

免疫细胞分型常见标志物大串烧(二)——NK细胞分型标志物 (1)

免疫细胞分型常见标志物大串烧(二)——NK细胞分型标志物 (1)

免疫细胞分型常见标志物大串烧(二)——NK细胞分型标志物自然杀伤细胞(Natural killer,NK)是细胞毒性淋巴细胞的一种类型,是天然免疫系统的主要组成部分。


它们之所以被命名为“Natural killer”,是因为最初认为它们不需要激活就能杀死“缺失自我识别”的细胞(“缺失自我识别”是用来描述MHC-I类细胞表面标记表达水平较低的细胞,这种情况可能是由病毒感染引起的,或者是在杀伤T细胞的强选择压力下发生的)。

NK细胞与ILC1s(1型天然淋巴细胞)具有许多相似特征,包括转录因子T-bet的表达、活化诱导的IFNγ和TNFα的产生,但NK细胞还表达转录因子Eomes以及granzyme B 和performin,而ILC1s不表达。




CD66CD66CD94(NKG2E)HLA-ECD96(TACTILE)CD155(PVR)CD100CD72CD160HLA-CCD226(DNAM-1)CD112(Nectin-2),CD155(PVR) CD314(NKG2D)ULBP(RAET),MICA/MICBCD319(CRACC)CD319(CRACC)CD335(NKp46)Viral hemagglutinins,?CD336(NKp44)Viral hemagglutinins,?CD337(NKp30)pp65,BAT-3,?CD352(NTB-A)CD352(NTB-A)CD355(CRTAM)Necl2KIR-S HLA-C,?NKp80AICLPEN-5CD62LCD226(DNAM-1)CD112,CD155(PVR)CD314(NKG2D)H60,Rae1,MULT-1CD319CD319CD335(NKp46)Viral hemagglutinins,?CD355(CRTAM)Necl2NKR-P1C(CD161c/NK1.1)NKR-P1A?NKR-P1F Clr-gPILR-βCD99人NK细胞常用的分型标志物CD56CD56,又被称作神经细胞相关粘附分子(NCAM),在人NK细胞上的表达强度被视为一种功能指标。


