图像处理Fuzzy automata system with application to target recognition based on image processing




院与医院之间的远程医疗信息交换变得更快、 更容易。 但是在传输过程中, 医学数据有可能被有意或无意地操 纵, 这可能会导致严重的后果。由于医学图像包含了一
基金项目: 国家自然科学基金 (No.61103199) ; 教育部-中移动科研基金 (No.MCM20130411) 。 作者简介: 肖振久 (1968—) , 男, 副教授, 主要研究方向: 网络与信息安全、 数字版权管理; 李南 (1991—) , 女, 硕士研究生, 主要研 究方向: 网络信息安全与数字水印, E-mail: lisarylong@; 王永滨 (1963—) , 男, 教授, 研究方向为: 形式化建模与 仿真、 分布式计算等; 姜正涛 (1976—) , 男, 副教授, 主要研究方向为: 密码学与信息安全; 陈虹 (1967—) , 女, 副教授, 主 要研究方向: 网络安全。 收稿日期: 2015-10-15 修回日期: 2015-12-01 文章编号: 1002-8331 (2017) 07-0115-06 CNKI 网络优先出版: 2015-12-23, /kcms/detail/11.2127.TP.20151223.1505.002.html
水印算法。首先将原始载体图像的最低有效位 LSB (Least Singificant Bit) 置零, 然后将其分成互不重叠的子块, 计 算每块的均值, 利用块中每个像素值与块均值的大小关系构造特征矩阵, 最后利用 Arnold 置乱后的特征矩阵与超混 沌加密的二值水印进行异或运算来构造零水印 ; 另外, 如果图像遭到篡改, 通过计算差值图像, 则能精确定位篡改位 置及篡改形状。实验结果表明, 该方案不仅具有较好的安全性, 而且达到良好的篡改检测和定位效果。 关键词: 超混沌 ; 篡改检测 ; 零水印 ; 医学图像 文献标志码: A 中图分类号: TP391 doi: 10.3778/j.issn.1002-8331.1510-0128



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在MATLAB中,可以使用遥感工具箱(Remote Sensing Toolbox)来处理遥感图像。
















毕业设计说明书基于ARM的嵌入式数字图像处理系统设计学生姓名:张占龙学号: 0905034314学院:信息与通信工程学院专业:测控技术与仪器指导教师:张志杰2013年 6月摘要简述了数字图像处理的应用以及一些基本原理。






关键词:linnux 嵌入式图像处理边缘检测AbstractThis paper expounds the application of digital image processing and some basic principles. The use of S3C2440 processor chip, the Linux kernel to construct a simple embedded image processing system. The system uses u-boot as the bootloader to boot the Linux kernel and loaded with file system, Linux kernel and file system are used to menu configuration to make corresponding configuration. The application interface is made using QT, system is mainly to achieve some simple image processing functions, such as gray, enhancement, edge detection. The whole procedure is prepared based on the C++, so some image transform algorithm may not be optimal, but it can meet the basic requirements. On this basis, but also on the system constantly improve.Keywords:linux embedded system image processing edge detection目录第一章绪论 (1)1.1 数字图像处理概述 (1)1.2 数字图像处理现状分析 (5)1.3 本文章节简介 (8)第二章图像处理理论 (8)2.1 图像信息的基本知识 (8)2.1.1 视觉研究与图像处理的关系 (8)2.1.2 图像数字化 (10)2.1.3 图像的噪声分析 (10)2.1.4 图像质量评价 (11)2.1.5 彩色图像基本知识 (11)2.2 图像变换 (13)2.2.1 离散傅里叶变换 (13)2.2.2 离散沃尔什-哈达玛变换(DWT-DHT) (20)2.2.3 离散余弦变换(DCT) (21)2.2.4 离散图像变换的一般表达式 (23)2.3 图像压缩编码 (24)2.3.1 图像编码的基本概念 (24)2.4 图像增强和复原 (24)2.4.1 灰度变换 (24)2.4.2 图像的同态增晰 (26)2.4.3 图像的锐化 (27)2.5 图像分割 (27)2.5.1 简单边缘检测算子 (27)2.6 图像描述和图像识别 (28)第三章需求分析 (28)3.1 系统需求分析 (28)3.2 可行性分析 (28)3.3 系统功能分析 (29)第四章概要设计 (29)4.1 图像采集 (30)4.2 图像存储 (31)4.3 图像处理(image processing) (31)4.4 图像显示 (32)4.5 网络通讯 (32)第五章详细设计 (32)5.1 Linux嵌入式系统的构建 (33)5.1.1 启动引导程序的移植 (33)5.1.2 Linux内核移植 (33)5.1.3 根文件系统的移植 (34)5.2 图像处理功能的实现 (34)5.2.1 彩色图像的灰度化 (34)5.2.2 灰度图的直方图均衡化增强 (35)5.2.3 图像二值化 (35)5.2.4 边缘检测 (36)第六章调试与维护 (36)附录 A (37)参考文献 (43)致谢 (44)第一章绪论1.1 数字图像处理概述数字图像处理(Digital Image Processing)又称为计算机图像处理,它是指将图像信号转换成数字信号并利用计算机对其进行处理的过程。


I.J. Image, Graphics and Signal Processing, 2013, 2, 9-16
Published Online February 2013 in MECS (/) DOI: 10.5815/ijigsp.2Given an input image, the aim of automatic image annotation is to assign a few relevant keywords to the image that reflects its visual content. Utilizing this image content to assign a richer and more relevant set of keywords allow us to develop the fast indexing and retrieval architecture of these search engines for improved image search. The image database retrieval problem involves finding in the database, instances of Copyright © 2013 MECS
An Enhanced Approach for Solving Class Imbalance Problem in Automatic Image Annotation
Many different forms of re-sampling techniques have been proposed at the data level, including over-sampling, under-sampling, and combinations of this both. The results obtained have shown to achieve good performance on minority examples of two-class data sets. The re-sampling techniques have a tendency to degrade when applied to imbalanced data sets with multiple classes. Hence, multi-class classification in imbalanced data sets remains an important topic of research. It has been experimentally observed that class imbalance may create significant deterioration in the performance achieved by existing learning and classification systems. This situation is often found in real-world data describing an infrequent but important case. Recently, the class imbalance problem has received considerable attention in areas such as Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition. The proposed algorithm accomplishes the following tasks which degrade the performance of automatic image annotation approaches. Resampling methods based on fractal theory has been proposed for balancing the data set. Modification to the existing learning algorithms has been made to detect the object more accurately. The proposed classifier cum learner performance is measured in imbalanced domains. The comparative analysis showing the performance of our proposed algorithm with other state–of-art methods is given to show the effectiveness of our algorithm. The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 provides literature review of several class imbalance methods followed by proposed improvised fractal smote algorithm (IFSMOTE) in section 3. Section 4 describes the experimental setup followed by results and discussion in Section 5. The paper is drawn to conclusion in Section 6. II. RELATED WORK A. Class Imbalance Learning A number of solutions to the class-imbalance problem were previously proposed both at the data and algorithmic levels. At the data level, these solutions include many different forms of re-sampling such as random oversampling with replacement, random under-sampling, focused (or directed) over-sampling where no new examples are created, but the choice of samples to replace is focused rather than random, focused (or directed) under-sampling where the choice of examples to eliminate is focused, over-sampling by generating new samples, and combinations of the above techniques [5]. At the algorithmic level, solutions include adjusting the costs of the various classes so as to counter the class imbalance (cost- sensitive learning) adjusting the probabilistic estimate at the tree leaf (when working with Copyright © 2013 MECS



matlab图像处理外文翻译外文文献附录A 英文原文Scene recognition for mine rescue robotlocalization based on visionCUI Yi-an(崔益安), CAI Zi-xing(蔡自兴), WANG Lu(王璐)Abstract:A new scene recognition system was presented based on fuzzy logic and hidden Markov model(HMM) that can be applied in mine rescue robot localization during emergencies. The system uses monocular camera to acquire omni-directional images of the mine environment where the robot locates. By adopting center-surround difference method, the salient local image regions are extracted from the images as natural landmarks. These landmarks are organized by using HMM to represent the scene where the robot is, and fuzzy logic strategy is used to match the scene and landmark. By this way, the localization problem, which is the scene recognition problem in the system, can be converted into the evaluation problem of HMM. The contributions of these skills make the system have the ability to deal with changes in scale, 2D rotation and viewpoint. The results of experiments also prove that the system has higher ratio of recognition and localization in both static and dynamic mine environments.Key words: robot location; scene recognition; salient image; matching strategy; fuzzy logic; hidden Markov model1 IntroductionSearch and rescue in disaster area in the domain of robot is a burgeoning and challenging subject[1]. Mine rescue robot was developed to enter mines during emergencies to locate possible escape routes for those trapped inside and determine whether it is safe for human to enter or not. Localization is a fundamental problem in this field. Localization methods based on camera can be mainly classified into geometric, topological or hybrid ones[2]. With its feasibility and effectiveness, scene recognition becomes one of the important technologies of topological localization.Currently most scene recognition methods are based on global image features and have two distinct stages: training offline and matching online.。









