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一、Multiple Choice(2×20)

Dead Poets‟Society:

1、fill sb‟s shoes:出色地接替某人的工作、职务等eg.You have some big shoes to fill.

2、be destined for/to do sth命中注定

3、think for oneself独立思考

4、have nothing to do with与...无关

5、go about:着手,开始处理

eg.The way with which you‟ll go about the task really matters.

6、live on 以...为生live for 为....而活

7、pursuit 职业;追求in pursuit of

eg.The pursuit for profit was the main reason for the changes.

9、sustain 维持生命

eg.The soil in this part of the world is not rich enough to sustain a large population.

10、peg as:label as 视为


赞成的,同意的eg. It‟s encouraging to receive a favorable report on one‟s work.

有利的,适宜的eg. favorable weather conditions

12、dedicated to 奉献,致力于

eg.Mornings were dedicated to reading and afternoon to writing.

13、invoke 援引

eg.The government has invoked the offical secret act in having the book banned.

14、take turns:轮流,依次

eg.They were taking turns to be on the night shift. 15、enchant:使陶醉,使着迷

eg.The spectacle of the aurora may appear to dazzle and enchant the observer‟s eye.


eg.In her writing she strove for a balance between innovation and familiar prose forms.

17、be resigned to sth 逆来顺受

eg.She seems to be resigned to the fact that........

18、strike out 奋力前进

19、at stake 厉害攸关,岌岌可危

eg.When my son‟s life was at stake,money and fame should take a backseat(次要位置). 20、start off:开始

eg.If you try to start off in top gear you‟ll stall(熄火)

21、take one‟s time 从容不迫

eg.Take your time packing,for we still have one and a half hour.

22、bring up 提出使注意

eg.I should like to bring up the question of the recognization of the committee.

23、ridiucle 嘲弄,嘲笑

eg.She rarely spoke her mind out of fear of being ridiculed.

24、exercise 行使,运用

eg.I exercised my democratic right by not voting in the election.

25、go/swim against/with the stream (不)盲从,(不)随大流


的,迷人的fetter 脚镣deliberately 故意地conformity一致,趋同stride步法;大步走pace 步速;踱步skip略过

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade:<

1、entrust 委托某人负责某物entrust A to B/entrust B with A

eg.He didn‟t look like the sort of man you should entrust your luggage to . Two senior officials have been entrusted with organizing the auction. 2、snag 小的困难或障碍eg.We hit several snags while still at the planning stage.

The drug is very effective,the only snag is that it cannot be produced in large quantities.

3、up to 能胜任的

eg.He‟s not up to the part of Othello. I don‟t feel up to going to worktoday.

4、stand/stick out like a sore thumb 显眼,扎眼

eg.The modern office building stick out like a sore thumb among the old buildings in the area.

5、head-start 先起步的优势

eg.Being already able to read gave her the head-start over the other pupils. 6、blend in 融入,与.....协调

eg.They have adopted local customs and tried to blend in with the community. 7、obsession 使人痴迷的人或物;痴迷;困扰be obsessed with/by

eg.He‟s always wanted to find his natural mother but recently it‟s become an obsession.

I don‟t understand television‟s current obsession with cookery programs.

chalice杯Crucifixion钉死在十字架上point 观点,见解cunning诡计blaspheme 亵渎penitent 忏悔的humble谦卑

The Shawshank Redemption:

remoreseless 不知悔改的chill 寒冷,寒冷的,使感到冷,冷冻,变冷hereby 在此,据此icy 冰冷的,冷漠的rehabilitate 使恢复名誉,使恢复原状sinner 罪人scum糟粕,令人厌恶的人ass屁股;蠢人snobby势利的stroll漫步,闲逛

shield保护,庇护con罪犯normal自由salvation救赎excuse借口institutionalized 制度化allocate分配enclose 附上crack漏洞

1、strike as 给人....印象

2、vest in 赋予

3、life sentences 终身监禁,无期徒刑

4、back to back 一个接一个

5、So be it 就这样吧

6、learn my lesson 得到教训

7、curry favor with 讨好,奉承

8、deprive of 剥夺,失去

9、Tossin' cells 查房

10、size up 打量

11、in response to 响应,回答

12、buy sb. Off 收买

13、as good as one‟s word 守信

14、like clockwork 极有规律和准确地

15、keep the book/account 记账

16、out of thin air 无中生有

17、wind up 以。。。告终