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2011年总目次作者:暂无来源:《轻兵器》 2011年第24期武器看台1上(6)第六届GPEC展会上的轻武器(上)/杨志国,等1下(6)第六届GPEC展会上的轻武器(下)/杨志国,等2上(6)第18届MSPO展会轻武器精选(Ⅰ)/苏拉2下(6)第18届MSPO展会轻武器精选(Ⅱ)/苏拉3上(6)第18届MSPO展会轻武器精选(Ⅲ)/苏拉3下(6)2011轻武器新势力/太特斯4上(6)美国STEELCHALLENGE冠军杯射击比赛客户定制型手枪/苏拉 4下(6)WBK珍贵老枪展示(上)/苏拉5上(6)WBK珍贵老枪展示(下)/苏拉5下(6)第33届SHOT展轻武器精选(Ⅰ)/苏拉6上(6)第33届SHOT展轻武器精选(Ⅱ)/苏拉6下(6)2011轻武器新品展示/太特斯7上(6)轻武器新品一览/太特斯7下(6)IWA2011轻武器精选(上)/杨志国8上(6)IWA2011轻武器精选(下)/杨志国8下(6)IWB2011珍藏枪展示(上)/洪云,等9上(6)IWB2011珍藏枪展示(下)/洪云,等9下(6)捷克布尔诺“IDET2011”轻武器展示(上)/陈杭梅,等10上(6)捷克布尔诺“IDET2011”轻武器展示(下)/陈杭梅,等 10下(6)阿布扎比IDEX2011轻武器精选/苏拉,等11上(6)轻武器新品展示/太特斯11下(6)沃莱枪械店卢格老枪展示/苏拉,等12上(6)新品轻武器一瞥/太特斯12下(6)布鲁加-托梅公司轻武器展/苏拉前沿视点1下(10)以色列“数字化陆军计划”全揭示/杨晓红3上(9)美军“奈特勇士”系统新进展/旭东3下(10)一发即中的奇迹——从需求走向装备的狙击武器系统/方芳4上(19)特种部队寻求新型装备动向/王少昆,等4下(15)6.5~7mm枪弹:历史上与主流枪弹失之交臂/刘晓海6上(10)无人空中系统应用新观念/毛翔6下(18)瑞士士兵一体化与模块化作战系统计划(IMESS)/张宏光6下(19)加拿大综合士兵系统计划/张宏光7上(10)无人机战术功能发展演进历程/文武8下(22)尚待完善的未来防暴武器/王少然,等9下(22)徒步士兵全装备态势/曹晓东10上(9)2011~2012《简氏步兵武器年鉴》前言摘要/曹晓东11上(10)智能手机时代引领陆军作战和训练方式变革/张新征12上(32)投入使用的以色列“支配者”士兵系统/曹晓东警用与特种武器1上(14)霰弹枪新枪王雷明顿M887战术霰弹枪/郭亚楠1下(18)兼具精准与战术性迪欧·唐公司DTI-15卡宾枪/郭亚楠2上(10)别样风情齐亚帕公司犀牛转轮手枪/郭亚楠2上(14)罗克河PDS新型步枪/太特斯2下(16)美国州警执法利器:斯普林菲尔德M1A侦察班步枪/郭亚楠3上(16)打造完美细节:FNX系列手枪/太特斯3上(20)“野人”新作——萨维奇M110BA狙击步枪/任记忠,等4上(16)打造专业警用武器巴特斯-迪图斯ExD-37榴弹发射器/郭亚楠5上(32)面向巡警海德当恩XPR15 EBR精确射击步枪/郭亚楠5下(30)将精度进行到底雷斯·巴尔警用特种卡宾枪/郭亚楠6上(14)伯莱塔“风暴”第四次来袭——T×4“风暴”半自动霰弹枪/太特斯 6下(30)温彻斯特SXP防卫者霰弹枪/郭亚楠7上(14)瑞士精工新作西格-绍尔公司SIG516系列步枪/郭亚楠7下(10)走向高端:雷明顿M40-XS 0.338英寸狙击步枪/郭亚楠8上(24)超高性价比——韦瑟SUB-MOA TR高精度战术狙击步枪/郭亚楠8下(34)定位宽泛:史密斯-韦森公司SD系列手枪/郭亚楠9上(18)精准的利刃——廓尔喀军刀狙击步枪/郭亚楠9下(20)边境巡逻队新宠——威尔逊战斗公司边境巡逻型霰弹枪/郭亚楠10上(12)打造最便宜的警用战术卡宾枪——雄鹿M3卡宾枪/郭亚楠10下(10)土耳其之风——“护卫者”M P-S/A战术霰弹枪/郭亚楠11上(18)以“轻”取胜——SU16E战术卡宾枪/郭亚楠11下(14)警界新贵巴雷特M107A1CQ狙击步枪/太特斯12下(36)扛着走的.338——萨维奇M110 FCP338狙击步枪/郭亚楠武器分析1上(10)大师手笔留余香——美国奈特军械公司SR25步枪续新版/聂春明1上(18)无人作战系统之十八德意志“梭鱼”飞出水面/杨晓波,等1上(30)“塔利班造”轻武器不完全记录/知远1下(13)从APS到ADS:俄罗斯水下武器探索全过程/明光,等2上(13)Draganfly四旋翼微型飞行器/文武,等2上(25)美陆军M24狙击步枪最新改进型:XM2010/D boy2上(30)SG550:未能走远的小口径狙击步枪/旭羚2下(10)向理想模块化迈进:柯尔特CM901模块化卡宾枪/D boy2下(13)变身冲锋武器:新颖的9mm一体式上机匣组件/毛翔,等3上(12)十年隐身终正名:M107远程狙击步枪/D boy3上(32)手枪变身抵肩射击枪械 EMA公司RONI战术转换套件/文武,等 3下(14)阿联酋新作——山猫手枪/陈艳丽4上(10)耐腐蚀典范——P415 6.8mm近战短管步枪/刘贝贝4上(13)无人作战系统之十九“怪异”的空中哨兵:德国KZO无人侦察机/扬羽,等4下(20)开辟新弹种——斯太尔HS系列大口径狙击步枪/郭亚楠4下(30)为特战狙击手而生——兼具突击与狙击功能的REPR步枪/聂春明 5上(13)俄罗斯RG-6榴弹发射器/D boy5下(24)捷克CZ75系列出新品——P-07“职责”手枪/陈静雯6上(18)SAR80与SR88:新加坡CIS公司两代步枪/D boy6上(21)奈特力作:SR15E3卡宾枪/毛翔6下(21)未来技术的孵化器——英国“恶魔”无人机/杨晓波7上(18)Kel-Tec公司产品大观(上)/D boy7下(34)Kel-Tec公司产品大观(下)/D boy8上(10)史密斯-韦森公司“护卫者”380手枪/方芳8下(10)FN公司力作——FN40GL下挂榴弹发射器/卢卫晨,等8下(12)BRAVO18 AKM步枪/褚凤光9上(16)Mk14 Mod 0增强型战斗步枪/孙耀峰9下(37)“生化危机”再继续——斯皮克斯战术先锋步枪/方雨,等10下(18)AK之美国改造——ZK-MR短枪管步枪/聂春明11下(22)老枪新生——麦克米兰M3A 7.62mm步枪/扬羽12上(10)夺回最后500m——英国陆军现役L129A1步枪/曹晓东12上(42)续写经典——史密斯-韦森M625转轮手枪/毛翔,等专题报道5上(16)感怀中国09式军用霰弹枪系统5上(18)中国“第一”军用霰弹枪诞生揭幕——访系统总设计师买瑞敏/烟雨,等5上(24)09式18.4mm军用霰弹枪展现/石立雄,等5上(28)09式18.4mm军用霰弹枪不完全分解步骤/更云,等5下(10)09式18.4mm杀伤霰弹/刘宪清,等5下(12)10式18.4mm橡皮霰弹/高树华,等5下(14)10式18.4mm染色霰弹/赵凡林,等5下(16)09式18.4mm霰弹枪背装具/莫凤琴,等6下(14)第四届中国(北京)国际警用装备及反恐技术装备展览会新品呈献/曾振宇7下(30)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之一从星星之火到钢铁洪流——中国红色兵工厂巡礼(上)/更云8上(20)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之一从星星之火到钢铁洪流——中国红色兵工厂巡礼(下)/更云8下(18)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之二人民兵工始祖——中央红军官田兵工厂/更云9上(22)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之三龙腾半边天:红二方面军兵工厂珍展/更云9下(30)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之四红色峥嵘:陕甘宁边区的军事工业/更云,等10上(24)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之五巍巍太行民族傲骨:八路军总部军工部领导下的军事工业(上)/更云 10下(30)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之五巍巍太行民族傲骨:八路军总部军工部领导下的军事工业(下)/李瑞华,等11上(22)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之六模范根据地第一战鼓风:晋察冀军事工业/更云,等11下(30)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之七吕梁山高蔚汾水长——晋绥军区军事工业/更云12上(46)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之八齐鲁大地烽火连天山东根据地的军事工业/更云12下(40)中国共产党成立90周年暨人民兵工创建80周年·系列之九大江-南北热血铸英魂新四军军事工业(一)/更云,等本刊特稿9上(10)横空出世:中国CS/LR4型7.62mm高精度狙击步枪系统/贺亮,等 9上(12)CS/LR4型7.62mm高精度狙击步枪三维写真/贺亮,等9下(10)攻关克坚:CS/DFL3型7.62mm高精度狙击步枪弹/彭代毅9下(12)CS/LR4型7.62mm高精度狙击步枪白光瞄准镜/詹学平,等9下(14)CS/LR4型7.62mm高精度狙击步枪微光图像增强仪/朱振军,等9下(16)CS/OB1型手持激光测距仪/弹道解算计算机/耿嘉,等9下(19)CS/LR4型7.62mm高精度狙击步枪系统枪箱/李敏12上(14)95-1式5.8mm班用枪族大揭示/贺亮12上(21)DBP10式5.8mm普通弹/饶昌政12上(24)YMA 95-1-600式5.8mm枪族白光瞄准镜/呼延成霞12上(26)MGL 95-1-300式5.8mm枪族微光瞄准镜/贾少华,等12上(30)QM/QMJ激光指示器/耿嘉,等12下(8)QLG10/QLG10A式35mm枪挂榴弹发射器/蔡长海12下(12)单兵手中的小炮弹——DFS10式35mm碰炸杀伤弹/马源晖12下(15)DFS10A式35mm跳炸杀伤弹/邱陵12下(17)单兵全能榴弹——DFJ10式35mm破甲杀伤弹/张玉峰,等12下(18)DFX10式35mm弹道指示弹/严晓,等12下(20)YMAL10-35式白光瞄准镜/张小平,等12下(22)95-1式5.8mm枪族强光灯/王丽娜,等12下(24)95-1式5.8mm枪族班用维护保养工具箱/王丽娜,等12下(26)95-1式 