生活大爆炸第四季 第一集 台词整理
最多不过是比《乡村熊狂欢节》里的\At best, it's a modest leap forward
使用的最基本的科技前进了一小步而已\from the basic technology that gave us Country Bear Jamboree.
好吧 我有个问题\Okay, I have a question.
请说 佩妮\Yes, Penny.
你不喜欢别人碰你\You don't even like people touching you.
你们怎么做爱呢\How are you going to have sex?
我们干嘛要做爱\Why on earth would we have sex?
亲爱的 你的私处开始发育的时候\Oh, honey, did your mom not have the talk with you?
你妈妈没跟你谈过吗\You know, when your private parts started growing?
我很清楚人类繁殖的方式\I'm quite aware of the way humans usually reproduce,
在实验室用培养皿受精\with fertility experts in a lab with petri dishes.
这倒提醒我\Which reminds me--
你不仅屁股大 而且头脑简单 精力充沛\you have broad hips and a certain corn-fed vigor.
看生活大爆炸学英语The Big Bang Theory第四季1集:The Robotic Manipulation-Howard:And now the Kung Pao Chicken.这是宫保鸡丁。
-Leonard:Ah, yeah. Wow.啊,好,哇。
-Howard:And finally,finally:最终,最后最后,my Moo Shu Pork.是我的木须肉。
-Raj:Whoo-hoo!哇塞!-Howard:Oh, there you have it, gentlemen.好了,先生们,你们都看到了Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.entire:全部的,整个的dinner:晚餐,晚宴unpack:打开机器人已经把所有饭菜取出来了。
-Raj:And it only took 28 minutes.仅仅花了28分钟时间。
-Sheldon:Impressive,impressive:令人钦佩的,给人印象深刻的真不错啊,but we must be cautious.cautious:谨慎的,小心的不过我们得小心点。
-Howard:Why?为什么?-Sheldon:Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot.retrieval:检索,取回,恢复今天,这是个中餐传递机器人,Tomorrow, it travels back in timetravel:旅行,旅途明天,它会及时地穿越时空,and tries to kill Sarah Connor.回去谋杀Sarah Connor(终结者外传女主人公)。
-Leonard:I don't think that's going to happen, Sheldon.Sheldon我可不相信会发生这样的事情。
说得非常正确 天才也性感 第一季 第 10 集 莱纳德?莱纳德?莱纳德 干啥 我得找你谈谈 现在是凌晨 2 点 很重要的事 我严重怀疑,走开. 你还在外面吗 没错 干嘛 你说的对 我们还是天亮了再说吧 什么 什么 什么 什么 什么 没事儿,很明显我在你熟睡的时候叫醒了你,你根本就没心情听 我说话 谢尔顿,到底什么事
a lot of casting people and agents. So, you never know.
I think I know. No, you don't. He doesn't. It's this Friday night at 8:00. You guys want to come? No. no. Because... uh...Friday we are attending a symposium on molecular positronium. I think that's a week from Tuesday,at 6:00. No, it's this Friday. At 8:00.
Sheldon Leonard Penny Leonard Leonard Sheldon Leonard Penny Sheldon Leonard Sheldon Leonard
All right, remember when I auditioned for that workshop production 是这样,记不记得我曾经参加了出租产品展示会的试镜却没通
⽣活⼤爆炸经典台词⽣活⼤爆炸经典台词 1、谢尔顿:剪⼑剪布,布包⽯头,⽯头砸死蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死史波克,史波克打碎剪⼑,剪⼑剪死蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃掉布,布否定史波克,史波克使⽯头蒸发,当然,⽯头砸碎剪⼑。
3、谢尔顿:你为什么哭? 彭妮:因为我很笨。
5、谢尔顿:⼀点误会?伽利略和教皇倒是有点误会…… 6、啊,万有引⼒,你这⽆良的婊⼦! 7、我不是神经病,我妈妈带我去检查过。
莱昂纳德:那你为什么告诉我? 谢尔顿:这是⼀次会话的开端。
谢尔顿:哦,是吗?我们正在会话啊,将死你! 9、莱昂纳德:你在彭妮家做什么? 谢尔顿:嗯,我们⽤餐,玩游戏,接着我在那度过了⼀夜。
10、谢尔顿:喂,彭妮,……我知道你现在因为原始的⽣理欲望⽽值得的同情,但是如果你在你之前有⼀个终⽣的错误决定,我怎么可能打断呢? 11、莱昂纳德:谢尔顿,看在上帝的.份上,我每次开⼝说话的时候必须举起讽刺牌吗? 谢尔顿(好奇地):你有⼀块讽刺牌? 12、谢尔顿:你尽管去试,但是你永远不会抓到我!Bazinga! 13、谢尔顿:莱昂纳德,你也许是对的。
莱昂纳德:你真的这么认为? 谢尔顿:当然不。
生活大爆炸第四季第一集_3剧情简介:The Big Bang Theory是一部以"科学天才"为背景的情景喜剧.四位科学天才分别是:可爱善解人意的Leonard,高智商零情商的Sheldon,会六国语言的Howard Wolowitz,以及患有严重的"与异性交往障碍症"的Rajesh Koothrappali.有一天,美貌性感的女孩Penny成为了Leonard与Sheldon的邻居,因此,一个美女和四个科学阿宅屌丝的故事就这样在笑声中开始上演.台词:-Leonard: How about an acetylene torch?acetylene torch: 乙炔焊炬用乙炔焊炬怎么样?-Howard: Okay, I can't believe this needs to be said out loud. loud: 响亮地,大声地我真不敢相信我要大声说出来,No pulling, no saws, no torches.不要拉,不要锯,不要焊炬。
-Leonard: Well, then what do you want us to do?好吧,那你要我们怎么做?-Woman: Howard, I made cookies for youcookies: 饼干Howard我给你和你的小朋友们and your little friends!做了饼干。
-Howard: That's great, Mom, thanks!那太好了,妈妈,谢谢。
-Woman: I'll bring them up with some Hawaiian Punch!Hawaiian punch: 夏威夷混合果汁我会把它们和夏威夷鸡尾酒一起送去。
-Howard: Don't come up here!不要上来!-Woman: Why not?! Are you ashamed of your mother?!be ashamed of: 难为情,对…感到羞耻为什么不?! 你以你妈为耻?!-Howard: Yes, but that's not the point!是的,但那不是重点!Get me out of here.把我从这里弄走。
——Sheldon 《生活大爆炸》2、你毁了我容忍SB的能力。
《生活大爆炸》3、I eat alone.I sleep alone. I cry alone. So....cool. 《The Big Bang Theory》4、人穷尽一生追寻另一个人类,共度一生的事,我一直无法理解。
——谢耳朵《生活大爆炸》5、"They say at the end of your life, you regret the stuff you didn't do more than the stuff that you did. 别人都说,人到了暮年,比起自己干过的事,会更后悔没有干过一些事情。
——Sheldon 《生活大爆炸》7、"Well, you can't force things. 有些事情是强求不来的。
《生活大爆炸》10、"The need to find another human being to share one's life with,has always puzzled me.Maybe because i'm so interesting all by myself with that being said.May you find as much"happiness with each other as i find on my own. ——Sheldon 《生活大爆炸》11、"One cries because one is sad. For example, I cry because others are stupid, and that makes me sad. 大家都是因为伤心才哭嘛。
