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A review of advanced and practical lithium battery materialsRotem Marom,*S.Francis Amalraj,Nicole Leifer,David Jacob and Doron AurbachReceived 3rd December 2010,Accepted 31st January 2011DOI:10.1039/c0jm04225kPresented herein is a discussion of the forefront in research and development of advanced electrode materials and electrolyte solutions for the next generation of lithium ion batteries.The main challenge of the field today is in meeting the demands necessary to make the electric vehicle fully commercially viable.This requires high energy and power densities with no compromise in safety.Three families of advanced cathode materials (the limiting factor for energy density in the Li battery systems)are discussed in detail:LiMn 1.5Ni 0.5O 4high voltage spinel compounds,Li 2MnO 3–LiMO 2high capacity composite layered compounds,and LiMPO 4,where M ¼Fe,Mn.Graphite,Si,Li x TO y ,and MO (conversion reactions)are discussed as anode materials.The electrolyte is a key component that determines the ability to use high voltage cathodes and low voltage anodes in the same system.Electrode–solution interactions and passivation phenomena on both electrodes in Li-ion batteries also play significant roles in determining stability,cycle life and safety features.This presentation is aimed at providing an overall picture of the road map necessary for the future development of advanced high energy density Li-ion batteries for EV applications.IntroductionOne of the greatest challenges of modern society is to stabilize a consistent energy supply that will meet our growing energy demands.A consideration of the facts at hand related to the energy sources on earth reveals that we are not encountering an energy crisis related to a shortage in total resources.For instancethe earth’s crust contains enough coal for the production of electricity for hundreds of years.1However the continued unbridled usage of this resource as it is currently employed may potentially bring about catastrophic climatological effects.As far as the availability of crude oil,however,it in fact appears that we are already beyond ‘peak’production.2As a result,increasing oil shortages in the near future seem inevitable.Therefore it is of critical importance to considerably decrease our use of oil for propulsion by developing effective electric vehicles (EVs).EV applications require high energy density energy storage devices that can enable a reasonable driving range betweenDepartment of Chemistry,Bar-Ilan University,Ramat-Gan,52900,Israel;Web:; MaromRotem Marom received her BS degree in organic chemistry (2005)and MS degree in poly-mer chemistry (2007)from Bar-Ilan University,Ramat Gan,Israel.She started a PhD in electrochemistry under the supervision of Prof.D.Aurbach in 2010.She is currently con-ducting research on a variety of lithium ion battery materials for electric vehicles,with a focus on electrolyte solutions,salts andadditives.S :Francis AmalrajFrancis Amalraj hails from Tamil Nadu,India.He received his MSc in Applied Chemistry from Anna University.He then carried out his doctoral studies at National Chemical Laboratory,Pune and obtained his PhD in Chemistry from Pune University (2008).He is currently a postdoctoral fellow in Prof.Doron Aurbach’s group at Bar-Ilan University,Israel.His current research interest focuses on the synthesis,electrochemical and transport properties of high ener-getic electrode materials for energy conversion and storage systems.Dynamic Article Links CJournal ofMaterials ChemistryCite this:DOI:10.1039/c0jm04225k /materialsFEATURE ARTICLED o w n l o a d e d b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f C h e m i c a l T e c h n o l o g y o n 24 F e b r u a r y 2011P u b l i s h e d o n 23 F e b r u a r y 2011 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0J M 04225KView Onlinecharges and maintain acceptable speeds.3Other important requirements are high power density and acceptable safety features.The energy storage field faces a second critical chal-lenge:namely,the development of rechargeable systems for load leveling applications (e.g.storing solar and wind energy,and reducing the massive wasted electricity from conventional fossil fuel combustion plants).4Here the main requirements are a very prolonged cycle life,components (i.e.,relevant elements)abun-dant in high quantities in the earth’s crust,and environmentally friendly systems.Since it is not clear whether Li-ion battery technology can contribute significantly to this application,battery-centered solutions for this application are not discussedherein.In fact,even for electrical propulsion,the non-petroleum power source with the highest energy density is the H 2/O 2fuel cell (FC).5However,despite impressive developments in recent years in the field,there are intrinsic problems related to electrocatalysis in the FCs and the storage of hydrogen 6that will need many years of R&D to solve.Hence,for the foreseeable future,rechargeable batteries appear to be the most practically viable power source for EVs.Among the available battery technologies to date,only Li-ion batteries may possess the power and energy densities necessary for EV applications.The commonly used Li-ion batteries that power almost all portable electronic equipment today are comprised of a graphite anode and a LiCoO 2cathode (3.6V system)and can reach a practical energy density of 150W h kg À1in single cells.This battery technology is not very useful for EV application due to its limited cycle life (especially at elevated temperatures)and prob-lematic safety features (especially for large,multi-cell modules).7While there are ongoing developments in the hybrid EV field,including practical ones in which only part of the propulsion of the car is driven by an electrical motor and batteries,8the main goal of the battery community is to be able to develop full EV applications.This necessitates the development of Li-ion batteries with much higher energy densities compared to the practical state-of-the-art.The biggest challenge is that Li-ion batteries are complicated devices whose components never reach thermodynamic stability.The surface chemistry that occurs within these systems is very complicated,as described briefly below,and continues to be the main factor that determines their performance.9Nicole Leifer Nicole Leifer received a BS degree in chemistry from MIT in 1998.After teaching high school chemistry and physics for several years at Stuyvesant High School in New York City,she began work towards her PhD in solid state physics from the City University of New York Grad-uate Center.Her research con-sisted primarily of employing solid state NMR in the study of lithium ion electrode materialsand electrode surfacephenomena with Prof.Green-baum at Hunter College andProf.Grey at Stony Brook University.After completing her PhD she joined Prof.Doron Aurbach for a postdoctorate at Bar-Ilan University to continue work in lithium ion battery research.There she continues her work in using NMR to study lithium materials in addition to new forays into carbon materials’research for super-capacitor applications with a focus on enhancement of electro-chemical performance through the incorporation of carbonnanotubes.David Jacob David Jacob earned a BSc from Amravati University in 1998,an MSc from Pune University in 2000,and completed his PhD at Bar-Ilan University in 2007under the tutelage of Professor Aharon Gedanken.As part of his PhD research,he developed novel methods of synthesizing metal fluoride nano-material structures in ionic liquids.Upon finishing his PhD he joined Prof.Doron Aurbach’s lithium ionbattery group at Bar-Ilan in2007as a post-doctorate and during that time developed newformulations of electrolyte solutions for Li-ion batteries.He has a great interest in nanotechnology and as of 2011,has become the CEO of IsraZion Ltd.,a company dedicated to the manufacturing of novelnano-materials.Doron Aurbach Dr Doron Aurbach is a full Professor in the Department of Chemistry at Bar-Ilan Univer-sity (BIU)in Ramat Gan,Israel and a senate member at BIU since 1996.He chaired the chemistry department there during the years 2001–2005.He is also the chairman of the Israeli Labs Accreditation Authority.He founded the elec-trochemistry group at BIU at the end of 1985.His groupconducts research in thefollowing fields:Li ion batteries for electric vehicles and for otherportable uses (new cathodes,anodes,electrolyte solutions,elec-trodes–solution interactions,practical systems),rechargeable magnesium batteries,electronically conducting polymers,super-capacitors,engineering of new carbonaceous materials,develop-ment of devices for storage and conversion of sustainable energy (solar,wind)sensors and water desalination.The group currently collaborates with several prominent research groups in Europe and the US and with several commercial companies in Israel and abroad.He is also a fellow of the ECS and ISE as well as an associate editor of Electrochemical and Solid State Letters and the Journal of Solid State Electrochemistry.Prof.Aurbach has more than 350journals publications.D o w n l o a d e d b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f C h e m i c a l T e c h n o l o g y o n 24 F e b r u a r y 2011P u b l i s h e d o n 23 F e b r u a r y 2011 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0J M 04225KAll electrodes,excluding 1.5V systems such as LiTiO x anodes,are surface-film controlled (SFC)systems.At the anode side,all conventional electrolyte systems can be reduced in the presence of Li ions below 1.5V,thus forming insoluble Li-ion salts that comprise a passivating surface layer of particles referred to as the solid electrolyte interphase (SEI).10The cathode side is less trivial.Alkyl carbonates can be oxidized at potentials below 4V.11These reactions are inhibited on the passivated aluminium current collectors (Al CC)and on the composite cathodes.There is a rich surface chemistry on the cathode surface as well.In their lithiated state,nucleophilic oxygen anions in the surface layer of the cathode particles attack electrophilic RO(CO)OR solvents,forming different combinations of surface components (e.g.ROCO 2Li,ROCO 2M,ROLi,ROM etc.)depending on the electrolytes used.12The polymerization of solvent molecules such as EC by cationic stimulation results in the formation of poly-carbonates.13The dissolution of transition metal cations forms surface inactive Li x MO y phases.14Their precipitation on the anode side destroys the passivation of the negative electrodes.15Red-ox reactions with solution species form