1. Huffman编码:Huffman编码使用变长编码来减少不同像素值的出现次数,从而达到压缩图像的目的。




2. Lempel-Ziv-Welch编码:Lempel-Ziv-Welch(LZW)编码是一种字典编码算法,通过不断更新字典来实现压缩。


在MATLAB中,可以使用"lzwenco"和"lzwdenco"函数对图像进行LZW 编码。

3. Run-length编码:Run-length编码是一种简单且有效的无损压缩技术,它将连续重复出现的像素值替换为该像素值和连续出现的次数的对。








1. 图像预处理图像预处理是图像处理中的第一步,其目的是优化图像的质量以及减少噪声。





2. 特征提取特征提取是机器学习中图像处理的关键步骤,它旨在从图像中提取有信息量的特征以用于后续的分类和识别任务。





3. 图像分类与识别图像分类和识别是机器学习中图像处理的主要任务之一,其目标是将图像分到预定义的类别中。





4. 目标检测与定位目标检测和定位是图像处理中另一个重要的任务,它旨在在图像中检测和定位特定的目标。

























PFUlimited 2022年版FI-8150扫描仪说明书

PFUlimited 2022年版FI-8150扫描仪说明书

E ciency optimized, simplicity achie v ed, with expanded software functionalities The scanner driver, PaperStream IP, comes with a simplified, user-friendly interface thatprovides icon visibility for easy setting config-urations. Users can consistently achieve scanned outputs of correct orientations withthe "Automatic Rotation" function, and store frequently scanned documents in specific formats using the "pattern matching" method.Efficiency with simplification brings users, a reduction to operation time as well on frequent and routine operations like deleting blank pages, or correcting page orientations, just by following the optimal settings suggest-ed by the “Settings Assistant” on the integrat-ed PaperStream Capture software. Documents can be retrieved more efficiently with the "PDFkeyword setting" function, instead of being constrained to file names alone.Optimized high-quality imagesThe fi-8150 comes with “Clear Image Capture”, a unique and dedicated image correction technology that generates unparalleled, high-definition images while keeping power consumption to the minimum. Quality images with no missing edges can be ensured with the scanner’s Skew Reducer mechanism.Better usability and exibility for any environ-mentThe fi-8150 supports multiple operation modes according to users’ environments, may that require sharing among teams with PC-less colleagues, or LAN connectivity and USB 3.2.The flexibility to use with imprinter options opens up the capability for total document management and assists in documentarchiving requirements that are prevalent in many industries. Reliable. State-of-art feeding and optical technologies.Quality images. The best you can get.Paper handling. Scan with confidence.State-of-art feeding technology - streamline work owIn the “Manual Feed Mode”, the fi-8150 scanscopy forms and passports or booklets up to thicknesses of 7 mm with the carrier sheet. Precise multi-feed detection on a wide range of documents like plastic cards and documents with attachments, enable contin-ual scanning with the same profiles. In addition, the “Automatic Separation Control” optimizes paper feed to match the number of sheets loaded, preventing interruptions. “Image Monitoring” also performs checks, real-time, for image skews, and providesenhanced paper protection.Efficiency at new heights with evolved feedingDatasheetFUJITSU Image Scanner fi-8150Datasheet FUJITSU Image Scanner fi-8150ContactTrademarksISIS is a trademark of Open Text. Microsoft, Windows, and Windows Server are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. macOS is a trademark of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Linux is the registered trademark of Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries. Any other products or company names appearing in this document are the trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective companies.Safety PrecautionsPlease carefully read the safety precautions prior to the use of this device and follow the recommended instructions for correct use. Do not place this device in wet, moist, highly humid, dusty or oily areas. Use of this device under such conditions may result in electrical shock, fire or damage to the device. Please use this device within the power ratings listed.ENERGY STAR®PFU Limited, a Fujitsu company, has determined that this product meets the ENERGY STAR® guidelines for energy efficiency. ENERGY STAR® is a registered trademark of the United States.Specifications are subject to change without notice. Visit your local Fujitsu website for more information.*1 Actual scanning speeds may vary with data transmission and software processing times. *2 Indicated speeds are from using JPEG compression. *3 Indicated speeds are from using TIFF CCITT Group 4 compression.*4 Selectable maximum resolution may vary depending on the length of the scanned document. *5 Limitations may apply to the size of documents that can be scanned, depending on system environment, when scanning at high resolution (over 600 dpi). *6 Maximum document width possible for scanning is 240 mm (9.5 inch). *7 For use with PaperStream NX Manager, the maximum resolution supported is 400 dpi, with maximum lengths ranging with resolution. Simplex: 1,828.8 mm (72 in.) [below 300 dpi], 355.6 mm (14 in.) [below 400 dpi]. Duplex: 863.6 mm (34 in.) [below 300 dpi], 355.6 mm (14 in.) [below 400 dpi]. *8 Thicknesses of up to 128 to 209 g/m² (34 to 56 lb) can be scanned for A8 (52 x 74 mm / 2.1 x 2.9 inch) sizes. *9 Booklet scanning requires use of Booklet Carrier Sheets. Indicated thickness is inclusive of Booklet Carrier Sheet thickness. *10 Continuous feeding is supported when scanning up to 10 unembossed cards with thicknesses of 0.76 mm or less. *11 Maximum capacity depends on paper weight and may vary. *12 Capable of setting additional documents while scanning. *13 Numbers are calculated using scanning speeds and typical hours of scanner use, and are not meant to guarantee daily volume or unit durability. *14 Excludes the ADF paper chute and stacker. *15 Functions equivalent to those offered by PaperStream IP may not be available with the Image Scanner Driver for macOS/Linux or WIA Driver. *16 Refer to the fi Series Support Site for driver/software downloads and full lineup of all supported operating system versions. https:///global/support/products/computing/peripheral/scanners/fi/.4,000,000 printed characters or 6 months after opening the packageCA00050-0262Print CartridgeEvery 200,000 sheets or one year PA03670-0002Pick Roller Every 200,000 sheets or one year PA03810-0001Brake Roller ConsumablesPaperStream Capture Pro optional licensePA43404-A665PaperStream Capture Pro Scan Station (WG)Reads PDF417, QR code, Data Matrix, Aztec CodePA43404-A4332D Barcode for PaperStreamPack of single sheetPA03810-0020Booklet Carrier Sheet Pack of 3 sheets PA03770-0015 Photo Carrier Sheets Pack of 5 sheets PA03360-0013 Carrier Sheets Prints on the back of the document PA03810-D201 Post Imprinter (FI-819PRB) OptionsADF paper chute, AC cable, AC adapter, USB cable, Setup DVD-ROMIncluded ItemsMulti image output, Automatic color detection, Blank page detection, Dynamic threshold (iDTC), Advanced DTC, SDTC,Error diffusion, Dither, De-Screen, Emphasis, Dropout color (None/Red/Green/Blue/White/Saturation/Custom), sRGBoutput, Hole punch removal, Index tab cropping, Split image,De-Skew, Edge filler, Vertical streaks reduction, Background pattern removal, Cropping, Static thresholdImage Processing FunctionsPaperStream IP Driver (TWAIN/TWAIN x64/ISIS), WIA Driver *¹⁵, Image Scanner Driver for macOS (ICA)*¹⁵*¹⁶, Image Scanner Driver for Linux (SANE)*¹⁵*¹⁶, PaperStream Capture,PaperStream ClickScan *¹⁶, Software Operation Panel, Error Recovery Guide, ABBYY FineReader for ScanSnap™*16, Scanner Central AdminIncluded Software / DriversWindows® 11, Windows® 10, Windows® 8.1, Windows® 7, Windows Server® 2022, Windows Server® 2019, Windows Server® 2016, Windows Server® 2012 R2, Windows Server® 2012, Windows Server® 2008 R2, macOS, Linux (Ubuntu)Supported Operating System4 kg (8.8 lb)Weight300 x 170 x 163 mm (11.8 x 6.7 x 6.4 inch )Dimensions *¹⁴(Width x Depth x Height)ENERGY STAR®, RoHSEnvironmental Compliance 15 to 80% (non-condensing)Relative Humidity5 to 35 °C (41 to 95 °F)Temperature Operating Environment 0.2 W or lessAuto Standby (Off) Mode 2.0 W or less (LAN) / 1.4 W or less (USB)Sleep Mode21 W or less / 17 W (Eco mode)Operating Mode Power Consumption AC 100V - 240V 50/60 Hz Power Requirements 10BASE-T, 100BASE-TX, 1000BASE-T EthernetUSB 3.2 Gen1x1 / USB 2.0 / USB 1.1USB Interface Image monitoringPaper Protection Overlap detection (Ultrasonic sensor), Length detection Multifeed Detection 8,000 sheetsExpected Daily Volume *¹³100 sheets (A4 80 g/m² or Letter 20 lb)ADF Capacity *¹¹*¹²Less than 7 mm (0.276 inch )*⁹20 to 465 g/m² (5.3 to 124 lb)*⁸Plastic Card 1.4 mm (0.055 inch ) or less *¹⁰Booklet Paper Paper Weight (Thickness)6,096 mm (240 inch )Long Page Scanning *⁷48 x 50 mm (1.9 x 2 inch)Minimum215.9 x 355.6 mm (8.5 x 14 inch)Maximum *⁶Document Size White / Black (selectable)Background Colors Color: 24-bit, Grayscale: 8-bit, Monochrome: 1-bit Output Format 50 to 600 dpi (adjustable by 1 dpi increments),1,200 dpi (driver)*⁵Output Resolution *⁴(Color / Grayscale / Monochrome)600 dpiOptical ResolutionRGB LED x 2 (front x 1, back x 1)Light Source CIS x 2 (front x 1, back x 1)Image Sensor Type Simplex: 50 ppm (200/300 dpi)Duplex: 100 ipm (200/300 dpi)Scanning Speed *¹ (A4 Portrait)(Color *²/Grayscale *²/Monochrome *³)ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) / Manual Feed, DuplexScanner TypeTechnical InformationDatasheet FUJITSU Image Scanner fi-8150IndonesiaPT Fujitsu Indonesia Tel: +62 21 570 9330*************************/id/scannersMalaysiaFujitsu (Malaysia) Sdn Bhd Tel: +603 8230 4188askfujitsu .my @/my/scannersPhilippinesFujitsu Philippines, Inc. Tel: +63 2 841 8488 ***************.com/ph/scannersSingaporeFujitsu Asia Pte Ltd Tel: +65 6512 7555 *******************/sg/scannersThailandFujitsu (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Tel: +66 2 302 1500 info .th @/th/en/scannersVietnamFujitsu Vietnam Limited Tel: + 84 4 2220 3113 sales -vn @/vn/en/scanners。





















