ontologyAn informal ontology is useful for all those who are working in the field of software maintenance, and also for defining and building maintenance-oriented software engineering.It is structured in several partial sub-ontologies focused on Products, Activities, Processes, and Peopleware, as depicted in figure 3.6.1a:-o Products - how the software product is maintained and how it evolves with timeo Activities - how to organize activities for maintaining software, and what kinds of activities they may beo Processes - 2 different perspectives:-§Procedures - how the methods, techniques and tools can be applied to the activities, and how the resources are utilized to carry out these activities§Process organization - how the support and organizational processes are related to the software maintenance process activities, how the maintainer is organized, what are the contractual obligations oPeopleware - what skills, roles and responsibilities are needed to carry out the activities; how do organizations relate to each otherFigure 3.6.1a3.8 Ontology3.8.2 W orkflows ontologyGiven that software maintenance process can be considered as part of a wider business process, it is reasonable to consider that work flow technology will be able to contribute a broader perspective to software maintenance process. Workflow ontology incorporates aspects activities specification andrelations (left part of figure 3.6.2a) - how activities can be sub-dividedo software maintenance process itselfo task type specificationo recursivityo actorso "parameter" classinformation for support, administration, and control of the process enactment (right part of figure 3.6.2a) - each activity instance generates one or more work itemsFigure 3.6.2a3.8 Ontology3.8.3 Measure ontologyincludes concepts of measure, metrics, value and attribute associated to the activities, artifacts, and resources, bearing in mind that the measurements can refer to both product and process aspects:-o the activities, artifacts, resources, and actors are "appraisable elements"o an appraisable element has "attributes" that are measurableo each attribute has a specific "attribute type" (possible that "sub-types" may exist)o "metric" is a formula for measuring certain types of attributes--------------------------------------------------------------------------------3.9 Online Exercises1. What are the seven IEEE software maintenance phases?1. Problem / Modification Identification, Classification &Prioritization2. Analysis3. Design4. Implementation5. Regression / System Testing6. Acceptance testing7. Delivery2. What is the objective of the ISO activity Process Implementation on software maintenance?Establish plans and procedures that to be applied during maintenance process3. What are the considerations of software retirement?Analysis should determine if it is cost effective to:- retain outdated technology- shift to new technology by developing a new software product- develop a new software product to achieve modularity, facilitate maintenance, achieve standardization, and facilitate vendor independence4. What is the objective to build an ontology?An explicit specification of such conceptualization is needed in order to satisfy the requirements of a truly integrated software engineering environment。



环境对工作的重要性英语作文英文回答:The environment plays a pivotal role in shaping work performance and employee well-being. A conducive work environment can significantly enhance productivity, foster innovation, and promote a positive work-life balance.Physical Environment:The physical environment includes elements such as lighting, temperature, noise levels, and ergonomics. Adequate lighting promotes alertness and reduces eye strain. Comfortable temperatures contribute to employee comfort and productivity. Appropriate noise levels minimizedistractions and facilitate concentration. Ergonomic workstations ensure proper posture and reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders.Psychological Environment:The psychological environment comprises factors such as job autonomy, social support, and workplace culture. Employees who have a degree of control over their worktasks tend to be more engaged and motivated. Social support from colleagues and supervisors creates a sense of community and can buffer against stress. A positive workplace culture that values diversity, collaboration, and recognition fosters a supportive and respectful environment.Emotional and Social Environment:Emotional and social factors also impact work performance. Employees who feel valued and appreciated are more likely to be engaged and productive. Positive relationships with colleagues contribute to a harmoniousand supportive work environment. Effective communication channels facilitate information sharing and prevent misunderstandings.The Impact on Employee Well-being:A positive work environment not only enhances performance but also contributes to employee well-being. It reduces stress levels, improves job satisfaction, and promotes physical and mental health. Employees who work in healthy and supportive environments are less likely to experience burnout, absenteeism, and health-related issues.中文回答:环境对工作的的重要性。