inactive LiMO y with the transition metal M at a lower oxidation state.14LiMO y compounds are spontaneously delithiated in air due to reactions with CO 2.16Acid–base reactions occur in the LiPF 6solutions (trace HF,water)that are commonly used in Li-ion batteries.Finally,LiCoO 2itself has a rich surface chemistry that influences its performance:4LiCo III O 2 !Co IV O 2þCo II Co III 2O 4þ2Li 2O !4HF4LiF þ2H 2O Co III compounds oxidize alkyl carbonates;CO 2is one of the products,Co III /Co II /Co 2+dissolution.14Interestingly,this process seems to be self-limiting,as the presence of Co 2+ions in solution itself stabilizes the LiCoO 2electrodes,17However,Co metal in turn appears to deposit on the negative electrodes,destroying their passivation.Hence the performance of many types of electrodes depends on their surface chemistry.Unfortunately surface studies provide more ambiguous results than bulk studies,therefore there are still many open questions related to the surface chemistry of Li-ion battery systems.It is for these reasons that proper R&D of advanced materials for Li-ion batteries has to include bulk structural and perfor-mance studies,electrode–solution interactions,and possible reflections between the anode and cathode.These studies require the use of the most advanced electrochemical,18structural (XRD,HR microscopy),spectroscopic and surface sensitive analytical techniques (SS NMR,19FTIR,20XPS,21Raman,22X-ray based spectroscopies 23).This presentation provides a review of the forefront of the study of advanced materials—electrolyte systems,current collectors,anode materials,and finally advanced cathodes materials used in Li-ion batteries,with the emphasis on contributions from the authors’group.ExperimentalMany of the materials reviewed were studied in this laboratory,therefore the experimental details have been provided as follows.The LiMO 2compounds studied were prepared via self-combus-tion reactions (SCRs).24Li[MnNiCo]O 2and Li 2MnO 3$Li/MnNiCo]O 2materials were produced in nano-andsubmicrometric particles both produced by SCR with different annealing stages (700 C for 1hour in air,900 C or 1000 C for 22hours in air,respectively).LiMn 1.5Ni 0.5O 4spinel particles were also synthesized using SCR.Li 4T 5O 12nanoparticles were obtained from NEI Inc.,USA.Graphitic material was obtained from Superior Graphite (USA),Timcal (Switzerland),and Conoco-Philips.LiMn 0.8Fe 0.2PO 4was obtained from HPL Switzerland.Standard electrolyte solutions (alkyl carbonates/LiPF 6),ready to use,were obtained from UBE,Japan.Ionic liquids were obtained from Merck KGaA (Germany and Toyo Gosie Ltd.,(Japan)).The surface chemistry of the various electrodes was charac-terized by the following techniques:Fourier transform infrared (FTIR)spectroscopy using a Magna 860Spectrometer from Nicolet Inc.,placed in a homemade glove box purged with H 2O and CO 2(Balson Inc.air purification system)and carried out in diffuse reflectance mode;high-resolution transmission electron microscopy (HR-TEM)and scanning electron microscopy (SEM),using a JEOL-JEM-2011(200kV)and JEOL-JSM-7000F electron microscopes,respectively,both equipped with an energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis system from Oxford Inc.;X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS)using an HX Axis spectrom-eter from Kratos,Inc.(England)with monochromic Al K a (1486.6eV)X-ray beam radiation;solid state 7Li magic angle spinning (MAS)NMR performed at 194.34MHz on a Bruker Avance 500MHz spectrometer in 3.2mm rotors at spinning speeds of 18–22kHz;single pulse and rotor synchronized Hahn echo sequences were used,and the spectra were referenced to 1M LiCl at 0ppm;MicroRaman spectroscopy with a spectrometerfrom Jobin-Yvon Inc.,France.We also used M €ossbauer spec-troscopy for studying the stability of LiMPO 4compounds (conventional constant-acceleration spectrometer,room temperature,50mC:57Co:Rh source,the absorbers were put in Perspex holders.In situ AFM measurements were carried out using the system described in ref.25.The following electrochemical measurements were posite electrodes were prepared by spreading slurries comprising the active mass,carbon powder and poly-vinylidene difluoride (PVdF)binder (ratio of 75%:15%:10%by weight,mixed into N -methyl pyrrolidone (NMP),and deposited onto aluminium foil current collectors,followed by drying in a vacuum oven.The average load was around 2.5mg active mass per cm 2.These electrodes were tested in two-electrode,coin-type cells (Model 2032from NRC Canada)with Li foil serving as the counter electrode,and various electrolyte puter-ized multi-channel battery analyzers from Maccor Inc.(USA)and Arbin Inc.were used for galvanostatic measurements (voltage vs.time/capacity,measured at constant currents).Results and discussionOur road map for materials developmentFig.1indicates a suggested road map for the direction of Li-ion research.The axes are voltage and capacity,and a variety of electrode materials are marked therein according to their respective values.As is clear,the main limiting factor is the cathode material (in voltage and capacity).The electrode mate-rials currently used in today’s practical batteries allow forD o w n l o a d e d b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f C h e m i c a l T e c h n o l o g y o n 24 F e b r u a r y 2011P u b l i s h e d o n 23 F e b r u a r y 2011 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0J M 04225Ka nominal voltage of below 4V.The lower limit of the electro-chemical window of the currently used electrolyte solutions (alkyl carbonates/LiPF 6)is approximately 1.5V vs.Li 26(see later discussion about the passivation phenomena that allow for the operation of lower voltage electrodes,such as Li and Li–graphite).The anodic limit of the electrochemical window of the alkyl carbonate/LiPF 6solutions has not been specifically determined but practical accepted values are between 4.2and 5V vs.Li 26(see further discussion).With some systems which will be discussed later,meta-stability up to 4.9V can be achieved in these standard electrolyte solutions.Electrolyte solutionsThe anodic stability limits of electrolyte solutions for Li-ion batteries (and those of polar aprotic solutions in general)demand ongoing research in this subfield as well.It is hard to define the onset of oxidation reactions of nonaqueous electrolyte solutions because these strongly depend on the level of purity,the presence of contaminants,and the types of electrodes used.Alkyl carbonates are still the solutions of choice with little competition (except by ionic liquids,as discussed below)because of the high oxidation state of their central carbon (+4).Within this class of compounds EC and DMC have the highest anodic stability,due to their small alkyl groups.An additional benefit is that,as discussed above,all kinds of negative electrodes,Li,Li–graphite,Li–Si,etc.,develop excellent passivation in these solutions at low potentials.The potentiodynamic behavior of polar aprotic solutions based on alkyl carbonates and inert electrodes (Pt,glassy carbon,Au)shows an impressive anodic stability and an irreversible cathodic wave whose onset is $1.5vs.Li,which does not appear in consequent cycles due to passivation of the anode surface bythe SEI.The onset of these oxidation reactions is not well defined (>4/5V vs.Li).An important discovery was the fact that in the presence of Li salts,EC,one of the most reactive alkyl carbonates (in terms of reduction),forms a variety of semi-organic Li-con-taining salts that serve as passivation agents on Li,Li–carbon,Li–Si,and inert metal electrodes polarized to low potentials.Fig.2and Scheme 1indicates the most significant reduction schemes for EC,as elucidated through spectroscopic measure-ments (FTIR,XPS,NMR,Raman).27–29It is important to note (as reflected in Scheme 1)that the nature of the Li salts present greatly affects the electrode surface chemistry.When the pres-ence of the salt does not induce the formation of acidic species in solutions (e.g.,LiClO 4,LiN(SO 2CF 3)2),alkyl carbonates are reduced to ROCO 2Li and ROLi compounds,as presented in Fig. 2.In LiPF 6solutions acidic species are formed:LiPF 6decomposes thermally to LiF and PF 5.The latter moiety is a Lewis acid which further reacts with any protic contaminants (e.g.unavoidably present traces of water)to form HF.The presence of such acidic species in solution strongly affects the surface chemistry in two ways.One way is that PF 5interactswithFig.1The road map for R&D of new electrode materials,compared to today’s state-of-the-art.The y and x axes are voltage and specific capacity,respectively.Fig.2A schematic presentation of the CV behavior of inert (Pt)elec-trodes in various families of polar aprotic solvents with Li salts.26D o w n l o a d e d b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f C h e m i c a l T e c h n o l o g y o n 24 F e b r u a r y 2011P u b l i s h e d o n 23 F e b r u a r y 2011 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0J M 04225Kthe carbonyl group and channels the reduction process of EC to form ethylene di-alkoxide species along with more complicated alkoxy compounds such as binary and tertiary ethers,rather than Li-ethylene dicarbonates (see schemes in Fig.2);the other way is that HF reacts with ROLi and ROCO 2Li to form ROH,ROCO 2H (which further decomposes to ROH and CO 2),and surface LiF.Other species formed from the reduction of EC are Li-oxalate and moieties with Li–C and C–F bonds (see Scheme 1).27–31Efforts have been made to enhance the formation of the passivation layer (on graphite electrodes in particular)in the presence of these solutions through the use of surface-active additives such as vinylene carbonate (VC)and lithium bi-oxalato borate (LiBOB).27At this point there are hundreds of publica-tions and patents on various passivating agents,particularly for graphite electrodes;their further discussion is beyond the scope of this paper.Readers may instead be referred to the excellent review by Xu 32on this subject.Ionic liquids (ILs)have excellent qualities that could render them very relevant for use in advanced Li-ion batteries,including high anodic stability,low volatility and low flammability.Their main drawbacks are their high viscosities,problems in wetting particle pores in composite structures,and low ionic conductivity at low temperatures.Recent years have seen increasing efforts to test ILs as solvents or additives in Li-ion battery systems.33Fig.3shows the cyclic voltammetric response (Pt working electrodes)of imidazolium-,piperidinium-,and pyrrolidinium-based ILs with N(SO 2CF 3)2Àanions containing LiN(SO 2CF 3)2salt.34This figure reflects the very wide electrochemical window and impressive anodic stability (>5V)of piperidium-and pyr-rolidium-based ILs.Imidazolium-based IL solutions have a much lower cathodic stability than the above cyclic quaternary ammonium cation-based IL solutions,as demonstrated in Fig.3.The cyclic voltammograms of several common electrode mate-rials measured in IL-based solutions are also included in the figure.It is clearly demonstrated that the Li,Li–Si,LiCoO 2,andLiMn 1.5Ni 0.5O 4electrodes behave reversibly in piperidium-and pyrrolidium-based ILs with N(SO 2CF 3)2Àand LiN(SO 2CF 3)2salts.This figure demonstrates the main advantage of the above IL systems:namely,the wide electrochemical window with exceptionally high anodic stability.It was demonstrated that aluminium electrodes are fully passivated in solutions based on derivatives of pyrrolidium with a N(SO 2CF 3)2Àanion and LiN(SO 2CF 3)2.35Hence,in contrast to alkyl carbonate-based solutions in which LiN(SO 2CF 3)2has limited usefulness as a salt due to the poor passivation of aluminium in its solutions in the above IL-based systems,the use of N(SO 2CF 3)2Àas the anion doesn’t limit their anodic stability at all.In fact it was possible to demonstrate prototype graphite/LiMn 1.5Ni 0.5O 4and Li/L-iMn 1.5Ni 0.5O 4cells operating even at 60 C insolutionsScheme 1A reaction scheme for all possible reduction paths of EC that form passivating surface species (detected by FTIR,XPS,Raman,and SSNMR 28–31,49).Fig.3Steady-state CV response of a Pt electrode in three IL solutions,as indicated.