生活大爆炸 经典台词
《生活大爆炸》经典台词赏析(1)Raj: I don’t like bugs, okay? They freak me out.Sheldon: Interesting. You’re afraid of insects and women. Ladybugs must render you catatonic.Raj:我不喜欢虫子行了吧?快把我吓死了。
catatonic直译是“紧张性精神病”,freak sb. out是美俚,是口语中很常见的表达,除了表示把某人吓得半死,也可以表达某事使人情绪波动、失去镇静、行为反常的状态,如:You’d better sit down, this news will freak you out.你最好坐下,这个消息会使你晕倒的。
Going to a funeral naturally makes you freak out about your future.参加葬礼一般都会让你对未来感到崩溃。
(2)Penny:Sheldon,come back.You’re lo sing me.佩妮:谢尔顿,打住,你把我绕晕了。
而在“You’re losing me.”里lose的意思则为”使人跟不上、不明白”,相当于confuse。
“跟得上、明白”还可以用with表示,Do you understand me?是比较中式英语的表达。
地道的表达是Are you with me?(3)Sheldon:Worst Renaissance Fair ever.Leonard:Please let it go,Sheldon.You’re nitpicking.Sheldon:史上最烂的文艺复兴集会。
-Shel don: In the winter, that seat is cl ose enough to the radiator to remain warm,冬天的时候,这个地方离电暖器最近,很暖和,and yet not so cl ose as to cause perspiration;也不会很热到直流汗。
in the summer, it's directly in the path of a cross-breeze created by opening wind ows there, and there.夏天的时候,这里又刚好可以吹过堂风,是来自这扇窗户和那扇的。
It faces the television at an angle that is neither direct, thus discouraging conversation,而且坐这里看电视的角度,可以直接看,又不会影响谈话,nor so far wide as to create a parallax distortion.不会太远,不至于造成脖子过分扭曲。
I could go on, but I think I've mad e my point.我可以继续,我想我已经说明白了。
别老记着? 这能忘得掉吗?Forget? You want me to forget?我这脑子啥东西忘得掉啊!This mind does not forget.从我妈给我断奶后我就没忘掉过一件事I haven't forgotten a single thing since the day my mother stopped breastfeeding me.- 那天是周二下着毛毛雨- 好了...- It was a drizzly Tuesday. - Okay...你哭什么Why are you crying?我哭我自己蠢啊Because I'm stupid!那也没理由哭啊That's no reason to cry.人只有悲伤的时候才该哭One cries because one is sad.比如说其他人都太蠢我感到悲伤For example, I cry because others are stupid所以我才哭我和许多女生交往过Well,I've dated plenty of women.Joyce Kim还有Leslie Winkle...There was Joyce Kim... Leslie Winkle...通知牛津英语词典的编辑们Notify the editors of the Oxford English Dictionary."许多"现在被重新定义为"两个"The word "plenty" has been redefined to mean "two."Sheldon 你是个聪明人Sheldon,you are a smart guy.- 你得知道- 我是"聪明人"?- You must know... - I'm "smart"?要被归为"聪明人" 我得去掉60点智商才行I'd have to lose 60 IQ points to be classified as "smart."- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Koothrappali.- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Hofstader.- Dr. Gablehauser. - Dr. Cooper.- Dr. Gablehauser. - Mr.Wolowitz.我是硕士I have a Master's degree.谁不是?Who doesn't?多年来我们一直潜心试图探究他将如何繁衍后代Over the years,we've formulated many theories about how he might reproduce.我主张的是有丝分裂I'm an advocate of mitosis.什么?I'm sorry?我相信总有一天当Sheldon吃到一定量的泰国菜I believe one day Sheldon will eat an enormous amount of Thai food他就会分裂成两个Sheldonand split into two Sheldons.另一方面我在想Sheldon可能是他这个物种的幼虫状态On the other hand,I think Sheldon might be the larval form of his species,有一天他会做茧不出俩月就破茧成蝶and someday he'll spin a cocoon and emerge two months later with moth wings and an exoskeleton.Howard 电话在响!Howard,the phone is ringing!我有个疯狂的主意老妈接电话如何!Here's a crazy idea,Ma: Answer it!你好?Hello?好的稍等All right,hold on.是你朋友Leonard!It's your friend,Leonard!他想知道你为什么今天没去上学!He wants to know why you're not at school today!我不是去上学老妈我在大学就职I don't go to school,Ma. I work at a university.那就是学校! 快接电话!That's a school! Now pick up the phone!我谁都不想理I don't want to talk to anybody.要我叫Leonard把你的家庭作业带来吗?Should I ask Leonard to bring over your homework? !我没什么家庭作业的I don't have homework.我是个拥有工程学硕士的大爷们I'm a grown man with a master's degree in engineering!抱歉了不起先生Excuse me,Mr. Fancy-Pants.想吃冰棒吗?Want me to get you a Popsicle?樱桃味的好吧!Cherry,please!樱桃味的我吃了只剩蔬菜味的了I ate the cherry. All that's left is green.你让我真想自杀呀You make me want to kill myself.她是位女生,她也是位朋友,但她不是我的,请原谅我做这个动作,"女朋友" She's a girl. She's a friend.She is not my-please forgive me for doing this--"Girlfriend."哼我不喜欢虫子怎么啦Yeah,well,I don't like bugs,okay?它们让我害怕They freak me out.有趣Interesting你既怕虫子又怕女人You're afraid of insects and women.瓢虫[英文: 女士+虫]还不得把你吓昏了Ladybugs must render you catatonic.不然你怎么考试How else are you gonna study for the tests?最好还要考试吗There's gonna be a test?可不止一次考试Test-sss.Sheldon 我看到你在为SmithsonianSo,Sheldon,I see you're organizing your papers傻冒儿博物馆赶论文呢for the Smithsonian Museum of Dumbassery.在撤下Leslie Winkle的永久展览前那里没有多余的展厅There won't be any room until they get rid of the permanent Leslie Winkle exhibit.我和Sheldon谈过了他也不好受Um,I talked to Sheldon and he feels terrible and he agrees他也觉得自己无理取闹有些过分了that he was unreasonable and out of line.