人工智能和图像处理方面的各种会议的评级2010年8月31日忙菇发表评论阅读评论人工智能和图像处理方面的各种会议的评级澳大利亚政府和澳大利亚研究理事会做的,有一定参考价值会议名称会议缩写评级ACM SIG International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques SIGGRAPH AACM Virtual Reality Software and Technology VRST AACM/SPIE Multimedia Computing and Networking MMCN AACM-SIGRAPH Interactive 3D Graphics I3DG AAdvances in Neural Information Processing Systems NIPS AAnnual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society CogSci AAnnual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association (was Eurospeech) Interspeech AAnnual Conference on Computational Learning Theory COLT AArtificial Intelligence in Medicine AIIM AArtificial Intelligence in Medicine in Europe AIME AAssociation of Computational Linguistics ACL ACognitive Science Society Annual Conference CSSAC AComputer Animation CANIM AConference in Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence UAI AConference on Natural Language Learning CoNLL AEmpirical Methods in Natural Language Processing EMNLP AEuropean Association of Computational Linguistics EACL AEuropean Conference on Artificial Intelligence ECAI AEuropean Conference on Computer Vision ECCV AEuropean Conference on Machine Learning ECML AEuropean Conference on Speech Communication and Technology (now Interspeech) EuroSpeech AEuropean Graphics Conference EUROGRAPH AFoundations of Genetic Algorithms FOGA AIEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition CVPR AIEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation IEEE CEC AIEEE Information Visualization Conference IEEE InfoVis AIEEE International Conference on Computer Vision ICCV AIEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems FUZZ-IEEE AIEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks IJCNN AIEEE International Symposium on Artificial Life IEEE Alife AIEEE Visualization IEEE VIS AIEEE Workshop on Applications of Computer Vision WACV AIEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design ICCAD AIEEE/ACM International Symposium on Mixed and Augmented Reality ISMAR A International Conference on Automated Deduction CADE AInternational Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems AAMAS A International Conference on Computational Linguistics COLING AInternational Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Application GRAPP A International Conference on Intelligent Tutoring Systems ITS AInternational Conference on Machine Learning ICML AInternational Conference on Neural Information Processing ICONIP AInternational Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning KR A International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems ALIFE A International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence IJCAI AInternational Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning IJCAR AInternational Joint Conference on Qualitative and Quantitative Practical Reasoning ESQARU A Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI ANational Conference of the American Association for Artificial Intelligence AAAI ANorth American Association for Computational Linguistics NAACL APacific Conference on Computer Graphics and Applications PG AParallel Problem Solving from Nature PPSN AACM SIGGRAPH/Eurographics Symposium on Computer Animation SCA BAdvanced Concepts for Intelligent Vision Systems ACIVS BAdvanced Visual Interfaces AVI BAgent-Oriented Information Systems Workshop AOIS BAnnual International Workshop on Presence PRESENCE BArtificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference ANNIE BAsian Conference on Computer Vision ACCV BAsia-Pacific Conference on Simulated Evolution and Learning SEAL BAustralasian Conference on Robotics and Automation ACRA BAustralasian Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence AI BAustralasian Speech Science and Technology S ST BAustralian Conference for Knowledge Management and Intelligent Decision Support A CKMIDS B Australian Conference on Artificial Life ACAL BAustralian Symposium on Information Visualisation ASIV BBritish Machine Vision Conference B MVC BCanadian Artificial Intelligence Conference CAAI BComputer Graphics International CGI BConference of the Association for Machine Translation in the Americas AMTA B Conference of the European Association for Machine Translation EAMT BConference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics PACLING BConference on Artificial Intelligence for Applications CAIA BCongress of the Italian Assoc for AI AI*IA BDeutsche Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Mustererkennung DAGM e.V DAGM BDigital Image Computing Techniques and Applications DICTA BEurographics Symposium on Parallel Graphics and Visualization EGPGV BEurographics/IEEE Symposium on Visualization EuroVis BEuropean Conference on Artificial Life ECAL BEuropean Conference on Genetic Programming EUROGP BEuropean Simulation Symposium ESS BEuropean Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ESANN BFrench Conference on Knowledge Acquisition and Machine Learning FCKAML BGerman Conference on Multi-Agent system Technologies MATES BGraphics Interface GI BIEEE International Conference on Image Processing ICIP BIEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo ICME BIEEE International Conference on Neural Networks ICNN BIEEE International Workshop on Visualizing Software for Understanding and Analysis VISSOFT BIEEE Pacific Visualization Symposium (was APVIS) PacificVis BIEEE Symposium on 3D User Interfaces 3DUI BIEEE Virtual Reality Conference VR BIFSA World Congress IFSA BImage and Vision Computing Conference IVCNZ BInnovative Applications in AI IAAI BIntegration of Software Engineering and Agent Technology ISEAT BIntelligent Virtual Agents IVA BInternational Cognitive Robotics Conference COGROBO BInternational Conference on Advances in Intelligent Systems: Theory and Applications AISTABInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Statistics AISTATS BInternational Conference on Artificial Neural Networks ICANN BInternational Conference on Artificial Reality and Telexistence ICAT BInternational Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns CAIP BInternational Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques in Australasia and Southeast Asia S IGGRAPH ASIA BInternational Conference on Database and Expert Systems Applications DEXA B International Conference on Frontiers of Handwriting Recognition ICFHR BInternational Conference on Genetic Algorithms ICGA BInternational Conference on Image Analysis and Processing ICIAP BInternational Conference on Implementation and Application of Automata CIAA B International Conference on Information Visualisation IV BInternational Conference on Integration of Artificial Intelligence and Operations Research Techniques in Constraint Programming for Combinatorial Optimization Problems CPAIOR B International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering ISKE B International Conference on Intelligent Text Processing and Computational Linguistics CICLING BInternational Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management KSEM B International Conference on Modelling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence MDAI B International Conference on Multiagent Systems ICMS BInternational Conference on Pattern Recognition ICPR BInternational Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering SEKE B International Conference on Theoretical and Methodological Issues in machine Translation TMI BInternational Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAI BInternational Conference on Ubiquitous and Intelligence Computing UIC BInternational Conference on User Modelling (now UMAP) UM BInternational Conferences in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision WSCG BInternational Fuzzy Logic and Intelligent technologies in Nuclear Science Conference F LINS B International Joint Conference on Natural Language Processing IJCNLP BInternational Meeting on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming DNA BInternational Natural Language Generation Conference INLG BInternational Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Maths ISAIM BInternational Symposium on Computational Life Science CompLife BInternational Symposium on Mathematical Morphology ISMM BInternational Work-Conference on Artificial and Natural Neural Networks IWANN B International Workshop on Agents and Data Mining Interaction ADMI BInternational Workshop on Ant Colony ANTS BInternational Workshop on Paraphrasing IWP BInternational Workshops on Enabling Technologies: Infrastructures for Collaborative Enterprises WETICE BJoint workshop on Multimodal Interaction and Related Machine Learning Algorithms (nowICMI-MLMI) MLMI BLogic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics LENLS BMachine Translation Summit MT SUMMIT BPacific Asia Conference on Language, Information and Computation PACLIC BPacific Asian Conference on Expert Systems PACES BPacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence PRICAI BPacific Rim International Workshop on Multi-Agents PRIMA BPacific-Rim Symposium on Image and Video Technology PSIVT BPortuguese Conference on Artificial Intelligence EPIA BRobot Soccer World Cup RoboCup BScandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence S CAI BSingapore International Conference on Intelligent Systems SPICIS BSPIE International Conference on Visual Communications and Image Processing VCIP B Summer Computer Simulation Conference SCSC BSymposium on Logical Formalizations of Commonsense Reasoning COMMONSENSE B The Theory and Application of Diagrams DIAGRAMS BWinter Simulation Conference WSC BWorld Congress on Expert Systems WCES BWorld Congress on Neural Networks WCNN B3-D Digital Imaging and Modelling 3DIM CACM Workshop on Secure Web Services SWS CAdvanced Course on Artificial Intelligence ACAI CAdvances in Intelligent Systems AIS CAgent-Oriented Software Engineering Workshop AOSE CAmbient Intelligence Developments Aml.d CAnnual Conference on Evolutionary Programming EP CApplications of Information Visualization IV-App CApplied Perception in Graphics and Visualization APGV CArgentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence ASAI CArtificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management AIKM CAsia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems C omplex CAsia-Pacific Symposium on Visualisation APVIS CAustralasian Cognitive Science Society Conference AuCSS CAustralia-Japan Joint Workshop on Intelligent and Evolutionary Systems AJWIES C Australian Conference on Neural Networks ACNN CAustralian Knowledge Acquisition Workshop AKAW CAustralian MADYMO Users Meeting MADYMO CBioinformatics Visualization BioViz CBrazilian Symposium on Computer Graphics and Image Processing SIBGRAPI C Canadian Conference on Computer and Robot Vision CRV CComplex Objects Visualization Workshop COV CComputer Animation, Information Visualisation, and Digital Effects CAivDE C Conference of the International Society for Decision Support Systems I SDSS C Conference on Artificial Neural Networks and Expert systems ANNES CConference on Visualization and Data Analysis VDA CCooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering CDVE CCoordinated and Multiple Views in Exploratory Visualization CMV CCultural Heritage Knowledge Visualisation CHKV CDesign and Aesthetics in Visualisation DAViz CDiscourse Anaphora and Anaphor Resolution Colloquium DAARC CENVI and IDL Data Analysis and Visualization Symposium VISualize CEuro Virtual Reality Euro VR CEuropean Conference on Ambient Intelligence AmI CEuropean Conference on Computational Learning Theory (Now in COLT) EuroCOLT C European Conference on Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches to Reasoning with Uncertainty ECSQARU CEuropean Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing EUFIT CEuropean Workshop on Modelling Autonomous Agents in a Multi-Agent World MAAMAW C European Workshop on Multi-Agent Systems EUMAS CFinite Differences-Finite Elements-Finite