(See structure formulae presented therein.)The CV presentations include insets of steady-state CVs of four electrodes,as indicated:Li,Li–Si,LiCoO 2,and LiMn 1.5Ni 0.5O 4.34D o w n l o a d e d b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f C h e m i c a l T e c h n o l o g y o n 24 F e b r u a r y 2011P u b l i s h e d o n 23 F e b r u a r y 2011 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0J M 04225Kcomprising alkyl piperidium-N(SO2CF3)2as the IL solvent and Li(SO2CF3)2as the electrolyte.34Challenges remain in as far as the use of these IL-based solutions with graphite electrodes.22Fig.4shows the typical steady state of the CV of graphite electrodes in the IL without Li salts.The response in this graph reflects the reversible behavior of these electrodes which involves the insertion of the IL cations into the graphite lattice and their subsequent reduction at very low potentials.However when the IL contains Li salt,the nature of the reduction processes drastically changes.It was recently found that in the presence of Li ions the N(SO2CF3)2Àanion is reduced to insoluble ionic compounds such as LiF,LiCF3, LiSO2CF3,Li2S2O4etc.,which passivate graphite electrodes to different extents,depending on their morphology(Fig.4).22 Fig.4b shows a typical SEM image of a natural graphite(NG) particle with a schematic view of its edge planes.Fig.4c shows thefirst CVs of composite electrodes comprising NG particles in the Li(SO2CF3)2/IL solution.These voltammograms reflect an irreversible cathodic wave at thefirst cycle that belongs to the reduction and passivation processes and their highly reversible repeated Li insertion into the electrodes comprising NG. Reversible capacities close to the theoretical ones have been measured.Fig.4d and e reflect the structure and behavior of synthetic graphiteflakes.The edge planes of these particles are assumed to be much rougher than those of the NG particles,and so their passivation in the same IL solutions is not reached easily. Their voltammetric response reflects the co-insertion of the IL cations(peaks at0.5V vs.Li)together with Li insertion at the lower potentials(<0.3V vs.Li).Passivation of this type of graphite is obtained gradually upon repeated cycling(Fig.4e), and the steady-state capacity that can be obtained is much lower than the theoretical one(372mA h gÀ1).Hence it seems that using graphite particles with suitable morphologies can enable their highly reversible and stable operation in cyclic ammonium-based ILs.This would make it possible to operate high voltage Li-ion batteries even at elevated temperatures(e.g. 4.7–4.8V graphite/LiMn1.5Ni0.5O4cells).34 The main challenge in thisfield is to demonstrate the reasonable performance of cells with IL-based electrolytes at high rates and low temperatures.To this end,the use of different blends of ILs may lead to future breakthroughs.Current collectorsThe current collectors used in Li-ion systems for the cathodes can also affect the anodic stability of the electrolyte solutions.Many common metals will dissolve in aprotic solutions in the potential ranges used with advanced cathode materials(up to5V vs.Li). Inert metals such as Pt and Au are also irrelevant due to cost considerations.Aluminium,however,is both abundantand Fig.4A collection of data related to the behavior of graphite electrodes in butyl,methyl piperidinium IL solutions.22(a)The behavior of natural graphite electrodes in pure IL without Li salt(steady-state CV is presented).(b)The schematic morphology and a SEM image of natural graphite(NG)flakes.(c)The CV response(3first consecutive cycles)of NG electrodes in IL/0.5lithium trifluoromethanesulfonimide(LiTFSI)solution.(d and e)Same as(b and c)but for synthetic graphiteflakes.DownloadedbyBeijingUniversityofChemicalTechnologyon24February211Publishedon23February211on|doi:1.139/CJM4225Kcheap and functions very well as a current collector due to its excellent passivation properties which allow it a high anodic stability.The question remains as to what extent Al surfaces can maintain the stability required for advanced cathode materials (up to 5V vs.Li),especially at elevated temperatures.Fig.5presents the potentiodynamic response of Al electrodes in various EC–DMC solutions,considered the alkyl carbonate solvent mixture with the highest anodic stability,at 30and 60 C.37The inset to this picture shows several images in which it is demonstrated that Al surfaces are indeed active and develop unique morphologies in the various solutions due to their obvious anodic processes in solutions,some of which lead to their effective passivation.The electrolyte used has a critical impact on the anodic stability of the Al.In general,LiPF 6solutions demonstrate the highest stability even at elevated temperatures due to the formation of surface AlF 3and even Al(PF 6)3.Al CCs in EC–DMC/LiPF 6solutions provide the highest anodic stability possible for conventional electrode/solution systems.This was demonstrated for Li/LiMn 1.5Ni 0.5O 4spinel (4.8V)cells,even at 60 C.36This was also confirmed using bare Al electrodes polarized up to 5V at 60 C;the anodic currents were seen to decay to negligible values due to passivation,mostly by surface AlF 3.37Passivation can also be reached in Li(SO 2CF 3),LiClO 4and LiBOB solutions (Fig.5).Above 4V (vs.Li),the formation of a successful passivation layer on Al CCs is highly dependent on the electrolyte formula used.The anodic stability of EC–DMC/LiPF 6solutions and Al current collectors may be further enhanced by the use of additives,but a review of additives in itself deserves an article of its own and for this readers are again referred to the review by Xu.32When discussing the topic of current collectors for Li ion battery electrodes,it is important to note the highly innovative work on (particularly anodic)current collectors by Taberna et al.on nano-architectured Cu CCs 47and Hu et al.who assembled CCs based on carbon nano-tubes for flexible paper-like batteries,38both of whom demonstrated suberb rate capabilities.39AnodesThe anode section in Fig.1indicates four of the most promising groups of materials whose Li-ion chemistry is elaborated as follows:1.Carbonaceous materials/graphite:Li ++e À+C 6#LiC 62.Sn and Si-based alloys and composites:40,41Si(Sn)+x Li ++x e À#Li x Si(Sn),X max ¼4.4.3.Metal oxides (i.e.conversion reactions):nano-MO +2Li ++2e À#nano-MO +Li 2O(in a composite structure).424.Li x TiO y electrodes (most importantly,the Li 4Ti 5O 12spinel structure).43Li 4Ti 5O 12+x Li ++x e À#Li 4+x Ti 5O 12(where x is between 2and 3).Conversion reactions,while they demonstrate capacities much higher than that of graphite,are,practically speaking,not very well-suited for use as anodes in Li-ion batteries as they generally take place below the thermodynamic limit of most developed electrolyte solutions.42In addition,as the reactions require a nanostructuring of the materials,their stability at elevated temperatures will necessarily be an issue because of the higher reactivity (due to the 1000-fold increase in surface area).As per the published research on this topic,only a limited meta-stability has been demonstrated.Practically speaking,it does not seem likely that Li batteries comprising nano-MO anodes will ever reach the prolonged cycle life and stability required for EV applications.Tin and silicon behave similarly upon alloying with Li,with similar stoichiometries and >300%volume changes upon lith-iation,44but the latter remain more popular,as Si is much more abundant than Sn,and Li–Si electrodes indicate a 4-fold higher capacity.The main approaches for attaining a workable revers-ibility in the Si(Sn)–Li alloying reactions have been through the use of both nanoparticles (e.g.,a Si–C nanocomposites 45)and composite structures (Si/Sn–M1–M2inter-metalliccompounds 44),both of which can better accommodate these huge volume changes.The type of binder used in composite electrodes containing Si particles is very important.Extensive work has been conducted to determine suitable binders for these systems that can improve the stability and cycle life of composite silicon electrodes.46As the practical usage of these systems for EV applications is far from maturity,these electrodes are not dis-cussed in depth in this paper.However it is important to note that there have been several recent demonstrations of how silica wires and carpets of Si nano-rods can act as much improved anode materials for Li battery systems in that they can serveasFig.5The potentiodynamic behavior of Al electrodes (current density measured vs.E during linear potential scanning)in various solutions at 30and 60 C,as indicated.The inset shows SEM micrographs of passivated Al surfaces by the anodic polarization to 5V in the solutions indicated therein.37D o w n l o a d e d b y B e i j i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f C h e m i c a l T e c h n o l o g y o n 24 F e b r u a r y 2011P u b l i s h e d o n 23 F e b r u a r y 2011 o n h t t p ://p u b s .r s c .o r g | d o i :10.1039/C 0J M 04225K。