真的?很好呀Really? Well,that's great.就给他道个小歉嘛?Yeah,so just apologize to him,okay?那么你和她...So,you and her...- 没啦普通邻居而已- 真的?- No,just neighbors. - Really.隔壁住着这样的妞儿怎么都不行动啊I don't know how you live next door to that without doing something about it.其实... 科学才是我的女神Actually... science is my lady.那年是1995年The year was 1995.地点是密西西比州首府杰克逊The place: Jackson,Mississippi.我坐了整整十个小时的汽车Having spent ten hours on a bus,途中甚至两次违反了我自己定下的规定During which I had to twice violate my personal rule在行驶的车辆上上了厕所Against relieving myself on board a moving vehicle...等我终于到达I finally arrived第四届美国南部星舰迷年度大会现场At the fourth annual Dixie-Trek convention却发现我的偶像威尔·惠顿上别处玩去了Only to find that my idol Wil Wheaton decided he had决定不过来帮我的超级英雄玩具签名了Better things to do than to show up and sign my Action Figure.什么What?你背弃了我威尔·惠顿You betrayed me,Wil Wheaton.现在我的复仇来了Now I have my revenge.No,no,I understand.要是我奶奶有个三长两短Anything happened to my mee-maw,我肯定成了伤心欲绝的小甜派I'd be one inconsolable moon pie.我得澄清一下I should clarify that statement By explaining that she calls me "moon pie." 我这么说是因为她叫我"小甜派"By explaining that she calls me "moon pie."这跟我爸说的完全一样That's exactly what my father said."来看球赛吧去看球赛吧""Come to the games. Watch the games."周复一周的Week in and week out from the time从五岁直到我上大学I was five until I went off to college.人生当中最漫长的七年Longest seven years of my life.这里乱得简直毫无编制体系而言I see no organizational system in here whatsoever.你周一穿什么内裤Which panties do you wear on Mondays?我不要内裤I don't need panties.只要短裤和衬衫I just need shorts and a shirt.妈妈经常跟我说My mother always told me一个人要穿干净内裤one should wear clean underpants以防发生意外in case one is in an accident.星星好漂漂啊Stars are pretty,aren't they?在那高高的地方Up above the world so high.像天上的小钻石Like little diamonds in the sky.太优美了兄弟That's beautiful,dude.你应该把这句话写下来You should... you should write that down免得被人山寨了before someone steals it.How did you see it?你说了不看的You said you wouldn't look.不好意思Sorry.正如我所说是英雄就偷窥As I told you,the hero always peeks你好克瑞普克Hello, Kripke.你此刻遭遇的经典恶作剧This classic prank comes to you来自恶意复仇的谢尔顿·库珀from the malevolent mind of Sheldon Cooper.如果你想看看自己那张蠢蛋脸If you'd like to see the look on your stupid face,这段视频即刻就会上传到YouTubethis video is being instantly uploaded to YouTube.并感谢莱纳德·霍夫斯塔德和拉杰·库萨帕里Oh, and a hat tip to Leonard Hofstadter and Raj Koothrappali 感谢他们在复仇大业中对我的支持与鼓励for their support and encouragement in this enterprise.我计划逃回印度去你呢实验日志第一篇Research journal, entry one.我准备开展I'm about to embark on one of科学生涯中的巨大挑战之一the great challenges of my scientific career:教佩妮物理学teaching Penny physics.我称之为大猩猩工程Please,please,I don't have a lot of time.听着Ramona总算打瞌睡了你得帮我甩了她Look,Ramona finally dozed off,and I need you to help me get rid of her.甩了她? 怎么个甩法?Get rid of her how?我不知道但显然我正处于某种关系中I don't know,but apparently I'm in some kind of relationship,而你似乎是终结这类关系的老手and you seem to be an expert at ending them.你说什么?Excuse me?我看见男人们一个接一个从这儿离开倒是没见过再回来的I see man after man leaving this apartment never to return.Sheldon 你真的很宽宏大量谢谢你我很感激Sheldon,this was big of you. Thank you. I really appreciate it.谢谢Thank you.- 晚安Sheldon - Penny...- Good night,Sheldon. - Penny...- 啥? - 你有一手- Yes? - Well played.谢谢Thank you.但请记住能力越大责任越大(出自)Just rember: with great power comes great responsibility.明白Understood.不是厉害是错误我没有改我的状态呀It's not bold,it's a mistake. I didn't change my status.那是谁改的?Well,then who did?我没的选择他在她面前哭了I had no choice. He cried in front of her.我明白你这么做觉得自己很大方但赠送礼物的基础原则是礼尚往来I know you think you're being generous,but the foundation of gift-giving is reciprocity. 你不是给我一份礼物You haven't given me a gift.你给了我一份责任You've given me an obligation.别太郁闷Penny 一般新手都会犯这个错误Don't feel bad,Penny,it's a classic rookie mistake.我和Sheldon过的第一个光明节他吼了我八夜My first Hanukah with Sheldon,he yelled at me for eight nights.没事的你用不着回赠礼物的Now,hey,it's okay. You don't have to get me anything in return.我当然得回赠了Of course I do.风俗的精髓就在于我得去给你买份价值相当的礼物The essence of the custom is that I now have to go out and purchase for you a gift of commensurate value才能够代表你的礼物所表达的相同的情意and representing the same perceived level of friendship as that represented by the gift you've given me.怪不得每年这个时候自杀率狂飙呀It's no wonder suicide rates skyrocket this time of year.忘了这事吧我不会送你礼物了Okay,you know what? Forget it. I'm not giving you a present.不太迟了我看见了No,it's too late. I see it.那个精灵贴纸上写着"赠Sheldon"That elf sticker says,"To Sheldon."就是啊看别人热闹最乐呵I know. It's funny when it's not happening to us.Sheldon 我真的非常抱歉Sheldon,I am very,very sorry.