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1. E-mail, as well as telephones, ____ an important part in daily communication.

A. is playing

B. have played

C. are playing

D. play

2. What the teacher and the students want to say ____ either of the countries ____ beautiful.

A. are, are

B. is , is

C. are , is

D. is, a re

3. How close parents are to their children ___ a strong effect on the character of the children.

A. have

B. has

C. having

D. to have

4. The assistant and graduate student ____ check the exercise books.

A. help

B. helping

C. helps

D. to help

5. Each soldier and sailor ____ given a gun. A. were B. was C. have been D. are

6. A doctor, together with two nurses, __ sent to that faraway mountain village to help the sick people.

A. have

B. have been

C. has

D. has been

7. George is one of the brightest students who ____ from New York University.

A. is graduated

B. has graduated

C. have graduated

D. had graduated.

8. He has the only one of the candidates who ____ able to carry out his campaign pledge.

A. have been

B. has been

C. were

D. was

9. ____ to blame for many troubles you have encountered.

A. It is not I who am

B. It is not me who am

C. It is not I that is

D. I am not the person who am

10. She ate bread and butter for breakfast, and ____ here favourite food.

A. they are

B. which are

C. it is

D. which is

11. More than one example ____ necessary to make the students understand this rule clearly.

A. should be

B. is

C. are

D. have been

12. Many a student and teacher _____ making a careful study of ____ own problems.

A. are, their

B. are, his

C. is , their

D. is, his

13. Two hundred miles ____ a long distance to cover in two hours even by fast car.

A. are

B. is

C. have

D. had

14. Many a boy ___ tried , but few ___ succeeded.

A. have, have

B. have ,has

C. has, has

D. has , have

15. My family _____ very interested in playing bowls, which ____ very much in fashion now.

A. is, is

B. are, are

C. is, are

D. are, is

16. Here is a message of importance to every man and woman who _____.

A. votes

B. vote

C. voting

D. are voting

17. In order to set up industries, trained manpower, as well as sufficient capital, ____.

A. is needed

B. are needed

C. needs

D. need

18. It is not I but you who ____ the first to run to the goal in that competition.

A. is

B. was

C. are

D. is going to

19. According to the schedule, three-fourths of the dam ____ to be finished by the end of this year.

A. had

B. have

C. are


20. I who ____ your close friend, will try by best to help you.

A. be

B. am

C. is

D. are

21. Brain told you that there wasn’t anyone in the room at that time, ____?

A. was there

B. wasn’t there

C. didn’t he

D. did he

22. Only in this way ____ to make improvement in the operating system.