5.8mm枪族随枪附件/贺卫宁12下(32)95-1式5.8mm枪族通用背装具/莫凤琴12下(34)95-1式5.8mm枪族包装箱/肖亚飞特别报道7下(14)智勇搏杀铸就新辉煌——武警代表队参加第十届世界军警狙击手射击锦标赛记录/王宝来,等 7下(19)不仅仅是奖牌的突破——访北京市公安局“蓝剑突击队”副支队长吕向东/烟雨,等8上(15)优秀狙击手面对面——访第十届匈牙利世界军警狙击手射击锦标赛参赛狙击手/烟雨,等12上(38)解放军对外开放十年回眸/刘逢安特别关注4下(10)利比亚战事前缘后果/张学林,等5上(9)利比亚:25载2次空袭战事比较/张学林,等6上(24)拉登之死与世界反恐之路/张学林,等11下(10)卡扎菲死后的影响力还有多大? /张学林国产兵器1下(30)防暴先行者 18.4mm致命/非致命半自动防暴枪/刘子杰4上(26)中国车载火箭扫雷系统盘点(上)/孟德广,等4下(22)中国车载火箭扫雷系统盘点(下)/孟德广,等6下(10)难以逾越的屏障——中国车载火箭布雷系统(上)/孟德广,等7上(22)难以逾越的屏障——中国车载火箭布雷系统(下)/孟德广,等7下(38)轨迹:1980年代后地雷与水雷(上)/孟德广,等8上(12)轨迹:1980年代后地雷与水雷(下)/孟德广,等8下(14)构筑防护坑的利器——单兵掩体爆破器展示/杨建辉,等10上(20)展换新颜:外贸型CS/LM6 0.50英寸重机枪 /顾鹏,等10下(14)走向口径系列化:外贸型Q×4系列手枪/李良刚,等11上(13)新突破:中国车载抛撒布雷系统/孟德广,等11下(18)忠实伴侣:PP89式60mm迫击炮(上)/崔忠旺,等12上(35)忠实伴侣:PP89式60mm迫击炮(下)/崔忠旺,等名枪名弹1上(34)被埋没的中间威力步枪——捷克斯洛伐克Vz52半自动步枪(上)/三土,等 1下(33)被埋没的中间威力步枪——捷克斯洛伐克Vz52半自动步枪(下)/三土,等 2上(22)匈牙利曲调——M39冲锋枪及其衍生型/聂春明2下(20)横跨军、警、民三界——雷明顿M870系列霰弹枪记录/太特斯3上(36)创造历史引领后世——柯尔特M1900系列半自动手枪/郭亚楠3下(30)手枪弹中的“王者”——9mm巴拉贝鲁姆自动手枪弹全传(一)/三土,等 4上(37)手枪弹中的“王者”——9mm巴拉贝鲁姆自动手枪弹全传(二)/三土,等 4下(38)手枪弹中的“王者”——9mm巴拉贝鲁姆自动手枪弹全传(三)/三土,等 5上(39)手枪弹中的“王者”——9mm巴拉贝鲁姆自动手枪弹全传(四)/三土,等 5下(19)“土豆挖掘机”——柯尔特M1895/M1914机枪呈现/聂春明6上(30)堑壕清扫器——温彻斯特M12唧筒式霰弹枪/郭亚楠6下(34)日本九七式20mm反坦克步枪昭示(上)/三土,等7上(26)日本九七式20mm反坦克步枪昭示(下)/三土,等8上(36)王者之路——美国柯尔特M1911系列自动手枪世纪百年(一) /三土,等8下(25)王者之路——美国柯尔特M1911系列自动手枪世纪百年(二)/三土,等9上(32)王者之路——美国柯尔特M1911系列自动手枪世纪百年(三)/三土,等9下(40)王者之路——美国柯尔特M1911系列自动手枪世纪百年(四) /三土,等10上(38)王者之路——美国柯尔特M1911系列自动手枪世纪百年(五)/三土,等 10下(38)王者之路——美国柯尔特M1911系列自动手枪世纪百年(六)/三土,等 11上(30)王者之路——美国柯尔特M1911系列自动手枪世纪百年(七) /三土,等 11下(34)王者之路——美国柯尔特M1911系列自动手枪世纪百年(八)/三土,等图解兵器1下(36)毛瑟M1871 11.15mm步枪剖析/孙成智,等2下(30)法国一代名枪:MAS1938冲锋枪/张正,等3下(22)美国RSI公司ResQmax远程抛射救生枪/王安民,等4下(34)奥地利斯太尔M1912半自动手枪/天佑,等5上(50)揭秘“蛙人”潜水装备/王安民,等6下(24)国产55式7.62mm坦克机枪/天佑,等7上(40)毛瑟M1871/84 11.15mm步枪剖析/孙成智,等历史钩沉1上(26)与中国擦肩而过的燧发枪/马式曾1下(48)乔治·卢格武器营销二三事/陈艳丽2上(40)南北战争中的非典型武器:史密斯卡宾枪/陈艳丽2下(24)奥匈帝国的“庞然大物”——M1870加瑟转轮手枪/陈艳丽3上(24)德国首款导气式机枪尝试——路易斯·施坦格MG39 Rh通用机枪/陈艳丽3下(43)前装变后装——法国鼻烟盒步枪/刘亚丹4上(22)金色时代的遗物:柯尔特“比赛标靶”手枪/陈艳丽5下(34)弹匣独特的英国维塞利系列冲锋枪/王岐朋6上(34)二战德军武器上的拐角射击装置/陈静雯6上(36)M1836手枪:美国最后一支军用燧发手枪/陈艳丽6下(39)小威力传奇:雷明顿双管德林杰手枪/陈艳丽7上(37)阿根廷版M1911:西斯提马M1927手枪/陈艳丽9上(26)将军的杰作——伯恩赛德后装卡宾枪/张宇东9下(34)历史闪现:墨西哥革命战争及其轻武器/聂春明10上(44)威尔冈冲锋枪:与英国SOE擦肩而过/周丽萍,等10下(35)威尔冈前传——诺姆冲锋枪/何伟兵,等11下(44)湮灭的历史——挪威布隆德比M1933冲锋枪/徐瑞山12下(45)终未量产:英国BSA希拉里冲锋枪与德纳利冲锋枪/罗长秀特种部队1上(40)“眼镜蛇”在行动——泰国海军特种部队/左明非1下(22)空中尖刀——法国第11空降师/杨晓波,等2上(34)神秘之旅——法国海军突击队及近距离战斗队/吕占广,等2下(36)共和国礼炮队/王世彤,等3上(41)特殊环境中的超级警察——以色列警察特种巡逻队/杨晓波,等3下(36)国家安全的守卫者:阿根廷国家警察特别行动组/米兔4上(32)阿根廷特种作战力量扫描/毛翔4下(25)空中神将——葡萄牙空降部队/陈艳丽5上(46)水中的“舞者”——走进总参某工程兵“蛙人”抢险救援组/辛彦龙,等 5下(38)美国南部特警队:佐治亚州调查局特别反应分队/吕占广,等6上(46)荷兰皇家海军陆战队第7特别舟艇中队/聂春明6下(42)传奇部队:法国外籍军团第2伞兵团/毛翔7上(34)萨尔瓦多安全力量追踪/聂春明7下(45)加勒比特战精英:委内瑞拉第42空降旅/毛翔8上(32)曼彻斯特守护者——曼城警察战术火力分队/毛翔8下(40)接近萨尔瓦多特种部队/聂春明精锐部队9上(44)特拉维夫的安全保护神——特拉维夫警察特别巡逻队(SPU)/吕占广,等 9下(48)北约维和尖兵——波兰第18空中突击营/杨晓波10上(34)特殊执法者——美国ATF特别反应组/郝心,等10下(44)加拿大的骄傲——渥太华警察战术群(OPTG)/毛翔11上(36)国家形象——中国人民解放军三军仪仗队/辛福东,等12下(48)美国萨凡纳河场区安全卫士——特别反应队/吕占广,等战役战术1上(45)维稳也要“战术”:法国“10·27”骚乱事件启示录/王帅,等2上(43)第3471枚荣誉勋章背后的故事/刘贝贝2下(40)“草原烈火”与“黄金峡谷”——深度分析美军对利比亚的两次作战行动/顼飞,等4下(46)虎口夺食——透视现代战场营救行动/冯伟,等5上(36)虎口拔牙——透视特种袭击行动/冯伟,等6上(38)巷战经典——美军费卢杰巷战诠析/佟鑫,等7上(43)擒贼擒王千里杀将——聚焦“杰罗尼莫”特种斩首行动/詹国林,等 8上(50)南奥塞梯俄格军事冲突战评析/鲁瑞海,等10上(31)从“南京大巴车劫持人质案”透视解救人质狙击行动/马志杰10下(48)目标“指引者”──透视战场引导打击行动/王磊,等民用武器4上(42)AR系步枪新口径:0.264英寸LBC-AR/刘亚丹7下(23)瓦尔基里BSR-MOD-1弹链供弹步枪/陈艳丽8下(38)HK MR308半自动步枪/卞荣宣9上(41)新品来兮——伯莱塔A400 Xplor Unico霰弹枪/李宜军,等10下(21)阿玛莱特SPR Mod1组件及步枪/陈艳丽11上(50)CZ新品:CZ 455边缘发火式步枪/陈艳丽军警装具1下(40)M1919A4/A6机枪之附件/王岐朋2上(38)勇破传统:鱼鹰消声器/贺庆国3上(27)M60机枪之附件(上)/夏天3下(52)M60机枪之附件(下)/夏天5下(42)M1903系列步枪之附件/夏天8下(47)汤姆逊冲锋枪手册之瑞典版/陈静雯10上(50)雷兴冲锋枪之配件/聂春明11下(48)亚洲各国M1911/M1911A1政府型手枪之附件/夏天军迷看影视2上(50)“X光”着陆场之战——从战术角度看影片《我们曾经是战士》/窦超2下(46)洛城枪战——影片《44分钟》观感/窦超5下(46)血战太平洋——我看美剧《太平洋》/沙展6下(46)“前天”的战争——点评《洛杉矶之战》/罗志红,等 9上(48)超越现实——评影片《天龙特攻队》中的疏漏/窦超11上(46)不屈的要塞——解读影片《布列斯特要塞》/窦超军事游戏1上(50)无尽的逃生之路——《求生之路2》/龚琛1下(44)虚幻与现实交织——《使命召唤7:黑色行动》/甘兆扬 2上(46)废土中的新天地——《辐射:新维加斯》/龚琛2下(50)真实的特警作战体验——《霹雳小组4》/甘兆扬3上(46)纵横江湖任我驰骋《黑手党2》/甘兆扬4上(44)科幻与二战的结合——《德军总部》/甘兆扬6上(42)沸腾南美丛林鏖战——《沸点》系列游戏/龚琛8下(44)残酷进化物语——《寄生前夜》系列游戏/龚琛军警技能3上(50)一招制敌术——防边腿技法(上)/陈伟3下(40)一招制敌术——防边腿技法(下)/陈伟7上(48)防棍制敌十技法(上)/肖相文7下(48)防棍制敌十技法(下)/肖相文9下(45)特种兵潜行渗透战术攻略/马志杰武器视界1上(33)金属风暴公司再推新品/田新月2下(53)隐形的勇士——“影子”护盾/方芳3下(25)2010年《美国步枪手》杂志“金靶心奖”与“金靶心先锋奖”/杨伟明 8上(28)美军列装更优5.56mm枪弹/D boy8上(43)冷酷与慈颜——武器的造型艺术/马式曾11上(42)台军40mm转轮榴弹发射器及T85下挂榴弹发射器/南飞11上(44)先进的EXO涂层/田新月外军军情7下(26)美国海军陆战队“强化连级作战”概念试验/刘成9上(38)美军手榴弹发展与使用现状/许新,等11下(39)纪录:英国驻阿富汗空降兵的巡逻战斗生活/毛翔军品发烧友7上(51)执着者的成功——奥克利品牌蜕变史/Youlei9上(54)夜鹰TK.9战术救生笔/鲁永军人物专访2下(33)一名美国军士眼中的西方轻武器/段方3下(19)一名外军特种兵眼中的国产03式步枪/马志杰尖端访谈1上(22)《机关枪炮》是如何成书的?