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deformed arthritis 变形性关节炎
deformed egg 变形蛋
deformity 畸形
degassing 脱气
degeneration 变性
degradation 变性dehydrase脱氢酶
dehydration 脱水
dehydrator of wool 毛干燥机
delay of maturation 成熟延迟
delayed hypersensitivity 迟发过敏性
delayed inheritance 迟延遗传
delivery van 厢式送货车deposit 沉积物
depressing effect 抑制效应
derived line 派生系
dermal neutraliz(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。

)ation test 皮肤中和反应
dermal respiration 皮肤呼吸
dermatitis 皮炎
dermatogen 表皮原
dermis 真皮
diarrhea of bee 蜜蜂腹泻病
dictyocaulosis of cattle 牛肺虫病
dictyocaulosis of ruminant 反刍家畜肺虫病diet feeding 食饵饲养
dietetics 营养学
dietetics of crop 罪营养学
dietology营养学digestibility 消化率
digestible cellulose 可消化纤维素
digestible energy 可消化能
digestible nitrogen 可消化氮
digestible protein 消化蛋白
digestion 消化
digestion trial 消化试验
digestive absorption 消化吸收
digestive disorder(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。

digestive enzyme 消化酶
digestive ferment 消化酶
digestive juice 消化液
digestive juice of silkworm 蚕胃液
digestive organ 消化瀑
digestive system 消化系统
digestive system disease 消化系统疾病
digestive tract 消化道
disease and insect 病害虫
disease control 病害防治
disease cycle 病周期
disease forecasting 病害预报
disease illness 疾病
disease mark 病症

)isease monitoring 病害预察
disease of poultry embryo 家禽胚病
disease process curve 疾病累进曲线
disease resistance 抗病性
disease symptom 病症
dislocation 脱臼disome二染色体
dispensable amino acid 非必需氨基酸
dispepsia of poultry 家禽消化不良
dispersant 分散剂division of cytoplasm 胞质分裂
dizygotic twins 异卵双生
dna agar technique dna琼脂方法
dna cloning dna无性繁殖
dna dependent rna polymerase 依赖dna的rna聚合酶
dnadnahybriddnadna杂种dog pest 犬瘟疫domestic animal 家畜
domestic animal pedigree 家畜系谱
domestic animals anemia 家畜贫血
domestic animals dyspepsia 家畜消化不良
domestic animals slaughter 家畜屠宰
domestic buffalo 驯养的水牛
domestic pigeon 家鸽
domestic sewerage 生活污水

)c sheep 绵羊domestication 驯化
dominance 显性
dominance deviation 显性离差
dominance modifier 显性修饰因子
dominance ratio 显性比
dominancy 显性度
dominant character 显性性状
dominant effect 显性效应
dominant epistasis 显性上位
dominant gene 显性基因
down 绒毛dual purpose cow 兼用母牛
duck 鸭
duck breeding 养鸭
duck meat 鸭肉
duck shed 鸭舍dummy 采精台
dune 沙丘
dune soil 沙丘土壤
dung 动物粪
dung depositary 粪窖
dung earth 粪土
dung scraper 刮粪铲
dung spreader 厩肥撒布机edema disease of piglet 小猪水肿病ejaculation 射精ejaculatory amount 射精量
ejaculatory duct 射精管
ejaculatory sac 射精囊electric brooder 电热式育雏器electric fence 电围栏
electric hotbed 电温床
electric incubator 电热式孵化器
electric pump 电动泵encephalitis 脑炎
encephalomalacia of chicken 雏鸡脑软化症
encephalomyelitis of chicken 鸡传染性脑脊髓炎

)tis 脑脊髓膜炎
endemic 地方病
endemic goiter 地方性甲状腺肿
endemic species 当地种
endive 苦苣
endoblast 内胚层
endocarditis 心内膜炎

enterotoxemia of sheep 羊快疫
enterovirus infection of domestic animal 家畜肠病毒感染
entoenzyme胞内酶enzootic pneumonia of pig 猪列性肺炎epiphytology传染病学equine contagious pleuropneumonia马传染性胸膜肺炎
equine encephalomyelitis 马脑脊髓炎
equine epizootic arthritis 马兽疫(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。

equine infectious anaemia马传染性贫血
equine infectious rhinopneumonia马传染性鼻肺炎
equine influenza 马列性感冒

farrow 分娩
farrowing 分娩fat soluble vitamin 脂溶性维生素
fat stock 肥畜
fat thickness 脂肪厚度
fatal dose 致死剂量
fatality 致死率
fatality rate 致死率
father 父亲
fattening 肥育
fattening animal 肥畜
fattening calf 肥育用小牛
fattening c(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。

fattening cattle 肥育牛
fattening of pig 猪肥育
fattening of young animal 幼畜肥育
fattening on pasture 放牧肥育
fattening pen 肥育畜栏
fattening performance test 肥育性能测定
fattening pig 肥育猪

fauna 动物区系
feather 羽毛
feather louse 羽毛虱
feather meal 羽毛粉
fecal 粪的
feces 粪
fecundation 受胎
fecundity 繁殖力
feeble estrus 短发情
feed 饲料
feed additive 饲料添加物
feed agitator 饲料搅拌器
feed balance 饲料平衡
feed base 饲料基地
feed cabbage 羽衣甘蓝