不我自找的谁叫我出现在你生命里又那么可爱那么举足轻重呢No. No,I brought this on myself by being such an endearing and important part of your life.我需要有人载我去卖场I'm going to need a ride to the mall.风水轮流转我们该倒霉了It's happening to us.这在Penny压力很大的前提下才有用That presupposes Penny is tense.她了解你她会压力很大的咱不都是嘛快买礼品篮吧!She knows you. She's tense. We all are. Buy a basket!喔太好了Penny 你终于来交换礼物了Ah,good,Penny,you're here to exchange gifts.你一定很高兴因为我的回礼准备很周到哦You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared for whatever you have to offer.行~ 给你Okay,here.先说一句我的肠胃不太舒服I should note I'm having some digestive distress,所以要是我突然离开一阵你可别慌so,if I excuse myself abruptly,don't be alarmed.你知道这对我意味着什么吗?!Do you realize what this means?!只需要一个健康的卵细胞就可以培育属于我的Leonard Nimoy了! All I need is a healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!Sheldon 你这是干嘛?!Sheldon! What did you do?!我知道啊!I know!这点东西咋够呢It's not enough,is it?这样好了Here.Leonard 看啊Sheldon拥抱我了诶Leonard,look! Sheldon's hugging me.真是农神节的奇迹呀It's a Saturnalia miracle.什么?What?他说也许我们该拿你参加机器人杀手大赛He said maybe we should enter you in the killer robot competition.Sheldon 你干嘛呢?Sheldon,what are you doing?我和这小女孩交朋友呢你叫什么名字?I'm making friends with this little girl. What's your name?RebeccaRebecca.嗨Rebecca 我是你的新朋友SheldonHi,Rebecca. I'm your new friend,Sheldon.不别搞了走吧No,you're not. Let's go.- 我俩聊得正投机呢- 别抬头上面有摄像头维持五个朋友的友情太困难了所以...Maintaing five friendships promises to be a Herculean task,so...我要开除你们其中一个I'm going to have to let one of you go.我我选我吧Me,me,let it be me.我有罪啊我淘汰了Guilty as charged. I'm out.不你也安全No. You too are safe.哦不是吧我该怎么做呀?Oh,come on. What do I have to do?来拿点吧有钱了再还Here. Take some. Pay me back when you can.哇里面钱还不少啊Wow,you got a lot of money in there.所以才派蛇来看守嘛That's why it's guarded by snakes.- 拿点吧- 别犯傻了- Take some. - Don't be silly.我才不傻I'm never silly.我的花销占我税后工资的46.9%My expenses account for 46. 9% of my after-tax income.其他钱就分摊给小的储蓄帐户The rest is divvied up between a small savings account,也就是这个糊弄人的花生脆罐子this deceptive container of peanut brittle还有一个超级英雄手办被掏空的屁股and the hollowed-out buttocks of a superhero action figure为了他的安全起见将继续隐姓埋名who shall remain nameless for his own protection.或者说为了她的安全起见Or her own protection.我考虑了一下那个问题You know,I've given the matter some thought,我想我愿意做高智商外星人的宠物and I think I'd be willing to be a house pet to a race of super-intelligent aliens. 有意思Interesting.问问我为什么Ask me why.必须问啊?Do I have to?当然了这样才能继续对话啊Of course. That's how you move a conversation forward.为什么呢?Why?将会有很多学习的机会The learning opportunities would be abundant.还有呢我喜欢人家挠我肚肚Additionally,I like having my belly scratched.干得好啊LeonardWell done,Leonard.真正的英雄不求恭维The true hero doesn't seek adulation.出于本性为正义和公平而战He fights for right and justice simply because it's his nature. 我错了I was wrong.歌手会写歌来歌颂你啊Minstrels will write songs about you.* 曾有一位勇敢的青年他的名字叫做Leonard ** There once was a brave lad named Leonard ** 满嘴跑火车逞英雄** With a -fi fiddle dee-dee ** 他与可怕巨人对峙** He faced a fearsome giant ** 而Raj却只想嘘嘘** While Raj just wanted to pee.*见到你真好妈妈Good to see you,Mother.这是你要的茶妈妈Here's your tea,Mother.- 乌龙茶? - 嗯- Oolong? - Yes.- 散装的不是袋泡的? - 嗯- Loose,not bagged? - Yes.- 泡了三分钟? - 嗯- Steeped three minutes? - Yes.- 加了2%的牛奶- 嗯- Two-percent milk? - Yes.- 分开加热的? - 嗯- Warmed separately? - Yes.- 一茶勺糖? - 嗯- One teaspoon sugar? - Yes.- 原糖? - 嗯- Raw sugar? - Yes.凉了It's cold.我再来一回I'll start again.我们说到哪了?So,where were we?Howard和他妈妈一起住Raj只有喝醉了才和女人讲话Howard lives with his mother and Raj can't speak to women unless he's drunk.开讲吧Go.说啥?Say what?不就是我刚说的嘛That's basically what I just said.你带老公来上班你知道规矩的You brought your husband to work. You know the rules.那是我的座That is my spot.在这个不断变化的世界中那是唯一一个连续点In an ever-changing world,it is a single point of consistency.如果将我的人生比作四维笛卡尔坐标系里的一个函数If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system, 在我第一次坐上那儿的时候那个座的坐标就是(0,0,0,0)that spot at the moment I first sat on it would be zero-zero-zero-zero.好吧All right.好了舒适惬意安逸0 0 0There,nice and comfy cozy. Zero,zero,zero.少了个0There's one more zero.你把时间参数忘了You forgot the time parameter.坐你的沙发吧Sit on the damn couch.宝贝你好...Hey,baby...他的右手给他打电话了?His right hand is calling him?不是啦是Leslie Winkle 说来话长No,it's Leslie Winkle. It's a long story.但...一切都变了But... Oh,this changes everything.什么是真的? 什么不是? 我怎么知道?What's real? What isn't? How can I know?那么你们干嘛还坐火车?Well,then why are you doing it?我们投票来着3票坐飞机Well,we had a vote. Three of us voted for airplane.Sheldon投坐火车所以我们坐火车Sheldon voted for train. So we're taking the trn.