Volumes-Boundary Elements F-and-B CFlexible Query-Answering Systems FQAS CFlorida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference FlAIRS CFrench Speaking Conference on the Extraction and Management of Knowledge EGC C GeoVisualization and Information Visualization GeoViz CGerman Conference on Artificial Intelligence K I CHellenic Conference on Artificial Intelligence S ETN CHungarian National Conference on Agent Based Computation HUNABC CIberian Conference on Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis IBPRIA CIberoAmerican Congress on Pattern Recognition CIARP CIEEE Automatic Speech Recognition and Understanding Workshop ASRU CIEEE International Conference on Adaptive and Intelligent Systems ICAIS CIEEE International Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition FG CIEEE International Conference on Cognitive Informatics ICCI CIEEE International Conference on Computational Cybernetics ICCC CIEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Measurement Systems and Applications CIMSA CIEEE International Conference on Cybernetics and Intelligent Systems CIS CIEEE International Conference on Granular Computing GrC CIEEE International Conference on Information and Automation IEEE ICIA CIEEE International Conference on Intelligence for Homeland Security and Personal Safety CIHSPS CIEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing ICCP C IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Systems IEEE IS CIEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS CIEEE International Symposium on Multimedia ISM CIEEE International Workshop on Cellular Nanoscale Networks and Applications CNNA CIEEE International Workshop on Neural Networks for Signal Processing NNSP CIEEE Swarm Intelligence Symposium IEEE SIS CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Data Mining IEEE CIDM CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence and Games CIG CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Financial Engineering IEEE CIFEr C IEEE Symposium on Computational intelligence for Image Processing IEEE CIIP CIEEE Symposium on Computational intelligence for Multimedia Signal and Vision Processing IEEE CIMSVP CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence for Security and Defence Applications IEEE CISDA CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology IEEE CIBCB CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Control and Automation IEEE CICA C IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security IEEE CICS CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Image and Signal Processing CIISP C IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Multi-Criteria Decision-Making IEEE MCDM CIEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Scheduling IEEE CI-Sched CIEEE Symposium on Intelligent Agents IEEE IA CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence for Visual Intelligence IEEE CIVI CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Aerospace Applications IEEE CIAA CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Biometrics: Theory, Algorithms, and Applications IEEE CIB CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Vehicles and Vehicular Systems IEEE CIWS CIEEE Workshop on Computational Intelligence in Virtual Environments IEEE CIVE CIEEE Workshop on Evolvable and Adaptive Hardware IEEE WEAH CIEEE Workshop on Evolving and Self-Developing Intelligent Systems IEEE ESDIS CIEEE Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Models and Applications IEEE HIMA CIEEE Workshop on Memetic Algorithms IEEE WOMA CIEEE Workshop on Organic Computing IEEE OC CIEEE Workshop on Robotic Intelligence in Informationally Structured Space IEEE RiiSS C IEEE Workshop on Speech Coding SCW CIEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Intelligent Agent Technology IAT CIEEE/WIC/ACM international Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology WI-IAT CIFIP Conference on Biologically Inspired Collaborative Computing BICC CInformation Visualisation Theory and Practice InfVis CInformation Visualization Evaluation IVE CInformation Visualization in Biomedical Informatics IVBI CIntelligence Tools, Data Mining, Visualization IDV CIntelligent Multimedia, Video and Speech Processing Symposium MVSP C International Atlantic Web Intelligence Conference AWIC CInternational Colloquium on Data Sciences, Knowledge Discovery and Business Intelligence DSKDB CInternational Conference Computer Graphics, Imaging and Visualization CGIV CInternational Conference Formal Concept Analysis Conference ICFCA CInternational Conference Imaging Science, Systems and Technology CISST CInternational Conference on 3G Mobile Communication Technologies 3G CInternational Conference on Adaptive and Natural Computing Algorithms ICANNGA C International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition and Digital Techniques ICAPRDT CInternational Conference on Affective Computing and Intelligent A CII CInternational Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence ICAART CInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence I C-AI CInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Law ICAIL CInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition A IPR CInternational Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing ICAISC C International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Science and Technology AISAT C International Conference on Arts and Technology ArtsIT CInternational Conference on Case-Based Reasoning Research and Development ICCBR C International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence: Semantic Web, Social Networks and Multiagent Systems ICCCI CInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia ICCIMA C International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Software Engineering CISE C International Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation CIMCA CInternational Conference on Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems CIRAS CInternational Conference on Computational Semiotics for Games and New Media Cosign C International Conference on Computer Graphics, Virtual Reality, Visualisation and Interaction in Africa AFRIGRAPH CInternational Conference on Computer Theory and Applications ICCTA CInternational Conference on Computer Vision Systems I CVS CInternational Conference on Cybercrime Forensics Education and Training CFET CInternational Conference on Engineering Applications of Neural Networks EANN C International Conference on Evolutionary Computation ICEC CInternational Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge FSKD CInternational Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems HAIS CInternational Conference on Hybrid Intelligent Systems HIS CInternational Conference on Image and Graphics ICIG CInternational Conference on Image and Signal Processing ICISP CInternational Conference on Immersive Telecommunications IMMERSCOM CInternational Conference on Industrial and Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems IEA/AIE CInternational Conference on Information and Knowledge Engineering I KE CInternational Conference on Intelligent Systems ICIL CInternational Conference on Intelligent Systems Designs and Applications ISDA CInternational Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Ontology KEOD CInternational Conference on Knowledge-based Intelligent Electronic Systems KIES CInternational Conference on Machine Learning and Applications ICMLA CInternational Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics ICMLC CInternational Conference on Machine Vision ICMV CInternational Conference on Medical Information Visualisation MediVis CInternational Conference on Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation ICMSO CInternational Conference on Natural Computation ICNC CInternational Conference on Neural, Parallel and Scientific Computations NPSC C International Conference on Principles of Practice in Multi-Agent Systems PRIMA C International Conference on Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing RANLP C International Conference on Rough Sets and Current Trends in Computing RSCTC C International Conference on Spoken Language Processing ICSLP CInternational Conference on the Foundations of Digital Games FDG CInternational Conference on Vision Theory and Applications VISAPP CInternational Conference on Visual Information Systems VISUAL CInternational Conference on Web-based Modelling and Simulation WebSim CInternational Congress on Modelling and Simulation MODSIM CInternational ICSC Congress on Intelligent Systems and Applications IICISA CInternational KES Symposium on Agents and Multiagent systems – Technologies and Applications KES AMSTA CInternational Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference IMVIP CInternational Symposium on 3D Data Processing Visualization and Transmission 3DPVT C International Symposium on Applied Computational Intelligence and Informatics SACI C International Symposium on Applied Machine Intelligence and Informatics SAMI C International Symposium on Artificial Life and Robotics AROB CInternational Symposium on Audio, Video, Image Processing and Intelligent Applications ISAVIIA CInternational Symposium on Foundations of Intelligent Systems ISMIS CInternational Symposium on Innovations in Intelligent Systems and Applications INISTA C International Symposium on Neural Networks ISNN CInternational Symposium on Visual Computing ISVC CInternational Visualization in Transportation Symposium and Workshop TRB Viz C International Workshop on Combinations of Intelligent Methods and Applications CIMA C International Workshop on Genetic and Evolutionary Fuzzy Systems GEFS CInternational Workshop on Human Aspects in Ambient Intelligence: Agent Technology, Human-Oriented Knowledge and Applications HAI CInternational Workshop on Image Analysis and Information Fusion IAIF CInternational Workshop on Intelligent Agents IWIA CInternational Workshop on Knowledge Discovery from Data Streams IWKDDS CInternational Workshop on MultiAgent Based Simulation MABS CInternational Workshop on Nonmonotonic Reasoning, Action and Change NRAC C International Workshop on Soft Computing Applications SOFA CInternational Workshop on Ubiquitous Virtual Reality IWUVR CINTUITION International Conference INTUITION CISCA Tutorial and Research Workshop Automatic Speech Recognition ASR CJoint Australia and New Zealand Biennial Conference on Digital Image and Vision Computing DIVC CJoint Conference on New Methods in Language Processing and Computational Natural Language Learning NeMLaP CKES International Symposium on Intelligent Decision Technologies KES IDT CKnowledge Domain Visualisation KDViz CKnowledge Visualization and Visual Thinking KV CMachine Vision Applications MVA CNAISO Congress on Autonomous Intelligent Systems NAISO CNatural Language Processing and Knowledge Engineering IEEE NLP-KE CNorth American Fuzzy Information Processing Society Conference NAFIPS CPacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia PCM CPan-Sydney Area Workshop on Visual Information Processing VIP CPractical Application of Intelligent Agents and Multi-Agent Technology Conference PAAM C Program Visualization Workshop PVW CSemantic Web Visualisation VSW CSGAI International Conference on Artificial Intelligence SGAI CSimulation Technology and Training Conference SimTecT CSoft Computing in Computer Graphics, Imaging, and Vision SCCGIV CSpring Conference on Computer Graphics SCCG CThe Conference on visualization of information SEE CVision Interface VI CVisMasters Design Modelling and Visualization Conference DMVC CVisual Analytics VA CVisual Information Communications International VINCI CVisualisation in Built Environment BuiltViz CVisualization In Science and Education VISE CVisualization in Software Engineering SEViz CVisualization in Software Product Lines Workshop VisPLE CWeb Visualization WebViz CWorkshop on Hybrid Intelligent Systems WHIS C。