)d cereal 饲料用谷类feed check 饲料检查
feed cleaning machine 饲料清选机
feed composition 饲料组成
feed consumption 饲料消费
feed control 喂量第
feed conversion 饲料利用
feed conversion rate 饲料转化率
feed conveying machine 饲料输送机
feed conveyor trough 自动饲槽
feed crop 饲料罪

floor husbandry 地面饲养
floor slatted 条缝地板
farrowing house 产仔猪舍
farrowing pen 产圈
fasciation 带化
fowl 家禽
fowl cholera 鸡霍乱
fowl diphtheria 鸡痘
fowl grippe 鸡列性感冒
fowl leucosis 鸡白血病
fowl malaria 鸡疟
fowl man(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。

fowl paralysis 马立克氏病
fowl pox 鸡痘
fowl red mite 鸡蜱
fowl spirochetosis鸡螺旋体病
fowl tuberculosis 鸡结核病

gilt 小母猪gizzardhabronemosis of horse 马胃虫病
hackling machine 亚麻栉梳机
haemagglutinating virus 血凝病毒
haemagglutination inhibition test 血球凝集抑制反应
haemagglutination test 血球凝集反应

haemonchosis of ruminant 反刍动物胃虫病
haemorrhagic enteritis of turkey 火鸡出血性肠炎
haemorrhagicsepticomia of cattle 牛出血性败血病

hen 母鸡
henhouse 鸡舍
hennery 鸡舍
hepatic cirrhosis 肝硬变hinny 驴骡
hip 屁股
hippuric acid 马尿酸infantilismus腹内发育不全
infection 感染
infection's rna感染性rna
infectious arthritis of chicken 鸡传染性关节炎
infectious atrophic rhinitis of pig 猪传染性萎缩性鼻炎
infectious bronchitis of chicken 鸡传染性支气管炎
infectious bursal disease 传染性法氏囊病
infectious coryza of chicken 鸡传染性鼻炎
infectious disease 传染病
infectious enteritis of goose 鹅传染性肠炎
infectious enteritis of turkey 火鸡传染性肠炎
infectious genetic factor 感染性遗传因子
infectious hepatitis of dog 狗传染性肝炎
infectious hepatitis of duck 鸭传染(转载自第一范文网,请保留此标记。

infectious heredity 感染遗传
infectious laryngotracheitis of chicken 鸡传染性喉气管炎
infectious necrotic hepatitis of sheep 绵羊传染性肝炎
infectious nucleic acid 感染性核酸
infectious organ 传染瀑
infectious pustular dermatitis of sheep 羊传染性脓疱性皮炎
infectious rhinitis of chicken 鸡传染性鼻炎
infectious rhinotracheitis of cattle 牛传染性鼻气管炎
infectious serositis of duck 鸭传染性浆液膜炎
infectious suborbital sinusitis of turkey 火鸡传染性副窦炎
infective particle 感染病毒粒子
infertile soil 瘦地
inflammation 炎症
inflammation of muscular gaster肌胃炎
inflorescence 花序
influenza of duckling 小鸭列性感冒
influenzavirus列性感冒病毒ingluvies induration 嗉囊阻塞
ingluvies obstruction 嗉囊阻塞
inguinal hernia 腹股沟疝
inheritance 遗传性。

gizzard 肌胃laryngotracheitis[lə'riŋɡəu,treiki'aitis] 详细»
n. 喉气管炎;家禽呼吸气管病

insemination 授精
integumeintestinal bacteria 肠道细菌
intestinal disease 肠病
intestinal juice 肠液
intestinal wall 肠壁
intestine 肠nt皮肤lamb dysentery 羔羊痢疾
lamb meat 羔羊肉
lamb's quarter 藜
lambing 产羔latent heat 潜热
latent infection 潜伏性感染
latent period 潜伏期
lateral 侧生的leucine白氨酸
leucoplast 白色体
leucosis 白血病
leucosis virus 白血病病毒
leukemia 白血病
leukemia of cow 牛白血病
(leukemia virus 白血病病毒
leukocyte 白血球
leukocytozoonosis of chicken 鸡白细胞虫病
leukopenia 白细胞减少
level 水准

litter size 同胎生仔数。
