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关键 词 :T淋 巴瘤 细胞 ;Smad蛋 白;真核表达 质粒 doi:10.39603 中图分类号 :R733.4 文献标 志码 :A 文章 编号 :1002—266X(2018)21-0009-04
Construction of Smad eukaryotic expression plasmid and its expression in EL4 cells
山东 医药 2018年第 58卷第 2l期
Smad真 核 表 达 质 粒 构 建 及 其 在 小 鼠 T淋 巴瘤 细胞 中 的表 达
王婧 帆 。季然 ,李鑫 宇 ,陈金 铃 (南通 大学 医学 院病原 生物 学 系,江 苏南通 226000)
摘要 :目的 构 建并鉴定 pcDNA3.1一Smad2、pcDNA3.1一Smad3及 peDNA3.1一Smad4真核表达质粒 ,探 讨 Smad在 小 鼠 T淋 巴瘤 细胞 (EIA)中能否稳定表达 。方法 以 EL4细胞 cDNA为模 板 ,PCR法获取转 录因子 Smad2、Smad3、 Smad4 mRNA CDS区即 目的 基 因片 段 ;构 建 含 有 目的基 因的 T载 体 pMD19.T.Smad2、pMD19一T—Smad3、pMD19.T. Smad4;用 HindⅢ和 EcoR I双 酶切 peDNA3.1载体 、pMD19一T—Smad2,用 Xho I和 EcoR I双 酶切 pcDNA3.1载体 、 pMD19-T—Smad3及 pMD19一T·Smad4,T4 DNA 连 接 酶 连 接 纯 化 后 的 酶 切 产 物 ;将 连 接 产 物 转 化 DH5c ̄大 肠 杆 菌 感 受 态细胞并挑选 阳性 克隆 ,扩大培养并提 取重组质 粒 ;通过 PCR、双 酶切及 DNA测序 等方法 鉴定重 组质 粒。将构 建 好 的 pcDNA3.1-Smad2、pcDNA3.1一Smad3、pcDNA 3.1一Smad4电转入 EL4细胞 ,72 h后用 Western blotting法检测 EL4 细胞 中 目的蛋 白的表达 。结果 PCR和 双酶切 结果 均 提示 重组 质粒 pcDNA3.1.Smad2、pcDNA3.1.Smad3、pcDNA 3.1一Smad4构建成 功 ;测 序结 果 确 定 插 入 片段 无 突变 ,序 列 完 全 正 确 。重 组 质 粒 pcDNA3.1一Smad2、pcDNA3.1一 Smad3、pcDNA3.1-Smad4转入 EL4细胞后上调 目的蛋 白 Smad2、Smad3、Smad4蛋 白的表 达。结论 成 功构建 pcD— NA3.1一Smad2、pcDNA3.1一smad3和 pcDNA3.1一Smad4真核表达 质粒 ;将 Smad真 核表 达质粒 成功 转染入 EL4细胞 , 诱导 细胞 内 目的蛋 白高表达 。
ods The target CDS fragment of transcription factors Smad2,Smad3,and Smad4 was obtained by PCR using EL4 cells cDNA as,the template; then pM D19-T—Sm ad2, pMD 19一T—Smad3, and pM D19一T—Smad4 were constr u cted, respectively; the pMD19.T.Smad2 and pcDNA3.1 vector were cut by restriction endonucleases Hind m and EcoR I .while the pMD19. T.Smad3.pMD19.T—Smad4 and pcDNA3.1 vector were cut by restriction endonucleases Xho I and EcoR I ,and then we ligated the pur if ied enzyme—digested products by using the T4 DNA tigase;subsequently, the connection productions were used to transform DH5a competent cells,and the positive clones were picked up;f inally,the recombinant plasmids were i— dentif ied through PCR , double-restrict—enzyme digestion, and DNA sequencing. The expression plasm ids of pcDNA3.1· Smad2,pcDNA3.1-Smad3, and peDNA3.1-Sm ad4 were transfeeted into EL4 cells, respectively. The expression of target proteins was detected by Western blotting. Results The recombinant plasmids of pcDNA3.1-Smad2,pcDNA3.1-Smad3, and pcDNA3.1.Smad4 were constru cted successfully。which were confir m ed by PCR a n d double-restr ict—enzyme.DNA se— quencing results were a n alyzed by DNAMAN,and we further confirmed that there was no mutation base in the insertion fragment of peDNA3.1.Smad2。pcDNA3.1一Smad3,and peDNA3.1一Smad4. Transfeetion of the recombinant plasmids of peDNA3.1.Smad2 ,pcDNA3.1-Sm ad3,and pcDNA3.1一Smad4 into EL4 cells could rem arkably up—regulate the expression of Smad2,Smad3,and Smad4,respectively. Conclusions The eukaryotic expression plasmids of pcDNA3.1-Smad2,
WANG Jingfan,JI Ran,LI Xingyu,CHEN Jinling (Department ofProtobiology,Nantong Medical University,Nantong 226000,China)
Abstract:0bjective To construct eukaryotie expression plasmids of pcDNA3.1一Smad2,pcDNA3.1一Smad3,and pcDNA3.1一Smad4 and to investigate whether Smad can be stably expressed in the mouse T lymphoma cells(EL4).Meth·