三、自适应伽玛校正法的实现步骤1. 图像预处理:在进行自适应伽玛校正之前,通常需要对图像进行预处理,以减少噪声和增强图像的边缘信息。


2. 局部特征提取:对预处理后的图像进行局部特征提取,这可能包括计算图像的局部直方图、梯度图等。


3. 伽玛值计算:根据提取的局部特征,为图像的每个区域计算合适的伽玛值。


4. 伽玛校正:使用计算得到的伽玛值对图像进行伽玛校正。

图像加密英文翻译 译文

图像加密英文翻译 译文

编号:毕业设计(论文)英文翻译(译文)学院:数学与计算科学学院专业:信息与计算科学学生姓名:覃洁文学号: 1000710222指导教师单位:数学与计算科学学院姓名:王东职称:副教授2014年 6 月7 日Parallel image encryption algorithm based on discretized chaotic mapAbstractRecently, a variety of chaos-based algorithms were proposed for image encryption. Nevertheless, none of them works efficiently in parallel computing environment. In this paper, we propose a framework for parallel image encryption. Based on this framework, a new algorithm is designed using the discretized Kolmogorov flow map. It fulfills all the requirements for a parallel image encryption algorithm. Moreover, it is secure and fast. These properties make it a good choice for image encryption on parallel computing platforms.1. IntroductionIn recent years, there is a rapid growth in the transmission of digital images through computer networks especiallythe Internet. In most cases, the transmission channels are not secure enough to prevent illegal access by malicious listeners. Therefore the security and privacy of digital images have become a major concern. Many image encryption methods have been proposed, of which the chaos-based approach is a promising direction [1–9].In general, chaotic systems possess several properties which make them essential components in constructingcryptosystems:(1) Randomness: chaotic systems generate long-period, random-like chaotic sequence ina deterministic way.(2) Sensitivity: a tiny difference of the initial value or system parameters leads to a vast change of the chaoticsequences.(3) Simplicity: simple equations can generate complex chaotic sequences.(4) Ergodicity: a chaotic state variable goes through all states in its phase space, and usually those states are distributeduniformly.In addition to the above properties, some two-dimensional (2D) chaotic maps are inherent excellent alternatives forpermutation of image pixels. Pichler and Scharinger proposed a way to permute the image using Kolmogorov flow mapbefore a diffusion operation [1,2]. Later, Fridrich extended this method to a more generalized way [3]. Chen et al. proposedan image encryption scheme based on 3D cat maps [4]. Lian et al. proposed another algorithm based on standardmap [5]. Actually, those algorithms work under the same framework: all the pixels are first permuted with a discretizedchaotic map before they are encrypted one by one under the cipher block chain (CBC) mode where the cipher of the current pixel is influenced by the cipher of previous pixels. The above processes repeat for several rounds and finally thecipher-image is obtained.This framework is very effective in achieving diffusion throughout the whole image. However, it is not suitable forrunning in a parallel computing environment. This is because the processing of the current pixel cannot start until theprevious one has been encrypted. The computation is still in a sequential mode even if there is more than one processingelement (PE). This limitation restricts its application platform since many devices based on FPGA/CPLD or digital circuitscan support parallel processing. With the parallel computing technique, the speed of encryption is greatly accelerated.Another shortcoming of chaos-based image encryption schemes is the relatively slowcomputing speed. The primaryreason is that chaos-based ciphers usually need a large amount of real number multiplication and division operations,which cost vast of computation. The computational efficiency will be increase substantially if the encryption algorithmscan be executed on a parallel processing platform.In this paper, we propose a framework for parallel image encryption. Under such framework, we design a secure andfast algorithm that fulfills all the requirements for parallel image encryption. The rest of the paper is arranged as follows. Section 2 introduces the parallel operating mode and its requirements. Section 3 presents the definitions and propertiesof four transformations which form the encryption/decryption algorithm. In Section 4, the processes ofencryption, decryption and key scheduling will be described in detail. Experimental results and theoretical analysesare provided in Sections 5 and 6, respectively. Finally, we conclude this paper with a summary.2. Parallel mode2.1 Parallel mode and its requirementsIn parallel computing mode, each PE is responsible for a subset of the image data and possesses its own memory.During the encryption, there may be some communication between PEs (see Fig. 1).To allow parallel image encryption, the conventional CBC-like mode must be eliminated. However, this will cause anew problem, i.e. how to fulfill the diffusion requirement without such mode. Besides, there arise some additional requirements for parallel image encryption:1. Computation load balance The total time of a parallel image encryption scheme is determined by the slowest PE, since other PEs have to waituntil such PE finishes its work. Therefore a good parallel computation mode can balance the task distributed to each PE.2. Communication load balance There usually exists lots of communication between PEs. For the same reason as of computation load, the communication load should be carefully balanced.3. Critical area management When computing in a parallel mode, many PEs may read or write the same area of memory (i.e. critical area) simultaneously,which often causes unexpected execution of the program. It is thus necessary to use some parallel techniquesto manage the critical area.2.2 A parallel image encryption frameworkTo fulfill the above requirements, we propose a parallel image encryption framework, which is a four-step process: Step 1: The whole image is divided into a number of blocks. Step 2: Each PE is responsible for a certain number of blocks. The pixels inside a block are encrypted adequately witheffective confusion and diffusion operations. Step 3: Cipher-data are exchanged via communication between PEs to enlarge the diffusion from a block to a broaderscope. Step 4: Go to step 2 until the cipher image reaches the required level of security.In step 2, diffusion is achieved, but only within the small scope of one block. With theaid of step 3, however, suchdiffusion effect is broadened. Note that from the cryptographic point of view, data exchange in step 3 is essentially apermutation. After several iterations of steps 2 and 3, the diffusion effect is spread to the whole image. This means thata tiny change in one plain-image pixel will spread to a substantial amount of pixels in the cipher-image. To make theframework sufficiently secure, two requirements must be fulfilled:1. The encryption algorithm in step 2 should be sufficiently secure with the characteristic of confusion and diffusion aswell as sensitivity to both plaintext and key.2. The permutation in step 3 must spread the local change to the whole image in a few rounds of operations.The first requirement can be fulfilled by a combination of different cryptographic elements such as S-box, Feistel-structure,matrix multiplications and chaos map, etc., or we can just use a conventional cryptographic standard suchas AES or IDEA. The second one, however, is a new topic resulted from this framework. Furthermore, such permutationshould help to achieve the three additional goals presented in Section 2.1. Hence, the permutation operation isone of the focuses of this paper and should be carefully studied.Under this parallel image encryption framework, we propose a new algorithm which is based on four basic transformations. Therefore, we will first introduce those transformations before describing our algorithm.3. Transformations3.1 A-transformationIn A-tran sformation, …A‟ stands for addition. It can be formally defined as follow: a+b=c ,where a,b,cϵG,G=GF(28), and the addition is defined as the bitwise XOR operation. The transformation A has three fundamental properties:(2.1)a+a=0(2.2)a+b=b+a (2)(2.3)(a+b)+c=a+(b+c)3.2 M-transformationIn M-transformation, …M‟ stands for mixing of data. First, we introduce the sum transformation: sum:m×n→Gthensum(I) is defined as: sum(1)= a(ij)Now we give the definition of M-transformation as follows: M:m×n→m×nLet M(I)=C I= a(ij)C=(c(ij)(3) c(ij)=a(ij)+sum(I)It is easy to prove the following properties of the M-transformation:(5.1)M(M(I))=I(5)(4) (5.2)M(I+J)=M(I)+M(J)(5.3)M(kj)=kM(I),where kI=1,k∈NIt should be noted that all the addition operations from are the A-transformation indeed.3.3 S-transformationIn S-transformation, …S‟ stands for S-box substitution. There are lots of ways to constructan S-box, among whichthe chaotic approach is a good candidate. For example, Tang et al presented a method to design S-box based on discretized logistic map and Baker map [10]. Following this work, Chen et al. proposed another method to obtain an S-box,which leads to a better performance [11]. The process is described as follows:Step 1: Select an initial value for the Chebyshev map. Then iterate the map to generate the initial S-box table.Step2: Pile up the 2D table to a 3D one.Step 3: Use the discretized 3D Baker map to shuffle the table for many times. Finally, transform the 3D table back to2D to obtain the desired S-box. Experimental results show that the resultant S-box is ideal for cryptographic applications. The approach is alsocalled …dynamic‟ as different S-boxes are obtained when the initial value of Chebyshev map is changed. However,for the sake of simplicity and performance, we use a fixed S-box, i.e. the example given in [11] (see Table 1).3.4 K-transformationIn