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The most important part of the Hot Bolting, Tapping and Blasting and Welding on Live Equipment Procedure process is you! You! must identify and be aware of your role and responsibilities, as well as the specific requirements described in this Hot Bolting, Tapping and Blasting and Welding on Live Equipment Procedure.



EHS专业尽职调查指南英文版Guide to EHS Due Diligence for ProfessionalsEnvironmental, health, and safety (EHS) due diligence is a critical process for professionals in various industries. This guide will provide an overview of key steps and considerations for conducting effective EHS due diligence.Understanding EHS RegulationsBefore starting the due diligence process, it is essential to have a clear understanding of the relevant EHS regulations that apply to your industry. This includes laws related to environmental protection, workplace safety, and health standards.Site Inspection and Data CollectionConduct a thorough site inspection to identify potential EHS risks and hazards. Collect data on previous incidents, compliance history, and any ongoing remediation efforts. This information will help you assess the current EHS status of the site.Risk Assessment and MitigationEvaluate the identified risks and develop a plan to mitigate them. This may involve implementing new safety procedures, conducting training for employees, or investing in infrastructure upgrades. The goal is to minimize the likelihood of accidents and ensure compliance with regulations.Stakeholder EngagementEngage with relevant stakeholders, including employees, local communities, and regulatory agencies. Communication is key to building trust and addressing any concerns related to EHS issues. Collaboration with all parties involved is essential for successful due diligence.Documentation and ReportingKeep detailed records of all EHS assessments, inspections, and risk mitigation strategies. This documentation will be crucial for demonstrating compliance with regulations and addressing any potential liabilities. Report findings to internal and external stakeholders in a clear and transparent manner.Continuous Monitoring and ImprovementEHS due diligence is an ongoing process that requires regular monitoring and evaluation. Stay informed about changes in regulations, industry best practices, and emerging technologies that can enhance EHS performance. Continuously seek opportunities for improvement to ensure a safe and sustainable work environment.ConclusionEffective EHS due diligence is essential for protecting the health and safety of employees, the environment, and the surrounding community. By following the steps outlined in this guide and staying committed to best practices, professionals can ensure compliance with regulations and promote a culture of safety in their organizations.。