我是找到盒子了但没有钥匙Okay,I got a box,but there's no key in here.都是信Just letters.拿错盒子了放回去That's the wrg box. Put it back.哦Sheldon 都是你外婆寄的信?Oh,Sheldon,are these letters from your grandmother?表读那些信哦!Don't read those letters!呀瞧瞧她叫你"月亮派" 多可爱啊Oh,look,she calls you "Moon Pie." That is so cute.快把信放下!Put down the letters!- 我来了- 咋样月亮派?- I'm back. - What up,Moon Pie?除了外婆谁都不许叫我月亮派Nobody calls me Moon Pie but Meemaw!她叫我月亮派是因为我太口耐她想把我吃掉She calls me Moon Pie because I'm nummy-nummy and she could just eat me up.我是物理学家I'm a physicist.我对整个宇宙及其包含的事物都有所了解I have a working knowledge of the entire universe and everything it contains. Radiohead是干嘛的?Who's Radiohead?我对整个宇宙及其包含的重要事物都有所了解祝你好运了I have a working knowledge of the important things in the universe. Good luck.Penny 这是你的生意你有最终决定权Penny,this is your enterprise,so it's ultimately your decision,但鉴于Leonard的工作质量我强烈建议把他打发掉but based on the quality of his work,I'd strongly recommend that we let Leonard go.你想开了我?You want to fire me?我想怎样没关系是Penny的决定What I want is irrelevant. This is Penny's decision.早知道我要在周六晚上做这个我还不如待在印度You know,if I wanted to spend my Saturday nights doing this,I could have stayed in India.Penny 打工仔团体是需要好好教育的Penny,the labor force is a living organism that must be carefully nurtured.任何会产生不良后果的抱怨必须及时喝止看着Any counterproductive grumbling must be skillfully headed off by management. Observe. 少说话多干活Less talk,more work!- 做的好- 谢谢- Nicely done. - Thank you.你要看到什么交头接耳告诉我You hear any union talk,you let me know.要不要来点咖啡?Honey,do you want some coffee?我不喝咖啡I don't drink coffee.行了你要是睡过去了我们肯定完成不了Come on,but if you don't stay awake we'll never finish in time.对不起但是我绝不喝咖啡I'm sorry,coffee's out of the question.当我搬来加利福尼亚我答应妈妈不磕药的When I moved to California,I promised my mother that I wouldn't start doing drugs.Sheldon 我们还有380个要做呢Sheldon,we still have 380 of these things to make.晚安你们行的我对你们绝对有信心I have complete faith that you will make them. Good night.Leonard?Leonard?但是Shelon 没了你英明的领导我们的事业绝对是做不起来的But,Sheldon,without your insight and leadership this entire enterprise will surely fail.当然你说的对You're right,of course.来这个会有帮助Here,this will help.好吧但要这让我上瘾或产生幻觉Very well,but if this leads to opiates or hallucinogenics,你得去和我妈交待了you're going to have to answer to my mother.好吧我了解了你生气了Okay,I get it,you're angry.你不愿见到你的小鸟飞离巢穴You don't want to see your little bird leave the nest."小鸟"? 你都快30了!"Little bird"? You're almost 30!飞吧我的神呐!Fly,for God's sake!好我不搬! 开心了吧疯婆子?Fine,I'll stay! Ya happy,crazy lady?这么说吧我要怎么解释好呢?Oh,let's see. How can I explain this?他们不知道如何使用他们的盾Um,they don't know how to use their shields.盾?Shields?是的就像里的当你要战斗时你要举起你的盾Yeah,you know,like inStar Trek,when you're in battle and you raise the shields?这想法从哪儿冒出来的?Where the hell'd that come from?Penny 我发现你今晚也是一个人所以如果在某个时候Penny. I realize you're also on your own tonight,so if,at some point,你感觉到无聊了请千万不要来打扰我you find yourself with nothing to do,please do not disturb me.我几个礼拜前去你们那儿你们正巧不在我就忘在那儿了Well,I went in there a few weeks ago and you guys weren't home and I forgot it there. 你去了我的... 为什么... 你在说什么?You went in my... Why would... What are you saying?又没啥大不了的我不过是泡咖啡时没牛奶了It's not a big deal. I was making coffee and I ran out of milk.你是那个偷奶贼!You're the milk thief!Leonard说我多心了可我就是觉得盒子变轻了Leonard said I was crazy,but I knew that carton felt lighter Penny?干嘛What?我睡不着I can't sleep.也许是因为你的大窟窿还张着Maybe that's because your hole is still open.我想家I'm homesick.你家离这不过20尺Your home is 20 feet from here.20尺还是20光年这都不重要20 feet,20 light-years,it doesn't matter.在我这如同一个星系那么遥远It's in a galaxy far,far away.可恶Damn it.你想让我怎么办What do you want me to do?给我唱"软软凯蒂猫"Sing "Soft Kitty."那是只有你生病时才唱的歌That's only for when you're sick.思家也是一种病Homesick is a type of being sick.拜托真的要唱吗Come on,do I really have to?那设想下我们通宵达旦闲话家常I suppose we can stay up and talk.- Penny? - Yeah?谢谢你留我在这过夜Thank you for letting me stay here.不客气甜心You're welcome,sweetie.好我已经困了你出去Okay,I'm sleepy now. Get out.不知道我为啥要担心I don't see why I have to worry.又不是我的事业悬而未决My career's not hanging in the balance.开玩笑呢That was a joke.很好笑It's funny,因为这是事实because it's true.休斯顿这里是国际空间站Houston,International Space Station.我们这有点小状况We have a little situation up here.我们要临时安排一次太空行走We'd like to make an unscheduled space walk.国际空间站这里是休斯顿I.S.S.,Houston.将有哪些成员出舱?Which crew members would be involved in this E.V.A.?我们都想出舱走走Houston,we'd all like to step outside for a few minutes.这将不予批准I.S.S.,I'm afraid we can't authorize that.其实我们只是通知一下Houston,this is more of an FYI call.我们已经被迫出舱了We are basically out the door.好家伙的我的宗教说如果我们这一世受苦下一世会得到回报的My religion teaches that if we suffer in this life we are rewarded in the next. 和Sheldon在北极呆三个月Three months at the North Pole with Sheldon,我就能转世投胎成一个长翅膀的大屌亿万富翁了!and I'm reborn as a well-hung billionaire with wings!。