K-transformation, …K‟ stands for Kolmogorov flow, which is often called generalized Baker map [3]. The applicationof Kolmogorov flow for image encryption was first proposed by Pichler and Scharinger [1,2]. The discrete version of K-flow is given by :whered = (n1,n2, . . . ,nk), ns is an positive integer, and ns divide N for all s, = 1/ns, while Fsis still the leftbound of the vertical strip s:Note that the Eq. (6) can be interpreted by the geometrical transformation shown in Fig.2. The N ·N image is firstdivided into vertical rectangles of height N and width ns. Then each vertical rectangle is further divided into boxes ofheight psand width ns. After K-transformation, pixels from the same box are actually mapped to a single row.Table 1The proposed S-box is the example given in [11]161 85 129 224 176 50 207 177 48 205 68 60 1 160 117 46130 124 203 58 145 14 115 189 235 142 4 43 13 51 52 19152 153 83 96 86 133 228 136 175 23 109 252 236 49 167 92106 94 81 139 151 134 245 72 172 171 62 79 77 231 82 32238 22 63 99 80 217 164 178 0 154 240 188 150 157 215 232180 119 166 18 141 20 17 97 254 181 184 47 146 233 113 12054 21 183 118 15 114 36 253 197 2 9 165 132 204 226 64107 88 55 8 221 65 185 234 162 210 250 179 61 202 248 247213 89 101 108 102 45 56 5 212 10 12 243 216 242 84 111143 67 93 123 11 137 249 170 27 223 186 95 169 116 163 25174 135 91 104 196 208 148 24 251 39 40 31 16 219 214 74140 211 112 75 190 73 187 244 182 122 193 131 194 149 121 76156 168 222 34 241 70 255 229 246 90 53 225 100 30 37 237103 126 38 200 44 209 42 29 41 218 71 155 78 125 173 28128 87 239 3 191 158 199 138 227 59 69 220 195 66 192 2304 MASK–aparallel image encryption scheme4.1.Outline of the proposed encryption schemeAssume the N·Nimage is encrypted by nPEssimultaneously, we describe the parallel encryption schemeas follows:1.Each PE is responsible for some fixe drow so fpixelsin the image.2. PixelsofeachrowareencryptedusingtransformationM,A,S,respectively.3. Permuteall the pixelsaccording to transformation Ktohavefur the rdiffusion.4. Goto step 2 forano the rroun do fencryptio nuntilthecip her issufficiently secure.Thereforeboththepermutationmapanditsparametersmustbecarefullychosen.Inouralgorithm ,disaconstantvectorwithlengthq,whereq=N/n.Eachelementofthevectorisequalton Each PE is responsible for q consecutive rows, or more specifically, the ith PE is responsible for rows from (i-1) * qto i* q-1. This algorithm can fulfil all the requirements for parallel encryption, as analyzed below.1.Diffusion effect in the whole imageAssume that the operations in step 2 are sufficiently secure. After step 2, a tiny change of the plain pixel will diffuse tothe whole row of N pixels. If we choose d according to Eq. (7), it is easy to prove that those N cipher pixels will bepermuted to different q rows with the help of K-transformation in step 3. In the same way, after another round ofencryption, the change is spread to q rows, and after the third round, the whole cipher image is changed. Consequently,in our scheme, the smallest change of any single pixel will diffuse to the whole image in 3 rounds.2.Balance of communication loadIf the parameter d of (6) is chosen as (7), it is easy to prove that the data exchanged between two PEs are constant,i.e., equal to 1/q2 of the total number of image pixels. For each PE, this quantity becomes (q _ 1)/q2. Therefore, inour scheme, the communication load of each PE is equivalent, and there is no unbalance of communication load forthe PEs at all.3. Balance of computation loadThe data to be encrypted by each PE is equally q rows of pixels; hence computation load balance is achievednaturally.4. Critical area managementIn our scheme, under no circumstances would two PEs read from or write to the same memory. Therefore, we do notneed to impose any critical area management technique in our scheme as other parallel computation schemes oftendo.The above discussions have shown that the proposed scheme fullfil all the requirements for parallel image encryption ,which is mainly attributed to the chaotic Kolmogorov map and the choice of its parameters.4.2 CipherThe cipher is made up of a number of rounds. However, before the first round, the image is pre-processed with a K-transformation.Then in each round, the transformation M, A, S, K is carried out, respectively. The final round differsslightly from the previous rounds in that the S-transformation is omitted on purpose. The transformations M, A, Soperate on one row of pixels by each PE, while the transformation K operates on the whole image which necessarilyinvolves communicationbetween PEs. The cipher is described by the pseudo-code listed in Fig. 3.4.3 Round key generationAmong the four transformations, only transformation A needs a round key. For an 8-bit grey level image of N ·Npixels, a round key containing N bytes should be generated for transformation A in each round.Generally speaking, the round keys should be pseudo-random and key-sensitive. From this point of view, a chaotic map is a good alternative. In our scheme, we use the skew tent map to generate the required round keys.x/μ,0<x<μx(1)=(1−x)/(1−u) ,μ<x<1 (8) The chaotic sequence is determined by the system parameter l and initial state x0 of the chaotic map either of whichis a real number between 0 and 1. Although the chaotic map equation is simple, it generates pseudo-random sequencesthat are sensitive to both the system parameter and the initial state. This property makes the map an ideal choice for keygeneration.When implemented in a digital computer, the state of the map is stored as a floating point number. The first 8 bits ofeach state are extracted as one byte of the round key. Accordingly, we need to iterate the skew tent map for N times ineach round.4.4 DecipherIn general, the decryption procedures are composed of a reversed order of the transformations performed in encryption. This property also holds in our scheme. However, with careful design, the decryption process of our scheme canhave the same, rather than the reversed, order of transformations as the cipher. This impressive characteristic attributesto two properties of the transformations:(1)Transformation-S and transformation-K are commutable. Transformation-S substitutes only the value of eachpixel and is independent of its position. On the other hand, transformation-K changes only a pixel‟s position with It‟s value unchanged. Consequently, the relation between the twotransformations can be expressed in (9):K(S(I))=S(K(I))(2) Transformation-Mis a linear operation according to (5). Moreover, the addition defined in (5.2) is actually transformationA. Thus the relation between the two transformations can be expressed in (10):M(A(I,J))=A(M(I),M(J)In short, either transformations S and K, or transformations M and Acan interchange their computation order withno influence on the final result. Table 2 illustrates how these two properties affect the order of the transformations ofdecipher in a simple example of 2-round cipher.It is easy to observe that for a cipher composed of multiple rounds, the decipher process still has the same sequenceof transformations as the cipher. Hence, both the cipher and decipher share the same framework. However, there are still some slight differences between the encryption and decryption processes:(1)The round keys used in decipher is in a reversed order of that in cipher, and those keysshould be first applied thetransformation M.(2)The transformation K and S in decipher should use their inversetransformations.However, since transformation K and S can both be implemented by look-up table operations, their inverse transformationsdiffer just in content of look-up tables. Consequently, all above difference in computations can be translatedinto difference in data.The symmetric property makes our scheme very concise. It also reduces lots of codes for a computer system implementingboth the cipher and decipher. For hardware implementation, this property results in a reduction of cost forboth devices.Table 2 The process of equivalent decipher in 2-round encryptionThe remarkable structure of our scheme looks more concise and saves a lot of codes during implementation. This isdefinitely an advantage when compared with other chaos-based ciphers5 Experimental resultsIn this section, an example is given to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm. In the experiment, a greylevel image …Lena‟ of size 256 * 256 pixels, as shown in Fig. 4a, is chosen as the plain-image. The number of PEs is chosenas 4. The key of our system, i.e. the initial state x0 and the system parameter l are stored as floating point numberwith a precision of 56-bits. In the example presented here, x0 = 0.12345678, and l = 1.9999.When the encryption process is completed, the cipher-image is obtained and is shown in Fig. 4b. Typically, weencrypt the plain-image for 9 rounds as recommended.5.1 HistogramHistogram of the plain-image and the cipher-image is depicted in Figs. 4c and d, respectively. These two figures showthat the cipher-image possesses the characteristic of uniform distribution in contrast to that of the plain-image.5.2 Correlation analysis of two adjacent pixelsThe correlation analysis is performed by randomly select 1000 pairs of two adjacent pixels in vertical, horizontal,and diagonal direction, respectively, from the plain-image and the ciphered image. Then the correlation coefficientof the pixel pair is calculated and the result is listed in Table 3. Fig. 5 shows the correlation of two horizontally adjacentpixels. It is evident that neighboring pixels of the cipher-image has little correlation.5.3 NPCR analysisNPCR means the change rate of the number of pixels of the cipher-image when only one pixel of the plain-image ismodified. In our example, the pixel selected is the last pixel of the plain-image. Its value is changed from (01101111)2 to (01101110)2. Then the NPCR at different rounds are calculated and listed in Table 4. The data show that the performanceis satisfactory after 3 rounds of encryption. The different pixels of the two cipher-images after 9 rounds are plottedin Fig. 6. Fig. 4.