Lesson 1 China’s Foreign Trade

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3.仔细和反复地阅读和掌握课文之后的注释, 即Notes to the text。 4.注意普通词汇,包括名词、形容词、副词、 介词短语和搭配的理解和运用。 可以将自己不甚熟悉的词或短语连同所在的 句子在课文中标注出来或摘抄下来,找出尽 可能多的替换词。 重视课文之后的单词与词语(Words and expressions)、 针对课文的问题与语言点 (Questions on contents and language points) 5. 多做模拟题和真题训练
What is foreign trade?
Foreign trade (对外贸易) refers to the exchange of goods, service and technology between a country and other countries. It is made up of two parts: Export 出口 Import 进口
Para 3
Disrupt: interrupt The growth of foreign trade was disrupted again during the Cultural Revolution when agricultural and industrial production fell sharply and transportation constraints became more serious. 在文化大革命期间,外贸的增长又一 次被打断了。当时农业和工业生产急剧下 降,交通运输管制变的更严重。

Manufactured goods: 制成品 Capital equipment: 资本设备 (如机器,厂房) Industrialization programme 工业化项目 Heavy industry: 重工业 Economic imbalance: 经济失衡 National income: 国民收入 The volume of foreign trade: 对外贸易额
(3)了解某些组织或机构不同名称之间的关系 , e.g. EEC, EC, EU (4)熟悉一些国际知名企业和公司的名称以及国际知 名品牌的名称 , e.g.耐克(Nike Inc.)、通用汽车公司(General Motors) (5) 注意术语在不同的语境或不同的搭配中需要不 同的理解,因此要翻译成恰当的相对应的汉语 如surplus一词,在trade surplus 中可译为“贸易顺 差”,而在surplus value中则译为“剩余价值”; 再如balance一词,在balance of trade中译为“贸易 平衡”,而在balance of payment中则译为“国际 收支”
Through reform and opening to the outside world, China entered a new era in the late 1970s. Though the world was then still under the cold war regime, changes did occur in China’s foreign trade, both in the commodity structure and in the trading partnership.
During the 1950s China exported agricultural products to the USSR (union of Soviet Socialist Republics) and East European countries in return for manufactured goods and the capital equipment required for the country‘s industrialization programme which placed emphasis on the development of heavy industry. 20世纪50年代,中国向前苏联和东欧各 国出口农产品,换回制成品及以发展重工业为 主的工业化项目所需的资本设备。
A major trade agreement with Japan, under which China exports coal and oil in return for industrial equipment and technology was signed in Feb 1978. 1978年2月中国与日本签订了一个主要 贸易协定,根据该协定,中国向日本出 口煤和石油以换取工业设备和技术。
Changes in trade policies:
a. trade shifted away from the former Soviet Union and East European countries toward Western countries. b. Emphasis was placed on upgrading domestic industry through introducing foreign technology and attracting foreign direct investment. c. The recognizable trend of these changes was toward trade and investment liberalization(自由化).
1、选择题15小题(30分)客观基础题,答案唯 一 2、英译中(10分)常用的经贸短语、词语 3、中译英(10分)常用的经贸专有名词、词语、 短语 4、阅读答问(18分),根据两篇短文回答问题 5、阅读、判断对错(20分)根据文章判断句子 正误 6、翻译(12分)把所给英文短文翻译成汉语
Para 7:
A wide variety of industrial goods are now exported and Chinese capital equipment has been used by a number of developing countries to establish projects in areas such as agriculture, forestry, light industry, food processing, water conservation and transport and communication. 目前,各种各样的工业品出口海外,中国的 资本设备被许多发展中国家用于各个领域的 建设项目,如农业,林业,轻工业,食品加 工业,储水,运输与通讯业等领域。
Para 2 new words:
Withdrawal: cancellation 撤走 Shift away from…toward: move from….to…从。。。转向。。。 Consistent theme: persistent principle 一贯宗旨 Comecon:Council for Mutual Economic Assistance 经济互助会[经 互会
Breakdown Para 6:
Commodity breakdown: 商品分类 Account for: occupy, 占 Textile fibre: 纺织纤维 Mineral ore: 矿石 Industrial sector: 工业部门
Para 7:
During the past few years a major objective of the Chinese authorities(权威、 权力) has been to reduce(减少) the proportion(比例) of agricultural exports, while increasing that of industrial and mineral products. 过去几年,中国当局的主要贸易目标一直 是减少农产品出口的比例,增加工业和矿 产品的出口比例
China’s Foreign Trade
Lesson 1
中国对外贸易与吸收外资的概况以及其改革开放 的大背景 国际经贸的宏观形势,世界经济和贸易大国的贸 易政策和问题 亚洲新兴经济的状况和问题 日益激烈的市场竞争,从关贸总协定到世界贸易 组织,初级产品市场的前景预测和市场变化的微 观报导等
Para 4 new words:
EEC: European Economic Community欧洲经 济共同体 (European Common Market 欧洲共 同市场) 现改称为European Union欧洲联盟 In the wake of: following 尾随, 紧跟 Diplomatic relations: 外交关系 Sino-USA: 中美 Come into force: take effect Accord: grant 授予 Most-favored nation treatment: 最惠国待遇 the normal trade treatment (status) 正常贸易 待遇(地位)
考核目标:英语技能和经贸知识 1. 通读课文 2. 精读-归纳总结经济贸易方面的术语并翻 译成对应的汉语,术语包括: (1)国际国内的经济和贸易方面的组织与 机构名称,econ 经互会、 World bank 世界银行 (2)术语的缩写及英文全称。 E.g.WTO的全称为World Trade Organization OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) 1:
Pattern: model, form 模式 Substantially: significantly, dramatically 巨 大地 In return for: in exchange for 交换 Produce gains: bring benefits 带来收益 Subsequently: afterwards; later 后来 Exacerbate: worsen 加剧 Contract: reduce, decrease 减少
经贸研究与实际工作经常需用的词语、句式和文体及 其应用的范例
1、熟悉并掌握课文中出现的经常用于报刊 经贸文章(或相类材料)的词、片语和句 型; 2、能比较熟练地运用这些语言知识并结合 所学的经贸业务和背景知识正确地理解教 材中的课文练习用文、补充阅读材料等
The Balance Shifts Para 8:
Balance: 收支平衡 Balance of payments: 国际收支measures the payments that flow between any individual country and all other countries 一国对所有其他国家在一定时期内所发生 的全部对外支出与收入的对比,通常包括: 有形项目visible account; 无形项目invisible account和资本项目capital account Visible trade: exchange of commodity Invisible trade: exchange of service