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Module 3
Food and drink
Unit 9
Picnics are fun
Piggy Bank
Look and think Read a poem
Look and think
Look at these pictures and think what they are probably doing?
Read the poem again and complete the shopping list.
Shopping list
• _S_o_m__e__b_re_a_d_______________________ • _S_o_m__e__ja_m_________________________ • _S_o_m__e__so_f_t__d_r_in_k_s__________________ • _A__b_i_g_b_a_g__o_f__ic_e___________________ • _S_o_m__e__ch__ic_k_e_n__w_i_n_g_s_______________ • _________________________________
Shopping list 2
• _A__b_i_r_th_d__a_y_c_a_k_e___________________ • _S_o_m__e__ca_n__d_le_s_____________________ • _S_o_m__e__n_o_o_d_le_s_____________________ • _S_o_m__e__sa_u_s_a_g_e_s____________________ • _S_o_m__e__sw__e_e_t_s_____________________ • _A__b_i_g_b_a_g__o_f__fr_u_i_t_________________
S3: It’s/They’re too sweet.
(too) salty.
(too) spicy.
S1: What would you like?
S3: I’d like _____.
It’s/They are _____.
Shopping list
Shopping list 1
• _S_o_m__e__b_re_a_d_______________________ • _S_o_m__e__b_a_c_o_n______________________ • _S_o_m__e__ca_k__es_______________________ • _S_o_m__e__b_u_tt_e_r______________________ • _S_o_m__e__so_f_t__d_r_in_k_s__________________ • _A__b_i_g_p_a__ck__et__o_f_n__u_t_s ______________
2-2 Rewritewk.baidu.comthe following sentences. • Let’s buy some eggs.
I can cook them with tomatoes. Let’s buy some eggs to cook with tomatoes. • I put on some more clothes. Then it can make me warm. I put on some more clothes to keep warm. • I eat enough fruit and vegetables every day. Then I can keep healthy. I eat enough fruit and vegetables to keep healthy every day.
Option 1 Write
• Suppose your mother’s birthday is coming. You are going to have a birthday party for her. Write 6 to 8 sentences about your preparation. You may write like this:
Look, speak and write
You and your classmates are planning a picnic. Find out what food and drink you and your classmates like/dislike and then write a shopping list.
They are having a picnic.
Read a poem
Shall we have a picnic?
Shall we have a picnic? Shall we have some bread? Let’s buy some jam To spread on the bread.
Shall we have a picnic? Picnics are nice. Let’s buy some soft drinks And a big bag of ice!
Shall we have a picnic? Shall we have some chicken wings? Let’s have a picnic And eat a lot of things.

• Workbook 6A, page 56
Shopping list 3
• _S_o_m__e__ch__ic_k_e_n__w_i_n_g_s_______________ • _S_o_m__e__h_o_n_e_y______________________ • _S_o_m__e__p_o_t_a_to_e_s____________________ • _S_o_m__e__to_m__a_t_o________________ sauce • _S_o_m__e__co_l_a________________________ • _A__b_i_g_b_a_g__o_f__ic_e___________________
Read and learn
Read the following sentences from the poem. Let’s buy some honey to make the meat sweet. Let’s buy some honey. The honey can make the meat sweet. Let’s buy some jam to spread on the bread. Let’s buy some jam. We can spread the jam on the bread.
Shall we have a _____? Shall we have …? Let’s buy … To make …
Shall …? _____ are nice. Let’s … And …!
Shall we have a _____? Shall …? Let’s … And …
Treasure Box
My mum is going to be … years old next month. We are going to have a birthday party for her. We are going to buy some … She likes it/them very much because it’s/they’re …
Gold Mine
Option 1 Option 2 Option 3 Option 4
Listen and write Look, speak and write Read and learn Write a poem
Listen and write
You will hear three other poems. Complete a shopping list according to each poem.
Write a poem
Reread the poem on page 64. Write a similar one with other food names. You can write about a party or a barbecue as well.
Shall we have a _____?
S1: Shall we buy some _____?/Let’s buy some _____.
S2: Yes, I like _____.
S3: No, I don’t like _____.
S1: Why do you like _____? S1: Why not?
S2: It’s/They’re sweet.