(a) Plain-image, (b) cipher-image, (c) histogram of plain-image, (d) histogram of cipher-image. Table 3 Correlation coefficient of two adjacent pixels in plain-image and cipher-image. Fig.5. Correlation of two horizontally adjacent pixels of (a) plain image; (b) cipher image, x-coordinate and y-coordinate is the greylevel of twoneighbor pixels, respectively. Table 4 NPCR of two cipher-images at different rounds.5.4 UACI analysisThe unified average changing intensity (UACI) index measures the average intensity of differences between twoimages. Again, we make the same change as in Section 5.3 and calculate the UACI between two cipher-images. Theresults are in Table 5. After three rounds of encryption, the UACI is converged to 1/3. It should be noticed thatthe average error between two random sequences uniformly distribution in [0, 1] is 1/3 if they are completely uncorrelatedwith each other. Fig. 6.Difference between two ciphered images after 9 rounds. White points (about 1/256 of the total pixels) indicate the positionswhere pixels of the two cipher-images have the same values. Table 5 UACI of two cipher-images.6 Security and performance analysis6.1 DiffusionThe NPCR analysis has revealed that when there is only 1 bit of the plain pixel changed, almost all the cipher pixelsbecome different although there is still a low possibility of 1/256 that two cipher pixels are equal. This diffusion firstattributes to transformation S since change of any bit of the input to the S-box influences all the output bits at a changerate of 50%. Then, the diffusion is spread out to the whole row by transformation M. Finally, transformation K helps toenlarge the diffusion to 25% of the image in 2 rounds, and to the whole image in 3 rounds.6.2 ConfusionThe histogram and correlation analyses of adjacent pixels both indicate that our scheme possesses a good propertyof confusion. This mainly results from the pseudo-randomness of the key schedule and transformations M and A. Theywork together to introduce the random-like effect to the cipher image. Transformation K is also helpful in destroyingthe local similarity of the plain-image.6.3 Brute-force attackThe proposed scheme uses both the initial state x0 and the system parameter l as the secret key whose total number of bits is 112. It is by far very safe for ordinary business applications. Therefore, our scheme is strong enough to resistbrute-force attack. Moreover, it is very easy to increase the number of bits for both x0 and μ.6.4 Other security issuesSomeone may argue that, in our scheme, transformation K is not governed by any key. However, this reduces littlesecurity of our scheme. As a matter of fact, most conventional encryption algorithms such as DES and AES use publicpermutations. There are at least two reasons for it. First, permutations governed by key slow down the speed of encryption,for it costs time to generate those permutations from the key. Secondly and the foremost, weak permutations maybe generated from some keys, which harm to the security of the system. Actually, a permutation that helps to achievediffusion and confusion is a better alternative.More specifically, in a parallel encryption system, if the permutationhelps to achieve computation and communication load balance, it is a good alternative. From this point of view, transformationK is a proper choice.6.5 Performance analysisThe proposed algorithm runs very fast as there are only logical XOR and table lookup operations in the encryptionand decryption processes. Although multiplications and divisions are required in transformation K, the transformationis fixed once the number of PE is fixed. Hence, they can be pre-computed and stored in a lookup table. More accurately,there are only 3 XOR operations (2 for transformation M and 1 for transformation A) and 2 lookup table operations (1 for transformation S and 1 for transformation K) for each pixel in each round. On the contrary, for the simplest logisticmap with 56-bit precision state variable, one multiplication costs about 28 additions in average. In our keyschedule,multiplications are also required in the skew tent map. However, there are only N such multiplications in each round ,and hence an average of 1/N multiplications for each pixel per round. Furthermore, when the algorithm runs on a parallel platform, the performance can increase nearly n times than ordinary sequential image encryption scheme. Therefore, as far as the performance is concerned, our scheme is superior than existing ones.7 ConclusionIn this paper, we introduced the concept of parallel image encryption and presented several requirements for it. Thena framework for parallel image encryption was proposed and a new algorithm was designed based on this framework. The proposed algorithm is successful in accomplishing all the requirements for a parallel image encryption algorithmwith the help of discretized Kolmogorov flow map. Moreover, both the experimental results and theoretical analysesshow that the algorithm possesses high security. The proposed algorithm is also fast; there are only a couple ofXOR operations and table lookup operations for each pixel. Finally, the decryption process is identical to that ofthe cipher. Taking into account all the virtues mentioned above, the proposed algorithm is a good choice for encryptingimages in a parallel computing platform.References[1] Pichler F, Scharinger J. Ciphering by Bernoulli shifts in finite Abelian groups. Contributions togeneralalgebra. Proc. Linzconference1994. p. 465–76.[2] Scharinger J. Fast encryption of image data using chaotic Kolmogorov flows. J Electron Image1998;7(2):318–25.[3] Fridrich J. Symmetric ciphers based on two-dimensional chaotic maps. I J Bifur Chaos1998;8(6):1259–64.[4] Chen G, Mao Y, Chui C. Symmetric image encryption scheme based on 3D chaotic cat maps. Chaos,Solitons& Fractals2004;21(3):749–61.[5] Lian S, Shun J, Wang Z. A block cipher based on a suitable use of the chaotic standard map. Chaos,Solitons& Fractals2005;26(1):117–29.[6] Guan Z, Huang F, Guan W. Chaos-based image encryption algorithm. PhysLett A 2005;346(1–3):153–7.[7] Zhang L, Liao X, Wang X. An image encryption approach based on chaotic maps. Chaos, Solitons&Fractals 2005;24(3):759–65.[8] Gao H, Zhang Y, Liang S, Li D. A new chaotic algorithm for image encryption. Chaos, Solitons&Fractals 2006;29(2):393–9.[9] Pareek NK, Patidar V, Sud KK. Image encryption using chaotic logistic map. Image Vision Comput2006;24(9):926–34.[10] Tang Guoping, Liao Xiaofeng, Chen Yong. A novel method for designing S-boxes based on chaoticmaps. Chaos, Solitons&Fractals 2005;23:413–9.[11] Chen G, Chen Y, Liao X. An extended method for obtaining S-boxes based on three-dimensionalchaotic Baker maps. Chaos,Solitons& Fractals 2007;31(3):571–9Digital Image Processing1 IntroductionMany operators have been proposed for presenting a connected component n a digital image by a reduced amount of data or simplied shape. In general we have to state that the development, choice and modi_cation of such algorithms in practical applications are domain and task dependent, and there is no \best method". However, it is interesting to note that there are several equivalences between published methods and notions, and characterizing such equivalences or di_erences should be useful to categorize the broad diversity of published methods for skeletonization. Discussing equivalences is a main intention of this report.1.1 Categories of MethodsOne class of shape reduction operators is based on distance transforms. A distance skeleton is a subset of points of a given component such that every point of this subset represents the center of a maximal disc (labeled with the radius of this disc) contained in the given component. As an example in this _rst class of operators, this report discusses one method for calculating a distance skeleton using the d4 distance function which is appropriate to digitized pictures. A second class of operators produces median or center lines of the digital object in a non-iterative way. Normally such operators locate critical points _rst, and calculate a speci_ed path through the object by connecting these points.The third class of operators is characterized by iterative thinning. Historically, Listing [10] used already in 1862 the term linear skeleton for the result of a continuous deformation of the frontier of a connected subset of a Euclidean space without changing the connectivity of the original set, until only a set of lines and points remains. Many algorithms in image analysis are based on this general concept of thinning. The goal is a calculation of characteristic properties of digital objects which are not related to size or quantity. Methods should be independent from the position of a set in the plane or space, grid resolution (for digitizing this set) or the shape complexity of the given set. In the literature the term \thinning" is not used .in a unique interpretation besides that it always denotes a connectivity preserving reduction operation applied to digital images, involving iterations of transformations of speci_ed contour points into background points. A subset Q _ I of object points is reduced by a de_ned set D in one iteration, and the result Q0 = Q n D becomes Q for the next iteration.。