——巴迪·豪威尔访谈录/文武,等 10上(15)乔治·孔蒂斯访谈录(上)/毛翔,等10下(24)乔治·孔蒂斯访谈录(下)/毛翔,等知识讲座3下(46)风偏修正二三招/陈志奇,等射击论坛4上(50)特种射手是如何炼成的——演练特种综合战斗射击/马志杰,等军演关注7下(42)雷火硝烟砺先锋——解放军工程兵指挥学院“先锋-2011”联训演习纪实/刘逢安,等博物博览8上(47)奥地利陆军军事历史博物馆浏览/王岐朋,等特警风采11下(25)特警气概绽放雄风——全国公安特警大练兵成果汇报演练侧记/张雄伟漫画吧4下(50)漫画轻兵器之一越共及北越军的轻武器Ⅰ/周辉,等5下(50)漫画轻兵器之一越共及北越军的轻武器Ⅱ/周辉,等6上(52)漫画轻兵器之一越共及北越军的轻武器Ⅲ/周辉,等6下(50)漫画轻兵器之一越共及北越军的轻武器Ⅳ/周辉,等7上(52)漫画轻兵器之一越共及北越军的轻武器Ⅴ/周辉,等7下(52)漫画轻兵器之二侵阿苏军使用的轻武器Ⅰ/周辉,等8下(50)漫画轻兵器之二侵阿苏军使用的轻武器Ⅱ/周辉,等9上(52)漫画轻兵器之二侵阿苏军使用的轻武器Ⅲ/周辉,等9下(53)漫画轻兵器之三朝鲜战场上美军使用的轻武器Ⅰ/周辉,等10上(48)漫画轻兵器之三朝鲜战场上美军使用的轻武器Ⅱ/周辉,等 10下(53)漫画轻兵器之三朝鲜战场上美军使用的轻武器Ⅲ/周辉,等 11下(53)漫画轻兵器之三朝鲜战场上美军使用的轻武器Ⅳ/周辉,等 12上(52)漫画轻兵器之三朝鲜战场上美军使用的轻武器Ⅴ/周辉,等兵器动态1上(54)德国研发多用途非致命榴弹发射器/王智鑫1下(39)美国陆军订购M2A1机枪快速更换枪管转换装置/王智鑫1下(39)英国寻求新型手枪替换勃朗宁大威力手枪/小开1下(39)美国陆军为驻阿富汗部队升级M24狙击步枪/觅海1下(53)以色列陆军为步兵部队装备新型武器/觅海2上(17)莱茵金属公司开发新型12.7mm重机枪/田新月2上(17)美军陆军对XM25武器系统进行战场评估/王浩2下(54)以色列国防军将装备新型Makelron榴弹发射器/觅海2下(54)英国对“Boomerang Warrior-x”佩戴式狙击手探测系统进行野外试验/晨星3下(13)斯洛伐克VMS 07式冲锋枪转向生产阶段/铁兰3下(18)FNH公司展示新型弩炮精确狙击步枪/方芳4下(45)通用动力公司展出新型机枪/乐晴4下(45)MX4“风暴”冲锋枪将交付印度内政部/刘婧6上(13)美国陆军大量采购武器热成像瞄具/乐晴6上(20)瑞典“跟踪射击”遥控武器站成功进行试验/刘倩6上(20)美国ATK公司展示新型模块化先进武器系统/刘倩6上(49)法国推出WASP遥控武器站/忆冰6下(33)西班牙陆军接收新型轻武器模拟训练系统/王少然6下(33)韩国K-11步榴枪不合格率高/王浩7下(51)达信公司公布“士兵之眼”智能手机/小开7下(51)法军采购FN公司轻机枪/鲁文涛7下(51)美军XM25在阿富汗战场表现优异/王浩7下(53)美陆军接收大量“耳朵”单兵狙击手定位系统/王智鑫7下(53)印度全球招标防水突击步枪/袁文帅8上(46)英国派锐电子公司推出非制冷热像仪/小开8下(24)美军大量采购微型激光测距仪/觅海8下(24)英国订购“米尼米”7.62mm轻机枪/小开10上(47)美国陆军M4卡宾枪替换项目再出新竞争者/王智鑫11上(53)以色列国防军将大量装备“内格夫”5.56mm紧凑型轻机枪/小开 11上(53)瑞典需求新型40mm自动榴弹发射器/觅海12下(16)捷克接收新型突击步枪/王智鑫12下(16)澳大利亚多发枪挂发射器将配用“泰瑟”低致命弹/王金志读者苑1上(39)2010年第四季度“读者评刊”获奖名单1上(54)读编往来1上(54)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名1下(39)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名1下(53)2010年第六期“阅读《轻兵器》参与有奖答题”答案暨获奖名单 1下(53)2011年《轻兵器》有奖征订获奖名单2上(42)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名2下(23)读者评刊表2下(35)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名3上(26)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名3上(26)《轻兵器·论文集》征稿启事3下(50)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名3下(50)《轻兵器·论文集》征稿启事3下(50)2011年第一期“读者评刊”获奖名单3下(50)2011年第一期“阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名”答案暨获奖名单 4上(25)《轻兵器·论文集》征稿启事4上(54)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名4下(45)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名4下(45)《轻兵器·论文集》征稿启事4下(51)读者评刊表5上(49)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名5下(33)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名5下(33)2011年第二期“读者评刊”获奖名单5下(33)2011年第二期“阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名”答案暨获奖名单 6上(49)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名6下(53)《轻兵器·论文集》征稿启事6下(53)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名6下(53)读者评刊表7上(54)2010年第12(下)中插彩图“疑似波波沙冲锋枪改进型”回音 7上(54)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名7下(41)2011年第三期“阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名”答案暨获奖名单 7下(51)2011年第三期“读者评刊”获奖名单7下(51)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名8上(46)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名8下(51)读者评刊表8下(53)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名9上(53)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名9下(54)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名9下(55)2011年第四期“阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名”答案暨获奖名单 9下(55)2011年第四期“读者评刊”获奖名单10上(47)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名10下(52)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名10下(52)读者评刊表11上(27)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名11下(17)2011年第五期“阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名”答案暨获奖名单 11下(17)2011年第五期“读者评刊”获奖名单11下(47)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名12上(54)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名12下(19)2011年度“读者评刊”获奖名单12下(52)2011年总目次12下(58)阅读《轻兵器》看图猜枪名12下(58)读者评刊表彩图欣赏1上(1)土耳其MKE公司DG90 7.62mm狙击步枪1上(3)美国海军Mk13 Mod 5 0.300英寸狙击步枪1上(28)保加利亚阿森纳公司Shipka 9mm冲锋枪1下(1)瑞士西格-绍尔SSG 3000型7.62mm狙击步枪1下(3)德国HK SL7 7.62mm半自动民用步枪1下(28)感悟雷明顿M700 ADL 7.62mm狙击步枪2上(1)XM25榴弹武器系统最新改进型亮相阿富汗战场2上(3)英国AI公司新型AX338战术步枪2上(28)意大利布瑞达M37 8mm重机枪2下(1)雷明顿公司MSR模块化狙击步枪2下(3)西格-绍尔STL-300J战术附件2下(28)美国标准型M2 7.62mm卡宾枪装配图3上(1)美国SEI公司M21A5“狂马”7.62mm狙击步枪3上(3)AKMSU 7.62mm短突击步枪3上(30)英国南方枪械公司新型活塞导气式卡宾枪3下(1)中国QBS09式18.4mm霰弹枪3下(3)CQB AR定制步枪3下(28)美国麦格普公司M4 CQB/R卡宾枪4上(1)瑞典萨伯公司LSR-50半自动反器材步枪4上(3)HSQ强力毁锁枪4上(30)俄罗斯OC-14-4A-1型9mm突击步枪4下(1)Kel-Tec公司KSG 12号口径唧筒式霰弹枪4下(3)Kel-Tec公司RFB 7.62mm无托式步枪4下(28)Kel-Tec公司长枪管型RFB步枪5上(1)捷克CZ 805 BREN A1突击步枪5上(3)美国微波国际有限公司ARG-3非致命气枪5上(30)美国Kel-Tec公司SUB-2000冲锋枪5下(3)国产RBW643 46mm手持干扰火箭武器系统5下(28)国产舰用PL-130型抛缆枪6上(1)美国EFI公司338LM狙击步枪6上(3)FN公司狙击型FAL步枪6上(28)十字军腰刀7.62mm步枪6下(1)QBU10式12.7mm半自动狙击步枪6下(3)CS/LW7型64mm便携式防暴发射器新弹种——灭火弹。