尽职调查清单1. 目标与需求分析在开始任何EHS项目之前,确定项目的目标和需求是至关重要的。

请考虑以下问题:- 项目的主要目标是什么?- 对于该项目,您的需求是什么?- 项目的时间限制和预算限制是多少?- 是否有其他特定的法律或法规要求需要满足?2. 专业知识与经验评估评估您在EHS领域的专业知识和经验,以确定您是否具备足够的能力来处理该项目。

考虑以下问题:- 您是否有足够的专业知识和经验来解决该项目的问题?- 是否需要寻求其他专业人士的帮助或咨询?3. 资源评估评估您可用的资源,以确定您能够完成该项目。

考虑以下问题:- 您是否有足够的时间和人力资源来执行该项目?- 是否需要额外的资金或设备?4. 风险评估和管理在进行任何EHS项目之前,评估和管理相关风险是必要的。

请考虑以下问题:- 该项目涉及哪些潜在的风险和危险?- 如何评估和管理这些风险?- 是否需要采取额外的措施来降低风险?5. 法律和法规遵从确保您在进行EHS项目时遵守所有相关的法律和法规要求是非常重要的。

考虑以下问题:- 项目是否受到特定的法律或法规的约束?- 是否需要获得特定的许可或执照?- 是否需要与相关政府机构合作或通知?结论本指南提供了一份针对EHS专业的尽职调查清单,以帮助您在进行EHS相关项目时做出独立决策。





EHS专业尽职调查方案英文版Document Title: EHS Professional Due Diligence Investigation PlanIntroductionThis document outlines the plan for conducting a professional due diligence investigation in the field of Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS). The purpose of this investigation is to assess the compliance, risks, and opportunities related to EHS practices within an organization.Scope of InvestigationThe investigation will focus on analyzing the organization's current EHS policies, procedures, and practices. It will also involve reviewing relevant regulatory requirements and industry standards to ensure compliance. Interviews with key personnel and site visits may be conducted to gather additional information.Methodology1. Review of Documentation:- Analyze existing EHS policies, procedures, and reports.- Review documentation related to past incidents or violations.- Assess any certifications or audits related to EHS management.2. Interviews:- Conduct interviews with key personnel responsible for EHS management.- Gather information on current practices, challenges, and future plans.- Identify any gaps or areas for improvement.3. Site Visits:- Visit the organization's facilities to observe EHS practices firsthand.- Evaluate the implementation of EHS policies and procedures on-site.- Identify any potential hazards or risks that need to be addressed.4. Data Analysis:- Collect and analyze data related to EHS performance and compliance.- Compare the organization's performance against industry benchmarks.- Identify trends and areas of concern that require further investigation.ReportingA comprehensive report will be prepared at the conclusion of the investigation. The report will include findings, recommendations, and an action plan for addressing any identified issues. Recommendations will be tailored to the organization's specific needs and priorities.ConclusionBy following this investigation plan, we aim to provide the organization with valuable insights into their EHS practices and help them improve their overall performance in this critical area. The ultimate goal is to ensure a safe and healthy work environment for employees while minimizing risks and liabilities for the organization.。



Sandvik Mining and Construction (China) Ltd.山特维克矿山工程机械(中国)有限公司1 目的和适用范围Purpose and Scope1.1 目的Purpose规定了如何从公司的活动/产品/服务的过程中识别出对环境有影响的环境因素并对其进行评价的方法。

The document explains the procedure to identify the aspects for all the activities, products and services that have impacts on the environment and evaluate them for their significance.1.2 适用范围Scope山特维克矿山工程机械(中国)有限公司范围内。

Sandvik Mining and Construction (China) Co., Ltd.2 职责Responsibility2.1 各部门组织相关人员对本部门的环境因素进行识别,填写《环境因素调查表》,并将结果报送EHS主管。

Each responsible department identifies enviromental aspects related to itself, fill in theEnviromental aspects questionary ,and gives the results to EHS officer .2.2 EHS主管进行环境因素的汇总、登记,并会同EHS委员会进行核定和重要环境因素评价工作。

EHS officer shall gather and register all enviromental aspects in company,and determine the significant ones with EHS Committee.2.3 环境管理者代表负责重要环境因素的批准。



EHS专业尽职调查核查清单英文版Document Title: EHS Professional Due Diligence Checklist1. Introduction- Purpose of the Checklist- Scope of the Due Diligence Investigation- Key Stakeholders Involved2. Legal Compliance- Review of Environmental Laws and Regulations- Assessment of Health and Safety Standards- Analysis of Compliance Documentation3. Risk Assessment- Identification of Potential EHS Risks- Evaluation of Risk Management Practices- Mitigation Strategies for High-Risk Areas4. Site Inspection- Physical Inspection of Facilities- Review of Emergency Response Plans- Assessment of Waste Management Practices5. Employee Training and Awareness- Review of Training Programs- Evaluation of Employee Engagement- Recommendations for Improvement6. Record Keeping- Examination of EHS Incident Reports- Review of Inspection Logs- Assessment of Documentation Organization7. Communication and Reporting- Coordination with Key Departments- Reporting Structure for EHS Issues- Recommendations for Transparent Communication8. Continuous Improvement- Implementation of EHS Action Plans- Monitoring and Evaluation of Progress- Strategies for Ongoing Improvement9. Conclusion- Summary of Findings- Recommendations for Future EHS Initiatives- Next Steps for Implementation10. Appendix- Supporting Documents- Additional Resources- Glossary of TermsThis checklist is designed to assist in conducting a thorough due diligence investigation in the field of Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS). It provides a structured approach to assessing compliance, identifying risks, and implementing improvement strategies. Byfollowing this checklist, organizations can ensure that their EHS practices are in line with legal requirements and industry best practices.。



ehs审核步骤EHS 审核,这可真是个重要的事儿啊!就好像我们要去一个陌生的地方旅行,得先搞清楚路线和要注意的事项一样。

















咱可不能把 EHS 审核当成走过场,这可是关系到大家的健康和安全的大事儿呢!要是不认真对待,那出了问题可就麻烦大啦。




大家想想,要是工作的环境不安全,那员工能安心工作吗?要是对环境不重视,那我们的地球还能美丽多久呢?所以呀,EHS 审核真的是太重要啦!我们要认真对待每一次审核,把它当成是一次提升的机会。


这样我们工作起来也更舒心,不是吗?总之,EHS 审核步骤可不能马虎,这是我们对自己、对他人、对整个社会负责的表现呀!大家说是不是这个理儿?。





的问题和指导,以帮助进行 EHS 尽职调查。

以下是在进行 EHS 尽职调查时应考虑的主要主题:
1. 环境影响评估
- 是否进行了环境影响评估?
- 评估结果是否可行和有可靠的数据支持?
- 环境影响评估是否包括空气、水、土壤和噪音等方面的调查?
2. 污染控制和管理
- 是否存在污染控制和管理计划?
- 该计划是否符合当地环境法规和标准?
- 是否存在排放限制和监测措施?
3. 废物管理
- 是否有有效的废物管理计划?
- 废物的处理方式是否符合法规要求?
- 是否有回收再利用或处理废物的措施?
4. 健康和安全管理
- 是否有健康和安全管理计划?
- 是否有详细的紧急事件应对计划?
- 是否提供员工培训和意识教育?
5. 资质和许可证
- 是否有必要的环境、健康和安全资质和许可证?
- 这些资质和许可证是否有效并符合要求?
6. 社会责任
- 是否存在社会责任计划?
- 是否有与员工、当地社区和利益相关方合作的机制?