生活大爆炸经典中英文台词1. "Bazinga!" - Sheldon"霹雳!"-谢尔顿2. "I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested." - Sheldon"我没疯。
"-谢尔顿4. "You can't deny it. There's something between us." - Leonard."你不能否认。
"-莱纳德5. "Penny, fur is murder, but not delicious, delicious murder." - Sheldon"佩妮,毛皮是杀生,但非常美味的杀生。
"-谢尔顿6. "One can only assume there's a button that says 'Remind me I have a penis' and you just hit it." - Penny"人们只能猜测到你这样一个按键-‘提醒我我有一个生殖器’-你只需要按它即可。
"-佩妮7. "I'm not crazy. My mother had me tested. Although eclecticism is a sign of genius. Just ask my mother, she testifies to that statement." - Sheldon"我不疯。
生活大爆炸第四季 第一集 台词整理
Howard: And now the Kung Pao Chicken. 这是宫保鸡丁。
-Leonard: Ah, yeah. Wow. 啊,好,哇。
-Raj: Smooth. 厉害。
-Howard: And finally, my Moo Shu Pork. 最后,是我的木须肉。
-Raj: Whoo-hoo! 哇塞!-Howard: Oh, there you have it, gentlemen. Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.好了,先生们,你们都看到了机器人已经把所有饭菜取出来了。
-Raj: And it only took 28 minutes. 仅仅花了28分钟时间。
-Sheldon: Impressive, but we must be cautious.真不错啊,不过我们得小心点。
-Howard: Why? 为什么?-Sheldon: Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot. Tomorrow, it travels back in time and tries to kill Sarah Connor.今天,这是个中餐传递机器人,明天,它会及时地穿越时空,回去谋杀Sarah Connor(终结者外传女主人公)。
-Leonard: I don't think that's going to happen, Sheldon.Sheldon 我可不相信会发生这样的事情。
-Sheldon: No one ever does. That's why it happens.。
-Penny: Hey. Is the food here? Ooh. What's that?嘿,外卖都到了? 哇,那是什么?-Howard: That, dear lady, is the Wolowitz Programmable Hand, designedfor extravehicular repairs on the International Space Station.专门为国际空间站的舱外维修而设计的。
2、Yes,ittellsusthatyouparticipateinthemassculturaldelusiontha tthesun'sapparentpositionrelativetoarbitrarilydefinedconste llationsatthetimeofyourbirthsomehowaffectsyourpersonality.是的,它告诉我们,你参与的群众文化有个错觉,以为太阳的视位置相对于任意星座的定义你的出生,在某种程度上影响你的人格。
5、Explaintomeanorganizationalsystemwhereatrayofflatwareonacou chisvalid.I'mjustinferringthatthisisacouch,becausetheeviden cesuggeststhecoffeetableishavingatinygaragesale.向我解释一个组织系统,在那里一盘扁平餐具在沙发上是有效的。
6、Iamtrulysorryforwhathappenedlastnight.Itakefullresponsibili tyandIhopeitwon'tcoloryouropinionofLeonard,whoisnotonlyawon derfulguybutalso,Ihear,agentleandthoroughlover.我真的对昨晚发生的事情感到抱歉。
-I’m not insane,my mother had me tested.-我没疯,我妈带我做过检查了。
-Once again,you’ve fallen for one of my classic pranks.Bazinga!-你又一次掉进我的经典恶作剧陷阱了。
气死你!-I’m clealy too evolved for driving.(S2E5)-很明显,我已经进化到不需要开车了。
-Woman, you are playing with forces beyond your ken.(To Penny S2E7)-女人,你在和一个智慧比你高得多的人较劲。
-When you understand the laws of physics,penny,anything is possible.(To Penny S2E7)-当你领悟到物理学的真谛之后,佩妮,一切皆有可能-I suggest rock-paper-scissors-lizard-Spork.-我提议石头剪刀布蜥蜴史帕克。
-I brought this on myself by being such an endearing ad important partof your life。
(To Penny S2E11)-谁让我不小心成为你生命中美好又重要的一部分呢。
She calls me moon pie because I’m nummy-nummy and she could just eatme up.( To Penny S2E17)-她之所以叫我小甜派是因为我看起来很可口,她想要一口把我吃掉。
I’m a physicist.I have a working knowledge of the entire universeand everything it contains. (To Penny)-我可是物理学家,拥有整个宇宙及其所有事物的相关知识。
在《生活大爆炸》中,有很多经典的句子,不仅帮助我们学习英语,也丰富了我们自己的交流词汇,比如可爱的Bazinga等等,下面我们就来看看十大最可爱的爆炸句子,你能记得他们出自哪一集吗?就是啊看别人热闹最乐呵I know. It's funny when it's not happening to us.Sheldon 我真的非常抱歉Sheldon,I am very,very sorry.不我自找的谁叫我出现在你生命里又那么可爱那么举足轻重呢No. No,I brought this on myself by being such an endearing and important part of your life.我需要有人载我去卖场I'm going to need a ride to the mall.风水轮流转我们该倒霉了It's happening to us.这在Penny压力很大的前提下才有用That presupposes Penny is tense.她了解你她会压力很大的咱不都是嘛快买礼品篮吧!She knows you. She's tense. We all are. Buy a basket!喔太好了Penny 你终于来交换礼物了Ah,good,Penny,you're here to exchange gifts.你一定很高兴因为我的回礼准备很周到哦You'll be pleased to know I'm prepared for whatever you have to offer.行~ 给你Okay,here.先说一句我的肠胃不太舒服I should note I'm having some digestive distress,所以要是我突然离开一阵你可别慌so,if I excuse myself abruptly,don't be alarmed.你知道这对我意味着什么吗?!Do you realize what this means?!只需要一个健康的卵细胞就可以培育属于我的Leonard Nimoy了!All I need is a healthy ovum and I can grow my own Leonard Nimoy!Sheldon 你这是干嘛?!Sheldon! What did you do?!我知道啊!I know!这点东西咋够呢It's not enough,is it?