国家(英语) IUC代码 Algeria Germany Romania Russia Russia Russia Russia France Russia Turkey Mongolia Belarus Morocco Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia ALG D ROU RUS RUS RUS RUS F RUS TUR UZB MNG BLR MRC RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS RUS
Turkmenistan TKM
乌兹别克斯坦 Uzbekistan
22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43
171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 171 177 180 180 180 180 180 180 183 189 189 189
俄语 德语 英语 乌克兰语 英语 乌克兰语 乌克兰语 乌克兰语 德语 英语 乌克兰语 德语 哈萨克语/俄语 哈萨克语/俄语 哈萨克语/俄语 俄语 俄语 土耳其语 法语 格鲁吉亚语 意大利语 冰岛语





























PARTS INCLUDED1 P C Mishimoto Aluminum Fan Shroud3PC Mishimoto 10" Slim Electric Fans1 P C A/C Fan Adapter Harness1 P C Application-Specific W iring Harness1PC Insulating Adhesive-Backed Foam Strip1 P C Mounting Hardware PackTOOLS NEEDED7mm Socket8mm Socket10mm SocketT30Torx1/4" Drive Ratchet & Extension2.5mm Allen KeySoldering IronPliersINSTALL TIME 3 Hours INSTALL DIFFICULTY 00000 DISCLAIMER•Raise vehicle only on jack stands or on a vehicle lift.•Allow vehicle to cool completely prior to attempting installation.•Do not run the engine or drive the vehicle while overheating; serious damage can occur.•Please dispose of any liquids properly.•Mishimoto is not responsible for any vehicle damage or personal injury due to installation errors, misuse, or removal of Mishimoto products.•Mishimoto suggests that a trained professional install all Mishimoto products.INSTALL PROCEDURE1.Remove the bolts on the upper support bar.(4x T30 torx bolts)2.Remove the bolts that secure the upper supportbar. You will need to remove the battery to reachone of the covered bolts. (6x 10mm bolts)3.Unscrew the bolts that secure the radiator to theupper support bar. (2x 8mm bolts)4.Remove the bolts on the fan shroud. These canbe 10mm or 8mm. (2x 8/10mm bolts)5.Detach the metal support just behind the grille'stop edge. (4x 10mm bolts) CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE O 16.Take out the loose upper support bar.7.Separate the fan shroud connecter. Push the redtab on the side and then depress the black tab atthe center.8.Lift the AC condenser fan out from behindthe radiator.9.Remove the adjacent fan shroud. You may needto unscrew bolts on the fan clutch assembly.Replace the nuts once the fan is out.(4x 10mm nuts)10.Remove the brackets that hold the AC condenserto the radiator. (2x 8mm nuts)11.Put the push probe sensor about 3" down fromthe top of the radiator and 1" over from theheader plate.12.If you're not using a push probe sensor, you aregoing to instead install the NPT plug and sensoronto your end tank or splice it into the hose onyour cooling system. With the NPT plug, this willattach to the passenger-side end tank on yourMishimoto radiator.13.An earlier version Mishimoto radiator will requireyou to obtain an adapter by contacting MishimotoCustomer Service. The two spots where you cancut the hose and install the adapter are on eitherCONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE O 2side of the compressor. Line up the adapter with the hose before making your cut to avoidremoving too much. Once the adapter is installed with worm gear clamps, wrap the NPT plug with Teflon tape and thread it into the adapter.14.Reattach the AC condenser to the radiator.(2x 8mm nuts)15.Install the fan controller unit to the back of thefan shroud in the orientation shown here.(2x 4mm bolts, 2x 4mm nuts)16.Measure 1 ½" over from the passenger side of thefan shroud and place a foam strip on the top and bottom.17.Place a longer foam strip along both thepassenger side and driver side edges.18.Lower the fan shroud behind the radiator.19.Reposition the nut clips on the upper support bar.20.Align the clips on the coolant hose so theycorrespond with the new clip positions.21.Attach the fan shroud to the upper support bar.(2x 8/10mm bolts)22.Reattach the upper support bar. (6x 10mm bolts)23.Connect the fan shroud wiring on the driver side.Use the provided jumper cable if the connectors do not match. Tuck the wiring out of the way and zip tie it to the fan.CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGEO 324.Plug in the connector for the fan controller.25.At this stage in the install, you will begin thewiring setup. Use the diagram provided at the end of this guide for a reference in completing the steps that follow.26.Follow the red wire from the fan controller to thefuse. Just after the fuse, about 3" or 4", cut the red wire.27.Take the black wires coming from each fan andcut off the bullet connectors. Strip the ends so they are the same length as the red wire. Crimp together the three wires and seal the assembly with the provided end terminal connector.28.Cut the bullet connectors off the blue wire comingfrom each fan. Twist the two cut wires together.Put them inside the male spade connector and crimp the connector. Apply solder to the assembly.29.Run the provided red wire behind the battery tothe positive terminal. The other end runs to the blue wire. Cut the excess wire.30.Strip both ends of the red wire. Crimp the shownconnector onto one end. Apply solder and seal the connector using 1" of heat shrink.31.Slide 2" of heat shrink onto the opposite end.Crimp a female spade connector onto this end and apply solder. DO NOT yet seal with heat shrink.32.Attach the female and male spade connectors.Slide the heat shrink over the connection and apply heat to seal it.CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE0433.Run the black wire from the fan controller to thebattery's negative terminal. Repeat previous stepsfor attaching a connector to this wire-strip,crimp, solder, and seal the assembly.34.Take the long red wire and attach a fuse jumperto the red wire using two spade connectors. Applyheat shrink over the two spades. You can useany fuse here as long as it's a switchedignition source.35.Find an access point to get through the firewall.The easiest way to do that is to do so through thefuse box, which is in the passenger-side foot well.Ours was completed through an access point onthe driver-side firewall. Yours may be different.36.Remove the fuse box cover. Plug the fuse on thered wire into the box. Replace the fuse box cover.bine the yellow wire from the fan controllerwith the other end of the red wire. Strip the otherend of the red wire from the fuse box. Do thesame with the yellow wire coming from the fancontroller. Slide heat shrink over the yellow wire.Connect the red and yellow wires using a crimpconnector. Seal the assembly with theheat shrink.38.The green wire is optional. Tuck it away andsecure it if not being used. The green wire allowsyou to hook up to a positive battery source and itwill kick on the fans. Some builds may want tohook the green wire up to a positive switch insidethe cabin, so the fans before are activatedby temperature.39.Connect the temperature sensor. Secure anyloose wiring.40.Apply the wiring cover included in your kit. Startnearest to the fan controller and work your wayaround to the back of the engine.41.Secure the wiring so it is out of the way.42.Connect the positive line to the positive terminalon the battery, and negative line to thenegative terminal.CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE O 543.Zip tie all loose wiring to keep it from getting intothe engine.44.Reinstall the metal support just behind the grille'stop edge. (4x 10mm bolts)45.Secure the edge of the upper support bar.(4x T30 torx bolts)46.Secure the upper support bar to the radiator.(2x 8mm bolts)47.Check when the fans turn on before getting onthe road. Run the engine to get it up intemperature and make sure the fans turn on atthe right time. If the fans are not turning on at the right temperature, adjust the temperature bysimply removing the small rubber plug at theback of the fan controller and using a flat headscrewdriver to change whether they come onsooner or later in the temperature range.Congratulations! You have finishedinstalling the Mishimoto 1989-2001 JeepCherokee XJ 4.0L Fan Shroud Kit. CONTINUED ON FOLLOWING PAGE 06WIRING DIAGRAM/POSITIVE FAN WIRE TO BATTERY (+)RED -30AMP FUSE\FAN CONTROLLER YELLOW -TO SWITCHED IGNITION (12VDC)BLACK -TO CHASSIS GROUND(-)GREEN -MANUAL/ A C OVERRIDE CIRCUIT+ l 2DC07。