EHS专业:尽职调查步骤和清单英文版Title: EHS Profession: Due Diligence Steps and ChecklistIn the field of Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), conducting due diligence is crucial to ensure compliance with regulations and prevent risks. Below are the steps and checklist to guide professionals in performing a thorough due diligence process:Due Diligence Steps:1. Identify the Scope: Clearly define the objectives and boundaries of the due diligence process.2. Gather Information: Collect relevant data and documentation related to environmental, health, and safety aspects.3. Conduct Site Visits: Visit the physical location to assess EHS conditions firsthand.4. Review Compliance: Evaluate compliance with local, state, and federal regulations.5. Assess Risks: Identify potential risks and hazards that may impact EHS performance.6. Analyze Data: Use collected data to analyze trends, patterns, and potential areas for improvement.7. Engage Stakeholders: Consult with internal and external stakeholders to gather insights and perspectives.8. Develop Recommendations: Based on findings, create actionable recommendations to enhance EHS practices.Due Diligence Checklist:1. Regulatory Compliance:- Verify compliance with environmental regulations.- Ensure adherence to health and safety standards.2. Hazard Identification:- Identify potential hazards in the workplace.- Evaluate risks associated with hazardous materials.3. Training and Awareness:- Review training programs for EHS practices.- Ensure employees are aware of safety protocols.4. Emergency Preparedness:- Assess emergency response plans and procedures.- Verify availability of necessary resources for emergencies.5. Environmental Impact:- Evaluate the impact of operations on the environment.- Identify opportunities for sustainability initiatives.6. Incident Reporting:- Review incident reporting and investigation processes.- Ensure timely reporting of EHS incidents.7. Documentation:- Organize and maintain EHS documentation for record-keeping.- Ensure accessibility of important documents for audits.8. Continuous Improvement:- Develop strategies for ongoing EHS improvement.- Implement monitoring mechanisms to track progress.By following these due diligence steps and checklist, EHS professionals can effectively assess and enhance environmental, health, and safety practices in their organizations. Continuous diligence is key to maintaining a safe and compliant work environment.。



对危化品的危害控制CCC EHS Attention
对危化品的危害控制CCC EHS Attention
对危险物品个人防护C:CC EHS Attention
CCC EHS Attention
废弃的危化品容器,粘有危化品的抹布等,作为危险废弃物处置 ,放于指定地点(危废垃圾桶);
危险化学品定义: CCC EHS Attention
危险化学品安全标签C:CC EHS Attention
危险化学品标识定义C:CC EHS Attention
危险化学品标识定义C:CC EHS Attention
危险物质特性: CCC EHS Attention
在 职 业 活 动 中 产 生
接 触 有 毒 有 害 因 素
列 入 国 家 职 业 病 范 围
与 劳 动 用 工 行 为 相 联 系
CCC EHS Attention
公司存在的可能产生职业病岗位: 操作氨水的人员,长期接触,如果10年、8年,会患有支气管 哮喘 、慢性间质性肺病 、支气管扩张 。
危险物品火灾处理事C项C:C EHS Attention
危险物品火灾处理事C项C:C EHS Attention
CCC紧E急H联S 络A:ttention
1、报告上级领导 2、报
CCC EHS Attention
职业病概念: 劳动者在职业活动中, 接触粉尘、放射物质和其 他有毒有害物质等因素而引起的疾病。 法定职业病的四个条件:



EHS专业尽职调查完全指南英文版Complete Guide to EHS Due DiligenceWelcome to the ultimate resource for conducting Environmental, Health, and Safety (EHS) due diligence. In this comprehensive guide, we will cover everything you need to know about ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and protecting the well-being of your employees and the environment.Understanding EHS Due DiligenceEHS due diligence is a crucial process that organizations must undertake to assess and mitigate risks related to environmental, health, and safety issues. It involves identifying potential hazards, evaluating their impact, and implementing measures to prevent or minimize harm.Key Components of EHS Due Diligence1. Environmental Compliance: Ensuring that your operations comply with all applicable environmental laws and regulations, such as waste management and pollution control.2. Health and Safety Management: Implementing programs to protect the health and safety of employees, including risk assessments and emergency response plans.3. Site Assessments: Conducting thorough inspections of facilities to identify potential hazards and risks.4. Regulatory Compliance: Staying up to date with changing regulations and ensuring ongoing compliance.Steps to Conduct EHS Due Diligence1. Preparation: Gather relevant documentation, such as permits, incident reports, and safety data sheets.2. Risk Assessment: Identify potential hazards and assess their likelihood and impact.3. Compliance Review: Evaluate your organization's compliance with applicable laws and regulations.4. Gap Analysis: Identify areas where improvements are needed to enhance EHS performance.5. Action Plan: Develop and implement a plan to address any deficiencies and mitigate risks.Benefits of EHS Due Diligence1. Risk Management: Identifying and addressing potential risks can prevent accidents and protect your organization from legal and financial liabilities.2. Reputation Management: Demonstrating a commitment to EHS can enhance your reputation with stakeholders and the community.3. Employee Morale: Providing a safe and healthy work environment can improve employee satisfaction and productivity.ConclusionEHS due diligence is a critical process that all organizations should prioritize to protect the environment, ensure employee safety, and mitigate risks. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you canenhance your EHS performance and contribute to a safer and more sustainable future.Remember, compliance is not an option, it's a responsibility.。








以下是一些简化策略的建议:1. 确定重点领域:在尽职调查过程中,确定您关注的重点领域,如环境管理制度、职业健康安全措施、事故应急预案等。


2. 数据收集与分析:收集与目标公司相关的数据,并进行综合分析。


3. 专业顾问的协助:请EHS专业顾问协助您进行尽职调查。






EHS-14 相关方及外用工(单位)管理制度 O

EHS-14 相关方及外用工(单位)管理制度 O

Contractor management procedure
1. 目的
2. 应用范围
3. 术语、定义和缩写说明
4. 责任和说明
5. 流程
6. 附件
1. 目的

2. 应用范围

3. 术语、定义和缩写说明



4. 责任和说明
5. 流程
6. 附件
7. 更改历史
Change History。



Supplier E H S Management Questionnaire供应商环境健康安全管理问卷调查Supplier/供应商: ____________________Supplier No/供应商编号.: _____________ Location/地点: ___________________________________________________ Linkman /联系人: _______________________ Function/职务: ________________ Telephone/电话: ______________Fax传真: ________________________E-Mail邮件: ______________Internet网址: ________________________Yes No1. Has an EHS management system been established by your company?E.g. in accordance with/公司是否已经建立了环境和职业健康安全管理体系?如按照标准:如果没有建立环境管理体,计划在201 年建立2. Has your company established any other management system (e.g. QA, industrial safety),which includes environmental protection? 是否建立其他的管理体系如质量保证,工业安全If yes, which? 是否包含环境健康安全管理,如果是_____________________________________3. Does your company use any written guidelines regarding EHS management(e.g. Policy or guidelines)? 是否有关于环境和职业健康安全的指南(如方针,指南)4. Has your company defined any objectives to improve in EHSMS?是否定义了目标\指标去改进环境和职业健康安全管理体系5. Are EHS performance measures and results being documented by your company?环境和职业健康安全管理绩效的测量和结果是否形成记录6. Does your company conduct periodical assessments of 是否定期评价有关production processes 生产过程procurement and disposal processes购买和处置过程products 产品With regard to their EHS impact?相关的环境影响。