opencv 亚像素坐标系

opencv 亚像素坐标系

opencv 亚像素坐标系











RS图像处理自动机鱼先锋;王威【摘要】RS supply principal informations for 3S techniques. RS image processing, median-filter, image smoothing, sharpening and enhancenment are always the main tasks of GIS. The paper gives a general mathematical model-RS image processing automata on image deconvolution of RS image processing and analyzes the complexity of RS image processing using this automata. RS image always has mass datas, so the complexity of a algorithm of RS image processing is very important. Combining some theories of fuzzy mathematics, the author suggests fuzzy RS image processing automata. And the rate of this automata used to RS image processing is proved ten times faster than the classic algorithms. The effect of RS image processing is heightened.%RS为3S( RS、GPS、GIS)技术提供主要的数据支持.RS图像处理,中值滤波、平滑、锐化、增强等一直是GIS 做的主要工作.文章提出了RS图像处理自动机,为通过求图像卷积处理RS图像提供了一个统一的数学模型——RS图像处理自动机;并分析了在该自动机下处理RS 图像的复杂度.RS图像是海量数据,算法复杂度尤为重要.文章将模糊数学相关原理引入,提出了模糊RS图像处理自动机,证明了模糊RS图像处理自动机处理RS图像速度比经典处理方法提高了至少一个数量级;同时增强了RS图像处理的效果.【期刊名称】《价值工程》【年(卷),期】2012(031)005【总页数】2页(P160-161)【关键词】图像处理;模糊数学;自动机【作者】鱼先锋;王威【作者单位】商洛学院,商洛726000;商洛学院,商洛726000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TP3991 预备知识给出本文要用到的一些基本概念。

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Computers and Mathematics with Applications 61 (2011) 1267–1277
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Fig. 1. Fuzzy automata system to target recognition.
recognition operator [11,8,12]. In order to get better image processing and target recognition, this paper presents a system for target recognition based on fuzzy automata (FA). The Fig. 1 shows the FA model for image processing. The system consists of four parts: image preprocessing, feature extraction, target matching and recognition. The simulation results indicate that the correct recognition rate of this system is high at 94.59%. These researches on the system not only develop fuzzy automata theories, but also enhance and promote the combination of FA and image processing in broad applications. Finally, we give a view for future research. 2. Image preprocessing In the preprocessing layer of FA, there exist M neurons that are the operators to image processing, such as the Canny operator [3] and the Susan operator [2], etc. Based on these operators to image processing and by adjusting the weights uhl of the input layer, the image processing can be better performed, where uhl is the membership degree of transitions between the sub-states of FA, and 0 ⩽ uhl ⩽ 1. At the same time, it needs to adjust the membership degree uhl between the input layer and the preprocessing layer. The adjustment for uhl is: From the display of data obtained in neurons of this layer, if the local characteristic information of the image is more, we increase the value of weight uhl , otherwise, we decrease its value, where h = 1, 2, . . . , N is the number of input value, l = 1, ∑ 2, . . . , M is the number of neurons in the preprocessing layer. t t At time t , the input Slt in the preprocessing layer is Slt = bl + h uhl Ih , where bl is a regulating constant, Ih is the information data of an input image. The purpose of image preprocessing is to do better work for locating features of image and feature extraction. The images we get by the gathering equipment not only contain the target to be recognized, but also contain other non-target parts and some noise. Because of illumination and other reasons, the images are probably fuzzy. These conditions will bring some difficulties to feature extraction and exact matching for the target image in next step, so it is necessary to do preprocessing to eliminate some influences of side effects that are brought by the above factors to the image. The image preprocessing includes smoothness, eliminating noise, enhancement, edge detection in an image and its localization. Because the 2Dwavelet transform can be used for filter smoothness, elimination of noise, enhancement and compression of the image, etc. [4,5], this paper mainly uses the Wavelet Transform for carrying out image preprocessing. The wavelet is gaining more and more attention for its favorable time–frequency characteristics. The two-dimensional continual wavelet can be defined as
Fuzzy automata system with application to target recognition based on image processing
Qing-E Wu a,b,∗ , Xue-Min Pang c , Zhen-Yu Han a
Henan Key Lab of Information-based Electric Appliances, & College of Electric and Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450002, PR China b School of Electronic and Information Engineering, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an, Shaanxi, 710049, PR China
∗ Corresponding author at: Henan Key Lab of Information-based Electric Appliances, & College of Electric and Information Engineering, Zhengzhou University of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450002, PR China. E-mail address: wqe969699@ (Q.-E. Wu).
Article history: Received 8 April 2009 Accepted 31 August 2010 Keywords: Wavelet transform Fuzzy automata (FA) Target recognition Image processing
1. Introduction In the modern society of higher information age, target recognition and identity validation become more and more important in our life, for instance, finance, security, network, digital electric business, etc. The traditional methods are unsafe by using passwords or certificates because it is possible to forget passwords, and it is easy to forge certificates, which has fallen short of the requirements of a modern digital society. However, recognition technologies based on target features show wide applied prospects. As an important aspect in target recognition, image recognition has many virtues, such as the uniqueness and the feature of data collected, etc. In addition, there are some target images, for example, recognizing a person using a human face or iris, that has the virtue of uniqueness, stability and nonaggression [1]. At present, there are many image processing algorithms [2–5]. The Canny operator [3] and Susan operator [2] were relatively perfect operators for edge detection and corner detection of images. 2D-wavelet transforms could be used in filter smoothening, eliminating noise, enhancement and compression of image, etc. [4,5]. The Gabor filter [2,3] performed well in texture segmentation. Because of the gradually complicated signal environment and some requirements of the secrecy in communication and military affairs, etc., the feature information of targets has a certain extent fuzzy character. However, the fuzzy functions [6] and fuzzy approaches [7–10] were an effective tool in the process of fuzzy feature information processing. Image processing algorithms and characteristics of fuzzy functions provide a powerful base on target recognition. We improve the Susan operator to image processing in this paper, and make use of the fuzzy operators other than the usual