ртфм 2007 - 2011 Ford Expedition 2011 Ford Explore

ртфм 2007 - 2011 Ford Expedition 2011 Ford Explore

Page 1©2007 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.14105A (020911)For warranty information regarding this product, visit /warrantyA u t o m o t i v e : Installation Guide:Lightbar Roof Rack Mount 2007 - 2011 Ford Expedition2011 Ford Explorer®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.Internet: Sales e-mail:*******************Customer Service e-mail:*******************51 Winthrop Road,Chester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Set Screw (QTY 4)Stop Nut (Qty 6)Installation:IMPORTANT! The lightbar should be a minimum of 16" from any radio antennas!1.Remove the cover from roof rack (see photos), insert the 3 slide mounts into the track in the roof rack and replace the cover (Fig. 1).2.Snap the nylon retaining washers onto the slide mounts then secure the mounting bracket to the slide mounts with the supplied hardware.3.Insert the 3 slide mounts into the tracks on the vehicle roof rack then snap the “nylon retaining washers” onto the slide locks. This will hold them in place while you are doing the installation.4.Slide both mounting brackets into their track in the bottom of the lightbar base (Fig. 2) and secure them there with the supplied set screws.5.When you have positioned the mounting slides where you wish to mount the lightbar, secure the bracket to the slides using the supplied 14-20elastic stop nuts and 1/4” flat washers (Fig. 3) and installation is complete.©2007 Whelen Engineering Company Inc.Form No.14105A (020911)For warranty information regarding this product, visit /warrantyA u t o m o t i v e : Installation Guide:Lightbar Roof Rack Mount 2007 - 2011 Ford Expedition2011 Ford Explorer®ENGINEERING COMPANY INC.Internet: Sales e-mail:*******************Customer Service e-mail:*******************51 Winthrop Road,Chester, Connecticut 06412-0684Phone: (860) 526-9504Set Screw (QTY 4)Stop Nut (Qty 6)Installation:IMPORTANT! The lightbar should be a minimum of 16" from any radio antennas!1.Remove the cover from roof rack (see photos), insert the 3 slide mounts into the track in the roof rack and replace the cover (Fig. 1).2.Snap the nylon retaining washers onto the slide mounts then secure the mounting bracket to the slide mounts with the supplied hardware.3.Insert the 3 slide mounts into the tracks on the vehicle roof rack then snap the “nylon retaining washers” onto the slide locks. This will hold them in place while you are doing the installation.4.Slide both mounting brackets into their track in the bottom of the lightbar base (Fig. 2) and secure them there with the supplied set screws.5.When you have positioned the mounting slides where you wish to mount the lightbar, secure the bracket to the slides using the supplied 14-20elastic stop nuts and 1/4” flat washers (Fig. 3) and installation is complete.。