consideration for environment考虑 -回复

consideration for environment考虑 -回复

consideration for environment考虑-回复【环境保护】是我们每个人的责任。












以下是一些我们可以采取的具体措施:1. 节约能源:关闭不需要的灯光和电器,使用节能灯泡和高效电器,关注家庭能源消耗。


2. 节约水资源:修复漏水和滴水,减少洗澡时间和用水量,收集雨水用于植物浇水,更新节水设备,关注家庭用水情况。

3. 减少垃圾产生:尽量减少塑料和一次性产品的使用,选择可回收和可降解的材料,进行垃圾分类和回收。

4. 推动环保消费:选择环保产品和包装,选择使用可再生能源,支持环保企业和项目。

5. 教育与宣传:通过教育和宣传,提高公众对环境问题的认识和意识,启发他们参与环境保护行动。

6. 参与志愿者活动和社区项目:参与环保组织和社区项目,如清洁活动、植树造林、环境教育等,积极回馈社会。








Text A
Drones may still sound a little like science fiction, but their use is rapidly becoming mainstream. The practical applications of drones are multiplying - from energy generation to the protection of birds of prey. While much of the reporting of drone technology has focused on how retailers may use drones to deliver parcels, such applications are still at the trial stage. But for accountants - auditors especially - drones are relevant and usable right now, as is shown in Figure 12-1.
Investment takes off
PwC predicts that the largest commercial application for drone technology will be in infrastructure, with an estimated global market value of US$45.2bn. Ciarán Kelly, advisory leader at PwC Ireland, explains: ‘Drones and the data they provide are a gamechanger over the entire lifecycle of a transport infrastructure investment. Provision of real-time, accurate and comparable 3D modelling data is crucial during the preconstruction, construction and operational phases of an investment project, and all this data can be acquired by intelligent and costeffective drone-powered solutions.’

环境管理体系—要求及使用指南 中英文对照(2021整理)

环境管理体系—要求及使用指南 中英文对照(2021整理)
附录B(提示的附录) ISO 14001:2004与
ISO 14001:2004
ISO 14001:2004
Environmental management systems-
Requirements with guidance for use
4.5 Checking
4.6 Management review
Annex A (informative) Guidance on the use of thisInternational Standard
Annex B(Informative) Correspondence between ISO