EHS-09 EHS培训制度 O

EHS-09 EHS培训制度  O

EHS training procedureEHS培训程序1. Objective 过程目的2. Field of Application 应用范围3. Terminology, Definitions, Abbreviations 术语、定义和缩写说明4. Reference 参考文件5. Responsibility & Instruction 责任和说明6. Process Map 工作流程图7. Appendix 附件1. Objective 过程目的The purpose of this procedure stipulates the communication and implementation method of employee and contractor EHS training need, aiming at guaranteeing the training of allemployees and our contractors related to environment and safety, raising their awareness and capacity of EHS.本程序规定了公司EHS 培训需求的提出和实施的办法,使各类接受环境、安全、健康影响的人员(员工和承包商) 都接受相关培训,以提高员工及承包商的职业健康、安全和环保的意识和能力。

2. Field of Application 应用范围The procedure applies to all employees of our company and contractors. 本制度适用于公司所有员工和公司承包商。

3. Terminology, Definitions, Abbreviations 术语、定义和缩写说明4. Reference 参考文件The production safety law《安全生产法》Regulation on safety production in shanghai上海市安全生产条例Regulations on safety management of construction project《建筑工程安全生产管理条例》The provisions on the administration of the construction of special operation personnel 《建筑施工特种作业人员管理规定》The provisions on the administration of safety technical training and review for special worker 《特种作业人员安全技术培训考核管理规定》Measures for supervision and management of special equipment operating personnel 《特种设备作业人员监督管理办法》5. Responsibility & Instruction责任和说明6. Procedure流程6.1 Training Type 培训类型:•New staff 3-level training新员工三级培训•Transfer-position training员工调岗安全培训•Special worker特种作业人员培训•Special equipment worker training特种设备作业人员培训•Four new training四新培训•Safety management, people in charge of safety安全管理人员、安全负责人培训•Contractor management training承包商人员培训6.2 Training Planning培训计划•Every year in April, every department should send EHS training plan to EHS for review,then EHS should study out company EHS training plan.每年四月,各单位向EHS申报下年度的EHS培训需求计划,EHS工程师审核汇总后,拟定公司EHS培训计划。