• atomization 3.000 tons/year Al, Cu, Bronze
• TOZ METAL atomization
• 1.000 tons/year Al
• 6.000 tons/year Mg chips ........< 300 tons/year powders
APMA 2011 Oct 30 - Nov 2 2011 Jeju - Korea
Metal Powder Import Trends
APMA 2011 Oct 30 - Nov 2 2011 Jeju - Korea
Metal Powder Import/Export Trends Fe & Steel Powders
APMA 2011 Oct 30 - Nov 2 2011 Jeju - Korea
• Manufacturer of different powders having capacity of 3.000 tons/year • Manufacturer of sintered friction materials; friction linings, clutch pads, thrust washers • Only known company produces own powders needed for its P/M processes • 80% of the final products are exported. • Also establishes, turn-key factories related to P/M & Sintering Technologies. So far, five turnkey factories were established three of them are located outside of Turkey.

Method and apparatus for providing real-time calcu

Method and apparatus for providing real-time calcu

专利名称:Method and apparatus for providing real-time calculation and display of tissuedeformation in ultrasound imaging发明人:Torp, Hans Garmann,Olstad, Bjorn,Heimdal,Andreas,Bjaerum, Steinar申请号:EP00306794.9申请日:20000809公开号:EP1079240A3公开日:20041229专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:An ultrasound system and method for calculation and display of tissuedeformation parameters are disclosed. An ultrasound acquisition technique that allows a high frame rate in tissue velocity imaging or strain rate imaging is employed. With this acquisition technique the same ultrasound pulses are used for the tissue image and the Doppler based image. A sliding window technique (160,161,162,163,164) is used for processing. The tissue deformation parameter strain is also determined by an accumulation of strain rate estimates for consecutive frames over an interval. The interval may be a triggered interval generated by, for example, an R-wave in an ECG trace. The strain calculation (150) may be improved by moving the sample volume from which the strain rate is accumulated from frame-to-frame according to the relative displacement of the tissue within the original sample volume. The relative displacement of the tissue is determined by the instantaneous tissue velocity of the sample volume. An estimation of strain rate (150) based upon a spatial derivative of tissue velocity is improved by adaptively varying the spatial offset, . The spatial offset, , can be maximized to cover the entire tissue segment (e.g., heart wall width) while still keeping both of the sample volumes at each end of the offset within the tissue segment. This may be accomplished by determining whether various parameters (e.g., grayscale value, absolute power estimate, magnitude of the auto-correlation function with unity temporal lag and/or magnitude of strain correlation) of the sample volumes within in the spatial offset are above a given threshold.申请人:GE Vingmed Ultrasound AS地址:P.O. Box 141 3191 Horten NO国籍:NO代理机构:Pedder, James Cuthbert更多信息请下载全文后查看。



专利名称:HEATING UNIT, TIRE HEATING DEVICE, AND TIRE MOLD MODIFYING METHOD发明人:OKADA, Kazut c/o Kobe Corp. Resrch.Laborat. in Kobe Steel, Ltd,KUWABARA,Hideaki c/o Kobe Corp. Resrch. Laborat. inKobe Steel, Ltd,MITAMURA, Hisashi c/oTakasago Works in Kobe Steel^,Ltd.,MURATA, Tomomichi c/o TakasagoWorks in Kobe Steel^, Ltd.,TOSHIMA,Masatake c/o Kobe Corp. Resrch. Laborat. inKobe Steel, Ltd,FUJIEDA, Yasuhiko c/oTakasago Works in Kobe Steel^, Ltd.申请号:EP07807779.9申请日:20070921公开号:EP2065151A1公开日:20090603专利内容由知识产权出版社提供专利附图:摘要:The present invention provides a heating unit capable of easily and inexpensively adjusting total impedance based on tire mold size so that a power source can be used at a high power factor, and a tire heating apparatus using the same. A ferromagnetic metallic member 10a heats a tire mold M1 by heat conduction. An induction heating coil C1 is disposed on the side of the ferromagnetic metallic member 10a opposite the tire mold M1 to induction-heat the ferromagnetic metallic member 10a by generating magnetic field lines. A nonmagnetic conductor 30a is disposed on the side of the induction heating coil C1 opposite the ferromagnetic metallic member 10a to shield the magnetic field lines generated by the induction heating coil C1. A heating unit 100a including these elements heats the tire mold M1 storing a tire. A relative positional relationship among the nonmagnetic conductor 30a, the induction heating coil C1 and the ferromagnetic metallic member 10a is set by first spacers 71a and 72a and second spacers 21a to 23a.申请人:Kabushiki Kaisha Kobe Seiko Sho地址:10-26 Wakinohama-cho 2-chome Chuo-ku Kobe-shi Hyogo 651-8585 JP国籍:JP代理机构:TBK-Patent 更多信息请下载全文后查看。


申请号:J P 4 686678 申请日:197804 20 公开号:J P S54 138850A 公开日:19791027
摘要:PURPOSE:To save labor for the sheet threading wrtening of the sheet threading time, by supporting the work roll chock on the support chock rotatably installed in the housing. CONSTITUTION:After threading the steel sheet between the upper and lower work rolls 1, 2, the motor 8 is driven to turn the support chocks 6', 7', for 180 degrees turning the work rolls 1, 2, simultaneously; hereby, the steel sheet is wound round the work rolls 1, 2. While this sheet threading period, the connector 12 is moved to the right against the spindle 10 through the connector of spline 11 of the connector 12 in the spindle 10, and the connection with the shaft end of the work rolls 1, 2, is disconnected; after that, the support chocks 6', 7', are turned. When the sheet is completely threaded, the connector 12 is moved to the initial position, and is connected to the shaft end of the work rolls 1, 2; hereby, the rolling condition becomes ready. According to this method, the sheet threading work is smoothly finished without damaging the steel sheet and the work rolls 1, 2.

The BigChaos Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize

The BigChaos Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize
The BigChaos Solution to the Netflix Grand Prize
Andreas T¨ oscher and Michael Jahrer commendo research & consulting Neuer Weg 23, A-8580 K¨ oflach, Austria {andreas.toescher,michael.jahrer}@commendo.at Robert M. Bell∗ AT &T Labs - Research Florham Park, NJ September 5, 2009
The Netflix Prize Dataset
The dataset consists of 5-star ratings on 17770 movies and 480189 anonymous users. It was collected by Netflix in a period of approximately 7 years. In total, the number of ratings is 100480507; the probe set of size 1408395 is a subset of them. The goal of the contest is to predict the qualifying set (size: 2817131 samples) and achieve a RMSE score of at least 0.8563 on the quiz subset, to get qualified for the Grand Prize. The quiz set is an unknown 50% random subset of the qualifying set. The judging criteria for winning the Netflix Grand Prize is the four digits rounded RMSE score on the test set (remaining 50%). In the case of a tie the earliest submission wins. The probe set has equal statistical properties as the qualifying set. Furthermore it is used as a hold-out set during the competition. Full description of the rules can be found under [1].