How to Bypass Code Issues, Keep Regulators Away, and Stay Out of the News4 Software Compliance Gotchas to AvoidTable of contentsIntroduction to software quality and compliance (1)Who really cares about software compliance? (2)‘Checkbox’ standards compliance won’t prevent massive web app data breaches (3)How to avoid it (4)Documenting compliance with data privacy regulations is difficult (5)How to avoid it (6)Modern software compliance standards in regulated markets are complex (7)How to avoid it (8)Software compliance can slow down development (9)How to avoid it (10)Bringing it all together (11)Introduction to software quality and complianceWho really cares about software compliance?Organizations rely more and more on software to handle sensitive data, automate business processes, and even protect people’s safety. As a result, the consequences of software flaws have grown exponentially. For this reason, auditors and government agencies have drafted coding standards to help ensure mission-critical applications don’t contain key software problems.‘Checkbox’ standards compliance won’t prevent massive web app data breachesMany of these vulnerabilities are tracked by the communities that maintain web app security standards such as OWASP Top 10 and CWE/ Clearly, software standards can help organizations reduce the vulnerabilities in their software, but compliance alone isn’t enough.A software standard can demand that you encrypt all data at rest, for example, but it can’t detect whether you’ve implemented a cryptographic function correctly. In addition, software standards often lag behind new technologies (e.g., cloud, blockchain), opening up other opportunities for hackers.Therefore, instead of focusing on perimeter security or checking boxes on software standards, organizations can better address web app security by building secure software that is difficult to hack.The outcome of having tens of millions of customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) exposed is a PR, financial, and legalDocumenting compliance with data privacy regulations is difficultOrganizations that deal with PII in areas governed by data privacy regulations have to create and maintain a great deal of documentation. For example, they must assemble reports manually (including screenshots of security settings), fill out questionnaires, update policies and procedures, and complete self-assessments and/or undergo lengthy, expensive third-party audits—annually in some cases. They must update all this documentation with regular security scans to make sure PII is still secure as it flows through the organization or sits in storage.Government and industry data privacy regulations make it public policy to protect customer data adequately—with substantial financial penalties and possible criminal charges for extreme violations. Many data privacy standards extend well beyond the realm of application security to provide guidelines for a complete sensitive-data protection program. Considering the increasing rate and consequences of hacks via exploitable software vulnerabilities, organizations are starting to recognize that application security must be part of their data protection strategy.How to avoid itWhen it comes to government and industry data privacy standards, getting the official stamp of compliance is essential to your go-to-market strategy. So it’s critical to demonstrate compliance through well-documented reporting. Auditors, top executives, and concerned customers all demand proof of compliance, so being able to generate an electronic paper trail is vital.What you need: Tools with extensive reporting functionality, or a tool or platform that can combine data from other tools and generate the reports you need. Customizable reports will help you meet proof-of-compliance requirements for complex industry standards such as AUTOSAR and DO-178C.Modern software compliance standards in regulated markets are complexFor organizations that operate in highly regulated markets (e.g., automotive, aviation, financial services) with complex standards, software development teams need solutions that make testing, enforcing, and demonstrating software quality and software compliance easier.On any development team, skill sets vary as to secure coding practices and writing functional code. Development leaders struggle to create consistent, repeatable processes that enable developers with different strengths to find and fix security weaknesses quickly.In addition, the raw volume of applications in modern organizations can be overwhelming. Going through them manually to achieve software compliance is neither scalable nor realistic. Whatever the compliance strategy, it needs to scale to hundreds of projects and millions of lines of code (LOC).But before implementing a strategy to achieve compliance, organizations must understand the unique requirements demanded by the software standards that apply to them.How to avoid itIn embedded applications, software issues can manifest themselves physically—potentially causing harm to consumers.What you need: Tools that can help your developers write clean software and find bugs in embedded applications early in the SDLC, before products ship.Considering the scale and complexity of modern application portfolios, the ability to track and manage specific issues named in regulations will keep your team focused on the most important items.What you need: Tools that automatically assign severity—based on compliance—to issues and triage them accordingly. The ability to sort and filter issues by severity, standard, and other criteria is also valuable.Software compliance can slow down developmentSoftware compliance requires software security and quality testing. A key challenge to producing compliant applications is to conduct this testing without disrupting existing development processes.The developer’s primary job is to produce functional software by a certain deadline. But as stakeholders pile on feature requests and competitive timeframes shrink, development teams have become overburdened, understaffed, and time-crunched. And while DevOps has accelerated application delivery by supporting continuous development with quick release cycles, it has also changed how development teams should approach software compliance.Faced with continuing pressure to do more with less, developers resist new processes that add friction and complexity to their day-to-day routine. In addition, anything that disrupts their development workflows, causing them to push or miss their project deadlines, puts the organization at a competitive disadvantage.So even though testing is essential for compliance, many developers have already become disenchanted by their experiences using testing tools that can’t match the pace of modern software development. Treating compliance and testing as a separate step from development—basically, asking developers to “bolt compliance on” late in the workflow to conform with standards—is a surefire way to slow down development.How to avoid itTo integrate software compliance into the SDLC without slowing down development, managers must give developers the flexibility to test for compliance in a way that works best for them. Again, developers’ No. 1 objective is to produce functional applications on time.If compliance strategies work against this goal, developers are unlikely to embrace them. But if developers can code in their integrated development environment (IDE) and perform compliance processes at the same time, they can catch errors earlier, when it’s easier and less costly to correct them—reducing the number of issues in long revision loops. Other teams may prefer to add compliance as a gate in the CI/CD pipeline to align with their automation strategy. Either way, managers should strive to implement compliance organically into the SDLC and developers’ day-to-day processes and avoid changing existing workflows too much.What you need: Tools that fit into existing pipelines and don’t force developers to add even more work to their workflow. Tools that offer a range of integrations, plugins, and APIs can help you inject security into existing processes rather than adding a new process.Bringing it all togetherWhether you’re trying to move beyond mere “checkbox” software compliance and protect web applications under constant assault from multiple attack vectors, create and maintain customer data privacy documentation per government requirements, conform to complex modern software compliance standards in regulated markets, integrate application security into the development process, or some combination of the above, the world of software quality and compliance is tricky. Gotchas lurk in the least likely places and sometimes hide in plain sight, waiting to ensnare the less vigilant.No single software testing solution has all the answers. But a fully thought-out, comprehensive application security program that combines technology and best practices is the strongest strategy for keeping the regulators out of your offices and your organization out of the headlines. It will pre-empt these gotchas by bypassing coding issues and finding as many bugs and vulnerabilities as possible, as early as possible.But application security must not come at the expense of development efficiency. It must be a seamless part of the workflow, not a separate process, so that developers see security as an organic part of making high-quality software. Finally, documentation mustbe an integrated part of the solution, not a manual process that takes weeks or even months to complete. An automated testing and reporting methodology must be available to help document compliance with government and industry security standards and data privacy regulations.Not sure where to start?Let Synopsys help you build secure, high-qualitysoftware faster.READY TOLEARN MORE?Synopsys helps development teams build secure, high-quality software, minimizing risks while maximizing speed and productivity. Synopsys, a recognized leader in application security, provides static analysis, software composition analysis, and dynamic analysis solutions that enable teams to quickly find and fix vulnerabilities and defects in proprietary code, open source components, and application behavior. With a combination of industry-leading tools, services, and expertise, only Synopsys helps organizations optimize security and quality in DevSecOps and throughout the software development life cycle.For more information, go to /software.Synopsys, Inc.185 Berry Street, Suite 6500San Francisco, CA 94107 USAContact us:U.S. Sales: 800.873.8193International Sales: +1 415.321.5237Email: *********************。