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(a)List two examples of point sources of water pollution.discharge pollutants at specific locations (factories, sewage treatment plants, underground mines and oil tankers) through drain pipes, ditches, or sewers lines into bodies of surface water(b)Name three types of air pollutants?CO, VOCs, NOx, SO2, particulate matter, lead.(c)List two methods which can be used to measure dissolved oxygen in a watersample.Electrode and Winkler method (titration)(d) What is a composite sample?collected over an extended time and may encompass different locations as well(e) What preservation method would you use on a water sample which will beanalysed for metal content?Nitrci acid(f) What are the main sources of carbon monoxide?Incomplete combustion of fuel and air, mainly form cars.(g) What type of air samples are taken?Source or Emission SamplingAmbient SamplingIndustrial Hygiene SamplingResidential Indoor SamplingProcess / quality control gas sampling(h) What harmful effects do VOCs have in the atmosphere?Global warming, combine with NOx to form smog, irritation of eyes, respiratorysystem, damage to crops.(i) List the waste disposal options in order of government preference.RecyclingReuseIncinerationLandfill(j) What is source or emission sampling?Measurement of gas flow rate,Physical characteristicsComposition and pollutant concentrationin exhaust gas streams leaving a process, factory, chimney or ventilation systemand entering the atmosphere.(k) What advantage does a composite sample have over a grab sample?A composite sample provides an overall picture of the water quality and takes into account extreme concentrations and variations that may occur over time.(l) What is the particular problem associated with neutral organic compounds? Ability to reconcentrate and accumulate in fatty tissues of aquatic and animal life. (m) Describe BODBOD is the amount of oxygen utilised when organic matter in a given volume is degraded biologically or the measurement of the amount of material which, given time, could deplete the oxygen level in the river: Oxygen demand. Gives an indication of the possiblity of oxygen depletion which will occur if oxygen is not replenished.(n) What effect has effluent with a high BOD have on a freshwater body?Large populations of bacteria decomposing these wastes can degrade water quality by depleting water of dissolved oxygen. This causes fish and other forms of aquatic life to die.(o) What effect do high levels of nitrate, phosphate or ammonium have in a lake? It can cause excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants which die, decay, deplete water of dissolved oxygen and kill fish - eutrophication.(p) List two common analytical methods used to analyse organic pollutants.Gas chromatography, Useful technique as most organic compounds have significant volatility even at room tempHPLC, Used only where there are advantages over established GC methodsNon-chromatographic methods, determination of groups of compounds, such as phenols and classes of detergents, total concentration of group of substances required, rather than concentration of individual compounds,Technique for analysis of related classes of organic compounds, UV/Vis absorption spectrometry: Absorptions are broad , molar absorptivities vary little between compounds within the group(q) List the two different types of absorbtion air sampling methods.Chemical and physical(r) List two types of air samplers that work by Adsorbion.Solvent Desorption TubesColorimetric TubesThermal Desorption Tubes(s) List the common sample preparation methods used prior to analyzing a water sample for organics?Extraction methodsSolvent ExtractionPurge and Trap techniquesSolid-Phase Extraction(t) What analytical techniques are used to analyse water samples for inorganic pollutants?Visible and Ultraviolet SpectrometryEmission Spectrometry (Flame Photometry)Ion ChromatographyOther techniques for inorganic compounds(u) Give examples of two air sampling methods.Absorbtion either physical or chemical, dissolving the pollutant in a liquid or reacting the pollutant with a liquid, eg measures ammonia conc by passing the air sample through an acidic acid solution eg boric acid, non-volatile borate ion produced can be determined quantitatively, also used to quantitate HCL, NH3, aldehydes, ketones, phosgene and cresols.Adsorbtion collection of gases on a solid surface using a porous solid sorbent eg silica gel or charcoal which attracts the gas molecules. Crystal lattice structure attract gas molecules, adsorbtion is then reversed by solvent rinsing or high temperature, samples volatile organic compoundsCryogenic systems, collection of air pollutants by condensation in a cryogenic trap, for low concs of VOCs.Whole air samplers, collection of air samples in bulbs, bags, syringes, stainless steel canisters(v) What analytical technique is commonly used to test a water sample for trace heavy metals?Atomic absorption spectroscopy(w) List two typical sources of VOCs air pollutants.VOCs: combustion processes, evaporation of solvents(x) What is a grab sample?A sample taken at a specific time and in single place at a certain time and location (y) What properties does an ideal sorbent have?A crystal lattice structure – large surface area in a small volume - to allow gas molecules to penetrate, a surface which attracts gas molecule, easily reversible binding to gas molecule(z) List two types of physical hazards and a typical source for each type.Non-ionising radiation eg microwaves, ionising radiation eg x-rays, noise and vibration eg machinery, temperature and humidity, eg air-conditioning.(aa) How can gases and vapours be measured in a work environment? Stain detector tubes, Personnel adsorbtion tubes, Instrumental methods(bb) What is eutrophication?High levels of inorganic pollutants such as nitrates and phosphates cause excessive growth of algae and other aquatic life which die, decay and deplete water of dissolved oxygen.(cc) List two parameters which need to be measured immediately at the site of sampling.dissolved gases, (O2, CO2, H2S, Cl2)(dd) List two examples of diffuse pollution sources.Pollution from land massesEmission of methane from landfill sites,Nitrate salts from fertilisers into water,Car emissions(ee) List the components of smog.Particulates, nitrous oxides, potassium, carbon monoxide, other toxic chemicals. (ff) What is COD?measure of the oxygen equivalent of the organic matter content of a sample that is susceptible to oxidation by a strong chemical oxidant e.g. dichromate(gg) What are the main sources of nitrate (NO3 –), phosphate (PO43–), and ammonium (NH4+) ions?Major Human Sources: Sewage, manure, and runoff of agricultural and urban fertilizers(hh) List the environmental toxins.Dioxins and FuransPCBs (Polychlorinated biphenyls)HCB (hexachlorobenzene)PesticidesHeavy Metals(i) What are the two toxins of most concern?Neutral organics and heavy metals.(j) What is bio magnification?As toxins break down slowly (long half-life), they are incorporated into soil and water, and eventually into animal fat. In the oceans, small fish low on the food chain transfer toxins to larger predators, a process known as biomagnification. (kk) What happens to metal ions in the environment?Solubilisation or deposition in deposits(ll) What is BATNEECBest available technology not entailing excessive cost – waste or water treatment system(mm) What is the main objective of The Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive (91/271/EEC)?aims to protect surface inland waters and coastal waters by regulating collection and treatment of urban wastewater and discharge of certain biodegradable industrial waste watersList the main sources of air pollutants .• Carbon Monoxide (CO)• Volatile Organic Compoun ds (VOCs)• Oxides of Nitrogen (NOx)• Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)• Particulate Matter (PM10)• Lead (Pb)Describe the sources and effects of three air pollutants in the environment.CO• Caused by incomplete combustion of fuel and air• Most of it comes from m otor vehicles• Reduces the transport of oxygen through the bloodstream• Affects mental functions and visual acuity, even at low levels• Improvements are being made but there are still problems in some urban areas VOCs• VOCs result from combustion proce sses and evaporation of gasoline vapors, solvents, etc.• They contribute to Global Warming• In sunlight, they combine with NOx to form ozone (smog)• Ozone irritates eyes, aggravates respiratory ills, damages crops• The ozone problem is the one affecti ng the most people todayNOx gasesNitrogen dioxide is the prominent one (it's the yellow-brown color in smog) • NOx results from high temperature combustion processes, e.g. cars and utilities • They affect the respiratory system• They play a major role i n atmos- pheric reactions• Overall levels unchanged but transportation sources are cleanerPb- Long known as one of the worst toxics in common use• Emitted from gasoline additives, battery factories and non-ferrous smelters • Affects various organs and c an cause sterility and neurological impairment, e.g. retardation and behavioral disorders• Infants and children especially susceptible• Control of mobile sources has been exceptionally successfulPM10PM10 is a general term for tiny airborne particles (under ten microns), e.g., dust, soot, smoke• Primary sources are fuel-burning plants and other industrial/ commercial processes• Some are formed in the air• They irritate the respiratory system and may also carry metals, sulfates, nitrates, etc.• Some o verall decreases seen but trends may be masked by meteorological changesSO2 - This term is used for a number of compounds containing sulfur• Primarily caused by burning of coal, oil and various industrial processes• They can affect the respiratory syst em• They react in the atmosphere to form acids, sulfates and sulfites• Substantial reductions due to controls at the sources and through use of low sulfur fuelsWhat type of substances can bioconcentrate in the environment?Organic compounds with low solubility in waterunless have polar groupshigh molecular massSolubility in organic solventsDescribe how BOD is removed during the activated sludge process.two processes:Discuss;Oxidation of organic matterProvides energy for the metabolic processes of the microoragisms-Carbon is removed in the gaseous form as CO2 - Vented to atmosphereSynthesisIncorporation of organic material into cell mass- SludgeMicrorganisms in the aeration tank convert:-Organic material in waste water to microbial biomass and CO2.Organic phosphorous is to orthophosphateOrganic nitrogen to ammonium ion or nitrateMicrobial cell matter (formed as part of the waste degradation processes)kept in aeration tank until the microorganisms are past the log phase of growth- cells-flocculate relatively well to form settleable solidsThese solids settle out in a settler and a fraction of them is discarded.Part of the solids = the return sludge, - is recycled to the head of the aeration tank and comes into contact with fresh sewageDescribe the four stages in a wastewater treatment plant. (discuss each point) Preliminary treatmentRemoval and disintegration of gross solidsRemoval of gritRemoval of oil and greasePrimary (Sedimentation) treatment.First major stage of treatment following preliminary treatment-usually involves removal of settleable solids separated as sludgeSecondary (biological treatment).The dissolved and colloidal matter oxidised by micro-organismsTertiary treatment.Through soil treatment, UV or other means, further treatment of a biologically treated effluent to removeremaining BOD,suspended solids, bacteria,specific toxic compounds or nutrientsto enable the final effluent to comply with a standard more stringent than be achieved by secondary treatment aloneList two examples of point sources of water pollution.What harmful effects do VOCs have in the atmosphere?Global warming, combine with NOx to form smog, irritation of eyes, respiratory system, damage to crops.List the waste disposal options in order of government preference.RecyclingReuseIncinerationLandfillWhat advantage does a composite sample have over a grab sample?A composite sample provides an overall picture of the water quality and takes into account extreme concentrations and variations that may occur over time.What is the particular problem associated with neutral organic compounds? Ability to reconcentrate and accumulate in fatty tissues of aquatic and animal life. Describe BOD and the effect of effluent with a high BOD has on a freshwater body.BOD is the amount of oxygen utilised when organic matter in a given volume is degraded biologically or the measurement of the amount of material which, given time, could deplete the oxygen level in the river: Oxygen demand. Gives an indication of the possiblity of oxygen depletion which will occur if oxygen is not replenished.Large populations of bacteria decomposing these wastes can degrade water quality by depleting water of dissolved oxygen. This causes fish and other forms of aquatic life to die.What occurs during primary treatment in a water treatment plant?Removal of insoluble material such as grit, grease and scum from the water.Grit in waste water do not biodegrade well and generally have a high settling velocity. Grit is normally allowed to settle in a tank under conditions of low flow velocity and is then scrapped mechanically from the bottom of the tank, Primary sedimentation removes both settleable and floatable solids.(2 marks)All waste water is passed through a specially constructed sedimentation tank at such a velocity that the fine solids settle out of suspension by gravity, Settleable solids form sludge in base of the tank which can be removed as primary sludge. Removal efficiency depends on nature of waste water and proportion of soluble organic material present - effects BOD removal. Primary treatment reduces BOD by 30-40% and suspended solids concentration by 40-70%.Some industrial wastes ( e.g. food processing waste waters) may contain higher proportion of settleable organic matter, resulting in BOD removals of 60-70%. 50% of faecal coliforms also removed at this stage.What effect do high levels of nitrate, phosphate or ammonium have in a lake?It can cause excessive growth of algae and other aquatic plants which die, decay, deplete water of dissolved oxygen and kill fish - eutrophication.Describe the common analytical methods used to analyse organic pollutants.Gas chromatography, Useful technique as most organic compounds have significant volatility even at room tempHPLC, Used only where there are advantages over established GC methodsNon-chromatographic methods, determination of groups of compounds, such as phenols and classes of detergents, total concentration of group of substances required, rather than concentration of individual compounds,Technique for analysis of related classes of organic compounds, UV/Vis absorption spectrometry: Absorptions are broad , molar absorptivities vary little between compounds within the groupDescribe two types of air sampling methods and describe an example of each type. Absorbtion either physical or chemical, dissolving the pollutant in a liquid or reacting the pollutant with a liquid, eg measures ammonia conc by passing the air sample through an acidic acid solution eg boric acid, non-volatile borate ion produced can be determined quantitatively, also used to quantitate HCL, NH3, aldehydes, ketones, phosgene and cresols.Adsorbtion collection of gases on a solid surface using a porous solid sorbent eg silica gel or charcoal which attracts the gas molecules. Crystal lattice structure attract gas molecules, adsorbtion is then reversed by solvent rinsing or high temperature, samples volatile organic compoundsCryogenic systems, collection of air pollutants by condensation in a cryogenic trap, for low concs of VOCs.Whole air samplers, collection of air samples in bulbs, bags, syringes, stainless steel canistersDescribe typical sources of VOCs air pollutants and the effect it has on the environment.VOCs: combustion processes, evaporation of solvents, may cause global warning, combine with NOx to form ozone, (irritant)。