一、什么是艾宾浩斯记忆遗忘曲线?艾宾浩斯记忆遗忘曲线是由德国心理学家厄宾浩斯(Hermann Ebbinghaus)在19世纪末提出的一种描述记忆遗忘过程的曲线模型。




二、艾宾浩斯记忆遗忘曲线的特点1. 快速遗忘期:学习新知识后的最初几个小时是遗忘速度最快的时期,遗忘率很高。


2. 遗忘速度逐渐减缓:随着时间的推移,遗忘的速度逐渐减缓,但仍然存在一定的遗忘率。


3. 稳定期:经过一段时间的学习和回顾,记忆开始趋于稳定,遗忘率趋于平缓。


三、如何应对艾宾浩斯记忆遗忘曲线?1. 分散复习:艾宾浩斯曲线表明,持续的复习可以有效降低遗忘率。



2. 主动学习:与被动学习相比,主动参与学习并积极运用所学知识可以提高记忆的保持。



在实验 1 中,由于线索启动后视觉像所造成 的视觉暂留,以及被试理解线索会延续数百毫
秒,所以将短 SOA 设置为 400 ms。依据前人研究 (Cheng et al., 2012; Gao et al., 2016),将长 SOA 设 置为 800 ms。这样可更充分地体现 TBF 激活的整 个过程。本研究推测:400 ms 的 SOA 条件下,由 于加工时间非常有限,加工项目和探测会激烈地 竞争注意资源,保持 TBR 项目和主动抑制 TBF 项 目的注意资源都会受到同等程度的限制,导致探 测反应时差异不显著;800 ms 的 SOA 条件下,因 为主动压抑 TBF 项目激活的过程优先加工,被试 会优先摄取注意资源保证这一过程的顺利进行, 资源耗费多于维持 TBR 项目的资源量。随后当被 试再分配资源去加工探测刺激时,F 线索下探测任 务的注意资源会受到极大限制,反应时变长。
Fawcett 和 Taylor(2008)考察了 TBF 和 TBR 项目的资源耗费关系,研究者在项目加工后插入 对探测刺激的探测任务,其逻辑是项目加工会与 探测任务加工争夺认知资源,当一种项目(例如 TBF 项目)加工后,探测任务的反应时变慢,则 反 证 出 相 比 于 另 一 种 项 目 ( 例 如 TBR 项 目 ), 被 试加工该项目耗费了更多的认知资源,反之亦然。 研 究 者 提 出 了 三 种 假 设 :( 1) 相 比 于 TBR 项 目 , TBF 项目后探测任务的反应时短,可佐证选择性 复述理论的合理性。因为 TBF 项目的削弱是记忆
王梦颖 等:不同短时程 SOA 下定向遗忘的抑制加工过程
2 实验 1:项目法定向遗忘范式下 注意抑制机制的时间进程
2.1 被试 招募大学生 35 名,其中,17 名男生,18 名女





1.倍耐力年历中的超模们 [J], 朱晓琴;
2.倍耐力年历50周年庆典 [J],
3.倍耐力2013年历巴西发布 [J],
4.倍耐力在莫斯科推出2011年年历 [J], 无
年年历首度问世 [J], Ben



Installation Instructions Part Number 310-212 2011 Dodge Durango2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.7L and 3.6L2. A) Loosen the hose clamp on the airbox side of the factory intake tube. B) Disconnect the crankcase breather line from the airbox lid.3. Using a standard head screwdriver, carefully pry and separate the hose anchor from the airbox lid. This anchor will be reused on the Airaid Intake System.4. Remove the upper half of the airbox and the factoryair filter.5. Carefully separate the hood seal from the cleat on the airbox inlet. Pull gently from side to side to avoid tear-ing the seal.6. Unseat the lower half of the factory airbox from it’smounting grommets and remove the airbox and air inletduct as an assembly.8.Join the Panels together using the ten, 8-32 Thread Cutting Screws (#11).7. Fit the Front and Rear Panels (#2 and #3) together as shown with the tabs on the inside.9. A.) Install the Rubber bumper (#12) into the small hole in the panel assembly.B.) Transfer one of the factory airbox grommets into the large hole in the Panel as shown.A.B.Packing List:#1 700-539 Airaid Premium Filter 1 #2 KIT212RPC Rear Panel 1 #3 KIT212FPC Front Panel 1 #4 KITWSTRIP02 Weather Strip 22”1 #5 KITHOSE01 1/2”x13” Breather Hose 1 KIT212HPHardware & Instructions1#6 KIT212B Mounting Bracket 1 #7 KITELBOW04 1/2”x90deg. Elbow 1#8KIT15DHC3050 ¼-20 Button Head Bolt 2 #9 KIT09FWZ019 ¼” Flat Washer 2 #10 KIT1420WZZF 1/4-20 Flange nut 2 #11 KIT11TCPPCZ016 8-32 Thread Cutting Screw 10 #12 KITBMP03 Rubber Bumper 1Tools Required For Installation:5/32” Allen Wrench 5/16”, 10 and 13mm Sockets Ratchet & Extension, Pliers, and Standard and Phillips Head ScrewdriversNOTE : These instructions depict an installation being performed on a Jeep Grand Cherokee 5.7l and is meant to be a guide for all other makes and models listed. While some details may vary from vehicle to vehicle, the general install procedure remains the same.Disconnect The Negative Battery Terminal!1. Remove the engine cover.ABBefore! After!Don’t Forget Your AIRAID Filter Tune-Up Kit!P/N 790-551 Aerosol SprayP/N 790-550 Squeeze SprayThank you for purchasing the Airaid Intake System. Contact Airaid @ (800) 498-6951 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM MST weekdays for questions regarding fit or instructions that are not clear to you. Your Airaid Intake System was carefully inspected and packaged. Check that no parts are missing, or were damaged during shipping. If any parts are missing, contact Airaid. The air filter element is protected from direct exposure to wa-ter and debris; care should be taken not to drive through deep water. WATER INGESTION IS THE DRIVERS RESPONSIBILITY! The air filteris reusable and should be cleaned using the Airaid Filter Tune-Up Kit periodically.13. Install the Panel assembly into the engine compart-ment as shown. Slide the Mounting bracket underneaththe power steering reservoir and the airbox mountingpost through the grommet in the Panel. Secure the as-sembly by reusing the bolt from step12. Connect thefactory intake tube to the Airaid Intake tube and tightenthe clamp.10. Transfer the factory air inlet from the airbox and intothe Panel assembly.11. Install the Mounting Bracket (#6) onto the Panel as-sembly using the two 1/4-20 Button Head Bolts (#8), 1/4”Flat Washers (#9), and 1/4-20 Flange nuts (#10).12. Remove the bolt securing the power steering reser-voir and set it aside. This bolt will be reused in step 13.to hold the Mounting bracket.16. Double check your work!Make sure there is no foreign material in theintake path. Make sure all clamps, hoses,bolts, and screws are tight. Double check thehood clearance!Reconnect the negative battery cable!Instructions RevisionDate: 06/29/1114. On V8 motors, replace the factory crankcase breatherline with the 13” Breather Hose (#5) and connect it to theAiraid Intake Tube. Disregard the 90 deg. Elbow (#7) itwill not be used.15. On V6 motors, connect the factory crankcase breatherhard line to the Airaid Intake Tube using the 90 deg.Breather Elbow (#7). Disregard the 13” Breather Hose(#6) it will not be used.16. Install the Weather Strip (#4) to the top edge of thepanels, and reattach the hood seal.17. Install the Airaid Premium Filter.。

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