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Environment Support for Software Consistency
Jun Han Software Veri cation Research Centre Department of Computer Science The University of Queensland, 4072, Australia
ENVIRONMENT SUPPORT FOR SOFTWARE CONSISTENCY Jun Han Software Veri cation Research Centre University of Queensland, Qld 4072, Australia ABSTRACT We present three strategies which can be used to enforce, in a exible but controlled manner, the consistency of software artifacts in software development environments. Examples of applying these strategies are given. A prototype experiment implementing these strategies is brie y described. INTRODUCTION Software development environments (SDEs) are software systems that assist the user (i.e., the software engineer) with software development activities. One of their functionalities is to ensure the consistency of the software artifacts developed with their assistance. A dominant approach adopted by the current CASE tools and prototype SDEs to enforce software consistency is to preserve, in one way or another, the consistency of software artifacts at all time. Experience has shown that such an approach is too restrictive and the user may become frustrated in many situations. In general, allowing temporary inconsistency is necessary to achieve exible manipulation of software artifacts. But occurrences of inconsistency must be controllable and detectable so that they can be nally recti ed. For example, the software engineer may wish to reuse a program segment by modifying it in its new context with environment assistance regarding consistency. Based on a systematic analysis, in this paper we present three general strategies aimed at environment support for software consistency. First, we introduce the notions of software objects and object consistency. Then, we discuss the three consistency strategies and their implementation issues, and present examples of consistency problems and the enforcement of their consistency strategies. Finally, we brie y describe a prototype experiment implementing these strategies. SOFTWARE OBJECTS Systematic software development requires that the software engineer follow well-established methodologies. A software development methodology concerns software products and the software processes that produce these products. To provide SDEs for such methodologies, we must identify in detail the support requirements of the software products and processes pertaining to them. In doing so, we adopt an object-oriented approach to methodology modelling: the software process or sequence of development operations, that a given methodology permits on a software product, is inherent in the product itself. We call such a software product a software object. An SDE assists the manipulation of all software objects allowed by the supported methodology. A software object is de ned by a structure and a number of applicable operations. The structure reects its development process by recording the initial assumptions, the intermediate and nal results, and the development relations among these assumptions and results. The operations are used to construct and modify the object (structure), and can be classi ed into construction, editing and query operations. Construction operations introduce new features into the object by creating them. Editing operations make changes to the object based on existing features of itself and other objects. Query operations access existing features of the object, but do not change them. OBJECT CONSISTENCY Developing a software object usually involves many steps, i.e., applications of operations. At certain stages, the object may be invalid with respect to its
may occur in terms of the various features of the object. Both construction and editing operations may introduce inconsistency into the object. In a software development methodology which requires that a code segment must be related to a speci cation segment, for example, introducing a code segment without relating to a speci cation segment results in inconsistency in the software objects involved, and so does deleting a speci cation segment which has a related code segment. CONSISTENCY STRATEGIES As indicated above, allowing temporary inconsistency in software objects is desirable for certain consistency problems. For other consistency problems, however, preserving object consistency at all time is still necessary. For example, a methodology may insist on that no design steps be attempted for an inconsistent system speci cation. Therefore, an SDE should support a variety of consistency strategies. Whether a particular kind of inconsistency should be allowed and how it is treated if allowed are a matter of choosing a consistency strategy according to the nature of the consistency problem. In this section, we present three general strategies which can be used to deal with consistency problems of software objects. 1. Consistency Preserving Under the consistency preserving strategy, any operation which raises the concerned inconsistency is precluded, rejected, or has additional e ects to enforce consistency. As far as this consistency problem is concerned, the software objects are guaranteed to be consistent at all time. Construction operations are very often subject to this consistency strategy to ensure that the newly introduced features of software objects do not contain inconsistency of any kind. In many CASE tools, for instance, only those operations that are applicable to the currently highlighted document segments are o ered to the user for selection. This precludes the cases where improper operations are applied. In some language-based editors, input of an expression in the place of a statement will be immediately rejected. This is to avoid syntactic inconsistency in the program under development. Editing operations may also be under the control of the consistency preserving strategy. For example, the use occurrences of a procedure name may be