Construction of Smad eukaryotic expression plasmid and its expression in EL4 cells
山东 医药 2018年第 58卷第 2l期
Smad真 核 表 达 质 粒 构 建 及 其 在 小 鼠 T淋 巴瘤 细胞 中 的表 达
王婧 帆 。季然 ,李鑫 宇 ,陈金 铃 (南通 大学 医学 院病原 生物 学 系,江 苏南通 226000)
摘要 :目的 构 建并鉴定 pcDNA3.1一Smad2、pcDNA3.1一Smad3及 peDNA3.1一Smad4真核表达质粒 ,探 讨 Smad在 小 鼠 T淋 巴瘤 细胞 (EIA)中能否稳定表达 。方法 以 EL4细胞 cDNA为模 板 ,PCR法获取转 录因子 Smad2、Smad3、 Smad4 mRNA CDS区即 目的 基 因片 段 ;构 建 含 有 目的基 因的 T载 体 pMD19.T.Smad2、pMD19一T—Smad3、pMD19.T. Smad4;用 HindⅢ和 EcoR I双 酶切 peDNA3.1载体 、pMD19一T—Smad2,用 Xho I和 EcoR I双 酶切 pcDNA3.1载体 、 pMD19-T—Smad3及 pMD19一T·Smad4,T4 DNA 连 接 酶 连 接 纯 化 后 的 酶 切 产 物 ;将 连 接 产 物 转 化 DH5c ̄大 肠 杆 菌 感 受 态细胞并挑选 阳性 克隆 ,扩大培养并提 取重组质 粒 ;通过 PCR、双 酶切及 DNA测序 等方法 鉴定重 组质 粒。将构 建 好 的 pcDNA3.1-Smad2、pcDNA3.1一Smad3、pcDNA 3.1一Smad4电转入 EL4细胞 ,72 h后用 Western blotting法检测 EL4 细胞 中 目的蛋 白的表达 。结果 PCR和 双酶切 结果 均 提示 重组 质粒 pcDNA3.1.Smad2、pcDNA3.1.Smad3、pcDNA 3.1一Smad4构建成 功 ;测 序结 果 确 定 插 入 片段 无 突变 ,序 列 完 全 正 确 。重 组 质 粒 pcDNA3.1一Smad2、pcDNA3.1一 Smad3、pcDNA3.1-Smad4转入 EL4细胞后上调 目的蛋 白 Smad2、Smad3、Smad4蛋 白的表 达。结论 成 功构建 pcD— NA3.1一Smad2、pcDNA3.1一smad3和 pcDNA3.1一Smad4真核表达 质粒 ;将 Smad真 核表 达质粒 成功 转染入 EL4细胞 , 诱导 细胞 内 目的蛋 白高表达 。
ods The target CDS fragment of transcription factors Smad2,Smad3,and Smad4 was obtained by PCR using EL4 cells cDNA as,the template; then pM D19-T—Sm ad2, pMD 19一T—Smad3, and pM D19一T—Smad4 were constr u cted, respectively; the pMD19.T.Smad2 and pcDNA3.1 vector were cut by restriction endonucleases Hind m and EcoR I .while the pMD19. T.Smad3.pMD19.T—Smad4 and pcDNA3.1 vector were cut by restriction endonucleases Xho I and EcoR I ,and then we ligated the pur if ied enzyme—digested products by using the T4 DNA tigase;subsequently, the connection productions were used to transform DH5a competent cells,and the positive clones were picked up;f inally,the recombinant plasmids were i— dentif ied through PCR , double-restrict—enzyme digestion, and DNA sequencing. The expression plasm ids of pcDNA3.1· Smad2,pcDNA3.1-Smad3, and peDNA3.1-Sm ad4 were transfeeted into EL4 cells, respectively. The expression of target proteins was detected by Western blotting. Results The recombinant plasmids of pcDNA3.1-Smad2,pcDNA3.1-Smad3, and pcDNA3.1.Smad4 were constru cted successfully。which were confir m ed by PCR a n d double-restr ict—enzyme.DNA se— quencing results were a n alyzed by DNAMAN,and we further confirmed that there was no mutation base in the insertion fragment of peDNA3.1.Smad2。pcDNA3.1一Smad3,and peDNA3.1一Smad4. Transfeetion of the recombinant plasmids of peDNA3.1.Smad2 ,pcDNA3.1-Sm ad3,and pcDNA3.1一Smad4 into EL4 cells could rem arkably up—regulate the expression of Smad2,Smad3,and Smad4,respectively. Conclusions The eukaryotic expression plasmids of pcDNA3.1-Smad2,
WANG Jingfan,JI Ran,LI Xingyu,CHEN Jinling (Department ofProtobiology,Nantong Medical University,Nantong 226000,China)
Abstract:0bjective To construct eukaryotie expression plasmids of pcDNA3.1一Smad2,pcDNA3.1一Smad3,and pcDNA3.1一Smad4 and to investigate whether Smad can be stably expressed in the mouse T lymphoma cells(EL4).Meth·