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塔木德目录(The Talmud directory)
Volume 1: seeds (zeraim)
1, berachoth berachoth, Eucharist
2, Peah angle. See the law in Leviticus 19:9
3, dammai questions. Buy food from suspected not pay taxes of the people there.
4, hybrid and hybrid kilayim.
5, the law of the shebiith Sabbath
6, terumoth the law of the heave offering
7, the question of maaseroth tax
8, maaseroth, sheni, another tax
9, challah and dough
10, orlah was not circumcised. The problem of fruit for four years after planting trees
11, bikkurim just ripe fruit to sacrifice
Second volume period (moed)
1 shabbath Sabbath book. 39 things relating to the prohibition of the sabbath, as well as related matters.
2, erubin deals with the sabbath, about boundaries.
3. Pesachim the Passover
4, shekalim taxes the temple every year
5, yoma day of Atonement
6, sukkah 'Book
7, beitzah gift book. On the prohibition and permission of labour during festivals.
8, Rosh Hashanah's book staying-up late on new year's Eve
9, taanith fast book
10, megillah scroll book.
11, MOE katan Festival, on the day the Passover and the feast of tabernacles.
12, chagigah, three pilgrimage days of sacrifice
Third rolls of women (nashim)
1, jebamoth's discussion about marriage, uncle's marriage, and what is forbidden by marriage
2, kethuboth marriage documents. Dowry and engagement.
3, nedarim vows
4 Nazir the will of the ear
5, sotah suspected that his wife was promiscuous
6, gittin the law of divorce
7, the book kiddushin st.. About marriage
Fourth volume of civil infringement (nezikin)
1, Baba kamma's first book. On bodily harm and damage to property.
2, Baba metzia in the book. A, commissioned sales and leasing.
3, Baba, bathra, the end of the book. Property and heritage issues.
4, Sanhedrin on the book. Judicial issues.
5, makkoth lash book. Perjury, and the question of escape city and crime.
6, shebuoth oath book. Swear a question in court and in private.
7, eduyyoth testimony. The testimony of the rabbis.
8, abodah, Zarah, teach differently. Pagan rituals.
9, Pirke aboth sages books. Maxims.
10, horayoth ruling. Negligence of authority.
The fifth volume of sacred duty (kodashim)
1, zebachim book of sacrifices.
2, menachoth rice sacrifice book.
3, an Chullin book. The slaughter of animals and the question of diet.
4, the first book of bechoroth.
5, Arachin valuation.
6, temurah replacement book.
7, kerithoth limb book. On the punishment of amputation.
8, meilah theft books. About stealing property from the temple.
9, tamid continuous book of sacrifices. Daily ritual in the temple.
10, middoth size book. About how to build the temple.
11, kinnim bird's nest book. About offering birds.
Sixth volumes of clean (teharoth)
1, kelim vessel book. On the pollution of utensils involved in the ceremony.
2, ohaloth tent book. The uncleanness of the body.
3, negaim book of plagues. The law of leprosy.
4, Parah cow book. About pure red cows.
5, teharoth pure book. An unclean euphemism for sunset.
6, mikwaoth bath book. Requirements for a clean ritual tank.
7, niddah period book.
8, machshirin on the question of the medium of liquids being unclean.
9, zabim leakage book.
10, tebul JOM daytime flooding problem.
11, jadayim hand cleaning book.
12, uktzin stem book. On the problem of unclean stems of fruit trees.
In addition, there are some classics:
1, aboth, D, Rabbi, Nathan's interpretation of aboth
2, soperim the writing rules of the Jewish church and the liturgy of the Eucharist
3, Ebel rabbathi funeral and mourning laws
4, kallah the interpretation of the bride's virginity
5, Derech Eretz Rabbah is not accepted as a marriage ethic
6, Derech, Eretz, Zuta, good law set
7, perek, Shalom peace
8, Gerim converts to Judaism
9, kuthim on Sama for Jewish law
10, abadm about Jewish slaves
11, sepher, Torah, Torah
12, MEZUZAH door frame
13, tephillin square box classics
14, tzitzith clothing side by Sui
In the second half of the fifth Century, scholars in the late "Mishnah" based on the continuous commentary supplement, this
work aims to form a "Mishnah annotations" "Gemara", meaning "learn to teach". Usually those in the "Gemara" in the interpretation of the law scholars called the amoraim (Amora). Similarly, in addition to the original system to amend the law work, earlier researchers have to edit the oral law to explain the "Hebrew Bible" literature, the rabbinic literature is known as the "Midrash" is. They are a lot of scholars believe that the books belong to the talmud.
Obviously, "Mara" leather characteristics is interpretation and debate, many scholars on the "Mishnah" notes will inevitably lead to the divergence of views and debate endlessly, these rich dialectic texts constitute the main style of horse leather.。