这样好了Here.Leonard 看啊Sheldon拥抱我了诶Leonard,look! Sheldon's hugging me.真是农神节的奇迹呀It's a Saturnalia miracle.什么?What?他说也许我们该拿你参加机器人杀手大赛He said maybe we should enter you in the killer robot competition.Sheldon 你干嘛呢?Sheldon,what are you doing?我和这小女孩交朋友呢你叫什么名字?I'm making friends with this little girl. What's your name? RebeccaRebecca.嗨Rebecca 我是你的新朋友SheldonHi,Rebecca. I'm your new friend,Sheldon.不别搞了走吧No,you're not. Let's go.- 我俩聊得正投机呢- 别抬头上面有摄像头维持五个朋友的友情太困难了所以...Maintaing five friendships promises to be a Herculean task,so... 我要开除你们其中一个I'm going to have to let one of you go.我我选我吧Me,me,let it be me.我有罪啊我淘汰了Guilty as charged. I'm out.不你也安全No. You too are safe.哦不是吧我该怎么做呀?Oh,come on. What do I have to do?来拿点吧有钱了再还Here. Take some. Pay me back when you can.哇里面钱还不少啊Wow,you got a lot of money in there.所以才派蛇来看守嘛That's why it's guarded by snakes.- 拿点吧- 别犯傻了- Take some. - Don't be silly.我才不傻I'm never silly.我的花销占我税后工资的46.9%My expenses account for 46. 9% of my after-tax income.其他钱就分摊给小的储蓄帐户The rest is divvied up between a small savings account,也就是这个糊弄人的花生脆罐子this deceptive container of peanut brittle还有一个超级英雄手办被掏空的屁股and the hollowed-out buttocks of a superhero action figure为了他的安全起见将继续隐姓埋名who shall remain nameless for his own protection.或者说为了她的安全起见Or her own protection.我考虑了一下那个问题You know,I've given the matter some thought,我想我愿意做高智商外星人的宠物and I think I'd be willing to be a house pet to a race of super-intelligent aliens. 有意思Interesting.问问我为什么Ask me why.必须问啊?Do I have to?当然了这样才能继续对话啊Of course. That's how you move a conversation forward.为什么呢?Why?将会有很多学习的机会The learning opportunities would be abundant.还有呢我喜欢人家挠我肚肚Additionally,I like having my belly scratched.干得好啊LeonardWell done,Leonard.真正的英雄不求恭维The true hero doesn't seek adulation.出于本性为正义和公平而战He fights for right and justice simply because it's his nature.我错了I was wrong.歌手会写歌来歌颂你啊Minstrels will write songs about you.* 曾有一位勇敢的青年他的名字叫做Leonard ** There once was a brave lad named Leonard ** 满嘴跑火车逞英雄** With a -fi fiddle dee-dee ** 他与可怕巨人对峙** He faced a fearsome giant ** 而Raj却只想嘘嘘** While Raj just wanted to pee.*见到你真好妈妈Good to see you,Mother.这是你要的茶妈妈Here's your tea,Mother.- 乌龙茶? - 嗯- Oolong? - Yes.- 散装的不是袋泡的? - 嗯- Loose,not bagged? - Yes.- 泡了三分钟? - 嗯- Steeped three minutes? - Yes.- 加了2%的牛奶- 嗯- Two-percent milk? - Yes.- 分开加热的? - 嗯- Warmed separately? - Yes.- 一茶勺糖? - 嗯- One teaspoon sugar? - Yes.- 原糖? - 嗯- Raw sugar? - Yes.凉了It's cold.我再来一回I'll start again.我们说到哪了?So,where were we?Howard和他妈妈一起住Raj只有喝醉了才和女人讲话Howard lives with his mother and Raj can't speak to women unless he's drunk. 开讲吧Go.说啥?Say what?不就是我刚说的嘛That's basically what I just said.你带老公来上班你知道规矩的You brought your husband to work. You know the rules.那是我的座That is my spot.在这个不断变化的世界中那是唯一一个连续点In an ever-changing world,it is a single point of consistency.如果将我的人生比作四维笛卡尔坐标系里的一个函数If my life were expressed as a function on a four-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system,在我第一次坐上那儿的时候那个座的坐标就是(0,0,0,0)that spot at the moment I first sat on it would be zero-zero-zero-zero.好吧All right.好了舒适惬意安逸0 0 0There,nice and comfy cozy. Zero,zero,zero.少了个0There's one more zero.你把时间参数忘了You forgot the time parameter.坐你的沙发吧Sit on the damn couch.《1》Sheldon: Scissors cuts paper, paper covers rock, rock crushes lizard, lizard poisons Spock, Spock smashes scissors, scissors decapitates lizard, lizard eats paper, paper disproves Spock, Spock vaporizes rock, and as it always has, rock crushes scissors.谢耳朵:剪刀剪纸,纸包石头,石头砸蜥蜴,蜥蜴毒死斯巴克,斯巴克击碎剪刀,剪刀砍断蜥蜴,蜥蜴吃了纸,纸反驳斯巴克,斯巴克蒸发石头,最后就是一直都那样的,石头硌坏剪子。
生活大爆炸,每集一句话内容第一季1. 帮Penny拿电视事件。
2. Leonard和Sheldon帮penny搬家具,后帮Penny整理房间事件。
3. Leonard想和leslie发展感情失败,抑郁,后和Penny约会事件。
4. Sheldon被炒事件。
(luminous fish)5. Leonard和leslie ONS,Sheldon不知所措事件。
6. 万圣节舞会事件。
(多普勒效应)7. Penny朋友和Howard**。
(Penny借宿L&S的公寓)8. 鸡尾酒事件。
(Raj相亲)9. 物理发表会事件。
(意念爆头、远程灯控及四川男生)10. Penny唱歌引起的Sheldon撒谎事件。
(Sheldon的“堂弟”)11. Sheldon感冒事件。
12. Sheldon嫉妒15岁棒子事件。
13. 物理碗比赛事件。
14. 时光机事件。
(Sheldon的莫洛克人梦)15. Sheldon的twin sister (姐姐)来了事件。
16. Leonard的生日派对事件。
17. Sheldon学中文事件。
(薛定谔的猫)第二季1. Sheldon保守秘密四处搬家事件。
(叠衣板)2. Leonard和leslie在家约会,Sheldon玩超级玛丽事件。
3. Penny的网游瘾事件。
(sheldor & afk)4. Raj发现行星事件。
(Sheldon的诡异笑容)5. Sheldon学车事件。
6. Sheldon的女粉丝事件。
(有丝分裂)7. Sheldon和penny杠上了事件。
(klingon拼字& ANTM、mua-ha-ha)8. Leonard和医生Stephanie的date,Howard的火星车事件。
(剪刀-石头-布-蜥蜴-斯波克)9. Sheldon想促进Leonard和医生的关系事件。
10. 关于Leonard和医生的同居事件。
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Howard: And now the Kung Pao Chicken. 这是宫保鸡丁。
-Leonard: Ah, yeah. Wow. 啊,好,哇。
-Raj: Smooth. 厉害。
-Howard: And finally, my Moo Shu Pork. 最后,是我的木须肉。
-Raj: Whoo-hoo! 哇塞!-Howard: Oh, there you have it, gentlemen. Our entire dinner unpacked by robot.好了,先生们,你们都看到了机器人已经把所有饭菜取出来了。
-Raj: And it only took 28 minutes. 仅仅花了28分钟时间。
-Sheldon: Impressive, but we must be cautious.真不错啊,不过我们得小心点。
-Howard: Why? 为什么?-Sheldon: Today, it's a Chinese food retrieval robot. Tomorrow, it travels back in time and tries to kill Sarah Connor.今天,这是个中餐传递机器人,明天,它会及时地穿越时空,回去谋杀Sarah Connor(终结者外传女主人公)。
-Leonard: I don't think that's going to happen, Sheldon.Sheldon 我可不相信会发生这样的事情。
-Sheldon: No one ever does. That's why it happens.。
-Penny: Hey. Is the food here? Ooh. What's that?嘿,外卖都到了? 哇,那是什么?-Howard: That, dear lady, is the Wolowitz Programmable Hand, designedfor extravehicular repairs on the International Space Station.专门为国际空间站的舱外维修而设计的。
-Penny: Ah, cool啊,酷。
-Howard: Ask me to pass the soy sauce. 快让我帮你把酱油递过去。
-Penny: Oh, does that come up much on the space station? 呃,空间站上的人经常递酱油吗?-Howard: Mostly with Asian and Jewish astronauts. 亚洲和犹太裔的宇航员经常需要。
-Penny: All right. Pass the soy sauce. 好吧,把酱油递给我。
-Howard: Coming up. 这就来。
-Leonard: So how's work? 工作顺利吗?-Penny: Oh, it's not bad. Kind of hungry. 还不错啦,只是有点饿了。
-Leonard: Yeah, we all are. 是的,我们都有点。
-Howard: Just wait. 等一下就好。
heldon: You realize, Penny , that the technology that went into this arm will one day make unskilled food servers such as yourself obsolete.机器手类的高科技产品总有一天会让像你这种差劲的餐厅服务员失业。
-Penny: Really? 真的吗?They're going to make a robot that spits on your hamburger?他们要做个能对着你的汉堡吐口水的机器人?-Sheldon: I thought you broke up with her. Why is she here?我以为你们俩分手了,她还在这干什么?-Howard: Okay, here we go. Passing the soy sauce. Put out your hand.好了,来吧。
-Penny: Oh! 啊!That's amazing. 这太神奇了。
-Sheldon: I wouldn't say amazing. At best, it's a modest leap forward from the basic technology that gave us Country Bear Jamboree.要是我就不会说神奇,这科技顶多就是在迪士尼"乡村熊俱乐部"的简单编程上(70年代高仿真动画片) 推进了那么一步。
-Howard: Hey, Sheldon?-Sheldon: Yes? Peace?-Howard: No, not peace. Hang on.不,不是和平。
等着“Our whole universe was in a hot, dense state.“宇宙一度滚烫稠密,Then nearly 14 billion years ago expansion started. Wait...140亿年前终于爆了炸,等着瞧...The earth began to cool地球开始降温,The autotrophs began to drool, neanderthals developed tools autotrophs: 自养生物drool: 从嘴淌下,散漫的说neanderthals: 穴居人tool: 工具自养生物来起哄,穴居人发明工具。
We built the wall. We built the pyramids我们建长城,我们建金字塔。
Math, science, history, unraveling the mystery.数学、自然科学、历史,揭开神秘。
That all started with a big bang.”一切都开始于大爆炸。
Bang!砰!”-Penny: Does NASA know you're using that thing as a napkin holder?国家航空宇航局知道你把那玩意当餐巾架用吗?-Howard: You kidding? They still think it's in a secure locker at JPL. JPL: 喷气推进实验室开什么玩笑,他们还以为它乖乖待在喷气推进实验室的保险柜里呢。
-Penny: You stole it? 你偷来的?-Howard: Borrowed. The trick is to carry it out to your car like you own it. 手法很简单,光明正大把它带上你的车,就跟你自己的似的。
-Sheldon: Excuse me. Oh. Amy's at the dry cleaners, and she's made a very amusing pun.Amy在干洗店呢,讲了个冷笑话。
"I don't care for perchloroethylene, and I don't like glycol ether."我既不喜欢全氯乙烯,也)不喜欢乙二醇醚"。
Get it? 懂了吗?She doesn't like glycol ether. 她不喜欢乙二醇醚,Sounds like "either." 听起来像是"也"(either和ether音似)。
L-O-L. 哈哈。
-Penny: Who's Amy? Amy是谁?-Leonard: His girlfriend. 他女朋友。
-Penny: Sheldon has a girlfriend? Sheldon有女朋友了?-Sheldon: She's not my girlfriend. 她不是我女朋友。
-Penny: How long has this been going on? 这事有多久了?-Leonard: Four months. 4个月。
-Sheldon: She's not my girlfriend. 她不是我女朋友。
-Penny: Are you telling me, for the past four months I have been asking you, "What's new?" and you never thought to go with, Sheldon has a girlfriend?你是说,过去的四个月里头,我每次问你"最近有什么新鲜事?" 你都从来没想过要告诉我,Sheldon有女朋友了?-Sheldon: She's not my girlfriend. 她不是我女朋友。
-Penny: Ah... d-d-d-d... How did they meet? 啊... 他... 他... 他... 他俩怎么认识的?-Howard: Raj and I entered Sheldon's information on a dating site, and it spit out Amy Farrah Fowler.我和Raj帮Sheldon在一个交友网站上填了资料,然后就蹦出个Amy Farrah Fowler。
-Penny: Oh, my God! Sheldon and Amy. 哇,天哪! Sheldon和Amy。
-Howard: Or, as we call them, "Shamy." 或者,像我们叫的那样"Shamy"(有"丢脸"之意)。
-Penny: Shamy.Shamy啊。
I am so digging the Shamy.我太喜欢这个说法了。
-Sheldon: All right, everyone pay attention. Yes, I have a friend named Amy Farrah Fowler. Yes, she is female. Yes, we communicate on a daily basis, but no, she is not my girlfriend.别说了,大家听着,没错,我有个朋友叫做Amy Farrah Fowler没错,她是个女的,没错,我们每天保持联系,但很可惜,她不是我女朋友。